Kyo and Kyo-1: AL DENTE
Kyo-2: *sick guitar solo*
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Title : Demystify the Beast
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters : Kyo Kusanagi, Kyo-1, Kyo-2, Kusanagi, Iori Yagami (Hinted Kyo x Iori)
[This story was made as entry for August's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.]
One night, Kyo wakes up being tied up in the cold bathtub and soon shows up his kidnapper. What does he wants from him? Will he be escape alive? Read and find out~
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August's writing prompt:  "I have bad news for you. You've been kidnapped."
Write a story based on this line. Be sure to incorporate the line into the dialogue of the story.
Word count: 2587
Eventually, the Kusanagi’s heir slowly regains his consciousness. Even so, he has a terrible headache and feels like being beaten by a heavy bag.
No, it’s not an awful hangover despite that earlier, he celebrated with a blast his disciple’s birthday with his friends. After all, he got home safely and with no incidents, right?
For now, he shakily opens his eyes while groaning. To his surprise, his vision remains in the darkness. Kyo understands that it’s not his room or Yagami’s apartment.
Along with that, he realizes that not only he is blindfolded but also his mouth is shut by the duct tape.
The brunette’s senses finally become clear once he hears the mild water splashing around him in the chill room. For now, he feels how his soaked, cold clothes are sticking against his body while he is sitting, from what he assumes, in the filled bathtub with lukewarm water.
After Kyo tries to move his arms behind his back, he fails. After all, something is wrapped around them and his ankles.
Of course, if his hands weren’t under the water, he may burn the rope and escape. Unfortunately, such an attempt to do so may only boil the water.
Whether it is someone’s sick prank, Kyo doesn’t care, and he is ready to punch or even beat a living shit out of that person or anyone involved in this.
However, he is alerted upon hearing how the door is opened and the click of the light switch.
Suddenly, Kyo feels cold shivers down his spine when he senses a powerful, malicious aura as the mysterious person enters inside. More so, he can swear that it is awfully familiar too.
“Oh~ So, our precious sleeping beauty is finally awake?” The menacing male comments in a nearly identical voice to the Kusanagi heir’s one.
Of course, Kyo instantly recognizes this person. Suddenly, he lifts his head and struggles. Even through his shut mouth, he makes it clear that is mad and will fight if needed.
The tanned brunette only narrows his gaze and smirks. After he covers his mouth, he chuckles and adds in a nearly singing voice. “Yeah, I’m also happy to see you again.”
As Kusanagi approaches his prey like a hunting, dominant feline, his crimson eyes glow in excitement.
When Kusanagi gets close to the brunette, he pulls his hair and yanks his head up. Although he is indifferent to his victim’s suffering. “Come on, now. If you wanna say anything, just say. So, don’t be shy~”
After he peels off the duct tape from Kyo’s mouth and removes the blindfold, he curiously observes how the brunette growls at him.
So, his senses were correct. It’s the same tanned dark-haired male that also wields the Kusanagi clan’s flame. Instead of wearing an identical gakuran that Kyo once wore before getting abducted by NESTS, he wears a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and biker gloves.
“Untie me now, you coward! Or are you afraid that I’ll kick your ass?” The Kusanagi’s heir threatens him.
Kusanagi releases his prey’s scalp and replies. “You still do not understand your position, do you? It can’t be helped that I need to spell it out for your brainless head, then.”
As he roughly holds Kyo’s jaw, he makes him face him and adds. “I have bad news for you. You’ve been kidnapped. And you ain’t going anywhere~”
Instead of showing any signs of fear, the brunette only narrows his piercing gaze. “You won’t get away with, pal. I will fucking ROAST you!”
The dark male only gives him a mocking look and remarks. “The weaker dog is, the louder it barks, eh? Tsk, I don’t get it. Why that man whom you call Yagami is so madly obsessed with a weakling like you? Beats me… But how about we figure it out together?”
After he releases Kyo’s jaw, he walks away and leaves.
A few minutes pass by. Finally, Kusanagi returns carrying a couple of bottles of fine whiskey.
Once Kusanagi delightfully approaches Kyo, he lowers one bottle, and while he opens another, he gives a suggestive look. “The night is still young. So, how about we gonna loosen your tongue and help you to relax?”
His cheeks get warm, and his eyes become predatory when he chugs strong liquor like water. “You should thank me. After all, it’s something from my private collection.”
As he shoves the tip of the bottle against the brunette’s mouth, Kyo keeps turning his head away.
For sure, such behavior annoys Kusanagi. However, he remains persistent.
