#kol moody
klausysworld · 1 year
Can you do another sunshine X grumpy trope but the reader is the sunshine and Klaus is the grumpy one? I read your other one and thought it was awesome!!
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Your soul is golden
It was unbelievably amusing watching Klaus be dragged around by someone who closely replicated a ball of sunshine.
She was always with him, skipping about while holding his hand and bringing him wherever she went
“come on Nik, there's an icecream shop down the street“ she would cheer while pulling a groaning Klaus out of the abattoir while his siblings hid their smirks and Marcel snickers in the corner.
Klaus would claim he found it annoying from time to time but everyone knew how he loved it. Having someone to bright always loving him no matter what. Someone to turn his horrible day into something fun and worth while.
“Love it’s not been a great day, just go away and come back tomorrow” he grumbled with his face in his pillow
“We don’t have to go out…we can just stay here” she compromised and lead down next to him, running her fingers through his soft hair. She worried for him often, his smile was so rarely on his face and she had never gotten him to properly laugh. His eyes held such sadness, hopelessness and anger. Of course when she looked deeper she could find those rays of happiness, love and his dreams but they were so buried by his fears and vengeance.
She spent most of her time trying to lure and coax who he once was forward. Not that she didn't love him the way he was, she adored him and the way his lips pouted as she frowned. How his eyes would roll whenever someone said something a little too joyful for his liking, when he would growl in annoyance and his eyes would glow golden.
She loved his eyes, blue to gold and back again. How they would become darker when lustful and lighter when she entered the room.
Often he was shameful of his hybrid face. She was so sweet and bubbly, she didn't deserve the monster he was known to be. But then she would have his face in her hands and he couldn't help but lean into her touch. She would give him such a gentle smile
“Nik, your soul is golden, your eyes prove that to me.“ she would tell him as many times as he needed to hear it because she meant it and he slowly began to believe it.
And so seeing him so down once again was disheartening. But she wouldn't let him be alone. He begrudgely turned onto his side to face her, bags hung from his broken eyes. Her thumb stroked over them as she gave him a sad smile
“what happened?“ she whispered
“nothing you should worry about“ he muttered
“I'll always worry for you“ she said with a frown making his heart ache. How he hated when he made her frown, her smile was a gift he knew he never deserved but he had it and it pained him when it left him.
“you mustn't be sad sweetheart, come, we'll go on a walk, aren't you hungry? We can get dinner“ he quickly offered lifting her up and getting off the bed. He was grumpy and moody yes but he never wished that on her. So when she grabbed his hand with watery eyes he felt his heart breaking. Sometimes her light began to burn out, but he would always be their to keep it bright when she needed him to.
His arms circled her gently and held her to him
“I'm sorry“ he whispered and she hid her face in his shirt
“i love you“ she uttered as her hands clutched his sleeve
“i love you too, my little ray of sunshine“ he murmured with a kiss to her head
“what if i didn't shine anymore?“ she asked quietly and he squeezed her lightly
“then i would have to shine for the both of us“ he said pulling back to give her one of those uncommon smiles that instantly brought one to her face
“because your soul is golden“ she whispered and he practically beamed at her
“And if what you say is true then yours is made of the worlds most rarest diamond“ he told her watching her eyes lower to the ground as she blushed. His hand brought her face to his as he pressed his lips to her softly, she smiled into the kiss and her light burned brighter
“Can we still go out for dinner?” She asked and he let out a little laugh
“Of course we can, where would you like to go?” He hummed with his arms now around her waist swaying then both gently
“You pick this time, i chose to get ice cream the other day..i know you don’t really-“
“No love believe me it was the best ice cream i have every experienced, perhaps something just a little more romantic this time?”
“Will we be able to watch the sunset?” She questioned
“I’ll get us a window table” he promised still smiling
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merveiilles · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ @wonkrugona continued from here
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓘 like that I don't sparkle too... because that trait that's become a staple in people's minds is absurd.❞ Kol scolded the series, even resented it for making humans think such illy of the deadly species they had become. Now, they were moody teenagers who had no personality, no fangs, and no aversion ot sunlight. It was weak in his mind. He then lowered his hand to tuck into the pockets of his jeans. ❝Any other questions or misconceptions you have, darling?❞
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tudorscrown · 7 months
Elijah Mikaelson
Enzo St. John
Kai Parker
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
This Is Me Trying
Stefan Salvatore
Coriolanus Snow
Peeta Mellark
Ben Florian
Carlos de Vil
Harry Hook
Sweet Nothing
Jay Sand
Chandler Bing
Joey Tribbiani
Ross Geller
Derek Hale
Call It What You Want
Isaac Lahey
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
James Potter
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Sherlock Holmes
Viscount Tewkesbury
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Bassett
Young!King George
Billy Andrews
Cole Mackenzie
Gilbert Blythe
Moody Spurgeon
JJ Maybank
John Booker Routledge
Rafe Cameron
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Killian Jones
Peter Pan
Francis Valois
James Stuart
Sebastian de Poitiers
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Rebekah: I made a marshmallow Klaus. See? His arms are crossed because he’s mad at all the other marshmallows for annoying him. You like it?
Klaus, choked up: It’s okay.
369 notes · View notes
devilsxinthedetails · 3 years
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         “ what is that god awful music you’re blasting, it sounds ridiculous. “
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❄ Of Ice -Skates and Sugar Cookies❄
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Title: Of Ice Skates and Sugar Cookies
Requested by @thescarletwitchesbiitch
Word Count: Lots
Warnings: Angst and Feels, loss of loved ones, language
Summary: Kol Mikaelson x reader || You had noticed that your flatmate had been acting moody recently - well, more so than usual - so you take it upon yourself to cheer him up. But when you receive some rather heartbreaking news, it seems as though you might find your roles reversed... || Here lies my Masterlist.
If you would like to make a request this holiday season just check out this post for details: Christmas At The Compound
"Come on, Koala. Do it!"
"No." The dark-haired British boy in front of you shook his head vigorously from side to side. "Not happening."
"You can do it; I believe in you!" 
You hadn't thought it possible for him to cling to the wall any more desperately than he already was, but apparently, you were wrong. The cackle of laughter that escaped his lips sounded downright hysterical and you found it quite humorous that your usually fearless flatmate was so obviously terrified.
"You believe in me yet you don't believe in the NASA Moon Landing?" His voice dripped with sarcasm. You idly shifted your weight against the thin blades strapped to your feet and flipped some of the loose strands of your H/C hair out of your face, tucking them back under your beanie.
"That's about right. I don't believe in Cleveland or Cincinnati either and I still haven't made up my mind yet about Toledo," You said matter-of-factly. "But I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. So, feel the freakin' Force, Luke." He glanced up and jabbed a finger at you accusingly.
"First of all, you’re not Obi-Wan Kenobi and second, I think I'm fine right here, thank you very much." The boy wobbled dangerously as one foot slid a little too far away from him and with a rather undignified noise he would never admit to having made, Kol flung the entirety of his weight at the wall surrounding the rink and held on for dear life. He looked so ridiculous but you tried your best not to laugh. 
Kol Mikaelson was arrogant, childish, and could definitely use a good kick in the ego, but that much had been clear from day one when you’d agreed to let him share your flat in Cambridge, Ontario nearly a year ago. Although, the whole ‘Oh-yeah-I’m-a-one-thousand-year-old-Original-Vampire’ part was something you caught onto later. 
You’d always thought of yourself as a warm and open person, but you had been quick to realize that the boy you shared your flat with was not. For everything he had to say about himself - which was plenty - he never told you anything significant about his life. Whenever you asked him something remotely personal, he would shut you down with a glare that sent chills down your spine. Kol claimed that just because the two of you shared a roof didn't mean you had to share a life. He was moody and temperamental. Any conversation with him was like navigating an emotional minefield. Then one night you came home early from work and there was Kol, leaning against the kitchen counter, holding some poor girl in his arms while he bit and tore at her throat with teeth of a nightmarish length and wicked sharpness. Suddenly, everything about him made a whole lot of sense.
Instead of screaming bloody murder, you chose to adopt the Boyardee principle: "Chef don't judge."
You stopped asking him about his life after that and as soon as you did, Kol started to warm up to you. After a while, the British boy started to smile more. You found that he was intelligent and witty and, granted, he was still outrageously full of himself but he was more thoughtful than you had given him credit for. He was also hotter than a blazing fireplace, though you would never say that because Kol was way out of your league. The two of you were just friends and, considering what he was, you were okay with that. You still knew next to nothing about him and vice versa but as long as you kept conversations focused on the present, things between you and Kol stayed merry and bright.
But over the course of the last few weeks, Kol simply hadn’t been himself. 
It had started when you had pulled out your Christmas decorations on December 1st. At first, he’d seemed so excited to help. There had been a spark in his eyes as he’d told you about how his family used to celebrate the season with the tradition of holiday bonfires and writing down a wish to burn for luck. But just as he’d opened his mouth to tell you what he promised was a hilarious story from his youth, Kol stopped and the laughter died in his throat. The warm light you had seen in him slowly flickered out, leaving something cold and lonely in his eyes. You could have sworn you saw him blink back tears, but by now you knew better than to ask if he was okay. A few minutes later, Kol stood up and left the flat without another word. 
You had laid in your bed for hours, staying up to wait for him. When he came back it was almost midnight. You heard the front door slowly open and shut on squeaky hinges and listened as his shuffling steps retreated straight to his room. When his door shut, you could hear the click of the lock. That was how you knew something was horribly wrong. Kol had always told you how he couldn’t stand being locked inside any room, no matter the size. His door was almost always left open and if it was shut, it was never ever locked. 
You hadn’t slept at all that night - how could you? See, the walls of your flat were really quite thin and that was the first time you’d ever heard Kol cry. The sound was quiet, each sob was stifled and choked so you wouldn’t hear it, but you did. Twice that night you heard him scream, and it sounded as if he were biting down on his fist in order to muffle the noise. But you knew better than to ask if he was okay. So you just sat on the floor with your back against the wall, knowing he could hear your heartbeat, and a few moments later you heard your friend slide down to sit with his back against the other side. Each of you was aware of the other, but neither said a word the whole night through, and even if his pride wouldn’t let him admit it - maybe that was what Kol needed from you. Maybe he just needed to know someone was there. Though you didn’t say it out loud, your actions promised him that you would be.
Things were different after that night. Kol stopped talking. His smiles became fewer and further between, and when he did send you one, there was a twinge of something awfully sad in his soft brown eyes. He left the flat early and stayed out late. Most nights he came back drunk off his ass with snow in his hair and he didn’t make it to his room, opting instead to collapse on the couch. (You didn’t mind waiting up for him, it was the least you could do. Even though you knew he didn’t technically need it, you always had a blanket ready for him.) There were a few nights when he didn’t come back at all. Now, when you looked into his eyes, you didn’t see him staring back. 
You knew your friend was hurting and you had tried giving him his space, but that emptiness in his eyes wasn’t getting any better, and truthfully, you were afraid of losing him. You hadn’t realized before how much Kol meant to you but watching him destroy himself was tearing you apart. You’d had enough. So, you’d woken up early this morning and stood guard at the door. When Kol got up from the couch and moved to leave again, you met him with a glass of water and informed him that he was coming with you to the park where you would be teaching him to ice-skate.
