#keep calm and get bitten
fangtasticgurl · 11 months
Keep Calm and Get Bitten
Ethan gets a vision when he lets Sarah drink his blood, and it changes everything…
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Chapter 4
Word Count: 1197
Chapter 1: ♡
Chapter 2: ♡
Chapter 3: ♡
You can also read it on ao3 here: ♡
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"I am so stoked to pick up my pre-order of the new Halo game." Ethan gushed, "You've got to come over and play it, I'm 99.9% sure I'm going to be spending the whole break on it."
"Sure beats playing nothing but COD for a whole week by myself..." Benny sighed, "Forever Alone."
"I'd come over if you didn't play games full of tryhard douchebags."
"COD players are not that bad."
"Easy for you to say." Ethan rolled his eyes, "You're not the one getting called slurs."
"Just turn off your mic!"
"And let you be the only one who can talk? Yeah, right." Ethan scoffed.
They noticed Erica nearby, digging thoroughly through Sarah's locker.
"You know that Sarah would definitely notice if you took anything from there?" Ethan smirked as he watched Erica shovel out handfuls of Sarah's cutesy school supplies.
Erica rolled her eyes, "Like I'd have any use for her stupid animal erasers. I'm just getting stuff for her while she's doing her makeup tests. She's gonna have to do a lot of homework during break."
"Oh, damn. That sounds rough. Y'know, maybe I could help her out over break."
Erica paused to side-eye Ethan.
"Yeah, no. She visits her auntie every fall break."
"Oh... I've never heard her mention that." 
Erica scoffed as she tossed mini highlighters with animal faces into Sarah's bag, "What are you, her boyfriend or something? She doesn't have to 'mention' anything to you."
Harsh, Ethan thought to himself, frowning. The hostile tension made Ethan avert his eyes away from Erica, to look at Benny, who looked back at him with fear in his eyes and a sympathetically pained expression on his face.
"Erica, what gives? What are you being so mean to me for?" asked Ethan.
"News flash, losers! I'm always mean."
"Well, you're meaner than usual, which is saying a lot."
"At least I don't lie to my friends about having 'good visions'. How gullible do you think she is?"
Ethan's eyes widened, "She told you about last night?"
"Duh! I'm her best friend."
"Well I wasn't lying, okay?" Ethan argued, his face flushing pink at the reminder of the day before, "I just don't know what it means."
Erica tightened her grip on the twenty or so glitter gel pens she was now holding in her hand. She squinted her eyes to glare at Ethan as if she were shooting a thousand daggers at him. A thousand glittery, colorful daggers.
"You better figure it out," Erica sneered, "Because the last thing Sarah needs right now is some false promise of something good from someone who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about."
"...What? I'd never do anything to hurt her like that."
"Yeah, well, some people already have."
Ethan's eyes widened at the audacity.
"Oh yeah? Like when you ditched her for her shitty ex-boyfriend?" he scoffed, "Because that's totally what best friends do."
Erica lunged forward at Ethan, eyes glowing and fangs protruding as she let out a violent hiss. 
"Shut the fuck up." she threatened. 
While it did make him pee himself a little bit, Ethan stood his ground. She could beat him in a fight, easily. But people were already listening in to their argument, phones ready to record the second it escalates. He knew Erica wouldn't be stupid enough to attack him out in the open. And he was right. Erica furiously chucked the last of Sarah's things into her bag.
"Nice to know Sarah hangs out with people like you" she hissed, slamming the locker hard enough to make Ethan and Benny jump at the noise, and loud enough to make some of the people in the hallway turn their heads to look at her as she stomped away in her studded, off-brand Doc Marten boots.
"Was just about to say the same thing." Ethan muttered.
Erica heard him from where she was, raising her hand to give Ethan and Benny the finger without looking back.
Erica tossed Sarah's hefty bag into a an empty student's chair, landing on the seat with a thundering boom. Sarah was doing some makeup work for AP History with one earbud in, and Erica could hear faintest sound of Neon Trees' Animal from where she stood.
"Those dorks you hang out with are so fucking nosy. How can you stand hanging out with people like that?"
"Hey, hey. Language." said the teacher.
"No, this is History!" Sarah joked.
Erica rolled her eyes.
"Un. Be. Lieveable. Those geeks are turning you into a person who makes puns. About school."
"Well one of those geeks got Habits, Picture Show, and the entire soundtrack of Pitch Perfect on my iPod without having to pay a single cent." Sarah told Erica with a smug smile on her face, "That's pretty cool if you ask me."
"Are you focusing on your work?" the teacher asked nonchalantly, without looking up from the papers she was grading, Twenty minutes left."
"Eek!" Sarah squeaked. The lead in her Domo-kun keychained mechanical pencil snapped off as she tried to write faster. Erica rolled her eyes and sighed as she sat down in the other empty seat next to Sarah.
"Can I just sit here and hang out while she does her thing?" Erica asked the teacher.
"Nuh-uh. It's already pushing it for me to let her listen to music while she does classwork. She doesn't need any more distractions."
"Well, for the record," Sarah interjected, "Music helps me focus."
"Right. Anyways," the teacher continued, "It was very nice of you to bring her stuff here, but I need Sarah to focus on her work right now. You can talk to her later. Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, it's whatever. I have a lot of important stuff I need to do, anyway." Erica scoffed, getting up from her seat. She grabbed her Dusk-themed backpack from Hot Topic and swung it over her shoulder, trying to look completely unbothered. 
Yeah, important stuff. Like using the school computers to argue with someone on the Dusk Til Dawn fanforums, Sarah thought to herself. 
Erica left the classroom and strut down the school hallway with an air of confidence she gained since becoming a vampire. She wasn't some dorky, Dusk-obsessed loser anymore. No, she told herself, she's cool now. She doesn't need to wait hand and foot for her friend like some kind of sidekick when she has tons of way cooler, way more exciting things in her life to do. 
She spotted Ethan and Benny down the hall, and when they noticed her, she gave them a deadly, yellow-eyed glare and a hiss. It was able to intimidate Benny, but Ethan seemed to react in a way that was more annoyed than scared. He was underestimating her power, she figured. Big mistake.
If only she had a Death Note. She'd totally put Ethan's name first.
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hi! i'd like to ask for a whiskey with carmen berzatto with prompt m. Keeping the relationship a secret
thank you <3
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warnings - not quite smut, but a little smooching. cursing.
ah sweet carmen. thank you for this request <3
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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Carmy's fingertips graze across your back as he walks past you, featherlight and barely there.
It sets your nerves on fire.
You carry on slicing the tomatoes, mentally willing yourself to calm down. You seem to turn into a teenager when Carmy's around, all giggly and jumpy.
"Time for you to take a break," a warm voice mutters in your ear.
"I've got like an hour before I need a break, Carm."
"I said, time for you to take a break."
He presses a gentle kiss to your ear, chuckling when he sees you shiver. To anyone else, it looks like he's just giving you direction.
"I'll meet you in the office in five," you whisper. He's satisfied with your answer, slinking off to wait for you.
You barely make it to two minutes before you're walking across the kitchen, gliding through the door and closing it behind you.
Two rough hands find your hips, pushing you up against the wall. Carmy smashes his lips to yours, using your startled gasp as opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You tangle your fingers into his hair, tugging and pulling recklessly. Your leg hitches up around his thigh, desperate to get closer to him.
"You're all I can think about," Carmy whispers against your mouth. "Can't focus on a fuckin' thing when you're in the room."
You whine, tugging him back to kiss you again. You know this is risky. But you just can't help yourself.
"Come over tonight," you murmur. "Want you to fuck me to sleep."
He throws his head back and groans, gorgeous neck exposed and waiting to be bitten. You lean in and lick the expanse of it, tasting the salt on his skin.
Carmy brings a warm hand up to rest against your throat, smirking when you whine. He presses kisses to the spot under your ear, your neck, your collarbones. Just as he's trying to unbutton your shirt, the door swings open, scaring the life out of you both.
You shriek as Carmy jumps, light filling the tiny room.
"Well well well," Richie drawls, grin etched across his face. "What do we have here?"
"Is Carmy there? I need to ask him about-"
Sydney stops dead in her tracks, the corners of her lips curling.
"Does anyone else wanna come and fuckin' look?" Carmy groans, snapping at the two people stood in the doorway.
You hide your face in his chest, willing them to leave you alone. Or for the ground to swallow you up. Either works.
"Alright, alright. Let's leave these lovesick kids alone."
You never thought you'd see the day that Richie was your saving grace.
The minute the door swings closed, you can't help but break out into a fit of giggles. Carmy joins you, both of you crying tears of laughter.
Lovesick. He's probably right.
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6K notes · View notes
sourcherryandsprinkles · 11 months
Kinktober day 8 | Tate Langdon x Reader
Day 8: mommy kink
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, grinding, praising, slight degrading, overstimulation,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’I like when you do that.’’ 
‘’Do what?’’ 
‘’Fix my hair when it gets in my face. Run your hand down my back when I’m laying down. Make sure I ate today,’’ he explained as you rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand as you held hands on the way home, sensing his anxiety after a long day. You had a knack for knowing exactly what he needed. ‘’Take care of me.’’ 
‘’I just love you. People take care of the ones they love,’’ you said simply. 
Tate looked down at the sidewalk, his old converses suddenly very interesting to look at. ‘’I’ve never had anyone taking care of me before,’’ he admitted, feeling a lump of sadness settling in his stomach. 
His words made your heart ache. It was rare Tate would bring up his home life, preferring to escape it than bother you with his problems, but you knew Constance never really took good care of Tate — or any of her children. She was a terrible and neglectful mother, blaming the end of her acting career on him when her failure came from herself. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it when you couldn’t find the words. Instead, you squeezed his hand and walked the rest of the way to your house in silence. 
A few days later, you were watching a movie in your bed when your phone buzzed with a message from Tate. He hadn’t been able to come over today because Constance had invited her new boyfriend for dinner and wanted everyone to be there. 
From Tate: Can I come over? I’m already outside… 
Pushing your blanket off your body, you paused your movie and went downstairs, opening the door instead of texting him back. 
You found him sitting on your porch with his hands covering his face, looking like he had been there for a few minutes. His eyes were a bit red, matching his sore-bitten lips. It was a stark contrast to the green of his sweater.
‘’I had an argument with my mom and her new toy,’’ Tate explained once he was in the comfort of your bedroom. He rubbed at his face, attempting to erase the traces of his emotions. 
You nodded, sitting on the bed beside him. ‘’Do you want to talk about it?’’ 
He shook his head, not wishing to repeat what had been said. ‘’Can you just hold me? Please.’’
Without a word, you opened your arms, and Tate nestled into your embrace, giving him the love and comfort Constance failed to give her son. 
‘’Whatever has been said at that dinner, just know that your mother is wrong,’’ you spoke softly after a moment, your head resting on top of his as he held you tight. ‘’You’re loved and wanted and you didn't ruin her life, okay? Not you or Addie.’’ 
He sniffled and nodded against your chest. ‘’I love you too.’’ 
After a moment, his hold loosened, slowly calming down…and undoubtedly noticing the absence of a bra through your shirt. Lucky boy. You fought a smile, having not considered your attire when you went downstairs to get the door. 
‘’Do you feel comfortable like this?’’ you asked, breaking the silence.
Tate smiled smugly against your shirt, nodding. ‘’Very. They’re so soft and comfortable. I wish I could fall asleep like that at night.’’  
‘’Do you want me to take my shirt off?’’ you whispered, taking him by surprise. 
He nodded again, detaching himself from you so you could take off your shirt and fell back against your pillows in a more comfortable position. 
When you first suggested it, you didn’t think it would take a sexual turn, but Tate’s mouth began kissing at your breasts while his hands were massaging and kneading, fingers digging into soft flesh. God, he loved your tits. 
You would be lying if you said this wasn’t pleasurable. Tate was gentle and loving with his touches and kisses, savoring the moment. Your hand naturally found its way to his hair, running through his blond strands and encouraging him to keep going. 
Then, you began feeling something press against your thigh. 
‘’Not my fault. I can’t control what my dick does.’’
You bit back a laugh. ‘’Do you want me to take care of it?’’ Your hand wandered between your bodies to rub his hardening cock over his pants. 
Tate whimpered and pushed into your touch. ‘’Please.’’ 
He lifted his head from your chest, his eyes still red but no longer teary, and you motioned to take your spot and lay against your pillows.
‘’Mommy’s gonna take good care of you,’’ you promised, leaning down to give him a sweet kiss. ‘’I’m gonna make you feel so good, Tate. So good you’re gonna forget about tonight.’’
That’s exactly what he needed.
With your help, Tate discarded his pants and boxers, causing his cock to slap against his stomach. It must not have felt good straining against his stiff jeans. 
‘’Does that feel good, baby?’’ you asked, slowly running one finger over his sensitive length, teasing him.
He nodded, a shaky breath slipping from his lips. ‘’Y-yes.’’
You did it again, this time ending your stroke by brushing your thumb over the head. 
Tate whimpered, his hips jerking upwards and causing his sweater to ride up his stomach, flashing a trail of light blond hair. You leaned down to kiss it. 
‘’Such a good boy,’’ you praised, continuing to jerk him with your delicate hand. 
You could jerk him off until he spilled, but you decided to have some fun and try something else. Withdrawing your hand, Tate started sitting up. 
‘’Where are you going?’’ he asked, sounding alarmed. 
‘’I’m not going anywhere,’’ you reassured, caressing his thigh. ‘’Don’t worry.’’ 
Nodding, he settled back and watched you move, licking his lips as you removed your pajama bottoms and underwear. His deep brown eyes gave your body a look over, loving everything he was seeing. The natural fall of your breasts and the reddish-mauve mark his mouth left behind, the tiny mole right below your navel that no one but him had noticed, the scar on your calf from when you shaved and accidentally cut yourself. 
‘’You’re so pretty, Mommy. Can I have a kiss?’’ 
It was so nicely asked, you couldn’t deny him. 
You swung a leg over to straddle him, your hands rubbing his hips as his thick cock rested against his stomach, hard and leaking at the tip. The sight almost made the arousal between your legs drip. Your eyes met Tate's as you rose up on your knees, but instead of sinking down on his cock, you lowered yourself on the length and grinded your slick folds along it.
He moaned from the slightest bit of friction, feeling your pussy sliding languidly along his cock.
