#koushiro and gennai
hikari-m · 5 months
"Yesterday was Ohigan, so I went to visit the cemetary."
"Yes. Now I can calmly say {with certainty} that, the parents I have now are 'my parents'.
... But my parents 'in {"Heaven"}' {'Tengoku'} 天国 are also important." {"Taisetsu des!"}
"...What's wrong? ...Gennai-san?... {Gennai}'s making such a {somber} face--"
"Oh, it must be about 'that'..." - Koushiro, before ending email with a long dialogue about the "meaning of being a Chosen Child", among other discussion on the "number of Chosen Children" '{that's expanding}' frequently within numbers of years
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uzukun · 2 months
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ashxketchum · 2 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁25 years since this summer
the memories refuse to fade,
we shall meet again every august
under the bittersweet summer shade. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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anime2357 · 1 year
Listening to Bo Burnham’s Welcome to the Internet while thinking that it would make a great song for a digimon musical where dark gennai is singing this to the digidestined.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
DigiAdvs + 02 + tri. + Kizuna A.M.V. ~ Title: "DEAD And SEEK" {1st Half} {original} ~ Pre-view / Un-finished / {Work-in-Progress} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai} + Friendships/Supportive dynamics: Koushiro & Chosen (briefly) {Implied} Adventure+02 Chosen Children (in general)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE.
Investigating your theory on that ILLUSIVE world With all its misfortune, its charm
Was it the world of "daydreams"? Just like the inner workings of "a fairytale"{?} It had the touch of unreality...
The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by
that midsummer day...
The original did not have a P.V. for this one; This A.M.V. was made based purely on feeling from the original as the song was rarely covered in the originating series' canon, though it clearly still had some relevance there too (namely, to the earlier part of that series' canon, but also extending throughout the rest).
It's a bit of "dark" song but has a really cool (rock) sound; (However, take caution if you watch!) Despite this, there's a layer of 'deeper' meaning connecting to originating characters from the series this one is from, as well.
The original P.O.V. is through a character relevant to the main villain of the originating series that inspired this take; however; this character might not be fully aware of own actions.
("Gennai" appears a bit in this one...)
{There are spoilers for mainly the initial 1st Tri trailers + Saikai opening in this; including a dialogue made at the start of "Saikai"; however, this was made a year+ or so back. Kizuna does not show A LOT 'yet'., however there is a semi-major spoiler as the precursor to the final battle involving "what happened to the {missing} Chosen Children".} (If I include more of it or not depends on if my editor lets me finish making this A.M.V. without it crashing.)
{"Dead and Seek" was released May 30th, however, we had a preview for it as early as May 12, 2k13. 10 years anniversary of this song too, so I'm linking my A.M.V. in progress.}
(it aims to eventually tackle a Bit of relevant DigiAdvs ""lore"") however, is the speaker truly "Gennai"? {Maybe it's half YGGDRASIL}?? (Watch to get an idea!)
{Lyrics} (This section):
This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since that accident we were plunged into Alone, now, I realized that
However, {THEY'VE} disappeared The warmth {their} words carried, repeating in my mind Put simply, I’ve grown to hate it...
For that ONE moment, my senses heightened My head was filled with countless CALCULATIONS Almost enough to make me faint
This is a reimagining of the human body These eyes of mine I’ve turned cold, their color – don’t they… Remind you of a {"MONSTER"}, somehow?
My cerebral fluids won’t find peace My cells, they try to understand The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by that midsummer day I’ll dissect it, and take your bloodstained hand in mine{???}...
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
I'd say that Tri, Last Kizuna and 02 The Beggining are a tad of a weird approach to try and bank into nostalgia, but not letting go the concept of "no you have to say goodbye to the 'mons"... which doesn't work after 02's epilogue. And then Adventure 2020 happened, and forgot that it was supposed to be an assemble show.
I don't have a problem with nostalgia banking, but Last Evolution Kizuna wanted really badly to be Toy Story 3 and failed. That, I take a lot of issue with.
