#kim possible mom
genderlessjacky · 1 year
i like women who can snap me in half like a twig if they wish to do so
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flowery-laser-blasts · 2 months
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"Green Lass? I uh... can't reach the toilet."
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ciccerone · 10 months
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makorragal-312 · 28 days
I have mixed feelings on the EddieKim kiss being cut
On the one hand, keeping the kiss in would've definitely cemented Eddiesol bones for the finale since Marisol walking in on Eddie and Kim just hugging could leave any possibility of a break-up ambiguous.
But on the other hand, I feel like Chris seeing a woman he doesn't know look like a carbon copy of his mother is already traumatizing and distressing as it is. So him walking in on his dad actually kissing her would definitely make things worse.
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heav3nb9by · 10 months
to me, the most iconic sound are the beeping noises at the beginning of these 2 spy-themed songs:
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teecupangel · 5 months
This kinda fits Desmonds mom in some way. Thoughts?
Here’s the embed video version for those who don’t wanna copy and paste the link:
I’m just imagining her hearing for the first time that her son, the son she hadn’t seen for nine years, could not even seen or talk to for one last time for the sake of both of their safety, was now dead.
Sacrificing his life to save the world.
What used were those moniker to her dead son.
She wouldn’t be able to see him ever again.
She wouldn’t be able to touch his cheeks and take a good look of the man he had become in person.
She wouldn’t be able to smile and say “You’ve grown so much.”
She wouldn’t be able to ask…
“Were you happy these past years?”
“Was letting you go to be free worth the pain of not being by your side for nine long years?”
“It should have been you.”
She felt him freeze, the hands on her shoulders trembling ever so slightly.
“You should have died instead of our son!” She screamed as tears fell from her eyes.
He opened his mouth, most likely to call her name but stopped, letting out a gasp as her hands curled around his throat, squeezing him with the strength of an Assassin that have been in the field since she had been a teenager.
“You share the same blood as him! You’re a descendant of that cursed Auditore-Kenway line these beings haunt!” She shouted.
She could break his neck.
Snap it.
She’d done it before.
She’d kill so many people in the name of the Brotherhood before.
She was raised to be an Assassin.
She could just as easily-
She let out a frustrated scream as she threw him away, covering her eyes as bitter tears fell from her eyes.
He called out her name, his voice hoarse.
Was he grieving as well?
Did he loved their child as much as she did?
Who knows?
Who cares.
“Get out.” She lowered her hands as she ordered, the decades of forcing her emotions to shut down coming to the forefront, “Don’t ever show your face to me again, William Miles.”
Her expression turned to one of frigid nothingness.
It reminded William Miles of a recording of a memory of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
The face the legendary mentor had made when his desire to kill the man who killed his youngest son triumphed over his desire for peace and truth.
“The next time I see you, I will claw open your chest and rip your heart out.” She promised in an emotionless tone.
She watched him leave.
The man she loved and loathed in equal measure.
It should have been him.
It should have been them.
They should have been the one to die in their son’s place.
They both failed him as parents.
And now…
All she had left was a Brotherhood barely afloat and the useless legacy of her blood.
After all…
Those who have the blood of the Ibn-La'Ahad were meant to lose their beloved child.
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nerdycartoongal · 1 year
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Disney TVA mothers
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3am-cheerios · 3 months
just rewatched the last dam job. the red henley and black cargo pants is still such a look my god
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cat-skull · 10 months
when i was a kid i would write out notes on kim possible as i watched it . like i would watch each episode over and over and write down the dialogue as the characters said it. one time my mom asked what i was doing i said taking notes. like they do in high school (i knew what high schoolers were like because i saw them in kim possible. i couldnt have been older than seven ). she said "oh thats nice its good to get practice writing notes now it will be easier for you later 😊" like she saw nothing weird about this. i think this may be because she had all of the star trek captains log numbers memorized and could meticulously recount each episode based on those numbers alone. what im trying to say is autism often runs in families
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flowery-laser-blasts · 7 months
Just saying, if they included a DoomV pimp-your-ride montage with Rob Zombie's 'Dragula' playing in the background in the episode Stealwheels, then that would've been my second favourite episode.
Of course they wouldn't do that... but imagine
👁👄👁 it would've been perfection.
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fruits-a-villa · 10 months
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Ann Possible the Soccer Coach
My other Art Accounts:
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zeether · 7 months
I have only seen about 12 episodes of KP so far and it's only happened twice, but the puppy dog pout might be the best running joke
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2-wuv · 1 year
For the ask: 2, 12, 23, 33
-Slightly Complicated
lighter or matches? - Lighters!! Matches r fun but they scare us a bit </3 BENWJWJDJD
what kind of day is it? - SLEEPY DAY TBHHHH we woke up at like 12 and r just now getting outta bed at like 2. low energy 2day as per usual ig LMAO
how do you feel about chilly weather? - Cannot Fucking Stand It omg It was cold this morning which is a big reason why we stayed in bed so long I think
the last adventure you’ve been on? - IIII DON'T KNOW TBH. Do headspace adventures count?? If so then like last week Kim & uhhh. Idr who ?? Explored a bit and found a cave full of Fog* & stardust. Haven't been able 2 go there myself yet but Kim said it was p relaxing and neat
(*Capital F Fog being a system-specific thing, it's like. A tangible-in-our-headspace version of what brainfog feels like 4 us. We also consider it an Entity a la TMA tbh we have a lotta Fog Aligned people here)
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mi-mo-moo · 2 years
listen i know i was being emo earlier but im rewatching kim possible now and maybe this is just me being older but goddamn dr ann possible, i'd do anything for her
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roguemonsterfucker · 2 years
It is a crime that The Secret Saturdays isn’t available for streaming anywhere.
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poseiben · 16 days
i missed tumblr twitter nuked me today which is why i'm here (i called my little brother a mean word and the muskrat didn't like that) but here i can speak my truth without being censored OR character limited !!!
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