#kyle gaz garrick x trans reader
vampiricgaz · 5 months
Denial | Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x Transmale!Reader Oneshot
Warnings/Tags : Brief mentions of sex, internalized transphobia, anxiety, vomiting, angst and fluff
A/N : This would be my second one shot that I’ve posted, I hope y’all like it :3
AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/55254895
The footsteps in the living room echoed throughout the hall—a sound you’ve memorised so much it’s ingrained in your head. The steps get louder and louder, and when they stop, you then hear a sudden knock on the door of your room. The door opens slightly, the light from outside shining into the darkness of your room. You see his shadow cast on the walls, the outline of his handsome features, and his body highlighted by the soft light of the hallway.
“I’m going out now; I'm probably going to buy a few snacks from the 7-11 nearby. You want anything, mate?”
There it was the familiar voice of the one who made your heart race—the one that made your feet turn cold and made the butterflies flutter around in your stomach. Kyle Garrick, your college roommate, the one you were lucky enough to have instead of any other roommate.
“Maybe a bag of crisps and some chocolate, thanks.” You answer with a warm smile, trying to hide the fact that your heart is about to pump itself out of your chest.
He was the perfect man, you thought. He was smart and sweet, a gentleman when he needed to be, and dammit, the tiny fangs of his teeth peek out when he smiles cheekily at you, making you feel giddy and lovestruck. He’s taken care of you when you were ill, and he’s always been by your side, platonically.
You were mere friends with him, something that always hit you hard and shattered whatever fantasies you had about him. Everything you had done together has been platonic—something roommates do for each other—and that it meant nothing more than just being good friends. Whether it be the cuddling sessions you both would have on the couch while the television was on, sleeping together on the same bed when you both needed the comfort, cooking each other food when the other was in a bad mood, kissing each other everywhere on the face except the lips, or borrowing each other's clothes. All of it was platonic, or so you thought.
You sat there on your bed as you thought about your crush on Kyle, the dark room hiding your flushed expression before you plopped back down on the bed. You squeal into your pillow at the small interaction, your cheeks turning warm when you remember his mellow voice. You’ve fallen for the man hard, and it was only time until you confessed to him. But you couldn't—not when you’re a girl to him.
Kyle was gay, something he’d known for a long time. He came out to you, and he trusted you fully to tell you that. It took a lot for him to gather up the courage to tell you, and tears were shed the day he did. You hugged him tightly and let him cry on your shoulder. The poor guy feared you were going to hate him for it, but you accepted him with open arms. You reassured him that you were supportive, that you liked him regardless, and that him being gay was not going to ruin your friendship. And things have been alright since then, with the two of you being closer than ever and having a great friendship overall.
That was until you had to sleep through countless nights hearing loud bed creaks and various noises of Kyle getting fucked by other men every other night, and it haunts you knowing Kyle was having fun with other men and not you. Sometimes you met the men in the mornings, seeing Kyle be all lovey-dovey and affectionate with them while you simply tried to get a bowl of cereal. You would catch a glimpse of Kyle smiling softly as he laid his chin on the other man’s shoulder, hugging the man from behind while pressing kisses to his neck. And at first, you coped by knowing Kyle was finally happy after years of hiding his true self and that his happiness mattered more than your desires. But it soon turned into resentment and jealousy, wishing that those men were you and that Kyle loved you as much as them.
Soon you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the front door open, and you rushed out with your hoodie and smiled when you saw Kyle’s presence.
“What’cha got there? Got me the crisps and chocolate that I wanted?” You asked cheekily before you went rummaging in the plastic bag for what you wanted.
“Of course, I got your favourite ones too.” He pulled you out by the scruff of your neck like you were a cat before handing you the stuff he bought. “I figured you were hungry and bought you more stuff; you're welcome.” He smiled as he also gave you a cup of noodles and a hotdog, kissing you on the temple before he went back to his room.
Your heart raced again, the familiar thumping of your heart as the kiss lingered on your temple. It was a platonic kiss; that was all that it was, and you knew that better than anyone. He was affectionate with you, but it wasn’t the same; those small cheek or temple kisses weren’t the same as the ones he gave to his flings or ex’s; it was all platonic.
You couldn’t blame him at all; it was your fault that you’re like this. Maybe you could’ve had a chance if you wore masculine clothes and tried to ‘look like’ a man, but no, you were feminine and wore feminine clothes to cope with the fact that you’ll never be the boy you want to be, especially not a boy Kyle would ever love. Makeup and girly clothes were all you’ve known, never having the guts to come out to anyone, so you remain the girl that everyone knows and loves—except Kyle would never love you.
For a while, things were normal, and you barely cared about Kyle and your problems since you were drowning in a pile of assignments and projects that needed to be done. But then it happened again; it was another one of those off days where nothing went right and those thoughts came back. You couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror without having to see the person you’ve become; you couldn’t recognise yourself under all those frilly clothes and pinky makeup. You hear laughter out the door; it was Kyle and probably another one of his flings again. “Great.” You mumbled, knowing what kind of night this would be. It didn’t help that you were spiralling as it is, your dysphoria and anxiety spiking the more you thought about Kyle and yourself. You were on the brink of tears, your body didn't feel right and you wished to tear your skin right off. This wasn't you, or well a version of you that you despised.
Wanting to get some fresh air you tried to leave your room, only to be met with the sight of Kyle kissing another man with a smile on his face before waving him off as the stranger left the apartment. Jealousy surged through your veins, and then the sudden realisation hit you hard. You're never going to get this, not when you're like this. Your stomach churned, and you suddenly felt sick. Of all things, this wasn’t what you needed for tonight. And without even acknowledging Kyle, you rushed back into your room and straight to the toilet, where you retched everything into the bowl. Kyle ran to you immediately out of concern, kneeling beside you and rubbing your back as you emptied out your stomach.
