#kiwis writing
kiankiwi · 8 months
Elvis as a kittycat headcannons!!!:
He's definitely a black and white kitty (like figaro in pinnchio)
He definitely dunks his whole face in the bowl when we give him his milk
is definitely a spicy kitty when it comes to bathtime
even though he's only big enough for us to enclose in one hand
He' definitely is the type of cat to knock over our houseplant and then play in the dirt
and also he loves clawing our curtains and then yowling for help once he gets a claw stuck in the curtains and he's just dangling there like "MOTHER HELP" and then when we get him down, he acts like how dare you rescue me that was fun!
He LOVES to meow at us until we let him inside our blanket and he burrows into the warm blanket and curls up at our feet on by our legs in the morning before we get up
His favorite toys are tiny mice toys and he hides them in his cat tree
and he looooves watching fish on animal planet lol
he has a little goldfish toy he carries around everywhere
He loves to walk around the house like he's on a mission. He's got places to go and things to do! Get out of his way!
HE LOVES seeing himself on a phone camera and will play with the screen and end up taking photos of himself
He will wake you up at least an hour before alarm for food and he is incessant with his meows for food
He LOVES to destroy things for fun
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This is 100% E as a kitty!!!
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I had a lot of fun with these, I hope you did too!
@elvisthesillygoose @sillybookmarks @mooodyblue @vintagepresley
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
the best feeling as a writer is when you're in the flow jamming out words and then you write this small piece of detail that seems like it has thematic meaning and you're like woah... but i don't know what theme to connect that to... so you pause for a little bit and go through your plans and ideas and you MAKE A CONNECTION.... and now you're weaving that little throwaway line into a thematic connection throughout your entire story and adding more to your plans and fixing up your outline AND ITS JUST SO SATISFYING TO SEE IT ALL COME TOGETHER.......
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kiwi-the-first · 1 month
Ex-husband!Nanami x reader HCs 😋
tw: angst? fluff at the end. Nothing is specified about reader except that they wear a wedding ring and have a daughter with Nanami.
Ex-husband!Nanami who dances with you on christmas eve as Like by BTS plays on your phone. Your daughter is sleeping in her room. You two never stopped loving each other.
Ex-husband!Nanami who regrets being such a workaholic and not being there for you and your daughter all the time.
Ex-husband!Nanami who saved up and retired early to give you the version of him you always deserved.
Ex-husband!Nanami who has your old ring in his pocket, the one you returned to him after your divorce was finalized.
Ex-husband!Nanami who is going to break the news about his retirement to you and propose on christmas morning.
Fiancé!Nanami who takes your daughter and you to the plot he intends to buy for your new house and farm.
Fiancé!Nanami who vows to never lose you again.
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kiwi-channn · 2 months
Me writing details in a story:
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Title: Breaking Stereotypes Fandom/Relationships: Glee/Klaine Tropes: Famous!Blaine, Rockstar!Blaine, FashionStudent!Kurt, Vogue!Kurt Rating: (eventually) Explicit Summary:
Blaine Anderson is the frontman for the hottest new band around, Breaking Stereotypes. Kurt Hummel is a fashion columnist at Vogue, who is also working on getting his Masters Degree in Fashion Design at Parsons. When Blaine finds Kurt's portfolio in the back of a taxi, he is captivated by all the incredible designs in it, and takes it upon himself to return it, hoping to commission a few of the designs from him. During their first meeting, Blaine finds out that Kurt isn't a fan of Breaking Stereotypes, nor does he have any clue who Blaine actually is.
A/N: This story is fully drafted with 37 total chapters. It will begin posting on Friday, June 14, 2024, and a new chapter will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
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katanakiwiwrites · 4 months
when you're too drained to write but writing is how you stop being stressed from the entire week AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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comradekiwi · 3 months
hi hi!! new fic :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54597775
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kybee1497 · 5 months
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What once was mine by kybee1497
“Do you want help?” Enid’s quiet question has Wednesday’s head snapping up. Their eyes lock in the mirror and Wednesday’s surprised to see a lack of pity across Enid’s face, merely an open curiosity.
Wednesday takes a moment to think about it. Would it be worse to leave her hair unbound for the day? Or to let Enid’s hands anywhere near it? She loathes the idea of letting anyone else near her hair but she supposes if it has to be someone, Enid would be preferred.