There's a lot of heated debate surrounding LEK. The idea that the kids' partnerships with their Digimon break because it's time to put away childish things and grow up is extremely contentious within the fandom, but it's also not universally agreed that the film is even saying that thanks to translation issues with the subs and also some very ambiguous imagery with the ending.
There are basically two different interpretations of what happens in LEK.
1 - Sora, Taichi, Yamato, Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro all lose their Digimon Partners because they enter adulthood - but not Takeru and Hikari because they still have a few years to go.
This is a natural occurrence and the result of growing up. They have no choice and no agency in the matter; The Universe takes their Partners away because they're too old to be playing with toys anymore, and they just need to fucking suck it up and deal.
2 - Sora, Taichi, and Yamato lose their Digimon Partners because they're too irresponsible with their adulthood. Mimi, Jou, and Koushiro do not because they're responsible adults and are balancing their adult lives and their love for their Partners well.
What happens to Sora, Taichi, and Yamato is a rare and unusual occurrence, but there is hope that they will one day find their Partners again once they've gotten their heads on straight and made their way as adults.
For obvious reasons, the film is very unpopular with fans who take the first interpretation and pretty well-liked with fans who take the second. Which one is actually the valid and intended reading? Well. It's complicated. The movie went through a tumultuous creative process, to the point that Adventure series director Kakado Hiroyuki walked out on production midway through over disagreements and inconsistencies to the original series.
Which is, y'know, always a promising sign for a new entry in a series.
Watching the film, for me, it honestly feels like both readings are intended. Which is to say, you can find evidence to support either/or. I don't think that's deliberate, I just think the film was sloppily made and shows signs of conflicting creative visions.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation can point to the villain of the film, whose central motivation is literally that having your Partner taken away because you grew up is some fucking bullshit. In its final act, the film reveals that her Partner did come back - Just in an unrecognizably different form, not as the Partner she knew.
So the natural conclusion then is that Agumon and Gabumon will reincarnate and may find their way back to Taichi and Yamato; They just won't be Agumon and Gabumon. Which still contradicts the 02 epilogue despite proponents of the Good Movie interpretation insisting that 02's epilogue is still canon to LEK.
Which itself has evidence to support it (Taichi and Yamato are on their way to becoming the people they are in the epilogue) and evidence to refute it (Agumon and Gabumon fucking died).
As the translation breakdown in the above link shows, there's also some phrasing issues that created confusion. Gennai in the official English version describes losing your Partnership as a typical occurrence while, in the original Japanese, he seems to describe this more like a rare thing that he doesn't fully understand.
It's explained that what's happening is the narrowing of potential. Children have infinite potential, which something something Digimon Partnerships. As you make choices with your life, you narrow your potential, and eventually it can no longer sustain a partnership - Unless you're able to become an adult with limitless potential anyway!
That seems like it's setting Taichi and Yamato up to figure out their shit and save their Partnerships at the last second. But they figure out their shit and still lose their Partners, which gets described in the end as a rite of passage.
The blog with the big translation breakdown I linked above makes a note of the difference between the official translation, "This is how we finally grew up," and a more accurate translation, "This is how we arrived at the entrance to adulthood." As they say, it shouldn't be translated with finality.
But that's splitting hairs, because either version is still saying that losing Agumon and Gabumon was Taichi and Yamato's rite of passage from childhood into adulthood. Whether they've become adults or taken their first steps into adulthood doesn't actually matter; it's still describing this loss as the gateway that brought them there, which is the point of contention.
They did what they were supposed to do, they were still punished for it, and then they close by describing it as if it were an inevitable consequence of growing up despite what Gennai said. Which may or may not be corroborated by what happened to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation will point to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro as proof that not everyone loses their Partners. Proponents of the Bad Movie interpretation will point to those same characters as proof that everyone does. This is due to a fundamental disagreement in how you interpret the final scenes.
