#kirishima siblings
heronoegg · 4 months
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the way i draw tetsu he looks aggravated all the time and idk why, i think he spins most of his day thinking about how he could do something to not be like Kirishima and maybe thats why hes so upset its hard when the best you live up to is your twin
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beachbeibi · 11 months
Before its too late or I forget, here’s the pieces I did for #myherotober2023, prompts 1 to 17 (Prompt list at the end)
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tales-from-elysivm · 6 months
★。/can i be a hero too?\。★
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ask: "I have a really cute request, Bakugou from Bnha with a little sibling reader. They weren't able to get a babysitter and Bakugou bring his little sibling to school, the reader is the complete opposite of him though"
pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 1,196
tw: none! purely some platonic, wholesome fluff. of course, a bit of cussing from bakugo but that comes with the territory
notes: thanks for being one of my first requests anon! it was really fun to get back into writing fanfic, and bnha is one of my favourite animes so writing this was a lot of fun - i just hope i did it well and you enjoy reading! i used primarily they/them pronouns for the sibling just in case ;)
! this is a repost from my other blog !
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‘Can’t we just hire that old fucking neighbour?!’
Mitsuki doesn’t even bother smacking her son this time, too busy fixing up the bento box she has already begun making in the kitchen. Rice and egg and soft pretzels which [Y/N] always insisted on. The same thing everyday, which Katsuki found increasingly frustrating. Their name is painted on the lid, which sits on the sink.
It’s one of the only memories that Mitsuki repeatedly brags about to her mom friends. How her son eagerly decorated a bento box for his anticipated sibling, and how he ended up despising them when born. That’s what it looked like anyway
‘She’s too old for [Y/N], you know this.’ Mitsuki snaps, snapping on the box lid. ‘They’ll get bored if they have to sit in her living room all day.’
‘The place smells like shit too.’
‘Katsuki!’ This time she does hit him.
‘It’s just one day. All you have to do is keep them busy for a while, and they’ll find a way to occupy themselves for the rest of your classes.’
Mitsuki packs the bento box and several colouring books and pencil sets into a tiny school bag that’s been sitting open on the dining room table. Just as [Y/N] comes skipping into the room in an All-Might tracksuit that they demanded they ‘had to have’ when they saw it at a convention a while ago.
‘Aren’t you so pretty, hun?’ Mitsuki coos at - arguably - her favourite child. ‘Guess what?’
[Y/N] mumbles something around a mouthful of a soft pretzel. Where’d they even get it from?
‘You’re going to school with Katsuki today!’
Oh shit their face got a fuck ton more bright when he looked down again. Even the mention of U.A on any given day made them bounce around while babbling about how they’d love to be a hero when they got their quirk. 
‘Really?’ [Y/N] attaches themself to his leg, bouncing up and down to make sure they’ve heard Mitsuki just right.
She glares at him when [Y/N] looks away.
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever.’
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No one’s expecting anything entirely different when Aizawa starts class that morning. The only thing that seems slightly out of the ordinary is Bakugo being late. Kirishima is counting through the minutes and soon enough a whole half hour passes without him being there to yell at anyone. Even Midoriya is having a particularly stress-free morning!
However, no one was expecting for him to parade into the class an hour later with a six year old sitting on his shoulders, because (as he said) “they didn’t want to use their damn legs”. 
‘Bakubro,’ Kaminari is already laughing his ass off in the back corner. ‘Ya got a hitchhiker there.’
Bakugo is almost fuming by the time he drops off the child at his desk, standing by Aizawa to demand - or ask - that he ignore the situation. Number one, [Y/N] got a day off school because of a downtown villain attack, and Mitsuki couldn’t find a babysitter after their current one caught the flu. With no other options and both of his parents going to work early that morning, he had no choice but to drag them along as long as, and quote:
‘You don’t make a damn noise, and no questions, and no playing around, you sit down and shut up.’
Did [Y/N] listen? Nope. Not really. 
Halfway through the first lesson of the morning, and little [Y/N] is sitting in the lap of half of his classmates, messing with Hagakure’s invisible hair in utter curiosity, and playing heroes with Midoriya and Kirishima. At which point they all stand on their desks and put their fists in the air yelling ‘Detroit Smash’!
Katsuki just stands and watches as [Y/N] jumps from person to person, playing with quirks and planning out their future hero name. Kaminari is the most excited to stand on his desk and create a fake hero mask out of tape and paper, and theorise all the new quirks that could be made for [Y/N].
‘[Y/N] sit down for God’s sake!’ he growls at them, and they do so as they nestle themselves into a corner of his desk. Katsuki squeezes on with her. ‘No more talking to these... damn extras during class, ok?’
Mitsuki would skin him alive if he even thought about swearing properly in the same room as her “precious angel”.
‘But why?’
‘’Cause it’s annoying.’
[Y/N]’s eyes widen a bit, but then they beam at him and nod again, picking up a pencil as if they actually are a student and begin doodling a picture while others begin homework. Aizawa doesn’t collapse into his sleeping bag this time, instead keeping an eye to ensure he isn’t sued later for the death of an unrelated child. Midoriya and Iida are the first ones to finish of course, followed by Katsuki, who has to steal his pages when [Y/N] isn’t looking, handing it across the teacher’s desk with glitter flowers and stars in the margins. 
The bell goes to signal the beginning of their hero training, and [Y/N] clutches Katsuki’s hand as they shyly approach the scary-looking racoon man to hand him a (“professionally signed”) artwork by [Y/N] Bakugo. A misshapen house with a cat and a very dead looking racoon. 
(Aizawa does frame it later, like a dad of course.)
(Katsuki does call his teacher roadkill exactly three times after that.)
For hero training All-Might stands with his hands on his hips with [Y/N] at his side to help conduct the lesson. Together they order drills and [Y/N] gets to practise their hero voice and pose. The class ends with the whole group playing games and kicking a soccer ball around so they can pretend that [Y/N] has to save it from various situations. Which they do so successfully - “a top-rate hero” in All-Might’s words.
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For Katsuki, he’s glad to get home and die in bed when 8:30 rolls around. It’s been non-stop questions and poking and prodding even though he told [Y/N] not to, but they wouldn’t listen! And when they got home Mitsuki hounded him to make sure they hadn’t done anything stupid while at school. 
But 9 rolls around and [Y/N]’s socks cast shadows over the door frame, and the door handle jiggles. Katsuki waits and doesn’t move to help them with it. They come padding in with a stuffed Midnight plush, and crawls onto his pillow. 
‘Kat, can I come to school with you everyday?’
And god-fucking-dammit, they look so damn excited to go to school with their big brother that all he can do is turn off his lamp and pull the covers up and pat their hair. He can feel his chest swell with pride, because his sibling wants to come and watch him become a hero.
He can’t help but wonder what kind of hero [Y/N] will be. What would their quirk be? 
Oh, Mitsuki would kick his ass if he even thought about surpassing his own sibling.
He smirks at the thought. His sibling would be the best hero at U.A, not like those fucking extras. 
‘Yeah, whatever.’
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i really enjoyed writing this!
let me know if you want to request anything, and i'll try my best to get to them as quickly as possible.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
would you make katsuki x twinsister!reader? one where they're both equally talented and competitive 👉🏽👈🏽
Sorry for replying so late!!
I don’t think I can make a whole fic for this since I have 2 on going fics and already struggling to keep up with those but I’ll write it down in headcannon form, sorry :/
The Bakugo Twins
(not proofread)
Honestly as kids, you both were complete menaces. All the other kids in class would follow you both around, no kid would dare step up to you both. Though I can see that at some point it was half the class following katsuki and the other half following you. Talk about sibling rivalry...
You both got your quirk when you both were arguing, both equally hot headed, both shouting and screaming, suddenly bright sparks started coming out from your fists. You both were startled by this and forgot what you were arguing about in the first place.
You both bullied deku. Sorry, but I can only see you also have a superiority complex just like your brother. I mean you grew up in the same environment as your brother and you are expected by others to be just like him. No one has ever taught you otherwise so its was only natural for you to do whatever he does and think whatever he does and visa versa.
You both gave the poor quirkless boy a tough time...
Honestly, unlike how in the anime, Deku wasn't actually thinking about taking a swan dive off of the roof, with you also bullying him, it probably did cross his mind once or twice.
However, by middle school you both had developed your own personalities, though there was not much difference between you both to be honest.