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fckinwild-kiwi · 6 months
Dec. 11th: You're Not My Girlfriend
Day 11: Playing with their hair/Cute habits
We’ve made it to day eleven of @comp-lady’s Domestic December writing challenge!
Warnings: Maybe Swearing (This is an 18+ blog, minors dni)  Word Counts: 1.1k+ Words Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
Eddie was very protective of his hair. It was one of the first things you noticed when you became friends. While Steve spent time styling his luscious locks, Eddie spent his time finding ways to keep his hair naturally healthy and that meant that nobody was allowed to put their oily fingers in his hair. “It will fuck with my natural pH,” He once said after smacking Gareth, who tried to give him noogie. Ever since then, everyone stayed away from the hair, fearing Eddie’s wrath.
During movie nights with the group, even before you two started dating, Eddie would run his fingers through your hair, slightly massaging your scalp as he did so. It was comforting and made your heart just sizzle and burn with affection. You quickly noticed that Eddie would do this whenever he wanted to express affection and be close when actual closeness was inappropriate. For instance, during a group dinner with Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Steve. Eddie, with his arm around your chair, would bring his hand up to run his fingers through your hair, running his fingers through the strands before dragging his fingertips across your scalp. You leaned in to this behavior. Eddie’s love language was physical touch and it was his way of reminding you, ‘Hey, I’m here and I love you.’ 
The fact that your love language was words of affirmation sometimes threw him off and the conversation about it was frequent. “Do you still love me?” He randomly questioned as you both played on your parents couch, Macy asleep on the floor. You were so confused, how could this boy possibly think your feelings for him have dwindled even slightly?
“Of course I still love you, probably more today than I did yesterday,” You said, reassuring the poor boy as you grabbed his hand. From that moment on, you made it your mission to express your love with physical affection so he would never question the love you had for him. 
The first time you purposefully used affection to reassure your boyfriend, you were eating dinner with your Mom, Macy, and your grandparents. Though they knew who Eddie was, they weren’t the most thrilled by your relationship upgrade. “What do you plan to do after you graduate this year then, Eddie?” Your grandpa probed. 
Eddie tensed up beside you but before he could respond, Macy interrupted. “Eddie is a rockstar, Papa!”
“How do you expected to do anything with that kind of career, will you be able to financially support a family?” Your grandpa continued asking. 
“Grandpa!” You scolded, shooting glares across the table.
“No, it’s okay, babe,” Eddie reassured you before continuing. “I love to think I’m the rockstar that Macy thinks I am but while I wait for those dreams to take off, I got a job working at the record store on Main Street.”
“And we are so proud of you,” Your mom said, smiling at Eddie from across the table. Noticing Eddie’s tight smile, you reached up, placing your hand on the back of his neck before giving him a slight squeeze. Keeping your hand there, you began lightly running your fingers along his nape. Eddie quickly relaxed, looking at you with a soft expression.
“The crazy thing, Grandpa,” You started, continuing the soft touch to Eddie’s neck. “Is that I will support Eddie in any endeavor he wants to do as long as he’s happy and passionate about it. If he becomes the next Ozzy, I’ll be at his show, side-stage, cheering him on. If he decides that he doesn’t want to be a rocker and instead he wants teach music, I’ll be at every recital or performance cheering on the best teacher there is. That’s what it means to support your partner.” You sighed, before looking at Eddie who, in returning his love language with yours, mumbled out a soft, “I love you.”
The next time, Eddie noticed your increased physical touch was during his graduation ceremony. Though it was Eddie’s third time as a senior, it was perfect as you two graduated together.  As you sat next to each other on the chairs in the stuffy gymnasium, Jason approached the two of you. “Third time really is a charm, huh, Munson.”
“I’m not doing this with you today, Jason,” Eddie grumbled out. Noticing his normally bubbly personality begin to shrivel into the person that only Jason seemed to change him into, you grabbed his hand before wrapping your other hand around his arm. Finding comfort in your touch, Eddie took a deep breath before responding again, “Enjoy your day, Jason.”
“That was impressive,” You mumbled out, pressing a quick kiss to Eddie’s neck. 
With a shudder, his hand found yours on his arm before he squeezed it. Eddie said, ”You made me feel stronger.”
“I’m always here to help you when you need it, Eds,” You whispered. “Let’s go find our families.”