At no point does the film ever say, with words, that Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro lose their Partners. But it does conclude with these images:
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The final shots of Taichi, Yamato, and Sora show them to be moving forward with their adult lives, with no Digimon. The younger kids Takeru and Hikari's slides contain Patamon and Tailmon. There are also slides for the 02 characters, which show their Digimon Partners still taking an active role in their lives too.
But Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi? No Partners in their slides.
Good Movie fans will say that the film never says explicitly that they lost their Partners, so this means nothing. Their partners are probably just offscreen somewhere.
Bad Movie fans will say that these slides are meant to show the older kids moving on with their lives post-Digimon and the younger kids still having their Digimon Partnerships. There's a clear contrast between Hikari and Takeru's slides versus Taichi, Yamato, and Sora's - and Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi are presented like Taichi, Yamato, and Sora here, not like Hikari and Takeru.
Good Movie fans have the counterpoint to be made that their Partners still exist in 02's epilogue. So, y'know, canon faithfulness says that everyone's Digimon will come back or was never lost. Checkmate, naysayers.
But also Last Evolution Kizuna basically ignores Tri and makes no attempt to address the questions it left hanging, and also the Adventure story director walked out of production over inconsistencies to the original so I don't think you can really use canon faithfulness as a talking point here.
Taichi and Yamato are still on their way to becoming an ambassador and an astronaut respectively, so the epilogue hasn't been thrown out entirely. But it clearly has been thrown out. Jou was supposed to become a doctor in the Digital World, Sora was supposed to become a fashion designer instead of inheriting her mom's ikebana mastery, and Mimi was supposed to become a chef instead of selling cosmetics.
Yeah, Taichi and Yamato are still on-track to a similar life path than what the epilogue gave them, but nobody else is. So I don't think the movie is actually as faithful to 02 as the Good Movie side thinks it is. And apparently neither does Kakado Hiroyuki.
For me, I do think they were trying to say it's time for the kids to put away childish things and grow up. I don't think they meant that to be insulting. But I do think it's kind of insulting.
I think they were trying to do what Toy Story 3 did; To tell a story about the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood and what that means for the things we loved and enjoyed as kids. But I don't think that story works when the putting away of childish things is something cosmically forced on the children rather than a choice they make with their own agency.
Toy Story 3 wouldn't have landed the way it did if the movie was about Andy's mom pinning him down by the arms while garbagemen come in and throw Buzz and Woody into a woodchipper. But that's kind of what Last Evolution Kizuna does to the Adventure kids.
Taichi and Yamato get to give a powerful emotional farewell to Agumon and Gabumon. But they don't want to, they are not making this choice for themselves, and no reason is ever provided for why they should have to. And even the best defenses of the film just make it out to be a weird, random cosmic blip that maybe they'll fix some day, who knows.
Even in the best-case scenario, the universe just decided to grievously hurt Yamato and Taichi for no reason even though they were already making strides to undo the thing they were allegedly being punished for. It's still mean-spirited and cruel even in the best possible interpretation.
So. Yeah. All things considered, I find myself falling on the side of "It's a bad movie and I don't accept it as part of my personal Digimon canon." I don't accept that the children need to all have their Digimon deleted once they enter into adulthood, and I equally don't accept that they don't need to have that happen but that Taichi and Yamato deserved to have their Digimon ripped away from them at the end. There is no version of this movie that I actually like.
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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One Eighth Plan Day countdown.
Part 2 of 6 - Lui ⨉ Koushiro
So my idea with this is just... Well, the 02 kids would like to introduce Rui to Koushiro and then let them talk. Is Rui a nerdy (affectionate) type? Not really, but I think he would get most of his digi-questions answered by Koushiro (and to some extent Gennai).
Also, the only person other than the 02 kids who gets to hold the egg is Koushiro. Because Koushiro wouldn't let it drop at all, this man is careful with technology, let alone a DigiEgg!
