#kids have a wonderful ability to be very serious about very silly things
geraskier · 5 months
on the topic of me being a kept pet--roomie and his fiancée were half-jokingly talking about hiring me as a live-in nanny if/when they have kids and money.
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cursedvibes · 9 months
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I absolutely hate the way fandom keeps misinterpreting this chart, especially in regards to Yuuji and Hakari. They just go "oh someone is bad at learning in a classroom setting? well they must be stupid and an absolute meathead". Zero consideration for why some people might do worse in academic settings or why one school has considerably "smarter" students than the other. Maybe it's not the students fault and maybe test scores aren't everything.
I'm gonna assume this person was just making a general statement about the Tokyo Trio group dynamic that wasn't meant to be that serious and worded it badly. That's why I'm writing this in a separate post. And again, this is more about a broader trend I see every time that chart gets passed around, not this specific person.
It just annoys me so much how they keep hammering in on Yuuji and Hakari being at the bottom and what that must mean about their overall mental capacity. Hakari was mistreated by the school, no wonder he didn't care about tests. In a day-to-day situation he's much smarter than Panda (three kids in a trenchcoat) or Megumi, but obviously that won't show here. Most people get overwhelmed as soon as he so much as attempts to explain his cursed technique and domain, but sure he's the dumb one. This shows he isn't even bad at regular learning topics, he just had no reason to care about this school.
Same with Yuuji. The fanbook this same chart is from shows he's good in regular high school, he just struggles with the more mathematical side of the STEM subjects. Getting physics lessons from Gojo sounds like a nightmare. Which brings me again to the phenomena that the students in Kyoto do overall much better than the one in Tokyo. If you have nobody to properly explain concepts to you, no shit you're not gonna do well and we have heard many times before that Gojo is a bad teacher. Yuuji learns very fast, we've seen it when he is together with Nanami, Todo and Kusakabe, it just all comes down to how you teach him. Although to be fair, the classroom teaching is also done by assistant directors and windows, who are probably too overworked to put much effort into it. So you have naturally the students already good at learning in this type of environment at the top, while everyone else gets left behind.
Besides that, Yuuji and Nobara have always been very good at thinking on their feet, especially when they are together. Just think their teamwork when fighting Eso and Kechizu or Mahito. In Mahito's case they didn't even see each other and it worked. Dumb Nobara figured out the Mahito she was fighting was a clone, dealt considerable damage to him and thereby helped Yuuji immensely. Anticipating the next steps of enemies and allies alike takes intelligence as well as analysing an opponents abilities and weaknesses like when Nobara turned Rot against Kechizu. Dumb little Yuuji is the sole reason there is even a coherent plan to save Megumi right now.
Yuuji and Nobara like to joke around and be goofy while Megumi is more reserved, but that doesn't make him smarter or them dumber that's just a part of their personality. Megumi being too much in his head and not appropriately judging risks and coming up with effective solutions for them was a whole thing he had to work on and overcome. Todo is also a good example that being a bit of a delinquent and silly guy doesn't say anything about smarts. He's probably just better at school learning (being trained by Yuki that would be partially a necessity) and also had better teachers.
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giulliadella · 8 days
So I've seen a lot of discussion among Gravity falls fans about Bill being possibly adopted, since he is yellow and his parents were blue and red. I think that this idea is kind of silly and I'll give you four reasons why it might be like that! Three of them are pure biology and fourth one is a little fucked up.
Reason 1: Yellow is a recessive trait.
We (unfortunately) don't know much about Bill's species, but since he has a mom and a dad, this means that they reproduce sexually. They receive one half of their genes (or their equivalents) from mom and the other from the dad. This is where recessive traits come into play: these are the traits that you won't exhibit, unless you have both copies, one from mom and one from dad. The opposite of them, the dominant traits, will show on you even if you have just one copy. In humans, O blood type is recessive, while A and B are dominant. So if you have gene A from one parent and gene O from another, you will be A blood type, since O shows only if you have two O genes.
In Bill's case, colors blue and red are dominant and yellow is recessive. So let's say that his mom was blue and had By genetics. His dad was red and he had Ry genetics. In gametes, these genes divide so his mom could pass on either her dominant blue gene, or recessive yellow and his dad could also pass his dominant red gene or yellow. So their child could have been:
BR = purple? (this is the equivalent of AB blood type)
By = blue
Ry = red or
yy = yellow - that's Bill :)
Reason 2: Sexual dimorphism
You probably know what is sexual dimorphism: that's just a sciency way to say that males and females look different. The traits that differ can be subtle, like size, or very apparent like beautiful tails of male peacocks.
In Euclidians, there could be association of sex and color. Males could be red, females could be blue, but maybe there were more options.
If this were true, then Bill is not male or female, he could be intersex, OR he could be male and one of his parents is intersex.
Reason 3: It's a part of his mutation
Bill was born with a very rare mutation that allowed him to look up. This basically means that he had to be inverted which makes me wonder how tf did he even survive. When kids are born with such serious mutations, they usually don't suffer from just one condition. In his case, his weird color could have been a result of that mutation interfering with his ability to produce pigments correctly.
Bill changes color depending on his emotional state. When he's angry he turns red for example. If he can do that, then it's fair to say that the rest of his species probably could too. Now, we don't know really if his parents were truly red and blue, we just know that that's how Bill draws them.
So... they may have been yellow, just like him, but changed their colors due to overwhelming emotions. Like when they were DYING. If this was the case, then Bill is actually drawing the faces of his parents in their last moments. That's the last thing that he's seen when he destroyed his dimension. That's the thing that bothers him the most. It would make sense.
So anyways, I hope you liked my analysis of this! If you have any more ideas, share them and thank you for reading :)
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mysadcorner · 2 years
(Tom Holland) Peter Parker Dating Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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• Peter would be pretty bashful the first time he saw you. He’d practically have a crush at first sight on you, and regardless of how strong and capable he is you always manage to make him shy.
• He’s one of the most emotional people you could ever meet, and almost everything he does is motivated by his feelings for those around him and what he believes to be right. Because of this you can expect him to be very romantic, and actually quite understanding of what you may be going through much better than the majority of people.
• Peter as a boyfriend is a huge mix of both silly and serious. He’s been through so much trauma in his life that he can spot a serious situation from a mile away, but he also knows just the right way to cheer you up and keep you in a positive mood. It’s a wonderful combo as he’s pretty good at determining what’s right for the situation when he really needs to.
• he’s on the road and travelling a lot, and that’s much more than he usually wants to. Peter would much rather spend time at home with you and the closest people to him while relaxing, but that doesn’t mean the thrill of helping others isn’t enjoyable. He’s always trying his best to make sure you don’t miss him too much (but he honestly misses you so much that he’s constantly lonely and border line sad when you’re far away).
• Peter would happily give up his own life in order to protect you from literally anything and has come to accept this fact a long while ago. He’d hate ti ever put you in danger so he’s definitely secretive about his second life when you first get ti know him deeply - although, this doesn’t really last for long as he feels very guilty keeping things from you.
• Rather than bringing up his adventures and fights with villains at any chance he can get, Peter actually enjoys the mundane and simple things in his life. Doing homework with you, or going out for lunch is definitely something he enjoys and are some of the happiest memories he has of you.
• PDA always makes him shy no matter how much the two of you do it, and he wouldn’t be against it unless you were going absolutely overboard and making people stare or feel uncomfortable. Peter would much rather keep that kind of intimacy for when the two of you were alone.
• Although Peter didn’t have much experience regarding relationships when you two started dating, he definitely is a quick learner. Because of his abilities he catches onto things quickly and is easily doing things better than the average person. Peter is also a great listener, so tell him what you like and he’ll stick to it.
• Peter doesn’t enter a relationship if he doesn’t think it’ll last long. He definitely wants a long term partner that he can see himself settling down with and having a happy future together (including kids and a potential marriage). He wouldn’t like you to feel forced into this, but it’s definitely something you both need to have in common before things get truly serious.
• He would be absolutely torn to shreds if the two of you broke up, and he wouldn’t be himself for a very long time. When in a relationship Peter gives his entire self to his significant other, so the thought of not being enough or not being lived anymore affects his performance in anything. Both his education and life as Spiderman would need to have a break because of the recovery he needs.
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irresistiibles · 9 months
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was that zhang zhehan? oh no no, that was just ling yao, a canon character from fullmetal alchemist. they are twenty three years old, use he/him, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
like a month or so. he's adjusted but hasn't seen any of the chaos yet. he will pretend not to be adjusted to have an easier time or get free things.
what is your character’s job
he's teaching some martial arts classes. mostly for children but he probably teaches on adult class. he's pretty good at it but he's also very goofy so not a lot of people take him seriously. it's also important to know that ling is a grifter to his core. if you let him talk to you for too long he will manage to get a free meal out of you and he absolutely winds up with extra money and items that he shouldn't have.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
i don't have an exact moment in mind but sometime after he becomes greedling but before the final battle, so he's definitely having a weird moment of wondering wtf happened to the manifestation of greed that had been consensually possessing him.
has any magic affected your character
any other info
first of all i am aware his fc looks older than 23 but that was a purposeful decision! in canon ling looks older than he actually is so that is just part of his vibe, you think you're gonna get someone late 20s who's a responsible adult and instead it's ling who's 23 and an idiot.
another one of my goofy little guys who is more serious than he lets on.
though ling yao isn't really trying to deceive anyone or come off different than how he is. he is just a silly little guy, he's just capable of being serious when he cares
he's not sure how much he cares here in washington. i considered having him be involved in the government here but at the end of the day ling is pretty stubbornly devoted to his nation back home
i would say he's easy to get along with except he's pretty annoying
especially still here in washington. he doesn't understand what's going on or where he is, but he does understand there's some sort of magic or ability he hadn't previously heard of.
the man is on the hunt to become immortal, and with all the supernatural people here he will be very intrigued by the possibilities (i am not going to have someone turn him immortal but he will want it)
ambitious and borderline greedy but has a good heart. sometimes greed is wanting to protect everyone even when it isn't possible okay
and in regards to that though he is annoying he's relatively easy to befriend and is very protective and serious when it comes down to the people he cares about
a bit of a hypocrite. he's annoying, knows it, and doesn't care but will absolutely lecture people on their faults
so impulsive and stubborn. when he wants something he will do the dumbest things to get it
like purposefully getting possessed in order to be immortal!! which is something ling does in the show!!! luckily he befriends the dude possessing him but that really sums up how bad his decision making can be.
potential plots:
not something that would be preexisting but absolutely down for some doppleganger nonsense. ling is an idiot and would respond to someone calling him a different name by being like "oh yeah, jun wu, haven't used that title in a moment. my friends actually call me ling." so very possible he gets in trouble for this.
anyone who takes his martial arts class, or who's kid takes his class
anyone he's somehow swindled some free meals out of
literally anyone who counts as a supernatural creature he can annoy (especially if they're immortal. this weirdo wants to be immortal so fucking bad)
a genuine gym/sparring buddy
any friends do just hang with. he loves hunting down nice restaurants.
enemies/annoyances lmao though i can't promise ling would take anything like that all that seriously.
someone who ling has decided is a friend even though he's mostly just annoying them
literally anything pls the fma brainrot is real
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There's No Trains To Heaven
Things I made this semester: A just barely 19 page long historiography paper. An accompanying 7 and a half page long research proposal with 22 page long annotated bibliography because I found too many interesting sources and had too much to say about them. An 8 page long paper about seditious speech that could have been a little shorter but I had too much to say about that, too. One data research analysis report (with accompanying fun bar graph). A basically functional, entirely responsive website with 7 individual pages (which I'm still putting the final touches on). In between all of this I recorded an eleven song album of nuclear reactor core folk ditties, all by my lonesome.
T’was a good semester.
I also changed my major. Again. This summer I'd declared a second major in history to go with my studies in emerging media and technology with a minor in web design. But I wasn't too sure about the latter degree. Part of why I was clinging to EMAT was plain ol' fear, to be completely honest. Not a crippling or conscious fear, but the oft-restated assumption lingering in the back of my head: it'll make you marketable. If you get a bachelor of arts, you'll either be out of a decent job or trapped in the stressful, low-paying world of education. Get that ~science~ certificate in your life and you'll be rolling in that dough and not destute, unlike those silly B.A. kids.
Well, I don't necessarily agree with that train of thought. Having had the concept of "STEM" shoved down my throat in even middle school, I've grown critical of the importance we place on those fields specifically. As vital as technology and science are, you also have to realize that the social sciences are just as useful to, well, society. Yet such fields are looked down upon. No wonder people nowadays are barely capable of critical thought, take everything (especially media) at face value, and barely know the basic facts about their own country's past. It's because we condition kids to doze off in their classes and not take education on any level seriously, especially not the subjects associated with boring, stuffy things like reading and interpreting and thinking. Too much hard work, let's rah-rah the football team instead.
Learning history and connecting it to the present is one of the most important things you can do to become a more aware citizen, and it's time we stop pushing this culture of self-consciousness over what people think of us because of our degrees or careers and actually work on ourselves to actually get some informed participation in society. As for the career part, my workplace on campus is proof enough to me that studying history can get you a fulfilling job that lets you utilize the skills you honed and information about the wider world you picked up in your studies. It helps you connect with people and their past experiences. It helps you contextualize the world you currently live in. And by studying things objectively, it helps you become a more logical person less swayed by disgusting propagandic appeals to emotion. It just helps you become a better person. Realizing that that is the path I want to take, as opposed to sticking with a major I just wasn't fully jiving with in the name of some enigmatic ideal of making my chosen institution proud or something, is very freeing.
The web design minor is staying because I just genuinely love twiggling around with my little HTML and CSS files and applying my graphic design Skillz in that manner. On the other hand, I've picked up another minor: creative writing. I've always taken my writing abilities for granted; I'm a great writer, I'd say. But only now have I really felt empowered (to use a cheesy term for lack of a better one) to express it in a creative way - and not just in the songwriting department. I think I felt for a while that I had to suppress my "creative" side in order to appear serious to...I don't even know who I was trying to appeal to. But my brain has been firing off in too many directions lately, and has been too inspired by the world around me and my various influences to let my individual perspective linger in the background. I gotta do me.
So I went from English while enrolling --> Journalism because I was under the assumption that all the English majors were going to be Swifties --> Public Relations for a few weeks because I had no idea what I was doing --> Emerging Media and Technology with web design concentration --> History + EMAT + web design --> History major + web design minor + creative writing minor. That's a really weird and still incomplete circle, but it's fun to think about.
