#laid there...occasionally dozing off.....
freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
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Okay so thought would Astarion just be uber happy if tav is just clinging to him and is like let me stay here where it is safe for just a little longer pleaseee
I think I'm feeling the energy. And it's an actual drabble instead of a novel! Cw: In-game references, spoilers, but this is just some fluffy fluff fluff.
When Astarion made the decision to seduce you, it had been based in cold rationality. In the short time he had known you, you had proven to be intelligent, capable, attractive enough for sex to not feel like a total burden, and extremely hard to kill. Using a falsified relationship to wrap you around his finger was the easy choice for survival. And it did work, with varying results.
Because you provided many, many complications. Like the unfortunate reality that Astarion quickly had grown sincerely fond of you. Not only were you impressively competent, you were fun. Hilariously bitchy in a way that never failed to make him laugh. But you were still kind, kind in a meaningful way that Astarion was simply not used to.
It had felt like a shock when you were so adamant about his right to be his own person. When you didn't make him bite that drow cretin he was struck with the realization that you actually cared about him. What that thing had been offering in return would no doubt have been useful to your journey, but you didn't even give it a second thought. And Astarion wouldn't soon forget how you saying, "He said no," with so much conviction had sent a shiver up his spine.
Perhaps the whole event sent him into a tailspin that ended with him admitting his, in-hindsight, horrible plan, but it had been worth it in the end. Gods knows why, but you didn't abandon him when he revealed the truth. You just listened. You listened and opened up your mind for him to see just how much you cared for him. A care he perhaps didn't deserve, but one he would take. Even if he had no idea what the two of you were doing anymore.
But he did know that something shifted in your relationship after that, the birth of a new kind of trust. Apparently, Astarion hadn't been the only one holding back.
Because seemingly overnight, you got a lot more touchy. A facet of yourself that he really had not seen coming. Not sexually, no. You had been nothing but a dream when it came to understanding the hang-ups he had with that particular topic. But you did suddenly decide that you loved holding hands. You loved hugging him, for no reason at all. The two of you went from the occasional night together before parting ways to simply sharing a tent. And gods were you a cuddler. Every morning he would wake up with you wrapped around him, peaceful and at ease as you slept in his arms.
And... it was nice. Really, really nice. Astarion had always assumed that he would loathe being with someone who was so tactile. But it turned out when every little touch wasn't leading to mediocre and/or horrifying sex they were actually quite enjoyable. It felt good to have you so close, to know that you felt safe and comfortable with him of all people. Nice enough for Astarion to slowly get addicted to it. He wasn't quite sure when his favorite past time became reading while you laid on top of him, but he knew it claimed to top spot with startlingly speed.
Even now, with Cazador still looming, the tadpoles still squirming behind your eyes, worries and responsibilities abound, Astarion felt completely at peace. He was laying flat on his back on his bed roll, a book in one hand and the other carefully petting your hair as you dozed off; your body completely draped over him. He'd have to wake you sooner than later. Baldur's Gate was only a day's journey away now, and if you wanted to make it there before nightfall then everyone would have to get moving. He could already hear the sound of the others shuffling about.
He snapped his book shut, setting it to the side before he gently shook you, "It's time to rise and shine darling, Baldur's Gate won't be saving itself."
You mumbled as you buried your face into his chest, your words slurred, "Don't wanna. Too early."
That was another change with this newfound phase of trust. Astarion had become the only person who knew your little secret of not being a morning person. In the first few moments of wakefulness, you were at your clingiest, your whiniest, surprisingly your most honest, and arguably your most adorable state of the day. A fact that you actively hid from the rest of the group out of sheer embarrassment, but Astarion thought it was cute.
Not to mention that it made him feel special, oddly enough. That he was the only one who was allowed to see you like this; who could take care of you like this.
Astarion laughed at your response, "Tell that to the sun sweetheart. It's high-time we got going."
Despite his own words, he wasn't really doing much to move the process along. If anything he was hindering it when he wrapped his arms around you, only helping to make you more comfortable instead of less.
But then again, maybe he wasn't quite ready to let you go yet either.
You shook your head against him, your hands tightening on the fabric of his shirt, "Le'mme stay, just a little longer."
"That's easy for you to say when you're not the one to get Lae'zel's wrath," Astarion lightly argued, still making no moves to actually hurry this process along. But it was true, Lae'zel always blamed your lateness on him, her favoritism towards you blatantly obvious. The bitch. But at least she was a bitch with good taste, "I would prefer not to be murdered by a gith for being tardy."
But you were already back to being half-asleep, your internal filter completely disintegrated as you mumbled, "Feels safe here, with you. Don't wanna let it go yet. Please?"
Gods, how the in the nine hells was Astarion supposed to say no to that? He didn't. Instead the grip he had on you only tightened, the happy little sigh you let out at the movement striking him straight through the heart. He felt so... happy in that moment, through nothing more than the simplicity of holding you. Because you trusted him. You felt safe with him, which might as well have been a love confession in Astarion's world. It felt so good to have this, an intimacy that he'd been denied for centuries.
Astarion settled back, letting his own eyes close as he smiled. The others would get the two of you eventually, but until then he wasn't going anywhere. No, the two of you would be staying right here.
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eddiesghxst · 9 months
ohhh the post about eddie masturbating in the bathroom was AMAZING AHHH!!
could i request something where nancy, robin, jonathan, eddie & reader are having a sleepover at steve’s & when everyone’s asleep eddie & reader get all handsy, so she jerks him & then rides him, trying to be quiet because they’re still in the same room as the others (robin sleeps with steve in his bed & jonathan, nancy & the two of you on the ground on mattresses) but at some point they move it to the bathroom just a few doors down.
in the end, steve gets woken up & catches them in the bathroom because they accidentally left the door open but they don’t notice so steve just goes back to bed traumatized for life💀😩
sorry it’s a bit long i just LOVE your writing!!
because i won't be able to get the next part of price of fame up this week, here is some spooky slut action to tithe <3
ALSO, im so sorry it took me forever to write this BUT THANK U STINK, i changed a few things around, i hope u don't mind, but here u gooo!
It’s wrong.
What you and Eddie are doing is so wrong.
It's gross and something you would probably scrunch your nose at and fake a gag if anyone ever told you they did it. But fuck, you’d be lying if you said it isn’t turning you on to no end— Eddie’s fingers working you towards your first orgasm as your nails dig into his thighs to keep you grounded as you try to remain quiet for your sleeping friends.
The older half of the gang decided to pull a spooky night at Steve’s place, ‘This is strictly rated-R, shitheads.’ Steve explained when the younger half tried to join in. You’d all settled into Steve’s comfy basement after a long week and ran through A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Carrie, and endless junk food and beers before everyone slowly began to tap out.
Jonathan was the first to fall asleep, and once Nancy noticed, she went ahead and moved them to the bigger couch, where she inevitably dozed off as well. Robin was next, claiming she could feel her arteries clogging up with the amount of sugar you’d all ingested and, ‘If I die, it better be in my sleep, not watching shitty horrors with you three idiots.”
And then it was just you, Eddie, and Steve.
One thing about Eddie is when the lights go down in a room, and he’s next to you, hands will roam. Fingers will grab and squeeze at skin, caress and provoke goosebumps across your arms, and eventually sneak into sensitive areas— and it doesn’t matter who else is in the room.
You already knew where things were going when you felt Eddie’s cool rings press into the warm skin of your thigh. You had just begun the fourth movie of the night, Ghostbusters, because you claimed you needed a break from the horror movies, and Eddie couldn’t wait any longer to get his hands on you. Luckily, Eddie’s wandering hands are hidden beneath the blanket you share, so Steve is clueless about the sinful actions happening across the room.
And you were able to hold off your moans and whimpers for the most part, but Eddie was getting mean with it. Two fingers dipping in and out of your wet cunt at a painfully slow and agonizing pace that had your legs quivering. He occasionally curves his fingers up to brush up against your spot, teeth digging into his lip to hide the groan of pain when your nails dig deeper into his skin— he’s sure you’ll leave a mark. And you were doing good. 
You were doing so good.
Until Eddie added a third finger, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Fuck sweetheart, you get any wetter than this, and I might have to fuck you now,” with an added swirl of his thumb over your clit, and you were done for.
You moan unexpectedly loud and pathetic, and anybody with common sense would know what the two of you are doing. The sweaty palm of your hand slaps over your mouth as your eyes widen in surprise, gaze snapping over to where Steve is laid back in the La-Z-Boy recliner, and from this angle, with Steve’s chair turned towards the TV, you can only see his full head of fluffy brown hair. 
You don’t want to risk it, you think. So, you curl your fingers around Eddie’s wrist and pathetically tug, “Steve,” You whisper, alerting Eddie that maybe this isn’t a good idea.
