#kei... why are you so good. you're pure perfection
hwanchaesong · 1 month
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━⁠☞🍽️ Second Course: He treats you so well, and you're naive enough to believe that only you have the key to his tasty heart. Or his pants. 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Traitor
wc: 1.0k
genre & warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of sex, cursing, crying, there's another girl, lovers to exes, pure heartbreak :D , Yeji of ITZY special appearance etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
ps. i've already reposted this but it still won't appear under the tags that i've put so ig i'll just let it be lmao. imma just post it the way it is bc i'm tired of trying and thinking on what to do to make it work.
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At the tender age of 13, you took note of everything that was written in an article that you accidentally opened and read on a fishy website entitled, 'Signs that your partner is falling out of love.'
You thought it would help you avoid conflict with a future partner, it would help you evade an impending heartbreak, but nothing can prepare you for the real world, it seems.
Your boyfriend, Park Seonghwa, was the definition of a picture perfect man.
He's kind, respectful and loving. He had all the love languages.
He never shunned away from skinship, and most of the time, he's the one who's initiating it. Giving you hugs and kisses even in public without any ounce of shame.
Even when he's busy, he still gives you the time of his day. Often, he would choose to lose sleep if it means that he'll be able to talk and see you after a long, tiring day at work.
He's also the type to buy 'just because' gifts. Randomly walking around a park then he'll see this cute bunny keychain, buying it immediately so he can give it to you because the bunny reminds him of you.
Fixing collars, tying shoelaces, cooking you food— he does it all, and naturally too. The way he pampers you like a mother hen is the sweetest thing you have ever seen in a man.
The most important thing though? It's his ability to listen and soothe all your worries away. He tells you that if you're overthinking, you can simply say it to him and he'll gladly give you all the assurance that you need.
So, what went wrong? Where did it go wrong? Is there something wrong with you?
The situation at hand made you question yourself, then again, are you really the problem here?
"The least you can give me is a reasonable explanation!" you yelled, gripping Seonghwa's arm that was holding his suitcase, attempting to stop him from leaving you without any form of closure.
"Well, what do you want me to say?" he snapped, raising his usual soft voice at you, something that he has never done before.
"A reason! Explanation, anything! Why are you suddenly breaking up with me?!" you blinked rapidly, the itchiness in your throat makes it harder for you to breathe, and the sinking feeling of dread in your stomach is urging you to vomit.
This is so fucking messed up.
Just last night, Seonghwa was fine. He even made love to you in your shared bed, whispering how good you are for him.
Last week, he brought you flowers. Last last week, he took you to a nice restaurant for dinner. Last month, he took you to Maldives for a summer getaway.
Nothing changed and everything felt the same, thus, the current happenings don't make sense.
You come home from work and the next thing you know, your significant other of how many years are mumbling nonsense of going separate ways. That you two are better off without the other.
You just don't fucking understand what the hell went wrong.
"I don't love you anymore."
You never knew that a mere sentence that is composed of five words is more than enough to break your heart, your world.
He doesn't love you anymore?
"Since when?" you weakly muttered, wanting answers that will probably hurt you more.
"For the last few months."
You winced, there were no signs of him not loving you. He must be lying, his shaky chocolate orbs say otherwise.
"Okay." you speak, no more energy to fight for him, to fight for a battle that is not worth the blood, sweat, and tears.
Just like that, you watched him walk away. Out of your home, out of your life, and you were left alone. Crying your heart out, gripping your chest as it physically hurts as well, the pain searing through you.
Two weeks later.
Your friend, Yeji, was making a ruckus, she was basically shoving her phone in your face.
"Y/N, look! Isn't this your ex?"
You peeked at the device, and your heart dropped along with your mood.
What the fuck?
That is your only reaction at the photo posted on Seonghwa's instagram because it hasn't been a month, and here he is, with a girl that he's being lovey-dovey with.
A girl.. a familiar one.
"That fucker." you uttered menacingly, your fists tightly clenched on your lap as your friends worriedly glanced at you.
Isn't that the one you asked him about? The fucking girl that was lingering around him all the damn time like a wretched fly. He told she's nothing but a co-worker.
Sure. Kissing your co-worker on the cheeksin a field of maple trees is very professional, isn't it?
You are not sure what to feel. He broke up with you so he could date that girl, it seems.
Should you be thankful? Or should you curse him until he dies?
Either way, now that you're thinking about it, maybe he really didn't fall out of love with you, just that he found someone that he loves more. There was no proof, but there was evidence of his upcoming betrayal.
The way he was always on his phone, and maybe, all the things he had done for you before were nothing but distractions so you wouldn't notice what he was doing behind your back.
A lady's gut never lies, yet you choose to ignore it, and this is what you get.
You laughed yet the tears dripping down your cheeks is the complete opposite of your actions.
Not once did you hear him apologize during the argument about the break-up, and my god, did you hate him so much for entering your life like a storm and leaving such a mess behind.
Park Seonghwa is no cheater, but he is a raging traitor.
Then again, no one is at fault here but you, as you should've seen this coming. You should've been alert, using your rationality instead of your useless heart, and now you're paying the price for his treason.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @shakalakaboomboo @xdannix @nsixns
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uncouth-the-fifth · 2 months
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here is my collection of sam and dean winchester reader-inserts 🧛‍♂️👻 enjoy!
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Baby I'll Stay (Heaven Can Wait) (witch glamors, fluff, motel smut)
On a hunt with Sam and Dean, your childhood friends and long-term hunting partners, you choose to play bait in order to kill a powerful witch. Thing is, the witch uses a glamor that masks him as the seer's perfect partner—and to you, he looks exactly like Sam.
(You Are A) Natural, Baby (virgin Sam, pure impala sex lol)
part one (oral): You played your fingers on the wheel. Bent over it, squinting at the rain. Slumped back in your seat. All the while, Sam watched you go through the motions passively. He already knew what you knew: you'd have to camp here for the night. Just the two of you. Alone.
part two (oral, sex): “No wonder you’re so wet,” Sam rasps, “you’re already close, aren’t you?” You conceded with a pathetic nod, breathing hard. “All this just from blowing me…” Sam smirks.
Playing House (fake dating + couples cruise) for @daiziesssart
part one: You rolled around everything you wanted to explain to him in your head, but none of it sounded right. Somehow, you landed on: “You think it’s gonna be weird, pretending to be married?” Sam shrugged. “We did it all the time when we were kids, playin’ house.” He closed the zipper of his boot, flashing you an innocent smile. “Can’t be that different, right?"
part two: “My name is _____ Patton,” you introduce in your smoothest, surest voice, “and this is my amazing husband Sam. We’ve been married for…” “—three weeks now,” Sam finishes for you.
Click (first time + cozy winter cabin aesthetic) for @daffodil-mania
“I’m just wondering,” Sam winces, knowing his question is stupid, “why are you still a virgin?” You’re about to laugh in his face, but the earnestness in Sam’s voice makes you hesitate. His question is a genuine one. “...That sounds awful, m’ sorry. But, c’mon. You’re smart enough to know how pretty you are. Charmin’ enough to use it, too. I mean, I’d…” He caught himself. “—Anyone, would, uh…” Sam didn’t finish his thought. He changed his grip on the shotgun swinging from his hand, self-conscious, and cleared his throat. Well. That wasn’t obvious at all. No way in hell you were leaving that alone.
Click, p.2 (angsty love confession sex + season five) for @daffodil-mania
He’s really here. The part of you that had worried the argument with Sam would be your last wails with joy. He’s here, alive and in front of you. No matter how awkward you feel you can’t bring yourself to stop staring at him. By the buttery light of your bedside lamp, he literally glows with beauty, and you realize he’d scrubbed his boots off on your welcome mat to not track mud in, and he’d hung up his rain-soaked jacket in your shower to dry. Stupid polite Sam things. You dare to glance back at your kitchen, then swivel to squint at him. “Did you… do my dishes?” Sam lets his hands relax into his lap and nods, shy. He’s looking at you in a way he never really has before, eyes big and soul-rending. “…Yeah. I used the key you gave me to get in… Hope that’s okay.”
Mandy Davis, you punk ass bitch (birthday fluff for the boy!!!)
You wake up early to make sure you're the first person to wish Sam a happy birthday—since he's basically never had one before.
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One of These Nights (cheating-but-not actually angst + Impala makeup sex) for @lacilou
“S’ a good night,” Dean tells you, beaming, “we can do another round, right?” “Hell yeah,” you shrug, and raise your empty glass, “Here’s to alcohol poisoning, baby.” “Yeah,” Dean echoes, almost slurring. “Baby."
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I think the key to understanding show!Aziraphale is in some lines that are in the book but not the show. Because these lines represent a place that our show Aziraphale hasn't hit yet.
Before I get into this, let me explain why I think things that aren't in the show can be so important to understanding where the show will go.
For another example, let's look at the ending of the book/s1. In the book, Adam is not impressed with Aziraphale and Crowley. There is no pep talk. He actually has a pretty stern message to them about "not messing people around."
A lot of s2 might not have worked the same way if they had gotten that message. It would have cut off room for growth. The whole plotline with Nina and Maggie for one would have been much less likely. So by holding off the stop messing with people message to the end of s2 (and then only giving it to Crowley), it provides more room for the characters to change at a pace befitting a multi-season show.
So what else do I think will end up working this way?
Well, there's a scene I love in the book that hasn't made it into the show yet. It happens after Aziraphale is discorporated. In the show, he goes to heaven, then to Madame Tracy. In the book, he bounces around possible hosts first, including a televangelist. The televangelist is going on about the rapture and such, and Aziraphale cuts in with this:
"Well, nice try...only it won't be like that at all. Not really.
"I mean, you're right about the fire and war, all that. but that Rapture stuff well, if you could see them all in Heaven - serried ranks of them as far as the mind can follow and beyond, league after league of us, flaming swords, all that, well, what I'm trying to say is who has time to go round picking people out and popping them up in the air to sneer at the people dying of radiation sickness on the parched and burning earth below them? If that's your idea of a morally acceptable time, I might add.
"And as for that stuff about Heaven inevitably winning...Well, to be honest, if it were that cut and dried, there wouldn't be a Celestial War in the first place, would there? It's propaganda. Pure and simple. We've got no more than a fifty percent chance of coming out on top. You might as well send money to a Satanist hotline to cover your bets, although to be frank when the fire falls and the seas of blood rise you lot are all going to be civilian casualties either way. Between our war and your war, they're going to kill everyone and let God sort it out-right?
"Anyway, sorry to stand here wittering, I've just a quick question-where am I?"
Because even this more cynical version of Aziraphale is adorable, the scene ends with "Gosh," he said, "am I on television?"
We didn't get this in the show, but I can't help feeling that it might be in season 3, assuming we get a season 3. It might even fit in better there, assuming we are going with a "second coming" plot. In the show, Aziraphale hasn't reached this level of cynicism (yet). I can't picture s1 or s2 Aziraphale giving this speech. Sure, he's seen what a mess the archangels are, he was willing to go against heaven to stop them from starting the end of the world, but I'm pretty sure show Aziraphale still believes in the goodness of God if not the goodness of the way heaven is run. It makes sense that show Aziraphale sees heaven as a fixable mess, an organization that isn't living up to what it should be. Because the show is taking Aziraphale's struggle with morally complex situations and questioning God and making it a longer arc.
My guess it that, as his tenure as archangel is likely to go terribly and not give him any more answers (or at least not answers he likes), he will get to the point where he could give this speech in season 3. My guess is that he's likely to also end up in a horrendous mental state once he reaches these conclusions (a perfect opportunity for some hurt/comfort). He's likely to build himself back up after that, but with a clearer look at the world.
End conclusion: if you are telling a longer story, sometimes you need to hold some things back to give your characters room to grow. So, it isn't a sign something is wrong with a story when partway through a character hasn't hit upon an obvious point.
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
can you please do “there’s only one bed” trope with Ethan Landry and it’s pure fluff but reader and Ethan are just “friends”, pretty please and thank you 🩷🤗
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“You know me, better show me that you could say it to my face. 'Cause you know we're the same, there's worse things I can take” - beabadoobee
Content includes: fluff!! Sweet Ethan!
A/n: thank you smm for the request! I hope u love it!
"Damn Y/n, is your bag really that heavy?" Sam watched as your shoulder sunk to one side, the heavy bag pulling you down. "Yea you're struggling, do you really need all of that?" Tara chuckled.
"Okay well first of all, Yes. I do need all of this. Also yes, it's really heavy" you mumbled, kicking the bag in front of your legs as you walked. "Hey, woah! You're gonna snap yourself in half" Ethan lifted the bag off your shoulders, sliding it easily into his. "Thanks..." Chad smirked as you looked up at Ethan.
Everyone knew you two had a thing for each other, which is exactly why they made a plan. A very thought-out one, but not very original. "It's working!" Mindy mumbled with a big smile. "It hasn't even started" Chad looked back at the two of you with a smirk.
Ethan had confirmed he was crushing on you, accidentally slipping it out when he was tipsy. For days he begged Chad not to tell anyone. But the whole group already knew. That was just confirmation. "You sure this is gonna work?" Tara walked by his side. "I know this is gonna work"
"Okay! Pair up with your hotel room buddies" Everyone ran to one another, it seemed like you and Ethan were sick with how fast they paired off, avoiding the two of you. "Well uh, guess we'll be good roommates right?" You nodded, your heart beating like crazy. You didn't wanna room with him, you couldn't. Being next to him made you all giddy so staying in the same room with him? You could never.