“What’s wrong? Did you eat something bad? Are you sick?” Kyle asked frantically, panicking while he helped wipe your mouth and walking you to your bed. You sat there, faint and weak, leaning against Kyle’s body. You couldn’t get the images of Kyle’s flings out of your mind—the man you’ve loved for so long, knowing the love would never be reciprocated. The jealousy was eating you inside, and it wasn't just jealousy that Kyle had eyes for other people, but the people Kyle liked were attractive looking. You could never look like them.
“M'fine…” You mumble inaudibly, trying your best not to show Kyle that you were having almost going to have an anxiety attack. Kyle looked down at you, placing a hand on your forehead to check for a fever.
“You’re warm; are you sure you’re fine?” Kyle frowned as he saw your weak state, keeping you comfortable on his body as you weakly lean on him, head beside his shoulders. You nod your head, but Kyle didn’t believe that you were fine.
The way Kyle held you, his soft and mellow voice comforting you at your worst. You couldn’t help but fall for him even more. You hated yourself for being so vulnerable in front of him. You mumble to him, “Would you ever like me?” Kyle blinked in confusion at the question, an awkward silence taking over the room.
“I do like you, though.”
“Not in that way; you know what I mean.”
Silence filled the room again, and Kyle shifted nervously.
“You know I’m gay, right? I’m not into women.”
“And I'm not a woman!”
“Forget it. Just leave.” You groan and push yourself away from Kyle, lying on the bed while turning away from him. Kyle didn’t say anything; he simply stood up and left the room like you asked him to.
Weeks went by, and you both haven’t spoken to each other since you’ve avoided him even when he wished to speak to you. Locking yourself in your room all the time, only ever coming out when you had classes. You noticed that Kyle hadn’t brought anyone over, but you didn’t think much of it. You were rotting in your bed and barely eating these days, but as you were deep in your thoughts, you heard a knock on the door.
“Mate, please let me in.” Kyle pleaded, and you could hear the desperation in his voice as he continued to knock on your door. And for whatever reason, you lazily woke up and opened the door.
Kyle’s face held a worried expression, frowning when he saw your dishevelled appearance and your messy room. He knew you weren’t taking care of yourself. Your eyebags grew deeper and darker, face paler and duller than before, Kyle could tell you weren't alright. There was a plate of food in his hand—something he cooked up just for you.
“You can’t keep avoiding me, love.” He said this as he barged into your room, sitting on the edge of your bed with the plate set down on the bedside table. “I care about you; please talk to me. I can’t stand not talking to you.” His eyes pleaded with yours, begging you to take care of yourself even with just a simple plate of food. He took your hand into his, his thumb gently tracing circles at the back of your hand. You missed the feeling of his soft hands touching you affectionately, or maybe you just missed him.
“I ruined it, didn’t I? I didn’t mean to ruin our friendship.” You spoke, and Kyle’s expression softened when he heard your faint voice speaking to him.
“You didn’t ruin anything; it wasn’t your fault.” He smiled softly as he sneaked his arm around your shoulder, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. You looked up at him in confusion.
“I shouldn’t have confessed. I’m sorry.” Kyle laughed as you said that, but he wasn’t laughing at you. He looked at you and smiled widely—the kind of smile that makes your heart flutter. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, his hand rubbing on your arm as a way to reassure you.
“You know, when I say I care about you, I mean it. I care about you way more than I should, and I think you know what I mean. So there's nothing to be sorry about lovey, I'm glad you confessed. ” Kyle’s words made you freeze, your mouth agape as you wanted to speak, but no words were coming out.
“You don’t have to say anything; just believe my words, yeah?”
“But I’m a woman to you, aren’t I? You don’t like women.”
“You’re not a woman to me; you don’t have to keep pretending that you are one from now on.”
“You’re a man; you always have been and always will be, especially to me. You got that?”
For the first time, you felt comfortable in your own skin, as if the mask you've worn for so long had just broke and fallen from your face and you'd been laid bare in front of Kyle, and he loved you regardless. Tears brim your eyes, a small pout forming on your lips before you plant your face against the fabric of Kyle’s shirt to absorb the tears. He chuckles at the sight and hugs you tightly, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m a bit sad you didn’t tell me sooner; you didn’t have to hide it from me. I trusted you with my secret; now it's your turn to trust me.” He said as his hand cupped your cheek, a gentle look in his eyes as he made you look at him. Your glassy eyes stared at Kyle’s, and he gently wiped away the tears that stained your now-warm cheeks.
“I don’t look like a man; I feel ashamed to even call myself one when I wear dresses and put on makeup. How can you call me a man?” You replied as you rubbed your eyes, leaning comfortably on Kyle as you spoke.
“You’re still a man even when you wear dresses and make-up. You've seen me wear skirts and put on some make-up before, didn't make me less of a man, did it?”
"That's different, Kyle. I look like a woman; I just don’t understand why you like me.” You said it bluntly, and he could only giggle at how blunt you were being.
“Maybe I’ve always liked you; I just thought it was platonic.”
“You’re such a liar.”
“I’m not, I swear!”
You whacked him on the arm while he continued to laugh, in turn making you crack a small smile at him.
“Look, maybe there was a part of me that denied my attraction to you when I thought you were a woman. Now that I know you’re not, I feel more comfortable liking you. Does that make sense?”
