#khonshu was still pissed about marc and steven up and leaving him so he takes it out on jake
Ok I need your hcs on what each of the moon boys do to annoy Khonshu. Like do intentionally to be petty.
WHEEZING! (Also I'm so sorry this took so long! <3)
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Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged? • ko-fi •
Warnings: swearing
Has a personal vendetta against Khonshu for scaring the hell out of him, so regularly does everything he can to be a little shit at any opportunity. 
Talks, a lot. Constant talking, constant questions, purposefully not even listening to the answers and just talking over him with even more questions. 
Tells Khonshu his knowledge of ancient Egypt is wrong (Steven knows it isn’t, but he enjoys how mad Khonshu gets). Also tells him his pronunciation of hieroglyphics needs work.
Will loudly sigh and declare that “the moon looks like shit today.”
Threatens him with Steven. All. The Time. 
“If you don’t start being reasonable I’ll get Steven.” 
Or just straight up peaces out and lets Steven deal with him. 
Once he realises that Jake doesn’t like Khonshu pissing him off either, he threatens him with Jake too.
Will also repeat whatever Khonshu says as a question as if he doesn’t understand him. (He does.) It always takes Khonshu a minute to realise Marc is messing with him. 
“Marc Spector, I need you to-” “Or what, you’ll make Layla your avatar?” Khonshu: -.-*
Ignores him.
Literally no reaction.
Khonshu could cause a solar eclipse and Jake doesn’t bat an eye.
Doesn’t flinch when Khonshu’s loud.
Doesn’t look up when he does that breeze thing. 
Just carries on about his day as if the god wasn’t talking. 
There are a couple of things that cause Jake to react that way, either it’s Jake’s day off/lunch break (he literally marks the dates and times on a calendar just for Khonshu and taps it if he bothers him during that time once. Then it’s straight up ignore town.) 
“Jake Lockey, I have a task for you.” 
Jake points to the calendar which has ‘Jake annual leave’ written on it in red pen. 
OR Khonshu’s annoyed him (or more likely Marc or Steven, or both.) He will not talk to Khonshu until the god apologies to all the offended parties. 
Khonshu once did the whole, ‘I have lived for millennia, you think I can’t wait out you ignoring me?’ to Jake, who was reading the newspaper. Jake promptly looked up once, slowly, to look straight at Khonshu and then went back to reading. When Jake was still ignoring him the next day Khonsu appologised in a very grumpy god way.
Thank you for reading!
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starryevermore · 2 years
hide and seek ✧ steven grant & marc spector
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: I had a writing idea for steven/Marc. I more or less live in a fanfic fantasy most of the time and I been wondering. What if the reader had been dating steven, knows about his alters but haven't met them, and one night. You're sleeping at his place and you just see moonknight himself walk in the door before changing back to Marc. And not only is that the first meeting marc but the reader is terrified bc scary masked man is actually boyfriend? And I am at a loss of what would happen in the hours and days after seeing that. I found you on wattpad and love your work - valatheapprentice 
pairing: steven grant x fem!reader x marc spector
summary: you have yet to meet steven’s other half, but when you see him on accident after coming home from a mission, you realize you can’t keep this game up anymore. 
word count: 1,110
warnings?: pet name (love), not proofread
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It wasn’t often that you stayed over at Steven’s flat. While Steven had learned that his sleeping disorder was actually DID and the reason he’d wake up with days completely missing was because Marc had been fronting, he was still nervous about you being there. Marc knew of you, and he knew you were dating Steven. But you had never met him. Steven worried about what might happen if you and him went to sleep together and you woke up in Marc’s arms. Would you freak out? Would he? Would it be a complete recipe for disaster? Whatever it would end up being, you and Steven decided to keep you staying over to a minimum until you and Marc were introduced and at least comfortable enough for the morning awkwardness. 
This weekend, however, had been an exception. Marc had apparently promised Steven that he wouldn’t front for the entire weekend, letting Steven have some much needed time with you. And it had been completely lovely. You and Steven went to a new restaurant that had opened up nearby. You watched cheesy romance movies. You snuggled up on the couch as Steven read. You had the most amazing sex before falling asleep in his arms. 
But now…Now it was weird.
It was one in the morning when you woke up to a half-empty bed. Steven was nowhere to be found. Shit. As you looked around, trying to find any sign of where he might of been, you realized the two of you fucked up by not making Khonshu promise to leave the two of you alone. Fuck that stupid pigeon. 
You let out a sigh, stumbling to the kitchen. Well, you weren’t going to go back to sleep so easily. You were to pissed at the pigeon to go back to sleep. Might as well make yourself a snack or something, maybe tune into some cheesy show. So, you made yourself a sandwich, sank into the couch cushions, and turned on Gilmore Girls.
Halfway into Paris’s meltdown from not getting into Harvard, the door creaked open. You were immediately on your feet, ready to take Steven into your arms, kiss him better from the stupid shit Khonshu put him through. But the man in front of you…That was not Steven. Steven wore the white suit, not the armor that looked like it had been wrapped in mummy bandages. 
The mask melted away, revealing the face you were oh so familiar with but just a slight bit different. Marc’s face was tenser, like he was holding everything back. It was so strange to see the man you loved look so different, act so different. 
“Love?” The armor melted away, and Marc went with it. Steven stumbled forward, taking you in his arms. “I’m so sorry. Khonshu needed us, and Marc was better for the mission, and I didn’t think you would wake up before we got back and I’m so sorry—”
“Shh, it’s okay. Let’s just go back to bed, okay?”
You didn’t see Marc again for a week. You didn’t hear from him, either. It was strange. Even though you’d never formally met the guy, Steven usually kept you updated on how Marc was doing. Now, it was like it was before, when neither you nor Steven had any idea Marc ever existed. 
When you tried to breach the topic with Steven, he would stammer and stumble over his words until he redirected the conversation to how big of a bitch Donna is or how he found this new book he was dying to read or literally any other topic of conversation that didn’t involve Marc. 
At this point, it was pissing you off. Why were they acting like this? Why was Marc avoiding you? Before, you understood. You had never really met him, and he wanted to give you time with Steven. But now, now you had seen him, spoke to him. How could he keep hiding? You didn’t have to see the guy everyday. You just wanted to have a conversation with him, clear the air and all that. And why was Steven aiding Marc in his hiding? Steven had always been gung ho about the two of you eventually meeting. Now that you kind of sort of had met, he was helping Marc run away? What the fuck was up with that? 
You decided the only course of action was to surprise them, to catch them off guard. So, you went to Steven’s flat when you figured that Marc might be fronting. And, oh, you were right. 
“Uhh—” Marc stammered when he opened the door to see you. 
“Don’t go,” you said. “I just wanna talk about what happened the other night.”
Marc swallowed hard but nodded, letting you into the flat. You went to sit on the couch, Marc taking a seat on the other end. “What do you wanna talk about?”
“I just wanted to finally talk to you. I mean, you’re part of Steven. I fully want to spend the rest of my life with Steven. But I don’t know how this is gonna work if we never meet. I don’t expect us to be more than just acquaintances. We don’t have to be friends or anything like that. I just want us to be able to get along well enough for Steven’s sake, you know? Because that man adores you, and I know it hurts him for us to keep avoiding this.”
Marc sucked in a breath. “I don’t wanna keep hurting Steven, either. I just…I didn’t know how to talk to you.”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Steven, he loves you so much. He thinks you hung all the stars in the sky. And I…I was terrified that I was going to screw things up for Steven if I ever, you know, tried to talk to you. I couldn’t do that to him. Not when he loves you so much.” Marc looked away. “All I’ve wanted for him is the best, and I know you’re the best woman he ever could be with. If I was the one who ruined that for him, I’d never forgive myself.”
You scooted closer, reaching out and grabbing his hand, giving it a squeeze. “You couldn’t scare me away even if you tried.�� 
“Not even showing up in the middle of the night in Khonshu’s ceremonial armor?”
“Not even then.” You gave his hand another squeeze. “Now, how about we order some pizza, put something on the TV, and just try to get to know each other, okay? No running, no hiding.”
Marc smiled ever so slightly. “That’d be great.”
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winniethewife · 11 months
It's undeniably real (Layla El-Faouly x The Moonknight system x Reader)
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Chapter 5: Now you've given me the will to survive
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Alcoholism.
Words: 1164
It had been three days, not a word from the boy’s. Layla and I were trying to keep busy. Both of us taking up extra shifts at work, coming home to each other late in the evening, having dinner together and cuddling close on the couch until we’re ready for bed. Holding each other close. On the third night we were lying in bed, Layla held my head to her chest, like she was protecting me, keeping me safe from anything that could hurt me. I cuddled in close as we lay in silence. Hoping to wake up and find our love lying next to us. I feel tears in my eyes and I wonder what could be happening now, all the worst case scenarios playing on repeat in my head.
“Habibti…Its okay…I’m right here.” Layla says softly running her fingers through my hair as tears fall from my eyes. Layla has a lot more practice with this, Them being gone, Doing Khonshu’s bidding. This was all new to me. They’d never been gone this long since I joined this relationship. I took a deep breath and nuzzled my face into her chest closing my eyes and trying my best to fall asleep.
*Moon Boy’s POV*
He had to get back to them. His girls, His wife and His partner. This fight wouldn’t be their last. Marc yelled as he threw one of his crescent darts at one of the members of the dangerous cult he was taking out. He wasn’t going to let this be the last time. It wasn’t long ago he would have given up his life for this, what did he have to live for? But now, he had a family to keep in mind. He needed to see his Wife smile, he wanted to hear his lovers laugh. He looked into a reflective surface and instead of seeing himself he sees Steven, who looked uncharacteristically pissed off.
