#kyle gaz garrick appreciation
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pretty boy privilege is real and he has it
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wombywoo · 1 year
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ramvur · 22 days
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"& how many times have you loved me without my asking? how often have i loved a thing because you loved it? including me."
Day 1 + 2 of #PricegazWeek : smoke + shotgun
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sky-is-the-limit · 5 months
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Ah, Kyle Garrick and his filthy mouth.
You'd never expect it, really. A man with such a collected demeanour, silent but lethal and always so put together, to open his mouth and get your panties transparently wet within seconds.
The moment he'd pick up your weakness for his mellifluous voice, he'd take advantage of it. It would be shameless and obscene how he wouldn't care who was around or if you were in public. A perfect balance between praise and degradation.
He'd get off of the idea that he could get you squirming and desperate in plain sight, trying your best to appear nonchalant to his hypnotic timbre dripping like honey in your ear and yet always failing to conceal it from him.
It would always start with a sweet compliment, a hand on your waist to keep you close, his fingertips playing with the hem of your dress, like a predator messing around with his prey before finding the perfect moment to attack.
"You look so beautiful tonight, love. Can't wait to have that lipstick smudged all over my cock later on." He'd take his sweet time, caressing your bare thighs and trail his hand higher and higher until he could feel the slick soaking up the soft material.
All the gasps and whines for him to be discreet would only fuel his desire even more, chuckling and mocking your attempts at keeping it together like it'd be a contest of who would break first.
"Ah, don't act all shy now with me, darling. Afraid your colleagues will find out what a good, obedient little slut you are for me?" It'd be the gentle touches, really. He'd take his sweet time covering every inch of naked skin before him, feeling your skin all hot and bothered under his touch, soft kisses on your neck and his eyes swallowing you whole.
"You know what you have to do, baby. Just say the word." Please. That's all it would take for him to drag you to the nearest bathroom and bend you over the sink so he'd have you staring at your reflection in the mirror. Hair dishevelled, your tits bouncing out of your dress and Kyle with his hand around your throat, pounding into you merciless.
The movements would get too intense, too fast. All because he'd take your attempts to keep quiet as a challenge. "Too much- Kyle-" Too skilled for your own good. His long fingers stroking your clit, his hand occasionally leaving your neck to pinch and massage your sensitive nipples and hips slamming against yours to ruin what took you almost two hours to put together.
"It's not too much if you can still talk, right angel?" That would be his favourite result. Your inability to think straight, just incoherent words falling out your mouth while you taste the saltiness of the tears smudging your mascara. He'd relish in fucking you dumb.
"Now, fucking take it like the good little whore you are."
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wishfuldivine · 5 months
IM FUCKING FUMING. The fact that Activision leaves Gaz out of their 141 battle pass is insane. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE. Price, Ghost, and Soap are there. They can bring DEAD Soap back. But WHERE THE FUCK IS GAZ?! And don't even get me started on the fact that Farah and Valeria are THERE?! BEFORE GAZ?! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.
They're NOT hiding it anymore. The underappreciation and blatant disrespect towards Gaz and Elliot Knight as a whole is insufferable. And it's not helping their case that it's during BHM.
And no offense, but whoever gets angry over my post, I quite frankly don't give a fuck. As a Gaz stan, im super DONE and in the right to get ANGRY when he gets excluded on EVERYTHING.
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looks at you with the biggest beautiful brown eyes ever
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Really Good Neighbors
NSFW under the cut
CW: 18+, f!reader, embarrassment, dead batteries, mentions of falling in the shower, oral and manual stimulation (reader receiving)
It hadn’t even been a bad day. Tiring, sure. A bit tedious. It wasn’t until you dropped your keys as you were trying to unlock your door that you realize you’re on the verge of tears. You stare down at them for a beat that turns into three.
“You good?
The voice startles you. You look up and see Kyle, one of your favorite neighbors, at his own door. He must have arrived home from a deployment, but you didn’t know he was back. He always looks good, but right now he looks good-good, skin glowing and hair freshly cut, so he’s been home at least a day.
Kyle has always been really nice to you. Always helping to carry your groceries when he’s in town. Flirty, in a young and confident and kind of pushy way, but sweet, too. He’s invited you to the roof for “wine dates” so often that you actually bought some string lights to decorate. He’s never done more than buzz a kiss against your cheek, so you know it’s just good fun. You’re glad he’s back. Maybe you’ll invite him up to the roof this weekend.
The curious look on his face gets a bit concerned and you realize that you’ve missed your cue to answer.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you say, with a smile that doesn’t feel at all convincing. “Just… you know. A long day. Work is… yeah. You know?”
He gives you an easy grin. “Yeah, I get it. You need anything?”