He explained while you continued laying against him, your smile widening the more Kyle spoke. Your cheeks were red, and your body became warmer. The thought that Kyle had always liked you made you happy.
“What about those men?”
“You mean when I bring people over? I knew I was gay for way too long, so when I started liking you, I thought I was wrong about my sexuality. I started sleeping with more guys to distract myself, I guess. But rest assured, I’m still gay, and I like you.”
You fell into silence, thoughts swirling in your head while you listened to Kyle. Kyle knew you were deep in thought; he could see how much you were struggling to believe him. You still had doubts and insecurities yelling at you that 'this was all some big prank. Or that Kyle was actually bi and he sees you as a woman. He couldn’t have liked you. How could he have liked you? You look nothing like a man, and Kyle liked you. Does he like women too, then? Maybe this is all a big joke, and Kyle is just playing with you. What if he pities you and he’s just pretending to like you? Are you just trapping him in a false queer relationship? Maybe-'
You felt a sudden warmth on your lips, snapping you out of your thoughts as you felt Kyle’s lips on yours. His hands cupped your face lovingly, tilting it up so he could kiss you. His lips were soft and warm on yours; it was addicting. You closed your eyes and savoured the moment, reciprocating the kiss with the same gentleness he had.
“You think too much, lovey.” Kyle mumbled cheekily as he pulled away from you, smiling before gently kissing your forehead. But this time it didn’t feel platonic; no, the kiss was romantic and one you’ve longed for since you met him.
“I love you.”
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gofishygo · 6 months
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omegapropaganda · 7 days
Burnt Honey ch. 9
poly141 x M!Omega!Reader
"You have been a member of Shadow Company and Phillip Graves' omega for years suffering at his hand until you meet the members of Task Force 141. They help you learn to love again while you help them destroy Shadow Company from the bottom up."
John "Soap" MacTavish/Reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/Reader, John Price (Call of Duty)/Reader, John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley/Gary "Roach" Sanderson (past), Phillip Graves (Call of Duty)/Reader (toxic), Rodolfo Parra/Alejandro Vargas
be very aware of the tags and read them thoroughly. Major trigger warnings for graphic descriptions of male on male non-con/rape, manipulation, degradation (not the fun kind), and general abusive toxic sexual relations. These are not romanticized and very much harm Reader.
please take care of yourself if you are sensitive to these issues and still decide to proceed with reading this fic. I will not be held responsible for your actions after you read these warnings, okay?
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
Gaz is just so pretty he gives the worst breeding kink ever like I NEED this man to have my kids
Cw: baby trapping, 18+
Okay but thinking about meeting Gaz in his recruit years and forming a mentor mentee relationship with him, but it’s clear that there’s something more going on between the two of you going by the longing gaze the lasting touches and the words spoken in a far less professional tone.
But because of the slight age gap along with the difference in ranks you decide to reject his feelings, sticking to only spending the nights with him before leaving in the morning,
Gaz never complained he’d take anything you were willing to give him, even if it meant a couple hours of tumbling around in the sheets.
That is until he finds out that you are planning to send him away, overhearing the whole ordeal while hiding behind the door to your office ,things were starting to get risky your relationship had started to be seen as something more than professional and your solution to the problem was to send him away to some other squad.
But Gaz isn’t having any of it, instead he decides to cook up a plan, solidifying it once you announce your decision to him.
He chooses not to take his birth control while spending night and day skewed onto your cock, taking load upon load til cum is trickling out his sopping cunt, all under the disguise that it’s for keeps sake, something he’ll miss while away.
But just as the day comes where he’s about to get sent away, he shows up to your office with a positive pregnancy test in hand and a faux look of worry painted on his face
It doesn’t take much for you to call off your previous plans, easily bringing him into your embrace while whispering words of reassurance.
For the first time ever he could see something other than desire swirling in your iris and he can’t help the smile on his face as his hand subconsciously caresses his stomach.
He’d done so much to earn your love and he’d finally gotten it.
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lieutnt · 1 year
Can we get some trans! gaz?
Like fucking gaz to the point he starts crying from how good it is :) ?
Pushing Gaz into a mating press has his head keening backwards, choked out moans punching from his throat as the new angle lets you fuck in deeper, harder, each crash of hips resounding in an audible wet smack with how wet he is.
By the time he tilts his head back up tear tracks are staining his cheeks, eyes glossy and more unshed tears are clinging to his lashes. It amplifies the pleasure in your gut, and your hips slow minutely just so you can speak. “Is this all for me Kyle? You feeling good?” 
Any comprehensible answer is scattered in his brain by each thrust against the deepest spot inside of him. Instead, all he can do is nod his head, fingers weakly grasping at the skin of your back in a silent plea to keep moving.
You kiss at the salty globs of tears as they stream down his cheeks before picking up your pace, determined to see just how many more tears you can wring from him.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Before I start writing for the day I just wanna get something off my chest:
Due to personal reasons I can't stop thinking about reader, who got his very first binder, and showing it off to Gaz. Just the sheer euphoria of having a flat chest and having Gaz support you, calling you a handsome young man. And, like the good boyfriend he is, he'd give you tips on how to bind safely so that you won't get hurt. Seeing you this happy takes him back to the good old times as well and he'd suggest going clothes shopping with you as well. Either that or he'd let you wear some of his clothes, if you're comfortable with it. Just to see you confident in yourself, he'd share just about anything with you. His clothes, his shampoo, his deodorant. The happier you are, the happier he is. You're the best boyfriend he could have ever wished for and he'll remind you of that fact very often. You deserve to know just how awesome of a guy you are.
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Hihi! I hope your well!
