theflytrap · 4 months
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“Spring/Summer Bling.” Designed By Bux.
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artist-issues · 6 months
hello; you like Avatar: the Last Airbender, right? does anything about it seem anti God to you? And also, do you think the canon romances fit the themes and arcs of the story?
Hello! I love that you cut right down to the bone with both questions 😂
I don't think the show was trying to promote Eastern religion, but I think it drew so much inspiration from those religions that the lines got way too blurry. Truthfully, the moment I think of most was when Aang insists that it's harder to forgive than it is to hold on. That's a very Christian principal. C. S. Lewis was a big believer in God's spiritual influence being felt all of the world, and seeds of it left in even the most incorrect religions or ideologies
Anyway. I'd have to think more on it. The worst thing is that there is no God. No one King of the Spirits character, no Creator and Lord, no perfect spirit that the humans can have a relationship with. Nothing even alluding to that. Instead, the "Spirit World" is treated sacred whenever it needs to be sacred in the story (the Moon and Sun spirits) but then treated like "an alternate planet" whenever it needs to be that in the story, too. So sometimes the Spirits are sacred and the heroes need help from them, and sometimes they're just aliens and only Aang can communicate with them to keep the peace
So the most anti-God thing about the world of Avatar is that He's not in it. But they really don't comment on Him one way or another. The story is more about responsibility and what you do with the power you have, and how that affects others, than it really is about anything directly spiritual in the real world.
But Zuko should certainly have gotten together with Katara, if anyone, and Aang probably should've gotten together with Toph.
Zuko and Katara make sense. I don't even need to talk about why. Everybody knows it. I see less chatter about Aang and Toph. But truthfully, Aang and Toph's strengths and weaknesses compliment each other better. Toph is all about doing what she's gotta do, by the time she meets Aang. Aang, on the other hand, constantly has to fight running from responsibilities. Toph isn't careful with how people feel, and she holds grudges. Aang is compassionate, and he understands forgiveness and mercy. But, they both love fun. They both love a good prank. They're both passionate about justice. Plus there's that symbolism of them being masters of opposite elements, but good friends and understanding of one another anyway. Also, Toph's family failed her and didn't understand her, so she ran from them. But Aang's from a type of community where everybody's family, and he knows what it's like to run away. So all they needed was a little more maturity and they could've easily completed each other.
In no way did Katara and Aang ever make more sense than Top and Aang, or Katara and Zuko. They just chose to like each other. Which is fine, it's lovely. But no, it had nothing to do with their character arcs, unless you count Aang needing someone or something to struggle with letting go of. But that could've been anybody, really. I think it was just what made the most sense to the writers because she was the compassionate one who woke him up and believed in him, and they had the most time together as characters.
It's not a show-breaking thing though. Cuz they're all kids, and romance really wasn't the focus. If it had had one more season for some reason, I could see it!
Thanks for the ask!
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werewolf240moon · 8 months
Happy National Werewolf Day
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beautifultbel · 2 months
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grrlmusic · 2 years
Diamond Ice - Karats
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manny-jacinto · 2 months
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THE KARATE KID (1984) COBRA KAI #06.01 ‘Peacetime in the Valley’ (2018-2025)
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theoldkyokodied · 7 months
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It's always funny in sillydelphia or whatever. Sorry i can't concentrate on making a joke, there are women right in front of me (pointing at my own genderbend iasip drawings, sweating profusely)
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bigchump1994 · 1 year
You read about Ty Cobb and hear he was a total dickhead on the field and you're like "Alright, how much of that is him being a competitor and how much is just genuine assholishness." And then you see pictures like this
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mrglitterati · 2 years
Before buying gold jewelry, look into the different colors. There’s more than yellow gold! Find out everything you need to know about colored gold!
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rosie-tyler · 4 months
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The Karate Kid but it's a gay romantic comedy
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raviposting · 2 months
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They run through this entire playlist within the span of like 30 minutes every episode. BTW.
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happy74827 · 6 months
He’s Got The Fire
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[Johnny Lawrence x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: To your surprise, Johnny shows up at your window unannounced, but it doesn’t take long to realize it’s not for kicks {GIF Creds: pilvimarja}.
WC: 2076
Category: Slight Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff, Introverted(ish)!Reader
Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t started writing this franchise earlier given how it’s about equal with my love for BTTF
The sun had already gone down a while ago, the air was crisp, and the sky was starry. It was the perfect evening to watch the moon rise. The wind carried a chill, and the trees were almost bare, swaying in the breeze.
With a sigh, you closed the book you had been reading and stretched your legs, looking out the window of your room. By now, everyone had been asleep for a few hours, and you worked on upcoming assignments to pass the time. But when you had gotten to your last one, you just couldn't be bothered anymore, so you set it aside.
