navigatorsghost · 3 months
Snippet time! This has been knocking around in my drafts for ages and I'm not getting any further with it, so I thought I'd toss it here as it is and see if I get any more inspiration as a result. You know those fics where the Akatsuki members get turned into cats and some poor character gets stuck with them? This is, like, the inversion of that trope. Gen, crack-treated-seriously, rated T for canon-typical violence (Hidan sacrificing someone).
Kakuzu was counting his money, like a normal bounty hunter on a normal day, when he was interrupted by a sudden outbreak of screaming.
The collection office agent, a short man with a rabbity face and nervous eyes, visibly twitched. Kakuzu, having caught the name Jashin-sama being loudly declaimed in the midst of the chaos outside, sighed but didn't stop the flick of notes between his fingers. Whatever problems his partner was causing could wait.
By the time he got out of the collection office, the screaming had stopped. Kakuzu looked up and down the street, scanning for the inevitable bloodstains.
The collection office stood on one side of a wide, shallow roadway that at its other side sloped down to meet the little river that meandered through this quaint village. Under normal circumstances the water ran clear and greenish-blue, shadowed by the flowering trees that overhung it, picture-pretty. On this occasion, a broad streak of crimson was feathering slowly downstream from the heart-pierced corpse in civilian clothes that had fallen half-in, half-out of the river. Jashin's mark had been swept in vivid, violent arcs and lines across the ancient cobblestones, and kneeling by the body was Hidan, his scythe lying at his side.
He held a battered cardboard box in the crook of his arm, balancing it on his raised knee, and was reaching into it with his other hand.
Kakuzu shunshinned over, stopping almost on top of him. "Hidan," he demanded, in tones deliberately weighted with disapproval. There was no possible way he wasn't going to disapprove, after all, no matter what Hidan's explanation. Easiest to get a head start.
Hidan jumped gratifyingly, but glared up at him and clutched the box tighter. "Oi, back off, Kakuzu! You'll scare them!"
"Scare what?"
Hidan carefully tilted the box, just enough to show Kakuzu the contents.
Kakuzu stared.
"This piece of shit," Hidan waved his free hand at the corpse, "was about to drown them when I caught him! You think I should've just stood there?!"
"Why not? I'd have thought your kami would approve of drowning kittens."
Hidan spluttered like an outraged tea kettle. "What? No! Shows how much you ever listen to a word I say... Jashinism only allows killing animals for food, or as offerings which is spiritually the same thing anyway. The scriptures are completely clear about that, animals can't understand suffering the way humans can so it's immoral to inflict it on them without necessity. And nobody needs to drown a kitten!" He held the box protectively to his chest.
From inside it, there came a pathetic-sounding squeak.
Kakuzu sighed. "Fine. You saved the kittens. Now find somewhere to get rid of them and come on. We need to leave."
"How do you think I'm going to do that in five minutes, Kakuzu?! I'm bringing them with me. I'll let them go somewhere safe when they're a bit bigger and can look after themselves-"
"Hidan, are you listening to yourself? You're a missing-nin. You can't keep pets on the road - how many even are there?"
Hidan looked in the box again. "Not sure, they're wiggling a lot... quite a few? Uh..." He reached into the box. "Ow! Don't scratch me, Jashindammit, I'm trying to do you a favour here... um..." He looked up at Kakuzu. "Twelve? I think."
Kakuzu pressed his fingers to his temple under his hitai-ate, feeling a headache starting to develop. "Twelve. Twelve kittens. One dozen."
"Give or take... yes."
"Fine. Do whatever you like. But if they annoy me," Kakuzu stared hard at his partner, "I'll eat them."
"What? You just said your religion permits killing animals for meat."
"Yes, but - but how much meat do you think there is on a kitten?! You'd just be doing it out of spite!" Hidan's eyes were wide with horror. "Every time I think you can't get any worse-!"
"I could say the same about you. Now shut up and move before I drown you." He turned away.
"He shouldn't say things like that," he heard Hidan mutter behind him, apparently to the kittens. "It's blasphemy against Jashin-sama, him pretending like he can kill me... ugh, come on, then, I guess. I'm sorry you're going to have to put up with his grumpy heathen ass but I promise I won't let him eat you, okay?"
Kakuzu sighed again. The next few weeks bid fair to be even more irritating than usual.
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Ghoulette Appreciation Week 9
Week 9: Pranks & Getting a pet
Pranks? Well this obviously needs me to bring back the Blondies!
This week was also heavily inspired by @rainsbasspick and their Rainbowie kitten fic, it's soo adorable, you have to read it!! I've had a load of fun discussing how the ghouls would react to a kitten with them, thanks Ash!! <3
Dew, Mountain and Aether are going on a trip with Papa. It's only for three days, how much trouble could Sunshine and Cumulus possibly get into? Or: Sunny and Cumulus replace Dew with a kitten.
Rating: G Content: Gratuitous fluff, kittens. Words: 2982
Read below or on AO3!
The ghouls filled the entrance hall of the Abbey, saying their goodbyes to Dew, Aether and Mountain. They were going on a three-day publicity tour with Papa, but the way the rest of the pack were acting you would think it was three months. Swiss was strategically standing with his hands resting on Rain's hips: if he was allowed to get free for “one more kiss” from Dew, they'd never manage to peel him away. Mountain was being swarmed by ghoulettes, as Aurora, Sunshine and Cumulus practically climbed him. Aether had his hands on Cirrus’ shoulders, giving his final words of encouragement and advice for keeping the pack in line with both him and Mountain absent. Phantom and Papa hovered awkwardly, watching the spectacle unfold.
