#kells fanfiction
cosmererambles · 11 months
Costober Short Oct 20th (18th)
“You know…” Kelsier began, throwing a ball against the garage wall. His brother, Marsh, was in the process of brushing his Ninetales. He cringed with every smack the ball made, his scowl growing deeper. Kelsier smirked. He and Marsh had never got along. “I think I’m gonna sign up to be a trainer.” “You missed that particular milestone. Remember?” “Doesn’t matter.” Another thunk against the wall. He caught the ball, grinned at Marsh, before rolling it towards Empoleon, who stood sentinel on the farside of the garage. The massive Pokemon surveyed it as it rolled to a stop before him. “You can be any age. That’s just the starting age.” “Do you honestly think you have what it takes to be a trainer? It takes diligence, dedication, responsibility. Things you lack.” Kelsier set his jaw, his smirk melting away. “You really have no faith in me, do you?” “I watched you barely pass highschool. Yes. I lack quite a bit of faith in you, Kell.” Kell balled his hands into fists. “I’m more than you think, Marsh.” “Are you? Capable of doing anything other than goofing off with your buddies? Who, I might add, also chose not to become trainers.” Marsh ran the brush along the pokemon’s tail as she laid on the ground, obedient. Kell leaned against the wall, determined not to show any sign of Marsh’s words getting to him.
His decision had been an impulsive one. He was tired of school, tired of the boring repetition of life. Moreover, he was tired of Marsh. His brother had been increasingly intolerant and demanding. Asking him more and more, demeaning and belittling him in that cool way of his. Becoming a trainer would allow him to drop out of school. If he stuck with it fulltime for five years, he could even get free college tuition. At least in Sinnoh. He left Marsh to his brushing, walking outside the garage and staring up at the sky.
He knew more than Marsh thought; he knew Marsh found him tiresome. Knew that Marsh blamed him for having to quit his training and raise him full time when their parents had died. Knew that their fathers abuse had led to both of them adapting complexes; Kelsier becoming carefree and rebellious, and Marsh hard as ice and stone.
I can do it. Easily. He knew the theory; he’d watched Marsh battle hundreds of times. Plenty of trainers came by to challenge him, and his brother never turned one down. He’d have to find a way to explain why he chose to start a year late, though. Why does it even matter? Marsh started a year early. His brother had lied about his age in order to escape the cycle of abuse at his house, running off to challenge gyms and leaving his brother, and poor mother, at the mercy of their father.
Kelsier shook. Wrapping his arms around himself, he forced himself to think of anything else. The sky, the grass, the leaves rustling in the breeze. Anything but his mother. Anything but his father. Anger, frustration and betrayal were kept safe, locked in his breast. Emotions that had never left him, not since…
“Kell?” Kelsier started, turning around, hand flying to his hip. He withdrew a switchblade, held at the ready. Marsh stared at him, normally stern eyes…defrosted. He almost looked human. Kelsier sucked in a breath, glancing away. It’d happened again. “Come inside, Kell. It looks like it may rain.” “I’m not going inside just to be lectured by you.” “I don’t plan on lecturing you. If you’re serious about this plan of yours…” Marsh took a breath, sighing. “I want to help.” Kelsier had turned away, but spun, looking back at his brother. He still gripped the knife in his hand, knuckles white. “Put the knife away, Kelsier.” Behind Marsh, Empoleon waddled up. It cooed softly, voice comforting. He slipped the knife away, following his brother into the house, just as three fat rain drops splashed his cheeks.
It happened again…why does it keep happening? He wondered, throwing himself into a chair. He wanted to huddle up in a ball, but he forced himself to be strong. Despite it, he scratched at his arms, a nervous tick he’d developed after the event. “Stop that.” Marsh set a mug of tea in front of him. Kelsier raised an eyebrow, stopping his incessent scratching. “You’ll give yourself scars.” He turned towards the fridge, pulling open the door and staring inside. “Might look cool.” He grumbled, pulling the tea closer. “You know, I’d rather have beer.” Marsh gave him a look over his shoulder, and Kelsier rolled his eyes, sipping the warm drink.