Im not sure if you write for Graves, but if not you can just write the headcanons for Gaz instead!
Could you write some Graves (or Gaz) x male reader headcanons of just cuddling and sleeping together. Basically what sleepy time together is like!
No rush! And stay safe <3 -🦇
Grave + Gaz : sleeping and cuddling headcanons
He loves physical touch
He really loves cuddling too
And he likes when you two sleep together and cuddle
He always says skin to skin cuddling is the best, he loves your body, not matter how big, small, thick, lean, skinny, chubby, fat or buff you are, you are always the little spoon
Normally he lays in bed and let's you use him as a pillow, but there are rare occasions where he will let you be the big spoon
He loves to bury his head in your chest, no matter if you have titties or not, he will squish your chest (with your consent of course)
He says the most incoherent shit when he's sleepy
Shit like "we can't disrespect the trees because then the lorax will break our kneecaps" or "did you know that snakes have two dicks?"
Is strange
But we love him
"cuddling is for girls"...
What do you mean why is he laying his head in your lap?! It was a hard day, okay?!
Believes the man should always be the big spoon
Obviously this is something hard because, there are two mens in the relationship, you and him
So he says he doesn't like being the little spoon
He's lying
He loves being vulnerable around you
He's submissive with you, even if he denies it
Pet his hair, he will melt
He likes partners with big chests
Not matter if they are titties or big pecs, he loves to bury his face in them
He will grope you a bit if you are comfortable
"this is a bit gay" "Hun, we have been dating for 2 years" "we have?!" And then he laughs and kisses you
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
Can you write something for gaz × ftm reader whose nervous to come out to him that he is trans and not cis man ?
If it's okay of course ^^
I'm sorry in advance, because I don't have the mental capacity to write dialogue right now. But I will write out the feelings of both Reader and Gaz in this scenario, just without the dialogue. I hope that's okay!
You had transitioned in your teen years so you passed very well now that you were in your adult years. You also didn't often tell people that you were trans, not because you were ashamed, but because you didn't want it to define you in their eyes.
However, you knew that once you and Gaz started dating and your feelings for Gaz started to grow stronger, you needed to tell him that you were a trans man. You didn't want him to feel like you had been deceiving him or being untruthful and honestly, he was one of the few who made you feel safe enough to tell him about your gender identity.
You were nervous when you told him you two needed to talk, which of course made him worry about you. But Gaz made sure to be calm and patient, gently coaxing you to tell your truth.
When you finally said the words, you instinctively made yourself smaller, hoping against all odds that he wouldn't have a face of disgust on his face. You didn't know what you would do if he told you that he didn't accept you, didn't love you as the way you are.
Gaz couldn't help himself, he laughed. He laughed not because he thought your identity was a joke or something in that vein, but because he had been meaning to tell you that he was trans.
You relaxed when he told you that he loves you regardless and that he was trans too, both of you chuckling over worrying about the other's reaction to finding out that they were trans.
After everything was said, you two cuddled on the couch, planning your next date.
Okay, that was short and I hope it was okay. Yeah, I couldn't help but also make Gaz trans, he wanted it to go that way.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
shy fingies
im having a really bad dysphoria day
if possible can i have some trans masc reader/141 comfort? no pressure, im just havin a hard day bc i have medical issues that make a medical transition unsafe and my dysphoria is kicking my asssss
hi!! no need for shy fingies! the dysphoria has been coming too for me lately, so im sending my love your way!! if this sucks im sorry in advance!! ;__;
tf141 x trans male! reader, platonic. brief mentions of transphobia, protective!141, reader users a binder.
It had been a shitty day all round, and things only continued to get worse. 
The day had started with forcing yourself into the shower, in the pitch black darkness, because you just couldn't face it with the light on. Your chest felt tighter than usual, and your skin just felt distinctly not like home. 
When you'd made your way into the canteen for breakfast, the new recruits were staring again, clearly talking about you amongst themselves as they snickered and judged and whispered words and phrases you really never wanted to hear.
Your only salvation was that you were ending this shitty day with a movie night with your task force. 
"Lad!" Soap calls out to you as you enter the rec room with a bag of snacks in hand. "It's yer lucky day, you get ta pick the movie." 
Soap pats the couch beside him as Ghost, Gaz, and the Captain offer their usual smiles. 
"Uh, I'm not too fussed, you can pick." You offer Soap a forced, tight smile as you try your hardest to get comfortable, despite the constriction at your chest. Today it felt a little worse than usual. 
Gaz lets out a groan, as Ghost's eyes narrow. "He picked last week." 
Offering a shrug, you remember you need to grab a drink before you get too settled into the plush of the couch. When you approach the kitchenette, you notice Price beside you.  
"Everything alright, son?" He asks, his hand clasping down on your shoulder as he offers a soothing smile. "Not yourself tonight." 
Son. As the youngest in the taskforce, Price's sweet and affirming nickname for you makes your heart soar.
You struggle to meet his eye as you mumble your response--a clear lie. "I'm fine, just tired." 
Your captain doesn't seem convinced in the slightest, as he remains by your side as you move round the kitchenette. 
"Can always talk to me, you know that? Or any of the boys?" 
"I know." You sigh, knowing they'd be supportive even if they never can quite understand. 
Another body comes closer, joining in the concern party that Price is throwing. It's Gaz, the same look of worry plastered over his face.
"Something happened?" He asks. 
"No." You snap, just a little too quickly, and the entire room falls silent with Soap and Ghost's conversation ending as they turn their attention to you. "Oh god, can you all stop staring at me?!" 
Gaz's hand replaces Price's on your shoulder as he tries to soothe you. "Talk to us, c'mon." 
