#kori ss
pixellangel · 2 months
for the sake of posterity, here's a very quick overview and my masterpost!!! today i shall ramble about something a little more specific than usual: the fight club at karma point!! :3
Karma Point is, in itself, a pretty simple mid-sized city. It deals with a lot of the same problems as Onyxveil - pollution, disconnectedness, aggressive advertising, et cetera - but there’s one key difference. Karma Point's culture revolves around its fight club.
There’s not a single person in the city who hasn't heard of it. The fighters are treated like celebrities. People make incredibly risky bets on who will win certain matches, and get into some fights of their own because of it. Kids dream of growing up to be the coolest fighter there ever was. The city walls are always plastered with posters of champions' faces and advertisements of their next matches. A good chunk of profits to be made in Karma Point involve the fighters in some way. It goes without saying that the city would fall apart without them.
One of these fighters is a young girl with neon yellow hair who wields an absolutely gigantic hammer. Her official club win streak is in the high fourties, but she does even more fights outside of the club for fun. She's one of the most famous champions right now, and many people underestimate her due to her tiny size. This champion's name is Kori.
Kori is a bit of a mystery. Nobody really knows how she got into fighting, let alone how she got so good at it. During her numerous interviews, she often gets asked about her origin story, but she always just flinches for half a second before brushing it off with a joke. People love to theorize about it, but she's never confirmed or denied anything. All the public knows is that there was some formative event that got her to want to fight.
When the party gets to Karma Point, they're lucky enough to catch one of Kori's matches. Maybe if they're even luckier, they can recruit her for the cause...
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korixae · 1 year
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nahhh siri suggestions wrong for calling me out like that
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hood-ex · 1 year
I think Starfire came from the slave ship she was on. I believe that it was called The SS Starfire.
Ohh, I believe you're thinking of N52 Kory's backstory. The Titans give her the name in her OG backstory.
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Some of my early undirectioned stuff
This is just a simple post to show some of the early drawings I made before I decided to try taking a course. The images are not in a particular order, and there's a lot of stuff I don't have here that I ended up deleting as I didn't see value in keeping.
First is a painting I titled "Sunrise by Imil"
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This started as a perspective practice with the usual "draw a box on 1, 2 and 3 point perspective"; but then slowly evolved into something that I wanted to see detailed, finished and such. I wanted to have a wintery landscape to show my players a vision of the world they inhabit. They visited Mercury Lighthouse a long while ago, and was a place that I don't feel like I left the impression on how eerie and out of place, yet absurdly natural felt. I would've loved to have this ilustration back then, to show my players a visual of where they were going, rather than a simple explanation of the area.
I also used this piece to get familiar with the brushes and customization tools that Krita offers. I learned a lot about texturing, layers, brush packs and other things with this piece. I'm happy about how it turned out, but feel like there's a lot of things that can definitely be improved.
Second we have a Chikorita fan art.
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I wanted to draw something for my GF, and use that as a excuse to practice shaping and sketching. Chikorita was her starter when we played Pokemon HG/SS on a dual run, and she remembers fondly her "Kory", as she nicknamed it. I started strong with the sketch and felt like the shape was pretty much nailed, but as I got to detailing the line art, I found it hard to make the lines not feel wobbly. I need to practice more on my line smoothness.
Then we have Untitled piece #1, a shape practice sheet.
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I actually had a lot more of these back when I first plugged the tablet to my PC. I used these sheets to practice lines, shapes and circles (you can see a lot of the circles). I was also trying to practice some shape forming into faces, as some video I saw taught me how. I don't really like the results, and feel like there's a lot of room to improve, but as this was literally 24 hours into my drawing hyperfixation, I think it has a place here. You can also see some early concept for the Lighthouse on the center of the sheet, which in turn came to be fully fledged on the first image of this post.
And that's all I have available to export now. I thought I had more pieces to show, but I guess those will come with time.
Will certainly upload more as I continue the course.
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standardlovers · 10 months
I want to hear about castor acklys
castor is my oc who was invented when one time i was listening to preachers daughter and decided i wanted to make a plot that had an album style set up (i am not involved in music and do not make music), the main character dying & a complex sibling dynamic! it started off by outlining 2 albums which are the canon timeline (Saviour's Secret & Brother Of The Sky (Extended)) and then added 2 more for a lighter alternate ending (Husband & Keeper's Lover) but then there was a 3rd alternate ending created (Something Like God) and a final conclusion to castor's story in an album created at the same time as SLG (Gravesite)
it is supposed to have the vibes of southern gothic but its not southern! this all actually happening in britain! but still. GOTHIC, its dark, it has unpleasant themes
the album order is SS (aka C1), BOTS(E), H (aka C3), KL, Gravesite, then SLG and the album titles are all reflective or Castor's "identity"/viewing himself through the connections he has with other people, its not until Castor is dead that he defines himself by anything other than his connection to someone else (or he joins a cult and believes he is Something like God bc thats how cults can be sometimes)
as shown below there is one timeline that doesnt have an album ! there is an album i dont have written (and honestly dont intend to write atm) about castors life if he ran away AND found The Star again
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these are also all of the tracks for the first 4 albums (im on mobile so i dont have the other 2 album tracklist available rn until i go home tomorrow night)
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i can and will go into each song but probably not in this post bc it is 10+ tracks on 4 albums which will be a lot of me talking but heres what you should know !