“That’s the second time I’ve found you like that, Kell.” Kelsier froze. He didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t-. “I know you went through a lot when I was gone, but I didn’t think-.” “I don’t want to talk about it.” Kelsier interrupted, setting his mug down on the table a little firmly. It sloshed over the rim, burning his hands. He bore the pain.
“I’m worried.” “You’re worried?” Kelsier snorted. “Worried about me? When are you ever worried about me? All you do is lecture me, belittle me, mock me. And you wonder why I’ve turned out the way I have?” “That’s not my influence.” Marsh turned from the fridge, arms crossed. “I should never have left-.” “No. You should have. You had just as much of a reason to leave. So what if you left mom and I behind. We survived, didn’t we? Oh wait. We didn’t.”
Silence. Empoleon, sensing the tension, cooed a long, soft note. Marsh’s Glaceon hopped on the counter, rubbing it’s head against her trainers crossed arms. Marsh finally sighed, picking up the pokemon and petting her. She purred in his arms.
“Listen, Kell. Enough.” Marsh crossed to him, setting Glaceon on his lap. Kelsier pet her absently; her fur was chill to the touch, as if blown by a cool breeze for hours. “I know why you want to go on your own journey.” Kelsier raised an eyebrow. He doubted his brother knew his true motives, but…sure. Let him think what he wanted.
“Mare left you for one a year ago.” “Sure.” Marsh looked at him. “Why, then?” Kelsier shrugged. “Does it matter? I just want to leave. And I can do it, Marsh. I’m more competent than you think I am.” A look of recognition crossed his brothers face, and he exhaled.
“Come on then. Battle me. Let’s see what you’ve got.” He crossed the kitchen, pulling on a coat, hood up to block out the rain. Kelsier looked out the window; dusk was fast approaching. “Now?” “Yes, now, before my good mood is gone.” He clicked his tongue, motioning for Empoleon to follow. The massive beast waddled behind him, ducking out the front door and into the back yard. “This is your good mood?” Kelsier followed, and had a pokeball thrust into his chest a moment later as they stepped onto the patio. “Yes. Enjoy it while it lasts, brother.” With quick steps, he left his side, walking into the grassy yard. Kelsier examined the Pokeball; noting it’s make. An ultraball from seven or so years ago. This was Magenton’s ball. He never had been able to evolve the thing.
“Magneton?” He asked, following him into the grass. The wind had picked up, the rain coming down harder. Kelsier wished he’d grabbed a jacket. “Go inside and get on a coat, you idiot. I’m not taking care of you if you get sick.” Kelsier obeyed, grumbling under his breath, grabbing the hoodie from just inside the house and slamming the door behind him. He pulled it over his head, pulling the hood strings tight. Right.
“I’m going to figure out your battle style. If you’re as “competent” as you say, you must have one.” He nodded to the Pokeball Kelsier held.
“I’m using Empoleon. You use my Magneton.” “Magneton? That’s strong against your Empoleon.” Marsh smiled, hard to see in the waning light. “Don’t worry about me, brother.” Kelsier eyed him for a moment, feeling rain splatter against his cheeks, before tossing the ball up. Magneton popped out in a flash of red light, screaming it’s metallic, ear-splitting cry before spinning towards earth. Kelsier caught the ball.
“Magneton, listen to my brother until I give you the cue to stop, alright?” The pokemon spun, rotating midair and it screeched. The wind picked up. Kelsier raised his arm to his face, blocking the rain as it drove down.
“Uh, Marsh?” He called. “The winds picking up. You sure about this?” “You’re going to face a lot worse weather if you head out on a journey. Suck it up.”
It wasn’t the wind and rain that worried him. It was what it would do when combined with Magnetons electricity. Still, he stood tall, shaking off his earlier discomfort.
“Empoleon! Don’t go easy on him.” The pokemon trumpeted a loud note, stepping forward, clawed, triangular arms outstretched. It’s feathers blew in the wind. Magneton hovered.
“You’re move, Kell. Show me what you’ve got.” Kelsier stood, thinking.