Ghost and Soap join you all in the kitchen, and the pressure of them all worrying about you is almost too much to handle. They all look so worried, so protective--though you'd long come to accept that it was mostly because you're the baby of the team. 
"The new recruits were talking shit about me behind my back, you know, that kind of shit." You sigh, staring at the floor and wishing it would swallow you whole. 
The atmosphere of the room changes in an instant. 
"I want names, now." Price's words are a demand laced with anger, though not a shred of it directed at you. 
"Captain..." You call out, as Price is already halfway to the door ready to pull the recruits out of bed and give them the dressing down of a lifetime. 
Soap shakes his head. "Easier if you just tell him, lad." Soap's eyes are kind and soft as he considers you, though you know that he will have some choice words for them too next time he's training them. You almost pity them. 
You mutter out the names of the ones you had recognised, and try not to flinch as Price nods and slams the door behind him as he leaves.
"How long have you had your binder on for?" Ghost asks, his gaze severe with concern. 
"Uh... since 6am." 
He sighs, in his 'not mad, just disappointed' older brother way. "Did you take a break at lunch like you're supposed to?" 
You give him a sarcastic look, and cross your arms over yourself defensively. "It'll be fine, promise." 
The door swings open, Soap coming back into the room with Gaz in tow, and you hadn't even realised they have left in the first place. 
Soap holds out a massive bundle of black fabric, while Gaz has a silky garment in his hands. 
"Biggest hoodie of mine I could find, lad, and a fresh compression shirt." Soap explains, as passes the clothes to you. "Binder off, yeah? Then we'll get under the blanket and turn off the lights." 
"And you still have to pick the movie." Gaz smiles.
You nod in compliance before you head to the bathroom to get changed--freeing yourself from the binder and quickly covering yourself with Gaz's shirt and Soap's hoodie. While your chest still aches just a little, the unease you expect doesn't come on as strong as you expected. 
Maybe it's the sense that you get to go back into that room with a group of guys who accept you for who you are and have never made you feel lesser. 
When you get back to the rec room, Price has returned, and the room is cast in darkness. The Captain gives you a nod, but offers no further comment--which means he won't be addressing it tonight. 
You get comfortable on the couch between Soap and Ghost, and try to ignore the groans as you make suggestion after suggestion that they all hate, and you eventually settle on something all of you have seen before. 
You snuggle under the blanket with Soap, and feel euphoric when Ghost wordlessly accepts your toes wiggling under his thigh. Every once in a while, you'll meet the eyes of your captain and see his fond gaze, or Gaz will look to you when there's something funny so he can see if you're laughing too. 
Right there, on that couch, you feel at home with your brothers, with yourself. 
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gofishygo · 6 months
giggling ab this okay so
imagine gaz n reader, they've just started to date
and reader is trans (ftm) but gaz doesn't know that yet
but then after a few weeks of dating reader is taking their T in the bathroom/bedroom and had forgotten to lock the door & gaz walks in oh no,,
YEAH so!!! i hope that's enough to.. you know. yeah!!!! i 💗 ur fics sm.
(we need more ftm fics RIGHT NOW!!)
whoEVER ANON IS . I LOVE U . Thank u so so so so much 4 this request my fingers have been acting to write m or ftm content u have appealed to my deepest desires . myways this rq is super silly i love chilled out gay mf and nervous closeted trans mf dynamic so much. 
Also posted on trans visibility day lets GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
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the same (always changing); kyle 'gaz' garrick + trans male! reader (979 words)
notes: some implied and described internalised transphobia, mentions of transphobia, mentions of gender dysphoria, reader does not have top surgery yet, partial nudity on reader (non-sexual), little hurt/comfort type w/ fluff at the end !!
It wasn’t meant to be a secret. It really wasn't.
But here you are, cooped up in the cold premise of your shared bathroom, waiting for the gel to dry into your skin as you stare at your figure in the mirror, noticing the little changes with a strange sense of europhia. You wished you could run back to the arms of your boyfriend as you ramble about how good the hormones have been working, how you can see your outer shell peeling open to show the man who's been living in the inside, a feedback loop that had you seeing yourself in reflections instead of skin and hair and face that you'd barely recognised. Maybe his face would melt into that gorgeous smile, arms pulling you closer to him like he's seeping off the happiness he swears he sees seeping off your skin's pores. But it's the flip of a coin, a winning ticket in an uncertain lottery.
you're not so sure if Kyle would love the kind of person you were.
gender hadn't ever been a point of focus in your conversations, never something that had to be caught and pinned down with word or thought. he was a man, you were a man, and you loved each other. both of you did your best to keep it at that simplicity. but part of you, like the serpent to adam and eve, had always doubted whether kyle would look at you with the same eyes if you somehow ended up showing him your childhood photos or now-invalid passport, the face that was still soaked with dysphoria-ridden tears. 
the gel is still sticking to your ribs when the door practically flies off its hinges slamming against concrete walls and gaping open your closed eyes with ugly sound. There's a groan of exasperation that should make you giggle, but only makes already tense muscles almost turn to stone. "honey, you done ? really need to take a fat shi-" 
And then there's that silence both unsurprising but dreaded, how it felt to inhale smoke. 
You hate the shock as his eyes run over your bare chest in realisation, feeling any words about to come out crawling back into your windpipe as he notices the thin layer of gel and the label of the bottle on the sink. 