But Eddie only nuzzles his face into your neck and quickens the pace of his fingers, reveling in the soft gasp you let out as he whispers in your ear, “He’s asleep.”
You look to where Steve is sitting again, wearily searching for any signs that he might still be awake, but to your favor, you find none— and maybe you ignored the small moment where Steve shifted, but between the overwhelming feeling of Eddie’s breath on your neck and the toe-curling sensations he’s bringing between your thighs, you can’t seem to care anymore.
“I’m close,” you rush through a whispered breath, hips tilting up to meet his skilled actions. “Yeah?” He nips at your ear, and you whimper, eyes shutting. “You gonna cum on my fingers? In front of our friends, honey? You’re dirtier than I thought,” He teasingly growls the last part, licking behind your ear before sucking the tip between his lips. You pant his name, this time loud enough to cause Eddie’s hand to slap over your mouth.
“As badly as I wanna hear those pretty moans of yours, sweetheart, you need to be a little more quiet,” He whispers. You nod as best as you can, drool smearing over Eddie’s palm as you roll your hips against his palm as quietly as you can.
“Come on, baby,” Eddie encourages, calloused fingers digging into your cheeks, “Want you to cum all over my fingers like the desperate little slut you are.”
Your legs quiver at that, eyes rolling back as you begin to teeter over the edge. “Gonna take you upstairs after this so I can fuck you real good. Split you open nice and wide on my cock; you want that?” He hums, slinking his hand down to squeeze at your jaw and turn your head to where his lips catch yours as he speaks. You nod desperately and pathetically, and Eddie smiles, licking across your lips once before your eyes squeeze shut, and the dam finally breaks.
Eddie presses his lips against yours to silence your noises, which go unheard with the help of the movie playing. Eddie can feel you squeezing and pulsing around his fingers, and his cock jumps at the thought of what’s to come after he drags you out of this fucking basement.
Eddie kisses you throughout your climax, fingers gently guiding you through the hurricane of pleasure until you push him away with a whisper, “S’too much.”
Eddie lets you have it, removing his fingers from you with a lewd squelch that reaches his ears, pulling his hand out to hold it up in front of you. His fingers glisten under the TV light with your slick coating his knuckles, some dripping down onto his rings. You watch with lust-hooded eyes as he brings the soaked digits to his lips, making a show of licking up the length of them and swallowing every drop. Your cunt throbs, and you shift as his eyes meet yours.
And you don’t have to say anything because you already know, and before you know it, you’re dragging Eddie up the basement stairs with a racing heart and an aching center.
But what neither of you knows is Steve has been awake the entire time.
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piratefishmama · 7 months
Nest | Part 15
A Steddie A/B/O ficlet
For Eddie, it was like he knew he needed something, he knew his body needed something, but had no real idea of how to go about getting it, and in his confusion, he’d forgotten why he’d wanted the nameless mystery thing in the first place.
He’d made one attempt at presenting himself like instinct would guide him into doing, but when the alpha present didn’t take the opportunity, he found himself unsure of what to do next. His alpha just about managed to catch the downward spiral of rejection before it spun out of control, comforting him, reassuring him, but it all left Eddie feeling a little bit… lost.
He didn’t have the experience to try something else.
Had it been anyone else. Anyone with experience. An Omega who’d shared their heats before, or at least gotten laid once or twice, Steve would have been in trouble, Eddie would have had just enough knowledge to try harder, but with the complete lack of such knowledge… it had the Omega simply settling into Steve’s side, and basking in the presence of an alpha’s comforting scent for what should have been the most stressful part of his heat.
Too unsure of what else he ought to be doing to be stressed about doing it. Sure, he was a little uncomfortable, absolutely, but his alpha was right there. Big, strong, his arms wrapped comfortably around him, he had the little towel drenched in his alphas scent direct from his gland so it was easy to let himself drift off.
Even with the ache settled low in his tummy, even with the slippery, warm, slick sensation between his legs, the uncomfortable ache in his gums and the urge to bite something that came along with it, and of course, the feverish heat his body radiated, he knew he wanted something. His body definitely wanted something, an uncomfortable aching hunger that niggled in the back of his mind to be satiated, but… he could wait for… whatever it was, surely it’d show up eventually if it was that important.
It wasn’t as unbearable as he’d been so sure it’d be. He wasn’t even in any pain. It wasn’t hurting him.
He was content, he was cosy, he was safe. Protected. And with his alpha ever so gently stroking his fingers through Eddie’s damp hair, fingertips occasionally grazing his scalp in a way that had Eddie chirruping softly in his light doze… he could comfortably succumb to sleep.
For Steve… there was no sleeping when Eddie was like this.
Steve couldn’t close his eyes and rest, even with Eddie’s own eyes closed, the Omega’s body, while relaxed, felt like it was on fire. Steve could feel every inch of him, he radiated heat, skin clammy, slick with sweat, his hair clinging to his body in a way that could never be comfortable but was likely the very lowest on the totem pole of problems Eddie’s poor incredibly fragile mind was focusing on, even though Steve did try and stroke his fingers through it to give him some comfort.
Eddie seemed to be able to rest, his eyes were closed, and while yes, his body still shook, still shivered, he still appeared deeply uncomfortable, and he still wriggled in Steves arms, he looked like he’d slipped into a light slumber.
Steve couldn’t rest. There was no possible way he could even relax less it accidentally lead to sleep. The last thing Steve needed was to slip under and come to with Eddie taking advantage, he wouldn’t even know it was wrong, wouldn’t even be able to consider what his actions actually were, driven solely by primal instinct, right and wrong lost to him.
Sleep wasn’t safe for either of them.
So he laid there in the nest, Eddie curled up into his side, his warm breath fanning across Steve’s neck in short, laboured little puffs of humid air, his fingers curled so tightly into the towel Steve had given him hours ago that they also dug into Steve’s shirt beneath it.
Steve was focusing entirely on the steady whirr of the vents, loud and somewhat irritating, but there, keeping the air in the room from becoming unbearably thick. Keeping the scent Eddie was still giving off from becoming overwhelming even at such a close proximity to the source.
He was hungry. His stomach rumbled in protest, he hadn’t eaten properly. Too anxious, having been sinking into his own little spiral of despair over not being there for his Omega, he’d totally ignored the one meal he could have had before this whole mess and now… now he had no way of getting food. Any attempt made by anyone outside the room to sneak something in ran the risk of Eddie’s territorial rage. It was just him.
Just him, his thoughts, and his prayers to a god he wasn’t sure he believed in that Eddie would just sleep through it all. That his body would settle for just Steve’s presence and nothing more, because so far it was working.
Eddie wasn’t producing nearly as much slick as he would have been had they being actively going for it, his thighs were damp, the materials of his nest wet beneath his body, but it wasn’t an overwhelming amount, it wasn’t nearly enough for him to comfortably take even an average sized knot. He wouldn’t have even been able to comfortably take the smaller of the heat aids with what he was producing.
He wasn’t begging, he wasn’t pushing, or demanding, he could sort of talk while awake, and he was coherent enough to understand what was being said to him even if he couldn’t retain the memory of it being said.
He was like… a blank slate. A confused animal uncertain of its purpose, made evident by the fact that, as Steve made damn sure to check, Eddie had actually fallen asleep.
While he should have been at the very height of lust, at the pinnacle of need, desperate to be filled, desperate to feel full, to be bred, and doing everything during the short period of time he had to achieve it, he’d… fallen asleep. Nestled into the crook of Steve’s neck, breathing a little heavily, sure, but he’d fallen asleep.
Looking like he had nothing more than a fever, maybe a light flu, he slept.
And he kept sleeping.
Even while Steve stared at the ceiling, listening to the whirr of the air vents, listening to the faint sounds of the clock on the wall as time went tick by tock. Eddie slept soundly all the way through until his status as a human radiator began to slowly subside, as time passed them by reducing the risk with each tick of the clock until sunlight filled the shadows in the room, filtering through the curtains of the frosted windows.
The only warning Steve had that his omega was finally coming too, was the subtle furrow of his brow, and a soft grumble of a sound, before bleary eyes opened to take in the world around him with a little more clarity than he’d had when he’d first closed them.
His pupils were still blown, his skin was still warm and clammy, but he had enough strength to ease himself out of Steve’s arms, the towel he’d been clutching falling into his bare lap, alerting him to the fact that it was there to begin with. He took in his surroundings, his nest was a mess, he took in his physical state, naked and confused.
And finally, he took in the alpha still residing to his left, who watched him with barely concealed alarm. Steve. Steve was in his room.
His nest was a mess.
He was naked.
And Steve, an Alpha. Was in his room.
“It’s not what it looks like.” And then came… the panic.