You hadn’t considered that he might be this bad at it. 
“A little help, darling?” He called from his awkward position.
“Oh shit.” 
Kol’s bodyweight definitely worked to his disadvantage as he collapsed onto the ice, smacking his head against his oh-so-precious wall on the way down. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and cast a wary glance at his traitorous feet before looking up and shaking his head. 
“I’m quitting, Mummy!” He said in a high-pitched voice, flashing you a sarcastic smile. 
“Bold of you to assume that I care,” You said, planting your skates on the ice. With a smirk, you held your gloved hand out to help him. The British boy took hold of it and grinned. Your eyes widened. ‘Oh jingle bells.’ You thought.
He gave your hand a sudden sharp tug and though you were quite good on ice, you weren’t that good. You tumbled forward, falling right into his lap. He smirked at you and for a moment you saw a flicker of his happier self shining through the faded exterior. 
You rolled your eyes and your cheeks grew hot from his proximity. “Hardee har har, very funny.” You tried to get up but Kol wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you from escaping. 
“I don’t recall saying you could move yet, Y/N,” He spoke, resting his cheek against your shoulder and inhaling deeply. He'd done this before and explicitly stated it was because your blood smelled like peppermint. “I think I like you just where you are.” His voice was soft and sent a shiver down your spine and you legitimately couldn't tell if he was flirting or just hungry. You tried to ignore that second possibility. He had to be teasing, right? Kol liked to flirt, he flirted with everyone. But then again, he’d never flirted with you before now, so what changed? Your cheeks burned and it definitely wasn’t from the cold. “Your heart is racing. Might you be flustered?”
‘He wouldn't hurt you. He’s your friend. He’s your very platonic friend.’ You chanted in your head. ‘Who you also happen to live with…’
You scoffed. “In your dreams, Koala.” Wow, kudos to you. That actually managed to sound somewhat convincing. You didn't catch what he mumbled next because the dark-haired boy’s lips were brushing over your jugular and that was very distracting.
“What?” Your voice sounded squeaky.
“I said, ‘Am I in yours too?’” Kol repeated, louder. Okay, well at least he wasn't thinking of killing you, but that meant he was flirting and that notion only made your cheeks flare hotter.
You hoped he didn’t hear the strain in your laughter. “Nope!”
“Want me to change that?” He pressed cheekily. That boy had some nerve. But what if he was being serious? You cursed yourself silently. He couldn’t possibly mean it. Kol had been out of sorts for days and you would be an awful friend to take advantage of him just because you were desperate and lonely. 
“No. No, I don’t think I do.” You could feel him frown but he obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. You were doing the selfless thing. He would thank you later. You tried to stand up again but Kol only tightened his grip, pulling you closer. You raised a brow at him. “You gonna let me go, or what?”
"As I said before,” His tone was colder now - needier - but not threatening. It just seemed sad and a little bit longing as his other arm snaked around you as well and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling gently. “I like you right where you are.” 
“You can flirt all you want, but I’m not letting you out of this. Now, come on, let me help you up.”
Kol’s grip on you tightened again, setting your cheeks on fire. “I already let you drag me out here, darling. Isn't that enough?" He sighed. His hands started playing with the hem of your sweater, tugging and twisting it around his fingers.
"Nope. Get a move on, you coward." Kol sighed.
“Fine.” Then he let you go just like that and you shot up as fast as you could, not really caring if your skates slipped as long as you didn’t fall back into his lap. You clasped his hand and pulled him up, deciding to pretend as if that had never happened.
“Alrighty then,” You said, trying to force the tension from the air. You shifted your skates backward a bit to put some space between the two of you. Stupid feelings. “Now just push off the wall!”
The boy looked down at the shiny whiteness beneath his feet. "What if I don't trust it?" He pouted.
"It's frozen water, dude!" You exclaimed. "An inanimate surface cannot intentionally harm you!"
Kol made a noise that sounded like a cross between a whine and a groan and finally pushed off the wall, holding his arms out for balance. His legs wobbled beneath him as, one by one, he took the tiniest sliding steps towards you. The skates on his feet sliced across the ice, leaving two wavy scratches in their wake. 
"See? You're doing it!" You reached toward him, shifting your skates to move slowly backward. Kol looked up at you and grinned. Unfortunately, in the split second he took his eyes off his feet, his skates slipped out from under him and he was sent crashing to the ice… face first. You winced in sympathy pain but couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips because his fall looked like something straight out of a cartoon. 
"Ow." He groaned and flipped himself over. A thin trail of crimson liquid dripped from his nose which was very clearly broken. You shuddered and gagged as he pinched the bridge of his nose and wrenched the offset bone back into place with an audible grinding noise that turned your stomach. He just laid there for a bit, limbs splayed like a starfish while he glanced at you with a pouty expression. “Now that I’ve officially shed blood in your name, can we go home?”
“You’re so dramatic,” You chuckled, shaking your head. “But thy silver tongue shall do you no good in these lands, Mikaelson,” You announced dramatically, doing your best impression of his accent - and completely butchering it. He rolled his eyes.
"Your compassion is overwhelming, darling." If he kept calling you darling then you thought you might spontaneously combust. 
"Yeah, yeah - I'm a heartless wretch. I thought we’d that established by now," You joked, skating over to where Kol lay. You offered him your hand and he took it, allowing you to help him up. "After all, it was my complete lack of empathy that dragged your angst-ridden arse here for a little fun."
"Well, that angst-ridden ass is now a bruise-ridden ass. So, thank you!" Kol complained as he brushed the ice shavings from his jeans. You rolled your eyes.
"Falling is part of learning, Koala." You grasped his hand in yours and gestured for him to move with you. "I'll let you lean on me for now, but we're not leaving this stinking pond until you can ice skate."
"Alright, but if I fall again, I'm taking you with me."
"You can try."
Once he separated himself from the wall, Kol was actually a half-decent skater. You held his hand for the first little while to help him keep his balance, but before long he was gliding along on his own and you discovered just how determined he was to get you to fall. He started going for your legs in his effort to drag you to the ice and as he got better, you found it increasingly harder to stay out of his reach. That mischievous gleam returned to his eyes and you were glad he seemed to be having fun.
After about four hours straight of skating - not to mention weaving, jumping, sliding, ducking, and dodging your way out of your flatmate's assault on your balance - you were thoroughly worn out. You slid your way to the edge of the pond where a wooden bench sat waiting for you. Kol followed despite not actually being that tired. 
The two of you sat in silence. That was common in your relationship with him and you typically didn't mind it much. However, any silence with Kol was usually the comfortable kind. This one was not. So you took it upon yourself to break it. When you couldn't come up with anything decent to say, you resolved to just clear your throat instead. 
"You're welcome."
Well, that was about as smooth as spiked eggnog. Why did you have to be so bad at this? Just talk to the guy! It's not that hard!
"Hey, um, Kol?" Your voice sounded like a chipmunk's but at least you said something.
The boy glanced up, looking you in the eyes just to make things harder. "Yes?"
"Is it okay if I ask you something?" You wondered, twisting the hem of your sweater around your fingers. Kol glanced down, distracted by your nervous movement.
"I believe you just did," He pointed out. What little confidence you had was rapidly diminishing.
"Yeah, I know. But, I was asking 'cause it's something a little more serious," You said, sounding small. Kol tensed, straightening up as he pursed his lips in a tight smile. 
"Ah," He nodded stiffly and looked away from you, fixing his gaze on the pond as he let out a breathy laugh that turned to mist in the air. It sounded dry and forced. "In that case, my answer is no."
You looked down at your gloved hands, biting down on your lower lip in embarrassment. Why did he have to make things so hard? 'Come on, Y/N! You can do this. Just be assertive!' You thought. 
"Kol, I really think this is important," You said, still quiet but sounding a little stronger now. 
“Well then it's good thing I don't care what you think,” He sneered. Your mouth fell open and the breath caught in your throat. Tears stung your eyes and you bit your lip to stop it from trembling, trying your best to hold his gaze. His words clawed at your heart, and that’s when you decided that you’d had enough. You would not be taken for granted.
“Alright, Kol,” You whispered, your tone dry and sharp. “Have it your way.” You removed your skates and traded them for your boots. Then you stood.
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m going home now,” You told him, your voice harsh and dry as you tried to keep the tears at bay. “So, go ahead and leave. Burn something, kill something, get run over by a car. ‘Cause it’s not like anybody gives a crap about you, right? So you should just go and do whatever the hell it is that you want. Why don’t you go find yourself a bar and just go drink yourself to death, Kol? See if I care!”
Kol’s eyes widened with shock at your outburst and he opened his mouth to speak but you didn’t give him the chance. You simply turned on your heel and started walking. “Y/N?” You didn’t stop. “Y/N, come back, I didn’t mean it!” You kept walking. “Y/N, wait!” There were footsteps behind you and a hand caught your wrist, tugging you back. You didn’t turn around.
“Let go of me.” You demanded cooly. Kol obeyed. 
“I promise I didn’t mean it,” He breathed. "Please. Just wait?"
“No, Kol.” You said, whirling around. “No, I am done waiting. I am done waiting for you to come back to me. I'm done waiting for you to get better, I'm done waiting for you to open up, and I'm done watching you pretend like nothing’s wrong, day in and day out. I am done watching you destroy yourself! So, read my lips, roomie. I CAN'T FREAKIN' TAKE IT ANYMORE!" You shouted. 
"Just the other night, you flooded your system with so much alcohol that your heart stopped beating for six minutes and forty-three seconds. Now, you may not care about that, but I do! I care about you, you stupid selfish jerk! 
“And I get you don't want that! You just want me to hate your guts, don't you? Well, screw that. And you know what? Screw you, Kol! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I care so damn much! So, if you don’t wanna be around someone who actually gives a crap about what you’re doing to yourself, then just go!" 
"Y/N… I-I didn't…" Kol was speechless and when you looked into his eyes you saw no trace of the chilling hardness that had been there before. Just like that, your anger faded away and you gave a shuddering sigh. 
"Watching you do this to yourself is tearing my heart out. I know I can't stop you, but I don’t wanna be around to see you fall apart.” Your lips twitched up at the corners to send him a sad smile. “I hope you have a merry Christmas, Kol.” Then, wiping the tears that had begun to fall, you turned to leave.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” His voice rang out after you. You forced yourself to continue walking.
“Don’t apologize,” You called back, shaking your head as you trudged onward through the snow. “Just find my friend and tell him I want him back.” 
"He's right here." In the blink of an eye, Kol was standing in front of you. His hands fidgeted nervously but he looked you straight in the eyes with a weary expression that told you he was being sincere. "I never left you - not really."
"Yes you did."
"Alright, I did," He admitted. "But I wasn't as far as I wanted you to believe."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" You huffed. Kol lifted a finger to your chin, forcing you to look at him. His mouth opened to speak but the words didn't come out. Frowning as if focusing deeply, the boy moved his hand to stroke your cheek.
"It means I… I didn't… know," He started.
"Didn't know what?" 