He was a bully, ego as high as the sky, a hero nerd, a complete jerk to everyone and you were one of those popular girls who acted like a bitch with her friends laughing at the back. You were the prettiest girl in the school and you knew it.
Katsuki hated the fact that you were going to apply to UA too. You both had the same quirk, meaning that if you got in, he would constantly be compared to you and there would be nothing special about him since he would not be one of a kind. He didn't understand why you wanted to join UA either. Sure, you liked heroes too but you didn't have collectables like he did. You never showed much interest in becoming a hero while growing up, at least not as much as him anyway. So why would you even think about joining UA?
What he didn't know was that you were applying for UA because of more than just one reason. You both were twins, everyone knew Katsuki was going to to apply for UA since he wasn't exactly shy about it. So naturally everyone thought you were going to apply for UA too. Call yourself some odd variation of a people pleaser and you said "well duh, are you thick or something? Obviously I am."
Another reason was, your looks. Since you were labeled as the prettiest girl in middle school and it got to your head, your looks became an obsession for you. You had to look flawless all the time and you needed someone to compliment you about your looks at least 10 times a day.
What better way to get complimented on your looks than becoming a famous hero? Heros are more popular than any celebrity so obviously becoming a hero would give you more attention.
Another reason was your sibling rivalry, you hated it so much when he would come home first place in a competition that you also participated in. You hated it when he was clearly better than you at something. Since both of your quirks were so 'flashy' and 'dangerous', you both were always competing against each other on who can use their quirk better.
When it was the day of the UA results, you both were equally nervous. Though neither of you tried to show it, acting as if you just know you are 100% going to get in.
Both of you were hoping for the other to get rejected. However, to both of your dismany, you both got in.
You're parents were over the moon of course, both their kids getting into a school like UA was what they called their biggest achievement.
You felt happy too, but in your stomach you felt this uneasy feeling knowing your brother was coming to UA with you. Katsuki felt the same.
You both knew how much more you would have to fight each other for the spotlight. Middle school would be nothing compared to UA.
Upon coming to UA, you both struggled a lot in your own ways. In the first few weeks, everyone thought you both were the strongest (and scariest) in the whole class. Which is good. You wanted it to be that way
Imagine sibling rivalry plus class rivalry. Him in 1A and you in 1B. Both of you the strongest in your classes, both you the scariest in your classes. Everytime you cross one another, the hardest glares were thrown at each other.
The sports festival ended up a mess. Why? Simple, the Bakugo twins.
You both managed to get through most of the festival without killing anyone but once it got to the one to one matches...
The final match was one that everyone was dying to see, the twins facing each other. Two people with the same quirk. Everyone wanted to know who would win, everyone wanted to know who was better. Who was the better twin.
Class 1a were cheering for Katsuki and class 1b were cheering for you because while this match was mostly to see who was the better twin, it would also determine who was the better class since they had the winner in their class.
The only person who thought this was bad as Deku. The kid you both bullied was the only one who could see past the competitiveness and realise that this would end in a disaster. That this was doing more harm than good. That if either one of you were to win the match then it would break the thin sibling bond you both had.
You both began attacking each other left and right, at one point no one could see anything with the amount of debris and smoke filling up the stadium. All they could hear were loud explosions echoing throughout the entire stadium.
Some time later, the staff had to send a teacher down there to try and see what was going on in the match. Immediately the teacher called the match off and another teacher came to break you both off.
Were you both siblings or enemies sent on an mission to kill the other? Trust me when I say the fight got so bad they had to call if off and just say it was a draw.
Both of you were covered in cuts, bruises and burn marks. By the time the adrenaline wore off, you both collapsed, unconscious on the floor.
They had to tie you both up and All might somehow managed to out the single 1st place gold medal around your necks.
Much to everyone's dismay, no one got to find out who was the 'better twin' or 'better class'.
So for the next few weeks, it was the same as always, trying to prove to everyone that you are better while sending death glares to your brother.
UA destroyed your relationship with your brother.
When you were younger, you both would at least play with each other, you both would hold hands and run around, chasing other kids, you both would still comfort each other when the other was sad, you both used to be each other's biggest supporters and now its all gone.
It all probably began to fade during middle school and now is completely gone in UA.
You saw each other as enemies and nothing more.
Well that's what you thought until your brother got kidnapped by the league of villains.
You could never forget how you felt your heart drop when you heard the news. You even forgot to breath for a few seconds. You scared yourself with how much you got scared of losing him.
So when Kirishma, who you recognised as Katsuki's best friend, came up to you, asking if you would help him and a few other students from 1a, get Katsuki back, you agreed.
When you met up with the group, you were the last one to come along since it took you a little longer to sneak out of the house, you saw the wide eyes they looked at you with, since they were so used to seeing you and Katsuki hate on each other every day.
"I do have a heart you know." you rolled your eyes at them. "Come on, lets hurry before that dimwit starts crying like a baby." you turned around and started walking away.
"Um.. Y/n.. We have to go that way-" A black haired girl spoke up.
You were all were successful with getting Katsuki back, you really wanted to hug him or something but you felt like you couldn't. You felt like it was wrong of you to even think about hugging him after everything you did to him. So on the way back, you didn't say anything. Even while watching All Might fight All For One on a screen, you kept your distance from him, walking next to the black haired girl instead.
The walk back home was silent. He walked ahead while you followed a few feet behind, usually you wouldn't let that slide, you would try to out walk him in some way but right now your mind was filled with so many thoughts.
You were so out of it that you ended up bumping into Katsuki's back when he stopped walking. He turned around and looked at you, a softer look on his face but still glaring at you.
"Why did you come with them?" He asked.
How do you even answer that? 'even though I wished for your death like you wished for mine, i still cared. I still didn't actually want to lose you.' or maybe 'why wouldn't I? I mean sure I hated your guts and hoped everything bad happened to you but I didn't actually mean it.'
You didn't even realise when tears began falling down your cheeks while thinking. Katsuki was shocked to say the least.
"I thought I would lose you..." You spoke out in the weakest voice Katsuki had ever heard you use.
Katsuki's hand lifted up to wipe your tears away but he hesitated. Can he do that? Really? After everything he did to you? He couldn't. So he turned back around.
"Idiot. As if some little villain would ever manage to kill me." You didn't miss how his voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, nor did you miss how he subtly tried to wipe away his own tears.
Maybe you didn't get to hug him like you used to when you were younger, but at least you now know there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, you could fix your relationship with your brother.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
He WOULD fucking do that but NOT with that fucking intention
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berryblu-arts · 6 months
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@hollsmemes HIII HELLO!!!! WAVING BACK AT YOU o/!!!
sdfhsgdahg sorry to drag your ask onto another blog but!!! i have brought you doodles!!
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Kai´s first dentist appointment + hc he is a menace to pens (that guy is *not* sitting still through team meetings fdhkjhdsjfnmghf) + i just wanted to draw this one tbh
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also v important RGB sibs hc doodle (i draw mouths too small to showcase fangs U_U)
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intheticklecloset · 5 months
My Hero Academia Coffee Shots #171-180
A collection of the MHA Coffee Shots I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories. Many are from various seasonal events.
171) Lee Shinsou, Ler Deku
“Aww, they’re so cute!”
For a split second, Shinsou felt his cheeks flush, thinking his boyfriend was talking about him. But then his eyes fell on the sugar cookies he’d just pulled out of the oven – the ones with Halloween-themed decorations stamped onto them – and he let out a breath as he pulled off his oven mitts.
“Yeah, they are pretty cute, aren’t they?” he chuckled.
Deku’s mop of green hair popped into his vision then, followed by his wide smile and teasing wink. “Not as cute as you, though, Toshi~”
This time, Shinsou really did blush. “W-What…?”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice~” Deku teased, poking his side. “I saw your eyes light up when you thought I was talking about you. You’re adorable.”
“What? No, I didn’t!” Shinsou retorted, tossing his mitts onto the counter and crossing his arms defiantly. “You just…caught me off-guard.”
Deku smirked, poking him again. “Come on~” And again. “Admit it.” And again, drawing a muffled squeak out of the taller boy. “You like it when I call you cute.”
“N-Nohoho, I don’t!”
“You don’t?” Deku tapped his chin in mock pondering for a moment, then suddenly dove for his boyfriend, pushing him against the wall and digging into his sides playfully. “Then maybe beautiful? Talented? Brave? Any of those doing it for you, Toshi?”