The quietness was nice, and the light from the moon cast a blue-ish glow on everything around you. You were so calm, but there was still something that had you feeling off.
He was never around much lately. It wasn't surprising, but it was disheartening. Ever since that championship loss a while back, he had been training even harder, and when he wasn't training, he was out doing god-knows-what.
You understood how important Cobra Kai was to him, but the fact that he was putting everything else on the back burner really had you worried. He had a tendency to go down the wrong path and not think about the consequences until after the fact. You hoped that wasn't what was happening this time.
Pulling your knees up, you rested your head on them and looked out at the night. There was a full moon, and you wondered if Johnny had noticed. He used to love taking walks at night just to see the moon and look up at the stars.
He had changed so much since then. That fire inside of him burned so brightly that sometimes you wondered if it would burn him, too.
Sitting like that for a while, you lost track of time. It was easy to get distracted and drift away from reality when your mind wandered. It was something you were trying to work on, and you were actually doing pretty well.
Until you heard a pang on your window.
Sitting up, you looked around, wondering if a bird had flown into it, but you saw nothing. Your mind immediately went to a branch falling or something like that, and you were ready to dismiss the strange noise and go back to daydreaming.
But the pang came again, and your heart leaped in your throat. You stood and cautiously moved toward the window. At the same time, a face popped up from below, and you shrieked.
He motioned for you to open the window, along with attempts to hush you. It was a very frantic gesture, and you felt your heart rate rise. You quickly opened the window and stuck your head out.
"Johnny?!" You whispered-yelled, and he was pulling himself up. "What are you doing?"
"Shhh!" He held a finger to his lips and looked behind him, and your eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you want the whole neighborhood to know I'm here? Let me in!"
You stared at him for a moment longer before helping him through the window. It didn’t go as smoothly as one would expect, like the movies, but he managed to tumble in. You stood there, arms folded, as he dusted himself off.
You haven’t seen him in so long, and the day you choose to miss him, he shows up out of nowhere. You would’ve called yourself psychic if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny always did the unexpected.
He looked… good, to say the least. The red jacket still fit him perfectly; his blonde hair was combed and fluffy, and his eyes were still focused and alert, even if his body language seemed a little sluggish.
To be honest, Johnny was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on. His sharp jawline, his toned muscles, and that cocky smile of his. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the way he always looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
For a while, you didn’t understand why he chose to pursue you, of all people. He could have anyone he wanted. You weren't exactly a social butterfly, and you always got nervous and shy in the presence of others.
Johnny was the opposite of you. He was outgoing, and his charisma attracted everyone to him. And the way his voice was so smooth and deep. He could be the most annoying person on the planet, but when he said your name, you would melt.
So when he asked you out, you thought it was some sort of joke. I mean, he was the hottest guy in school. And you were just… you.
But then you realized there was more to him than just the bad boy exterior. He had a sensitive side, and his vulnerability was endearing. His family was… well, a lot. His mom was nice, but she had her fair share of issues, and his stepfather was a piece of work.
It only took one date to realize the Johnny you were accustomed to wasn’t the real him. The real him was like you… except he could kick ass and had some pent-up anger issues.
And yet, here you were.
"Johnny-" You began, but he stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You stood stiffly, arms at your sides.
"God, I've missed you."
That was the last thing you expected him to say. You felt your face heat up, your chest warm up, and your shoulders slumped. You melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him.
"I've missed you too."
You could feel him grin against the top of your head, and he squeezed you a little tighter. He was so warm, and it made you forget the fact that he was literally climbing through your window at almost midnight.
After a minute or so, he pulled away and held your face in his hands. You were looking into those piercing blue eyes, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Why are you here?" You asked, your voice a little above a whisper.
He hesitated, and that was the moment you knew something was wrong. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I, uh… I needed to see you."
You raised an eyebrow, but you didn't say anything. You were waiting for him to elaborate, but when he didn't, you sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the bed. You sat on the edge, and he followed.
"Johnny," You said, turning toward him and placing a hand on his knee. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just… wanted to see you."
You didn't say anything. You knew better than that. So you waited.
"Okay, okay," He sighed. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I can’t tell you why."
"That's reassuring."
"It's just… things are… well, I just needed to get away. It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry."
You were silent. You didn't really know what to say. There was so much going on, and it was hard for you to believe him when he told you not to worry.
"Is it… Is it Sid? Your mom?"
"Just…” He shook his head and stood, rubbing the back of his neck. He started pacing, and that was when you knew he was really upset. “Just drop it, alright? Everything's fine."
“You ignored me for the past two weeks, Johnny. Something is wrong."
He stopped and glared at you, and you froze. You were taken aback by the expression on his face. He seemed frustrated and almost angry.
The look… you knew it wasn’t directed at you, but you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. He was always so hot-headed and stubborn, and when his mood shifted, you had a hard time knowing what to do.