"Okay, good!” Mindy smiled, walking up to the front desk. "We have a reservation.." You blacked out as she talked, nerves filling your body. This could go so wrong. Or so good. Or it could be the most mediocre thing that you're overthinking about. But you also knew that nothing that included Ethan was mediocre.
"Here's the room keys" she handed them out, everyone slumped as they walked over to the elevators. "I'm so tired" you mumbled, everyone, shaking their heads. "You slept the whole ride, Ethan's shoulder suffered from your fat head" "Mindy, shut up!" You glared at her.
You all got to your floor, everyone spreading out to find their rooms. "What number is it?" You stood on your tiptoes, holding onto Ethan's arm. "306" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Huh...that's separated from everybody else" he just shrugged, pulling up your bag while he looked around. "Looks like It's on the other side of the hall" 
You eventually found the room, swiping the key onto the door lock. You searched for the light, your eyes widening when you saw the bed. "Uh...are we sure this is the right room?" He plopped your bag down, looking around the room. "Well..? The key worked"
You ended up dragging Mindy and Ethan to the front desk, making her ask for a different room. "Sorry kids, that's the only one available at the moment. We're packed for the next couple of nights" You wanted to die. "Tara, please! You know damn well you're gonna sleep in the same bed as Chad. Just trade rooms please?" She shook her head, hiding her smile. "No, I'm not sleeping with a drunk ass Chad" you groaned, covering your eyes.
You asked everyone. They all said no. "You guys are so rude" you mumbled, walking back to your room in defeat. "So...what did they say?" Ethan prayed that they all said no. As much as this was uncomfortable for him he was kinda happy about it.
"They said no" You slipped off your shoes, sitting on the bed next to him. "I can just sleep on the chair…it’s fine! Really!” You shook your head. "It's whatever, we'll figure it out" You knew it was wrong, that you didn't wanna figure it out. Your heart bounced around inside of you, nervous for the night. It could be normal, one of you on the couch and the other on the bed. But maybe, somehow you two could end up together on the same bed.
After a long afternoon of chatter and laughter in Tara and Chad's room, you headed back to yours. You were too tired to even care about the bed, completely forgetting about it till you opened the door.
"What are we gonna do about the bed?" Ethan mumbled, wiping his eyes. "It's okay, we can share" "Are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. I can just sleep on the chair..." you took a glance at the red chair in the corner of the room. "It's okay Ethan, trust me. That chair is way too small for you" his face got hot as he saw your smile, watching you grab your pajamas before walking into the bathroom.
A swarm of butterflies flew around in your belly, making your face heat up. You didn't wanna get too excited. You wouldn't even be facing him anyways. He was just a friend and nothing more, this was just a friend thing! You tried to convince yourself but you couldn't get that feeling out of your stomach. You felt creepy. He definitely didn’t feel the same way, but you decided to let your delusions take over for a bit.
As you walked out of the bathroom Ethan was already laying in bed. He cuddled up to one of the pillows, his face smushed against the fabric. He looked so cute.
“Is it okay if I keep one of the lamps on…?” “Uhm, yea it’s okay” You peeled back the white bed sheets, adding your favorite throw on top. The room was dark besides the lamp and the moonlight that peaked in through the blinds. The smell of cleaning products filled your nose as the sound of a fan played in the background.
You were glad Ethan let you keep the light on. You could never sleep with it being pitch black, it gave you the heebie-jeebies. You positioned yourself, trying to get comfortable as you faced away from Ethan. You tried your best to get comfortable but you couldn’t, turning around to face Ethan’s back.
Ethan quickly caught onto this, also feeling the same amount of discomfort you were in. “This bed isn’t very comfortable, is it?” His voice was low and raspy, facing you with a small smile. “Uh uh” your hair rubbed against the sheets, the small sound filling your ears.
You scanned his face as he stared back at you, noticing details that you never got to see before. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, small marks all over his skin. “You have really nice eyelashes” It just fell out of your mouth, but you meant it. “I- oh. Thank you” You noticed how his cheeks filled up in a pinky hue, gaining you some confidence.
You could go on and on about his face. How full his lips were, the pretty color of his skin. But you didn’t wanna creep him out, keeping it to yourself. “I like your lips…” you held back a smile, covering the bottom of your face with the blanket. “Thank you” your laughs were whispered, Ethan, noticing how flustered you were getting.
You felt yourself move back as he brought his hand up to your face, realizing how weird it probably was. “Sorry, sorry. I don’t know what l was doing” You chewed on your lip as he brought his hand down, pulling the side of your face closer to his. “It’s okay” your whisper was unstable. Your nervousness escaped your body through your voice.
You watched as his eyes scanned your face. From your lips to your eyes, an unorganized pattern of movements that slightly confused you. You could tell he was nervous, his hand getting warmer with each second that it was on your skin. His face was inches away, feeling his soft breath on your face.
You had begun to grow impatient, lips seconds away from touching. The anticipation made you go insane, only paying attention to the way his heart was beating with your hand on his chest.
As crazy as it seemed his was probably pounding harder than yours, lips on lips. “Don’t be a tease E” Your lips brushed against his, the feeling of warmth and satisfaction filling every pore in your body.
Your face grew hot, Ethan pulling you in as he became addicted to your taste. Your lips were soft and cushiony, perfectly fitting onto his. Breaths and words were jumbled as you two got even closer, Ethan’s hands finding their way to your hips.
All you could feel was fire. It was like a giant firework was exploding in your stomach. Your hands ran through his soft curls, noses touching as you pulled away for air. His face was so red. Making you giggle with a hand on his cheek.
“You look so cute when you blush…” you combed your hand through his hair, pushing it all back as he admired you. He pulled you closer, hugging your body tightly into his. “Better?” “Way better”
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strgrlxox · 1 year
𓆞 something beautiful 🐚
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🌊  ↺ okay it's been a whileee holy shit also i half-assed the proof-reading so if u see any mistakes...no u don't (be gentle w me, okay??) 😭:/ ❞¸
+ ¸ ❞ ellie's looking mighty edible in that picture also 🤤 ↺ 🌊
🌊 || SUMMARY :: your first time w ellie
🌊 || CONTAINS :: horny!reader lmao. take a hit every time i say the word "need" and ur lungs might explode. oral (r). fingering (e). unrealistic couch sex lmao.
🌊 || WORD COUNT :: 2.3k
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she was absolutely lethal. perfect and methodical and addicting and lethal. all day, your mind raced with a million and one thoughts, all of which led back to ellie. always ellie. you needed her, desperately, and it killed you.
the relationship was fairly new, the two of you have never gone farther than a few heated kisses that only left you panting and starved. you were pretty good at maintaining your composure for the most part...but not today. not with the dream you had about her last night.
ellie had invited you over to hers, and even though something in your face seemed hesitant, you were quick to agree which she was overjoyed about. she had missed you and was excited to see you again.
even though you tried your best to mask it, ellie could still tell something was bugging you as soon as you stepped through the door. she could hear it in the way the door slammed shut, she could feel it when you threw your keys on the table near the entrance. you were ravenous, the desire to feel her growing much too persistent to ignore. you could only hope that maybe you'd get lucky, that she'd notice and take care of you.
unfortunately for you, ellie mistook your need for anger. she just assumed you had a bad day at work.
"are you okay?" she speaks gently, so softly it breaks you. you mumble a reply under your breath, not trusting your voice to conceal how you truly feel. your plan was to let the feeling fester until it (eventually) simmered down. 
ellie, however, didn’t seem to agree with your unspoken “plan”. she had never seen you this dismayed. tired? of course. annoyed? sure. but whatever happened today left you in a state she couldn't quite pinpoint. she contemplates pushing until you tell her the root of the problem but decides against it, figuring you'll tell her when you're ready.
you sit next to her on the couch, doing your best to participate in conversation like you normally would...but fuck does she make it hard. why did she have to look so good? 
she felt your stare. "what are you thinking about?" she asks in a sing song-y voice.
you, always you. you fought hard to shake the thoughts away, hating that her voice was silk and unknowingly seductive. 
she's speaking but you can barely hear her over your thoughts.
"babe?" she calls out harsher to garner your attention. it reminds you of how it feels when she plays rough with you. pinning you down, straddling you. what always started as something silly quickly turned into a heated kiss after your laughs died down. 
but there were gentler times also––––much more tranquil and dreamlike. like when she'd ask you to be still so she could craft your beauty onto a blank page or a bare canvas––––sometimes, she told you to pose so she could snap pictures of you on her camera or on her phone when she felt particularly sappy. she liked to look at them when she missed you but she'd never admit that to you.
"are you feeling okay?" the concern in her voice almost makes you laugh.
you hum. 
"yeah, ellie. i feel fine." it's a lie, purely for survival. her eyes squint and she looks at you like she can see right through you, you really wish she could. 
"i know when you're lying."
she waits for a response but you don't give one.
"just tell me what's wrong so i can fix it." she almost whines. you like the way it sounds, it only fuels your need. "let me help."
you shut your eyes and her hands cup your cheeks, the warmth of her palms spreading over your skin. you can hear it when she starts to speak again, words as gentle as her hands, but you cut her off.
"just kiss me, ellie." she seems caught off guard by the sudden request and hesitates. so with the sweetest voice you can muster, you whisper a soft. "please."
ellie groaned at the plea. the sound is primal and desperate. she could never deny you. not when you sounded so wanting––––so beautiful, so good. her hand rests on the back of your neck, pulling you into her as she leans in. you follow her mouth like it's magnetic. the kiss is passionate and intense, and you melt into her. you love the way she could always kiss you and make you forget everything––––how to stand and how to breathe. sometimes, when ellie would kiss you, you’d forget about all the air in the world except for what was in her lungs. you let your hands dance in her hair as you smile into her mouth, letting her taste you.
"i need you ellie." you pant against her open mouth and she listens to your every word with rapt attention. "i need you so bad."
she looks at you like you've answered her every prayer. swallowing deeply, breath fanning softly over your face. "are you sure?"
you groan, pulling her mouth to yours again just to taste her before pulling away.
"yeah, okay." she consumed your mouth again––––sucking your tongue into hers, pulling you as close to her as she possibly could. you straddle her lap, and you can feel the sharp intake of breath she takes when you let your kisses trail down her neck. 
you whine against her skin before pulling back and tilting your head, giving her your neck to taste. her hands feeling all over your skin like she couldn't touch you everywhere at once. her palms are a comfort as they rub soothing circles on your hips. she can sense your overwhelming exhilaration and she's trying to calm you. 
"tell me..." her breaths are heavy and her voice is filled with lust. "what you want or you get nothing."
you whimper, grinding your hips against hers once––––desperate for some kind of friction. "want you."
she smiles. "you already have me, baby––––you know that. try harder."
the whine that leaves your mouth is pathetic.
"i want you to fuck me. i wanna be embarrassed tomorrow because all i can think about is what you did to me and how much i loved it." you moan in her ear, it's thin and needy.
she inhales quickly, a slow shudder trailing over her body. "lay back for me, babe."
the groan in her voice is enough to catch your attention and compel you to obey her command. you let your body rest against the couch. 
she is gentle. removing your shirt slowly and kissing softly on your exposed skin. leaving some marks as she trails down your body, lifting your skirt up over your hips. "can i taste you, baby?" 
you hum at her, nodding eagerly. she chuckles up at you, placing a few chaste kisses on your left thigh before doing the same to your right. she moves your panties to one side, and you can't help but shiver at her heavy breaths against your core.
"fuck, baby," she's panting, lips agape as she lets her finger run over your entrance. "you're so wet, already..."
her gaze meets yours and though you want to, you can't bring yourself to look away. you look in her eyes and you can see the change. the moment when her want turned into need. when her craving for you grew past the point of return. "how long have you wanted this?"
you whimper, finally willing yourself to break away from her stare. "so fucking long."
she laughs again, shaking her head and then placing a little kiss on your clit that has your hips jolting. "you could've just asked, babe," 
she flattened her tongue, licking from your entrance to just below your clit before moving back down.
"i'll know––––" your voice gets caught on a moan when she lets the tip of her tongue flick across you. "fuck, i'll know for next time."
she hums into you, the vibrations make your eyes water. you shut your eyes, your chest heaving. because as good as you imagined sex with ellie would be, your imagination was nothing compared to the real thing. the way she holds your legs open so that she can devour you properly. how she sucks and licks and lets her fingers fuck into you. and when she looks up at you so that she can see all the pretty faces you make and you can see how fucking pussy drunk she looks. she moans into you, humping into the couch because the taste of you turns her on so much it aches.
you squirm when she sucks at your clit, hard then soft, but she maintains a strong grip on your thighs, keeping you firmly pressed into her mouth. she got a taste of you and she was fucking reeling, she wasn't gonna let you run.
"fuck, ellie." you whine again, your hand flying to her hair. "it feels so good, i'm so fucking close." 
she flattens her tongue again before pulling away and letting her face rest on your thigh. you go to object but it turns into another moan when she starts to finger-fuck you harder. "yeah? i can feel you squeezing me."
you would've been embarrassed if it didn't feel so good. 
"it's like you're trying to trap me inside you." she coos, her free hand still holding your thigh. "it's okay, i got you. let it all out for me."
and then her mouth is on you again, she's taking everything you have to give and begging you for more. all the tenderness in movements has vanished, it's quickly replaced with pure desperation. she's desperate to make you cum, to feel you tremble around her fingers, to taste the glories of your rapture. she needs it, maybe as much as you do. her fingers speed up and her tongue becomes more erratic. just sucking and licking like a woman gone mad until all you can do is slump in her hold and watch as she consumes you. 
she's practically growling into your core, it says 'take it, take it, take it' and you comply. you take what she's giving you until it's all you can feel. until all the noises go away, you're whole body clenches, and you cum all over her face. 
she licks it up greedily and you whine, trying to push her away. 
