#kate wilder x reader
looktothetree · 1 year
You and Kate are fighting just like 98% of your time.
You: “How about you eat shit?” Kate: “How about you fall down the stairs?” You: “How about I shove this stick up your ass?” Kate: “Go on, I’m waiting.” Jamie: “How about you both kiss and shut the fuck up?”
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devilinlittlehope · 1 year
Some Kate x Y/N content as requested by @kaila19 and others🥰
I feel like there are two main ways this can go!
Here’s option #1: Y/N is a member of the Lonnit Entertainment crew and works with Kate. To allow for close proximity to Kate, it would be cute if Y/N is her makeup artist :)
That way, you could always help Kate get ready and you could subtly flirt with each other. I imagine situations like this:
- you’d suggest a lipstick color for Kate and when she tries it on, she loves it. “Someone’s been paying attention to my lips” she’d joke, playfully winking at you in the mirror. Maybe later, you’d kiss her and it would get all over you.
- you’d always make sure she looked perfect for a shoot and you would constantly compliment her, telling her how beautiful she was until she’d blush.
- if you and Erin were in the glass chambers and Du’Met made Jamie choose, she would go to save Erin. If Kate was out there with Jamie, she’d freak out and break the glass to make sure you were okay and you’d survive. I could imagine her doing anything to save you, and afterwards, you’d embrace and she’d kiss you and hold you until you stopped shaking. “I can’t believe I almost lost you,” she would say, and this would probably be the first time you said “I love you” to each other❤️❤️
Option #2: Y/N is the lead actor in a rival true crime documentary company so you’re in constant competition with Kate - this one would follow the enemies to lovers trope :)
- Your dynamic would be like Kate and Jamie’s dynamic but romantic. You’d start out teasing one another and getting on each other’s nerves and you’d be in competition, trying to get the better of each other. However, even in the height of your rivalry there would be a ton of sexual tension. Kate’s attractiveness and your confusing feelings for her make you hate her more and simultaneously make you super into her and you don’t know what to do with those feelings.
- However, if both of your teams went to Du’Met’s hotel, what if you had to share a room with each other? And the room only had one bed😉 one of you might start out on the bed and the other on a couch or floor, but when things started getting scary I could imagine the two of you putting your differences aside and cuddling with each other and wanting to be close to one another for survival!
- When all the traps begin and the walls start to move, Y/N and Kate would be stuck together and have to work together to survive. You would keep saving each other’s lives and become closer and closer. You’d open up to each other and admit the competition started out of jealousy and something deeper- you’ve both been extremely attracted to one another and had a secret crush on each other and can finally act on it!
- I could even imagine Y/N and Kate in the glass wall situation (Y/N replacing Jamie) imagine Kate has the screwdriver and pushes the wall towards herself in order to save you🥹 in this instance, your true feelings would be exposed and you would realize how much she cares about you! You’d reunite after that and compliment Kate for being so brave. When you hug, it soon turns into an embrace, and then you’re making out. When Kate breaks the kiss, she would look into your eyes and confess her feelings: “When I thought I’d lose you, I totally freaked out. All this time, you have to realize that I never hated you. I had a major crush on you and when I thought I would never see you again I realize my feelings for you go even deeper than that…I think I might be in love with you.” This is one of the many things Kate might say when you make it out of alive and start a life together🥰
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wandabear · 11 months
Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months. Based on Yellowjackets
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
THIS CHAPTER HAS SERIOUS WARNINGS: +18 Angst, death, violence, blood, mentions of abuse and allusion to anthropophagy -cannibalism- if you squint; minors dni. Please, as I said before, this is going to be harder on this chapter. And I'm responsible for letting you know that, but if you don't like it, you can choose not to read it. Or skip the 'BEFORE' and go to the 'NOW'. ㅤㅤ
Author's Notes: I must clarify again, all of them are 18 years old or more. Many characters -not the main ones- will not survive, and some will act in a way that is not okay. That doesn't mean I hate them or I don't like them. I just need the story to make sense.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER SEVEN
That night marked the beginning of one of the worst moments of their lives. The horror got worse when they came back to the cabin, found the worst scene they could have imagined.
Many of the girls were on a completely psychedelic and dangerous trip due to the intake of alcohol and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Others didn't seem to have survived the overdose. ㅤㅤ
Natasha ran over to Yelena when she saw her throwing up in the bushes, Kate standing next to her, completely pale. The blonde didn’t stop crying and vomiting, kneeling next to the body of her girlfriend, her best friend, her soulmate. She was gone. ㅤㅤ
The night that should have been special, turned into a nightmare that many couldn't easily overcome.
“How did you know where to find us?” Y/N asked Jules, trying to be strong when Wanda cleaned her face so she wouldn't have infections. Y/N had a severe cut over her swollen eyebrow, cheekbone, and lip. Two huge bruises in the rib area.
Those who were feeling better were trying to get over the nasty hangover. While those who didn’t seem to be very well, were in the kitchen.
“It was the deer woman.” Jules murmured almost imperceptibly, covering herself with a blanket. She felt awful chills, trying not to pass out from hunger and dehydration.  “She told me to.”
They all looked at each other not knowing what to say. Half of them were high, so they weren't going to judge her, but Y/N, Wanda and Natasha seemed pretty worried.
Yelena frowned. “The fuck are you talking about?”
Jules kept her blank gaze. “She said that she hates mischievous evil man… and and- I did it-”
“What does that mean?” Nat asked this time, it was strange that Jules was the only one who managed to hear that ‘voice’.
“I DON’T KNOW, I WAS DRUGGED!” Jules finally snapped and then began to cry. It felt horrible, and they all seemed to want to know the reason for everything. Except for Wanda, who seemed grateful.
“Guys, you're asking too many questions and some of them can't even put two words together.” Wanda tried to bring peace. “She just saved us.”
“She just… YOU WERE HIGH WITH FUCKING MUSHROOMS!” Hope moved closer to Jules, not in a very nice way.  “You killed someone because you were high! You killed our coach! The only adult who could guide us in this madness!”
“Hey, don't talk to her like that!” Natasha stood up and pointed at the girl, making her step back.  “You were too while you were drooling the ground like a fucking worm.”
“I killed him because he was going to do something to Wanda!” Jules sniffed, a little surprised that Nat stood up for her.
“Well, we don't know now how it was because the Coach is dead!” Sharon huffed, but those words earned everyone's attention. ㅤㅤ
“Excuse me? Are you saying that I'm lying?” Wanda frowned, leaving that towel aside. Y/N was about to get up and hit Sharon, but didn’t because Wanda placed a hand on her shoulder.  
“The fuck is wrong with you?!” Y/N screamed anyway, feeling a shooting pain due to the swelling.
“All I'm saying is we should listen to both sides...and one is dead. Chopped. TWICE.” Sharon shook her head, perhaps a bit sorry for her words or perhaps she still believed in that.
“I was there, he wanted to…” Wanda swallowed hard. “h-he wanted to do things against my will... And if you don't believe me, just look at Y/N's face.”
Y/N sighed deeply, trying to calm down. She was furious, especially with herself. Feeling so guilty and angry, how did she let him touch Wanda? How had she been so useless? She couldn't protect her.
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Things didn't seem to improve between them, much less in survival. According to Jennifer, they have been there for three months now, and now winter has arrived.  It could be seen in their faces, their bodies, and their spirits.
Their lips dry and cut due to the cold, they were kept warm thanks to the fire that was lit all day. And sometimes even the blankets weren't helpful.
The worst came when some of them began to have flu symptoms, they were treated in the attic but without any kind of help, the condition progressed to pneumonia and died.
The loss of those girls created a massive rift in them. The ones who believed that what happened to Jules had some kind of epiphany, and who just believed that it had been pure coincidence.
Strangely, those who first criticized her later began to treat her differently.
Wanda sighed deeply and looked at the water in the bucket. Her pale hands turned red as she began to scrub the clothes. She didn't know why she did that, maybe because she didn't want to freeze to death in a corner. It was just water, they didn't even have soap anymore.
“Are you okay?” Y/N knew it was the stupidest question she could ask, but did it anyway. Wanda was far from being okay, like all the other girls.
Y/N was coming back from the day's hunt, which wasn't a hunt but more like wandering through the cold woods and looking for something to eat.
Her face was still hurt, although the swelling gradually disappeared, those wounds were beginning to heal slowly too., those wounds were beginning to heal slowly too., those wounds were beginning to heal slowly too.
She took Wanda's hands, completely reddish from the cold, and caressed them to keep them warm.
Y/N knew that Wanda was having a difficult few days after Ward attacked her. Although the brunette tried to hide it, Y/N knew that the sadness inside was increasing. Nobody deserved to go through that.
“Yeah, I'm just doing some laundry for myself.” Wanda only kept her gaze lowered, hadn't been feeling well for days.  “I don't like keep on wearing the same clothes, even if it's stupid and doesn't make sense.”
 “Makes all the sense in the world, okay?” Y/N smiled tenderly and caressed her cheek, making Wanda look up. But even though those expressive green eyes could show all the love she felt inside, Y/N could also see the sadness and fear.
ㅤㅤ “I’m scared, detka.” Wanda said in a shaky voice, about to cry. Although she tried to be positive, everything seemed to get worse.  “I don't want to die.”
“I won't let anything happen to you.” Y/N said worriedly, cradling Wanda's face in her hands.
“I want to do so many things, you know? I want to go out with you on a nice date, I want to visit New York too.” The sokovian finally cried. “I want to tell everyone that I love you…”
“Wands…” she whispered; Y/N's vision was clouded by tears.
“I want us to go to dinner with my parents, because I know they will adore you. And- and I want to live, I don’t want to die here.” Wanda finally burst into tears, hugging her girlfriend tightly.
Y/N just closed her eyes, allowing the brunette to cry for a while. ㅤㅤ
However, when she looked up to look out the window, Y/N could only see something beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It was snowing, and that could only mean the worst.
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Tired of listening to how some of them argued with each other, the redhead decided to go out for a moment even though it was cold. Nat left the cabin and noticed how Jules was wrapped in a blanket, watching the trees.  “Hey… It's cold here.”
But Jules didn't even answer.
“It’s snowing…” Nat continued even though the dark-haired girl still ignored her. Snowflakes fell again and again, sealing their fates.  “It used to be something beautiful.”
“I just want to be alone.” Jules murmured, settling in between the covers.
“It's understandable when you've got fifteen girls in there talking for three months.” Nat smirked. She was trying to be nice to Jules, for the first time.
Natasha just sat next to her, but far from making the brunette's heart race as so many times before, Jules just kept her gaze on the trees. Lost. ㅤㅤ
“Half of them think I'm special or something, and it just freaks me out. I'm sick of it.” Jules swallowed, she hadn't been the same since the Doomcoming.  “Half of them thinks I'm crazy… Maybe I am, I don't know what to think anymore.”
Natasha turned to see her, a warm look this time. “You saved the girls, that's what matters.”
“I can't think about it, only the blood on my hands.” The lump in her throat made it difficult for her to speak.  “And every time I get colder and hungrier. We are.”
She turned to see Nat, both of them sharing a moment and a necessary connection.
For the first time, Natasha felt like wrapping her arms around Jules and not letting her go. Maybe because she felt that Jules wasn't looking at her the way she used to, and that affected her.
But the cabin door opened and a blonde came out of the house, walking towards them. Carol was holding a book, quite dusty.
“Jules, come here. You must see this.” The blonde took Jules's hand and pulled her; Carol seemed more excited than the girl. They all entered the cabin again. ㅤㅤ
“Easy, Danvers. What are you talking about?” Natasha frowned, noting that Jules didn't seem to want to but she did it anyway.
“We found this book behind some old wood in the attic, under where we found the symbol, remember? The rare symbol under the guy's corpse.” Carol exclaimed excitedly.  “You are the link with what surrounds us, with the wilderness. That horned or deer woman whatever, it’s… it’s the wilderness.”
They all seemed quite confused, especially Y/N who was coming out of the kitchen with Wanda.
“I’m not-” Jules said, her lips twitching uncomfortably. “I was just hallucinating.”
“We found this in the stuff of the guy who lived here.” Helen Cho picked up the book and brought it closer so they could read it.  Jennifer looked at it a bit skeptically.
‘Deer Woman and the Myth…’ Jennifer couldn't finish reading what it said, the book was destroyed by mold.   ㅤㅤ “It says here that the deer woman hunts men who have hurt women or children. She punishes them. See?” Helen and Carol looked excited. “It's what happened to you!”
“That's not what happened.” Jules frowned, already more tired of all this. She's sick of everyone expecting something different than what it really was. “I killed Ward, I was high, that fucker was abusing one of my friends, that’s it.”
“Yes, but-”
“You both are taking this too far! This is just a stupid book full of myths and legends.” Natasha finally intervened between them.
“Well, I do wanna know what it says there.” Sharon stepped forward, crossing her arms, ready to face them.
“A lot of stuff in French but-” Helen muttered, opening the book and pointing to several old yellow pages. “It looks like the guy wrote some things at the bottom of the book.”
“…‘she… it wants blood’.” She tried to translate the French, narrowing her eyes.  “Spill blood and you will get what you want. Something like that.”
“That’s creepy.” Yelena frowned, walking away from that book. ㅤㅤ
Pietro came over to take the book and look at it, those girls were definitely starting to lose their minds. “I knew that guy was up to no good. Burn this now if you don't want to go crazy.”
“But if you think about it, he's right. The guy.” Carol tried to convince them, or perhaps convince herself to believe in something before giving up and die there.
“What are you talking about?” Y/N finally snapped. “He killed himself!”
ㅤㅤ Wanda stayed by her side, watching everything.
“No, but... Every time someone dies, the wilderness rewards us with something.” Helen seemed so excited about it, she looked crazier than usual and that was already a lot. She used to be quite a quiet girl. “When Ward and the girls died, that boar came to us and let you kill it, remember? We ate for days… When Monica died of pneumonia a month ago, that flock of birds crashed into our cabin.”
The mention of Monica made Pietro clench his fists, but he said nothing. Just let the others take over.
“That was pure coincidence!” Y/N chuckled wryly, couldn't believe what she was hearing. “We were lucky! That’s it!”
“You don’t know that!” Sharon snapped. “Maybe we should give that thing more deaths to feed us.”
“What the fuck, Sharon?!” Natasha's eyes widened. She went too far.
“Have you gone completely crazy?” Y/N yelled, several seemed quite surprised or pissed by the blonde's words, others not so much.