He seemed to realize his expression and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
"Sorry, God, I'm sorry, it's not you. I'm just-" He sighed and plopped back down on the bed next to you, running his hands over his face. "I'm a fucking mess, okay? Just forget I came."
It was weird how, in certain situations, you could completely shift into a different person. You’ve seen it in movies and TV, and it was a cliche. You didn’t think it would ever happen to you.
And yet, the second you heard the words come out of his mouth, you were hit with an overwhelming urge to turn his head towards yours, grab his face in your hands, and kiss him.
So you did.
You couldn’t really tell him why you did it. It just felt like the right thing to do, and it was an impulse. You figured it was the best way to let him know that you were here and he wasn’t alone.
The second your lips met, he was leaning into you, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the passion and desperation behind the kiss, and it took you a moment to match his energy.
He was rough and intense, and he pulled away after a few moments, moving to your neck. You gasped and gripped the collar of his jacket, feeling the heat of his lips on your skin.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. And it was true. You had missed him more than you had thought. You had almost forgotten how much of a force he was to be reckoned with.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to form words, but failing. Instead, you tugged on his jacket and pulled him towards you, hoping he would get the message.
And he did.
His lips found yours again, and he was pushing you back, holding himself above you with one hand. His other was moving up your shirt, his fingers grazing your stomach, causing goosebumps to rise.
Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers danced across your ribs. His lips were rough, but they moved with such grace and delicacy it was hard to keep up.
He pulled away for a moment, and you looked up at him, catching your breath. His blonde hair was messy, and his eyes were a little hooded. He looked like a mess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
You reached up and brushed his hair back, giving him a soft smile.
“Is that…” His eyes peered away from you, and you raised an eyebrow. "Do you still have that damn elephant?"
Your eyes followed his, and you spotted the elephant in question. It was a gift Johnny had given you back when things were different. Come to think of it, you weren’t even sure you were together at that point.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked, and he chuckled. “Ozzy's special."
"You named it? What are you, ten?"
You swatted his arm, and he laughed again. His eyes found yours, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. It felt like old times.
"Don't make fun of him. You gave him to me."
"Yeah, whatever," He rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "Can't believe you kept him."
"I keep a lot of stuff, Johnny. Especially when they're meaningful."
He was silent for a moment, his eyes still focused on you. The moonlight was shining through the window and casting a shadow on his face.
"I keep a lot of things, too."
Before you could say anything, he was leaning down and kissing you again. You could tell this one was different, more meaningful, like he was pouring his heart and soul into the kiss.
And he was.
He wanted you to know how he felt about you without actually saying it. And although you weren’t really sure what was going on, you had a feeling this was what it was.
The fire inside of him was burning again, but finally, after so long, he realized that he needed to take a breather every now and then. Add some water to the flames.
It was a delicate balance. And although he may be bad at showing his feelings, talking about them, or acknowledging them, you were there to make sure he didn't lose himself in the heat.
And maybe, just maybe, the flame was a little more subdued, and the burn a little less harsh.
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
Information on Alphas
Alphas are cursed creatures, and not just because of the demons that eats them away.
Invariably, all the Alphas get stabbed in the eyes by one of their parents, usually the mother, during their childhood. That’s how it is. We don’t know why. Maybe it’s because two Alphas of the same kind can’t exist at the same time in the same clan. The cohabitation between the genitors and their offspring causes a conflict between the demons of the two generations.
The more a young Alpha grows up, the stronger his demon gets, and the more it becomes a threat for the parents. The genitors end up turning against their progeny. Then, the child only has two choices : either he kills his own parents to survive, or he gets killed. An alpha truly awakens as a demonic entity only when he commits murder. That’s why Alphas are rare, unique, and cursed to the core.
An Alpha can keep a childlike appearance for centuries. He gets his adult form only when he risks death. Then, the demon has to use all its strength to defend itself, and such power can’t be contained in a child’s body.
At the beginning every Alpha has yellow eyes, just like Omegas. But once blinded, their eyes become red because of the blood that ran from their wounds. And that change marks the start of a complete demonic possession because from this moment on, the demon sees in the Alpha’s behalf. That’s why they all have red eyes.
There are only two ways of obtaining the rank of an Alpha : the first is to be descended from one, the other is to kill an actual Alpha and steal their powers.
The Alphas begin to mention the concept of “ Maturity “ when they get past 800
Alphas fight to the death. They revert to the animal form to gain speed. Fleeing before an enemy is the ultimate dishonor for them.
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sharlinefreire · 6 months
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future-crab · 9 months
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[I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance (2004) // Juarez - Gerard Way (2014)]
My big hope for 2024 is that we get our regular 10-year update on whether or not Gerard Way can swim
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