"be still. this is what you wanted, isn't it?" it's the most forceful she's ever spoken to you but you don't think twice about whimpering in surrender. "you've made such a mess...someone has to clean you up, hm?"
so she does–––––licking you up, moaning into you until you're crying from the overstimulation and she takes pity on you.
"okay, sweet girl." she coos when she sits up and you're still trembling. "you did so good for me, taste so sweet."
you laugh weakly, reaching for her so that she can kiss you. she smiles into your lips. "your turn now."
she laughs, shaking her head. but you can look in her eyes and tell it takes everything in her to deny your request. "you don't gotta worry about me."
you pout tiredly letting your hands meet her waist so that you can unbutton her jeans. she breathes heavily into your mouth, while you tug the denim down her legs––––she helps you, shimming out of her pants. ellie climbs so that she's hovering over your lap. you shoved your hands into her boxers, face softening when she whimpers. your fingers rubbed soft circles over her already soaking clit. "are you sure you don't want me to help you?"
she's looking at you with pleading eyes, practically drooling over you.
"want your fingers, baby." she kisses you again, and you bite her lip. "wanna feel you inside me, please."
you're high off the contrast, how easily she could go from so demanding to begging for you. she kisses you again while you slide one finger inside her aching cunt, then one more. you give her your neck to grip while you make contact with her. you bite your lip at her look of embarrassment because of how easily your fingers slid in.
"holy shit," she moans out, louder than she probably meant to but your fingers are curled inside her just right and it feels so perfect. "fuck, baby, you feel so good."
you hum, picking up the pace and relishing in all the pretty sounds she makes, all the moans and gentle breaths of your name. 
"you're so pretty, ellie." 
"thank––thank you." she half laughs and half whimpers. "you're pretty too"
you smile up at her, picking up your pace a little. you curl your fingers into her and her lips mold into an 'o' shape as a long moan leaves her agape mouth.
"right there, baby?" you hum, observing the way her legs are already trembling. 
"right," she hitches, her vision blacking out for a second. "there."
her mouth meets yours again so that you can taste her ecstasy. the closer she gets the slower her kisses grow until she's moaning against your lips and her legs are shaking through her orgasm. you rode it out for her before taking your fingers out of her trembling cunt. you couldn’t stop yourself from tasting the mess she made, moaning around your fingers as her flavor melted on your tongue. “mmm, tastes so good."
for a while, you just sit there, basking in your leisure and the warmth of her body heat. she reaches over to the coffee table, grabbing her sketchbook and pen. 
she leans back so that her back is pressed against the armrest of the couch, gesturing for you to lean into her. you cuddle into her side, watching her silently as she starts sketching. she doesn't speak and you don't either. you simply watch her while she makes something beautiful.
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miharuki · 6 months
First chapter of my series, I think, from Linked universe x reader
But first of all, I'll list a few things here
All Linked Universe characters are romantic partners
But one thing before reading the story!
Here you will be a girl, want to make this gender change fit into the story, as well as:
You are a heroine of your hyrule (I'll leave the stories to you) but you don't have the spirit of courage!
Your link is a prince! So he has two sides, being the son of Zelda, the triforce of courage and wisdom .
You will be a closed person at the beginning, because you are not intimate with the current, then only later will you show yourself
That's why, and my English isn't perfect! So, good luck
<prototype -ep list - Next>
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖔(𝖎𝖓𝖊) 𝔈𝔭.01
"I see it now... looking like death itself, that's what I see... it's not a gaze I saw in ancient heroes, no!... This is a look of pure rage, no, it's not that!... it's as if she simply has not a shred of mercy or kindness in her face, this gaze isn't of a brave hero as it has been in many years and reincarnations, no!... This gaze is that of a killer..."
The kingdom of Hyrule was thriving, having recovered from all the chaos it endured. Villages and markets were bustling once again, and all the realms lived happily, reminiscent of their best times. Queen Zelda was currently preparing to pass her throne to her heir, her son. It would take a while since she planned to hand over the crown , when he is ready—And when that day comes, you really don't want to miss it, not after everything you've seen, and what you've been through.
Unfortunately, you don't know how you can return. As you look around, you see those who call themselves heroes engrossed in their tasks. You move about, not quite remembering how you ended up there, surrounded by a bunch of blonde boys from different timelines. Despite being accustomed to being in a place full of men and even training with them, it feels like you don't belong to that group.
Everyone there is a hero, with stories, swords, and the soul of a hero—brave, something you're not. Sure, you saved your Hyrule, but that was because you were the last one standing in that shattered land. You had to do something; the land was in peril, your friend was in danger, and you couldn't let him go with it, not after you promised. You're just a mere key, lacking the soul of heroism, without a side of the Triforce like everyone else, not even a tattoo on the back of your hand.
"Hey! (Name), right?" Turning your head, leaning against a tree, you look to the side and see a boy of shorter stature compared to you, dressed in blue and carrying a compass or something similar.
"...yes?" Your voice sounds somewhat flat and even a bit cold, but you can't help it, not when you've been with them for less than a day.
"Well, Wild wants me to grab some things. Would you like to help?" He seems nervous, you can tell by his way of speaking and posture. Stepping away from the trunk, you simply nod your head, following the boy as he enters the forest.
Wind occasionally glanced at you, walking a bit slower as he began to walk beside you. He couldn't help but notice the two covered sword sheaths on your back, but he refrained from asking, aware it might be intrusive.
"Ah... what was your Hyrule like?" The boy attempted to start a conversation, nervous and unable to discern whether you were angry or something else. With a closed appearance, your expression remained unreadable, and he couldn't quite gauge your feelings, likely because you hadn't fully acclimated to them.
"Normal..." You speak in a voice that's somewhat normal, though low, not quite a whisper. Wind frowned, and you maintain your gaze forward. Clearly, you were a Hyrulian, given your pointed ears, but Wind couldn't quite determine if you hailed from a different Hyrule. Simultaneously, your clothing was and wasn't that of a hero; he couldn't quite figure out what you were.
"Ah... I see." Wind then averted his gaze, noticing a bush of fruits. He motioned for you to follow as he approached the bush.
"These fruits look edible, don't they?" He asked while picking one up and examining it. Unbeknownst to him, you also grabbed one, sniffing it. Detecting no strange odor, just a sweet scent like edible fruits, you opened your mouth and took a bite.
"Maybe someone knows what fruit this is. I think we should check other things before—" Wind glanced to the side, watching you grab a cloth bag and fill it with fruits. "Carry...? Don't you think it might be poisonous?" He said while observing you take one and eat it. You shook your head in denial, handing one to the boy, who looked somewhat scared and suspicious.
"They're not poisonous. The leaves are like any other, they smell sweet, and despite their appearance, they're sweet." You spoke while looking at the fruits and collecting them. Glancing back at Wind, who had a bead of sweat on his face, even though his expression was somewhat stoic, you saw that you were looking at him, expecting something. Not knowing what to do, Wind sighed before cautiously biting into the fruit and realizing they were indeed sweet.
Rising, you took the two cloth bags filled with fruit and placed them in the side bag you carried. Wind observed as you looked up.
"Did Wild ask for something specific?" You looked at Wind, awaiting a response."Ah... no! He just asked me to see if I could find something, maybe mushrooms!" He nervously explained, eliciting a noise of understanding from you. You walked ahead, and the boy hurried to catch up. He watched as you, a bit further ahead, handed a fruit to a white rabbit. Upon spotting Wind, the rabbit darted away with the fruit. He observed as you stood up from your crouched position and continued walking.
"B-well! How are you feeling?" Trying to initiate another conversation, he was met with a buzz.
"Normal..." He only realized he had returned to the camp when he heard the others talking. He paused, still confused about the entire situation, and walked over to Wild along with you. You handed over the bag filled with fruits, mushrooms, and plants, along with a large water container.
"When did she get this that I didn't see?" Wild didn't even have time to react and say thank you before you left and returned to your place leaning against a tree, gazing into the forest, never at the others. Wild looked at Wind, who just shrugged and sat down with him.
"Anything?" Wild asked as he opened the bag, examining its contents and grabbing a fruit. "Nothing, b-but she said these fruits are good!"
"Of course they're good!" Wild said as if it were obvious, starting to cut the mushrooms he had. From a distance, Time observed as the girl gazed into the forest, appearing thoughtful. Sky looked at Time, beside him, and also observed the girl.
"What do you think they have?" Sky asked, looking at Time, who had a stern look, sighing as he cleaned his sword.
"I think they're just not at ease. They've just left their home; let her get used to it gradually." With that, they both put the matter aside. Fiddling with your belt, where the two covered sword sheaths were, you felt a twinkle and sensed the small gift you carried.
"It's okay..."
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marcelllyn · 2 months
Just one bed.
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This is kind of a continuation of the previous fanfic but it could also be a standalone story. (My obsession with him still hasn't passed.)
Dean and reader are traveling and they stop at a Motel and it only has one bed.
Warnings: Naked people, cute.
This was written very quickly and revised once and remembering English is not my first language.
Dean was a terrible driver when he was sleepy, but he refused to let me drive. After I agreed to go with him to Sam's college, for some reason, Dean had taken the long way around.
— Are you sure you don't want to let me drive?
—I have. — He yawned.
He looked at me heavily, it was clear that tiredness had taken over. My butt hurt from sitting so much, and my urge to pee only increased.
— I think we'd better stop at a hotel. — I stopped the loud music playing on the radio. — I can't stand spending so much time in this car anymore.
— Fresh. — He coughed.
I opened a smile.
—What did you say? — I raised my eyebrows.
—Nothing, I think you're so tired that you're hearing voices. — He squeezed my knee. — Search the map for the nearest hotel or motel, please.
I took the map from the glove compartment, the closest one is a good few miles away.
— I think we'd better stop and sleep in the car. — I showed him the map.
— It's not very safe. — He yawned.
— Dean, I think driving while drowsy isn't safe either.
—Two rooms? — He rolled his eyes. — We want a room, please.
I pinched her arm lightly when the little lady turned to pick up one of the only keys left.
— It's thirty-five dollars. — The lady's crow's voice made my body tremble.
I took the money from my jeans pocket and placed it on the table.
We went up the stairs, room two, I looked through a long hallway of doors with jumbled numbers.
— Why a room? — I whispered.
— There's no need to whisper here. — Dean stopped walking and the silence revealed the sounds of moaning, among other things. — Why spend money on two bedrooms? We might as well share a bed.
I remembered the last time we shared a bed, he snored like a pig.
—Do you snore. — I sighed with relief when I found the room. — He snores very loudly.
I turned the doorknob and entered the room, a heart-shaped bed, bathtub in the corner of the room and two lamps. A sudden change of scenery compared to the reception.
— This is like a five-star hotel. — Dean went ahead. — I'm going to take a shower first.
— Could you be a gentleman and let the ladies go first? — I closed the bedroom door and threw my backpack on the floor. — Don't be long, I need to use the bathroom.
He rolled his eyes and entered the bathroom, slamming the door. I looked at the hot tub. — A massage wouldn't go amiss now — I turned on the bathtub.
I took off my red tank top, which was very dirty, thanks to my little Coca-Cola incident earlier, and threw my jeans somewhere in the corner of the room.
I only put the tip of one foot in the water, the temperature was perfect. I turned on the hot tub. As soon as I got into that warm water, I swore I could feel my soul relaxing at that moment. Paradise must be like that.
It was a few minutes before the bathroom door opened, I slowly turned my face away out of pure instinct.
Dean had the towel wrapped around his waist. That man was divine.
—Is having fun? — He gave a smug smile.
— Relaxing is the right word, you should do the same.
—Sure, why not?
My eyes widen when he drops the towel and climbs into the bathtub naked.
— This is like paradise.
My cheeks burned, he opened his arms, stepping between the edges of the tub and throwing his head back.
— What silence, the cat got your tongue? — He complained, still with his eyes closed.
My brain was completely behind in processing my thoughts. It wasn't a big deal, well, it was a big deal.
— You're pale, you look like you've seen a ghost. If you see one, you better let me know. — His smug smile bothered me.
—Is nothing. — I snorted. Lies have never been my strong suit. — I'm going to go take a shower — I rested my hand on the edge.
Dean laughed rudely.
— You don't have to act like you've never seen me naked. — He mocked.
I rolled my eyes. He was always presumptuous to levels beyond heaven. Even if he was right, I never got used to seeing people naked in front of me.
I got out of the bathtub and headed towards the bathroom.
The shower was terrible, the hot water didn't work, I had to take a lukewarm shower that was more like ice cream. The toilet, of course, was filthy. I put on sweatpants, after all, no one deserves to sleep in jeans.
When I came back, Dean was dressed, apparently he also minded sleeping in jeans. — Sleeping on the floor.
I thought about how stupid he was for not lying in bed.
I poked him with my foot.
—What it was? — He murmured.
—Are you a dog by any chance? You can lie down on the bed!
— I don't want to bother you with my snoring.
His concern was cute, but I wouldn't be able to sleep if he stayed on the floor.
— Your snoring is like music to my ears. — I poked his thigh three times with my foot, he grabbed it tightly and made a noise of dissatisfaction. — If you don't go to bed, I'll sleep on the floor too.
As soon as he let go of my foot and stood up, his gaze was like a dagger in my chest.
— How boring you are. — He threw himself onto the bed, lying face down. — Satisfied?
—Very. — I patted him lightly on the back.
I turned off the light and lay down, his snoring was really unbearable, but it was better to see him sleep on the floor.