Empoleon is a water steel type. Thus, it has decent defenses. I could test with a take down, though that would probably get me flung aside. I’ve seen it used it’s arms. No. Best test with a thunderbolt. He called the attack, conscious of his voice on the wind. Marsh was far enough away he couldn’t make out his expression. Magneton shuddered in place, zipping forward and cracking out a bolt of yellow lightning.
“Catch it with metal claw, Emploeon.” The pokemon caught it, unphased. Kelsier stepped back in surprise. No matter. He smiled, understanding. Marsh had always relied on defensives rather than outward offense. Empoleon was built like a tank. His Magenton, however, had a move that cut right through that tank.
“Metal sound, Magneton. Get right up there.” It zipped forward, screeching. The sound was agony to his ears, and he clasped his hands over them. Marsh’s eyes went wide, and Empoleon ducked forward, letting out a shriek. “Move in with a take down, Magneton.” He called. He wasn’t planning on make contact; in fact, he wanted Magneton to get caught. Empoleon recovered, straightening up in time to catch Magneton mid-air. The two grappled, the smooth steel body of Magneton slipping from Empoleon’s frontal claws.
“Thunderbolt, now!” Inside Empoleons defenses, the attack landed. The pokemon screeched in agony, stepping back, angered. Marsh called an attack, and Magneton was pushed back, letting out beeps and metallic gurgles as the attack landed.
That was a flash cannon. Not good. Empoleon took damage but was barely phased by Magneton’s attack. Best try one more final- “Enough. Magneton, to me.” Kelsier, poised to call and attack, stopped short.
“What? I wasn’t finished.” “You didn’t need to finish.” Kelsier scowled, running up to Marsh, the rain falling faster. It was quickly soaking through his hoodie. “What did I do wrong this time?” “Nothing, actually. I’ll explain inside.” His brother turned on his heel, his Pokemon following faithfully. Kelsier stood for a moment, lips parted and brows knitted in confusion. He stepped forward, tripping over his toes as he followed his brother, glancing around as if anyone were standing in the rain to see that.
“I figured you’d bash against me endlessly with electric attacks. Your knowledge to Magnetons specific attacks and strengths, not to mention Empoleons, impressed me.” Marsh began speaking as Kelsier closed the door, stripping off his wet hoodie. “Metal sound, then take down to get into range and then thunderbolt was not something I expected.” Kelsier looked at his brother, expected a caveat. There always had to be something.
“I’m not going to insult you, Kell. You did well.” “Thanks, I guess.” Marsh leaned against a kitchen cabinet, and Kelsier, pausing for a moment in hestitation, went to get himself a glass of water. Glaceon hopped up on the counter, rubbing it’s face against him as he stood at the sink. He sat back down, feeling the chill of the water against the glass. Grounding himself.
“Where did you learn to battle like that?” Kelsier shrugged, turning to face Marsh. “I watched you.” Marsh studied him with those cold eyes of his, turning away. “I suppose.”
“Will you let me go, then?” Kelsier asked, tracing a pattern into the wooden grain of the table, not looking at his brother. He still upset over his earlier freeze, the embarassment of being caught fresh on his mind. “I can’t stop you. But if you want my approbation, you have it.” Kelsier looked up, surprised.
“You…think I can do it?” Marsh sighed, putting dishes away as he thought. “Sure.” He finally said. Kelsier sat back, crestfallen. A simple Yes, you can do it, Kell would be nice to hear. He sighed.
“I have to tell you that with tensions between the Kanto and Johto coalition, it may be wise to stay home.” Marsh spoke suddenly, freezing with hands on the cupboard drawers.
“Tensions?” Kelsier didn’t pay attention to politics. He knew something was going on, but had no idea of specifics. “The energy crisis coupled with the recent murder of a Kantonian official has things on edge.” Marsh turned, meeting his eyes. Kelsier looked away.
Ah. So that’s what they’d been talking about. He’d seen something on the television at the local diner he hung with Dox at, but they’d turned it the Hearthome Tag Team battles instead.