“I'm starving, and don't act like everyone doesn't think the same!” The blonde reached out to take the book from her friend's hands and pointed at them.  “We are weak, we barely manage to wake up in the morning and get more wood!”
“Yelena can't even catch a fucking fish, you're closer to catching a cold-” Hope added.
“сука! The lake is fucking frozen!” Yelena yelled angrily, also insulting her in Russian.
“It's winter, the lake froze over and we haven't eaten anything but bug or belt soup for a fucking week.  A FUCKING LEATHER BELT.” Sharon got fed up and took off, going up to the attic. Many girls followed after them, clearly choosing a side.
Y/N and the girls looked at each other, knowing that this would bring nothing but madness.
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Y/N sighed deeply, feeling how the cold froze every part of her skin. They were lucky to have a few furs and clothes to survive outside for at least a  few hours. Their noses and sensitive parts of their faces were red and bruised from the cold. Nat walked beside her, trying to brush away the snow as they walked through the trees.
“They're acting strange.” Y/N whispered, Natasha loaded the rifle ready to shoot whatever they saw.
“I know. What Sharon said yesterday... they're losing their minds.” The redhead wrinkled her nose and pointed towards one of the trees, thinking that maybe it was a bird but then she noticed that it was just leafs. “Fuck! We all are. I thought that was a damn bird.”
“I don't know what's wrong with them but if Sharon looks at me like that again, I'm going to throw her off a cliff.” Y/N growled, climbing a huge rock to observe some movement around them, but only saw snow and trees.
“We’re hungry. We need to eat protein, and it's already started to snow. Yelena can't fish anymore, and we can't find anything.”
Y/N looked worried. Natasha was always their leader, ever since she joined the team. If she didn't know what to do, then they were lost. “What are we going to do?”
 “I don’t know.” Nat looked at her sadly, there were only a few more hours to walk before the sunlight went out.
Hours later, both returned to the cabin completely exhausted and discouraged. They had found nothing, not even a wretched worm to catch.
They all looked at them hopefully, like every afternoon, but they did not bring empty hands.
“You’re okay?” Wanda asked quickly, reaching out to help them remove their clothes and move them closer to the fire. They could take a hot bath in the tub with water that they heated on the firewood, but sometimes it was better to only do it in extreme cases.
But Sharon intervened, arms folded, growing weary. “AND? Did you get anything?”
Neither said anything, they simply kept their gazes on the flames that flared as much as Sharon's anger. Y/N shook her head.
“I see you guys come back empty-handed like the losers you are, and I thought you couldn't be more useless.” The blonde spat, moving from one side to another like a caged animal. Now it wasn't just Sharon, but some of the girls. “You two are death itself.”
“Do you want to say it to my face? Huh?” Y/N finally snapped, rushing towards her but Nat stopped her. “I’ll fucking kill you! I'm done with you!”
“Do it, PLEASE, at least we would have something to eat!”
The screams drew everyone's attention, who came into the room worried. Natasha kept trying to stop Y/N, but Sharon made it pretty difficult by saying that stupid thing. “Don’t say that! What the hell is going on with you?”
“We already tried your options, and it got us nowhere. You two go hunting every day and come back empty-handed.” Some girls nodded.
“It's hard when there's nothing but damn snow!” Y/N huffed. “The river is frozen-”
“We have nothing else to eat but the bones of the birds that crashed into the cabin, and I'm sick of dead bird soup!” Sharon spat out the poison, turning to look at the others. “This is fair… Who thinks we should try our option now?”
“Sharon, I understand that you always wanted to be the center of attention, but shut up already.”   
“We have already tried, letting you go hunting and they have not brought anything.” This time it was Carol who said that, surprising her friends especially Y/N and Jules. “Maybe it's time to try something new.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes.  “What do you mean, Carol? You can't be serious.”
“Someone has to die.” Helen held up the book, pointing to the pages.
Wanda just opened her eyes wide, unable to believe what she was saying. She just shook her head, taking Y/N's arm to calm her down.
“You’re insane.” Jules laughed wryly.
“You can't do this, it's madness.” Natasha giggled sarcastically, she really couldn't believe the stupidity and ignorance she was hearing.  “It's an old book by a fucking suicidal guy! doesn't it tell you something?!”
“Sorry? Have we gone back to the time where we had to sacrifice people?” Wanda said annoyed and disgusted just thinking about it. “Have we gone that far?”
“Well, you tell me, four-eyes. We are heating water in pots and living by candlelight.” Sharon hissed.
“I TOLD YOU DON'T CALL HER THAT!” Y/N pushed her, Sharon responded in the same way until they were all separated again. Pietro seemed to hold back, keeping to a corner. If Y/N hit her, he would be very proud.
“Everyone, choose NOW.” Sharon pointed at everyone.  “I'm sick of useless leaders. We are less and less, and the most coherent way is for one of us to sacrifice herself for the others, going away.”
Jennifer put a hand to her face, trying not to hit her for the nonsense she was saying. Y/N, Wanda and the others were the same. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Helen nodded. “When wolves know that they are going to die, they know they are a burden to the pack. They just go away to die alone.”
“We're not a pack of wolves.” Nat added, rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her waist.
“This is the way we'll do it.”
“Sharon… you’re going insane.” Y/N moved closer until she was in front of the blonde, but Sharon just looked at her with enormous anger and envy.
“YOU ALL. Vote right now, who wants to keep eating bug soup or do something about it.”
First, they were all quite doubtful whether to do it or not. They didn't want to cause more trouble, but at the insistence of both, they began to raise their hands.
Those who wanted to keep following Y/N and Natasha, or who wanted to try Sharon and Helen's way. They were seven against eight.
Oh no.
Y/N frowned, seeing how some of them looked at her with pity but they had already decided, betraying them. The last one to give the final vote to them was Carol.
“Good.” Sharon smiled.  “We'll make it easy. Pass me the deck.”  
The blonde took the deck of cards that Hope gave her and showed them one of the cards. The Queen of Hearts. “We will take a card, and the one that draws the Queen of hearts... is the one who must go and face the wilderness.”
Natasha chuckled wryly, shaking her head. Really hurt by how crazy they were getting. “Oh, you guys had everything planned out perfectly while we were away, didn't you?”
“I understand that being hungry can make you all impulsive and reduce your fucking ability to make decisions in the long run, but this is wrong.” Y/N added.
She took Wanda's hand to get away from that group and go up to the attic, feeling enormous pain for their betrayal. “So fucking wrong.”
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Gathered in the attic and illuminated by a gas lamp, Y/N looked at the door before approaching her friends. There were Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Jules, Pietro and Jennifer.
“This is crazy.” Y/N whispered, watching them with concern. “We must stop them.”
Natasha sighed. “What do you suggest to do?”
“This is my fault, they're crazy because of what I said when I was on mushies. I'm sorry.” Jules mumbled, her gaze completely lost.
“This is not your fault. Hunger is having a serious effect on them, it’s affecting them psychologically." Wanda leaned over to take the girl's hand, squeezing it softly. Thanks to Jules she was alive, she didn't care if was dancing naked to some weird god while she was high, Jules saved them.
“They're planning to kill us one by one.” Jennifer glanced at the attic door out of the corner of her eye, a little worried. “They were our friends.”
“Not mine, tho. They hated me a little.” Wanda scrunched her nose.
“Maybe they're just bluffing.” Y/N just closed her eyes, completely stressed and in pain.
“I don’t know…” Natasha narrowed her eyes. “Remove the bullets from the rifle… None of them are to be trusted now.”
That small group looked at each other and nodded.
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The world is a vampire, sent to drain.
Gathered in a circle, they all looked at each other in front of the cabin. That place where long ago they had celebrated together, laughed and danced.
The cold began to burn their skin while Helen brought the book, the others carried the skull of the deer they hunted that first time. Like a divine message, inside the cabin, the fireplace burned fiercer than ever.
Y/N and Natasha looked at each other worriedly. This was insane.
“We need to find a way to stay alive.” Helen said and lit one of the candles on the skull. Carol brought that deck of cards to which they whispered: ‘We hear The Wilderness and it hears us.’
“This is fucked up.” Y/N whispered, but no one paid attention.
Wanda settled next to her, holding her hand tightly and Pietro's on the other side.
Carol held up the queen of hearts card for everyone to see, then arranged it in the deck, shuffling it well so it would get lost among the others.
Now everything depends on luck or wilderness.
Carol pulled out her card, followed by Sharon and Helen, who pulled out others. Neither was the queen and that made them sigh. The blonde approached Natasha, who just snorted.
“Do it or it will be you.” Sharon ruled, approaching with a menacing look. Swallowing, the redhead looked at her with a deathly glare and took a card. It took her a few seconds to show it.
Eigh of spades.
Next was Jules, who with trembling hands took the card and looked at it before showing it.
Five of diamonds.
The brunette sighed and Carol approached each of them, who were taking a card until she reached Y/N. Keeping her gaze up, Y/N walked over to take a card.
Before looking at it, she clenched her jaw and lifted it up.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Ace of Clubs.
The girl just swallowed and handed the card back to Carol, staring at her. The blonde seemed so guilty, couldn’t even keep her gaze on her friend.
The sokovian smiled and exhaled leaving that fear, feeling an enormous release when she saw that Y/N was safe.
The next one was Wanda, who moved a little nervously but Y/N smiled slightly at her, trying to make the girl feel safe.
Before everyone's gaze, who looked like enormous birds of prey, Wanda inhaled deeply and took the card from the deck, closing her eyes and praying she wasn't next. When she turned the card over, Wanda knew that the die was cast.
Queen of Hearts.
Y/N's body tensed upon seeing the card, when it fell to the ground because Wanda's hands began to shake.
Half of them gasped while others looked at her like she was dinner.
“This is the way we all made the deal.” Sharon closed the book and walked over with the hunting knife, handing it to Carol.  “You can submit or you can run.”
“The fuck?!” Natasha stepped forward, as did her friends, shielding her. Pietro stepped in front of his sister, about to go at whoever it was. But even though they tried, the other girls surrounded them.
Especially when Sharon raised the rifle, pointing it at Pietro’s chest. “It’s what we all agreed on. Stay away or I will shoot.”
“That rifle has no bullets.” Y/N scoffed.
“There's one on the rifle, one on my pocket… that I took before you guys went hunting yesterday.” Sharon smiled all smug and then loaded the gun, making the cartridge jump, proving her right. “I won't ask again. MOVE.”
They all tensed, but Wanda moved forward leaving them behind. Her huge green eyes showed the fear she felt, as well as the tears.
“We're not really doing this, are we?” Y/N giggled and took a step towards Wanda but one of them stopped her.  “Come on, it was just a joke. You can't do this shit.”
But none of them listened, the only one who seemed concerned was Carol. Pietro managed to punch one of them and moved forward but another hit his stomach, crumpling him.
“It’s Wanda, she saved and healed your wounds.” Y/N tried again, watching as her girlfriend closed eyes and let the tears fall.  “You all actually lost your minds!”
They all started screaming as Sharon advanced with the knife on Wanda.  “Things must be done as the wilderness commands.”
“Don't you dare touch her.” Pietro hissed, trying to get free but three of them held him now.
“Don’t do this… This doesn't make any sense.” Jules prayed that they would open their eyes, leave the madness behind.
“Turn around.” But when Sharon raised the knife, Y/N exclaimed in despair:
“I volunteer!” Y/N took a step forward, not knowing what that meant or what was going to happen, but she would do anything to save Wanda’s life. “Let it be me!”
“You can’t do that.”  Wanda shook her head quickly. Now the fear was much worse.
“Yes, she can.” Sharon cut her off, then pulled out the hunting knife and gave it to Carol.  “If wilderness accepts it, it is.”
Y/N took a step forward, taking courage, for the first time in her life. Her friends tried to stop it but Sharon pointed at them again.
“Turn around.” Carol ordered, swallowing hard. Y/N just swallowed and turned around slowly and awkwardly, feeling how her muscles hardened. She didn’t know if it was because of fear or cold.
Y/N looked at her friends for the last time, who only seemed to cry and scream. The coldness of her knife blade made her jump.
Y/N gasped. “Wait!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Bravely, she took Carol's hand and turned to face her once more. Her hands and legs trembled like jelly.
“Not like that.” Y/N turned to face Carol, feeling how tears fell down her face. Like her, Carol allowed herself to shed tears as well. “You're gonna have to look me in the eye… if you're going to slit my throat, do it by looking me in the eye.”
For the first time, Carol hesitated. She pressed her lips together, trying not to cry but it was impossible.
“Don’t do this to me, Y/N.” Carol whimpered, feeling her hand shake. The edge of the knife began to scrape Y/N's skin, but the seconds passed and she couldn't. “I can’t.”
The blonde’s voice cracked. “You’re my friend.”
The Y/N team sighed in relief.
“You've always been good at kicking but never at using your head.” Y/N murmured whimpering too, remembering the times both participated in the best plays together.
The blonde came closer to whisper something in her ear, without removing the knife from Y/N’s neck. But with her free hand, Carol hugged her.
“Y/N?” Carol whispered with a shaky voice. “The rifle only has one bullet on the barrell. Just one.”
“What?” Y/N whispered too, widening her eyes in fear.
“Run.” Without further ado, Carol pushed her away towards the door and lunged at Helen to punch her, allowing Y/N to escape.
“You fucking traitor!” Sharon screamed and shot Carol in the chest, taking her life instantly. At the horrified scream of the other girls, the blonde ran after Y/N leaving the rifle but taking the axe.
Nat and Jules rushed over to Carol to try to help her and stop the blood but it was impossible. The lost look and pale face of the girl only showed that she died. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Stay here and keep them here.”  Pietro told his sister before going out the door.
“Pietro, please.” Between tears, Wanda prayed that her brother and Y/N were okay.
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“Are you running? Is that your choice?!” Sharon ran after Y/N between trees. Screaming and howling like wild animals, she and Helen ran across the Canadian arctic tundra.
While running on the cold snow, Y/N looked back when she heard a horrible human howl.
They were crazy, they had lost their minds. They shot Carol. She stopped behind the huge tree, trying to lose them.
Y/N closed her eyes when she heard the footsteps of those girls, following her way.
Y/N tried to hold back crying, just clenched her jaw and closed her eyes. She was so afraid, like never before.
Y/N didn't want to die, she didn't want to leave this world, she wanted to have a girlfriend, be a better person, choose a good career at any college that would accept her. It wasn't fair to end her life like this.
It wasn’t fair.
Her heart was pounding so hard, she thought her eardrums would burst soon.