"love?" he calls, an endearing substitute replacing your name. you didn’t know if he'd call you that, even after this revelation. Or did he not know what else to call you now that this had been revealed ? "kyle," you echo. 
please just look at me, kyle. 
his eyes still look the same as how they look at you; stormclouds that accompany you on lonely and rainy nights, and your eyes can't help on focus on the pretty shade of grey instead of the battering of water droplets hitting against tin. Not once  does it ever shift to malice or hatred- only worry, for you, maybe. 
"do you want to talk about it right now ?" isn't the response that you expected. It's an gentle offer, and extended hand waiting for you to take or push away, more freeing than astute observations of your perceived identity or the bitter words hissed out when others had realised. You can only nod your head in response. 
"im sorry," you say, and you don’t know how much (what you're) apologising for. Sorry for never telling you. Sorry for making a distance that could have been avoided. Sorry for being this without your permission, anyone else's permission. 
but he's quick to hold you and the shame that you carry , not minding any of the gel residue on his shirt. "hey, no, it's okay," his voice is gentle, reaching out for your secluded self. "remember what I told you when we first started dating?" he puts a hand to your head, playing with your hair as he pulls you closer to him. "I love all of you, dove. Everything." he rests his chin onto your shoulder, murmuring the words into your ear. And you can't help but hug back, clinging to him like a lifeline. Your lifeline. "I love you too," you muse.
you both stay there for a minute before he pulls away with a complaint of some back pain from a recent mission, and you kiss his nose, allowing yourself to smile for the first time since he'd entered the room. "so.." you start, now perched on the rim of the bathtub. "you're ok with me being trans?"
you giggle when he deadpans at you, "love, I just hugged you for 5 full minutes after seeing you apply testosterone instead of taking a shit. I don’t really care if you're trans." 
and after your testosterone dries and you put on your shirt, you both in bed, tangled up in each other's arms. ramblings about little stories or town gossip. professions of grandiose love guised under quiet murmurs. the hormones are still a little crusty on your skin, but they're doing the work that should have been done since birth. 
The same, always changing. 
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omegapropaganda · 29 days
Burnt Honey ch. 8
poly141 x M!Omega!Reader
"You have been a member of Shadow Company and Phillip Graves' omega for years suffering at his hand until you meet the members of Task Force 141. They help you learn to love again while you help them destroy Shadow Company from the bottom up."
John "Soap" MacTavish/Reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/Reader, John Price (Call of Duty)/Reader, John "Soap" MacTavish/Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley/Gary "Roach" Sanderson (past), Phillip Graves (Call of Duty)/Reader (toxic), Rodolfo Parra/Alejandro Vargas
be very aware of the tags and read them thoroughly. Major trigger warnings for graphic descriptions of male on male non-con/rape, manipulation, degradation (not the fun kind), and general abusive toxic sexual relations. These are not romanticized and very much harm Reader.
please take care of yourself if you are sensitive to these issues and still decide to proceed with reading this fic. I will not be held responsible for your actions after you read these warnings, okay?
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waffles-art-writing · 2 years
Platonic!Task Force 141 X Medic!FtM!Reader
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Summary: You just wanted a quiet evening to fill out paper work, but you get a surprise visit by the team. They say you’re just like your brother, Price talks to you after you stitch up the boys.
Proofread: Yes when I was half asleep :) - so not really
Pairing: Platonic! Task Force 141 x Medic! FtM!Reader
WordCount: IDK
Age Rating: 15+ preferably
Codename: Stitch
KEY: Y/N - Your Name, L/N - Last Name.
Warning/Info: swearing, light description of injury, normal COD talk, banter, yelling, pissed off reader. Reader is Trans!
Request: YES! Thank you so much!
You tap your pen on your desk as you read over numerous files, all of them stating similar words to many questions. One of the younger medics is cleaning up the medical wing while you have locked yourself away in your office, shutting the world out as you pinch the bridge of your nose. You drop the pen on the dark oak desk, grabbing the files and storming out of the office, you are reading over a particular file in hand. Written in messy chicken scratch on the patient sheet is ‘Sergeant Mactavish’ and ‘Sergeant Garrick’ . You know them both, well. Too well in fact, yet they don’t know too much about you. You’ve patched them both and the rest of the 141 far too many times for you to count.
Price recruited you for your skills with field medicine, you weren’t always a medic. You were once in communication, but your brother convinced you to become a medic when he showed you some tips and tricks. Which you ate up like a starved animal. You never knew how much this would help further your career in the military, especially after witnessing the tragedy that has left a deep wound in your heart for the rest of your life.
You rip open the curtain that conceals a bed fromt he rest of the medical ward. Your hands clutch the papers in hand, arms crossing over your chest. “What the fuck did you do?” You sneer, your voice low as you eye the two sergeants, Ghost is watching from the side, Price next to him with a small smirk. “Oh hey doc!” Soap cheers, trying to keep you from blowing a fuse. Gaz is sitting there quietly, his hand clutching the side of his arm. “The first patient file I picked up is yours, Mactavish! And you have the heart to include Garrick on this horribly written excuse of a reason as to WHY! You both have either a bullet or knife in your arms!?” You yell, your voice cracking slightly as you growl at them both. Ghost is silently thanking whatever god is out there, that he’s not the one being scolded this time round.
“And YOU!” You spit, pointing at Price and Ghost with the papers, your hold on the flimsy sheets causing them to crumple. “You left them unsupervised?! How idiotic are you guys!?” You slap the papers down on the side table, grabbing some gloves out of their box from the wall. Pulling them on, you're seething. “I’m sorry Stitch… we didn’t mean to actually get hurt…” Gaz quietly mumbles as he looks at you from the other side of the Soap. They are both seated on the edge of the medical bed, Gaz by the foot do the bed, Soap up by the head of the bed.