 A smirk drew across your lips, moving torturously slow. 
Tate whimpered your name, his voice laced with frustration and desire. 
‘’What is it, baby? Is this not what you wanted?’’ you asked coyly, the sound of your arousal mixing with his pre-cum filling the room. 
You saw his eyes dart down to where your genitals were touching, rubbing together. ‘’Mommy, plea-please,’’ he whined, his cock twitching and about to burst. 
You knew what he wanted, but you weren’t going to give it to him — yet. 
‘’Are you close, baby?’’ 
He closed his eyes and gripped the sheets as his stomach spasmed. ‘’I’m gonna cum, I wanna cum.’’ 
‘’Don’t hold back, baby, you can cum.’’
Ropes and ropes of white cum then spilled onto Tate's smooth stomach, his climax hitting, but you didn’t stop like he thought you would. No. You decided to push his limits and tease him until he couldn’t take it, watching his hips lifting off the bed as his orgasm came again and again, ropes of cum shooting out of his cock and adding to the mess. You were surprised he could still cum like that. 
‘’Can't cum anymore. So sensitive,’’ he said with tear-stained cheeks, whimpering through his orgasm and a little after it was done.
‘’You want me to stop?’’
You caressed his cheek, wiping some of the tears. ‘’But I haven’t put it in yet...’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @Idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt
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Miguel O’Hara x fem! spidey! reader
yk that bit of spiderman lore between silk and peter where they were bitten by the same spider and can’t be near each other without feeling….
yeah this is that but with Miguel. SO NSFW. i love blue balling y’all. PART 2 IS UP NOW!
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There were certain things that were absolutely not up for discussion when it came to Miguel: his leadership skills, his authority, his ability to lead this society, his daughter and…you.
There were too many issues to discuss about your strange…he didn’t even know what to call it at this point. See, you were both bitten by the same spider which everyone deemed highly impossible, but it happened. What came with being bit by the same spider were chemically and biologically bound side effects no one knew the first thing about. You and Miguel were more enhanced than the others, in many ways, many uncomfortable and impossibly distracting ways. You were physically drawn to each other, unable to physically feel anything but an intense primal, primitive and animalistic sexual attraction to one another. Neither of you could be in the same room without wanting to fuck like bunnies. The chemical compounds in your brains were the same, and it made you both become aphrodesiacs for each other. No one knew about it other than Lyla and Jess.
This was a problem, he was your boss and you couldn’t actually look at him without feeling hot and wet, you had fangs the same way he did but no one knew about it, Lyla made sure of it. Miguel on the other hand was a wreck because of it, his blood would burn at the mere thought of you. He worked his body out to the bone, he would work out and sweat the thoughts and desires away from him. It never worked. But he needed to pretend it did. Neither of you would anticipate how drastic it could be. You knew it was the genetics and the chemicals from the same spider that bit you which made you weary of ever getting close to one another but Lord, the desires were still there. It felt like you were muzzled and on a leash, hindered by moral righteousness. You both knew you couldn’t give in but that was rather difficult when you actually needed to see one another.
You ripped a hole in your suit, where your waist was and only Miguel seemed to have the supplies to fix it. A massive horizontal gash that exposed your skin. Your brain was dreading to see him, your heart said otherwise and your pussy throbbed at the mere idea. It was like you were magnets, constantly avoiding due to the the impossibility to be pulled apart. Taking a deep breath to keep a cool calm head seemed to work momentarily and then you walked into his lair.
Miguel could smell you from here. His skin tightened and his muscles tensed when he felt your scent wrap around him, like a warm golden glow. He would taint you in red. He would break you. He knew this. That’s why he could never….
“You know you can’t be here.” He sighed, ignoring your presence as he was staring blankly at his screens. “You know I can’t concentrate.” He added quietly.
You swallowed thickly and closed your eyes, wincing slightly. “I know we’re not- Look, I just need you to fix my suit and Lyla told me I had to fix it immediately or the wiring would go to shit. You know I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need to.”
Miguel paused and blinked slightly at the last thing you said. You did need to see him. You did need to be here but neither of you wanted to talk about the true reason. He turned his head to face you. He wanted to groan at the sight of you.
Miguel had to force himself not to stare at your body and the way your suit clung to it, there was a massive gash in it that exposed the skin of your waist. Why did God always have to test his patience? Lord above give him strength. Even with his impeccable self control and strength, it took everything in his power to resist the urge to throw you against the floor and...Miguel groaned softly and rolled his eyes. “If that's what it takes...”
“I know you want to get rid of me quickly. I promise it won’t take long.” You say hurriedly as you hop onto his platform. You were really close to each other now, You swallowed and your breathing became slightly more shallow. Please let this be quick. Please. You begged silently. “I just need you too stitch my suit on my waist for me.” You say. “Quickly…” You added breathily. You had to get closer for him to actually help you and as he sat in his chair and pulled out his supplies, he raised an eyebrow to lure you closer. He felt his body tighten as you breathed so near him. The electricity was sizzling between you. Your heart beats synchronized and your minds only on one thing.
You got closer and you were practically standing inbetween his legs, you saw his breath hitch slightly but Miguel was a master at not letting his mask slip. He was good at pretending. His brow furrowed slightly, making a fruitless effort of avoiding that fucking look in your eyes. That face. Fuck.
This was bad, this was so dangerous. Being this close could end in a catastrophe for the both of you.
He paused before he put his fingers on your suit, a spark of electricity caused your body to still. He just closed his eyes and breahed out hurridly. He bit the bullet and grabbed your waist for you to stumble closer.
He needed to get this over and done with. No matter what it took, he needed to get you away from him. You gasped a little when he did that and he could feel that sound travel all the way to his dick. He tried to ignore it by getting to work and scanning your suit and then stitching up. His fingers worked at the speed of light. Your eyes just widened, continuing your mindless gawk as hazy thoughts of grabbing his hair and lowering his head further down between your thighs clouded your head. You tried to shake the sensation of his hands gripping your waist but it felt impossible, part of you genuinely wanted to grit your teeth until they shattered- the tension hurt.
Miguel always seemed to be perfectly fine on the outside, he had masked emotions other than anger or annoyance very well but this was causing that picture of himself to falter at the seams. Internally, he was breaking apart. Weakened by desperation. Lord, you were his weakness.
Images of you flashed through his head as he stitched, he wanted you tied up. Yes. With your own webs. Letting him have his way with you, pounding you until you cried and begged him to stop. He would fill you up, make you guzzle his cum as you pleaded for more. He let out a soft grunt at the sheer idea.
His fingers moved quickly as he sewed your torn suit together. “Why are you always getting hurt?” Miguel's voice was raspy, and he was unable to control his breathing. Miguel did his best to look away, but the smell of your exposed your skin was making it hard for him to think clearly. Your body was perfect. Jesus, it was like it was made for him.
You swallowed hard, your thoughts became hazy as he was this close. His hands were brushing on you and you tensed slightly at his fleeting barely there touchs. “Mm- I’m not always getting hurt.” You say softly, if you said it any louder you were sure you would moan.
“Right,” Miguel mumbled softly, his words catching in his throat. “I'm sure you were just passing by when you ran into trouble.” Miguel kept his eyes down to avoid meeting your gaze. All you could do was scowl at him. He finished his work and immediatly grabbed your waist and pushed you away as he got up from his chair to stare at his screens again as a means to avoid looking at you. “Don’t come back here.” He muttered at you seriously.
“I won’t.” You glowered at his broad and muscular back. You lied though, you were sure you’d be back. “But…I can’t keep going on like this.”
His ears pricked up at your admission and he felt the exact same way. Miguel's body was on fire. He wanted you. Right now. He didn't know what would happen if he gave into his urges. His body was shaking, and he had to make a conscious effort to keep his hands to himself. He was trying not to touch you, but every move you made, every tiny shift, only made your body more desirable. “Please, go.” Miguel choked, his voice harsh and strained.
You did as you were told and you hurriedly left. Praying that this would naturally wear off as long as you stayed away from him.
It had been a few days since your interaction and you had both successfully avoided each other since then but he could still feel your presence whenever you were at HQ. He could still feel the air in his office carrying your scent.
Now it was 2AM and he was still in his office. He was banging another hookup over his desk, she was bent over just so he couldn’t look at her. She was pretty but she wasn’t you. As his dick slid in and out, her moans fell flat to him, he only wanted to hear you. He was praying that this one would be the one that made him forget about you, that this one would tamper down his sexual anger and frustration but no. He got angrier. Animalistic. All he could think about was you. He was pretty sure he was hurting her when he was like this. His mood soured when he wondered what he would do to you if he finally gave in. Would he hurt you? God, what if he did….
He never wanted to hurt you.
He knew you would never be able to take it, to take all of it.
You on the other hand were in your apartment, also fucking a random hookup. You were hoping it would help your predicament but if anything it was making you more frustrated. He wasn’t fucking big enough. Yeah, his dick was better than average but it didn’t have the girth that Miguel would- You shook your head out of any thoughts of him and decided to be in the moment. You decided that it was a terrible moment. There were much more irritating things than faking an orgasm like your incessant need for Miguel.
Even though you were being fucked by another guy all you could thing about was: Miguel, Miguel, Miguel.
Nothing was working, for either of you.
Your mind wandered towards another way to fix this. Maybe there was a suppressant or an antidote to help keep down these primal urges and desires. These thoughts were keeping you from doing any sort of work, you couldn’t concentrate properly. Your mind was burned alive by constant thoughts of him in so many different situations. So you decided to talk to him about it. He’d probably end up killing you for even thinking about it but you were way passed that.
You sighed deeply before thrumming up the guts to see him again. Entering his lair was never a welcome idea to anyone but you and him were struggling and he was lying to himself. Miguel felt your presence again, your scent, your skin. He tampered down the jumping urge to drag you by your ankles and-
“I know you didn’t want me here again but we need to talk.” You crossed your arms but it further accentuated your chest, his stare lingered for a moment and he looked blank. Then he looked back down at a new suit he was fixing up and seemed unamused. That look just made you even more wet and desperate for his attention.
“No… we don’t.” He said thickly and your knees started buckling under the pressure. You swallowed.
“Uhm…there has to be an antidote for this or a suppressant for whatever…this is.” You said hurriedly. “Maybe I can manufacture one, I think I might be able to if I could genetically scan the spider and take it’s DNA and change its raw qualities…” Miguel watched you pace desperately as you rambled on, not even looking at him, you were pleading for a solution to this and he was getting more and more annoyed.
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Flashes of you on your knees, drooling and gagging on his cock pierced the forefront of his mind, causing his legs to feel nothing but limp. The things he wanted to do to you. He was an addict because of you.
“There is no cure for it!” He grunted loudly, cutting you off. “Hell, I’ve tried to make one since the first day I met you and all you’ve done is make me lose my fucking self control. You just standing there is enough to make me go crazy for you and I. Can’t. Help. It. I can smell you, I know you want me too but we have to fight it. We have to manage this because if you let me get close to you, I know I’ll hurt you and I won’t let that opportunity arise.” He admitted in a frenzy, his teeth almost shattering against each other, jaw clenching and unclenching. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair as his eyes bore a ruby hue and his breathing became uneven and heavy.
You bit your lip at his angry outburst, not being able to deny how turned on you were by his rage and lack of self control. Part of you thought your mind was playing tricks on your or that you were hullicinating all of this as you were dulled by a cloud of lust, but no. You were very aware now that it was real. You were both feral for each other. You just glowered him.
“I have denied every single impulse I have ever had for you.” You grit out. “Maybe I want you to make it hurt, because any other kind of hurt right now is better than the pure need for you to fuck me right here, right now. You are not the only one who is capable of making another person hurt. Maybe I blame you. Maybe I can’t get you out of my head. Maybe I need your cock in me. Whatever….I just need to do something about it or else I’ll go fucking insane.” Miguel watched your brows furrow and your lips loosen as you uttered those fated words. His eyes glazed over twice and widened, your words were sharp and unfeeling. He believed that if you weren’t this way you wouldn’t find a need to be cruel and direct, the way your eyes glimmered yet darkened with need and passion caused him to halt in his tracks, now you were inching closer to him and he didn’t know what to do.
“It's impossible to create an antidote,it genetically and chemically changed our code.” Miguel mumbled, his voice husky and strained. “We're stuck like this...” He sighed, trying to collect himself. “Look, we just have to learn how to handle this," Miguel muttered, trying to convince himself more than you. “We'll learn to control ourselves. This...this is manageable.”
He didn’t believe any of the lies he spewed. There’s no way this was managable.
“Why do I get the feeling that that is not true.” You say softly, biting your lip and blinking up at him. Neither of you knew how you got this close now, it was like you were drawn to each other.
“Stop giving me that look. I-I can’t-“ He breathed heavily, trying to rescue himself or beg for your mercy. He didn’t know which one. Miguel hung his head and quickly turned his head as to not face you. “I’ll hurt you.” He added stoically.
“I. Don’t. Care ”
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neo127 · 3 days
spidey senses ! | sim jaeyun x gn!reader
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synopsis. jake is a bit overwhelmed with his new spider powers…luckily he has an amazing s/o to help him though it genre. spider-man jake!! + established relationship cw. none!
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jake wasn’t sure if he could keep going like this. his head had been pounding all morning and all of his five senses were out of control. he had already come to terms with the fact that he gained spider like powers from getting bitten by a lab made spider, but getting used to them was completely different.
jake could hear his rapid heartbeat in his ears, the person loudly smacking on gum behind him, a dog barking outside, a fly that couldn’t seem to leave the kid two seats behind him alone. jake was extremely overwhelmed, and he had no idea how to calm down.
you noticed how tense your boyfriend looked all throughout class and followed him when he darted out of the room as soon as the bell rang. you called out after him, following jake when he didn’t stop.
he quickly went out the nearest exit, hoping that getting some fresh air would help. it only made things worse and jake began to cry out of frustration. he could hear ambulances blocks away and about five conversations at the same time. every time a car honked he flinched— he simply couldn’t take it anymore.
“jake, what’s happening?” you asked once you finally caught up to him. the boy was on his knees in the empty school courtyard. covering his ears with his arms as he breathed heavily.
“make it stop, i need it to stop.” he whined out. you dropped to your knees beside him, incredibly concerned. jake had never told you about his new found powers, wanting to figure everything out first. he hated keeping you in the dark, but he felt as if it was for the better.