Y/N’s eyes widened when she heard their howls approaching again, so the girl ran back in the opposite direction. She knew this place, traveled it thousands of times more than them. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Use your head, Y/N.” She told herself before taking one of the paths towards the lake. Behind the lake was the place she found long ago, where she and Wanda used to hang out. That place would be good to hide, yes.
Y/N ran across the frozen white lake, despite the stumbles and pain. Despite the cold she felt, she ran with all her might.
Especially when she heard how they were running after her in the lake. But after a few minutes, the terrifying sound of crack made her stop short, fear paralyzed her.
ㅤㅤㅤ Slowly, the ice around her began to crack but if she didn't move, everything would be fine.
Of course, the others didn't seem to have noticed, so when Helen and Sharon ran towards her desperately, Y/N turned to see them taking a step back.
“You’ll die.” Sharon raised the axe.
“We all will eventually.” Y/N swallowed and waited for the end. She stomped on the ice below them and it shattered completely, causing them to fall into the frozen water.
The frozen water threatened to freeze her lungs.
Y/N swam into the water and tried to rise to the surface, but something grabbed her leg, pulling and sinking her.
Sharon insisted on haunting her life, even to take Y/N with her. ㅤㅤㅤ
They struggled underwater until slowly their hands lost the strength to continue. Y/N saw with sadness how the light was lost in Sharon's gaze, she was gone.
Sharon's frozen hands were still clinging to her jacket, pulling it down.
And soon she would be gone too.  Feeling how the last breath and air escaped from her lips, Y/N closed her eyes.
But at the last moment, like a miracle, a hand grabbed her arm and pushed to the surface. Not just her, but Sharon as well.
Pietro helped Y/N out of that hole, both desperate for as much air as their lungs would allow, even though it hurt like thousands of daggers.
“Th-thank you.” Y/N stammered shivering with cold. She took Sharon's arm and they both pulled that body out of the water. “Why risk your life for two corpses?”
“B-because you deserve to live, you m-make my sister happy like I've never seen her… and as I told you before, you're a good l-leader.” Pietro was shaking too, getting up slowly and helping Y/N to do the same. "And her? We d- we don't want them to think we killed her, you both fell into the r-river. We'll b-bury her like the rest.”
When they both arrived at the cabin with Sharon's cold body, they all seemed quite surprised and sad at the same time.
Sharon's madness had brought everyone to a point of no return, especially for Y/N and Carol.
Completely frozen, the first to take the hot bath was Y/N, who wouldn't stop shaking. Pietro spent a long time in front of the fireplace, until the bath was ready. Of course, that decision would cost him dearly.
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Her gaze was so lost in the flames of the fireplace; how had everything become so terrifying?
Y/N felt like something inside of her completely snapped. Deeply broken. Perhaps being about to die slit by one of her friends, or seeing that friend die in front of her, plus they hadn't eaten well for three months.
It was all so painful that she allowed herself to shed a few more tears.
Natasha's soft voice caught her attention, but Y/N couldn't take her eyes off the fire.
Asking if everything was alright seemed fucked up, so the redhead decided to go for the best she could: “Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?”
Y/N finally looked at her with a look full of sadness but also kindness.  “Where’s Wanda?”
“She's with Pietro in the attic, taking care of him. I think he has a slight fever. Jules is helping too.” Natasha sighed and sat down next to her best friend.
Y/N looked down, feeling quite guilty. Pietro risked her life for her and now he was fighting to stay alive. With all her heart, she hoped Wanda didn't hate her.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Nat said with a lump in her throat, her green eyes brimming with tears.
Y/N just nodded slowly and sighed deeply, she must be strong. For all the girls who were left.
“We can't bury them, the ground is frozen and the snow...” Y/N whispered, she couldn't go on.
ㅤㅤㅤ Natasha nodded, surprised.  “We have to burn them.”
With Jenn and Yelena’s help, they took Carol and Sharon's body to the pyre they had made with some logs and branches. While the sun was hiding on the horizon, the fire began to lick the branches and the bodies of those girls hungrily.
The rattling of the fire was all that could be heard.
With sadness and a few tears, they watched from the window as the fire burned the bodies of those who were once their friends. ㅤㅤㅤ
But after a while, as a horrible dark monster deep inside them woke up, the smell reached them and tortured them. A monster awakening in the need for survival, awakening thousands of thoughts and feelings that made them conflict.
Y/N swallowed as fire lit their eyes. All of them, sharing the same moral battle.
“Y/N?” For the first time, Natasha sounded completely fragile. Y/N turned to see her, noticing the sadness and disappointment in her green eyes. Self control.
Her full lips trembled.
“I’m so hungry... it's hurting me.” Natasha wept, so ashamed of herself, feeling her eyes fill with tears. “I don't want to do this, but I feel like something is in me... something so bad… so hungry.”
Y/N remembered Wanda's words, completely heartbroken. “I'm scared. I don’t wanna die here. I wanna live.”
And those words marked her like hot steel on her skin.
“We need to survive.”
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The hours went by and Wanda didn’t abandon her brother.
The cold and the heat, the tremors in Pietro's body. The tears that she was tired of shedding. Jules decided to go down for a moment to discuss the situation with the girls, Pietro seemed to be fighting a high fever and cough.
ㅤㅤㅤ If he didn't make a recovery, he could progress to complicated pneumonia and that wasn't a good prognosis.
ㅤㅤㅤ The sokovian sighed, watching how Pietro managed to calm down for a moment, grateful that someone was going up to the attic.
She turned quickly when she heard the voice of Y/N, who sat next to her. In her hands, Y/N brought a steaming bowl which made Wanda's hopes revive.
“Hey, babe.” Y/N smiled slightly, with a certain sorrow.  “I brought something for both of you. My favorite sokovian team.”
Wanda just looked at her with teary eyes and nodded, glad to see her there. “Thank you, detka.”
The brunette kissed her cheek carefully and took the bowl to bring it closer to her brother, so she could feed him.
“What is it?” Wanda frowned, curious.
“It will keep him alive.” Y/N replied without elaborating, hoping she would understand that the idea was to survive.
Wanda looked at her for a moment, not knowing what to say. Words were unnecessary at that moment. She just took the bowl and nodded, moving closer to Pietro who was burning with fever.
If they wanted to survive, they had to try.
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Y/N returned to the living room, noticing that Nat and Wanda kept chatting pleasantly. She smiled, thinking about how beautiful the brunette looked today And when their eyes met, this time in a very different way, Wanda smiled.
“So…” Jules walked past her, snapping her out of her daydreaming.  “You both suggested we meet, and I must say that a delicious spaghetti is cooking in the kitchen so…” Jules sat next to her wife. “We have a while to chat.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised these two are not killing each other.” Nat arched an eyebrow. Wanda and Y/N looked at each other for a moment and said nothing, sitting down on the sofa. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yep, well… ” Wanda started, sitting next to Y/N. “We have something to tell you.”
“WANDA has something to tell you.” Y/N quickly corrected it.
“Coward.” The sokovian whispered, shaking her head. She took a deep breath to take courage and finally express that great secret.
“We found out the person who is blackmailing us.” She pursed her lips, Y/N just nodded watching her friends widen their eyes in surprise.
“That's great, let's go find this asshole right now.” Natasha got up from the sofa, ready to go but then she stopped when she saw how her friends shook their heads.
“Yeah… We already found him.” Y/N narrowed her eyes.
“What do you mean?” Jules frowned.
“The blackmailer was Vision.” Wanda finally let go, and closed her eyes when her friends yelled 'WHAT' at the same time, again.
Wanda took the time to explain everything that happened with Vision, and why he did it. Of course, that didn't seem to matter much to Natasha, who seemed completely furious.
Especially after knowing that he was to blame for beating her pregnant wife.
“Then everything is fine, besides that he will return the money to Y/N…” Jules placed a hand on her chest, feeling her soul return. “What happened is still safe with us.”
“Does Vision know what we did?” Natasha frowned as she leaned over to pick up a can of soda. Ever since Y/N came back, no one drank alcohol around her. Not because she wanted to, but to respect her.
“He knows nothing, nor will he say anything. I swear.” Wanda sighed. Y/N placed a hand on Wanda's back, as a sign of support. But that made their friends look at them curiously.
“What we did…”  Jules began somewhat thoughtfully. “It's not easy, for none of it was.”
“Leaving that weight behind takes a lot of pain and time and we have all paid for it.” Y/N nodded. “We tried to survive, and the others as well.”
“They lost their minds, and how not to? We spent a year and a half in the forest.” Natasha said with some regret, looking down. There were no days where she didn’t remember her friends, her team. “And we did it too.”
“Was there really something there? Playing with us?” Y/N hesitated to ask but did, she needed to know.
“We will never know, but that horror must be left behind.” Nat sighed heavily.
“I'm really sorry for everything that happened to us. Every night I pray to whoever, that they are okay. None of them deserved that.” Wanda said and they all remained silent for a moment, remembering her brother. ㅤㅤㅤ
After a moment of silence, listening to some soft music, Jules cleared her throat.
“Changing the topic…” The black-haired girl bit her lower lip and looked at Natasha, who smiled tenderly.  “We want to tell you something.”
She looked at Nat who squeezed her hand and nodded, giving the okay to finally let go. One of the most important moments of their lives.
“We’re pregnant.” Jules let out an excited squeal. “We are going to be moms!”
Wanda and Y/N opened their eyes wide, as big as their smiles. Finally some joy came into their lives, after so much pain.
“OH MY GOD!” Wanda squealed. “That’s amazing!”
“Dude, we’re having a baby!” Y/N screamed too; they both tried to fake surprise. But Natasha was a really good detective, and Jules was too empathetic.
“Yeah, you told her already, don't you?” Nat narrowed her eyes and threw a cushion at Y/N. “You dumbass!”
“You had to open your big mouth!” Jules did the same, attacking Y/N with pillows, laughing.
“SORRY, I WAS SO  HAPPY. I COULDN'T CONTAIN MYSELF!” Y/N exclaimed between laughs, trying to cover herself with the pillows.
“Sorry, detka, I don't know how to lie.” Wanda scrunched her nose and laughed. “I couldn't help it.”
“You're very lucky I love you.” Y/N winked at her, playfully. But her friends soon noticed, they stopped short, still holding the cushions in their hands.
“Wait, you… you two are-?” Jules narrowed her eyes and smiled happily, pointing at them. “You bitches. You finally did it.”
“No, really? they don't stop ogling each other, have you noticed it NOW?” Nat continued with the joke and they all laughed.
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After a delicious dinner, some smiles and knowing glances, Y/N was with her sister in the kitchen, washing the dishes while Wanda and Natasha chatted in the living room about being a mom.
Jules passed one of the dishes and Y/N dried them. Although Nat offered to buy her a washing machine so many times, Jules always said that washing the dishes relaxed her.
“I'm so glad you're okay, you both trying to do this right.” Jules smirked, glancing sideways at Y/N. “You look much happier and healthier, I am very happy to see you like this. You deserve it.”
Y/N smiled and nodded. “I feel... so much better than before.”
She stopped for a moment, thinking well about the words she would use.
“Every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep, I stop feeling that deep dark hole inside of me. I'm beginning-... I'm beginning to think that maybe something good could happen to me.” Y/N's voice showed how hopeful she felt. Jules turned quickly to see her, her eyes showed how moved and proud she was.
“I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Mom would be too.”
“You think so?”
“I do.” Jules nodded and looked down to turn off the faucet and hand her the last plate.  “You deserve to be happy, so does she, you have no idea what Wanda was like before you came. I don't know what you two have been doing all this time, but I have to tell you, she looks... happy. Glowing.”
Y/N smiled and nodded, wiping down the plate. “You know, I was thinking about what you said today? About what we did.”  she swallowed. “I let all of that get to me, and what we went through later with Mama Claire... I left you alone and I'm so sorry.”
“We can't fix much of what we did, but we can do better. Every time we can.” Slowly, Jules reached out to hug and rest her head on Y/N’s shoulder. After a moment, she dared to speak, somewhat embarrassed. “I'm so afraid.”
“Afraid of what?” Y/N looked down, noticing Jules's blank look.
“Sometimes I feel like this little baby deserves so much better.” The woman bit her lower lip, releasing one of her deepest fears. “I’m so lucky to have Natasha by my side, but I'm so scared, you know? I feel like something…something won't let me forget what I did there. Fucking Ward.”
She swallowed, feeling Y/N's hand caress her back affectionately.
“Don't let fear or the past take away the most beautiful moments of your life. You’ll be an amazing mom.” Y/N said in a low voice, taking Jules's hand, smiling when she rested on her shoulder again. “Wonderful, kind, funny. You know math, that’s a lot, dude. Am I forgetting something else?”
“Oh stop it, you're just flattering me.” They both laughed and Jules patted her.  “But i’ve to say… you will be a great godparent.”
Those words took Y/N by surprise, who turned to see her so surprised. “What?”
Jules nodded, smiling. “You in?”
Completely shocked and excited by the choice of her friends, she didn't know which emotion to show first. She felt happy, surprised, a little terrified of screwing it.  “Are you- are you sure?”
“So sure.” She giggled when Y/N hugged her so tight, like a huge bear. “With my whole life. We are cousins, but we grew up together as sisters. Except for Natasha, there's no one who knows me like you do… And I know that there will be no one in this world who will take better care of my little one.”
“You know Wanda would do better, she has experience with kids.” Y/N whispered, looking down for a moment while her friend poured three cups of coffee for them, one cup of tea for herself.
“Well, you guys are together, aren’t you?” Jules winked at her.  “Then it’s the same. Also the other godparent will be Yelena. So this baby will go crazy!”
They both shared a laugh, before returning to the room, Jules took her arm.  “I love you, Y/N.” She caressed her cheek with unique softness, her brown eyes brimming with tears. “My sweet brave Y/N. I am proud to be your sister.”
Completely moved by her words, Y/N smiled.  “I love you so much, Jules.”
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And the months passed quickly, especially when you're happy. ㅤㅤㅤ
Natasha and Jules were able to enjoy every month of the pregnancy. Of course, the redhead became very protective of her wife, and their little bumblebee. Although they could have figured it out long ago, they decided not to find out if it was a boy or a girl until birth.
Y/N always showed how proud she felt to be the godparent, although it always unleashed adorable fights with Yelena to see who was better auntie or with which of the two the baby kicked the most.
Beating all the odds, Y/N stayed sober all those seven months.  By attending a NA group and a new therapist, the dark haired woman was able to leave behind much of what was hurting her to start anew.
And Wanda was a big part of the new hope inside her. The relationship with Wanda improved a lot.