Steven was ready to take the body and beat the crap out of these guys, His thoughts also on their Partners back home. As marc let him take over the ceremonial suit transforms quickly into the tailored white suit, Steven pulls out his night sticks and begins to beat the men in front of him, ducking and swerving to avoid their attacks and position himself in a better place to attack. He usually isn’t one to fight, but being away from the girls has got him on edge. He’d seen what these cult members were doing to their wives and daughters and all he could see in the woman’s faces was the look of fear, and how that fear would look on the face of the women he loved. That was all he needed.
Jake wasn’t loving being pushed to the sidelines for this fight. His own patience wearing thin. He wanted to get home to his Amor. He wanted to feel her soft embrace. But right now, he wanted to kick some cultist ass.
“Come on amigo, Give me a turn.” Jake huffed at Steven.
“And let you leave a mess of a massacre? Nah I don’t think so mate” Steven chided.
“C’mon it was one time!”
“One time since we could keep an eye on you.” Marc chimed in, reminding him of the point in time when they didn’t know Jake was around.
“Dios Mio…Don’t you guys want to get home?” He snapped
“Of course we do, but we aren’t going to be idiots about it” Marc growls at him
“Would you both shut up?!” Steven shouts exasperated, which confused the cultists, who weren’t talking. “Oh bugger this…”
Layla and I, wake up in the morning and there is still no sign of them. We start our day with breakfast, it was the weekend, no work, nothing to do. Layla said she had an errand to run and would be back later.
“Just relax darling. I’ll come back and we can just watch a movie or something.” She said as she left, kissing me on the cheek. I just wanted to curl back up in bed, the temptation to drink was high, but I knew if I went on a binge right now that wouldn’t help anyone or anything. As I lay down I realized how tired I was and I closed my eyes, drifting in and out of sleep as I slept fitfully. At some point I felt weight on the bed and a strong arm pulling me in.
“Hey…it’s okay baby…we’re home.” Marc whispers in my ear as he nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, pulling me in closer. I feel a sense of calm wash over me as he holds me in close. Wrapped up in his arms for the first time in days I finally fall asleep fully at peace.
I woke up later that afternoon still wrapped in Marc’s arms, and also Layla’s the two of them quietly talking as they held me, completely unaware that I was awake.
“It’s a bigger deal then we thought, this ‘cult of the jackal.’ There’s more of them then we imagined, they have a lot of power and influence right now it’s a mess. Not quite on a Harrow and Ammit scale but it’s still bad.” Marc muttered.
“So, it’ll have to be a team effort then, the both of us again?” Layla asked in the same hushed tone.
“We need the help…but I don’t know how to leave her behind.” My heart sank at that. I knew it was a possibility at some point they would have to go out and save the world without me, but after the boy’s being gone, I don’t know how to handle both leaving.
“We can take her with us. If this relationship was ever going to last she was going to have to do this sometime. She’s not useless either, we grew up together. She knows how to fight.” Layla argued.
“Does fencing really count?”
“Says the guy who throws magic moons around, or hits guys with sticks…”
“I want to come” I say quietly. They both seem startled as I speak looking down at me. “I also know how to shoot a crossbow or bow and arrow. I took archery courses.”
“I…I didn’t know that.” Marc responded running his hand down my back.
“I’m sorry Habibi. Did we wake you?” Layla kissed the top of my head.
“No I woke up on my own.” I said as I sat up and looked at them. “I don’t want to get left behind. I want to help.”
“Then let’s start planning, the more help the better.” Layla said with a smile. Marc looked worried but nodded.  “So first we’re going to need supplies…” Layla starts in. I take Marc’s hand as she’s talking and gives it a squeeze. He looked at me and smiles.
“I love you.” I mouth to him.
“I love you more” He mouths back with a squeeze of my hand.
Taglist: @redeyerhaenyra @summonthesoups
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
Lovely Little Sky
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Chapter 10
Graphic depictions of violence, death, mention of torture and blood. Mention of rape but no description of it, mention of death and child loss.
Jake shows you his softer side for others. Steven witnesses this as well, and rethinks the way he sees Jake.
"I wish I could, but… I can't." Jake replied while avoiding Steven's gaze. He waited for Steven to get angry, and possibly shout and scream at him, to which Jake would have shoved him right down into the headspace…
But instead, Steven just slumped his shoulders and looked at his hands.
'Oh. Alright, then. Um… Does that mean I can summon the suit still?'
"What?" Jake was confused.
'You know… The suit. I never made a deal with Khonshu, yet when Marc did, I got to use the powers. Do I still get to use the powers, or don't I? I mean, she scratched me up pretty good, and she saw it. We just didn't exactly talk about the fact the scratches were gone by the time I was done with her. When Marc left Khonshu, I just kinda went along with the whole leave us alone thing…'
"Are you fucking serious? You're concerned about whether or not you get your little hoity toity bespoke suit? How fucking British of you, Steven."
'Uh huh. Right. And like your little 'I'm a Mexican gardener' shtick wasn't cliche enough? Almost borderline racist-'
"You shut the fuck up. We aren't Mexican, we're Spanish. At least we actually have Spanish in our genes."
'So? And Marc's Jewish, yet you clearly are not.'
"I used to be, but not anymore. I swear, one of these fucking days I am going to go to a steakhouse and eat a blue rare steak with butter and bacon on it, and force you guys to watch." Jake snapped at him with a harsh glare.
'Ah, so you're the one that asked that girl at work on a date to a steakhouse. Right. A bloody vegan taking someone out for a bloody steak. Donna got right in my face about that one.'
"Yeah, and you told her you would eat a pansy ass salad and some bread. That steakhouse doesn't have vegan bread." Jake muttered at Steven.
'Fuck. And I thought Marc was a dick. This is just great. I have to share a body with two assholes. I'm going to be very surprised if she stays here with us. How can she even like you? You're a prick.'
"That's not what she says when I have her pinned in the back of the limo."
'You fucked her in my limo?!' Steven hissed, and Jake rolled his eyes.
"Our limo. I'm the one that made you buy it, remember?"
'That's beside the point. So you hired her, fucked her, then she pity fucks me-'
"She didn't pity fuck you, Steven. She likes you. She likes all of us. You have no issues with Marc liking her, because you fucked her before he did, which by the way, it doesn't matter who got to her first. What matters, is that she likes everyone for who they are." Jake pulled out another smoke, and Steven growled at that. He was not happy at all that Jake smoked a lot.
"Do you realize how rare it is for a person with D.I.D. to find someone that doesn't give a shit about having such a condition? And then all of the alters actually being on board and liking her at the same time? That's fucking unheard of. Did you even stop to think about that? I bet you didn't. How would you feel if she fucked you first, then Marc decided he didn't like her? Or God forbid, if I didn't like her, and went paying for hookers instead? What then, Steven? Hmm? That wouldn't be fair to her. Be happy there are only three of us in this system, otherwise shit would hit the fan more often." Jake snapped back as he adjusted his hat and tie, cig hanging from the corners of his mouth.
'I'm still pissed, mate. Marc has to know about you. We can't hide you from him.'
"No. Not yet. Give me more time. Please, hermanito? Just a little more time."
'Fine. Why do you need more time?'
"I'm hot on the trails of a big time illegal auction ring. I am trying to return a bunch of items that were stolen, while also trying to find the person that keeps acquiring these things. I need to complete this mission, because there is an artifact I need, and men to punish."
'And you're taking her to these places? That's fucking dangerous. I don't want her to get hurt.'
"She won't get hurt. She wants to help me. Khonshu said he will teach her how to do real magic, and she wants that so badly. That's why we bought that book-"
'The book? A magic book? You better not be talking about the Book of Thoth. That's a fucking dangerous book.'
"You told her it could be dangerous, not that it is. It's not dangerous if a God helps her to learn. What did you want me to do? Go ask Doctor Strange? I don't think so. He used to be the world's leading neurosurgeon, and he would probably deem us dangerous and insane."
'Used to be is the word here. He has no authority over that.'
"Maybe so, Steven, but he is a powerful sorcerer now, and part of the Avengers. People respect his word, more than they respect Tony Stark's. And if he even gets a whiff of that book, and Khonshu being around, he might deem us and him as a threat, because that book was part of the Sanctum library at one time. Is that you want? Ya want a fucking wizard to come in here and mess up our lives more? What if he takes her away to teach her, himself? Or what if he deems us too dangerous to be around her? Do you want that to happen?"
'Well no. No, I do not want that to happen.' Steven looked down and started fiddling with his hands.
"So please… Please can we keep me and Khonshu a secret for now? Give me a month. Just a month is all I need. Please, hermanito? Please?" Jake gave him a pleading look. Stephen sighed and nodded.
'Fine. One month. Not a day longer.'
"Thank you. We should go check on her now. You did make her cry, and I thought I would have been the one to do that first." Jake muttered and Steven looked down, feeling bad about it.
'Yeah, I guess…'
"Okay. How about I teach you magic while Jake sorts Steven out?" Khonshu rumbled softly as he placed hand tobyour shoulder. It was weird to feel the cold on his fingers.
"Really?" You looked up and wiped a few stray tears from your face. You suddenly felt excited, instead of sad.
"Yes, really. First, I am going to have you go grab that ring Jake got from the auction." He said softly. You grabbed your purse, half dumping it on the bed. You snatched the ring, and held it up.
"Okay… So now what?"
"Next, put it on." He instructed you. You narrowed your brows, and looked at the ring.
"But I was explicitly told not to."
"Just put the fucking ring on."
"Fine. It's on. What next?"
"That ring is very similar to a Sling ring. A Sling ring is used to teleport to different places. Places being, here in this universe, or places that humans aren't supposed to be that are connected to it. Example, with this ring, you could take yourself to the top of the Eiffel Tower, or, you could appear on the boat in the Duat. You could also fuck it up, and end up inside a rock, lava, water, or the vacuum of space."
"That sounds horrible!" Your eyes went wide at the last sentence. You sure as shit didn't want to end up inside any of those places. Khonshu hummed and tapped his fingers on his beak.