And today, the rest of the party noticed too. Everyone was hanging out at Steve’s house for their weekly movie night. The couches and recliner full of bodies, you and Eddie opted to lay on the floor with you sitting up right, leaning against the side of couch, and Eddie with his head in your lap.
“I’m just saying that I think ‘Halloween’ is probably the best slasher movie ever,” Dustin said, shrugging. 
“No way, ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ scared me for months,” Lucas argued. “It’s definitely better.”
“You’re missing Dustin’s point, Sinclair,” Eddie laughed out. “‘The Hills Have Eyes’ is scary but what makes ‘Halloween’ better is how diabolical Michael Myers is with his slow speed.”
“Exactly!” Dustin shouted. You laughed at their childish argument before running your fingers through Eddie’s hair, your fingers massaging his scalp with a practiced touch. 
“What are you doing,” Gareth gaped.
“Hm?” You questioned, your fingers continuing their movements. “What do you mean?”
“You’re touching Eddie’s hair,” Gareth said, loudly with fear in his eyes. Eddie, who had fallen under the trance of your fingers popped up at the mention of his name.
“I did not know that was against the rules,” I said, glancing down at Eddie before looking at the rest of the group, who all decided to stop their discussion and look at you two.
“It’s not against the rules for you, baby,” Eddie said, grabbing your hand and putting it back into his hair. “It’s against the rules for those assholes who liked to fuck with me.”
“Hey!” Gareth argued. “You quite literally punched me in the shoulder last time I even came new your hair.”
“Yeah, and you’re not my girlfriend,” Eddie retorted. “Besides, when she does it, it feels like love and comfort. I’m not worried about what she might be doing or a punchline she might be making.”
Eddie loved physical touch and the innocent touches that you could provide, whether that was rubbing his back or massaging his scalp, provided him with the sense of safety and comfort. And you were more than willing and happy to provide that.
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kiwibirb1 · 1 month
kw was wren threatening to commit crime at some point because of your AUs?
Eh not my aus specifically just my general habit of heavily traumatizing your guy's daughter
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kiankiwi · 7 months
I saw that u write for criminal minds sooooooooo
Cg Bau x little reader while she is in babyspace and non-verbal and someone hurt her but they dont notice it until she get Afraid of something that she wasnt Afraid of like her crib or smth. And they found out
Okay! I think I'm gonna do Spencer for this one :) It's not my best but I hope you like it <3 feel free to send me anything else you would like me to write :)
You were careful not to regress until at least you were on the jet. This case was rough on everyone but especially you since you fought with the unsub and had a gun held to your head. He had even locked you in his torture chamber and had tried to chain you to the wall before the team got there. Thank god the team got there in time to save you from becoming another victim.
Reid could tell you were trying not to slip. He sat next to you on the jet and rubbed your back and let you lean into him for cuddle. "Feeling small baby?" You stayed quiet and grabbed at Reid's badge, playing with it. You loved to play with Reid's badge when you were tiny. "Do you want a paci?" Reid whispered.
Everyone on the team knew about your regression so you didn't feel the need to deny it. You nodded and Reid went into his go back and pulled out a pink finger paci, handing it to you. You sucked hard on it. "Oooh, we got a tiny one on our hands now?" Hotch asked you, offering you a rare grin. You just whined and hid behind Reid's shoulder.
"Alright, alright baby, you're okay, Hotch's just teasing." Reid said as he scooped you up and held you in his lap where he hoped you'd sleep for the rest of the flight.
Later that night, you were calm but still nonverbal and you've never been silent this long before. Even in babyspace, Reid still heard you excitedly babble every now and then. But after fighting with the unsub? Nothing. Reid sat on the floor with you as you laid on your playmat, playing with the arch with hanging toys when he poked your belly to get your attention.
"Hey baby, are you okay? You know you can talk to daddy if something's wrong right? Daddy misses your lovely voice bubba." You decided to ignore your daddy and attempted to roll away from him. "Hey, hey, where you going?"
You guys played for a while longer until it was time for bed. Reid gave you a bath and got you into your pajamas and you still didn't say a word. Giving up on asking you to speak, Reid made you a warm bottle and brought you up to your nursery. You were fine UNTIL Reid adjusted you in his arms and shut your nursery door. Then you started violently sobbing remembering the chains on the wall in the unsubs rooms. You did NOT want to be shut in this room.