Your friend shrugged. "A lot of things apparently." He sent you a wry smile and brushed his thumb over your cheek again. His smile faded. "I didn't know I was hurting you, Y/N. That was exactly what I was trying to avoid, and for once in my life I thought I was doing something right." He shook his head and sighed. "Guess I had it all wrong again, didn't I?"
You raised a brow. "What was going through your head for you to think that?"
"Well, you were right about what you said earlier. I was kind of trying to make you hate me."
"You'll have to try harder than that, Koala," You sniffed, dabbing your eyes as you cracked a smile. "Why would you want me to hate you?"
"Because for one-thousand years I have broken everything I have ever touched," He told you. He lifted his other hand to cradle your face, grinning with sadness in his eyes. "And you're such a pretty little thing - I didn't want to break you."
You leaned into his gentle touch and offered him a soft smile. "Well, you didn't break me." 
"Good," He said softly. His thumbs continued brushing over your cheeks and you knew you were blushing again but you tried to ignore that. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He wondered, raising a brow with a cheeky grin. 
You hummed, pretending to think. "Only if you tell me what blew this popsicle stand. I mean, something's been eating you alive and even though we've lived together for, like, a year I feel like I hardly know you." Kol nodded, albeit a bit reluctantly.
"I thought you'd be better off not knowing," He said. "Besides, one-thousand years worth of background information makes for one hell of a bedtime story."
"Well, how 'bout you give me the reader's digest version on the way home," You offered.
"Oh, so now we're going back?" He asked, teasingly. "Are you cold, darling?"
"If I stand out here any longer, I'm gonna lose a few fingers."
"Well, in that case-" Kol's hands left your face before proceeding to tangle his fingers with yours. You rolled your eyes and began walking, this time with him keeping step.
"So, What's Making Kol Sad 101 -" You shot him a smirk "- I'm guessing it has something to do with the family you've mentioned a grand total of three times."
Kol nodded. "Your instincts are, as ever, unimpeachable, darling." 
"I'm cool like that. My instincts also tell me that the holidays fit into this equation somewhere."
"It really is the most wonderful time of the year." He sighed. "This will be my first time spending it alone." You didn't speak, opting to send him a soft smile instead. He returned it and continued. "My siblings and I had a - let's call it a complicated relationship. But no matter what holiday we were celebrating, be it Christmas or Kwanzaa or bonfire season, we always spent it together - at least that's how we spent the ones I was awake for."
"Long story?" You guessed.
"Shorter than you'd think," He disagreed. "Silver dagger plus some magic tree dust equals one hundred years of naptime. As I said - complicated relationship."
"Sounds like it," You agreed. "How many siblings did you have?"
A small smile crept onto the brown-eyed boy's face. "There was a time when I had six." That smile fell away. "Now, I have two."
You squeezed the hand that held yours and placed your other hand on his arm in a comforting gesture. "What happened?" You asked gently.
"Doesn't matter." Kol took a shuddering breath and his grip on your hand tightened. This was hard for him, you could tell. You rubbed your thumb across the back of his hand to remind him that you weren't going anywhere. When he spoke next, he did so with difficulty. "My four brothers all died in wretched agony. Now, I'm left with only my sisters."
"So why not spend Christmas with them?" You wondered. "I'm sure they'd be overjoyed to see you."
Kol shook his head. "No, they wouldn't."
"How can you be so sure?" The brown-haired boy stopped in his tracks and turned to you. He grasped your hands gently, fixing his eyes on them as he brushed his thumbs across your knuckles. His breathing was rapid because he really was upset, but for your sake, he was trying not to be.
"I can't go home for Christmas, darling." He shrugged with a breathy laugh that was somehow more pain-stricken than tears ever could be. "I don't really have a home to go back to… Everywhere I go, I'm jus an intrusion."
So that was why he left. He thought he was nothing more to you than a burden. He thought you didn't want him around. He thought you were better off without him.
"No! No, Koala, that's not true," You insisted, shaking your head. He smiled at you with a fondness that exceeded that of a flatmate - maybe even that of a friend.
"Yes it is. Although they try their best to hide it, I can see the pain in my sister's eyes every time we're in the same room… They look at me and all they see is the brother they loved more. The one who's dead." He chuckled dryly. 
"Kol…" You didn't know what to say, but the boy waved it off like it was fine.
"Long story short, my sisters are better off without me. They've found their happiness and they don't need me around to screw it up. And I know I should be happy for them because, after one-thousand years, my siblings have finally grown up. But I got left behind and there's no place I can go where I belong. I'm here and I have no idea how to spend this month alone." Kol dropped his gaze to his feet shamefully.
Leaning down, you forced your way into his line of sight and gave him the brightest smile you could muster. "You're not alone, Kol," You said. "You're with me! And as far as I'm concerned, there's a housing contract with your signature on it, which says that's right where you belong. You're not a burden to me."
"Then what am I to you?" Kol asked softly. His breath turned to mist and washed over your face.
Icicles pinched your heart as you lied saying: "You're my best friend."
Your flatmate nodded, but he didn't smile. "Alright," He said. 
"You know, I forgot to tell you, but my parents are coming to visit for Christmas," You said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
He raised a brow at you. "Really?" 
"Yeah." You nodded. "Lucky for you, my mom counts as at least four people, so you're definitely not going to be alone for Christmas!"
"Well, that's sure to be interesting," Your flatmate said, making a face. 
"Oh! And they're bringing Dolly!" You added, excitedly.
Kol shot you a strange glance. "Who's Dolly?" His voice sounded a little overly light and his smile was a little strange.
"Only my best friend in the whole wide world!"
The boy put a hand over his heart as if deeply wounded. "I thought that was my title, darling."
You shook your head. "No, you're my best two-legged friend in the whole wide world."
"Two legged?" You watched the realization dawn on your flatmate.
You nodded. "Dolly's my dog."
Kol's smile relaxed into something you thought almost smug. "She's your dog…"
"And not just any dog!" You insisted. "The best dog in this universe or the next!"
"Is that so?"
Kol narrowed his eyes. "I don't know, darling. I have met some pretty fantastic dogs in my lifetime. You really think yours can live up to some of the canines of Europe's royalty?"
You hummed. "That I do."
"She's not one of those snively, pathetic little rat-dogs is he?" The boy teased, elbowing you playfully.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "I'll have you know that Dolly is a one-hundred and fifty-four pound thirty six inch tall Irish Wolfhound, fully capable of and trained to trample your sorry ass on my command."
Kol whistled. "That's a big doggie." 
"Yeah, but she's a sweetheart," You said, waving a hand. "Got her when I was eight. We grew up together."
"Well, if she's as amazing as you say then I can't wait to meet her." Kol smiled and winked. "Your parents may also come over if they must."
You threw your head back and laughed.
This was going to be a fantastic Christmas.
When Kol was awoken the following morning, it was not done in any way one might refer to as 'gently'. Though that was only to be expected now that his rather - shall we say - eccentric flatmate wasn't worried about him biting her head off just for sneezing. Kol had been unnecessarily rude to you when you'd first met, something that he now regretted immensely, and though he tried to make up for it, albeit in his own way, he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to undo that damage. He knew that on some level you were afraid of him, though you didn't want to admit that. You had always tip-toed around him, worried that he might explode, but after her outburst yesterday, Kol had shown you differently. You were less afraid to be yourself around him now, and though that was a good thing, maybe it wasn't such a joy when you were interrupting his sleep.
You burst into his room, switching on the lights with a smile that was much too bright for how early you were in there. "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!" You cheered, flopping yourself onto his bed. Kol stared at you with tired, bleary eyes and an expression that said you were crazy.
"What in the bloody hell, Y/N?" The boy glanced out the window and the world was still dark. He groaned, flinging an arm over his eyes. "Darling, today is not Christmas."
You made a face. "What are you talking about? This whole frickin' month is Christmas!"
"It's really not," He said, shaking his head.
"You bet your sweet ass it is." 
"Look, I don't know what ungodly hour of the morning this is, but, I assure you, it is not a time to be up. Go back to sleep," He complained. 
"Actually, it's ten-thirty in the AM," You informed him. "There's just a blizzard going on outside so we're snowed in. Which means I don't have to work today. Hallelujah!"
"Oh, good. You can go back to sleep" 
"But I'm not tired," You whined.
"Don't care. Sleep." A slow smirk spread across his face. "You don't even have to go back to your room, you can just pass out right here. I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes. "You just had to make it weird."
"It's only weird if you want it to be." He grinned. 
You hit his shoulder playfully and rolled off the bed, making your way to the door. "Get up, loser!" You shouted from the doorway. "I made sugar cookies!"
Kol did the only rational thing to do at that moment and threw a pillow at your face which you dodged easily, sticking your tongue out at him. Then you grinned, bounding away with a bubbling laugh and Kol found it hard not to smile too. That smile of yours was dangerously contagious, it was one of the reasons he was so in love with you. 
Indeed, cliche as it was, Kol Mikaelson was head over heels in love with his flatmate. He'd been so determined not to fall for you in the beginning, but somewhere along the way, you smiled and that notion got tossed out the third-story window. You were a little strange and a little spastic at times, but you were the sort of person that just radiated warmth, the kind of genuine wholesome warmth he'd been seeking his whole life. You were his polar opposite - patient, fair, inviting, and generous beyond reason. You were so unbelievably kind to him and he had no idea why. Even while he'd been doing his best to push you away, you had stayed up every night with a blanket in your arms and patience on your face, waiting for him to stumble through the door, too drunk to see straight. And every night Kol had fallen for you further.
But he couldn't tell you that. Because you had seen what sort of monster he was and you would never be capable of caring about him the way he wanted you to. Part of him wished he could get you to stop caring about him altogether - that would make things easier for him. If Kol knew you didn't care about him one bit, then maybe he wouldn't have the desire to make out with you every damn second of the day. But no, you had to care. You had to look at him with those big tender eyes. You had to wait up for him to come home and pass out so she could give him a blanket. You had to teach him to ice skate and you had to make sugar cookies at ten in the morning. You would always care too much but never enough. The fact was, the two of you were just friends and Kol would never be able to change it.
That didn't stop him from trying, however.
He'd been flirting with you for months, and as far as he could tell, yesterday had been the first time you'd even noticed. Kol had been trying to be gentle in his advances because he didn't wanna scare you off, but it was honestly frightening how clueless you were in the romance department. 
You had no idea how badly he wanted you. Every time he saw your face he was struck by how pretty you were. You were beautiful, though he wouldn't describe you as gorgeous or stunning in the sort of sense that takes one's breath away. No, your beauty was something different.
You were pretty like Christmas lights because of how your presence had the sort of warm glow that lights up a room. Your eyes were pretty like new-fallen snow because of how they sparkled when you talked about something you loved. Your lips were pretty like Christmas presents because he never knew what to expect to come from them. You were pretty like a fireplace; strong and breathtaking but in a quiet sort of way. You were pretty like a homemade scarf because you cared with everything you had. Kol just thought you were really pretty.
But you could also be downright certifiable at times, so perhaps he should have seen this coming. It was probably best for him to go along with your shenanigans.