“Ahahahahahaha nohohohohoho! Izuhuhuhuhuku!”
“No? You’re really making me work for it.” Deku’s eyes then caught on one of the cooling sugar cookies and he grinned triumphantly, turning to look up at Shinsou. “I got it! Pumpkin~”
Shinsou’s eyes widened as he cackled even harder, squirming uselessly against the wall, a mess of hysterics and blushing. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up!”
“Ooh, that’s the one, is it?”
“Pumpkin~” Deku cooed, darting down to his boyfriend’s hips. “Won’t you smile for me, my pumpkin?”
Shinsou laughed and tossed his head back so hard he slammed it into the wall, causing Deku to immediately let up on his playful attack with a gasp.
“Oh my gosh, Toshi! Are you okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tickled you there when you were against the wall, I knew better—”
He was rambling – the perfect opportunity to get him back.
Shinsou wrapped his arms around his waist and hoisted him up with ease, making Deku squeal with surprise and grasp his shoulders, smiling down at him with a pink blush of his own. “Toshi?”
“Zu,” Shinsou cooed up at him, then flashed an evil smile. “You know, I need to make sure to eat healthy before I dig into these cookies…”
Deku shrieked and kicked as his boyfriend assaulted him with raspberry after raspberry to his belly and ribs, filling the kitchen with laughter as sweet as the Halloween cookies waiting to be enjoyed.
172) Lee Deku, Ler Bakugou
When Bakugou was in the mood to destroy someone, he could be a real terror.
That’s why Deku loved being tickled by him so much, even if it always made him desperate for even a moment’s respite.
“Not so cocky now, are you, nerd?” Bakugou growled, fingers deep in Deku’s ribs, digging and drilling with everything he had and making the greenette scream.
“I’M SOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!” Deku laughed helplessly, wishing for all the world that he could bring his arms down to protect himself. But once again – as was custom now – his blonde friend had tied his arms above him to the bed so he wasn’t going anywhere. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE KACCHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN!!”
“Take back what you said about me, and I might think about letting you go,” Bakugou demanded, sliding one hand down to ghost his fingers along Deku’s hipline. “Or else…”
Deku shrieked in a ticklish panic. “OKAHAHAHAHAY, OKAY!! I TAHAHAHAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHAHACK!!”
Bakugou let up slightly, switching to light scribbling along his rival’s belly, letting him gasp for breath and giggle out leftovers. “So I’m not too reckless when I’m blowing those extras sky high?”
“I…” Deku whimpered, squirming, knowing he had to be really careful lest he get thrown right back into the fire again. “I mean…y-you are, but…but I won’t say it out loud again!”
“That’s not good enough, nerd.” The blonde dug a single thumb into one of his hips in warning. Deku squeaked and arched his back.
“I cahahan’t lie! Y-You neeheheed to work on your c-controhohohol so you don’t accidentally huhuhuhurt one of us!”
Bakugou’s eyes darkened, but his lips tugged upward in a dangerous smirk. “Oho, telling me how to fight now, eh?”
“Fine, then.” The blonde grasped his hips and growled playfully, “Begging for ‘Kacchan’ to stop won’t do you any good now, Deku. Now you beg Dynamight!”
It didn’t take very long after that for Deku to submit and plead for mercy like he never had before. If he thought Bakugou was a terror, Dynamight was a monster.
173) Lee Deku, Ler Bakugou
“My hands are cold,” Bakugou said, sounding surprised.
Deku glanced at him, blinked, and frowned. “They are?” His friend’s hands never got cold; it was one of the advantages of his explosive quirk. Sure, in winter it was harder for him to work up enough of a sweat to really be at his most destructive, but the mere fact that he could create tiny explosions in the palms of his hands meant they never got cold. It seemed impossible.
“Yeah,” the blonde said now, and it looked like he was trying to call up a few firecrackers to alleviate his symptoms. After a few moments, he cursed and grumbled, “Damn winter. My hands are too dry.”
“Interesting,” Deku said, already reaching for his notebook and pen.
“You are not seriously about to take notes on me right in front of my face,” Bakugou snapped.
Deku froze, sitting back on the couch cushions slowly. “N-No, of course not.”
“If you want to make yourself useful, figure out a way for me to warm up my hands. They’re freezing!”
“Well…” Deku glanced around. “We probably still have some hand warmers around here somewhere. If not we could warm up a water bottle—”
Suddenly Bakugou was lunging for him, making Deku screech in surprise and throw his arms up defensively, reflexively.
“W-What are you doing, Kacchan?!”
“I know how to warm my hands up,” Bakugou growled, but the wicked smirk on his lips told Deku everything he needed to know in the seconds before he was suddenly squealing with laughter, arms clamped to his sides and legs kicking uselessly.
“KAHAHAHAHAHACCHAN!!” he cried, trying and failing to push his friend away. “YOUR HAHAHAHAHANDS ARE COLD!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Bakugou snorted. “They are? Really? Who would have thought, nerd? Not like I’ve been sitting here telling you how cold they are.” The blonde wiggled his fingers even deeper into the greenette’s armpits, making the smaller boy toss his head back and shriek gleefully. “Besides, I don’t think you mind helping out, do you, ticklish little Deku?”
Deku let out a whine and tried rolling away, but Bakugou’s knee was there to keep him from escaping off the side of the couch. “KAHAHAHAHAHACCHAN!!”
“Where do you think you’re going, huh?” the blonde teased, wiggling mercilessly into his friend’s armpits. “I can feel my hands warming up already. Just deal with it for another couple of minutes, nerd. You can do that, right?”
All Deku could do in reply was laugh.
174) Lee Bakugou, Ler Deku
Deku couldn’t fathom what he was looking at on the TV screen. Just moments ago he’d been whooping Bakugou in a game of Mario Kart – on Rainbow Road, no less! – and the next, the blonde was cruising over the finish line an entire lap ahead of him.
At first the grenette was willing to let it go – maybe he’d gotten so caught up in the gaming that he’d missed his friend passing him? – but then Bakugou laughed and pumped his fist in the air proudly and that was it. He had to know what had happened.
“How did you get ahead of me?” Deku asked, casually crossing the finish line in third place and looking at his atomic friend.
“I’m just that good, nerd, obviously!”
“But…you’ve been losing all day—”
“Shut up! No I haven’t! I’ve been going easy on your ass to make you feel better, but now I’m bringing out the big guns. No more Mr. Nice Guy!”
Deku frowned, glancing at the screen. Bakugou was so far ahead of him now as the post-track scene played, waiting for them to move on to the awards ceremony. The greenette swore Bakugou had been leagues behind him just a minute before, but there was no other way to explain the sudden turnaround unless…
“Kacchan…did you cheat?”
Bakugou nearly threw his controller at him. “Of course not, you damn nerd! I just beat you! What, gonna be a sore loser now?”
“But it doesn’t make sense!” Deku insisted. “You were behind me, I know you were—”
“So cry me a river! Rainbow Road is my specialty!”
Deku didn’t believe him for a second. He frowned, considering how to go about his next approach. “Kacchan.” When the blonde finally looked at him directly, the smaller boy raised his hands like claws and said, “Tell me the truth.”
Bakugou was out of his seat and out the door into the cold so fast Deku could hardly believe his eyes. Still, he chased after the blonde – thank goodness OFA was faster than his friend’s explosions! – and quickly used Blackwhip to stop him in his tracks.
“Let me go, you stupid nerd! I didn’t cheat – wait!”
Deku quickly straddled him and smirked, knowing full well that his friend was lying and determined to prove it. “Wait for what, Kacchan?”
“Don’t – don’t try anything, damn Deku!”
But Deku just shrugged and, using Blackwhip to keep the blonde’s arms out of his way, started tickling his ribs and underarms without any further preamble.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA DEHEHEHEHEHEKU NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Bakugou screamed with laughter, thrashing in the snow helplessly, tiny sparks lighting up his palms. “FUHUHUHUCK IT’S COHOHOHOHOLD!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“You’re the one who ran out here!” Deku laughed, easily and mercilessly keeping up with his friend’s squirming and booming laughter. “It’s your own fault if you get snow down your pants. Now…how exactly did you cheat back there, huh? Gonna tell me?”
Bakugou did eventually admit to his wrongdoing – but only after another several minutes of hysterical cackles and complaining about the snow.
175) Lee Kaminari, Ler Kirishima
“Wow. That’s…a lot of lights,” Denki murmured as he began to pull the long string of colored lights out of the box.
