#kyle saw me answering this and asked if i were sprinting
ryxkenkxgami · 2 years
omg okay. top 5 orv characters who aren't yoohankim. anddd top 5 orv arcs that Aren't dark castle. 💖
OHHH BOY THANKS GRACE..............here we go lol. i won't even cheat and use sp/od lmfao
top 5 orv characters who aren't yhk: (it's all Girls. all of it.) 5. lee jihye! she is so fun and wonderful to watch grow and i genuinely love how hilarious she is. number 2 joongdok supporter and number 1 high school badass of my heart.... her speech when they find out they're all novel characters tears my heart to shreds
4. jung heewon! WOW talk about cool women doing cool things.... she is amazing. i love her and her character arc so much. oh my lord. her -- being salvation breaks my fucking heart. the relationship she has with kdj and with everyone, really, is so important to me.... i love her.
3. uriel! oh my god i had no idea how much i would love uriel when i first started orv. i expected to hate all the constellations but she's amazing... she loves kdj with her whole heart. and her jd shipping is hilarious and relatable. and oh my god 999 uriel? what a BADASS? and also incredibly tragic. i'm so glad she gets to live with the 999 gang and od happily ever after.
2. yoo sangah! she was always a character i really liked from the getgo but her time as a librarian really solidified it for me. she's just... the friend of all time. she cares about kimcom so much and it's so sincere.. her conversation with kdj about how they would've been friends and supported each other through life makes me cry. and her pepper in coffee stunt is legendary.
shin yoosung! she was originally best girl, actually, but then hsy took over my heart whoops lmao. but she's amazing. i adore her character development and her entire just... her relationship with kdj especially is so wonderful. the story she gets during the journey to the west arc made me cry a little bit. i love how much she grows and she was so soso cute i die.
runner ups include lhs, knw, and lgy!
top 5 orv arcs that aren't dark castle:
5. oh this is tough uhhh i think disaster of floods? this was the moment in orv that really kinda jammed itself into my brain permanently. when i was reading for the first time this was the part that i could not put down and HAD TO SEE how things played out.... and then proceeded to binge read the rest of the novel in a week HAHA
4. 73rd demon realm!!! how fun!! revolutions in each other's names? check. one of my favorite moments in the novel? check. the beginning of the pocket watch? check. the extremely dramatic "YOU JERK LEAVE HIM ALONE"? check!!!!!
3. gigantomachia, because i love mechas, i think kim namwoom is hysterical, and i love greek mythology. and also the iconic "it has always been "once' for me" moment. absolutely love that moment. the whole thing was so much fun and i was just absolutely pumped reading it.
2. epilogues...... listen i like hurting myself, and i love to imagine what could happen in the future. i did write almost 40k about it!!!! and also the reveals were so well done. nothing in fiction has ever hurt me quite the same way as the orv epilogues. woof.
1863 BAYBEE. it breaks my heart! it hurts me so much!!!! i genuinely had no idea what to expect going into it, but i couldn't put it down. i had to see what was going to become of this yjh who was so broken he would eat dirt on command. of this hsy who had done what kdj wanted to do - just without the inclusion of his most important part, yjh. it also began my crackpot theory of sp being yjh and wouldn't you know that was canon. lmfao.
runner ups would include the theater dungeon, n'gai forest, 46th main scenario, and the great war of saints and demons!!!
thanks grace i had too much fun with this. ily
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
It's Heartbreak Or It's Love, There's No Such Thing As Halfway
Guy Gardner x Lantern!Reader
Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, Death
Author's Note: Based on this ask right here that I finally managed to do! Enjoy my angsty story! -Thorne
Green Lanterns had a well-known reputation for being the worst luck bearers in the entire universe. Girlfriends stuffed in refrigerators, taken over by the embodied parasite of fear, family dying, personally dying, you name it, they’d been it, seen it, and felt it. Of course, the Four Corpsmen took that as a personal challenge to see who could have the worst luck amongst each other, and when Guy Gardner returned to Oa with a woman dressed in an orange exo-suit and bearing the Orange Lantern Corps symbol in tow, they decided that he had the worst luck.
Hal watched the woman poke around the room they’d all stepped into—and locked the doors—asking, “Where’d you find her?”
“I don’t know.” Guy said. “But she won’t leave me alone.”
“Why not?” Kyle piped in.
“Because she wants my ring.” He reached over and yanked the vase out of the woman’s hands. “No.”
“Mine.” She hissed, trying to take it back and he pointed at her.
“Do you want me to get out the leash again?”
Her face contorted and she went quiet, seeming to shrink on herself. “No.”
“Then behave.” Guy scowled, putting the vase back, then he looked at them. “See. This is what I’ve been dealing with for the past four days.”
“Can’t you just tell her to leave you alone?” John asked, carefully avoiding the woman as she walked behind them, knowing she was probably going for a ring.
“I did.” The Lantern retorted with a glower. “She won’t leave me alone.”
Hal waltzed right up to her, getting in her face. “Hey, you.”
She bared her teeth as if she were going to bite him and Guy griped, “No biting. We don’t bite each other.”
“Why won’t you leave our friend alone?” Hal asked and she pointed at Guy.
“Want the ring.”
“You can’t have my ring.” He shot back. “I need it.”
“Want it.”
“You can’t have it.”
“Not leaving,” she finalized, then her eyes widened, and she reached out, grabbing Hal’s wrist. “You have one too!”
The pilot was quick to yank his hand away before she could peel the ring from his finger. “No.” he warned. “We don’t take rings.”
“But I want one!” she bemoaned. “It’s pretty and I want it!”
Kyle all but collapsed on the floor in laughter. “Oh my God, we’re stuck with a gold digger. Hey, Hal, hide your wallet before she becomes another girlfriend.”
“Shut up,” he griped, and Guy shook his head.
“She’s not a girl. I don’t even know what she is.”
“What?” they all blurted out, glancing at him, then to her.
“Are you kidding me? I was on a planet that had no intelligent lifeforms. She just appeared out of nowhere and latched onto my arm.” He rolled his shoulder. “‘Bout yanked my freakin’ arm off trying to get the ring.”
“So…what is she—it?” Kyle asked, then he knelt beside her, watching curiously as she pried at one of the vents and stuck her hand inside, wiggling around for whatever she could find. “What are you?”
“Shax’ods.” She answered, then grunted when she found nothing in the vent, slinking to the next vent. “From Shaxodia.”
“That’s the planet I was on.” Guy murmured.
“Are Shaxiod’s like humans?” Kyle questioned.
She turned on him, hissing, “Shax’ods. Not Shaxiods.”
He flinched. “Sorry. Shax’ods. What exactly are they?”
“My kind,” she said, pulling open a drawer. “Shapeless. Colorless. Sentient.”
“If you’re supposed to be those, how’d you manage to become a human woman?” John inquired, regarding her as she pulled out what looked like coins and went through them, pocketing the shiniest ones.
“Wanted his ring. Couldn’t get it. Scanned it. Saw his memories. Took on image based on humans encountered.” She looked at Guy. “Can I have your ring?”
“No.” He grunted and she hissed darkly, going back to scrounging around the small drawer.
With her occupied for the moment, they huddled together, whispering fiercely. “What are we supposed to do about her?” Hal asked. “We can’t hurt her.”
“We can send her back to Larfleeze?” Kyle offered. “Isn’t he the boss of the Orange Lanterns?”
“There was only supposed to be one Orange Lantern because the greedy bastard sits on his pile of rings like Gollum.” Guy said, glancing up to see her fiddling with the door. “Where’d you get your power ring?” he called out, and her shoulders rose like she’d been caught stealing.
“Found it,” she answered. “All on my own.” She turned, meeting their eyes. “Hungry. Where is food?”
“We’ll eat later. Sit down in the chair over there.” When she scowled and didn’t move, he constructed a leash. “Do we have to—”
“No!” she shouted, prowling to the chair where she flopped down and tapped her foot obnoxiously.
“I thought Orange Lanterns were supposed to be mindless, greedy things. No coherent thoughts.” John observed her. “She’s intelligent and sentient, capable of listening to commands when someone tells her to do something.” He looked at them. “She’s different.”
Guy’s eyes narrowed. “Nice observation. Got any others?”
“Maybe we can help her get the ring off?” John offered.
Turns out trying to remove an Orange Lantern’s ring was like putting a cat in water. She fought tooth and nail against every construct and hand that came at her and refused to surrender her ring, even if they reasoned that she would be better without it. That ring wasn’t going anywhere from her hand, and she wasn’t leaving them anytime soon—she was their problem now.
But as the months went by, she became…less greedy, if it were believable. Her speech bettered too, now that she had to interact with humans all time, she picked up on their speech fairly quickly. She’d picked out a name for herself, “(Y/N)”—no one knew where she’d learned it, but she liked it and “it was hers”.
(Y/N) gained a few enemies within the Green Lantern Corps too. Not many people trusted her, and they had a fair reason—she couldn’t help the sticky fingers and more often than not, Guy had to drag her around and make her apologize whilst she returned the knickknacks she’d grabbed when they hadn’t been looking.
But she was a good fighter, and everyone was surprised when (Y/N)’d backed them up in a fight, though she fought savagely and with one purpose but to obtain whatever she wanted from their corpses. Guy spent a lot of time with her, working with her greed, training her to fight less savagely and use her head more.
And to their shock, she’d calmed down a bit, though she was still an Orange Lantern, and everyone knew it. Though they couldn’t deny that she’d wormed her way into their hearts with her easily annoyed spirit and character.
(Y/N) stomped into the med bay, plopping down on one of the treatment beds. “Heal me.”
Hal blinked, looking at her with confusion, one hand still scratching at the sheet of paper. “Excuse me?”
“Heal. Me.” She commanded. “I am sick and I need healing.”
“I’m not a doctor but I’ll do my best,” he replied, walking over. “What seems to be the problem?”
“This body reacts oddly,” (Y/N) answered. “The organs flutter and beat fast. I do not like it and I want it to stop.” Hal cocked a brow, reaching up to feel her throat. “What are you doing?” she accused, glaring at him.
He glared right back. “I’m trying to feel your lymph nodes, (Y/N). That’s how human doctors learn people are sick.” She eyed him, but let Hal continue, and he placed his pointer and ring at one side of her throat, his thumb on the other. Gently, he massaged up and down, then said, “Swallow for me.”
She did so and he frowned. “Nothing seems wrong.” He constructed a stethoscope, putting it on.
“What is that?” (Y/N) worried.
“Stethoscope. I can listen to your heart and other organs for that fluttering you’re talking about.” Hal’s brows furrowed and after a moment, he pulled away. “I don’t hear anything, (Y/N). Your heart is beating normally for someone in your condition.”
“And that is?” she asked.
Before she could speak, Guy burst through the doors and sprinted to a drawer. “Hi guys! Bye guys!” he disappeared as quickly as he’d come with a bunch of bandages in his arms.
“I don’t even want to know what that was—”
“The organs are fluttering!” (Y/N) shouted, grabbing the end of the stethoscope; she yanked Hal over and he jerked to his knees in front of her with a grunt, though he went still when he heard the rapid thumping from her chest. “You hear it!” she exclaimed with wide eyes. “See! I am sick!”
Hal gazed at her curiously, then reached up with a free hand, softly pressing his palm to her cheek. “What—what are you doing?”
He grinned. “You’re not sick, (Y/N).”
“I am!” she retorted. “These organs are beating rapidly, and I feel sick.”
“You’re in love.” He nodded his head to the doors. “And I’m going to guess that since Guy was the one that made your heart race, that he’s the one you’re in love with.”
(Y/N) went as still as a wooden board, eyes wide with shock, then she jerked up and away from him. “Do not tell a soul.”
“It’s not a bad—”
“NO ONE!” she bellowed. “TELL NO ONE!”
Hal raised his hands in defense. “Alright. I won’t tell anyone.”
She seemed flustered, scared and she spun on her heel, running for the doors.
And as the year stretched on, Hal realized that (Y/N)’s only other emotion than total greed, was love. She followed Guy around like a puppy, always handing him trinkets she had in her pockets, and if Hal didn’t feel such a pity for the hopeless woman, he would’ve found it endearing.
He also realized that she had no idea how to express love besides using her greed. And he only realized it when she’d shown up at his room in the middle of the Oa night and demanded he tell her how to show affection. He’d tried his best, having to bite back laughter at how her face pinched and she squirmed with discomfort at having to share her feelings and everything she had.
“Guy’s not…a typical…guy…you know?”
“Okay, I could’ve phrased that better. Guy’s not impressed by words. He likes action. Actions speak louder than words to him.”
“Actions are inanimate. They do not speak.”
“Yeah, but…okay, say that you told Guy you liked his haircut.”
“I do.”
“I know you do, but you didn’t let me finish. If you told Guy, he’d probably brush it off. But! If you gave him a six back of beer, he’d thank you and crack one open right there.”
“So…I should find alcohol for him?”
“I mean it’s that or a playboy.”
“What is a playboy?”
“Just find alcohol.”
“I’ll show you.”
And God, he wished he hadn’t because all she did was thrust the beer in Guy’s hands and stomp off, leaving his friend more confused than anything. Hal had pulled him aside the day after and explained the situation, even though he’d sworn not to. And when (Y/N) found out—and she only did because Guy distanced the two of them—she was not happy.
She was furious and cursing him in a language not even his ring could translate. (Y/N)’d screamed and cursed so much that Hal Jordan actually feared that he was going to be killed by her. That or she was going to become a Red Lantern, and he didn’t know what was worse. But when tears had fallen down her cheeks and she’d yelled, “It was not your right!” Hal felt terrible about opening his mouth.
And then when Guy had brought an old flame to a party, Hal watched (Y/N)’s emotions reach a boiling point and he’d narrowly managed to get her out of the room and to a distant field before she completely exploded. When she’d calmed though…it was a sorry sight to behold.
“My organs hurt.”
“Yeah, heartbreak’s a bitch.”
“My heart is not breaking.”
“It’s a figure of speech, (Y/N). It means you’re sad.”
“Oh…I see.”
“It is because I am an Orange Lantern, is it not?”
“I don’t think so. Guy’s just…not sharing your feelings.”
“His lover is pretty.”
“She is.”
“I want to be loved.”
“We all do. But there’s other fish in the sea.”
“There’s someone else out there for you.”
“I want Guy. He…sees me.”
“He sees everybody. That’s why he’s a good friend.”
“Yes…a good…friend.”
Hal cursed, looking at Guy and (Y/N). “You two get back into space and see if you can find where that signal went. We’ll stay here and defend the territory.”
“Got it.” Guy answered, looking back at her. “Ready?”
“Yes.” They shot to the sky and burst through the atmosphere, ready to start scanning when Guy cursed, and she glanced back at him. “What is it?”
He didn’t get a single word out when the bright green ring suddenly went dead, and his suit faded. (Y/N)’s eyes went wide as Guy’s hands went to his throat, eyes going saucer wide, and she reached out, enveloping him in orange light.