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violentviolette · 2 years
even MORE FANDOM related questions because I cannot get enough (really loved how you put the whole "hero vs villain" structure of bnha and also the todoroki family dynamic into words, really well said genuinely). what are your thoughts on dabi's and hawks' dynamic? I'll admit, I'm not too knowledgeable on hawks' character beyond him growing up in a hero institute(?) and endeavor being his favourite hero since he was a kid (crazy connection there). would you say that you have a relationship akin to their dynamic (whether fanon and/or canon) irl? going outside of the bnha universe, what other characters would you say hit home for you as closely as dabi does (they can be anime or not) and other pairings you would say align with some irl relationships? I'm assuming chuuya is a top anime character for you, and if so, would love to hear your thoughts on his silly lil' self. IF you were in the bnha or bsd universe, what do you believe your quirk/ability would be, or what would you LIKE your quirk/ability to be? (you can tweak pre-existing ones to form something new or claim/combine pre-existing ones if you'd prefer). not too sure how much you know about pokémon, but if you were in the universe, which town/region would you like to grow up in? and if you were a gym leader, what type would you be and what would be the main quirks and colours of your gym outfit be? (if you want to go as far as listing the main pokémon you'd have as well, I'm all ears) Hell, you can be a gym leader of five types altogether for all I care. or create your own type (like a 'trans' type) and list pokémon you believe are trans as your main. non-related fandom question but you've reblogged posts about writing previously and I was wondering if you had somewhere you posted things (fics or smth) unless it's purely a journalling side-hobby or similar. anyways, hope all the noise in life has dialled down and that your father dies of his illness soon !
OUGHH anon listen. listen. i fucking love hawks with every fiber of my being that little bird boy has me by the *throat* i am SOOO NORMAL about him under a read more to save all ur dashboards
i genuinely love hawks so much i think he's an amazing character and he's so deeply intertwined with the todoroki's i very much consider him one. him and dabi both having father issues over the same man is genuinely so fucking funny to me. like imagine u meet a guy there's definitly something wrong with him and he's highkey got daddy issues and then u find out he's got daddy issues with UR DAD like aljksdhjkdsklasdjkhaksldj fucking gold but no on a serious note i ship dabihawks so hard. i think they're such great mirror images of eachother. they're the same and different in so many ways but their core ideologies are so different it makes for such a great push and pull between them. hawks comes from a deeply abusive household where he was neglected and beaten and then essentially sold off to a goverment agency to be trained as their super soldier. the hero commission i think is such an amazing concept that horikoshi absolutely squandered and did nothing with
like, the hero commission is introduced to us as this force for good, in the public eye theyre an agency that works with the top heros to keep everyone safe. but they're shady af, they ""adopt"" an abused and vulnerable child from a low income family, then abuse him further and train him as a disposable tool. they use him to kill in the name of the "greater good" and have him take the "unsavory" commissions, doing the dirty work that no one wants to publicly admit to in secret, always saying its the right thing to do, but is it? is any of that moral or right or just?? is any of that worth it? worth the countless people like lady nagant and hawks whose lives are stolen from them as children and are forced to become murderers for the state?? does their humanity not matter? how many people must be sacrificed for "the greater good" before its not worth it anymore? how is the commissions grooming of children to become murderers any different than all for one's grooming of children to become murderers? the only difference between dabi and hawks, is which side got to them first. all for one takes, abuses, and grooms dabi from childhood to become a murderer in order to create his ideal society. the hero commission takes, abuses and grooms hawks from childhood to become a murderer in order to create their ideal society. and yet one of these men is the number 2 hero and the other is a terrorist. what is the different? where is the line? have they not both suffered under the hands that guide them? are they not both irreparably broken by a system that swears its meant to protect them? are they not both failures? and hawks' internal struggle reflects this!! we see that the guilt of all the things he's done, the people he's killed, everything he's lost, and all he's sacrificed for the commission weighs on him. we see how it eats at him, how he doesnt consider himself a good person anymore, how he hates himself for every life he's taken, how he resents the commission for essentially enslaving him and caging him. how desperately he wants to be free and how the commission exploits his desire for a peaceful world by pretending everything he's done will be worth it for that goal. and he just keeps telling himself that over and over again, that it'll all be worth it one day, no matter how much he knows deep down that its a lie i think after his and dabi's original fight, it would have made much more sense for his character development for him to have defected or at least stop siding blindly with the heros. after the fall of the commission horikoshi essentially just stops giving hawks any development and stagnates his character after having learned absolutely nothing and their being zero consiquences for the heros. like dabi showing hawks murdering twice SHOULD have caused the public opinion of him to shift and for people to turn against him and for him to have to actually face and confront the person the commission turned him into and how much he hates that person and that should have been the tipping point for change but instead there's zero consiqunces, no one cares, hawks just doubles down on becoming endeavors new adopted son and just continues to follow him blindly and become a sexy lamp. it's so annoying and infuriating and one of my major gripes with the canon. hawks deserves so much better. he deserves to break
as for having a hawks of my own, that would be ryo LOL him kinning hawks and me kinning dabi was originally how we got to know eachother. we met in a cluster b server and he had a hawks pfp and was running a gore channel called hotel transylvania and i instantly fell in love with him LOL turns out we have like, multiple kin pairs in common which i just think is really funny. we have maimed and killed eachother in so many lifetimes <3 true love right there
as for other kins i have a few but not too many. rin okumura from blue excorcist, catra from she-ra, Akira from devilman crybaby, nezumi from no.6 and a couple others i do love chuuya!! he's my baby, i dont fully kin him but he is big me energy. i dont have too many in depth thoughts cause ive been avoiding the manga and spoilers cause ive liked watching the anime fresh but his and dazai's relationship is everything to me lmfaooo love some bitter ex's who still unconditionally love one another and who work so flawlessly together and compliment eachother so well and can just jump right back into things as if no time has come between them. also love the unshaken and unquestionable trust that comes with letting something destroy u knowing the other person will save u before its too late. soukoku is just *chefs kiss* and dead apple is SUCH a good arc for them
im terrible about inserting my current self into those universes to pick a quirk or gift tho cause like, in my mind i already exist there lmfaoooo so i can never actually pick a different thing than what my kin already has. like cremation is 10000% what my quirk would be and i would absolutely not be a gifted but actually be the current embodyment of an ancient summoned god LOL
as for pokemon i'd probably end up a water gym leader cause i always end up with a water team whenever i play lmfaoo i just cant help it i love the soggy wet little dudes. but personality wise id probably be a dark/fire type trainer. or i'd have like, nothing but dog and fox pokemon. my favorite as a kid was ninetails because ofc it was lmfaoooooo now it's vaporeon tho i love that little water fox so much
i do have an ao3 but i post there very very rarely. im not great at writting and so i just kinda dabble in short little stories when i get a real itch or have an idea i cant let go of. right now there's only 3 on there but ive been working on another dabihawks one but its taking me 90000 years a;lksdjjahsdklajsd
but thank u anon i really appreciate the kind words and questions and stuff!! im glad u enjoy my ramblings about how normal i am about anime men LOL
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mrsmaybank · 3 years
Crushing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
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“Reid, stop giving JJ’s intern bedroom eyes. It fuckin’ weirds me out.”
A/N: I love baby genius, season one Reid so much. I wanted to give him a soulmate. Soulmate is you: shy and also a baby genius. Okay, thanks for reading. This was honestly just for me. 
CW: Implied Smut, Mild Cursing, shitty writing 
“Who...Who is that?” Dr. Spencer Reid, debatably the wordiest boy Derek Morgan had ever met, was suddenly at a loss for words. Maybe it was your perfectly sculpted face, your shoes, the copy of The Kreutzer Sonata held to your chest, your chest, or maybe a mix of it all.  Whatever it was, at sight of you walking through the office doors, he was stripped of his ability to speak. 
“That’s JJ’s new intern.” Morgan said plainly, before noticing the completely enamored look on his friend’s face. “What, pretty boy?” Reid couldn’t even be bothered to reply. He was too busy studying every detail of your frame. 
“You think she’s cute or something kid?” Morgan playfully jabbed his shoulder, Spencer’s face instantly flushing an embarrassing shade of red. 
“What?!” He shrieked, “I-no! That’s not..No!” That’s a lie. 
“I just..I didn’t know JJ was getting an intern.” That though, was true. 
“She’s supposed to be pretty impressive. Let’s go meet her.” he started in the direction of the coffee stand, where you and JJ had begun chatting. Before Spencer could protest out of his shyness, he was being dragged along. 
“Morgan,” JJ smiled, “Spence,” she nodded in his direction, “This is Y/N Y/L/N. My godsent savior.” JJ beamed in your direction.
You smiled more sheepishly then you would’ve liked, muttering a “Hopefully.” that got a laugh from Morgan and a “Oh, please.” from JJ, but nothing from the man in the glasses. You did your best not to read into it. 
“Derek Morgan.” the muscular agent extended his hand to shake yours, an offer you timidly but happily accepted. 
The taller, lankier, younger, incredibly cute man next to him stuffed one of his hands in his pocket and shifted uncomfortably with a small wave, “I’m uh, Doctor Spencer Reid, oh! Uh, you don’t have to, uh call me Doctor. No..” He shook his head, “Just Spencer is fine.” He looked at you with wide eyes that sent butterflies berserk in your stomach and swiped his tongue in between his lips that only made them go crazier. JJ had told you all about the team. About the magnificently brilliant Dr. Spencer Reid, his 3 PhDs and eidetic memory, and all the other quirks you’d have to know in order to work with him, but had failed to mention how utterly hot he was. You felt a crush hijacking your system already. Dear god. 
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Your hands gripped your book tighter as you shifted onto your tiptoes, “I’ve heard really exceptional things.” 
The conversation was set to continue, but Morgan and JJ were summoned by Hotch to the closed doors of his office. Leaving the resident genius and you starting at each other with tight lip smiles. 
Spencer started first, “The Kreutzer Sonata is great.” He excitedly continued, “It uh, it actually used to be a pretty bold book to carry around. After the work had been forbidden in Russia by censors, there was actually a mimeographed version that was widely circulated. Then in 1890, the United States Post Office Department prohibited the mailing of newspapers containing serialized installments of it too. Theodore Roosevelt even called Tolstoy a-” 
His enthusiasm was beyond endearing. You finished for him with a soft smile, "Sexual moral pervert.”
Spencer’s lips upturned in a smile. It was rare somebody in the office could finish his sentences. And he couldn’t help but replay the crass words being said in your soft voice. He felt a crush hijacking his system already. Dear god.  
“Most people don’t recognize it in the original Russian.”  Spencer heard you say. 
“Most people probably wouldn’t recognize it in English.” he retorted.
You laughed, “Yeah, you’re right.” 
Spencer wasn’t even kidding. “I’m not joking.” He shook his head. “It’s unfortunate how many people aren’t even vaguely familiar with Tolstoy.” 
“It is.” you agreed. “You went to Caltech, correct?” 
He smiled, “Yes.” 
“I almost did too. Decided last minute on Columbia.” 
“You went to Columbia?” he asked. 
“I just graduated.” 
“How old are you?” he asked before quickly correcting himself,  “I’m sorry! That was forward! I am not...I’m not trying to undermine your studies with your age, I promise. I’m just curious.” 
“No! It’s okay!” You got out fast. “I’m 19. I graduated high school a little bit early.” 
“Me too.” He smiled. “12, actually.” 
Your eyes went wide, “12?” 
“Yes, um, in a Las Vegas public high school.” He winced, but the self-deprecation somehow came out charming, “I uh,” His eyes narrowed, “didn’t go to a lot of parties.” 
That made you wholeheartedly laugh. “Me neither! I graduated at 15, which you know is the age everybody else starts. It created a really weird dynamic because the older kids in my grade didn’t like me, but the underclassmen my age really didn’t like me.” 
Instead of the laugh you were expecting, Spencer just gave you a pensive stare. 
“Um..I can’t see why. I think you’re very likeable.” The compliment would’ve been strange exchanged by anybody other than Spencer to you.
  “Wait till you get to know me.” You said it through a smile but so softly you were afraid he might not be able to hear it, but he did. 
And that was confirmed when he flashed you the most incredible, toothy grin you’d ever seen. “I uh, I doubt there will be any change in opinion.” 
“Well, um, I’m sure- I think! You’re very likeable as well Dr. Reid.” you said. 
“That’s what you say now.” He retorted in the same coy tone you had earlier. 
You shook your head, “You’ll find I can be insufferably stubborn.” 
After two weeks, there was little Spencer could do to hide his massive crush affinity for you from the team. 
In the bullpen: 
You guys had locked eyes and were mouthing out exchanged of No’s and Yes’s from across the room. There was an ongoing half-serious dispute about whether or not Xanthippe slept with Plato. 
Morgan glided in his wheeled chair to whisper into Spencer’s ear. 
“Reid, stop giving JJ’s intern bedroom eyes. It fuckin’ weirds me out.” He said, shoving files into the cabinet below Reid’s desk. 
“I’m..I’m not.. I--what? Bedr--No!” Reid whisper-shouted back. 
On the jet: 
“Reid?” Gideon called Spencer, “Chess?” He motioned towards the board. 
“Yes, sure. Just give me a second. I’m almost done. I’m reading Infinite Jest. I don’t usually enjoy literature if it isn’t classic, even less so if it’s American. But..” Spencer smiled, “Y/N likes the author.”  He continued his fast-paced reading of the third-to-last chapter of the book. 
Morgan and Gideon exchanged glances. 
Even in front of you: 
You opened a sugar packet and began stirring. 
“De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium is still some of the best work on  heliocentric theory out there, I think. Copernicus knew what he was talking about!” You spun on your heels to see Reid’s face contorted in disagreement. You giggled, “Don’t give me that face! I’m right!” 
He took a sip of his coffee as to keep himself quiet. “Listen, cosmological theory is for…” 
But the pair of you were interrupted, it was Elle, standing behind you and in front of Spencer. 
“New skirt?” Elle asked as you turned, back now facing Reid.  She was pouring herself a cup of coffee too.
“Yes!” You excitedly nodded. “You like it?” 
Elle looked up and down, but not at you. The judgmental eyes were for the man behind you. She pursed her lips, “Not just me.” 
The only face redder than yours was Reid’s.
Nights spent in a bar after a case that had dragged on far too long was nothing new, but the energy tonight was especially light. Gideon had refused, but everybody else was just relaxed, even Hotch, and the team just got happier at each other's happiness. It was great, really. As Hotch and Morgan sipped on whiskey, JJ and Penelope had already downed four sugary, colorful cocktails and were in a whispered fit of giggles. Elle and Spencer settled on a tamer option of an IPA Spencer couldn’t name. 
“SPENCER!” Penelope excitedly shouted, “Y/N is literally you! You’re both adorable! You’re both geniuses! You’re both young!” She drew on her rant, “And if you have a crush on her you should just tell her!” JJ’s eyes widened in embarrassment as she tried to cover Penelope’s mouth. 
