#justin russo himself
aspoonofsugar · 9 months
Wizards Of Waverly Place - Family Business
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So, guess what favourite sit-com of my childhood I have rewatched together with @hamliet?
Wizards of Waverly Place has always had a special place in my heart, but by rewatching it I have realized it is better written than I thought...
Of course, it is unapologetically a kids' show + a parody, so there are not overly intricated plotlines nor incredibly deep psychological explorations. It is sometimes silly with no shame. Moreover, I think 1 specific plotline (Stevie's) and some character moments (Justin's) could have been better handled.
That said, it has a great thematic heart which offers many touching moments together with hilarious characterization and honestly brilliant worlbuilding ideas. I really really love the tongue in cheeck worldbuilding of this series. It takes all the most common fantasy tropes and re-frames them in the context of an American family drama. The feeling is that of a discounted fantasy world, which is perfect as the set of very mundane problems like... how can I cheat at school? Or how can I have a guy fall for me?
The result is a series which pokes fun at Harry Potter, Twilight, Monster Hunter, but also at Romeo And Juliet, The Addams Family, The Devil Wears Prada and much more.
Here are some thoughts on the main themes + characters.
Wizards of Waverly Place is a show about family. In particular:
It tells the story of a family of wizards
It's set in the Waverly Substation - the family sandwich shop
This premise and this set are used to drive home the theme. The Substation itself may be secondary to the main plot, but it is still key in several episodes. Thematically, it is the home of the Russos and it represents the family ideals of sticking together, despite it all.
All being mostly magic, which is both a blessing and a curse for the Russo family. On the one hand it is a secret that binds the 3 siblings, as it lets them go through exciting adventures together. On the other hand only one of them can keep their powers in the end, which makes them all competitors for the same prize.
With the Wizard Competition in the background, we go through several episodes and plotlines, which explore different family dynamics:
DJ who uses magic to mind control his parents and do what he wants
Hugh Normous, who is happily adopted in his family of Giants
Ronald Longcape Jr, who has a legacy of Evil to honor
Stevie who chooses her powers over her beloved brother and ruins their relationship
Felix, a delinquent who turns a new leaf and discovers himself the descendant of the greatest wizard of all times
Up until the family of our protagonists, which itself has been shattered by magic.
Jerry, the father and head of the family, is the winner of his generation's family competition. Still, he gives up magic to stay with his mortal wife Theresa and they have Justin, Alex and Max (the main characters). Jerry also chooses to give his powers to his brother Kelbo, which leaves their sister Meghan with a grudge. Jerry, Kelbo and Meghan are never able to repair their bond and the risk for Justin, Max and Alex is to repeat their story. After all:
Justin is the lawful star student who is expected to inherit the power (Jerry)
Alex is the artsy lazy delinquent who often acts selfishly (Meghan)
Max is the weird airhead, who is difficult to understand (Kelbo)
So, will the Russo siblings repeat the previous generation's mistakes or will they keep their family bond intact throughout the Wizard Competition?
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Alex and Justin are respectively the protagonist and deuteragonist, with their bond being the most important one of the series. Superficially, they are opposites:
Alex is an underachiever, impulsive and a rule breaker. She often uses magic selfishly and ends up in trouble
Justin is a hard-worker, lawful and a stick in the mud. He studies hard for the wizard competition and likes following rules
And yet, they are deep down the same, as they are both jealous of the other:
Alex is jealous of Justin's academic successes and is tired of being compared to him. Initially, she thinks she can't compete with him and barely tries
Justin is jealous of Alex , who is loved by their parents, despite her flaws. He sees her as the family little girl and believes that if he were not perfect, others would love him less than her
Deep down, they are both unsure of who they are and crave recognition. Still, they really have to learn from the other:
Alex must grow more responsible and put in the effort, like Justin
Justin must try new things and even break the rules for others' sake, like Alex
This is why their relationship becomes key for both of their developments. On the one hand Alex keeps getting into trouble with magic. On the other hand Justin comes to her rescue and helps her out. In this way, Alex learns from her mistakes and Justin gets to gain life experiences. At the same time, they show each other they care. Alex can openly rely on Justin and Justin can step in as the protective big brother. They usually get on each other's nerves and bicker, but in these moments they know the other cares.
This is their initial dynamic, which slowly changes as they both grow. This growth happens also because of important romantic bonds.
Justin and Juliet - Moving on
Justin and Juliet's story is just Romeo and Juliet told in reverse, where Romeo gets the chance to overcome his flaw and Juliet is a vampire (queen).
Justin and Juliet's story starts with their love solving the feud between their 2 families' sandwich shops
It goes on with Juliet's (first) "death". The two lovers end up trapped and Justin (Romeo) convinces Juliet to have herself mind-controlled by an evil mummy to survive the rise of the sun. However, Alex arrives 5 minutes later to free Justin. Just like in the tragedy, if Justin had just waited nothing would have happened
Here it comes Justin and Juliet's reunion, which soon becomes a second and more final separation. Juliet loses her vampire powers and grows old, so she urges Justin to move on from her
Justin takes some time, but finally falls for another girl. He starts dating Rosie. Rosie is a twist on Rosaline, Romeo's first love interest (here she is the second), who is the archetype of the classical angelic woman. Well, Rosie is literally an angel, but an angel of darkness and she influences Justin to join the dark side :P. Eventually, though, Rosie and Justin's love redeems them. Still, Justin chooses to let Rosie go, as she needs to fulfill her role as an angel and to look over mortals
Finally, Justin meets Juliet again, as she is mind controlled by the demon Gorog (basically Satan). Juliet is once again possessed by a malicious creature and Justin is once again asked to join the dark side for love. Still, he is able to resist this time and together with his siblings he defeats Gorog and reunites with Juliet
Metaphorically, Justin's journey is clear. He needs to learn that sometimes no matter how much he tries, bad things happen and he isn't getting what he wants. He tries hard to be a hero, but only ends up losing Juliet. Later on, he is so scared to lose the girl he loves again that he gives up his morals. So, he has to accept sometimes loss can't be helped. That said, if he keeps on trying and is loyal to his principles and to others, life will find a way to reward him. He just has to make the right moral choice in the end.
Alex and Mason - Putting in the effort
Alex and Mason are an inversion of Beauty and Beast. In the Disney Fairy Tale, Beauty changes the Beast in a beautiful Prince. Here, Alex (Beauty) has to accept Mason (Beast) for who he is. A Werewolf.
Alex and Mason meet and fall in love. Still, Alex gets annoyed by Mason's drawings of dogs (an early hint to Mason's werewolf nature). She gets embarassed by them and charms Mason to become his new Muse. Things get awry as Mason can only think about drawing Alex, which results in their relationship getting compromised. Eventually, Alex accepts Mason's strange art and the two move forward in their relationship
Alex discovers Mason is a Werewolf, but the 2 break up over Mason's instinctual declaration of love to Juliet. Mason doesn't love Juliet and his words are once again the result of his werewolf nature Alex struggles to understand. The following confusion leads to Mason turning into a wolf and leaving
Alex finds Mason and saves him in what is a Beauty and Beast call back. Still, Mason is stuck as a half wolf and Alex is embarassed. Before she can have him back as fully human, she has to accept his beast part
Alex drops out from the wizard competition, which means she and Mason can't be together, as it would be too dangerous. Still, they love each other and Alex decides to give the competition another try to stay together with Mason
Alex gets back into the competition, but a beast tamer called Chase keeps flirting with her and symbolically brings out the Beast in Mason (jealousy). Alex dislikes this side of Mason and breaks up with him
Eventually, Alex and Mason meet again and realize they still have feelings for each other, so they choose to get back together despite their respective flaws
The point of Alex and Mason's story is that a perfect Prince Charming does not exist. If Alex wants to be in a real relationship, she should accept the other's flaws, find compromises and finally put in some effort. She can't turn the beast into a prince, but must become herself a wizard to stand beside the werewolf.
In other words, Justin and Alex's developments are opposite. Justin learns he can't always get what he wants through sheer effort and Alex discovers that a little effort is needed to reach a goal.
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Max's development is less fleshed out than his siblings', but it is still there. If Alex and Justin compete over the role of favourite child, Max is definately the family unfavourite. He is the odd one out. As he himself says, he is not as clever as Justin nor as devious as Alex. Everybody compares him to them and sets up a standard he can't reach.
His journey, then, has him find his own path through two opposite love interests:
The first one is a girl, who is exactly like him. Still, he lies to her and loses her
The second one (Talia) is his complete opposite. Once again, he lies out of fear of losing her.
Eventually, Max comes clean to Talia and they realize their complementarity is something that enriches them, rather than an obstacle.
At the same time, Max shows he can be just as smart as his siblings. He briefly takes the lead in the Wizard Competition and saves Alex and Justin in the final battle against Gorog. Even in the final Wizard Tournament, he performs rather well. He doesn't need to be someone else. He has his own set of talents that make him unique.
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True, there are only 3 Wizards in the Russo family, but Harper clearly steps in as another sister to Alex, Justin and Max.