Going to his knees, he hacked and grabbed his head. “Shit, my head.”
“Your ring is dead,” she observed. “I thought you charged it?”
“Forgot.” He shook his head. “We were so tired last night that I went to bed.” He looked up at her. “Can you call them?”
“Yes. Let me—”
Warning. Ring power low. Battery at two percent.
(Y/N)’s eyes shot to her ring; he caught it. “What? What’s wrong?”
“My ring is dying too.” She murmured, then glanced between the ring on her hand and Guy. “I have to choose.” Her head turned, eyes darting to the nearby planet. “It should have enough power to get you there before it dies.”
“What are you talking about?” Guy beat on the bubble he was encased in. “(Y/N), what are you doing?”
“…The right thing.” (Y/N) floated to the bubble, placing her palm to where his was. “I know why you never felt the same. I am…a monster. Consumed by greed.” She shook her head. “I cannot feel like humans do. I am broken…but you made me think it was possible. That I could be worthy of love.” Her eyes were watery. “Of your love, Guy.”
“(Y/N),” he breathed, and she pursed her lips.
“I want to be someone you can love. I want to be someone you smile when you think about, not be ashamed of.” Pulling back, she distanced herself. “I can change. I promise I can change. I can be more than my greed.”
She raised her hand again, commanding, “Take him to the surface. Low power mode. Only exo-suits, no powers.”
With a blink, the ring came off her finger and she fought to keep herself from yanking it out of the air and putting it back on; it flew through the bubble and slid onto Guy’s hand though he was the one fighting to keep it off.
“No! (Y/N) no! Take it back!”
She smiled as the suit started disappearing from her feet and sliding up Guy’s feet. “I am doing what you would do. I am saving you.”
“I would save us both!” he shouted, eyes terrified as the suit freed her hips. “Don’t do this!”
“I have to save you,” she comforted. “Even if I cannot save myself too.” (Y/N) searched his eyes. “Thank you for making me feel like I belonged, Guy Gardner.”
The exo-suit disappeared from her body and the bubble popped; Guy watched in horror as she tried to breathe in but without oxygen, she couldn’t. Moments passed but they felt like hours and her eyes found his, the corner of her mouth quirking up as she went still, a trail of blood freezing on her skin as it dripped from her nose.
And Guy shot to the surface of the planet, commanded by the Avarice Ring, screaming his throat hoarse.
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not-krys · 2 years
Silence (Houki, Maddie, Abby, Clara, Miri)
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In honor of my birthday, over the past few days, I've been taking advantage of one of my discord server's writing sprint bot to write some self-indulgent OC stuff, with the guidance of a theme from my dusty as hell 100 Themes Challenge days that I've had on hand since my deviantart days.
RNG gave me the theme of 'Silence.'
So, the regular warnings here: raw, unedited text, some adult themes like nudity, and sexy times are featured but not a huge focus. Spoilers for Obey Me Season 2 end (up to and before Lesson 40-ish) and for Nokto's route in the True Love Part 1 Anniversary Event, focusing on the premium ending.
My Masterlist
100 Themes Challenge List
When there was no noise coming from the room next door, Hideyoshi grew concerned. Sure, Mitsunari and Houki were usually ones to keep to themselves, but he could usually hear their soft chatter when they were together.
With a raised eyebrow, he stood up, patted Uri's soft head, apologizing for waking her, and walked toward the silent room, noting the dim lantern glow from under the door. He knocked softly on the door, calling out their names, and asked them if everything was all right.
He received no answer.
Pursing his lips, he opened the door, seeing a scene that instantly melted his heart. Leaned up against the wall was Mitsunari, eyes closed and breathing even with a book laid across his lap. By his side was Houki, round glasses slipping from her nose as her eyes were also closed and her breathing matched her sleeping companion's. Her long black hair covered parts of her face, but she didn't seem to take notice save for her nose twitching periodically. She was also holding his hand as his finger pressed into the inked pages, as if they had fallen asleep while he had been reading to her.
Hideyoshi sighed and smiled.
"You two are never ending trouble, you know that?"
Silently as he could manage, Hideyoshi unfurled their bedding onto the floor, smoothing out the covers in case the pair decided that the bed was far more comfortable than sleeping against the wall. Though, he reminded himself, against the wall could possibly be where they would sleep the rest of the night. He then found and extra blanket and put it around the sleeping pair, taking gentle care to not disturb them. He noticed that Kitty was also curled up by Houki's side, so he also gave a small corner for the cat to be tucked in as well, shushing her when her eyes opened to look at her sleeping lord's boss.
"Just for tonight."
The steam of the tea kettle rose to the ceiling, disappearing into wisps. The scent of honey and lemon tickled Harr's nose as he put it in the hot tea, lightly blowing on it. With a sure nod, he walked out of the kitchen and to the upstairs bedroom. Maddie sat in bed, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glazed over. She was quiet, an unusual occurrence in the household, save for a small cough. Harr could hear the rasp in her throat, feeling her pain. Brushing her bangs aside, he placed his hand on her forehead, feeling the heat beneath his fingertips. Maddie liked that, giving what she could of an approval noise.
"Lemon and honey is helpful with a sore throat," Harr said, running his fingers through her hair, her earrings lightly jingling at his touch. "If it doesn't get better by tomorrow, I'll have Loki send for Kyle. Hopefully it's nothing serious."
Maddie nodded, holding the warm mug in her hands, echoing Harr's blowing on it and sipping it slowly. Harr placed his hands around hers to keep the mug steady when he saw her hands shaking.
When she finished, he set the mug on the nearby nightstand, holding onto her warmed fingers. His cheeks flushed.
"It's been… too quiet. I… I miss hearing your voice." Harr said quietly, seeing Maddie smile. She squeezed his hand.
"I miss… singing…" she croaked, what she could get out sounded painful and raspy, a far cry from the clear bells he was used to hearing. He touched her lips, quieting her.
Save for the scratching of pencils, silence filled the small apartment that Vincent and Abby were renting. A light breeze through the window ruffled their hair as they concentrated on the paper before them. The August heat made them sweat, but they barely minded, their focus on the other, watching and observing their partner.
It had started off as a small dare, even Abby didn't think either of them would agree to it. Using each other as a live model while the other drew you felt both horrifying and yet exhilarating. Abby's cheeks flushed at the memory of the suggestion. Vincent stared at her lovingly, using gentle but quick strokes as he followed the curve of her legs, her hips, her naked breasts bared before him. He couldn't get enough of the beauty before him, practically drinking in the sight of her. Abby was slower with her strokes, no master artist like Vincent or Leonardo, but she wanted to pay special attention to her favorite parts of Vincent. His curly blond hair, his pouted lips as he concentrated on his own work, the way the muscles moved in his arm with his quick, masterful strokes. She wondered if she could produce works as fast as he could, like blinking and an image appeared just from the dash of his finger tips, as if he was a magician performing a show.
With a soft sigh, she laid her pencil down, looking at the work she had produced in this little session, wiping the sweat from her brow.  Vincent chuckled across the small room.
"Shatje," he said, his voice light as he pointed at his forehead.
Abby blinked, touching her hand to her forehead, making Vincent laugh harder. She then looked down at her hand, horrified to find it was covered in graphite.
"Oh no…"
Vincent stood up and walked across the room, picking up a nearby paper towel from the holder, and wiped her forehead.
"It's not too much, so it'll come right off, I'm sure. Better than that one ink we tried."
Abby sighed, remembering the black ink that wouldn't come off her's and Vincent's hands for days and had the oddest smell. They vowed to never use it again unless absolutely necessary.
When Vincent was done wiping her forehead, he kissed it gently, running his hand down her sweat-damp hair.
"Maybe we should take a break for now," Abby said, standing up as well, picking up the loose tshirt that was laying on the couch. It was one of Vincent's but he didn't said a word. He thought she looked cute in one of his shirts. "Laundry should be done drying too."
"On a hot day like today, I should hope so," Vincent said, pulling on his underwear and a pair of green shorts. "I'll go see if it is while you get some water."
"W-wait, aren't you going to put on a shirt too?"
"You're wearing my last one, shatje." he smiled, slipping on his sandals.
Abby flushed red, looking down finally to see that she was indeed wearing his shirt. On a second glance, she saw that hers were nowhere to be found.
"I put them in the wash before we started our drawing practice. Better to do all of it at once rather than having one or two clothing lying around until the next round, right?"
Abby flushed darker, her hands pulling down the hem of his shirt to cover herself.
"Vincent… did you take everything?"
Vincent only smiled.
"When this mark fades, that's when I will come for you."
Clara smiled and sighed. Of all the books she had read in the past, the line from King Byron from Midnight Cinderella stuck out as she looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the small kiss of purple on her collarbone. She had asked Nokto before her trip, as a silly idea, but she really should have known better to do so before going to visit her friend, married to the love of her life just hours ago.
She wondered if Nokto was doing alright without her, especially at night. It was one of the reasons she asked him if he wanted something to ease his loneliness while she was gone. It was how the idea of matching love bites started. He guided her through it, her having never done something so bold and daring before. She remembered seeing the red mark on his porcelain skin, right around his collarbone, how proud he'd been of her for doing it. Knowing him, he was probably showing it off to all that would listen. She was sure Yves would have a fit with Nokto being so… so open and brazen of his love life with her, she flushed at the idea.
She shook her head, rattling the thoughts out of her head. She instead turned her head to the beautiful bouquet sitting on the borrowed dresser. Thorn-less red roses and various other brightly colored buds and petals decorated it. She closed her eyes.
"Catching the bouquet means you’re the next be married, right?"
The silence of the room was her only answer.
"You're being a silly little girl again, Clara," she told herself. "And it would be a big to-do, marrying a prince anyway."
She sighed, running her fingers over the rose petals.
"He wouldn't want that kind of commitment anyway. Not him. Be too much work being a princess consort too."
She looked at herself in the dresser mirror, pulling at her pink blouse, revealing the fading mark beneath.
"'When this mark fades,'" she quoted, "'that's when I'll come for you.'"
She chuckled.
"Nokto is no King Byron, silly. The two are completely different."
Yet she couldn't stop staring at the mark, as if willing it to do something the longer she looked at it.
Finally, with a soft sigh, she released the fabric to it's natural position, hiding the mark from the world. She then reached for her hair, pulling out the pins and ribbons that had held up surprisingly well for the entire wedding ceremony. Brushing her hair with her fingers, she eased what she could of the curls and waves left behind by her pins.
Before Miri opened her eyes, she couldn't help but notice how quiet her bedroom was. It was as though the House of Lamentation had gone completely silent. She couldn't hear any footsteps outside her door, no lighthearted chatter, not even a crow's cry that was so prevalent before in Devildom.
Her body felt so heavy, she could barely move. Her eyes felt crusty, like she had fallen asleep crying and now she was feeling the aftereffects. It had been a long time since she had fallen asleep crying, the last time being when she was back in the human world, before Solomon had found her again. She had been missing her new brothers, her new family, and couldn't stop the tears from coming.
Now, however, she couldn't recall why she had fallen asleep crying. She was in Devildom again, judging by the darkness outside the window. The plants roamed all around her room, save for her bed and the nearby table where she and her brothers sat.
Her hand twitched suddenly, discovering that a warm, familiar weight was holding it in place. Black gloves in a much larger hand encircled her smaller hand, the only change was there being an intricate ring circling her ring finger, blue gemstones engraved all around it. The colors reminded her of Lucifer, faintly.
Suddenly, everything came rushing back to her. Lucifer's memory loss, Diavolo and Solomon keeping secrets from the both of them, how she had dizzy spells and headaches that kept getting worse, that damned blade that Solomon had placed in her hands… intending to take Lucifer's life so she could live and how much that devastated her.
She had refused to go through with it, thinking that if it was her that was causing all of this, then it should be her that should go, not Lucifer.
She remembered her hands shaking as she tried to turn the blade onto herself, how Lucifer tried to pull it away from her to try and put it in himself. That she had been in pain with her headaches and some feeling she couldn't name. How she saw a flash of Simeon behind Lucifer… how he pulled her out of Lucifer's arms and into his.
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wyverian-lady525 · 3 years
Reader has pissed someone off! (Who is up to you.) For their sake, the rider decides to run away. They encounter Kyle by the nearest window and talk to him for a few minutes before their name is angrily yelled from down the hall. They bid Kyle goodbye and jump out the window and bolt out of Lulucion on their dragon Narga. (And because I am who I am, the reader will be in a relationship with Kyle unless I specifically state otherwise.)
Over The Window
You may’ve accidentally made Reverto mad after you stole some mushrooms from him.
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It was just a couple mushrooms. That’s all you wanted. How were you supposed to know that Reverto got high off stinkshrooms before a quest? 
You were fresh out of shrooms and needed them for a certain combination. However, you didn’t feel like going out to the field and actually finding some. So, who do we know that always has a high supply of fungi?
Well, that person caught you digging through his belongings.
You knew Reverto was very territorial when it came to his shrooms, so his pissed off expression when he saw your arms full of them was understandable. However, you knew an angry Reverto was a dangerous Reverto. So, you did the smart thing for your sake.
You ran.
“Get back here!” Reverto shouted after you as you sprinted down the halls looking for an escape route. Luckily, you found a nearby window, and even luckier, Kyle was right by it.
“Kyle!” You shouted and hugged him with such force that you spun around in several circles.
“What’s going on?” He asked as he grabbed you by the shoulders. You looked like you were in such a rush.
“Can’t explain right now, but I need you to do me a favor.” You said wildly while Kyle just looked confused.
“Y/N!” An angry hunter shouted from down the hallway. You looked over in fear before placing your hands on Kyle’s shoulders. However, the hunter just looked worried/confused.
“Why does Reverto-” However, he was cut off by you.
“Listen Kyle, I know Reverto is twice your height and has twice your muscles, but do you think you could hold him off for me?” You asked sweetly. Kyle wanted to question your comment, maybe even answer your question, but you gave him no chance to consider anything.
“Thanks, babe!” You chirped while kissing his cheek and jumping out the window. More concerned for you than his job at the moment, Kyle rushed to the window to see that you hopped on your dragon infused nargacuga, M/N. 
Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, then he remembered the impending himbo that was coming behind him. As he turned around, a large hand shoved him out of the way. The hunter glanced up just in time to see Reverto launch out of the window after you.
“Stop Y/N!” He shouted after you, but you bolted out of the city. Your nargacuga tried to slow him down with some dragon breath, but to no avail. 
Kyle walked back to the window to watch you speed out of the village gates, Reverto hot on your tail. There was no doubt that Reverto would chase you long till the sun went down, but Kyle wouldn’t know the reason why until tomorrow.
When tomorrow came, his mentor was in no mood to talk, and you were nowhere to be found.
Turns out Reverto did chase you long till the sun went down.