You grit your teeth as you turn around. You’re slightly shorter than all the men in the room, not by much, but still shorter. Price can see how much like your twin brother you are, the same concern when it comes to caring for the team, the same rage that fuels you when someone has done something idiotic. “It’s fine… No, actually it's not! It’s not fine! You’re both grown men for Christ's sake, you both gotta learn how to stop being children.” You huff out as you stand in front of Gaz, he’s the one that got clipped by the bullet on his bicep. Your touch is soft when you work on cleaning the injury. “Look Lad, we didn’t mean to-” Soap goes quiet when you stare at him out of the corner of your eye. “You have the same look as your brother…” Soap states.
They all knew your brother, he was one of the field medics that helped them in the past on a few missions and especially when they got back. They always went to him for his help, but when the chopper got shot down that he was in, they couldn’t find anyone else they could trust to come on the missions. That is until they found out he had a twin, Price knew of you, he promised to your brother to help you through everything. He was one of the main supporters to help you through your transition, even teaching you how to shave. Which was an experience and half. Many small cuts on your jaw…
“Yeah well, I am his twin after all Mactavish” You huff, gently applying gauze to Gaz’s arm and wrapping it securely in a bandage. “Thank’s” Gaz states quietly, you nod as you change the gloves to a clean pair to start working on Soap. Price is talking to them both, Ghost adding a few things here and there while you just quietly work on stitching up the Scotsman’s arm. You securely stitch up the wound, giving Gaz his knife back after cleaning it. “Now, you two gotta stop doing stupid shit.” You growl as you finish wrapping Soap’s arm. He nods his thanks as he moves his arm around a little, a small wince forming.
“Take pain meds every four hours, on the hour… You don’t want to be chasing the pain like you always do…” you sigh, cleaning up the area. They all nod their thanks, taking the pain meds from you one their way out. Price stops just shy of the door. You turn to look at him, you notice he's staring at you. “Price?” Your voice is quiet, you feel like there's something on your face.
Price walks over, his hand coming up to your jaw. He’s noticed something, definitely. “Be more careful with that razor kid. Don’t wanna slice your neck open next time��” he sighs, his thumb running over the irritated wound on the underside of your jaw. How the hell did he notice that? You don’t have a clue, other than he just knows. “Yeah, I know… one of the rookies slammed open the bathroom door so I got spooked is all…” you chuckles lightly, shrugging as Price just smiles, shaking his head lightly. “You’ve done good kid… your brother would be proud.” He states, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently.
“Thanks… He would be happy to know I can still put the boys in their place even as a guy.” You laugh, Price chuckles along with you, he turns to leave. “You know where to find me if you need something, kid, see you at the debrief tomorrow at O-Six-Hundred.” He says over his shoulder, leaving you with a wave. You nod as you turn to walk back to your office, your hand subconsciously coming up to touch the small cut. You’re happy you have Price there for you, the team doesn’t seem to mind at all about your transition, if they even know anything about it that is.
Overall, working for the 141 has its highs and lows, but you still love them even if they drive you up the walls mad.
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brineoffire · 1 month
Part 2 of The Right Price!
Riled Up
You had none. Zero. Absolutely no idea how you got here. Laswell introduced you again to them man you saved. The Captain. You saved. You babble on about how it was a fluke, how it was absolutely dumb luck but there's no insisting with Price. There's no damn way a rookie could take out four hostiles on his own on luck alone. He knows it and you sure as hell better start focusing on it because you CAN NOT turn down the pay raise.
You'd definitely never planned to be flying with a Captain to join his task force. And you definitely didn't plan to have the shit scared out of you by the huge Lieutenant waiting at the helipad to meet the two of you when you touched down. The guy was huge! He saw a little over eye to eye with Price and damn if you didn't stare at that skull mask a little too long. It wasn't your fault. Tall, dark, and secretive was everyone's thing. That's what you tell yourself when you realize the guy, Ghost, is eyeing you suspiciously.
"Easy there Ghost. New recruit."
"H-howdy, good to meet you sir. Roland Haven, sir." You stumble over your own words as he stands there unamused, your hand out awkwardly before you give up and let it fall to your side. You suck in an embarrassed puff of air through your teeth.
"Don't take it personal, kid." Is all Price gives you as he claps you on the shoulder, pulling you forward with him past Ghost and into the base. You still feel his eyes burning into your spine but you don't let yourself look back again and focus on the direction your pushed in. You get shown to a small barren room, a simple bed, dresser, desk, and chair as Price nods you in.
"This'll be your room from now on lad. Get cozy, proper intros start in thirty." Giving him a nod he heads off as you set your small bag on the bed. You didn't have much with you but you do take a little time to throw your clothes in the dresser and drop your laptop and headphones on the desk. A deep sigh leaves your lips as you look around again and wonder how you got yourself this fucking deep. It doesn't really matter how anymore though, you definitely need the money, and you're not one to turn down a fast track past dealing with other shitty recruits like in your last two teams.
Before long you find yourself heading down the hall following after where Price went to the meeting room. You didn't have anything else to do so heading here ten minutes early was fine by you. Looking around the room you make a note of the layout, wandering around and glancing at maps and a few images of what you can guess is the entirety of the 141. Your skin nearly falls off your bones when you hear a gruff voice call out loud and clear somewhere behind you and you thank your horror game conditioning for keeping you from physically flinching.
"Someone's early ay?" You glance over your shoulder towards the opposite side of the room and notice Ghost once again. He stands by the back wall, arms crossed over his chest, the sockets of the skull baklava on his face look empty with how dark that end of the room is. There's a chill that runs up your spine as you turn to give him a salute, unsure of how to proceed.