Morgan and Elle erupted in soft laughter while Hotch cracked an uncharacteristically amused smile. 
“Spence, I swear, I didn’t say that! I just...I may have mentioned how happy you get every time she’s around! And how you guys can talk for literally hours!” JJ defended, her words slurring in silly drunkenness. 
Spencer rolled his eyes. This wasn’t the first time they teased him about you, and it probably wouldn’t be the last time either. 
“I don’t have a crush on her! We just….we like the same things! It gives us a lot to talk about.” 
“Yeah?” Morgan said through a laugh, “And what is it that boy and girl wonder talk about so much?” 
“Well, uh.. a lot of things. But I find she gets the most excited when we are discussing the theories of postmodernism, in that apparent realities are actually just social constructs and veritable realities are subject to change, and uh... we like to talk about linguistics….political philosophy….history... mathematic theory...and uh, oh! Doctor Who.” 
Spencer was blushing and spoke about you like a teenage girl did their boyband crush, and the team noticed. They didn’t even need to say it out loud. Spencer gathered from the way they looked back at him. 
“I heard she lent you a book too, Reid.” Hotch said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“Yes! She did!” He smiled, “It was her copy of Pale Fire. She has an impressive collection of 19th century Russian literature. All in its original dialect! Some of it’s even annotated, which usually would annoy me but since it’s her thoughts and notes I sort of find it endearing.” 
“Dr. Reid is endeared!” Greenaway shrieked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, pushing his glasses up a little higher on his nose, “I find her incredibly endearing.” 
“Y’all that sounded like a dorky love confession.” Morgan said as the team erupted in laughter and Reid’s head fell in a smile. There was no point in denying it anymore: He really, really liked you.
Within two months, you and Spencer had finally put your shyness aside, and spent a very lovely evening at watching an orchestra at the Smithsonian Music,  and sharing noodles at your favorite Thai restaurant. And then you guys spent some time on your couch. And then in your bed. And then in the shower. And then in the kitchen. You were both very sexually frustrated. 
For the following two months, as soon as you both stepped out of the office, it was very, very hard to keep your hands off each other. Could either of you help it though? Teenage geniuses don’t experience parties, or football games, or clumsy sex. The time was perfect to make up for it. 
And you guys did. The sex part at least. “Football involves a lot of dirt. And germs. And sweat.”
“Oh my god!” you shrieked. His hands were in a place they found themselves more and more often: Your pants. 
“Does it feel good?” he asked, continuing his pattern of small circles on that particular bundle of nerves. 
“It feels great.” You nodded. 
“I uh, I’ve been researching the female anatomy.” 
You closed your eyes and nodded your head, but trying to focus on your boyfriends newfound intellect. “It’s fascinating, isn’t it?” 
He watched your undoing with boyish adoration and curiosity before swallowing, “Very.” 
“Oh fuck!” Your legs began to shake, “Spencee...I’m gonn--” 
You and Spencer just understood each other. 
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darthmaulification · 3 years
boba fett NSFW alphabet
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A/N: boba fett is just... *chef’s kiss* 😍😍 i want to hug and smooch him on the lips and have him absolutely rail me 🥴🥴
this is for post-sarlacc/mandalorian boba fett as well, and does primarily assume fem/afab!reader.
nsfw under the cut!!😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Boba’s positively soft after sex. He takes care of you so so well, especially after particularly rough rounds, and will make sure you’re safe, warm, and comfortable. This usually means he cleans you up, either by running you a bath or wiping you down with a damp cloth, and massaging away any aches you may have obtained. Boba is also uncharacteristically talkative while he tends to your needs, and it’s all praise like “You did so well, cyare” and “Such a good girl” alongside clarifying questions like “Do you feel sore anywhere?” and “Would you like me to run a bath?”. Boba makes sure you are completely taken care of.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Boba doesn’t have a favorite part of your body, because he’s easily able to mark it all up and he’s never been one to pick favorites, but I suppose he’s like any other man and does enjoy your... feminine curves, so to speak. He particularly likes your hips, ass, and thighs, if not only that he’s able to spank them, nibble on them, grab onto them while he’s fucking you silly... it’s also because he loves watching them sway as you walk. There’s a certain perfect sashay mixed with a slight jerk in your gait that Boba loves to watch, how your thighs ripple slightly with each step, how your ass does the same, and how those perfect hips of your rock side to side... Yeah... there’s something perfect there.
If Boba had to chose a favorite part of his body and not say “The whole damn thing!”, he’d pick his arms and hands. They’re what he does everything with, how he handles his blasters and jet pack, how he handles fighting, how he handles you, etc etc. Boba’s hands and arms are where every skill of his is practiced and carried out, the limbs that can do anything. He finds a slight pride in that. Also, Boba knows you also enjoy his arms, so he finds it very amusing to flex for you every once in a while to get you blushing.
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Boba Fett cums a lot, and he makes sure all of it ends up inside you. He finds it incredibly satisfying to dominate you in such a way, being able to paint your insides white, to claim you and your pussy as his. Boba also has a slight breeding kink, so he makes sure none of his cum goes to waste, sometimes pushing it back into you when it leaks out. 
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
Boba will probably never tell you this explicitly, most likely you will pick up on it with every breadcrumb he leaves, but Boba loves you so fucking much. He has so so much love for you it makes his heart bleed with the intensity. He’s never loved someone with all his being before, never cared this hard in his life. Boba may not even be able admit it to himself, love is a word that has brought him so much pain. But he loves you, he loves you, he loves you... Cyare, mesh’la, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum...
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. Boba has had many many sexual partners over his lifetime, so he knows exactly what he’s doing and his way around your body. Having the “tall, dark, and handsome” allure as a bounty hunter really helped him with this.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
Boba has a couple positions he usually defaults to, all of which he enjoys. They are:
Leap frog. This is a close one for being his favorite position. Boba likes to keep you beneath him, for control, and when your flat on your chest, arms either trapped under your body or above your head, hips hitched up just enough to allow him access... well, that gives him all the control he could dream of. When you’re like this, Boba fucks the life out of you, draping over you to kiss your back and neck all while one hand is nestled around the front to toy with your clit. He also loves how desperate for more friction you get with this one.
Doggy style. He likes the control this position gives him, how he’s able to command you into it, set the pace, decide when you are allowed to come undone. Boba also likes being able to grab your hips and knead your ass as he rails you, leaving fingerprint bruises on your skin. He also likes spanking you and pulling at your hair. He also keeps a couple firm, large fingers against your clit, rolling that sensitive bud between them.
Missionary. Boba enjoys basic missionary because A) you’re smooshed under him, B) it gives him the ability to kiss you as he pounds into you, and C) he’s able to be versatile. He also likes how personal and intimate missionary is, being able to see your face and watch your facial expressions as you orgasm for him again and again. Boba also gives your breasts a lot of attention when he’s got this perfect access to them, kneading them and pinching and tweaking your nipples.
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Boba is 100% about making sure that you are receiving the pleasure you deserve. He is giving you everything he’s got during sex, so there’s no room for being silly. The most “goofiness” that he partakes in is lots of teasing and dirty talk, which isn’t all that goofy to begin with, just as serious and commanding as he is.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Boba is a functionalist, so he’s pretty well groomed below the belt. Of course, of what he has left to groom. The Sarlacc pit’s acid wiped out pretty much all his body hair, including his happy trail and about a quarter of his tuft (Boba genuinely thanks the Maker every day his penis remained untouched), so there’s only a little bit to take care of. 
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Boba is intimate in a very domineering, overpowering way. He gets you so close to the edge so quickly, so torturously that there’s nothing but this overwhelming closeness that occurs, this performance of worship. His hands and mouth on your body, his voice in your ear, it’s like you become one, when he’s steady above you, your bodies interlocked, fingers laced in your hair, tugging gently. It will feel like Boba pushes you to the limit, that the intensity is like a thousands stars burning over you at once. Boba’s presence is like that.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
When he was a younger, more spry, more sexually unruly man? Yes. Everyday, probably. Now when he’s older, has more self-control, and you by his side? Not so much. Rarely ever, to be honest. the only times he finds himself with the itch to yank it would be if he’s been gone from you for a while or if it’s a mutual masturbation type of situation.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Boba is such a fucking sexual deviant and kinky bastard it’s no wonder he decided to be a bounty hunter, because only a bounty hunter would act up the way Boba does. He has quite a few kinks, but here are the main ones:
Daddy kink. Boba is the physical manifestation of the “Your daughter calls me daddy too” meme. He derives such a smug pleasure from you calling him Daddy. He also likes it for the position of authority it is.
Dom/sub dynamic. Boba is a bonifide top/dom and nothing is changing that. He’s the one in charge, who makes the rules and breaks the rules, and he isn’t relinquishing that anytime soon. Boba thrives in that position of power, and loves having you a submissive, moaning mess beneath him. If you are naturally a quieter, maybe introverted person, Boba would go near rabid because that softness is just what he’s looking for. If you’re dominate like him, he sees that as a challenge... Prepare to be dominated.
Praise/degradation kink. He really just loves to hear himself talk, huh? This man is constant, non-stop dirty talk during sex and he’ll be saying downright delicious things to you. He’ll be giving you all the pet names in the book, “cyar’ika”, “pretty girl”, “mesh’la”, etc etc. Every time you react the way he wants to, or you pleasantly surprise him with your response to him, you’ll be rewarded with utmost praise. He’ll coo to you about how well you’re taking his cock, how perfect your body is, how good your wet pussy tastes... everything. Boba also likes balancing the good with the bad, so he may use a bit of degradation, usually in the form of backhanded compliments or ruder nicknames. However, if you don’t like degradation, he will simply avoid it, easy said and done.
Innocence kink/virgin kink. Woo hoo boy... Boba loves if you are or act all shy and bashful with him in the bedroom. It really goes hand in hand with his dominate role, you being a submissive, blushing mess while he’s all big and intimidating (not in a fear way). He likes being the one to corrupt you by marking your body all up with love bites and small bruises, making your tight pussy his as he rails you. If you tell him you’re a virgin the first time y’all have sex, Boba might go feral.
Breeding kink. Before meeting you, Boba didn’t really have this kink. His younger years were spent angry and vengeful and full of sex that was meaningless at the end of the day. But after the Sarlacc, and snagging the Palace from Bib Fortuna, and meeting you, Boba kinda starts getting an inkling of wanting a little something extra... or a little someone extra. He starts genuinely contemplating and liking the idea of having kids, and it partly manifests in his dirty talk where he’ll say stuff like “Gonna let me fill you up?” and “Got to keep your pussy full. Womb too”. Boba likes the idea of you mothering his children.
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
Boba’s favorite place to positively ravish you is anywhere that he has full control over the safety of the room. So this usually applies to the bedroom, where Boba has set up so many security measures that no one is getting in, but also to more public places. When Boba was younger, he was much much more into exhibitionism and would’ve been down to fuck like... in front of a crowd, to be honest. But he’s older now (and wiser too) so he values the concepts of safety and security, much unlike his past self. So while Boba may still fuck you in an alley or in the throne room, he makes sure that literally no one is around. He does this less out of the potential embarrassment, but more so because he knows he has a huge target on his back. 
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
If you start being a little tease, or show him a bit of sass and being overall more mouthy, his pants are definitely getting a bit tight around the crotch region. Boba loves it when and if you try to talk back to him or if you get all snarky.
On the opposite hand, Boba also loves it if you’re easily flustered, all pink-faced and bashful at something he says. He really finds a smidgen of shyness to be really, really enticing. It strokes his massive Dom Complex.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Boba has a few hard turn offs that he would never do, full stop. They’re age play/regression, consensual non-con/rape play, and extreme sadism. While he does have a daddy kink, it’s really only for the name and position of power, not the age factor (so he’s not into DDLG). And despite Boba being a big ol’ bastard, it’s never sat with him well to play the role of “rapist” during sex. Also, Boba likes a bit of punishment and being rough ‘n tough with you, but he has a limit of how far he’d go. He never wants to actually hurt hurt you. Even if you’re a full masochist and you asked him to do it, said it’s okay and everything, Boba would still never harm you and would probably get fully turned off.
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
He doesn’t really have a preference, because he’ll go down on you and if you give him head, he’s all game, but fuck, does Boba like going down on you. He gets an immense amount of satisfaction from making you cum using only his mouth, having you completely undone and writhing just from his face between your legs. He also really loves your pussy??? Like it’s so perfect to him, the aroma, the taste, the slick, wet feel, the way it clenches and quivers around his tongue, etc etc??? Boba loves it.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
Boba fucks hard and rough and slow and with a purpose. He wants to give you (and himself, of course) as much pleasure as possible for as long as possible. He paces himself very well, the master of self-control he is, and he will have you orgasming and edging for ages before he finally dicks you down. Boba finds great pleasure in having you cockdumb by the end of it.
Sometimes though, Boba gives you that same purpose in a slightly different way. he still fucks you good, but he’ll be a bit more sensual, a bit more gentle. Often, it’s because you ask to love make, but occasionally it’s because Boba really really wants you to know just how much you mean to him.
PDA is very very lowkey and subtle with Boba. This is mostly because he and you know that if your relationship, especially with how deep it is, were to become too much of common knowledge, someone is bound to use it against you, specifically to get back at Boba. So, Boba doesn’t often even have a hand on you in public, or show any outward affection. What he does do though, is stand close to you or have you close at his side. He keeps you in his line of sight always, and it’s become a sort of dance you to have. Boba and you orbit each other in a way, never growing too distant nor too close. Though, its perfect for you.
However, if someone starts making moves on you, Boba may physically step in, cutting whoever it is off from you. He’ll make sure they know that your off limits, untouchable. Usually, this also brings the gentlest yet firmest of hands to your lower back.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Yes. Just yes. Boba loves quickies. He might be addicted to them. It’s a mix of he is always Ready To Fuck and he just finds you so damn desirable and beautiful. Though he will always prefer having you for a few hours opposed to a rushed ten minutes. But don’t think he does any less of a good job.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
In his younger years, this would’ve been a hard, enthusiastic “yes”, but nowadays Boba won’t really actively experiment. If you have something you want to try, odds are he’ll go along with it, but he won’t ever bring up something new. He’s very content with his abilities, that are admittedly very very successful.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
Boba can last a long while, considering his age. He’s got years of experience and a whole lot of self-control under his belt, so he’s able to work you for at least a couple hours before he starts feeling it. He’ll having you cumming over and over again, working you with his mouth, hands, and cock. Boba also is very good at pacing and has this uncanny ability to restrain himself in a way that the pleasure for him doesn’t build up unless he allows it to. So don’t expect him to cum, even in light of your best efforts.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Again, used to when he was younger. But now he doesn’t because he knows he’s too damn good with his hands, mouth, and...y’know... to need any toys. Though, if you have any toys or you ask him to try one out, he’ll humor you and oblige. But he’ll tease you about it a ton, saying stuff like “Ah, but don’t you want my mouth instead?” or “I bet you’re missing my cock”. Boba will always make sure that you know he’s better than any toy that you’d introduce.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
Boba is such a smug shit. He teases so much and is so unfair that it borders on being cruel and he enjoys it, the fucking guy. If you’re into that, he’ll get you begging and in tears before he lets up and gives you what you want (read: need). But if you’re not into it, he has a base, “normal” level of tease, but he’d never take it too far. If he does push it too far, he’ll make it up to you however you want him to, because the last thing he wants is you too upset because of him.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Boba spends most his time during sex teasing the life out of you so he is vocal in that respect. He talks the talk, saying stuff like “You take my cock so well, little girl” and “Use your words, mesh’la, tell me what you want”. His constant dirty talk is sometimes broken up by growls from the back of his throat, heavy grunting and groaning, and the occasional low moan— all from the slick, hot heat that is you. 
