#knack gundahar
flockietube999 · 4 months
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oh yeah I also made a crossover fusion with gundahar (knack) and gnarpy (regretavator) yes i play Roblox and I also play the ps4
why did I did this fusion?
they are both evil
they are both green
they both hate humans
uhhhh armor
that's it rlly so uhhhh yeah
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Lucas looked down at the shoreline again. "Are we sure he's really gone?"
Knack stooped to peer over his shoulder, but there was nothing to see except rocks. He turned his head. "Do you want to look?"
Lucas made a face as though he tasted something bitter. "I —" he held the word in his mouth and slowly shook his head, "yes? Maybe? Not really," and then he huffed a sigh through his nose.
He slumped his shoulders. "No."
Knack waited a beat before asking, "is that your final answer?"
Lucas turned around and did a full-body shrug. "I don't know! Do you? Want to?"
Knack eased up into standing, buying time to think. He watched the churning water below as he did so. He brought up his hands in a marching position and said, "it wouldn't do us much good." Then made like he was going somewhere.
"Then why offer?" Lucas called after him, before hastening to catch up.
While Knack wasn’t running per se, his stride length was much longer than that of Lucas and he had a habit of walking briskly. So Lucas nearly had to sprint, not only to keep up but also to close the distance.
"Wait up!" Lucas shouted.
And Knack did, giving a salute of acknowledgement. "Sorry." He turned to look up at the control tower.
"Do you think," Lucas huffed, "Gundahar left his airship?"
"Hope so." Knack pointed up. "If we climb to the tippy top of the tower, we might be able to see the whole island from up there."
"And maybe we'll see Gundahar's hangar or ship!" Lucas added, getting excited. But then he sobered up and finished with: "that is if the Monks haven't gotten to it first."
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thinkkirby2 · 9 months
Here's a thing I thought of. [Silly thing made in: 11/29/22]
Doctor Vargas: Hey hey guys! what did I miss-
(Dr Vargas got captured and the garage at the Doctors mansion blew up (the mansion had some parts messed up by the explosion)
Ryder: oh my God.
(the Kidnapper was Gundahar, because he wants the Doctor's plans (Charlotte once had this issue)
Lucas: NO WAY! D:>
Knack (Vargas' size): you did not just do that…
Gundahar: yeah I did!
Knack(Vargas' Height): I'm so mad… (aggressive tone) (Knack began getting madder)
Lucas: Oh no, OH MAN! (ran off)
Ryder: I'm out. (swiftly left) (Knack Yells in anger, Gundahar laughs in a evil idiotic way, and Knack Yells again but this time it sounds like a roar.)
Knack (Vargas' Height): (heavily breathing) do you want to see me turn into a Giant?
Gundahar: NO!
(Knack began to absorb so many Relics)
Gundahar: No it can't be! NOT A GIANT BEAST!
(Knack tears up some clothes he had and runs toward Gundahar's Mech (the goblin kept it Somehow after Knack II)
Update: Youtube, what's happening to the videos?
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sonicasura · 2 months
Kaiju Cores and Relics
I decided to expand more on the Knack x Kaiju No.8 concept from my asks. I'm including some things from Knack 2 alongside a few Species Swap shenanigans. The latter can be found at the bottom! Let's get started!
A good chunk of Knack's new moveset like the Sunstone Shield stems from experimenting with Kafka. Both want to get a better handle on their powers so don't be surprised at the sometimes whacky shit they get into. Lucas and Reno may had to melt Kafka out of a ice block once.
Knack is the first 'kaiju' to be marked for alive capture by the Defense Force. It's pretty clear that someone had created the golem and the higher ups want to know who. Knack barely escaped Vice Captain Soshiro multiple times thanks to his size manipulation alongside usage of the environment.
Lucas often sends letters to Charlotte, Ryder and the Doctor. He does mention his new friends in them but nothing about Kafka's unique condition. Ryder finds out when an group camping trip goes wrong.
Kafka once terrorized a horde of goblins. He gotten separated during a trip in the woods and the goblinfolk thought he would be an easy target. Rumors of a skull faced demon disguising as a human quickly spreads afterwards.
Knack wears a cat costume to walk around in public. Thanks to his small size, people think he's an eccentric mute little kid. Kafka definitely lied that Knack was his son and Lucas being his nephew so the two could get visitor passes for 3rd Division base.
Story time goes a bit wrong when small golem mentions the times he got blown up or poisoned on his first big adventure. Kafka and Reno were definitely sweating to hear Knack had been on the end of a giant teleporting mech. Nevermind the massive doomsday prophecy almost wrought by a billionaire's greed.