Eventually, the last goodbyes were said. Aether gave Sunshine a hug, bending down to beg her to "please, for the love of all that's unholy, be good!" while Dew simultaneously whispered the opposite into Cumulus's hair. Papa finally herded his reluctant ghouls into the waiting car, Mountain rolling down the window as they began to pull away to fix the two most mischievous ghoulettes with a stare. “Behave!”
It was only for three days, after all. How much trouble could they get into?
Quite a lot, it turned out.
Sunshine and Cumulus knew better than to mess with Rain too much while Dew and Mountain were away: anything too mean would surely end in tears without Dew present to apologize, and Mountain to threaten payback. Besides, he had pretty much gone to ground while the others were away; only accepting company from Swiss and Phantom, or emerging at mealtimes. They both felt Swiss had suffered enough recently, although he had been delicious fun to mess with... maybe it was time to turn their efforts to the rest of the Abbey for a while. Copia was away, so who would be around to punish them?
They began their unsupervised reign of terror over the siblings with a classic: hiding in dark corners of the chapel for Sunny to remould candlewax into creepy shapes to scare siblings. Nothing beat the terrified squeal of a Sibling opening their eyes and raising their head from prayer to find the candle in front of them now bore a screaming face, features twisted in agony. Cumulus also reverted to an old favourite prank to scare new siblings. She conjured winds that felt like someone breathing down their neck, and hands grasping around their ankles. She made it her mission for the week to start a new rumour about the archway leading to the storage cellar being haunted – this also came with the double benefit of making the fearful siblings tasked with guarding it way less diligent, so both ghoulettes could pilfer more liquor from it.
The second night, when they snuck into the kitchen to steal snacks to fuel an evening of plotting, the head kitchen ghoulette, Meadow, was alerted to their presence by the indignant meow of a kitten they nearly tripped over.
“Oh hello, little one!” Sunshine cooed at the tiny ball of fluff, which was hissing and spitting at her ankles.
“Good evening, Sunshine, Cumulus.” Meadow said with a wry smile, looking up from the bread she was kneading. “What do I have to turn a blind eye to you two making off with this time?”
Cumulus at least had the dignity to look sheepish, while Sunshine ignored the question in favour of plopping herself onto the floor to get closer to the kitten. The last time she'd seen the kittens in the Abbey kitchen was about two months previously, when they had barely had their eyes open.
“We were here for pretzels and pizza bites, but I think Sunny wants the kitten!” Cumulus laughs, watching the ginger kitten's curiosity get the better of them, and start to clamber onto Sunshine's lap.
“You can take her too, if you'd like? They're all plenty old enough to leave, and Satan know this whole Abbey needs better pest control...” Meadow wiped flour from her hands onto her apron and gestured at two other kittens tussling in the corner. “Since they left their box, they've been running all over, getting under our feet. Even their mothers sick of them!”
All the ghouls were familiar with the kitchen mouser; a large tortoiseshell cat that had done more for their unending mouse problem than hundreds of mouse traps ever could. Copia lived in fear that she would one day seek more challenging prey and go after his rats.
Sunshine looked up from her spot on the floor with eyes as round as saucers. “We can keep her?” The kitten had found its way into her lap and was now happily purring away and headbutting the hand Sunny was petting her with.
Meadow shrugged and gestured to the storage cupboard, “They're all destined for various wings of the Abbey, might as well claim your own now. Litter and food is in the cupboard.”
Cumulus and Sunshine shared a look – this seemed too good to be true! The kitten hissed again as Sunshine scrambled to her feet, shocked at suddenly finding herself a meter higher in the air.
“Thanks, Meadow! We'll take good care of her, I promise.” assured Cumulus, tickling the small fuzzball under her chin. “This little princess is about to get spoiled rotten!”
The pair gathered up all the supplies they needed from the cupboard, almost forgetting their original mission for snacks in their excitement. With a final wave, they thanked Meadow one more time, receiving a good-natured eye roll in return.
“Cirrus is gonna kill us, isn't she?” giggled Sunshine as she and Cumulus made their way back through the darkened hallways to the ghoul wing, arms laden with food for both them and their new packmate, riding proudly on Sunshine’s shoulder.
The next morning, after getting the kitten settled in Sunshine’s room, Cumulus and Sunshine were sitting on the floor in the common room playing with the her, giving her a chance to spread her little legs. Miraculously she’d slept through most of the night, but only once Cumulus had helped her up onto the bed to curl up between them. Before this, she had circled their bed like a shark, howling her tiny lungs out.
“Look at her little horns!” Cumulus pointed to her white ears, in contrast to the rest of her ginger fur. “She looks just like Dew!”
“And she’s got his personality too, look!” Sunshine giggled as the kitten tried to drag Cirrus’s abandoned slipper across the floor. It was approximately the same size as her. “What a little menace!”
“Don’t eat Riri’s slipper, silly! She’ll be mad, and we might have to give you back to the kitchen!” Cumulus’s baby-talk seemed to get higher-pitched every time she addressed the kitten. Sunshine reached out to try and take the slipper from her, only for her stubby tail to fluff up like a bottle brush, and her to let out a tiny growl.
Cumulus buried her face into Sunshine’s side, suppressing her squeal so as not to frighten the adorable little monster.