i took a long time deciding character names so i will be explaining them (hyperlinked w the characters tag)
Castor Acklys is a star name (which i very much wanted for symbolic connections to other characters specifically The Star & Nova) + Acklys (from Achlys) is the blindness over someones eyes when they die + (from Achley) being the mythological personification of sorrow
The Star does have a name but that information is on lockdown you arent supposed to know their name and i personally do not even know their gender , but there is symbolism in BOTS(E) abt Castor seeing "The Stars" when he dies, he however dies at 2pm so there are no stars in the sky, he is hallucinating both the night sky and his sibling being present
Charles Mercy Charles is shortened to Chuck then Chuckle (as in laugh) and Mercy bc he is supposed to be the saviour (bonus tag Mercklys)
Abram is from Abam which is a feminine name meaning the second in a pair of twins and also i did just read AFTG when i started working on this project so i may have been influenced there (bonus tag CAbram)
Nova is an astrological name + means New (bonus tag CastorNova)
Dalilah Fare comes from Dalil which means guide but also means witness and Fare to represent the fare paid to ride into the underworld
Victor E. Casement bc Victor means conqueror and Casement means God's protector (bonus tag Victonna)
Donna Casement is supposed to be overwhelmingly normal and Donna was a very popular name for i think the 1960s when she would have been born, Casement is her married name and smth she carries from Victor
Irma means whole/complete
Winifred means holy/blessed reconciliations and is the patron saint of virgins
Calamity bc when i googled it, it said that "despite meaning disaster most people take Calamity from Calamity Jane meaning someome good to have in troubled times (idk if i have a calamity tag)
Alice was similar to Donna where its just a popular name from the time she would have been born
Simon just felt like a 1934 name
Angie , same as above
Kory genuinely bc I liked the name and it suited how i picture her in my head
the acklysverse is split into 3 timelines
Dalilah Fare runs away to marry her lover Simon, she is sadly kidnapped and killed. This leaves behind her lover Simon and her younger sister Angie, who get married! (dw, Dalilah is very happy for them!)
1984: 50 years later,
Castor is the younger sibling after his sibling (The Star) runs away and is presumed dead. C1 & BOTS(E) (canon timeline) are following Castor's life before and leading up to The Star leaving, including Castor falling in love with Charles Mercy (the leading romance in C1!), Charles is very sweet and charming but has a bit of a saviour complex. He believes everything will always be okay because, for him, it always has been, and Castor's life issues (abusive family, flight risk sibling, confusing sexuality crisis, etc, etc.) will eventually just stop, he genuinely believes he can save Castor but the thing is he cant. Castor knows this and wants to cut his losses early but feels torn abt hurting Charles since Charles has not yet come to terms with not being able to help Castor. C1 ends with their break up after Castor has known for a while that it is not going to work out and Charles finally realises the same.
This is the first album bc its the first time Castor uses the song/album set up to explore his emotions on the situation. So BOTS(E) reflects on Castor's life as whole. I like to call it The Life and Death of Castor Acklys. This explores Castor realising his home life is unhealthy and then he loses The Star bc they run away which causes even more fall out. Living in an abusive household he decides he can not stay in and realising this is probably what drove The Star to leave, so he also runs away less than a year later and is also sadly, kidnapped from a bus stop and killed. The Extended of this album is one of my favourite ways the albums communicate anything bc BOTS is Castor's life and (E) is Castor's death, all extended tracks are post mortem.
Skipping forward a few albums bc the others are Alt84 (see below) we get to Gravesite ! This is the return of Dalilah <3 and the reveal that Dalilah's ghost has been here the whole time. Dalilah's death is cosmicly interconnected to Castor's (more on this later) and she has been watching his life happen since Castor was 13 when the events began that would lead to his death began being set into play by the universe. Gravesite is Castor's death and welcoming to the afterlife from Dalilah's perspective of trying to stop this all from happening! We also learn that Dalilah's death is almost a perfect mirror of Castor's, in the same location, by the same cause of death, same last words, same final regrets. They are soulmates in the most intimate but tragic sense.