Part 17
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userlando · 1 year
that anon is a genuis? the showering one 🥺
okay okay I’m still gonna write a full on fic but I wanted to do the showering together rn because I have no shame, but but I hope you enjoy this lil fluffy thing
take care of you (2.k words) lando norris x fem!reader sickfic
You were never sick, and that’s why Lando was getting worried. The both of you had always laughed at the thought of being ill, boasting a little too much about your amazing immune systems and now it’s come to bite you in the ass.
It had started as - what you thought was - a hangover, having a little too much to drink at the bar where Max had practically forced you to come two days ago. Lando hadn’t really been feeling it, still a little sore from the race a few days prior and in need of a night in where he could just relax. But you’d both gone eventually, had a good time and then you’d woken up violently ill the next morning.
Lando had set aside his aversion to vomit, quietly gagging as he tried to nurse you back to health. But it had become clear that it wasn’t just the aftermath of the night before coming to haunt you. Your nose had turned stuffy, voice hoarse and your fevers were running high. Dangerously so. Lando had never seen you so drained of energy before and it was starting to scare him.
He’d ignored your protests of staying away, not wanting him to catch whatever the fuck was making you feel like death was knocking on your front door but Lando was nothing but stubborn, glaring angrily at you when you tried to wave him off.
Max had dropped in to dump a plastic bag of medicine and everything a pharmacy held before fleeing, saying that whatever you had, he didn’t want it. You just wished Lando had the same attitude.
You didn’t want to admit it out loud though, that a part of you was glad that you had your best friend by your side to look after your basic needs when you couldn't. He always ran cold and it was a great advantage as he sat by your side as you went in and out of consciousness, placing his chilly hand on your forehead and cheek to hopefully stave off the fever.
By day two, he’d had enough. His stomach was twisting in worry, and he’d rang his mum three times - looking for advice or anything to help with her in a different country. You’d been a little delirious, skin slick with sweat as you laid on the bed; barely conscious and drifting between that place where you're not quite lucid, but you're also not completely knocked out. Lando would’ve thought that you were sleeping if it weren’t for the mouth breathing and little whimpers you occasionally let out when the pain in your head spiked out of nowhere.
It was three in the morning when you sniffled, waking up from your doze and blinking at him. You looked so miserable that he couldn’t help but feel sorry for you, brushing a few strands of hair sticking to your forehead and ignoring the fact that your hair was absolutely soaking. Anxiety was already gripping his heart in a fist and he couldn't handle feeding into it anymore, in fear of it bursting at the seams.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, voice quiet as to not worsen your headache but you still groaned like he’d put a megaphone to your ear and screamed into it.
You made a pathetic attempt at shaking your head, and the little gesture made him smile in endearment when you nuzzled the side of your face against the pillow; squishing your nose and mouth into the damp fabric.
“No.” You murmured. “‘s so hot.”
He glanced at the one too many covers and blankets on you, thinking that maybe he’d gone overboard with his mum’s advice to ‘let you sweat your fever out’.
“I know, bug.” He frowned a little. “You’ll be okay soon.”
“I feel like I’ve taken a nap in the devil’s arse.” You complained and Lando laughed, a bit relieved that your humour was still there.
He thought back on his mum’s advice that he’d immediately brushed off with heated cheeks as soon as the words left her mouth. Let her have a shower, it’ll do wonders for her, poor girl.
How was Lando supposed to get you in the shower when you hadn’t even left the bed for days? He glanced down at you and sucked his teeth, hands going to push the covers from your body before he could second guess himself. You made a sound of confusion when he grabbed at your hands, helping you sit up.
“What are you doin’?” Your speech was a little slurred, exhaustion clinging to your very soul and Lando ignored the pang in his chest at your rare vulnerability.
He’d ever only seen you like this when you were pissed out of your mind drunk, or when you were really sad. Or sick.
“We’re taking a shower.” He said, helping you stand up and you went easily, leaning heavily on him because the room was fucking spinning and he’d just said we.
The slow realisation made you yelp as he walked the both of you to the bathroom, and you gripped his hoodie in your hands in a lousy effort to stop him from walking any further.
“We? You’re not seeing me naked.” You said, feeling a little panicked at that thought.
Lando gave you a look you couldn’t decipher, pushing the door open with his foot and guiding you inside. He flipped down the toilet seat lid and gently sat you down and any other day you would've laughed at how much he acted like his mother when she fussed over her son or even you.
“Then we’re showering in our clothes.” He said, like it was that simple but it really wasn't that simple.
“We’re not.” You frowned but immediately stopped because fuck, that hurt your head. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’ll shower tomorrow when I've got my strength up.”
“You said that yesterday. You’re literally laying in your pool of sweat.” He pointed in the direction of your bedroom as if to get his point across and your mouth pursed in displeasure.
“You said you wouldn’t mention that.”
Lando’s eyebrows climbed to his forehead in exasperation and you flushed hotly. It was embarrassing and he’d promised not to make fun of you. Not that he was making fun of you, but still.
“You’re being an idiot.” He said, watching you pout a little at that and immediately feeling bad. He backtracked. “I mean… I don’t want you feeling faint and falling when I’m not here. I promise I won’t be a creep and look.”
You narrowed your eyes in disbelief and Lando placed both of his hands on his hips as he exhaled, the tips of his ear turning a nice shade of pink.
“Fine. I won’t look too much.” He swept a hand in the air. “Can we please get you in the shower? You’re starting to stink.”
“Now you know how I feel every day around you.” You muttered, ignoring Lando as he repeated your words in a mocking tone. “Okay, can you at least just… Look away?”
He regarded you with a contemplative look before nodding slowly, turning around and you stared at his back for a few seconds before starting to undress. Lando was patient, keeping his eyes firmly on the sink as he heard the shuffle of clothes and your noises behind him. You made a small sound that let him know that you were done and he stretched a hand out without turning or looking, offering his support as you stepped into the shower with weak legs.
You didn’t want to admit that he was right. You were in no shape or form to wash yourself without risking blacking out, but Lando thankfully didn’t say a thing as he let you draw the shower drapes to cover you.
You stood quietly, shivering and a little nervous as you heard him undress, nausea roiling your stomach and tying it into knots and you couldn’t figure out if it was because you were nervous or simply sick. It must’ve been a combination of two, you decided, thoughts spiralling until Lando’s voice echoed in the bathroom.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded before you realised that he couldn’t see you.
“Yeah.” You flattened your palm against the tiled wall when you started feeling a little dizzy, squeezing your eyes shut. “Can you hurry? I’m feeling sick.”
The weakness in your voice must’ve triggered your best friend into action because he pulled the drapes aside and stepped in, grabbing your hand like it was a normal and every day occurrence to be standing in the shower. Naked.
You opened your eyes to find him looking intensely at your face, eyebrows pulled together worriedly and you gave him a shaky smile.
“Do you wanna lean on me?” He asked, tilting his head to look you in the eyes.
You were about to shake your head when you felt your world tilt on its axis, stumbling a little and Lando was quick to wrap his arms around you. He pulled you into his embrace and took some of your weight off your feet, trying not to think about how incredibly naked and warm you were against him.
He exhaled, feeling your hands weakly rest on his back; like you were welcoming his help and it made something warm bloom in his chest.
“I’m going to turn the shower on now, okay?” He walked the two of you to the corner before reaching back and turning the knob.
There was a sputtering sound before the spray came, and you could feel the cold mist as the shower head splattered cold water by your feet. You hummed in delight, leaning your forehead against Lando’s shoulder and closing your eyes.
“I feel like shit.” You confessed quietly between the two of you and Lando’s hand came up to brush the hair down your neck in quiet comfort. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Don’t mention it. You know I always will.” There was something in his voice that you couldn’t quite decipher, but you let it go when he took a step back into the shower once he’d deemed it warm enough.
The lukewarm water felt like heaven as it pelted down the both of you, washing away the sweat and everything you’d managed to accumulate these past few days. You hummed in pleasure, feeling your hair soak and you pushed your head off his shoulder to look at your best friend.
He was busy making out the hundreds of different bottles, looking lost before he finally found the shampoo bottle. The sight would’ve made you laugh if you had any strength left, but you settled for an amused smile that Lando clocked as soon as he turned his attention back to you.
“Shut up.” He said, seeing the clear laughter in your eyes and you raised your eyebrows as if to say hey, I didn’t say anything. “Turn around and let me wash your hair.”
You weren’t about to protest, doing just that and placing the palm of your hand against the wall to keep yourself upright.
Lando quickly washed your hair, the suds of the shampoo sliding down your face and getting in your eyes and it wasn’t as relaxing as one would’ve thought but he did the job and you couldn’t complain. He even went as far as conditioning your hair, rinsing it off gently before you offered to do the same for him.