"Yes, but with a simple item, we can prevent that from happening. Here, please take this silver pendant. It will override a bad place to appear, forcing the spell to be moved to a safer area. This will include other such things, like appearing in the middle of a war zone if you weren't intending to go there." Khonshu said, and with a quick snap of his fingers, he was holding a small silver crescent charm on a silver chain. He hummed and put the chain around your neck and took a step back to look at it. The charm was very small.
"Okay. That's good. I like this. So... How do I use the ring?"
"Think of a place you want to go. I recommend a place you have already been to."
You closed your eyes and imagined a place. The first place that came to mind was the back seat of the limo. When you opened your eyes, you were still in your bedroom.
"It didn't work. Maybe I'm not able to-"
"Well done. People don't usually get it the first time." Khonshu said as he pointed his staff behind you. You turned, and there was an unusual tear in the space there. Inside the torn space, was a clear view into the back of the limo.
"Holy shit… I thought the ring just straight up teleported me, not open up a portal…"
"Well, that's what it does. Go on, go through it. It feels weird, and you might feel sick after the first time, but you'll be fine. I promise." Khonshu said, and he ducked into the portal to take a seat at the very back of the limo. You slowly approached the whispered tear in space, and you could feel a small wind rushing around. You reached out, hand going through the portal, and you were suddenly yanked through and spat out on the floor at Khonshu's feet.
"Sorry. I forgot to mention the amulet will make sure you won't be harmed by an ill cast portal. It slammed shut, because you lost concentration. Portals can be used to cut things, or people, in half."
You felt cold and numb, yet your skin was hot to the touch. Your body felt like a million bees were swarming inside you and you suddenly felt the need to vomit. Khonshu was quick to open the door for you, and you stumbled out to empty the contents of your stomach in a trash bin.
"I'm sorry. I should have warned you about the vacuum part." He said softly, while you just raised a middle finger at him between heaving into the trash. He chuckled and reached over to rub your back.
Jake was now right back at your door, knocking and calling your name. He got no reply, and he didn't hear any voices inside.
'She's ignoring you.' Steven piped up.
"Shut up." Jake snapped and he opened the door. He walked inside, and found you were gone, as was his boss.
'Where did she go?'
"Fuck if I know…" Jake replied, and his eyes landed on your purse that was sitting half dumped out on your bed.
The ring.
"Shit. He probably is teaching her how the ring works." Jake muttered, and he left your room, shutting the door with a loud thunk as he walked away.
'Ring? What ring? I thought you said it was a book.'
"I bought a weird looking double finger ring. Khonshu demanded I buy it." Jake grumbled as he kept walking.
'Is that why my wallet was all rearranged? Did you steal from me?'
"Borrowed. I borrowed some money. You'll get it back once I get the bounties."
'How much did you spend?!'
"Uh… You don't want to know."
'Jake. How much did you spend?!'
"Nearly all of it." The second he said the words, Steven nearly fainted away into the headspace. He managed to hang on and stay present. He was clutching his chest and his hair, looking like someone had just knocked the wind from him.
'Oh for fuck's sakes! Give me the body this instant!'
"No. I have to return a few items today. That will get us at least two million back. Plus, your stocks are soaring, and those investments returned double the profit."
'That's still not helping me feel any better.'
"You know what? I don't fucking care. I don't have time for this shit today. I'm going to get my shit together, and go find her. Then, I'm taking her with me to go return the items back to who they originally belonged to."
By the time Jake had grabbed his duffle bag and the items he needed from his safe, you had stopped feeling sick and crawled back into the limo. You were flat on your back, just staring at the ceiling and the underside of Khonshu's beak.
"Is that going to happen every time?" You croaked out and licked your lips.
"Yes, but you'll get used to it. The nauseating feeling goes away once you have a good grasp on how the ring works."
"Is all magic gut wrenching?"
"Pretty much. Why? You don't want to learn any more?"
"That's not it, I still want to learn."
"Good, because I suspect you'll need to know it if you plan to stay with them."
"Well, unless I outright get told to leave, I'm staying."
"Good. Now get up. Jake's got things to do for me today, and he wants you to go with him."
You left the garage and went back to your room the regular way, by walking, much to Khonshu's dismay. You got changed, and then packed your purse with what you would need, phone, wallet, headphones, and other such things. You were just coming out of your room, when you saw Jake coming down the hallway with his bag and a mean look on his face.
"Oh… Hey…" You greeted him, and he stopped mid-stride, looking up at you, his face going soft. He then looked to his left at the glass of the photo frame.
"Hey, mi cielo." He said in a soft voice as he turned back to look at you. He was now wearing that grin that he seemed to reserve only for you.
"Are you going out?" You asked.
"Yeah… Care to come with me?" He offered.
"Is Steven going to yell at me again?" You asked, and Jake glared at Steven in the reflection. Steven huffed and he slowly moved to a spot where you could see him better.
'No. I'm not going to yell at you again.'
"Are we okay?" You inquired.
'I guess. I'm just… I'm just really disappointed in the whole situation. I'm not mad at you.' He replied, but he sounded very touchy, like he just wanted some time to think.
"Good. Let's go." Jake muttered under his breath and walked past to get to the garage.
You went directly to the back seat and let yourself in, while Jake handed you your purse and went to the trunk to put his stuff away. He noticed the trash bin and raised a brow, thinking he should ask about it later. Steven didn't notice at all.
It wasn't long before the car was driving down the street, and you were sitting facing away from Jake. Steven was crafty, and had figured out how to move into any reflection, so long as Jake was close enough to you. He slowly appeared in the reflection of the tinted window and hummed nervously.
'I'm sorry.' He finally whispered, his hand resting on the glass. You reached up and placed your hand where his was, and Steven could have sworn that he could feel your skin on his.
"It's fine. I deserve it. You have a right to be-"
'No. You didn't deserve me being angry at you. You were just doing what you promised to do. I would completely expect you to do the same for me. I'm just… I'm just upset that now I am in on the lies.' Steven huffed while keeping his hand firmly in place where yours was. The feeling of heat meeting his flesh was odd, because he couldn't exactly touch or interact with things in this state. He wondered if you could feel the warmth too.
"What do you mean by that?" As you spoke, you looked down at your hand. It was tingly and soft, almost as if you could feel Steven.
Steven saw the look in your eyes, and he knew he couldn't be mad at you. He thunked his head against the glass, then sat up straight. He decided that he couldn't bear Marc being angry with you, knowing Marc's anger was so much worse than his own. He sighed as he removed his hand from the comfort of yours, feeling the cold instantly creeping into his entire being. He crossed his arms and looked away.
'I promised not to tell Marc about him and the bird man for one month. Jake says he needs to do a bunch of things before Marc knows about him. Plus, Marc will just lose his shit, and probably get mad at you, and I don't want that to happen. He flies off the handle, takes control of the body, abuses the shit out of it, then hands it back in tatters. I don't want you to see that. I don't want him to say or do something to hurt you."
"You think he would hurt me? I don't want any of you to be mad at me at all. I didn't want to lie to you. I told Jake and Khonshu that."
'I believe you. But now this is gonna be awkward to explain to Marc why he is missing a whole day. He's going to ask me what I did with my time with the body, and I can't just go, 'Uh, I don't know, mate. I also blacked out.' Because that's not gonna fly with him.' Steven said, and you both went quiet as Jake drove. Steven was already thinking up a multitude of excuses and stories he could make up that would sound plausible enough to Marc.
Being sick was out, as they haven't been sick since they met Khonshu. Steven couldn't say that he woke up and started drinking, because he barely drank to begin with. He couldn't say the weed did that to them, because Steven only really smoked that one time. He grunted as he tried to think, and you sat back on your phone to pass the time.
The first stop was a small home in a dingy neighborhood. Jake got out and grabbed what he needed, then he got you out of the back of the limo. You both went up to the door and he banged on the door with his fist three times. Not too long after that, an old lady opened the door. She smiled softly at Jake, then looked at you.
"Hello. It's good to see you again, Jake."
"Abuela. Sí."
"Who is this?" She asked and pointed to you. You were holding his arm, and she gave you both a suggestive look.
"Ah, this is my girlfriend. I thought you might like to meet her."
Steven was floored. He had never seen this old woman before, and he knew enough Spanish to know that Jake had just called her his grandmother. He was also surprised that Jake introduced you as his girlfriend.
"She's beautiful. Good job." She said and she shook hands with you. Jake gave Steven a warm smile, and he took your hand. She let you inside her home, and it looked like a tiny cottage you would imagine a witch to live in. Herbs were hanging in the windows, the kitchen was old fashioned, and there was no technology anywhere. The smells of baking filled the air, along with a mixture of the herbs that hung in every corner. You could smell the lingering scent of weed and various smells that were pleasant. Her home was cozy and comfortable.
"I've found your daughter's jewelry." Jake suddenly blurted out. He pulled out a box from the bag he held, and set it down in front of the old woman.
Her eyes filled with tears, and she clutched the box with shaking hands. Ever so slowly, she opened it, and she started to sob her thanks in a string of intangible jibberish. Inside the box was the first set of jewelry Jake had made you wear.
"Thank you so much. It's the only thing I had left of her since she died. Thank you, Jake." The old woman cried and gushed as she hugged Jake. He patted her back and held a warm smile as she buried her face into his jacket.
Steven just sat there in one of the dusty mirrors in shock. He had no idea Jake was helping regular people, and that box held expensive jewelry. Too expensive for a sweet old lady in a small house like this.
Jake and you stayed long enough for a coffee and some snacks, and you discovered he drank his black. You left shortly after, and Jake was taking you to another location. Steven was quiet the entire way, not sure if he could be truly be mad at the guy any more.
Another stop landed you at a very nice house. It was huge, but smaller than the one you lived in with the boys. Jake took you to the door, and just like before, he pounded on the door three times.