Kirishima – who was busy fussing with a wreath for the door – turned and grinned at him. “Go big or go home! Hey, if any of the lights aren’t working, do you think your quirk can get them to come back on?”
“I’m pretty sure I’d blow them all up if I tried that.”
“You never know!”
“Let’s just see if they’ll untangle first.”
“It’s always a hassle, isn’t it? Glad you’re the one doing it.”
The two of them had decided it was way past time for the common area of their dorms to be decorated for the holidays, so with Aizawa’s permission, they’d raided the storage closet and found the wreaths, lights, knickknacks, and of course the tree. They knew Sero and Mina would be down later to help (and probably Bakugou, though he’d never openly admit to wanting to decorate) once they were finished with a different task.
“Ah!” Denki exclaimed suddenly. “Kiri, help!”
Kirishima turned hurriedly. “What, what?!”
“The lights!” The blonde held up his hands, which had somehow gotten so wrapped up in the green string connecting the lights that he couldn’t get out of it. “I’m stuck!”
The redhead laughed, hopping down from the stepstool he’d been on to come and help. “This takes ‘getting tangled in the lights’ to a whole new level, bro.”
“Just get me out,” Denki whined, holding out his hands for Kirishima to unwrap like a present.
Kirishima inspected the mess and moved to help…then stopped. He looked at Denki. He smirked.
“No,” Denki pleaded, grinning already. “No, don’t even think about – Kihihihihihiri!” He squealed with giggles as Kirishima suddenly attacked his sides and ribs while he was helpless to stop him. All he could do was wiggle and squirm, trying to turn and run but only pulled back against his friend’s chest while he tickled crazily all over his torso.
“Come on, where’s that smile? It’s Christmas! Cheer up!”
“I ahahahahaham smihihihihihiling!” Denki laughed, wriggling desperately. “Plehehehehease, stohohohohohop!”
“All right, all right,” Kirishima relented, chuckling himself as he turned his friend back around to face him and got to work untangling him for real. “Maybe I should help with the lights. Doing it solo doesn’t seem like it’s a good idea.”
“Just so you know, if you get tangled in them, I’m getting revenge,” Denki warned with a grin.
Kiri grinned right back.
176) Switches Todoroki and Natsuo
“Time for winter uniforms already, huh?” Natsuo remarked as he plopped on the couch next to his younger brother, bowl of popcorn in hand. They were about to watch a movie now that Fuyumi had gone out for a couple of hours; it was rare for the two of them to have any time alone, and they didn’t really know how to interact beyond pleasantries and movies or gaming.
They were working on it. The whole family was.
Todoroki nodded and reached for a handful from the bowl. “Yeah. Not much different from my summer uniform, really.”
“You wear long sleeves even in the summer, right? Even though half your quirk tends to burn it to ashes?”
Todoroki shrugged a little sheepishly, now reaching for the remote that lay between them. “I guess so.”
“What is it? You just don’t want the class to see how toned you’ve gotten?” Natsuo teased, aiming a quick jab for his brother’s ribs that made him squeak and dart his arm back to his side reflexively.
“I don’t care about that,” Todoroki managed through a timid smile. “But Bakugou kind of handles that showing off thing for me, so…”
“So you don’t want to be too extra?” Natsuso poked him again.
“That – that’s exahahactly how he’d prhrahahase it – Nat, plehehease!” Todoroki gradually broke down into a fit of giggles, the popcorn in his hand spilling to his lap and the floor as he squirmed with every poke and pinch to his ribs.
Natsuo chuckled and put the bowl aside entirely, reaching both hands for the younger boy’s torso. “How are things going with him, by the way? Any progress? Have you confessed yet? Come on, I wanna know all about my little brother’s love life!”
“Nahahahahahat, plehehehehehehease!”
“Please what?”
Instead of falling into the trap of asking for more tickles or begging him to stop entirely, Todoroki darted his hands for Natsuo’s knees and squeezed.
“Ah! No fahahahahahair!” his brother squealed, instantly going into defensive mode, giggling and pushing Todoroki’s hands away. “Your knehehehehehees aren’t tihihihicklish – you dohohohohon’t know what it’s lihihihihihike!”
Todoroki scoffed, but he was grinning. “Like I’m not more than ticklish enough everywhere else to make up for it? Come on, Nat – you started it. Show me what you’ve got!”
177) Lee Kirishima, Lers Deku and Bakusquad
“Are you sure you’re comfortable, Kirishima?” Deku asked, glancing at his friend, whose only body parts he could see were his head and his feet.
The redhead grinned up at him. “Oh, yeah! It’s actually kind of cozy.”
“Just making sure,” the smaller boy replied. He turned his attention back to where Bakugou, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari were roughhousing near the shoreline, trying to wrestle each other into the oncoming waves or something of that nature. Under other circumstances Deku would worry that Kiri wasn’t with them, but their mutual friend had asked to be buried in the sand and left to rest for a while, so that’s what had happened.
“Uh-oh, you’ve got your thinking face on,” Kiri teased, drawing his classmate’s attention back to him. "What’s up, Midoriya?”
“Oh, I was just thinking about your quirk,” Deku admitted sheepishly, grinning a little. “Like, if a villain attacked right now, would you be able to get out on your own? Would you be stuck there until someone got you out? That kind of thing.”
“Hmm,” Kiri mused, closing his eyes to soak up the sun for a few moments before saying, “Let’s try it.”
Deku blinked. “What?”
Kirishima grunted, and it took the greenette a moment to register that he was trying to break free of his sandy grave. He watched for several seconds as the redhead huffed and puffed and managed to free just a bit more of his neck and ankles, but that was it.
“Well, I guess they did a good job,” Kiri chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere, even with my hardening quirk activated.”
“Interesting,” Deku hummed, filing the information away for later. “But maybe you need better motivation?”
“Like what?”
With a smile, Deku snaked a hand down to Kirishima’s bare foot and scribbled against it gently.
“Ah! Midohohoriya!” Kiri giggled, eyes going wide for a split second before squeezing shut. “No fahahahair! I can’t defend mysehehehelf!”
“Are you really stuck?” Deku asked, scooting down to get better access to both of his friend’s feet now, scribbling freely along them with very little resistance due to his friend’s position. “You’re hardly moving at all; are you actually trying to get out?”
“Of cohohohohourse I ahahahaham!” Kiri whined, snickering helplessly, the only free parts of his body shaking and wiggling slightly from the sensations. “Midohohohoriya! W-Wahahahait, the ohohohohothers—!”
“Ooh, why didn’t I think of that?” Mina squealed as she hurried over to them, the rest of the gang right behind her, all with mischievous smiles on their faces. “He’s in prime position for some tickle torture!”
Kirishima shrieked, but the flash of excitement in his eyes wasn’t lost on anyone. “N-Now hold on a second! I didn’t ask for this – Bakugou, I swear to gohohohohohod! Ahahahahahaha, nooooo!”
But Bakugou was just smirking knowingly, and soon all five of them were taking turns tickling the trapped redhead. This day at the beach sure had taken a turn, but no one was complaining about it.
178) Lee Sero, Ler Todoroki
“That’s certainly an innovative use of your quirk,” Todoroki commented with a grin as he watched Sero used his arm’s tape to wrap around the back of the kite, whose string had long since gone missing.
“It’s smart, right?” Sero replied with a smile of his own. “Who needs a new kite when I can just repurpose my old one with my own creativity?”
Todoroki chuckled, watching as his boyfriend finished wrapping up the kite and then took off running, trying to get it to catch air. After a couple of failed attempts he finally managed it, and Todoroki casually strolled over to where he stood now, watching the kite soar the whole way.
Sero grinned at him. “Pretty cool, yeah?”
“I haven’t flown a kite in years. Definitely not since before junior high.” Sero watched it dart side to side with the wind. “It’s kind of silly, but…I missed it.”
Todoroki smiled and moved to stand behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “You’re cute.”
“Am not,” Sero retorted.
“Of course you are.” Todoroki observed that his partner’s arms were in a slightly raised position to keep the kite flying, and he smirked. “You’re also wide open, you know.”
“Hmm? H-Hey!” Sero gasped and trembled at the maddeningly light touch of Todoroki’s fingers grazing his sides and waistline, just enough for it to tickle but not enough for it to be bad – yet. “W-What are you doing? You know I’m t-tihihihicklish!”