“You don’t have to do that.” He scrunched his nose. “You look like you’re two seconds away from falling asleep.”
“Put your head down and shut up. Let me wash your hair.” You tried to sound stern, but you ended up sounding a little ridiculous with your stuffy nose and Lando grinned before complying.
The smile on his face vanished when he realised that he had, in the process, put himself in direct eyesight of your naked body and he struggled not to tense up as he heard the cap of the bottle pop, staring hard at your bare feet instead.
You did a way better job at washing his hair, digging your nails pleasantly around his skull and massaging his curls thoroughly before rinsing the suds off. Lando didn’t realise how relaxed he’d became until he tried to stand upright, hair drooping over his face and dripping wet.
His breath stuttered when you let out a hoarse laugh, pushing the hair out of his face and the movement was so intimate that Lando had a hard time breathing, wondering what the fuck was happening.
You didn’t seem bothered by the gesture though, none the wiser as you picked up a loofah and pushed it into his hands. He blinked down at it like it was a foreign object, trying to make sense of what exactly you were asking of him.
“You want me to wash you?” His voice went high, almost in a squeak and you shot a questioning look at him.
“Yes.” You decided on replying before frowning, adding: “Is that weird? I can do it if —“
“No, no. Um, I can do it, just —“ He was flustered, turning a little in the small space of your shower and trying not to yelp when his arm brushed your naked skin. “Body wash. I need body wash.”
Your face was on fire, watching him pop the cap of the body wash and ripping it off in the process. He made a little sound in his throat but didn’t dare to pick the broken cap off the floor, squirting the liquid onto the loofah before waving it in front of you.
You turned around, figuring that it was maybe a little easier if you weren’t in each others faces and Lando must’ve felt the same because he blew out a breath and started washing your back, albeit a little timidly.
He gained confidence after a few moments, finishing scrubbing you before doing himself and you didn’t call him out on him using your sponge because really, he’d probably done it a million times whenever he showered at your place.
The both of you stepped out, and he was there to immediately wrap you up in a towel before doing the same to himself. You didn’t want to acknowledge your heart, how it was speeding up abnormally so at the sight of him and how sweet he was being. Taking care of you, sending updates to your mum with how you were and assuring her that you were being taken care of. He knew how much of a worrier she was, and it made something immense swell in your chest as he rubbed a second towel over your hair, gentle and so very careful not to snag your hair or accidentally hurt you.
“What?” He halted when he pulled the towel away, revealing your face and your eyes staring at him. He wasn’t sure if it was the shampoo that had gotten in your eyes but they looked like they were on the verge of welling up.
“Nothing.” You replied, voice thick and so obviously lying but Lando didn’t touch on the subject. He made sure to ask later, when the air wasn’t so charged and you weren't teetering on the brink of death.
“Get into bed, I’ll bring you fresh clothes.” He said as he steered the both of you back to your bedroom. Lando stopped as he eyed your bed, a little critically. “You know what, let’s go to the couch instead.”
You laughed, voice a little thick and you reached a hand to weakly slap at his arm.
“What?” He grinned. “We need to change the sheets. Or maybe even burn them.”
“You’re a prick!” The way your voice cracked made Lando cackle, yelping when you shoved him a lot harder than he had anticipated.
Your words may have sounded malicious, but there was an undertone that your best friend couldn’t help but latch onto.
It sounded a lot like, I love you.
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don't look at me, i love pain. anyways, hope you enjoyed this little drabble as i go crawling back into my cave to write something better than this. (also how did this turn into 2.6k words? i need help)
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godisshook · 5 months
I’ve had a crush on my roommate since we met in the summer, and I thought he liked me too, but he said we couldn’t when I finally got up the nerve to ask him out before break. He said he had to do something first, and left for break. I was so sad, but then on new years he texted me his resolution had been to become a “real man” for me this year… any idea what I should expect now that break is done?
A Real Man
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You hoped that winter break would be a nice break from the weight of your confession to your roommate, Sean, but it was all you could think about. Had you made a mistake? Did you miss the signal?
You had talked with Sean occasionally, but not as much as on New Year's. While you didn't believe in all the superstitions around it, you still silently made a wish for the new year; making Sean yours. As the new year rolled in, you celebrated alone, hoping your wish would come true.
Fortunately, the wait wouldn't be long. Just a few minutes past midnight, you get a text on your phone from an unlikely source, Sean. Soon, the two of you were in full conversation. With plans for the new year being discussed, he drops a bomb. “Just letting you know, my resolution is to be a real man for you this year," he texted.
Intrigue came over you as you continued to text back and forth with him. As the conversation died down, he sent a final message that stopped you in your tracks. "Hope to see you soon, until then, hope these can hold you over." He sent the message with two attached photos, and as you scrolled up to see them, your jaw dropped.
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The photo leaves you breathless, as you lay witness to just what he meant. He was huge, practically unrecognizable. Drooling over the pictures, to rushed to reply, "I hope to see you soon!" You winced at the exclamation mark in your text, hoping you weren't coming off too thirsty, but dirty thoughts were buzzing throughout your mind.
With winter break drawing to its close, you decided to leave early for campus, packing your bags and booking your flight. While you mainly wanted the extra time to pack, being able to see Sean too wouldn't hurt at all. You scheduled an Uber before getting on your flight, not wanting to bother anyone for a ride on campus. With goodbye texts sent, you got on the plane and dozed off as you got in the air.
As your plane begins its descent, you come to. You start to check for any missed texts, when you're met with one that catches your eye.
"I'll come get you from the airport."
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Sean attached two photos of him and simply replied, "I'm ready." You trembled at the certainty of his response, even through text, and braced yourself for the car ride home.
As he put your suitcases in the car, his muscles bulged through his tank top, making your heart flutter. "Thank you so much," you said as you put your duffel bag in his car. "This is the treatment you deserve," he said as he laid a kiss on your forehead. You blushed, not used to this level of chivalry. The two of you recapped your winter breaks on the ride back, with giggling and somber moments included.
He brought your luggage inside, and you were entirely confused as to the sudden change in character. With the last of your bags inside, you demanded an explanation. The two of you sat down as he began to explain. "I know it sounds crazy, but I knew I wasn't right for you back when you first asked," he said. He continued, "That was my wake-up call, and so I had to get things right so I could live up to my promise." His expression darkened as he got closer, now standing above you. "I want to show you just how ready I am if you let me." Your reply was breathy, as your voice began to tremble under his dominance. "I want you, Sean." His response came in a dark tone:
Your body responded before your mind could, as you kneeled on the floor, grasping onto his massive hands. He pulled down his pants, and his cock rose up in an instant. Looking over his huge dick, you wondered how you were going to suck it. Hoping to not have that question answered, you began giving him a handjob, your hands made minuscule against his massive cock.
But it was clear that wasn't enough. Sean looked down and moved your hands off his dick. His rock-hard cock was once more in your face, and you knew what was coming next.
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Opening your mouth wide, he slid his cock inside your mouth. As he filled you up, you were forced to breathe from your nose, as his cock went further and further down your throat. Sean threw his head back in pleasure and began slowly sliding his cock out, immediately leaving you wanting more. In an instant, his hand was now gripping your head, as thrust his cock in and out of your mouth.
Cum had filled every part of your throat, and your face was a mess. He had asserted himself. His softer side revealed itself as he helped clean you up, picking you up and taking you to the shower, where he finally fucked you, his cock filling you like a key in a lock. It was bliss. As hot water made the heat inside you burn even hotter, you couldn't help yourself from coming, and Sean, noticing your release, sped up his thrusts to catch up to you.
The both of you finished your shower, even messier than when you entered. You both slept in Sean's room that night, as you cuddled deep into him. Sean had shown exactly what he meant, and you were overjoyed. It was looking like a wonderful start to your semester, and you thanked your lucky stars that your wish came true.
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squoxle · 8 months
Hi sis ! I was wondering if u can do a short story of when heeseung is eating y/n out , and while y/n or came and had her orgasm, y/n tries to tell Heeseung to stop but heeseung doesn’t listen. Since heeseung wouldn’t stop y/n then squirted all over his face, and y/n gets embarrassed and starts to apologize and wipe hee’s face and kiss him sorry. But on the other hand, heeseung doesn’t care and he’s happy, and he says “you’re so cute” and then u can do whatever u want and take it from there 😏💗
Sincerely, hoyeonheeseung!