This time an old man answered the door. He took one look at Jake, and allowed him in without a word. Jake took you to what looked to be a parlor room, where there was heavy smoke in the air. There was a large man sitting at a desk with a laptop. The only sounds to be heard were the typing of the keys.
Jake pulled out a wad of cash, and then passed it to the man. The man didn't say a word as he withdrew a scrap of paper and wrote down an address. Jake snatched it away, and held out his hand in a demanding way. The man grumbled, and pulled out some sort of bag the size of a coin purse, handing it over with a bit of reluctance.
"Thanks." Was all Jake could say, and he promptly led you out of the house.
The next stop was at a run down warehouse, and Jake made you stay in the car this time. He wasn't very long inside the place, and he came out with a large package that looked like a rolled up rug. He was also in his moon suit and covered in soot.
"What the fuck?" You asked while giving him a skeptical look.
"I had to crawl into the furnace pipes to retrieve this. This thing has to go back tomorrow." Jake remarked while his mask melted away. With a very exaggerated gesture, he flicked the soot and dirt from his clothes, but you suspected it was the magic that came with it.
Steven was surprised to see that sort of simple power, and he decided it would have been helpful in the past, when he had been covered head to toe in blood. He was baffled that Jake's suit was just plain street clothing, plus a mask. He had no idea that Jake could change the look of the suit.
The entire day was spent going to odd and seemingly unrelated places. Each place, Jake would be handing off or receiving money or items. A lot of the places he stopped in were the homes of everyday people, returning lost or stolen items to their rightful owners. By the end of the day, he had stopped at the bank, the same one that Steven used. He took his hat off, combed his hair, and changed his coat to a suit jacket. He smiled at you, and his expression was exactly Steven's. You sighed at seeing that and he brought you into the bank with him, arm in arm.
Steven was freaking out, wondering if Jake was going to try and take more money from his account. He even started asking Jake what he was planning on doing, asking a million questions as they went inside. Jake just ignored him, and stood before the bank teller with that almost fake smile and his briefcase.
"Oh, hello there!" Steven's voice came from the body, but it was Jake. He put the case in one hand, then adjusted his tie as he greeted the teller.
"Card please." The teller said with a half smile. Jake pulled out Steven's wallet and withdrew his bank card and ID. She took Steven's cards and looked them over. She smiled and greeted Jake back with a polite and sweet tone.
"Ah. Doctor Grant. It's good to see you again. What can I do for you today?"
"I'd like to make a deposit. I made an investment, and it returned a profit." Jake replied in an English accent. Steven scowled and muttered something about how he didn't sound like that at all, that was more country sounding than his own. You just giggled and waved at the teller. She waved back.
"Ah, wonderful. Just so you know, your other investments have been deposited in your account this morning. The Stark Foundation stocks are quickly climbing in value, as are the other ones from America." The teller chatted to Jake about his profits, while Steven sat there utterly confused.
He hadn't put anything into stocks from America, especially not the Stark foundation.
"How are the ones doing from Japan?" Jake asked, and the teller hummed.
"They are at a stand still until your lawyer comes back from there. Mr. Murdock sent you a funds request… About an hour ago. We couldn't clear it until you arrived-"
"Clear it now, please, love. Give him double of what he's asking for, he'll need it for negotiations." Jake interjected sweetly, the British accent somewhat sounding a bit more like Steven. The clerk smiled and did just that.
While you waited for the clerk to do her job, Steven was trying to get Jake's attention.
'Jake. Why are we sending money to our lawyer in Japan?' He asked and Jake continued to ignore him. A moment passed and the clerk smiled, handing Jake a receipt for the transfer of funds. After, Jake requested access to the security deposit box.
Steven was amazed when Jake was taken to a private room where the teller took his briefcase. When she opened it, it was tightly packed with bills. Once the money was deposited, she showed the balance, and Jake sneered at his reflection, well he sneered at Steven. Steven was shocked to see a few million go back into his account just from the briefcase alone.
That's when Steven noticed all the investment names that were listed, and he was amazed to see that Jake had invested in all the superhero companies in New York. The Avengers via Stark Industries, the Fantastic Four via the Baxter Institute, Parker Industries, which was a subsidiary of Stark's, and that one frequently backed Spiders-Man's legal team, which ironically was Nelson and Murdock's Law Office. The same law office that defended the Punisher, Daredevil, and apparently now Moon Knight.
Steven was swimming in so much information, he decided to just stay quiet.
Now it was dinner time, and Jake was taking you to a restaurant. Steven was worried Jake would make good on his threat to eat a steak, but instead, Jake brought you to a place with vegan and vegetarian foods. You had a quiet dinner, with Steven barely speaking while he was let out to eat with you. When dinner was over, Jake took over again, and took you back to his home.
Jake asked you to go have a shower, then dress yourself in something pretty so you could meet him in his bedroom. Steven was upset by this, and he waited until you were gone, before he spoke up about it.
'Are you serious? You're going to fuck her in front of me?'
"Why should you have a problem with that, when you banged her in a changing stall, with Marc watching and participating?" Jake snickered as he withdrew a cigarette and lit it.
'That's… That's different. I'm on good terms with Marc.'
"Yeah, well, whether you like it or not, I was there. I must say, you did a very good job with her. You listened to my advice, regardless of the fact you tried to pretend that I didn't exist. Funny how that works, huh?" Jake teased with a smirk. Steven rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as a pouty look melted onto his face.
'Fuck. I don't know whether to be disgusted or grateful.'
"Be grateful." Jake said, and he heard a knock on his door. He grinned and winked at Steven, before he called out to you.
"It's open, mi cielo!"
When you got inside, Jake was just closing his closet. His jacket was off, and his sleeves were rolled up, showing off those muscular forearms of his. A sigh left your mouth, which they both took notice of.
"Okay. I am clean, and in a nice dress. Now what?" You questioned him. He exhaled a plume of smoke and put his cigarette out between his fingers. Steven had seen him do this a few times now, and he finally understood the thick calluses on his fingers, and why he sometimes would wake up with the scent of cigarette smoke all over him.
"Well, since Steven is in the know now, I thought he might appreciate going with us tonight. Though, boss man is going to be mad, but I don't really fucking care if he is." Jake remarked with a good crack to his neck. You could see a wince in his reflection, Steven not really enjoying the sound.
Steven was also surprised at how cocky Jake was. How he wasn't afraid to talk like that about Khonshu. He sort of liked it.
"But what are we doing?" You asked as you took out some lipstick and applied it. Steven moved close to watch, his eyes squinting as you made an 'o' face.
"I intend to take you to the warehouse."
"Oh. Okay." You murmured back with a weak smile. Your stomach felt a bit tight, knowing exactly where he was taking you. You didn't understand why you needed a nice dress to go to the warehouse.
'Uh, guys? What's this warehouse business all about? Is that a club?' Steven overheard the conversation, and he chewed his lower lip, waiting for an explanation.
"You'll see when we get there, hermanito." Jake replied with a sneer. Steven felt shivers go up and down his spine. He was not liking the playful undertones in his voice.
Jake took you to a place that took at least an hour to get to. It was by the docks, located near agricultural land. The streets were quiet, with no activity for miles. Trees surrounded the warehouse property, making nearly the entire place impossible to see into.
Now that you were at the warehouse, it began to set in that this was the place Jake was mentioning before. A place where he could do his business quietly. The place you would be tasked with cleaning after he 'used' it.
The building was old, but the outside was relatively decent, made of red bricks and grey flagstone. It had a large junk yard all around it, with various cars in the lot in various stages of disrepair. A few looked alright, like the pristine taxi cab that sat by the entrance. The tall lamp posts had old and yellow bulbs, and most of them didn't work. A few flickered to life, then would turn off for a few minutes, and back on for a brief while.
The yard itself was made of small pebbles and dirt. Patches of grass and weeds were growing alongside the ten foot tall prison-like fence that had rolls of barbed wire at the top. Almost every lamppost had a brand new security camera, covering every possible inch of the yard, and they were not subtle. It was weird that this dump would have so many cameras, considering what Jake used this place for.
The thick stainless steel entrance door appeared to have been recently replaced, and it was heavily reinforced around the frame and wall. There was a small keypad beside the knob, and Jake punched in a few numbers, not bothering to hide the combination from either you or Steven. It didn't matter to him if you two knew the code. Besides, you would need it later anyways.
Once inside, you took a look around. It was your average old building, with peeling wallpaper, chipping paint, and a lot of dirt and grime. The ceilings were bare, and showed all the pipes, ducts, and wires. There was barely anything inside the first hallway, which was an office with all the old things relating to what this place used to be.
The next room was an old break room, barely the same size as Jake's bedroom. It was painted baby blue, and the paint was newer than the rest of the building, but it was still old and smoke stained. It housed appliances from the 70's, an old microwave, hotplate, water cooler, and a half sized seafoam green fridge. There was an old, fold up, metal table that was used to hold it all, minus the fridge. In the corner of the room, sat a small stainless steel sink that looked like it was recently installed judging by brighter blue paint in the shape of the old sink all around it. The pipes under it were brand new as well.
The first thing Jake did, was flip the break room lights on, and he went about rinsing the coffee pot and starting the machine to make coffee. You took notice of how he added double the grounds then what was necessary to make it extra strong. Afterwards, he went and opened the fridge, gesturing to the contents as he looked at you.
The inside of the fridge was spotless and very clean. There were all sorts of imported beers, ciders, and soda pop. He even had water bottles, most being the flavored bubbly kind. You nodded your thanks and took something to drink, deciding on a cider, then you hesitated and also grabbed a nonalcoholic drink as well. Jake nodded back and took out a small bottle of whiskey, then he shut the fridge as he went to stare at the bubbling coffee pot.
"So… This is the warehouse? It's kind of shifty looking, no offense." You said to Jake. He chuckled and turned to look at you.