Still struggling to find ideas for the other 4... orz
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izzyizumi · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Japanese version - Episode 21 vs. 24 ~ Comparisons & Parallels ~ {So-Called} "Cosmic Power" ~ The Digivice {"Seinaru Device"}/{"The Holy Device"} ~ {Adv #21} Taichi's "Contact" with {Adv #24} Koushiro + The Missing Words
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"But please contact me once in a while..." - Koushiro, to Taichi
Compare: "It doesn't matter 'how long' it takes!" {to 'find Gennai'} {'Finding Gennai' = learning the Power of the Crest = Finding TAICHI} "I want to Know! I Want to Know!"
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
I was rewatching Kizuna yesterday offline (since i got no internet; i'm using mobile internet and the router option of the phone to use it on pc) and i noticed that… phones can open gates now. like REGULAR phones.
At first i thought it was just the Tokyo Twelve because their phones are linked to their digivices (also use Koushiro's technology too), but when you pause at the scene Menoa is opening the gate to send her Eosmon squad through the world... That phone… is a regular phone. it's her own normal phone.
So i'm glad the Kizuna staff realized that digital devices ALWAYS worked in the DW (like, Koushiro's laptop, the D-Terminals and even Arukenimon's friggin phone -- ALL OF THEM WERE HUMAN TECHNOLOGY)
There's a possibility that now there's an app allowing you connect your digivice with your phone to then be able to open gates.
Menoa's digivice is definitely "petrified", so maybe it's not the digivice at all, there might exist an app made by Koushiro and his team to open gates easily now. (or if not made by Izumi Corp., maybe made by Gennai and his clones??)
So, basically… normal phones can frigging open digital gates.
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I'm NOT kidding.
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 17
Wait...I literally just remembered that the parents (plus a bunch of other people) saw all the digital world stuff by the final episode of season 1. What exactly is the IRL awareness of digimon?? The kids have to hide that they're going to the digital world from their parents, but maybe that's more because it's dangerous? Or was there some memory wipe thing I'm forgetting about. (This ramble triggered by a line in the dub where Matt says "Don't tell me Myotismon destroyed the studio again!?" to his dad...)
Anyway, putting my confusion aside, I really enjoyed this one. It had the good kind of callbacks instead of some cheap repeats. It was especially nice to see the S1 kids finally sit down with the new kids and tell their story. Probably should have done that already by now, but better late than never!
There was...no battle in this one?? Wild...
-I think the movie director in the beginning of the episode had the same VA as Joe. Low key distracting.
-I liked the concept of not just a ghost being caught on camera, but a ghost that changes its movements every time you play the video back. Not sure I've seen that done before...
-Very heartwarming that they've turned Aug. 1st into a special day of remembrance amongst their friend group. I've seen fans making posts about the date before and maybe I'll start celebrating it too! (I'm an August baby so it feels extra special).
-Aside from Bakemon who doesn't count, I guess this is our first ghost digimon? Really unfair that Wizarmon didn't get to be reincarnated like everyone else :'( I wonder if we'll see him again?
-I sighed a small sigh of relief when we got hat!Mimi back. More importantly, her ridiculous pink/starry hair is gone! I hope this isn't just a temporary change. She looks really cute with pig tails
-Didn't really think about the difference between living with a single dad vs. a single mom until Takeru and Yamato had a discussion about it. Is every single mom in this series a homemaker...? (Nothing wrong with that, but it would be awkward if there wasn't at least one mom with a job).
-They censored the curry in the dub lol. American kids in the early 2000s didn't know what curry was I guess
-This episode featured a bunch of MD players to the point where it felt suspiciously like an ad. I had to google what an MD was and it's a mini-disc (like GameCube game sized). Of course, they just called it a "CD player" in the dub
-Dead at the dub line "Don't mind him dad, he's just not a happy little buffalo!" LOL (American kids also don't know what sutras are apparently)
-They addressed a question I had in my earlier post about how they were stuck using the computer lab to enter the digi-world. Koushiro finally figured out that they could connect from any computer and that the D3 device was more important. (Honestly, they should have thought of this sooner, but I guess everyone's busy with school lol).