He was so cute as he slept peacefully, even though he was snoring like some kind of monster.
Over time, my eyes felt heavy, my blinks were slow. Soon he falls asleep.
Apparently, we forgot to close the curtains, the daylight did me the favor of waking me up, it was so good to sleep in a bed again.
I slowly opened my eyes, tried to get up, but Dean's heavy body was holding me back. He was hugging my body with one of his legs on top of me and his face between my neck.
His hot breath tickled, there was no snoring or drooling.
—Dean. — I whispered.
He mumbled something indecipherable.
— Dean!
—What it was? — He mumbled.
— We need to go, it's daytime and we don't want to hit traffic.
He walked away and sat down. I got up and picked up the pants thrown next to the t-shirt and put them in my backpack, grabbed the toothbrush and ran to the bathroom.
As soon as I got back, Dean was ready, sitting on the bed.
— Aren't you going to brush your teeth? Using the toilet?
— No. — He braved.
Any happiness left in my body drained away when I realized he was in a bad mood.
I guess I should say that I have a profile on Ao3, and on Wattpad, well on Ao3 I post basically the same things as here so...
I'm working on an arranged marriage fanfic, Sirius Black x Female Reader.
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alloftheimaginesblog · 6 months
pretty {peter parker}
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plot: you're a singer and every time peter hears you sing, he has to stop whatever he's doing to listen.
character: peter parker!tasm x reader
requested by anon - i didn't know what peter you wanted so I did tasm peter :)
song is feels like by gracie abrams
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You gnawed at your nails, nail polish chipped so it didn't really matter if you destroyed it more, as you stared at the scribbled pages on your notebook. Under your breath, you sang the lyrics you were trying to figure out, scoring out and adding new words each time you sang it. Song writing was fucking hard. Every so often you found a perfect lyric, the perfect melody but to get to that it took a lot of work and determination.
You were sitting by your wall piano Peter had bought you for Christmas two years ago, moving your fingers down the keys just waiting for the right notes to piece themselves together in the perfect fashion.
For your songs, you would sometimes take inspiration from real life events, people you knew, sometimes you'd make it all up but most of the time, it was Peter who inspired you. Peter Parker, your wonderful doting boyfriend who also turned into Spider-Man but that's a story for another time.
Peter was your muse.
He was drinking his coffee, sipping the warm liquid as he watched you with - what could only be described as - lovesick eyes. Peter loved to watch you sing, loved to hear you, loved to watch the magic happen in your little corner. You were oblivious to everything when you were writing your songs, too focussed and in your own little bubble. Peter loved it. He loved when you filled up the apartment with melodies and lyrics and high notes, he lived for it. It's why he bought you the piano and why he encouraged you so damn much. You were so talented and he knew that one day, you'd get your big break.
"I would do whatever you wanted," you half murmured, half sang as you played it out on the piano, "We don't have to leave the apartment..." You glanced over at Peter and smiled, "Met you at the right time..." Of course it was about him, they usually were. A song about how much you loved him and how much you cherished your relationship with him.
"And I need you sometimes." Peter exhaled as he shook his head. You sounded so pretty. Every time he heard you sing, you just blew him away. He knew you were good but he'd never heard anything or anyone like it. Such raw, pure talent, "We'll be alright. Met you at the right time. This is what it feels like. And I miss you some nights. We'll be alright."
As you ended the song, scribbling down the last few lines of lyrics, Peter moved to you, wrapping you up in his warmth and pressing a kiss to your forehead, "You are unbelievably talented, sweetheart," he murmured in your ear, "Honestly I- you're incredible."
You rolled your eyes, fighting the warmth that spread on your cheeks, "You're the superhero, Pete. I just sing."
He shook his head, "I hide behind a mask, (y/n). You're the one that bares your heart so openly and beautifully every freaking time you sing! You are so amazing and I love that I can help to inspire some of the lyrics." Peter pressed another kiss to your head, "Can I hear the full thing?"
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cwritesforfun · 9 days
Patrick Zweig x Fem!Reader: Be My Coach? And Girlfriend?
Y/N = Your Name
Bold and Italics from movie *** I Do NOT own the lines from the movie or the characters ***
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You were out for redemption this year. Nothing was going to stop you.
You stand in the rain looking at the court for the New Rochelle Challenger tomorrow. Your first round was tomorrow and you were ramped up hence why you ran in the rain 5 miles to the court to see where you would be playing.
You then decide to start your walk back.
The rain starts to clear as you walk through the parking lot and you hear your name being yelled from the one car in the lot. You jog over when you see it’s just Patrick Zweig.
You exclaim, “It’s good to see you again, Patrick.” Patrick asks, “What are you doing out in the rain?” You answer, “I need to run off the adrenaline I feel. I’m playing tomorrow in the Challenger.” He replies, “No sh**! That is a crazy coincidence! I play in the men’s singles match the next day.” You ask, “And what are you doing in your car in the lot 2 days early?” He shrugs and answers, “I don’t want you to pity me, my card declined and I have no hotel to go to, so I was hoping to just sleep in my car until I play.” You ask, “Do you want to stay with me? I have extra space and they gave me a second room key.” He asks, “Are you being serious right now?” I answer, “I’m serious. If you drive us to the hotel, the other key is yours.” He excitedly leans over to open the passenger door and I get inside. He starts the car up and starts driving.
You ask, “So, why didn’t you call after Atlanta?” Patrick asks, “Do we have to talk about this now?” You answer, “Either now or later. Just remember I’m letting you stay with me for free.” He sighs and replies, “I was scared of how serious you and I were getting. We were exclusively dating and it terrified me to have someone so loyal and perfect in my life. I broke it off because I thought it was the right thing to do and I thought it would make me better at tennis… After the breakup, I had sex with Tashi purely out of lust and bad decisions. I shouldn't have done it. I found myself missing our relationship a lot and I wanted to call you to talk several times. I saw you winning and climbing the ranks. I didn’t want to bring my mess to you, so I just silently supported you.” You ask, “Do you regret our breakup?” He answers, “Yeah. It haunts me to this day and I should never have done it… I have a crazy idea and I’m only asking because we’re driving so you cannot hit me or I’ll crash. Do you promise to hear me out?” You answer, “I promise with a cherry on top.” He laughs and replies, “I want you to be my coach. You’re a stronger player mentally and physically. You have the discipline and mindset to succeed. You already coach children’s tennis and you know what you’re doing. I admire the he** out of you as a tennis player but also as a person. I think you could really push me to win in my last year of eligibility next year or this year if I make it through this Challenger.” You reply, “I’ll do it. When’s your next practice.” He replies, “I have a warm-up before the match at 5 am." You reply, "OK, I'll go with you. We can start then." He swerves a little and you exclaim, "Please keep two hands on the wheel. The rain is bad and I don't want to die." He replies, "Sorry, I was just surprised how soon you wanted to start." You reply, "Dedicated coaches start sooner rather than later... now I do have a few notes to show you when we get back to my room. I have been silently supporting you recently too." You notice him smile and he says, "Oh really? And you took notes on my playing." You reply, "Yeah I did. I learned from you and I knew if I ran into you, I wanted to give you my notes to help you improve. I always want to help and uplift others." He smiles and replies, "And that's why you're the best human to ever life." You laugh and reply, "I really don't know about that, okay just park here by this door. It's close to my room."
In your room, Patrick looks around and you ask, "What's on your mind? You seem a little lost in your thoughts." Patrick answers, "I just hate that I'm bringing my mess to you. I really didn't want to do that." You reply, "That's okay, Patrick. I care about you and you deserve a good night's sleep to prepare for your matches. I believe in you and think you have what it takes to succeed. And everyone's life is kind of messy, some are just better at hiding it." He smiles and you ask, "What if you take a shower and get all cleaned up then I share my notes with you? I have some extra bananas and oatmeal if you want that to snack on. I know you must be starving too." He moves forward cupping your face with his hands before placing a light kiss on your forehead. He says, "The world doesn't deserve you. You're genuinely perfect. I will say yes to everything you just said." You smile and he goes to shower. You heat up the water in the kettle because you need to make oatmeal and you want tea to calm yourself. Of all the things you expected from tonight, reuniting with Patrick and feeling all of those crazy emotions was not one of them. You still love Patrick, but he hurt you. It was obvious he was hurting when he broke up with you and based on what he said tonight, he didn't communicate his true feelings to you and was scared of the future. He seems to be a bit more grounded now, but he still seems so lost. You know he can be great in life because you've seen him be on top (not like that... dirty mind) and work hard for what he wants. You just need to show him his potential. You just hope your heart doesn't hurt in the process.
That night, as Patrick munches and snacks, you show him your notes on how he can improve. You also go over a game plan for a few quick fixes for his first upcoming match which he agrees to. You notice the time and decide to go to bed. Patrick sleeps next to you and you both end up cuddling by the time you wake up. It's the best you've slept in a while and you do not want to get up.
You get up for your 5 am morning practice and Patrick asks, "Do you have to go? I was comfy." You press a kiss to his forehead and say, "Yes I do have to go. Will you be at my match later?" He answers, "Of course, Y/N. 2 pm, I'll be there. I can just walk in, right?" You answer, "I'll get my coach to put you on my list. Just walk to the VIP area. I'll leave you a key card next to the coffee, okay? There is free breakfast for all who are staying here from 7 am to 10 am, so get free food, okay?" He replies, "OK, good luck at practice." You thank him and get your bag. You change and leave the room.
Your warm-up goes well.
Your breakfast with your Coach is nice. Your Coach is surprised to hear Patrick will be at the match and in your row.
You relax and take a nice walk around the area. Fans are everywhere, but you manage to avoid most of them.
Patrick's POV
After Y/N left, all I could think was that I should have gotten up and gone with her. I missed her already. She's so kind and loving. She hasn't changed one bit. She even agreed to be my Coach without much coaxing. Would she be mad if I asked her out on a date? I just like her and she likes my mess. UGH SIGH WTF are my thoughts?!
I get up now restless, watch some tv until it turns 7 am, get free breakfast, and eat a lot. God, I was so hungry.
I go back to the hotel room and change into something presentable to see Y/N's match. I leave and drive to the courts. I park in the player's lot and I talk to VIP who give me a ticket for today. I find Y/N's Coach who must remember me and we catch up until Y/N's match.
Y/N as a tennis player is an exhilarating experience to watch. She moves with such ease and is very intentional. How she plays is how she is as a person, both very meaningful and observant. She's also really hot and that hasn't changed.
Y/N wins and will advance in two days. Her Coach told me that I could go with Y/N's team to meet Y/N when she's ready to leave. I don't have to be told twice. I want to see her and congratulate her.
We wait and someone comes by to inform us that Y/N is in physical therapy right now. She should be back soon. I didn't know she was hurt. I hope she's okay.
Y/N walks in and the room lights up. She hugs her team then hugs me. I exclaim, "I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it." She half-smiles and says, "Thank you." Her team asks if I want to join for team dinner and Y/N's eyes look like they're begging me to say yes. I agree and they tell me that I can drive Y/N there. I grab Y/N's bag to carry it to the car and we head to my car. We get inside and I ask, "So uh... are you okay? You seem far away right now." She answers, "I'm just ... It's nice to have someone in my corner who really cares about me again. I really missed you." I take her hand, press a kiss to the back, and say, "I'll always be in your corner. I missed you too. You wanted me to go to this dinner, right? I thought your eyes were telling me to go, but I could've misread it." She half-smiles and says, "I don't think I would be able to stand the dinner without you. I need your laughter and joy tonight." I reply, "And that you can have madam! Let's get you some food. I bet you're starving." She laughs.
We drive to a restaurant and we head inside where we're led to a private room. The room has a table set up for dinner and a TV with Y/N's earlier match queued up. I see, her team is going over the match and she feels unsure of something. I need to find out why she didn't like the match. She looked good today.
I sit down with Y/N next to me and exclaim, "I know you want joy and laughter, so you should know that while I do think you're an amazing tennis player, I also find you very hot. I couldn't stop myself from thinking that as you played today." She asks, "Patrick, is what we're doing going to be more casual or not? Because I'm going to be your Coach and I don't want my heart hurt in this process." I answer, "I would very much like to exclusively date you and take you out on a date. I understand if you cannot be my girlfriend and my Coach at the same time though. I can wait." She half-smiles and says, "I know for a fact, you cannot wait. You're not a very patient man... I would like to go on a date with you too." I smile and reply, "Great, I'm going to call you my girlfriend even though we haven't been on a first date this time around. I just think girlfriend and Y/N go together." She smiles and kisses me on the cheek.
Before I can say anything else, her team enters. I hold Y/N's hand under the table and they all take their seats. Servers enter and start taking orders. Y/N's hand trembles occasionally and I start rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand to try to calm her.
Y/N's team goes over the plays. I try to lighten the mood by adding some jokes or personal stories. Y/N seems to like my stories and she's very engaged. Her team seems slightly annoyed by me. Her Coach even pulls her aside in a heated argument at one point.
After dinner in my car, I drive us back to the hotel and we go to the hotel room. Y/N starts changing in front of me and I tear my eyes away. It feels wrong watching her, even though I've seen her with less on. I change into comfortable clothes as well.