"None taken. I just bought this dump with a friend, real cheap, too. Some of the cars that were included were well worth the price of the land. My mechanic is gonna move in here soon to fix the place up."
"All I saw was junk and a taxi outside." You snarked at him, and he let out a large laugh.
"Well they are all shit boxes, except for the cab. Frenchi can do what he wants to the other cars. The taxi has been mine for about five years, and I maintain it well. The limo is much better, and that gets worked on by my mechanic, but I still use the cab for undercover work. It's less flashy." Jake explained as he took the half brewed pot and quickly poured some of the liquid into a metal travel mug, before replacing the pot to continue brewing. The coffee was thick and syrupy, because it wasn't finished brewing. He dumped a lot of whiskey into it, then took a big swig, nearly drinking it all. He sighed with a smile on his face, and slammed the thermos down, going to refill it again the same way.
Once he was satisfied with his second cup, Jake grabbed a bottle of water, putting it into his coat pocket, and took you to the next room. It was a large open area, appearing to be a garage of sorts. It had three bays in the floor, and a bunch of tool chests dividing each one. Tools lined the walls on peg boards, as well as boxes of parts and shop supplies on the old rusty metal shelves.nit was surprisingly very neat and organized.
The other half of the room was basically a parking lot for the nicer cars in the yard. There was a 1970 El Camino, painted in a starlight black fleck paint, but it was missing tires. Next to it sat a large silver 2008 Dodge Durango, which was missing seats and the windshield. Beside it was red Austin Mini, what year you couldn't tell, because it was completely stripped of everything, except the frame and shell.
The final car in the lineup was the best one. It was a 2008 Porsche 911, and nothing was wrong with it, aside from the hood being flipped up. The engine was perfect and clean, and you couldn't see what was wrong with it. Even the white pearlescent paint was spotless and ding free.
Steven had been following around and gawking at the whole room and the contents. He was quietly fuming about the fact that Jake had recently purchased this place, with some guy named Fenchie no less, and he racked his brain to see if he could remember seeing any odd charges to his account when he was there earlier that day, as Jake had made a point of showing him the balance history for the past two months. He groaned when he realized he most certainly had seen a large chunk withdrawn from a different account, and several others for utilities that he had just assumed went with the new house.
"There's a few more rooms. One is a storeroom the size of a classroom. That's the one I will be conducting my business in." He flipped on the lights as he walked, showing you a bathroom and a few closets with cleaners in them. When he finally got to the door of the room in question, you found it was also the same as the front door, all heavy and thick steel with a number pad on it.
He punched in the code, and swung the door open.
You gasped, seeing the empty room had only one thing in it.
A man strapped to a chair, a pool of dried blood on the floor around him. The stench of pure filth, like someone hadn't bathed in a week, mixed with soiled pants clung to the air like a viscous invisible smoke. It was revolting.
Steven was horrified, as he quickly looked around the room, noticing there was nothing reflective in it, save for the phone in your hand, and Jake's mug. He appeared on your phone, and looked up at you.
'Is he… Is he dead?' Came his soft and nervous voice. You shrugged, not knowing if he was or not, but he certainly smelled like it.
Jake came into the room, going right up to the man that was slumped over on his side as far as the chair would allow. You noticed the chair was bolted to the floor, with his hands and feet individually cuffed to the arms and legs. He had a cloth bag over his head, and flies were buzzing all around.
Jake nudged the person with his foot, and he didn't move. Steven gasped, and he looked away, glancing at you. You weren't looking away, because your eyes were trying to see if the body was breathing or not. Jake grabbed the man's head and yanked it back roughly, pouring the water he had brought with him all over the man's bagged head.
A loud snort and groan came from the man as he stirred awake. Jake stared down at him, and waited for a moment as the man lifted his head.
"Surprised you ain't dead, yet " Jake remarked with a stoic face, his eyes drawn into slits, showing his disgust. He nudged the man again, and you heard him coughing.
"Ugh, please, let me go… I promise not… Not to do it again…"
"Remind me why you're here." Jake stated coldy, causing you to flinch ever so slightly.
"I… I robbed… A young rich… Couple …" The man croaked between coughs. Jake sneered and raised his hand, then swiftly smacked the guy's face with the palm of his hand.
"And?!" Jake raised his voice a few octaves, the vein on on his forehead popping out just a bit as his anger began to rise.
"... And I killed them…" The man in the chair sputtered as he doubled over his lap.
Jake started to swear in Spanish as he circled the man. He brought his hands up, and made a fist as his gloves changed. Small crescent moons appeared over his knuckles, and he cracked each one of them one by one, making a threatening round of popping and snapping noises.
"You stalked them, terrorized them, tortured them, violated them, and you pretend that saying you robbed and killed them is good enough for me?" Jaked smoothly mocked as he reached out and backhanded the man. The man hissed out in pain. Jake grabbed the bag over his head, purposely snagging the hair underneath in a painfully tight grip. He leaned in real close, hissing to the man writhing in pain.
"You fucking scum. All for shiny pieces of gold. That woman you put your hands on, was eight months pregnant. You left her to die in a dark place, alone, and clutching her husband's cold corpse. She died in the hospital, and they couldn't even save the child." Jake growled out the words with much venom as he let go of the man. He turned to you, checking to see if you were scared.
You were definitely scared, but you understood that Jake was here to punish a sick and twisted individual. Knowing that little fact, and hearing the accusations made you less inclined to look away or stop him.
This man deserved it just by what you heard from Jake.
"Here's what's going to happen. You're going to confess everything, and I am going to record it. Then, I'm taking you to the police."
Jake did exactly that. He set up a voice recorder and a burner phone you had not seen before. He forced the guy to admit to his wrong doings, and then he came over to you, pointing to the door. You turned and left, making sure not to make a sound as he grabbed garbage bags and took you to the cab out front.
"Cover the seat, both back and front, and the floor, please. I'd rather not have to clean his bodily fluids out of my car." Jake requested as he handed you the bags.
You got straight to work, quickly covering everything he had asked. By the time you had finished, Jake was dragging the man out on a flat loading dolly. He had his hands zip tied behind his back, his feet bound in the same manner. The bag was still secured to his head. Jake threw the guy into the back, then locked the door.
"I'm going to drop this poor excuse of a human being off to the authorities. I need you to stay here. Don't worry about cleaning the mess up tonight. We can worry about it tomorrow, when you're not wearing a beautiful dress. I should only be about thirty minutes, an hour, tops. Feel free to have some drinks. Khonshu should be here soon to keep you company." Jake explained what he was going to do, and that you needed to stay here for your own safety. Before he left, he retrieved his iPhone from your purse, and made sure it was charged enough before he departed with the thug in his car.
It wasn't too long after, maybe five or so minutes after he left, that the moon God showed up. Again he was in his white suit, and he stood before you, hand raised in greeting. You nodded to him and approached him.
"You just missed Jake, er, I mean unless you were just invisible and hanging out."
"No. I was busy. I see Jake has dealt with that man he was holding." He simply said. He watched you snoop in the fridge for a drink.
"Yeap. He's taking him to the police." You muttered back as you grabbed another cider.
"Good. The man is lucky to leave here with his life, though he would probably welcome death now, with what Jake has done to him." He said, and you almost asked, when he held up his hand.
"Don't ask, that's why the bag was on his head." He said, and you opened your second drink, taking a quick chug of the ice cold fluid.
"So…" You cleared your throat, looking at Khonshu, who was leaning against the wall, both arms crossed, his cane tucked into the crook of his arm.
"So what? Are you bored?"
"No. I mean, I just witnessed Jake bitch slap a man that stunk like a garbage dump. I am pretty sure Steven is traumatized…"
"What?!" Khonshu flung himself from the wall and towered over you. Both of his hands were balled into fists as he hissed.
Well shit.
"Uh, um…"
"Why is Steven traumatized!? He's not supposed to be up when Jake is controlling the body!"
"Well, I've got some news for you, you silly old bird. Steven has been aware all day, has met Jake, and he knows about you still being around. He was not happy about it." You informed Khonshu and he started grumbling under his breath.
"This is not good. He'll blab to Marc, and not is not a great time for shit to hit the fan-"
"Calm down. Steven was definitely more upset about the fact I met and fucked Jake first, and didn't tell him about it. From what Jake tells me, Steven's a bit excited to have your powers back. Said he would give Jake one month to get his shit together, before he goes and tells Marc." You interrupted him, and kept talking until his body relaxed. He plunked his cane down and leaned on it while he ran a gloved hand down his forehead and beak.
"Is he still mad at you?" He suddenly asked. It was weird how soft his voice was.
"A little bit, I think. He did apologize to me, so I think we're good."
The entire drive to the police station was mostly quiet, save for the radio that was playing 80's hits. The guy in the back was barely moving, but his occasional groan told Jake he was still very much alive. He had the front two windows down as far as they would go, in the hopes the smell would rush out the cab and not linger.
Steven was in the rear view mirror, and he was twiddling his thumbs as he nervously waited to get back to you. He didn't wish to ask Jake any questions while the man was still in the back seat, figuring Jake would be in a better mood once he was gone. Jake never looked at him, and once he got to the station, he parked a block away and dragged the guy into the back alley. Jake cuffed the guy to a large dumpster, and then he placed the evidence next to the man. With a grin, he kicked him one more time for good measure, and he went into the station.
Jake acted like he was a simple cabbie that barely understood English, one that happened to drive by. He told the cops the guy was beaten pretty badly, and they went to go claim him while he filled out a small police report using a fake name. He left into the shadows, and got back to his cab in record time.
'What the hell was the point in dragging her in to see you smack that guy around, Jake?' Steven suddenly popped up in the mirror. Jake started to laugh, the sound deep and utterly condescending.
"I need her help. She used to clean up crime scenes."
'You're not going to make her clean up blood and shit, are you?'