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Here it is friends. Part one of my Taylor-Swift-nostalgia induced carraville fic. I will be writing a short part two but I figured I’d get this up now and it could be read on its own at this point. I haven’t proof read it so please excuse any mistakes but I hope you enjoy!
Jamie undid his tie. It was a plaid tie, blue instead of red to suggest his neutrality. It was a good day or at least it should’ve been. Liverpool beat Everton two to one, he’d had a good show (no one was harassing him on Twitter yet and Gary had made a few mistakes, Jamie thought that qualified a pretty good show), and he had a date at eleven. He should be fucking buzzing but Jamie just feels the idle hum of numbness. Even the five-goal thriller that was their first game of the night hadn’t got his heart pumping like it used to. 
Gary walked in silently, startling Jamie who quickly pulled on a jumper. Not that his state of dress mattered, Gary’s eyes stayed glued to the floor. He walked to the far corner of the dressing room to change out of his suit, as far away from Jamie as possible.  He hadn’t said a word to Jamie all night when the cameras weren’t rolling. It hurt. Especially when Gary was so good at acting like everything was fine when the commercial break ended. He even fooled Jamie a few times.
Kelly knocked on the door, making sure they were both decent, before walking in to say goodnight. Jamie watched as Gary smiled at Kelly, as he laughed with her about something. Jamie used to do that: make Gary laugh. Kelly turns her attentions to Jamie. She compliments him on his interview tonight and asks him where he and Tom are going for their date. 
“It’s quite late,” she comments, “you can’t really be going to dinner.” Jamie give her a fake laugh. 
“I’ve got a reservation and everything Kells. We’re going to that new vegan place. He’s picking me up.” You heard that right: vegan. Because on top of everything, Tom fucking cared about animals and the environment. Jamie wasn’t complaining too much, though. He could suffer through some tofu if it meant not having to go to Gary and his old haunts. 
“Ooh!” Kelly said, “do I get to meet him? Redknapp keeps talking about how lovely he is, I figure I could judge for myself.” Ah, yes, Redders. Running into Redders had been an accident. They managed to bump into him at the golf course the week before. Tom was good at golf, unlike Redders, as much as he tried to be. Tom gave him a few pointers, helping Redders fix his posture for his swings. They ended up playing a whole round together while Jamie played ping-pong with an eight-year-old girl in the clubhouse. Redders hadn’t shut up about how Tom’s wonderfulness and his perfect swing since. Jamie nodded at Kelly. He figured he couldn’t do any more damage. 
The three of them stood in the parking lot waiting for Tom’s car to pull in. He wasn’t late of course, he never is, they just got out earlier than anticipated. Gary had tried to skitter off to his car but Kelly practically dragged him back up on the curb. Gary, despite trying to put on an agreeable face, looked about as miserable as Jamie felt. Jamie thought he was slightly better at hiding it though. 
At 10:59 Tom’s blue Volkswagen pulled in. One minute early. He wore a nice checked shirt with the first few buttons undone. His hair and shirt were miraculously crisp and clean after a full day of work. He looked like a fucking god with his symmetrical face, sharp bone structure, and straight nose. Kelly certainly took note of that. “Our Carra is a lucky man!” She whispered before going over to Tom to introduce herself. Tom shook her hand and complimented her dress which, to be fair, was a very nice floral pattern. 
Tom stuck his hand out for Gary to shake. “Hello Gary, my name’s Tom. It’s nice to meet you.” Gary takes a minute to collect himself and takes Tom’s outstretched hand giving it a firm shake. 
“It’s nice to meet you as well.” It sounds remarkably fake, of course it does, but Tom doesn’t seem to notice. He just turns towards Jamie with a perfect smile. 
“You have such lovely friends, Jamie. It was nice to meet you both.” Jamie wasn’t so sure about that but played along and let Tom walk him to the car. Tom opened Jamie’s door for him before walking around to get in himself. He saw Kelly sling an arm around Gary’s shoulders as they drove away. Jamie took a deep breath and remembered it was all for the best. He reminded himself that this was what he wanted: stability. He didn’t want to fight anymore. The words Gary had said that night still rung in his ears. He was sure his own snarls were not forgotten either. 
It started to rain as they parked but Tom had an umbrella. Gary never had an umbrella. You’d think that living in Manchester he’d learn to at least keep one in his car. Instead, he resorted to sprinting away from the rain as fast as he could trying to avoid the rain, he wasn’t as fast as he used to be. But Tom was prepared, he always was. He held the umbrella for the both of them as they walked around to the front of the restaurant. 
“James, try the torte it’s quite delicious.” Jamie hated being called James. Absolutely hated it. Not when Gary said it though. His stupid manc accent stretched the vowels into velvet. When Gary said it he felt special. Tom’s polished London accent made him feel posh, pretentious, and twatty. James. Ugh. It was like the word torte. It’s a fucking cake, just call it what it is. Jamie took a bite of the torte. It was good if you ignored the aftertaste of soya in the frosting, a little dry, but Jamie nodded his head like it was an orange mcflurry. He let Tom finish the dessert. 
They’re in the car. Tom’s dropping Jamie off at his apartment. Tom must have noticed that Jamie had been quiet and switched the topic to something a little more in his wheelhouse: football. They were talking about England and possible squads for the upcoming international break. Tom started talking about moving Kyle Walker into midfield and Jamie couldn’t take it. 
“That’s bollocks. Where is the one place on the field where we actually have players? Fucking midfield. Gareth’s drowning in defenders but not experienced ones. Playing Walker in midfield fucking undermines Henderson and leaves the young centrebacks overexposed.” Tom laughs for some reason. Jamie doesn’t find it funny.
“Well, you would certainly know.” This is what you want, he reminds himself again. Peace, calm, stability. This is happiness. But, fuck, Jamie missed Gary. He missed the challenge. He missed the little crease between Gary’s eyes. He missed Gary’s squeaky voice when he gets worked up. He missed fighting and bickering with Gary over things that didn’t matter. He missed screaming at Gary and Gary screaming back. He missed the really hot sex they’d have after such screaming matches, making Gary scream in a different, more satisfying way. He missed Gary’s laugh, his smile. It seemed to Jamie that neither of them have smiled much since that day. Jamie thought that smiling didn’t seem worth it if Gary wasn’t smiling back. 
Jamie checked his phone. It was nearing 1 am. He had a handful of messages from Kelly. Jamie didn’t want to read about how great she thought Tom was, he fucking knew that Tom was great. On paper, he was fucking perfect. The perfect boyfriend. The dream guy. Not for Jamie though. He dreamed of an angry, passionate, crazy, wonderful manc. He opened his messages anyways though, figuring Tom would want to hear what Kelly thought about him. 
Jamie. I know you’re on your date but we need to talk. Can you call me? It’s about Gaz. The first one read.
He’s at mine. Really upset. He said not to talk to you so I figure you know what’s going on. That sounded about right. Kelly caring more about Gary’s well being than Gary himself. Gary was too stubborn to care. 
Call me please. The last one read. Fuck. They’d made a mess of things. Not only had they made a mess of themselves, but they’d also dragged the others into it. 
“Can you pull into that park up there?” Jamie asked Tom. He nodded and turned down the radio, waiting for Jamie to say something more. He didn’t though. Not until he got out of the car and puked some partially digested salad in the grass. Tom came over to him and rested his palm on Jamie’s mid back. Gary used to pet his hair, carding his fingers through it, on those mornings after he’d had a little too much to drink. 
Jamie laid on his back in the middle of the parking lot. The rain soaked through his thin shirt in seconds. Tom looked down at him concerned. “I can’t do this, Tom. You’re so lovely. I mean you’re so fucking lovely but I just can’t—”
“I get it, James. You’re still in love with him.” The bastard still looked perfect even drenched with rain. Jamie guessed that he probably looked like a drowned rat. Jamie must have been giving him a confused look because he laughed and explained further. “I saw the way you used to look at him on the tele like he’s the fucking sun. I saw the way you looked at him tonight like being around him was tearing you apart. Besides, I’m pretty sure half the nation knew there was something going on there.” Jamie laughed at that. They had been pretty obvious. And not just Gary, apparently. Apparently, he was just as open of a book. He needed to call Kelly. 
She picked up after three rings. “Hi Carra,” she whispered, “needed to get out of the living room, Gaz’s sleeping on my couch.”
“Is he okay?” Jamie asked, not really wanting to hear the answer. 
“He’s a wreck, Jamie. He misses you.” I miss him too, Jamie didn’t say, so much. 
“Can I come round?” Jamie asked. Kelly said yes so long as Jamie can get Gary the hell out of her living room and gave Carra her address. 
Thankfully, Kelly’s place was nearby, about a mile away. Jamie didn’t know where he got the energy considering he was dead on his feet a few minutes before, but he ran there as fast as he possibly could. His water-filled shoes squished loudly with every step. He got there in seven minutes and was panting heavily when he knocked on the door. Kelly let him in wordlessly. 
Gary was still sleeping on the couch when he walked into the living room. Kelly gave him a nod and walked into the kitchen. Jamie kneeled next to Gary and cupped his cheek with his palm. Jamie hadn’t realized how much he’d missed that simple feeling. Gary’s forehead was still crinkled in his sleep. His eyes were dark like he hadn’t slept much. Jamie hadn’t either. It was hard to sleep alone, without Gary’s comforting weight on his chest. Jamie took Gary’s hand from where it was tucked under his chin and intertwined their fingers. The weight of Gary’s hand in his set relief running through Jamie’s body. Gary started to stir at that. 
“James?” Jamie smiles at that. His stupid name sounds beautiful coming from Gary’s mouth. His eyes weren’t even open yet and Gary already knows it’s him. “What are you doing here?” He opened his eyes slightly but upon seeing Jamie they were wide open. Gary’s eyes were red and bloodshot. Jamie just wanted to yank him into his arms and hug him forever. 
“What are you doing here, you muppet? Bothering Kelly at 2 am?” Jamie said playfully. Gary flushed slightly. “Come on, Gaz. Let’s get you home.” He grabbed Gary’s hand to pull him up. Gary stumbled when he tried to take a step. Carra looked down at the empty beer bottles and figured that was why. He grabbed Gary’s arm and slung it over his shoulder. Gary’s head rested in the crook of Jamie’s neck, his soft breathing tickling at the skin there. 
“Kelly,” Jamie called softly into the kitchen, “we’re leaving.” She came out to stand in the doorway in her fluffy, pink bunny slippers that Jamie had somehow not noticed before. Jamie thought he should get Gary a pair. 
“Set an alarm,” she said, “he wakes up early. Don’t let him bolt.” Jamie figured Gary wouldn’t be racing out of his apartment at 5 am with the hangover he was sure to have but it was still a good idea. Gary was an unpredictable, stubborn bastard at times. Jamie thanked her and helped Gary down to his car. 
It was still pouring when they got out of the building because clearly the gods wanted Gary to either sober up or catch his death. Thankfully, in his upset Gary had forgotten to lock the car meaning Carra didn’t have to fumble around for his keys in the current weather. Except, that Gary wouldn’t get into the car. He sprawled his limbs over the door so Jamie couldn’t push him inside. 
“Gary, if you don’t get your arse in that car, I’m going to leave you out here to drown.” Obviously, he wasn’t serious but he figured that Gary might be drunk enough not to know that. Gary just smiled up fondly at him and stayed put. 
“I love you,” he said, looking like the most radiant, beautiful thing Jamie had ever seen in his life. His hair was a mess, stuck down to his forehead. His cheeks were bright red from a mix of alcohol and the cold. His eyes were still red but god they held all the love in the world. Jamie could see that somehow, after everything, Gary still loved him, truly loved him. After all the things he said, screamed, did, this man--this beautiful man--still loved Jamie every ounce as much as Jamie loved him. It didn’t matter what he should want, he wanted Gary and all of his adorable, infuriating flaws. His recipe to happiness was just that: his own. He didn’t need stability, calm, peace. He needed to feel something. 
Jamie cupped his face for the second time that night. He ran his thumb over Gary’s wet, stubbly cheeks. Jamie couldn’t help himself. He kissed Gary with all of the kisses they’d missed in the past two months. The two months of pain, loneliness, desolation. He kissed Gary with all of the love he had in his cold, wet body and Gary did the same. Gary moved slower than Jamie, less frantically but no less enthusiastically. Gary clutched at his jacket like a vice, unwilling to let go. Jamie moved his hands around Gary’s body. He wanted to make sure that everything was still as he remembered it. And it was. Of course, it was. He had Gary in his arms, it didn’t matter that the rain had picked up. Though, he was sure he’d hear about the soggy interior of Gary’s car in the morning. He pulled away reluctantly for breath and rested his forehead against Gary’s.
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bittykimmy13 · 4 years
Reward (GT Horror)
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This is a Shot in the Dark AU known at the “Dark Future AU”.
Fairies have been exposed to the world. Bounties have been placed on their captures. They’re not going down without a fight.
Shot in the Dark / Dark Future AU belongs to me and the lovely @marydublin5 / @little-miss-maggie (creator of the rad header image) <3
Warning: Blood, violence
~ * ~ *  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ 
“Haven’t you heard those new reports?” Simon asked, anxiously glancing at the dark trees. “We shouldn’t go after them ourselves. We can just call the number about a sighting. I mean… if you’re really sure you saw one out here.”
“Bullshit,” said Kyle, his older cousin. The two of them took a careful path along the rocky shores of the creek, armed with flashlights and iron cages. “The only way to get paid is if we catch them ourselves. And I know I saw one.”
“But… they’re dangerous. The news says so. With our luck, you spotted a damn fire fairy.”
Kyle scoffed, throwing an unbothered look back at Simon. “They’re like, doll size. Besides, we got iron. They can’t do their magic shit when they’re around iron.”
Simon’s answering silence was not an agreement. Kyle knew him well enough to pick up on that, wheeling around to face him. Simon cringed as the flashlight beam was aimed at his face.
“If we pull this off, you can pay your first semester—” Kyle snapped his fingers. “—just like that. And I’ll be able to put off me and my mom’s eviction long enough to figure something out. Hell, maybe we’ll hit the fucking lotto like that guy in Oregon.”
The guy in question had made nearly 100 grand when he tracked down an entire village of fairies at the bottom of a canyon. $2,000 per fairy. $5,000 if it was a healer.
Still, Simon wasn’t convinced. Their crummy little town and the dolce woodland surrounding it were too boring for anything as exciting as fairies. But Kyle had never been easy to say no to. Especially not now. It’d be like saying that his looming eviction was not worth a night of stumbling around by the creek.
“Fine. We’ll just—” Simon cut off in a choke, squinting past the beam of Kyle’s flashlight. There was another light. A faint purple glow in the trees up ahead. It moved, jerking back as if it knew it had been spotted. “There!” Simon uttered, pointing.
As Kyle turned, the tiny purple glow darted into the trees. Simon was too stunned to move, flinching when Kyle whooped and took off at a sprint for the light.
“Let’s go!”