-It felt kind of weird to me how Wizarmon was showing up on TV to get Tailmon's attention, but we never really see the kids watching TV or catching any of these appearances. They kinda just stumble across him instead because Tailmon's Wizarmon's senses start tingling. Oh well, all's well that ends well...
-Very rare episode where there's no battle and the digimon only evolve to their rookie forms. I feel like this shows that the writers trusted the kids enough to sit through an episode without all the usual stuff, so that's nice.
-I'm going to go ahead and qualify this as a Halloween episode because ooky spooky
-Wizarmon continues Gennai's tradition of giving super vague and unhelpful information. Thanks for nothing! (I guess he was mainly hinting that Ken is a victim of "the darkness." Okay, Kingdom Hearts...)
-Sad Tailmon tho ;-;
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
[OG post]
Here's some highlights of this whole canon compliant thingy!!
Ken and his friends have a website where they receive cases from people around Tokyo. Besides that, they gather cases from their own schools too.
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Besides Ken looking smart, he’s a walking mess. When he’s not in a case, he’s just enjoying his obsessions and explaining everything about them to whoever asks him about them. Daisuke sometimes feels his technical knowledge of things is too much for his (Dai’s) brain so he completely starts feeling a little overwhelmed by the info.
Everyone has a favorite type of case, yeah. Daisuke likes simple and easy tasks. Takeru and Hikari like supernatural-like cases, Miyako likes most of the stuff she can be helpful in, Iori likes to observe and learn more about people/digi and their reasons for such actions, and Ken… He likes everything, and he cannot turn his back on anyone in trouble (he might have absorbed that behavior from Daisuke)
Daisuke is canonically afraid of ghosts. So he’s the kind to be nope-ing outta there whenever he learns the case involves ghosts or supernatural. Of course they manage to drag him over, especially using Hikari as an excuse (“Hikari is going too~”) or Hikari herself pushing his right buttons (“Oh I’d like someone strong and brave to protect me in case something terrible happens!”)
Besides that, Daisuke thinks his crush on Hikari is a secret to everyone else, except everyone – Hikari included – is aware of it.
Somewhere between 02 and Kizuna, Ken started to like Miyako a little more than a friend, but he does not let it be known. No one knows that. (yes, this is canon compliant here.)
Most of the cases they get are some misunderstanding between human and digimon, or digimon and digimon, quite like CS/HM’s cases. 
Since the digimon are known by the public and the number of digimon partnered to people are increasing quickly, this little group activities are important.
If they can’t solve something by themselves, they ask for Koushiro’s help, or the Chosen Children network on the web, or even Gennai (or a Gennai clone).
Their nemesis is Arsenemon, a digimon who steals stuff stolen from the Digital World by the selfish humans/”renegade” Chosen Children. He’s classy and sassy, which makes Daisuke lose his patience with him all the time.  Ken is also determined to stop Arsenemon, but not on a deep level as Daisuke.
Arsenemon can disguise as anyone, and since they don’t know what he looks like, they are clueless. One day someone claimed to have seen Yamato leaving a museum at night and then the kids had to clean Yamato’s name. Turns out Arsenemon’s hair is sorta like Yamato’s…
That said, Yamato hates the idea of some digimon having his haircut or uh… having his face…
Hikari works for her (and Daisuke-Takeru’s) school journal, so this digimon intrigues her as her editor keeps asking about him. She takes photos for Ken-and-the-group’s website.
Miyako helped Ken to build the website and the chatroom to gather cases. The entire group was kinda into it at this point. Students and children from their schools could come ask them for favors and even give them rewards for their assistance and counselor, but they don’t accept doing it for money or gifts. They do it because they want to help humans and digimons to get along now!