Since they had spent the first night together, the dates became more frequent. Of course, the sokovian seemed to want to go slow, it was the best for both, but at the same time they both wanted so much more.
Y/N also worked hard to make her feel safe, patiently winning her heart.
The twins fully understood that their parents were divorcing because they were no longer happy together. That Vision was in love with Virginia and that Wanda was in love with Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤ
The first time they met, Y/N was terrified. She hesitated many times whether to knock on the door or run away but finally, she decided to face all her fears for Wanda. Because she deserved it, they both deserved a chance. Incredibly, she made the best decision of her life.
“So, do you like it?” Y/N asked as she cut up some mini sandwiches and brought them to the coffee table in front of the sofa.
“We love it!” Billy exclaimed with that console in his hands. Tommy nodded, taking a mini sandwich.
“When I was a kid, I loved playing this one. My family didn't have a lot of money so I sold some candy and delivered newspapers so I could buy it.” Y/N smiled to see how Billy was looking at the console with curiosity and an adorable smile.
For a while now the boy hadn't stopped telling her how happy he was catching pokemons in the 'Fire Red Pokemon'. ㅤㅤㅤ
“They are not the same one, of course. I lost mine a long time ago on a trip with your mom and your aunties.” She swallowed hard and smiled sadly. “But I got these for you. It’s not the new Switch one, that… one is so much better, but… I thought you might like this one too. I like it.”
Feeling a bit shy, Y/N always had a soft spot for old-school stuff. As if part of her didn't want to give up the innocence and past she lost in the woods.
“Thank you, Y/N!” The twins said at the same time and hugged her waist, making her laugh a bit. Y/N ruffled their hair when they parted.
“I’m glad you liked it, boys. I was afraid it would bore you.”
“This is amazing! We like spending time with you, Y/N.” Tommy smiled and ran back to the sofa.
“You’re so funny… and you make mom happy.” Billy was encouraged to say with a toothy smile and then followed his brother.
“I'm not that boring, huh. Take that, anxiety.” Y/N sat on the other couch, taking control of the TV. Outside, the sky was beginning to darken from the coming storm.
They were together for another half hour until the door opened, Wanda came into the house somewhat in a hurry and soaked by the rain.
“I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't want to be late, it's just that in the end I couldn't find a place to park, it was chaos!” Wanda exclaimed as she took off her soaked coat in the doorway. She couldn't help but smile when she saw them like that.
Y/N came over to give her a little peck and help her with her bag and coat.  “So? How was it?”
The twins left the console and sat on the sofa, as expectant as Y/N to hear the news.
“Oh… well…” The brunette scrunched her nose. She inhaled deeply, then released it.  “They gave it to me! I've got the job!”
The three approached and began to jump and cheer with the sokovian.
As soon as the little ones hugged their mother -and then walked away saying 'ew' because her clothes were still wet-
“The good thing is that I can do it from home.” Wanda explained to Y/N speaking fast, all excited.  “All I need is my laptop.”
“That’s amazing, babe! Oh, I’m so happy for you.”  Y/N bit her lower lip. Finally everything started to go well, right?
“Me too.” Wanda smiled happily. “I can finally do something for myself. Isn't it amazing?”
“It is, my love.” Y/N walked over to wrap her arms around her. “You deserve it more than anyone. I’m so proud!”
 “I love you so much, detka.” Wanda's green eyes sparkled with happiness.  
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N just smiled tenderly.
“I love you too, luv.” They both looked at each other for a moment before leaning their foreheads together, losing themselves in each other.
“Well, I’m gonna take a bath but first… I think today we can celebrate by ordering pizza and ice cream. What do you think about it? And maybe I’ll even let you guys try to beat me at Monopoly.” Wanda said, looking at the three of them.
The adorable twins squealed with excitement and jumped on the sofa happily. And although Wanda tried to stop them, she ended up laughing.
Y/N just smiled happily from where she was, feeling that maybe she finally had a place in the world. A comfortable and pleasant place.
Hours later, after a delicious pizza and a night of laughter, Y/N and Wanda slept peacefully for a few hours until a screeching sound interrupted them. Outside, the storm was fiercer than ever.
“It's so late... who is it?” Y/N murmured sleepily, trying to go back to sleep entwined with the body of her beloved. It was 2 AM. ㅤㅤㅤ
Wanda just snuggled against the covers, opening one of her eyes to see how Y/N's phone began to vibrate and ring again insistently. “I don't know, it's your phone, detka.”
“Sorry.” Y/N muttered before yawning, sitting up on the bed to take the call. The screen said that her number was unknown, which made her frown. “Hello?... Yeah, it’s me.”
Y/N sat up in bed and ran a hand over her face, trying to wake up. She tried to understand what the person was saying, but nothing seemed to make sense.
Her eyes showed confusion and fear, her lips trembled.
“What? Wh- What do you mean?” Y/N said shocked, surprised, terrified. Hearing her voice like that, Wanda also got up feeling her heart jump. “No… No, that’s-”
“Detka, what is it?” Wanda put a hand on her shoulder and tried to understand, Y/N seemed lost in shock.
With her teary eyes, Y/N begged: “That's not true.”
“N-no… You must be wrong.” She started to cry, getting up to put on her clothes and dropping the phone on the bed.
Wanda hesitated whether to hug her or take the phone, but she needed to know what the hell was going on.
“Hello? Yes, I’m-”  The brunette finally managed to understand, opening her green eyes wide, listening to the person on the other end of the call. “Oh… Yes, we will-”
Y/N walked away looking for her jacket but she couldn't help but walk down the hall and cry in silence. But the voices became distant, more and more. All Y/N could hear was the annoying beep. Like white noise. Everything about her was shattered. Everything inside her was starting to break down.
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🐝🐝🐝 Only one chapter left.
This is the hardest chapter to write. The finale is all about present day. Although it is not direct, it is an allusion. I didn't know whether to make them make that decision or not, but the truth is that survival is harsh. I don't think I can made it as harsh and as selfish as in Yellowjackets.
Those women were selfish (and human, that's perfect. That's the point of the tv show, this moral battle), but our girls are not like that. They're good friends.
I'm babbling too much, I'm sorry if this is not okay for you. Maybe you'd better skip this past, and just finish the story with the next one. It's all about present. Have a good sunday, sweets. 🐝
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17 @cristin-rjd @kenlymar @chtte @marvelogic @druggedduck @aliherreraaa @widowwaddles @gingiesworld
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157 notes · View notes
league-of-sam · 1 year
Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' Riley
Ghost x Reader
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Simon 'GHOST' Riley x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
Catching A Ghost: Masterlist
Staring out of the window in the HUM-V, you watched as the mountains rolled away, only to be replaced by miles and miles of desert and wilderness.
"(Y/N), you copy?"
"I said, are you ready to meet your new team? We'll be there in the next ten minutes."
You looked at the woman in front of you, now.
Kate Laswell, your handler for the US Special Operations unit. You liked her, she always seemed to look out for you like a mother would.
"Uh, I guess."
"What's wrong, (Y/N)? I know you too well to know you're not usually quiet like this. Where's that mouth of yours?"
You smiled a little, suppressing a laugh. You did have quite the attitude, "Just more people to get to know and potentially lose. Would rather keep to myself."
"It won't happen again, I won't let it." she said, reaching over to place a hand over yours. "Besides, I think you may feel a little differently about these guys."
Raising your brow, you looked at her quizzically, but she shook her head, offering you another smile before going back to the tablet in her hand. You looked down at your fingers, fiddling with a loose string on your belt.
It was strange, not being decked out in your entire gear.
You never thought you'd say it, but you missed the feeling of the heavy vest. All you had on now was a fitted black t-shirt, tucked neatly into some dark grey cargo pants. Heavy combat boots were laced tightly on your feet.
You had a small pistol strapped to your hip, and a couple of throwing knives hidden around your body, but everything else was packed tightly into your duffel in the back.
Your mask sat on your lap; you never went outside without it.
It was your protection out in the field; if enemies never saw your face fully, they'd never be able to find you, or your family.
When you put it on, you were no longer (Y/N) Price; you were Reaper, lieutenant of the US Special Ops.
You'd heard of people wearing masks to hide their identity, and you never really thought much of it. Not like what you'd heard about the other infamous lieutenant of the SAS.
He was such a mystery that even his own team weren't to know his actual name. You didn't agree with that, though. How could you possibly work with people and trust them with your life, and have them trust you with theirs in return, when you wouldn't let them see your face? Or even know your name?
That's why your mask wasn't full like you'd heard his was. Yours sat neatly, covering your mouth and nose.
But then again, nothing you'd heard about Ghost was good - all of it could be boiled down to one simple phrase: avoid at all costs.
Right on time, the vehicle came soundlessly to a halt, pulling you back to reality. You'd been so deep in thought, that you hadn't even noticed that you'd gone from the desert and into a small base.
There were few buildings; a larger hangar, several old shipping containers, a small medical wing, a smaller hangar (probably the tactical room) and another more homely looking place.
"Right, we're here. Let's go, honey." Laswell said, patting your thigh as she exited the vehicle past you.
"Here we go." You whispered to yourself.
Slipping on your mask, you exited the HUM-V. Grunting as you stepped down, you slammed the door shut as the desert evening breeze whipped your hair around your face.
You hadn't seen the need to slick it back into the usual ponytail you wore, this was supposed to be an informal meet anyway.
Before you could grab your belongings, Laswell was pulling you towards the building you'd deduced to be the tactical site, and it seems your brain was correct, as usual. The door made a hissing sound as Laswell input the code, opening slowly.
The minute it was open, however, you were hit with the smell of sweat, gunpowder, and various scents of different aftershaves.
Great, it's a sausage fest.
"You know what? No- SOAP give it back!" a voice yelled, and then you saw two men run between the opening in the corridor in front of you.
The first, whom you assumed was Soap, was a well-built man, brown hair styled in a mohawk. He was maybe 6 inches taller than you at best, and clutching a green cap tightly in his hands. The one chasing after him was darker skinned, and his voice sounded vaguely familiar.
"Attention on deck, boys!" Laswell's voice came from beside you.
"Ey lads, Laswell's here!"
"C'mon ya twats, stop pissing about and gather."
Several voices sounded from around the corner, clearly excited by the arrival of their handler. She led the way, entering into a large open space. The lights were low and harsh.
There wasn't much in the room. A larger table in the middle, splattered with various papers and maps, and mugs. Over in the corner there was a small kitchen area with a microwave, kettle, and instant coffee maker. Few chairs were strewn about, and then on the other side of the room, there was a make-shift boxing ring, along with other small gym equipment.
You followed silently behind Laswell, so much so, that the men gathered around the table did not notice you as she arrived next to them.
"Brought you boys a gift."
"Your presence is gift enough, Laswell." A gruff, southern accent sounded.
You'd know that voice anywhere.
That was when your head snapped up, and you took a good look at the people standing before you.
The man chasing after Soapjust now was Gaz, who swiped his cap from Soap's hands, giving him a glare as the other man laughed.
Next to him was Alex.
Two Hispanic men you weren't familiar with, stood on the other side of the one that spoke before. And in the back, approaching from the other side in a black hoodie and a plastic skull mask was him, Ghost.
You were on a task force with Ghost.
"So, where's this gift-" Gaz started.
"Who's the lurker, Chief?" Ghost spoke, cutting him off with a little hostility, arriving at the side of the man in the bucket hat.
You raised your eyebrow, impressed that he'd even spotted you in the shadows.
"As you well know, this mission is of the highest priority. Shepherd wants it done on the down low, keeping it tight and clean. Lucky for us, I have the perfect person to ensure that happens." Laswell said, turning to beckon you over.
It seemed you'd done a good job hiding, because every face around the table warped in shock and confusion, following Ghost's eye-line to you.
Slowly, you stepped out from the darkness, flicking your hair from your mask, and walked toward them.
Laswell turned, offering you a smile, and your eyes glanced over your new team once again. You locked eyes with Alex, who had a huge smile on his face, while the others stared, each of them very unsubtly checking you out.
Laswell waited until you were next to her to speak again.
"This is Reaper," Laswell introduced you, "she's your new lieutenant."
You gave the group a small wave, smiling under your mask. Gaz returned the wave, as did Soap, while the others nodded to you graciously.
"Impressed you clocked me." you spoke to him. "I guess that makes you Ghost."
He only grunted, giving you a small nod, and folded his arms over his chest.
"Another weirdo in a mask, huh?" the bucket hat said. You glanced at Ghost long enough to see him roll his eyes and shook your head.
"That's funny." you rolled your eyes, "Of course you'd shit-talk it when it's you I'm protecting, big brother."
You glanced around the room before peeling off your mask, running it between your fingers. No one said a word while Price looked you over in disbelief.
"Wha- fucking hell!" he said, before moving as quickly as he could to tackle you, "(Y/N) what the fuck-"
You giggled, placing your hands onto his face, moving your foreheads together for a moment before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He lifted you off the ground, arms locked around your waist tightly.
"Alright, big guy, put me down now."
"I can't believe your 'ere, (Y/N)."
"I can't believe you still have the fucking mutton chops." You joked, making the others laugh.
"Lads, this is my little sister, Lieutenant (Y/N) Price." He said, throwing an arm over your shoulder and turning your bodies toward the table. "And apparently, she is the famous Reaper we've been hearing about lately."
"In the mask I'm Reaper, when I'm without it, just call me (Y/N)."
The moment you stopped speaking; the pleasantries began.
Price was all but shoved away from you to make way for the men that wanted to greet you. Having known Gaz through your brother, the two of you shared a loving reunion. Alejandro introduced himself and Rudy, kissing your hand lightly as he spoke to you in Spanish. You spoke back, and he was impressed by your fluency.
Ghost did not move, barely acknowledging your presence, and so Soap was the last to greet you.
He sauntered over, copying Alejandro in kissing your hand, greeting you smoothly in his thick Scottish accent. Despite your best efforts, the attention made you blush a little.
"Why the name Reaper?" Soap asked, smirking at you.
"Because she's fucking deadly." A voice sounded behind him.
"Sergeant Keller, aren't you a gorgeous sight for sore eyes." You said, looking at the brunette standing opposite you.
Everyone turned to look between the two of you, confused.
"Lieutenant Price." He nodded back to you.
"Missed me, partner?" you smirked, looking at him as the professional demeanour diminished from you.
"Baby, you know I've missed my little angel of death." He spoke, his American accent all the more obvious around the Brits.
He moved around the table, scooping you up into his arms, hugging you tightly as the others watched, confusion etched onto their faces.