“Aww, what a spitfire! You are like Dew, aren’t you!” Sunshine said as she finally succeeded at freeing the slipper, pulling it high into the air and dragging the still-growling ball of fur with it. Her teeth lost their grip and she fell the few centimetres back to the carpeted floor, landing in an undignified pile of legs and fur with a little huff.
Sunshine stood up, rescuing Cirrus’s other slipper from its vulnerable position under the sofa as she did.
“I’ll be right back, let me grab my camera. The newest ghoulette needs a picture on the fridge too!”
As the door swung shut behind Sunny, the kitten ran up to it and started scrabbling at it with her small claws, wailing at the top of her lungs.
“Oh you’re a clingy little thing, just like Dew when he was a water ghoul!” Cumulus cooed, scooping the cat up out of the way of the door. “Maybe we should call you Dew2?” She set the kitten back in her lap, laughing as she immediately scampered off again to explore.
Sunshine returned waving her polaroid camera, and was greeted by the kitten sat on the back of the sofa, where she had clawed her way up for a better vantage point. She tried to capture a photo of the kitten, but she immediately began batting at the lens with her paw.
Shortly after, Swiss walked into the den. He was greeted by the ginger kitten, still perched on the back of the sofa but now hissing and spitting at his unfamiliar scent. He hissed back.
“Don’t be mean Swiss!” Cumulus admonished him. He raised an eyebrow at her, looking pointedly at the clearly still agitated fuzzball, then back at Cumulus.
“What, are we summoning demons in here now?” he asked. The kitten spat at him again.
“Hey, Dew2 isn’t a demon, she’s a kitten!”
“Dew2.” Swiss deadpanned, looking to Sunshine as if she could provide more answers. She just shrugged, and grinned.
“I know you guys miss him but really? It’s been two days.” The look in Swiss’ eyes clearly conveyed that it was too damn early in the morning for this.
“We don’t have a proper name for her yet, we’re letting her personality choose.” Cumulus said, Sunshine nodding in agreement.
“Hmpf. Seems like you’re pretty accurate already, you’ve cloned Dew into a baby cat’s body. Congrats, Papa’s gonna freak if that gets anywhere near his rats.” He walked off in the direction of the fridge in the corner, shaking his head in bemusement.
The kitten hissed again as he retreated, before scrabbling her way onto Sunshine’s shoulder. The ghoulette tried not to wince as the kitten’s needle-like claws dug into her bare skin.
“Oh she’s such a little spitfire!” Cumulus fussed at the kitten, as it seemed torn between continuing to drive off the threat of Swiss, and purr at the head scratches.
“What about that as a name!” gasped Sunshine “Spitfire. How does that sound?”
“Oh yeah, that’s cute.” Swiss drawled sarcastically from by the fridge, “Good luck with that, I’m sure Dew won’t mind that you replaced him at all.” He grabbed the drink he had come in for, and headed for the door. “Enjoy explaining her to Cirrus. And Aether.”
It turned out, Dew did mind. He returned with Papa and the other ghouls shortly before dinner that night to discover the den in uproar. Cirrus had been running around checking everything was in order for their return, only to discover three ghoulettes, Rain, and Phantom all sat in a circle on the den floor flicking a pom-pom between each other for an equally fluffy kitten to chase. Six pairs of glowing eyes had stared at her as she stood in the doorway, spluttering at the mess they had created. Cirrus squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bolted from the room, as if hoping that by choosing not to acknowledge the scene before her, it would cease to exist.
Dewdrop, Aether and Mountain had returned to a duplicate experience; the unblinking eyes also staring unnervingly up at them from the floor. All of them exhausted from the trip, it was decided that the arrival of a small new pack member would be discussed in the morning. Sunshine and Cumulus had cackled to themselves as they settled down to sleep with Spitfire that night. For now, they seemed to have won.
Dew quickly realized he had returned home to a nightmare: his little mischief-making trio was now a foursome, and he had been replaced by a small cat. The ghoulettes addressed Spitfire with questions as though Dew wasn’t there, got distracted halfway through sentences by the kitten interrupting with a meow, and were now calling it by his nickname. Every time one of the ghoulettes would call Spitfire, Dew’s ears would twitch. They seemed to be taking malicious pleasure in it.
“Why is she called that?” he finally burst out in desperation.
“Well, we couldn’t really call her Dew2 now, could we?” Cumulus said innocently, batting her eyelashes. Sunshine’s characteristic smirk grew wider.
“I was gone THREE DAYS and you replaced me!” Dew yelled, and stormed angrily from the room. He headed to find Cirrus, one of the few remaining pack members who weren’t under the kitten’s spell. Cumulus and Sunshine fussed over Spitfire, her tail lashing at the sudden noise.
Dew didn’t quite get the sympathy he had been hoping for, however. He had crossed Cirrus enough times in the past that she had no intention of letting Dew get away without a little taste of his own medicine.
“Oh Dewdrop,” she stroked his hair from where he had flopped dramatically onto her bed next to her, “you can’t run around being a menace to society with Sunny and Lulu and expect to be totally immune from their mischief yourself!” Dew huffed and rolled over, burying his face into her duvet.
Over the next few days, everyone had begun to warm up to the new feline member of their pack. Even Cirrus and Aether had finally agreed that Spitfire’s cuteness far outweighed the additional mess she caused. Aurora and Phantom were new to the human concept of keeping pets, neither having even seen a kitten before, and were summarily besotted with her. The one ghoul left unconvinced was Dew.