Arsenemon does have a point and they accept it, once it is revealed to them his real motives to steal stuff. And yeah, they kinda… side with him later.
By the way, Arsenemon has a human form, but since he can transform into anyone… Well, I’d post his design later (might be a bit of a spoiler for another thing I’m working on but… whatever? )
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The 02 group only started doing this because someone was having free time after school and decided to watch Dekaranger and fell in love with it, and since the series kinda felt very close to their reality… The idea was pitched to the rest of the group, which thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea. After all, they were already doing something like this for a while, right? 
When it comes to Arsenemon, the 02 group starts trying to guess who they are… By checking each person outside their circle of friends who’s close to them, especially because of the mysterious Calling Cards they receive. From the suspects they led to two Chosen Children in Daisuke-Hikari-Takeru’s school: Youta and Mizuki.
Youta is suspicious BECAUSE he tends to be all smug and a little aggressive on Daisuke, by making poor Daisuke have a new rival. Youta is also called “Soleil” around the school, and is smart. Partner digimon: Coronamon
Mizuki is suspicious because she’s strangely involved in some with one or two people related to the heists. She’s the pacifist and most calm person in the school – enough to be called “Lune” by the students. She’s also part of the school’s journal staff. Partner digimon: Lunamon.
Noel/Étoile is a kid involved with those two too, so he became another suspect. Besides that, he’s a shy boy who recently started attending the same school as Youta and Mizuki.
The digimon are permitted at the schools, but not at classes. The digimon spends most of the school hours outside the school, in the yard. Some school staff members make sure to feed them and keep watching their behavior, in order for none of them start picking fights against the others or damage the buildings.
Now about the digimon: Soleil’s Coronamon is a more noble and serious digimon with a better sense of justice than his partner, but he’s so loyal to Youta that he won’t argue with the boy. Meanwhile Lune��s Lunamon is a very sweet and gentle one, except she’s very very overprotective of Mizuki to the point this can become a nuisance. 
No one knows who Étoile’s partner digimon is, or if he has one. He tends to not talk about that at all. However he seems to get along with the digimon quite well?
Since Arsenemon can be anyone, and the 02 kids have no idea how to stop him, they lean into suspecting of everyone – except themselves Because… Well, you know, they know each other quite well to not be fooled that easily.
Soleil serves as Daisuke’s nemesis, Lune as Hikari’s rival, and no one has a beef with Étoile because he’s a good kid.
Étoile seems a little clueless about certain stuff, or being kinda weird when making food combos.
Arsenemon has many ways to send a calling card to the 02 group. Some are very creative and some are a little intrusive.
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For the calling cards, Arsenemon likes to sometimes pick just one favorite victim because of their reactions. Yes, it is Daisuke. (Angry) Daisuke noises are his pleasure.
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hikari-m · 4 months
Digimon Adventure tri. (Japanese version) ~ Kōshirō Izumi {& bonus Jō Kido} + (Direct if Vague) Mention of {Koushiro}'s Biological line/relatives
(Narrator) is meanwhile Still {implied same/similar as Epilogue!Takeru}
"The SUMMER of 2001." {Pre '02!!} "Koushiro was {ON THE WAY to} (via Shinkansen) {visiting} Koushiro's {biological parents}' ["Ryōshin" is the term/word used for 'parents'; implying 'BOTH' 'parent's, which we know is Confirmed, thanks to information from the 3rd Adventure novel] {the Izumi}'s family GRAVE{s}..."
Japanese note: "Ryōshin" as a term is used elsewhere in the main Adventure series too. An example is in Episode 33's Japanese version, the episode with Pump{kin}mon and Got{t}sumon. In the beginning of that episode, Tsunomon verbally uses "Ryōshin" when informing Patamon about the current relationship state of Yamato and Takeru's parents {divorced}, (indirectly implying 'both' involved). Thus, it is not unusual the term 'Ryōshin' would apply in standard Japanese usage when being used for Koushiro's biological relatives.