I got u babez :3
ʚïɞ "𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝒮𝑜 𝒞𝓊𝓉𝑒" ~ 𝐻𝑒𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓊𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝐹 𝟣𝟪+
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ʚɞ pairing: Heeseung!bf x Reader!gf | ʚɞ wc: 500 | ʚɞ summary: You accidentally squirt on your boyfriends face while he was eating you out | ʚɞ cw: 🔞MDNI!!...fingering, clit stimulation, squirting,
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You went over to your boyfriend's house just to hang out for his day off. You and Heeseung were relaxing on the couch watching Spirited Away while he laid between your legs. He loved the feeling of being nestled in your thighs, especially when you raked your fingers through his hair.
Usually, you would just sit there and occasionally look down to admire his cuteness when he'd doze off, but today you were feeling something different as he moved his head around to get comfortable. He accidentally brushed up against your clit causing you to jolt at the sudden stimulation.
"Are you ok?" Heeseung asked looking up at you with his doe eyes. "Mhm," you nodded. "You sure?" "Yeah," you said as Heeseung readjusted himself between your legs, again nudging your clit, but this time you couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
"What's wrong baby?" "Nothing, I'm fine." "Heh, it doesn't sound like nothing to me," he chuckled. "No, I--" You were cut off by Heeseung rubbing his thumb against your clit through your shorts which caused you to groan at his touch. "Hmm, I thought you said it was nothing," he smirked. "Well...I...it's your day off. We can do this another time. Let's just finish the movie." "Uh uh. If this is what my baby wants, then this is what she'll get. We can watch this movie another time," he said before kissing your inner thigh. "Are you sure?" "Of course I am," he said as he reached up to pull your shorts down.
He leaned in to run his tongue inside your pussy, causing you to twitch in response. You were more sensitive than you assumed. He continued to lick and suck on your pussy as your wetness seeped through your opening. He pulled back to insert one of his fingers while he used his tongue to stimulate your clit. He smiled as he watched your body move around.
He slipped a second finger in, causing you to moan. "You like that don't you?" Heeseung said as he curled his finger to massage your g-spot. "Mhm," you nodded as moans broke through your lips. Heeseung jerked his fingers back and forth a little faster, causing you to arch your back in response. Replacing his lips with his thumb, Heeseung moved to kiss and suck on your inner thigh.
"Ngh! H-hee," you squirmed. "I c-cant st-stop," you moaned. Hearing this excited him more and he started to move faster bringing you closer to orgasming. You tried to push his head away, but he was relentless and continued to eat you out. You threw your head back and clenched the sofa cushions in your hands as you arched your back and came...all...over...his face.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Heeseung," you exclaimed trying to wipe your juices off of his face. It was useless, you had squirted so much that some of his hair was wet too. "God, this is so fucking embarrassing," you sighed. "It's alright baby," Heeseung said, kissing your hands. "You're so cute," he added, causing you to blush.
"How about we go get ourselves cleaned up," Heeseung smiled as the two of you headed to his bathroom to shower.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @sussyjake @pinapplefntacupss @addictedtohobi @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @nikisblkgf @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @ayoitsyagirlx @flrtniki
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b1ackoutartist · 8 months
The soft lullaby hummed through the small apartment, a gentle tune breaking the silence of the night. Natasha Romanoff, once a feared and respected CEO, was now frequently found dozing off on the nursery floor, fingers entwined with those of her baby son, Alex.
The dining room was exquisitely decorated. Soft chandeliers, glinting silverware, and crisp tablecloths laid the foundation for a perfect family dinner. But there was an unmistakable tension in the air, more palpable than the rich aroma of food that wafted through the room.
Y/N gently cradled baby Alex, who cooed and drooled, blissfully unaware of the strained dynamics around the table. On one side was Melina, her icy gaze focused primarily on Y/N, occasionally darting to the baby. Opposite her sat Alexei, a silent observer, while Yelena played peek-a-boo with baby Alex, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/N attempted small talk. "Melina, this roast looks delicious."
Ignoring the compliment, Melina quipped, "Isn't it a bit too early for Alex to be teething, dear?"
Y/N's face flushed. "Every baby is different. The pediatrician said it's normal."
"It's just that when Natasha was a baby," Melina began, her voice dripping with passive aggression, "she followed every milestone to the letter. And Yelena, too."
Yelena rolled her eyes, shooting Y/N a sympathetic look. "Mama, can we not do this tonight?"
But Melina continued, "Natasha has a lot on her plate as a CEO, and I don’t think she needs more stress. Perhaps if you focused more on understanding the baby and less on whatever you've been doing..."
Y/N’s grip tightened around Alex. "I'm doing my best, Melina."
Natasha clenched her fist. "Mother, enough!"
Alexei tried to lighten the atmosphere, sharing an old anecdote from Natasha’s childhood. But Melina’s criticisms, veiled under the guise of 'advice', continued. They stung Y/N, the insecurities she tried so hard to bury resurfacing with each jab.
Y/N tried to focus on Alex, feeding and playing with him, but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Yelena slid closer to Y/N. "Ignore her," she whispered. "You're doing great. And Nat thinks so too."
Just then, Alex wailed, startling everyone. Y/N tried to soothe him, but Melina's sharp voice cut through, "Do you even know how to hold him right?"
That was the last straw for Natasha. Standing up, she addressed her mother coldly, "Can I talk to you? Outside."
The room was silent as the two women left. Alexei sighed heavily, turning his attention to his food, while Yelena tried to comfort the shaken Y/N.
Outside, Natasha and Melina stood facing each other, the night air charged with tension.
"I won’t let you belittle Y/N any longer," Natasha started, her voice stern and unwavering.
"She's not right for you," Melina retorted, "She's keeping you from your responsibilities. She doesn’t even know how to raise Alex properly."
"You don't get to decide that. She’s an amazing mother, and I love her," Natasha countered, "If you can't respect that, then you won’t see Alex or me again."
Melina's eyes widened in disbelief. "You'd choose her over your own family?"
"I am choosing my family. Y/N and Alex are my family. And if you can’t accept that, then you’re pushing us away, not the other way around."
The weight of Natasha’s words hung heavy in the air. Melina looked away, struggling to find words.
The weight of Natasha’s words hung heavy in the air. Melina looked away, struggling to find words. The two women stood in silence, the cool night breeze whipping around them, carrying with it an air of finality.
After a few minutes, Natasha turned on her heels and walked back inside. The atmosphere in the dining room was thick, and everyone turned their attention to her as she entered. Without saying a word, she took baby Alex from Y/N's arms. "Get your things," she instructed gently but firmly, "We're leaving."
Y/N nodded, her eyes misting over with tears, yet she felt a strange sense of relief. She stood up, her movement drawing Yelena's attention. The younger woman approached her, whispering, "I'll come by tomorrow, okay? Just take care of yourself and Alex."
As Y/N moved to gather their things, Alexei tried to mediate. He stood, approaching his red-headed daughter. "Natasha, stay. Let's talk this out."
Natasha looked at him, her green eyes icy and resolute. "I appreciate it, but there’s nothing more to say. I won't let anyone disrespect my family."
The old bear of a man looked saddened. "Just remember this is your home. Always."
Natasha offered him a weak smile, appreciating his sentiment but knowing that tonight, leaving was the right choice. She adjusted baby Alex in her arms, feeling his little heartbeat against her. The weight of her son was grounding, a constant reminder of what mattered most.
With Y/N by her side, and their belongings in hand, they made their way to the door. The house that was once filled with laughter and joy seemed cold and unwelcoming. But as the door closed behind them, they knew they were stepping into a new chapter, one where they could create a loving environment for Alex and themselves.
Yelena and Alexei watched them go, a mix of sadness and understanding in their eyes. Melina, still outside, heard the car start and drive off. She leaned against the wall, a wave of regret washing over her. The realization that she might have lost her daughter and grandson because of her stubbornness weighed heavy on her heart.
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| Your Salaryman Husband | (Vol 4)
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 (Not Required) Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9
Salaryman!Kento x Housewife!Reader
When you get sick...
Word Count: 1.1k CW: SFW, Domestic Fluff, fem!Reader, Y/n is sick, Nanami takes off his shirt (nondescriptive)
A/n: Maybe you should meet Gojo sometime soon... idk... thoughts.
You mostly stayed inside the confines of your home, so getting sick wasn’t a common occurrence. 
Food was always prepared well, with vegetables washed and meat cooked properly. The house was regularly dusted and vacuumed, sheets and pillowcases thrown in the washing machine at least once per week. 
Nanami’s routine had certain protections as well, sitting a comfortable distance away from clients and coworkers while at meetings, and being in a partitioned office space in a quiet corner of the building during the work day. 
Despite these things, the sudden cold front seemed to disagree with your immune system, as you were now snuggled up in bed with a box of tissues. 