Kol rolled out of bed, intentionally hitting the floor with a thump just to hear a loud 'What in the-' from the quaint little pottery shop downstairs. He smirked and stood,  following the strange human out the door. 
You stood in the kitchen, humming while you decorated sugar cookies cut into Christmas shapes. You were a mystery to him. Yesterday it was ice skating, today it was sugar cookies. You looked up and Kol's smirk broadened when your cheeks glowed crimson.
"What is it, darling?" 
You shook your head. "No shirt, no shoes, no service," You said, clearly flustered by his lack of that first item.
"Does that mean pants are optional?" He asked, cheekily. 
"Pants are absolutely required," You deadpanned. Kol gave a playful groan and turned back to his room. Once he was wearing some acceptable attire, he returned to the kitchen and swiped a reindeer-shaped cookie off the counter.
"Hey!" You reached up and snatched the cookie from his hand. "No!"
"What? Why not?" He demanded, trying to grab the cookie back. 
"We have to decorate them first!" You said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Thus ensued two hours of cookie decorating. Well, you were the only predictive one seeing as Kol ate all the cookies he decorated as soon as you deemed them passable. But details. The two of you talked, listened to Christmas music, and wiped frosting on one another's faces.
Until your phone rang.
"Could you get that, Koala?" You asked, as your hands were covered in frosting. "It's just my mom." 
Kol sent you a grin. "Don't mind if I do."
Your face fell. "Oh no."
Kol picked up your phone. "Hello Mrs. Y/N's Mum!" He answered, eyeing you smugly.
"Wait… Where's my daughter? Why do you have her phone? Who are you?" The voice on the other side demanded, rather panicked.
"Relax, Miss." He said reassuringly. "Your daughter is just fine, she's standing five feet away washing her hands while she gives me the most ferocious glare I've seen in a year even though she's the one who asked me to pick up the phone. I'm her flat mate." 
"Flatmate? As in tall, dark, and hotter than Hades flatmate? That flatmate?"
Kol cast you a sidelong glance. "Oh, so is that how she refers to me?"
"No." Your eyes went wide. "No, no, no!"
"I mean, my name is Kol but I'll take tall, dark and hotter than Hades any day," Kol chuckled.
"Mom! Not another WORD!" You shouted at the phone, trying in vain to snatch the phone from Kol's hand.
"Sorry honey!"
"Please tell me more, Miss. Y/L/N," He encouraged, keeping the phone well out of your reach.
"I haven't even told her anything about you!"
"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
"Kol, I'm sure you're a very nice boy and I would love to get to know you, but right now I need to speak to my daughter. Can you please put her on the phone?" The woman's tone made Kol stop in his tracks. It was a tone he'd heard before, the one that's calm but just barely. That was the voice of someone with the kind of news that no one wants to hear.
"Yes, ma'am." He didn't even argue. He just gave you the phone. You took the device from him with a curious look.
"Hey, mom. What's up? Is there something wrong?" You asked cautiously, moving from the room for some privacy.
Now, Kol didn't mean to eavesdrop. He really didn't, but with his enhanced hearing, he just couldn't help it. He was in the kitchen, and you were in the living room, but Kol could hear both your voice and that of your mother as if you were standing right next to him.
"Hey sweetheart. How's my little girl doing?" Kol heard it in her voice again. She sounded tired and weary.
"Mom, I'm fine. A-are you okay? What's going on?"
A deep breath. A sigh.
"I-I think you should sit down for this."
"Momma, you're kinda freaking me out. What's wrong? Is it dad?" You tended to tug on your hair when you were nervous. You were probably doing that now.
"No, sweetie. You're father and I are both fine. I'm-I'm calling about Dolly."
"What about Dolly?" You asked cautiously.
"Oh, Y/N. I don't even know how to say this."
"Say what?" Your voice was shaking. Kol shook his head. He didn't want this, not now, not for you.
"I'm so sorry, baby girl… Last night something happened. Dolly's stomach flipped a-and this morning we rushed her to the vet."
"And?" You demanded, voice rising.
"They said they were sorry, but there wasn't anything they could do."
"No." You whispered. "No, momma, please tell me you didn't-"
"We had to put her down, sweetheart."
"No!" The pain in your voice was more than efficient for Kol to imagine the pain in your heart. 
"Dolly's gone, Y/N."
"Why would you do that?!"
"We didn't want her to be in pain-"
"But you didn't even let me say goodbye!"
"Your dad and I thought it might be easier if you-"
"No! No, it's not easier! I can't believe you would do this to me!" 
"Oh, Y/N. Wait-"
Kol heard you hang up the phone and stand. You appeared in the kitchen doorway with a smile that would have been so believable if not for the tears welling in your eyes and the conversation he hadn't been supposed to hear.
"Hey, Koala. Um, why don't you finish up in here? I'm just gonna go get some fresh air." You turned before Kol could see the tears slip down your face. But he wouldn't let you get away so easily. He grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked as if he hadn't listened in on every word of that conversation.
"I'm fine," You said tonelessly. 
"Y/N…" He moved in front of you to find your face blank of all emotion.
Again. "I'm fine."
Kol frowned and pushed a strand of hair out of your face. "No, you're not."
"You don't need to worry about me, Koala. I just need some fresh air. I'll be fine." Tears spilled down your cheeks and the look in your eyes broke his heart. Now he knew how you must have felt watching him do the same thing.
"It's okay not to be," He spoke gently, placing a hand on your cheek and wiping away your tears. You tried to push him away.
"No, I don't wanna ruin your day. You're not supposed to worry about me," You sniffed, shaking your head.
"Why not?" Did you really not want him around?
"Because that's my job!" You huffed. "It's not your job. It's my job!"
Kol blinked. "Wait...What?" Now, how did that make any sense?
"I can't be selfish," You insisted. "I shouldn't be sad. You're grieving y-your brothers. How can I be so selfish?" You tried to push him away again but he was having none of it. "Let me go, Kol. I don't wanna make you s-sad."
"If I let you go out there in a state like this, darling, it'll be you who gets run over by a reindeer," He joked, earning the slightest smile from you. "And I think that would make me very sad. You wouldn't want that would you?"
You shook your head. "N-no! I'm s-sorry."
"Then enough of this nonsense." Kol put a finger to your lips to stop you from apologizing anymore. "Come here, darling." He wrapped his arms around your waist and you fell apart, burying your face in the soft material of his grey sweater and letting all the tears out. Kol just ran his fingers through your hair comfortingly as he'd done for Rebekah a time or two. He kept himself away from your neck as it had been a while since he'd fed and your blood really did smell like peppermint - no reason to make a bad day worse. "Would you like me to carry you?"
"Where?" You mumbled into his sweater.
"To the couch." He shrugged. He wasn't sure why he'd offered, maybe he just wanted another reason to touch you. "No use bawling your eyes out for an audience." He gestured to the window. There was no one outside, but that didn't seem to bother you.
Your grip on his sweater tightened and you nodded weakly. "Okay."
Kol couldn't help the small smile that brought to his face. His hands were scarred with hundreds of unnamable atrocities and yet you trusted him. He stooped down a little and moved his hands to the backs of your thighs, listening as your heart rate jumped. "Is this fine?" He wondered.
"Good." He squeezed your thighs gently and lifted you off the ground, walking towards the living room and the emotional stability all couches provide. "It's okay that you're not alright, Y/N," He whispered.
"But I don't wanna be a burden," You choked out.
"I'm ninety-percent sure you're not even capable of that," He chuckled, moving to put you down. You fisted his sweater and shook your head.
"Don't let me go?" Your eyes were desperate and it almost scared him because he knew he would do anything in the world if you asked like that. 
"As you wish." He sat down and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you as you cried your sweet little heart out. His chin rested on your head and he tried humming some Christmas songs in hopes that you would calm down.
"I-I'm sorry I-I'm so pathetic," You apologized a few minutes later.
"You're not pathetic," He assured.
"Yes, I am. Your brothers are dead. Dolly was-was just my dog. I should be the one cheering you up." He noticed how you struggled with that sentence in the middle.
Kol gasped. "No! How can you even say that?"
"What?" You sniffed.
"As I recall, Dolly was the best dog in this universe or the next," He stated as a matter of fact.
You huffed a laugh. "Well, yeah. But your brothers-"
"Eh, they weren't all that great," Kol dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Dogs are better than people anyway."
"How do you figure that?" You asked, sitting up. Kol shifted his hands to your hips experimentally and almost cheered when a blush-colored your cheeks but you didn't push him away.
"Well, if I were to lock one of my brothers in a closet for a few hours, when I go to open it, chances are he'll seek revenge. Now, if I did the same to a dog, I open the door and he's just happy to see me. Bottom line, you're daft if you think I wouldn't trade Elijah for a German Shepard any day of the week."
He could tell you were trying not to laugh by the way your shoulders shook and you pursed your lips. "Well, what about-"
"Klaus?" He guessed. "Well, I dunno. See, the problem with Nikkie is he technically was already a dog unto himself. He was both werewolf and vampire so he could shift between forms at any time."
"Well, that's kinda cool."
Kol shrugged. "I suppose so. The dog jokes were better, though. In fact, Klaus actually installed a few doggie doors in our house down in New Orleans so he wouldn't have to shift just to get in and out. He thought no one knew about them." 
Kol's heart soared when his little story drew a bout of genuine laughter from your lips. You hid your face in his shoulder,  "I bet my dog could beat your dog," You giggled.
"Oh really?" He hummed. "And what makes you think that?"
"Irish Wolfhounds hunt wolves," You said with something devious in your voice.
Kol cursed under his breath.
"Did I say something wrong?" You asked carefully.
"Not at all, love," He smirked. "I'm just regretting never thinking of that myself. I mean, can you imagine the look on my brother's face at getting hunted by a pack of wolfhounds? I'd take a picture and hang it on my wall." You giggled again and Kol only pulled you closer, trying to forget the sadness that weighed in his own heart.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, just cuddling and exchanging stories. Some were happy and others were more melancholy and wistful, but neither of you wanted it to end. He was holding you so sweetly and you didn't want Kol to let go.
"I don't think I want to go home anymore," You admitted after a while.
"Why not?" Your flatmate asked, playing with your hair. 
"I don't have anybody to go home to. I mean, I've got my parents but no friends. No boyfriend. Dolly was all I really had and now-" You sighed. "Now I don't have her either."
"I refuse to believe that." The boy shook his head. "Come now, someone as wonderful and beautiful as yourself must have plenty of friends."
"No, not really. I annoy people." You shrugged.
"Well, you don't annoy me," He said. "I rather enjoy your company."
"Really?" You wondered. He was probably just saying that to spare your feelings.
"Of course."
"So you're not just being nice out of guilt or pity?"
Kol frowned, searching your eyes intently. You could feel yourself going red under his gaze. 
"Is it really so hard to believe that someone might care about you as much as you care about them?" He countered. Of course, it was. You were you. Who would want that?
"Why else would someone like you wanna stick around someone like me?" You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Because someone like me is head over heels in love with someone like you."
Kol blurted the words out without so much as a single thought to the consequences. He couldn't help it. He was tired of waiting. Consequences didn't matter. The time didn't have to be right but it needed to be said. Because he might have forever but you didn't and you deserved to know.
