#Ladies of Wisdom
goldleaf-blog · 5 months
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In the world of Pangea there was a time where the Black Dragon ruled. The innocent were force to suffer in a world of darkness and chaos. During this time there were five sisters whose true names have been lost to history. They seek the aid of the Sun God and he granted them immortality, elemental powers and great wisdom. The Shadow locusts having seen the light turn their back against their maker and with the aid of the Ladies of Wisdom they banished the Black Dragon into Tartarus.
Lady of Light
The Lady of Light is Starroyere’s mother and the oldest among the sisters. When the Lady of Light fall pregnant her sisters went their separate ways and they lost their trust with Shadow Locust. The Lady of Light raise her daughter the best she could. But the Lady of Light was unfortunately killed by Redclaw, forcing her daughter to avenged her. Starroyere’s anger and hatred prevented her from inheriting her mother’s wisdom. But eventually at the end of the first game she repents from her hatred and she is granted her mother’s divine wisdom. Making her the new Lady of Light.
Lady of Fire
The Lady of Fire Is the second oldest child and the twin sister to the lady of Wind. She became the guardian and advisor of the Eastern realm. However when the Naga invaded she was captured and brainwashed to servant King Ozark. Becoming the Lady of Darkness. In the second Game she was freed by Starroyere and her friends when they found the gemstone of life. Filled with Guilt for her actions as the Lady of Darkness the Lady of Fire renounce her gifts and she goes into exile as she dies an old mortal.  She refused to give her inheritance to anyone as she believe that no one should use her powers.  (Because of her actions the prophecy becomes broken and unfulfilled resulting in our heroes finding a new solution in the Last game)
Lady of Wind
The Lady of Wind is the middle child and twin sister to the Lady of Fire. She became the Queen of the Northern realm. However many of her subjects viewed her as a harsh cruel leader as many innocent people were imprisoned during her reign. The Lady of Wind met an unfortunate death at the hands of a rebellion. In her dying breath she gave her powers and her wisdom to the Wind Queen. With the Wind Queen becoming the new Lady of Wind and ruler of the Northern Realm.
Lady of Nature
The Lady of nature is the second youngest among the sisters. She went to the Western Realm and became a warrior. She lead a army against the demon invasion. But she and her forces were all killed by Wormwood, the demon wizard. In the Fourth expansion she and her army are brought back to life as undead to attack the western kingdoms. When Starroyere killed Wormwood and stole the meteor staff she commanded it to kill the undead army thus freeing their souls from Wormwood. With the Lady of Nature’s soul freed she gave her inheritance to Mednarm who becomes the new Lord of Nature.
Lady of Water
The Lady of Water is the youngest among the sisters. She became the guardian to the Southern Realm.  She is the only surviving member of her family beside Starroyere herself. She fight alongside the good guys and helps stop a rising pirate army.
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while i do agree zelda should get to have a sword i think the fact that nintendo looked at her and said "y'know what. i think she chucks entire tables at her enemies" is arguably better than any sword could have been
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"Hope she does all right as queen," said Nanny.
"We taught her everything she knows," said Granny Weatherwax.
"Yeah," said Nanny Ogg, as they disappeared into the bracken. "D'you think...maybe...?"
"D'you think maybe we ought to have taught her everything we know?"
"It'd take too long."
"Yeah, right."
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
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I read all of tnv today and I am insane for it please take my offering (that only took me like 2 hours sorry I have a project I have a deadline for and I couldn’t sacrifice much more time)
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RIP Donnie in the back doing the family guy pose i love it so much LOOOOOOOOL
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seasaltandwisdom · 5 months
i praise you lady athena,
leader of battles, sprung from the head of zeus,
i say this prayer out of devotion and love for you.
i say thanks for all the wisdom you bring us,
i don't ask for anything besides for you to be with me.
it will be, as you allow it, i believe in your guidance.