A lazy morning led to Mountain and Sunshine making lunch for the pack, with a little helper running around their feet. Spitfire seemed to have boundless energy and was living up to her name, bouncing around like a spark from the fireplace. Cumulus, Aurora and Dew were sprawled across each other on the sofa, banished from “helping” by Mountain.
Sunny held out a small scrap of salami from the sandwiches she was making, dangling it tauntingly above the kitten’s head. Spitfire sniffed the air above her, rearing onto her back legs to try and snatch the morsel of food. Sunshine whisked it away again and again, teasing the kitten, her tail waving back and forth as she geared up to jump. She continued this little game, Spitfire’s jumps getting higher and higher each time until she was almost level with the countertops.
“Hey look Dew, she’s almost as tall as you when she jumps!” Cumulus giggled. Dew spluttered indignantly. With her next attempt, Spitfire jumped even higher; twisting dramatically and finally snatching the salami from Sunshine. She came crashing back onto the floor with a small huff, clutching her prize in her mouth as she landed in an ungainly heap.
“Hmpf, she’s even less graceful at falling over than Rain though!” Dew retorted as he tickled the soles of Cumulus’s feet to make her squeal.
Spitfire stumbled back to her feet, finishing her treat and licking her lips. She shook herself off, and trotted over to Cumulus. Dew scowled down at her, as she stared balefully up at the ghouls on the sofa, meowing gently as she begged to be helped up to join their pile. Cumulus wasted no time in scooping Spitfire onto her lap, and fussed over her as she delicately licked a paw and washed her face. Still sulking, Dew turned his back on Cumulus and the kitten, and struck up an inane conversation with Aurora about the chore rota.
Behind his back, his tail swished in embarrassment at being compared to the kitten once again. He was so engrossed in changing the topic, he failed to see Aurora’s eyes narrowing at something over his shoulder, and the corners of her lips turning up. On Cumulus’s lap, Spitfire had stopped preening and her own little eyes were locked onto the twitching spade of Dew’s tail. Cumulus watched as the kitten’s bottom began to wiggle, her own stubby tail waving behind her.
The yelp when Spitfire’s teeth sunk into Dew’s tail could have come from either of them. He leapt to his feet, shrieking as he tried to shake her loose. The kitten let go of his violently lashing tail, abandoning ship in favour of landing on Dew’s back and holding on with her claws for dear life. As Dew continued to screech, Cumulus and Aurora were rendered speechless, in fits of laughter at the sight.
“Looks like she likes you Dew!” howled Sunshine from the kitchen.
Spitfire continued to claw her way to relative safety, eventually reaching Dew’s shoulder as he began spinning in circles trying to reach to dislodge her.
“You sure about that?” he growled, coming to a stop as he made himself dizzy. Spitfire unhooked one paw, and use it to bat at a loose piece of his hair over his ear. Cautiously, he reached around to grab her, and held her out at arm’s length front of him to give her a narrow-eyed glare. She glowered back at him, hissing.
Once the ghoulettes had stopped laughing, Mountain managed to corral them and the rest of the pack to the dinner table to eat lunch. Cumulus and Sunshine parked themselves either side of Dew, encouraging Spitfire to walk across him to move between their laps for food. Dew could have sworn she was digging her claws into his thigh extra deep on purpose. She politely accepted a titbit from Cumulus’s plate, and Dew sent her another challenging glare as he unwrapped a string cheese. Spitfire glared back, before launching herself at the other end of the cheese dangling from Dew’s lips.
A tug of war ensured, both parties growling at each other over around the cheese in their mouths.
“Dew, just let her have it,” sighed Mountain, “there’s plenty more cheese.” His pleas fell on deaf ears.
Cumulus and Sunshine leaned back in their seats to smirk at each other over the still-growling Dewdrop. Spitfire was the best new ghoulette they could have ever asked for.
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pagesofkenna · 9 months
a short Skyjacks: Courier's Call slice-of-life kittenfic
Everyone has a job aboard the Red Audron, and everyone pitches in.
A breeze blew in the open window, dislodging loose stacks of envelopes and threatening to flip over pages of the logbook. Lizander stopped the pages with a white paw. He slipped the thin envelope from between his teeth into the current page of the book, marking the spot, then heaved the heavy lid of the book shut with a hind leg.
Another soft gust toppled a stack of letters nearby. One or two slid behind a wooden crate, and Lizander jumped down from the desk to go retrieve them. The floor beneath his paws reverberated slightly as footsteps approached, and he had just enough time to duck out of the way before the mailroom door was tossed open with a slam.
“Mail time!!” Cecelia exclaimed. A few more carefully arranged stacks of letters were overturned, but the apprentice didn’t even seem to notice. She stomped into the room, with June, carrying a large box, and Kiran close at her heels.
[read the rest on AO3]
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etoilesombre · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @hms-tardimpala <3
I have noooo idea who has done this already, so tagging @lichfucker @frau-kali @tiofrean @lupismaris @verdanthoney no pressure, also anybody else who wants to
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 18
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 257,419
3. What fandoms do you write for? 95% Black Sails. I have one story for Fetch Phillips Archives, one for the tv show of The Exorcist, and I've committed to one for A Charm of Magpies (book series)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? long as amber of ember glows, to pull me from myself again, The Salt and the Sea, Another Way, Such Terrible Hungers
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Absolutely! I love talking about these guys, my writing, fandom in general, anything, and if somebody takes the time to comment i want them to know its appreciated. that said i DO either miss some sometimes or just get overwhelmed with life but it is always my intention.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhhh for all the angst IN the stories i'm actually secretly a softie i usually leave things pretty good. but. ok if we're doing story not series, then its definitely A Composite Unity
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Princes of the New World, the end there is PURE wish fulfillment in a way I had never done before and likely never will again. Wanna see Silver be a pretty princess and then get fucked so good it breaks canon? Also Kittenfic if you want something that is actually not smut for once. Yes it has actual kittens. It is sad and sweet and i think reasonably plausible in canon, but. It was written for a ficfest prompt "betsy has kittens and silver adopts them on maroon island.'