“Kento, darling, I can sleep in the guest bedroom, it’s fine,” you argued through your sniffles and occasional cough. He walked over to the side of the bed and pushed a few more pillows under your head. “It’s fine, it would take too much work to move things. You’re tired, so go to sleep,” he muttered, a slight chuckle leaving his mouth at your willingness. “You know I’m perfectly alright with sleeping here with you, you know,” you lightly pushed him away as he sat on the bed. “You’ll get sick too, and you have work,” you grabbed another tissue.
“I could always take some time off, I have some sick days in my contract,” Nanami smiled, feeling your forehead. “I’m glad you can still take care of yourself, but I’m here too. Just rely on me a little, Y/n,” he stood up and left to grab you some water.
It was the evening after a long day at work, when Nanami found you in an unwell state. Dinner on the stove was half cooked, sitting there, as you had quit for his sake when the sneezing onset. His poor wife, already asleep and shivering on the couch by the time he got home.  
Nanami picked you up, your arms wrapped lazily around his neck as he carried you to your shared room and laid you down. You woke up shortly after the covers were pulled over your body, head peaking out from the growing mass of blankets and pillows surrounding you. Two more were still awaiting their place behind your head. 
Now he was in the kitchen, turning on the stove to medium high and clicking the start button on the timer, which was already set to the final 15 minutes it needed until done. You had already felt a bit off that morning, something that he kept in mind all day, especially as he rushed home. Hence, a simple chicken soup was on the menu. 
He filled up a big glass with water, and took out two bowls from the cabinet, moving back to stir the soup that was bubbling.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the smell of soup that floated through the air. Dinner would be ready soon, so there was no point in going back to sleep, not that you weren’t close to dozing off already. Nanami came back clearing the nightstand of clutter and setting the box of tissues on the bed next to you. A chair was pulled up next to the nightstand, and two bowls were placed on it. 
You sat up comfortably, still surrounded by cozy blankets as you met your husband’s gaze. “I hate to admit it, you seem so miserable, but you’re very cute when you’re sick,” he laughed as you blushed. “I am not, I’m quite disgusting actually, darling,” you pointed to the pile of used tissues sitting in the garbage can. “I don’t think it’s disgusting at all, my love,” He grabbed your hand softly, and guided it to your spoon. 
“The soup is delicious, you’ll feel better if you eat,” he watched as you brought a spoonful to your mouth, a soft hum left your lips in agreement, it was quite good and easy to finish.
“Thank you, Kento,” you smiled, pulling the blankets off as you stood up to get ready for bed. “No you don’t,” he grabbed your waist and pulled you back onto the mound of pillows. “If you need something, I can get it for you,” you frowned, letting out a few coughs. “Besides I won’t be here tomorrow during work, so you should rest up while I am.” He stacked up your dishes and left, returning shortly.
“Which nightgown?” he asked, rifling through the dresses in your closet. “The pink short one,” you replied softly, voice slightly rough from your sore throat. He grabbed it and brought it over to you. “Do you need help changing?” He asked plainly, as you laughed. “I can do it myself, Mr. Nanami,” He sighed in defeat, unbuttoning his shirt to get ready himself.
“Well I don’t want you getting off this bed.” You shook your head in disagreement. “I still have to brush my teeth,” you whined, as he left you to finish getting ready in the bathroom, on your own, as he wiped down the nightstand with a wet cloth and changed. 
You came back, dressed for bed with your hair tied up in hopes of keeping cool throughout the night. Tossing yourself onto the blankets, you crawled under the covers enjoying the comfortable mattress the two of you had bought together. 
Nanami leaned down from beside the bed, his hand under your chin lifting your face, as he gently kissed your forehead. “I’m glad you don’t have a fever,” He murmured, lips still close to your skin. “I probably just have a cold, I guess,” you responded, snaking your hand down to grip his free one. “You should still stay away from me,” Nanami backed off from you, sitting down. 
“I don’t mind getting sick, it causes no problems,” he offered with a smirk. “But if you do really care so much… I’ll offer a compromise,” a look of surprise overtook your face as you awaited his proposal. “At least I get to sit here until you fall asleep, hmm?” you nodded, still longing for his presence, even at a distance. 
He kissed your cheek as you drifted to sleep, a smile still on your face and your breath slow and heavy as he could hear the congestion. 
“Goodnight, my love,” he sat still, lounging back into the chair. Little did he know it would be two more hours of watching you before he himself fell asleep, still sitting in that chair by your side.
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refiwrites · 1 year
a little leon drabble here we go! (new to writing for the RE fandom and besides this is just purely self indulgent :p) 
leon kennedy x gn! reader 
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you were never a morning person, you knew that. 
so when your body had decided it was time to wake up, your eyes opened to be met with the striking colors of red on the digital clock that was on your bedside table. 
you blinked for a few moments, letting yourself adjust to the light. you weren’t all that panicked, besides, it was the weekend. it would have been a very different story if it was a weekday. 
your tongue darts out to swipe on your bottom lip, throat feeling dry as you swallowed. you didn’t want to get up yet, changing positions in the bed, opting to sleep in more, just a few minutes more. 
your mind doesn’t even bother about the empty space beside you as you hugged his pillow, his scent acting as a sleep-aid for you. you inhaled for a moment, but another scent caught in your nostrils. 
the scent of coffee, followed by what smelled like food. 
you closed your eyes, trying to fight your hunger, convincing yourself you needed to sleep more when your stomach grumbled in protest at your actions. 
letting your eyes open again, you decide to give up sleep, wriggling out of the blankets to sit up on the bed, the air providing the right chill as it touched your skin. 
it occurred to you that you were wearing nothing. 
looking at the floor you found the pieces of discarded clothing were you could’ve sworn you were just wearing last night, until a certain someone decided you wouldn’t be needing those. 
cheeks heating at the thoughts of last night, you quickly pick up a shirt on the ground, wearing it as you began your search for someone. 
it was easy as your feet already knew the way as you tracked the smell of food that was making your stomach grumble the closer you got to it. 
then you reached the kitchen, the scene somewhat coming straight off your dreams. 
leon was there, his bare back turned to you as he was busy cooking something, his muscles moving occasionally as he made sure he wasn’t burning what he was frying, his dirty blonde hair almost poking in different directions. maybe he just woke up too. the sun shining from the window almost gave him a god-like appearance as it shined down on him, further highlighting his physique. 
but the sight had you leaning against the bar counter, eyes taking him in. you also noted he was wearing sweatpants, almost making your brain short circuit. 
biting your lip, you approach him, hands raising up, both index fingers landing on the blades of his shoulders, slowly dragging them down to the middle of his back.
leon’s back muscles tensed at your sudden touch, a shaky breath leaving his lips, then a breathless chuckle as your warmth embraced around him, hands resting themselves on his lower stomach, just above the garter of his pants that laid low on his hips. 
“good, you’re awake.” he said.
“don’t forget what you’re cooking.” you reminded him as your cheek laid against his back, noting how his actions stopped. you closed your eyes, making leon your makeshift pillow where you stood.
he lets out another breathless laugh, muscles now relaxing as he turns off the stove. you were sure you were about to fall asleep there when he turns around, now leaning against the counter as you almost fall into his chest. 
“hey there, sleepyhead. you’re gonna miss breakfast if you keep dozing off like that.” he spoke softly, his arms now taking the job from you as they now wrapped around you, almost cradling you. 
“mm, can’t help it, who knew you make such a great pillow?” you mumble into his chest, taking in his warmth. 
leon takes your wrists and gently pries you away from him, taking you towards the counter to sit you on one of the chairs, going back to prepare both your food. 
“pillow huh? well i wouldn’t oppose to having you on top of me all the time.” he casually said, though two of you knew it held another meaning. 
rolling your eyes and trying to stop yourself from smiling, you playfully pinch his arm when he got close, placing a plate with food in front of you, plus a hot mug of coffee. “ow.” 
“really, ow? you’ve dealt with worse.”
“yeah, just how i’m dealing with you right now.” he teased you again, laughing as you frowned, leon taking the chance to leave a kiss to your forehead when he finally sat across from you, getting ready to eat.
“offense taken.” you said as he was already munching down on his breakfast. he swallows then looks at you.
“i’ll make it up to you, now eat up.” 
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oneirophobic · 1 year
OVERWHELMED - m. sturniolo ! ( ★ )
— word count : 534 ( exact )
warnings : [ GENDER-NEUTRAL!READER ] swearing, mentions of anxiety attacks, crying, kissing, tooth rotting fluff
summary : love is an overwhelming feeling, it's hard to explain. but, actions always speak louder than words.
a/n : yes i came up with this idea because i was crying over matt because of how much he has changed my life for the past 6 hours, what about it?