“make what stop? jake, your scaring me.” you asked, trying to keep your voice level as to not freak him out even more. jake couldn’t respond, tears leaking from his eyes as small whimpers fell from his mouth.
you had no idea what was going on with your boyfriend and you wish you knew. but you decided to treat it as a panic attack and hoped that you would be able to help him breathe again.
“focus on my touch.” you spoke up, placing your hands in jake’s. he immediately grips your hands tightly, his breathing still erratic.
“focus on my voice.” you said, causing jake to shake his head but you forced him to look at you.
“yes you can, focus on my voice. focus on what i am saying to you.” you continued to speak, hoping to ground jake. he constantly squeezed your hands and you couldn’t help but notice his strength. you ignored the pain and kept speaking to jake until you could see that his breathing returned to normal.
“sorry.” jake mumbled once he had finally calmed down, bowing his head in embarrassment. you immediately pulled the boy into a hug and placed a kiss on top of his head to reassure him.
“i don’t know what the hell is going on with you— but that doesn’t matter right now. don’t be sorry because i’ll always be there for you.” you mumbled. jake hugged you back, a small smile on his face. he wasn’t sure when he was ready to reveal his secret, but he was glad that you didn’t pressure him and would be by his side regardless.
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Pretty Demon
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Summary: Nat keeps pestering you about not sleeping with someone you went on a date with and when you stormed off in a huff Nat tried to go to Wanda to read your mind, instead Wanda said she’d speak with you, hopefully she’d make you feel better
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, talking about virginity, Nat being annoying and Wanda being sweet, demon Y/n is not the big bad demon she’s portrayed to be (she’s big and scary really, everyone should be scared of her)
A/n: I wrote this while waiting for the vet at work in like 40 minutes so any mistakes or anything blame on the horse trying to off himself 😂 he’s fine though don’t worry
“So why didn’t you want to sleep with her? She sounds great” you and Nat were sat on the couch watching some weird movie that neither of you were paying attention to really, just eating popcorn and talking nonsense
“I don’t know she just…I don’t think she’s my type” your mumbling intrigued Nat, were you nervous? She sat up staring at you “not your type? She was hot, tall, hot and really into you, like she really wanted you”
You shrugged “too desperate, I can’t sleep with someone like that I need someone who isn’t desperate”
Nat laughed out loud throwing popcorn at you “that makes no sense! Come on Y/n what’s really going on? Do demons need to be married or something? Need their blood as a sacrifice?”
You shoved your friend off the couch standing up “don’t be weird Nat I just didn’t want to sleep with her okay? No other issue, I’m going to my room okay?”
You stormed off out of the room ignoring Nat and shutting your door hard behind you falling onto your bed
Wanda was awoken from her after mission nap by Natasha barging into her room “Wanda I need you to read Y/n’s mind and tell me why she’s being so bitchy at the minute with me”
Wanda slowly sat up rubbing her eyes free from sleep “it’s inappropriate to read someone’s mind without their permission Natalia” she groaned
Nat rolled her eyes “okay but somethings wrong and she won’t tell me”
“Why don’t you ask her?” It was a good suggestion but Nat wasn’t looking for good suggestions she wanted a quick solution “if I wanted my head bitten off by the demon underground equivalent of a mob boss then yeah I’d ask her what’s wrong but I want to keep my head”
Wanda was too tired for any of this nonsense so she relented “fine I’ll go and talk to her and then maybe, just maybe I’ll peek into her mind and see what’s wrong okay?”
Nat grinned hugging the witch “perfect! Thanks Wands” she left the room and Wanda followed making her way down to your room where she knocked and waited for an answer “come in Wanda” you said from your bed
She opened the door seeing you face down on the bed not even attempting to move “how’d you know it was me?”
“Your perfume has always stayed the same, cinnamon and something rose smelling I can never guess but I know that’s your main scent pretty much” sitting up you faced the witch and gave her a small smile patting the space next to you for her to sit which she did
“So did Nat send you?”
“Yeah…yeah she did, she’s just worried-
You scoffed “she’s being nosy, she wants to know why I didn’t sleep with the girl I had a date with last night”
Wanda listened, okay so her powers were being used for gossip, great “sorry Y/n she said she was worried but I didn’t know it was her being nosy, do you want me to leave?” She began to get up but your hand held her wrist keeping her in place “no it’s okay I- I like having you here, you’re very calming”
She smiled grabbing a hold of your hand and holding it in her own “I didn’t know demons liked comfort”
You giggled “we all need a little comfort sometimes”
“I think I want to tell you what’s wrong” you said after a few minutes of silence
Wanda nodded “okay, you don’t have to you know but I promise to keep it a secret if you want”
You sighed “okay it’s silly but the reason I didn’t sleep with the girl is because I haven’t-haven’t ever been with a woman, I was burned at the stake at 26 and obviously in those times being gay was unheard of and you had to be married and I don’t like men so I didn’t want to marry them then they killed me so-
“Hey hey darling it’s okay breathe with me okay?” She started to breathe in and out to help you, you obviously didn’t breathe but it was still helping you to calm down “thank you” you whispered and Wanda smiled “you’re welcome”
Wanda waited for you to calm down and started again “so, you’re a virgin?” You sighed looking away from the witch but Wanda didn’t let you, she used her fingers to pull your face around and focus on her
“Don’t get all shy on me honey, you’re a very powerful demon you can talk about anything without embarrassment you know?”
“That’s the problem Wanda everyone thinks I’m this big bad demon who slaughters anything in sight and drinks their blood and takes their hearts as trophies, then you have the other side which is people thinking I have sex with every woman I see, I come back here and Tony is instantly asking me how many women I did which I think is a little disrespectful actually, women aren’t objects you know?”
Wanda thought you were adorable like this, she’d never seen you be so open and it warmed her heart “Wanda? Are you okay?”
She smiled “yeah I’m okay, thank you for telling me all this, I promise not to tell anyone if you don’t want me too”
“Thanks Wanda, yeah we’ll keep this between us for now, I don’t need anyone thinking I’m not cool or anything” you both laughed out loud and you started to feel better, Wanda really was great to talk too and a good listener.
“So” she started, placing a hand on your leg rubbing it softly “have you kissed someone before?”
You nodded “yeah I have, I like kissing women but anything more is a bit daunting like what do I do first? Where do I put my hands? Do I take her clothes off or does she do it instead? How do I know if she’s enjoying it, she could be faking it like women in porn do”
Wanda pulled you into a surprising hug holding you close “please don’t worry about any of that Y/n when the time comes you’ll be ready and you’ll know what to do okay? I promise it’ll be okay don’t worry about it”
You let yourself relax into the hug curling into the witch holding your head in her neck “thank you Wanda” you whispered and the witch smiled “such a cuddly little demon aren’t you?
You growled pulling your head away from her neck “I’m the scariest demon ever what are you talking about” you showed off your fangs and Wanda rolled her eyes “soooo scary, anyway have you eaten dinner yet?”
“No I haven’t been hungry recently, I didn’t even eat much of the popcorn Nat made earlier”
Wanda raised an eyebrow “how long haven’t you eaten for?”
You shrugged putting your head down but Wanda forced it up to look you dead in the eyes “when was the last time Y/n?” Her stern voice made you feel something but you weren’t sure of what is was, you think you wanted it to happen again though
“Erm I don’t-I don’t know maybe last week someti-
Wanda stood up dragging you with her “woah! Wanda where-
“No! You haven’t eaten in a week what’s wrong with you?”
“I mean I’m obviously dead Wanda I don’t really need to eat just every now and then” Wanda wasn’t listening she was dragging you to the kitchen and forcing you to sit down on one of the stools “you should’ve told me you hadn’t eaten I would’ve cooked you dinner every night you know that”
She was scrambling around the kitchen making something for you, you saw her pull out some container with her paprikash, your stomach rumbled now, that was an absolutely favourite of yours
“You’re hungry now aren’t you darling?” You didn’t notice Wanda placing the food in front of you and handing you some utensils “now eat this and I’m going stay here the whole time so I know you’ve eaten it”
You happily took the fork and dug into the meal, you didn’t realise how hungry you actually were, this was the best thing you’d ever eaten and will ever eat, when you finished Wanda was quick to your side again.
Picking up the finished plate Wanda placed a glass of orange down on the side and took the plate away to put in the dishwasher “good?” She asked smiling and you nodded “I’ve definitely missed your cooking, I’m never not eating ever again”
You downed the drink and Wanda took the glass also putting it into the dishwasher “maybe I need to baby you from now on” 
“Probably, I’d be happy to come home and your waiting for me with a home cooked meal” you laughed but Wanda wasn’t laughing, she was deep in thought, when she turned around and took her place behind you her hands rested on your shoulders “I would take such good care of you honey, you’d never have to want for anything again you know?”
You didn’t respond just going through in your mind what was happening, was she being nice? Was she hitting on you? No she wouldn’t right? This seemed like a complete 180 if true
While you were thinking through this Wanda moved her face closer to yours whispering in your ear “don’t think so hard princess, I think you’re just the sweetest thing in the whole world, I’d love to take care of you and be yours and you be mine”
You blinked out of your thoughts and registered just how close she was to you and you nearly jumped out of your skin “er…isn’t this a little sudden?”
Wanda shook her head “I don’t think so princess, you nearly always come to me for advice, when we get home late from missions you near enough always come to my room to sleep, you say it’s because Tony’s sheets that he buys are scratchy and you don’t like them but really it’s because you like the comfort my cuddles bring you especially in winter or the heat goes out”
She turned you around on the stool and grinned at your blushed expression “I thought you said demons couldn’t blush”
You shrugged “it seems you know how to make me do things I thought I couldn’t do today, blushing is one of them”
Wanda glanced down at your lips and back up to your eyes “can I do something?”
You nodded “do whatever you want Wanda”
Wanda didn’t need anymore encouragement and leant forward kissing your lips lightly and you couldn’t move or reciprocate, when your brain finally caught up with you Wanda pulled back making you whine
“No I was gonna kiss you back I promise I just got nervous”
Wanda kissed you on the nose “shh detka it’s okay if you want to kiss me more we’ll have plenty of time later”
Your eyes widened “later?”
“Of course princess, I have a lot to teach you don’t I?”
You registered what she said and blushed “oh? Oh okay erm yeah, wait you’ve slept with women??”
The witch winked at you “you really think I’ve only slept with Vision?”
You thought about it “well yeah because we’ve never seen you with anyone else, also how did that work? He’s a robot sooooo?”
“Let’s not talk about that honey, I just want to focus on my pretty demon from now on”
She gave you a small kiss again and you giggled “I’m the pretty demon”
“Yes you are pretty girl”
“What are you doing?” Natasha flinched slightly at Maria’s voice from behind her but kept her eyes focused watching you and Wanda in the kitchen
“Shhh Mia there’s something happening here”
Maria glanced around Nat to you sat on the stool and Wanda stood way to close to you to just be friendly “you’re not much of a spy are you? Wandas hand is on her thigh, if we stand here any longer they’ll start kissing”
At that the women saw Wanda lean forward and kiss you and both of their mouths dropped “woahhhhh” Nat exclaimed “that’s why she didn’t sleep with that girl on their date, she was waiting for the witch!”
Maria pulled Nat out of the kitchen and to the gym leaving you both alone “what the hell was that??”
Nat laughed “the little demon wants the witch, that’s hilarious”
“Isn’t Wanda a bit older than Y/n?” Maria questioned but Nat rolled her eyes “Y/n was 26 when she died in the Salem witch trials, she’s like 526 years old, she’s a lot older than Wanda it’s fine”
Maria thought that made sense “okay well I guess tomorrow will be interesting”
“I can’t wait for the morning meeting”
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Content: Voyeurism, Dog Urination, Implied Non-Con Touching
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Your dog is weird. Just.. just weird. Like, all dogs are weird. They have their quirks and their oddities, silly babies in fluffy bodies.
Johnny though…
He snuggles up in your bed every night; you don’t even bother trying to kick him out. He’s presses up tight against you, head almost on your pillow. Have to start sleeping in a shirt because one too many unfortunately placed cold nose bumps…. Yeah. But that’s fine. The fuzzy space heater is worth it.
(So what if you sort of wake up sometimes and half-dream its skin you’re snuggled up to. If you imagine a more human rasp to the quiet snores by your ear. If the tongue on your cheek is softer and smaller than you’re used to….
Your dating life has been dry for some time.)
Johnny pees in every room of your house at least once, but that’s not entirely surprising - he’s an intact male, after all. (Something you’re trying to, heh, fix. Though the appointment mysteriously keeps getting moved or cancelled.) thankfully, though, once he’s “marked his territory” he starts asking to go outside.
And that’s where the weirdness begins.
The first time you let him out off leash, he shoots off into the woods and only returns once he’s done. You panic, feel so stupid and irresponsible, near tears by the time he gets back. When he sees you upset, say on the porch steps, he darts to your side and leans into you until you calm down.
You stop worrying so much about his little “trips”. Means you dont have to clean up after him to keep the yard tidy after all.
The first time he bounds off into the woods and doesn’t come back after a few minutes, you almost go searching. But.., but well he’s a good boy. An hour later he comes back, scratching at the door.
You’re not sure what he’s up to and it makes you anxious. Don’t like the idea of an “outdoor” dog. All of yours have been in-home pets kept in sight at all times. You’re scared Johnny’s going to get hurt or bitten or hit by a car.
But he always comes back healthy whole.
One hour turns into two, then three. Entire mornings, only returning in the evening to climb into bed. Eventually a whole day. You have someone install a doggy door big enough for Johnny to slip through so that he can come and go as he pleases.
You get used to having a pet that’s only around sometimes, though you sniffle that you miss him when he’s gone. As if understanding, he’ll always lick at you, comforting.
The other weird thing - he demands to climb into bed while you’re doing “self care”. Again, dogs don’t get human social boundaries. He’s allowed on the bed so why is it that he wouldn’t be allowed up even if it’s not bedtime? It’s understandable dog logic, even if you have to stop the first several times it happens.
Keeping him out isn’t an option. Even if you manage to shut the bedroom door on him before he wriggles inside, he makes such a ruckus. Barking, howling, knocking over the trash and scratching at the door. You almost step directly into a puddle of pee once.
You just keep the lights off, close your eyes, and try to ignore the odd brush of fur or gust of air from his nose. Pretend he’s not there at all; and not staring the way he tends to.