“I’ll be fine.” He shrugged. “I don’t want to stay here longer than I have too.” Marsh eyed him, and for a second it seemed as if his eyes turned downcast. “Is living with me that bad?” Kelsier didn’t respond immediately. He sipped his water, not wanting to respond. He felt like a child. “Yes. It’s hell, Marsh. You don’t understand, do you?” “I don’t understand because you never told me.” “I WAS THIRTEEN!” He slammed the glass on the table top. It spilled over, wetting his hands, and Glaceon flattened her ears to her head and scampered out of the room. “How the HELL was I suppose to go to a brother I hadn’t seen in a decade and tell him what I went through? You didn’t think to ask! You came home, angry that I dared to survive his abuse-.” He paused, chest heaving, anger spilling out. Marsh stared.
“I don’t want to see you. Ever again.” He tore his eyes away and ran from the room. Marsh called after him. Concerned? No. Marsh wasn’t concerned about anything but his damn Pokemon. His brother, who had went through hell at his own fathers hands, never mattered.
It took time for Kelsier to calm down. He managed to escape another episode by losing himself in maps and planning, staying up well into the night as he jotted down pokemon sightings on various routes. He nodded off, head against the heating duct that ran through his room, embracing the warmth it gave against the chilly fall air. A knock at his door startled him. He jolted awake, knocking his head against the metal.
“Kell? You awake?” “I am now.” He snarled. He pulled into his closet, wedging himself between the duct and the shelves that lined the interior. Marsh stepped in. Glaceon darted about his legs, finding Kelsier and immediatly sitting in his lap. He blinked, before petting her.
“I want to apologize. For what it’s worth.” Marsh began. He sat himself down on Kelsier’s bed. “Apologize? For being a terrible brother?” To his surprise, Marsh nodded. “It’s all I can do.” “…I guess you could try being better.” Marsh cracked a sardonic smile. Kelsier didn’t return it. He pulled deeper into his cubby, avoiding his brothers gaze.
“Planning your routes? You have any idea what Pokemon you’re going to choose as your first partner?” Avoiding the topic. Typical. Kelsier shook his head. “I have no idea. I guess I’ll choose what speaks to me.” “Choose Turtwig.” Marsh ordered. Marsh never advised. He ordered. “It’s the easiest to raise.” “Why? You have an Empoleon.” “Learn from my mistakes. It took me years to get Empoleon to listen to, and trust me, completely. They are stubborn, headstrong pokemon who will only follow trainers they deem worthy. Chimchar are similar; their line can be down right dangerous if in the wrong hands.” Marsh closed his eyes, taking a breath. Kelsier looked away. He still doesn’t believe I can do it…
“I’m not saying you can’t raise them. But that, for your first time, a Turtwig is a partner that you can depend on. They are smart, loyal, and grow to trust their trainers easily. Torterra is an incredible Pokemon with major offensive and defensive traits. If there is one piece of advice I can pass onto you…this is it.” Kelsier listened, unable to see his brother from within his cubby. Finally, he pulled himself out, straightening his shirt. Glaceon purred against his legs as he stood up, leanding against the shelves, his clothes pushed to the far edge.
“I guess I appreciate it. Can’t promise you anything though.” Marsh stared. His eyes were softer today, but they grew harder at his words. Annoyed, of course. When was Marsh not annoyed by Kelsier. He smirked.
“I…I think you’ll do fine.” Marsh spoke the words as if they were an effort to say. Kelsier didn’t believe them. He looked away, shaking blond hair out of his eyes. “Thanks. I guess.” “Get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”
He did have a long day. He laid in bed, curled up in his usual ball, thinking about what he was going to do. Call the Pokemon Center. Ask if he could get a starter Pokemon. Go shopping. He had enough funds to get trip essentials. He’d earn more money by battling and winning. And then start out early the next day.
“By this time tomorrow I’ll my Pokemon.” He drifted off. It wasn’t really the Pokemon he was excited about. It was the chance to escape. Perhaps getting out of this house would help him recover.