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. {FROM GENNAI OMG}
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[From: Gennai | To: Izumi Koushiro; Inoue Miyako]
I have received your message and I appreciate it. As for the partnership dissolution, yes it's true partnerships with digimon can end, but like as was told to Yagami Taichi, If you still have potential, perhaps it can be avoided.
Sorry that I can't offer more help on the subject. Digimon partnerships with humans are still new for both sides. As for Menoa Bellucci's thesis... I suppose her own experiences might have influenced her own conclusions. Maybe the answer you seek is within your own group of friends, Izumi Koushiro.
I will be searching on my end as much as possible though, if I find something useful for your investigation I will contact you again.
※ He didn't notice he accidentally sent it to another person... Or did he send it purposely? Who knows...
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tomorrows2top · 2 years
Hey Daisuke, what if you're a member of Royal Knights with other 12 kids before become a Chosen Child and facing with Great Seven Demon Lord, do you think that your personality change for this question that i mentioned ?
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[No Daisuke specified, here's a random one!]
14yo Daisuke: Um... What's a Royal Knight?? What's a Demon Lord?
14yo Daisuke: Are they other titles for children?
14yo Daisuke: I have many questions now...
This Daisuke is a little intrigued by those names. He never heard of them before. V-mon probably knew something, so he went to ask his digimon.
V-mon kept silent for a few minutes. It's not like he was ignoring Daisuke, but yes not sure how to answer the kid's question. To be honest, neither V-mon heard of those names or titles before. They had to ask someone more versed in the Digital World's story and structure.
Koushiro also didn't hear of those before, but since he's a seeker for knowledge he decided to join the two and check for details. They then decided to ask Gennai.
Gennai at least heard of those before vaguely, but it gave them a lead:
Gennai: The Royal Knights serve as the justice of the Digital World. The Demon Lords… Are bringers of misfortune and chaos, but those are all rumours.
Daisuke was impressed by those words. And now he just… Kept wondering what would’ve happened if he was one of them, and not a Chosen Child.
But… Deep down, this would mean he wouldn’t have met Taichi, Hikari, Ken, Miyako, Iori, Takeru and the others, nor the American Digidestined Wallace, Michael, Maria, Lou, Steve, etc…
So, he decided he’s happy with what he is. A Chosen Child.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 month
Episode 48.
This is Belial Vamdemon's proper debut.
Koushiro's phone ring is Entry of the Gladiators.
Oikawa reveals if he does not take the Dark Seeds, they will further grow into Dark Trees. The term used here is Ankoku no Jumoku, which can mean Tree of Darkness, or Woods of Darkness, as the term Jumoku can refer to a single (generally large) tree, or a wooded area.
Oikawa reveals the Dark Seeds inside Ken could adapt to him, but the copies cannot.
Oikawa uses Gennai's gate puzzle from OG Adventure to open the gate.
Oikawa explains the remaining plot threads:
***Ken was chosen to become the Kaiser, since he was a Chosen Child. Here, the meaning is likely meant to refer to the fact that he is a Crest-bearer, not just someone with a Digital Partner.
***Dark Towers originate from Dagomon's Ocean (this is a retcon, since Ken's Dark Tower was disrupting the Dark Ocean in Episode 13). Their main purpose is to change the digital environment.
***Oikawa needed to disrupt the Digital World to enter as a tainted adult, as Digital World would not accepted him. If he was a pure adult, he would presumably be accepted.
Instead, he used the Dark Seeds in children as a barrier to spoof Digital World's programming (Dark Seeds are pieces of Millenniumon, so they can alter reality, and cause dimensional disruptions.)
Kids' collective will allows the gate to be opened, and Dark Seeds serve as a barrier to protect Oikawa.
Oikawa, and children fail to get to Digital World, instead ending up in a subspace.
Vamdemon appears, and reveals his intentions.