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notesbynataly · 3 months
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(@mythicalmagical-monkeyman asked “ROYAL AU?” but it disappeared?.???😭😭 so just pretend I answered the ask rn💀💀)
Basically I watched Cinderella & immediately decided I need royalty/borderline fairytale/fantasy AU shadowpeach. SWK is ofc the king & 6EM is apart of a ragtag group of entertainers that call themselves “The Lantern”, they r all sum kind of “”freak”” which is what brought them 2gether. The premise was originally just a feel good story where the Bull Kingdom invites The Lantern to play @ the Sun Kingdom, & SWK falls in luv w/ 6EM & vice versa. But I am incapable of keeping it simple so now there’s ✨lore✨
We have The Lantern (Macaque, Bai He, Peng, Yellowtusk, Azure)
Dragon Kingdom (Ao Lie, Mei, Ao Guang, Mei’s parents, etc)
Sun Kingdom (MK, Wukong, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Mo, Guanyin, Nezha)
Bull Kingdom (Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan, Redson)
Bone Clan (Lady Bone Demon, Mayor — idk what 2 call him yet)
Spider Clan (Spider Queen, Syntax, Goliath, Huntsman)
(The short writing/WIP below, fair warning I haven’t reread it or anything & this is the 1st draft + it’s old💀💀💀, it’s also kinda just an idea dump so idk how much would actually b canon 2 the AU yet)
The dark and looming forest, something usually eerie enough to send the bravest men running, was made less intimidating by the warm violet fire light. The campfire crackled as the group around it told tales, smiles wide and bellies ready to be filled. The sound of laughter only added to the homey atmosphere.
Peng cackled as Bai He told the story of how Demon Bull King, their closest ally, attempted to court Princess Iron Fan only for her to turn the tables. Sweeping him off his feet instead. The story wasn’t new nor was this the first time it had been told, yet it sent their feathered friend rolling each and every time it was regaled.
Macaque rolled his eyes fondly, lips quirked up in a soft lopsided grin. “Alright,” he said, catching everyone’s attention. “The food is ready. Bring your bowls and get your fill,” he said. Holding up the ladle from the pot strung up above their fire. Several cheers were heard. The more polite few, Azure and Yellowtusk, giving their thanks and the less patient, Peng and Bai He, giving theirs when elbowed from the former.
Macaque rolled his eyes at their antics, scooping the soup from the pot into their clay and wood bowls. “Thank you for foraging Yellow,” he nodded gratefully. Yellowtusk smiled.
“Anything for your cooking brother,” he said with an elegance only he could hold. Bai He nodded eagerly, completely agreeing. Azure admonished her for it, reminding her to eat properly lest she choke. The girl, at the soonest opportunity, maturely stuck her tongue out at him. Causing Peng to snort and actually choke. Yellowtusk patted them on the back.
Macaque smiled warmly at his little ragtag group. They were traveling entertainers. All of them were a freak of some kind, Macaque a shapeshifter who puts on shadow puppet shows. Having been ‘blessed’ with the gift of shadow and the sixth ear from a young age, he’d been sought out and held captive for many years before he’d found Bai He.
Bai He is a winter fae. Winter fae have quite the bad rap and yet she’s the sweetest girl he’s ever met. Brave and compassionate, she cares so brightly for her friends that it’s impossible for them to even doubt their place by her side. Macaque had met her when he’d been captured by the Bone Clan. The two had escaped together and the start of their theater began, turns out she had quite the knack for special effects.
The next to join their small gang was Azure Lion, a griffin cursed to live as part man. Apparently the man had some bad friends back in the day which had led him to his capture, a cage which Bai He and Macaque had freed him from. Azure had proved quite the leader, quickly taking the reins of their group and helping organize shows.
After him had been both Yellowtusk, a great warlock, and Peng, a magnificent harpy. They had encroached on the twos land by accident where Peng had fiercely attacked them. Upon discovering the misunderstanding they’d invited them in as an apology. Rather Yellowtusk invited them in. Turns out the two had been rather bored living on their own and Yellowtusk had always wanted to explore the world. So their three soon became a five.