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
Boba struggles with pain sometimes, the aches left behind from the wounds he received from the Sarlacc pit. It usually flares up if he’s stressed or been overworking himself, making his skin feel tight, like there’s a constant pull in all directions. He also gets pain from age and overuse of his joints. Often, it’s only his knees and ankles that act up, but sometimes he gets it in his back and wrists. And though he never says anything about it, and never asks you for anything, he really does appreciate it if you take the time to give him a massage or run him a warm bath, despite how grumpy he gets when you do.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Boba is built like a fucking tank, an absolute hunk of a man. From a life of training, bounty hunting, fighting, etc etc, Boba has a body type akin to a powerlifter, he never built muscle for show, only functionality. He’s all broad-shoulders, stocky, and thick muscles. Unlike the beauty standard, Boba doesn’t have the ever-desired six pack abs or pinched waist, he has a hefty barrel torso and a slight, squishy tummy. His arms and legs are equally, if not more, strong and muscled like the rest of him, and Boba is very easily able to lift you up whenever.
Now, of course, Boba is very heavily scarred. He has scars of varying sizes, shapes, and ages, some being that shiny white while others are still pinkish, all over his body from bounty hunting and getting into tiffs. The Sarlacc also completed ravaged his bronze skin, leaving this impressive and tight web of scar tissue near everywhere on his body, though it’s most heavily condensed on his left side.
NOW HIS PENIS. Boba has a Nice Cock on him, that’s for damn sure. He’s not exceedingly big, but he is girthy. And weighty. Boba’s penis is 6 inches (15.25 cm) in length and just under 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) in diameter. He is uncut, and a prominent vein runs on the bell end of his cock. His balls are also very impressive and are fairly heavy.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Astronomical. Boba suffers from Horny Derangement Syndrome™. You touch his shoulder as you pass by him? His cock is hard. You give him a kiss out of the blue “just because”? He’s dry humping against you. You give him a cheeky smile and flirt with him? His pants are off. Boba is in a constant state of Wanting To Fuck. But, of course, if your sex drive doesn’t match his or if you’re not in the mood, he literally will not care or hold it against you.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Boba does not fall asleep until you have. Period. Full stop. It’s a bit of a machismo thing of his (he sees himself as the “protector” in the relationship) but it’s also because he just genuinely likes watching you fall asleep. Boba likes when you get all sleepy and droopy, melting against him, feeling all your muscles relax as your body starts to slow down. It makes him feel strong, comfortable, and most of all, loved. You falling asleep next to him, the Boba Fett, is almost the biggest exercise of trust you can show him, and he loves it.
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Moments Levi shared with his beloved baby daughter- Kutchel
aka Levi giving all his 💕Uwu's💕 to his baby girl
It's Levi's day off, and even though he tries his hardest not to look it, he's eager to run back home. He's determined to not waste a second of being off duty.
He's missed his family- you and your calming presence. The stability that he falls into at merely being in the same vicinity as you, is difficult to resist-even for a man like Levi.
Your gentleness somehow meshes well with your child's rowdiness, always laughing and wreaking havoc in the house. He wants to hold his baby brat, even if she'll try to pull his hair out for it.
So he hurries back home, but of course, he has to get past your little guard first. Standing with his cloak still in his arms, Levi craned his neck down to stare at the tiny creature sitting on the floor, blocking his path to his beloved wife. Said creature, wearing a blue dress, is his adorable one year old daughter.
The baby doesn't bother to spare him a glance, too busy babbling as she plays with her blocks. Levi's fine with it, it took him a while but he's learned to accept that babies don't care about, well, anything.
He ponders lifting her up and cradling her in his arms for a cuddle. But, considering the ferociousness with which his daughter is bashing two blocks together, he decides that he values his ability to hear.
Kneeling down, he sets his cloak on the floor and sits in front of her, waiting to be noticed. Kutchel looks at him, her big black eyes innocently blinking at him. She shoves a block into her mouth and gurgles, recognising him.
"Do I have your approval to go to your mom now?"
"Ba da guuu"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
More random babbling. Tiny hands busy themselves with trying to crawl away, so Levi pats her on the head and gets up to go to his wife. He doesn't notice his baby pausing mid crawl to pout at him, wanting him to stick close.
He also doesn't see her little face cutely scrunch up, thinking of ways to stop him and bring one of her favourite humans back to her.
Levi freezes, his heart immediately melting. He can't stop himself from turning back to his child, not when she calls out for him like that.
He cradles her in his arms, unaware that you're watching from the kitchen door, committing the sight to memory.
You've been with Levi for so long now-so much of your life has been spent with this wonderful man and you have no regrets whatsoever.
You do, however, have secrets. Not serious ones, but pure ones. Small, precious memories you've kept to yourself. They're you're little secrets- events that you look back on with fondness.
Events Levi doesn't know you saw happen.
You remember, when you were exhausted from giving birth, how lovingly Levi talked to your newborn daughter.
'Hey brat, you better keep it down now. Your mom just fell asleep- don't yawn. You're already not listening to me-'
He thought you were asleep. If it weren't for your stitches, you would have giggled and alerted him to the fact that you were listening.
You remember all those times you were never woken up by Kutchel crying-because Levi would wake up before you.
'Go to sleep.'
'I said; Go. To. Sleep. Don't smile at me-- hey stop laughing-'
You caught on to it very randomly, and the memory warmed your heart to this day.
Levi often had silly little conversations with baby Kutchel, when he thought you weren't in hearing range.
'Yes this is the right way-no what do you mean I can't fold shirts like this-you're pouting you obviously don't agree.'
'Kid- I don't know why you like Eren so much-but this works because he can be an unpaid babysitter-no? Fine, I guess I can pay him a little. Okay fine, I'll pay him more then a little.'
'Do you like this dress? Me neither. How about this one-these socks are awful why the hell do you have these-'
'Yes tea is better then coffee. Coffee is for soulless creatures like Mikasa-Hey, don't cry dammit, why do you have to like the brat that glares at me so much huh? You tiny traitor.'
'So I'm taking you to that military ball tommorow-and I expect you to cry enough that I have an excuse to leave. You cry, I leave and then you get as much milk as you want. We good? Good. Don't tell your mother.'
'You threw up on that military police soldier-I'm proud of you brat. Now, let's aim for throwing up on Erwin. Or at least trying to rip his eyebrows out. I feel like the rumour of them being fake might be true.'
'I know you can't talk much, but make a vow to me that you will, never, ever say yes to anything your Aunt Hange asks of you. Trust me, it's for you own good.'
'Kutchel- stop that-I will pay you to stay still. Here, here's all the money I have, which isn't much. Take it and stay still- why the hell are you still wiggling, you need to put your socks on dammit-'
And so much more. It warmed your heart to think of how beautifully he had bonded with her from the start. And you can only be glad you get to see their entire journey together.
Levi is a man who values cleanliness above all things-he's made sure his house is so clean that all the rooms are sparkling. Despite having a baby in the house, who had recently learned how to walk and subsequently wreak havoc everywhere she wants to, he still tries his hardest to stick to those standards.
So that's why, here he is, pathetically trying to wash clothes, with a clingy toddler who has made it her life's mission to ruin his life. How is she doing this, one would ask. Well, making sure that he can't even put the damn clothes in the basket was one.
'Kutchel-no-stop it, give that back.'
Levi's a little ashamed of himself, just his hands moving to grab his swords are usually enough to strike fear into the heart of his enemies. Yet, here they are, incapable of winning a tug of war with his one year old brat.
He's really, really glad that Hanji can't see him right now.
He manages to get the shirt out of Kutchel's strong grip, causing her to pout and flail her arms with a whine. Levi refuses to give in and snatches the next piece of clothing before she can. He gives her a stern look.
With that, he dumps it in the basket. Kutchel doesn't appreciate it, sitting down and pouting at him cutely. It doesn't last long, because she busies herself with the clothes again. At least she isn't snatching them from his hands this time, and only picking on the clean pile.
He gets up to get some more detergent, smiling to himself at the sound of happy gurgles. Once he comes back, he catches sight of Kutchel, and nearly drops all the powder.
His child is exactly where he had left her, except she's now wearing his Survey Corps cloak. Her black hair, much like his own, is messy and the hood is too big for her tiny head. She looks up at him, and smiles in the face of his horror. On one hand, it's pretty damn cute. On the other hand-
'Oh hell no-'
He starts to take the cloak off of her, ignoring her cries of indignation. His child won't have anything to do with the Survey Corps. Ever.
Too bad 15 year old Kutchel Ackerman had every intention of stealing his title from him- but that's a story for another time.
Levi has self control. Plenty of it, actually. One could easily argue that, after Erwin, he's one of the most composed individuals in the military.
He's dealt with all sorts of people-rude, snobbish, arrogant bastards who think they stand a chance against him. His expression never waivers, even as he insults them to the point their ancestors are crying in the graves.
But what's happening right now, it makes him lose his precious self control. His face, so used to being that of an expressionless grumpy old man, is scrunched up in anger. Levi does not like what's happening.
Not one bit.
Levi can deal with people trash talking him, he never falters despite all the accurate short jokes. He can deal with people bashing Erwin without flinching-because even he's wanted to kill the man once and can't really blame others for wanting to do so as well.
However, what Levi can't deal with in a calm and rational manner, is -
'The fuck did you just say?'
'I said, your daughter is just a dumb brat.'
Yeah, this Military Police Senior Officer is dying today. Levi hopes Erwin is ready to deal with an irate Nile
'Shut the fuck up-I'm the only one who gets to call her a dumb brat.'
The Officer moves to speak again but Levi silences him with a soul burning glare. Levi turns to his brat. Kutchel is sitting on the carpet, wearing a tiny, cute red dress you had bought for her on sale. She's surrounded by numerous toys, gifted by his comrades.
The baby pauses in her play time, which is chewing a stuffed bear, and turns to look at her papa. The officer looks confused.
'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.'
There's a pause in the room. The officer looks surprised, although he thinks Levi just proved his point. Kutchel looks to be only a few months old and Levi has just monotonously stated a sentence that is usually sung. There was no way the brat would actuall-
Kutchel squealed in delight, pressing her hands together slowly. Once she notices her papas approval, she starts clapping happily.
Levi smirks, while the officer sweat drops.
'See that, bitch? No' dumb brat' does that at 9 months old.'
Of course, Levi still had to beat the guy up a little after that. No one picks on his baby but him.
'Eat it.'
Levi pushed the spoon towards Kutchel, who refused to open her mouth.
He had seated her on the table, ditching the highchair. A bib was secured around her neck, and the brat was clearly hungry.
Except since she had eaten three bites, she refused to eat more. Levi was slowly getting more and more frustrated.
'What's your problem? I know you're hungry.'
Kutchel stared at him sadly, and his irritation thawed at the sight. His child was usually pretty well behaved when it came to food. She usually liked eating fruits and vegetables, but for some reason, kept rejecting her baby food.
Levi frowned, before deciding to taste it himself. Maybe if he ate one in front of her, she would want to eat it too-
Levi paused.
He slowly ate, resisting the urge to throw up. He grimaced and awkwardly avoided eye contact with Kutchel, feeling sheepish all of a sudden.
There was judgement in her eyes- something he couldn't blame her for.
The hell sort of crap had they been feeing her? It tasted awful. No wonder she wouldn't eat it.
Sighing, Levi shoved the bowl full of food-that-must-not-be-named away. He lifted Kutchel into his arms.
His brat pouted slightly, her small arms wrapping around his neck. Poor kid was hungry, as evidenced by her discontent expression.
Levi smiled at her lightly, tucking her head into he crook of his neck.
'Sorry Kutchel-let's go to the bakery and get some pastries. And when we get back, I'll even mix some chocolate in your milk. Just don't tell your mother okay.'
A/N: Heyooo. Just randomly thought of Levi being a dad and this came to mind. These are actually only some of the moments I thought of, I have plenty more in mind. Maybe I'll write those out too. Hope y'all enjoyed this! ❇️
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Hello, I just saw the alphabet requests. Could I please get the fluff alphabet with Luffy? Thank you sm!
Fluff Alphabet - Monkey D. Luffy
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a/n: hi hi hi! thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy 💗
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Luffy is a complete child at heart. He enjoys doing anything and everything! So long as you are there with him, he doesn’t particularly care what it is you are doing – if it’s with you he knows he’ll have the time of his life.
However, if Luffy were to pick something as his favourite activity to do with you, he would choose a water fight (weird considering his vulnerability to water but that doesn’t cross his mind in the moment). Chasing one another around, stomachs aching from laughter, cheeks sore from grinning too much. He’s never had so much fun, and he can’t tell if it’s because of the activity itself, or because it’s with you (ultimately, he decides that it’s both).
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
One of the things Luffy admires most about you is your unquenchable thirst for adventure; it’s own that rivals his own. You want to explore, live life freely and on your own terms. In Luffys eyes there is nothing more wonderful than that.
Honestly, Luffy thinks everything about you is beautiful. Every. Single. Thing. Right from the top of your head to the very tips of your toes. But, there is something about your laugh that he just finds so unbelievably intoxicating. When he hears you laugh - so carefree and so happy - his grin grows even wider. He wants nothing more than to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
This captain is a lot more emotionally intelligent that people think. He’s very in tune to what people like and dislike and he uses this knowledge to help comfort people. For example, on thriller bark after they find Zoro injured luffy attempts to give him a whole ass barrel of sake because “Zoro likes sake so it’ll make him feel better.” This same logic would apply when he’s trying to comfort you. He’ll find or do something you like because well it’ll make you happy. If food makes you happy, he’ll get you some food. If cuddles make you happy, well then you best be ready to be suffocated.