Vamdemon reveals he created Evil Rings out of the data of Tailmon's Holy Ring. Tailmon calls out his spitefulness. This is a retcon, since Evil Rings were created by Ken, but we will discuss this in the commentary.
Vamdemon also reveals that he lied about Dark Seeds acting as a barrier, they were instead food for him.
Episode ends with Daisuke trying to pump up the cast against the impossible odds.
Vamdemon's Evil Ring reveal suggests part of him was inside Ken all along, but this is yet to become a plot point. For now, this is just a last minute retcon that is inconsistent with rest of the show, similar to other last minute retcons of this episode.
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
[Index] Koushiro{u} Izumi {DigiAdvs} Scenes (J.P.N Ver.)
{This is still actively being worked on; Please be patient as I continue to add more!!}
Because I got tired of not being able to immediately refer to scenes without having to use piles of caps / etc.
{More to be added shortly!!}
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. I do not make $$$ off my posts. This is being posted for Reference. Please actively support the series via any official means in your location{s} as well!!
Ep02: Koushiro + rapid Maths Calculations {+Moments; with Jou} Ep05: Inside the Battery; Interests + Adoption {+ Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep10: Koushiro Guides Mimi Out The Maze {+Friendly; with Mimi} Ep13: Koushiro stands to signal support for Taichi’s decision {Friendly} Ep18: Koushiro and Yamato discuss their Crests {+Friendly; with Yamato} Ep20; vs. Etemon Arc (Near-End); Koushiro assisting Taichi Ep21: Hosoda!Koushiro; Communicating from Vademon’s Dimension? {+Moments; with Taichi} [+Taichi’s Monologuing that follows in relation] Ep24: Searching for Crest; & Vademon’s Dimension {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro’s laptop + “Cosmic Power”?? activates communication with Taichi Ep24; Koushiro regains Inquisitive Heart + “I Want to Know!” {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro Snaps Awake {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep28 vs Tri. Kyousei: Motimon/Tentomon’s “Bond” {“Kizuna”} with Koushiro Ep28: The Gate sequence {+Friendly, with Taichi} + Part 2 Ep28: Ending moment; Taichi with hand on Koushiro’s shoulder Ep29 x Tri. Soushitsu x 2020 Ep59: Motimon / Tentomon Parallels Ep30: Koushiro {physically} intervening to defend Jou / Pushed from Bridge Ep31: Koushiro’s Polite{ness} +(J.P.N) speech {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Excuses + Adopted!Koushiro Scene {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Bad/bland jokes + Adopted!Koushiro  {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep31: Koushiro’s Guilt + Adopted!Koushiro & Izumi’s concern + Taichi’s worry Ep36: “Just leave your computer behind!” {+Familial; with Izumis} + “Let’s BELIEVE in Koushiro, in our son.” - Mr. Izumi, to Mrs. Izumi [Koushiro sets up Gennai’s “barrier”; Izumis discover Tentomon] Ep36: Koushiro sets off to help the fight; Izumis send him off with love Ep38: the Adoption reveal / “It’s not wrong for you to be obsessed with Computers!” Ep38: Koushiro & Izumis Figure Out the Prophecy {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep39: Koushiro Displaying Compassion for Parents {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep45: Yamato & JouMi Leave the Group {+Moments; with Yamato & Chosen} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc (Start); Koushiro showing concern for Yagamis Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; +Andromon; Fake-Fights {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; Taichi’s Confession {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep50: Koushiro (Totally Not) Showing off Skills {with Adv!Chosen; & Taichi} Eps 52~53: “Why WON’T YOU LET ME FIGHT?!?” {+Interaction, with Taichi} Ep52: vs. Piemon; crying out for Jou + teary-eyed {+Friendly; with Jou} Ep53: (Near End) Koushiro’s realizations {+Friendly; with Tentomon} + Tentomon: “But that’s what I like about you” Ep53: (Near End) Adventure Lore about The Crests
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