Peng made a good scout and bodyguard while Yellowtusk knows plenty about medicine. Macaque also valued the warlock's insight when it came to plants. He always had the best ideas for add ons.
In their travels they had made many friends and ally’s. Their biggest ones, as mentioned previously, was the Bull Kingdom. Demon Bull King, a powerful centaur; his wife Princess Iron Fan, an elemental witch that has a deep connection with the wind; and their son Redson, half centaur and half elemental witch who, unlike his mother, has quite a strong connection to fire.
The five had been visiting both for shelter and to perform when an opposing kingdom had attacked. The group had lent their aid in the battle and quickly endeared themselves to the royals. The Bulls even going as far to claim them as family.
Smiling Macaque scooped up some of the mushroom soup and blew on it to cool it down, carefully taking a sip from it. He hummed in satisfaction. Yet another meal made to perfection. The next kingdom they plan to stop by is the Sun Kingdom. Apparently a great ball will be happening and the Bull Kingdom had invited the five to attend and perform, to which they had agreed.
Bai He had been rather ecstatic. According to the forest animals the Dragon Kingdom would be attending, another ally of theirs. Mei, the princess, had almost immediately taken to Bai He and the two became thicker than thieves. Of course not all kingdoms were receptive to their kind so Macaque was just hoping they would be welcome in the Sun Kingdom. While he wasn’t positive he would take his Bull brothers word for it.
After finishing the soup Bai He gathered up the dirty dishes, grumbling all the while as if the chore roster hadn’t originally been her idea. Her bug-like wings quivered as they rid themselves of the dust of the day. Bai He wore a light blue sleeveless top, that always reminded him of frost, with dark blue trimming. She also donned baggy white shorts and darker blue boots tied up with black leather string. The only thing with true color variation was the pink handkerchief holding her long black hair, which had a stripe of white, back from her face. A gift from Mei that the dragon girl said would bring out her warm brown eyes.
Peng had dark teal baggy shorts as well as a purple loincloth held up by a golden belt. A dark green feather sticking out from their black hair pulled up into a high bun. Yellowtusk wore a simple dark purple robe with gold accents, a compliment to his brother's outfit. His white hair is short and tucked back behind his ears with a few loose strands framing his face. While Azure wore skin tight black pants and shirt, which only had one sleeve and was cut diagonally in a way that exposed half of his torso, and finally a golden armored skirt with gold shoulder pads. His ginger hair pulled into two braided pigtail resting in his shoulders.
Macaque himself had a red cloak, a black baggy shirt with even baggier sleeves and gold accents, dark red pants, and black boots also with gold accents. The shapeshifters own short black hair simply slicked back to stay out of his face. The only real thing their clothes had in common was a necklace crafted by Yellowtusk, the symbol was his shadow lantern and each amulet was enchanted with protection wards.
Macaque absolutely did not cry when Yellowtusk handed them out no matter what Peng says. Which is super hypocritical because they totally did.
“Alright!” Azure spoke. Gaining the attention of the group he smiled, clasping his hands together as Bai He came back from the river with the freshly cleaned dishes. “It’s getting late and if we wish to arrive in time we must leave earlier,” he announced. Grumbled agreements rang through the camp as the group pulled out their blankets.
Macaque wheezed as Bai He tackled him, wrapping her arms and legs around him like a koala. “Really?” he groaned. She laughed as he pulled the blankets up over them. The next to lay down was Yellowtusk and Peng, then finally Azure. He closed his fist and the fire went out, their supplies being gathered up by shadows and deposited in their rightful place.
The five gathered up their blankets and pillows for their cuddle pile. Macaque relaxed into the bed as he shifted from his human form to his puma one, wrapping his tail around his sister's ankle in an effort to hug her back. Peng and Azure's wings spread out to cover them all as Yellowtusk whispered a spell of warmth. Soon the gathered heat of his family lulled him to sleep, excited for a full day of performance tomorrow.