Todoroki kept up his slow, light pace with a smile, barely grazing his fingernails along his boyfriend’s body, curious how long he’d hold out. “I know. And you know I like tickling people. Especially people who are cute when they’re flying a kite.”
“Thahahat’s stupidly specific, Sh-Shohohohoto,” Sero snickered lightly, shivering and grinning and trying to keep his composure. “You tihihihickle every cute person flying a kihihihihite?”
“Mmm…nah. Just you.” Todoroki couldn’t help but pinch his sides, making him squeak and giggle in earnest, the tape from his arms wavering as Sero brought them down protectively.
“All right, I’ll stop,” the peppermint boy said, going back to just snuggling his partner instead. “Couldn’t help myself.”
Sero relaxed and glanced back up at the kite, a lingering smile on his face. He thought it was adorable the way his boyfriend loved making others laugh. “You’re pretty cute, too.”
Todoroki just hummed and hugged him closer, contentedly enjoying the afternoon with his boyfriend.
179) Lee Todoroki, Lers Natsuo and Fuyumi
“W-Wahahahahahahait – plehehehehehehease, guys!”
Natsuso smirked playfully down at his little brother who – thanks to his and Fuyumi’s efforts – was currently half-curled in on himself, giggling crazily as they scribbled and scratched across his torso and waist.
“Wait for what? Huh?” he teased, deftly catching Todoroki’s wrist when it came down protectively, gently wiggling into his underarm. “Weren’t you practically begging us to tickle you just a minute ago?”
Even lit by only a flashlight, Todoroki’s face clearly turned pink at the insinuation. “I dihihihihid nohohohohohohot!”
“Hmm…Fuyumi, wouldn’t you say that Shoto acting all cute and leaving himself wide open was invitation enough for us to play around a little bit?”
“I believe it was,” their sister replied, giggling along with Todoroki as she pinched his sides. “After all, if he kept his arms above his head and kept looking at us like that, how could we not want to tickle him?”
Todoroki whined, squirming to the side when his sister tickled his ribs, then trying to pull his arm down when his brother scribbled in his armpit. He blushed furiously, but couldn’t bring himself to protest any of this. He hadn’t exactly been trying to tempt them into tickling him by laying in the grass with his arms behind his head, but…he hadn’t exactly not been trying to, either.
“Ehehehehehehehe plehehehehehehehease!” he begged, heart racing in anticipation when both of his older siblings suddenly grabbed an arm and lay it flat on the ground so he was almost in a T pose. They lay gently on top of his limbs, pinning him, and shot him mischievous smiles. Todoroki gasped, giggling helplessly even though they weren’t touching him yet. “Ah! W-Wahahahait, wait!”
“For what, Shoto?” Fuyumi cooed, dragging a single fingertip down the short length of his underarm, making him jerk and cackle briefly. “Would it really help you if we waited?”
“Or would you rather just get on with it, little bro?” Natsuo asked, repeating the gesture on his other side.
Todoroki shivered, glancing at each of them in turn, his giddiness nearly overwhelming. He lifted his gaze to the stars they’d all been observing and chatting about together beforehand, then squeezed his eyes shut and murmured, “Just do it already.”
Needing no further invitation, Natsuo and Fuyumi each began to scribble into his armpits with purpose, and Todoroki pressed his lips together defiantly for all of three seconds before he couldn’t help himself and the first waves of laughter spilled out, followed by useless squirming and pleading.
“Nohohohohohohohoooo! Plehehehehehehehehease, it’s so bahahahahahahahahad!”
His siblings merely exchanged grins.
“And yet, you’re not asking us to stop~” Natsuo teased.
“So we’ll just have to keep going, little brother~” Fuyumi added.
Todoroki lay giggling and laughing beneath the stars for a while after that, but he hadn’t felt so content and loved in a long time. It was worth it.
180) Lee Bakugou, Ler Todoroki
Todoroki felt incredibly content. How could he not? He was lying under the warm spring sun with his beautiful, hotheaded boyfriend, snuggled up on his chest with the other boy’s arm wrapped around his waist. It was so calming and comforting. He loved moments like this, even more because they were so rare. While the picnic had been his idea, the cuddling had been Bakugou’s, and he felt he could die happy in this moment and have no regrets.
“Should have had waffles,” the blonde murmured.
Todoroki considered a moment, then decided he didn’t know what he meant and said, “Huh?”’
“We’re being such saps right now. We could make our own syrup and have waffles.”
The half-and-half hero snorted. “Look at you, showing off your knowledge.”
“Do you not know that syrup comes from certain trees?”
“Hush.” Todoroki nuzzled his boyfriend’s chest and pinched his ribs. “Let me enjoy this without your smart mouth ruining it.”
“Oi, don’t call me a smart mouth—hey!” Bakugou shot his free arm down protectively when Todoroki began pinching him with more purpose. “Knohohock it off!”
“I told you to hush. You’re ruining the moment.” Todoroki remain stubbornly where he was, effectively trapping at least one of Bakugou’s arms as he pinched up and down his ribs, making the blonde jerk and giggle despite himself. The peppermint boy smiled at the sound.
“Asshohohohole! I’ll ruhuhuin the moment more if you keheheheheep tickling me!”
Without another word, Todoroki strategically darted to scribble into the side of Bakugou he was laying on, making it so that he couldn’t stop him with either of his arms anymore thanks to their positioning. The snort the blonde let out made his heart leap, and he grinned as his partner squirmed and tried to hold back his giggles.
“Okay, okahahahahay, I’ll shuhuhuhut up about sahahahahap!” Bakugou whined after a few moments, tapping Todoroki’s shoulder in a gesture of submission. “Shohohohohohoto!”
Todoroki slowed to a stop, then wrapped his arm around his partner’s middle and hugged him closer, determined to snuggle him even more now. “You’re so warm.”
Bakugou scoffed. “Again with the sap—”
This time when Todoroki struck, it was with sudden, playful determination. He swung a leg over to trap the blonde where he was and dove his hand into his boyfriend’s armpit, making him screech and toss his head back as laughter spilled out of him beyond his control.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! OKAY I’LL STOHOHOHOHOHOP I PROHOHOHOHOHOMISE!! SHOTO!!” Bakugou cried, struggling to no avail. He cackled as his partner found the sweet spot between his armpit and ribs, making his whole body spasm with ticklishness, a shriek flying past his lips. “FUHUHUHUHUHUCK!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
With a satisfied smirk, Todoroki flopped down on top of him and curled up again, nuzzling him even more now. “That’s more like it.”
“Tch. All right, all right. Come here, snuggles.” The blonde wrapped both arms and legs around him in a cuddly trap that made the other boy visibly melt. Bakugou smiled softly at him. “You’re cute, you know? Something so simple makes you so happy.”
Todoroki hummed contentedly, smiling as well. He didn’t say anything in response; he merely soaked up the moment while it lasted. Bakugou cuddling him was a rarity he didn’t want to miss a single second of.
The warm sun on the remains of their shared picnic together wasn’t so bad, either.
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justagirl-with-aphone · 10 months
~A lil part 2 to Bakugo crushing over Kiri's sister~ -headcanons-
lil angsty at the end but FLUFFFF/ish?
TW. mentions groping
-I can totally see Bakugo coming over more often now that he knows Kiri has a sister. I can SEE this man in a gruff voice asking Kirishima "s' your shitty sister home?" All embarrassed when Ejiro questions his friend.
-YOU CANNOT TELL ME Kiri doesn't catch on and is the biggest wingman but PROTECTIVE brother out there. Like he's rolling his eyes when Bakugo denies liking you, and casually mentioning your favorite things to him in conversation and seeing how it piques Bakugo's interest. He would be such a little shit about it too.
-He folds and follows you on his social media he hasn't used since he downloaded it and didn't want to admit he was excited you followed him back. He scrolls through your photos, only liking the recent ones to not seem like he is stalking you on your socials (He most definitely is.)
-Runs into you and your friends at a club he's way too young to be at (was dragged there by Mina against his will.) But doesn't seem to mind as much when he sees you in your little dress all glammed out. Drink in hand and swaying to the music with your friends. You take notice of him and invite him to join your little group.
-Boy is he jealous though. Seeing you with your older friends and guys who are much taller and older than he is. Guys practically drooling over you.
-One got a lil too hansy, groping your ass. Upset, you turn and confront the guy. Seeing the conflict between the two of you rising, bakugo steps in, barking a "Let her go dipshit." earning a defeated huff from the man.