Harper is Alex's best friend and the first human who is revealed the Russos' secret. With time, she gets more and more involved in the family dynamics until Alex openly calls her a sister and Jerry and Theresa adopt her.
Harper is Alex's moral pet and she is the one who brings out the troublemaker's most selfless and heroic traits. She is also the one who trusts Alex the most among all the characters. Justin represents Alex's bond to the wizard world and her biological family. Harper instead represents Alex's bond to the human world and her found family.
Still, Harper is not a sister to only Alex, but also to Max and Justin. Her relationship with Justin, especially, is nicely fleshed out and developed. She initially crushes on him pretty hard and slowly starts to move on, as she grows close to Zeke (Justin's best friend). Eventually, she becomes Zeke's girlfriend and this development marks a substantial change in her and Justin's dynamic.
This shift is shown in Moving On, one of my favourite episodes. Justin is still fixed on Juliet and refuses to go out with other girls. Harper, then, asks Alex to transform her into Juliet, so that she can convince Justin to let go. The end result is that Harper ends up in a date with Justin, which is her childhood dream come true. Eventually, though, Harper reveals herself and convinces Justin to move on. The whole scene is framed as both Harper letting go of Justin and Justin accepting Harper's advice to meet new girls. By the end of it, their dynamic becomes that of a pair of siblings. There is love, but it is familial.
Finally, Harper's relationship with Zeke is what drives Justin to tell his best friend the family secret. This in itself is an important moment in Alex and Justin's foiling:
Alex reveals the truth to Harper pretty early on. She does so as proof of their friendship, even if it is an important violation of the wizard rules. Alex shows she is determined to do what is morally right pretty early on. No matter if it can be damaging for her
Justin reveals the truth to Zeke towards the end. He is initially strongly opposed to it, as he and Alex have fallen behind in the competition precisely for exposing wizardly. However, by seeing how the family secret is ruining both the relationship between Alex and Harper and that between Zeke and Harper, he chooses to bring Zeke into the loop
In short, Harper is a key character for both Alex and Justin's developments and becomes the second daughter of the Russo family.
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As the series goes on, Alex and Justin's dynamic starts to change:
Alex grows more responsible and becomes better at using magic for which she has a natural disposition. Not only that, but her heroic traits start to surface more and more, especially when her loved ones (Justin, Harper and Mason) are involved
Justin starts showing his jealousy and his selfish side more. He realizes Alex needs him less and that he is not always the best among his siblings. On the contrary, he too messes up and does so royally
So, Alex shows her positive traits, while Justin displays his flaws. The Final Wizard Competition is built on this.
Initially, the viewers are bound to believe the final round focuses on Alex's development. After all, the episode starts with Alex performing a selfless act for the family. Later on, she quickly falls behind in points and then she convinces Justin and Max to leave the competition to help Harper and Zeke, which results in them all losing their powers. So, it is apparently Alex's duty to fix things, so that she can prove she is good enough to be the family wizard. Except this is really not true.
It turns out the disqualification is really a test for Justin (and Max) to forgive Alex. That is because Alex has already finished her development by the end. She has proven she is selfless at heart, when it counts. Not only that but she has saved the world and her family multiple times already. The one falling behind is really Justin. He is the one struggling to accept his siblings may be better than him at magic. He is the one who risks to break the family.
This is the real twist of the series. Initially, viewers are tricked to believe Justin is Jerry and Alex is Meghan. However, it becomes clear by the end that everything is not what it seems:
Alex has her father's big heart. Jerry has to give up magic for Theresa, while Alex has to win the competition for Mason. Moreover, she always prioritizes her family, even if it goes against her interests or the rules
Justin can be selfish, like his aunt. Meghan resents Jerry because he chooses Kelbo over her. In her eyes, this means her hard work is never aknowledged by her siblings. Similarly, Justin is the one who puts in the most effort in magic and wants this investment to pay off
So, Justin is tested to see if he can take a different path from his aunt. He succeeds and after some struggle the competition is resumed. By this point, Alex and Justin's difference becomes clear:
Alex is bad at theory, but she is great at practical magic. Not only that, but she racks up points in the second part of the competition because it focuses on magic used in the second part of the series. By then, Alex has become better at magic and less dependent on Justin
Justin is great at theory, but falls behind Alex when it comes to applying magic. He takes the lead in the first part of the tournament because it covers magic in early episodes, where his help was asked by Alex more
In the end, Alex performs better than Justin, but goes back to help him, which results in Justin's technical win. Once again, the narrative asks Justin which kind of person he is gonna become. Will he choose the wizard power or his bond with his sister? This is the same choice Stevie had to make btw. She chooses the powers and leaves her brother behind. Justin instead chooses what's right. He admits Alex was better than him and gives her the powers, so that she can be with Mason.
Alex proves her talent and shows she has more than enough heart to be the family wizard. Justin recognizes his limits, but sticks to what's right and is rewarded with full wizardly and his dream job at Wiztech. All 3 siblings get what they want:
Alex becomes the family wizard. Still, differently from Kelbo she has gained the title through effort and talent. Moreover, she can be with the love of her life
Justin becomes the principal of Wiztech. He leaves the family, just like Meghan. However, his bonds with his siblings are stronger than ever
Max becomes the owner of the Waverly Substation, just like Jerry. He ends up with the most down to heart approach to life, despite being often considered as the most over the top among his siblings. He shows instead he can be practical and smart
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Alex, Justin and Max's endings mirror their roles as heart, mind and body characters.
Alex is the heart of the family. She fights to keep the family together and when push comes to shove she prioritizes her loved ones. This is why she inherits the family magic. She is the embodyment of the family spirit.
Justin is the mind of the family. His knowledge comes in handy multiple times and he is the one the family goes to when there is some kind of crisis. He becomes a professor, so he can spread his knowledge to other people.
Max is the body of the family. He is often associated with food and fittingly becomes the owner of the Family Business. Not only that, but the sandwich shop is where the Russos' lair is. As it is pointed out several times, the lair is key for wizards. So, Max is entrusted with the physical domain of the Russos' magic. He may not be a wizard, but he is still key for the family.
All together, the 3 siblings make a unit, which is why the most powerful magic in the series is the one they use to defeat Gorog. As professor Crumbs explains, it is a charm, which is possible to perform only by 3 wizards siblings. Given how often wizards families are shattered, it is poignant it is such a rare and powerful spell. The Russos are able to use it because they will always choose each other over magic.
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literally-noone83 · 8 months
Learn to Take a Break
Justin Russo × Fem!reader
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About: Justin is know for his intelligence and ceaseless academic success. As his girlfriend you have become mindful of when his "effortless efforts" become a little too much. You just hadn't realised he'd do the same for you...
Word Count: Short and sweet (in my opinion).
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: It's been too long. I have just finished exams and currently still working on outside projects. I already take a long time to write and with extra things on top, leisurely writing has been little to none. This Justin fic is an old one I wrote. I was going to do more with it but the scenario was small and I thought where it ended was fine; concise and sweet. So, why not post it. I have other fics lined up and started, hopefully I'll be able to finish a few of them over the weekends.
OK enjoy!
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Justin always seemed to excell in everything with ease.
Wizarding homework? Done.
High school assignment? All good.
Extracurricular activities? All planned.
Secondary wizardry studies? On the job.
Yes, there were mornings—most mornings—he'd announce the immense importance of an upcoming task; exam, project, paper, competition and of its integral part I plays for him a student, a wizard, a student body president and most significantly, as himself. His parents would nod thoughtfully or sigh at their son's dramatisation though nevertheless glad. Max would be clueless, until Alex makes her groan or snide comment diminishing the entire fiasco and then he'd agreeing.
You knew this was the routine. It was just how things worked. But when lucky enough to be present, bored enough to have shown up just a little bit earlier just to see him and walk with him, you'd ask what's it about. Whether he told you with lit eyes or stressed creased over his complexion, you'd grab his hand discretely in front of his family—always a little shy from public affection—gliding your thumb over his knuckles before assuring him it'll be great...
Becoming his girlfriend, you've been allowed to see different sides to the perfect Russo member.
Despite the prestine and perfect image he's built himself, and despite true to his confident and at time self righteousness, to get there was built of stress and the crippling fear of failure.
The hours he'd spend quizzing himself had worried you the moment you found his asleep at his desk, palm cards stuck to his face. At most times, you'd notice he'd get so caught up in a particular project fixation he'd forget to eat in spite of his advocacy for healthy balances. One day building a diorama of a play and you visited to hang out, a casual question of what he had to lunch revealed he hadn't even eaten a proper meal all day—frighteningly casual and perpetually distracted. There were times you'd have to spend a large amount of time at the edge of his bed reminding him—face down on his pillow, wallowing after a day of outrage and devastation—that a B is still great!
Justin wasn't a child, he could mane his own decisions and his drive and ambition is admirable. But it grew as a habit; anytime you'd notice he was a little too focus on a task, meaning hasn't moved in hours kinda focus—his eyes narrowed, brows forever wrinkled tightly, lips thin or a tongue poked out in concentration—you found a small peck on the cheek brought him back. Soft and quick, the small action made him sit back or hum to let you know he's still conscious. Gently asking him how's he going, to remind him of the present. Not to push so hard or be so constraint on himself.