"What?" Your voice was small and your expression held utter disbelief.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N," He repeated as if it were the easiest thing in the world to say but it sort of was because you made it easy. "And all those days I was gone, I wasn't. I was sitting up on the roof listening to you sing Christmas songs because I couldn't trust myself near you and couldn't bear to stay away. And every night when I came back after drinking myself off the edge just for an excuse as to where I'd been all day, you were there waiting with that blanket. So if you think I'm not going to wait for you now, you're crazy. I love you."
There was no way. You had to be dreaming. It was too good to be true not to mention cliche.
You blinked in surprise. "I-I don't-"
"You don't have to say it back." Kol moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "I just thought you ought to know. Merry Christmas, darling! Your flatmate has been harboring an enormous crush on you since sometime in mid-April. But we can unpack that tomorrow."
What an idiot. There was no way he could be so oblivious. You shook your head. "No, I think now's good."
"Please, don't feel pressured. How about we watch a movie instead? A Christmas Carol perhaps? I've hear that's-"
Where on Earth you got the confidence from, you had no idea but you weren't going to complain. Without warning, you kissed him and without a moment's hesitation, he kissed you back and it wasn't like fireworks at all. His lips were cold but in a pleasant way and they moved against yours with the same intensity as the blizzard outside. The kiss wasn't needy or lustful, just sweet. Sweet like the sugar cookies the two of you had decorated that morning. One of his hands moved from your face to tangle in your hair and the other held your hip, fingers slipping beneath your shirt to caress the skin of your waist. You hadn't kissed too many people before, but Kol was clearly an expert at it and he made you feel special.
When you pulled away, purely for the human requirement of air, he rested his forehead against yours and the smile on his face was pure and warm and blissful.
"You know what, darling?" He said, pressing another kiss to your lips. Kol urged you to lay back and shifted to hover over you. He grinned. "I think Dickens can wait."
That year for Christmas, Kol gave you an Irish Wolfhound pup.
You named him Niklaus.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
It's the Mikaelson ball and Elijah asks you for a dance, Kol isn't happy because he likes you and you like him but you do find Elijah attractive. Elijah tries to get his brother Kol to admit his feelings to you but at the end Elijah realizes he has feelings for you but you like Kol and only find Elijah attractive. One shot and reader is a powerful witch. Thank you.
I like you, I really do... But. | Elijah Mikaelson x Kol Mikaelson x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
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The Mikaelson ball, of course it was the time to ask your significant other to dance. Elena had the Salvatores, Caroline had Klaus and who did I have... Elijah.
Of course, I didn't hate Elijah. In fact, if Kol didn't exist he'd be my favourite but given I had a huge crush on Kol I was upset that Elijah had asked me before Kol grew a pair.
Don't get me wrong, Elijah is one fine looking man. From his jaw to his posture it was like he was sent from heaven but Kol, Kol was different.
"shall we?" Elijah interrupts my thoughts, his hand raises as my hand gently grabs his and he leads me to the dance floor.
"Kol is so naive." Elijah mutters, he understood my feelings for Kol overthrew any other feelings I had for anyone else including him.
"hm?" I say, only hearing Kol's name brought me back into reality "I had warned him, on multiple occasions that if he hadn't asked you out, I'd be asking you out." Elijah says in a kind of annoyed tone "I thought that was give him some kind of incentive, but given you are here with me he hadn't grown a pair yet." he continues as our bodys swayed to the music.
My head spins around trying to look for the youngest brother who was dancing with some girl from the town.
"Yeah, well, he's made it apparent he has no feelings for me whatever." I shrug "I'm sure he does, a beautiful woman like you would have most men swooning over you." he compliments me and I give him a gentle smile "thank you Elijah." I say quietly.
We continue to dance, until I see Kol's eye locked on me almost as if he had a problem with me dancing with Elijah. Then the music stopped "excuse me for one moment." Elijah smiled sweetly before disappearing off into Kol's direction.
I had been left in the middle of the ballroom, all by myself.
Unsure of what to say or do, I walk out of the room, exiting the house for a breather.
Running my hand through my hair "You left?" Kol says and I spin around "Well someone didn't want to grow a pair and ask me to dance, so Elijah stepped in." I smile, recovering from catching my breath "Believe me I intended to ask you out." he say "I just found you weren't at all interested in what I had to say." Kol narrows his eyes "You're right, I wasnt" I nod walking off.
"I need a drink" I sigh walking back inside, grabbing a glass of champagne off of the plate from the waiters walking around.
Elijah walks outside to where Kol is and I roll my eyes.
Not only did my date go out to conversate with his brother, but he went outside to conversate with my crush. It doesn't sound to bad, but when you add the word 'Mikaelson' to the sentence everything goes bad.
I think that goes for every sentence. 'The Mikaelsons are having a ball.' 'The Mikaelsons are speaking outside', it doesn't go hand in hand even when the sentence is said to be good with no intent of evil or wrong doings.
"I see you need alot of alcohol." Damon mumbles walking up to me "Given that Two of the Mikaelsons are speaking outside, I think I do." I sigh rubbing my dome with one hand as Damon gives me an awkward face "exactly" I say as he walks off.
Kol walks in, Elijah following closely behind him "can I speak with you?" Kol asks and I shrug "Depends are you asking me to dance?" I retort and he shakes his head with a smile "fine" I mumble as he grabs my hand dragging me upstairs into a random room.
"I like you." he says "I-" "you're smart, funny, can't forget sarcastic, moody, strong, brave. Everything I thought I'd never find in a girl until you stabbed me with that little wooden spare" he says placing hands on my cheeks, the door was still open so anyone could listen into the conversation.
"I don't know if you just insulted me or-" "just pretend it wasn't an insult for a moment, i'm trying to tell you how I feel. I don't do this at all." he says making me laugh "I'm sorry, no I understand I get you, carry on, please." I continue laughing.
"fine, keep laughing." he says removing his hands from my cheeks "no you don't" I say turning back to a serious mood and he chuckles "look, i like you." he says and I nod "you said that, Kol." I mumble "besides, if I can make you so awkward then jeez i'm special." I chuckle and he shrugs "you could say that." he sighs scratching the back of his neck.
"Let me get the rest of the night with your brother over and done with, then im all yours." I smile to him and he reluctantly nods, "acutally, I-" he stops himself from saying something and I turn my head "you don't like me with Elijah?" I question him and he nods "oh come on, at least someone in the family had balls." I say walking off.
Slowly walking down the stairs I see Elijah already looking up at me with admiration in his eyes "Elijah?" I question him eventually making it to him as he clears his throat "One more dance?" he asks and I chuckle taking his hand.
As Elijah and I danced to the old classical music, I listened to his heartbeat. I wasn't a vampire but I could do a spell by thinking of the spell in my head, the spell where I had inhumane hearing had popped into my head.
His heart beated quickly, almost like the speed mine beats when I'm near Kol. "You're captivating, y/n." Elijah says, thats when I knew.
Not only had the youngest Mikaelson fallen for me but the Middle Mikaelson did too, how was I suppose to come back from that.
"You're Handsome too, Elijah... but" I pause "No need to finish that sentence, y/n, i know who your eyes are set on. I also know that you can read me like a book, that's okay." Elijah looked down at me giving me a gentle, sweet smile.
I almost felt bad for him in a way, the only Mikaelson who did something not for his own benefit but for his families benefit and the one time he had something that mad him happy, she felt away for another, that other being his brother. It was sad.
"I like you, I really do… But you brother has my heart, Elijah." I sigh still dancing, he nods accepting that he and I would never match "I figured, it was too late anyways." he smiles before the song ends.
"Farewell y/n" he whispers kissing my cheek before vanishing.
"Y/n" Kol yells waving at me to come over.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Conquers All (The Originals)
(Y/N) means your name and (Y/LN) means your last name.
Warnings: none. Angst and fluff all the way.
Summary: Dad!Klaus. (Y/N) finds out that you are pregnant and runs away from Klaus. After five years of avoiding him, Freya discovers your secret and it will all be revealed in time. At last, love will conquer all.
“Hope, you need to be really good.” There was a very good chance that your hyper active daughter will get distracted in the end. But if this plan works then it would be one of the best day of your lives.
Your first daughter was an accident (no regrets there) but after you married the love of your life, you wanted to expand your family. Both of you have been trying from the past year but were met with disappointment at the end of every month. This was going to be so much different from your first pregnancy because your partner will be by your side this time.
“Love, where are you?” Calling out from the hallway, you could hear Klaus’s footsteps coming towards you.
“Hope, I am going to distract your dad. Just remember your part please and finish your drawing quickly.” Intercepting your husband midway, you started talking to him about Hope’s upcoming play in her school and both of your participation at the ticket booth. Klaus protested because he found all the other parents annoying. The great Klaus Mikaelson had a reputation to uphold. But you just giggled quietly because you remembered him in a pink tiara acting as a princess with Hope just last night.
When you thought that enough time had passed by, you gently ushered Klaus in the room. “Surprise!” Your voice died down in your throat when you saw the startled face of your little munchkin smeared in yellow frosting.
“What is this? ‘E are pect?” The writing on the mini cupcakes was destroyed by the little devil perched on the coffee table.
“Hope! I told you I would give you the cupcakes afterwards,”
“Mommy, Mr Fluffs ate the icing. I told him not to.” She hid her hands behind her back and gave you her puppy dog eyes.
“What’s going on?” Klaus interjected before you became distracted by the argument.
“I will deal with you later but now show Daddy your card.” She slowly hopped off the table and extended her card that now had yellow imprints on it. Klaus always savored moments like these because he had missed a huge part of her life. And soon his little girl will transform in to a moody teenager who is too cool for her old man.
He recognised the three stick figures that were hastily drawn on the pink paper but there was another small one on the side of the paper.
“Who is the fourth one, baby?” He bent down to her level and tried to decipher the glittery mess.
“Read the card, daddy!” She pointed her chubby, little finger towards the end of the paper. As his eyes skimmed over the scribbled handwriting, a gasp escaped his soft lips. Written were the words, “I am going to be a big sister”.
“Is this-? You are-?” The Klaus Mikaelson was reduced to a sputtering mess and when he saw tears in your eyes, he immediately lifted you off the ground, “We are going to be parents again.” Klaus’s happiness knew no bounds and you both were just basking in each others presence.
Munching sounds from somewhere behind you took you out of your bubble. “Hope Andrea Mikaelson, stop eating the cupcakes!”
“It’s okay, (Y/N). Let her enjoy this moment as well.”
“She will get a sugar rush and I am not dealing with it.” Your pregnancy hormones were going haywire and you already knew that this baby will be a lot different from your elder daughter.
“Okay, darling. No more sweets for the whole week.” Picking his daughter up, he took her to get cleaned up and easily slipped in to his dad mode. This baby was going to be a new chapter in your lives and you were excited for it.
--------1 and a half year later--------
“Hope, stop trying to put glitter on your brother.” Klaus was running after his two munchkins but Hope had a mind of her own. She put a freezing spell on James and dumped the pink glitter on him. Little Jamie was terrified the instant he couldn’t move his chubby little feet. The nine month old let out a piercing wail and blasted her sister across the couch.