"And you know my sister, how?" Price spoke up, his protective side already rearing its head.
"Calm down, John." you giggled, leaning into Alex's side, "Alex was my trainer when I moved to the Special Ops in the States."
"We were partners back in the day. I trained her up, and now she outranks all of us, well, except you and Ghost."
"Wait, this is your best friend, Alex?"
"Yes, John, this is best friend Alex."
Price frowned, and you groaned, "I thought that Alex was a girl."
"Sir he's right there, at least call him a lass behind his back like the rest of us." Soap said.
Alex tossed a crumpled piece of paper at him, making the room erupt into laughter.
They got along well, maybe it would be different this time.
Laswell broke up the conversation then, jumping straight into the reason you'd been brought to the 141.
You'd been tailing a dangerous terrorist, Hassan Zyani, with your old team for months, and had expert intel on his movements and possible whereabouts.
As you filled the team in on what you knew, they all watched you intently. Price had a proud smile on his face, kind of the same as Alex.
One brother by blood, one brother by bond.
Gaz listened, shifting on his feet, he'd been so excited to see you again.
Alejandro and Rudy conversed with you, often asking you questions or confirming your intel with their own.
Soap, well he stood strong, one hand hooked into his jean pocket as he constantly looked you up and down.
"Hey, eyes up here, sergeant." You warned, a small hint of amusement in your voice.
"My apologies, L.T." he smirked.
A quiet scoff came from behind him, and you looked to see Ghost, already staring back at you.
It seemed you were the only one to have heard it, as the others spoke amongst themselves for a moment. You could barely see his eyes under that mask, and it was intimidating. You were certainly thankful for those that warned you about him.
He was a little scary, and the way he clocked you so easily as you snuck through the shadows put you on edge.
This was gonna be one hell of a ride.
a|n: hey guys! hope you're loving the fic so far. i originally posted this over on my wattpad and wanted to share the love here. please feel free to reach out to me and share your thoughts!
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ramble-writes · 3 years
Hola <3 I love your work!! I would love to see your take on Danny Johnson (ghostface) with a Gn or male S/O who is also a slasher! I hope you have a good day! <333
What's funny is that you caught me at a good time of a dream I had I was a killer. Couldn't speak for shit but I had a scythe :v And you kinda strike me as a duel wilder so das what u gonna get gods i need to write more Anyway enjoy this tiktok too lol. Also from now on any sort of Entity mentioned is Sock nao LMAO unless otherwise. And Imma go for a male reader here.
A Killer for a Killer
TW: blood, mention of attempt of r*pe, minor gore
Don’t forget to like, reblog, and follow if ya wanna see more! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
It was a gift you were given from the Entity. A gift of a single mori. That sausage bodied lizard had dragged you a charm of a green head for whenever you feel the need to use it... Which you did upon the next trial you went into.
It was in Coldwind Farm: Torment Creek. The artificial sunset lighting honestly felt warm on your face before you tugged up your scarf to focus on the task at hand. Moving forward, you progressed into the cornfield where you hoped to catch sight of a survivor so you know who you’re going up against. The sound of a gen being worked on caught your attention that you got low into a crouch, then lept up and crashed down onto not one, but three survivors. Bill, Felix, and your least favorite: David.
You hit someone, hearing one of them cry out and feeling the warmth of blood on your hands. Looking up you spotted Bill hobbling away in a hurry with his hand holding his now injured arm where you see the damage you caused. A gash from his bicep that spans to the back of his shoulder. 
You didn’t give chase, instead you went and chased after Felix. The more injured, the more harder it is for them to heal each other to survive. Catching up with the German man, you brought your blades down to create an X gash on his back, smiling at the way he cries out . He stumbled over his own feet from how blinding the pain was and landed on his back that he yelped. With a grunt, you flip him over to grab him and slung him over your shoulder to make your way to the nearest hook.
A gen went off which drew your attention and you made your way over. You saw a flash of blond and heard the familiar sound of legs flopping around in boots. Looking over, Kate was running off with a toolbox in hand. You went to go chase after her, that was till a bright blinding light went off that you couldn’t see. You took the time to furiously rub your eyes before looking around to see David. Great. You remember vividly that the last time you had an interaction with him that he socked you in the face hard. And some... “attempts” were made had you not grabbed his throat and ripped it out with your bare hands.
A growl rose in your throat that you lost track of the others. Th others noticed and did their best to hurry along to not witness the oncoming slaughter. Dwight can vouch for it when he saw how you had ripped into the brute and shoved his heart into his mouth. He only had gotten as far as removing your pants and grabbing at your dick, but you had reacted fast upon realization and a knife to the shoulder had got him to get off. End result was blood that coated your arms up to your elbows.
You couldn’t kill him yet, so you were stuck with hooking him for now. Felix, the ever observant, slowly made his way over while taking glances at David and carefully got your attention. The way your head snapped to glare at him made him jump a bit before clearing his throat.
“Would... Would you like for me to unhook him?”
You realized what he was going to do and the tension in your shoulders relaxed a bit before nodding. The German went over and unhooked the Brit who had started to struggle when he noticed the sudden alliance. Blondy made a run for it from the other’s wrath, but he didn’t get far as you brought one of your knives down hard on his back which knocked him flat on his face. His scream broke out when that dirty, bloody hook slipped back through the hole in his shoulder, but it tore open more that he tearing of muscle was audible.
Once again, Felix approached and looked to you as David started to struggle from having to keep those horrid claws of the Entity. It’s strange how such a small lizard is also an old eldritch being that feeds of the suffering of others, when the reptile likes any kind of bugs or veggies in his little gullet. But you didn’t question it. Sock is fun to keep on your shoulders and watch struggle having to get over small ledges.
David was off the hook again, but he wasn’t safe from you. Felix made a run for it the moment you advanced forward. Mind you, he went off on the brute when Dwight told the others what happened. His words were met with retaliation and slurs like calling him a “Nazi” due to Felix’s German roots.
Along with Felix, Bill and Kate had escaped thanks to the luck of a key being found. That left you with David, which you took your sweet, sweet, sweet time to make an example of him. You may have gotten some “inspiration” from a certain killer with how you made his still living body a display. Gut torn open, intestines pulled out and formed to make the Star of David to mock his name despite it being a common name. As a last show, you had cut off his dick (which you cringed after realization) and stuck it in his mouth as the very life faded from his eyes.
Trial over, back wandering a sort of forest that serves as an in-between for those without realms, you felt satisfied. You felt eyes on you, watching your movements even though that’s common in this hell. A shift of wind, a soft whisper of words that sounded amused graced your ears.
“That was quite the show that was put on, my dear~” The voice purred. Strong, yet gentle arms wrapped around your waist to pull your form close to a more sturdy one.
“My pretty boy all gory and satisfied I bet~”
This made you chuckle as you turned your head to see the familiar mask of the Ghostface pushed off to the side to show one half of his face.
“And I’d do it a thousand times over. Didn’t know you were watching, Danny.”
The taller man let out a low breathy laugh before tilting your head up more with rough leather gloves holding your jaw to then grace your smiling lips with his. The kiss was deepened when you managed to loop an arm around his neck, a hum rumbling in his chest that you snickered a bit and broke from the kiss.
“I may have drawn some inspiration from you on leaving a lasting impression on people~
“I’m touched~ And honestly, I think a sort of prize is deserved.”
You arched a brow, only to let out a yelp when Danny picked you up and peppered your face and jaw in kisses and nips to your neck. You didn’t need to question what the prize was. With Danny, it’s obvious since the sight of blood and dead gazes get a rise out of him and drive him mad like a male rabbit in a rut. But hey, you never minded a single bit.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
can you replace mazikeen with ryan wilder; i was the anon who requested the male reader x kate kane g!p x sophie moore g!p x mazikeen g!p x sara lance g!p story
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The Smartasses
(Or the ever growing list of characters that I love and write for)
Kate Kane
Ryan Wilder
Harleen Quinzel
Helena Bertinelli (Birds of Prey)
Arthur Curry
Talia Al Ghul
The Flash
Barry Allen
Iris West
WestAllen (x reader)
Cisco Ramon
Harrison “Harry” Wells
Harrison “Sherloque” Wells
Harrison “H.R.” Wells
Harrison "Nash" Wells
Eobard Thawne/Eowells
Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Leonard Snart
Legends of Tomorrow
Ray Palmer
John Constantine
Sara Lance
Kara Danvers
Brainiac-5/ Querl Dox
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Aragorn son of Arathorn (The Lord of the Rings)
Miles Strasburg (Darrow & Darrow)
Ed Stevens (Ed (2000))
Mazikeen Smith (Lucifer)
Geralt of Rivia (Witcher)
Killian Jones (Once Upon A Time)
Terry Benedict (Ocean's Eleven)
Vincent Corleone (Godfather Part III)
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Tell Me A Story: 15 Weird Superhero Comic Book Formats
Over their several decades of existence, American superhero comics have had to adapt to changing market conditions and changes in reader habits. Anthologies were more popular in the Golden Age but dwindled away as the Silver Age ended. Early Marvel superhero books incorporated continuing subplots to create super-soap operas, and DC naturally followed suit. Today, even as the individual issue with 20 story pages still dominates as the standard comic book format, many readers wait for collected editions.
RELATED: The 15 Weirdest Comic Book Swimsuit Specials
And yet, every now and then there are isolated instances of experimentation in which a publisher bends those dominant formats to either stretch storytelling possibilities or just to attract attention. Never mind the menagerie of 1990s-era cover gimmicks or the modern effects that digital and motion comics can achieve; good old-fashioned print had some surprising tricks. Today, as the “Kamandi Challenge” revives an old DC experiment, we look back (in no particular order) on some odd and unusual ways to present superhero stories.
If you think creative teams don’t stick around as long as they used to, then you need to consider the round-robin format used in 1985-86’s “DC Challenge” miniseries and currently in use by the “Kamandi Challenge.” Each issue has a different creative team and the only real rule is to end on a cliffhanger for the next team to resolve. Notice that the rules don’t include “tell a coherent story,” because as much fun as the “DC Challenge” teams apparently had on each of their issues, boy-howdy was it hard to follow!
It started with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Adam Strange and some demons in Mark Evanier and Gene Colan’s “DC Challenge” #1, but before it was over, Nazis had won World War II, Superman had a red sun for a head and the JLA Satellite was full of confused super-people. Nevertheless, the round-robin can stretch the capabilities of both readers and creators, and it truly shows off comics’ limitless potential.
Likewise, we include the ubiquitous one-page Hostess Cupcake ads of the 1970s for the only rule they appeared to have: Make sure the product is the star. That was the point, of course; but for readers used to Batman and Daredevil fighting ninjas and serial murderers in their regular books, the ads were a bit jarring to read.
Although they featured even wilder plots than the regular comics (birds stealing the Statue of Liberty, for example) and used ultra-powerful characters like Green Lantern and Captain Mar-Vell, the day was always saved by the timely appearance of Twinkies, Hostess Cupcakes or Fruit Pies. Granted, who among us can resist rich chocolate taste and/or creamy filling. But the ads were so prevalent that, after a while, one got the impression that the Justice League and Avengers could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by stuffing the Anti-Monitor or Thanos full of sweet treats.
In the early 1980s, DC previewed new series with 16-page stories bound into the middle of selected single issues. The “Amethyst” preview was in “Legion of Super-Heroes” #294, “All-Star Squadron’s” was in “JLA” #192, and a little series called “New Teen Titans” was first seen in the middle of “DC Comics Presents” #26.
These previews didn’t have anything to do with the titles they appeared in, but later in the decade, “Bonus Book” inserts tied in more closely and featured up-and-coming talent. Today, the format is back, sort of, through “Dark Knight III’s” bound-in mini-comics. Basically they’re backup stories, but since they’re physically in the middle of the issue, you have to get around them in order to finish reading the main story, and then circle back and hope you read everything in the right order. Whatever you do, though, don’t risk your comics’ value (or its staples) by removing the inserts.
Another staple of the 1970s, Power Records specialized in book-and-record sets where kids could read along with an audio dramatization. Along with superheroes, the label featured sci-fi franchises like “Star Trek” and “Planet of the Apes.” While Power adapted existing issues, like September 1972’s “Fantastic Four” #126, December 1973’s “Captain America” #168 or January 1974’s “Incredible Hulk” #171, Neal Adams’ Continuity Studios also produced original stories for the label.
These included the Batman tales “Stacked Cards” and “Robin Meets Man-Bat” (reprinted in “Batman Illustrated By Neal Adams” volume 3); Superman stories by Cary Bates, Elliott S. Maggin and Ross Andru; and a 1976 Conan adventure by Len Wein, J.M. DeMatteis and John Buscema that was reprinted as November 1980’s “Conan” #116. Although the novelty comes from hearing an actor screech like Man-Bat or roar like the Hulk, we imagine “writing for the record” is a skill set all its own.
Sometimes the soundtrack is part of the main series. “Nexus” was a superhero series set 500 years in the future, initially published under Capital Comics and now owned by Dark Horse. Writer Mike Baron and artist Steve Rude’s independent sci-fi superhero classic started out as a magazine-sized black-and-white comic.
Bound into its third issue was a “flexi-disc” with the “Nexus” theme song (co-written by Baron) and an audio dramatization. An editorial explained the benefits: “The intonation of a character’s voice, background music to set the mood and electrifying sound effects all add new depth and dimension to the printed words and art.” While flexi-discs wouldn’t be in every issue, the editorial promised “next time we do this it’ll be even better.” However, there was never to be a “next time,” unfortunately, as the flexi-disc doesn’t show up in reprints and there weren’t any future issues that came accompanied with flex-discs to enjoy. However, “Nexus” turned out to be memorable enough without the audio accompaniment.
Although it’s not really a distinct format to pair mainstream, corporate-controlled characters with comics creators from more of an independent background, anthologies like the “Bizarro Comics” and “Strange Tales” series are often both entertaining and illuminating.
“Bizarro” allowed DC to reprint Kyle Baker’s instant-classic “Letitia Lerner, Superman’s Babysitter” and “Strange Tales” gave us Kate Beaton’s take on Rogue and Kraven. Tom Scioli and John Barber’s “Transformers vs. G.I. Joe” series, which merged the superfans’ knowledge with their unique styles and filtered it through a ’70s Jack Kirby lens, is also a good example of combining the best of both worlds. Of course, with the Internet, it’s become easier than ever to find cartoonists’ “unsanctioned” takes on superheroes, but the official sanctioning of a DC or Marvel anthology may sand down some rough edges. Still, the freedom these creators normally enjoy usually transfers pretty well, and we’re all better for it.
Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen’s 12-issue cult-classic “Nextwave” (2006-07) took shots at a lot of superhero-comics targets, but it also used some memorable gimmicks to grow an audience. Mixed into Fin Fang Foom’s pants-related anger, the filthy half of the Captain’s codename and Machine Man’s contempt for fleshy ones was the “Nextwave” theme. So too were things like issue #5’s “Crayon Butchery Variant.”
Yes, quite a while before adult coloring books became a thing, “Nextwave” encouraged its readers to cast off the shackles of hues imposed from on high and color the issue themselves. Granted, this was a variant, so readers had to make an extra effort to get it. So unsurprisingly, the non-colored version of the issue hasn’t been reprinted in any “Nextwave” collection. As a further incentive, though, Marvel conducted a coloring contest, and the winner’s name (Matthew Keegan, whose entry can be seen here) was forever immortalized in said collections.
The 12-issue weekly “Wednesday Comics” was designed to emulate the classic comics pages of Sunday newspapers, when adventure strips like “Prince Valiant” and “The Phantom” got ample room for their Sunday-continuity installments (Feel free to ask your grandparents for more details.). Each issue of “Wednesday Comics” folded up into a standard 7″ x 10″ comic-book size, but opened into 15 gigantic 14″ x 20″ broadsheet pages.
The features included DC’s A-listers as well as Kyle Baker’s “Hawkman,” Dave Gibbons and Ryan Sook’s “Kamandi” and Paul Pope’s “Adam Strange.” Neil Gaiman and Mike Allred’s “Metamorpho” even did two pages which combined to form the Periodic Table of the Elements. “USA Today” also published John Arcudi and Lee Bermejo’s “Superman” strip. The collected edition is similarly impressive, and includes a “Plastic Man” short feature; but nothing beat the love-of-reading experience from picking up each issue as it came out.
One series which demanded to be read as it came out was 2006-07’s sequel to “Infinite Crisis,” the year-long weekly “52.” Since all of DC’s ongoing superhero comics had gone through a one-year time-jump, only “52” chronicled the missing year. Its brain trust, which included writers Geoff Johns, Mark Waid, Grant Morrison and Greg Rucka, and layout artist Keith Giffen, further imposed a strict real-time rule that each issue would cover one week. The only cliffhanger involved one issue ending at 11:59 p.m. and the next starting at midnight.
The method was popular enough, with some fans reportedly waiting to read each day’s events as they “happened,” meaning a fan on a Tuesday would stop reading on when he or she reached the part of the issue dealing with a Wednesday. There had been real-time comics before (the “Batman: No Man’s Land” epic played out over the course of a year, for example, from January to December 1999), but with elastic timelines a staple of superhero storytelling, “52’s” adherence to its internal rules was both a clever gimmick and a steadying influence on its pacing.
Some superheroes are simply too big for one book, but when a hero has multiple comics titles being published, those books don’t necessarily have to flow together. When they do, however, the results can be quite engaging. In the early 1980s, Bat-writer Gerry Conway structured issues of “Batman” and “Detective Comics” so that “Detective” continued “Batman’s” stories, and vice versa. The format ended with 1986’s “Batman” #400, but not long afterwards the three Superman books (“Action Comics,” “Adventures of Superman” and “Superman”) picked it up.
To keep everything straight, the Super-titles put the reading order in a little triangle on each issue’s cover. It lasted about 10 years, before including the addition of a new monthly series (“Man of Steel”), as well as incorporating a new quarterly book (“Man of Tomorrow”) for the months that had five Wednesdays in them. It could be overwhelming at times, but the four series combined to tell some true epics, including the “Death of Superman,” “Funeral For A Friend” and “Return of Superman” story arcs.
We’ve already talked about comics within comics, but Walt Simonson’s “Fantastic Four” #352 (May 1991) presented a story within a story, and the “inner” story was out of sync with the “outer” one! The main (“outer”) story involved Doctor Doom, Ben Grimm reverting back to the Thing, and Ben’s girlfriend Sharon Ventura giving up her own career as the Thing in her absence.
Doom had captured the FF and challenged Reed Richards to a duel using time-jumping devices. Their fight, which was waged across increments of minutes and seconds, was the “inner” story, and it unfolded in out-of-sequence vertical panels that ran alongside the in-sequence main story. Readers had to follow the timecodes in both stories in order to keep everything in order, and could check their work with the occasional panel where the two timelines intersected. It was a great use of single-issue real estate and the kind of innovative technique “FF” helped pioneer.
Created by Dave Wood and Jim Mooney for January 1966’s “House of Mystery” #156, “Dial H For HERO” was one of Silver Age DC’s crazier concepts. It involved a magic “H-Dial” which would turn its owner into a randomly-generated superhero and, more often than not, a one-off character created specifically for the story.
The feature ran until issue #173 (March-April 1968) but was revived in February 1981 via a special insert (remember those?) in “Legion of Super-Heroes” #272. (It then moved to “Adventure Comics” and was a backup in “Superboy.”) This time, writer Marv Wolfman and artist Carmine Infantino’s gimmick was using characters submitted by readers, who both received credit for the idea and had a T-shirt sent to them in exchange for their intellectual property. While it was probably a time-saver for the creative team, no doubt they also wracked their brains trying to figure out how to work Lawnmower Lass, or whomever, into the stories.
In “Animal Man,” Grant Morrison famously broke the fourth wall to introduce himself to the main character, Buddy Baker. Over 20 years later, Morrison would revisit the idea of characters addressing the reader directly in his “Multiversity” miniseries, especially in the “Ultra Comics” one-shot, which was an installment about a character named Ultra from the “real world” of Earth-33, who was a comic book come to life.
In other words, “Ultra Comics” was about itself, and by reading the issue, readers participated in the character’s life, including his birth and (very short) career. At the end of the issue, Ultra sacrificed himself by trapping his foe within the pages of the comic, begging readers not to let it out. To that point, “Multiversity” was already pretty meta-textual, so “Ultra Comics” was over the top on a number of levels. Nevertheless, the reader-participation angle gave the miniseries an entirely new dimension.
One of the many tools in Ryan North’s utility belt is a knack for choose-your-own-adventure storytelling. Besides his great mostly-prose Shakespeare adaptations (“To Be Or Not To Be” and “Romeo And/Or Juliet”), he’s also written a couple of chooseable-path comics. In November 2012’s “Adventure Time” #10, he and artist Shelli Paroline crafted a labyrinthine tale about the Ice King putting our heroes under the control of a mysterious force (guess who) which got more and more twisted as the issue played out. The ending even depended on the sheer number of options the story eventually encompassed.
More recently, in June 2016’s “Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” #7, North and artist Erica Henderson allowed the reader to guide Squirrel Girl to victory against Quoggoth, Swarm, and/or Doctor Yes, with Galactus himself as your host. Chooseable-path comics aren’t new (see “The Unwritten” #17, for example) but North has brought them back into the limelight and made them a one-man trend.
Superhero comics of the early ’90s get well-deserved attention for the cover-enhancement craze. Therefore, to stand out from all the chromium and foil, DC promoted September 1992’s first issue of “Team Titans” with — wait for it — alternate interiors. That’s right, not only did “Team Titans” #1 feature variant covers for each of the five Titans, each variant also included the 18-page origin of its cover-featured hero.
Accordingly, if you wanted to get the whole story, you had to buy five different issues (all of which were written by Marv Wolfman). That was overkill, since the variants all shared the same 22-page main story; and on top of that, the main story was Part 3 of a Titans-franchise crossover! Those of you doing the math will realize that if you bought all five variants, you got 4 extra copies of Part 3 of the crossover. Needless to say, DC decided to keep the variants on the covers only from then on.
Got a favorite storytelling strategy or comic book gimmick? Tell us in the comments!
The post Tell Me A Story: 15 Weird Superhero Comic Book Formats appeared first on CBR.com.
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wandabear · 1 year
ㅤㅤ Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
chapter warnings: smut, angst, mentions of drug abuse and death.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER FIVE
Two weeks passed since the accident and since they found the cabin with the dead man inside, and nothing changed. No plane or rescue team had arrived for them, which meant that hope was dying and supplies were scarce.
“So, do you think the guy shot himself?” One of the girls whispered. “He left some kind of note?”
“Just that weird symbol.” Carol frowned at her somewhat disturbed. Ever since they found this man, they all had questions to ask that no one answered.
“Maybe he couldn't stand loneliness and shot himself.” Pietro shrugged and looked at the rifle that was standing against the wall of the cabin. “We should take the rifle and try to get something to eat.”
“Maybe it didn't want him to leave.” Jules murmured thoughtfully, looking at a fixed point among the trees. Since they arrived, she Jules had not stopped feeling a little uncomfortable there.
“Shut the fuck up you and your ominous crap. You're going to scare everyone just because you're a little hysterical.” Grant groaned, completely sick of listing to that girl muttering weird stuff.
The man was barely holding on to a wooden crutch made from branches, but it wasn't enough to stay upright for long.
Far from answering that with any sarcastic comment, Jules just looked away and crossed her arms a bit embarrassed.
“Hey, don't talk to her like that again.” Natasha defended her, getting ahead of Y/N.
“Hey, HEY! I think we should talk about the huge problem instead.” Wanda cleared her throat, trying to change the subject. “We're out of food. We're all feeling it.”
Everyone was silent, the hunger they felt was beginning to make everything worse. Any small fight ended in shouting or bad mood.
“Now, the good news is my father used to take me deer hunting every year as a kid.” Grant grunted and slowly, awkwardly reached for the rifle and held it up. “The bad news... yeah, I am down to one fucking leg.”
The man clenched his jaw, trying to stay strong and keep feel that superiority, but it was more difficult when they looked at him with pity. “Which means that if we want to eat, one of you is gonna have to learn how to use this thing.”
They all nodded, Natasha raised her hand saying that her father taught her to shoot and she was willing to teach Y/N or Pietro to do it. Maybe it took a while, but they managed to group up to go out and hunt. ㅤㅤ
That morning, Y/N, Pietro and Natasha left the cabin ready to find something to hunt. Even though neither of them seemed happy with hurting an animal, eating nothing but mushroom soup for days was starting to weigh on them.
Many hours later, the sun was going down and Wanda began to feel anxious. She tried to convince herself that it was just because of Pietro, but deep down she knew that she also cared about Y/N. She came back with some 'clean' blankets in her arms, they had left several clothes drying outside.
The cabin was a bit more cleaner, enough for them to stop breathing dust. As long as they all helped keep it that way. Some cheering made Wanda come out of the cabin, she finally smiled widely.
“They did it!” Kate exclaimed happily seeing how Pietro, Y/N and Nat were carrying a deer. It didn't seem very big but enough to have food for a few days.
Everyone came closer to see it, they seemed a little tired but definitely happy for what they had achieved.
“Nice work, you guys.” Wanda put her hands on her hips, looking at the deer. She felt a bit sorry but she also understood that they were about to starve.
“Yeah.” Pietro smiled broadly and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.  “It was all Y/N.”
“She did great.” Nat smiled too, they all started screaming excited to understand that it was the first sign that they could survive in that place, without knowing what awaited them next.
Night came and they were grateful that the beginning of autumn treated them well for now. They were all surrounding the campfire, Kate and Jennifer were in charge of roast it and distributing the pieces of meat to the girls who looked starving.
“Are you okay?”
Pietro's voice took Wanda from her thoughts, while she slowly ate.
“Yeah, better now.”
“I was so hungry.” Pietro sighed then finished his first piece of meat, reaching out for another.
“Yeah, me too.”  Wanda said as she wiped her lips. She noticed how the boy devoured the meat, so hungry, Wanda felt so guilty.
“I'm sorry I brought you here.” She lowered her gaze.  “I know you came just for me.”
Quickly, Pietro looked up and frowned, genuinely concerned. “No, sestra. Don’t be sorry.” He put his hand on Wanda's shoulder, who kept looking at the ground. “I would never leave you alone, you know that. This is not your fault, this was an accident.”
“Okay?” Pietro held his gaze until Wanda nodded.
“This is good, not as good as mom’s Chicken Paprikash but good.” He pointed at the food, making her sister smile. It was all he wanted, to take a great weight off the girl's heart.
Wanda looked up and noticed that Y/N was chatting and smiling with Jennifer. She wondered what she was talking about, what was it that made her so excited?
“You’re close to Y/N lately.” Pietro teased, trying not to smile.
“Yeah, is it bad?” Wanda turned to see him, she sounded a bit worried.
“No, not at all.” The boy took a bite. “She’s nice, all these crazy women, Y/n is who I like best.”
Wanda said nothing, just smiled tenderly and then fell silent.
The connection between the two had always been so strong, both twins were so close and although sometimes it was the object of mocks, they considered that connection something incredible.
“Do you think they will rescue us?” Wanda asked a little more seriously this time, she needed her brother's sincerity now.
“I don't know, Wanda. What Y/N is right about is… if they wanted to, they would already be here.” Pietro sighed, didn't want to talk about what he felt cause he didn't want to make her feel worse, but that was the truth, more than a week and they hadn’t received any kind of signal that people were looking for them.
Not planes. No rescue helicopters. Nothing.
“Did you apologize to Jules?” Wanda raised an eyebrow.
“I did it.” Pietro smiled and nodded. “I think I saved her from stepping in a bear trap two days ago, and apparently, we're even.”
“That’s good.” She smiled at the boy and squeezed his cheek, noticing how grown his beard was.  “Look at you, your beard has already grown.”
“Oh, fuck off!” He pushed her hand away and they both laughed.
“I love you, Piet.”
“I love you, sestra.”
Nodding, Pietro got up so he could go check that everything was alright with the Coach Ward, who seemed to be a bit distant from the girls. Recently, Pietro was the only one Ward let near or talk to.
Seeing that now Wanda was alone, Y/N approached, sitting next to her on that log.
“Hi.” Wanda smiled trying to hide that strange 'joy' inside. Why was her heart beating so fast?
“How are you doing?” Y/N asked looking at her, noticing how beautiful she looked when the fire lit those green eyes. Maybe it was because almost two weeks ago they were in that place and everything seemed to get more intense but, wow, Wanda was so beautiful.
“I’m good, how about you? I didn't see you today.”
“Yeah. Killed a deer today so…” Y/N sighed and lowered her gaze somewhat embarrassed. More sad than embarrassed though.  
Wanda hesitated for a moment but ended up gently squeezing the girl's hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least we have to eat. We needed this.”