Alternate 1984
Alt 1: C3 + KL,
Alternately, Castor never runs away. In a different time in a different life, Castor stays and gets married before he's 20 to Abram. Abram is amazing and perfect and Castor is deeply unhappy bc he doesn't want Abram as a husband but marrying him got Castor away from his home and into a life that was 100% his own. Abram loves Castor deeply and romantically and without any strings attached and Castor cant understand why he cant just love Abram back when all he wants is a friend (and maybe a little bit still trying to fill in the hole The Star left when they left) but will take Abram as a lover to avoid losing yet another person he loves. During their marriage, Castor meets Nova <3 a shopkeeper he begins to fall for and have an affair with. C3 ends with Castor and Abram's divorce and Castor trying to process a lot of things he has to deal with. KL then explores Castor's first 100% healthy and reciprocated relationship and unpacking and reevaluating everything he has come to know bc he lacked those healthy relationships !
Instead of being killed, Castor still runs away but chooses to walk to a different more active bus stop hoping it will delay his family who may look for him from actually knowing where he went. At this bus stop he meets Victor E. Casement, a current cult leader but ex professor. He slowly warms to Victor over a few weeks and ends up diving head first into said cult, where we see the inner workings of this cult through Castor's eyes as he becomes friends with Donna, Victor's wife.
You may be thinking "hey if everyones dead and 2004 follows canon how could there be anything to happen next? is this another alternative?" well! 2004 does follow canon! in a morbid way! 2004 follows canon in terms of the fact that Castor was only the main character of his timeline!
The man who killed Dalilah is in fact the great uncle (grandmothers brother) of the man who killed Castor! This information about a family history of murder was not passed along but was found in Dalilah's killers old jounrals and then replicated by Castor's killer. The time jump is much smaller now bc that information has been passed on directly, Castor's killer talks to his child about his crimes and it is replicated in 2004 with the next in line, Kory. Kory is also cosmicly interconnected to Dalilah and Castor who are doomed to repeat the cycle of trying and failing to save the next victim. And its almost identical again, another soulmate !
Irma : Castor's best friend who dies shortly after The Star leaves, the cause of death is never specified but her absense is smth he feels strongly about
Winifred : Castor's mother *was maternal grandmother for a while but that was altered as the plot developed
Alice : A cult member and Victor's friend since before they were a cult
Angie Fare : Dalilah's sister and Nova's grandmother
Simon : Dalilah's ex lover & brother in law, and Nova's grandfather
Calamity : Castor's maternal cousin
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koridwagon · 1 year
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kori ss
✦ You can see my art streams and supporting me on TWITCH ✨: twitch.tv/koridwagon ✦ Website: coldmarine.carrd.co Become my patron on Patreon! patreon.com/KoriDwagon Twitter: twitter.com/coldmarine_art I'm a full-time artist and I open commissions every month, you can check all the info on my website, if you share my art is also to much you will help me to keep growing ♥
Posted using PostyBirb
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skullqueensart · 4 years
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This had been sitting in my wips since last month on the 23rd and I just finally got it finished. This is Kori, a diem that I made for a project my sister is doing that I'm also using for my saint seiya fic "Godly Disturbance", where she's one of three diems in there. I didn't include her two necklaces for they didn't want to work with me. Her first design was done with a medieval character creator on Rinmaru. Second picture is just the first one with a logo I made for the fic.
Kori, art, and base© Me.
Background© Saint Seiya, the Heaven Chapter-Overtrue.
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literaryspinster · 6 years
Did anyone else worry...
That Dick wouldn’t answer Kory’s call? And then trip out because he could not have answered that damn thing faster?
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dylawa · 6 years
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This is a piece I created a long time ago for the final part of a Paladin Danse-centered Danse/SS/Nick Valentine fic. I love thinking about OT3s with Danse, Nick, and really any other third party. There’s just so much potential.
[Buy me a Ko-fi?] [Wanna commission?]
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pixellangel · 2 months
ngl the more i learn abt kori the more she becomes my fave. absolute silly.