“What is happening here?” You came in the moment you heard your children crying on the top of their lungs. They both had been a handful from the very start and their powers are uncontrollable now. Sure, Freya is helping them rein their powers but it was not helping.
Klaus was rocking Hope gently in his arms while nursing the cut on her forehead. Immediately, you went to your sobbing infant and picked him up. The glitter transferred to your clothes as he clinged on to you like a Koala. “Hope, why would you do this?” You asked flustered.
“He destroyed my painting for Daddy.” Exclaiming it with tears flowing through her eyes, she laid her head on her father’s shoulder.
“Mistake.” Jamie hiccuped and you gently rubbed his back. Slowly, Hope’s cut healed and your husband let out a sigh of relief. He can not bear to see anything to happen to his family. One time, he went ballistic on Freya when James got stung by a wasp. She just shut him up with a sleeping spell and boy, was Klaus mad.
“Honey, give me Jamie. I’ll shower him while you both go change.” Klaus took charge of the situation because he knew that they were all going to be late for the fourth of July dinner at Kol’s house. He would rather send some alone time with his family but you insist on socialising.
“I have left out his red and blue onesie on the bed.” You called out after your two boys and a soft giggle was sent your way.
You all got ready with Hope wearing a blue white striped summer dress with her pink pumps and you in a maroon dress with intricate lacing. Klaus had opted for a simple white button down with khaki pants. And the casual look just made him more appealing.
The kids went in to the living room to play with their toys, the feud between them long forgotten. Klaus took you in his arms as you were giving a final touch to your makeup. He gazed at you through the mirror while you gently laid your head on his shoulder.
“I am so lucky to have you. You are my saving grace and thank you for the two little munchkins.”Klaus was truly thankful to have you in his life and the thousand years of misery has finally paid off.
“I am just as grateful for you, trust me.”
“I love you, baby and this all is going to stay the same.” Gently, he turned you around and pecked your lips.
“I love you too and is that a promise, Mr Mikaelson?”
“Always and Forever. Now, let’s get going.” You both went out and strapped the kids in to the car for the long 30 minutes ride.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N : This series has officially come to an end. Really enjoyed writing this. When I first came up with the plot I really didn’t wasn't sure if I wanted to complete it. Thank you to each one of you for giving your love and support to this series. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think.
P.S. If you want to send blurb requests based on the series (dad!Klaus) I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. I would love it❤️
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raith-way · 2 years
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「 OCs & Fic Masterlists - Under The Cut 」
↳ soundtrack of the revolution
✘ my chemical romance
☆ tyler raith
♡ tyler raith/gerard way
➲ ♯ long live the revolution
【 masterlist 】
↳ tempus revelat veritatem
✘ harry potter / marauder’s era
☆ hen rosenberg
♡ hen rosenberg/remus lupin/sirius black
➲ remus ϟ sirius
【 masterlist 】
↳ things are getting a little hazy
✘ buffy the vampire slayer
☆ grace blackburn & eliot greenwood
♡ grace blackburn/eliot greenwood
➲ † see the demon in the night
【 masterlist 】
↳ square one
✘ buffy the vampire slayer
☆ kieran moore
♡ kieran moore/faith lehane
➲ faith lehane: the vampire [redacted]
【 masterlist 】
↳ memento mori
⇢ memento amare series
✘ dceu - post justice league
☆ ryan lopez
♡ ryan lopez/bruce wayne
➲ bruce wayne is the enemy
【 masterlist 】
↳ memento vivere
⇢ memento amare series
✘ dceu - (the) suicide squad
☆ revina revnic & atticus toussaint
♡ revina revnic/rick flag/atticus toussaint
➲ in rick flag we trust
【 masterlist 】
↳ archaic kings
✘ marvel - mcu & xmen
☆ jo holbrook
♡ jo holbrook/bruce banner/tony stark
➲ the bodyguard of science
【 masterlist 】
↳ the last ones standing
✘ gotham
☆ bexley barba
♡ bexley barba/victor zsasz
➲ victor zsasz is my b—
【 masterlist 】
↳ a distant lullaby
✘ the vampire diaries & the originals
☆ gwen gilbert & ally murphy
♡ gwen gilbert/klaus mikaelson & ally murphy/kol mikaelson
➲ mikaelson mixtape
【 masterlist 】
↳ a spoonful of grace
⇢ apocalypse redux series
✘ supernatural
☆ emma motley
♡ emma motley/michael
➲ not another winchester & winchester special
【 masterlist 】
↳ the burning taste of faith
⇢ apocalypse redux series
✘ supernatural
☆ betty harvelle
♡ betty harvelle/lucifer
➲ my dearest lucifer
【 masterlist 】
↳ metronome
✘ harry potter - marauder’s era
☆ taryn morgan
♡ taryn morgan/remus lupin/alastor moody(?)
➲ tick tock goes the clock
【 masterlist 】
↳ traversing the multiverse
✘ marvel - mcu & comics
☆ mac rowe & kenzie rowe
♡ mac rowe/steve rogers & kenzie rowe/thor odinson
➲ playlist - coming soon!
【 masterlist 】
↳ dust and devils
✘ the walking dead
☆ rett
♡ rett/negan
➲ i am (not) negan
【 masterlist 】
↳ i’m a mad man for your touch
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series - daredevil
☆ kat king
♡ kat king/vladimir ranskahov
➲ 「 kat king ♡ vladimir ranskahov 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ girl you taste like sugar
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series - daredevil & punisher
☆ dani blake
♡ dani blake/frank castle
➲ 「 dani blake ♡ frank castle 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ the meaning of a heartbeat
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series - daredevil & punisher
☆ lane rex
♡ lane rex/benjamin poindexter/billy russo
➲ 「 benjamin poindexter ♡ lane rex ♡ billy russo 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ the spark that starts it all
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series - iron fist
☆ mads o’connor
♡ mads o’connor/ward meachum
➲ 「 mads o’connor ♡ ward meachum 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ petals for armor
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series - iron fist & daredevil
☆ ginny barber
♡ ginny barber/matt murdock
➲ 「 ginny barber ♡ matt murdock 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ day of…
⇢ dies irae series
✘ marvel netflix series
☆ kat & dani & lane & mads & ginny
♡ otp
➲ 「 dies irae 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ earning valhalla
✘ the boys
☆ rey brand & chrys brand & margo flynn
♡ rey brand/billy butcher & chrys brand/annie january & margo flynn/hughie campbell
➲ you just got branded
【 masterlist 】
↳ heartstrings
✘ marvel - mcu & comics
☆ aleksandra schmidt
♡ aleksandra schmidt/bucky barnes/steve rogers
➲ playlist - coming soon!
【 masterlist 】
↳ dead end dreams
✘ a nightmare on elm street
☆ kerry lantz & scott reinhart & others
♡ kerry lantz/scott reinhart
➲ playlist - coming soon!
【 masterlist 】
↳ caught off guard
✘ twilight
☆ toni swan
♡ toni swan/jasper hale
➲ playlist - coming soon!
【 masterlist 】
↳ starving faithful
✘ the fast and the furious
☆ kat ellis
♡ kat ellis/jakob toretto
➲ playlist - coming soon!
【 masterlist 】
↳ time after time
✘ marvel - mcu
☆ oc
♡ wanda maximoff/tony stark
➲ 「 scarlet witch ♡ ironman 」
【 masterlist 】
↳ those who fight monsters
✘ attack on titan
☆ cara brandt
♡ cara brandt/reiner braun
➲ reiner braun, i hate you
【 masterlist 】
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klausysworld · 1 year
can u pls write a grumpy x sunshine trope with klaus, but reader is the grumpy one
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@klaustopia thank uuu for the moodboard to use 💜💜^^
Fuck. Off.
Klaus is known to be a little moody and grumpy sometimes, his siblings in particular grew used to seeing him in such a way.
It was certainly a shock when he began being smilier, curtains open to let in the sun as his face lit up to read the text he’d just received.
“Something funny Nik?” Rebekah asked irritated with the childish giggles leaving his lips every few minutes. He didn’t respond only left the room with a grin.
Soon after the Mikaelsons learnt of a girl. Y/n. They were somewhat excited as a family to meet her, they expected someone energetic and bouncy seeing how cheerful their brother had been. They were not expecting a sarcastic grumpy bitch to show up lounging around their house like she owned it.
Rebekah’s enthusiasm to go shopping with her was short lived after going through her wardrobe
“Your clothes are all far too big for you? And the colour scheme… where’s the colour?” She asked with a frown and y/n rolled her eyes before ushering the blonde out.
Elijah stood in the kitchen mildly concerned seeing Niklaus adding vanilla syrup to the latte he was making as the toaster went off and he picked out two marshmallow flavoured pop-tarts. He hurried over to his lover and presented it with a pleased smile
“Thank you Nik” she praised as he leaned down to kiss her lips.
He continued to watch as she fed him some of the pop tart and lightly patted his hair
“You look pretty today” she told him watching his eyes light up.
Elijah walked away in confusion.
Kol was thoroughly amused by the back to front dynamic as he watched his older brother receive head scratches while being lead against a girl who looked as though she might stab someone.
“Awe is Klausy laying with his mommy?” Kol asked in an overly sarcastic tone, crouching down to prod Klaus’ cheek.
Y/n felt the hybrids mood dampen as he sat up and cleared his throat. She felt her anger grow seeing his embarrassment and without thinking had punched Kol straight on the nose. He stumbled several paces back, shock written all over his face as he grabbed his nose.
Silently she pulled Klaus back to his led down position and stroked his hair with purpose, a glare fixed on Kol while Klaus snuggled her with a smug grin. The second Kol went to yell at her she gave him a deathly stare
“Fuck. Off.” She seethed and he did so quickly.
Klaus often found himself watching his lover sleep, seeing the soft innocence on her face was calming. The pissed off look she gave him when she woke up to his staring at her was not.
“What the fuck do you want?” She mumbled and he breathed a laugh
“I was just admiring you, my love.” He told her with a smile. Her hand pushed him away by his forehead and he grumbled
“Go ‘way” she muttered kicking his leg when he trued to spoon her
“Just let me hold you” he whined attempting to pull her close but was elbowed on the abdomen effectively winding him.
The noise of distress had her blindly reaching behind her to pat his cheek
“Remember when i told you to go away and you didn’t? Yeah. Next time go ‘way” she told him before pulling the blanket completely off of him. Once she was asleep he managed to squeeze back into the duvet and curl himself around her without her waking.
She chose not to comment in it when she woke again.
One think Rebekah was glad for was that y/n didn’t mind having her nails done. It was something the girls could ‘bond’ over.
Sometimes Elijah would just silently sit in the same room as her and read his book. Though each time he peeked over he found her sat holding her phone in a way that had her middle finger on display. He was not amused.
Kol was still learning to ‘fuck off’
Each time he made a comment on her and Klaus’ relationship y/n managed to do something that ruined his day or physically harmed him.
Klaus would practically purr seeing his lover stand up for him, to have someone- although not always showing it- love him.