Instead of poking Kyo’s cheeks, he takes a good amount of alcohol and keeps it in his mouth. When he roughly holds his partner’s jaw, he buries his fingers into his scalp and presses his lips against his.
Suddenly, Kyo widens his eyes as his kidnapper’s tongue also tries to break through his lips and tastes burning like fire liquor.
No matter how hard he resists, his effort is an utter failure. In the end, as he closes his eyes, a tear runs down his cheek.
For now, he hates how he instinctively swallows whiskey from the enemy’s mouth and feels how it burns his throat. As it goes down, it eventually warms his belly.
After he drinks from Kusanagi, he widens his eyes when the dark male’s tongue tries to get inside him while his other hand grabs his throat.
Even if he is being choked, Kyo furrows his eyebrows and closes his eyes.
When he closes his eyes, he gives up and allows his partner to dominate him and explore every little corner inside him. Lastly, he lets out sweet gasps and whimpers while desperately catching air.
It doesn’t help that now his head spins like crazy, too.
Finally, when Kusanagi least expects it, Kyo bites his tongue.
Suddenly, the ebony-haired man withdraws his face and hisses. “You filthy, little whore… WHO THE FUCK ALLOWED YOU TO DO WHAT YOU WANT!?”
He grabs Kyo by his t-shirt and sends a harsh slap across his face. While the red-eyed male’s eyes glow in fury, he observes how his partner stares at him without showing fear.
Eventually, Kusanagi chuckles. After he fixes his hair, he comments. “… To think of, it won’t be that interesting if you didn’t resist. You can look at me with these threatening eyes all you want. You won’t scare me because, without your flame, you are nothing.”
When the tanned male rubs his nape, he adds. “But now it makes even less sense why Yagami is so fixated on you. You can’t even fight and you are fucking little pussy who refuses to use his flame as intended.”
After a brief pause, Kusanagi begins his speech. “We share the same flame, but unlike you, I use its full potential. Hey, have you ever felt that feeling against your palms when you boil anyone alive or watching them burn to crisps while they pathetically scream in pain? That is good that it almost makes me cum. Or at least it was at first, until I got bored.”
When he bends down and takes another shot of whiskey, he squats in front of Kyo and wipes his mouth. “Anyway, you sure miss out a lot~ Hell, even when Yagami finally snaps out and unleashes his power, all you do is cry instead of enjoying yourself. It must be fun to fight someone who is not holding back and will be ready to kill you.”
After a few moments, he exhales and continues. “…You are a lucky motherfucker. He even calls your name, and you still avoid to indulge yourself in a fight until only one of you would remain alive.”
“You know nothing about him. So, leave him out of this! If you have anything against me, then untie me and we gonna settle this.” Kyo indignantly backfires.
Meanwhile, Kusanagi stands up and leans to pick up a showerhead. While he keeps his hand in the jeans pocket, he sprays ice-cold water on the brunette. “Shut up. You’re annoying. What are you? Are you his boyfriend or something? If I remember correctly, he fucking hates you and wants you dead. Why is your corpse isn’t in the dumpster yet?”
After the tanned male turns of the shower, he adds while he observes his trembling victim with lowered head. “You know, while you were asleep, I checked your phone. Dunno why you have his number, but that saved me from a lot of trouble.”
When he takes a deep breath, he grins like a Cheshire cat. “He should show up any moment now~ So, don’t get bored without me. I promise I’ll come to play with you once I’m done with him.”
In the end, Kusanagi turns around and, before taking his leave, he turns the lights off. For sure, he is excited to greet one certain redhead.
Meanwhile, the brunette doesn’t show any desire to stay here any longer. After Kyo closes his eyes, he gathers all his strength and pushes himself out of the bathtub.
As Kyo harshly hits the ground, he groans and rolls in pain. However, he knows he cannot lie here while Iori is in danger. While he pants and opens his eyes, he tries his luck.
Suddenly, he ignites his palms from behind, and the orange flame lightens the room. Soon, the rope around his wrists falls off.
That fool shouldn’t have underestimated him. Either way, he must hurry and stop that dark being. Or so the Kusanagi is determined.
After he burns downs the remaining rope from his ankles, he hears a loud explosion outside.
Kyo only lifts his head while half sitting. “Yagami… Shit, just don’t do anything reckless.”
Lastly, he manages to stand up and runs through the door. Right now, he ignores his aching body and dizziness. After all, there are more important things to worry about.
“For the love of the-, please, just stay safe. That’s all I ask for.” The brunette prays while he rushes downstairs and hears a beast-like loud howling outside.