Not getting off just isn’t an option. You make your peace with your dog too dumb to even turn away.
(You also learn very quickly to wash your toys as soon as you’re done. Can’t even wait to catch your breath. Calling him nasty makes his tail wag. You know it’s not reasonable to think he’s doing it on purpose.)
“Johnny, drop it!”
Instead of doing that, he drops his front half low, a lacy black pair of underwear in his teeth. He snatched it right out of your laundry basket while you were trying to start the washer.
“I’m going to turn you into a pair of boots. Put those down!”
Chasing a giant wolf-dog for your panties is ill-advised but what are you gonna do? Let him shred your underwear?
“I wanted to wear those out tonight, you bastard!”
You’re supposed to have a date. At this rate, you won’t even be able to shower, never mind get ready. Johnny’s been a nuisance all day, ever since you got off the phone with your mom this morning, updating her about your life and plans for the evening.
Determined, you give up and go to finish the laundry - only to hear a crash and a yelp. Johnny’s knocked over the mirror and stepped in the glass.
“Oh, baby boy,” you groan. “Dammit, John-Bon.”
You text your date for a rain check, then call ahead for the emergency vet. Huh… your first aid kit is much better stocked than you remember.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Hi! Do you have any fanfics about Stiles turning into a fox?
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Mating Run by Starless_Void (9/9 | 47,631 | Explicit | Steter) Newly presented werefox omega, Stiles Stilinski, signs up for the annual Mating Run, a supernatural event designed to pair eligible were-folk of the candid variety. Alpha Peter Hale returns to his hometown after being away for ten years, traveling the world and making his fortune, or, well, adding to it, at least.
You can guess what happens next...;)
Exceeding Expectations by Dagger_Stiletto (2/2 | 20,497 | Teen | Steter) This is the last time the Hale Pack will ever entrust Stiles to Scott fucking McCall's care. The absolute last time. He couldn't keep his dick inside his pants for a single night, and now Stiles is a Were-creature, Bitten against his will and drugged and abandoned by the friend that should have been there to protect him. But now Peter is an Alpha again, and all the better for it. Peter will be sure to keep his favorite Beta safe where Scott wouldn't.
The Der-Bear-Est of Them All by sapphireginger (16/16 | 18,976 | Teen | Sterek) True Mates Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale are as close as close can be. Derek is very protective of his little mate who is only three while he himself is only seven.
This is their story.
At Home Under the Moon by wanderingeye (1/1 | 18,425 | Explicit | Sterek) There is no doubt in Derek’s mind that this fox is alone, in trouble, and needs to come home with them, with him. Derek takes a risk and lets his wolf go, calling his human side forward as he shifts. The fox barks in alarm and scrambles back to the bushes. Derek kneels and holds his hands out palm up.
Derek pushes power into the next words and lets his eyes go red. “I promise. You’re safe. No one will hurt you.”
Caged by DearDaisy, Giveemhale (1/1 | 16,274 | Teen | Sterek) Werefox Stiles instantly knows there are hunters in his town, he can smell them. But with them has come that enticing scent that he used to smell in Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills, the place where he grew up and where his mother died. And the place him and his father left.
Stiles isn’t going to let hunters come into his town, only when he investigates, he finds a captive wolf.
Stiles is My Safe Place by Star_crossed02 (5/5 | 10,106 | Mature | Sterek) Stiles gets bitten by Kali, and after a brief adjustment period, proceeds to co-lead the Hale Pack to defeat the Alpha Pack once and for all. 
What happens when a sassy spark-werefox starts courting an alpha sourwolf?
Stiles Stilinski Animal Whisperer by StaciNadia (1/1 | 5,558 | Teen | Sterek) When Stiles gets bitten and becomes a werefox, he discovers that he can understand what animals are saying.
Only You Can Calm Me Down by AMatchInWater (1/1 | 3,228 | Teen | Sterek) Stiles turns into a fox after the Nogitsune leaves him and he thinks that Derek is his Alpha and not Scott. With Derek having left for South America with Cora, Stiles feels separated from not only his pack but his mate and goes feral.
Of course Derek immediately comes back when the sheriff calls him and demands he come fix Stiles. It isn't until he's back in Beacon Hills that he sees just what he needs to fix.
Dear Derek… I’m dating your uncle? By Geoff_Ramseys_Moustache (1/1 | 2,483 | Teen | Steter) Peter and Stiles have been dating for a while, and they haven't exactly been subtle... it's not their fault their family is oblivious. 
The Pack find out about Peter and Stiles.
@seaweed-water suggested this one.
Do Not Go Gentle by MojoFlower
(51/51 I 191,878 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha and Dom, wakes up in a dark cell already housing another captive – a mute, traumatized sub with a cruel collar around his neck. His only goal is to get them both free of their brutal circumstances; but even as he tries to get his young companion home, a bond between them grows. Nothing comes easily: danger and harrowing echoes of their ordeal shadow every step they take.
@library-fiend suggested this one.
Hanging On (You're All That's Left To Hold On To) by vMures
(19/19 I 92,823 I Teen I Steter)
The Stilinskis find themselves struggling in the aftermath of the Nogitsune; sometimes help comes from the most unlikeliest of places.
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Kinktober day 31: Gangbang - 141 x reader
Warnings/tags: F!reader, f receiving oral, PIV sex, ect. Over stimulating, light bondage.
Um…. Better late than never?
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I didn’t finish Kinktober remotely on time, but I guess if you can say one thing about me, it’s that I’ll keep trying.
Anyways, just pretend like it’s not August.
There’s a hand over your stomach, resting over the layer of fat covering the area as you try to take deep breaths. In, and out. All in an attempt to calm yourself.
Your hands are restrained above you, secured to the head board via a pair of handcuffs one of them got from god knows where. The four of them are all standing over you, watching you with varying degrees of patience for what’s coming next.
Over the years, you like to think you’ve memorized every inch of your partners. Where Price’s and Johnny’s hands were both large and calloused, John’s were always warm to the touch with thicker fingers, short, neatly trimmed nails, and a thicker layer of hair on the backs- while Johnny’s were almost always ice-cold with dry skin, bitten-down nail beds, and old, picked at hangnails. Kyle and Simon both had longer and slightly thinner fingers, but Kyle kept his nails neatly trimmed, often just slightly longer than Price kept his, while Simon’s nails were more often than not left unattended. Simon would rather just tear the ends whenever he deemed them too long than bother finding a pair of clippers. Both Kyle and Simon’s hands were rough from work like the other two’s, but Simon’s preference for wearing gloves left his a bit softer than the rest’s, which posed a stark contrast to the remnants of past injuries that decorated his hands like medals- scars and crooked fingers and swollen joints- all with a story to tell and a memory to stir.
At this point, you think you could tell blindfolded whose hands were on you, so even without looking, it’s easy to tell that the hand on your stomach belongs to Price.
His fingers ghost along your skin, ticking just enough for your core to jerk and your breath to hitch at the touch. You make the mistake of meeting his eyes, nearly shrinking back at the undeniable hunger to his gaze.
You jerk your gaze away, shifting on the bed as you try desperately not to squirm. You feel the weight of their eyes on you, their full attention devoted to watching, admiring, lusting over your body laid out for them.
Price’s hand pulls away from you as he takes a step back, tugging a cigar out of his pocket and clicking on his lighter as he speaks in a calm, authoritative tone.
“Alright, boys. Let’s take care of our girl.”
And with that, it’s as if a spell is broken. The other three all take a step away, shuffling around you in wordless understanding as Simon takes his place as the first between your legs.
“It’s alright love, ‘going to get you nice and stretched open so you can take us.” He says, pulling off one of the black leather gloves covering his hand and slipping his hands under your butt to lift your hips, tilting them up for a better angle. Wordlessly, Johnny grabs a pillow from the top of the bed, handing it to Simon to prop your ass up, which he takes with an unintelligible grunt.
After positioning you how he wants you, Simon bites the fingertip of his remaining glove, tugging it off before rubbing slow circles into your clit with the pad of his thumb.
You let out a needy noise, arching your back and trying to grind down onto the pressure on your clit.
You don’t do much more than turn your head into the warmth of his skin when Kyle and Johnny sit down- with Johnny moving behind Simon, watching with a slack jaw and hungry eyes as Simon rubs easy circles into your clit, and Kyle takes a seat beside you, pulling your head into his lap and tucking a wayward strand of your hair behind your ear. Already, you’re nearly too out of it to notice Price taking a seat in the dark, brown leather chair situated in the corner of the room and taking a long draw from his cigar, exhaling and filling the room with the rich smell of his favored brand.
A needy moan escapes you as Simon moves his touch lower, rubbing at your hole with two of his fingers but not pushing in. You try to arch your back to wiggle back down onto his fingers, whining softly when he only pulls his hand away.
“Be patient.” He says sternly, and you want to whine about it, but you’re distracted by Kyle’s thumb running over your mouth, pressing gently at your lips.
When you part your mouth for him, he smiles, running the pad of his thumb over your molars and the inside of your mouth as you struggle not to try and speak around his finger.
“So pretty.” Kyle coos, holding your head gently as he continues to distract you from Simon’s prep work.
“Right’ Bonnie lass she is” Johnny adds, nodding dumbly as his accent thickens to the strongest you’ve ever heard it.
Simon chuckles, “Careful, Johnny, you’re drooling.”
“Wha-?” Johnny’s head snaps up, looking around in confusion before he rolls his eyes. “Very funny.” He grumbles, settling back into his spot.
Kyle laughs, continuing to stroke at your hair and hold your head in his lap.
Without warning, Simon pushes a finger inside of you, curling it up and rubbing circles into the walls of your cunt in a way that mirrors his motions at your clit.
You moan, jerking your hips and squeezing around his finger as tight as you can to wring every bit of sensation you can from the digit.
Again, Simon chuckles, pausing his rubbing of your clit to lean down and lift his mask, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to the swollen bud.
The stubble lining his jaw pokes and prickles at the sensitive skin between your legs and you whimper, trying to squirm away even after he pulls away.
“You like that, princess?” Simon coos, slight condescension evident in his tone as he rubs at your thigh and works to stretch your enough to fit a second finger inside of you.
You whine and shake your head no.
“S’ scratchy-“ you mumble, wiggling your hips even as you’re held firmly in place.
Simon laughs, a deep, amused noise that you’re rarely allowed to hear in full force.
“Alright love, I’m sorry. I’ll make sure I’m clean shaven next time.” He says, before beginning to work a second finger inside of you and ducking his head down to give your clit a firm suck.
You can feel his triumphant grin against your skin when you moan and try to fuck yourself on his fingers.
“It’s fucking- yer hand.” Johnny practically whines, and you feel a surge of arousal move through you at the view he must be getting- of Simon’s hand pistoning in and out of you as your cunt seems to swallow his hand with each thrust.
The force behind the fingers fucking you intensifies and Simon’s tounge circles and rubs at your clit and Kyle pushes his thumb deeper into your mouth, holding your head still and using his thumb to press firmly down on your tongue, trapping the muscle against the bottom of your mouth.
You moan loudly, unable to cut off or muffle any of the sounds you’re making as your hips twitch and jerk.
Your cheeks burn as you realize you can already feel an orgasm beginning to build, each thrust feeling better and better as the feeling begins to build.
“Add another, Simon.” Price says from his chair in the corner. He’s leaned back in his seat with his legs spread comfortably. In one hand, he holds his burning cigar while the other lazily rests atop the tent in his pants as he watches the four of you in the bed.
Simon pulls his mouth away from your clit and sits up. You feel a third finger prod at your entrance, whining when it’s pulled away instead of pressed inside you alongside the other two.
“I’m trying.” Simon growls, looking up. “Garrick, get me the lube.” He adds, thrusting his hand hard enough into you for you to bounce and be shoved slightly up the bed.
You moan, trying not to drool around the thumb in your mouth, swallowing whatever drool had accumulated when Kyle moves his thumb to rest between your lip and the side of your teeth. He turns and uses his free hand to reach behind him and yank open the nightstand drawer, grabbing the bottle of clear liquid before passing it up to Simon and Johnny.
Simon’s hands don’t move from between your legs, instead, Johnny is the one to take the bottle and pop open the cap, squirting a generous amount onto where Simon’s hand is buried between your legs.
You moan as the slide of his fingers inside you turns 100 times sweeter, it’s almost enough to completely distract you from the stretch of a third finger being pushed into your cunt, and you can feel your orgasm creeping closer and closer with every thrust of Simon’s hand.
“It’s alright Bonnie, you’re almost there- Simon’s just got real gnarly fingers, not a good fit for pretty girls like you.” Johnny coos, rubbing his hand up and down over your tensed stomach in a soothing motion.
“Shut it.” Simon growls, decidedly unamused, increasing the force behind his fingers and going down to suck and lick at your clit until you’re twitching- hips jerking as you cry out and cum around his fingers.
You’re squirming your hips down and side to side to try and get Simon’s fingers deeper inside of you and drooling from both ends. From above your head, you can hear Kyle laughing, although you’re not sure whether at Johnny’s words or the pitiful display you’d just put on. Even Price is stifling a chuckle from his seat in the corner, looking down to hide his laughter even as his shoulders shake from the force of it.
Simon’s hands don’t still, even after the last aftershocks of your orgasm finally fade. Instead, he adds a fourth, continuing to bully your clit with his tongue and batter your inner walls until you’re writhing from overstimulation.
Kyle’s thumb goes back to pressing down on your tongue, and you let out what you're sure is an absolutely debauched sound as you squirm. It’s like you’re a doll stuck between them- made solely for them to poke, prod, play with, and bully. Your moans and cries only serve to spur them on further, and your squirming is easily negated by the strong arms that hold you in place.
You look pleadingly at Price, begging him with watery eyes to make Simon give you any kind of mercy, but he only laughs, his legs spread as he languidly jerks his thick, full cock and watches the four of you.
“Don’t look at me like that, Dove. I can’t save you.” He says, and you sob, looking up at Simon and tugging on where your hands are cuffed to the head board.
Simon switches from his mouth to using two fingers to rub circles into your clit, not missing a beat as he keeps pace with the hand currently fucking you.
“Simon- I can’t- it’s too much-“ You whine, only to be cut off by a hash slap to your hip.
“Shush. I’m almost done.” Simon responds, not looking up from where he’s meticulously stretching you open that last bit.