-You smile at him flashing your smile that makes him melt a little. You pat him on his head. "I'm glad you're my brother's friend."
-When you bring your new s/o home for the first time bakugo is crushed.
Because to you all Bakugo will ever be, is your little brother's best friend.
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theloveinc · 8 months
still thinking abt kiri’s emotionally intelligent son… things I have decided about him:
-hates wearing clothes and walks around the house in just underwear
-gamer like I said… YELLS into the microphone and u can hear it across the house
-probably has some weird side hustle selling stuff that you kinda… do but also don’t know about. He always has money tho???
-definitely has adhd / add and is always moving. bouncing on the couch, using kiri’s weights, etc.
-has long hair his whole life. Shaves himself bald occasionally to let it grow back and it’s the strangest thing.
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Nah because I do believe that the family does care about Shouto, and like I said in that ask caring/worrying about one person doesn’t mean you don’t care/worry for the other.
However, I do agree the lack of comfort for Shouto from his family since the start of the war, well it’s rather disappointing I won’t lie and the one comfort we might have gotten was off-screen! Yes I’m talking about his reunion with his mother, off-screened in favour of Enji’s crying face! Nonetheless, I do agree there though the comfort is lacking, and if we don’t get them comforting him at some point by the end of the war. I’m going to be quite upset 😭 because he needs it!
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double-detonation · 5 months
Double Detonation Chapter 4
Using my quirk at my feet, I accelerated forward faster than I ever thought possible, screaming, "Katsuki!" I caught him before he could land face-first on the concrete. I sat on my knees, holding him up in a sitting position while he coughed up some gunk. I cringed at the sight, patting his back gently. I didn’t really know what to say, my body was shaking as pros closed in on us. Katsuki groaned and turned his head to look at me, a small smirk forming. I looked confused as he spoke, his voice a bit rough from the near suffocation he just endured. “T-told you, th-at, you could move faster.” I frowned in annoyance. “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY JOKING AROUND RIGHT NOW!” I shouted, smacking him gently on the back of his head. He hissed. “Oi, what the hell woman!”
The pro heroes start praising my brother’s quirk for the sheer power he showed when he was captured. No, please, stop encouraging him. His ego is already big enough as it is. I groaned to myself. I looked over, hoping to spot Midoriya. Once I spotted him, I got up and walked over to him, frowning at his expression. “You moron, do you have a death wish!” The walking twig shouted at him. OH HELL NAW. I quickly moved my way over. “There was absolutely no reason to-” I pushed the man with white hair to the side, standing in front of Izuku. I crossed my arms and glared at both of them.
“I don’t fucking think so. There is NO way in hell I’m going to let you talk to Izuku like that!” I growled, looking back at Midoriya with a small smile before scowling back at the two men. “He was the only fucking person who tried to help my brother in there!” I spat. “You should be ashamed of yourselves! You both are heroes. You should be setting an example rather than chastising someone who acted more like a hero than you lot today!” I finished, turning back to Midoriya, seeing him standing and fiddling with his fingers with a small blush on his cheeks.
I walked over to Midoriya, giving him a gentle hug. “Thank you Izuku, I owe ya one, okay?” I smiled at him, causing his blush to deepen, turning him into a human strawberry. “I-I didn't really do anything m-major, it's okay! You d-don't owe m-me anything!” He stutters, waving his hands around nervously. I chuckle softly at his antics. “Seriously though, if you need something, just call me.” I waved him goodbye, heading back towards my brother.
“C'mom, let's go home ‘Suki,” I said, starting the walk home. Katsuki looks at Midoriya with a fierce glare before following.
It has been about a week and a half since the incident. Also, the same amount of time when I decided I was going to fully train my quirk and my body like I was supposed to. The feeling of not being able to do anything when someone I loved was suffering…never again. I started using my allowance money to pay for a gym membership. I purposely chose one that was an hour away so I could get in a good run every other day. I didn't really work out in my past life due to health issues, but damn it felt nice being able to run without dying from exhaustion. 
My favorite part of the gym has to be the rock climbing course. I can't just go around parkouring things without getting into trouble, but here, I can do it as much as I want. Though the adults watching get mad at me if I try to do stupid shit, joy killers. I try to improve my time on the course every time I come but sometimes I rush a bit too much and fall, ruining the run. Speak of the devil. “Ahh shit!” I yelled as I missed my footing, and fell on the floor padding. “Damn it!” I shouted in frustration. Knew I should have gone for the closer stone. “That could have been my best time yet,” I grumbled into my hands.  
“Woah, dude you good? You fell from the top level.” A guy's voice spoke. A hand reached out towards me.
Hearing a voice next to me, I looked up towards them. My eyes widened at this guy's very familiar appearance. Crimson hair and eyes…oh shit. “O-oh um, yeah I'm good,” I replied, taking his hand. He pulls me up, giving me his signature toothy grin. “That's good, even with the padding it can be easy to sprain your ankle or something.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. Shit, am I seriously meeting one of my favorite comfort characters in person…BEFORE I EVEN ATTEND UA! Kazumi panic mode has been initiated, requesting backup.
I chuckled nervously, starting to pick at the skin on one of my arms subconsciously. “A-ah yeah, that would have sucked, my name's Bakugou K-Kazumi.” I stuttered, offering a slightly shaky hand to greet him properly. God damn it nerves, stop it, you're fine! I swear his eyes fucking sparkled at the gesture. Ugh, why is he such a fucking cinnamon roll in real life too!
“Sweet! I'm Kirishima Ejirirou. Are you new here? I haven't seen you at this gym until recently.”
Recently!? He's fucking been here and I haven't noticed! “N-no I'm not, I don't live near here, I live about an hour or so away. I just use this gym as an excuse to make me run.” I explained. 
Kirishima looked a bit shocked. “You run here for an hour!? Do you also run home?”
“Yup, though I don't go to the gym every day.” I'm too damn lazy to do that.
“Damn dude, I'd be too exhausted afterward to go running home, and I live nearby, respect man!” Kirishima laughs wholeheartedly with his sharp teeth showing, making me smile softly. “When do you normally leave?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Eh, about 7:30. Gives me enough time to be home before curfew.”
Kirishima looks excited for a moment before calming himself down. “Would ya by any chance want to spar some? I- haven't really got many friends that would be willing to go to the gym with me- it's okay if that's a no tho!”
I pulled my phone out of my pocket for a second to check the time. I still have about an hour before I have to leave. I shrug, shoving the phone back down. “Sure why not.”
I regret agreeing to this.
I thought I was getting better at hand-to-hand combat fighting Katsuki. But God, he was kicking my ass, and that was without his quirk. Kirishima sent a quick, and hard kick to my side, making me kneel down, gasping for breath. I was on the floor panting, fuck. I almost wonder if Katsuki has been holding out on me, but I know he wouldn't do that. Fucker is too prideful to not go full strength. I held my hand up to signal a stop. “J-Jesus Christ red, what are you made out of.”
“S-sorry didn't mean for it to hurt that much.” He laughed nervously as he helped me up. “I got thick skin, even without my quirk.” 
I already knew what it was, but if I was going to build any friendships with anyone, I can't just be some weirdo who knows almost everything about them right away. “If you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?” I asked gingerly, knowing it was a rather sensitive topic for him.
“Eh..my quirk is Hardening.” He replied with a voice that was a bit solemn, holding out his arm, turning the skin into a rock-like texture. “It's not very flashy but I'm aiming for the hero course of UA, which is why I'm here training.” He said, looking at me. “What about you?”
I frowned at his tone. Poor baby needs to build more confidence. “Mine is called Explosion. As the name suggests, I can make explosions with my hands and feet using my sweat.” Kazumi explained. “I would show you but…I would rather not accidentally blow anything up right now, sorry.”
“It's all good man, but I definitely want to see it one day, it must be pretty flashy if it's explosive!” Kirishima exclaims, his eyes widening slightly. “Oh shoot!” He pulled his phone out, unlocking the screen to the contact list page. “Mind if we swap numbers since you live far away? I'd love to keep in touch.” He asks, handing me his phone.
My face lights up at the thought as I make a new contact. I click the camera button, taking a quick selfie before typing in my phone number. This is exciting! The only people I have on my phone are my family and Midoriya. I finish up the information and hand the device back. “Text me and I'll save the number,” I said as I picked up my backpack. Kirishima and I walk towards the exit, the sliding glass doors open and we step onto the sidewalk.