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? OH BOY DO I lol. I'm not gonna say this is what I'm here for, but, sex is definitely one of my main lenses for exploring character dynamics and psychology. 'What kind' has varied a lot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not yet, though I've done some concepting. I got pretty far into planning a Hannibal/Black Sails crossover with a friend (set in Black Sails canon era) and that concept still haunts me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  No
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Lol. You mean, the whole reason I ever started writing at all? Yeah, Silverflint. I'm Still Processing.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uhh ot3 swimming
16. What are your writing strengths? Making fic feel true to canon. Dialogue, character exploration through sex.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Showing things in summary rather than getting into every damn detail. Heavily plotted fic, fic that covers a long period of time. At least, these are things I don't do intuitively and have not yet pushed myself to do? Also imagery, my writing is pretty functional.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Absolutely fine, but do it well. Which to me means, if it is not a language you speak fluently, google translate is not enough, ask a native speaker to review it. Also, needs to be there for a reason. There's gonna be some Spanish in longfic once I finally get back to it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Black Sails.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written? Oh god I really don't know if I can pick. Honestly it might be By Faith of My Body, the one where pining!Flint and Madi have highly fraught conversations about books. But that's what I'm working on now and its possible 'favorite' is just 'whatever's in front of my face.'
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sholiofic · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Iron Fist (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joy Meachum & Ward Meachum Characters: Ward Meachum, Joy Meachum Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Just Add Kittens, Cats, Past Abuse, Fluff and Angst Summary: Pre-season-one. Joy finds a kitten in the rain.
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lesamis · 3 years
May we have some more kitten fic please?
anon, thank you for holding me accountable there! this fic was meant to be published in time for the @jonsimsandcats event back in april, and your message finally pushed me to finish it four months late.
“Well, I've never run a museum, but refusing to socialise with anyone who works there doesn't seem like the only way forward,” says Georgie. The Admiral places an inquisitive paw on her chin. “Just my two cents.” And what could he say to that? Jon would have happily continued along his established track of failed curmudgeonly authority if the cat-situation hadn't come along to bond him and his co-workers in hushing up some gross museological malpractice. (Oh, Jon knows it's just Martin. He wouldn't have thought twice about inviting Tim or Sasha over, and he knows exactly why. Not addressing that 'why' is a deliberate choice: whatever he feels for Martin needs a sturdy dam, or he'll find himself lost in the flood before long.)
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so Milicent escapes as a kitten out of Hux's apartment. Hux is heartbroken. One week later he sees posters of a pretty street musician asking if anyone lost a reddish kitten. Hux arrives at that guys apartment where he meets so called Poe, flatmate and co-musician Ben, and the just dropped by third co-musician vaguely reminding Hux of Justin Timberlake
(this is just the kind of cute I need today
“Thank you so much for finding her!” 
Hux picked up Millicent, holding her up to his face: “Don’t you ever do that again, young lady. I was worried sick about you!” 
He pressed a kiss on the kitten’s small, fluffy head, then cradled her in his arms: “I was afraid I’d never see her again. That she was shivering in some ditch, all alone and hungry, or got run over by a car… thank you guys for taking her in. I feel so bad, I only left the door open for five minutes to get something out of the car…”
“No need to thank us,” Poe said, flashing Hux a smile. “Taking care of her was so much fun, I’m almost sad to see her go. And she’s got talent!”
“Talent?” Hux gave a quizzical look.
“Here, let me show you. Can I take her for a moment?” Ben reached out for the kitten, and Hux reluctantly let him take her.
Grinning, Ben set Millicent down on top of one of the drums of the drumkit that was standing in a corner of the room. Without hesitation, the kitten started to pat the surface of the drum with her paws, then made a few tiny hops.
“See?” Ben said, watching the kitten with a look that was surprisingly soft for a guy built like a brick shithouse and covered in tattoos.
“I’m considering kicking Ben out of the band and replacing him with Millie,” Poe quipped, which earned him a snort and a short, friendly shove from Ben.
Hux laughed, watching Millicent hop around on the drum, obviously intrigued by the sounds her attempts at pouncing made. 
In a spur of the moment decision, he turned to Poe and Ben: “Hey, let me at least buy you guys a coffee. You’ve given Millicent such a good temporary home, I’d feel horrible if I didn’t.”
“Ain’t going to say no to that,” Poe said, once again giving Hux a charming smile. “Ben?”
“Sure. I never say no to a coffee.” He was still watching Millicent play, the kitten having jumped down from the drum and now butting the drumsticks with her head, obviously delighted with how they kept rolling away.