Snapping into action, Simon followed. It was shockingly easy to get the glow back into view again. He’d heard fairies were supposed to be wickedly fast, but that didn’t seem to be the case. This one didn’t appear to be particularly elusive either, not even attempting to fly very high out of reach. But it seemed to realize its glow was betraying it; the light flickered off.
Kyle shined his flashlight in its direction, and Simon caught sight of a little winged form. It was every tinier than he expected a fairy to be in person. The beam clearly startled it. Flight faltering, it ran into a thick clump of leaves and dropped to the ground faster than Kyle could follow with the light. There was a faint thump on the bed of dead leaves.
Both cousins stopped in their tracks.
“Shit, I didn’t see where it fell,” Kyle huffed, though his eyes already glittered with victory. “I’ll check this side, and you check there. And you watch your fucking step.”
Heart pounding, Simon carefully picked his way closer to the trees. Stooping, he searched the dry leaves with his flashlight. The beam passed over a spot of sky blue that was entirely out of place. He darted the light back to it, and his heart felt like it stopped altogether.
The little figure was shivering, curled up on its side with its face buried in its arms. Its blue hair was in two long braids. The longer he stared, the more he was certain that it was a kid—a little girl who couldn’t be older than seven or eight.
Unable to utter a word, Simon was suddenly concerned about the height of her fall, wondering if she had broken anything. He set aside the iron cage and forgot it entirely, reaching out slowly to the minuscule form cowering among the leaves.
His fingertip brushed her elbow, and he flinched back immediately, feeling like he’d break her from a single touch. She peeked up from her arms with wide eyes. Tears stained her tiny face. He felt like he was trembling as badly as she was. Her gaze lifted higher and higher until she could spot his face. Her jaw dropped in horror as though she was looking at a monster—and he definitely felt like one at the moment.
“U-um,” he said under his breath. “A-are you hurt? No, wait—don’t—” He dropped his hand behind her to stop her from skittering under the cover of the roots.
Her wings bumped against his palm, and she curled into a ball. She shrieked—a sound that sliced through the quiet woods despite her size.
Kyle gasped and was at Simon’s side in an instant, kneeling down.
“Yes!” Kyle crowed.
Simon was too frozen to react as Kyle swept the tiny fairy into one hand, abandoning his iron cage as well. The little girl cried and pleading incoherently, pushing at his fingers with life-or-death desperation. Simon finally snapped out of it when he saw the elated look on Kyle’s face—they couldn’t possibly be looking at the same thing.
“Wait.” Simon clutched Kyle’s shoulder, shaking his head slowly. “We… we can’t. Not her. This—this is wrong.” He could barely force the words out while the little girl’s wails tore at his heart.
“What, you’re gonna puss out on me now, man? I heard bringing in kids is a higher reward. They’re easier to manage.”
Simon gaped, wondering when the guy he had looked up to all his life had become such a vile stranger. “We can’t do this!” he insisted.
“Fine, forget about splitting the cash, then. Just don’t come fucking crawling to me whe—” There was a sharp crackle of splintering wood, and Kyle’s words cut off with a croak.
At first, Simon couldn’t make sense of what he was seeing. The nearby roots had… had jumped up like spikes. The tips were not visible because they were buried in between Kyle’s ribs. He stayed knelt there in shock, held up by the roots that punctured him.
A glowing green figure swept in close and snatched the little girl from Kyle’s grasp. She was a full-grown fairy woman. She hugged the child and shushed her while she wept herself. “We t-told you not to wander—we told you!”
Simon’s gaze drifted further until he saw the blue glow of a third fairy—a man holding his hands out in Kyle’s direction. The man closed his fists and jerked his hands back. The roots shot back out of Kyle and receded back into the earth.
“NO!” Simon yelled, dropping to Kyle’s side, clutching his arm desperately. Kyle’s eyes were still wide, glazing over as a growing pool of darkness stained his t-shirt. His mouth moved with unintelligible words. Blood gurgled from his mouth and dripped down his cheeks.
A choked sob rattled through Simon. He looked to the fairies, who were still hovering a short distance away. He was next. He had to be. Without thinking, he lunged for one of the cages. The woman, holding her weeping daughter with one arm, shot her hand out. A sharp gust of wind came from nowhere and thwarted Simon’s attempt to grab his defense. He huddled against Kyle, watching the little figures with cold fear.
A part of him still thought he could get Kyle to a hospital and forget any of this ever happened. If he could convince the fairies to let them go.
“I-I’m sorry,” Simon whimpered, looking between the two adult fairies. “Please… we… we won’t tell anyone. P-please.”
The man, stone-faced, looked at the woman.
The woman laid her cheek on the top of her daughter’s head. The little girl would not stop crying, holding desperately to her mother. The woman’s lips pulled back in a snarl, hatred brimming in her eyes as she regarded Simon.
“I don’t believe you,” she said simply.
She shouted something in a language Simon didn’t understand, throwing her hand out. His next breath never came.
It was as if the air had been scooped from his lungs. He tried to inhale, but his body wouldn’t allow it. He croaked, staying on his knees as his back arched. The edges of his vision began to darken. He clawed at his throat, looking up at the faint starlight glimmering through the branches and leaves. His lungs were on fire, and he couldn’t even scream from the agony.
The darkness spread, crawling closer to the center of his vision until the smallest pinprick of light vanished.
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Coming Up on Bondi Rescue - A Max Ayshford story part 2
It's not my thing to write drabble - I need structure - so here goes part 2 of Coming Up on Bondi Rescue -A Max Ayshford story
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Back at Bondi's beach couple days later Kyle's girlfriend, Jendayi joined the team, another teen to watch.
Playing Chicken Fight with the teens in the water, you find yourself carrying Ava on your shoulders, knowing her fierce character you knew Kyle's girlfriend wouldn't win. And you were right, Ava pushed her, sending Kyle under water and Jendayi tumbling into a wave. Fearing she might hit her head on a sandband you quickly grabbed her arm, she took the wave but at least didn't get hurt, no spinal injury today.
Ava got down your shoulders just how she got on, climbing down your waist and thighs. No wonder she was a good cheerleader.
"Oh my, look" she yanked at your hand, "the lifeguards!"
She reacted as any teenager would in front of cute guys. But it wasn't because she liked them, it was because she knew one of them had took interest in you. Max. At least she felt it, as she would say, even though she had seen the guy 5 minutes while you bid goodbye.
After Hazel's parents were found, Ava and Kyle came to fetch you out the lifeguards' tower, eventually meeting Max, Jake and Harries.
You pull your swimdress down a little since you had a ridiculous sunburn high on your thighs from a few days ago while you were skating in shorts.
She looked at you, her devious smile plastered on "Don't ..." you warned, and she run to the buggy. "Troublemaker" you mumbled
"Hi! Can we take pictures? She asked with no fear in the world. Kyle was staying by your side while his girlfriend and his sister started taking pictures with Max and another lifeguard named Jessie.
"Y/N, come!" She called out, then caught your arm almost throwing you into Max's chest.
"Sorry, hi," you cleared your throat, trying to not stare at his chiseled torso.
"How are ya?" He asked, while looking straight ahead at Kyke taking the photo.
"Fine, thks, you?"
"Great now" you both adored a shy smile.
Kyle frowned, handing Ava her phone. He was watching Max like a hawke.
"Hm, I'll be up in the tower in about," he turned around to Jessie grabbing his wrist to see his watch, "an hour. If you, and the kids," he remember they were here, "want to have a lifeguard experience."
"Yeaah, let's do it!" Ava obviously was thrilled
"Please, Y/N!!" Jendayi pleaded, Kyle on the other hand shrugged. You made a note to talk to him later.
"Ok, we'll come up in an hour then" you smiled, he offered the biggest smile you've seen from him so far making your legs wobbly.
"Tower to north rhino, you got a man struggling at the back"
"Copy mate" Jessie answered the talkie and Max ran into action, grabbing the board on the other side and sprinting to the water.
You watched him, barely stopping the drool out of your mouth seeing his ripped back muscles.
Get yourself together you internally slap yourself.
"I'm hungry, can we get back to the towels," Kyle grumbled
Ava crashed into you locking her arm around yours "Who doesn't want a lifeguard experience .." she chuckled
"Ava!" You gaped at her naughty comment.
"Kyle, what's going on with you and the lifeguards"
He brewed on his own in his mother's kitchen.
"He's jealous"
"What? Of who?" Ava didn't reply, munching on her pop-corn instead.
"I'm not jealous! He finally argued, "I .. I don't want Y/N to get hurt by another guy that's all!"
You were speechless. You'd never imagine he would be concern about uour relationship that much. He knew your abusive ex-boyfriend but ...
"I'm so sorry Kyle, that you took it up on you to worry for me, really I would have never thought.." you gave him a tight hug.
"Now I need you to stop worrying for me, okay. Live your teen life, I'll be fine now."
"So no more death stare at the Max guy" Ava spoke uo with her mouth full almost chocking.
"Max?" You wondered "Oh! Max...right. Yeah please don't scare him away." The three of you laughed it off.
You had broken up with your 3 years boyfriend after he once again took his anger upon you, yelling and accusing you of all sorts of things that were going wrong in his life. In the end he was just a loser. Thinking about it now, you never thought you could be one of those woman who doesn't escape the situation sooner. Hell he even didn't want you at the beach because he didn't want guys to look at you.
It had been about 6 month now, you were feeling so much better, and enjoying Bondi Beach as much as you could. He on the other hand was still harassing you from time to time, but you told yourself you won't let what he could say by text or vocal messages, keep you up at night.
You wanted to move on, you had take some time for yourself and meeting Max at the perfect timing, you decided it was time for you to start dating again. Now someone else could keep up at night for better reasons.
An hour later you were up in the lifeguard tower, Max was here, Harrisson a smiley boy, a tall blond named Maxi and Yatesy.
Max opened the door, before you could tell them to behave the teens ran up the stairs to see the view from there, the CCTV and else.
"If they break anything ..., I'm sorry," you told Max who was still by your side on the ground floor.
"It's alright, I'll take responsability, it's worth it"
Taking in his words you were trying to come up with somerhing, but in the corner of your eyes you saw Kyle eyeing the shark alarm. "Don't you even dare!"
Jendayi slapped Kyle's arm, she was keeping him in line, great!
You sight, "see, that's what I'm talking about," Max laughed leading you up.
About 20 minutes later, even though chatting with Max and the other lifeguards was great, you decided it was time to go you didn't want to abuse their hospitality, and they were working in the end.
"Go on!" Harrisson pushed him
"Hm, Y/N!" you stopped at the door "Yeah?"
He bit his lower lips, a thing you noticed he tend to do sometimes "We lock the tower at 6.30, would you ..would you like to go out for a drink tonight?"
Ava squealed behind you, Kyle grabbed her dragging her to the pavement.
The corner of your lips quirked up, "I'd love too." He beamed "meet you here at 6.30 then" you leaned in pressing a hand on his chest, going on your tiptoe to reach his cheek, leaving a gentle peck on his sharp jawline. The smile he had was lovely, never faltering, making you melt.
Taking a few steps to the main road you heard a sudden ruckus from the lifeguard tower, the door was still open, whooping with laughter erupting from the place, you chuckled to yourself. Ava talked about it all night during diner with their mom. She was almost more excited than you.
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dangan-happy · 4 years
KAME-HAME-FORGET ABOUT IT! To Kokichi, Akane, and Kaito, in no particular order! I really haven't been feeling the best, lately, so would it be alright if I asked you guys to tell me the funniest things you could come up with? Anything to make me laugh, or even just smile! They can be events, jokes, completely made up, nonsensical quotes- you name it! Thank you so much for your time! Ya'll are swag.
Somethin’ funny, ey? Gotcha' dude!
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Listen up anon, so there's this dude named Kyle, his ass so extremely fat I swear.. It’s just huge! Enormous! Ya’ get the deal, right. His asscheeks just couldn’t be quenched, ever. This dude enjoyed his free time just fuckin’ twerkin’ at others to assert his dominance, the flappyness of his gigantic buttocks would intimidate anyone in a 10 mile radius! Literally! The second people heard the clappin’ of Kyle’s asscheeks get closer they would run the hell away! A lonely life he must’ve lived ey… but hey! He didn’t seem ta’ mind, his brain was stored in the ass so he didn’t really care about anythin’! Sounds like a fun life to me! 
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And so anyways.. Kyle was able to live a happy life, even though he didn’t have friends or a lover, he had his big fat enormously thick badonkadonkerlongerschinglers… and that’s what mattered.... THE END!
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Hope ya’ liked that, you’re hella’ swag too! Ya’ ass probably fat dude.
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What's up bro! Something funny huh? Well, you can call it open mic night because...I have no idea where I was going with that. That wasn't the funny thing, I can do better I swear. Ok, here's what I got for you. So, once upon a time, I was sitting alone in a basement watching a horror movie. Like, that was a BAD idea, because it was dark, and I was alone, and the movie was actually pretty damn terrifying, but I'm friends with a lot of horror movie fans, and in order to seem tougher, I kinda sorta told them that I love horror movies, and they were like "Oh great, go watch this list of movies so we can watch the next one that comes out together." So ya boy was like, great, ok, movies. I can do this. But bro, the Conjuring series is actually pretty damn terrifying, especially if you're alone in a basement.
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So I was doing pretty ok, vibing with my new best friend, a baby Yoda plushy that was the size of my torso, (he's doing good too, his name is Chad.) and I think I was watching Annabelle comes home, I mean, it was something creepy doll related, and I was at a part where a clawed monster arm slowly reaches for the child's leg. It was slow, scary music, all kinds of suspense, and as the monster thingy's claws reached the child...I FELT CLAWS ON MY HEEL!
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So I freaked, and I mean, totally freaked the hell out. I jumped off the couch, accidentally smacked Chad onto the floor (Sorry Chad) and I screamed louder and at a higher pitch then the damn eight year old girls in the movie. Like, if I was acting in a horror movie, I would have gotten an oscar award. I think that's the movie award, right? Anyways, I whacked my head on a wall, tripped over a chair, and sprinted to the back of the room. But then my brain caught up with me, and it said something like, "Kaito, bro, there's no way there's a monster under there." And then I saw it. I had left one of my socks by the couch. Slowly, something reached out, hooked itself around the sock, and slowly dragged it under the couch.
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There is only one creature that I know of that does that. It was my freaking cat. So the couch I was sitting on has a really low opening at the bottom, so I didn't think that my cat could even fit under there! But she did, and now I'm pretty sure that took at least six years off my life. It also turned out that I wasn't alone, and my friend came downstairs expecting an axe murderer or to find me dead, because apparently the whole country could have heard me scream. I didn't finish the movie, I will cut my losses on that one. I dunno if that's actually funny, but it was to me at the time, and it still is, so yeah, that's what you get. You're swag too, this was fun to answer. I hope it made you laugh!!