The next day dawned, clear and bright, muddy from the last nights storm. He trudged his way towards the Pokemon Center, hopping over fences and stealing through backyards, picking up anything he thought might be useful. It wasn’t his fault if people just left valuables hanging around. A few Poke’dollars, left out to get wet in the rain? Why, they’d dry nicely. Pokeballs could be found easily, just lying around. People were careless with what they discarded all the time. Sure…maybe sometimes it wasn’t truly discarded, and was lost, but…Kelsier didn’t care to make that distinction. He picked up a wallet, pocketing the cash and tossing the rest aside. He supposed he could have returned it, but that wasn’t really his style.
The clock on the Pokemon Center’s front told it was 7:00 by the time Kelsier got there, having taken his time moving through the city. Built on a marsh and close to sea, Pastoria had quite a few breathtaking views he enjoyed stopping at when he could. His brother lived on a cliff, overlooking the city, and it was quite a hike down to sea level and the Pokemon Center. He entered through sliding glass doors, looking around. It being so early, most of the main lights were off.
“Hello? Nurse Joy?” He called. He stood, muddy boots and trouser cuffs dripping onto the mat at the doorway. He glanced down, grimacing. Shouldn’t have taken that muddy back alley short cut…He thought, heading towards the front desk. He looked around; he’d been here a few times with Marsh, but they’d always skipped the whole desk rigamarole. He looked over the desk; pens, pencils, plenty of paper with documents haphazardly placed hither and thither. A large streamlined monitor that was currently off. A video phone. Old model, by the look of it. A little bell.
He rang it. A loud chime sounded throughout the center, causing him to start and flush with embarrassment. He heard the tip tapping sound of heels on the linoleium floor, and spun, expecting to find Nurse Joy.
Only to find a Blissey. He blinked. “Uh. Blissey?” The Pokemon bowed, it’s voice akin to a windchime. “Is Nurse Joy available?” Blissey shook its head. Kelsier paused, thinking. “Uh…I’m here for my Pokemon. Left a message.” He didn’t add that it had been an hour ago. Blissey crossed to a monitor he hadn’t seen, its waddling gait amusing to watch. She pressed the screen, maneuvering the touch screen expertly as she pulled a wireless headset from a secret compartment and listened to it. She turned, her egg many feathery ornaments fluttered as she did so, eying him.
“So?” he asked, as she waddled back towards him. Blissey smiled, bowing, and raised a paw. Wait. It seemed to say. It waddled off. Kelsier sighed, leaning against the desk, hands in his jacket pocket. He hated waiting.
“I am so…” He heard a massive yawn. “So sorry! Blissey just told me you’re hear for your first Pokemon!” A woman popped around the corner, hair up in a tail, cartigan pulled over her shoulders. The women who ran Pokemon Centers didn’t have to be so pretty. He swallowed. “Uh, yeah. Sorry it’s so early.” “It’s-.” She yawned again, covering her mouth. “Understandable! Your name?” He gave her his name. She looked up at him, smiling brightly. He smiled back.
“You look nervous.” “I’m bit ashamed I rang that loud-ass bell, honestly.” He followed her into the backhall. “Especially since I’m not here for an emergency.” “It’s fine. That’s what it’s there for! Besides, I normally get up around 6; I guess I slept in today.” She turned a corner, took another right, and entered a large room. “This is our labratory.” He looked around. Centrifuges and monitors clung to every surface, and in the center, on a table top, sat three little Pokeballs, clustered together. “Why do you keep the starter Pokemon in the lab?” He asked. “Seems like a way to lose samples.” “We don’t usually.” She smiled. “I was running tests on them. Please don’t touch anything.” He kept his hands firmly in his pockets. The Pokeballs were all the same, with only slight differences between them.
“Do you ahve any idea which Pokemon you’re interested in?” She asked, picking one up. Kelsier paused. “I little. I’ve gotten some advice from my brother, but…” He looked at her. “I just want to go with what feels right.” She smiled. “That’s always the way, in my opinion. These Pokemon are rather feisty, just a fair warning. It’s good you’re a year older than most trainers on their first day.” He nodded. With that, she released the first of them. Piplup.