“You know,” Ben said in a thoughtful voice, “maybe we should get a kitten of our own…”
“Well, if you’re interested,” Hux said, “I got Millie from a shelter, and they’re always looking for good homes for their rescues. Let me give you their number. The woman who runs the shelter is really nice, she can answer any questions you might have…”
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lispectore · 3 years
this is a /srs question how do u guys feel about the url kittenf as in kitte(not found) is this ugly be honest
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irelise · 5 years
tagged by @gerec​! how exciting, my first ever writing meme \o/
“Post the first line of your last 10 published fics, then tag 10 people.”
i don’t have 10 published fics (unless maybe i start including shit i wrote when i was 12 but no way i’m going to do that (╯°□°)╯ ) so i’m throwing some unpublished/wip ones into the mix!
1. rue de la paix (xmfc, cherik post-dp) Genosha is meant to be a sanctuary, undisturbed by news of the outside world, but there is a difference between peace and sticking one’s head in the sand.
2. rue de la paix (chapter 3 - wip) The Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport is bustling at this time of the day, but between their (inordinately) early arrival and the airport’s mobility services, he and Erik make good time through the various check-ins and security checks.
3. the yew tree  (xmfc, cherik, charles/shaw - or is it???) “No. Absolutely not. I’m impressed; this is the worst idea you’ve come up with yet.”
4. natural law (xmfc, charles/en sabah nur) Charles is nine years old and he thinks he's going crazy. 
5. Exchanges  (tota, young jade/original male character) “By the way, have you heard the rumours circulating around your division lately?”
6. of falling snow (tota, gen, jade and nephry) By the time Nephry truly approached him, most of the guests had dispersed, eager to make their way home before they were caught up in the oncoming snowstorm.
WIP fic ideas/unpublished/never completed fics below!
7. Kaya’ga’la (xmfc, cherik, shapeshifter au set in the incredibly obscure Kiesha’ra universe) The shriek of a falcon’s hunting cry splits the air, and Erik jerks his head up just in time to catch the gleam of sunlight against white wings as the gyrfalcon plunges down at its prey.
8. basically irredeemable filth (tota, young jade/original male character, similar verse to Exchanges) When the Major General’s hot mouth closes over his own, Jade doesn’t reciprocate.
9. basically irredeemable nonsense (tota, jade, kittenfic, peojade?!? honestly it’s a sin that i’ve never written anything for my otp) This, Jade thought as he scrambled under a bench to hide from the rain, is the last time I’m getting involved with military experiments not designed by myself.
10. Lady and the Tramp (tota, frings/cecille, hp au in same universe as Räven och Slottet) Dear Jozette,
I hope this letter finds you well. How have your holidays been? It’s been uncommonly foggy here lately, I hope it hasn’t affected your spirits any.
tagging @dimensionslip and @fatcatsarecats and @jackyjango and anyone else who wants to do this!
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isisisak · 7 years
omg if you want to keep the cat posts coming pls do they’re so adorable... also that new thing you wrote about buying them buying a house together 😭❤️
aaahhh thank you! and yesssss my friend had a new kitten and i barely survive the daily videos kittens ftw (did you check out @evenshands `s kittenfics?? SO adorable)
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shamelesslymkp · 5 years
REC: The Cat-Burglar Job.
LINK: https://ift.tt/2UnX9ml brown_betty: But if we wrote kittenfic, no one would respect us in the morning!emeraldwoman: Betty.emeraldwoman: No one respects us now. (Wordcount: 12,152) !fic, site:archiveofourown, fandom:leverage, rating:not.rated, relationship:hardison/parker, relationship:alec.hardison/parker/eliot.spencer, ao3_tag:caper, ~author:betty, ~author:emeraldwoman
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ao3feed-lucywyatt · 7 years
(not) Roommates
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r9446d
by OnceUponAWhim
A stray kitten shows up at Mason's warehouse... [Wyatt/Lucy, post-season 1]
Words: 5660, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Timeless (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Wyatt Logan, Lucy Preston, Kitten - Character
Relationships: Wyatt Logan & Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan/Lucy Preston
Additional Tags: Timeless Weekly Challenge Week #10, kittenfic
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r9446d
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pagesofkenna · 5 months
Think i should do bunch of low-stakes short fic just for fun/beat the depression, no clue what to do them for/about
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ehyde · 9 years
did anyone ask for smol Kija with an even tinier kitten?
(here is some literal fluff to make up for last week’s sadfic)
On Kija’s tenth birthday, a village cat gives birth to kittens, and one of them has a white paw. Whether this is a sign of anything important is anyone’s guess--but it does bring a new friend in to Kija’s life. 1,899 words, gen.
“Granny! I mean, Elder!”
Kija smiled from inside his room. He recognized the visitor from her voice—Li-an, a village girl a year or two younger than him. She seemed to get excited by anything, so the fact that she was here now probably didn’t mean anything, but—he listened, anyway.
“What is it, child?”
“Um …” The girl paused. Kija imagined her looking around, staring up at the outside of the Lord Hakuryuu’s home as it was being decorated for the festival tonight. “It’s so pretty!”
“That’s right, we’re busy with preparations. It’s Lord Hakuryuu’s birthday, you know, and ten is an important one, so we’re very busy indeed. Now, what is it, girl?”
“I came because it’s Lord Hakuryuu’s birthday! Our cat had kittens today too.”
“Well then, they were born on an auspicious day. Now, do you want to stay here and help, or leave us to our work?”
“Not just that! They’re all dark like their mom, but one of them has a white paw! It’s important, right?”
Granny was probably about to say no, it was a silly coincidence, kittens couldn’t be born with the gift of the white dragon—which was true, but—Kija pushed the door open and stepped outside before she could speak. “I want to see!”