Sometimes he would try to get her to smile, seeing how far he had to push it. Apparently taking her a fairground was not his best idea. A child spilt a slush puppy on her and the way she looked at the kid had Klaus immediately rushing them home
“Let’s not kill the child” he muttered while dragging her away
“Little shit deserves it”
One thing that rewarded him with a smile was dates. A simple blood red rose handed to her as he stood before her all tuxed up and fancy. How could she not smile at him?
Sometimes she realised how hard it must be for him to put up with her lack of acknowledgment and would spend the occasional day zeroing her focus on him
“You know that i love you, yes?” She asked almost softly and his eyes flicked to hers with a nod
“I love you too” he expressed as she took his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his…
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ofnightwind · 2 years
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(jack falahee ; cismale ; he/him , play with fire by sam tinnesz, yacht money) hey, look! isn’t that NICHOLAS CROFT? the 26/1000+ year old ORIGINAL VAMPIRE is known to be CHARMING AND ARROGANT. they’ve been in town for TWO MONTHS and always remind me of stained crimson fangs, grins of mischief, playing with your food. let’s hope they survive what’s to come.
INTRO BEGIN.    (   drugs, death tw    )
FULL NAME AT BIRTH:  nicholas croft or nick for short. ALIAS’: nicholas emerson. DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A. PERSONALITY TRAITS:  
+   spontaneous, confident, bold, flirtatious, creative                                                                  -   selfish, moody, reckless, impulsive, egotistical, vindictive
SPECIES:   vampire    (original).     RELATIONSHIP STATUS:    single.     SEXUAL ORIENTATION:    pansexual. SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS:   N/A. SCARS:   N/A. LAGUAGES SPOKEN:   english, spanish, russian, french, etc. OCCUPATION: professional nuisance. CHARACTER INSPOS / PARALLELS: kol mikaelson (tvd), spike (btvs), 
nicholas was born five minutes behind his twin sister fallon and from the moment of their birth, the two were completely inseparable with nicholas listening to his sister more than his own parents. together the twins would be taught magic and it wasn’t long before either of them discovered putting their magic together, they were capable of doing many things and it only strengthened as the pair got older. 
at eight years old, the twins lost their parents. their deaths shrouded in a mystery unbeknown to them. after their deaths, the two were given to family friends after being on their own and the two were thrown into a whole new environment with whole new parents and siblings nicholas didn’t even want but adapted to it anyway. growing up with the new coven, nicholas was always making mischief whether that was playing stupid tricks on his siblings or pushing his luck with his new parents, it would always be fallon to rope him back before he ever went too far. still, the two would continue practicing their magic. as teenagers, the two were bored with traditional and simple magic and decided to take it another notch up by testing the limits of their powers, succeeding in far more ways their coven had ever intended and so, they were kicked out of the coven, the two being far too dangerous to represent what their coven stood for. 
the two spent years on their own, perfecting their magic on their own, finding other witches who like them, were either outcasts or wanted more out of their magic and knew, like the twins, they were capable of taking things further and the group all grew closer, viewing each other family through the magic of their formed coven and bond, they would work as a whole as their own coven and with their ambitions, they achieved their goal of capturing immortality except not in the way they intended. they were turned to vampires that day, each member stripped of their magic and now would thrive on the blood of others to survive.
while some of the other previous coven members may have detested what they were, for nicholas, he adapted rather quickly and he found most of his emotions and desires were heightened and over time, he grew to indulge in what he was, finding the strength of his newfound abilities invigorating. over the course of the centuries, he’s indulged in bloodlust further, sometimes often indulging too much, especially apart from his siblings when he can be the most reckless and volatile, committing sprees out of boredom or spite.
important bullet points and tidbits.
nicholas is the younger fraternal twin of fallon    ( ofshadws ).    together,   they are the original twins and probably can be the most violent and sadistic out of all the originals if they decide to go on a spree together (or alone; he’s just as brutal by himself) which is dangerous for everyone all around.    ever since they were kids,   they’ve always been together although sometimes fallon has ditched him a couple times during the centuries.  but obviously,   he is the closest to her.
he is on the more extreme side of the scale when it comes to recklessness and impulsivity.   if he gets something in mind he wants to do,  it becomes an impulse that he needs to do whatever pops into his head.   he does what he wants when he wants to do it which has classified him as out of control in the past with the only original able to reign him in and semi keep him controlled is fallon.   on the flipside of extremism,   he can be the most laidback and sociable.
one of his favorite eras of history was the the sex, drugs and rock and roll era.   he has tried every drug under the sun,   having to intake lethal doses to a human to get a pinch of a high.
being as flirtatious as he is, nicholas has a string of casual, sexual relationships. regarding romantic relationships, he has major commitment issues and has never committed to a single romantic relationship. he was like this even as a human / witch, the man has always had issues.
nicholas however is the original you’ll want to go if you want to have a good time,  he doesn’t disappoint in his company.
(01/??)    -    casual flings / hook ups.    my man does not ‘date’ nor does he want to and is kind’ve king at casual relationships. 
(01/01)   -     witch he’s training. nick misses his magic so this would be him selfishly once again getting close to magic through a means of teaching magic to an inexperienced witch. (taken by minica faust)
(00/??)   -  enemies. my man has not made friends over the years.
* intro subjected to be edited and added with more info.
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kmikaelsonimagines · 3 years
The 1: A Kol Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: The 1 please xx
I didn’t realise until I read over this, but there’s a bit of me in this one, in that what Kol feels is very similar to my own experiences. If you guys ever need to talk about anything similar to the content in this imagine, please don’t hesitate to pop me a message. Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
The 1
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I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit Been saying "yes" instead of "no" I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though
Kol had been doing well for the first time since it happened. It had only taken a few months, but he was finally beginning to feel some level of peace. He knew that he would never be the person he was again, never feel entirely complete, not after what had happened, but he was starting to feel almost contented.
It was what she would have wanted, always moaning at him for being too moody whenever things didn’t go quite the way he wanted them to. He smiled at the memory, seeing her faint outline standing in front of him.
It wasn’t really her, he knew that, but it was better than nothing. Better than being alone with his thoughts, better than letting himself spiral into a deep dark void where he was reminded of all his mistakes, self-loathing swallowing him up.
He refused to let that happen, not again, knowing that if he fell down that hole again, there would be no-one to help him out of it. No-one had the first time, after all, his family either hiding and pretending it didn’t happen, or threatening him if he stepped a foot out of line.
It was why he had left Mystic Falls, not being able to face them, not that they would have missed him.
But now a few months on, he realised that he needed to go back. He took a breath before opening the front door, stepping into the house where it happened.
The house where Y/N had died.
I hit the ground running each night I hit the Sunday matinée You know the greatest films of all time were never made
The first thing he saw was the book on the armchair. Spine broken, pages old and worn, leather bookmark sticking out of them. He knew that book, knew its smell, its touch, the way it made the reader smile.  
It was Y/N’s, something he had obviously left behind when he had taken her things and moved them out of the Mikaelson mansion. Someone was reading it, and as Kol inhaled its scent, hoping that Y/N’s had lingered, he felt anger bubble up as hers was swallowed by that of his older brother.  
Kol tried to drown out the image of his sibling with one of Y/N, of her telling him just how this was the greatest book of all time, how a film should be made out of it. He had promised her that one day, when that movie was made, he would take her to see it on a Sunday afternoon, and she had smiled, her eyes lighting up as she kissed his cheek.  
Kol pulled the bookmark out of the pages, and pocketed the book. He would take it home with him when he was done here and leave Elijah with the ever damning thought that he would never find out what happened at the end of the novel.   
Just like Y/N would never see that movie. I guess you never know, never know And if you wanted me, you really should've showed And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow And it's alright now
“You’re back.” Kol was snapped out of his thoughts of Y/N by the voice of his sister. Turning, he looked at Rebekah, her eyes so full of sadness and hope that maybe her brother would stay this time.
“Not for long. Just need to pick up some things, and then I’ll be gone.” His words were clipped, and he turned his back on his sister as he walked towards where his bedroom was. No, not his bedroom. Their bedroom. His and Y/N’s.
“What, Rebekah? What could you possibly want?”
“How are you?”
Kol shook his head. He knew his sister cared, knew that she was trying. But it was too little, too late. If she wanted him to stay in the first place, then maybe she should have tried a little harder all those months ago. Maybe she shouldn’t have sided with Klaus when Kol went on a bloody rampage out of grief, his hybrid brother threatening to dagger him again.
Fucking hypocrite. How many people had died at Klaus’s hands after he had lost someone?
But Kol didn’t say any of that. “Fine.”
He opened up the wardrobe, trying not to look at the bed where he and Y/N had slept.
But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool
Kol knew Rebekah was still standing there, watching him as he ran his fingers over Y/N’s clothes. Unlike the book that still rested in his pocket, her scent still lingered, and he resisted the urge to cover himself in it, to wrap each dress, each t-shirt, each jacket around his body.
If he did that, he was sure he would break down, and all his progress would be for nothing.
His gaze turned to a black dress, short feathered sleeves between his fingers as he remembered the day Y/N had worn it. It had been her birthday, he forgot which one, but he remembered how she had leaned over the railings surrounding the pond in the park.
He remembered how she had pulled coins out of her purse and given one to him.
“Make a wish, Kol.”
“You know we could just do this with magic.”
She’d pushed him playfully. “Just throw it in. You can’t tell me your wish otherwise it won’t come true.”
She had said that he couldn’t tell her. It hadn’t stopped him from showing her that night, pushing the dress off her shoulders and her body into the bed behind him.
Kol took the clothes off the hangers and packed them into the box he had brought with him.
And if my wishes came true It would've been you
“Kol, can you just talk to me? Please.”
Kol walked past his sister with that box of Y/N’s clothes, pretending as if she wasn’t there. He hadn’t forgiven her for what had happened those months ago, for siding with his brothers, for acting like Y/N hadn’t even lived in the house.
Kol hadn’t stopped blaming himself for what had happened to her. If only he hadn’t shown her his wish, maybe she would have still been alive. If only he hadn’t whispered it onto her skin, maybe he wouldn’t have had to bury her.
If his wish had come true, Y/N would still be here. If his wish had come true, Kol and Y/N would have been spending the rest of eternity together.
He surveyed the room, patting his pocket to check that her book was still there. It seemed he had everything he needed. Except-
There was a dagger at his back, the point digging into his skin through his coat. He froze, a familiar chill creeping over him. It had been Klaus last time, it had been Klaus almost every time.
He had never thought it would be his sister, never thought it would be Rebekah threatening him.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting you to listen.”
In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone
Kol’s anger grew as Rebekah spoke, and he tried ridiculously hard not to snap.
“I know you’re upset with us, but we’re your family Kol. We were hurting too. We miss her too.”
“You have a funny way of showing it.” His voice was flat as he tried to remain calm, tried to keep his defenses up, the way Y/N would want him to. “Are you going to put that bloody dagger down?”
“Not until you agree to forgive us.”
That was it. That was the moment Kol snapped, his rage pouring over him in waves.