"Actually, yes. She's going to teach me how to do it myself, so I don't leave a trace. If she learns magic from Khonshu, then hopefully she can just make it all disappear a lot easier, making less work for us in the long run."
'He is going to teach her to use magic.' Steven parroting back in a snide voice.
'Why is he being nice to her?' Steven asked.
"He sees how happy she makes us. He knows she can see us as we are, the way we see each other. If we have something to protect, someone rather, we do a better job for him."
'But Marc left Layla because of Khonshu. What makes you think he won't do it again to try and keep this girl safe?'
"He won't run this time. We won't allow it, will we?" He said, and Steven puffed up a bit.
'Yeah… I don't wanna be alone anymore. I like how things are going with her.' When Steven said that, Jake let out an amused chuckle as he pulled back into the warehouse yard. He got out and removed the trash bags, dumping them into a large oil bin he used to burn things in.
"Besides, I can't imagine him wanting to be alone again, not when this one knows all the bad things about us, and continues to stick around. She told me she likes how smart you are, and how your little accent makes her squeeze her legs together. Pretty sure anytime you speak to her, her nipples are hard." Jake sneered at Steven, who was in the reflection of the cab's windshield. Steven felt a stirring of arousal at that knowledge, and he decided he would have to pay more attention from now on.
Back inside the warehouse, Khonshu was explaining how he teleported around, versus the way you did with the ring. He faded in and out as a misty light, choosing to keep his physical body and soul mostly in another plane, which was why he was so freaked out that you could touch him.
Jake strolled back into the break room without a care in the world as he went straight to the coffee pot and grabbed another. Khonshu came right up to him and you could tell he was glaring, mostly because his arms were crossed.
"I hear you have revealed yourself to the bookworm." Khonshu said, his voice showing irritation. Jake looked up at him and rolled his eyes as he waved him off.
"Don't worry about it. Steven is on board. He promised to keep us a secret from Marc for a month at the very least, so I suggest you start being nice to him." He replied calmly and turned around. He was quick to look around for Steven, spotting him in his mug.
"Right, hermanito?"
Steven sighed and nodded.
I am sorry this took so long to produce. And for that, when it was finished, I didn't bother to run it through someone to proof read. Please enjoy, and comment if you want more.
@snippychicke @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @queenotaku23 @clairewinchester14 @promiscuoussatan @mona-has-friends @lazyotakujen @timeless-crow @crazylittlereader2474 @misscaitygrace @ahookedheroespureheart @annoyingmarvelreader @saahmi @noahspector @uncle-eggy @bitchyexpertprincess
33 notes · View notes
ghostly-wisteria-tea · 4 months
So, possible scenario. it's just a draft but the end goal for my fic, in one way or another, is for MCU Khonshu to fire 616 Marc.
How did he do that while 616 Khonshu is still around? Don't think about it too much. This is just an idea, ignore the massive plot holes.
Call me a sadist but I really want to see Marc get a massive mental breakdown now that he finally got what he wanted, what everyone have been telling him for years. To finally get rid of Khonshu, and he hates it.
And I mean everything, The statue is gone, the cult, the symbol, his "fist of Khonshu" privilege's.
Khonshu can rewrite reality a little so everything is simply rebranded. The Midnight Mission is still there, just renamed as Marc's Mission. The suit have all the crescent moon's gone. His office no longer have ANY Egyptian-coded deco, Art deco. Marc still have his team, and suit. Just without all that the Moon iconography he likes to put on the elboys, gloves, cape, and well, everywhere, as it is directly connected to Khonshu himself. And to be honest, Khonshu feels like his entire name is stolen.
Names, in Egyptian mythology has power and can contain the soul of the god himself. Almost no other god will share their true name as containing the name, means you are giving up your entire being.
And what really cemented his decision, is that MCU Khonshu found out about the whole, "Khonshu ordered me to take over the world." plan. And he is furious. Because that is exactly what Ammit tried to do, and what MCU Khonshu have been trying to stop for years.
So now, MCU Khonshu did what he have done with Arthur Harrow. Cut off all connection and finally freeing Marc because the whole thing with Marc starting a cult, (which is also what Harrow did) just really makes him sick. Even if he did use it to help people, Khonshu despises the "cult" front and just orders the man to shut it down. Rebranding the cult to just be a charity agency with no connection to the god.
This is like the world's messiest divorce.
And the consequences and aftermath is going to be felt. Because while MCU Khonshu have no problem cancelling his "contract" with his Knight if needed, like what he did with Arthur Harrow. 616 Marc doesn't.
That is his whole thing, that Khonshu will not, and never let him go. Marc in stuck in an eternal battle to be finally free of Khonshu. Then suddenly Khonshu appears and just did that.
No fighting, no taunts, just a voice telling him that he is fired and now free from being of service of the god.
It actually happened once in a previous run. Though with it, the disappearance of both Steven and Jake. So Marc just begs Khonshu back. And there is the anthology, but I don't consider that as cannon.
The only difference now is that Steven and Jake didn't disappear this time. In fact, those two have to deal with Marc's mental breakdown, the now rebranded Midnight Mission, and the idea that Khonshu is "breaking up" with him for good. And are very concern since Marc's breakdown is going to make the entire Midnight Mission collapse, sort-of, maybe. With the leader a bit gone, it might lower moral on everyone.
And to make it even more confusing, everyone, and I mean everyone in the streets of New York heard this. Khonshu practically echoed it, announcing it to the city, to prove that he is real, serious and pissed at Marc.
The whole thing is so sudden, and it leaves everyone, especially Badr being very alarmed at Khonshu's sudden personality change.
Almost like the god have a split-personality.
So, nothing good in Marc's side.
For Khonshu, well, 616 isn't happy about being separated with Marc, his fist and high priest. He is, in fact, really, really mad
But MCU Khonshu have a different definition on what counts as "loyal" a High priest, and cults in general. And after knowing that Marc betrayed 616 Khonshu, he doesn't see the man as loyal, nor a proper priest. All he see's is another a traitor he needs to get away from. No matter how much 616 keeps insisting that 616 Marc is a proper priest. So MCU just demands to know if Marc know any spells, or a traditional hymn, or give any offerings with prayer. Stuff a traditional priest from Egypt actually does since Marc is way too dependent on the mantle to an insane degree that again, reminds MCU Khonshu of Arthur Harrow's own twisted desire for redemption and punishment. And if Marc is a priest, then he should know basic magic invocation, which he doesn't.
So this is where their difference really clash, especially on the direction on what defines a god and their relationship with the supposed "priest". Spiraling to a Khonshu vs Khonshu feud that will end with both of them hurt.
So nothing good on Khonshu's side either.
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pokimoko · 2 years
Hey guys, I think I just found Jake’s Moon Knight suit:
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
The next chapter
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Part of the Murder Bird series
Gender neutral reader
You wake up. Eat. Get dressed. Wait.
Khonshu doesn't come.
You eat. Get changed. Go to bed.
Wake up. Eat. Get dressed. Wait.
Khonshu doesn't come again.
So you eat. Get changed. Go to bed.
Wake up. Eat. Get dressed Wait.
Nothing again.
Or the day after that.
Or the one after that.
Khonshu doesn't come to see you in over a week. You have no way of contacting other than through Jake, but Jake hasn't picked up his phone the past couple nights.
You can't call during the day because that's when Steven and Marc are living their lives. Jake has taken to the nights where he can be Khonshu's avatar without them knowing.
He must be busy.
They must be busy.
You sit in your apartment and wait. Nothing. Still nothing. You hate it. Was Khonshu avoiding you? Was this to do with whatever was keeping him so quiet? You would rather he insult you than be so... quiet!
A voice startles you.
"All alone without the bird brain?"
You stand up quickly and turn around. Anubis? Why was he here?
He laughs.
"Surprise! Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."
You watch him with cautious eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you."
You stare at him with distrust. Your work with Anubis was over. You didn't need him now. He certainly didn't need you. The gods could have whoever they pleased.
Anubis grins, bearing sharp teeth. The sight unsettles you because you know he has an agenda. He's here for a reason.
"I can't come and see you after your service to me?"
"A very short service which has been completed. Shouldn't you be in Egypt with a new avatar? You're free now."
Anubis chuckles deeply.
"Why would I want another when I had a perfectly capable one? If not for Khonshu, you could have stayed in my service."
You swallow nervously.
"Khonshu wouldn't want that."
"Exactly my point. Are you really going to let the bird keep the worm to himself? Unless of course you have feelings for the bird, which would really explain the situation."
"I do not have feelings for Khonshu. I trust him. He is my friend. He has looked after me all these years, even when he couldn't be with my physically. What good would it be making me an avatar? Especially to someone other than Khonshu?"
Anubis scoffs.
"But he won't take you as his avatar will he? Did you ever ask him why?"
"Because I'm important to him. I'm special."
"That you are. It's wasted not to take you as an avatar. I will heal you. I will keep you from deaths door, as ironic as they may seem, because you will the one weighing the scales on this mortal realm. You and I will be quite the team."
You glare at him.
"What do you get out of this?"
You stare at him hard. You don't know what he means by this. You don't understand what he wants. Why are you so important to him?
"I'm not interested."
Anubis stands tall, gripping his staff. He looks down at you with beady eyes. A shiver runs down your spine.
"You will call upon me one of these days. When you see that Khonshu is wasting your potential, you will see."
Anubis leaves.
Your phone rings almost instantly. You pick it up and answer it.
"Hiya!" It's Steven.
"Steven, hi. You all good?"
"Well, um, actually, I was wondering if you could come over? Marc and I would like to talk to you about something."
You hope this isn't about Jake.
"Uh, sure. You good?" You ask.
"Yeah. Fine. It's just... well, can you come over?" He asks.
"I'll be there."
"Great. Great!"
He hangs up and you stare at your phone. It's here you notice a text. From Jake.