Li-an blinked at him, wide-eyed, then bent forward in a slight bow. “Lord Hakuryuu!”
“Can I see it?” Kija repeated. There were a lot of cats in the village, but mostly, they never let him play with them. Granny always said that cats couldn’t see divine blood, so they wouldn’t make good pets for him anyway, but Kija thought maybe he just hadn’t figured out the right way to make friends with them. If a kitten was born on his birthday with a white paw, it was definitely a sign of something, and Kija wanted to see it for himself.
“Lord Hakuryuu, you need to prepare for the festival, too,” said Granny.
“I’ll come back in plenty of time.” He looked back at Li-an. She nodded, then turned and ran down the hill, with Kija racing after.
“They’re tiny …” He hadn’t realized they’d be so small.
“They’re not actually very interesting right now,” Li-an confessed. “They haven’t opened their eyes yet and they have to stay with their mother all the time.” The mother cat was a grey tabby, with long fur, and most of the kittens—there were five of them—were that same shade of grey. “But look, see? This one has a white paw, just like I said.” Kija knelt down on the floor, next to the pile of blankets where the mother cat rested. The kittens were all sort of piled up on top of each other, nestled against their mother’s belly, but he could see that the one closest to the edge did indeed have a patch of white on its right front paw. “Um … Lord Hakuryuu? Do you think it means something?”
Kija shrugged. He honestly didn’t know, but— “Can I touch him?”
“Be gentle,” said Li-an. “And it might be a her. We don’t know yet.”
Kija reached out, then drew back his hand. They all looked so fragile. He reached out again with his human hand—just the lightest touch, running his finger along the back of the kitten’s head. “He’s so soft!” The mother cat glared up at him, and Kija drew back. “I wasn’t going to …”
“She’s just like that right now,” said Li-an.
“It’s probably a sign about something,” said Kija. “But I don’t know what it could be. Granny or the other elders might know. Or,” he admitted, “they might just say it doesn’t mean anything at all and we should stop thinking about the heavens and get on with our lives.”
“Granny—I mean, the elder—says stuff like that?”
“Sometimes,” Kija confessed.
“But you have power from the heavens!”
“Right,” said Kija. “But so did my father, and my grandfather, and my great-grandfather. She got used to it.”
“Oh …” Li-an paused, considering. “Maybe it’s a sign that Hiryuu will come in your lifetime!”
“I already know that!”
“Oh.” She looked away.
Kija hadn’t meant to speak so strongly. But thinking about how his ancestors had all waited, had all passed away unfulfilled … “Can I tell you a secret?” Kija asked. Li-an’s eyes widened, and she nodded. “I think Granny’s going to be surprised when Hiryuu comes. But don’t tell her I said that.”
“Um, Lord Hakuryuu … since we don’t know if the white kitten is a sign about anything important … well, it has to stay with its mother till it’s bigger, but after that … it could be your cat! I mean, if you want.”
“You’re—you’re giving him to me?”
“It might be a she!”
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
Li-an laughed, like that was the silliest idea ever. “You want to take care of it, don’t you? I can tell!”
“I—thank you!” Kija didn’t know how to take care of a cat. But Li-an could show him, right? “Um—do you want to dance with me at the festival tonight?” It was supposed to be a big honor, and it was the first way he could think of to say thank you.
Her eyes widened. “Okay!”
Kija returned to Li-an’s house to visit the kitten every day, and finally, Lady White-Cat—who turned out to be a girl, just like Li-an had predicted—was big enough to leave her mother. “Wow … I’ve never been inside here before! Your house is so big!” It was true, Kija’s house was a lot bigger than Li-an’s.
“She’ll have lots of places to explore.” Indeed, when he set down the basket he’d been carrying the kitten in and let her out, she immediately raced out of sight to explore her new home. “You can come back and visit her whenever you want,” he added.
“I don’t know if I can,” said Li-an. “My family gets mad at me when I skip my lessons and chores …”
“People get mad at me, too,” Kija reassured her.
“Maybe …” Li-an looked doubtful. “But you’re Lord Hakuryuu, so they can’t get that mad. Apparently I’ve got a duty, too, and it involves a lot more studying than yours.”
“Oh?” Kija’s ears perked up. He knew what his duty was, but he’d never really thought about the duties of the other villagers, other than the broad, open-ended call to protect Hakuryuu’s lineage. “What is it?”
“My aunt and uncle are merchants who travel and bring back information from outside the village,” Li-an explained. “But they don’t have any children, and I’m the second daughter, so next year, I’m going to start traveling with them …”
“That’s really cool, though!”
“Do you—you really think so?”
Kija nodded, excitedly. “You’ll be the one to tell me all about the outside world, so that I know what it’s like before I go. I’ll be counting on you to tell me absolutely everything!”
“I’m a little bit scared to leave,” Li-an admitted. She gave a resolute nod. “But—I’ll do my best for you!”
“I’ll—” Kija began, but he was cut off by a yowl from Lady White Cat, coming from somewhere unseen. “Is she all right?” He turned towards the sound, still unable to see the kitten. There shouldn’t be anything here, in his own house, that could possibly hurt her, but she was so small, so fragile—Lady White-Cat emerged from behind a curtain, something dangling from her mouth, and trotted up to Kija, dropping the—thing—at his feet. “Aaugh!” It was a bug—a giant cicada, at least half the size of the kitten’s head, and it was still twitching. The movement didn’t escape the kitten’s notice, either, and she crouched down, wiggled her tail in just the same way she would when chasing a piece of string, and pounced. “There—there aren’t supposed to be bugs here!”