"Uh. Yes sir. Wasn't really sure what else ta do." He stares at you as he steps forward, you can see the glint of the lights on his eyes now at least. Makes him look less like death but it means he's that much closer to you. Out of the frying pan you think to yourself. He stares for a long while before nodding and moving to lean on the large rectangular table.
"Right well now you wait with me then." He gestures a hand over to one of the seats opposite him and you hesitate before you get yourself stepping towards it.
"So, uh. Ghost huh? How'd you get that name?" His eyes narrow at you as you sit and you can't help but swallow air.
"Listen 'ere recruit. I ain't in the mood to lead a green'orn around 'ere, an' I sure as shite ain't gun'na let you get anyone on this team killed. You best keep up or you will be lef' behind." Another gulp as his dark eyes bore into yours. You raise your hands in a mock surrender as you nod.
"Understood sir. I ain't looking to ruffle any feathers." He scoffs but doesn't add anything else to his rant so you lower your hands to your lap and sit in a silence so loud you feel like your breath is annoying him. You know better then to piss off a giant you couldn't even hear so you keep any snark behind your lips, rare for you to keep quiet but Ghost didn't know that yet. It's a long ten minutes before you hear footfalls getting closer to the room, time to meet the team.
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rodolfoparras · 8 months
I'm trying to win an argument against my friend about their very niche kink, so I'm here to ask all of you.... is bloodplay a yay or nay for you? And if you want to, explain your reasoning
It’s a yay for me because imagine Gaz hovering over your face, grunts and groans escaping his lips as he fingers himself.
You can feel the heat radiating from him, can smell the heady scent of blood and pussy, can practically feel your mouth watering at the sight of him.
“Please -ah please,” you say, voice breathy and strained, eyes glued to the way he’s continuesly working two fingers inside himself but unable to do anything with your arms and legs restrained
It doesn’t take much for him to give in and you almost cum on the spot as he lowers his hips, finally allowing you to slip your tongue inside of him.
The taste of him is so thick and strong, you cant get enough, neck straining as you attempt to burry your tongue deeper in his cunt, making him cum so many times til he’s pushing you away from his sensitive cunt. Afterwards he’ll thank you with a wet kiss to your blood smeared lips for being so good to him
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astr0exe · 6 months
Hi hi ! Can I ask for bottom male with Gaz, ig reader have a bad day and Gaz decided to reward reader, with praise and vanilla fucking :D
HERE ! tysm for the request darling <3 hope this is okay :) sorry if this isnt what you wanted and sorry its quiet short still not feeling well:( BUT yeah !!! hope you enjoy :D
// CW ; tm!reader , soft Gaz , soft sex , vanilla sex , praise , cuddle fucking
Gaz whose hands trail down your stomach, softly grabbing at your hips before his hand moves down to your pelvis, his fingers catching your dick playing with it softly, careful due to the sensitivity. His fingers move to sweep through your folds, collecting the juices as he slips off both his underwear and yours. His hard cock springing free as he keeps you close to him, kissing your neck softly murmuring soft words in your ear “Such a good boy for me huh? Yeahh that's it love moan for me..” his fingers dipping into your hole.
You can’t help but moan and writhe at his words, rubbing against his cock in the process, causing him to groan lowly. He rocks his dick between your thighs slowly, almost teasing you, before removing his sturdy fingers from your dripping hole. Lifting one of your legs on top of his as he lines himself up, slowly pushing inside your tight wet cunt. The moan that leaves your throat is loud and almost pornographic, the soft thrusts of his cock into you are affectionate. Hitting your sweet spot perfectly as your head is leaning against Gaz’s neck, his breath in your ear as he moans.
Gaz’s hand is sweet as they hold your thighs and his other hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you close against him. His cock punching your insides even with the little movements, his dick large and thick. Gaz’s moans are quiet as he kisses up your neck, his hips stuttering when you clench around him as you orgasm. “Good boy.. just let go for me.. that's it my sweet sweet boy.” he whispers. His dick moves in and out of you a few more times before he cums himself, pulling out just before his cum painting your back.
Gaz moves to grab some wipes, slowly wiping your back as you yawn whining at the lack of a pillow to cuddle (Gaz). You both lay on the bed, curling into him and clutching him tightly, sighing happily, feeling safe as you slowly fall asleep, Gaz’s hand moving through your hair as he yawns as well, both feeling exhausted from the day and the activities.
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 6 months
Compartmentalizing here because if it's in a note on my phone, it's gone and I wanna share my ideas
Zombie apocalypse scenario because that's how I got fuckin neck deep in this cod stuff to begin with and there aren't enough for male/gn readers or aren't super depressing (angst is fun but I'm a hurt comfort man)
Posting that price one shot I already wrote
Fulfilling a request (technically two but they're very similar so I may lump them into one? TBD)
Got a ghost thing I've got kinda scribbled out in a doc
Polyam ghoap where one if them is kidnapped instead of you (I know I said Johnny in my little blurb but also the antsy possibilities of ghost being napped instead is making me go wild)
More polyam stuff in general cuz four pretty boys all snuggling me and each other? Yeah
That price x loyal dog fic I wanna write. May very possibly make it a hybrid au thing cuz I see a lot of those but I make absolutely no promises on that exact detail happening lol
Also no promises but I do wanna continue my castlevania fic at some point. It's one of the most fun things I've ever written and I miss it
Edit: also royal au stuff too because ugh prince x knight forbidden/hidden love type stuff absolutely destroys me
I think that's it jfc writing brainworms really just go hog wild when you allow yourself to indulge huh
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