“Bet, it was nice meeting you Bakugou!” Kirishima smiled, waving me goodbye as I walked off. I nodded, lazily raising my arm to wave it. “Yeah, you too,” I said, stepping up the pace into a sprint as I headed home.
I huffed as I made my way through the door. Hearing a notification from my phone, I threw myself on the living room couch and dug out my phone from my pocket. “Hey, it’s Kirishima! Thanks for the great day!” I smiled widely, instantly typing him back. “No problem man, I had fun even if you were kicking my ass.” I sent a message back with a laughing emoji. What I didn’t realize was that Katsuki heard me coming home and that he was currently behind me, watching.
“What the fuck, since when did you use emojis, and why are you smiling so goddamn much.” He demanded, throwing so many questions at me unexpectedly. Hearing his voice, I jumped, closing my phone with a slight blush. “N-none of your business! Stop stalking me!” I shouted.
Katsuki narrows his gaze at me, a shit-eating grin forming. “OLD HAG, KAZUMI HAS A BOYFRIEND.” I jumped again at the volume, my eyes widening. “Katsuki!” I yelled, jumping over the sofa to tackle him to the floor. A woman's voice from the floor above shouted. 
Ending note: Hey everyone, sorry that this chapter took a bit longer to write than the others. I took a bit of a break last week since I was a bit tired from work and didn't have the motivation to write. I did start, but I never finished and I hated it for a while because I was unsure of what I wanted to do for it. I figured it out tho so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
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heronoegg · 10 months
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f!Denki n Kirishima + Tetsu brothers
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Kirishima, a gay: you’re a woman lover, you wouldn’t understand
Mina, a lesbian:
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tales-from-elysivm · 5 months
I saw your bakugou with sibling reader! I loved it and would like to ask for a continuation
Maybe when the reader gets their quirk? And how would the family and others react if it does turn out to be more powerful than his
★。/ plus ultra: echo burst! \。★
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pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader (part two!)
(here's a link to part one if you haven't read it yet!)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 5.4k
tw: none! purely some platonic, wholesome fluff. of course, a bit of cussing from bakugo, and some canon typical violence, unedited because i’m too tired for that-  (very little violence, only implied/mentioned, little baby y/n bakugo doesn’t need that–)
notes: this is my first fic sequel! on my old blog, i had a sequel planned out and requested of bakugo’s sibling ending up quirkless, so if anyone wants to see a secondary sequel about a quirkless!sibling as well, let me know! but of course, they/them pronouns for little sibling bakugo, and please enjoy! thank you again for requesting this fic anon!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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‘don’t touch that y/n.’
katsuki bakugo reluctantly holds onto the tiny, chubby hand of his little sibling, dragging them haphazardly through a crowded market aisle. despite being late to your appointment at the doctor, you had begged him to take you to get ice cream afterwards. your appointment had gone well, and mitsuki had demanded he do anything you wanted today.
he decides to let you loose in a merchandise store just off the side of the street. it’s the same one where you had gotten your all might onesie, and your favourite lunch boxes. he wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same place deku got all his merch too.
looking around at the merch, he can’t help but think of your appointment, though it hadn’t really bothered him at all before now.
things were great. your joints in your little toe showed you would get your quirk at some point, it would develop, which would no doubt relieve his mother - she had long ago begun doubting whether you would end up quirkless, and the idea had concerned her until she had almost driven herself mad. but, according to him, you were fine. a quirk would come to you eventually, it just had to develop, and he told bakugo that things would be fine with a hearty smile on his round face.
it had made him think - he would only admit that it was briefly - what it would be. your quirk. would it be explosive like his own or would it be defensive or weaker? despite thinking of this too, he didn’t really have the heart - and he had one, deep down, for you - to think of his sibling any differently.
‘katsuki!’ you come running up to him, a round bandaid on your bare arm from the blood test you undertook. you cried a little, but toughed it up, your eyes still slightly red. in your arms is a soft midnight plush, and you hold it out to him with the biggest grin he’s probably ever seen. ‘can i get a midnight?’
he looks at it for a moment. he doesn’t even bother asking how much it might be before he deflates at the doe-eyed look you give your big brother. you walk him to the counter and hold his hand while he pays for your new plushee. one you definitely didn’t need.
with midnight plush in hand, you let him lead you out of the store.
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bakugo isn’t stupid, he knows the city isn’t safe when it gets darker. he knows that villains lie on almost every corner, and that he can’t always predict when or where they might strike. he had let you drag him anywhere, and stupidly he followed. because what kind of brother would he be if he denied you? that’s how he ends up halfway across the city and carrying you home while you doze off on his shoulder. your midnight plush pressed tightly between your backs. but something passes overhead, a dark shape in the sky. a shop alarm rings out through the blackness of the street. the night lights flicker on. 
it’ll only take him about fifteen minutes to get you home. but even he can feel the slightest thrill of fear that sets in. a prickling on his skin. 
then a bin in the alley rattles and knocks over. from the quick flash he can see, it’s not one of the villains he’s seen before, or at least no one important enough to remember. his grip tightens around your legs, hoisting you higher on his back before he continues his walk home, his steps quickening despite himself.
your head lolls on his shoulder, your face pressed into his shirt.
‘kat? what’s wrong?’ he doesn’t answer you, only slides you onto the concrete quickly and hides you behind an alcove in the storefront. he makes sure you’re hidden by the foliage hanging overhead. ‘katsuki?’
‘stay here, ok?’ he tells you quietly, ruffling your hair a little bit to calm the panicked glaze in your eyes. it doesn’t work. his parents were always better at this stuff. ‘don’t make a sound.’
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you’ve watched katsuki fight before. you’ve seen villain attacks that he got caught up with on the news, as a u.a student it’s almost expected. but this is different. you had never seen it in person. never felt the heat radiating off his explosions, seen the buildings behind this villain crumble on impact, never felt the ringing of your ears when it finally bursts. no, this is different. katsuki has only been hit once or twice, dodging the villains knives that seem to almost miraculously float around him, flying in any direction he pleases. it scares you, just how close it feels now. you don’t think you like it very much at all.
but then katsuki dodges one of those flying knives, and on his cheek a shallow wound oozes a trickle of blood. he wipes it away nonchalantly, like this happens all the time. you had never seen something like this, he was always patched up by the time he came home to see you. but this is terrifying. 
without a thought, you leap forward from the alcove, little legs pounding the pavement as you plant yourself in the space between katsuki and the villain. your little arms outstretched to protect your brother, your midnight plush clutched in your fists. fat tears roll down your round cheeks and your lip trembles.  the villain laughs at you, you think. and katsuki yells at you to reach cover again. maybe he barks out some threat, hoping it would scare you enough to run away. but it doesn’t. instead, you let yourself be curled into his arms and you hold midnight like a beacon. your crying erupts into earth-shattering screams.
a shockwave bursts from your fingers, the force pulsating in your skin and travelling up your arms. it hurts a little bit, makes your arms shake. your knees feel weak as you hold it, the bubble growing until it pins the villain against the alley wall. it crumbles under his weight, pushing his form against the brick. even if you wanted to you wouldn’t be able to let it go. 
‘y/n, it’s okay, it’s okay,’ katsuki soothes with a hand on your head, shielding your gaze from the villain as he finally falls limp to the floor. not quite dead, not yet at least. ‘let’s go home, yeah?’
you nod up at him, and the shockwave droops, it fades, becoming a small bubble around you and your brother, encasing you in safety as you play with the tips of midnight’s hair. 
katsuki doesn’t quite understand it immediately, but it clicks for him as he reaches the front step of your home, looking down at your sleeping form cradled in his arms, he realises just how powerful your quirk could be. your cheeks are red and splotchy from your crying before, and yet you look almost peaceful.
he moves aside your hair, and looks down at your face.
despite knowing you would always be an amazing hero, now he knew for sure. now he could probably brag that his little sibling was going to surpass even all might. 
maybe, he wouldn’t mind you surpassing him either, if you kept smiling like you had.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait.
So there are people who are now saying KiriMina is "sibling coded"? Hmmm...
KiriMina, the same pair that seems to have quite a bit in common with another pair that people also like to say is "sibling coded" and often bash those shippers because they can't handle not everyone has the same taste in ships as them.
What pair was that?