I get in bed next to Y/N and exclaim, "So tonight was something." She sighs and answers, "Yeah it was... My Coach pulled me aside to say that you're a bad influence on me." That is not the first time I've heard that comment. I laugh and ask, "Did they say why?" She answers, "Yeah... they think you're the reason I seemed off when I was not on the court. I was zoned in on the court and I personally think I played well. Before the match today, I found a nice area away from fans to sit in silence because I was tired of all the constant pressures that have to do with my team. I understand that they want the best for me, but sometimes they treat me as a cog in a machine, not a real human. It's stupid that they think you're the problem when they are the problem. You're the fix." I smirk and ask, "The fix? How so?" She answers, "You make me feel less alone and you make me feel like a real person. I know we didn't always see eye to eye on stuff, but we talked. Having you here has been nice." I reply, "I'm glad I can be here for you... You don't have to go with me tomorrow. You deserve some rest." She replies, "No silly, I promised you I would go. I don't break promises and besides, I won't be able to rest thinking about your match." I kiss her forehead and reply, "Ok."
Patrick's first match?!!? Y/N's second match?!!?! Art & Patrick's Match?!?!?!?!?
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This…
Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers
@beenicejoy request ❤️
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHAbsj7/(TikTok they referenced)
Warnings: Angst! (Happy Ending), Heartbreak, Cheating.
Smutty Paragraph: Fingering(W) —I would’ve done more smut but the person hadn’t requested smut so I only did the blurb to urge the plot line I built along lol
18+ | Minors DNI | Smutty paragraph (🤷🏼‍♀️)
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"Scotch on the rocks... Make it a double.," you sighed towards the bartender who looked at you with concerned eyes., "Rough night?!," your lips quirked when you heard the voice of your dearest colleague., "You could say that.,"
Wanda watched from her corner, silently at war with her heart and mind, and she almost gave into her urge to wring Darcy's neck when she saw her hand unnecessarily sat on your bicep., "Darling, are you okay? You seem a bit tense.," Vision asks, his arms wrapping around her from behind, and if anything she becomes more tense when he pulls her back into his loving embrace., "Yeah Vis, just tired is all."
"We could always slip out early.," he muses and her stomach drops at the flirty undertones., "We most certainly can not, this is my best friends wedding.," she scoffs, wriggling out of his hold to give him a pointed glare, and he shrinks under her stare., "I'm getting a refill."
Wanda was grateful to her aloof boyfriend for giving her a reason to approach the bar you have been living at, and to her excitement you are finally without the scholar on your arm., "Hey Y/N/N...," you lightly nod her way, but forgo speaking as you slam back the cocktail., "How've you been?," Wanda inwardly cringed at how awkward the formality fell from her; you rolled your eyes, and sighed into your glass., "I've been good Wands...," you lied, turning yourself to uncomfortably look at her., "Can we talk about it, for just a second please?"
Wanda tensed, of course you'd want to do this now, her fingers gripped onto her glass tightly, but regardless of her uneasiness she nodded., "It's been super weird between us, and I don't want it to be anymore.," you quietly admitted, and Wanda shakily whispers., "Me neither."
"So, let me just say this: I'm done. You don't have to worry anymore.," Wanda's face fell., "What do you mean?," you sighed, meeting her worried gaze with a melancholy one of your own., "I'm done trying to get you; I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.," a few tears settled at your eye line but you refused to let them fall, this was a night of celebration for your best friend, so you're doing your best to stay low-key.
"Y/N, you haven't been making a fool out of yourself.," Wanda rushes out in a subtle panic., "It's okay Wands... It's okay.," you sigh out as you pull your longtime best friend in for a hug., "...I want it to be okay.," you reaffirmed quietly.
Wanda's arms are wrapped tightly around you, her unwillingness to let you go only heightens as your next words string out., "Which is why I tendered my resignation at Stark's Corp.," Wanda could feel her soul leave her body when the words left your mouth., "Starting August 1st I'll be working with Pepper in California."
"You're leaving?," Wanda asks, her soft voice trembling as the daunting reality hits her, her fingers painfully dig into your back on reflex., "Plane leaves tomorrow.," you confirmed the obvious while slowly peeling her off of you., "Were you even going to tell me?," you look at her with a sad smile, the answer is clear as day when she looks into your conflicted eyes., "Oh."
In an attempt to evade the brunettes sad stare you peer out to take in the happy couple as they are sharing their first dance on the floor. It's the perfect example of everything you'd always wanted, their love was purely infectious. However as you see their shining smiles you also notice the way Carol's eyes fall to the food. You smirked when you realize just what she wanted, and as the wingwoman you've always been you decide to help her out.
"I've got to go now Wands, please take care.," you lay a soft kiss to her cheek, then you walk away from the woman who was clearly on the verge of a breakdown., "Please don't go.," she whispers long after you're gone, turning to face the bar to prevent those around from seeing her tears., "C-can I please get a vodka soda."
"Mind if I cut in?," you ask the blonde with a subtle head tilt to the tin that was nearing bare of the famed mashed potato cups, and she does her best not to look too excited while giving in., "Why thank you my good lady.," you teased the blonde who sprinted away to collect her food, and Natasha laughed loudly when you spun her around the floor before pulling her into you.
You swayed her around for a total of one song before she sighed heavily against your chest, her face lifting off your shoulder to glare up at you., "Y/N, are you really going to give up on her?," you deadpanned., "Tasha, she's dating Vision, and I've been pining after her since high school, what is there left for me to do?"
"Touché...," she groans in bitter defeat., "I just don't see why you have to run off to California. What do they have that New York doesn't? What am I meant to do without you?," her pouting face really pulled at your heart strings, but not enough to sway you this time around.
"I need a change of scenery Natty, and if I'm ever going to get over her then I need to go. Broaden my horizons a little, I need this,." Natasha smiles sadly, hearing that subtle bit of desperation in your tone settled her bitterness.
"You'll be back to visit right?," she asks quietly, a bit unsure of your long term plans., "Of course Natty, I could never stay away from you for long. Who else will I get into trouble with?," she chuckled at your words, memories of your college shenanigans flying through her mind.
"Don't replace me.," she whispers insecurely., "I would never dream of it Red.," you gently reassured her with a sweet kiss to her temple before spinning her into her wife's arms., "Welp lovebirds, I'll be heading out soon, but I'll see you two for our special goodbye brunch tomorrow.," you said with a clap of your hands, and the couple yanked you into a tight hug., "Careful not to wrinkle the fit, it's a rental."
After bidding them ado you turned to the bar, her unwavering stare was intense when you finally returned it, an obvious layer of pleading laid beneath them as she silently willed for you to tell her this was all just a sick fucking joke. That you weren't flying over a thousand miles away just to escape her. That the well of chances you'd given her to finally pick you hadn't actually ran out, that she still had time to figure it out, but when your eyes dropped, and you avoided her reaching out she knew this was it—she finally lost you, and fuck she'd surely be lying to say it didn't hurt like hell...
She went to follow you in a panic but she was bombarded by a group of giggling women that surrounded her; the brides were throwing their bouquets, partaking in the silly tradition that deemed the catcher next in line to be wed. Silently she cursed the notion, and it was as if the world was in on this sick joke because the bouquet landed in her folded arms. Obnoxious cheers filled the space around her, Vision ran up to lift her into the air, spinning her around as if the little game was a direct reassurance.
Watching the woman of your dreams being with another was never easy, but it always was a bit harder when under the surface lied the truth you always wanted to come to light. Wanda's expression was blank as her partner celebrated, but you saw right through her, you have always been good at that. Everyone had joked that you could read minds, but really it was just that you were always aware of Wanda.
Every twitch of her face meant something to you, what one might mistake for confusion, you readily knew to be irritation. When she sighed, which was often, you knew what each one meant, no one else could even detect the subtle differences in her breathing patterns, but you always did. They told you when she needed to vent, or to cry in your arms, or even when she was homesick and needed a Sokovian dish to cheer her up.
Nobody on this Earth knew Wanda more than you did, and yet here you both stood; together but still you were somehow two worlds apart.
You'd stayed off to the side to witness the silly tradition, and you now regretted deciding to do so because everything she was feeling you saw. Regret plagued her mind, it was easily the most notable of emotions swirling behind her orbs, her cheeks were shining under the dim lights as fresh tears fell down them, and your cheeks soon mirrored hers the longer you held her captivating stare.
Her eyes screaming "I love you," and yours saying much the same, but your feet carrying you away tell her that she was a smidge too late, and so it took everything in her not to allow the festering sobs to escape her chest.
Wanda was unresponsive when Vision tried to talk to her as they entered their shared space. The bouquet she carried in out of respect for her closest friends soon found a home in the trash, and she found her home in her flask., "For heaven sake Wanda, you've had enough.," Vision shrieked, but his attempts to take the container from her were futile as she shoved him back., "Only I'll say when I have.," she sneered, the metal touching her lips, the liquid that once burned now glides down her throat effortlessly, her boyfriend cringes at the sight.
"This is just too unhinged Wanda, we should be celebrating, and I should be having my way with you as we do.," she cringes at the way he speaks, as if she was nothing more than a prize he'd won, his vile words a stark contrast to the ones you'd muttered all those months back when you loved her so incredibly well in a drunken, post bachelorette party haze.
"Oh Wands, you're so beautiful...," you'd coo'd while your lips laid soft kisses all over her body, taking special care not to leave behind a trace., "I'm going to love you so well Wands, you're going to feel it deep within.," and feel she did as your fingers finally slipped inside of her after a decade of wait, unbridled moans of pleasure filled the space, and lasted well into the early morning, no thoughts of Vision had even prevailed in the redhead's cloudy mind. Everything was you, it always was, and she was kidding herself to ever think otherwise.
Tears once again befall her cheeks as she tries to rid her mind of your loving touch, desperate to return to the moment, but it's of little use., "Vision, there's nothing to fucking celebrate.," the words held a bite to them that send shivers down her own spine, he didn't exactly deserve her fury, but he sure as hell was going to get it.
Vision wasn't stupid—far from it actually, so he'd always known from the start he was on borrowed time with the box dyed redhead. Wanda was always hard to read for him, but the way the woman looked at you as if you'd hung the moon and stars was obvious, he had always yearned for that stare onto fall to him. It never did though, and he always knew it never would., "Whatever Y/N said to you, I just hope it isn't too late for you both; it's clear to me it's about time I set you free Wanda."
Wanda's heart shattered even further when the man she spent the last five years with spoke. She did love him, but never how she loved you, and now she's finding out that he always knew. Part of her wants to be angry that he'd stayed, that he didn't urge her to follow her heart, but at the end of the day she knew he was following his, and he wasn't the problem here—she was.
"Please Wanda, don't let her slip away.," the man mutters from her side., "Be brave.," he says with conviction as he places a parting kiss to her trembling lips., "And don't forget to send my invitation to the wedding.," he chuckles sadly, the sound of wheels following him as he takes his sparse belongings with him.
Once the door slams shut she breaks down fully, the reality of it all finally hitting her, she settled onto her couch with her laptop full of memories of you, and a pint of ice cream.
"Y/N, I'm serious, look!," Natasha squeals from the seat across from you with a hopeful smile and her phone held out for you., "Well, I'm saying it surely doesn't mean anything.," you groaned while reluctantly accepting the device and seeing she was indeed telling you the truth.
"It is with deep regret, and great hurt in my heart that I announce to my dearest friends and family that Wanda and I are no longer an item.," your eyes were transfixed on the screen, those words you'd waited years to hear finally became a reality, but all you could do is shake your head and pass her phone back to her.
"Come on Y/N! This can't be a coincidence.," Carol chimes in, and Natasha rewards her with a peck to her reddening cheeks., "Exactly! Go to her! Cancel the move, Tony will take you back with open arms, I'm certain of it."
"Guys, no. This changes nothing, breakup or not she's not ready to love me in front of the whole world and we all know she never will be.," you shut them down, tone level as you were in public but the couple knew it was best not to push., "Okay, then eat up champ, it's almost time for us to all head to the airport.," Natasha reroutes back to the task at hand, you smile at her before returning to your eggs, and she begins her plans to bark up the other tree.
Wanda woke up to the sound of your laughter, for the briefest moment the world felt right, her hungover mind easily tricking her into a false sense of reality. The dinging of a phone and looping of your laughter brought her back though, so she swiftly sat up, one hand haphazardly reaching for her phone while the other massaged at her throbbing temples.
*Take off is at 3PM, Flight 2469, don't fuck this up Max, your window is narrowing 🤏🏼*
Wanda paid no mind to the way her body reacted to her quick movements, but it was apparent to her that as she approached thirty she could no longer hang like she once did. Nausea and a killer headache wouldn't get in her way of getting to you, to fixing everything. She booked the flight, fortunate to find it was not full just yet, and then she ran to shower. There was no way she was finally professing her unwavering love to you out loud while smelling like an actual distillery.
You felt uneasy as you entered the busy airport with your whole life being downsized within two hardshell suitcases. This hope inducing idea that they broke up over you was weighing heavily on your mind and it made you begin to question if leaving was the right choice here. This might finally be your chance to have her, the woman you've been in love with since sophomore year of high school when she'd transferred into your school and deposited herself right into your heart. With that deep accent, kind heart and that perfect smile.
Then you deflate as you remember once again that even before Vision she refuted her feelings for you, she always had, and it appears that she always will. This game she played had been the most exhausting one of your life; the jealousy she always exhibited when you were coupled up, or were flirted with that she'd disguise as her "not wanting to lose her best friend to an undeserving hussy.," the worst part of it all. Her intentions were obvious, everyone saw right through her, but no matter the case you excused her behavior in fear of having none of her, and she'd continue to shoot anyone down when they mentioned her potential crush.
She'd never elaborated to you why she was so afraid to love you outwardly, at one point you considered her parents potentially being homophobic, but then Piet came out Senior year and they embraced him wholeheartedly. She didn't even have the guts to tell you after she allowed you to make love to her for countless hours, your name tumbling from her lips like a sweet promise, but it was really just a tainted one with heartbreak as its intention.