Jake: Your bird boyfriend is pissed. Might want to check in soon.
You stare at the text.
What is going on?
@pickle-rick-y @endless-starzz @popcorn36274 @the-chaotic-cow @zafiro-draco @sunnypop02 @galaxypox @starkiller-queen @amp-le @manque-damour @lo0nylexi @jossambird @isa-grant @that-one-short-human @a-hopeless-fan @ancientbeing10 @draarnaak @shohannie @rosaren2498 @snixx2088 @hb8301 @mischievousvillainy
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Hey can I request an Marc Spector x fem reader (angst that ends with fluff) that based on that scene from moon knight episode 4 when Layla fights the Heka priest and end up talking to harrow and he tells her that Marc killed her father except it’s the reader and harrow tells her that Marc is married hurting the reader cause she taught that her,Marc and Steven were building something. Hurt she confronts Marc finding them “Your Married!” She says walking up to him clearly pissed off “What?” Steven asked confused before she slaps him across the face making Marc front (you know something spicy like that for the drama 😏) Idk really know what else to add other then Marc never really loved Layla he only stayed cause he had a guilty conscience regarding being the reason her father was murdered till eventually he couldn’t live with the constant reminder of his past so he fled cause that what he does. This leads to the reader asking how many people Marc has killed “too many to be considered a good person” or something vague like that you know how he likes to answer stuff 😂 “god Marc I need to know I’m not on the wrong side here” reader says this leads to Marc explaining to her why she’s not on the wrong side. By the end he confesses his feeling for her. In this fic Layla never comes looking for Marc so reader takes her place during the series events. Hope your having a great day 💕💕💕💕💕
Thank you for request, i did my best hope you like! Also hope you have a great day too!
Did this based on memory lol
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Being an avatar is not easy, you know this first hand. It might look easy to Steven or Marc, but it overwhelms you at times. You try hard to show mercy, to be steadfast in your beliefs, and be righteous in your actions. However, Harrow had successfully planted the seed of doubt within your mind. You try not to think about it, you try to think logically, yet the seed is now a sprout with roots digging into your heart.
You know Layla, or rather seen her before. She is… Beautiful. You have seen the way she looks at Marc, the way she speaks to him. There is a familiarity you tried to ignore until Harrow ripped off your rose colored glasses.
No! It's like what Marc said! Don't believe a thing from that madman's mouth.
Expect… When alone with Harrow his words once more ring true. Marc's scales are unbalanced, you do not believe that makes him evil but… He needs help. He said that himself but he put duty above that.
Khonshu is gone.
The only reason why Set is still with you is because they do not have Ra to seal him away once more.
It is a downward spiral of bad events, with Marc as the–
"You're married…"
Steven, poor Steven, he was so happy then looked equally hurt as you.
"You want me to trust you yet you fucking hide things from me!? Marc, haven't we been through enough!?"
The slap across was not something you would do, Set likes the chaos storming within your heart so he fed into it.
Marc, you can tell by the way he doesn't flinch or move, takes the hit. "We don't have time to talk about this, (Name)."
"When will we? Talking with you is like pulling teeth, you keep shutting me out or have Steven front." You are hurt, angry, confused. "You need to talk to me Marc."
"Do you want to talk and then Harrow's men come in or do we leave and talk privately without the weight of the world in the balance."
He's right… You know this is bad timing. But you are petty and it's too late.
"Fuck." Both saying in unison.
"I'm the one who's still an avatar; you run!"
Self sacrificing dumbass Marc!
Layla has every right to be upset by Marc/Steven's death, you try not to dwell on the anger directed towards you… She's the one still married to him after all. Knew him longer. Loved him. The sands shift, the sparks of electricity dance across your hand.
"How many people have you killed?" You asked during the aftermath of a fight. A mix of unconscious and dead people on the ground.
"Too many to be considered a good person." He gives vague answers when you ask too personal of a question.
"Am I a good person?" You mumble to yourself not thinking. The way Marc touches your face, your jackal mask dissolves into sand before disappearing. There you are exposed to him revealing your expressive concern.
"You are a very good person."
Though you are the avatar of Set, the God with a reputation of being 'evil', you try so hard to rise above it. To be better and above what Osiris and Iris claimed about you as an avatar of their enemy.
"Then so are you, Marc."
The sky roars with storms as you fight off the stolen and corrupted pets of Set, Ammit really overstepping herself to think she can send these lessers to kill you.
Cairo looks like a scene from a movie right now. Layla has gone after Harrow, you were trying to cause a storm to get the people to evocative only for that to draw Ammit's attention enough to get you being chased around.
You rain down bolts of lightning then the skies part, the morning turning into night, the full moon high in the sky.
Khonshu! Never thought you would be happy to see him… Wait, if he's out then…?
Set has nothing to say right now while you are happy Marc and Steven are free from servitude. The battle was epic, worthy of being recorded in the archives with the temple of the Gods. If they aren't petty and claim they knew along Harrow's plan.
You wish he died. Marc has enough blood on his hands, you can handle blood on yours. After the mental manipulation, the murders, and the betrayal; death would be a mercy.
Set is not pleased at all.
Layla stands by you, an awkward silence between the two of you. You have not spoken to her since Marc's second death (he must be a cat by now missing two lives). Being the last avatar, a powerful one, with a temporary one is uh… Odd. You feel alone without others around in the chambers… Though last time you were here by yourself, Osiris wanted Set sealed away with you being the catalyst.
What happens now? That is the question, a question you know the answer to but do not want to assume is the right one.
"Go to him."
You never moved so fast in your life until Layla spoke those words.
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the-butterfly-blues · 2 years
Budding Romance
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Chapter Four A Friends to Lovers Series Pairing: Steven Grant x Female Reader, Marc Spector x Reader, eventual Jake Lockley x Reader. Word Count: 1,910 Summary: After helping Marc get the information he needs, they decide to team up. Content Warning: None Requests or Prompts you'd like to see are gladly welcome. Series Masterlist * Previous Chapter * Next Chapter
Bored out of her mind, she distracts herself by watching the few people passing on a street nearby. Moon Knight has yet to show and it's starting to piss her off. If she had known he would've been late, she could have set her alarm for a later time. After another hour of waiting, she's about to get up and leave but is stopped as the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. His boss appears a couple of feet away from her. She simply stares at where he's supposedly standing for a moment, trying to think of a way to communicate without his knight.
"Let's try something."
She sticks her arm out, palm facing upwards while Khonshu watches her curiously. It was odd to have someone else talk to him, even though she can't see him.
"Put your hand in mine. I want to see if it feels any different than the proximity."
Intrigued by her idea, he does as she says and chuckles as a shiver racks through her body.
"So that does work. Great. Yes or no questions, put your hand back in mine for yes. Uh, is Moon Man on the way?" 'It is Moon Knight, little spider.'
He knows she can't hear him and replaces his hand in her.
"Great. I'm starting to get real bored, can I go ahead and get started?"
It takes a few seconds as he thinks, wondering if she should wait for Marc or go in on her own. He places his hand in hers once more.
'Let us see what you are capable of.'
Racing across rooftops, Marc knows he's late despite never setting a definite time. The moon is high above his head and the city is shrouded in darkness save for a few dimly lit street lamps here and there. What was even worse was that Marc had no idea what happened the last few hours before he woke. Steven was so content and happy, that he unconsciously blocked him out. As happy as he was about Steven having a friend, he couldn't have that. He needed to be aware of his surroundings at all times. There is no sign of the spider when he reaches the rooftop nor the Egyptian deity he serves which is odd. By now he half expected the floating bird-skull to yell at him about how he wasted their precious time by trusting the woman despite it mainly being his decision. Looking over the edge of the building towards the warehouse, he's shocked to see no one in sight. Maybe they handled all their business and continued on their way, that would be just his luck.
"I thought you stood me up."
Recognizing the voice, he doesn't draw his weapon, but still spins around in slight surprise. Scarlet Spider stands there with Khonshu only a few feet behind her. Her suit is different. Mostly black, blending in with the night sky around them, and a touch of luminescent blue in the place of the spider symbol on her chest. As funny as it sounds, it suits her well as the fabric accentuates her figure thanks to the absence of the blue hoodie. Her hands are on her hips and the blue emotionless eyes are squinted, clearly upset about his lateness.
"I waited for nearly two hours before your boss showed up."
She jerks her thumb back to where he stands with such accuracy it makes him wonder if she can actually see him.
"When he popped up, I figured I could go ahead and start. He needs to learn what personal space is though- it was like he was breathing down my neck the whole time."
An involuntary shiver racks through her body at the thought of how close he had been, her senses having been overwhelmed by his presence for a pretty long time because that's the only way she can perceive him.
"You already took care of everything?" "If by everything, you mean the guards and a very lousy security system, then yes, but you don't have much time to get the information you need. They've got people coming to check out why everyone's gone quiet."
Marc jumps down from the roof easily and he can't help but watch as [Name] slowly descends with a web, feet landing softly on the ground. She has just as much grace as an aerial silk acrobat or more, it's jarring to the quick, violent life he's lived and it's oddly beautiful.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer, moon boy."
Quickly looking away, he heads towards the building, only now noticing the knocked-out men either hanging from nearby lampposts or webbed to a wall. He doesn't know what else he expected from a veteran superhero.
"Keep out of sight if they get here before you're done finding whatever it is. They don't know I'm helping you."
Entering the warehouse, he finds more men webbed up while others lay on the floor unconscious.
"Because you don't want them to know."
Marc's head lurches forwards at the sudden impact of one of her webs.
"Don't be such a sourpuss. I don't care if they know, I just figure it'd be nice to have a bit of an upper hand for once." 'The spider is right, Marc. It has shown itself to be very useful.' "She, Khonshu, not it."