“Forgive you? Forgive this family? You must be joking. You’re the reason she’s dead. Klaus thought the best idea would be to put me away, Elijah won’t even show his face, and you’re swanning around in one of her dresses. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. I can’t forgive you when you won’t even acknowledge that she’s dead, and that it’s your fault, because this bloody family is too damn obsessed with pride and power, and can never leave things alone.”
“But we’re family, Kol.”
Hearing in Rebekah’s voice that she was off guard, Kol turned and gripped the blade in his hand, yanking it away from his sister. “No, we’re not. Y/N was my family, and you all took that away from me.”
He dropped the knife to the floor and left the house.
But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
Once back in his car, Kol put the box full of Y/N’s clothes on the passenger seat and gripped the steering wheel so tightly he thought his knuckles would protrude from his skin. He wanted to scream, but knew that once he did that, it would attract attention and that was the last thing he wanted.
So he took deep breaths, trying desperately to steady himself before he drove home. Whatever home was anymore.
He remembered the book in his pocket, and pulled it out so as not to damage it whilst he drove. He fingered the pages, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips as he remembered Y/N’s words.
“You’d like it if you just read it, Kol.”
“I’ll wait for the movie.”
Kol smiled, tears welling in his eyes. If there was ever a time to read Y/N’s favourite book, it was now. He opened it up and his breath caught at what was scrawled onto the front page.
If you’re reading this, it means you’ve finally listened to my advice.
I love you, and just so you know, you’ve always been the one for me.
Y/N xxx
Kol lifted the book up to his nose, and there it was, the last lingering trace of her scent. He inhaled it, breathing in all he had left of his Y/N.
Kol had been doing well for the first time since it happened. It had only taken a few months, but he was finally beginning to feel some level of peace. He knew that he would never be the person he was again, never feel entirely complete, not after what had happened, but he was starting to feel almost contented.
None of that stopped him from placing his forehead on the steering wheel and crying until his throat was raw.
None of that stopped him from mourning Y/N, the woman who should have been the one.
Folklore Masterlist
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auroracalisto · 3 years
impeccable timing
summary: after many weeks of wondering why kol makes you feel a certain way, you finally learn why. 
pairing: kol x reader 
word count: 827 words
warnings: none, other than soulmate au and the fact that there is an inclination towards a female reader
a/n: asfjdaslkjf school has my ass beat and it’s only the first week
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Odd wasn’t the right way to describe how Kol made you feel.  No, it truly wasn’t.  You had gone through the list of words to try and find the right words.  Weird, funny, strange, unusual, outlandish—out of everything that ran through your head, you always came back to the same conclusion.  He made you nervous.  
Hell, you didn’t know why.  You had known him and his siblings for some time—you were one of the first humans that they became friends with during their most recent stay in Mystic Falls.  You had gotten close with Rebekah at first, and then you connected with the rest.  But there was always something off about Kol.  And even then, you weren’t sure if that was the right way to describe him, either.  
Any time you would see him, your breathing would choke you up and at times, you felt like you were steadily growing lightheaded.  Other times, your hands would start to tremble and you just couldn’t help it.  And hell, you hardly talked to the moody vampire.  The longest conversation the two of you had lasted two minutes and it was just about the weather.  
But, oh, Kol knew what was going on.  He could smell it on you as soon as he met you.  You were his soulmate.  However, he didn’t know how to tell you that; he truly didn’t know if he ever wanted to let you know this.  Vampires having soulmates weren’t rare—but a human soulmate?  That might have been the talk of the century, for the Originals.  Especially when it was Kol, out of all of them.  
But despite that, you never stopped going around them.  You continued staying the nights with Rebekah, Klaus happy that his little sister did everything that her high school loving heart desired.  Pillow fights (that she held her strength back in), blindfolded makeup application, heart throb movies—hell, you might not have been in high school anymore, but you adored being around Rebekah and seeing how happy it made her.  
Tonight was one of those nights.  The two of you had nicely done each other’s makeup, and now you were down in the kitchen, drinking hot mugs of tea, made just the way you liked it.  Rebekah was all smiles, telling you how much she appreciated her makeup look.  
“You always look pretty, Bekah.  Makeup or no makeup,” you grinned, putting your mug up to your lips.  
You heard someone clear their throat and you quickly looked over at the door, seeing Kol standing at the door.  
“So do you,” he said.  
You blushed darkly.  
That might have been the nicest thing he had ever said to you, and it was only three words.  You looked away from him, clearing your own throat as you quickly sat down your mug.  
“Rebekah,” Kol frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.  
He had decided.  He was tired of watching you be so jumpy around him.  He was going to tell you.  When his sister made eye contact with him, he continued speaking.  
“I would like to speak with [Your name].  Alone.”
Rebekah locked eyes with you and frowned.  “Whatever you need to say to [Your name] can be said in front of me,” she rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair.  
He couldn’t help but scoff as he sat down beside you.  “Fine.  You’re shaking again, [Your name].  You’re always nervous around me, aren’t you?  I can tell you why.”
Your eyes widened.  “You can?”
“You are my soulmate.”
Kol flinched slightly at how he sounded.  He was very abrupt, and he wanted to tell you in a much kinder way.  But sometimes, or at least, most of the time, his mouth moved faster than his brain was counting on.  
You blinked slowly, looking over at the man.  “What?”
“You are my soulmate,” he repeated.  If he had been able to, he would have blushed.  “I know.  I sound crazy, don’t I?”
You broke out into a soft smile.  “No… No, I thought I was crazy.  That makes a lot of sense, really…”
“You believe me?”
“Of course I do.  Why wouldn’t I?” you asked, glancing at Rebekah as you spoke.  “My best friend is a vampire.  And so is her entire family.  Not to mention that my neighbor is a witch,” you grinned.  “I…”  You turned your gaze back onto Kol and you couldn’t help but smile at him.  “How long have I been your soulmate?”
He chuckled softly, only to have been interrupted by Rebekah.
“Since the two of you met.  Well, really, since your soul was formed.  Quite peculiar, really, Kol having a soulmate.”  Rebekah rolled her eyes.  “Not exactly fair, if you ask me.”
“You’re just bitter, you've yet to find yours, dear sister,” Kol sighed, running a hand through his hair.  
You smiled a bit, looking between the siblings.   You knew Kol always made you feel odd.  Unusual.  But this made sense.  It all made perfect sense.  
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please share your mikaelsons as teens modern au headcanons
ooh boy, i just have so many thoughts about this tbh
i imagine klaus is for sure 100% in his moody, grumpy, i hate everything teenage boy phase, fueled by testosterone and angst. he would be a monster as a teenage boy in the modern world and definitely a handful
but while klaus may be an asshole he's always, always kind to rebekah and kol, especially rebekah because as much as he loves all his siblings she's not so secretly his favorite (and everyone finds it really endearing). he'd never snap at her, he's always the first to hug her if she's had a bad day, and he lets himself be more tender around her without saying "if you tell anyone about this i'll kill you" out of concern for his reputation as he does with kol and elijah and freya
klaus loves playing pranks on kol, though, and sometimes rebekah or elijah joins him
everyone is literally so protective of each other. if someone breaks a mikaelson's heart then they have to deal with all the mikaelsons. they all especially take it upon themselves to protect rebekah, but she makes sure to remind them she can also take care of herself and isn't a fragile person
elijah and finn are the annoyed and tired dads moms of the group, always making sure everyone exercises healthy habits and yelling "KOL, DON'T RIDE THAT SKATEBOARD IN THE STREET" or "KLAUS, GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT"
kol and rebekah are the kids yelling "mcdonalds! mcdonalds! mcdonalds!" while freya and klaus drive up to the window, order a black coffee and leave, and finn and elijah are the "we have food at home" types. kol's always sulky the rest of the ride home until rebekah lets him share her skittles to cheer him up
elijah taught klaus how to drive. elijah's always gentle and firm in his instruction and klaus loves the quality time
freya also taught finn, and they both used this newfound skill to sneak into the best parties
kol's always quoting vines at the dinner table or just in any situation ("this chicken's almost as juicy as my ass!!" at the dinner table, freya, rebekah and klaus bursting into laughter and elijah and finn sighing and shaking their heads)
sometimes the fam records the stupid shit kol does and puts it on vine
family game night except it always ends in violence
klaus always teases rebekah about her many, many crushes, from marcel to matt to stefan to nadia. then one day he comes home and there's a slight blush on his cheeks and when elijah asks what happened rebekah comes in looking smug and says "caroline gave him a forehead kiss and he hasn't been able to stop smiling on the way here"
klaus brings hayley home once and they hang on the couch to watch bad movies and make out sometimes, before deciding to just be best friends. he encourages her to make a move on elijah since it's obvious how she looks at him and klaus wants her to be happy
oh by the way all the mikaelson siblings are like, really bi. they also like to go for the same ppl and see who catches their attention first (sometimes they both do). it's become a fun competition for them, and it annoys the fuck out of finn.
elijah and rebekah both make a move on hayley, and klaus and kol have a bet going on who wins
rebekah and freya make a joint tiktok account together and call themselves the mikaelson sisters, they see this as sisterly bonding. they rub it in klaus's face when they become verified
if you're a friend of one mikaelson, you're a friend of all the mikaelsons and invited to mikaelson family game night. it's actually quite an honor to them even though they try to act like it isn't a big deal. stefan, hayley, camille, marcel, caroline, lucien, and keelin are permanent invitees.
i hope you enjoy my wildly incoherent thoughts, lmao. teenage!mikaelsons are just really precious to me
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zoeloveconvers99 · 3 years
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Let me explain who is kol:Kol (coal in Swedish) is a cof fan character that I created last year,she’s an adorable fluffy black kitten with the same disability Simon (inability to use the legs) as Simon she was lonely and abandoned because of been disable but when Simon found her he decided to taking care of her and kol shows up a totally different personality:she has a lot of in common with Simon besides appearance,she’s extremely moody and chaotic but extremely sweet with Simon and she helps him through his harsh moments.Sophie loves her a lot and she gives her a lot of knitted scarves (kol loves scarves) and David is pretty jealous of her and Kol is a bit of a bastard with him but deep down they love love each other.Yeah Kol is Simon cat version,more moody and a queen but she’s also Simon emotional support pet
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sothischickshe · 3 years
10, 36 and 44 for the tv asks!
ty!!!! <3
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate?
hmm, being human maybe??? i quite enjoyed the original pilot which was all ~moody, but then the proper version was quite a lot cheesier? also if i was going to recast any of the main cast from the pilot, it would've been r*ssell t*vey rather than everyone bar him???
anyway, when i found out there was going to be an american remake i was tentatively excited cos i thought it might actually work better glossier and with less radaish over-enunciation.... but then the american pilot was so!! much!!!! worse!!!!!!!! 🙃
36. what TV character would you die for?
Look I wanna say Neil from community for the 🎲🎲🎲🎲 joke (geddit) but I've been thrown back into my rage abt the dungeon master who wouldnt let me be a dragon 😠... anyway the real but boring answer is none of them 🤷‍♀️
44. if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why?
random 'english' overly-romantic lady who moves to new york and features in a parable in the pilot ep of satc who's clearly played by a generic antipodean...... my acting's not great but i could at least sort the accent out!!! (see also kol in tvd/the originals ooooof🤯)
coffee and tv!
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