You open your mouth to speak, but Kyle shoves two fingers deep into your mouth, watching with a pleased grin as you gag and choke around the intrusion.
Tears that may be a bit more than reflex prick at your eyes, and just as it’s about to be too much, Simon pulls his fingers out of your cunt with a lewd, wet squelch.
“She’s ready.” He says, scooting back and wiping his hand on the side of your stomach, leaving a streak of cold wetness shining on your skin. “Who’s first?”
“ME!” Johnny yells, practically flinging himself forward. He scrambles between your open legs and yanks open the fly of his pants, freeing his drooling cock and giving it a few rough pumps before climbing on top of you.
Kyle has to move out of the way so as to not be crushed in the whirlwind of energy Johnny has become. He makes a teasing remark you can’t quite catch as Johnny captures you in a wet and messy kiss.
His hands trace the curves of your body, taking every opportunity to grab onto the pockets of fat you carry and squeeze. He gropes at your tits, ass, hips, thighs- anything he can get his hands on, all while kissing you as deep and hard as he can.
“Fuck, Bonnie- yer’ perfect.” He pants, giving your tit a particularly harsh squeeze. “I’m gonna take such good care of you.”
You can hear rumbles of “get on with it” from across the room and Johnny scoffs before sitting up, giving a slight roll of his eyes as he pats you twice on the hip.
“Alright, alright, the peanut gallery is getting impatient. Roll over for me, love.” Johnny says, and his face splits in a grin when you do exactly as he says, letting the chain of the handcuffs keeping your hands above your head twist as you roll on your stomach and get onto your knees. You keep your upper body against the mattress, sitting in an ass-up, face-down position that puts somewhat of a strain on your back.
The position prompts a deep groan from Johnny behind you. Your cunt is aching again. Johnny’s groping and kissing and practicing jumping your thigh had been enough to make you as wet and needy as you felt around Simon’s fingers.
“Fuck- Simon, you should’a opened up her ass for us too. Bet she could’ve taken two of us at once like that, yeah?” He asks, and you moan at the thought, squeezing around nothing as you press your hips back, silently begging for Johnny to hurry up and get inside of you.
The only response from Simon is a noncommittal grunt, but you hear a vague “we’ll see,” from Price.
Without warning, Johnny’s cock starts pushing into you and you moan, a warm, happy and content pleasure spreading through you as his cock easily slides inside of you.
“Fuck!” Johnny curses, hips stuttering halfway as he squeezes his eyes shut, his grip on your hips turning bruising as he takes deep, panting breaths.
“Gonna cum before you’re even inside our girl, sergeant?” Price barks, his words degrading but his tone light and amused. Regardless, you feel the jerk of Johnny’s hips in response.
“No, Sir.” Johnny says through gritted teeth, taking a final shuddering breath before pulling out and beginning to fuck his cock into you.
You moan, already somewhat lost in the pleasure as your head turns to the side.
You find Simon standing near the edge of the bed, looking down at you with his cock out and an unreadable expression. You feel yourself drooling at the sight of his large hand roughly jerking his fat cock, and you feel almost compelled to put on a show for him- moaning messily when Johnny curses and doubles over, thighs slapping your ass as the room fills with the sounds of sex.
When you see Simon’s hand tighten around himself, you take it as a victory, making a show of letting Johnny keep you pinned in place. His knees rest bracketing you on the mattress, while his hands pin down your arms by the wrists and his cock forces you again and again deeper into the mattress.
You’re so close, and it’s almost enough- but you don’t come with Johnny. He tries, continuing to fuck you even after you feel his thighs shaking and his cum spurting inside of you, but after a moment of fucking you though his own orgasm, he curses, pulling out and panting out apologies as he strokes your hair.
You whine when he pulls out, feeling his cum beginning to drip out of you and flopping onto your side to ease the strain on your back.
“Fuck- fuck, I’m sorry Bonnie. ‘Sorry I didn’t make it good for you. I can take care of you, I promise. I’ll lick your pussy so good you’ll never wanna-” He starts, being cut off by Kyle shoving at his shoulder, rolling his eyes.
“You can do that later, mate. ‘Rest of us want a go.” Kyle says, nudging again at Johnny to get him to move.
“But-“ Johnny whines, looking desperate.
“Kyle will take care of her, Johnny.” Price says, and Johnny relents, moving so Kyle can settle between your legs, his hands running up the sides of your hips gently.
“Alright love, it’s okay. I’ll take care of you, how about you just roll onto your back for me, alright?” He says, gently guiding you to roll back onto your back.
You mumble something incoherent, needy and dripping. Your body aches from holding your earlier position and you nearly moan in relief when Kyle scoots you up on the bed so your shoulders can be bent.
A hand smooths over your stomach and a kiss is pressed into the inside of your thigh. Kyle is sweeter about it than Johnny, rubbing appreciatively at whatever parts of you he can reach as he pulls his cock out.
“Please, Kyle-” You whine at the sight, admiring his- fittingly- pretty cock as he guides the tip to your hole.
He laughs, smiling down at you while his guides his swollen tip to your hole.
“It’s alright, I’ll take care of you.” He says, pressing in slow and steady while petting gently at your still sensitive clit.
You moan in relief, relaxing into his touch as he starts to pull out and thrust back in, rolling his hips into you so his cock hits every right place.
Again, it’s slower- sweeter than with Johnny, but you find yourself enjoying it just as much. The drag of his cock inside of you steadily increasing in pace, Kyle’s undeniably handsome face smiling down at you, the stimulation to your clit- all making for a slow, building orgasm that feels less intense but longer and harder all at the same time.
“Kyle-“ You whine, letting your head fall back and shuddering as he sucks wet hickeys into the tender skin.
When you come, Kyle is quick to follow, groaning at the feeling of your cunt squeezing and pulsing around his cock and grabbing you by the hips to pull you as deep onto his cock as he could as he came.
“Fuckin’ hell-“ Simon growled, watching the two of you, eyes transfixed on how your head flopped lazily to the side, watching him with hazy, post-orgasm high eyes.
You hear similar sentiments from around the room, but you’re too taken by the sight of Simon jerking himself off- almost mean in how he tugs and strokes himself.
You barely notice Kyle pulling out- too distracted with the sight of Simon practically bullying his cock into an orgasm.
“You’re up, Simon.” Kyle pants, heaving deep, heavy breaths as he moves for Simon to take his spot.
“Don’t fucking think I need it.” He hisses through gritted teeth. “Our girl paints’ too pretty of a sight.”
You squeeze your thighs together with a soft moan at the feeling of cum oozing out from between your legs, struck by a sudden urge to keep as much of it in as possible.
“Wait- Simon, inside-“ You say, spreading your legs, silently begging with your eyes as you try to reach out for Simon, desperate to have his cum inside of you with the other two’s.
But it’s too late. Simon groans, shuddering as he catches his release in his hand and braces himself against the night stand.
You watch as some of the precious liquid oozes out of his cupped hand, whining needily at the sight of it going to waste.
“Fuuuuck, L.t.” Johnny drawls, watching Simon’s hand full of cum with almost as much need as you.
“You didn’t finish inside….” You mumble, your lower lip wobbling. You’re sensitive enough that even this feels like it’s enough to bring you to tears.
Simon laughs softly at your despair, glancing down at his hand full of cum before slapping it against your cunt with a loud squelch, earning a yelp from you and a laugh from Soap as your back arches and his palm hits your thoroughly worked clit.
“That better, love?” Simon coos, his tone condescending as he wipes a tear from your face with the pad of his thumb, leaving what was left of his cum smeared on your face.
Despite the mocking nature of his words, you find yourself nodding. You would probably thank him for smearing his come over your abused cunt if he asked.
Before it can go any further, Price is stepping forward. You’d been so absorbed in the other three that you hadn’t noticed him standing up until just now- when he’s towering over you and holding his cock out, already moving to situate himself inside you.
“Alright, that’s enough. Leave the poor girl alone, she’s still got one more round she’s gotta’ give us tonight.” Price says, lifting your legs to his sides as he slowly starts to push in.
You make a noise somewhere between a whimper and a moan, and with the first thrust, you’ve already lost it- your entire body is bounced with the slaps of his thighs against your ass and moaning like a porn star as you do.
“Do you think that if we fuck it back into her enough it’ll take, Captain?” Kyle asks, earning a groan from Price.
“Fuck- don’t joke about that, Gaz.” He growls, his hands squeezing at your waist.
Vaguely, you can hear Simon say something about you already having “a belly full of cum,” and the other’s reactions to that statement, but you’re too lost in your head to understand what they’re all saying.
The only thing that mattered was the head of Price’s cock hammering into you- you were well and truly fucked dumb. Your clit was over sensitive and your cunt as a whole felt sore in the best of ways. You were too sensitive to take much more than a few minutes of Price fucking you like he was- thrust after thrust, bullying the same spot until the heat in your belly started to build and build until it snapped and you came with a cry, spasming around Price’s cock as he continued to fuck you. His own pace only started to falter when your moans turned to pitiful overstimulated cries- his hips twitching as he finally finished, burying himself to the hilt and gritting his teeth, groaning as he shot his load into you.
He remains draped over you for a moment, panting as he tries to catch his breath- stroking gently at your hair to keep you nice and floaty through your post-orgasm high. When you crack your eyes open, it's to Kyle unlocking your handcuffs and massaging the blood flow back into your hands while Price slowly pulls out of you, leaving you to whimper at the rough drag of his cock as it leaves you.
“Fucking hell…” Johnny groans at the sight of all the cum pooling out of you, his eyes wide and focused. Price is quick to catch his staring, patting Johnny on the shoulder as he speaks.
“Go get some water for her, alright?” He says, to which Johnny nods, swallowing thickly before standing up and grabbing a cup from the nightstand, going towards the bathroom to fill it up.
He nearly walks into Simon as he’s coming out of the bathroom with a wet washcloth. Johnny ducks to the side he sees him, barely managing to fit between him and the wall, which earns a raised eyebrow from Simon but not much else.
Price sits you up and leans you against Kyle, who’s perfectly content to hold you and coo soft praises to you while he pets at your hair and rubs your back.
You’re absolutely exhausted, and Kyle’s arms are more than comfortable enough for you to start to doze off in.
“You did so good for us, Love. So good.” Kyle says, wiping some of your tears away with his hand as Simon spreads your legs, making you perk up as he starts to gently wipe away all the cum, slick, and lube that’s smeared between your thighs.
No matter how gentle he is, the rough material of the washcloth is hell against the tender skin of an already sensitive area. You whine at the pain and try to close your legs, but your attempt only results in firm hands holding them apart.
John watches you squirm for a moment, still catching his breath as he watches Simon clean you up.
“Stop squirming.” Simon says, rolling his eyes at the whine you make in response, but ultimately continuing to work to get you clean.
Johnny comes back from the bathroom with a cup of water, standing to the side as he waits for Simon to finish before taking his place and working in tandem with Kyle to get you to drink something.
“Come on, you’ve got to drink some water before you can drift off.” Johnny says, and when the first bit of water touches your lips, you find yourself suddenly parched, draining the entire glass in a single sitting.
“Good job.” Kyle says, patting your head when you finish the water, pulling it to rest against his chest the same way you had been before.
You try to say thank you for the water, but all that comes out is a muffled, unintelligible noise. The moment your head’s back against Kyle’s chest, your eyes are closed.
After getting you situated, Simon folds the rag over to present a clean side and hands it over to Price, who thanks him before using it to clean the remnants of cum and slick off his cock, tucking himself back into his pants and zipping them up once he’s done.
“Alright, hand her over to me.” Price says, standing up and sitting down at the head of the bed, his back leaning against the headboard.
You groan softly as you’re passed from Kyle’s lap to Price’s, but you’re quick to settle into his arms regardless.
Around you, you can hear the sounds of the other three settling. You feel the bed dip as someone (or someones) lay down beside you, and someone pulls a blanket up over you.
“It’s alright love, you can go to sleep now.” Price says, patting you on the back and placing a kiss behind your ear.
You barely manage to acknowledge his words before you’re out cold.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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fangtasticgurl · 1 year
Keep Calm and Get Bitten
Ethan gets a vision when he lets Sarah drink his blood, and it changes everything…
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Chapter 3
Chapter 1: ♡
Chapter 2: ♡
Word Count: 2035
You can also read it on ao3 here: ♡
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After an evening of movie-watching and hectic driving to stop the bomb that is Benny's digestive system from destroying her auntie's car, the quiet drive home was much needed for Sarah. She put on the radio, to a station that was halfway through "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. Knowing the song by heart, she jumped in with the music, singing along with a shy, yet sweet voice. As Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved" came on, she felt her heart become heavier with the mood of the mellowed intro.
Beauty queen of only eighteen She had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her She always belonged to someone else
As the song continued, her mind began to wander.
She started to imagine a story where she was the girl in the song, sitting alone on a doorstep in the rain, alone. The girl thinks no one loves her, and she starts to cry. She cries until the rain and her tears falling down her face become indistinguishable from each other. She doesn't know that there's someone who can't get her out of his mind. And he can't take it anymore. He takes an umbrella lying near the front door and bursts out the house.
I drove for miles and miles And wound up at your door I've had you so many times But somehow, I want more
Between her sobs, she hears puddles splashing in the distance. As the sounds get closer, she hears the footsteps causing the splashing noises. Thinking this was just another passer-by, she doesn't bother looking up to see who it was. But instead of walking past her, the person stops. He says her name.
I don't mind spending every day Out in your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
The girl looks up and sees a boy with the kindest brown eyes she's ever seen, looking down at her with a sheepish, lopsided smile, holding an umbrella big enough to cover both of their heads. His baggy pants are soaked below the knee from running all this way through the downpour to see her.
And she will be loved And she will be loved
Sarah sung those lyrics from the bottom of her heart, as if she were saying it to herself.
By the time she approached the street of her house, the song had ended and was now playing "Brave" by Sara Bareilles. Pulling up to her driveway, she noticed her mom's car wasn't there. She's working late again, she realized.
Her relationship with her mother has become uncomfortably rocky since she dated her ex-boyfriend Jesse. Her mom didn't like him. Like, at all. She didn't like the way he looked at her, and talked to her. Sarah, naive and in love, wanted to do everything she could to keep her perfect Dusk romance. After all the months of arguments, secrets, and sneaking around, all that was left was an open wound in her relationship with her mom that she couldn't bring herself to face right now. It seemed like her mom couldn't, either.