Almost second nature. When you'd rant to him about something that happened that day, the weird interaction with some stranger, or the banter with his siblings, or some frivolous topic or hobby you wanted to vent about your fascination with it—when you realised he'd gone silent. Without even meaning to, he'd drift off on something bugging him or weighing on his mind, you'd approach him casually before pecking him, "What are you thinking about?" you'd whisper. He'd always blink a few times before answering. Quick to apologise and explain. Other times you'd walk in on him studying or what not and you'd duck down to him and plant one on him. "Have you taken a break yet?" and he'd lie before giving in from the innate guilt then promising he would in about 10 minutes.
His vacant, distant eyes, he always appeared to be in a different world. So vastly out of reach from you, at some point you believed he hadn't even noticed you were doing this. You thought he couldn't even feel your lips. He probably didn't even notice.
Late afternoon, the sun hung low. The rays if sunset, it's warmth slowly seeped out from the windows. Drawing away from your never moving figure on the couch. The loss of light prompted the dawning of loss fall over your mind and stomach. The day was coming to a close and it churned your insides painfully.
You had an assignment you had to finish. You were never as pedantic or forward as Justin, so today was the day you spent majority of sun light working on it. It always took longer than it ever needs to be, and it didn't help that time was clearly escaping you.
Hasty steps to the light switch to grant sight, hasty steps back amidst all the papers and text books laid over the coffee table and floor.
Suddenly the door clicked open. It was Theresa and Jerry, Mrs Russo bantering this time about the very questionable hygiene of her husband after witnessing him eat a chip from the ground. Of course, realising your presence they chimed a polite 'Oh hey Y/n' before resuming in the kitchen. Max walked in joyed to see you, glad informing you of some new strange encounter he had with some stranger—made a bet with some guy in a fast food mascot suit and now he's his 'mortal enemies' he plans to show up with his own hot dog costume. Alex and Harper wondered it, only for Alex to groan at your studious state, 'ugh not you too', accompanied by the red head's unrelenting chipper greeting, before following her friend to grab a snack.
Last was Justin. You heard his voice you missed too much to say—he was eager to see you, going about how in their wizard lesson he had progressed another level, his joyous one upping on Alex and so on. You could only hum as you did with the others, eyes still strained on your paper, your hand still cramped from continuously running the led along the page. He stopped, noticing your distance.
"Y/n, have you... been doing this all day?"
Sat on the couch, he stared at the back of your head, just catching your answering hum.
"Babe," he said seriously, leaning forward to see your face, "have you even taken a break?"
Your small pause before making another noise, he already knew that meant you hadn't.
He stood up to walk around you, "You need to have periodic increments of rest, or you'll exhaust yourself." He said mindfully, picking up a strayed textbook.
You scoffed at him, and he looked at you. Eyes still gliding over the blocks of texts, chaste and frantic cross-checking as you wrote. "So hypocritical." You said loud enough for him to hear and Justin rolled his eyes admittedly.
He closed the book and placed it down. He carefully shuffled some books out of the way, conscious in making sure you still can see the pages you left open. Then moved to sit beside you on the floor, criss crossed, his knee nudges yours softly. Justin waits. He looks back at his family too absorbed in their own conversations before resting on your concentrating self. Brows furrowed, thined lips and darting distant eyes. You're stressed, you're tired. He could see it, he could feel it.
He leans in close, and his breath fans your face and his lips are pressed against your cheek softly. His ever so fleetingly gentle his lips is sudden against your skin and your pulled from your work. He moves away just enough to see your face, "You're right, I am." He's smug, smiling as he finally greets your gaze. "But someone told me it's not good to push yourself so hard."
You wiped your cheeks and let out a breathy laugh to cover up your redness. The method was much more effective than you thought. "They sound smart."
"She is, very smart. But she's also tired and stressed."
As his voice grew serious you finally faced him. He was centimetres apart, and each of you let your eyes dance around your complexions, soaking in your presence.
"Didn't realise how effective that..."
"It's very effective."
The chatter in the background, the aroma of the beginning of dinner. It felt like a blanket was over the two and you couldn't help but indulge in just being there with him. A long awaited break—the hole in your chest seemed to relent, dissipating as you drank in his warmth. So this is how it felt. You didn't realise how much you needed it till that moment with him.
"I missed you."
The peaks of his lips tugged, smiling at you as his eyes landed briefly on your lips.
"Me too." He said before connecting his small smile to yours.
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wvsteria · 1 year
{ closed event starter for @typemoonmuses​ ; arcueid brunestud & justin russo }
justin found himself happily perusing the winterfest. he was going to get his family gifts even if they didn’t show up. he picked up some hats and scarves, searching for a good looking matching pair. “i think ... i think these are the ones.” he said with a nod before turning to the person next to him. “these look good don’t they?”
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gaycodependency · 1 year
v glad for this slight wizards of waverly place resurgence cuz i was alone in 2020 when i rewatched and had so many thoughts and feelings.
here to say i love love love justin (and max) and i wish he was written differently in s4 (and perhaps s3) cuz he could be such an ass, like utterly unlikeable levels (looking at u series finale). and it's upsetting to see because he's prob my fav, it felt horrible to watch him act so cruel towards alex. while he can be selfish (all the russos can be) he's had her back consistently. i just think back to S2E30 when he was upset about them losing their powers but he came around, under the assumption that they WILL lose their powers, because he doesn't want to lose alex and max. now i'm sure they wanted the drama and like the tragedy of the russo kids fulfilling the whole 'wizard competition tears families apart' sorta prophecy but i wish they went about it differently so the audience wouldnt turn against justin and max. and i wish there was growth from him like there was for alex
also see lots of ppl saying who they think deserves being the family wizard while i have A few takes on that, i primarily believe that the whole competition is messed up and they all 'deserve' it. as a justin apologist (lol), seeing ppl say that he absolutely doesn't deserve it because all he did was study and not use magic (use magic 'responsibly') is strange.. esp when he has said that he has to work more (the constant quizzing himself and the songs as shown in S3E03) because it doesnt come naturally to him like it seems to for alex and he ties much of his worth to his ability to do magic well. it feels a bit cold..
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Hey i’ve been looking through a bunch of your WOWP stuff, (absolutely ADORE your ideas and aus btw, every time I rewatched the show I was wishing for some kind of prolonged Alex villain arc) and I wanted to know your thoughts on a darkish au that’s been in the back of my mind for a bit. If i’m too long or wordy feel free to ignore this, I just got thrown back into my hyperfixation with this show at light speed.
I’m not new with this but Justin and Alex’s dynamic is my favorite in the show, the siblings are just so great with eachother, and i’ve been thinking like. Justin saves Alex SO many times, like it’s a reoccurring joke within the show pretty much. It’s part of his character, he even says that fixing other people’s messes (Alex) “makes his life complete”. What would happen if we pushed the “bad wizard government” undertones up to 11, and had some wizard council with Crumbs and some others, decide that Alex, being so powerful and so reckless, is a threat to their order and status as the rulemakers of the world. And what if they either managed to kidnap her or kill her outright (the latter would obviously never happen in the actual show but for my personal enjoyment of my favorite characters having bad things happen to them it’s an option). The family doesn’t know what happened and is devastated.
I also like to imagine here that Justin and Alex have experienced so much together and have almost lost each-other so many times that they’re a bit codependent on each other due to trauma, and even though they can’t stand each other in their day-to-day there’s this underlying attachment to their sibling that is very strong but also definitely needs a therapist to help work out.
And THEN, seeing Justin as their little pawn and not wanting his loyalty to stray, they grant him his full powers early, along with a seat on the wizard senate or whatever. The family still misses Alex but they’re at least proud of Justin, Theresa and Jerry trying to stay positive for their son’s sake. But right at Justin’s ceremony, Crumbs makes some sort of weird comment or joke about how they’ve “finally got everything right with that Russo family” and it clicks in Justin’s mind.
So he realizes that he has everything he ever wanted, all the people he desperately wanted to prove himself too are looking at him with pride in their eyes, he’s about to be a full wizard with both magical and political power. He put Crumbs&co on a pedestal for so long!
And they killed his sister. Who he spent so much of his life and emotional energy protecting and praying that she and him would make it out alive.
Max is the first to see his brother’s face, his goofy smile drops and he just says to no one in particular, “Justin..?”
Maybe this is way too dramatic but maybe Justin starts having a power surge brought on by emotions, he JUST got full powers and doesn’t know how to contain them yet, and it’s not like he’s trying too hard. He ends up injuring a few people, mostly the higher-ups, and disappears. All facades are down now, Crumbs orders a wizard-worldwide search for Justin immediately. They can’t let him get away, who knows what a Russo kid could do gone rouge with full powers.
The family are stunned. After the shock goes away it’s a panic, they have to find Justin before, well, anyone else does. They can’t lose another child.