Kaiju No.10 vs Vice Captain Soshiro and Knack. Also the time Lucas brought a mech suit to aid the 3rd Division after convincing Charlotte. The officers absolutely didn't expect some peculiar help but takes it.
"How To Keep Your Dad Friend From Killing An Idiotic Man" Or Knack tries to stop Riot No.8 before he kills Isao. High enough friendship with both sides of Kafka, sunstone barriers and the new Relic Stockpiler are his best tools here.
Kaiju No.8 terrorizes High Goblin City. Or how Kafka officially made himself Enemy #2 to Gundahar in a short amount of time. You can't exactly trap his friends in a super hostile environment and expect him to not bust down the gate.
Lucas' gadgets become very invaluable to Kafka's friend group. Especially when Reno and Iharu get attacked by Kaiju No. 9 during their first mission. Or how the Time Dilator plus Freeze Rounds are a perfect match to stall dangerous threats.
Kafka has a built in cult radar and it immediately goes off upon meeting Xander. His golems also seem to agitate Ai so that's another red flag right there. Kafka secretly requests Charlotte to do some spying just in case.
(Special Species Swap: Golem)
Kafka's Golem form is around 2'6 at his smallest size and 34'8 at his largest. Black relics serve as his hair/fur/scales with a teal claw shaped jewel on his chest orb. When increasing in size, Kafka's visage looks similar to his kaiju form but if it had a tail.
Himbo accidentally discovers an unknown artifact and is turned into a Relic Golem. Kafka freaks out for a good five minutes before running over to Lucas. Thankfully the transformation is more controllable like an Off/On Switch and doesn't have an alternate personality to it.
Guaranteed mirror moment between two golems. Knack feels less lonely despite his concern about Kafka dealing with new side effects. The image of his older friend sneezing and falling into relics pieces is the golem's most haunting thought.
Guaranteed freakout when Kafka accidentally combines with Knack. (Think Co-OP mode in Knack 2.) It was definitely weird since both can hear each other's thoughts amongst other things. Kafka and Knack tend to combine if the situation calls for it.
Apparently Ai can also control their new golem form. It definitely feels weirder than manipulating Kafka's human body but not by much. Should Ai be in control then the gem on his chest orb will glow green to signify the swap.
Kafka uses this new form to avoid Vice Captain Hoshina and defend himself against General Isao. The Defense Force definitely mistakes him for being Knack's creator after the former incident as he swaps before Soshiro finds him. Sunstone Barriers still sit at the top of Kafka's favorite list.
Element Powers Up go a bit awry. Or Kafka almost becomes a walking forest fire when he tries to do a Relic Tornado with Wood armor. Apparently relics are good firestarters than just sticks and friction.
That's all I have for now. Until next time folks, I'll see you later!
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bestbuybathroom · 5 months
How about, 003, Charlotte?
You may notice an agenda already [D;} can you believe there are only three women in the whole world? (Half-joke)
woaw........ thtree womaaon..........
How I feel about this character:
SHE NEEDED MORE SCREENTIME ISTG i get into it in another question but like AUUUGH they literally did NOTHING with her character and it pains me (also i really like her model in knack 1 lol)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
the doctor i guess??? they're canonically married does that count
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
her being a mother figure to knack and lucas is really cute and wonderful and brings me joy
My unpopular opinion about this character:
again idk if this is unpopular but i feel like she didn't serve much purpose in the first game other than an attempt at a plot twist that was poorly executed lol (still love her though)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
FOR THE LOVE OF GODDDDDDDD DO MORE WITH THE CONFLICT BETWEEN HUMANS AND GOBLINS. PLESASSE YOU HAVE THE PERFECT CHARACTER!!!!!!!! mark cerny when i fucking GET YOU (more serious answer: i wish the relationship between her and gundahar was explored more. in the first game it goes absolutely nowhere lorewise and it's completely forgotten in the second one like Come On Man its not that hard to write something at least halfway decent)
see above
My OT3:
also see above
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difty-dift · 1 year
What is your opinion on Rothari (from KNACK 2)?
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He's cute :3 I've always liked the bigger goblins
he's a bit more compelling than Gundahar (in Knack 2 at least) and I like his contention with the green meanie and his more put together presence. Though he does suffer from Knack villain writing and doesn't stay as long as he should imo
Awesome name tho~
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snarksandsarcasm · 3 years
Hey, so, I'm apart of the fandom for a game called Knack, and I was just thinking... What if Knack and Styx had a crossover?
In Knack's world (and in Styx's, too, if I'm correct), goblins are your enemy. And... Styx is a goblin...