Oh, yeah!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Our Hero Academia:My Bnha rewrite/fixit
'Our' instead of 'My' because the protagonist role is shared by our Big Three:Izuku,Shouto and Momo.They're official title is 'The Tea Trio' because Izuku's name means 'green' and 'spring' and i associate tea with springtime and Shouto and Momo's canonical love for tea
Inko is half sudanese so Izuku is blasian and so is Momo as the daughter of a japanese-dominican woman and an afro-mexican man while Shouto is fully asian but biracial as well,Rei being half bangladeshi.Izuku ends up developing chronic pain due to the mix of One For All usage and Bakugou's lifelong violet physical assaults towards him and needs crutches,Momo has a hodgepodge of neurodivergent disorders with adhd,autism,anxiety AND ocd and Shouto is blind in his scar eye and Izuku and him are autistic like her too and Momo is fat because of her quirk
Momo's adultification trauma is explicit and intentional instead of heavy accidental subtext,Bakugou is an antagonist all the way through and a metaphor for ableism and male privilege and Endeavour is given zero grace while Rei is a fleshed out character as they all deserve
Izuku is agender without a specified agab,Momo is a trans girl and Shouto is transmasc genderfluid with neutral,feminine and androgynous gender presentation respectively.As stated they're our core mcs but not the only ones!!
The whole main cast is them,Toshinori,Rumi,the rest of 'The Tea Blend Crew' made up of Hitoshi,Kirishima,Jirou,Mina,Eri and Himiko and Dabi and him,Momo,Shouto and Izuku the 'Jumbo Tea Quartet'.Toshinori is a he/him butch lesbian and has a sidestory romance with Inko and all the other Tea Kids are blasian latinos like Momo except Himiko,who is half african-american!
Todomomo,Shinmido and Minajirou are canon and the rest of The Tea Blend Crew see eachother as found siblings.Togachako,Miruyumi and Dabitwice are also canon!
The series is kicked off with 'Midoriya Izuku:Origin' but shortly followed up by 'Yaoyorozu Momo:Origin' as Momo and Izuku become eachother's first ever friends and Shouto's debut into the main cast is the same because it's too iconic and dear to me for me to change it.Momo's already befriended Jirou and Mina by then and same for Izuku befriending Kirishima but Hitoshi is transfered to the hero course post-Sports Festival.Momo also had a private talk with Bakugou over his bullying of Izuku telling him to leave him alone only to end up crying in fear at his outburst,calling and accusing her hurtful things over her being a girl nerd and 'well-developed'.She created a staff and hit him in the crotch with it on live tv for it when he was tied up in his 'feral' state for it
The Tea Trio is finally complete as of Yaoyorozu Rising and they have a lot of solo bonding just the three of them to set them up as the core of Oha.Not to say the Tea Blend Crew dosen't get their own pagetime!!It's revealed Jirou got bullied growing up because of being a black goth transfem butch and has bpd as a result,Mina is the biokid of a cis gay x seahorse dad couple and grew up taking dance classes,Kirishima has lesbian biomoms too and used to self-harm out of insecurity over his natural fatness and Hitoshi was raised by his abuela who was the only person who ever cared about him and got his love of cats from her and they get a good deal of bonding with eachother and them too!!Kicking ass together too ofc!They all hate Bakugou and make a thing of roasting him for how awful he's been to all of them multiple times yet all at different points.Izuku starts to loose his illusion of Bakugou being a good person when he tries to protest against their words but can't find an actual defense
The Tea Blend Crew training partners,teenage dirtbag best friends,study buddies and a hero team!They have their own group chat named 'The Tapioca Vine'(dosen't make sense on purpose LMFAO),schedueled hangouts,a secret abandoned technologically advanced gym they found on accident they use as their training base and dubbed it 'Our Hero Spotter',no personal space when it comes to eachother and matching rings!I'll get to those later :] Oh but also their theme song is 'Adventricular' by Sesamoid♡First Time Friends Turn Into Forever!!
The Bakugou rescue arc still happens but Jirou,Mina and Hitoshi take Iida's place and it's a decoy plot for the beginning of Momo's Destruct arc.Dabi and Momo kept running eachother by genuine accident which led to him discovering her importance to Shouto so he used those accidental encouters to radicalize her to get at Shouto and all the sympathy thrown at Bakugou and the stark contrast to how awfully Hero Society including U.A treats her despite having worked her entire life to earn her place in the hero world just to not get it made it hit the mark.Kirishima getting the Fatgum intership over her rubbed very lemony salt in her wounds so as soon as they rescued Eri just as she'd promised herself,she joined the League of Villains as Destruct in secret from her friends.Himiko and her are pretty much sisters
And S'mores Siblings accidentally became real by the time she joined.Momo and Dabi had come to truly love eachother as family because he'd treated her better than any other adult in her life before and even without the comparison he was a good older brother figure and even pseudo-dad to her and he was actually enjoying spending time with her as an intergenerational friendship and mentorship and her and Jin were the first people he'd truly loved after his 'death',greatly helped by them understanding his misfit status(abusive perfectionist parents who treated them awfully as a neurodivergent child/stigmatized mental illness and physical disability that's not 'sexy' to normies).Momo is pastel punk and kidcore in aesthetic AND personality and lifestyle at that point,including Dabi giving her a side shave and pink dye.Momo hacked her parents banks to donate all their money to charity and use some of it for herself and for gifts for her loved ones too
Himiko connects with the TBC through Momo without letting them know she's a villain and infiltrates U.A to hang with her and makes a huge spectacle of herself on purpose,to Momo's embarrasment.She ends up legit joining the friend group and falling for Ochako for real instead of mutual obssesion.Izuku and Shouto's own arcs chronicle Izuku's attempts to live with disability,be a true hero AND experience teenagehood to the fullest and Shouto's relathionships with his family,learning how to be a real kid-including going goth punk for that weirdkid swag,his quirk on multiple levels and his true love by choice with Momo and vice versa on that last one as Todomomo is an unremovable aspect of eachother.They complete eachother,not just half and half and feel like their own people yet two yet the same
Jirou's gotten way more hardcore on every level,in attitude and in aesthetic and in tactics but as positive character development and Mina is a little bit of everything as she's too chaotic to be held down.That makes them the perfect love interest's for the other and are as snuggly and mushy as Todomomo but with Tsundere Jirou and Tease Mina.Kirishima can't help but let himself be louder and larger and heroicer as he looses ALL sense of shame in the best way possible and him accidentally embarrasing others with it becomes a running gag.Hitoshi's quite taken with trying all life will give him he didn't get to experience,including dating Izuku,and realizing the true meaning of his quirk:Putting his foot down on mistreatment,towards him AND fellow victims as he uses it to get Bakugou to fess up in front of almost the whole school staff so he gets expelled.Izuku is so overjoyed and relieved he hops onto him to kiss him right then and there and loud cheering from Class 1-A ensues,including several 'IT'S ABOUT TIME's and wolfwhistles equivalents
TBC rings were diy'd by them!They're those big see through-ish rings you see indie girl characters wearing so often and they each have cordinated colors for eachother and a charm inside:Green and a bunny for Izuku,white and red and a cat for Shouto,pink and yellow and a rose for Momo,deep red and a wolf for Kirishima,lavender and a guitar pick for Jirou,hot pink and a ballerina for Mina,purple and a hypnosis eye for Hitoshi,gold and a blood drop for Himiko,pastel blue and a unicorn for Eri and a bonus for the honorary member in Dabi with a deep blue and an azure flame.The Jumbo Tea Quartet get their own subcategory because of Todosiblings + S'mores Siblings follow up to Izuku and Dabi familial dynamic too.Dadbi is real y'all
Eri is adopted as their baby sister because of how she's always at the dorms and dosen't get on the field but is a major character as a symbol to fight for the next generation but also humanized and written like a realistic 6 year old.Rumi's debut gives her the connection to the Todofam Hox didn't deserve as Fuyumi's celebrity crush turned best friend turned girlfriend and Hox gets his ass beat by Momo who saves Jin just in time and Dabi kills Hox away from her eyes to not traumatize her.The Final War arc leads to the disenmantling of the pro-hero system to replace it with a good system instead by our local teenage anarchists with help from All-Might and the Lov in a new era of unity.Rei kills Enji,Dabi and Jin get married,Himiko and Ochako get their happy ending,Momo's new codename is Creadora,Shouto is Freezerburn and Izuku is Mighty Girl.Todomomo Endgame happens too and all's right in Our Hero Academia/Oha.We deserved better just like they did
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