Wukong was excited. The neighboring kingdom, the Bull Kingdom, had invited the rather infamous traveling group The Lantern.
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months
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do you ever get a dumb joke stuck in your head
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ssaalexblake · 3 months
honestly the best moment in the woman who fell to earth is when Yaz and Ryan are tasked with operating a crane by the doctor and they have to youtube it to work out how. So underappreciated. So realistic. Of Course they'd go on youtube to work it out and of course there's be a video on there telling people how to work a crane.
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greekgodssitcom · 1 year
Artemis, Ares and Athena going to a woman’s rights convention>>>>>
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pegasusgemini · 10 months
Official Emblems and Honorific Names of the seven Orthodox Gods
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athenepromachos · 5 months
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Athena Piraeus. Discovered in 1959, the 8ft tall bronze statue of the Goddess dates to second half of the 4th Century BC. 🏺🏛
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"I thought that sort of thing was, you know," the king grinned sickly, "folklore?"
"Of course it's folklore, you stupid man!"
"I do happen to be king, you know," said Verence reproachfully.
"You stupid king, your majesty."
"Thank you."
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
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flickeringflame216 · 23 days
also lest I do naught but grumble, blessings roll call! share blessings or news or prayer requests in the tags :)
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ambertamm · 4 months
“for most of us, knowledge of our world comes largely through sight, yet we look about with such unseeing eyes that we are partically blind.
One way to open your eyes to unnoticed beauty is to ask yourself:
what if I had never seen this before?
What if I knew I would never seen it again? “
- The Sense of Wonder, Rachel Carson
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multbasa · 3 hours
Can I just...the rapier and fencing is not more feminine than a broadsword...
I have no idea where these ideas of "feminine" combat came from including fencing and archery. Neither of those things were historically a woman's weapon so the idea that these are the feminine alternative to a broadsword or great sword is very odd to me. If anyone knows where these ideas originated, I'd be curious to know. The excuse I see is "women are weaker than men" which suggests that fencing and archery use less muscle which is absolutely hilarious.
Weapons are not male or female because anyone can learn how to fight—including fencing and archery. Fencing and archery doesn't require less strength than a broadsword, so they are not suitable for those who lack muscle. Anyone who uses these weapons regardless of gender needs to build muscle in the right areas to fight. Neither weapon can be given to anyone to simply pick up and fight with for the first time.
If you want a weapon that anyone could pick up, an axe is a better bet because it's easier to use (as many people have used one before) and can be a two handed weapon as well which allows someone to use twice as much strength than any one handed weapon.
There are also polearms that give someone a lot of reach as well as being a two handed weapon which, again, benefits those with less strength in their arms compared to single handed swords and especially archery (archers of either gender are absolutely BUILT). Wooden polearms are very sturdy, have a reach advantage and can be used to deflect blows which is all very advantageous for people who are less experienced.
I'll be real: I'm really tired of this idea of gendered weapons. A weapon is a weapon in the hands of a man or a woman; one weapon is not more masculine or more feminine and all of them require some sort of skill and the right built muscles. If someone is looking for a weapon suitable for an untrained and weaker fighter regardless of gender, then there are some options but they aren't archery nor fencing.
Anyway, if Echoes or Wisdom Zelda were to use a weapon, polearm Zelda or two-handed axe Zelda for the win.
...I don't think there's anything wrong or shameful for this Zelda to be a caster. If anything, the difference in playstyle means that we could see more playable princess Zelda games or see Zelda as a playable duo with Link rather than her just being Link but a girl. I don't think a female character has to prove herself to be "just as strong as a man" by wielding a sword because not being a swordfighter doesn't make her less capable.
There will always be morons who claim women can't do "this or that" based on sexism but a female character wielding a sword in a video game won't change their mind. Those people attack women who weight lift or work in male dominated trades regardless of how accomplished we are. We don't have to prove anything to morons like that because they will always move the goalpost. You can't argue with stupid so just ignore them/block them.
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