“An uncomplicated orgasm, a nap, and a burger,” you say before you can stop yourself. It’s the mantra that’s gotten you through the day. As soon as it’s out of your mouth you want to die. “Oh, god, please ignore me. I’m so sorry.”
He cracks up, which you guess is not the worst reaction he could have. You dive for your keys and unlock your door as quickly as you can. You toss him a little wave before retreating into your apartment.
The first order of business is a shower, to wash off the frustration and embarrassment. Of course, you only realize you’re out of the good body wash after you’re already under the water. Which is fine until you realize that you also forgot to grab a towel. You do an awkward waddle to the laundry and grab a towel for your body, and shamefully mop up your drippings using and hand towel and your feet. At least your hair isn’t wet - a single towel will get the job done.
After toweling off and lotioning, you discover that your favorite sex toy isn’t charged, and you forgot to put batteries in the backup. The cord to the plug in is on the fritz and you haven’t had the money to replace it. So you have to dig up the third runner up. The simple bullet vibrator turns on, thank god. It’s not the best, but it'll have to do. So you retrieve another towel to lay out on the bed and get ready for an indulgent evening.
As you scroll through your favorite site to find something just right, you feel like maybe today doesn’t have to suck. In fact, as you cue up one of your favorite videos, you sigh out almost all of the tension in your body.
And then the batteries in the vibrator die.
You feel like screaming and throwing something. Unfortunately, the thing you throw is the toy, which clatters against the wall, falls behind the bed, and starts buzzing away as if to mock you. You grab a pillow and yell into it long and hard before going to fish it out from under the bed.
You try really hard not to think of the fact that you share this wall with Kyle. Hopefully he was heading out and not coming home.
A knock on your door, just as you’ve finally caught the damn thing and turned it off startles you. You spin in place for a moment, caught between the urge to answer the door, the realization that you’re still naked, and needing to wash your hand and the dusty vibrator.
You throw the vibrator in the bathroom sink and rinse your hand before grabbing the still damp towel from the rack and wrapping it around yourself. Another knock makes you put on a burst of speed and wrench the door open. “Yeah, sorry, what?”
Kyle is on the other side of the door, hand raised to knock again. Behind him, a very tall, very muscular blond man blinks down at you. He’s vaguely familiar - a friend of Kyle’s you’ve only seen in passing. You can tell he’s smirking even behind his black surgical mask.
“Just wanted to check and see if you were okay,” Kyle says, giving you an obvious once over. You're very aware that your towel is not bath-sheet sized and you’re flashing a lot of skin. “Kind of sounded like you were having a hard time, thought you might have fallen in the shower.”
“Nope!” you exclaim. When the blond’s eyes scan you from head to toe, you kind of wish you had. “All good! Thanks!”
“What place?” The huge blond man asks. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
You answer with an ever intelligent, “What?”
“You said you want a burger earlier. What place did you want the burger from?”
You feel your face flush. “Oh, you heard that? No, it’s okay. I don’t-”
Kyle interrupts. “Hey, you’re having a real rough day. Simon and I can treat my favorite neighbor to dinner.”
“The place doesn’t deliver here,” you say, helplessly. “Really, it’s fine.”
“Didn’t ask if they deliver, love,” says the blond giant named Simon. His brown eyes are amused when they meet yours. “Just asked where.”
Your legs are quickly getting cold in the breeze from the hall. That has to be why your knees are suddenly shaky. “Lucky Chip?”
Kyle grins. “Perfect. Love that place. You like the El Chapo, right? Side of garlic aioli?”
“Why do you know that?” you ask helplessly.
Simon finishes whatever he’s doing on his phone and glides away on long legs. His back is so broad, you’re not sure how you managed not to see him if he was around earlier. Over his shoulder, he says, “Back in a tick.”
“Copy,” Kyle answers. He grins at you. “An orgasm, you said? Just the one?”
“What?” You’re saying that a lot today.
Kyle’s smile is gorgeous as he leans his shoulder against the door jam. “Simon’s getting you your burger. I’m offering you that uncomplicated orgasm.”
Maybe you did fall in the shower. Bouncing your head off of the tile is the only way you can explain your brain coming up with this scenario. “You want… to have sex?”
“I want to eat you out and finger your cunt until you’re nice and relaxed,” Kyle purrs. His grin gets wider when you blush and stammer at him. “Then, you’re taking a nap. Simon’ll be back with your burger. After that, you let us know. He definitely wants a taste, though.”
All you can manage is, “What the fuck?”
“If you’re not into it, I can leave you alone,” Kyle assures you. He leans closer and takes the hand that you’re using to brace against the door jam. He brings it up and brushes his lips against your knuckles. "Won’t mention it again. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. But we’ve been playing this flirting game for almost a year now, so I’m pretty sure you want it.”
“Of course I want to! But-! You’re… I’m not-!” You grope for words and finally settle on, “I’m really not at my best.”