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Oooh, I totally got this. Ok, so this is probably one of my best stories, I think, so here we go. So once upon a time, I was a freshman. I know, wow, exciting. And my friend and I had the same class, so we were walking together, and he told me he had to use the bathroom, and then he told me to wait for him. So I was like, ok, whatever, and leaned on the wall outside the bathroom playing games on my phone or whatever. I'm pretty sure I looked sketchy as hell, but that's ok. So, my friend was in there for a while, like, twenty minutes had passed and we were officially late for class, but like I didn't care. Because screw education, I'm already a genius.
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Anywho, at this point I was pretty sure my friend had died or something, so I texted him something helpful, something along the lines of "Where the fuck are you?" Surprisingly I got an answer, and that answer was "I'm stuck." So I was like, wait what the hell does that mean? So I sent him about sixteen question marks as a response. And again, like the helpful bastard he is, he said "I'm stuck." At this point I was kinda over waiting for him, but I was still a liiiiittle curious, so I said "stuck how?" And my friend, my sweet, completely stupid as hell friend said, "In the urinal." So cue sixteen more question marks on my end, and he said "Now hear me out." Well, my choices were to go to class or hear him out, so naturally I stayed. My friend then called me to tell me his epic tale of stupidity. He started out with, "So the little floaty ball thing was broken." And I was like, ok, wow, fantastic, fabulous, get to the damn point. Then he said "So I decided to try and push it back down with my foot. And now my foot is stuck." I can't remember what I said exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "Why the FUCK would you do that? That's disgusting!" and to reassure me my friend said, "Don't worry, I took my socks off before I did it."
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So this utter genius took his socks off, then put his shoes back on before shoving his foot into a urinal to try and fix it. The urinals at that school had like, freaking huge holes for some reason, (that sounded wrong), so it was honestly pretty believable that he had actually done this. To double check I opened the door, looked inside, and whacked my head on the door knob doubling over laughing, because there he was in all of his glory, my friend, socks on the floor next to him, left foot jammed into the urinal. He told me to go away, because he had it handled, and I think I was just on the floor laughing for the next five minutes. Eventually my friend said something like, "Ok, I don't got this. I need help." So I dragged myself off the floor and managed to find the janitor. 
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Amazingly, he thought I was screwing around when I told him my friend was stuck in a urinal. I had to literally beg him to follow me, which he did, and when he opened the door, there was my friend, who quickly tried to look casual. All the janitor said was "How in the hell did you do that?" Well, turns out my friend was stuck TIGHT, and the janitor couldn't get him out, so he did what any sensible person would do. He called an ERT. ERT stood for emergency rescue teacher, and that was a group of teachers who would rush out and go to help with an emergency, usually an injury. So, two minutes later, the godly sound of "ERT to the boy's hallway bathroom, ERT to the boy's hallway bathroom." was playing over the loudspeakers. The teachers held the door open while they were trying to get my friend free, so pretty much anyone could walk by and see what was going on. I was dying laughing with a few other friends that had showed up, and from that point forward, my friend was known as "Urinal Guy" until graduation. Oh yeah, they got him out, he's not like, still there or anything. Anyways, there you go. That's my story, and yeah, I don't really have anything else to say. I hope you enjoyed, I need to go ensure that my friend never finds out that I put this story on the internet.
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el-gilliath · 5 years
This is based on this prompt by @monluna-dreamer​. It’s also one hundred percent dedicated to @bestillmyslashyheart​ who angsts with me, gives me ideas and tips, and asks just enough questions for my mind to start spinning. I love you, Marlo.
WARNING: Temporary Character Death
It’s not a secret. Nothing about them has ever been a secret. It just hasn’t been spoken about out loud. In the beginning fear kept them back, DADT and Jesse Manes hanging over them like a deep, dark abyss they could never cross. Eventually that abyss filled with sand, planing out into something that was rocky, but still doable. 
It’s still rocky, even if they’re working on being better. On communicating, something that has never been easy for them. First because of fear, then because of distance. Now they’re just stuck in a pattern. But it does help that they’re together, in the same place. Makes things a whole lot easier than it has been for the last ten years. 
They both know they want to be together, ten years, fear, distance and dramatic declarations have told them that, even if they’re not that good at saying it out loud. Even if Alex’s defenses spikes at the sight of his father and Michael’s sarcasm turns things a bit sour. They’re cosmic. They can’t and won’t give up. They’ve come too far for it. 
The panic that overcomes Michael as he hears about the shooting in the hospital isn’t something he takes lightly. Firstly because he knows Isobel was there visiting Liz. Then he remembers that Alex was supposed to have PT. Everything in him stops, coming to a frightening halt as his brain processes the information. Because if Alex is at the hospital, PT or no he will be obligated to do something. He wouldn’t let himself not do something. Alex Manes might not have been born for protecting but it’s everything he is now, after ten years in the Air Force. Standing by while innocent bystanders are hurt is not his style. It takes all Michael has not to drive like a maniac over to the hospital. He’s relieved when he sees Isobel, Noah, Max, Liz and Kyle, even Maria is there. He still gets that sinking feeling in his gut when he can’t locate Alex. 
He gets out of the truck and sprints over to them, calling out Isobel’s name and crushing her into a hug when she sees him. He doesn’t miss the way Kyle eyes him warily, as he’s the only one that actually knows about them. Which probably means what he thinks it means. 
He can hear Isobel prattle on about her memories but he doesn’t pay her all that much attention as he turns to Kyle. 
“Is he in there?”
“Guerin-,“ Kyle starts. Probably trying to dissuade him from going in. Fat chance of that happening. 
“Kyle! Is he in there?!”
He knows they’re all watching him, as Kyle swallows hard, before he does one sharp nod. “He wouldn’t leave.”
“Then I’m going in.”
And before anyone can stop him, Michael runs into the hospital. He has to get to him, has to get to Alex. Of all the days he had to be in PT, this had to be it. He moves slowly, ducking out of sight as police and firefighters move around or towards him. No one is stopping him until he finds Alex. 
He weaves in and out of hallways he shouldn’t know as well as he does, until he’s just around the corner from where Alex does PT. 
It steals the breath from his chest as he finds Alex leaning against the wall. His entire being is unable to move as he notices the blood seeping between Alex’s fingers where they’re pressing against his stomach. 
“Alex,” he whispers out, his mouth won’t make proper noise. It doesn’t matter, as Alex turns towards him. His service piece is in his hand, and he holds it steadily on Michael, his face a mask of calm control. The control cracks as he notices who he’s pointing a gun against. 
“Michael,” Alex groans out as he drops the hand holding the gun. “What the fuck are you doing here? There’s an active shooting going on you idiot.”
Michael ignores him as he runs over and presses his hands over Alex’s on his stomach. “What am I doing, you’re bleeding, Alex!”
“I’m aware of that.” Alex answers calm as a cucumber. Sometimes Michael absolutely hates his military training. “The shooter caught me off guard as I was coming into the hall. My physical therapist is already dead.”
“We need to get you out of here.” Michael is turning frantic now. The blood is leaving Alex too quickly. 
“No time, you need to text Kyle where we are, he’ll come in when it’s safe. Hopefully it won’t be too late.”
Michael’s heart screams at the calm words leaving Alex’s mouth. “You’re not dying.”
Alex looks at him, a pained smile on his face. “I might not have a choice, Guerin.”
“The fuck you don’t, you are not dying on my watch, Manes!”
Alex gives him a sharp look at the Manes, but doesn’t say anything. He’s stubborn, but so is Michael. Arguing gets them nowhere. 
“Text Kyle, Michael,” Alex replies instead. He’s swallowing hard, his breath turning shallower. His skin is turning pasty, Michael isn’t afraid to admit he’s really, really worried. 
“Just hold on, Alex,” he whispers. Alex shoots him a small smile, but even that doesn’t really help. Alex is dying, and they both know it. 
He gets his shitty phone out and texts Kyle, a simple Hallway H, Alex dying and shoves the thing back into his pocket. He ignores it when it buzzes a minute later in favor of putting his hand back over the bulletwound, grimacing when Alex groans in pain. His eyes are closing on their own, now, his breath shallower than ever. 
“Michael,” Alex forces out. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re going to be fine, Alex.”
A shadow of a smile appears on Alex’s lips. “Lies.”
“I don’t lie Private, you-“
“I love you.”
The softly spoken words take the wind completely out of the rant Michael was gearing up for. He knows Alex loves him, of course he knows. He just wishes they were said at a different time and space. Not when Alex is dying. 
“I love you too,” he still replies. The smile on Alex’s face makes it worth it. 
The next few minutes passes. His phone vibrates every now and then in his pocket but he still ignores it, he favores watching Alex grow weaker. He won’t take his eyes off of him, he won’t leave him alone. He never does look away. 
Jenna and Kyle round the corner 10minutes later. Both of them know the second they see them that they’re too late. Kyle calls time of death in a broken voice, as Jenna salutes Alex. Michael’s hand has migrated underneath Alex’s sweater. None of them notice his palm glowing red. 
He follows Jenna and Kyle out of the hospital in a daze, his mind blank, the chaos silent in the face of overwhelming loss. He knows it won’t last long as his eyes follow the stretcher where Alex’s body is. Alex’s body. It still doesn’t make sense. 
Nothing makes sense. 
He hears Isobel’s voice like a distant echo, like he’s trapped under water unable to breathe. He sees her in his peripheral vision coming closer to him, her hand stretching towards him. He still flinches when she touches him. 
“Oh, Michael,” she says, her hand leaving him after the flinch. “I take it you knew Alex better than any of us think?”
“Museum guy,” he hears Maria murmur, and someone inhales sharply beside her. Probably Liz. “You’re the guy Alex has been feeling hopeful about, the one he’s been seeing on and off for ten years.”
Their voices and questions starts from behind him, Isobel, Noah, Maria, Liz. Strangely not Max. But he can’t differentiate or focus on them. Because the stretcher Alex is one has stopped, and they’re about to take him into an ambulance. To drive him to the morgue. 
He falls to his knees. He can’t fathom staying standing any longer. The love of his life is dead. 
He’s aware of the tears starting to fall as he looks down, he doesn’t want to see them loading Alex into the ambulance. He’s vaguely aware of Max sitting down next to him, his hand on his shoulder. Max doesn’t say anything, just sits with him as tears stream down his face. Michael appreciates it more than he can say. 
“Dr. Valenti! I thought you said this guy was dead!”
Michael’s head snap up quicker than he thought possible. Max’s hand on his shoulder tightens slightly, while Kyle makes a noise in derision. 
“Of course I did, he is! I called time of death myself!”
“Well then his heart restarted somehow, cause he has a pulse.” The EMT says and wisely moves away as Kyle rushes over. 
“Holy shit,” Kyle says and Michael scrambles to his feet. Alex was dead, he saw and felt him die. His panic rises. 
“Handprint,” he whispers. Max stiffens next to him.
“Kyle, you should check his wound.”
Kyle looks at Max, his eyes widening as his gaze quickly jumps to Michael. Michael can only shrug, it’s not a power he’s supposed to have but Alex was dead. Something happened. 
“Let’s get him into an exam room, now!” 
And Michael can only watch as Alex is hastily taken away, Kyle leaving them with a nod as if to say he’ll take care of it. He’s never been more petrified in his life. 
“You healed him?” Isobel hisses from behind him. He hears Maria inquire about what she means by heal but he can’t worry about her (and Noah, fuck) finding out their secret right now. 
Especially since an entire hospital might figure out shortly. 
“I don’t know,” he replies. “But he was dead and now he’s not. So I did something.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Max says with a squeeze to his shoulder. “Let’s just see if Alex survives first.”
“You… you don’t think he’ll survive?”
“I don’t know, Michael. I hope he does.”
He breaks down once more, painful sobs shaking his frame. He’s quickly surrounded by Isobel and Max, both of them hugging him close as he cries bitter tears into the fast approaching night. 
It’s touch and go for a long time. Alex’s heart threatens to stop a couple times in surgery as they remove the bullet, and Kyle has to be exceedingly careful in case a handprint starts to appear on his skin. But thankfully it doesn’t, and thankfully Alex pulls through. Michael cries, again, when he hears the news. He can’t help but be grateful. 
He’s less grateful a few days later when he feels pain. A lot of pain that he knows doesn’t belong to him. It starts small before it blossoms over the next couple of hours. And as he gets a frantic text from Kyle telling him to come to the hospital, NOW, he knows without a doubt that a handprint has appeared on Alex’s skin. 
He races over from work, after throwing out an excuse for Sanders who just grumbles and waves him off. Kyle meets him at the entrance, face scrunched up in a frown but he doesn’t say anything as he turns and walks to Alex’s room after Michael comes over. He just follows, knowing that Kyle won’t say anything until they’re behind closed doors. 
He doesn’t like to see Alex lying in a hospital bed. But seeing him awake negated that.
“Alex! You’re awake!”
Alex turns to look at him. He’s obviously tired and in pain, but he still smiles, beautifully. Michael’s heart soares at the sight.
“Hey, Guerin,” he says. He even sounds tired and Michael can’t help but lean over and kiss him. He’s alive.
“Okay, careful with the kissing. Don’t jostle him too much, he did just have surgery.”
“Spoilsport,” Alex replies as Michael jumps away, sending Kyle a tired glare.
“Maybe, but I’m not keen on you dying again. Even if Guerin can apparently bring you back from the dead.”
Alex cough-snorts. “Don’t make me laugh, Kyle. It hurts to laugh.”
“Sorry,” Kyle answers. “But now that you’re awake and with a very sparkly handprint on your stomach, I think we need to get you out of here.”
“Is that safe?” Michael asks.
“It’s fine, I’ll stop by everyday and make sure everything is healing the way it should. But if yould be better if someone stayed-”
“Of course I’m gonna stay with him,” Michael interjects. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The rush of love and affection feels strange in the pit of his stomach. But glorious at the same time. He smiles at Alex, taking his hand as he tries to project his own love right back. It’s weird, but knowing his handprint is on Alex’s skin makes him want to see it. It makes him proud that Alex is alive because of him. He never wants to lose him again.
“Did anyone see it?”
“No, only me so you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll give you a minute while I go get the discharge papers.”
“Hey Kyle?” Kyle stops in the doorway and turns a questioning look at Michael. “Thanks.”
“No, thank you. You saved him, not me,” he says with a sharp nod as he leaves. Michael nods back, even if Kyle doesn’t see him and turns back to Alex, who’s watching him with a smile
“You ready to take me home?” he asks, squeezing his hand softly.
“Always, Alex.” He can’t help but lean over and steal another kiss, regardless of Kyle’s warning. “Always.”
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insidious-intent · 5 years
Continued adventures of fratbro!Michael and emogay!Alex 
Part One here 
For @bellakitse @acomebackstory and @michaels-blackhat this isn't the porn y'all wanted, but it's something?
It was one minute left in the fourth quarter and they were down by three points. Michael had literally never been so stressed, and even Max was rocking back and forth with nerves. Their entire season had come down to this stupid game, and it was cold as hell, and Michael could not believe the team had come this far, just to lose the championship because of a field goal. 