If the squad found a fan-group cosplaying as them what would be their reactions?
and yes Karp is in that group of fans. she's the one who started it obviously.
they would all be pretty surprised!!! just in different ways :3
sylvie and xenon would be shocked to find that people even knew who they were (but they would both be flattered), while v would wonder why people would put in the effort to make cosplays of their little gang. kori would be ECSTATIC and probably offer them free tickets to her next match or something :D
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here is a bonus very messy kori i drew forever ago and never posted. as a gift :3
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studyfeather · 7 years
What I absolutely love seeing in the studyblr community is everyone referring to each other by name. Knowing each other’s name, whether it’s a nickname or a pseudonym, makes me feel like everyone here is so important. I feel important, even if I’m not being the one talked to. Someone took the time to learn my name, that a piece of who I am is with them, cheering me on. That, being referred to by name, such a simple act, makes me want to continue in this community and succeed. It has been the factor that has made me feel most welcome - and would like to thank you 💕
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
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grr bark woof koris made me fall in love with side profile hoshizawa so here's a boy being distracted in class
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inspired by this ss from onf why mv <3
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fightwing · 4 years
hello! it's your SS here! i just wanted to know what were some of your favourite comic issues for dick? it can be because of art or storylines !! ily and i hope you have a lovely day <3
hi!!! first off i literally have not shut up about the edits you made for me and the incredibly nice message u wrote and i just wanna say thank u!!!! i wish i had something i could give u in return but that was priceless and ur so talented and just thank u so much!!!!!      as for comics: art wise literally nothing in-comic beats travis moor,e’s nightwing/dick, but sadly he’s featured primarily during the ric arc so a lot of his dick shots are just flashbacks/preludes (also prelude to the wedding dick is gorgeous)bc im pretty sure dc would implode if they had a good story AND a god tier artist. storyline-wise i am a RIDICULOUS titan.s stan so literally any of their runs but especially og5 or new teen titan.s (the og5+ kori, gar, vic, and raven is in my thoughts 25/8), recently rebirth titans  and teen titans: year one are also faves! and solo/batf.am i love love the grayson series: agents of spyral (art too here actually its one of my faves) and dick and damian’s runs as b&r in batman and robin (2009) !! lemme know if this is what u were looking for and i hope u have a fantastic day too!!! 
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lordittetsu · 5 years
14 Months in
So I didn't post anything fancy for my one year anniversary. It was back in mid-october. Honestly, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. But today I was poking back for a SS for mine and Kori's vow renewal to make an announcement and wow did I find some gold. So first and foremost.
Tomorrow at 8 pm est on Balmung Kori and I are having an OOC vow renewal. If you would like to join us, you are welcome. Contact me here or we will be handing out invitations at the Chapel at 7 pm est. We are going to be doing comparison screenshots. So dress formal but bring some fun stuff too!
(there's a bunch of thank yous at the bottom if you are curious why you might have been tagged)
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That being said. Let's get to memory road, shall we?
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My first Screenshot after bringing Yosei to Balmung. (I just changed him from male Highlander to female raen and his name was still Faedran something or another)
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That didn't last too long
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My first ss I loved (I don't have the one where he is leaning back)
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One month later I learned what gpose was.
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Kori (as Cielle) and Yosei's first date.
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My first public event at Menphina's Bosom.
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My first time getting to rp in FFXIV with @resistance-ranger.
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Hit level 70!
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First LFRP profile pic
I just want to say thank you for all who have made this experience wild. All who follow me. All who have met me, made a difference, and impacted my world. To think, I would go from being a heavily focused on mythic raider in wow, to being excited to make a few big to announcements in the coming weeks. I love this community for everything. All its ups and downs. Because at the end of the day, you all have helped me break a vicious cycle of going back and forth between a game that would just make me miserable after a few months
I love so much about this game and I can happily say that (and I sound like an AA member). That being one year free of WoW has changed my world.
So thank you, all if you.
@aegir-ffxiv @sedatayuun @jadedrock @rebellis-tremellius @taebeast @tssbalmung @smolcatte @eastraen @tetenuko
And dozens more that I don't know who has Tumblr or I just can't remember specifically.
Damien, Rayla, Gwen, Camille are a few I can think of right now
Shouts out to @gin-mill-fights, @luckysparrowffxiv, @for-gold-and-glory for hosting events that capture my attention and heart.
I appreciate everything everyone does, always.
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dollsonmain · 5 years
So good news:  Kori doesn’t have glue head! Which is great because her hair is in really good condition and so, so soft, and now I don’t have to do anything with it. But why are her eyebrows purple when her hair is orange and yellow...
Just have to find her some clothes. I have a green dress that came with one wrestler or another that she can wear.
Now to try to ID this SS Barbie...
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Okay so I have my own “links meet” au that is BARELY developed but I think what i have so far is exceptionally funny because the current cast is
Ordon (tp)
Kori (minish cap and fs)
the Conductor/Baton (I haven’t decided but that’s wind waker and phantom hourglass and maybe spirit tracks but I haven’t played that one yet)
Fairy Boy(?) (oot and mm)
and Skyloft (ss)
And they’re all talking Hero Stuff™ and what-have-you, and then the camera shifts to the side and there’s just
Ravio, sweating profusely, trying to put on his Link’s green hat, which is too small for him: Yes, I Too Am A Hero Of Hyrule
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