Another way I can see Luffy comforting you is by trying to make you laugh and smile. When people are laughing and smiling, they’re happy, right? So, by that logic all he’s gotta do is be goofy and then you’ll laugh like you usually do!
D-Dreams (how do they picture they future with their s/o?)
When he becomes the pirate king, you are right there with him. He can’t see himself settling down (by this I mean living in one place permanently). Luffy wants to travel the seas with you forever, going on adventure after adventure after adventure. He hasn’t really thought much about kids or anything like that, but all he has thought about is you and him growing old together.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
Luffy is definitely not the passive one in the relationship, but I also wouldn’t say he’s the dominant one. He’s dependent on you and you’re dependent on him. It’s a relatively equally balanced relationship but it could even be argued that it’s only that way because of how Luffy is. He often just does what he wants when he wants regardless of your opinion. However, he also allows you to do the same. That’s not to say he doesn’t sit back and listen to your concerns if you voice them.
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
Fights are a very rare occurrence in your relationship. Luffy isn’t one to maintain an argument for very long often cracking a joke or doing something silly causing you to laugh and break the tension.
On the very rare occasion that you are having a serious fight, Luffy can be extremely stubborn. Once he’s got something in his mind, its hard to make him think otherwise, so more often than not you will have to be the one to apologize if you want to move on from this.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Luffy is very aware of everything that you do for him, and he absolutely gushes about it to everyone he comes into contact with. He can’t stop talking about you. People who have never met you before suddenly seem to know about every single time you gave up a portion of your dinner to Luffy because he was still hungry but Sanji wouldn’t let him have anymore because dinner was over.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
Luffy is an open book. He cannot keep a secret to save himself. Not even a good secret like a surprise party for you or something, in fact, the crew have to be the ones to plan surprise parties for you on luffys behalf cos he gets too excited and just blurts it out straight away. Basically, if there is something he isn’t telling you the only explanation is that he genuinely forgot. But as soon as you ask him, he’ll tell you - without hesitation.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
Being with Luffy has helped you to be a little more carefree. He has taught you to embrace your youth. What’s the rush in growing up? Why does everything need to be so serious all the time? It’s okay to loosen up, and goof around as long as you are still dependable.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Luffy does get jealous. But, not in the usual sense. He doesn’t get jealous of other people interacting with you, or with you interacting with other people. He trusts you fully, so there’s no reason for him to be jealous in that front. However, what he does get jealous about is you spending time with others, without him. Luffy gets serious FOMO, so if you’re doing anything and he’s not invited, that is when he gets jealous. This sweetie just wants likes to be included! On the off chance that you are doing something without him and Luffy starts to feel jealous, he will simply insert himself into the conversation or the activity. He does NOT care (LMAO).
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?)
Luffy is a very energetic kisser. There’s no real rhyme or reason to his movements he just smashes his lips against yours. He’s eager and enthusiastic, which can make him a bit sloppy at times, but he doesn’t care.
Your first kiss took you completely by surprise. The two of you were just hanging out then before you knew it, he had kissed you. It happened so quickly they you barely had time to process what happened, but he was just sitting there looking at you while giggling his little heart out.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
When it comes to telling you how he feels, he approaches it as he does everything else; directly. He’s never been one to beat around the bush, rather always speaking his mind and being up front. With you it’s no different. The second he realizes how he feels about you, he’s on his way to tell you. No hesitation, no doubt, just 100% honesty. It doesn’t matter where you are or who might be around, Luffy will tell you in that very moment.
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Marriage isn’t something Luffy has really thought about. The two of you are together constantly, you know you love each other, so why would you need to get married? It’s not that he’s against getting married, it just isn’t something he’s particularly concerned about. Well… that is until he hears the words ‘wedding’ and ‘party’. Once he’s heard that Luffy is set on getting married right then and there (that’s basically his proposal too). Any excuse for a party.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
To be honest, Luffy mostly just uses your name. He likes it because it belongs to you which makes it special. He does like to find out what nicknames you had as a child, he thinks those a pretty fun and makes him feel as though he’s known you for your whole life, so he does also use your childhood nickname/s.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Luffy gets even more clingy. Clingy may not be the right word, but it’s the best way to describe it. When he’s in love he feels an overwhelming urge to be near you all the time. He craves your presence and your attention so is constantly asking you to play or chat or anything! He really just wants to spend time with you, more so than usual. The whole crew actually picked up on it quite instantly because they noticed the lack of Luffy in their day-to-day schedule. They knew it was more than platonic relationships Luffy had for you when he was five minutes late for lunch because he was too overjoyed by your attention.
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
He’s all about showing affection both platonically and romantically. He catches you (and others) so off guard because one moment its silent and the next thing you know you’re hearing “gomu-gomu no…” and being tackled to the ground by a pair of rubbery arms. If Luffy wants to kiss you, he’s going to kiss you. He doesn’t have a care in the world about who may see.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
Can promise you a life full of excitement. You never need to worry about your relationship getting ‘boring’ or ‘being stuck in a rut’ because that will never happen with Luffy. Each day is filled with adventure and something new to experience. There’s a whole world out there that you can experience together.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Many people wouldn’t expect it, but he is indeed romantic. It’s far from cliché and strays from the typical notions of ‘romance’ but it’s romantic, nonetheless. Luffy is just unapologetically himself. Because of this anything he does for you (even the littlest of actions), you know it’s sincere and comes from the heart. That is what makes Luffy romantic.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?)
Not supporting you in your goals and dreams goes entirely against Luffys character. He truly believes you, and anyone else for that matter, can do whatever they put their minds to. He is your number 1 supporter, actively helping you every step of the way. No one believes in you more than Luffy.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
When you’re with Luffy you don’t need to worry about spicing up your relationship. You will never once experience a boring day. The relationship is constantly filled with new places to go, and new things to see, and you’re fortunate enough to be able to do all of it together.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Contrary to popular belief, Luffy is very emotionally intelligent (I said this earlier actually). He can read people freakishly well, and his s/o is no different. In fact when it comes to you his emotional intelligence only multiplies.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
As with most of the other relationships (platonic and familial) in his life your relationship is very important to him. For Nico Robin, he declared war on the world government. For Sanji, he went up against a Yonko and her crew. You would be no different. He would go to the ends of the earth (maybe further) for you. It’s just how he is. His relationships and his dream to be pirate king are not mutually exclusive, meaning, he can’t have one without the other.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
Brings you random little knick-knacks, or like a little memento from EVERY SINGLE island you go to. The items range from a pretty shell he saw on the beach to a funky looking figurine he spotted in a market.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
Luffy loves to kiss and cuddle. He’s an extremely affectionate person. He practically clings to you like a koala bear. That physical contact is something he enjoys a lot; it’s really reassuring for him.
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
As long as Luffy is distracted and kept busy, he’ll be able to cope. He entertains himself and slowly counts down the days until he can see you. He builds up the excitement and he becomes like a child the night before a school unable to sleep or keep still; he just wants to see you.
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
This has been established already. All relationships (platonic, romantic, familial) hold a special place in Luffys life. He declared war on the world government, fought countless fearsome opponents all for the sake his friends (sometimes even people he just met). Your relationship with Luffy would be no different at all. In fact, for you, he would do all of that and much much more.
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kirinda-ondo · 3 years
You know him, you either love or hate him (or are moderately confused by my sudden dive into this hyperfixation); we're talking about Orko because I have a lot of feelings.
As a disclaimer, I am not gonna claim to be some kind of superfan. I am not aware of every single iteration of the lore and all of its secrets. I don't know anything about the DC comics. I'm only halfway through the 2002 series as of me writing this. I am not someone you want to have discussions on the wider Masters of the Universe.... universe with. However, after watching Revelation, the entire Filmation He-Man (and some of She-Ra, cause he was there too), and going on a deep dive of storybooks, annuals, and minicomics courtesy of He-Man.org and the lovely people who submitted their scans there, I do feel pretty qualified to at least talk about Orko.
So, with all that being said, I'd like to get into a little bit of backstory, if only for my followers who came to this blog for completely different things and are wondering where the hell my love for this funky little wizard dude came from all of a sudden. Truth is, Orko is actually one of my earliest faves! Mind you, I only had limited access to Masters of the Universe as a kid, only seeing a couple of rented VHS tapes and later getting my hands on a small pile of the Golden Books from Goodwill, but apparently it was enough for Orko to  imprint himself into my brain. However, also due to my limited exposure, he kind of got shifted to the back of my head as I got deeper into other things. I still knew for a fact I liked Orko a lot though, even if I couldn't quite remember why anymore.
And then Masters of the Universe: Revelation dropped on Netflix. I'm not gonna get into my opinions of that show lest I open a flood of irrelevant discourse (for those uninitiated, it is a bit... divisive, to say the least). However my feelings on the matter did encourage me to go and watch the original and well, holy shit I love Orko more now than I could have ever comprehended as a kid. He is THE quintessential underappreciated comic relief character I tend to gravitate towards, and then some.
But before I get into that, let me back up a bit and explain. Orko is a Trollan, a race of magical little dudes that are basically floating sweaters with hats and covered up faces. Out of these Trollans, Orko is an incredibly fucking OP archmage. Like, they straight up call him Orko the Great, he's so powerful. But then, he gets caught in a freak storm that whisks him away from his home dimension and into Eternia. Immediately, he runs into a young Prince Adam, who is trapped in a swamp/tar pit and needs rescuing. Orko, being the upstanding lad that he is, uses his magic to save him but in the process loses the item that allows him to focus his magic to the swamp (in the 80s version, it's a medallion, but in the 2002 series, it's a wand). Worse yet, the magic (and dare I say the very laws of physics) in Eternia works pretty much the opposite as it does in Trolla, so he's been incredibly nerfed.
So basically, Orko is trapped in a topsy-turvy world away from friends and family, a world with magic he is fundamentally incompatible with. Ouch. He's not completely screwed, however, as he is rewarded by the king and queen for his heroism and appointed... the court jester. Double ouch. He surprisingly doesn't seem to mind though. He genuinely does enjoy entertaining people, even when his tricks only ever work like half the time because he's basically a Mac program trying to run on a Windows computer.
It's not all horrible though, as he does quite literally get adopted by the royal family  and thus sort of become the entire palace's weird son/little brother (despite being older than many of them. He's very, very child-coded largely for the purposes of being a stand-in and example lesson to the actual children watching). But also, more importantly, he becomes one of the very select few to know that Adam and He-Man are one and the same.
But outside of secret-keeping, he is actually a pretty valuable ally to have against Skeletor and his dudes because even though his magic is kind of screwed up, when it does work, he's still one of the most powerful mages on Eternia. In various materials, he's created floods, a second winter, and hell, he can literally explode himself and still be perfectly fine. He's also really clever and can weasel his way out of a number of situations. In one episode, for instance, he manages to convince someone that he's He-Man and Adam is his "assistant" in order to free him from captivity so the day has a better chance of actually being saved.  He's also got the ability to just be really frustrating and incomprehensible to the point that villains who capture him sometimes either don't want him or don't know what to do with him anymore, which is honestly really funny. In an episode of She-Ra, the villains tried to scan his brain but because the inner machinations of his mind are that much of an enigma, he got diagnosed a weirdo and broke the entire machine. Absolutely delightful.
However, there's a lot more to Orko than just comedy and bungled magic. He's actually surprisingly complex!
See, going into this, I expected Orko's whole situation be played entirely for laughs while the sadder implications of his existence go entirely unaddressed. Coming off the heels of characters like Cobalt and others I enjoy, I'm used to this sort of treatment by writers. But they actually don't do that. The depressing subtext is for once, actually TEXT, which was INCREDIBLY surprising to me. We actually get to see another side of him, a side that hates that he can't be taken seriously no matter what he does, a side that is well aware of all the trouble he causes and feels like a burden to those around him. He actually runs away on multiple occasions, fully believing that he's unloved and everyone would be better off without him, even if that couldn't be further from the truth (a point which the Sorceress hammers home with multiple straight up magical video presentations, and in the 2002 series, a literary adaptation, of why he is loved and important).
Underneath all the hyping himself up that he does, there's a lot of insecurity. He's someone who desperately wants to be loved and respected and feels that without funny magic tricks to entertain people, he has no inherent value (which is incredibly relatable if you are also known by people as The Funny One). At one point he agrees with the notion that he doesn't feel like much more than a pet, which is absolutely heartbreaking. Even when he gets the ability to go back and forth between Eternia and Trolla, his feelings of inadequacy now extend toward his family, worrying that his own uncle, the one who taught him everything he knows and greatly contributed to him being Orko the Great back home in the first place, wouldn't be proud of him. Being on Eternia highkey wrecked his shit, man.
However, even when given the opportunity to go back home for good, he always chooses to stay because he's loyal as hell. Even if he needs some reminders, he does know he's needed not just in the fight against evil, but just because his friends and newfound family genuinely love him. It's heartbreaking, but also incredibly wholesome. I did not even remotely expect a comic relief character like this to get this much depth and respect from the writers, especially not from the incredibly campy and cheaply animated 80s series. I am genuinely so unused to this.
But I think that's also what separates him a bit from his fellow Silly Kid Appeal Characters That Kids Fucking Hate ala Snarf Thundercats or Scrappy Doo. He not only makes a concerted effort to be an actually useful ally, but he's also in fact very self-aware of his status as one of these characters. He knows he screws up a lot but he actually tries to accept responsibility and fix it. It makes me wanna root for the lil dude. Now I understand if someone isn't a fan of the brand of humor he brings to the table, or feel like he's simply a distraction from the Cool Buff Dudes Fighting Each Other, but I hope you can see why he might also be a really appealing character to other people, both kids and adults alike. I mean, he was popular enough to be embedded into the canon despite originating from the cartoon and not the toyline for a reason, after all.
Orko is a fun, entertaining, but also complex, heartwarming, and relatable character. I know there is a faction of people that would disagree with me, but I don't think you need to change him all that much or make him a super serious character to be more appealing. He's already got a lot going on that a writer could easily work with. It all just depends on where you decide to focus. Take a lesson from the show and accept that he's fine just the way he is.
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lindendragonart · 3 years
M and R for the ask game?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Uhhhhh so many. Ok so you all know my Ahit prince longfic, my Nyakuza au fic, and my Hunter Gatherer au, and the angsty Toh Hunter one-shot, which is, at the time of writing this, the only fic I've publicly posted so far, but I've got more crap, mostly Hunter-related, mostly due to discord shenanigans.
I was recently thinking about how Gus and Willow have been pushed to the side. But oh I can't create content of them myself, I only ever create content of the specific character I'm fixated on, unless I can make some kind of tangential relation-
Gus and Hunter both have some type of gifted kid burnout and don't want to disappoint their parental figure.