I feel like Styx would (somehow) end up in Knack's world and come across the goblins there. Styx ends up having to fight them (he insulted whoever the leader was because I headcannon that Gundahar died in Knack 2) and is almost killed. Knack shows up and beats the absolute shit out of the goblins. He notices Styx and goes after him, too. Styx frantically explains that he's not with those 'rakash' and Knack reluctantly believes him.
And then the story kinda plays out like Of Orcs and Men, but the relationship between Knack and Styx stays kinda stingy for most of the story.
(Styx would also have to figure out how Knack's world works since their worlds are so different.)
Woah! What an idea! Thanks for sharing with me! :-O I have frankly never heard of the game and had to google for some images... Is it fun to play? I feel like I'd have to get used to Knack's visuals but hey, that goes faster than one thinks... xD
Crossovers are fun! I haven't really yet thought of many for Styx but I've done so for other fandoms I'm in. Goblins are a little hard to insert into my other passions... xD LOL He's too sneaky and too elusive.
I wonder what other crossover ideas there are?
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flockietube999 · 2 months
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Haha gundahar from knacks sprays ya face
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video-juegos-xd · 3 years
La guerra ha sido traída contra la humanidad por una especie resurgente conocida como Goblins, liderada por Gundahar. El Dr. Vargas estudió reliquias antiguas de una civilización perdida durante muchos años, y ha encontrado la forma de unirlas y darles conciencia. El resultado es Knack, una criatura con misteriosos poderes. Puede incorporar más reliquias en su cuerpo a medida que las encuentra, lo que le permite transformarse de una criatura de un metro de altura en una gigantesca máquina de demolición. El Dr. Vargas cree que Knack será un activo inestimable en la guerra contra los Goblins, hasta que quede claro que los elementos de la comunidad humana representan un peligro aún mayor.
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knackfandomarchive · 11 months
What are your thoughts on Charlotte's role and presence in Knack 1?
Much like anything else in the game, the ideas surrounding how Charlotte lived her life are so interesting and so not explored whatsoever.
She's almost exclusively a plot device. She's The Woman. The princess trapped in the castle, the one that got away, the mastermind. And in the second game, the mom. Don't get me wrong; those elements are plenty fun to play with. But she didn't get enough screentime to become her own character. Or I'm just oblivious.
What has she been doing all those 20 years living among the goblins? How well was she treated? How has Gundahar managed to lie to her for so long? Why would she choose to offer her skills for Gundahar’s wars? How did she feel about doing that when, at the time, goblins were the only victims? What did she see in Gundahar in particular and in goblins more generally?
Did she have any friends? Lovers, even? Assuming she really believed it when she said the Doctor left her to die, she may well have considered herself single after her fall. But nothing about her time among goblins is even mentioned in passing, except for her assertions in the second game about how cruel Gundahar is.
And then how has she changed as a person over the years? What mannerisms has she picked up living in a different culture? How is her relationship with the Doctor impacted by this change? He turned her into an angel in his mind; how is he going to feel when she's not perfect (and never has been)? How is she going to feel coming back to him after so long?
To sum it up, KNACK's storyline is better suited for a cartoon, where plenty of side plots can be explored, rather than a video game, where players want to get back to playing. Part of me wishes I could interview the creators and pick their brains about the story and world, but the other part of me wants to stay as far away from them as possible.
Oh yeah, and to top it off, I want to complain a little about how Charlotte's disability is erased in the second game. It's like nothing happened. Would it have been so hard to have the doctor or one of the boys hand her her cane or something? She had to climb all those stairs at the monastery.
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playmastersocial · 7 years
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Knack: A Invenção Final Conseguiu todos os troféus. Distintivo Rothari Derrotou o Rothari. Distintivo Gundahar Derrotou o Gundahar. Distintivo Xander Derrotou o monstro de relíquias criado por Xander. Triunfo Titânico Derrotou todos os Titãs. Distintivo Chefe dos... https://playmaster.com.br/knack-2-trofeus/
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Weirder question: what would the characters smell like?
A couple days ago I was selling stuff in a parking lot on a hot day. At the end of the day, we were packing up and I discovered that my arm hairs had collected mineral dust from the soft breeze and thus I smelled like the dust. I have brain worms and so thought: huh, I bet Knack would smell like [a parking lot when it rains].
And Ryder would wear some sort of woodsy cologne, since he's one of those TV personalities, right? And sweaty, depending on how recently he's done an expedition.
My brother and I agree this time: Lucas would smell like a teenager...