Justin, meanwhile, is freaking out. He’s alone, he doesn’t know what to do. Long story short he ends up starting a rebellion against the wizard government, but so overcome by feelings of grief and betrayal that he doesn’t think straight. Maybe he goes back to the dark angels, and maybe theres some situations while he’s a rebel leader that Justin acts way out of line, and justifies it by saying he’s doing it for Alex.
Plot twist though, everyone thought Alex was dead but she escaped! She put a pillowcase in her coffin and everyone just. Went with it. It works for sneaking out of her bedroom, why not a grave.
Anyways, the first person to find Justin is her, and he think’s he’s hallucinating at first and says something very concerning like “Hah, nice try brain. This one almost looks real!” because I think he deserves to have an absolute breakdown for my personal entertainment
Alex finally convinces him she’s real, and sees what her brother’s become. He shows her the revolution base, full of scorned human siblings who lost the competition, beings and species who are angry at being treated like second-class citizens, and various wizards who want a change. Alex, being Alex, is like “Yeah revolution!” at first, but theres a side story about Alex and Justin disagreeing on how the revolution should be led, with Justin having more of an ‘iron fist’ that Alex HATES.
It results in wizard council finding Justin and Alex at the same time, the council thinks that Justin tampered with dark magic to bring her back to life and are more resolved then ever to take them both down. After a battle ending in a stalemate the news goes public. It’s now official for the world to see, Alex and Justin Russo are the faces of the Wizards rebellion.
Dark as hell and honestly I love the concept. I think this is one of those things that could either be an epic fic, and/or something where we go 'let's just change the names and make this an original work'.
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trendfag · 5 months
justin russo would have killed himself if the headmaster hadnt given him a job directly after graduation
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mimikitty · 5 months
what im thinking about daily
The hair that grows just a little long around Adam Scott's neck in Severance
KenShiv foes, "You're the real me, and I'm the real you"
Cameron in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, specifically Cameron/Sloane/Ferris
Dexter from Dexter and Barry from Barry being the same
S1 Roman Roy texting himself like Community Jeff or Justin Russo
Adam Scott again
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apwmagazine · 1 year
Dan Benson leaked onlyfans on reddit and twitter, videos and photos
Dan Benson leaked onlyfans on reddit and twitter, videos and photos
Wizards of Waverly Place is one of the most successful Disney Channel series worldwide. Singer-actress Selena Gomez owes much of her fame to the show, but her cast is much broader. Daniel Benson stars as Zeke Beakerman, one of the series’ main characters who considers himself somewhere between popular and goofy. He is the best friend of Justin Russo, one of the protagonists of the series. The…
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oxangejuice · 2 years
Dating Justin Russo headcanons 😊
my crush on justin russo started a couple months ago i have a fic (which will be updated bare with me LMAO) on wattpad called somebody to love if you wanna read 🧍
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♯ . dating justin russo headcanon
warning: none
pronouns: you/yours
(lowercase intended)
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the one think justin russo knows how to do is treat a person right.
will treat you like the loving, kindhearted, deserves all the love in the world, person you are.
his sister alex becomes one of your best friends.
he almost hates how close you and alex are but also loves that you get along with his baby sister.
now, theresa russo was a different story.
she absolutely adored you and she would treat you like an in-law. would care for you, make desserts with you, everything. would even teach you some spanish if you didn’t know any.
of course, you know he’s a wizard. he didn’t want to hide that from you.
you didn’t believe him at first, but he definitely proved to you that he was definitely a wizard.
he would show you magic and you’d help him practice even though you were a “simple mortal.”
it had been no secret that harper finkle had the hots for your boyfriend, but she knew not to overstep her boundaries. beside she ended up dating zeke later on.
double dates!
triple dates!
you had to almost beg justin to go out on a double date, even a triple date with alex, mason, zeke, and harper.
justin russo loved his alone time with you and wouldn’t waste a second of that to be around other people.
he kisses you on the lips every chance he’s gets for sure.
you on the other hand love to give forehead kisses or cheek kisses. whatever you were in the mood for.
you definitely told justin you loved him first. he wouldn’t even try to flip the narrative.
he was over the moon when the three little words slipped from you mouth.
kissed you instantly. no hesitation whatsoever.
he wouldn’t brag per se about your relationship, but he spoke highly about you whenever he could.
“Oh really? I’ve seen Y/N do that a thousand times… never gets old.”
okay maybe he was bragging, but he didn’t care he wanted people to know that he had an amazing partner in his life and couldn’t see himself with anyone else.
finally, the family wizard competition.
even though he lost, he was grateful to have you by his side cheering him on.
it didn’t matter if he were a mortal or a wizard, you absolutely adored your boyfriend justin russo.
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lucy’s notes: i’ve never written a headcanon before so i deadass hope you like it lajskskksksk
reminder: request are open :) check who i write for just to see what i can try and do :)
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kalocklyle · 3 years
alright so I know literally no one cares about this but it’s my social media I’m doing what I want /lh
I’ve been seeing a lot of slander about justin russo on the internet lately and I’m currently hyperfixated on wizards of waverly place so here’s why justin is an awesome character/doesn’t deserve the hate he gets
He’s kind and treats those he loves well. Justin is canonically really good at comforting people. Although he argues with Alex a lot, at the end of the day, he’s also her older brother and genuinely cares about her. When Professor Crumbs threatens to take Alex’s magic away because she doesn’t turn her report card in, Justin says that Crumbs will also have to take his magic away. Justin is ultimately selfless. We see again and again the sacrifices he makes for Alex and I think we mainly see his kindness in that relationship. Despite that, I think he’s also notably kind to Juliet. When he finds out that he made the mistake of reporting Juliet and her parents, he instantly tries to fix it. Not only does he try to fix it, but he puts his job as Monster Hunter in jeopardy for Juliet and her parents - her parents haven’t even been that nice to him. Justin is ultimately selfless and at the end of the day, he sacrifices himself or what he wants for others. When Rosie turns back into a good angel, instead of selfishly continuing to date her and keeping her in the mortal world (which he could have done - she literally offers to stay with him), he gives her up because he realizes the world needs a guardian angel more than he needs a girlfriend. Even though it hurts because he loved her, he gives her up. There’s no “award” for doing this - he won’t move up a level in the wizard competition, he really won’t get any recognition for giving Rosie up. He doesn’t even get any recognition for turning the moral compass back to good. He does it because it’s the right thing to do. Although later I’ll argue that Justin is constantly seeking validation, I also think that the heroic/good things he does are often done with no expectation of being praised for it. He does them because he has a strong sense of morals. He’s also kind to Harper, Zeke, his parents, and even Max, who people rarely ever show kindness to in the show.
He’s in touch with his emotions. When the show starts, Justin is very against anything that will show him as feminine or emotional. In fact, he even says he’s allergic to emotions (or something like that) to cover for the fact that he’s crying over his missing dog. As the show goes on, we see Justin start to embrace and accept his emotions more and to lose touch with his toxic masculinity. I think dating Juliet changed him in a lot of ways (making him more relaxed, etc), and I think one was encouraging him to be more emotional. After Wizards vs. Vampires, Justin is pretty emotional and open about his emotions in the show. He’s even open with talking about them. In the movie, he opens up to Alex about how he feels like Jerry & Theresa wouldn’t love him as much if he were less “perfect,” which brings me to my next point.
At the end of the day, Justin is a sad character. I know it’s a kid’s show but they really do cover a lot of issues so bear w me. I’m hyperfixated and I like to over analyze shows so I’ve thought about this a lot. Justin is the oldest, which means he already deals with pressure to be perfect. Then, add in the fact that his parents are constantly describing him as the “perfect child” and putting him on a pedestal, while pitting the kids against each other as a result of the wizard culture bc of the family competition (I love Jerry & Theresa but they’re not perfect). He’s also a high achiever and we know he puts extreme pressure on himself to do well - they always make a joke about it but it’s actually quite sad. He literally feels poorly about himself when he gets a B and bases his entire self worth on his grades and skills as a wizard. In fact, in the movie he voices doubt about whether or not he’s good at anything other than magic. I have a few things I want to say about all of this. First of all, I think Justin is constantly seeking validation. I think as the oldest and “best” child, he feels the need to be perfect all the time, but he also does many of the things he does because he just wants validation. When Harper decides to run a marathon, Justin does too, and sadly his accomplishment of finishing it is overshadowed by Harper “winning.” I also think Justin feels threatened by the success of others because he thinks it invalidates his. When he opens up to Alex in the movie, he says that he’s jealous of her because it seems like everything comes naturally to her. Justin feels as if his parents loving his siblings takes away from their love from his. It’s irrational, but very real. Which brings me to my next point - Justin has generalized anxiety disorder. It makes sense - the overthinking, the outbursts he has (Alex refers to it as a conniption once) of panic or frustration, the overachieving, etc. As someone who probably has autism, I also think he’s autistic (which would explain his troubles with tone, struggle making friends, obsessions with things like Captain Jim Bob Sherwood and science, being better w robots than people, and so much more).