ㅤㅤ The relationship with Wanda improved so much after the accident. After the fight at the party, both of them made up and improved their friendship. And Y/N was very grateful for this, although her best friends were there, the connection with Wanda was completely different.
“Hey, you two.” Carol walked ahead of them making smooch noises, winking at Y/N.
Y/N shook her head and noticed how Wanda quickly removed her hand, not out of embarrassment but out of fear that Y/N would be mocked because of her.
“Hey. Do you want to go walk near the lake?” Y/N got up and stretched out her hand towards her, waiting for her to take it. “I can take the rifle if it makes you feel safer.”
“Won't we get lost?” Wanda asked a bit worried but also an excited shine could be seen in her eyes. As if it was something forbidden and interesting, what more could they lose?
“I know the way, Natasha owes me one so maybe she'll let us go. I found a nice place that nobody else knows about.” She turned to see how some girls kept laughing and chatting about boys now. “If you want to get away from all this mess, sure.”
Biting her bottom lip, Wanda didn't have to think too hard. She took her hand and ended getting up.  “Yeah, I would like to.”
They managed to escape from the place without anyone seeing them, but not before telling Natasha because otherwise she would start lecturing them and that was not the idea.
ㅤㅤ Y/N took the rifle and one of the gas lamps, both walked through the trees, following a path that only Y/N seemed to know.
“Are you sure about this” Wanda asked worriedly as they walked down the path towards the lake.
“Every day I walk through the same place. Nat asked me to start drawing some things to make a map.” Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it over.
Wanda opened it but couldn't see much, just some lines and the cabin drawn in the middle. Y/N moved the lamp closer so she could see better.
“I found this place when I was drawing the path to the lake and the place where the edible mushrooms grew.” Y/N kept walking and took a path to the left, behind some huge boulders. She helped Wanda so that she could climb them carefully, and after a few minutes, they both found themselves with a beautiful view of the lake and the huge starry sky above them. The moonlight made the lake look beautiful.
The trees and the boulders covered them, making it a perfect private place.
“Y/N, this is good.” Wanda smiled widely, looking around.
Y/N just smiled happy, both lay back on the grass watching the sky, enjoying the sound of the forest. After so many days, far from seeming creepy, they began to find some comfort in those sounds that they now recognized.
The hooting, the sound of crickets, the fluttering of birds.
“Look at all those stars.” Wanda whispered completely gawking. “I never thought there were so many above us.”
“Without light pollution it looks so beautiful.” Y/N sighed heavily, arms crossed behind her head. She didn't know how long it had been since they left the cabin, maybe a few minutes or an hour, she didn't know. Didn't care either.
“Pretty.” The sokovian whispered.
Pretty. 'That's what you are' Y/N thought when she turned to see the girl beside her.
Wanda was so damn beautiful. Just look at those eyes, so pretty and big, curious to know everything life had to offer her. That adorable nose, she loved when Wanda scrunched it. Those lips, surely they were soft and sweet.
“Wanda, I'd like to talk to you.” Y/N finally took courage, betting her whole heart on a single play.
“You know you can tell me anything. What's going on?” Wanda turned to see her, worried. Y/N seemed a bit nervous, without a doubt it must be quite important.
“I like you.” The girl released without waiting another second, leaving her heart open. But far from seeming like a confession of love, it seemed more like a release. Y/N sighed and sat up. “I'm sorry. I know you have a boyfriend, but even though it's obvious... and everyone knows it.”
Wanda said nothing. She was surprised and not at the same time, she always knew it and she knew it right now. Every kind smile when others teased her, every laugh they shared, every word of support.
She knew that Y/N had a crush on her, why fake it? What she didn't understand is why.
“I thought it would be nice to tell you myself.” Y/N smiled shily, playing with her fingers. “We're lost in the woods waiting to be rescued, and I don't have the time or the strength to hide my feelings. It's so fucking tiring… so that’s it. If that makes you uncomfortable, we'll have to deal with it."
“I'm in love with you.” Y/N breathed out deeply and closed her eyes, the secret finally out and it felt so much better.
Silence reigned for a moment until Wanda reached out her hand, taking hers.
“Y/N? Please, open your pretty eyes.” Wanda asked with a soft voice and a loving look. And when she finally did, the brunette asked: “Y/N, what’s my favorite song?”
Y/N frowned, not understanding what she meant by knowing that, but the sokovian insisted.
ㅤㅤ “Umh... I've noticed that you like 'Fade Into You', I've seen you rewind your cassette twice until you get to that song.” Y/N said sincerely but then she realized that maybe it sounded like she was keeping an eye on her or something, maybe Wanda would think it's weird. She quickly added, “It's not like I see you too much.”
But Wanda nodded slowly. “What are my favorite candies?”
“Twizzlers. You always eat them when you get all anxious in our matches.” Y/N answered again, feeling how her heart kept beating fast but the tension faded slowly.
Wanda finally smiled, her eyes showing the tenderness and excitement she felt.  
The times she had asked Vision that, well, the boy didn't know what to say. First he answered any popular song, and then he said 'had no idea what kind of sweets you ate because who looks at those things? I can buy you anything you want, just tell me.'
“You really know me.” Wanda felt her eyes fill with tears, but she didn't shed any.
“Well, yeah, that's why I like you. I do and… I wanna know more, if you let me.”
“I like you too.” The sokovian blurted out, not caring about anything other than that moment. What else did it matter? They were in the middle of the forest, lost, trying to survive.
And her heart just asked to be close to her, it always did, from the moment Y/N defended her from Sharon Carter.
Well, that was something Y/N didn't expect at all. With a dumbfounded face, unable to believe it, all she could say was:  “R-Really?”
“I do.” Wanda bit her lower lip, as a signal which Y/N caught perfectly. She kissed Wanda's lips in a soft first kiss, enjoying that exquisite sensation. Hearts intertwining, two teenagers completely in love.
“Is it wrong?” The sokovian whispered against her lips, barely breaking away. She felt completely enraptured in that feeling, so different from her when she kissed Vision.
The truth is that Vision and Wanda had never gone far, just a few little kisses and caresses. The boy tried a few times to go further but Wanda always said that she wanted to wait. Now, she felt that self-control with y/n didn't exist.
Y/N quickly shook her head, touching softly the brunette's cheek. “I don't think liking or loving someone is wrong.” She sighed, still sharing that closeness. “So, can I keep kissing you?”
Wanda smirked, shortening the distance to kiss again. “Good, because your kisses are so damn good.”
Both giggled before kissing again, only the stars being the witnesses of that youthful love that was born.
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The days passed and there was no news of the blackmailer. Maybe because money cooled things down, but not the concern of all of them knowing that they were outsmarted.
Y/N was at the hotel, visited Jules some times, especially when Natasha was working. The doctor told them that the baby was in no danger yet, that no bleeding was positive, even when Jules told that she suffered a pretty bad blow.
Doctor Cho said that they should be more careful and that so far everything seemed fine, but later they would know better with the ultrasound at the next week.
And the secrets cooled the relationship with Nat so much that, the redhead began to suspect that perhaps her beloved wasn’t happy. The silence at night became unbearable, and sadness weighed on their hearts.
“Jules…” Nat said as she saw the brown-eyed woman come out of the bathroom with her huge T-shirt. She no longer slept in her panties, trying to provoke her. Sex had always been a big deal to them, the passion was increased by the unconditional love they felt.  “Are you going to talk to me?”
Jules just curled up on the bed, trying to hide her face.  “Everything is fine, I'm a little tired.”
“Okay, just tell me, what the hell is going on?” Nat sat up in bed, so done with this game. She was sick of all this strange tension that had been around them for a while. “I know you're hiding something, I know you since we were eleven. You've been so stealthy with Y/N, as if you were hiding a secret... and I am not worthy of  your trust.”
“We have never been like this, Julia.” Those green eyes express the sadness and restlessness she felt.  “Don't you love me anymore?”
Jules kept her back to her, trying not to cry when she heard the pain in Natasha's raspy voice.
“Because if that's it, we can… we can try to go to those… You know? Couples therapy or whatever to get your love back. Or- or we can... I don't know, I don't want to let you go but, if you're not happy with me...” Natasha swallowed, the angst in her throat not letting her continue.
That was all Jules could bear. She turned quickly so she could see her, and that image completely destroyed her.
“No, no, no.” Jules took her hand and hastened to erase any kind of doubt, she couldn't allow Natasha to doubt herself when she had always been wonderful. “Nat, that's not it, honey.”
“So what is it?” they entwined their fingers.
Jules hesitated for a moment, didn't know how to start. Just felt her eyes fill with tears.
“I don't want you to hate me.” The dark-haired girl sniffled. That worried Natasha even more, what was it that bothered her so much? So sad, that she couldn't even tell her.
“Moya lyubov, I would never hate you.” The redhead cooed softly, genuinely concerned about her, the love of her life.
“I’m pregnant.” Finally she let go, exhaling slowly.
Couldn't take it anymore, soon her belly would start to show, what was the point of lying or keeping it as a secret? Lying to the person she loved the most in the world.
Natasha wasn't the type of woman to leave her just because she was pregnant, was she? No, she had always been an incredible, faithful, kind, loving, passionate woman. Maybe she was a little afraid of commitment at first but, once Natasha got over that fear, she was always there for Jules.
ㅤ “You… what?” The redhead blinked fast, it took her a few seconds to understand. Oh.
“I’m pregnant, the IUI worked but we didn't notice.” Jules swallowed hard and wiped away the tears falling down her cheeks.  Was so pale that those lovely cheeks turned red, as did her nose and lips from crying. “I found out  about a week ago... or more.”
A huge smile, a hug, endless kisses. That was all Jules hoped for, but what she got was Natasha getting out of bed, completely shocked and a bit pissed off.
“What the fuck, Julia?!” The russian exclaimed in disbelief. Quickly, Jules covered her face out of embarrassment.  “Really?”
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn't want you to be mad at me and hate me!” She whimpered, completely devastated.
“Of course I’m mad at you!” Natasha exclaimed. How could her wife hide something like that from her? “You went to the meeting with the blackmailer and you are pregnant!”
But far from seeming bothered by the idea that they were having a baby, or terrified by it, Natasha was completely mad because her wife put her and their child's lives at risk by going with them.
“You were punched in the stomach, for God's sake!” Nat hurried over to put a hand on Jules belly, extremely concerned. “Don’t fucking do that again!”
Surprised by that, noticing the concern on her lover's face, Jules just sighed. Her eyes swollen from crying. “I’m fine. We’re fine.”
“How are you so sure?” Natasha insisted, looking at her and then at her belly. She caressed it gently, those green eyes brimming with tears of emotion.
Of course, she would never be upset by the idea of bringing a child into the world, perhaps a little scared because all this would bring consequences and she was afraid that exactly what happened, would happen. That they were in danger.
“Dr. Cho said she didn't think there was any danger because there was no bleeding, but we would find out better on the ultrasound next week.”
Natasha sighed with relief upon hearing those words, all she wanted is for the baby and her wife to be okay. Jules nodded slowly, carefully watching all the gestures and looks of Nat. She felt so dumb, so stupid, how could she have thought that Natasha would be mad at her? Although her words had made it seem like she was glad the IUI wasn't working, Nat would never turn her back on her kid.
“You’re pregnant.” Nat whispered, then allowed herself to smile. She was finally beginning to realize what that meant.  “Oh my god, we're having a baby!”
“We are!” Jules smiled wiping away her tears.
“We’re going to be moms!” Natasha exclaimed excitedly, taking her wife's hands and then hugging her tightly. “We must take good care of the baby, okay? We have to. Promise me.”
“I promise… Are you really happy about this?” Jules giggled through her tears, completely happy to see her redhead so excited about the pregnancy.
“You’re kidding? I’m ecstatic!” Nat leaned down to kiss her lips over and over again until she crouched down, facing Jules belly. “Hello there, Зайчик… I’m your mama Natasha. Your other mom in fact, because you have two, and that means you're going to be very, very loved!” Nat kissed her belly and leaned her forehead against it, smiling widely. Oh, it felt so good. “We love you.”
The redhead spent a while 'chatting' with her baby and Jules watched everything with a look of pure love, until they both decided to jump on the bed with happiness, celebrating that beautiful news.
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Since the meeting with the blackmailer that night, Wanda was more nervous than ever. She was grateful that her little ones were visiting their grandparents that weekend, allowing her to have a bit of peace for at least two days.
The brunette walked around the house, taking some things that the twins left lying around and putting them in its place. She didn't mind having to do it anyway, it was just throwing the clothes in the washing machine and at least it kept her busy with something.
“Fuck.” The brunette muttered under her breath when she saw a sock under the furniture, those kids left their stuff all over the place. Wanda end up sighing and bent down to take it but something shiny caught her eye. As if from the dark depths of that piece of furniture, something shamelessly winked at her.
A black t-shirt, but the most important thing was that when she took it, her hands were stained with glitter.
Hands that began to tremble just by seeing the shirt; the blackmailer's son of a bitch was none other than her husband.
"VISION!” She exclaimed aloud, rushing out of the room to head to the garage, where he had his office. She entered without further ado, breaking in that 'sanctuary'.
"Wanda, what's going on?" the blond growled, clearly annoyed by the sudden invasion.
“What is this?" She held up that black shirt, completely covered in glitter. It didn't take an answer, Vision's surprised and terrified look said it all.
“Wanda, I-” He exhales. “Okay. I can explain this.”
Of course he doesn't know how to do it, especially when Wanda's eyes widened. Oh, she was mad. “Oh, my God, Vision. What did you do?”
“Okay, just-just…” He got up from his seat and tried to get closer but the brunette moved away, looking at him with a truly terrifying fury and disappointment.
“What did you do?” Wanda hissed.
“Just listen to me.” Vision closed the door. “You were never supposed to get involved in this.”
Wanda remained still, waiting for a convincing answer.
“It just... It got out of control.” The english man sighed and placed a hand across his face. “Listen, that damn store...”
“Our store?” Wanda frowned and crossed her arms. Everything seemed to get worse and worse.
“Yeah, but this new one... Bloody ElectronicsFam.com” He growled angrily. “They are running me out of business. They got virtually no overhead. They mass-produce all their own inventory. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
The expression on the man's face only made Wanda want to slap him more and more. They had bought that store with the money the insurance gave her for the plane accident. She understood that Vision felt guilty but this was too much. “So you… you blackmailed us?”
“Not you. I thought I had to...” Vision sighs, so defeated. “I thought... Jennifer, she's a lawyer and you know… maybe Y/N had the cash.”