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ever since i met matt, we had been inseparable. whenever something happened, we both ran to each other no matter if it had us bawling our eyes out or laughing our asses off in the end. all we needed was each other and we'd be okay.
all those moments with each other formed feelings, which led matt to asking me out one night as we laid in his bed tangled in each other's arms like we'd usually do. after that our bond grew even stronger.
once we started dating, we became even more open to each other, way more vulnerable than before. we'd witnessed each other's attacks and calmed each other down with the simplest of touches. like when we'd go through a drive thru with each other, he'd tense up a little bit. i'd rub his arm and play with his hands to calm him down, and it worked like a charm every time.
tonight was one of those night when we just laid around and enjoyed each other's company. i laid there reading my book, resting it slightly on matt's head as he laid on my chest, matching his breathing to mine and dozing off to the rhythm of my heartbeat. his hand was latched onto my shoulder, slowly stopping the motions of drawing stars, hearts and other shapes with thumb. my free hand is on his head, rubbing his scalp, occasionally leaving to flip the page.
i had finished another chapter in my book, deciding that it was enough for tonight and tossing it to the side. i looked down at matt who was lightly snoring into my chest, god i love him.
i can't muster up words to explain how much i love this boy. i started getting slightly emotional, my breath picking up and tears welling in my eyes. my chest began rising at a faster pace while silent tears escaped from my eyes. matt stirred a bit before looking up at me with sleepy eyes. once he saw the tears he immediately shot up, "hey, hey, what's wrong baby?"
"nothing's wrong, i'm fine," i smiled through my tears and sitting up with him. "then why are you crying, sweetheart?" he asked, cocking his head to the side like a puppy and wiping my tears. "i just love you so much," i cried, leaning into his palm. "you're crying because you love me?" he smiled, making me nod in response.
"aw, baby, you don't have to cry over that," he spoke, hugging me and placing kisses on my face. "can you tell me why you love me so much to the point that you're crying?" he asked, looking into my eyes.
"i can't even explain it," i sniffled. "why not?" he questioned, wiping stray tears from my eyes. "words will never be able to explain how much i love you," i giggled,
"actions speak louder than words," he said just above a whisper, a dopey smile spreading across my face. i slowly leaned in to kiss him, cupping his face with my hand, holding him like he was delicate. our lips connected, moving in sync with each other. matt rested his hand at the nape of my neck, deepening the kiss. i think i got my point across.
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mixtape-racha · 7 months
aria aria aria
more tiger hybrid hyuka >///<
nsfw or sfw idc just tiger hyuka
LIAAAAA !!! i have so many thoughts dw babe tiger!hyuka lives rent free in my head rn (the thoughts in italics are recycled from the ask i sent lia here)
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tiger!hyuka who preys on you - but not in the way you're thinking ok maybe kind of in the way you're thinking but i mean like ??? his eyes are always on you and like you can feel someone staring at you but you can't see him because he hides himself so well in his surroundings
tiger!hyuka who pounces on you when you're sat still for too long, or laid in bed chilling, but does the little butt wiggle that felines do before pouncing :(
tiger!hyuka who - like all tigers - prefers solidarity :( but that changes so fast when he meets you !! now he's inseparable from you, and can't understand why he enjoyed being alone so much now
tiger!hyuka who bounces into your room, showing off a bug he caught like prey - hes so proud that he caught it so you better give him praise !!
tiger!hyuka who sometimes forgets he can speak and often communicates through little vocalisations - purring or humming, even occasionally chuffing when he's particularly happy
tiger!hyka who enjoys going in walks to find fields with long, thick, wavy grass to play around in !! he enjoys sneaking up on you and scaring you playfully, and the wild vegetation only helps with that
tiger!hyuka who's an incredible swimmer, and can't help his instinct of jumping into any lake or river he can find - he loves playing in the water, especially after a day in the fields, so be prepared to have to carry spare clothes with you everywhere
tiger!hyuka who also uses signals a lot - scenting all your clothes and belongings so other hybrids know who you belong to >:( and through pawing/scratching !! so expect a lot of torn up cushions if u don't get baby hyuka a scratch post :(
tiger!hyuka who is a complete night owl - tigers usually hunt at night, and so his instincts just keep him up for so long !! he's usually pass the time by gaming, but sometimes he'll ask you to watch nature documentaries with him
tiger's mating patterns usually occur during november - april, so during these months be fully prepared for tiger!hyuka's breeding kink to go wild !! tiger's also usually have 2-4 cubs so be prepared for the chance of twins or triplets
tiger!hyuka who gets more aggressive/protective in an environment with more big cat!hybrids - specifically other tigers or lions
tiger!hyuka who spends a loooong time grooming himself each day !! his fur is his pride and joy, and he needs to keep it in tip top condition
tiger!hyuka who gets along most with bears, leopards and wolves because of his instincts, although these animals are more active in the day so there isn't much collaboration
tiger!hyuka who sleeps most of the day because of his nocturnal instincts, and you can usually find him dozing on the couch - especially if the sun is shining in on him
tiger!hyuka who left home young, because tiger's leave their parents' territory at a young age - and moved far away so the males in his family wouldn't think he was challenging them for their territory
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(a/n: scheduled post!)
-> don’t forget to reblog or comment if you like my works ♡ please refrain from modifying, translating, or copying my work. - © mixtape-racha
tags ✮⋆˙ : @pretty-racha @demetrisscarf @bangtancultsposts @watariisbestboy @zuzuhasablog @kpopmenace143 @jeniihss
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andy-15-07 · 4 months
lazy day
masterlist ! pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
SUMMARY : Rafe and Y/N are having a lazy day
Outer Banks Masterlist
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The soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Rafe Cameron's room. You and Rafe had decided that today would be a lazy day, a welcome break from the usual chaos that surrounded the Pogues' lives in the Outer Banks. The day unfolded with no plans, just a desire to revel in each other's company without the pressures of the world outside.
Rafe yawned as he stretched out on his bed, still clad in his sleep-rumpled clothes. You sat cross-legged next to him, the cozy atmosphere enveloping you both. The scent of coffee wafted in from the nearby kitchen, teasing your senses.
"Lazy day, huh?" Rafe said, a playful smirk on his lips. "No adventures, no drama, just us."
You chuckled, running your fingers through his tousled hair. "Exactly. Just us, a cup of coffee, and whatever we feel like doing."
Rafe sat up, leaning against the headboard, his eyes fixated on you. "Sounds perfect to me."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. The kiss lingered, a sweet exchange that set the tone for the laid-back day ahead. As you pulled away, Rafe's eyes sparkled with affection.
"Let's start this lazy day right," he suggested, reaching for his phone to cue up some music.
The room filled with the mellow tunes of Rafe's chosen playlist, creating a comfortable ambiance. You settled back against the pillows, the soft melodies providing a backdrop for the day's relaxation. Rafe poured two cups of coffee, handing one to you before reclining beside you.
Sipping the warm brew, you exchanged lazy smiles. "To the perfect lazy day," Rafe toasted, clinking his mug against yours.
"To us," you agreed, the simple sentiment carrying a world of meaning.
As the morning unfolded, you and Rafe found yourselves lost in a game of cards. The competition was light-hearted, filled with teasing banter and the occasional stolen kiss. The cards scattered across the bed as Rafe leaned in, capturing your lips with his own.
"Looks like I win," he declared with a triumphant grin.
You rolled your eyes, a playful smirk on your lips. "Fine, you win this round. But there's more to come."
With the cards abandoned, you both decided to indulge in a movie marathon. Snuggled under blankets, you let the hours slip away, engrossed in a mix of classic films and guilty pleasures. Rafe's arm draped over your shoulder, pulling you close as you shared laughter and whispered commentary.
"Can you believe that plot twist?" Rafe exclaimed during a particularly dramatic moment.
You chuckled, nuzzling into his side. "I know, right? Total unexpected twist."
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the aroma of pizza wafted in from the kitchen. Rafe had ordered your favorite, complete with extra cheese and pepperoni. The two of you devoured the slices, savoring the combination of cheesy goodness and the pleasure of each other's company.
The lazy day continued with a series of easygoing activities—reading snippets from favorite books, sharing childhood stories, and occasionally dozing off in the cozy cocoon you had created together.
As the afternoon waned, you found yourselves on the couch, limbs intertwined and the TV playing in the background. Rafe absentmindedly traced patterns on your arm, a contented smile on his face.
"Days like these make me appreciate the simple things," he confessed, his voice a low murmur.
You nodded, your head resting against his chest. "Me too. Just being with you, no distractions or worries—it's perfect."
Rafe pressed a lingering kiss to the top of your head, his embrace tightening. "I love you, Y/N. Lazy days or not, every moment with you is perfect."
The sentiment hung in the air, a sweet acknowledgment of the bond you shared. As the lazy day continued, you and Rafe found joy in the simplicity of love, laughter, and the comfort of each other's presence—a day that etched itself into the memories of lazy, sun-drenched afternoons spent in each other's arms.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Perfect Enough | Kuai Liang x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Hi can I request the prompt "I adore you" with Kuai Liang please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Kuai Liang get to spend some quality time together and sleep together for the night.