They jog out into the field for the last offensive formation, Max bringing up the end as the team quarterback. Michael greeted the opposing team player with a grunt, getting ready to sprint at Max’s signal. The tension on the field was heavy and thick, even the crowd felt like it was holding its breath. Michael had seen Isobel and her cheerleading posse doing their best to ramp up the energy, but the end of a championship game was always too tense to enjoy. 
Michael knew what he had to do. Max knew what he needed Michael to do, and as Michael looked out into the field, he tried to hold on to the confidence of that knowledge. The shrill sound of the Max’s screeching started the clock, and Michael crouched down, ready. He started running before he even saw what Max was going to do, entirely sure of his brother’s strong arm and his ability to think quick in the pocket. 
He saw the opposing team player flanking his behind, and in a quick move, and felt more than saw the ball approaching him. Later that night the entire SigEp house would cheer Michael’s preternatural skills at catching the ball, but in that moment Michael was taking a leap of faith. He turned and jumped, catching the ball and rolling over the opposing team player in a smooth move and a half. Without waiting to congratulate himself on the catch, he took off down the field, end zone in sight. Thirty seconds. He put all his energy into dashing towards the end zone, praying silently that his teammates would take care of any obstacles. 
He saw Valenti take out an opposing linebacker, and suddenly the field was clear. Michael jogged into the end zone to deafening cheers and applause. The crowds were going wild, music was blaring loudly, and the cheerleaders could be heard shouting out their joy. Max suddenly tackled him in a hug from behind, and soon he was crowded by his teammates. They had won. The championship was theirs. He was lifted onto the shoulders of the team, and Michael greeted the crowd with arms wide open, a huge smile on his face. 
What he hadn’t expected to see was Alex Manes. Alex with his jet black styled hair, piercings and leather bracelets, giant headphones dangling from his neck, and wearing Michael’s football jacket. 
Alex standing up with the rest of the crowd, clapping and cheering, hugging Max’s “not my girlfriend, shut up Michael” girlfriend Liz, smiling that devastating smile of his. Michael stared with his jaw on the ground, unable to believe what he was looking at. 
The championship trophy award and Max’s speech were all a blur after. When the field got swamped by crowds of UNM students, dying to celebrate and congratulate their football team, Michael had eyes for only one person. He saw him at the back of the crowds, strolling lazily forward with Maria Deluca, both of them deep in conversation. His hands were deep in Michael’s jacket, and Michael felt that deep possessive thrill of seeing a beautiful boy, his beautiful boy, in Michael’s clothes. 
Michael walked against the crowd and reached the end, coming to stand in front of Alex. He saw Maria smirk and wave at him, as she walked away to greet Kyle and Max. 
“Hey, MVP.” 
“I didn’t think you went to football games.” 
Alex shrugged. “I don’t. Maria asked me to come with her.” 
Michael hummed and grinned, “oh I see. You were just being a good friend.” Making Alex shrug again. 
“And you’re wearing my jacket…to show school spirit I’m guessing.” 
“Nope. It was chilly, and I needed something warm to wear,” Alex answered real quickly, a deepening blush on his gorgeous cheeks belying his words. Michael grinned harder. 
“It isn’t like I wore this jacket because I missed you, or your smell, or the way you cuddle like…like an octopus or anything…In fact-” Michael put his arms around Alex’s waist and pulled him close, effectively ending his adorable rambling, even if he was really enjoying it. 
“I get it, darlin’. You miss me and love me, and I came to see me win this championship so I could do this to you,” Michael said pulling Alex even closer so he could kiss those lovely lips he’d missed for weeks now. He pulled back just to smile at his boyfriend, his boyfriend and kissed him again, deep and filthy, like he couldn’t bear to be parted from Alex’s mouth. 
A series of wolf whistles breaks their little bubble and Michael turns to see half the football team and all the cheerleaders looking at them and clapping. 
“Fucking finally Michael,” Isobel yelled, clapping and wolf whistling again. Max looked really annoyed, but the smile on his face said otherwise. 
“Get a room, losers!” Kyle yelled at them, and the cheerleaders booed at him loudly. Alex just pushed his face into Michael’s neck, and Michael held him even tighter, turning around to walk away from the field. 
“Yeah yeah, we’re leaving. Don’t hate us cuz you ain’t us, Valenti!” Michael yelled, flipping Kyle the bird. 
Alex giggled next to him. “Don’t hate us cuz you ain’t us? What are we in high school?” 
“I bet you were beautiful in high school too,” Michael answered. 
“We have got to talk about your relentless objectification of me,” Alex murmured. 
“Oh I’m sorry. Super sorry I can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you are,” Michael’s tone was glib, and he saw Alex bite down on an answering smile. 
“Whatever Guerin, see if I wear your jacket again.”
“As much as I love seeing you in my jacket, sweetheart. Let’s go see how hot you look out of it,” Michael answered immediately, nuzzling a kiss to Alex’s neck. 
He couldn’t wait to thank Alex properly later.
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WARNING: blood, violence, mention of death. Please be careful. this is a goddamn rollercoaster. So buckle up, shut up, and for the love of god keep your hands inside the cart at all times.
You and Kozik were best friends. He trusted you, and you him. He was always there for you. One night as you stepped in the door, your boyfriend Kyle was there. He was so drunk. Kozik loves you, but when he knew Kyle would be there, he tried to hate you. He would ignore your calls. He told you to leave him, that there were plenty of guys that would love a chance.
“Baby, grab me a beer. Yeah?” He shouts, throwing the empty beer can at you. Rolling your eyes, he head to the kitchen for a beer when he teeters behind you. Shoving you into the counter, you wince when his hands grip your hips too tightly.
“Hey, you’re hurting me.” You hiss, shoving him back. You look into his eyes scared, immediately sorry. A switch flipped in his eyes. They were so dark. “Baby I’m sorry.” You stammer.
“No you’re not.” He grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you to the living room, tossing you onto the couch. You fumble with your phone, dialing Kozik quickly. The phone goes to voicemail. You cried out as Kyle threw a punch into your ribs. Opie. Call Opie or Tig. One of them would come. You dialed Opie and he answers.
“Opie! Tell Kozik! Please tell him!” You shriek, trying to run from the brunette.
“Tell him what?” Opie barks. It catches the blonde’s attention.
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“I love him.” You whisper, and a shriek echoes through the line. Kozik almost heard what she said. It sounded like she loved him. Of course she did. Kyle was there. Opie starts to storm towards the bikes without another word. He heads straight to your house. Kyle’s bike still in the drive. Kozik wasn’t behind him. He found it so weird that her best friend didn’t care. The roar of a bike catches his attention. Kozik was flying up behind him. A shot gun slung over his shoulder, he was furious. The 12 gauge was in his hands as he physically kicked in your door. One pump, he fired into the brunette’s chest. Kyle falls, gasping. Kozik drops to his knees next to you trying to find a pulse.
“No dude.” He hisses, hauling you against his body. Your weak, shaking hands find his cheek and you smile so faintly at him.
“Kozzy! I love you.” You whisper, feeling your heart slow a little more.
“What?” He asks, running her to the truck as the guys rolled up. “Get her to the ER! I’ll be right behind you!” He shouts, squeezing your hand. “You never left him, and look at you. Goddamnit.” You hurt all over. He ripped the throttle as hard as he could and headed for the hospital. He’d hung up on your call, you knew when Kyle was with you that you couldn’t call him. Not for anything. It was a rule you two made and abided by. He should have known. Love. You said you loved him. Of course you always said it, but this time it felt different. It hurt different. Tears tracked down his face as he made it to the hospital.
“Here for the abuse patient!” He slams his ringed fingers on the counter to get the nurses attention.
“I’m sorry, head up stairs to the waiting room. She’s in surgery.” He followed the blue line. His heart broke when he saw you all sprawled, Kyle above you. He should have answered. He should have just picked up the damn phone.
Three hours in surgery, a doctor comes out, the waiting room full of bikers and wives.
“I’m gonna guess you’re all here for the surgery?” He asks, and Kozik nearly stumbles to the doctor, hands quaking.
“Doc, tell me straight, man. She’s gonna be okay right?” He stammers, ringed hands quaking at his sides and a painfully hopeful look in his eyes. The doctor takes a deep breath and Kozik feels himself get dizzy.
“I’m so sorry. We did everything we could.” He chokes and his knees crash against the floor. He couldn’t breathe, just sucking in shallow breaths. “I’m very sorry for your loss.” He addresses the group behind him. Kozik quaked and shook, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Can I see-her?” He chokes out.
“Sure, follow me. Bring one person with you.” Tig stands from his seat, tears rolling down his face and nodded.
“I’ll go, kid.” He murmurs, gripping the blonde’s shoulder in support as the doctor leads them down the hall.
“We’re just waiting for the medical examiners to come up and take her down. They’ll be up in about ten minutes.” He leads the two big bikers into the operating room. Kozik stands at the door, his eyes meeting your calm face. He grits his teeth. Tig’s hand covers his own mouth. Tears fell harder, sniffling. That sweet, spunky girl that Kozik dragged every where laying so still. That was the stillest Tig had ever seen you.
“Christ. I’m so sorry.” He whimpers, his feet carrying him to you. His hands quake above you for a moment, scared to touch you. If he didn’t touch you, he could just convince himself you were napping. That this was some kind of bad dream. “I’m so sorry.” He repeats, gathering her against him. Blood stained his white tee shirt, but he didn’t care. He let out a strangled cry, broke Tig’s heart. He’d never seen another man fall apart like this. “Please forgive me.” He whispers in her ear, nuzzling her cool face. “I love you too. I’m so sorry I didn’t say it back. Shit, I’m sorry. I love you too. Come back. Please. Come back!” He begs, shaking your stiffening shoulders.
“No. Please.” He begs, gripping tighter to her rapidly chilling body.
“Kozik. Put her down, it’s time to go.” Tig coos, touching his shoulder. Kozik lets out another heart wrenching sob, hugging her impossibly tighter for a moment.
“I can’t. I can’t leave her! She hates being alone!” He shouts as Tig pulls you away from him.
“Kozzie, she’s gone.” He whispers.
“I can’t leave her alone!” He shrieks as Tig all but carries the blonde away. His arms swinging hard against him as he tried to get back to her.
“Koz, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. Let her be now.” He croons. The medical examiners slip into the room and shut the door. As Kozik breaks away from Tig, stumbling towards the door. “Christ Koz! Pull your shit together!” Tig growls, racing back to grab him. Kozik grabbed the handle, jostling it back and forth.
“They’re gonna hurt her! Wait! Tig they’re—“
“Kozik! She’s gone, man! They’re not gonna hurt her! She’s not hurting anymore!” He shouts, grabbing him again.
“It’s my fault, Tig. She called me. I hung up on her. I might as well have just killed her. Christ, man. It’s my fault.” He whimpers, letting Tig drag him back to the crowd.
Kozik sprung from his bed, sweat-slicked and heart hammering against his chest as he found the bathroom in the dark. Grabbing the bowl, he loses his dinner. That dream felt so real, it all hurt so bad. His best friend. Around three AM as the blonde changed his sheets, his phone lit up and buzzed across the table. Her icon popped up and he tumbled to the desk for it.
“Hello?” His voice is quick and nervous.
“Hey, Koz. Can you come pick me up?” She whimpers. Dropping the phone and stuffing his feet into his boots, he sprints out the door and hops on his bike. Kicking it to life, he floors it to her house. As he pulls up, he sees her sitting on the front steps, a duffelbag at her side. Hopping off his bike, he sprints to her. His arms trap her against him in a crushing hug.
“Christ.” He whimpers, feeling the tears prick the corners of his eyes. He leans back for a moment, inspecting her face, his fingers running along her cheeks and jaw, thumb smoothing down the bridge of her nose before he crushes her against him once more. “I love you. I love you so much. I’m so sorry. I love you so much.” He repeats like a broken record, over and over.
“Kozik. Calm down. Calm down. What’s the matter?” She coos, caressing his face in her hands, swiping the tears from his eyes.
“I had this dream that Kyle beat you up, when me and Ope got there all you said was ‘I love you’ and I was so mad. I kept telling you to leave him, but you wouldn’t! Christ. You got to the hospital, we sat there for hours,” he takes a shaky breath, hands quaking as they close around her face. “You died. The doc let me see your body. It was so scary. It felt so real. Christ. I’m so sorry. I love you. I love you so much.” He coos as his hand cups the back of her head.
“Hey Koz? I called because I’m leaving Kyle.”
“Is he in there?” He asks, eyes darkening.
“Yeah why?” He pulls his pistol from his jeans and pops Kyle between the eyes. “Koz what the fuck?” She shrieks. He looks at the black eye she dons.
“He’s never gonna have the chance to make that shit true.” He grits, grabbing her and pressing a hot kiss to her lips. Grabbing her duffelbag, he gives Happy a call, telling him they needed to get rid of a body. But first, he planned on taking her home and showing her exactly how a woman should be loved.
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Certain Point Of View Chapter 6
Warning: This chapter portrays the effects of abuse, if you or someone you know is a victim of abuse this chapter may be triggering
You let out a long sigh of boredom as you wandered the stacks of books that sat in your store as you slowly realized you've read them all. "Today's going to be a long day." You grumbled to yourself before the ground began rumbling and the shelves began to shake as a monster’s roar echoed throughout the city streets. "Oh my gods no no no." You muttered in a panic as you rushed out the door. The city was blanketed in a soft fluffy layer of snow, more floating down from thick clouds overhead as the massively colossal serpent rose from the bay, chunks of ice and streams of water cascading from his scales. Your jaw dropped and an excited dread filled your soul as you realized in an instant what this was. Jormungand let out a deep guttural blood curdling scream that rushed the streets just before you realized he had been struck in the face by the hammer of Thor. Your eyes darted around in a wondrous excitement, Avengers and onlookers were quickly gathering all around the area. 
"Focus on his stomach. He's always had a soft underbelly." Loki's voice rang out as he and Thor stood against the beast. Finally others could see your god of mischief fighting to defend humanity. Finally now so many others will finally see that he was simply misunderstood. 
"Go Loki!" You cheered as a subtle shy grin curled your lips. Your eyes caught his as he turned to look back to the only person cheering for him, grinning to you with a quick wink, his heart swelling with a prideful joy to know that after all this you still found the capacity to see the best in him.
Your eyes sparkled in the falling snow as you cheered watching the heros and reformed villain battle the raging beast until a great shadow blocked the sun above you. You looked up to see a large shimmering scaly tail careening toward you. You were frozen with terror until you felt tight arms around you as a body tackled you into a snowbank. All the air left your body as your back fell against the thick snow, moving you just in time for the serpent's tail to land exactly where you were standing. Your eyes widened in shock as they moved from the tail to the swirls of blue and green eyes framed by a gold horned helmet and long black hair. Your heart stopped as you felt his chest heaving against your body and long slender fingers in your hair as he gave a genuine, pure smile, overjoyed that he was able to save you as his eyes got lost in yours. He let himself become hopelessly entranced by you for a moment longer before planting soft chilled lips to your forehead and whispering "go get somewhere safe" before forcing himself up to get back to the fight at hand. You stood, your heart racing wildly as you watched for a moment longer before yielding to the request, taking off in to a wild sprint, though, you had no idea where you could go that would be any safer.