Wanda closed her eyes, trying not to explode. She obviously murmured some sokovian insults that the man couldn't even understand. He wasn't a bad man, but he was a complete jerk sometimes.
“I mean, I was going to lose the store, Wanda. First, I took out a loan. I just... I-I got a loan from these people, all right?” As Vision spoke and explained the whole situation, Wanda began to think that the decision that was on her mind lokg time ago was the right one. “And it turns out that they were... they were bad.”
Wanda inhales deeply. “Like... like loan sharks?”
Vision just shook his head.
“Like fucking mobsters, Vision?” The sokovian yelled furiously but Vision shooed her away. “Are they gonna kill us? Our kids? you didn't think of them! My god, Vision!”
Of course she was terrified for her children.
"Be quiet, Wanda!"
"Don't tell me to shup up!" She snapped wildly, pointing at him. "Are they gonna do something to us?"
“No, no! No! I paid 'em back. It's all good. No one is gonna die.”
"My God, Vision." Wanda shook her head. “You have to pay Y/N.”
"Wanda, you can't tell them it was me-" Horror flashed across the man's face. What if he went to jail?
"You have to take responsibility for your actions, Vision. For fuck's sake, you just- they almost shoot you!"
“What if they send me to jail? Natasha could do it.”
“No one will do that. Just… get the damn money and you're going to pay it back, you hear me?” the brunette told him seriously, there was no way he could refuse that face of hers. She was adorable but a lot of times, she could scare you. "You're going to pay to Y/N, I'll apologize to them."
Vision nodded quickly. "I'll do it, I swear for our children."
Wanda sighed and walked towards the door, but not before giving a final stab. "And Vision? I want the divorce."
"What?" He frowned, surprised and maybe a bit hurt.
"Oh, come on Vis. Don't you think that's enough?" Wanda sighed deeply tired. "You don't love me, I don't love you. We are here for our kids and they know very well what is happening between us.”
"I know you have a lover." She smiled sadly, because even though he was doing it behind her back, she was glad to know that he found someone. Besides, didn't feel so guilty that she didn't love him.
"I'm sorry, Wanda." the blonde whispered, he took off his glasses so that he could clean them and avoid showing how ashamed he felt.
"We've been friends for all these years, but we can't pretend we love each other. Let's just not make it difficult for the kids. They will understand."
"They are lucky that we made that decision now."
They both smiled kindly, like two old friends saying goodbye, a necessary goodbye in order to move on.
“I will spend the weekend in a hotel, I'll go pack my things.”
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About five minutes, that's how long it took Y/N to get to that woman's house, after Wanda sent her that message.
‘Come to my house, we need to talk.’
Y/N sighed deeply and took courage, if Wanda needed to talk, perhaps it would be to yell at her some more things that she kept for a long time.
“Hi.” Wanda waved when she opened the door, letting her into the house.
“Hey.” Y/N came into the place, looking around with curiosity. She had never been there, but it looked like a rather… ordinary home? Normal? Pretty good, very cozy.
Noticed some family photos, mostly of two adorable little ones. Billy and Tommy.
She followed Wanda to the kitchen without saying anything, expecting to know what she had to say, but the brunette just kept silent.
“Will the girls be coming soon?” Y/N asked in a low voice, as if she was about to break the moment and detonate the bomb. Kept her hands in the  pockets, watching Wanda's every move.
“It’s just us.” Wanda whispered as she took out some bread, jelly, and peanut butter.
Just them? That made Y/N frown.
“So... why did you call me?” Y/N leaned on the doorway, watching as Wanda cut small sandwiches. “You're supposed to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.” Wanda grunted under her breath. “I'm just mad at you.”
“I know its because of what I did-” Y/N tried, a tired sigh, but Wanda turned to finally attack.
So done.
“You broke my heart, TWICE.”  She snapped. Wanda spat out those words like poison that she had kept for a long, long time . “Not only when we came back from the forest and you abandoned me, but then you came back years later. You filled me with false hope and illusions saying that you loved me, that I should leave Vision and we should go together.”
Y/N swallowed; it was time to take care of all the things she did.
“I did it! For you, because I loved you so much, I was madly in love with you! And when I came back to the hotel where we made love all night and you were waiting for me to do this together, YOU WERE HAVING SEIZURES.” She said with a shaky voice, those green eyes showing not only anger but also fear and sadness at that horrible memory. The scariest moment of her life.
I’m sorry-”
“When I got back to the hotel, smiling, ready to face the world with you… you were choking on your own blood because you overdosed. AGAIN.” The brunette wiped away a tear that fell down her cheek.  “You died, I saw you die that day.”
Y/N was silent, couldn't say anything because she knew perfectly well that Wanda was right. How much she had hurt that woman was unforgivable, but love was always there.
Maybe love wasn't enough.
“And the paramedics brought you back to life.” Wanda turned her gaze to the sandwiches, taking a deep breath to calm down and put the tiny sandwiches in the fridge.  “You stole those drugs from the hospital, and you could have gotten Jules fired or jailed.”
“I know.” Y/N swallowed, looking down. “I did terrible things.”
“Yes, you did and everyone thinks I'm the bad guy, and i’m cruel or- or impatient, but I'm not! Don't tell me I hate you, because I don't.” The sokovian whispered so hurt. “I'm not the bad guy here. You broke me first, twice.”
But even though Y/N could have turned and left and not take all those words anymore, she came closer and put a hand on Wanda’s shoulder. And despite the fact that the sokovian refused at first,  slowly she allowed herself to be hugged tightly for a while.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Y/N sighed, knowing something else was wrong. “I know you're mad at me, but I also know there's more.”
Wanda looked up, Y/N knew her too well. The brunette moved away from the embrace, leaning against the kitchen counter next to Y/N. Like two old friends.
“Vision is cheating on me.” Wanda started. “I've known for a while now.”
Y/N just nodded and then exhaled furiously, like a rampaging, raging bull. How could he do that to Wanda? Just like that?  To that woman? “’Kay… I’m gonna kick his ass. He is in the store right now?”
“No, that’s not-” Wanda interceded, getting in the way.
“I'm not going to let him treat you like this.” Y/N growled.
“Stop.” She put her hands on Y/N and slowly pushed her back onto the counter, returning to where they were.  “That's not what got me like this!”
“So what is it?”
“Vision is cheating on me, yeah… but I don’t even care.” The brunette shrugged lightly.  “It is as if we both know that we don’t love each other, but… the kids. You know? Anyway, that's not the worst or the most important thing.”
Y/N kept silent, hoping that Wanda would dare to say it, especially when the sokovian seemed to start walking in circles, trying to get up the courage to tell her the truth.
“Vision is the one who's been blackmailing us.” Finally, Wanda released it as if it were nothing.
And Y/N's reaction was exactly what she expected. The dark-haired woman just opened her eyes wide, her jaw tensed, making her look perhaps quite attractive, or at least that's what Wanda thought for a moment.
“What?” Y/N exploded angrily.  “The fuck?! I’m gonna kill him.”
“No, you won’t.” Wanda pointed at her, trying to calm her down but Y/N frowned even more annoyed. Was she going to defend him now?
“H-he needed the money, apparently the store was not paying off.” Wanda pinched the bridge of her nose, even more frustrated than before.  “Because of this… online store or something.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N noticed that she didn't seem too happy with that news either. Surely Wanda was also upset when she found out.
“The business began to fall apart, he was asking for loans but it was dirty money.” Wanda sighed. 
Y/N nodded slowly, at least this meant something good and that was that no one else knew what they did in the forest. That was good.
“So you both owe me 50 grand.” Y/N teased, trying to make her feel better or smile.
“HE does.” Wanda clarified, finally smiling. A genuine smile. Y/N won and her heart knew it.
“I'm going to break his fucking legs, man.” Y/N exhaled deeply and shook her head. “At least we don't have to worry about our past getting out of here. Right?”
Wanda just nodded.
“Does he know EVERYTHING that happened there? Did he read all your diaries?” she narrowed her eyes.
“No, he just saw the drawing and thought it was important. He doesn't know what truly happened.” Wanda began to play with her rings, so embarrassed, everything that happened was her fault. “I promise I'll pay you back.”
“No, he will.” Y/N smirked. “We'd better tell the others. They'll be glad to know there's no danger.”
“I don't know, I don't want them to be mad at me.”
Y/N kept watching her, she was seventeen years later and she still looked so beautiful. Now she looked more mature, those green eyes showed how much she had matured but that made her more beautiful and sensual. And that body? Wow, she really was a mommy.
“You have to tell them the truth, that's what it's all about.”  Noticing how worried Wanda looked, Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder. “They love you, believe me they won't care as long as you're fine. Besides that you had nothing to do with this.”
“Do you think they won't hate me?”  Wanda's voice melted Y/N's heart, who only quickly denied.
“They have hearts too big, look why I'm here.” The taller one shrugged. “Plus, I think they have bigger fish to fry between them.”
“What do you mean?” The brunette asked worriedly.
“Jules is pregnant.” Y/N smiled happily, but after a few seconds she realized the huge mistake she made.  “I mean, fuck, I wasn't supposed to say anything! You can't say anything! I promised not to say it!”
Y/N panicked, opening her eyes wide, but Wanda only opened her big eyes in surprise and couldn't help but smile widely. That was much more important than all this, her best friends were going to be moms. That joy cast out any fear she might have.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” Wanda squealed.  “That’s good news, right? We must celebrate!”
“So good, right?! But remember, don't say anything.”
They both looked like two excited kids, laughing over that beautiful news as if it were themselves.
“But wait, Nat doesn’t now that and Jules doesn't know how she's going to take it.” y/n pursed her lips watching as Wanda took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet and two glasses.
“Damn.” Wanda said worriedly. “Oh, god, she was hit the other day! Is she okay?”
“She is. I went with her to the doc, she's fine for now.” she nodded and took the glass, somewhat doubtful.
“Oh, thank god. Thank you for telling me this.” She was going to take the bottle to open it but Y/N touched her arm gently, getting her attention. “I was so worried that-”
“Wait, Wanda?”
“Yeah?” she frowned.
“I don't drink anymore. I'm still recovering.” Y/N wrinkled her nose. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you but…" She swallowed and shrugged a bit shy.
“…OH! I’m so sorry!” The sokovian exclaimed in embarrassment, quickly setting the bottle aside. She didn't know what to say, feeling so ashamed that she was so inconsiderate. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, I’m trying my best. It's not like I'm desperate to drink anyway.” Y/N smiled kindly.
And for a moment, Wanda felt that she was seeing that eighteen-year-old girl again, so kind, attentive and considerate. That Y/N that completely stolen her heart years ago.
“Please, don’t look at me like that.” Wanda shook her head and turned to leave the kitchen and arrange some things in the living room, some thrown cushions and joysticks.  
“Like that?”
“Like a fucking sad but loving puppy.”
“Because I can't deal with your ‘unrequited love victim’ look right now.” Wanda shook her head. Y/N followed Wanda around the place, helping her to pick up some cushions. “Stop that.”
"But I love you.” Y/N smirked, wasn't going to stop, not anymore.
“Please, stop.” Wanda pointed her finger at her and ended up taking the cushion out of her hands.
“I can’t.” She was willing to do everything to make it better, to have Wanda by her side, in any way. “It kills me not being able to have you, not being able to be with you. I love to see you happy, I love to see you smile, but don't think that it doesn't hurt me not to have you.
“Well, you seemed fine when-”
“I know!” Y/N stepped forward. She perfectly knew everything she did, and despite the fact that she has changed, Y/N knew that she would have to endure those comments forever. “I know, and it wasn't right or fair. I was sick and I was sunk deep into the abyss and I started to sink you too.”
She sighed heavily, taking over all her actions. As many times as necessary.
“And I’m sorry, but i'm done apologizing.” At Wanda's surprised look, Y/N stepped forward to take her hand. “I can't keep sinking anymore, that's why I'm here. Because I love you, because I love my friends, and because I want to love myself a little more. No one deserves what I did to you all, and I want to make it right. I have to do it, okay?”
Y/N sighed deeply. Would fight whatever it took to keep the people she loved close. Time to mourn was over, now she just had to build and take care of the future.
“I am taking responsibility for it. We all screwed up in one way or another.  I’m sober, I’m better and I’m trying my fucking best.”
Wanda just nodded, completely fascinated by that image. With a different Y/N, mature and much more responsible. She looked so attractive… It was too much, so tired of fighting the tension between the two; Wanda ended the distance and kissed her lips with a passion that surprised them both.
Y/N was quick to kiss her back, pushing the brunette against the wall. The warmth of her body and her lips wrapped around her in such an exquisite way, she felt like coming home.
Her heart beat again after so long, the reason why she was still alive was right there.
It wasn't a cute and tender kiss, it was a kiss full of passion and need. From two people who missed each other too much and had been away for a long, long time.
“Wanda, we're at your house.” Y/N cursed herself for being the voice of reason, but even so, she didn't stop and kept devouring the sokovian's neck.  “Vision or the kids could come.”
When was the last time Wanda felt wanted? Needed and desired. A long time ago, she hadn't had sex with Vision in a long time and right now, her legs were shaking like she was that same needy young self again.
“He’s not coming... the kids won't be around for the whole weekend.” Wanda could barely whisper, feeling how her legs were so weak. “Oh god.”
Between kisses and caresses, both ended up in Wanda's room, tangled between the sheets. Their naked bodies complemented each other once more; Wanda's hands ran over Y/N's bare back over and over again.
“Fuck me.” She whispered against Y/N’s lips between kisses and bites. “Now. Please.”
Feeling that paradise existed in the hands of Y/N, she got carried away. Legs that trembled, lips that ran over the skin over and over again. Wanda bit her skin as if she wanted to mark that woman as hers once more.
Because she was always hers.
The moans, the screams of pleasure, the biting.
The way in which Wanda sought to take Y/N's hands for her to cling to before reaching orgasm, or how her tongue ran through that wet sex with a unique devotion.
The way their breasts swayed with each movement, how their muscles contracted and then released at the peak of pleasure. How Y/N's hands gently squeezed the brunette's neck, how she licked her thumb, teasing her. Needing more.
It was an incredible night for both of them, who ended up sweaty, sore and happy hugging in that bed.
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So... 👀🐝 Now do you understand Wanda's anger better? And you haven't read it yet.
Hope you enjoyed, this is turning interesting and good. I'm already working on the finale and... it might make you smile, cry, or both. Some intense stuff is coming so, I just want to let you know that. Clearly many didn't survive the forest.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17 @cristin-rjd @kenlymar @chtte @marvelogic @druggedduck @aliherreraaa @widowwaddles @gingiesworld
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