Now there's obviously some major differences here, the most obvious that Perry is not abusive and doesn't seem to be a bad father in general, but I still feel like he's projecting his desires onto Gus and that is not good.
I had a lot of individual Hunter scene concepts/future episode predictions, but then I realized I could compile all of them into the same timeline if I keep the plot vague and ambiguous enough and mostly focus on the character study/character introspection part of writing. Hunter finding he's a Grimwalker and having an existential crisis over it is the main premise, then we delve into his thoughts during and after the Day of unity. Despite being titled "Grim-fated" the ending is happy/hopeful.
In Hunter Gatherer au I had Belos make Hunter's replacement sibling, and then some part of me went "You know what I'll do it again." So uh yeah, I have another self indulgent au that is canon-compliant 'till after Eclipse Lake, but Belos created a backup Grimwalker so… baby sibling! Running away! Palistrom bonds making the baby project emotions onto everything also made of palistrom wood.
On the topic of that, I always liked the idea of post-canon Hunter, assuming he's a grimwalker, becoming Bat Queen's protege, learning about himself, discovering his abilities, hosting palisman adoption day in other parts of the isles.
But the beginning of his tutelage admittedly did not go smoothly, considering that after he unlocked his latent palistrom abilities he got hit with waves of emotion from every palisman in the vicinity, and we all know how much inner turmoil all these palismen hold. So yeah that made Hunter very sensitive and prone to emotional outbursts at the slightest provocation until he could learn to get the palistrom hyperempathy under control.
I also got the concept that King's species are stonesleepers so Hunter's lungs were actually harvested from one of King's relatives. The main premise is basically Hunter feeling guilty for every breath he takes cause it's not really his own, knowing that a life had been taken to grant him his, wondering if it would have been better if the stonesleeper was alive instead of him, just this strange type of survivors guilt.
And uh, now this one started out as a discord discussion on whether or not the Owl gang would be willing to assasinate Hunter to stop the Day of unity, then it devolved into a joke about Hooty owl-pelleting him into the basement, and then somehow evolved from crack fic concept to actual story about Hooty stockholm-syndroming Hunter (only half-joking but hey, even that is better than what Belos is doing to him so I see this as a win). So yeah that's a thing that ended up getting far more serious and whiplash-inducing than planned, despite the silly moments inherently tied to the premise. Bany is basically co-creator on that one. (I should really clean up my concept doc and show them the scene snipets)
Btw you can ask me about any of those. The questions motivate me to actually write. (Gosh I gotta get back to ahit)
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Yeah, my style always slightly shifts under the influence of an amalgamation of all the writers I've recently read, but I still stand that Lemonadesoda and Banyanas have had the most influence on me considering how much I've discussed stuff with them. They're some of the first fanfic creators I've reached out to form a steady online friendship with and ask for advice and brainstorm concepts. And it's a combination of Lemon's work and the realization that some of my ideas are just too detailed to simply draw a scene and then tack on an explanation, that kinda broke me out of that shell and made me snowball into actually writing in the first place.
Thank you for the question!
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cupidlakes · 4 years
What's your favorite and least favorite thing about gogy?
idk why this isn’t framed like an ask like it looks like i just typed the above stuff out omg i don’t know what you did op but sure i’ll answer this!
edit: anon i’m so sorry and i didn’t realise you said “thing” and this is very lengthy
i’ll start with my least favourite, george can be really stubborn sometimes and when he won’t easily give into something it’ll kind of ruin the mood/make others really frustrated and it can be tense to watch
it’s like sometimes he knows when to concede and back down and other times he’ll just argue for ages and want it his way it’s usually over very silly stuff related to minecraft, then again it also doesn’t ruin entire streams because him and his friends are quick to get over stuff it’s just something he does which can be awkward to watch in the moment
on a more serious note george being aggressively apolitical is also not my favourite thing i get it and i largely appreciate how he tries to stay unproblematic and he has a good track record but his radio silence sometimes on things is not a good look and it’s something that can personally bother me
but also it’s not like i can or want people to force him to make statements on stuff he doesn’t know enough about but a little allyship couldn’t hurt when it’s a cause everyone is rallying behind and most of the time it’s only ever george who hasn’t said anything even sapnap and dream have had things they stood for or at least when it mattered and george just hasn’t, ever
it’s worth it to note i don’t think he’s secretly a bad person or has really awful views i just think he doesn’t get/care about politics and it’s okay to admit that comes from a place of privilege no one is above this
my favourite george things include (because i cant pick just one):
how he instantly vibes with people he sometimes straight up doesn’t know there’s so many examples of this and i always love watching his mcc povs because it’s nice to see people instantly warm to him, he just has that effect and it means i never fear him being in calls with people he doesn’t talk to/know that well because it’s never awkward he’s always pleasant and he’ll match their energy and it’s a really nice time! bbh was right yesterday about george having a bright personality that people are drawn to
his non-competitiveness and ability to not take stuff toxically seriously is really nice and refreshing like again, it’s why i’ll always pick stuff like his mcc pov to watch because he’s just there for the ride and to have fun and be entertaining for his viewers and obviously he’ll try his best and if he wins it’s so exciting but if he doesn’t it was still a really really good time and the vibes would always be good regardless
i love his respect for his own privacy unironically i think it’s cool that he doesn’t want to share every detail about his life and he shouldn’t have to i like that he clearly separates the content and his online persona from his real life some stuff is just personal to him and he should be allowed his things that he doesn’t want to share with the world but i like when he does and it always feels special when he wants to :)
i like that he’s kind to his viewers and always wants to make us happy and it’s in the little things he does, like i was rewatching an old stream and someone asked him to turn on the subtitles in minecraft because they were hard of hearing and he did it immediately he also writes down peoples names to check out what they’ve sent to him and seems to make an effort to check
i’ve mentioned this before but he tells off people for spending too much money on him genuinely and it’s funny i remember him once saying something along the lines of “it’s not reverse psychology when i tell you to stop like i seriously don’t want you spending that much on me” and it was just nice to hear and he always wants to satisfy his viewers and make us happy and give us the best content he can offer and i really appreciate it
i also love how he genuinely engages with people he’ll do it by pointing out peoples funny twitch names and expands on their donos when he wouldn’t have to and starts discussions w his chat and i just like that when someone says something to him he takes it in considers it and replies honestly and starts talking about it generally i don’t know how to explain it but george doesn’t brush off donos the same way i see a lot of other people do he genuinely thinks about his answers and what he’ll say back
would it be silly to mention how i love how he interacts with his pets/animals he seems to melt down into a softer version of himself whispering and being really gentle it’s a nice side of him to get to see sometimes he seems like genuinely such a kind person
and my god this is getting so long but the last thing i’ll point out and i talk about this a lot so i’m sorry but it’s how i love when george has these little moments where you can see he really pays attention to and appreciates the smallest details in life whether it’s him fawning over dogs in minecraft or simplistically describing the frogs he’d catch as a kid as “slimy” or appreciating a good sunset it’s like, i just like how he looks at things and decides he likes them and wants to be happy over them, this world is so chaotic and busy there’s smth beautiful to me in someone who can stop and appreciate the simple wonders in it for a moment and it’s weirdly grounding
alright i’m so sorry this was an essay long response i’m so bad at condensing my george feelings but i hope this came across well if you’re still here thanks for reading
74 notes · View notes
thatpinkbetch · 4 years
Bkdk Fic Rec
I’ve been inspired to write a fic rec! This one goes out to you @lonely-rabbit
At like, the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 I stayed up until 4am every night reading fics, and because I’m such a loser, I made a word doc to keep track of all of them so I wouldn’t forget them.... I tried organizing it by length but it got messy cause I’m ridiculous and cluttered, so sorry! (I’ll save my own for the end alskdjflsdkfj gotta self promote you know). This is going to get...really long, so I’ll put it under a read more! Also, just a heads up, these are all on ao3, in case that’s important to anyone!
Disclaimer: Any fics with mature or explicit content I will add a bolded warning for, even if it’s only a little bit. Normally most fics will be tagged as such, but some fics that are rated as teen I’ve found to be more suggestive than some of those rated as mature, so I will try to point it out where it feels necessary, for anyone who wishes to avoid it.
Fics under 1k:
Illuminate by TheQueen (269 words)
Summary: Bakugou watches the first firework launch and fights to keep his face neutral
Very short, plot is about a case of amnesia, also very cute and well written for that length! Not angsty at all imo
sweaty hands holding secrets - shounentwink (563 words)
Summary: Someone said Midoriya holds secrets in his hair.
It’s not true: He holds it tightly in his hands. Bakugou’s seen it.
I really like this writer! You’ll see quite a bit of them in this post alkdsjfalskdjf
Fics 1k - 10k:
Many sunflowers later - Jeka (2395 words)
Summary: Scholar Midoriya Izuku comes back to the person he left behind after his journey through the kingdom, the mighty dragon clan leader Bakugou Katsuki.
Day 1 of Twin Stars Week 2020: Fantasy AU.
First of all, fantasy au!!! Second of all, jeka!!! (I need to read more of your stuff!!) Anyways, so cute, such lovely, pretty writing, wonderful story telling, and they’re so in love TT_TT
Boom Badoom Boom - warschach (3429 words)
Summary: Izuku's working the kissing booth at the school fair, it just so happens Katsuki has been crushing on him since the first grade.
“Did you—“ Izuku parted his mouth with no sound leaving it, “Did you pay?”
“For a kiss?”
This one’s a little silly but I love it still. It’s got a “kids in the 80′s over summer vacation” vibe, I think. I love warschach! I should read more of their writing... They have SUCH good bakudeku content! *It’s rated teen but there’s some suggestive content, just a heads up!
Hopeless Ramen-tic - lalazee (7155 words)
Summary:  Midoriya is a cute guy who works at a ramen stall and Bakugou is thirsty as hell, but has to hide it by being an asshat. Another love story.
Ah, so good TT_TT so much sass, such good plot development and story telling for a simple concept *It’s rated as teen but again, it can be suggestive at times!
I’ll share this with you, so leave it behind - yabakuboi (3508 words)
Suammry: For the sake of the story, All Might is never in need of a successor, and, when Izuku saves Katsuki from the sludge monster, encourages young Midoriya down a different path. Thus, Katsuki and Izuku part ways after junior high, as Katsuki enters U.A. and the Midoriyas move overseas. It’s later that Katsuki realizes that there’s something missing, that he drove that something away.
Years after, Katsuki finds him in the last place he looks, in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store of their childhood neighborhood.
So soft, so sweet, so good if you just want to curl up in a comfy blanket and drink hot cocoa and feel warm and cozy and a little in love
The Secret Deku Box - yabakuboi (2241 words)
Summary: “Y’know, Bakugou never, ever talks about girls,” Kaminari says, his voice thoughtful.
“And I wonder why that is.” Ashido rolls her eyes.
“I’m just curious!” Kaminari whines. Kirishima drags the box out, unlabeled and unassuming, the lid not even fully clasped over the edges. “The guy has to— Whoa, what’s that?”
Kirishima realizes a little belatedly that this is a serious breach of privacy, and Bakugou will actually murder all of them. “Nothing!” he cries, attempting to shove it back under the bed, but Ashido snatches it away.
“Please be his porn stash!” Kaminari whispers as she whips the lid off.
Cute, funny, in canon, in character, and a must read I would say! 
daisy bunches and heather branches - halcyonwhispers (5862 words)
Summary:  izuku falls in love with the foul-mouthed tattoo artist next door.
Not another flower/tattoo shop au.... aldskjflaskdjfd Okay but punk!Bakugou is ALWAYS a smart move imo
the best part of me (is the worst I can give) - halcyonwhispers (5668)
Summary: Whole sentences usually make up people’s Words, but Katsuki got stuck with a name instead.
Izuku’s name.
I am such a sucker for soulmate aus when it comes to these boys TT_TT *There is some mature content, just a heads up!
Hard to Say - halcyonwhispers (8390 words)
Summary: Izuku is a Halfling, born after his faerie father spirited away his mom and then left her behind. Never quite fitting in with the humans or any of the supernatural beings in his small town, Izuku hoped that going to a diverse college in the big city will help him finally make friends.
Katsuki’s family has been powerful witches for generations, and he’s no different. Talented and a proclaimed genius to boot, he knew he shouldn’t waste his time on this dumbass (disgustingly cute) half-blood.
two idiots fall in love and don’t get that the other’s awkward cues are just a result of romantic tension.
I am ALSO a sucker for fantasy/mythical creatures au and I LOVED this one - Bakugou absolutely unable to handle how cute Midoriya is? Perfection - but it’s unfinished, and I don’t think it ever will be continued, unfortunately TT_TT
lots to unpack (throw away the whole suitcase) - shounentwink (4315 words)
Summary: “How’d you know?” Midoriya asks.
There’s a hunch to his shoulders that wasn’t there three hours ago. Freckled shoulders are kissed sunburnt and red: he looks like someone ran him over and left him like roadkill in the sunlight. Bakugou’s working with insurance today, but he could see the sparks of green lightning even from his elevated position in their shared agency. Midoriya’s holding his thumb, cracking it over and over — it looks like he’s rubbed it raw.
“Dunno,” Bakugou says. “Maybe you’re just easy to read, nerd.”
I love this one so much, it was one of the first ones I read, it’s so good, and it’s another that really affected how I view their relationship! Idk this one just hit for me
hang the moon from us (it’s a no from me) - shounentwink (1200 words)
Summary: Midoriya’s gonna get sick of Bakugou one of these days, and then the whole ruse will be over, and the balance of power will tilt beyond salvation, but that day isn’t today and it looks like Bakugou knows it.
What an asshole.
Once again, I’m a sucker for the fantasy au... But even more, the diction, the details, the imagery...it’s absolutely all stunning here. I wish I could write this pretty
In Which Bakugou Finds His One Tru Luv - Erina (5862 words) This is the first one of a series called The Misadventures of Explodo-kill Agency!
Summary:  Welcome to the Explodo-kill agency! We can destroy your buildings, crash your cars, and help you solve one of the seven mysteries in life: who is Bakugou Katsuki's mysterious boyfriend?!
I’ll admit I’ve only read the first three but by god they are the funniest fics I’ve ever read in my life. I see that Erina has added more since the last time I checked it out! Tbh I was only interested in reading the purely bakudeku ones... (My favorite was the second one!! SO funny and cute!)
i still do - raeryn (9646 words)
Summary:  He’s losing him to pieces, but Izuku still tries to make them count. In which a battle leaves Bakugou Katsuki with amnesia, and Izuku finds himself picking up the pieces.
So, this one makes me cry. TT_TT
One Thing Straight - winningshot (9899 words)
Summary: They totally aren't.