Ultimately, Justin has a strong moral backbone. Although he’s a stickler for the rules and this oftentimes leads him to do bad things initially, he always does the right thing in the end. For example, when Justin and Alex go to court and Justin duplicates himself to be his lawyer, his lawyer ultimately proves that Justin is guilty; he even says something along the lines of “We’re Justin Russo. We always do what’s moral and just.” Justin has a strong sense of justice (which could also be from being autistic but I could do a whole other post about neurodivergency coding in WOWP and Disney & Nick shows overall bc there’s a ton of coding) and does what he thinks is right, most of the time. Sure, sometimes he does bad things, but he’s also a teenager at the end of the day and he’s highly competitive.
Finally, Justin Russo is super progressive - in fact, he’s probably the most progressive characters of the show. He acknowledges climate change and actively tries to create a solution for it. In fact, for his science fair project he makes a water powered engine, which would reduce carbon emissions. He also wears a shirt at one point that says “Make art not war.” I will admit that his biases against the werewolf he dated were problematic, but he clearly grew from that because he never held any of that against Mason. He’s also into science and is a nerd and although this is a stereotype, most young people who are into science and are nerds are progressive. I’m pretty sure he also is well aware of current events and would probably read the newspaper. Also I myself headcanon Justin as trans and bi (again could make another post about characters in wowp that are queer)
Little note even tho probably no one will see this - this is all just for fun. If you disagree with anything I said, just say it politely hahsh. Also please don’t make fun of me for this WOWP is a huge hyperfixation and comfort thing for me rn and I just wanted to make a silly little post where I analyze one of my comfort characters. Also I kin Justin so pls don’t like hate on him in the comments.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Zuko yelling "Azula" whenever he's mad at her or she's screws up just like Justing would yell "Alex" is genius and I hate that I didn't think of it first
Any more similarities you noticed between the two ships?
Took me a moment to remember the post this is refering to, but yeah, it was one of my best. And there are quite a lot of things in common between the ships
They are the older kids of a dysfunctional family (though the Russos got not thing on the Fire Nation Royals)
The characters are powerful as hell
The sister is a brat that wants her big brother's attention, and said brother does what she tells him to even though he knew he shouldn't (you cannot tell me Zuko didn't tell himself/write on on his hand "Stop listening to your evil sister" and then proceeded to ignore his own advice, just like Justin did)
The brother is an anxious, awkward mess of a person, and the sister (who is much cooler than he is, but is also a dork) takes advantage of that whenever she can
The siblings are rivals (or full on enemies when it comes to Zuko and Azula), partly due to their own clashing personalities and due to the adults around them being incompetent (the competition to be the family wizard IS unfair and I'm forever bitter than they made Stevie out to be the bad guy when she was 100% right to try and end that)
They are a little too touchy with each other, and think/talk about each other a little too much
The big climatic battle/competition was filled with romantic subtext (Azula was acting like a scorned lover in the Last Agni Kai, the Wizards Of Waverly Place movie had Justin, without his memories, promising Alex that he'd never leave her, which felt more like the "even without memories of their relationship, he's still in love" trope than some part of him still remembering that Alex really was his younger sister)
Incest is FAR from being the worst/weirdest thing to happen to that family
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Any headcanons on the RB Battles hosts, heck, the contestants? I remember seeing your headcanons for the Shady Oaks SMP whenever that started up
Anyways! I have lots of headcanons on these guys (mainly the hosts I will admit) so strap in.
General host stuff heehoo:
They’re pretty much connected to their swords. Like, their souls are in the swords, think Madoka Magica style. This affects their hair colour, so while they pretend they just dyed their hair if their swords were separated from them somehow, their hair would go grey and all aspect of that colour on them would disappear.
This therefore means, if the sword gets damaged in anyway, they’ll get damaged themselves. This manifests as a crack in their skin, coloured in their respective colour. It basically makes them look like they’ve been cracked open, depending on the damage to the sword. This is painful too, and can kill them if the sword is destroyed completely!
Also, if the sword is corrupted in some way, they can be corrupted too. Basically turns them to the opposite of themselves. You know how this goes.
The swords we, the players collected, were actually decoys. They can still be powered up but they have a lot less power than the main swords the hosts actually wield.
The hosts can fuse the power of their swords into one person. This means one person loses all of their power and the other gains it. This explains the existence of the mega sword :tm:. Only Sabrina has wielded the mega sword, as an experiment.
Musician boy, does the drums and the composing
He’s surprisingly inquisitive? He notices things the other hosts don’t quite quickly. Due to this and his agility he’s often put on security duty.
That didn’t go too well when Flamingo kinda just. Forced him to dance. This is why he lets the security do their own thing.
But if the security are incapacitated in some way he’s not afraid to step in.
While his sword, when equipped, gives him super speed / stamina, when he doesn’t have it equipped, he still seems slightly faster than any other Robloxian, and can last longer too.
His eyes are bright green under the sunglasses.
She plays guitar!
She’s the most busy of the hosts, always checking in with the contestants and such.
She’s also scared and snuck up on easily, whoops.
Sometimes she just. Bounces in one place because her little hair stars bounce along with her and it’s funny to her.
Seemingly, she is able to recover in an instant from small cuts and gashes, and is even able to heal other’s paper cuts with a touch.
She is the only one to have ever wielded the actual mega sword. She seemed to take on traits of the other two when this occurred. They won’t do it again, she fainted from power overuse after.
The singer of the group, he is often caught singing to himself random songs.
He goes absolutely WILD to musical songs. Don’t question it, he just loves them.
His sword is the weakest of the three, and he’s a bit jealous of the other two due to that reason. He’d never say it though.
He seems to have an innate sense if someone’s lying or telling the truth. He never brings it up but it’s very useful.
He’s also the easiest host to corrupt, take that as you will.
Okay contestant time
seriously though there’s no way you can look at Tanqr’s avatar and say that’s human. He’s a demon thing, but he’s still humanoid.
Despite being a demon and really threatening he’s actually really chill. Like you expect him to be terrorising people and all he’s doing is drinking a juice box and making puns.
He does have fire powers but he never uses them. Why? They’re boring, apparently. He prefers human weapons, eg guns!
Kreek is one of the few people he sees as an even match.
Cat. You don’t get anything more than that. Just. Cat.
He has gotten stuck on a roomba once. Kreek walked in on him. You can guess how that went down.
He’s not inhuman or anything, he’s just REALLY JACKED.
Please for the love of god Kreek, self care. Stop staying up until 3am looking for secrets and training.
He’s surprisingly inquisitive. He’s able to put together theories easily, and often goes out hunting for secrets.
He simps (PLATONICALLY) over MiniToon. And by that I mean constantly begging him for secrets.
He is overly competitive and this means when he loses he does not take it well whatsoever. There’s a reason he hates Tanqr.
He accidentally opened up a portal to Minecraftia and got stuck there cause he got roped into MCC and forgot where he put his portal. Ryguy was the one to rescue him, after recognising him when he was on the same team.
This isn’t a headcanon but speaking of Kreek, WHAT’S HAPPENING ARE WE GETTING LORE
okay uh small other contestant things
Sketch is blind.
Ryguy is a Minecraftia native, and moved to Robloxia through the portal. He switches often. That’s how he saved Kreek from Minecraftia when he got stuck.
Denis moved to Minecraftia full time sometime after RBB. He’s still in touch with his friends but he has no intention of returning.
BigBStatz and PrestonPlayz also share a portal to Minecraftia. They often hang out in Shady Oaks, with Justin (Thinknoodles) and James (ThnxCya), who were not participants but are still Robloxians. They have a shared portal.
Okay that’s all I got at the moment, but I have no spoons. I’ll add more for the other contestants eventually.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 4 years
Quiproquo - Alex Russo x F!Reader
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Alex gives out a smile as she steps of the stairs into the substation, her feet already taking her towards the kitchen. She notices Justin standing behind the cash register, his eyes glued to the entrance door like something extraordinary is about to happen. 
“Hey, Justin.”
He barely nods to signify that he heard her. “Hm.”
She stops in her tracks just as she’s about to get into the lair, her brother’s answer making her curious as to what he’s doing, and so she turns around and walks back out to send him a smirk. “What are you doing?”
“Huh?” He blinks multiple times before he looks at her, his cheeks warming up when he realizes what she asked him. “N-nothing. Just working. Making… sandwiches.”
“But you’re not making sandwiches.” Alex quirks an eyebrow, internally jubilating. “You’re staring at the door like an eager puppy.”
“I…” He starts playing with the cash register, pushing random buttons while he mumbles. “... stare at doors like that all the time, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She waits for a few seconds then slowly approaches her face to his ear. 
“Is it a girl?” He jumps away in total fear at the sound of her voice so close, a loud laugh escaping her throat upon seeing his reaction. “You’re such a scaredy-cat! Hahaha… but seriously though, who’s the girl?”
He stays silent for a few seconds, then gives out a giggle and a grin. “(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N).”