Piplup was a little, round Pokemon with a big blue head and bright, shiny eyes. It glared at him with abject disgust, and turned away, wings on it’s hips. He blinked. “He’s…like that.” She frowned. “I doubt he’ll ever find a trainer, no one can ever compare.” Kelsier shook his head. He didn’t want to fight with his partner. “I think I’ll pass.” She released Chimchar.
The Pokemon let out a screech and immediatly hid behind Nurse Joy, peering out from behind her legs. She shooed him away, speaking gently, but it simply hung onto her tighter. With a bright orange body and strong, dexterous hands, Kelsier had been interested in one. Not anymore. He again shook his head.
“Nah.” She smiled sadly, finally releasing Turtwig. It shook its head as it emerged from the ball, then stared at Kelsier from the table top. He gazed at it. It cocked its head, studying him. It let out a low long note, and stomped a solid foot on the surface of the table. Kelsier approached, amused.
“Well, you’re a little nicer than your friends.” It grunted again. “That little Turtwig is a female! She’s very curious.” He smiled, crouching down to eye level with the Turtwig. She promptly head butted him.
“Oh, my! I’m so sorry!” He heard her say. He grinned through the stars spinning about his eyes, clutching his head. “I…I don’t mind. Great Pokemon. I choose her.” He placed a hand on the Turtwigs head, patting her. She grunted with pleasure, eyes closed.
“That’s nice to see.” She handed her ball to Kelsier, who gazed at it, looking from it to Turtwig. She didn’t seem to want to go back in yet.
“You can stay out for a bit, Turtwig.” He smiled, picking her up. He followed Nurse Joy into the main foyer.
“You have a bit of paper work before you can leave, but after that, you’re all set.” She beamed at him. “I’m so happy you chose her! She’s fiesty, but very strong. Obedient too.” “I heard from my brother they make good first Pokemon.” He said, filling out the paperwork. Simple things; name, number, method of contact, age, and date. Emergency contact. Simple things, to track where the Pokemon were picked up. He’d have to file similar paperwork every time he visited a Pokemon Center in the future. It was how they tracked contagious Pokenotic diseases since the pandemic fifteen years ago that killed billions of Pokemon world wide.
“They do! The males tend to be easier to raise, but the females, in my opinion, are smarter!” She let out a giggle. “Females tend to be rare in the Torterra line; but they live much longer lives. You’ll have her the rest of your life!” He finished, looking up at her. “How long to males live?” “Oh, around eighty years. Females can live upwards of two-hundred.” He smiled, sheepish. “Best put her in your will!” She winked.
“Please feel free to stop by if you ever come home! We’re here to help!” She waved goodbye, and Kelsier, Turtwig tucked under one arm, left the center.
Hey all. Thanks for reading this short. I’ve been steadily working out the bones at work, and I plan to continue it a bit, as this entire thing with Kelsier’s PTSD is very interesting to me and I enjoy working with a character that has some major psychological damage. Mare will not be present, nor will the rest of the crew, but the Turtwig is going to be named Vin and Mauve will be around. The website bulbapedia is a great resource to look up pictures of the various Pokemon I listed, if you are unfamiliar, or a simple google image search :)
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harringtonstudios · 2 years
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hi! welcome to stories about my latest hyperfixations <3 everything is organized by person/character. 
 if you want to read anything in particular, or if you have an idea you wanna share, please send in stuff to my inbox! 
smut will always be bolded :)
last update: march 1st, 2023
all works are linked in the masterlist above!
walkman: you have a special way of scavenging that gets on Daryl’s nerves.
council: even with the world turned on it's head, somehow you find your way to Alexandria, and back to Daryl Dixon who seems to have a role in determining your fate. (set around s9)
green comet: living in Alexandria means you’ve been pretty sheltered, until now.
heartless: you’re known for being the worst of the Saviors crew, brutal and mean, but Rick somehow manages to uncover a different side of you.
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claracivry · 3 months
Haven't written in a while and I am aching!!!
Send me a boy (the numbers) and a situation (the letters) and I shall write and oneshot!!
Here's them!!