Hints of their relationship is found in all of their friends’ social media accounts, but majority of their fans still think that Katsuki and Izuku are in relationships with anybody but each other.
It was amusing up until it became sad.
Lmao it’s a little salty but I guess I can be too. This is a social media fic! There’s multiple ships in this one, too
A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8472 words)
Summary: Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
Okay kewltie is SO GOOD and very creative! The formatting is phenomenal, it’s like you’re actually experiencing a social media melt down in real time lol
be my good luck charm - writedeku (6785 words)
Summary: See, the thing is, Midoriya Izuku had been born with a curse. It’s not a curse that’s particularly visible. He doesn’t have horns, or a tortured face, and it’s not the kind of silly curse like a friend of his had way down south in Diagnor, wherein the girl had been born without the ability to say the word duck. Midoriya Izuku is just extremely unlucky.
(Or the AU in which Izuku's the world's unluckiest travelling merchant, and Katsuki is someone who may be able to help him. For a price, that is.)
Oh I adore this one! It’s so cute and such a good narrative! Nice and warm, and Bakugou trying his damnedest to be suave, and it somehow working because Midoriya is just as flustered. *Another one rated as teen but some suggestive content.
Smells Like Victory - majjale (2377 words)
Summary: Bakugou takes two steps into the room and stops, clapping a hand over his nose. “Ugh, what stinks like Deku in here?”
"Good afternoon, Bakugou. That would be the amortentia."
I must admit, not a fan of HP, but majjale...TT_TT majjale writes these two boys so well. This one is really, really good!
Cherish Me - Justaperson1718 (2376 words)
Summary: “What?”
Izuku looked back down at his menu and flipped the page, a small smile on his face. “Nothing.”
Katsuki glared at Izuku from across the table. “If it was nothing then you wouldn’t be staring at me.”
“It’s just a little funny watching you try to look your best for our date when you always look great anyway,” Izuku explained. He wouldn’t look up from his menu while he spoke, but his words remained ingrained with confidence nevertheless. He considered what he was saying to be fact, and nothing else. “Even when you’re not trying in front of the cameras, it’s still hard to take my eyes off of you.”
This is a sequel to a fic that’ll be in the next section, because it’s longer, called Manage Me. Please read that one first before this one! (Not part of a series, but they’re the same story line)
Fascinating - Justaperson1718 (1556 words)
Summary: “I’m not staring at you,” Izuku replied, his eyes focused intently on Katsuki. He’s still wearing his pajamas, sitting on his knees in their shared bed. He was awake moments before Katsuki, and waited eagerly for the other to awake.
Katsuki glanced over his shoulder after his shirt was on and glared. “You’re fucking staring at me right now.”
Izuku shook his head, humming his disapproval quietly. “I’m watching you.”
“That’s the same damn thing,” Katsuki said while searching for a pair of pants in the dresser. “Your eyes are fixated on me like I’m your life’s fucking goal or some shit.”
“I just like watching you get dressed.” Izuku tilted his head to the side and smiled softly at Katsuki’s confused stare. “I know, it’s weird. But I like it.”
*There is a little bit of implied mature content, but overall, it’s just so sweet and intimate, and I just simply adore this one.
in a place once filled with gold - dorenamryn (9226 words)
Summary: It felt strange to remember such details, for they were things a friend should know, and as far as Katsuki was concerned, he and Deku hadn’t been friends in a very, very long time. He could admit, with reluctance, that they were on the path there, now, even though they would never make it. Katsuki would die before they could get the chance.
or: There is a garden growing in Katsuki’s lungs, and he is helpless to stop it.
“Hanahaki disease” okay, I can explain myself. Okay, I can’t. In any case, you got angst with a happy ending if that’s what you’re into!
Kaleidoscope - DPRenFTW (5141 words)
Summary: Izuku is a witch. He just needs to find his familiar. Enter a boy that is a wolf, and a wolf that is a boy - with wild red eyes and sharp smiles.
And Izuku thinks:
"Oh, it's him."
Just as beautiful and fascinating as the name implies! I seriously recommend for the beautiful writing, the gorgeous world, the mythical creatures au, and the lovely bakudeku romance!
Learning Curve - sensiblysilly (4222 words)
Summary: Deku and Katsuki’s first kiss goes rather differently than planned.
And Katsuki’s quickly learning that relationships can be unpredictable - especially when taking into account the variable that is Midoriya Izuku.
This really is just a careful handling of a teenage romance where perhaps one of them may have shit they’re still working through. It’s really sweet, and a careful study at boundaries and the building of a relationship. I actually stumbled across this while looking for another with the same name and ended up pleasantly surprised. Kacchan can has a little validation, as a treat.
4/20 is a national holiday - Ereri_Garbage (
Summary: Izuku is a drug dealer that doesn't really accept the fact he's a drug dealer, Katsuki is hot as hell as shouldn't be allowed a facebook.
Happy (Late) birthday Katsuki and happy (late) 4/20. I actually half assed an edit on this one so it took longer to post than I thought it would.
Uummmm lmao yes I have a sense of humor. ;ALDSKJFLSKDJF Okay, I say that, but this is not a crack fic, it’s a good story that I enjoy with good writing, and *it has mature, content, obviously for multiple reasons here. It’s rated as mature but there are borderline explicit moments imo. It’s a fun fic and funny, too! And, ngl, it really does remind me of college... But forget about me, the bakudeku is wonderful too of course :)
Drinking Watermelon - warschach (8906 words)
Summary: For whatever reason, maybe divine fate, Izuku turned and looked over his shoulder and waved to them.
Katsuki’s heart full on stopped right then, and his fingers forgot their duty on the rails, and his body neglected its job to keep Katsuki balanced.
Izuku’s summer sweet smile fell into concern as Katsuki went airborne and cracked his skull on the porch.
or Katsuki works as a camp counselor, and Izuku is a boy made of summer heat and sunlight.
Love it when people have Bakugou as absolutely enamored with Midoriya; it’s so good and true. Anyways this one makes me like summer camp story lines. It’s funny and also cute and great writing! *It’s got explicit content, just a heads up. Warschach stories just have this youthful 80′s vibe, I don’t know how else to explain it.
there are listed buildings - semiautomatichearts (3309)
Summary: Katsuki first sees colors bloom when he is only three years old. It is timid Izuku, hiding behind the cover of his mother's leg who looks upon him with wide eyes, and Katsuki's world explodes in shades of greens and pinks and blues, and he is so startled, he begins to cry.
His life is then on defined in color, in shades his peers can't see, by the forlorn, timid stare in Izuku's eyes that always lets off more than he is willing to tell. There is a schism driven between himself and his fated other, and Katsuki strives to be better than fate, better than what is defined for him. He is more than the written pages of a book, to be cracked open and read by the gods.
He wonders if it is possible for colors to bloom for someone who will never love you back.
Ah...soulmates :) So interesting how bakudeku fits into soulmate aus like this one when they’ve known each other as kids! And when they’ve had this complex push and pull thing going on all their lives! The writing is beautiful, and so is the story!
Promise Ring - bkdkwritingsdump (3579)
Summary:  The midwest in the 1950′s is no place for boys who like kissing boys: something Izuku and Katsuki know all too well growing up there. However, the undeniable bond between the nervous science geek and the aloof delinquent will still find a way to blossom in such a desert.
Cute, sweet, makes my gay heart ache. Longing not just for the one you love, but just to feel right loving them. Very pretty story line, lovely story telling!
Fics 10k - 30k:
Fishy - warschach (19417 words)
Summary: Izuku’s convinced his hot co-worker/neighbor, Katsuki, is a mermaid-or merman- you gotta consider genders even with mythical creatures- and plans to prove it.
(or this is kinda like the show ‘Monster Quest’, except Izuku actually finds said monster, falls in love, and have sexy times.)
Another warschach! I love this one, I love how they write bakudeku, particularly as college students, their stories (at least, the ones that I’ve read) always feel so warm, like a summer’s day, but not a lazy one, one that’s playful? If that makes sense? *This one is explicit, another heads up!
Manage Me - Justaperson1718 (10756 words)
Summary: Izuku caught himself moving forward, his head tilted somewhat to the side, and his eyes shot wide open. His gaze met Katsuki’s half-lidded eyes now that he was no longer in a dreamlike state, and seeing the way Katsuki was looking at him—waiting for him—made him realize Katsuki would’ve let him do it. He might have even wanted him to do it.
“You’re both doing fabulous!” the photographer called out to them, packing his camera into his bag and getting ready to leave. “I just got word that what we have now should be good, so we’ll stop there. Thank you for your time! Lock the door on your way out after you change.”
The pair stayed frozen in place, with Izuku’s arms around Katsuki’s neck and Katsuki’s hands resting on Izuku’s waist, while the photographer and his supervisor left.
“Kacchan,” Izuku cooed once they were gone. “Did you want to…?”
Love the story, love the bakudeku! Very, very good bakudeku TT_TT very sweet *There is some mature content in here as well
point to a map (we’ve been there) - cosmicfuss (10589 words)
Summary: Serendipity / sĕr″ən-dĭp′ĭ-tē Serendipity is the occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery. Two men find themselves on a subway, hot coffee on one while the other is in the middle of a screaming match. After that they can't seem to stop finding each other, no matter how far they go.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; this fic owns my entire soul. I love the story, the ease of their relationship, just how lovely they are together. It’s another kind of nice, fluffy fic you’d read on a bad day where you come home and curl up in a blanket and listen to a ten hour video of thunderstorm white noise. *Again, some more mature content in here
Partners - tsukithewolf (13619 words) Another series! Two parts to this one this time
Summary: It is said that in Musutafu there is a charm that one can buy at a temple that will lead you to your destined partner. They say that if the charm works, you would be able to follow the red string of fate to the person you were meant to be with. And if the person returns your feelings, they would be able to see the string as well, proving that both were meant to be.
Three-year-old Katsuki and Izuku misunderstand what the word "partner" means and discover the charm and the rumor behind it is not only true, but more than expected.
Gets a little heavy, depression, bullying, suicidal thoughts, etc. But it must get worse before it gets better, that kind of thing. I also just adore the second part (called Bond) - maybe because it’s much fluffier, what about it?
Learning Curve - iknewaman (10304 words)
Summary: “Izuku.” Uraraka repeats as she motions at the person stood next to her. Green curls, average height, and, well. Up close, not such a bad smile. Uraraka points a thumb at Bakugou and enunciates slowly, “This is Bakugou. He can speak sign language too.”
Wait. Sign language?
The stranger— well, Izuku— looks at him with a raised brow. Their free hand lifts up as they make a slight motion of the hand.‘
Bored out of his mind at a house party one night Bakugou is introduced to Izuku, a deaf student who offers to help teach Bakugou sign language in exchange for a favour-- or well, is prompted into asking for a favour.
Ah, I really want to explain this one a little bit? I’d never been into fanfiction ever, only really getting into it with these boys. This was the second one I read, I remember, and it caught me off guard, and it intrigued me. It really surprised me as to what fanfiction could be. Ngl I had biased perceptions of fanfics - I used to be one of those people who thought fanfiction could never be good writing - and this one slapped me in the face with it’s subtle beauty and creative story and heart melting capabilities, and very, very real relationship and growth. Anyways it’s so cute how happy Deku is to teach Kacchan sign language TT_TT Make sure to read the tags!
The Keeper and the Sun God’s Heir - SurelyHeavenWaits (12746 words)
Summary:  The Titans' have stolen something important from Izuku, heir of the Sun God, and he wants it back.
This one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one this one- Oh my god this one. Okay so what, I was a Percy Jackson kid, what about it? I love the mythical aus, particularly the god ones. But beyond that, the writing is so beautiful, just like the world, and the imagery. The bakudeku...absolutely stunning. The story itself? Incredible. Cannot recommend more. *There is explicit content in this, though I will say, it’s all in the last chapter, and all of the story is in the first two chapters. There’s also a second part as it’s a series and it’s short but it’s cute and sweet TT_TT
seven days - aaAAAaaahhhhHHHHH (10094 words)
Summary: There’s something about the green haired boy, an aura that just drew Katsuki in before he even knew his name.
[Sometimes your mind forgets, but your heart remembers]
Heed my warning: DON’T read this in front of other people. I bawl every time I read this one TT_TT I know I said I don’t like angst but AJLSKDFJALSKDFJ it has a hopeful ending! I mean yeah you’re gonna cry but...hope? :’) (that username really says it all tbh)
Fics 30k+
Notice me, nerd - useless_donut (40000 words)
Summary: Bakugou is in love with Midoriya. He doesn’t hide it, in fact it’s so painfully obvious that the entire class of 3-A has him figured out in a matter of months (days, in some cases). Too bad Midoriya is the most oblivious motherfucker out there, and Bakugou is too damn stubborn to actually ask him out.
Will the class of 3-A survive the sexual tension? Who will snap first? Someone put Bakugou out of his misery, please, before everyone else dies of second-hand embarrassment.
(a love story as witnessed by the class of 3-A)
Love the idea of Bakugou being brazen and brash, cause yeah, he is. So fucking funny though how that translates to him flirting. Gotta say, thought I was gonna cringe, but his “I’m gay af” outfit really ended up being A Look. Love the mutual pining, it really is strong in this one. *Okay, mature content in this one lads.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71197 words)
Summary: The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
Update: Epilogue added
*This one has mature content. If you can, please, for the love of god, read this fic. It’s like, tied with my favorite bkdk fic perhaps ever. It’s based on the movie of the same title, a nineties romcom with Sandra Bullock, but Belkacaramelka has so effortlessly made it into it’s own story, fit it so perfectly inside of the bnha world. I definitely stayed up until 6:30am reading this one. It’s got such good badass Midoriya, who is also sweet, and really really good reconciliation between bakudeku.
All Gifted - fitzefitcher (39129 words)
Summary: The thing about gifts is that they're meant to be given, they're meant to be shared; so Izuku will take his gifts, so freely given to him, and share them with all he holds dear.
Izuku is born without any gifts, as his kind often are, to a witch mother and salamander father, on one sweltering night in July.
This one is unfinished...and I highly doubt it will ever be. But what has been written is incredible. Once again, I’m a sucker for the magic/mythical creatures aus. But the relationship is great! The characterization is great! The found family trope that was building up is great!
under a hollow sun - umbrage (40572 words)
Summary: Midoriya is cursed with emptiness.
Misfortune leads him to a man of ancient magic and endless rage.
To stop an unfathomable evil, their mismatched halves must become whole.
Uuuggghhhh this was so good! I don’t think it’s going to be finished either :( Once again, fantasy au, more amazing writing, on point characterization, incredible pacing, makes you hungry for more story.
all the savage soul requires - majjale (58032 words)
Summary: Bakugou seems to have exhausted his patience for words and no longer acknowledges that Midoriya exists, so Midoriya crosses his legs, stares down at his hands limned in firelight, and makes a list of things he knows.