Somewhere in the abandoned construction site.
Aside from a tattered outfit, ‘Nagi barely has any bruises while he gives a mocking look to the injured and panting redhead. “Aww, is that all you got?~ Come on, just stop holding back and give in to your instincts.”
Meanwhile, Iori holds onto himself and gives a piercing, stubborn look. “I won’t repeat it. Where is Kyo?”
Yet, Kusanagi puts his hand into his jeans pockets and replies. “You still care about that cheapskate? You know, he is not the center of the world.”
As he thrusts his chest forward, he points his thumb at his own chest and declares. “Besides, your opponent is over here. So, focus on me or else you may die~”
After ‘Nagi removes his jacket, he tosses it and charges at Yagami.
Meanwhile, after Kyo rams into the exit door and destroys them, he is finally outside.
Of course, as he expected, both - Kusanagi and Iori are there. Just as he is about to call his partner’s name, his voice is cut by the sound of tearing flesh.
Before Kusanagi slams Iori with his burning palm, the redhead crouches and ignites his fingertips. In the end, he uses a crescent upper slash.
As the blood splashes, the tanned male is sent flying until he hits the ground. In the end, his smoking body lies while his hands twitch.
For now, the victor of the fight mercilessly looks at his victim while wiping the dark crimson liquid from his fingertips on his shirt. “Don’t test my patience any further. You are already wasted too much of my time. So, lie here and die!”
Meanwhile, Kyo calls his partner’s name and rushes towards him. Unfortunately, he almost loses his balance when his foot slips.
For sure, hearing the familiar voice again bewilders Iori, and he immediately turns his head. Lastly, he whispers Kyo’s name.
At the moment, he is more surprised to see the brunette in one piece rather than him being soaking wet.
Yet, the alcohol’s effect and his exhaustion kick in, and the brunette collapses. Fortunately, Iori’s reaction is quicker, and he catches Kyo in his arms.
“Looks like I wasn’t too late. You’re fine and that should only matter. Everything gonna be alright now.” Kyo murmurs while resting his head against Iori’s chest.
“Yeah. Sure. You owe me a huge explanation once we return home.” Yagami backfires while patting his head. After he throws Kyo’s arm over his shoulder, he adds. “Tsk, just leave you alone for a second, and look how it ends up, you idiot. Next time I’m going with you.”
The brunette closes his eyes and smiles while Iori helps him to walk. “Don’t tell me that someone is worrying.”
Of course, he could have teased his partner about his out-of-blue request. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to stress Iori more than he is now.
That’s why Kyo thanks Iori in a barely hearable whisper, even if right now he only can do this. However, the brunette plans to show his gratitude properly once he gets better.
In the meantime, Kusanagi shakily leans on his elbows, and his face grimaces in pain. When he looks down and sees the claw cut across his upper body, he grins. “It’s ain’t over yet… We’ve just started. So, don’t you dare to run away.”
However, when he is about to get up and send a fireball at Kyo, he hears a unison voice of a couple of twins. “Big Bro! Here you are.”
After Kyo’s clone in blue uniform squats near him, he speaks up. “What a hell happened there? We knew that something was off when you were gone for too long. Did the Red Demon attack you?”
In the meantime, the replica in the brown uniform helps Kusanagi to sit, places his arms under his armpits, and addresses Mero. “So, will you help me or not?”
For sure, this clone doesn’t like being ordered around, but as long as it is for their precious Big Bro, he would let it slip in.
When Mero lifts Kusanagi by ankles, Hoki lifts his upper body.
While the twins carry the tanned male to their storage, he closes his eyes and shakes his head. After Kusanagi opens his eyes, he plots how to get Yagami’s attention and thinks to himself. “This is not the last time we meet. Next time I’ll crush your corpse under my foot~”
“If we knew that you were going after That Man, we would have stopped you even if you complained, Big Bro. We thought you went drinking with your friends.” Mero nags on Kusanagi.
“Well, it’s kinda too late for that, don’t you think? So, don’t drop him now.” Hoki calmly backfires.
“Like hell I would do that, you stupid!” Mero replies while carrying the leader of the clones to their home.
Some time passes. After getting into his apartment, Iori lies the slumbering Kyo on their bed. When he removes the brunette’s wet clothes, he changes him into a warm pajama.
He lets his partner rest as much as he needs tonight and leaves tomorrow’s worries until then. After all, the brunette doesn’t look heavily injured, or he broke anything.