“Not real fussed about that right now, babes. I’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow night if you like. For right now,” he leans in, uses your hand to draw you close. “I just want to see if you taste as good as I imagine.”
Kyle kisses like he knows what he wants. One hand cradles your chin as he guides you a few steps backward into your apartment. The hand holding yours draws your arm up over his shoulder, and then his hands are everywhere. You have just a moment to realize what’s going to happen before your towel falls. Kyle groans into your mouth. His hands are gentle but firm where they glide over your curves. And then he takes a handful of your love handles in his palm and moans.
His hand catches your chin as he stares in your eyes. “Couch or bed?”
It takes you a moment to understand. “Bed?”
“Let’s go, then,” he practically growls. He turns you with his grip on your hip and slaps your ass. You jump. And then he’s herding you down the hall. He doesn’t waste any time pushing you up against the wall to kiss, though you half expect him to. He does, however, crowd you down against the bed with kisses until you’re on your back under him, legs spread around his hips.
His body feels even better than you’d ever imagined it would under your hands. Even through his clothes, he’s muscular. You can feel the power in his triceps as he braces himself over you. Which makes sense, but you never thought you’d ever experience his strength firsthand.
He pulls away to pant against your mouth. “Can feel you starting to think. Guess I’d better distract you.”
Before you can ask “what?” for the umpteenth time, his lips are on your neck. The contrast between the gentleness of his hands against your ribcage and the sucking kisses on your neck makes you moan.
It’s been a long time since your body felt this lit up, this quickly. Just minutes ago, you’d been sure the universe was conspiring against you. Now, you’re gasping and moaning and too caught up to be embarrassed. Every time you think you’re getting more control of yourself, he surprises another sound from you.
He doesn’t spend much time on your chest. A quick kiss to each nipple, and then he’s making his way down your stomach with kisses and bites. His hands are firm and keep you from squirming away when he buries his face in your stomach for a moment.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he says as he slides off the side of the bed and onto his knees. “Swear, the thought of you got me through this last deployment. Can’t-”
Whatever he was going to say is lost because he practically dives into you. His mouth would be too much, too fast any other time. Right now, though? It’s exactly what you need. He’s a bit too preoccupied to comment on how wet you already are, thank goodness. At the same time, his appreciative groans and the obscene sounds his mouth makes against you are so loud that your ears burn.
When he latches onto your clit and works his tongue against it, you almost levitate off the bed. Your hands grab onto both sides of his head. “Kyle!”
He pulls away just long enough to ask, “Fingers?”
All you can do is nod. His lips are back on you before your head can fall back onto the bed. He presses two fingers into you, carefully at first, then all at once when your body opens for him. He thrusts a couple of times, but switches to massaging your g-spot with immediate accuracy. You don’t even have time to think, Holy shit!, before your orgasm is rushing up on you.
You expect him to pull away completely. Instead, he eases you down from your peak with gentle kisses. He’s whispering something you can’t hear over the rushing in your ears. All you can do is pant at the ceiling.
The force of it knocks the breath out of you. You’re pretty sure you wheeze something along the lines of wait, or god, or Kyle! For his part, he keeps groaning as he rides out your writhing. His tongue doesn’t stop, his fingers just keep going until you’re frantically tapping at his hair, his hands, struggling for breath enough to ask him to let up.
He stands to smile down at you, facial hair wet with you. You realize that your eyes are having trouble focusing. “You alright, beautiful?”
A full body shiver has you clenching on the fingers that are still inside of you. Words escape you, so you hum an affirmative. And then yawn so hard your jaw cracks.
Kyle just laughs. “Oh, yeah, you need that nap.”
“Sorry,” you whisper.
“No, babes, nothing to be sorry about,” he says, gently extracting his hand from between your legs. He hushes you as you whine and lifts your legs to get you settled on the bed. Then he climbs in beside you. “There, that’s better. Just need to be taken care of tonight, huh? Had a rough week?”
Sex doesn’t always make you emotional, but now you’re blinking back tears. Your voice is wobbly when you say, “Y-eah.”
“I know babes, I know,” he says, pressing a wet kiss to your temple. “Let’s have a cuddle, and you can take a nap. I’ll wake you for dinner. Won’t have to worry about anything.”
You’re asleep before he can finish talking.
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temeyes · 1 month
Hi Tim! Can I please curl up in a blanket fort with Gaz? It’s freezing cold and I refuse to put my heating back on 😆
As always I adore your work and the cute and crazy is amazing 🖤
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took him a while to get the blanket up, but the fort's ready!