"What baby? What's the matter?" Spencer nearly dropped your bottle as you wriggled around in his arms, trying to get out of the room. Spencer bounced you and shushed you, trying to show you everything was fine. "It's okay baby, you're okay. I promise."
Reid walked over to your crib and attempted to put you in it but you didn't want the bars around you. As he attempted to lower you in, you held onto his neck, not wanting to leave the safety of his arms. You screamed louder, getting snot and drool all over his shirt. "Baby, what is up with you?" Reid asked. You pointed to the door, hoping he would understand.
"What baby? It's just you and me at home right now." You shook your head and pointed incessantly at your closed nursery door. "Are you scared?" Reid asked. You answered by snuggling against Reid's neck. "Here, how about we try this..." Holding onto you, Reid walked over to your door and opened it, leaving it ajar on purpose.
You significantly calmed down as he swayed you in his arms. "There, is that better? I'm sorry that scared you baby, but I promise you're safe with daddy now. Can we sit and have a bottle now?" You looked over to where Reid dropped your bottle and reached toward it.
Reid got the bottle and brought you over to the rocking chair. You tried to sleep as daddy rocked you but you weren't relaxed enough from your scare to sleep just yet. You whined, getting overtired but too jarred to sleep. "You're okay sweetie. Here should we walk around?"
Reid went downstairs and walked around the house with you laying your head on your shoulder.
It took an extra twenty minutes of him pacing but you finally started snoring on his shoulder. Reid smiled and decided to lay you in the bassinet that was in his room just in case you woke up and got scared again. "Goodnight, lovie. Daddy loves you so so much." Reid whispered.
@bellanotchewrites @elvisthesillygoose
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kiwinatorwaffles · 10 months
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there’s literally so little rep of us anywhere ever and a character rejecting marriage is commonly a shorthand for showing their lack of interest in romantic/sexual affairs (especially sexual since it’s a teen game without talk of those subjects) (and because as much as the dev team loves wrightworth they’re never making it canon) so i’m attacking these crumbs pleaseeeeee PLEASEEEEEEEE
OBVIOUSLY PEOPLE CAN HEADCANON WHATEVER THEY WANT (aa people can definitely be in relationships like im a huge wrightworth enjoyer too) BUT OH MY GOD. aspec rep is literally so hard to find in popular media please just let us have this
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piwiikiwii · 10 months
hi what up I haven’t posted in a while but I’d like to share my favorite opening line of anything I’ve written recently (it is about my silly Fallout NV courier🤨)
“Old, dirty concrete tastes a lot like chalk.
A thick, grainy sort of chalk, sure. Bordering on inaccurate? Maybe. But by all name and fucking account, the thick layer of rubble across his tongue permeates an area of sensation that is distinctly and undeniably similar to chalk.
In times like these, Hank falls under the belief that it’s best to consider a taste carefully. Can’t get too picky. Can’t go off and eat shit, either. That’s why, face down in a growing pool of his own blood, he makes the educated, palette-expanded decision to factor out the underlying hint of copper mixed into his chalk.
At best, it’s a seasoning. Not a good one, mind you, but a seasoning. At worst, it’s brain damage. Horrible, major brain damage.”
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Breaking Stereotypes [Chapter 1/37]
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Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Nick (Warbler), Trent (Warbler), Jeff (Warbler), [Canonically Unnamed Warbler], Elliott Gilbert, Original Characters, minor appearances from other canon characters Rating: (eventually) Explicit Words: 3,556 (this chapter)
Summary: Blaine Anderson is the frontman for the hottest new band around, Breaking Stereotypes. Kurt Hummel is a fashion columnist at Vogue, who is also working on getting his Masters Degree in Fashion Design at Parsons. When Blaine finds Kurt’s portfolio in the back of a taxi, he is captivated by all the incredible designs in it, and takes it upon himself to return it, hoping to commission a few of the designs from him. During their first meeting, Blaine finds out that Kurt isn’t a fan of Breaking Stereotypes, nor does he have any clue who Blaine actually is.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Famous!Blaine, Rockstar!Blaine, FashionStudent!Kurt, Vogue!Kurt
Author’s Notes: This story is fully drafted with 37 total chapters. New chapters will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Original Post Date: June 2024
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comradekiwi · 4 months
happy valentine’s day! here’s some pro hero bkdk vday fluff :)
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