Surely, Iori feels slightly relieved. But for now, he looks for the first aid kit to treat his wounds and wants to take a shower and sleep next to Kyo.
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kdramalands · 4 months
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two people that actually did match each others freak
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mikuyuuss · 2 years
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Ok, not only did Moon Dong Eun avenge the villains of this story. She found love afterwards and was able to pursue architecture like she always wanted to. She now dresses freely with her tattoo, proudly showing her scars. She's no longer confined to her trauma. Dong Eun got her revenge AND her happy ending!
Even though she was so convinced that she's a terrible person for wanting revenge, she actually managed to touch the lives of the people around her through simple acts of kindness (empathizing with them for being victims) and those same people came back to support her as well.
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It's usually "revenge is bad" this "you got revenge but at what cost" that, but no, she got her revenge AND her and other people's happy ending. Even though it's a dark story about how victims suffer, there's always the underlying message of hope, where they also understand and help eachother. Even if they had to bend the rules to get it, The. Victims. Won. Oh. My. Goodness.
In the end, it wasn't exactly just "revenge," it was also about bringing justice to the victims.
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pfaerie · 1 year
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study date
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dingyuxi · 2 years
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I know you need me by your side.
Jung Hae In as An Jun Ho & Koo Kyo Hwan as Han Ho Yeol
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"Think about what you've done. You didn't see this coming?" D.P. 2 (2023) dir. Han Jun Hee
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Title : About That Kind of Desire… (Chapter 5)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters : Kyo Kusanagi, Kyo-1, Kyo-2, Kusanagi, Iori Yagami (Hinted Kyo x Iori)
[Sequel to Perishing Little Flame on Winding Road]. Kyo seem to be concerned about the unexpected presence of one pesky redhead, who seemed to be in some deep trouble. So, this brunette simply follows him just to find out what it was all about… [Ch 5: hinted Kyo x Iori]
AO3 Link
After the twins reached the storage, the clone in blue carefully releases Kusanagi’s legs and desperately starts to slam the door and beg ‘‘Hey, open the goddamn door! Big Bro might die! Open up already!’’. It seems that before another hit into the iron door, the replica in purple uniform finally unlocks the door. However, once he noticed this exhausted couple and their carried ‘Nagi, Sakura could feel how he was showered by the cold sweat. Fortunately, Mero’s voice woke him up ‘‘Don’t just stand here! Wake everyone and prepare everything for saving the Big Bro!’’. The replica in purple didn’t hesitate to rush and help this couple to carry their Big Bro.
Apparently, it was only the manner minutes when all clones divide duties for each other. So, either those who were responsible for preparing the tatami where Kusanagi should rest, either for picking all medical supply they got, or even laying their Big Bro safely. It did not matter what kind of role each clone got, at the moment every single one was important. Perhaps, despite the poor conditions, the flawless team work of these replicas even surpassed the most advanced medicine and professional staff. That’s right, the once supposed to be a massive destruction living weapons, were fighting as one to save their most important person’s life.
A couple of hours has passed~ Finally, the race against the death was over for now. Meanwhile, the twins who wore purple and green were tidying up the medical waste, Hoki sits in their Big Bro’s ‘throne’. Now he gives commands to others in serious yet calm tone ‘‘Once we’re done cleaning up this mess, each one of us will take a turn, who’ll watch over the Big Bro. So, in the meantime I’ll keep the eye on entire storage. It seems that until Big Bro recovers, we need to take of ourselves and protect our home’’. In meantime, Mero carefully covers already slumbering ‘Nagi with a warmer blanket. Of course, it was a pure miracle that their leader managed to survive, even if whole this time he was screaming and resisting like a wild animal until passing out. However, before losing his consciousness, Kusanagi was proud by seeing the clones working hand by hand as one. Even so, these boys could survive on their own, if he died. Or so thought Kusanagi before sinking into deep slumber.
Nevertheless, seeing their Big Bro so peacefully sleeping, concerned the replica in blue. So, even hearing a weak yet deep breathing was not enough to convince him that ‘Nagi would wake up any time soon. However, once Mero places his hand on Kusanagi’s forehead, he instantly with-draws his hand as it was burned ‘‘Shit… This is bad.’’. It was followed by the concerned Mero’s request ‘‘Oi, Sakura, I need a bag of ice. Can you pass me some from the fridge and maybe a towel? Big Bro has a fever…’’. Of course, the clone in purple would normally smack this replica’s head for bossing around, however, this time he made an exception. So, after digging into the fridge and nearest closet, Sakura was approaching the resting ‘Nagi’s side. After kneeling and placing the ice-bag wrapped in a small towel, he asks ‘‘What a hell happened? I’ve never seen Big Bro like that. Even after his friends brings him already passed out and reeking of cheap alcohol, but he still manages to get up without any problems. More important, on the very next morning he is already full of energy!’’.