1- Kell Maresh 2- Colin Bridgerton 3- Cherry Blossom (from Sk8) 4- OPLA Sanji 5- Five Hargreeves
A - Delirious B - Unconscious C - Bruised and beaten D - Coughing up blood E- Held hostage
Propaganda under the cut!! (With pics of them in case you're curious lol)
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1 the most beautiful and angsty and ughhh Kell I love you and you should be hurt always
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2 Colin may just be a passing fancy but he's really pretty and sweet and I want him hurt
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3 Kaoru my beloved. He's rude, he's smart, he cares, he's been seriously hurt. He's great
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4 Sanji is sweet, he's badass, he knows how to cook and (at least this version of him) has a super soothing voice and potential for so much self sacrifice
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5 Yet another he's rude, he's smart, he cares guy. Five is easily whumpable and he literally puts himself in these situations. And we love him for that.
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melodywritesstuff · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Delilah "Lila" Bard/Kell Maresh Characters: Kell Maresh, Delilah "Lila" Bard, Rhy Maresh, Ren Maresh Additional Tags: Fragile Threads of Power Spoilers, Spoilers, Missing Scene, Extended Scene, Fluff, Family Summary:
A short missing/extended scene that picks up where we left Kell in "The Fragile Threads of Power". Major Spoilers for Threads!
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, David Jacobs & Jack Kelly Characters: Jack Kelly (Newsies), David Jacobs Additional Tags: Mentioned Crutchie (Newsies), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Suicide, (attempt), Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, theyre kinda exes in this, Oops, Arguing Summary:
Jack moved away from Davey, looking at the floor. “Just leave, Davey,”
“No.” Davey replied, still in place by the bed.
“Why?” he asked harshly,
“Because someone has to make sure you’re alive tomorrow.”
Jack huffed for a moment.
“That ain’t your responsibility.”
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ciricegh0st · 9 months
y'all i'm in the trenches i'm back into my shades of magic obsession so please have this very sad very hurt/comfort Kell and Holland thing I wrote
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
Hey does anyone know of any good websites/programs where you can upload/organize your writing (especially fanfiction) without having it public/having it private? Especially anything that has a tagging system
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shelvingcart · 1 year
S01 E03 - Episode 3: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
Today Sarah and Ted discuss A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. They cover:
Background info on Victoria (V.E.) Schwab
Background info on The Shades of Magic triology
Plot summary
Character summary
Is Lila non-binary?
Fan fiction (Rhy/Kell, Kell/ Lila, Kell/Lila/Holland)
Book recommendations
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gefionne · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Delilah "Lila" Bard/Kell Maresh/Holland Vosijk Characters: Holland Vosijk, Kell Maresh, Delilah "Lila" Bard Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Holland Lives, Suicidal Thoughts, Touch-Starved Holland, Past Holland/Talya, Past Holland/Vortalis, Threesome - F/M/M, OT3, Polyamory, Porn with Feelings Summary:
Returned by Kell's hand and blood to White London, Holland intends to die. But when his heart beats stubbornly on, he must carve out a shade of a life for himself in the Silver Wood. He believes all his tethers to the other worlds cut, but Kell and Lila will ensure that their connection to him, forged by the binding rings, endures.
Tis I, Gef, purveyor of porn with feelings. For who needs to be gently and passionately tag-teamed by his fellow Antari than Holland Vosijk?
(This thing consumed me for, like, a week--in the best way.)
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kattarra · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Delilah "Lila" Bard/Kell Maresh, Alucard Emery/Rhy Maresh Characters: Delilah "Lila" Bard, Kell Maresh, Alucard Emery, Rhy Maresh Additional Tags: background rhy and alucard, Jealousy, Jealous Lila Bard, Book 1: A Darker Shade of Magic, A Darker Shade of Magic - Freeform, kelila, Romance, Comedy, Romantic Fluff, No Angst, lila is bad at feelings, Genderfluid Character, genderfluid lila bard, Canon Compliant, After Book 3, slight divergence in timeline at end of book three but nothing serious, No Beta Summary:
jealousy gets the better of Lila and despite her head telling her it was a bad idea, she decided she had to go to the next Royal Ball to see for herself just who was trying to follow Kell back to his bedroom. Scratch that, their bedroom.
