#lady of wind
goldleaf-blog · 5 months
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In the world of Pangea there was a time where the Black Dragon ruled. The innocent were force to suffer in a world of darkness and chaos. During this time there were five sisters whose true names have been lost to history. They seek the aid of the Sun God and he granted them immortality, elemental powers and great wisdom. The Shadow locusts having seen the light turn their back against their maker and with the aid of the Ladies of Wisdom they banished the Black Dragon into Tartarus.
Lady of Light
The Lady of Light is Starroyere’s mother and the oldest among the sisters. When the Lady of Light fall pregnant her sisters went their separate ways and they lost their trust with Shadow Locust. The Lady of Light raise her daughter the best she could. But the Lady of Light was unfortunately killed by Redclaw, forcing her daughter to avenged her. Starroyere’s anger and hatred prevented her from inheriting her mother’s wisdom. But eventually at the end of the first game she repents from her hatred and she is granted her mother’s divine wisdom. Making her the new Lady of Light.
Lady of Fire
The Lady of Fire Is the second oldest child and the twin sister to the lady of Wind. She became the guardian and advisor of the Eastern realm. However when the Naga invaded she was captured and brainwashed to servant King Ozark. Becoming the Lady of Darkness. In the second Game she was freed by Starroyere and her friends when they found the gemstone of life. Filled with Guilt for her actions as the Lady of Darkness the Lady of Fire renounce her gifts and she goes into exile as she dies an old mortal.  She refused to give her inheritance to anyone as she believe that no one should use her powers.  (Because of her actions the prophecy becomes broken and unfulfilled resulting in our heroes finding a new solution in the Last game)
Lady of Wind
The Lady of Wind is the middle child and twin sister to the Lady of Fire. She became the Queen of the Northern realm. However many of her subjects viewed her as a harsh cruel leader as many innocent people were imprisoned during her reign. The Lady of Wind met an unfortunate death at the hands of a rebellion. In her dying breath she gave her powers and her wisdom to the Wind Queen. With the Wind Queen becoming the new Lady of Wind and ruler of the Northern Realm.
Lady of Nature
The Lady of nature is the second youngest among the sisters. She went to the Western Realm and became a warrior. She lead a army against the demon invasion. But she and her forces were all killed by Wormwood, the demon wizard. In the Fourth expansion she and her army are brought back to life as undead to attack the western kingdoms. When Starroyere killed Wormwood and stole the meteor staff she commanded it to kill the undead army thus freeing their souls from Wormwood. With the Lady of Nature’s soul freed she gave her inheritance to Mednarm who becomes the new Lord of Nature.
Lady of Water
The Lady of Water is the youngest among the sisters. She became the guardian to the Southern Realm.  She is the only surviving member of her family beside Starroyere herself. She fight alongside the good guys and helps stop a rising pirate army.
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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milaeryn · 10 months
Ned: "You will train them yourselves, you will feed them yourselves, and if they die, you will bury them yourselves."
And then probably Ned 20 minutes later:
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lost-sheep · 2 months
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Queen of the Black Water Territory, Shi Qingxuan, greets his Brother.
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wigglebox · 4 months
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Personal space? [x]
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magnetic-rose · 1 year
for the record even if ganondorf is irredeemably evil and tries to kill everyone i’ll still support him. he’s my boo. my cinnamon apple. my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. he’s my babygirl, the apple of my eye, the reason i get up in the mornings. my forever galpal.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
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[Hey, where's Sophie??? She's technically a young woman who only looks like an old woman and besides everyone would vote for her and where's the fun in that?]
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toaster-fire-art · 1 year
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you could say i’m a fan
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emprcaesar · 8 months
i just love the idea of the stark kids making a comeback and being absolute monsters.
like house stark is basically fucking gone and the heirs are everywhere but winterfell. they have all had major personal growth and major trauma done to them so now they are so tired and will take zero shit.
also special shout out to nymeria you really are the backbone of the stark PR team really selling the ominous stark comeback and giving westeros a taste of what the starks are gonna do.
the stark kids are the reflection of war. the cold ugly truth is clear on their faces of what war does.