After that joyous night, and subsequently devastating morning she avoided you. It was months of unfair silence, every text or call ignored all until the wedding planning had picked back up. Then she had tried to just act as if nothing happened between the two of you by pulling you into a hug, a front of sorts. Talking about Vis this, and Vis that, all the while doing her damndest to cockblock you when Carol's beautiful bridesmaid Monica tried to pick you up at the dress fittings.
Thing's only got worse when her attempts fell through, and you and Monica began to spend more time together. Wanda was irritable at every gathering, your few shared words were nothing short of awkward, and her longing stares from across the room bordered creepy. So long were the easy days of your facade of friendship, only to be replaced by a fragile tie between shared lifelong friends.
Leaving really was all you had left now...
"Hey, you alright?," Carol whispers as she pulls your crying form into her strong embrace., "I'm going to miss you guys.," you told a half truth, but the way your Russian best friend looked to you it was obvious she knew the truth, but if she did she said nothing, residing instead to hug you tightly., "Don't you dare be a stranger dorogoy.," she threatens, arms tightening to get her point across, only satisfied when you choke out., “I wont Tasha…,”
The redhead tapped your ass in send off, only giggling when your pointed glare finds her, and you share one last chuckle with your friends. Heart absolutely aching at the absence of the other original member, but it’s truly no shock to you that she’s not here to bid you farewell., “Take care, and safe travels to Cancun my sweetest loves.,” you genuinely relay just before walking off to meet Pepper in the TSA line.
“Where the fuck is Wanda?,” Natasha groans against her wife’s chest., “She’ll be here.,” Nat scoffs., “Yeah, too late for me to see it work.,” the blonde laughs wildly, and the redhead whines while trying to shove her away, but Carol holds to her firmly., “My beautiful wife, you must have more faith in me please…”
Natasha looks up to her with furrowed brows, and a deep pout, Carol gently thumbs at the crease between her eyes., “I pushed our flights around, and handled all the trip rearranging so that you—my Russian spy in training, could have a front row seat to the greatest love story of all time, second only to ours of course.,” Natasha squeals, then surges forward to catch her wife’s lips in a passionate kiss.
“Look, the show has begun…,” Carol teases, Natasha follows her eyes to the luggage counter to find a distressed looking Wanda in a rush., “Tell me my wife, did you bring the popcorn?,” the couple quietly snicker before following behind the Sokovian at a safe enough distance.
Wanda’s feet move her quickly, the line for TSA a breeze as she’d paid for the precheck, but then she was lost in a crowd of random people., “Where could all of you need to be going?,” she grumbled while looking all over for you, the flight had already began to board and she was panicking that she’d miss her chance to speak. Just as she began to feel tears pricking her eyes at the prospect of missing you she heard your perfect laugh, heart clenching at the daunting idea of never being able to hear it again.
It all happened rather quickly, one second you’re upright talking to your new boss about the California weather, the next your flat on the ground of the Laguardia airport, groaning in pain with a newly heavy feeling atop of you., “Y/N, are you okay?,” you look up to see your boss’s confused expression, then you peer down to see the shivering body atop of you., “Yeah, I’m good Pepper.,” you reply before sitting the both of you back up. Pepper got the subtle message loud and clear so she stepped closer to the terminal, but not far away enough so that she couldn’t be a bit nosy.
“Wanda, would you like to tell me what the hell that was about, hm?,” you immediately regret the way it came out when you saw the way that she flinched., “I-I, please don’t leave me Y/N, I’m ready, fuck, I’m so unbelievably ready.,” you can’t fight the need to comfort her as you guide her head to your chest., “Wands, it’s too late for me to stay, I made a commitment.”
“No, please don’t tell me I’m too late, this can’t be it for us Y/N.,” you chuckled bitterly as tears streamed down your face., “But it is isn’t it?,” she shook her head., “Don’t say that, it’s not!,” you didn’t want to say it, but it just felt like the end was upon the both of you, her hushed lap confession wasn’t going to magically fix this, and you were truthfully beyond exhausted with the repetitive matter at hand.
“What do you want from me Y/N? Need me to shout it across the damn airport?! Fine.,” the distressed woman jumped up from your lap in a hurry before you could stop her, she climbed onto a counter, towering over you as you were now on your feet staring up at her shocked., “Attention travelers, I, Wanda Maximoff am merely just a stranger to you, standing in this airport ready to profess my love to the one and only woman of my dreams—Y/N Y/L/N.,”
Wanda smiled down at you, eyes shining with a glossy truth, she held that contact with you as she continued to loudly speak to the strangers., “I’ve loved her for over a decade, but sadly it’s my only damn fault we never got our chance. I was just so fucking scared of the repercussions. Love is absolutely terrifying, and having you as my friend had felt safer than losing you over an inevitable future heartbreak.”
“Sing it!!!,” you both chuckled when you heard your best friends voice from afar, you even tried to find the source, but Wanda was not done speaking to you, so you turned back to face the love of your life.
“But that clearly didn’t work out, because you’re telling me that I’m losing you anyways. Plus, I’ve had you wholly now, and I’ll be damned if I’ll never be able to do so again.,” Wanda couldn’t stand the distance so she went to hop down, you were quick to help her, soft hands gripped her by the waist and gently lowered her back to the ground.
The newfound closeness made your breath catch as she didn’t move to pull back, but instead leaned in to have her front flush to yours while her hands cupped your cheeks., “Allow me this chance to make it up to you detka, make up for all this lost time where I ran from the truest thing I’ve ever known.,” her heart was thumping erratically in her chest at your continued silence, anxiety spiking when your lip trembled., “I- don’t know Wands…”
The pads of her thumbs brushed your tears away while she took in a steadying breath, then before she lost all her built up confidence she pressed her lips to yours passionately. You gasped at the vaguely familiar feeling, and Wanda went to pull away in fear that she only made things worse, but with your grip on her hips you held her in place, and your lips moved against hers with no further hesitation.
Wanda broke the kiss, giggling against your lips when the sound of clapping surrounded the both of you., “How about now?,” she hummed, and you smiled., “We’ll figure it out.”
Natasha and Carol ran full speed ahead when they felt all was well, the blonde lifting the two of you off the ground in a rush of excitement., “Ahhh!!! Double dates, and my bestie stays.,” Natasha shrieked, but then her face fell when you looked at her with a saddened expression., “Guys, I made a commitment, I can’t stay.,” Carol set you both back down, and the once joyous moment felt almost doomed for pain.
The clicking of heels and clearing of a throat pulled all of your attention to the right., “Y/N, please do excuse me for cutting in, but the contracts haven’t been notarized yet, and I wouldn’t have a problem with you working remotely from New York.,” she saw the way your eyes searched her face so she offered you the kindest smile she could., “Truthfully.”
“Where will I stay?,” you thought out loud, and Wanda didn’t hesitate to answer., “With me, it’ll be just like college, but ten times better.,” the beaming smile she wore settled the rest of your doubts., “Sure we’re not moving too fast?” She met your teasing with a shoulder bump while the group of you stood in line to board the plane to California., “I was actually thinking we weren’t moving fast enough.”
You turned to her with a teasing smirk., “Careful Maximoff, just cause you caught that bouquet doesn’t mean I’ll be marrying you anytime soon.,”she smirks right back., “Detka, how else will we reach my plans to be married by 30?,” your eyes widened at the reminder of her lifelong goals, and you settled into your seat and furthermore into a stunned silence.
“Vegas is only an eight hour drive away.,” Carol muses all too suddenly through the crack in the airplane seats., “Shut the hell up Danvers.,” you grumbled, and all three of your favorite women broke out into fits of taunting laughter, and after a moment of sulking you did as well.
Wanda’s fear of planes had always been rather bad, and it was in this moment with her that you realized this was it. Wanda had chosen you, and she wasn’t going anywhere without you from this point forward, she was yours in the way that you have always been hers, and it was like the familiar feeling of the weight of the world on your chest had finally melted away.
“I love you Y/N/N.,” Wanda whispered, her eyes shut tightly with her hand in yours and head leaning against your shoulder., “I love you too Max, so very much.,” you settled a sweet kiss to her head to offer her comfort, and felt as she squeezed your hand when the plane took off., “I’ll gladly take your last name one day.,” you felt her smile against your clothed shoulder, and all in the world finally felt right.
4,666 Words 😳😂
If you ever make a request and want it smutty make sure you say so, because I won’t be likely to make it as such if you don’t. 🤪
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
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animesmolbean · 4 months
A World of Pure Imagination
Author's Note: WONKA was officially released on DVD today! Whoo!!
This chapter was so much fun to write! I had the whole scene for the song thought out for weeks! I hope you enjoy it! ♥️
Chapter 5: Just For A Moment
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The trio walked through the zoo with flashlights. Yin and Noodle gazed around at all the animals, entranced, then Noodle frowned as they passed a lake filled with flamingos.
"Why don't they fly away?" She asked.
Willy shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps they haven't thought of it." He replied.
"You're kidding." Noodle said.
"I don't think he is." Yin jumped into the conversation.
Wonka turned around as he walked to look at the two. "Yin's right. I'm serious. That's the thing about flamingos. They're flock animals. They need someone to show them the way."
'I know someone who could.' Yin thought to himself as he looked at Wonka.
They skip into a backstage corridor. Various doors open onto different enclosures. Willy looks for one marked "Giraffe."
"Where are we? Giraffe.... giraffe... Ah! Giraffe!"
Yin's eyes widened. "Wait, no, no, no!"
He opens a door clearly marked "TIGER" - and is immediately confronted by a snarling beast who charges at him. Yin, thinking fast but not too clearly, runs to Willy and gets in front of him, protecting him from the striped cat. Noodle slams the door in a nick of time. Yin sighed in relief.
"You have got to learn how to read!" Noodle said, a bit panicked from the experience. Yin turned to look at Willy and nodded in agreement.
"You were nearly eaten by a tiger!" Noodle exclaimed.
"Nearly" is the key word there, Noodle. I've nearly been eaten by a lot of things. And none of them got more than a nibble." Willy said a bit crazed.
Yin snorted at Willy's words and covered his mouth with his hand, blushing lightly when he realized how loud it was.
Willy smiled amusingly at the adorable boy. Noodle shook her head and opened the door marked "Giraffe."
"Giraffe." She pointed out.
Willy walked into the stall, Noodle and Yin a pace behind. They look up at the great and elegant creature. Willy doffs his hat.
"Good evening, um..."
Yin read a sign. "Abigail."
"Abigail." Willy finished.
The giraffe starts to make a scene, not liking intruders. Noodle is alarmed, Yin was calm.
"Whoa there! Easy now. I've brought acacia mints." Willy pulled out a handful of mints. The giraffe reaches down inquisitively and sniffles the handful of mints. Noodle and Yin watched, enchanted, as Willy started to scratch Abigail under her chin.
"Giraffes are just crazy about my acacia mints. Love them more than anything else. Except being scratched under the chin. See?"
Abigail did indeed look like she was enjoying the experience.
"Want to give it a go?" Willy asked the two.
Yin nodded, and Willy guided him to Abigail.
"Hi Abigail. My name is Yin. My, you're a beautiful lady." He spoke softly to the majestic creature. He started to scratch underneath her chin. Abigail, in response, nuzzled her head against Yin's face. Yin giggled and nuzzled his forehead against her snout.
Willy was impressed and enchanted by Yin handling Abigail so gently. Yin spoke so softly and sweetly to the creature and even did something he never did. He was formal and treated her with so much care, and she responded in kind, letting her guard down. 'He's so perfect.' He thought to himself.
"Wanna try Noodle?" Willy asked, after snapping out of his trance.
"Okay...." Noodle was hesitant at first, but after Abigail responded positively to her scratches, she smiled broadly. Abigail reached forward and licked Noodle appreciatively. Willy and Yin both chuckled.
"I think she likes you." Willy told her. Then he turned back to the giraffe. "Now, Miss Abigail, if my colleague here gives you a good scratch, could you possibly spare us a pint or two of your milk?"
(Mini Time Skip)
After setting up, Willy stands his cane magically on the ground. He pushes a button, and the arms of a coat hanger flip out from the side. He hangs his coat over it. But, instead of hanging his hat there too, he placed it on top of Yin's head.
Yin laughs and adjusts the hat on his head. As he did, he caught Willy staring at him, a curious look on his face. Yin felt a blush rise onto his cheeks as the gorgeous chocolatier moved closer and looked at him. After a few seconds, he pulled away and smiled widely.
"It looks good on you, Yin." He complimented. Yin blushed hard but laughed. "Thank you, Willy, but you look the best with it." He said, smiling shyly. Willy only hummed and went over to Abigail to start the task. Yin took off the top hat and hung it on the cane.
He went over to the wall behind the cane and leaned against it. He watched Willy starting to milk the giraffe while Noodle was up on a rickety step ladder scratching its chin - and enjoying it.
"Have you done this before?" Noodle asked.
"Once. In Africa. Magnificent beast." Willy replied.
"Was she wild?" Yin asked.
Willy laughed. "Wild? She was absolutely furious! But once my hands warmed up, I think she kind of liked it."
Yin and Noodle smile fondly.
"You sure can be silly, Willy." Noodle told him.
"I suppose that's true-dle Noodle."
"True-dle?" Noodle was confused. Yin laughed.
"That doesn't work, does it? But nothing rhymes with Noodle. Where'd you get that name anyway?" Willy asked.
Noodle frowned. "Doesn't matter."
Before Yin could retort, Willy encouraged her, "Go on."