She turned the keys to shut off the engine. Sarah grabbed her messenger bag and rushed out of the car, dashing to the front door. She may be a vampire, but she hated being in the dark, especially if she was alone.
As she came in, the smell of, well, something, came to her from the kitchen.
When a person becomes a vampire, their senses of taste and smell change dramatically, and all the scents and flavors they're familiar with become completely unknown. What once tasted and smelled like their favorite food could become something they hate, and vice versa. It takes some serious getting used to.
Sarah hung her keys one of the hooks by her front door. The numerous, bedazzled keychains dangling from it made it sparkle and twinkle. She took off her boots, setting them down next to her dad's worn-out work boots with a loud enough thud for her dad to be able to hear from the kitchen.
"I'm home!"
She made her way to the kitchen. Even when she wasn't wearing heeled boots, she had a habit of walking around the house on her tippy-toes. Something about it made her feel dainty. She saw her dad hunched over some paperwork on the counter. When he noticed her, he looked up from his reading glasses and smiled.
"Hey, sweetheart! How was the movie? Dinner's almost ready, we're having lasagna." he said, as a little kitchen timer made to look like a tomato sat nearby, ticking away.
So this is what lasagna smells like now, Sarah thought to herself. Noted. Definitely different, but not bad.
"Movie was okay. We saw the third Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie."
"That's the one about the girl with the diary you used to be obsessed with?"
"No, dad, that's Dork Diaries."
"Ah, I see. So which one is this one, again?"
After a few minutes of explaining the story and lore of Diary of a Wimpy Kid to her dad, she walked up the stairs and into her room. She took out her laptop and iPod and hung her bag on a hook attached to the door. She leaped into the sweet embrace of her comfy bed.
She had a lot of make-up homework to do. But she thought to herself, just a few minutes of looking at Pinterest to unwind wouldn't hurt.
She put on her earbuds and looked for a playlist on her iPod, eventually deciding to play her "Daydreaming" playlist on shuffle. "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri played as she scrolled through images of pretty outfits and decor, saving the ones she liked into her various collections organized by aesthetic. Occasionally, she'd find a post for a DIY project that she would save into her ever-growing collection of tutorials she'd totally, someday, come back to. A smile formed on her face as she softly sung along to the lyrics. She felt like a princess up in a tower, dreaming about her happily ever after. And just like a princess in a fairytale, with Ethan's vision, she had been given a look into the future!
But the next song that played on her iPod brought her fairytale to a halt. The intro for "Love Story" by Taylor Swift played, and she froze. Perhaps the song was fine by itself, but for Sarah, it brought back vivid memories of her time with Jesse.
One night, she was sitting in front of the mirror vanity. All the lights were turned off, except for the vanity mirror shining on her face, as she checked herself out in the mirror. Jesse sat on the little nook by her window, watching her intently. She just finished straightening and styling her hair into a half-up, half-down with a halo braid. Jesse loved hairstyles like those. She heard him get up. Her reflection was still alone, but she felt two hands on her shoulders, and the presence of someone tall standing behind her.
"You know who you remind me of?" Jesse murmured.
Sarah tilted her head, "Who?"
"Have you heard the story of Romeo and Juliet?"
"Duh! Everyone and their grandmother have heard of it. I bet you were around when it was written."
Jesse chuckled.
"Well, you remind me of the beautiful Juliet, with your hair like that."
Sarah blushed, smiling at the ground shyly.
"Does that make you my Romeo?" she said.
"Of course."
"I mean, except for the part where they both die in the end, obviously." Sarah joked. Jesse laughed.
To be reminded that she used to see things like that as incredibly romantic sent shivers down her spine. As Sarah came back to the present, she realized she'd been staring at her lack of a reflection from that same mirror. Her dimly lit room and the chill breeze of the open window was starting to make her feel uneasy, so she got up to turn on the lights and close her window, turning the latch so it was locked. As soon as she got back onto her bed, she stopped the song and deleted it from her playlist.
"Let's try this again." she sighed to herself, pressing shuffle on her playlist again.
This time, the song that played was the Twilight Princess' version of the Great Fairy's fountain theme from the Legend of Zelda. The widest smile formed on Sarah's face. This was so Ethan's doing.
Ever since she found out about Rockbox, and all of the customizing that can be done with it, she'd beg Ethan to install it on her iPod. It was no longer enough to just have a cute, bedazzled case. Eventually, he came around to doing it while adding his own geeky touch to the whole thing. Along with being able to download the cutest custom theme she could find, Rockbox made it so that you no longer had to buy songs from iTunes to listen to them, so along with a bunch of songs Sarah asked him to download, he put some video game soundtracks in her iPod that he felt she'd like. And she totally did. She imagined herself endlessly flying and twirling in the prettiest pale-pink dress in a forest.
She had never played a single Legend of Zelda game, but now she wanted to. She always thought the Twilight Princess game looked so pretty. Maybe she could ask Ethan to help show her how to play during the weekend. Just the two of them, with nothing but the sounds of the game and the sound of Ethan's voice guiding her though it, and the occasional touch of his hand on hers as he helps her with the controls.
Sarah felt her face grow hot, and she had the widest smile on her face. She shook the thought from her head. She took out her phone and opened her messages as she started typing a message to Erica.
what does it mean when a guy tells u smth good is abt to happen, but he cant tell me what it is?
The typing indicator bubble showed up on Erica's side immediately. Then it disappeared. And then a few seconds later, Erica was calling her. She sat up on her bed as she answered.
"Is this about Ethan? Is he the guy?" asked Erica.
"Um, yeah."
"Tell me what happened." Erica demanded, like some kind of detective. So she did. After Sarah finishes telling her everything that happened that evening, Erica started her response with a heavy sigh.
"I think he's lying."
"What?" Sarah felt her heart sink, "Why?"
"Think about it. Since when has Ethan ever had a good vision?"
"We don't know for sure if Ethan can only have bad visions," Sarah defended, "We barely know anything about his powers. I dont think even he knows."
"What kind of happy visions can you get from getting your blood drained? I don't think my dates would have any pleasant visions."
"It wasn't. A date." Sarah grumbled, "And you kill your dates, so that's completely different."
"Whatever. That's my advice. I gotta go. I'm kindof on a date right now, and my food's running away from me. See ya."
Erica hung up before she could say goodbye. Sarah rolled her eyes and scoffed. That wasn't even advice! She fell back onto her bed with a frustrated sigh. What would Erica know about Ethan? She can't even stand to breathe the same air as him!
Sarah wanted to completely dismiss what Erica told her, yet she couldn't help but feel like she was just the princess in denial of the dark, stormy clouds forming over her perfect fairytale kingdom.
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moonstruckme · 29 days
Hi, I love everything you write. Tomorrow I have my first job interview and I'm very happy and excited. Could you write a reader who goes to her first job interview and Remus calms and supports her before and after the interview? 🩷
Hope it went well lovely!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 445 words
It goes faster than Remus expected. He’s hardly halfway through his crossword when you open the passenger door to the car, startling him. 
“Hi,” he says, a tad breathlessly. You look a tad breathless yourself, shuddering violently as if to shake all the anxiety you’d worn into the building off of you. “How did it go?” 
“No idea.” You take your hair out of its tight confines, shaking it out at the roots. “I blacked out.” 
A little laugh trips off Remus’ tongue. “Really? What do you remember?” 
“Um.” You take your chapstick out of your bag, applying it and rubbing your lips together. They look terribly bitten; Remus pouts involuntarily. “I think my handshake was alright. I may have told her she reminds me of my aunt? Which,” you blow out a breath, “you know, not my best line, but my aunt is very cool. I think I told her how cool my aunt is. God, I can’t stop shaking.” 
“Aw, dove.” Remus reaches for you. 
It’s a bit of an awkward hug, the center console digging into both of your sides, but you make it work. And you are shaking, his poor love. Remus kisses your temple, rubbing your arm to try and quell the goosebumps there. 
“You did it, sweetheart,” he tells you. “I’m sure you did really well, but no matter what happened you made it. I’m proud of you.” 
“M’probably gonna have to do it more than once,” you say, and you’re trying to whine but he can hear the smile in your voice. “Are you going to be on call to coddle me after each one?” 
“Sure. It’s not like I’ve got anything else going on.” 
You chuckle, squeezing him tight. Remus smiles into your temple. 
“Even if I’m not around every time, we’ll figure something out so that you can relax afterwards.” Your trembling is starting to calm, the adrenaline leaving you heavy and pliant in his arms. He ducks down to press a quick, solid kiss to your lips. You taste like your chapstick. “And you’ll get used to them, too. This one was probably the worst, though it sounds like it didn’t go too poorly either.” 
You hum, smearing your lips across his stubble. 
“I guess we’ll never know,” you sigh, leaning back into your own seat and fastening your seatbelt. Remus takes this as his cue to start the car. “Maybe I utterly humiliated myself, and those memories aren’t meant to be recovered.” You pause for a few moments, pensive. “I probably will try not to compare the interviewer to any elderly relatives next time.”
“Yeah, might be best to keep that one to ourselves.”
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wriothesleybear · 5 months
I just had some wild thoughts….just something about reader not wanting wrio to pulls out even after he came like 😀😀 the reader would just wraps their leg around him and begs him to stay inside
I’m not sure if you’re looking for a wholesome, fluffy version or a spicy, smut version anon so I’ll do both! Enjoy!~ (Also, shoutout to my coworker for helping me think of male scents for Wrio. She a real one lmao)
~Fluff Version~
~warnings: mention of sex/orgasms, cockwarming, otherwise just fluff, snuggling, slight aftercare, fem!reader, MDNI!
His sweaty body falls ontop of yours as you both breathe heavily, hearts beating fast as you come down from the euphoric high orgasm. Once he gains his awareness, he pushes off of you as to not crush you with his muscled weight. As he was about to pull his cock out so he could lay next to you, his movements are stopped as you wrap your legs around his hips. “Not yet Wrio. I want your cock in me for a little longer.” You beg as you look up at him with a needy look. How could he say no to you, especially since you look so glorious laid out on his sheets like that. He chuckles and flips you two around so you’re straddling his lap, cock fit snuggly inside your pussy as he wraps his arms around you. You rest your head in the crook of his neck and inhale his scent. Sweat with the hint of aftershave and the smell of spice and black vanilla. Nuzzling your nose into his neck, you press a kiss to his skin. Smiling, he uses one hand to comb his fingers through your hair as his other arm wraps securely around your hips, keeping you close. “We’ll stay like this just a little longer, then I’ll run us a bath, my dear.” You only reply with a mumble, eyes getting heavy as exhaustion overtakes you. The calming pace of his steady breathing, the secure hold he has on you, and the mesmerizing touch of his fingers in your hair easily lulls you to sleep. It’s not long until slight snores can be heard from you. Smiling, he presses a light kiss to your forehead, then closes his eyes to bask in the serene moment of closeness and silence.
~Spicy Smut Version~
~warnings: smut, mentions of grinding, cum, cockwarming, slight aftercare, fem!reader, MDNI!
Laying on top of you, he holds his upper half up while his head rests in the crook of your neck, he breathes heavily as he tries to gain his senses from the mindbreaking orgasm he just had. Once his cock finally finishes spurting his warm seed inside of you, he begins to pull out until he’s stopped by your legs wrapping around his hips. He’s caught off guard for a second and gives you a questioning look. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull his face close to yours and look deeply into his eyes. “Not yet Wrio. I want your cock in me for just a little longer. Please?” You beg then peck his lips. He replies with pulling you into another kiss. This one deeper and longer, more passionate. Your tongues interwine as the kiss turns more intense. You moan into the kiss as his hands explore your skin, groping your most sensitive areas. You smirk as you feel his cock twitch inside your pussy. “I see I’m not the only one who wants more.”
“Can you blame me? How can I not get hard from kissing your sweet, delicious lips and hearing the sinful moans that leave them.” He kisses you again, lips moving from your mouth, down to your chin, to your neck, to lick and nibble on the already bitten skin. Tilting your head to give him more access, your eyes close and your hips involuntarily move against his as you whisper his name. “Fuck,” he quietly curses. His hips grind against yours, pelvis rubbing against your sensitive clit, as he searches for that pleasurable friction. Your hands grab his ass, helping to guide him to rub harder against your clit. Your nails dig into his skin, causing him to groan and bite harder onto your neck. The bed creaks and bumps against the wall from your movements. It doesn’t take long until you’re both shaking from the immense pleasure as you cum on his cock and he spills into you once again. He falls unto his side and pulls you close to him, keeping his cock snuggled in you. Rubbing your back, you both try to steady your breathing and fast heartbeats. Once calm, you both look at one another and break into a giggling fit. “That was..wow.” Wrio says as his laughter subsides. “I suppose I should tell you not to pull out sooner.” You teasingly flirt. He smiles at you and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Once you two pull away, you press your forehead to his, nuzzling your nose against his. “I love you, Wrio.” His hold on you tightens. “I love you too, my Duchess.” He presses one final kiss to your forehead and holds you close in his arms as you two finally succumb to sleep. 
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silkscream · 9 months
once bitten, twice shy
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megumi fushiguro x reader
ੈ✩ wc: 3.1k (i cannot write anything under 2k to save my life)
ੈ✩ tags: emotionally constipated megumi, tsundere basically, friends to lovers, a lil angst, not actually unrequited love, pining, alcohol, typical yuuji nobara antics
ੈ✩ a/n: this is not xmas themed despite the title BUT it does end up taking place on satoru's birthday for plot reasons. megumi fushiguro your intimacy issues bewitch me mind body and soul.....