“(Y/N)?” She quirks an eyebrow in disbelief. “Why would (Y/N) come here?”
“Good thing you asked.” He raises a finger, his grin turning to a smug. “She’s been coming here every single day for the past week, always chatting me up. I think she has a crush on me.”
Alex opens her mouth in a teasing smile. “Her? Liking ‘you’?”
“Yes.” He frowns and gives her an annoyed look. “Girls can like me, Alex. It happened before and it will happen again.”
“Well, I find that hard to believe… considering that she’s probably coming here to make fun of your face.” She snorts at his clear frustration, the wizard girl walking towards the lair soon after. “Good luck with your ‘imaginary’ love story!”
“You just don’t like the idea of anything good happening to me!”
“Um… Justin?” He yelps and rapidly turns around when he sees you standing on the other of the counter, a confused quirked eyebrow sent to him. “Is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah…!” He gives out a giggle and puts his elbow on the counter, though he misses it and almost punches himself in the face as a result. “I… I’m great! Awesome! Totally cool!”
You give out a snort. “Okay.”
He seems to calm down when he notices that you’re not weirded out by his weird behavior, a shy chuckle escaping his throat as he puts his hands on the cash register. “How can I help you today?”
“Actually…” You seem to be jumping one foot to the other, looking rather nervous. “I wanted to ask you something.” 
His eyes widen. This is it. The moment he has been waiting for all week!
“Um… yeah, yeah, sure!” He gives you a small smile to try and ease things for you. “Go ahead. I’m all ears.” 
You look down with heavy breathing, already playing with your fingers nervously as your cheeks get redder by the minute. “I-I… I wanted to know…”
“... Yes?”
“... is your sister single?”
He blinks a few times in shock, not quite sure he heard you correctly. “Huh?”
“Sorry…” You look away with a shameful look, already trying to walk away. “That was inappropriate, I’m… I’m just gonna go.”
“Wait!” His voice stops you in your tracks, curiosity settling on his features as you look back at him. “Why do you wanna know?”
Justin walks into the lair a few minutes later with a large grin on his face, the oldest sibling handing Alex a piece of paper. She looks up from the spellbook she’s been studying for the last few minutes, a confused look on her face as she takes it.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, nothing.” Alex lets her eyes skimmer down the piece of paper, Justin wiping non-existent dirt on his shirt. “Just (Y/N)’s phone number.”
Alex’s eyes widen, a legitimately shocked smile coming to her lips as she looks at him. “You got her phone number?”
“No.” He points at her, still grinning. “I got you her phone number.”
She blinks multiple times, confusion taking over yet again. “Huh?”
“And you should call her soon.” He steps away towards the exit, sending his sister a wink and finger guns. “Because she wants to go on a date.”
“Wait, what?” Alex’s voice rises just as he disappears behind the door. “Justin-Justin!”
She doesn’t get any response. She looks down at the piece of paper, your phone number staring back at her, and she can’t help but let out a genuine smile.
It looks like she’s gonna go on a date soon.
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wvsteria · 1 year
justin russo & rikki chadwick ;; @hxartbreaker​
he found himself wandering the lake that day, looking for a quiet place to gather his thoughts. he hadn’t really noticed anyone else there until he heard movement. he turned to see who was around, making sure his wand wasn’t out to be seen. “sorry, didn’t realize someone was here already.” 
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Just saw your delightful post about Laex’s houses and I wondered how you would sort the rest of the family ? Also , @wisteria-lodge wrote a post about Gryffindor / Slytherin that would probably interest you .
Holy shit, I am so sorry this is getting back to you so late, anon!  This got lost in my Drafts and I totally forgot about it until I was recently trying to dig some stuff back up and got slapped in the face with this.  So even though this is months and months (and two Sorting essays lol) later, let me try to answer this the best I can:
(Links to Alex, Justin, and Max and their respective essays, so I don’t have to repeat myself)
Everyone else (...that I bothered to sort at least) below the cut:
All of the other Big Characters:
* Jerry Russo: Slytherin/Ravenclaw.  
Slytherin Primary- He broke off from the wizard world and chose a normal life because he met The One, and figured that being mortal was worth it if it meant being with her, going against what was expected of him from his community, and everything he’d believed about himself in order to do it.  
I also do believe he’s ambitious to an extent about his sub shop-- he certainly seems to care the most about whether it does well, and we know he cares a lot about his family legacy from how upset he was when it seemed that legacy would end (the times the kids might all lose their powers, that time they almost lost their lair).  Beyond that, he doesn’t seem to give much thought to the world outside his family, or even to his long-lost sister, who’s likely been kicked out of his inner circle, so I don’t think saving the world has ever really been a huge priority for him like it is for the kids.
Ravenclaw Secondary- One reason he makes a really good teacher is that he knows and remembers most of the spells the kids need to learn.  What he doesn’t remember, he can always look up in a spellbook, which he has a ton of.  He also has a lot of various magical trinkets that he’s collected over the years.  Plenty of them have value in terms of teaching, but I really do think most of their collection is because he thinks they’re neat.  This is also probably why they have a subway car as part of their sub shop, so that he would have a reason to use it, and therefore have a reason to have it.  
(You could argue Hufflepuff Secondary in regards to how he invests in his business, but even there, he likes to cut a lot of corners and doesn’t seem to feel particularly bad about doing so, as long as he doesn’t get in trouble for it.)
* Theresa Russo: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor.  
Hufflepuff Primary- She could be Slytherin too but I keep circling back to how much she cares about the traditions and cultures she left behind, and how, while she is happy in the life she has with Jerry and her kids, she’s still genuinely sad about losing that connection.  I also think about it in terms of her difficult relationship with Alex, how she calls her mija, how she pushed so hard to give Alex a quinceañera (that she didn’t want), how she was upset that Alex was failing Spanish, and how out of her depth she is with the wizard world.  
It has to sting a bit that her husband’s world, which she has no real connection to outside of him and the kids, has such an impact on everyone’s daily lives, while her world kind of gets left behind, either because the kids aren’t as interested, aren’t as exposed, or because she has to keep her extended family away from her immediate family so that magic doesn’t get exposed, how she has to follow the rules of a world she doesn’t even like that much.  Or perhaps she doesn’t like it because she’s lost so much to it.
Gryffindor Secondary- The Movie in particular solidified this one for me, just the way she gets curious about magic and Jerry and Max’s journey even though she thinks they’re strangers, dives headfirst into it despite Jerry worrying about letting a mortal be part of the adventure, and how she sees a parrot turn into a human, who is clearly Bad News, walks right up to her, and tells her all the shit she’s been put through and why she needs that stone.  
There are great moments from the show, too-- the ones that stick out to me are her talking back to the van Heusens when she knows damn well they’re vampires, and her getting Alex to teleport her to Megan’s so she can stand up for her kids’ right to have their powers, powers she doesn’t even like most of the time.  She definitely has a temper, and it’s usually played for laughs, but I also think it fits because she’s an incredibly brave person, and while there are definitely times when she runs away scared, more often than not she’ll stand her ground even in times of danger (and probably a few times where she maybe should’ve been more careful...).
* Harper Finkle: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
(Note: I like to think of this one as the Best Friend sorting, because it’s used a lot with Main Character’s Best Friend (and the Girl Friday, but this is Disney Channel so that’s not as common here), and because that combination tends to make for some pretty damn good ones.)
Slytherin Primary- I think it’s very possible Harper has a Hufflepuff Primary Model here, because it took me some thinking and rewatching to decide this, but nah, Harper’s best friends with Alex for a reason, and it’s not out of, like, the goodness of her heart or whatever.  Harper does like being part of things -- she enjoys being part of the Russo family, she enjoys being in clubs in a way Alex doesn’t get, she was excited to be invited to Gigi’s tea party because she thought she was being included in their “high society lady” rituals -- and she likes doing the nice, kind, good thing, but on the occasions where she does act purely in her own self-interest, she doesn’t feel the least bit guilty about it.  
We see this side of her more in seasons 3 and 4, but as early as season 2, we see her taking advantage of Cupid’s arrow making Justin fall for her even after Alex informs her of the situation (and only starting to hate it when she gets tired of his clinging, not for ethical or compassionate reasons), happily accepting the ribbons that make Alex’s Gryffindor squirm, because “it’s about time she got some appreciation,” and deciding she’ll continue to work for the vampires that just tried to eat her and her best friend because she “kinda needs the job” (honestly, mood tho).
Hufflepuff Secondary- More often than not, it seems Harper is taken advantage of rather than the one taking advantage, though, and I think this is why.  Working hard makes her feel good!  Being dependable makes her feel good!  She’s upset when it’s revealed that Alex used magic to help her win at everything she tried when she was little, and that she’s actually bad at those things.  She cares about earning her accomplishments, not just getting them.  She has a perfect attendance record and she cares about it a lot.  And that’s the core of what a Hufflepuff Secondary is: show up every day, and try as hard as you can.