Noodle showed Willy an amber and gold ring that she kept on a string around her neck. The letter "N" engraved in the middle.
"It's all I have from my parents. See? 'N' for Noodle. Or Nora, or Nina - or nothing at all." Noodle continued.
"Noodle." Yin gently scolded.
"Can't you trace the owner?" Willy asked. This time, Yin replied, "I've tried. I've been to every jewelry store in the city." Willy looked at Yin as he told him before he looked back at Noodle, feeling for her. Noodle turns back to Abigail. After a moment, she regained courage and spoke again.
"When I was a kid, I always hoped I'd find my parents. They'd live in this beautiful old building full of books. And my mom would be waiting for me at the door and I'd run into her arms and she's give me this big hig like she wouldn't ever let me go. But then I realized it was just a stupid dream."
Willy looked at Noodle, feeling deeply moved.
Yin felt his eyes well up with tears. He remembered when Noodle first told him that he was almost moved to tears. He wished he could see his family again. Give them the biggest hugs and never leave them. He walked closer to the pair and Abigail.
"There's nothing stupid about it. I've told you, Noodle. There's nothing wrong with dreams." Yin told Noodle.
Willy agreed. "What about you, Yin? What's your dream?"
Yin looked down at his boots. After a few moments, he found the courage to speak.
"I always dreamed about being with my family again. We lived in a beautiful home close to where the Gallery Gourmet is. They were always supportive of me. When I wanted to try something new, they encouraged me to do it." Yin spoke softly but still loud enough to be heard.
"But one day, I came home from school and saw police there. They told me that... my parents were gone."
Willy looked at the boy with sadness in his eyes. Tears were welling up in his eyes, too. "Do you know... how they died?" He asked carefully.
"Mom got sick, I think it was a virus of some sorts. Dad died shortly after her. Of a heart attack. But not from stress. I think it was a broken heart." Yin replied.
Willy was deeply saddened by the story. "Yin, I'm so sorry." He whispered. Yin smiled faintly at Willy. "It's all right. They're in a better place."
"I know things haven't been easy for you two. But they're going to get better. Noodle, I'm not going to let you rot in that wash house forever. And Yin, I won't let you wander off alone anymore."
"You promise?" The two asked.
"I can do better than that." Willy went over to Noodle and held out his pinky. "I Pinkie Promise. And that's the most solemn vow there is."
Touched by his concern, Noodle Pinkie promised Willy. Willy then looked at Yin. "And I Pinkie Promise that you will never be alone again." Yin smiled softly, and the two Pinkie Promised.
"Now, get back to scratching Noodle. We don't have long until the guard comes to-dle Noodle." Willy beamed. "To-dle!"
"It's not a word." Noodle corrected.
"I'll keep working on it." Willy replied.
Yin chuckled softly as he watched. Then, he heard Noodle starting to sing.
🎵For a moment
Life doesn't seem quite so bad
For a moment
I kind of forgot to be sad
He turns night to day
But don't get carried away
Never let down your guard
Let them into your heart for a moment
Not for a moment🎵
Yin listened to her voice, swaying his head along with the rhythm. Then, he saw Willy stand up. He had finished milking Abigail. He turned to Noodle.
"Care to dance?"
Noodle shook her head. "No, thank you." She said, but Yin could tell she thought it was fun.
Yin thought Willy would ask him, but instead, he spoke, "I got it, Noodle! Listen to this," as he turned to where his cane stood, his coat and hat hanging from it like a shop mannequin. He picks up the cane and dances with it as if dancing with himself as he starts to sing.
🎵Noodle, Noodle,
Apple Streudel
Some people don't
And some people do-dle
Snakes, flamingos,
Bears and poodles
Singing this song
Will improve your moodle
Noodle-dee-dee, Noodle-dee-dum
We're having oodles and oodles of fun🎵
The two laughed at Willy as he goofed around. At one point, Willy looked at Yin and gave him a playful smirk, making him blush.
'Is he trying to tease me?!'
Willy puts his coat and hat on and spins the ladder Noodle was on. She squealed and leaped off, catching the lantern as she did. She is lowered to the ground and the trio race out together.
"Thanks, Abigail!"
The trio danced through the zoo.
(A/N: Willy: Purple
Noodle: Green
Yin: Blue)
🎵For a moment (Noodle, Noodle, apple streudel)
My life has turned upside-down (Some people don't and some people do-dle)🎵
Willy grabbed a bouquet of helium balloons from a stall. He wrapped his free arm around Yin, and instinctively, Yin wrapped his arm around him while wrapping the other around Noodle. Noodle wrapped both arms around Yin.
🎵For a moment (snakes, flamingos, bears, and poodles)
I can't keep my feet on the ground (Singing this song will improve your moodle)
The lift from the balloons makes them almost weightless. They ran across the flamingo lake, their feet barely making contact with the surface of the water. The flamingos wake as they pass and watch, astonished, as the trio rise from the water floating up and over the wall of the zoo. Inspired, the flamingos follow them.
He's the one good thing (Noodle-dee-dee, Noodle-dee-dum)
That's ever happened to me (We're having oodles and oodles of fun)🎵
The trio landed on the glass roof of the Galleria, and they started to dance. Yin grabbed Noodle's hands, and the two started a slow dance of just swaying back and forth. Yin then picked Noodle up and spun in a circle. Noodle laughed as Yin placed her back on the roof. In a flourish, Noodle spun Yin and gently pushed him towards Willy.
Willy took Yin's hands and started to properly waltz dance with him, one hand holding his, with the balloons. The other hand was on Yin's waist. Yin blushed as he placed his free hand on Willy's shoulder. The balloons gave the dance a light feeling, like it was aiding them.
Then, Willy stepped back and spun into the air with the balloons. The other two laughed and did cartwheels as Willy landed in front of them. He then gave Noodle the balloons, making her float up, and he grabbed her ankles as they started to walk. Yin stood in front of them, walking backward in rhythm with them, before spinning elegantly as Willy spun before spinning Noodle into the air.
Willy then grabbed Yin's hand as he ran to the tallest part of the Galleria, grabbed the pole, and started to walk in a circle. Yin smiled widely as he walked along with Willy, grabbing Noodle's hand, making her join the fun as she floated. Noodle was also smiling. Then, like magic, Willy started to walk on air as he walked in a circle, making the other two follow.
Eventually, a gust of wind takes a few of the balloons, breaking the spell , and they were blown off the roof. They float down and land in front of the frozen fountain. Noodle let go first and watched as the boys landed. Willy placed his free hand on Yin's waist, just like earlier, as Yin placed his free hand on Willy's shoulder. He looked into the beautiful chocolatier's eyes. 'They're hazel.' He thought to himself as he sung.
🎵For a moment
Life doesn't seem quite so bad
And for a moment
I kind of forgot to be sad🎵
Willy looked at Yin, his features soft as he listened to Yin sing. His voice was so soft but filled with emotion. 'He's so beautiful.' He thought to himself.
Yin looked at Willy. 'This man has brought so much joy into my life in the two days I've known him. He's kind, passionate, motivated, and... so beautiful.' He thought to himself.
'I think I love him.' The two thought together.
The two boys looked into each other's eyes, leaning closer and closer. Their foreheads touched, and their noses brushed against each other's. But just before their lips could touch-
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magical-girl-coral · 1 month
Karlach Arc act 3 rewrite idea
Upon meeting a Steel Watcher on Wyrm's crossing, he'll tell Karlach her engine is out of date and she needs to report the Steel Watch Foundry. This will give the location of the foundry (I still don't understand why the fuck wasn't this given in the game).
When confronting Gortash in the throne room after his coronation about her engine heart being called old fashioned, he'll tell Karlach he does feel bad about what he "had" to do and promises to fix up her heart. Karlach then has a conversation sign above her head and says "I've been betrayed by this rat once already. I want to know what he is really after". You'll get a mission in her quest to find Gortash's secret plans as a result.
When asking Karlach where she thinks he would hide his blueprints, she mentions a house he was weirdly obsessed with during her bodyguard days. She could have sworn he said once "no one can ruin them lives but him". You find out it's where his parents are, how they've abused him and why sold him to the hells for gold. If you confess the mother you're here to kill Gortash, she tells you about the key in her pocket for his room.
In his childhood bedroom, you get to find several journals, some half made gadgets and a child's painting of what is now a Steel Watcher, labeled "my protector." There are two interactive blueprints on his table: one of a steel heart labeled "failure" and a massive Steel Watcher on fire. The journal spoke of his frustration of not being able to on up the hells by fixing Karlach's heart and his plan became darker as his obsession of getting back at devils grew. Instead wanted to kidnap Karlach and "save" her by turning her into the ultimate Steel Watcher.'
Karlach, understandably, loses her temper and if you fail a persuasion check or don't stop her at all, burns the house down to the ground from pure rage, killing the Flymms in the process. You should pick the blueprints of Gortash's failed heart replacement before burning down the house.
After stealing the blueprints and killing Gortash, you have two choices: either find Dammon and ask him to fix Karlach's heart with the blueprints, or the Gondians (but they only agree if you save their families. This option is locked if you let them die in the iron throne.) The heart Gortash labeled as a failure wasn't a failure after all, just imperfect. Karlach was so burned up from the hells that every metal inside of her melts after a period of time. Gortash was too obsessed with perfection to see this as a good result and ditched the idea.
The replacement heart has it's ups and downs. The ups is that if you collect infernal metal from the fallen Steel Watchers, the chosen blacksmith can give Karlach a new and more organic engine to help her continue living. But there are some downsides; she can't go anywhere too hot or too cold without possibly damaging the metal. She can't strand away from main cities with better medical equipment if she needs an emergency replacement so her outlander traveling is restricted. She will also need to replace the heart every few years once the infernal metal starts to decay.
Kalrach's arc essentially becomes a choice of what a lot of people with medical problems have to do, whether it's having to live by taking pills every day, wearing prosthetics or just dealing with a disability that limits your possible futures. She either dies from a blazing glory or lives longer with a prosthetic heart that limits her traveling plans. Like Lae'zel and Shadowheart, if you don't converse with her enough throughout her journey, she will choose her bad ending.
Gortash's journal entry date shows he become obsessed with fixing Karlach after he caught Raphael talking with the party around act one. The fact that it was specifically Raphael was what send him over the edge.
Gortash wouldn't care less if Karlach dies after he fixes her heart in a world where he could. He didn't care if she makes it or not as long as he can stick to hell one last time.
I have a rough draft where when the party descends onto hell, a devil that words under Zariel shows up (either Flo or Mizora) to give Karlach a new "perfect" heart that could withstand her heat. The catch is that the heart was made purely from the core of hell and it would corrupt her the second it gets in. She becomes a lot more reckless and apathetic, like when she was given her soul coins in act two. If she isn't talked with enough or proven better options, she accepts the deal as a desperate attempted to escape death. (I can't for the life of me figure out where to put this in the game. Maybe during the house of hope?)
If Karlach accepts the prosthetic heart option by talking to either blacksmith, she refuses to become a Mindflayer.
During the epilogue party, Karlach says she's been wandering all over the sword coast to make up for lost time as a mercenary for hire. If Wyll returns to being the Blade of Frontiers, she mentions she started her journey with Wyll, but they went separate ways once she needed more cities to see. She also visited Gale in Waterdeep and helped Lae'zel in the outer planes with a rough battle.
If the MC romances Karlach, they get multiple dialogues options to where the traveled after the Elder brained was finished. There isn't a inch of Faerun Karlach doesn't want to meet.
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mess-with-legs · 20 days
Cupid Loves You - Prologue?
So before you get into the story I just wanna say a couple thingsss... This is an oc x Y/N kind of story, and it's my first time posting anything like this + english isnt my first language so I'm really sorry if I make any mistake with the grammar or spelling or just the writting in general! This is a story I'm writting purely out of fun and I don't expect any big attention or anything? So I probably won't post about it very often since my account is more directed to art content. This story is very inspired by the character of cupid from monster high / ever after high, and the whole pink girly femmenine aesthetic. And to finish, this is a WLW story, so it is implied that the character Y/N in the story is a girl. Feel free to ask any questions, I always love to answer them, and enjoy!
After a long and boring day of class, you were happy to finally return to your dorm. You were fixing your hair up in a ponytail, checking that you didn't forget anything, and taking out the keys to your dorm. You were a bit nervous too, how could you not? The first day of school was done, you didn't exactly made any friends, and you had no idea who you roomate for this school year would be. That's when you opened the door and saw her. "Cupid?"
You asked confused. When you first saw her in class the first thing you noticed was her beautiful blonde hair with pink streaks. She had a pale skin and light blue eyes. Between her eyes however, she had what she called a birthmark, but it was a perfectly shaped light pink heart. To you it was obvious that it had to be make up, birth marks as far as you know, aren't so geometric and perfect. As the day went by, everyone introduced themselves, and when you heard her talk you realized she wasn't just any student. She was the smartest, pretties, most athletic student in class, probably in the whole school! Her name was Cupid Jr…Kind of a weird name. She had just moved from Greeze. She became popular almost inmidiatly, with people surrounding her to just have a second of her attention, but she seemed to ignore everybody.
That same day between classes, you bumped into her, probably shouldn't walk while checking your phone. "Sorry! My bad" Great, first day and I already have beef with the Regina George of the class. However, she didn't look upset, she looked at you up and down before speaking. "Are you ok? Did it hurt?" You were a bit surprised by this. You didn't know her very well, but the few times you saw her talking with others she didn't sound caring or kind, she acted like she was simply way too good for anybody around her. So, why was she acting like this? "Yes… I'm alright, thank you-" She leaned closer to you and fixed your hair with a cold expression on her face. Her touch was soft and careful, almost as if you were a delicate porcelain doll, and she didn't want to break you. "You're in my class right? What was your name?" She asked. "I'm Y/N" You answered. You would swear you heard her mumbling something, but you couldn't tell what she said. You excused yourself and walked away, trying not to think about that situation.