Although after a shower, I think he'd probably smell like some generic men's soap, but I'm not quite satisfied with that answer somehow. Suggestions?
Doctor Vargas would smell obnoxiously like whatever hair gel he uses. I'm imagining a bitter chemical scent. My brother also says he would smell like chemicals. What else would he smell like (genuine question)?
Charlotte would wear something sensible and clean, maybe a little floral, but it would not overpower the lingering scent of motor oil or other such chemicals in her line of work.
Viktor would wear some super pretentious fragrance idk. Like, Elon's Musk or something. If you were to interview him, you'd be like, yeah, this guy smells like a billionaire robotics industrialist. Maybe a hint of leather or shoe polish.
Ava is purple, so she would smell like lavender. And a bit like coconut since I have somewhat wavy or curly hair and heard that coconut oil is a popular hair-care substance for very curly hair.
Gundahar would smell like, uhh, I want to say something citrus or rose water, a rather light scent, and sweaty because of the armor. Also like an old man.
Rothari seems like the kind of guy to go heavy on the flower scent, but I'm not sure. He would also smell old. I'm assuming Elders or those eligible are old.
Not sure what Katrina would smell like. Thoughts? Maybe some kind of fruit, but that's not specific.
Or Xander. I think I saw someone have an opinion on that.
Who else am I forgetting? Robo Knack would smell like lubricant or nothing. Morgack would either smell like nothing but goose dander (or some other bird dander) from the feathers on his armor in addition to leather, or incredibly rank and even bloody. I imagine most goblins are actually very clean, despite the stereotype otherwise. But working hard makes you sweaty, and that's just how it is.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Hot take: twenty years prior to the start of the first game, someone or multiple people found a woman deep in the bowels of the earth, who was, certainly, not doing well! Someone, or multiple people, saw a human in terrible pain, and they didn't know much about her, and they could easily have considered her an enemy and left her. But they didn't. Someone, or multiple people, took the time and effort to pick her up and take her home, possibly without any foreknowledge of her skill beyond that of a cave diver.
And they sure as shootin' weren't Gundahar!
And for twenty years, your girl has been living with goblins, and that whole situation could be any level of messed up or not. She had nice clothes, a cane, cute hair, but seemingly no friends. Or at least none that were brought up. Why not?
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
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The red is what Gundahar most likely meant (grr), the cyan is what I thought he meant in the first game, and the yellow is what actually applies in my opinion. Not necessarily the 'neither man nor beast' part; the highlighter was a bit too big.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
[Smug goblin dictator voice]: Don't come any closer; you won't like the result.
Did you think it wouldn’t come to this? I have eyes everywhere: all those robots you destroyed, with nary a consideration for discretion. It's just like you to smash your way around this island.
Plenty of time for me to set up an ambush. Plenty of time to pick out your weakest link.
No. I guess you didn't.
And it'll cost you. So let's make a deal.
(Mocking) 'I'll never make a deal with you, Gundahar!' You say, 'why in the world would I trust you, holding my squishy sidekicks at sword-or-cannon-point?'
*goblin laugh*
Sure, I'm willing to annihilate villages with an overwhelming, dispassionate army, all with the ease of pressing a button. You may presume there is no evil to which I will not stoop.
But I am a man of my word. That traitorous maiden can vouch for that.
So make a deal and prove it! Prove you're nothing more than the humans' creature. Knave! You debase yourself; it makes me sick.
But that assumes you were made with any dignity in the first place.
Let's make that trade. What'll it be, Knack? Their lives, or yours?
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sonicasura · 5 months
Man, the goblins, especially Gundahar, would shit themselves if Knack brought Bendy along. An enemy with little to no weaknesses that can tear through their weapons with little effort. Xander would've been consumed immediately, if only for reminding Bendy of Joey, much like how Dr Vargas reminds him of Henry. Just Xander fawning over toon Bendy while Bendy gives him the most annoyed/disgusted face he can muster.
True lol. Bendy is familiar with goblins from Audrey who told him about them and GENT which used said folk for experiments. Only traditional(low tech) weapon that can harm the Ink Demon are explosives or fire. Bendy would shrug anything else so most goblins are definitely screwed fighting him without proper gear.
Xander was immediately regarded with suspicion the moment he came into the picture. He knows a liar when he sees one and the man's entire order felt too much like Wilson's cult. Knack kept Bendy from biting off Xander's fingers.
You are right on Doctor Vargas reminding Bendy of Henry, well, a more eccentric version. Both men tend to stubborn and their respective lovers tend to pull them back from going too far. Henry's drawings thankfully doesn't explode unlike Vargas' prototype inventions.
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