Yet, Mero’s face darkens, and now he briefly answers in serious tone ‘‘Big Bro has fought that man with purple flame. It seems that even Big Bro was no match against that monster. So, he told us to run and hide. This where we also found injured Original. Perhaps, this time Big Bro was also protecting that idiot. Who knows… But then, we thought that if that is truth, then we must help him too. However, later we heard how Big Bro was horribly groaning outside the hide-out. So, this is how we noticed that he collapsed. More important, ‘Nagi holds the end of the chain, in which was wrapped that redhead man. Probably, Big Bro did defeat that creature, but at what cost?!…’’. Sakura listened without any interruption their story. But for now, he tries to comfort his brother “Maybe Big Bro doesn't hate Original, after all… But that explains why he offered whiskey to Original without any second thought. Maybe when we brought Original to our home, Big Bro saw this as a special occasion. Hell, Big Bro doesn’t share his precious whiskey even with his drinking buddies…”.
It appears that Sakura and Mero could talk all night long. However, that started to annoy the clone in brown uniform. Now he could only face-palm while resting in the ‘throne’, Hoki interrupts this couple “Wouldn't be better to ask Big Bro about this? So, let him rest as much as he needs now.”. In the end, both — Mero and Hoki knows that it was pointless to blindly guess about what happened to ‘Nagi and the Original before they have shown up. More important, these Kyo’s words about Kusanagi stuck inside the twins’ mind, and they wanted to know what kind of relationship their Big Bro shares with him. Perhaps, the tanned brunette may just laugh and dodge these questions, but any kind of answer could do. Or so, felt this couple of clones while waiting for Kusanagi to return to them…
Meanwhile, in the abandoned building site~ One certain brunette somehow managed to craw up upstairs and leave the basement. Of course, once again opened up wound was the very least concern of this Kusanagi, however, being able to escape from this place meant for him to get a step closer to Yagami. That’s why even enduring the piercing pain on his left leg was such a minor detail to him. However, upon noticing one familiar redhead, Kyo tried to call out for him. Unfortunately, no answer or reaction from Iori — like he remained lying stomach and being chained, he stayed like this. Only a cold wind passes through them. Certainly, seeing once a fearsome man now lying like a violated corpse — all beaten up, burned up and scratched, made this brunette feel unbearable ache inside his heart and being full of regrets.
Yet, even if this Kusanagi’s legs were too weak, but he desperately tried to reach Yagami’s side. Hell, Kyo for the first time in his life prayed. More important, his only prayer was that this man would be still alive. So, after being closely to this redhead’s side, Kyo sits on his knees and tires to roll Iori on his back and see his face. Surely, it did not help to see a peacefully asleep Yagami’s face, which, like this brunette feared might not be the one of eternal rest. After bringing Iori to rest on his knees, Kyo tried his best not to break in front of this redhead. Despite that, the small droplets one after another were falling on this man’s face. While this brunette started to gently stroke Yagami’s hair, he cannot bring himself to speak. It felt like something stuck inside his throat without allowing even to say a single word. Perhaps, now a long silent sigh was the only sound, which he could make.
However, after softening his gaze, Kyo manages to comfort his partner in a shaky and sorrowful voice ‘‘I told you not to go. But you haven’t listened to me. You knew perfectly that only if we would work together, we might have defeated that dark being… But look where your stupid pride leads you…’’. Now as he cracks a bitter smile, this brunette continues ‘‘What should I do with you? If it wasn’t for my leg, I would take you to the hospital by myself. However, now we need to wait for the help to arrive. So, you like it or not, but I won’t leave your side, no matter what. ’’. Yet, it seems that during this endless night full of countless stars, a shooting star has flown across the sky, leaving the ray of hope.
Lastly, as Iori began to silently groan and starting to slowly open his eyes, Kyo couldn’t hold himself back. All of a sudden, he brings this redhead close to his chest and pulls him into a hug while refusing to let him go. At least even if it was for a while, but this Kusanagi wanted to stay together as much as possible by Yagami’s side. It seems that no words could express how much this redhead meant to this brunette. Neither the words were needed during this serene moment.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 4 Link
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wizardofgoodfortune · 3 months
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Sorry... I'm not able to speak right now.
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