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matchtheminrenown · 2 months
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historical costumes + green
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unyazzzzzz · 10 months
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Silly sketches again
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
i think the reason i feel so offended by biopics about female writers that are all "this exact romantic situation happened to her, and then she simply wrote it down on some paper!" is that they completely disrespect our ability to simply hallucinate a random situation for fun and then become obsessed with it
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volukyrja · 10 months
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Hanged man
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morerawerbreath · 1 year
Fictional Men Ranked Least to Most Likely to Eat Pussy
When I’m bored my powers turn to evil. Happy to announce that @earlymodernlesbian is not only is an enabler but wrote a gay companion piece which you can and should read here!!!! 
10. Mr. Rochester — Jane Eyre
No chance of oral here. Sorry, I don’t think he puts Jane first once in this book. She’s too busy being a ministering angel to ever consider anything above and beyond her wifely duty and I don’t think Rochester ever really stops being a narcissist long enough to consider her desires or even, you know, her life. I bet his french mistress asked him to do it once and he was like “ew, no”
9. Rhett Butler — Gone With the Wind
Rhett says shit like “you ought to be kissed and by someone who knows how,” and then I bet would go down on you one time just to show you what you were missing out on, and then he’d tease you about how much you liked it for months afterwards and refuse to do it again. Imagine how much more normal Scarlett might have been if she was getting regular oral.
8. Konstantin Levin — Anna Karenina
Definitely knows about eating pussy and can’t stop thinking about it. I think he might even shamefully obsess about it in conjunction with his dirty peasant laborer fantasies. However, he also has the ascetic monk thing going on so I bet he hardcore represses his desires to actually do it. That being said, I think if he ever got over himself he’d be way into it.
7. Mr Darcy — Pride and Prejudice
I’m not convinced Mr. Darcy even knows going down on girls is a thing, but once Bingley had filled him in I bet he would try it. Elizabeth I’m sure would not object but I can’t see this happening more than once or twice.
6. Oliver Mellors — Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Mellors has the distinct advantage and disadvantage of being the only character from a book that actually describes sex acts. If it was based solely on what he said (being turned on by getting women off, not shutting up about Connie’s ass, talking about how much he wants a “real” woman with a “real” body), I’d say absolutely he wants to get down there and would use the cringiest words possible to describe it. However, they textually do almost everything else so I feel like if he ate her out DH Lawrence would have told us 😔
EDIT: he goes down on her in the most recent movie!!! vindicated
5. Jonathan Harker — Dracula
Jonathan is obsessed with Mina (rightfully) and loves her to the end of the earth, so of course he’d do anything for her, including eat her out. However, there’s so much putting women on goddess pedestals in Dracula that he might just like, repeatedly kiss her between her legs and and be like, “am I doing this right?” and Mina would be like “I love you so much Jonathan” but she wouldn’t actually get off, you know? 
4. Heathcliff — Wuthering Heights
Someone who is willing to dig up your grave would definitely be down to lick your pussy. Cathy and Heathcliff are so rabid about each other I bet oral is like, one of the least weird things they would have done to each others bodies if they had the chance
3. Gabriel Oak — Far from the Madding Crowd
Not intimidated by Bathsheba’s independence and position of power. Could take care of her and spoil her if she ever let him and they both know it. Plus, not afraid to get down and dirty and do farm work for her. If a man cures your sheep and saves your hay before a storm, what else will he do for you? 👀
2. Mr. Knightley — Emma
Mr. Knightly is the definition of a service top. 100% confident in his masculinity and completely comfortable putting Emma’s needs and wants first, but not gonna let her get away with being high and mighty. Excellent combination of obsessed with her but still in charge. ;) She would get neurotic about it and he would tell her to chill out and he’d be right.
1. George Emerson — A Room with a View
George chugs his respect women juice and is so turned on by the idea of women as individuals with unique desires he can’t stand to see Lucy betray herself by marrying a robot. “I want you to have your own thoughts even when I hold you in my arms” ?!? “The desire to govern a woman lies very deep, and men and women must fight it together before they shall enter the Garden” !! What’s not to love about a pro-Eve humanist who enjoys swimming naked and is constantly telling everyone to be less embarrassed about desire and the body? No question George is going to be eating Lucy out every day of their lives and getting off on it himself.
Marius Pontmercy — Les Misérables
Shy, but also French. Not sure which one wins out here. 
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thewatcher0nthewall · 4 months
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The silver Trout of Winterfell
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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I feel like Link’s family would be obsessed with Linebeck
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