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konigsblog · 11 months
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elliotttt :(( look at him
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vixen7243 · 8 days
One day, as the guys were shooting the shit in a pub, Kyle’s girlfriend, you, excitedly walked in before making a beeline once spotting him. Sneaking up, you grabbed his shoulders from behind pulling him back and planting a kiss on his cheek. The guys quietly watched not knowing who you were and thought that you were some random chick that had some big balls to do something so outrageous. Kyle not realizing that you had gotten there earlier than planned tensed before seeing you and broke out laughing getting off his stool wrapping his arms around you lifting you up littering kisses all over you face the both of you laughing and giggling like idiots while the guys looked so confused. “Hey, sorry, babe, this is the mates I been tellin you bout. Guys, this is my gorgeous girl, Y/N.”
Shell shocked and looking like fish out of water you gave an awkward wave tucking into Kyle’s side. “They okay?”
“She ain’t ye girl.” Johnny shook his head deeming that Kyle must have paid you to act like his girlfriend to prove a moot point that he even had a girl.
“Mate?” Kyle raised an eyebrow as he held back a smirk, the guys gaping at you, a sweet little civy, done up all cute for her returning hero and lover.
“Just say how much you paid her.” Simon’s mocking tone made you scowl.
“Aight guys, lay off yeah. Not that hard to believe that I could have a girlfriend. I told you guys all about her, all the time.” Perking up you sat between Kyle and John after John pulled the seat out from his spot watching as Kyle gripped your waist to steady you.
“Aie, you did but she looks way out your league lad.” John said chuckling. “Blink twice if you need help dear.”
“Shove off.” Looking to Kyle you saw he was smirking, smiling yourself you figured if he’s not gonna get bent out of shape on the comments you won’t either. Just the typical banter of pals, right?
“Did ye find her on a website for mail order girlfriends?” Johnny laughed earning a rough shoulder shove from your boyfriend.
Huffing you laced your fingers with Kyle’s hand on the table and gave a sickling sweet smile looking at Johnny, “Kinda sounds like ye lot r’jealous.” You said mocking Johnny’s accent, Kyle laughed kissing your temple whispering a quick ‘good girl’ as the guys bit back any more sly comments on your and Kyle’s relationship because you were correct. They were jealous, and annoyed as the two of you ever so often wound up in your own little world your quick quips to whatever Kyle whispered in your ear and you laughter carrying across the pub making them wonder where in the hell Kyle found you.
Kissing his cheek you slipped off the stool noticing John look down at your ass as it was being squished on the seat. “Goin to the bathroom real quick.” After a few moments Kyle got up excusing himself, after a few minutes of the both of you being gone and they guys barely holding a conversation you came back wrapped in Kyle’s arm a dazed smile on your face.
They quickly noticed the rumpled state of your clothes and the full display of Kyle’s stiffy in his pants, “We’re goin to call an early night, see you guys later.” Laying his portion of the bill down onto the table he guided you out his hand sliding down your back before shoving into the back pocket squeezing your ass making you rush him out with giggles.
“S’not fair.” Johnny mumbled before they all dispersed going to their own homes, alone. Meanwhile you and Kyle had a fun long intense night as you welcomed him home.
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octopiys · 9 months
Price: And as you guys know, no pets are allowed on base outside of military trained dogs.
Soap: what about-
Price: no.
Soap: not even-?
Price: no.
(Gaz enters, holding a large box with a giant grin on his face)
Gaz: Captain! You're not gonna believe what I-
Soap, trying to signal Gaz to stop:
Gaz: uh-
Price: what've you got, son?
The Box: (meows)
Soap: I think you know, sir.
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soaqrudyz · 10 months
gaz who doesn’t care much for hesitancy or acting bashful blatantly telling soapghost he “wants in” like its a heist 💀
its so stupidly charming they’re immediately like “okay yeah cool w us” instead of talking ab it like normal human beings
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mockerycrow · 7 months
thinking about 141 x chubby!reader or plus size!reader. i know these men would go fucking feral.
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ramvur · 19 days
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"Soaping together is sacred to us washing each other's shoulders. You can fuck anyone -- but with whom can you sit in water"
#GazpriceWeek Day 4: Wetwork
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
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here's my bbg Raven and the 141 as crows!!
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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Cue Gaz and Price's horrified faces, that I sketched but didn't have the energy to actually draw (also, Ghost in the first panel is angry about Gaz calling Soap 'Johnny', how dare he)
Gaz : Oh my god bruv what did you do to your hair?? Ya know some strands are supposed to be the same length, right?
Price : Leave the poor man alone, he's already been ravaged by a vampire *snorts*
Gaz : True, lmao gotta chill there, Soap, but really though, how are ya cutting your hair, with kitchen scissors? Oh my god don't tell me you're using your knife
Ghost :
Gaz : You're using your knife, aren't you
Ghost : I mean, it's very sharp, it's basically a razor
(disclaimer that Gaz's opinions about Soap's hairstyle are not shared by the artist, i actually adore his little mohawk)
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