She also prides herself on her moral support.  She’s generally willing to drop everything to help Alex and the thing she got the most furious with Alex for saying was that she was a bad friend.  This ties back to the Slytherin Primary thing, but I think it has a lot to do with how much work she puts into everything, and how much work she does for Alex, when Alex won’t do her own, and she doesn’t even mind doing it, maybe even likes doing it, as long as she gets credit for her dedication.  Luckily, Alex does appreciate her as a friend, even if she doesn’t show it as often as she probably should, and has her moments where she’ll come through for Harper too.
* Juliet van Heusen: Ravenclaw/Gryffindor.
Ravenclaw Primary- She goes against her natural instincts to hunt humans and instead sticks to animals as the more “ethical” path.  Granted, she was given a soul by her parents, which both helps her blend in better and might be what leads to her more ethical behavior, but I do think her Ideals are something she chose to live by, rather than something that was given to her, and I think part of why she likes Justin is that she connects with him intellectually, so I lean Ravenclaw for her Primary.  
Gryffindor Secondary- She tends to be pretty forthright and brutally honest a lot of the time.  She tells her parents she’s dating Justin by just... shouting that she likes him and then running back to tell him, she answers Zeke’s question about a horse-drawn carriage by implying that she killed them (for context, he’s a mortal), and she motivates Justin to win by bluntly telling him she’ll have to break up with him if he loses his powers.  She’s restrained enough to keep her vampire secret, but... not very restrained outside of that.
* Mason Greyback: Slytherin/Gryffindor.  
Slytherin Primary- His main motivation seems to be Alex, and he’s very singlemindedly dedicated to her most of the time.  The only times I can think of where he isn’t focused on her is in that first episode, when he wants to paint dogs, and only gets focused on her when she casts a spell on him, and in that moment where he sees Juliet again and confesses his undying love (oops).  He says afterwards that werewolves are “very loyal,” and I think based on the episode where we meet Mason’s parents, we can infer that that means “loyal to their own,” as they don’t like him dating a non-werewolf.  They might not include Alex in their definition of “their own,” but Mason clearly does, and puts her above everything, even citing her as his main motivation to “stay good” against Gorog’s influence.
Gryffindor Secondary-  For his impulsivity and temper, yes, but also for his dedication to Big Romantic Gestures, which I think are the ultimate Gryffindor Secondary love language.  Not that other Secondaries can’t perform them, but I think with Gryffindors it’s more likely to be a regular thing.  He tries to be more subtle in the apartment arc and it comes out more passive-aggressive, and then he ends up Doing The Big Thing anyway, like breaking the elevator in desperation or running to Bermuda to save Alex.  Even the big sculpture he makes Alex for their anniversary earlier that season, while it does take a lot of time and effort, there’s still this element of just throwing yourself wholeheartedly into something and focusing exclusively on the thing until the thing gets done (to the point of neglecting everything else) that feels more to me like Gryffindor Secondary’s battering ram than Hufflepuff Secondary’s slow and steady tortoise.
...+ a few others I thought were relevant:
* Zeke Beakerman: Ravenclaw/Ravenclaw.  To his own detriment, even: when he runs for president against Justin, he ends up voting... for Justin, because he really thought it through and Decided that Justin would probably be the better leader.  (And then retracts it because he’s morally opposed to Justin not voting.)  It’s played for laughs, but I think that does show he puts ethics before himself (and... possibly before reason.  Such are Idealists, lol).  He also likes to gather a lot of obscure knowledge and hobbies such as clogging, collecting skills because he finds learning them fun.  Ravenclaw, through and through.
* Stevie Nichols: Gryffindor/Slytherin.  Perhaps a much more stark example than Alex on both sides: more unscrupulous and more mischievous on the Slytherin side, more committed to her Cause and her Ideals on the Gryffindor side.  They bond over their shared Slytherin-ness, naturally meeting in detention because where else, and I actually think their shared Gryffindor is what ultimately comes between them- Stevie wants to convert Alex to her Cause, Alex freezes her and lets her die (maybe?) because she believes her Cause is evil.  Because unfortunately, sharing the same emphasis on Ideals and method for determining them, doesn’t always mean you’ll have the same ones.
* Rosie: Slytherin/Slytherin.  She lies to Justin when she meets him, saying she’s a wizard, when she’s actually an angel, and it doesn’t get much better from there.  She turns her wings white around Justin and acts good right up until she has him, then she starts influencing him to turn bad, so when it’s revealed she’s an Angel of Darkness, he’s too far gone to be upset.  But that Slytherin loyalty works both ways -- while his Slytherin loyalty to her made him do bad things and join the Angels of Darkness, her Slytherin loyalty to him made her convince Alex to save him, because she’d fallen in love with him for real and wasn’t okay with Gorog disposing of him once he’d outlived his usefulness, and that caused her to turn on Gorog for good, and then For Good, when she rejoined the Good Angels.  Just as she was the one who turned Justin to the dark side, she’s the one who turned him back to the light, and I think they were able to have this influence on each other because of that shared understanding of Slytherin loyalty.
... And I think that’s more than enough for now!  It’s been fun to think about all this, and even better to finally share it.  Again, sorry it took so long, but hope you enjoyed!
(P.S.: Btw, totally agree on that Gryffindor/Slytherin post-- it fits Alex so well (though definitely more the Jack Sparrow/Lovable Rogue variety).  I’m glad you see it, too!)
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vagrant-love · 3 years
Justin’s Love Chronicles - Story 1
This is a Waverly Place fic. This was meant to be a one shot one chapter story of several stories unconnected where Justin find love and sex in different scenarios. However, I degressed too much in this one so the rest of the story will have another entry.
The next entry will have sex and all the good stuff.
Inspired by S04E19, Wizards vs Asteroids
“We received a report from NASA that an asteroid has changed its course and is heading straight to earth, this means the end of life as we know it” The Russo family, Zeke and Harper were all gathered on the Russo’s family living room watching the television in disbelief as it delivered the horrifying news. Alex, who was usually carefree and youthful, ready to dismiss any terrible news with a joke or witty remark was left speechless, unable to find in her vast mental Rolodex of comedy anything to say that could even remotely lighten the mood.
Harper, who was an alarmist by nature did what was expected of her, she made a mental note of all her favourite outfits, which she would now wear, one after the other, until the end, but she then decided she would not have time to change to all of them, so instead she would make a new one, or die in the process.
Max, who had a mind as feeble and as free as a butterfly in a breeze, almost child-like despite being now a teenager, turned to his family and beloved friends and realised that he would no longer see them. This idea filled him with immense sadness, he felt his shoulders heavy, and his eyes teary. “Guys, I know I am usually lost in everything that is happening around me, or with you guys. But now that the end is coming, I just want you guys to know that I love you guys, and I care for you, and I wish I was more present, more aware”.
Teresa could not help but to love the youngest of her beloved children. Yes Max problematic. Yes Max created all sort of havoc. Yes Max… well, they all knew all that Max did, but one thing they all also knew is that Max never did anything maliciously. He was pure and innocent and they all loved him. She took him into her arms with tender love that only a mother could give, and stroke his beautiful brown hair that resembled hers so much.
“It’s okay Max, we love you just the way you are. Right Jerry?”
Jerry nodded in agreement, like Alex he too had no words for that was happening. He was a big softie after all, they all knew it, and knowing that the world would end and they would never see his family again was a burden no heart could bear, specially not Jerry’s heart. He enveloped both his wife and Max, holding them tight in his arms, feeling their warmth for the last time, smelling the sweet scent of vanilla shampoo in Teresa’s hair, one thing that he loved about her since they started dating, she almost smelled like vanilla. He even appreciated the minty smell coming from Max’s hair, which he hoped was form his shampoo, but he knew was probably from eating too many magical mint cookies to disguise Max’s sour smell of not having bathed for a couple os days.
The only one who wasn’t in a fatalistic mindset was Justin, who’s rational mind was working overtime doing calculations, trajectories, thinking about the physics, rotations, heck, even dark matter if it helped. He turned to Zeke who stared back at him, they shared an unspoken bond, they knew what each other thought without having to say any words. Justin nodded. Zeke nodded. And both went up to Justin’s room.
“C’mon Justin do you really think they could have made the wrong calculations? They are the freaking NASA man. We are so doomed!” Zeke whined as soon as they entered the room. He wanted to be right, but being an emotional bouncing chipmunk he was he could not help but fall in despair when confronted with the idea that he, Zeke, could be right when NASA was not.
“Zeke, we have been tracking asteroids for years. You know the calculations, you’ve done it yourself man. We are RIGHT!” Justin said, almost barking the last word as he usually does the he wanted to emphasise his excitement. He took Zeke by the cheeks, holding each side with one hand and forced Zeke to look straight back into his eye. He had this new theory he thought after considering Plato’s theory on the soul. If a soul was the essence of a being, and decided how the ‘vessel’ would behave, and if Shakespeare was right when he said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then maybe if he stared at Zeke he could make HIS mind force Zeke’s mind to behave more like Justin, and less like Zeke.