One. His name is Midoriya Izuku.
Two. He is a Godmarked, future god of life, heir to the divine throne.
Three. The gods have been fighting Death for eons, and now he's coming for recompense with everything he’s got.
This is majjale, so of course, the writing is more than beautiful; it’s absolutely breathtaking. This may be my favorite fic ever - unfortunately I don’t think it will ever be finished either TT_TT There’s the gods/fantasy au, which you know by now I love. But the characterization of our two boys is absolutely perfect, and I mean that as literally as possible. And the story being crafted between the two, the memory loss, the obvious history muddled by it all, it was so dense, and the PINING, so incredibly written, flowing so naturally. It wasn’t even close to being done, but it was wonderful, still is wonderful. 
My Writing: (You can skip this if you hate shameless self promotion)
You’re too damn flicking cute (1815 words)
Summary:  Bakugou is certain his shitty boyfriend is instigating kisses. Maybe it doesn't help that he keeps giving them away like it's a damn going out of business sale, but the stupid nerd is too fucking cute. Either way, like everything else, this is a competition, and he's going to win it.
Please don’t read this unless you’re going to the dentist afterwards! I’ve been told it’s so sweet it’ll give you instant cavities >_>;;;;
Bakugou Katsuki, you smooth motherfucker (10118 words)
Summary: Everyone around him knows that Bakugou Katsuki has a very special way with words. To the untrained ear he is loud and crass; to those that speak Kacchan, he is caring and inspiring. Yet there are rare moments, moments so fleeting you blink and you miss them, where Bakugou’s words pierce straight through Midoriya’s chest, and surprise everyone around him.
Goddammit, if only he would say them to Midoriya’s face.
Or, the five times Bakugou said something nice about Midoriya, and the one time he said something kind to him (but that was too long of a title).
I think most would consider this my best published fic; it’s one of those snapshot fics, “the five times where x did this, and the one time where they didn’t.” The recurring comment I get on this one is both of them being super in character, so I think that’s it’s defining characteristic! Bakugou and Midoriya have never known a life without the other, and in a perfect world, they never will.
Here, let me fix that (11247 words)
Summary: Bakugou honestly never thought he’d see Deku ever again. And now that they were together in this tiny compartment, alone for the next two and a half minutes, he had no clue what to say. He’d just apologized, right? So perhaps he could leave it at that and carry on with the original plan to never see the green-haired man that reminded him of dense forests, late night adventures, and tear-stained faces, ever again.
Ha! Who is he kidding? These bitches are soulmates.
I’ve gotten some critiques on this one, so sorry in advance if it’s not to your liking! Basically, what if Midoriya never got his quirk? Obviously, life would find a way to put them together because, as previously stated, these bitches are soulmates.
Plenty of Time (16654 words)
Summary: Bakugou found what little sleep he got restless and filled with nightmares that he forgot the second he opened his eyes. Tonight was the first time in a long time where he just had a normal dream - and it happened to be about Deku.
How fucking typical.
In other words, two dorks realize they have feelings for each other but don't know what to do about said feelings.
Ah, my first fic. Very simple, boys being boys, kinda like a slow burn? Idk how to explain this one, just boys figuring out their feelings and trying to figure out what to do about them. Been told these two are a little stupid but I think that’s valid.
We’re all time bombs waiting to explode (39223 words)
Summary: We have now entered the slipstream of time, into an alternate dimension where it neither is, nor isn’t, the 80’s. Two teenagers, burdened with the weight of adolescence in the modern world, find themselves struggling side by side, in part because of each other.
Bakugou, the most popular boy in school, has everything he could possibly want; status, power, and an unbreakable will. Having been dragged along behind him all the way to the top, Midoriya can’t help but wonder how (and why) he ended up standing beside his childhood friend-turned bully-turned friend again, weighed down by their complicated past and present. As the tension between them grows every day, and the arrival of a new, pretty face causes it to peak, it won’t be long before something - or someone - snaps.
I am...very bad at titles, and summaries apparently. This was my Heathers au, but it very quickly diverges from the original (I don’t do sad endings....) *This one has mature content, including implied sexual activity, drug use, and underage drinking, along with other heavy topics; please read the tags! Though tbh Midoriya is 17 for a couple weeks before it hits his birthday halfway through, so keep that in mind I guess? I kind of went heavy with this one, but I think the pay off was immense. This is the one with the most amount of comments stating it’s their favorite bkdk fic ever (and I cry). It’s a rough start, with a rough journey, but so is bakudeku! There’s a lot of petty drama, and then all of a sudden it’s Not That Petty and very much Far Too Real. Many have cried reading the ending, I cried writing it. My sister says it’s her favorite of mine. Now, I did kind of push this out without polishing it so much because I was losing my willpower, so if it feels lacking, that’s one hundred percent my fault.
Okay that was a lot! It took me a couple days...I hope I wasn’t too annoying with all my opinions! Please have a nice day. and enjoy some good reads, even if they aren’t the ones in this post!
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
I know it's been done a million times but what if Harry out of nowhere suddenly compares you to Camille or any of his ex and it's angst but also very sad 😔✊
It was just a normal day, everything was fine- amazing actually. Having a cuddley fun day filled with love making, movies and all kinds of snacks, but things turned south rather quickly.
“Can we watch Tangled next?” Y/N asked with a smile, looking up at her boyfriend as her head laid on his shoulder, “or just any princess movie? Really in the mood for one.”
“God, you are so different from Camille.” Harry dryly chuckled, rolling his eyes in disbelief, “she was always so mature and, like, proper and you’re just like a little kid.”
“What?” She squeaked out in shock, surprised a sound even came out.
Y/N had always been insecure about her age, already been younger than Harry made Camille even more so her senior in relation to the age difference between the ex-lovers... something Harry knew.
She had always been insecure about their relationship period, granted she felt guilty for. She felt silly feeling so inadequate and insecure about a woman he had previously been with long before she met him, but the girl was only human. A non model, average looking girl human.
And Harry loved her! Wrote a whole album about her and knowing the man he is she knew he had big plans and just the thought of them together made her nauseous with jealously.
“What?” He asked, seemingly unaware of the mental turmoil she was under, the demons screaming in her mind all that was wrong with her, wondering when was the last time they spoke and if he compared her to the other often... how often he thought of her.
After seeing her blank expression and glazed over eyes, now father away as she scooted away from him, sitting off by herself on the couch.
“I’m sorry I can’t change my age.” Y/N whispered, “believe me, I would if I could. Anything to get me to be more like her.”
As soon as she finished, Y/N quickly stood and ran off to their bedroom, letting the tears flow once she was around the corner and out of sight, sobbing into the pillow the second she fell into it.
Y/N was never one to run away from an argument, believing it needed to be talked out and discussed, no matter how hard it is. But this hardly felt like a fight to her and more like a confession, as confession that he was still thinking of her, still loved her. And how she would never be enough.
Her tears ran like a faucet with a broken handle, unable to control herself as she hugged her pillow tightly, trying to transfer the pain into it, but of course failing.
She wanted to scream, cry out and yell how she felt, but she just couldn’t even find the words to explain. She didn’t even know how to start. How are you? How are you supposed to tell the man your in love with that you wanna spend forever with him when he is still hung up on somebody else? Has he been thinking this the whole time?
“Darling?” She heard a soft voice and Y/N gripped the pillow tighter, turning and moving it so her back was to the door, pulling the covers up closer to her neck and burying her face in the pillow, wishing she could disappear.
“Baby, what are yo- Oh fuck baby.” Harry whispered, a heart wrenching sight in front of him as she was curled in a ball, seeing her knuckles turning a ghostly white from her tight grip on the pillow, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have- I didn’t mean it.”
Y/N shook her head quickly, trying to signal she didn’t want to talk, hoping he would take the hint and just go away, but of course he didn’t. He slowly approached the bed, Y/N feeling it sink a bit under his weight and she could feel his ghostly touch from how close his hip was to her back.
“Don’t touch me!” She screeched the second his hand came in contact with his back, and both parties flinch. Harry in shock and Y/N arching away from his touch as if it burned her. Her voice instantly turning soft as she refused to look at him still, quivering as she forced out through sniffles, “just go. I-I just wanna be alone.”
Harry say quite a few moments, thinking back to the many rom coms he has seen and wondering if this is the situation where you are supposed to stay or you are really supposed to leave. The bed squeaked quietly under his weight, his body unconsciously swaying slightly as his mind swayed back and forth between the two ideas.
“A-are you sure? We can talk later and just cu-cuddle- or I can just sit here with you now or if you want we can-“
Harry nodded, knowing she couldn’t see, his hand coming up to run through her hair but stopping himself as he stood, retracting his hand and squeezing his own tightly, feeling immense pressure from not trying to comfort her.
“Okay, I’ll be in the living room. Just come out there or call for me and I’ll be in here in an instant.” He whispered, voice hoarse as tries his best to hold in his tears, feeling as if he doesn’t deserve to cry, knowing he was the one who fucked up, “.... I love you... I’m so in love you, Y/N... I’m so sorry.”
He bite his bottom lip, hoping for some kind of hum or nod or any kind of return, but he was only met with hushed cries, seeing her pull the pillow tighter to her chest and he could feel his own cave in.
As Harry turned on his heel, he headed to the living room after shutting the bedroom door quietly, wondering if he just fucked up the best thing to ever happen to him.
Harry sat out there for two hours and forty three minutes and he cried the whole time, tugging on his hair as his fingers ran roughly over his face, dragging the skin to try and relive the grief he was feeling.
And Harry surely knew how she was feeling, he knew exactly what thoughts he put in her head. She was going, innocent even, hardly ever being with anyone besides him so him having that serious relationship before her, worried her. After only having Harry and loving him so much, she wondered how anyone could stop, and she knew how hard Harry loved too.
He knew it scared her, reassuring her that he wanted her, just her and how much he loved her clearly wasn’t enough.
Maybe it was but you just had to fucking ruin it, didn’t you dickhead? Harry thought to himself, wanting to scream aloud.
A soft patter came from the hall made Harry perk up, seeing Y/N come around the corner with puffy eyes and messy hair, the saddest angel he had ever seen.
“Love?” He grabbed, standing from the couch and rubbing his matching eyes, approaching her quickly but stopping as he noticed her flinch slightly, “I’m sorry, fuck, here um, do you want some water? Tea?”
“Tea please.” She whispered, voice cracking and dry as she avoided eye contact, “can we uhm... talk please?”
The word talk a much higher octave, looking down and seeing the girl bite her bottom lip as more tears welled up in her eyes and she looked to the ceiling, cursing under her breathe and wiping then quickly, making Harry wonder if she had to practice talking before coming out, knowing how hard it is for her to tak when she’s upset.
“Absolutely.” He assured, quickly grabbing her two favorite mugs and brewing the hot water, “why don’t you get comfy in the bed and I’ll be in there the second these are done, yeah? Unless you would be more comfortable out here.”
“The bedroom is okay.” She nodded, making eye contact for the first time in hours, “I-I’ll be in there.”
She quickly turned her head down before scurrying away, leaving Harry by his lonesome again, although his heart started to regain speed both with nerves and excitement at the ability to just try and talk this through.
A few minutes later, both cups were ready and he carried them to the bedroom, setting hers down on her night stand before moving over to his side, setting it down before hesitantly crawling in beside her, the lovers turning to face each other instantly.
“What did you say that?” Y/N whispered, “If you... if you still love her I understand but please don’t do this to me anymore.”
“Still love her? Absolutely not. Not even in the slightest, darling.” Harry instantly spoke, shaking his head and scooting a bit closer as she stared up at him wide eyed, “I don’t know why I said it and i really don’t know why I said it like that but I swear it wasn’t meant to say be like her. I love you because you’re you.”
“... do you think about her often?” She whispered, heart pounding and she reaches behind herself, grabbing the mug and using it to distract herself, “do you compare me to her a lot?”
“No!” He shot back, nearly wanting to laugh at how obvious it was to him but there is no way to prove that, “I never do, honest! I don’t know just tonight, just spending the whole day with you doing nothing and thinking about nothing and not talking about work or anything having to do with it... was so nice. I realized how amazing the simple things are and I’ve never had that before.”
“But why did you have to say her na-“
“Because before I met you, I thought that the relationship I was in, was perfection. And I was so wrong, even looking back at the good times we were always bringing up work or do something like that. With you, I get to be myself all the time... you make me feel young again.” Harry explained, hesitantly teaching over and intertwining their fingers, smiling when she didn’t pull away, “I know i shouldn’t have said it and I sure as hell shouldn’t have said it like that, but you know I’m not so good with talking sometimes...”
Y/N let out a slight giggle at that, thinking back to when Harry met her family and just could not form a proper sentence the first hour within being there. Also thinking back to their first few dates, how nervous he was and how he mixed around his words.
The sound made him smile, his other hand pushing away the stray hairs from her face and smiling at her, “I love you so much, Y/N. Just you and only you forever and I’m sorry your stuck with me because I can be a bit of a twat.”
Y/N starred up into his eyes a few moments before scooting closer and falling into him, arms going around him as her face nuzzled against his chest, “yeah, you can be.”
Harry chuckled lowly and Y/N giggled at the slight way it tickled her cheek that was pressed against him, pulling away and looking up at him, “I’m sorry if I acted crazy, I just know how much you loved h-“
“You didn’t act crazy, I was a proper arse.” He sighed, leaning his forehead against hers, “and notice the past tense? This love with you is so different and real... so intense it scares me, that’s why I fuck up sometimes. Don’t know why you stay with me.”
“Because I love you so so so much....” She whispered, pressing her lips softly against his jaw, “and that’s why I get so crazy emotional, I’m so scared of losing you...”
“I’m not going anywhere, stuck with me till the end of time.”
Harry states at her, thumb running over her cheek bone as her admired every small detail of her face, “I’m sorry I made you cry... I’m sorry I made you feel so hurt.”
“I’m sorry I made you feel the same.” She shyly frowned, looking down at the sheets in her own shame, “promise I’ll try and get better at talking, shouldn’t have pushed you away.”
“Well I shouldn’t have been a dick.” He chucked, making her laugh which made her smile which made Harry happy, “I’ll do anything to keep that smile there.”
The pair quickly leaned in, pressing their lips together as they almost instantly molded into one another, Y/N crawling on his lap. They both had their arms tight around each other, hardly letting the other person move as the met their lips softly meet.
“What princess movie are we gonna watch first, Princess?” He smirked, pressing a playful kiss on her neck making her let out a loud laugh, “Were watching them all.”
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