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do the people of the world want barzal/keller or do the people of the world want barzal/keller/matthews
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cosmererambles · 1 year
I hc Kell as a man who is utterly devoted to his chosen mate; and his last major relationship in my modern au fic lasted seven years. That was with Mauve.
He’s had others, but he’s… picky. Mare catches his eye, about 8 months after his rather sudden break up with Mauve.
I’m very excited to share this with you all. I want to get some chapters finished before I publish it, and it’s been hard to actually focus.
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jasonnieadventures · 10 months
From writing today -
Jason’s heart dropped.
“Long time no see,” said Kell, his smug face looking down at Jason.
Jason slid back on the bench, feeling trapped.
Kell stepped inside, wrested the last ripe orange off one of the trees. As he peeled it, his eyes fell to the orange peels on the bench. “What’s this?” He stepped forward.
Gray froze, his face seized with terror.
Kell chuckled. “Don’t worry. You’re not the one I’m here for. It was you I take it who ate the orange?”
Gray nodded slowly.
“Good. You’re allowed that. Jason on the other hand… You didn’t share, did you?”
Gray shook his head.
“If so, I would’ve had to punish both of you. As it is, I’m just here to deliver a message.”
“What,” said Jason, sharper than he meant to, his voice trying to override his fear.
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gothamcityneedsme · 2 years
that little losh cameo literally made my day
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melodywritesstuff · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Holland Vosijk, Kell Maresh, Rhy Maresh (mentioned), Lila Bard (mentioned), astrid dane (mentioned), athos dane (mentioned) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Spoilers for Book 3: A Conjuring of Light, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death, This is NOT an everybody lives fic, I'm Sorry, Closure for Holland, Takes place immediately after A Conjuring of Light from Holland's POV, Holland deserved better, I just needed one more little scene, Missing Scene, Technically three small scenes, Holland's POV, Kell's POV, sad but happy Summary:
An epilogue to Holland's story. Major spoilers for the whole Shades of Magic series.
*** For a brief, blissful moment, the blackness took him. It wrapped its arms around him in a comforting embrace and he felt himself floating away. And then the world reformed around him.
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
Geraskier Lovechild Masterpost
Once again: This became more than I anticipated... [Backstory] [The beginning] [Traveling with Geralt] [Jaskier is a good Dad] [Jaskier is a good Dad II] [Jaskier has stretch marks] [Milek is ill - meeting Visenna] [Yennefer finds out] [Milek loves horses] [Jaskier is teaching Milek to write] [Adventures make tired..] [Little Baby has a flower name] [Milek wants a pet] [the reality of being a witcher is more gritty] [Milek is anxious] [How old is Milek?] [Jaskier is herding goats] [Milek bumps into Eskel] [Milek bumps into Eskel - II] [Eskel and Milek playing] [Reading a story] [Eskel makes Jaskier eat] [Eskel and Jaskier talk] [Jaskiers jobs through the years] [Jaskier and Milek through the years] [The Baby loves animals] [The Baby loves animals - III] [Milek puts Jaskier to bed] [Milek is ill and Geralt feels helpless] [meeting Valdo and riding a horse] [Jaskier carrying baby Milek] [giggles] - [chonky bebe] [everything changes] [Milek and Jaskier talking about his time in the brothel] [Jaskier is a tired dad] [Jaskier giving birth] [Jaskier and Radovid in this AU] [What led Milek to run away] [Jaskier and Milek travelled to Kaer Morhen] [Spending time at Kaer Morhen] [Milek drew Geralt a picture] [Geralt sees a picture of the Baby] [How it should have been] [Geralt is a dad too!] [Milek talks with Ciri]
[Milek meeting all the other AUs]
Fanfiction: Sweet Little Lies (by Omission) by @alaskanbby Small Mercies by @alaskanbby If Only It were so Easy by @alaskanbby Just a Pinch of Salt in the Wound, You'll Be Fine by @oldandkinky All that counts now by @kell-be-belle I have my reasons why by @magdelanesingerin Unfair by @magdelanesingerin
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