Your eyes were glued to the TV as the news reported on the battle, watching the beauty of the god who chose you, as now all the world saw the side he was really on, worry for him building in your gut as a talon of the serpent dug into his flesh. His cries of pain and the twist of agony on his face pulling a gasp from your lips and making your heart stop a moment as you began to hope and pray that he would be alright. 
Once the battle had been won you looked out the frost covered window, watching the other avengers help set a bandaged Loki onto his bed to recover from his wounds. With a smile of relief you stood, gathering from your personal collection books of every genre, placing in each one a small scrap of paper before tying them all together with an emerald bow. Hands filled with the home found gift, you trudged across the snow filled street before handing it off to Thor. "Can you please give these to your brother for me?" You asked with a touch of worry still in your voice.
"You are more than welcome to come inside and give them to him yourself. I'm sure he would be thrilled to see you." Thor chuckled, stepping to the side to allow you inside. 
But you shook your head, knowing he'd need his rest. "He looked like he may have been sleeping," you explained as you held the pile out, "plus I have a book to finish writing."
Once Loki woke, he sat up, his eyes lingering on you through the window as you typed away at the computer before landing on the stack of literature and his brother in the corner. "What's this?" He asked groggily.
"I believe it is a thank you." Thor answered before pointing in your direction, indicating where they came from. He cradled his wound as he got up, gently moving the books to look over all of them before quickly finding the scraps of paper reminiscent of the note you set in the first book you gave to him.
A smirk curled at his lips as he pulled the papers out from each leather bound cover. "Thank you"
"I could never fear you"
"From a certain point of view you are a hero"
"You are MY hero."
With each note he felt the smirk grow into a Cheshire grin as he felt his icy heart melting before turning to the window. You stood looking out toward him cradling a steaming mug in your fingers before giving him a soft wave. The smile, however, faded from his lips when he noticed the deep red purple and blue patch of skin between your right ear and eye that your hair was failing to hide. Somewhere between you dropping the books off and Loki waking, you were visited by Kyle in a jealous rage. He saw the news, he saw the god giving HIS girl a kiss after he saved you. And he made his displeasure with that very clear to you.
With a shine of emerald and gold magic Loki's projection walked up to you, brushing your hair off your face, knowing you liked it better behind your ear. "Did he do this?" He hissed, staring intently at the bruise, finding it trailed even further back, under your hair.
You shook your head as you backed away, but he knew better than to believe you...you couldn't trick the trickster god. "Don't worry about me. You're a hero now." You assured him. Though he nodded, he still didn't feel like one. Sure, he saved you from being crushed, but how he wished he could save you from this, that you would just let him take you away from this torment.
"(Y/N), I will always worry about you." He assured you. "You shouldn't let him do this."
"He doesn't mean to," you explained as you fixed your hair to hide the bruising, "I just make him angry sometimes." Loki crossed his arms as his eyes became cold and calculating, giving you a look that told you he knew better than to believe you actually believed what you were saying. "I'm not strong enough to make him stop."
"You are as strong as you want to be." He reminded you. "The strength of your spirit is unparalleled, your bravery surpassed by none. But if I ever see him lay a hand on you in anger I'll make him wish for death." His chilled lips planting a frosty kiss against the bruise felt like heaven against the burning pain before the projection vanished, leaving you to think on his words.
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honeybuddhahoe · 5 years
Pairing: Nerokiri from Devil May Cry series
Warning: Blood mention, spoilers
AN: This takes place sometime after the events of DMC5.
Kyrie placed her head in her hands. They trembled against her forehead. Her body was exhausted, her mind was wide awake. An awful combination. A nap sounded devilishly nice right now. The kids were playing cards a floor above her, the news said that the demon infestation had retreated with the sealing of the portal, twilight was on the horizon. But she felt too anxious to sleep. Nero wasn’t home yet.
She always had trouble sleeping when he was away. In her gut, she knew he would always keep himself safe, and Nico would keep him out of trouble. But there was always that what if. What if he got hurt. What if he didn’t come back. And her fears had been confirmed a few months ago when the hooded stranger ripped Nero’s arm off.
So much blood.
She raised her head and checked the clock again. 6:10 pm. She lowered her head back down and closed her eyes. Waiting.
I’ll wait for you, she told him. That horrible day where she was a hostage of His Holiness. That day when Nero saved her and kissed her for the first time. I’ll wait.
But for how long?
She honestly felt useless sitting here. There was no greater joy than to care for the orphans, and her faith in Nero was stronger than anything. But watching the clock tick, knowing that it was Nico and Nero alone out there … she wished she could play a bigger role. She wished she could support him in a bigger way. What could she do besides wait? What could she do besides mend his clothes and cook his food?
There had to be something, she thought, as she rose from the table. But she couldn’t think too much on it otherwise she would just begin worrying again. She made her way upstairs to collect laundry, mend the kids' clothes. Do something meanwhile.
Just as she reaches the top of the stairs and three of the orphans, Julio, Carlo, and Kyle, sprint past her. They’ve got their baseball gear tucked in their arms.
“Stay in the yard!” she calls.
“Got it!”
“If the ball goes over the fence, yell for me!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
A huff and she moves on. The boys definitely take after Nero. Their sweaters and shirts are always acquiring new tears. They rip holes in their pants faster than she can sew patches. And don’t even get her started on the grass stains.
The phone rings down the hall, and her heart skips a beat. She drops everything, races out of the boy’s room, nearly tripping over her own feet to pick up the phone. She presses the receiver.
Silence for a beat. Then a voice.
“Valued customer! Congratulations! You’ve been selected to—”
She hung up.
The disappointment came in waves. The phone would ring, or there would be a knock on the door, and Kyrie would leap up to answer. She couldn’t help it. The possibility that her waiting was over, that his fighting was done, and he could come home and rest and eat … it made every day of waiting worth it. But when she would see a stranger beyond the door, or hear someone else’s voice, her heart sank, and the rest of her day seemed a little dimmer. It wasn’t that Nero never called her. They talked every now and then. But usually for no more than a minute. He was never alone, and something often came up. A demon in an alley, Nico teasing him with taunts, the end of the world. The usual.
The orphans never knew how she felt. She was a great actress. “When’s Nero coming home?” they would ask. And Kyrie would smile, offer them an extra plate of food as a distraction.
“Soon,” she’d smile. “He promised. We just have to be patient and wait.”
Sometimes she wondered if she was lying to make them feel better or to make herself.
She finished gathering the laundry, took it downstairs, separated them by color. It was easy to tell whose was whose. Her clothes were always kept in good shape since she rarely let the orphanage. The children’s were a little worse for wear since they were prone to play. And Nero’s were either bloodstained or full of holes.
She came across one of Nero’s better shirts. Slowly, almost guiltily, she raised it to her face to smell it. It was faint, but there. Him.
She jumped and dropped it into the washbin. “Yes, Julio?”
“I need a bandaid.”
She turned. Holding up his hand like an injured paw, she saw blood trickling from his knuckles.
“You didn’t get into another fight, did you?”
“No, the ball hit my hand when I was up to bat.”
He sat down while she rummaged through the drawers.
“Kyrie, when is Nero coming back?”
“He’ll come back when he’s done hunting,” she said automatically, ignoring the feeling spreading through her heart. “We just have to—”
“Wait, I know.”
She returned to the table and kneeled down to his height. She cleaned the cut, nothing more than a dramatic scratch, applied the bandaid. She held his fingers, small and new, for a moment too long.
“ … Kyrie?” he asked worriedly.
“Sorry,” she forced a smile. “Just making sure everything’s okay.”
Julio looked at some point behind her, and then met her eyes. “The evil tree is gone.”
“Yes, it is.”
“So Nero will be back soon.”
“Yes, very soon.”
“And then we’ll all be together.”
“We will.”
“And you’ll be happy again.”
Kyrie blinked. “Happy?”
Julio nodded and hopped off his chair without another word, heading back outside. A moment later there was the crack of a bat and the thud of shoes on dirt. There were shrieks and laughter. But Kyrie remained on her knees.
Is that what I sound like? She wondered. Whenever he says he has to go? Bitter?
She left the laundry to soak and sat down to sew. The boys came in later and trudged upstairs to shower. By nine o’clock she was the only one awake in the orphanage.
As she finished the laundry, her mind wandered back to what Julio said to her. Had she not looked happy? She was very careful about slipping up in front of the kids. Was it something in her voice? How she carried herself?
Kyrie shook her head. Julio has always been observant, she told herself. She wasn’t unhappy, staying here, waiting alone. Waiting meant there was someone who needed her to support them, to comfort them, to come home to. Waiting meant staying so that others could go. And she would always be here, whether for the orphans or for Nero … for anyone who needed grace.
Kyrie didn’t want to admit that she had selfish feelings. It wasn’t in her nature to want something for herself if it couldn’t first be offered to someone else. She could never admit she was lonely. If Nero knew she was lonely, saddened in anyway … he might not be to able work in peace. But while she knew why he had to go, and while she knew it was the right thing to do … she also missed the man she loved. She wanted him safe. She wanted him home.
And that was a part of her she could not deny any longer. And when she accepted it ... some of the tangled knots in her heart loosened. Though not entirely.
She raised her head and checked the clock again. Almost midnight. She closed her eyes for a moment. Waiting.
I’ll wait for you, she told herself. I’ll wait until you come home.
There was a creaking sound at the front door. The thud of tired boots, the jingle of keys being discarded. The door closed quietly. Someone sneaking, trying not to wake the kids. Kyrie didn’t dare to breathe. She wondered if she could dare to hope. She had just risen from her chair when the kitchen door opened …  and—
She didn’t care that he was dirty, that he smelled of hot garbage and blood. She didn’t care about anything except that he was there, to touch, to hold, to smell. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a future promise. It was happening now. She buried her face into his chest, she wrapped her arms around his back. Her doubts melted away as Nero’s arms curled around her body, squeezing tight just like always, like he never wanted to let her go.
She pulled away from him and looked up to meet his eyes, stroke his face, ignoring how her hair stuck slightly to the residue on his jacket. Piercing as always, his weary eyes gazed at her with a fondness reserved especially for her. It made all the months of waiting worthwhile.
“ … I’m home,” he said in a small voice.
She smiled. “Welcome back.”
The world became bright at midnight.
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drywatermelon · 5 years
I paced in the kitchen of our apartment. Alex and I had bought it a year ago - after having our eyes on it for a good three months - when my store started gaining popularity and we could finally afford it. My feet beat a steady, nervous pattern into the floor. For a couple weeks, Alex had been leaving home later and coming back earlier. I didn't think too much of it - it did give me more time to spend with my boyfriend of three years now - but I nevertheless made a mental note to ask him about it if it came up. It never did, and I wasn't worried...until his best friend, Zack, told me he quit boxing. We didn't necessarily need the income from his boxing since my store was doing so well now that I didn't need to be there every second of every day anymore, but boxing was his passion. Of course I was aware of all the dangers that came with boxing, but he was good at it and it made him happy meaning that I was happy for him. So one can imagine how destroying it was to hear Zack say that Alex had mentioned something about quitting because of me.
Hearing the front door being unlocked, my footsteps stopped cold and I gently padded into the living room were I saw Alex taking off his shoes and coat. He looked up and saw me. "Hey, baby! How was your day? How's the store doing?" He asked in his usual cheerful mood. It befuddled me a little how he was still happy after quitting the one thing that made him so. Alex walked over to me, probably aiming to envelop me in a hug and kiss me, as was our routine. I held up my hand and stopped him in his tracks. His eyes, the same beautiful amber ones that made my knees weak back in college where we first laid eyes on one another, immediately flooded with worry. "Caleb, baby, what's wrong?" The way he looked at and talked to me reminded me why I fell in love and am still so much in love with him. I bit back tears at the realization that maybe he didn't feel the same about me.
"You quit boxing," It was a statement, but he answered anyway.
"Yes." He blew a breath out of his nose and ran a hand through his dark auburn hair, knowing full well that I wasn't one for beating around the bush. His gaze lowered from mine. "Yes I did."
"Because of me?" My voice was softer now since I was afraid it would break if I talked any louder. He nodded and I felt the lump in my stomach grow heavier. "Why?" I managed to whisper shakily. "Do you...Do you not…" I gulped - getting this out would hurt, but I knew it would kill me if I didn't. "Do you not love me anymore?" I finally asked tears pooling in my eyes.
"Of course I love you, Caleb!" Alex took a step forward, but I took one back, maintaining the distance between us. I watched as hurt dance on his face and looked to the side when it became too much.
"Then why did you quit?" My voice turned cold. I couldn't give into the sadness right now or I would be like that for days.
"Because I was weak." His answer made me guffaw.
"Weak?!" My voice became a little louder as I opted for anger instead of sadness. I snapped my head back toward him and met his eyes. "Weak my ass! You train everyday! You're built like a brick wall, so don't go telling me you're weak, Alex!"
"I'm only weak because of you!" He yelled and I vaguely registered that I had been yelling too.
"So you're finally admitting that I'm a bad thing in your life!? That I've been eating away your happiness so much that you quit the only thing you love!?" Tears had started to leak out of my eyes, but I didn't pay them any mind.
"No! Goddammit, Caleb! You're the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you more than life itself!" He was leaking tears too.
"Then how did I make you weak?!" I was determined to get him to say that he hated me and that I should just leave because his life would be better without me. I knew it would probably destroy me, but it would make him happier and that's all that really mattered to me anymore: him living out a happy life even if it was with some other man and not me.
"You made me weak because you gave me something to lose!" That shut me up in a stunned silence. He calmed his voice but it still held the same tone as if he was screaming. "When I started boxing in high school, I was still in a foster home with fifteen other kids. I was mad at my parents for leaving me, I was mad that my grades were slipping, I was mad at the world, I was mad at myself. I was just a lonely teenager who needed something to fill the void in his heart and have something that kept his mind off suicide. So I took up boxing." His tone and eyes softened even more as he gazed at me. "I got into it and it helped me a lot. It was sort of therapeutic. I had a lot of pent up anger and now I had a healthy way of releasing it. I won most every fight because I fought ruthlessly, without a care for my own well-being. My whole life turned around, I was happier and my grades were looking much better. Even though I had a sure future in boxing, my coach insisted that I go to college. I didn't want to at first, but I'm so glad I did. Because I met you.
"I looked forward to every second I got to spend with you. I would steal glances at you across the lecture hall, I would try to get the teacher to partner us up. Hell, I even followed you to your dorm once, spent 15 minutes making up my mind to knock on the door and talk to you, then heard you going to open the door and sprinted out of there as fast as my legs would carry me." I smiled slightly at that and so did Alex.