That takes us to the present moment. Why is she in your room? Surely she isn't your roommate, right? "I am your roommate now." Yep, she was your roommate. The room wasn't very spacious. It counted with 2 beds, 2 closets, 2desks to study, a bathroom, and a mini kitchen that was just good enough to cook basic things. It wasn't very big but you were thankful for what you had. You noticed how she had already decorated her side of the room. The left side was decorated with all sorts of cute stuff, from plushies, to paper hearts adorning the walls, pink bows…well, almost everything was in pink and white. It almost looked like a doll's room. She stood up from her seat and walked until she was in front of you, she was taller than you and you had to look up to meet her sight. "Since we're gonna be living in the same dorm, it would be beneficial for the both of us to get along. Would you like to formally be my friend?" She spoke almost as if she was making a contract, like some sort of formal social agreement. She even extended her hand, clearly hoping for you to shake it. There was a big contrast between her cute and pink looks and her cold way of speaking. "Uhm…Yes! Of course!" And so you gave her your hand. Despite the weird situation that was going on at that moment, you realized how lucky you were! You had just become friends with the Heather of the school! Did that make you also a Heather? You hope it doesn't since you're not really very much into fashion and all that stuff. "Excellent." She spoke, and for a mere second you could see her expression softened. She had her eyes on yours. Almost as she couldn't take them away.
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mioyeo · 1 year
8 makes 1 Team
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No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of , depression , crying , yelling , break downs, slapping , secrets being revealed, influential parents , threatening , talks of suicide, arguing , overworking, please tell me if I forget something , and I’m not romanticizing disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez or their families in any type of way
For every new chapter I’ll place this (🟢) beside it in the masterlist so you guys know that the chapter is new and was posted recently
Tag list : @veneziamadness , @hcyaa , @sadcoffeecritic , @aapplepii , @lavishloving , @dogsongy , @acciocriativity , @k33vad3la , @seonghwifey , @hanjihyun23 , @yunhoswrld123 , @cqndiedcherries , @miriamxsworld , @belle643 , @pandyandy71-blog , @mothworked , @kpop-4-ever ,
Also if you want to be added to the tagging list for the next chapter comment so I can add you
Word count : 1,5k
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San’s backstory
Evening sky deepened into blue and purple as the wind swayed together with the leaves leaving a calm but breezy feeling against his skin
He had just finished his night self-learning classes and was on the way home
The thing is San didn't want to go home yet , he never wanted to return home and have to hear his dad's rambling about his business meetings
Or his parents praising his sister for being a top student and winning all sorts of awards
The boy was tired already, not only were his parents pushy but everyone and everything was to much for him to handle
His mental health hasn't been improving like how he wanted too , and it wasn't easier to get it to improve with many people expecting him to follow their commands
Crying at night to relieve stress wasn't a thing anymore , after being giving a lecture of how he didn't have the right to cry if everything is being provided to him without hesitation by his parents
Never understood why crying and feeling down was basically taboo in his household , he admitted to being weak sometimes but in the eyes of others it was seen as unacceptable
You can't always expect someone to be always on their best , there a good days just as there are bad days
It's been a long time he's been depressed, nobody knew but himself about his condition
He even had a therapist that he had sessions with secretly behind his parents backs
They'd faint if they found out that their so perfect son was crumbling onto pieces each day , having unpleasant thoughts he didn't wish to have
Grabbing the keys he unlocked the front door seeing everyone at the  dinner table enjoying themselves chitchatting
" Ah San you're home , how was school? "
His mother asked without even looking at him making him feel invisible in his own house
" I-It was alright "
He removed his shoes and made his way toward his room but was stopped
" Your sister won a award today for the math championship that was held at your school why didn't you participate? "
Unpleasant stares fixed themselves on him
" It was for the advanced class and I'm not advanced in the math area "
" You should've tried, your sister always gets awards for things while your useless sel-"
" Honey , let him be "
San's dad scoffed as he set his utensils down
" How his he going to take care of the family business if he's useless ?! "
" But he's still just a kid honey "
His mom tried calming down her husband that grew angrier the more he looked at his son
" Haneul started since she was little ! There is no exception for him ! "
The boy teared up as he stood there in his uniform listening as his dad badmouthed him
" I-I'm sorry , but I don't want to be like her , all she does is study all the time and it's tiring "
" How will you get successful one day if you don’t work for it ?”
A loud banging against the table was heard
" I want to be able to enjoy my own life and not be bossed around like Haneul "
He teared up looking into his moms eyes who looked away
" I didn't raise you to do some silly job , you will never archive something in life that way ! "
A glass got thrown towards San making him dodge it in shock
" Honey ! Stop this nonsense "
"Dad , leave him alone he'll study I'll help him "
Haneul stuttered rushing towards her brother that clutched his shirt crying
" He's a disgrace! how will I ever trust yo-"
" I don't want to be fucking trusted with something I don't even want to do Dad ! I can't take it anymore seeing your face every day and having to hear this bullshit you call discipline!"
San yelled cutting off his Dad that widened his eyes since he never expected him to yell
" I'm fucking tired of you Dad , I'm depressed and your not helping my mental health the slightest! all you talk about is your dumb ass business that Haneul doesn't even want to take over as well ! Your egoism is making me sick "
" Look how your talking to me boy ! "
" I won't ! , I'm tired I wish I could've jumped from that building that night but I'm weak like you said I'm that dumb useless child right ? "
Tears burned the boys eyes as his Dad stood up angrily
" But do you know who's the useless one between us Dad ? It's you your weak an- "
" I told you to watch the way your speaking to me boy I'm your Dad ! "
His dad charged towards him landing a hard slap across his face
" Dad ? do you call yourself that ? "
San held his throbbing cheek chuckling
" You're just a sad nobody that takes out his anger on his children because they don't seem to keep up with his stupid morals and standards! "
His sister sobbed silently as her mom looked at her
" You make me sick ! Don't you see that everyone else here is tired of you ? Especially mom and haneul who have been keeping up to you like hungry  dogs "
" San honey let's stop ok ? "
His mom tried calming him down but was brushed off him
" I don't want to play the little obedient boy anymore I'm done with this game "
" You must have been out of  your mind "
" Yeah I'm out of my mind , I'm mentally unstable because of the type of a Dad I have "
The boy laughed and clapped his hands
" I wish I could've jumped that day and give your little business buddies a show on your birthday , how would the news be I ask myself "
" San stop it please "
" The Son of Choi enterprise jumps from roof because of his Dad , doesn't that sound amazing ? "
" Choi San I'm warning you "
" Maybe I'll jump today to ease your pockets about my education since I'm such a failure right ? "
His Dad grabbed him forcefully and shook him
" Honey let him go ! "
His mom teared up while his sister stood up and grabbed San
" Why are you doing this ! I told you I'd handle Dad so you can get out of this "
“ You didn’t handle anything, you just sat there and watched me crumble in his hands "
A harsh slap was landed on his face making everyone look at her as she cried uncontrollably
" Enough San , you will go get help I'm tired to clean after your mess I have my own issues "
The younger laughed and composed himself
" Oh you mean Dad's rival son you've been sneaking around with ? And that you got k- "
" Don't you dare "
She looked at him in disbelief as he approached her again
" Why don't you tell them that their little princess got knocked up and has been threatening me to keep it a secret huh ? Oops now they know "
" Haneul , what is he talking about ? "
“ Yeah Haneul what am I talking about , want me to show them ? ”
San scoffed and went upstairs towards his room as she yelled after him
“ Why are you doing this to me ? ”
“ What is going on here ?! "
Their Dad entered San’s room looking at him as he retrieved a box from his closet before dumping everything on the floor
“ As you guys can see with the both healthy eyes you guys have , Haneul is pregnant "
“ Tell me this is not true ”
His mother trembled in disbelief as she eyed the tests , sonograms and baby shoes on the floor
“ Not only that but when you guys went on business trips , she used to drug me so I could sleep while she threw a huge ass party here at home "
Haneul clenched her teeth as angry tears left her eyes
“ Is it true ? Is what San is saying true ! ”
“ N-No Dad he’s just making bad jokes , tell him it’s not true San ”
She approached the younger as she pleaded with her eyes for him to reconsider
“ You know I’m tired of repeating the same cycle everyday, I’m tired off feeling empty every single time and moment , I just want to be away from you guys a hot minute without having to worry about anything other than myself ”
Everyone looked at him as he pulled up his shirt showing bruises
“ This is what is been done to me because I’m weak , lock me up somewhere or put me in a mental hospital for all I care I just want to be away from you guys I’m tired I can’t anymore "
He fell to his knees begging
“ Please I’m begging you mom "
Mr Choi looked around in disbelief as he clenched his jaw before pointing at his son
“ I’m telling you this , if I put you in a mental hospital you will never be seen as my son again do you understand ? don’t talk to me , don’t even call me the word dad anymore because I didn’t raise a wimpy child in my house mark my words "
His mom teared up following after her husband that shed tears of frustration
“ I despise you , I hope you rot in there ”
Haneul slammed his door leaving him all alone to himself again , but this time with no one to lean on
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cilil · 9 months
Any Yandere Manwe headcanons?
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𝓐𝓝 ~ Sure thing! Here are some ^^
𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ~ 2nd person POV, reader insert, gender-neutral reader
𝓣𝓦𝓼 ~ Yandere, manipulative behavior, emotional manipulation, unhealthy relationships
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ଘ The key thing about Yandere!Manwë is that everything is insidious. Everyone, including himself, believes that he is nothing but pure and good, so you yourself may question your own feelings time and time again - Are you the one who is in the wrong? Doesn't the Elder King in his divine wisdom indeed know better than you? Are you merely paranoid? Are you going against Eru's will if you even think about resisting him?
ଘ However, to even arrive at a point where you sense that something may be wrong, you have to escape Manwë's web, an illusion of perfect romance and companionship. With his skills as a poet, writer and singer, he does his best to woo you and pull wool over your eyes while he continues to draw you in.
ଘ You find yourself in an enviable position, with the Elder King himself doting on you and showering you with kindness, affection, attention and even special favors - whatever you desire, you may have it. Though there may be a price to pay, just a tiny thing he so very nicely asks for in return...
ଘ Once Manwë's interest in you slowly morphs into obsession, you're never alone. Even when you think no one is nearby, he either keeps his own eyes on you from his throne on Taniquetil or sends his bird servants to spy on you. Everything you do, everything you say, all is reported back to him.
ଘ Whether you resist or reject him doesn't matter. Manwë is used to (almost) everyone loving and adoring him, so why don't you? He immediately concludes that something must have corrupted you and of course he will be there to help out a poor little thing like yourself who can't free themselves from their "evil thoughts" without his "help".
ଘ Being a palace on top of a tall mountain, Ilmarin is the perfect place to "keep his darling safe". A golden cage, if you will. You enjoy a life of luxury and have no chance of leaving or escaping so Manwë can watch you and have access to you whenever he wishes. You may not even recall at which point he figuratively plucked you, his favorite little bird, out of the air and clipped your wings to make you his pet.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
taglist: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-defense-attorney @singleteapot @wandererindreams
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writergirl3 · 1 year
Hiiii can you make some hcs of both Aaron’s x reader who always feels like they have to please everyone? Thank youuu 💖
Aaron T & Z x People-Pleaser Reader Headcanons
Hey anon, thanks for the request! As a chronic people-pleaser myself, not to mention a simp for both Aarons, I love this idea.
These aren't the best, I'm still getting out of my writing funk. If y'all want me to write these for Ro, Jesse and Tae too, let me know.
Hope you enjoy 🧡
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Aaron T;
T is everyone's hype man. It's just in his nature, and it's one of the things that makes him the perfect boyfriend for a people-pleaser like yourself.
So, praise of any and all kinds from T is a guaranteed given. And when he figures out your tendencies? He makes sure to be even more vocal about his love and adoration for you.
That's not to say that he doesn't keep an eye on you, though. In the quiet privacy that's just the two of you, he'll remind you that the only opinion of you that matters is your own. Period.
Because to him, just you existing is pure perfection, and he needs you to know that.
He understands the struggle, because he's definitely a people-pleaser himself. Helping you place less emphasis on the importance of other people's opinions gets him to do the same for himself.
That's just one of the many reasons why he loves you. You understand that need to be 'on', plastering a smile on even if it's not real just so that others are satisfied.
But together, you can just be yourselves and tune out the world.
Aaron Z;
In a subdued way that's characteristic of Z, he's a lil bit of a people-pleaser too, but it's not anything drastic. He has a bit of a perfectionist streak, so he understands your need to make everyone happy.
However, Z's a logical guy, and his default is to gently remind you that it's impossible to make everyone like you. That the key is to be a good person and focus on the people that love you for you.
And he reassures you that he definitely falls into that category.
I feel like Z would take extra care to make sure that you know you're as amazing as you are. He's not the best at verbalising, but for you he'll give it a try.
He knows that so much of your energy goes on others, so he always helps you slow down and take some me time.
After making you switch off your phone, he'll prepare anything that will help you focus on yourself for a while. If he has to pull the 'I want cuddles' card? He'll definitely do it, if it makes you slow down for a little while.
Overall, he loves that you care so much about others, but makes sure that you're true to yourself. Because, to him, you're incredible.
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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