Not that Justin didn’t like Zeke’s soul, far from that. He adored him. Zeke was his best friend, his confident, more often than not a should to cry on. He was there when Justin lost Juliet and Rosie, and he never judged, or made fun of him for expressing his feelings in an ‘unmanly’ way. Zeke was always kind to Justin. *** The day Juliet went away Justin was in shambles. His heart was shattered, exploded and each particle was so small that if one could see they would think he had sand in his chest. It was an adequate metaphor, because Justin did feel like he was suffocating after his girlfriend went away, as if had a whole beach in his lungs. He could not breath, and it felt like every heartbeat was a struggle. After that fated day he didn’t want to go home and see his family. He loved his family, but some things are not meant to be shared with family.
He called Zeke as soon as they got home.
“Hey’, he said as soon as Zeke answered with his cheery ‘Hiellow’. He could not help but to grin, even if just slightly, at the sound of his beloved friend. His overly cheeriness, carefree and over-the-top attitude was something that Justin always felt balanced his more sober, geeky and rational attitude. Together they were balanced… perfect.
Justin explained what happened to Zeke. Not in detail, just enough so that he could ask him if he could come over and maybe spend the night. “Of course man, stay as long as you want. I’ll call my parents to double check but you know they love you, I’m sure they won’t mind. I’m here for you bro, you know that, right?”
“I know Zeke, thank you”, was all Justin could mumble before hanging up. Zeke was very wealthy, his parents had a beautiful and large apartment on the Upper East Side, which wasn’t too far from Waverly Place, but it felt to Justin as if he was entering a different universe whenever he visited Zeke. It was a place of money, Teslas, Chanel suits, Versace underwear and diamonds. A lot of diamonds. He remembered one time when he was younger and he saw Zeke’s mother going out with his father, both looking very chic and well dressed. She was wearing a beautiful necklace, two strips of diamond with a large blue diamond in the middle. Justin was obsessed with it, he never seen something so sparkly in his life. Even magic could not rival it. It was as if one million pieces of glitter had been crushed together to form just one stone. He must have stared at it so badly Zeke’s mother could not help but notice.
“Do you like my necklace little Justin?”, she asked, she had a bit of an accent but he didn’t know where from.
He nodded.
“Would you like to have a closer look?”
Again, he nodded, and the lady took the necklace off her swan-like neck, and handed it to the younger lad who took hold of it as if he was holding a bomb with how careful he was handling with the jewellery.
He adored it, he wanted to have it, to wear it. He wished for a brief second that he was a girl to be able to wear such things. He put it in his head and wore it like a tiara, and looked at himself in the large baroque mirror that was placed in the large living room. He smiled brightly, shining his pearly teeth for all to see. Zeke’s mother laughed heartily, and Zeke’s father smiled kindly to him, giving him a look that Justin never quite understood. It was a kind look, but also a mysterious one.
“You truly are most adorable little Justin, I am glad my Zachary found you as a friend. I told you George that sending him to public school was the best idea. I went to one and I tuned out well. Yes, private education has its perks, but our boy should be grounded and down to earth.”, she said, half to her husband and half to the two young boys staring at her.
She held her slender hand with beautifully manicured fingers to Justin, who noticed she had a bracelet that matched the necklace. Justin handed the necklace back to her, but he never forgot how he looked with that necklace on his head.
Justin wasn’t sure why he remembered that on his way to Zeke. Maybe it was because he hasn’t been to the Beakerman’s house for quite some time. He was very busy with school, magic, etc. So the chances to go to the Upper East Side were scarce. He was happy he was going though, he liked there, but most of all, he liked Zeke.
When he arrived he went through he dark oak heavy doors into a refined reception room, neatly decorated with a classy baby blue carpet that covered the floor and matched the cerulean paint on the walls. On the centre there was a huge glass candelabra that Justin could not even imagine how it was cleaned without magic. To the left side surrounded by white marble was the reception, hosted by a Juan, the oddly young and handsome concierge. He was probably ins his late 20s, Justin would guess 28? He had thick jet black curly hair, not too voluminous, just enough to give him a youthful look, as if he had just left the ocean and his hair dried with the sad from the sea and, sorta stayed that way. With dark green eyes, and a very shallow stable, he almost looked like a model on his day off, except for the cute little cap he wore to match his nice suit. He wondered if the suit came with the job or is Juan bought it to match the opulent surrounding.
“Hola Juan”, said Justin.
“Hola señor Justin”, replied Juan, with his useful cheerful tone. He didn’t often meet Juan, but he always had a tone that was almost as if he was smiling through his voice. It made Justin happy and he pondered for a split second that his natural charisma was too great to be left isolated from the rest of the world, secluded in that beautiful cage of a Manhattan reception. Juan should have been a model, or an actor maybe… thought Justin, considering if he would allow himself to use magic to maybe change Juan’s fortune.
“Señor Zeke told me you were coming, go right in, the code is this”, he handled Justin a piece of paper neatly folder with the number 24.
Justin thanked him, walked into the large elevator at the end of the reception, typed in the cold and went up to the 5th floor, where the door to the elevator opened straight into the beautiful living room he had reminiscence not too long before.
Not much had changed, apart from some furniture changing and moving, the colour in a wall going from white to marsala, and a piece of decor here and there which he remembered not being there, or being somewhere else.
“Hey Justin”, said Zeke, coming from the sofa and greeting him at the entrance. He was wearing only a white tank top and silver cotton pyjama trousers. His hair was a bit messy. It wasn’t early but not late enough that Zeke should be sleeping, thought Justin. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting your nap or anything”
“Not at all man”, Zeke said, shining his naive smile at Justin. “My parents are travelling in Asia so I have the apartment for myself. I decided to have breakfast food for dinner and I thought hey, if I am gonna have breakfast then I need to be dressed for breakfast. So I dressed up like this and messed up my hair. What do you think bro?”
Justin laughed, which felt a bit weird, he hadn’t felt at all happy ever since Juliet had been taken by the mummy, let alone after she went into the woods, but Zeke had this natural ability to make others laugh, it was what made him so charismatic and something Justing envied a little about Zeke. While Justin was more handsome than Zeke, he always lacked this easiness that Zeke had into fitting him.
“Oh I’m so sorry Justin, I’m being so insensitive talking about breakfast when your girlfriend turned into a million years old and disappeared into the woods. Oooooh man I’m a terrible friend!”, whined Zeke in his usual chipmunk manner.
“It’s fine Zeke, I laughed so that’s more than I have done in the past months so, thank you. And I think you look dashing my friend.” He said, giving Zeke a wink and a couple of gun finger pointing.
“Thanks Justin, you’re awesome man. Come in”, he said, leading Justin down the hall and into his bedroom, which was almost as big as the living room.
Zeke’s bedroom as dreamland for any geek. He had Dark Star replica hanging from the ceiling. A book shelf full of fantasy books and mangas, Zeke loved his Sailor Moon and made a point to buy each one from the original Japanese print. Zeke’s bed was enormous, and was probably the size of all the Russo’s beds combined. Justin was always surprised that Zeke didn’t use custom sheets of his favourite series, Doctor Who, but he had a feeling that had something to do with his parents. The rest of the room was filled with other nerdy things, but overall looked like a normal teenager room. There were clothes spread out around the floor, the bed was unmade, and there were a couple of plates of food left on top of the many cupboards around the place.
“Sorry, I gave the cleaning guys a break since it’s only me, so things are a bit messy”, Zeke said apologetically. “Sit down tell me what happened again”. Justin took the seat on the bed, right next to Zeke who sat on top of his leg as he usually did, facing Justin. He wasn’t sure he could reciprocate the gesture. When he thought about talking about what happened to Juliet he immediately felt his eyes filling with tears, and the sand in his chest moving up to his through, choking any words that attempted to break free from his vocal cords.
“I-I… Sh-She…”, he tried saying, but the sobs had already started. Justin hid his face with his hands. He was so embarrassed, he was meant to be the cool one but there he was crying like a baby.
“Hey hey, it’s okay dude, it’s okay to cry. Come here”, he pulled Justin by the shoulders, an action that surprised Justin so much it made his sobs stop and for him to look at Zeke with a horrified face. Not because Justin was avert to Zeke’s touching but because never in their friendship they had been this intimate. Yes, they were very close, but only in the manner that people would see it as acceptable.
“It’s okay dude, there’s nothing weird about this. I know people think us guys can’t like, cry or hug, but the truth man is that you’re my best friend and if you’re sad, I want to give you a hug”, Zeke said without an inch of malice in his voice, without so much of a hint of an ulterior motive. His honesty and frankness were so genuine Justin couldn’t help but feel disarmed. Justin pondered, for a second, and decided that this was okay.
He allowed himself to be embraced by his friend, who put his head in his shoulder and held him tight. He rubbed Justin’s back slowly and gently, and Justin felt himself letting go of the sand in his heart, of all those feelings of lost and despair he had felt since Juliet went away.
And he cried, loudly. And Zeke stayed there with him, holding him, rubbing his back and squeezing his shoulders, whispering ‘It’s okay buddy, everything is okay, I’m here for you’.
Justin knew, at that point, he loved Zeke.
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