"When I saw you with that Kyle guy… well, it sent me over the moon that you were into guys, but it almost destroyed me that you belonged to someone else. I took it out in boxing like I usually did with my emotions. I longed so bad for you that I beat a guy half to death - I broke three of his ribs, gave him two black eyes, made sure he couldn't have children and gave him a small concussion at best. Five people had to pull me off the poor guy before I killed him." I widen my eyes at the new information, but he continued, "Then, I saw you with puffy red eyes in one of our classes. Without thinking, I let my first words to you slip out of my mouth and asked what was wrong. You, in turn, responded with your first words to me, -"
"'Fuck off,'" I filled in for him, sucking on my lips to keep any laughter from escaping. He smiled a little wider.
"Yes, but my persistent ass had to keep prodding and I finally got it out of you that you had broken up with Kyle. I felt like I should have been happy, but seeing you so distraught made me wanna meet Kyle in a dark alley, teach him a lesson and make him get back together with you to make you happy. We started hanging out more and I finally grew the balls to ask you out. When you said 'yes,' I was about ready to explode and melt at the same time. And don't even get me started on our first kiss - to say that my world was turned upside down and ravaged by a cosmic storm would've been a massive understatement. You had me wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know it. After about a year of us dating, we said our first 'I love you's and that was about the happiest I had been in my life up to that point. I managed to get you a ticket to one of my matches. I fought the match as usual, with reckless abandon and without a second thought about my own life, smiling like the idiot I was - and still am - while I took multiple pinches from the guy. When they called a pause, I snuck a look at you to find you looking at me worriedly and biting your lips and I remembered what you said when we first confessed our love, -"
"'I don't know how I did it before, but now that I've met you, I couldn't live in a world you aren't part of.'" I, again, filled in my line. He nodded somberly.
"I realized then that if I were to get killed, it would destroy you. I couldn't do that to you. That match was the first fight I'd lost in five years. Five years, Caleb. And you were my undoing. Before you, I was the most dangerous thing in a fight: a man with nothing left to live for. But then you came into my life and suddenly filled the void in my heart better than boxing had ever done. You became my passion, my bringer of happiness,...my love. I started losing more and more matches, but it didn't matter because I had you. So yes, I became weak because of you. You made me weak because you gave me something to lose, something to live for, something to care about…. You came into my life and gave me someone to love." We stared at each other, teary-eyed.
"Oh, Alex…" I whispered, exasperated with myself at being so stupid and not trusting him like I should have. I threw myself around him in a hug. He was stunned for all of three seconds, then he released a relieved breath and squeezed me to the point it hurt a little, but I couldn't care less. It was him hugging me, he was here and he loved me and he was mine and he loved me and he didn't want to leave me and he loved me. He loved me, he loved me, he loved me - and I loved him, with all my being, I loved him so much it would tear me apart at times, but he was always here to fix me up because we loved each other. We stood there for a little while, slowly and slightly swaying, both silently shedding tears of happiness because we couldn't believe we could've almost lost each other. I couldn't speak for him, but from his little speech I was assured he felt the same - a life without the other could not honestly be called a life. I gently pulled as far away as he would let me, which was only far enough for me to get a good look at his face, but I didn't mind in the least. I cupped his face, looking deep into his amber eyes, and caressing his cheeks with my thumbs. "Don't ever scare me like that again, babe." We rested our foreheads together, both smiling. I pressed my lips to his in a soft and tender kiss. Alex's arms tightened around me.
"I love you, Caleb." He mumbled against my lips.
I smiled wider and gave him another quick kiss. "And I love you, Alex…so so much…"
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Elf King Kyle X Home school Reader
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((Art credit: @koo-jpeg Thanks for letting me use it! And sorry for the misunderstanding)
Today marked the second day that you moved to South Park Colorado. It was a strange town to say the least. Though there were at least kids your age here! As much as you wanted to go out and see the town and play with the other kids you were stuck doing homework. Being home schooled wasn’t as glorious as it seemed. Lots of homework, lots of test, and a lot of being locked up in your room. You hear the doorbell ring and your parent head over to answer the door. You place your pencil down trying to hear what was being said. It almost seemed as if a kid your age was talking. Your parent and the stranger talk for a little before the door closes. You quickly run to your window to see who it was. You saw a hint of a green hat and orange jacket but other than that you couldn’t see much. Stupid hedge, being placed right in front of your line of sight. You groan softly but get back to work. Time seemed to fly by and two weeks pass before you see the stranger again. You were just coming back to work from getting lunch when you see him. He was right in front of your window. You stare at him and he stares back like a deer in headlights.
    “Uhm… Hi?” you ask lifting a hand of greeting when you realized that he couldn’t hear you. His face turns bright red and he sprints off full speed.
    “Wait!” You try and yell opening your window. There laid carefully on the window seal was a single rose. You blush softly taking the rose with a soft laugh. You had a secret admirer.
A full week of wondering who the stranger was haunted you. Today was an unusually warm day in South Park, but as the same as any other day you were stuck inside studying. You sigh softly staring outside the window idly. That’s when you see him, A beautiful red haired boy with a crown of branches. He also wore a regal red cape and wielded a… a golf club? Who was this mystery boy? You see a look of anger cross his face and you open your window curiously to try and see what he was saying. You still couldn’t hear what he said, he was on the other street after all. It seemed as if he was yelling at someone across from him. You couldn’t see who exactly due to the annoying hedge beside your window. You jump when you hear the door swing open.
“Y/N I’m going out to get some eggs, stay here and study.” Your parent says sternly as the place a gentle kiss to your head before heading out. You sigh in relief listening as your parent made their way out of the house, into the car and off to shop oblivious to the war that was unfolding just across the street. You did have to admit, it was much more entertaining than doing homework. You bite your lip, do you dare get closer and risk getting grounded? Curiosity got the best of you and you close your window running out through the front door. The second you close the door it goes silent. You turn nervously to see the red head boy’s turn as red as his hair and the rather large boy across from him forms an evil smirk.
“Get Y/N at all cost!” You stare in shock as the boys behind the larger one begin to charge at you. What the hell!?
“Protect Y/N!” The redhead yells loudly the other half of the group charging. Some of them clashing swords on the way. You decide your best option was to sprint as far as you could. Why was this happening!? Almost if not all the boys your age were chasing you down. Sure you had daydreams about this sort of situation but it definitely wasn’t this terrifying! You run until you were utterly exhausted and out of breath thankful for the fact that they seemed to break off in chunks to fight. You pant heavily sliding against the alley wall holding your breath when you hear heavy pants.
“Y/N has to be around here somewhere! Keep looking!” You hear the larger boy yell just down the street. You hold your breath as you hear a group of people run by. This had to be a dream right? That was the only logical explanation you could come up with! You feel a hand grab your shoulder making you jump in surprise and almost scream but they quickly cover your mouth. It was the attractive red head and he looked panicked and out of breath.
“Y/N be quiet.” He hisses making you only nod nervously. Maybe he could explain what was going on, after all he did say he’d protect you. The second he moves his hand you glare at him.
“What the fuck is going on.” You hiss under your breath making him let out a breathy chuckle.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this…” He mumbles and rubs the back of his neck looking away nervously.
“It’s just, you’re the new kid and… you’re so… Attractive.” He says clearing his throat quickly his face turning red again before going on.
“A-Anyway Eric noticed my… attempts to impress you and he wants to use you against me.” You frown confused before remembering who exactly was trying to impress you.
“Wait that was you? Flower window guy?” Kyle snorts at the name you made trying to hide his laugh with his hand. You couldn’t help but smile softly as well, he had a really nice laugh.
“Yeah, Flower window guy is me. My real name is Kyle by the way. Kyle Broflovski.” Kyle clears his throat nervously and casts his gaze to the wall.
“I… I was just wondering if you’d like to play with us… Y/N will you join the elven kingdom?” He looks at you hopefully making you laugh a little. He was so serious about this.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” You say with a shrug. His face lights up and he grins happily.
“Seriously!?” he stood up quickly clearly excited and you can’t help but laugh and join him.
“Seriously.” You hear running behind you once again and turn going wide eyed as the larger boy laughs proudly before panting heavily. A mix of both humans and elves began to swarm over.
“Y/N! I found you! Join the humans! We’ll make you the strongest player in all the lands!” You go to speak but Kyle was quick to retaliate.
“Fuck off Cartman! Y/N agreed to be an elf!” He grins proudly and the boy called Cartman stared at you with a look of utter betrayal. The elves on the other hand cheer excitedly. Did you do something wrong? He glances between you and then Kyle glaring at the both of you.
“Oh I see how it is… I’ll remember this Y/N. This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me!” He yells storming off angrily some of his group following after.
“Thanks for trusting me Y/N… I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe from fat ass.” Kyle promises making you smile and laugh a little.
“Once I figure out how to play this game I’m sure I’ll be able to fend for myself.” Kyle smiles happily placing a gentle kiss to your cheek the both of you turning red.
“I-I’m sure you will! You’ll be a great elf!” He says proudly making you blush even more. Why did he have to be so cute?
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queenbvadva · 6 years
K2 Week Day 3:Sleepover
((TRIGGER WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF ABUSE, DRINKING)     Kyle was awoken in the middle of the night to a ping from his phone. Normally he’d ignore it and go back to bed and enjoy his sleep but he had this slight uneasiness that persuaded him to check. There on his phone was a message from Kenny. He let out a soft sigh opening his phone squinting as he tries to read it.
    ‘Kyle, I need your help.’ Kyle frowns annoyed at the message but decided it was best to call to see what was up. With a reluctant groan Kyle sat up and calls Kenny. It only took one ring before Kenny picked up.
    “Dude what’s going on? Why did you text me at…” Kyle squints at his clock to try and read it in the pitch black.
    “4am in the morning? We have school tomorrow.” Kyle grumbles, he never was one for waking up early. Kyle could only faintly hear Kenny, he was trying to calm Karen down. If Kyle really focused he could hear Karen softly crying in the background.
    “Kenny? What the fuck’s going on?” He asked more frantically now. Gaining a bit of relief once he heard Kenny move his phone back to his ear.
    “My dad got drunk again, he tried to hit Karen.” Kenny said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Kyle on the other hand was less than pleased with this. Kyle shoves his covers off getting up quickly.
    “Is she ok? Where are you guys?” Kyle opens his door but turns back around to get shoes. Once he had them on he headed down the stairs as quietly as he could.
    “We’re by the railroad tracks…” Kenny mumbles something to Karen. Kyle on the other hand was dead silent as he tried to sneak through his house. He felt his heart jump to his throat as the fridge closes. He turns and sees Ike who stares at Kyle the two sharing a look of shock. It took a few seconds but they both nod, a silent agreement that Ike wouldn’t tell that Kyle was sneaking out and Kyle wouldn’t say a word about Ike raiding the fridge. With that Kyle managed to get to the front of his house.
    “I’m on my way, you didn’t answer the second part to my question Kenny, is Karen ok?” Kyle freezes in his driveway in case he’d need to get a first aid kit.
    “She’s fine, we managed to get out before things turned too bad.” Kyle was livid at this. Too bad? What exactly happened?
    “I’m almost there.” Kyle says through the phone not even realizing he was sprinting over. Once he gets to the railroad tracks he sees it was empty. Where were they?
    “Kenny… Are you sure you’ll be ok…?” Karen’s soft kind voice came behind a pile of trash. Kyle was quick to run over. Kenny was on his feet ready to fight Kyle who put his hands up in surrender.
    “Dude… Your face…” A large bleeding cut went down Kenny’s cheek and a swollen black eye to go with it.
    “Sorry to call you out this late… I just needed to get a place for Karen to stay the night…” Kenny says lowering his hands once he saw it was Kyle. Kyle was still stunned.
    “Just Karen what about you?” Kyle wanted to raise his voice but he figured it’d be safer to try and keep his voice down.    Kenny smiles softly down at Karen gently ruffling her hair making a soft laugh leave her lips.
    “I can sleep out here. I just don’t want Karen to get sick…” Kyle was fed up. He clenched his fist angrily grabbing Kenny’s arm and dragging him back towards his house. Karen, being the smart girl that she was followed after them.
    “Kyle, What are you doing?” Kenny asked surprise in his voice. Kyle loosens his grip once he realized how hard he was holding.
    “I’m bringing you back to my place… You both can stay the night.” Kyle glances away feeling slightly guilty for holding onto Kenny so tightly.
        “Are you serious?” Kenny says clearly stunned. Kyle could feel his blood boil.
    “Yeah! I’ve had it up to here with your fucking parents! You and Karen don’t deserve that shit Kenny!” Kyle blows up yelling to the winds. Kenny and Karen both stop staring at Kyle waiting for him to calm down. Kyle spent the next five minutes cussing out Kenny’s parents and the world for doing that to Kenny. Kyle had tears in his eyes from frustration.
    “And I can’t do anything about it! We’re both just kids no one will believe our word over an adult!” Kyle hisses not being able to help the tears that spilled down his face.
    “You don’t deserve that Kenny.” Kyle hisses bitterly his voice cracking. Kenny was robbed of any words he had left. Kenny lifts gentle hands to Kyle’s cheeks rubbing the tears from them.
“You care that much about me?” Kenny had a soft smirk on his face and Kyle flushes red slapping Kenny’s hands from his cheeks.
“Idiot…” Kyle mumbles. Kyle instantly felt guilt once more when he sees Karen was shaking from the cold. He quickly took Kenny’s arm once more leading them back to the house. Kenny on the other hand had other plans. As they all were heading back to the house Kenny slips Kyle’s grip to his hand gladly holding his hand. Kyle didn’t say anything about this but once they arrived he pulled his hand away opening the door. There stood his panicked mother who stared at Kyle angrily but her face softens when she saw the tears.
“Kyle! Where were you! We were so worried!” She hisses grabbing Kyle and pulling him back into the house. Kenny went to speak but Kyle was quick to respond.
“Mom! Kenny’s dad did that to him!” Mrs. Broflovski looked at Kenny in utter shock.
“What what what what!?” She screams grabbing Kenny and Karen pulling them into the house.
“You both wait right here I’ll go get a first aid kit!” They all waited about half an hour until Kyle’s mom decided that Kenny was disinfected and patched up enough to her pleasure. She decided that it’d be ok for Kenny to sleep in Kyle’s room but Karen deserved to not share a room with boys. Kenny was of course very hesitant about this but with some reassuring from Kyle and his mother he agreed. Kenny and Kyle laid in bed trying to sleep.
“Kyle… You awake…?” Kenny asks after about an hour. Kenny waits for a few minutes before turning seeing Kyle’s calm sleeping form. A soft smile crosses Kenny’s face and he places a soft, gentle, caring kiss to Kyle’s head.
“Thank you…” Kenny whispers softly taking Kyle’s hand and cuddling into him. The two slept soundly through the rest of the night.
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