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megumi does not know what to do with his feelings.
he’s never been the type to be particularly in touch with them — he didn’t remember his parents enough to blame them for whatever avoidant attachment he’d accustomed himself to. or maybe, that was the exact cause of said attachment style. gojo taking him in when he was a child didn’t help either — the man also refused to be very vulnerable around him, merely acting as a benefactor and a nuisance at best.
and while he was closest to tsumiki, he’d still built up a wall around himself that she couldn’t get through, and she knew it. she couldn’t break through it in his pre-teen years, and certainly not his teenage years when he was taking out his aggression on his classmates. he would ignore her soothing words and resent her kindness. perhaps he’d taken after toji in that way. constantly fending for himself for the sake of survival. always convinced that he was doomed to be alone.
and then there was you.
he’d met you first at jujutsu tech before any of the other students could. after sparring with maki, he’d been dismissed to shoko’s office. he’d opened the door that september day and was immediately met with your wide eyes, your searing cursed energy. gojo had found another stray.
shoko had made him your first experiment and you excelled. his injuries were healed within minutes. if anything, he felt better than he had in months — after battling insomnia and panic attacks, he felt… calm. like his brain was cleansed and that he had nothing to stress about. (until the next time gojo had gotten on his nerves.)
your introduction to his class was nothing extravagant despite gojo’s theatrics. megumi couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you after that — during practice battles, lectures, or lunch. he was always hyperaware of your presence. he blamed it on your cursed energy.
he hates how enthusiastic yuuji is about you, how yuuji tells him about how he manages to get you alone even though you often keep to yourself, and how he thinks you’re so fucking pretty, and that you’d agreed to watch the human earthworm movies with him. (megumi had refused when yuuji asked.)
he stews in that anger quietly because he’d rather die than let anyone know. nobara knows better, of course. she teases him about it and brings up jealousy.
why should megumi ever be jealous of yuuji? the boy was a freak accident in human form, with no inherent technique. who fucking cares that he can make you laugh without any effort?
it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t. because you have no direct effect on megumi and you don’t distract him during school. he doesn’t cling onto the memory of your hands on his skin. he doesn’t wish for the feeling again. of course not.
he tells this to yuuji and nobara, too. there’s one day where nobara goes too far — she teases him about setting up a date, that you rave about him, that he’s definitely your type. megumi doesn’t believe a word of it, especially because you’re probably more comfortable with yuuji. he doesn’t care to date because it would hold him back. he’s too focused on his training, on being the best, because he’s determined to follow in gojo’s shadow even if he won’t admit it. he could be the second strongest. he could be the most reliable.
it comes out in all the wrong ways. he’s more irritable than usual, so he yells at nobara instead of seething in hushed tones. he rants about how he does’t need someone by his side, certainly not you, whose only benefit is to heal superficial injuries and not much else. how your combat skills are poor, how easily you get beat when you spar on the field. how compared to him, you’re weak, so you’re of no use.
unfortunately, you hear him. every thought on his mind that tumbles out of his stupid mouth, his tone spewing wrath. you know that megumi is a moody person, but you’d never think him to be mean.
you pretend you’re just passing by, but from the faces nobara and yuuji are making, megumi already senses your presence. the color drains from his face, cobalt eyes wide.
“i’m — i’m sorry, i didn’t mean —“
“it’s okay, fushiguro,” you say softly. even after that shitshow, you’re still fucking smiling. it puts a sinking feeling in megumi’s stomach.
“ah, i got an extra pack of mochi and thought you guys would like it.”
you hand over a small bag and megumi takes it wordlessly.
“that’s so sweet,” yuuji beams, attempting to deflect. “hey, i was just looking for you. do you happen to have those jujutsu history notes? kugisaki spilled a soda on mine.”
“you knocked it over!” nobara protests.
“you put it on top of my stuff!”
you take your notebook out of your bag and hand it to yuuji graciously, avoiding megumi’s gaze and making up an excuse to see all of them later.
apparently, “later” means a week after. megumi sees you in class, and while he attempts to walk you to the dining hall or invite you to hang out, you bolt out the door before catching anyone’s attention. he has to find out how you are from fucking yuuji, who somehow gets to see you around the dorms every other day.
“i think she just likes to keep to herself, s’all,” yuuji says. he can sense megumi’s anxiety just from being in the same room as him.
“but you see her all the time.”
“she’s been tutoring me a little. and we just like the same movies and stuff.”
yuuji shrugs casually. his nonchalance makes megumi’s blood boil, because of course he’s the one who gets to occupy all of your time. of course you’re probably most comfortable with him. he knows he shouldn’t be seething at the thought of you two together — it isn’t his right. but his jealousy is starting to get the best of him lately.
“are you guys together?” he blurts out.
“no?” yuuji furrows his brows. “if anything, i feel like nobara might be trying to make a move since she’s way nicer to her than she is to us. except i’m pretty sure she and maki have been going out lately.”
“dude, keep up!”
and when yuuji accuses of megumi having a crush again, the same way nobara did all those weeks ago before he made a fucking fool of himself, megumi shuts it down with a grimace and a blush. he’s merely concerned about your wellbeing is what it is. that’s what he’s able to muster up to yuuji, of course, who absolutely isn’t buying it based on his shit-eating grin.
it’s annoying, especially because yuuji can make you feel more comfortable, comfortable enough to hang with the whole trio, and the pink-haired bastard has to meddle like a little troll. bumping the two of you into each other like you’re in middle school. somehow, it worsens everything. not your dynamic, but megumi’s self-consciousness.
he was already so extremely aware of you, but now he’s convinced that some angel above has tied the red string between you both extra tight. megumi looks for you in every crowd, awaits your arrival every day in the classroom and at lunch, and it’s starting to feel pathetic — the lightness in his chest whenever you’re even so much as ten feet away. his heart even beats faster at the anticipation of your text in the group chat, for fuck’s sake.
and then there’s gojo’s birthday party, a surprise orchestrated by the four of you, despite megumi’s reluctance. you’re particularly more radiant than usual. maybe it’s the lighting. maybe it’s the dress you have on.
despite the amount of shots he’s been forced to take in the past hour (three), megumi is still sober enough to feel anxious around you. though, he thinks he might be drunk enough to be lost in your image, fixating on your collarbone and the way your hair falls in your face as you laugh at one of gojo’s stupid jokes. it’s when the two of you lock eyes that megumi feels out of it, because you smile at him. you fucking smile.
if the warmth of the liquor wasn’t currently raising heated blood to his head, he’d deny the sparks that came from the mere sight of your smile, but he was hopeless. you’re mesmerizing. dizzying. he doesn’t know what to do with his face, not when his cheeks are flushing red and his motor skills are slowing down. fuck, maybe he was a lightweight like gojo after all.
he’s clearly out of touch with reality, because the moment fades as soon as it comes. perhaps it wasn’t a moment at all. he watches you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, your mouth moving slowly as you mingle with other classmates. he’s fucking fixated on your mouth — your lipstick tonight is a blush red with a shiny gloss reflecting light. megumi has only dreamed of what your lips would taste like once or twice. no more than that. he swears on it.
there’s brief eye contact between the two of you again for half a second. there’s a coy smile on your face as always before you slip out the back door of the house.
there are so many bottles around the place that no one will notice megumi taking an entire bottle of champagne for himself. he scowls at the taste, of sickeningly sweet pears — courtesy of gojo, probably. his head swims and thinks of you.
his momentary peace is rudely interrupted by the sound of nobara’s voice in his ear, asking for you.
“ijichi’s setting up karaoke!”
“there is no way in hell that i’m—”
“i don’t care what you do, emo, but i need her to do a duet!”
megumi heaves a sigh, making his way to the backyard where he finds you sitting on a tree stump. even with the dim fairy lights, he probably would’ve missed you if not for the cherried end of your cigarette.
“fushiguro-kun,” you nod at him.
“megumi,” he rasps. “just… megumi is fine.”
“oh, i get special privileges now? how come?”
there’s no mirth in your tone. you’re teasing him. he doesn’t answer your question.
(the mere act of you teasing him becomes an intimacy in itself — he had never thought that you would be comfortable enough to talk to him in jest. you’d maintained your distance from him fairly well.)
“didn’t know you smoked.”
“only when i drink,” you shrug. “ieiri-san doesn’t make much of an effort to hide her cigarettes, either. don’t tell on me, though.”
“wouldn’t dream of it.”
he doesn’t know where to look. luckily, you’re not looking at him, so he can settle his gaze on your mouth nursing the cigarette. plump. glossy under the moonlight.
megumi is not used to wanting. he had never asked gojo for anything during his adolescence, and refused any gesture of kindness from anyone. he was convinced since childhood that there was no point in desire because disappointment would be on the other end of it either way.
he’d like to be a monk about it. he could control himself and focus on his studies. never spare you a glance again that isn’t platonic. and then a cool december wind blows past the two of you, and he smells your amber perfume.
and when he turns his head, you’re looking at him, eyes bright.
“so… not enjoying the party?”
“i’m not really one for parties.”
“me neither,” you shrug. “that’s why i like to do my little ritual of escaping.”
“we have that in common.��
you hum, a noncommittal noise. you take another drag of your cigarette, which disintegrates slowly.
“what a pair, the two of us.”
megumi can’t pick up any sarcasm from your voice, though he assumes it. it makes his stomach drop even though the statement is harmless. the two of you. together. it makes endless futures bloom in his mind. maybe it’s the prosecco, but it almost makes him want to vomit. to think that he was even good enough to be beside you in your future.
you curse quietly when you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket to check the time, realizing it’s dead. megumi gives you a once-over. the jacket you’re wearing is all too familiar. like him, you’re not one to wear very many colors. but this jacket is bright red, varsity style, and oversized on you.
“is that itadori’s jacket?” megumi stammers.
“oh, yeah. i didn’t realize how cold it would be tonight.”
“why?” you give him a curious smile.
“nothing,” he coughs. “are… you two…”
you laugh and it’s like a song to him.
“i think he might be my best friend, s’all. why? you jealous?”
he looks at you again, head-on, your eyes still bright. brighter than fluorescents. there’s something in your irises that is meant to provoke him, but he’s dispensed of his usual cautious nature after he takes another gulp from the bottle.
“more than you can imagine,” he huffs.
“’m not repeating that.”
“what, you’re not saying you’re like, into me, are you?” you exasperate.
megumi remains silent, cheeks flushed. he thinks that if his head could heat up any more, he’d end up with a migraine.
you breathe the tiniest gasp. if it wasn’t for how close megumi was to you, he wouldn’t have noticed.
“i kind of thought you hated me, you know,” you admit.
“i could never hate you. i don’t think anyone could.”
“you don’t have to pretend,” you sigh. he didn’t notice until now that your cigarette was finished, discarded onto the dirt with your boot to crush it into ash. “i— beyond the politeness, i get it. that i’m not your type or whatever. you don’t even have to be friends with me, fushiguro-kun.”
“megumi,” he emphasizes.
“i’m not pretending. i… i really fucking like you,” he slurs. “it kind of scares me how much.”
“you’re drunk.”
“i am. i know you heard me say all that shit to kugisaki and itadori, but it’s because they put me on the spot and i was nervous. i don’t know how to… deal with feelings. honestly, if i wasn’t even a little drunk right now, i’d probably have left the party with my tail in between my legs and avoided you for the next fucking week, and you don’t deserve that. you deserve… everything.”
“even you?”
when did you get so close to him? if he sauntered just a few inches in your direction, he could touch your noses together. he can smell your perfume so deeply.
“it’s the other way around,” megumi breathes. “i don’t deserve you. not anything close to you.”
“what if i want you regardless?” your voice is just above a whisper. a prayer, a hymn. a wish to be blown out.
megumi swallows the lump in his throat. he blinks at you, dark indigo luminescent. the world slows down. he may owe it to the liquor and the wine, but he assumes it’s just your presence. your scent, the softness of your hair in between his fingers, your soft breaths.
“what do you want, megumi-kun?”
he remembers something gojo said. that to be a jujutsu sorcerer, he has to be selfish. he’s not sure if that philosophy applies to the situation at hand, but he’d be damned if he let you crawl into bed tonight without knowing how he truly felt about you. so, uncharacteristically, he takes a leap forward.
he unwinds the tension in his body and presses his lips to yours. it’s soft, chaste, innocent. something like a pause. he’s afraid to touch you, but you’ve already reeled him in with arms thrown around his shoulders, fingertips touching the softness of his black hair.
you bump your nose with his, shyly, and he kisses you open-mouthed. tongue in your mouth, meshing the taste of tobacco and prickly pear. the vanilla chapstick that he’d put on before he followed you out to the backyard.
he has one hand caressing your jaw and the other on your shoulder, thumb brushing over your collarbone in a way that makes your entire body shiver. you’re embarrassed at the pool of desire in between your legs.
megumi has never let himself be full of wanting, but at the moment, his veins are surging with it. it’s like a drug to him — your warmth, your scent, the saccharine taste of your mouth. your flesh is so soft, so pliable, from the way you dip towards the cavern of his lanky body, pressed against him chest to chest. letting his hand dig into the fat of your hip. fingertips grazing the skin underneath your shirt.
maybe it’s the liquor, but he’s feeling experimental — he tucks your bottom lip in between his teeth. pulls your hair ever so slightly. you mewl into his mouth quietly and he thinks that he’s never felt anything better than this. you’re wrapped up in all of him. you can quite literally feel the heat on his cheeks and both of you realize how aroused he is, his bulge prodding your thigh.
“fuck,” he whispers into your mouth, and he pulls away. only a few inches are separating you as he takes a moment to breathe. his eyes are blown out wide, black stretching across dark blue. both of you are stunned, panting, and the tension is more palpable than ever.
a rustling of grass makes both of you jump. when he turns, he sees yuuji and nobara staring with wide eyes.
“you owe me 7,000 yen,” yuuji deadpans to nobara.
“seriously, fushiguro? i didn’t think you had it in you!”
“i always had faith in you, fushiguro!” yuuji chimes.
while you giggle, megumi growls under his breath at the new intrusions of dumb and dumber.
“i personally thought you were way out of his league,” nobara tells you.
“eat shit.” megumi seethes with arms crossed, and despite his wrath, he resembles more of an angry kitten to you than any potential threat.
“sheesh, don’t summon a shikigami on them, megumi,” you tease with a pleased grin.
“i—” he stumbles over his words in frustration, grimacing. “what do the two of you want, anyway?”
“gojo-sensei got ijichi to sing doja cat.”
“oh, i’ve gotta see this,” you snort, grabbing megumi by the hand as you begin to usher the crew back inside. his heart leaps at the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his.
despite his inhibitions, megumi’s decided that he could get used to this.
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xazse · 6 months
Imagined getting fingerfucked by Kazuha till you pass out without even pounding his dick into your pussy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Notes: HELLOO, I’ve been neglecting my people who aren’t that interested in Scaramouche and jjk so enjoy this!
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Kazuha Kaedehara
Tags: Overstimulation, fingering, passing out, our poor neglected Kazuha at the end, sensitive reader, NOT PROOFREAD
You’re such a sensitive thing, Kazuha knows this and uses it in his favor.