“Well, I think she killed it for you,” said Li-an. She giggled, and Kija turned back to face her.
“—what?” She’s not laughing at me, is she? It was perfectly normal to be startled by an insect of such size!
“When you thought she was hurt, you—I mean, your hand—and then it was a bug, and—” Li-an was still laughing. Kija looked down, at his right hand. Without even realizing it, he’d put his strength into his dragon’s hand the moment he thought Lady White-Cat was in danger. “Were you going to use the full strength of the white dragon to protect a kitten?”
“No!” Kija paused. “… yes.”
Li-an stepped forward, reaching down to pick up the kitten, who had grown tired of her no-longer-moving prey. “Look, Lady White-Cat! He’s got claws just like you! Hold out your hand,” she commanded. Up until now, Kija had avoided playing with the kitten with his dragon hand, because she was so tiny and fragile, and he knew his strength. But—he did as Li-an asked. She set Lady White-Cat down in the still-oversized palm of his hand. “You could probably hold her like that even when she’s all grown up,” Li-an said, and Kija nodded. The weight of the tiny kitten was nothing to him. Lady White-Cat turned around a few times in place, sniffing curiously, and Kija cupped his fingers so she wouldn’t fall, lifting his hand before his face. She looked out at him, unsure—was this still part of her soft friend? Then she rose up on her hind legs and began to bat at his claws with her own, going so far as to try to sink her teeth into the smallest of Kija’s fingers. “No biting!” Li-an scolded, but Kija just laughed.
“It’s fine,” he said. “It tickles!”
“She probably likes your scales ‘cause they’re shiny …”
“Granny would probably scold us if she saw us playing like this,” said Kija, lowering the kitten back down to the floor. “This hand is holy, after all.” He let it go back to its normal size and Lady White-Cat just stood there, watching curiously. “Not a cat toy!” But he continued to crouch down on the floor, tapping out patterns with his claws, laughing as Lady White-Cat pounced after him.
“Well, I won’t tell her,” said Li-an, sitting down cross-legged next to Kija.
“I meant it,” said Kija, when Lady White-Cat finally decided she was tired enough to step onto Kija’s lap and curl up to sleep. “Come and visit as much as you can! Even after you leave the village, the times you come back—come visit us both! Because—” He wasn’t sure how to say it. It was hard to make friends when everyone called him “Lord Hakuryuu,” even if he was set apart from the rest of the villagers. After he’d danced with Li-an at the festival, it seemed like Granny expected the two of them to get married someday, but that wasn’t it, either—Kija wasn’t going to marry anyone, after all, because he’d be serving King Hiryuu. “I didn’t just visit your house to see the cat, you know!”
Li-an took his human hand in her own, gave it a gentle squeeze. “I know,” she said.
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myotpslovelife · 11 years
I'm Gonna Take You Home With Me
by loststolenandfound (AO3) Fandom: One Direction Pairing: Harry Styles x Louis Tomlinson x Niall Horan x Liam Payne x Zayn Malik Oneshot (series) Word count: 8k Summary: Jonny has a hybrid under his desk and One Direction (Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn) rescue it... Read here! - Mimi xxx
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barricadeur · 11 years
In conclusion, I find that the City is liable for violating plaintiffs’ Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The City acted with deliberate indifference toward the NYPD’s practice of making unconstitutional stops and conducting unconstitutional frisks. Even if the City had not been deliberately indifferent, the NYPD’s unconstitutional practices were sufficiently widespread as to have the force of law. In addition, the City adopted a policy of indirect racial profiling by targeting racially defined groups for stops based on local crime suspect data. This has resulted in the disproportionate and discriminatory stopping of blacks and Hispanics in violation of the Equal Protection Clause. Both statistical and anecdotal evidence showed that minorities are indeed treated differently than whites. For example, once a stop is made, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be subjected to the use of force than whites, despite the fact that whites are more likely to be found with weapons or contraband. I also conclude that the City’s highest officials have turned a blind eye to the evidence that officers are conducting stops in a racially discriminatory manner. In their zeal to defend a policy that they believe to be effective, they have willfully ignored overwhelming proof that the policy of targeting “the right people” is racially discriminatory and therefore violates the United States Constitution. One NYPD official has even suggested that it is permissible to stop racially defined groups just to instill fear in them that they are subject to being stopped at any time for any reason — in the hope that this fear will deter them from carrying guns in the streets. The goal of deterring crime is laudable, but this method of doing so is unconstitutional.
-Judge Shira Scheindlen, of the Southern District of New York, ruling that "stop-and-frisk" practices of the New York Police Department are unconstitutional.
to everyone who has loved and enjoyed my enjolras/grantaire au, how the future’s done: this is the same policy that enjolras and the amis were fighting against. while this judgment is a huge victory, the fight still isn’t over.
please consider lending your voice to this struggle:
•read up about what stop-and-frisk is and why it’s so terrible. the nyclu is a great resource on this topic and many others. •even though the courts have ordered the nypd must drastically reform their practices and appointed a federal monitor, the city will likely appeal to try and stop this. contact the mayor’s office and urge them to accept the court’s ruling. •stop-and-frisk is a huge part of bloomberg’s legacy, but his successor can change that. get informed on the mayoral candidates’ position on this issue, and vote for a candidate who promises to change the racist culture of the NYPD.
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