While he begins looking at the papers scattered around the room and the few boxes they have, [Name] occupies herself by messing with her Spidey-Bot. The warehouse was originally used as storage for Egyptian artifacts that had yet to be put on display at the museum. It doesn't take him long to find out where the scarab is located by simple deduction. He nearly shouts when webs surround him, pulling him closer to the ceiling, but stops as soon as he hears voices. Only seconds later do the doors open to show more of Harrow's men.
"Hold on tight, Moony."
She easily maneuvers him onto her back, his arms wrapped around her shoulders and legs around her hips. It was weird and he feels incredibly embarrassed, but he has no other choice at this moment if he wants to get out of here without much noise. As the people below them look for their men or the person responsible for their disappearance, the two escape through an uncovered vent. The moment they reach the rooftop of the building across from the warehouse, he hops off her back, a frown hidden under his mask.
"Never do that again." "I don't know what you're going on about, I just saved your butt." "You could've warned me and I could've gotten out of there in time. You didn't have to do that." "Oh, hush it, mummy boy. What'd you find?"
He turns away from her, planning not to tell her.
'The spider will be a good addition. It has shown itself useful and we will have the upper hand.'
Knowing that the god wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't do what he wanted, he turns back around.
"What I need is in Latveria. Khonshu thinks you're useful and wants you to come along." "Useful? Awesome. Usually, I'm called a nuisance or useless."
Her usual cheery, nonchalant tone fades off at the end, but she waves her hand almost as if to wave herself off.
"So is he saying he wants me to go to Latveria with you?"
When sirens sound in the distance, she has a feeling this will no longer be an easy night. Luckily, she came prepared.
She removes her glove and pulls out a card, having stuffed it there to make sure it didn't accidentally fall out because her phone number is written on the card.
"Text me the details."
Again, before he can say anything, she's taken off.
The call Steven had received during his lunch break was a little concerning, so much so that picking up dinner isn't even on his mind.
"Do you think you can come over after work? We need to talk."
Knocking on her door, he nearly jumps back as it immediately swings open. She looks exhausted and worn, more so than the time he'd visited after one of her all-nighters. Wanting to get here as soon as he could, he hadn't even dropped his bag off at home. She closes the door after he enters, setting his bag on the dining room table.
"Is everything okay?" "Yes, no, maybe. It all depends." "If this is about last night-" "It isn't! Well, it kind of is, but not in the way you think."
Taking his hands in hers, she guides him to sit down on the couch where she sits beside him. Quite a few people knew her secret, but she never really had to explain herself to anyone because they were in the same position as herself. The words are caught in her throat, only ever having had this kind of conversation once and even then it hadn't been her decision. If she doesn't tell him now, then she doesn't believe she ever will.
"There're things I haven't been completely honest about."
With a deep breath and a reassuring squeeze from Steven who looks at her with worried eyes, she finally says the four words she's been dying to say to him since she realized her feelings for him.
"I am Scarlet Spider."
He's silent for a moment, but nearly starts nervously laughing until he sees just how serious she is. Usually, she always sported at the very least a small smile around him, a smile of contentment, but now her lips are curved down.
"You're serious?"
With a nod, she stands and retrieves her usual red suit and blue hoodie, showing them to him. The proof is undeniable, especially as he starts piecing the few other things together. The odd photo, her oddly timed disappearances, and the spider-like robot.
"Okay.." "I wanted- needed to let you know before whatever we have goes any further because if you feel like you can't handle what I do, then I don't think this is going to work. Not that I don't want it to work, I definitely do, but I understand if you don't." "Hey." "What I do is dangerous-" "[Name]." "-and there's a chance that something could-" "Listen to me."
She stops, looking down at him with her suit still clutched tightly in her hands. While standing up, he takes the spandex from her grasp and sets it to the side before taking her hands in his, mentally copying what she would do if he was in her place.
"We'll figure it out." "But, what if it becomes too much? Always seems to be much more than what people think." "Then we'll deal with it then. All we can do right here, right now is take it step by step."
He's not used to calming someone, but he finds it nice, finds himself useful. It's odd feeling confident enough to handle something like this. If not for her constant support and care for the past months, he'd still be the same anxiety-riddled, mild-mannered man. When the tension in her brows softens, she sighs, worry still evident in her eyes.
"Do you really want to be a part of this?"
Dropping one of her hands, he hesitantly cups her face, thumb running gently across her cheekbone.
"As long as it's with you, absolutely."
A/N: Shorter than the last two, but I thought it was a nice place to stop. If you can't tell, it's going to follow the series for a while and then I think I'll continue it with a bunch of different scenarios and such. If you want to see any kind of scenario in the future, let me know what it is by commenting or sending an ask or something. Taglist: @ninjarose23, @ahookedheroespureheart, @wendds, @spicydonut25
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winniethewife · 9 months
Eclipsing Love
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(Marc Spector x Mafia!OC)
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Chapter 10: reminisce
Warning: Death mentioned, mild torture.
Words: 1132
Charlotte couldn’t think straight. She stood on one side of her desk, the man who had come to inform her of the news on the other side looked terrified. She felt her heart racing, the blood draining from her face. Twenty dead…Twenty dead women and children. A rival crime family had encroached on their territory and had committed a massacre. She could feel Khonshu’s rage on the edges of her mind as she processed this. She can’t make eye contact with anyone as she orders them out of the room, once she’s alone she falls to her knees. She puts her head in her hands as she tries to calm herself. Charlotte leans on the wall behind her desk. She feels her heart beating in her chest, She closes her eyes and Takes a deep breath. Her mind is full of memories of Elizabeth and Isabella, it’s been so long, she just wants to hold them, one more time. Just as she thinks she’s going to lose it she feels the embrace of Marc’s strong arms around her.
“Hey…what can I do?” He asks softly, his gruff voice is reassuring, Charlotte feels the tears on her face as she leans into him.
“I…I need to go see her…” Her Jade eyes meet his, she looked like a lost little girl trying to find her way. He didn’t need to know any more. He helped her to her feet and carefully guided her out of the room, fending off any questions from the others, taking her to the car and helping her into the passenger side. He takes a deep breath as he leans on the car, He sees Khonshu lingering on the top of the building.  He decides to ignore him for now, Charlotte comes first. As he gets behind the wheel and starts the car he adjusts the rearview mirror, Unsurprised to see Jake looking back at him. His alter gives him a look, before Marc can even ask where she wants him to take her, he’s already driving there. Jake knows where they’re going. Something about that still bothers him, He should trust his alters, He should trust them with her care, if it was Steven that would be one thing…But Jake was becoming very attached to her. They were spending more and more time together, and now Jake knew exactly what she needed, and he didn’t. That bothered him.
The Location they were going to was a cemetery, as they walked through the rows of head stones, Charlotte held Marc’s hand tightly as they walked. She hadn’t taken Marc here before, and the one time Jake came He had followed her when she went on a late night ride on her bike. She could tell Marc wasn’t saying something, but she wasn’t sure how to bring it up. He was trying to comfort her, but also looked pissed as hell. She just couldn’t deal with another level of drama on top of an already complicated situation. She finally spots the headstone she was looking for. She stopped and let go of Marcs hand. She approaches the grave getting down on her knees infront of it. As she does so Marc looks at the engraving and suddenly regrets being angry at the situation. “Elizabeth Walker. Her love, a symphony, now echoes through the ages.”  He thought of what she said in the office. “I need to see her.”  He’s an idiot.
“Lilibet… Milseán, I’m sorry to visit you like this. I just…I miss you desperately. I know some people tell me I should leave you in the past, too painful a memory, But I couldn’t, I can’t. Our life together meant everything to me. It would be worse to forget you.” She speaks softly to her late wife, Marc couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten. He knows how much Charlotte cares about him, But Elizabeth was everything to her. Sometimes he forgets that a lifetime ago she was married, she loved someone else, Hell she still loves her. He felt even more an idiot for letting these feelings with Jake get in the way of this. She has more love to give than he could ever imagine.
After they arrive back home, Charlotte Sequesters herself to her office to make plans. As she sits at her desk going over years of notes her father had made on the rival gang, She can finally ignore it no longer.
“Why are you watching me? Don’t you have some weird dead bird things to do?” She says with a sneer. For days now it felt like Khonshu watched her every move and she was frankly getting sick of it. 
“You want justice for what happened to those you lost.” He says, as he leans over her his usual threatening behavior barely phases her.
“Yes, and?” She cocks an eyebrow at the deity.
“You could easily take them out, with my assistance…”
“I’ve told you, If I have to run this family I have to do it the right way. If every one of our enemies are taken out by Moon Knight or Eclipse, it will lead back here. You may be a god, but I was trained to run this family, I was born to do this, whether I like it or not.” Charlotte looks at the looming figure with disdain before looking back at her work. She hated this life, she wanted to be normal for once. But that was never an option.  Khonshu scoffs at her.
“You should know better than to defy me girl.” He says threateningly. She feels a tightness in her chest, it gets tighter the longer she ignores him, she looks up as the pain gets worse, her eyes closed tight. Khonshu’s fist clenches and she feels her heart stop for just a moment. “You are mine!”
“Enough! Leave her alone!” Marc bursts in the door, his eyes filled with fire and his voice filled with venom. Khonshu growls, then vanishes. Charlotte feels a tight pulse through her body and then, the pain leaves. She feels a rush of relief and she swears she sees stars. Charlotte doubles over the desk with her head in her hands, Marc rushes over to her kneeling on the ground next to her, his hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, Baby look at me…come on look at me.” He whispers. He knows what its like when Khonshu throws a tantrum, whenever he tried to take out whatever has gotten him pissed off on him, physically, mentally, you name it. She turns to look at him. He looks into her eyes, the pain is evident. He feels a building rage as he looks at her, he puts his hand on her cheek. “Hey, hey… I’ve got you, baby…I’ve got you.”
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Milseán: Sweetheart
Tag: @ominoose
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