You two are somewhere on the crux hiding behind some boxes: he’s been trying to calm you down and tell you just small kisses and nothing more, but you’re such a greedy minx that tries to slip a little tongue in, tries to bite at his lips, you’re even going as far as to guide his hands towards your cunt.
Small pleas leave your wet lips, a pout decorating your face, his cock stirs at the desperate sight of you, he so badly wants to fuck you but he’s the one most in control and if he gets worked up like you are right now he isn’t gonna be able to perform his duties with Beidou.
“Kazuha… please… just a little” you press your nimble fingers on his cock, a hiss leaves his lips. In a matter of seconds he’s standing up and manhandling you onto one of the boxes. You’re bent over while he’s behind you pinning your arms behind your back. You make no move to tell him to stop or to let up a little. Confused and a little dazed at his quick movements you turn slightly at him.
A whispered yelp is let out when you feel a cold breeze hit your ass and pussy. He keeps pulling your shorts down till they hang around your ankles. Kazuha steps back a little to admire the view, your plush thighs squeezing together periodically to relieve some pressure building up. He doesn’t like handling you in such a mean way but it’s completely necessary.
He decides he’s had enough of the view and slides himself beside you, putting his face in the crook of your neck and a little bit of his weight on your back, but not fully ontop of you, just at an angle.
He guides his soft fingers down your back, to your exposed cunt. It’s already plenty wet but he traces the outline just a little to tease you, it’s not even a second before you’re whining for more. He pushes a finger inside your awaiting hole, needy little hole just accepts him, so he takes the incentive to add one more. Two slim fingers are scissoring you open. Wet slick sounds are resonating in the area, Kazuha is silently begging no one to come near.
Pretty sounds are leaving your throat, he can just picture how good you look, a bitten bruised lip, lusty ridden eyes, just the thought of how ruined you’re becoming makes his cock throb so badly, Kazuha isn’t one to be this worked up so easily but the urge to put his length deep within your swollen cunt is just too much to bare.
He’s so lost in thought that he doesn’t realize he’s sped up his ministrations, his fingers are entering and leaving your cunt so skillfully. Distraught but loving every moment of it you take to bouncing back on his fingers ever so slightly, but not disturbing his pace. he’s also so lost that he doesnt see the way you bring your own fingers to rub at your clit. It’s so slippery you have a hard time being precise with the directions and where you want the pleasure.
Kazuha doesn’t let up with abusing your sticky pussy. Soon enough you start to feel dizzy but so so good, your tummy clenching hurts with every push of his fingers inward, reaching back to tell him you feel weird like really weird is worthless: all that falls from your lips are moans.
Everything goes white and all you can feel is your pussy clenching and unclenching before darkness.
Kazuha is finally pulled out of his daze when you slump and stop moving, he immediately straightens up and checks you out, a breathless laugh escapes his lips at the sight your chest rising and falling. After a quick minute of him trying to get himself together he realizes how painfully hard he still is, as well a precum stain decorating his pants.
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daenysx · 6 months
can we have one for the road for remus where he helps you relax after a long week? like the smut version of the one you did for sirius?? thank you!!
join the 1111 followers celebration
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy! ♡
remus lupin x fem!reader, smut
remus likes the way you seem to stop thinking when he's fucking you deep into the mattress.
your eyes roll back, shaky hands holding his neck gently as you open your legs and lead him deeper inside you. a slow teardrop falls on your cheek as remus moves, he keeps hitting your g-spot sweetly. he supports the backs of your thighs and rolls his hips again, until you cry out.
"please, please, remus." he likes how you sound when you're full of him.
you feel him kissing your cheek repeatedly, he sucks a bruise on your neck. remus sees the tears ready to fall on your cheeks, and he worries. your lips search for him, his scarred cheek and his bitten lips.
"you okay, lovely?" he stops kissing you for a minute.
you nod, tears don't stop but you feel perfect. you can't breathe, your brain is completely empty except the pleasure and fullness. remus gives you a smile when your hand cups his cheek, he kisses your hair and inhales the scent of your shampoo. his cock twitches inside you, the tension he feels is unbearable. he moves again, desperate for some relief. your nails scratch the back of his neck.
remus can feel his cock slide deeper easily. you are so wet for him, he moves his hips with pride. you have a smile on your pretty lips, your eyes are closed like you let yourself melt into him entirely. you never stop making noises, sweet whispers of begging reach his ears, they force him to continue until he makes a mess of himself.
"lovely girl." he whispers, presses a kiss on your ear. "you look so pretty, look at your little cunt. can you see baby? can you see how well you're taking me? such a good girl."
you see his cock sliding in and out. it makes you arch your back towards him, he supports your waist. "remus, please." you say, quietly.
"gonna come for me?" he asks. "is that what you're begging for?"
you nod, tears leaking slowly. "i just wanna stop thinking."
remus coos, his hand stroking your skin. "i'm gonna make you come until i become the only thing in that perfect mind of yours. i'm not gonna stop, did you hear that sweetness? gonna keep going until you tell me to stop."
he is a babbling mess on top of you as you finally come around him. you cry out, hands searching for him blindly. he holds you as he comes inside, filling you up until it leaks. it's so fucked up, he thinks. sheets are ruined and the mix of your liquids stains everywhere. funny thing is, he doesn't give a shit about that. he just loves the image of you relaxing under him.
remus kisses you, he forces himself to sit back on bed to pull you on his lap. you whine but he's quick to calm you down. he stays inside of you, keeping his cock deep to help you stay steady. you put your head on his shoulder when he places himself to lean back against the headboard. your breathing slowly turns back to normal as he rubs your back.
"okay, baby?" he asks gently.
you nod. "thank you, remus."
he kisses you as a response. "no need for that."
you force yourself to lift your head. your eyes look hazy, hair a lovely mess, and your cunt streched out around him. he tries to stay calm, feeling his softened cock twitch only a little when you clench around him unconciously.
"can we keep going?" you ask.
remus smiles. "of course we can. i just need a few more minutes, hmm?"
you nod, kissing his lips thank you again. he brings his fingers on your swollen clit. a gentle pinch makes your breathing go fast, he rubs the skin until he finally reaches your bud.
"oh-" you breath out, your head thrown back. "just like that."
remus gives you a fond smile as you moan under his fingers. he keeps you on his lap, rubs your clit until he has you clenching around his cock. he can feel himself getting hard after a few minutes, but he keeps himself from moving until he pulls another orgasm out of you.
he actually feels his mind blown when you come hard on top of him, cunt squeezing him deeply as you squirt. you lean onto his chest, your body is still shaking. remus kisses your hair to stay calm, you press your lips against his skin to even out your breathing.
"you're okay." he says. "you did so good for me."
he fucks you against the headboard after a while. you open your legs, desperate to forget your shitty week. he eats you out like he's been starved for years, fingers on your clit to make you come again. he turns you around for you to press your face into the soft pillows, fucks you deep once more until he can't feel his bones.
you are lying on top of his limp muscles when you finish. your brain feels like a mush, your body is tired but it's a good kind of exhaustion. it's nothing like what you've gone through for the past week. remus holds you close, pulling the covers on your bodies.
"settle down, lovely." he says. "everything is okay."
his voice is a huge comfort and he knows that. he waits for his senses to come back to normal, after that he cleans up both of you. he helps you wear clean clothes to bed and holds you in his lap like a baby when you sleep. he rewards himself with a cigarette with the window next to bed open, his one hand occupied with it while his other hand rubs your back.
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gaypirate420 · 8 months
Bath // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gender neutral!reader.
A/N: Thank you to @steh-lar-uh-nuhs for sharing these. Huge inspiration!
Summary: After the battle with the newborns, you give Jasper a bath to make him relax.
Fluff. A little suggestive. Reference to hypnosis?
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The Cullen's make their way back home, everyone let out a sigh of relief and tiredness after such an encounter. Emmet collapses on the couch and Rosalie sits elegantly by his side, Alice makes her back to her room, her eyes unfocused as she sees different futures of what's to come. Carlisle and Esme just silently make their way to their room.
Although they're vampires who's bodies can't get tired, they are mentally exhausted. The tension hasn't faded but Jasper it's too tired to try and make them feel calm, which makes him feel worse because everyone's emotions are affecting his.
His right side it's burning with new bite marks that go from his shoulder to his forearm.
At least nobody else got hurt.
Well besides you.
The first signs that something was terribly wrong was when you had a trip to Seattle and returned as a vampire.
Jasper just remembers how scared you were, terrified of this new reality. He feels bad, you wanted to help with the battle but you're a newborn, still adapting, still learning.
He sighs, he basically locked you up in his room and he hates himself for it. At least you got your stuffed animals to keep you company and relive some of the anxiety you felt.
The blonde vampire opens the door and immediately meets you running to his arms. A smile creeps on his face as he picks you up and wraps you in a tight hug.
"Hi." You whisper, Jasper immediately notices the relief in your voice.
"Hello, darlin'." He buries his face on your neck, holding onto your scent and the comfort of your arms, it makes him forget about the venom that's running through his body.
"You smell like those dogs." You speak with a slight frown. Jasper chuckles and sniffs his hoodie, yeah, he does smell like wolves.
"How about we take a bath?" You asked with a flirty tone, pulling him by his wrist. The blonde smirks and follows behind.
"I see you've already settled in, sugar." He teases as he almost trips over one of your plushies. You giggled and pick up some things for the bath.
Jasper takes a glare of his room, it's mostly neutral colors, old photos and furniture. And then your things are a splash of color, a light of life.
Jasper rests on the wall, the pain of the venom stinging again. You looked at him worried as you fetch some towels.
"Are you alright, cowboy?" You placed a hand on his bitten arm, making him hiss in pain. You withdrawn your hand immediately.
"It's- n-nothin', hun. Just a couple of bites, nothin' I didn't expect." He explains softly, but the pain it's still on his voice. You nod, not fully convinced.
Jasper catches on the floral scent the bathroom holds now, you wave him to come inside, he smirks and takes his hoodie off.
"Stripping already?" You teased. The blonde chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist, locking his pale lips against yours. He holds the kiss, needing your touch after such an exhausting day.
He glares at your now ruby red eyes. He swore to protect you and the only day he didn't follow you somewhere you returned dead.
You kissed him again before your hands brush down his chest. Your touch is no longer warm but he feels like it is. Like the warmth you held never left you.
You pulled his shirt up, he didn't resist you at all. Your eyes widen at the sight of the bites. Jasper looks at his arm.
They look...like a normal bite would, if there's any normality in that, teeth buried deep and a horrible bruising surrounding it. Jasper sighs and closes his eyes, he feels your hand cupping his cheek.
"I'm alright, pumpkin." He tells you and kisses your forehead.
You help undress each other between giggles and teases. Jasper gets on the water, helping you to get inside.
The water it's warm, with one of your bath bombs fizzling and tinting the water pink. The scent of lavender lingers on the air and some candles were lit to make the setting more romantic.
His bathroom was very plain, white and clean, with the constant changing of home he doesn't really put much thought into decorations, but since you started dating your skincare and other stuff were lighting up his surroundings. Now his bath has all these candles, bath bombs and fancy soaps.
He sighs and makes himself comfortable. He feels your hands on his head, removing leaves and small sticks off his hair.
"Can I wash your hair, my dear?" You asked softly, Jasper nods and closes his eyes. He feels you pouring some water on his hair.
He holds your waist close to him, feeling your body, his fingers caressing up and down the curve of your back.
"I'm not going to break anymore, cowboy." You whisper as you notice his delicate touch, he doesn't change it.
He leans and kisses your lips, there's some neediness on his kiss but not desperation, he keeps it's slow and sensual.
You pour some shampoo on his golden locks, your fingers start massaging his scalp in gentle circles. Jasper moans softly, making you shiver, his lips travel down your jaw.
"You're too quiet." You whisper with clear worry, Jasper kisses down your neck, a gentle and loving kiss placed on the bite mark that lies on your neck.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help thinking about- the past." He whispers against your skin, his hands holding you close and his lips kissing your shoulders.
"It's weird. I've been hurt so much before- but this is different." He keeps whispering as you massage his head.
"What do you mean?" You ask with a gentle whisper, Jasper takes a second before answering you.
"Everytime I got hurt. Bitten. I just had to...keep going. Keep fighting. Ignore the pain, ignore my emotions and discomfort." He speaks with a lingering anger, he holds you a little rougher.
"But here- with you- I can allow myself to feel. To process what's happening. I would- I used to take my mind somewhere. Think about something else, dissociate completely." He takes a deep breath. You only listen to him, feeling your heart break as he keeps talking about his past, you rinse the shampoo off.
He looks at his new marks. Your fingers caress his scars with a soft touch, making him smile, he kisses your forehead.
"I didn't had anyone to caress me. To kiss me. To hug me when I was feeling down. And definitely no one to prepare me a bath." He chuckles and locks lips once more with you. He meets your eyes and you can see this shine in his.
A glimmer of hope.
"Thank you, sugar. For everything. You brought me back to life." He smiles and kisses you again, cupping your jaw, you lean on his touch and deepen the kiss. Jasper's hands have a strong grip on your waist, not wanting to let you go.
He buries his face on your neck and takes deep breaths. Your fingers run through his hair, undoing the knots with conditioner. A smile on your face as you enjoy this tender movement.
His breath is even, he doesn't need to breath, but it feels so nice to take in your scent over and over. If he was human he would be passed out because he feels so relaxed, safe.
"I love you." You whispered as you did your best to not damage the curls of his hair you loved so much. Jasper's eyes flutter closed. Since you became a vampire you had this ability of just making him feel so relaxed, he thought you did wonders when you were human but now it's so...
"I think you might have a gift, darlin'." His words sound slurry, almost like a human who's falling asleep. You blinked at his statement.
"Oh. Well- we'll sort that on another day, let's just enjoy that today is over." You whispered, your voice holding that soothing sound of one of a professional hypnotist. He smirks, this it's going to be really interesting to figure out.
He closed his eyes once more and let you take care of him.
A/N: Hello! It's been a little while, I know, I'm sorry, and I'm not going to say I'm going to post more constantly because I'm back to school.
Also, if you want to request things with the reader having a hypnosis/mind control gift I wouldn't mind. I've been thinking a lot about it because I just like hypnosis. What can I say.
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