: ̗̀➛ n/a
The floorboards creaked heavily beneath harsh footsteps as Kuai Liang made his way up the stairs, a gentle breeze against his bare chest and a weight on his shoulders; he had arrived late and he knew it, but he hoped that maybe you were still up and awake.
You usually were, even though the clock was edging closer to three in the morning; faintly, he could hear soft murmuring from the bedroom, and for a moment, he paused to listen closely and carefully.
Relief washing over him when he recognised the voice of the protagonist of the television programme you had been watching recently.
With the weight from his shoulders dropping, Kuai Liang peered around the corner, meeting your gaze; your face was illuminated with the soft blue light of your laptop screen, and when he realised that you were smiling, he couldn't help but to mimic it.
You had a good talent for that, making him smile with just a look and a slight raise of your brows.
Slowly, you moved over slightly, enough to reach the laptop and tapped the space bar; you cleared your throat, sitting upright and allowing the duvet to pool in your lap as a scrunched up mess.
"Where'd you put your shirt?" You asked softly, quietly. "Or did someone steal it on your way over?"
Kuai Liang hummed softly as he shook his head, daring to approach as he kicked off his boots. "No, I abandoned it on the hook beside your coat... are you still watching that programme?"
You nodded, patting the bed to your left as you gestured with your head. "Do you wanna join?"
He nodded back, clumsily heaving himself onto the bed. He was quick to take up half the duvet beside you, putting his arm over you when you laid down on your side.
A heavy sigh left him as he sandwiched his leg between yours. "Comfortable?"
You hummed as you pushed yourself back against him, your back against his chest and one arm under your head. "Very... did you get here alright?"
"Without a problem," he told you softly. "Even the traffic wasn't so bad."
"Did Johnny drop you off?" You asked, curious and gentle as you carefully reached out for the laptop.
"As usual," Kuai Liang agreed, pressing his face to the back of your neck as he listened to the programme.
You were comfortable, in all honesty, slowly slipping into a familiar and golden silence with him; dozing off in his embrace as you eventually lost all attention to the programme. It wasn't often that the two of you got to spend time like that, like a normal couple.
Usually, when you stayed with him, he was often pulled away from you at all hours to fulfil his duties as Grandmaster, and when he stayed with you, you were both too tired to do much except have a quick and short conversation before falling asleep altogether.
But you both made it work as much as you could.
You knew that he loved you, and he knew that you felt the same way too, and that was all that really mattered; some quality time here and there, even if it was just sleeping together for one night, was good enough for you both.
He adored you, and you knew it - he never allowed you to think any different.
The little gifts, the home cooked meals, the occasional presents delivered to your door - Kuai Liang never allowed you to think anything other than the fact that he adored you more than anything in the world.
You were his favourite person, and one day, you would also be his spouse.
You grumbled quietly when you felt him move behind you, planting a sweet and soft kiss to the back of your neck; his scruff along his jaw grazing and scratching the skin, almost making you laugh.
"I adore you," Kuai Liang yawned as he settled back down, slowly closing his eyes. "I really do..."
You smiled, chewing the inside of your lip for a moment before you sighed heavily and stretched a little; a few of your bones clicked, and you rolled over onto your other side so that you were crushed against him, able to feel the hair on his chest tickling you as your breathing became slower and softer.
Kuai Liang listened closely for a moment, focusing on the sound of your breathing above the laptop's volume as he allowed himself to eventually drift off.
It was always a massive comfort for him, listening to you when you were at your most relaxed and tranquil; he could have had the worst day of his life, and as long as he came back and could listen to your breathing for a moment, he would be happy.
You meant everything to him. He stretched, letting out a quiet yawn before snuggling back into you as much as he could, a heavy breath leaving his mouth as he felt every ounce of tension drop from himself.
He regretted not arriving earlier, maybe he could have had a few more moments with you; but it was still good enough, and Kuai Liang appreciated every second of it as he could get with you.
Maybe that one day when you became his spouse would come sooner than later; he had a nice enough ring picked out already, thanks to Kung Lao, he just needed to ask.
The morning seemed like a good idea, as he didn't quite agree with the thought of waking you up to ask; it seemed a bit cruel, so he pushed the thought from his mind.
The morning would be a better idea, maybe even perfect - he could make you breakfast in bed and watch some television with you before he asked. He knew that you would appreciate it, at least. Maybe enough to say yes. Hopefully enough to say yes.
But when the phone under your pillow buzzed, Kuai Liang grumbled, pulling you closer; just some quality time together. It was perfect enough.
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objectbiologist · 10 months
on object sleeping habits
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(image ID: a doodle of amelia from ONE on a black background, drawn with white outlines sleeping upright with her legs tucked underneath her and her arms laid out in front of her. the second picture shows airy next to her in the same position, legs tucked underneath him, waking her up. /end ID)
something that has been very heavily debated in the community are object sleeping habits, how they sleep, the science behind it or whether they even need to sleep at all. this post aims to go a little more in depth about it, though it won't cover everything.
for one, the anatomy and biology differs wildly between families and even individual object species. this of course affects their sleeping habits and even their circadian rhythm.
with people and animals, the way they sleep is much more obvious. humans are granted the freedom of sleeping comfortably on their backs or curled up on their sides without much issue (aside from certain health complications that may arise due to the condition(s) an individual might have.) many mammals sleep curled up, or on their sides. birds sleep with their heads tucked in their wings, or in flight if you're a swift. bats hang upside down and horses can sleep standing up on lying down. crocodiles shut off one part of their brain in order to keep a lookout or maintain flight. swifts remain in the sky for most of their lives and only ever land due to sickness or to nest, which means they fly in their sleep too. so this begs the question, how do objects sleep?
it's different for every species. due to their wild differences in anatomy as discussed earlier, they often have to learn unique adaptations that help them thrive. this extends to sleep as well. for the longest time, it was thought that objects did not need to sleep at all, though recent observations have shown otherwise. it wouldn't be feasible to cover every object's sleeping habits and patterns, so i'll be going into some more recent studies.
for one, as with the images above, objects that have flat bases or rounded bodies may find laying on their backs or sides difficult or uncomfortable. these objects sleep with their legs tucked underneath them, sitting upright or leaned against a wall or other surface. occasionally they may be found laying down if it is comfortable, but it is not often.
it also isn't uncommon to see boxes dozing off within seconds, limbs tucked beneath them, or for coins to flop onto their backs. both of these objects have body structures that compromise their abilities to rest comfortably in any other position.
objects that have a tendency to roll, like glasses or cylindrical shaped objects may rest on their backs or sides with their arms propped up by their elbows, providing a stop to keep them in place. these species tend to be very light sleepers as well, so that in the event of a threat they can awaken quickly and spring upright. this especially applies to glass objects, who exhibit unihemispheric sleep in order to remain vigilant (in other words, they sleep with only one part of their brains at a time). they are also prone to night terrors, and tend to sleep in groups that alternate between keeping watch.
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Random Hashira Post #5
Let’s see how the Hashira react to you falling asleep on them
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Kocho Shinobu
- She’s working on her medicines in the futon you two share and you were dozing off
- Eventually, you end up falling asleep on Shinobu’s lap after you carefully crawl to it and lay your head down
- Shinobu quickly finishes up what she was doing so she can put it all down and tend to you
- Shinobu pets your hair for a little while
- Then she puts the blanket on you
- And then goes back to her work until she decides she wants to go to bed too
- Shinobu won’t move her legs at all during the time that you’re sleeping on her lap
Uzui Tengen
- Tengen actually wanted you to sleep on him. Being in a futon with three other women makes sleeping a bit tough
- You’re exhausted from training the Mizunoto for hours so you just want to sleep with your husband and co-wives
- Tengen notices this and picks you up, bringing you to the futon and laying down
- You’re asleep the moment Tengen lays flat
- This man is very romantic. He kisses your forehead, brushes his hand on your back, briefly massages your shoulders
- This will be the deepest sleep you will ever experience
- Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma don’t mind that you’re sleeping on their husband. In-fact, as you are, they place the blanket on you
Kanroji Mitsuri
- You’re tired and in-pain after a long day of Hashira duty. You kinda crumble into the bedroom you share with your GF, Mitsuri
- Mitsuri smiles at you and holds her hands out for you to take
- You throw your arms around Mitsuri and lay your head on her chest
- Like that, you’re asleep. Hugging the woman you love
- Mitsuri almost screams out loud as she lays back for you
- She finds you sleeping on her very cute. She hopes that she is comfy enough
- She plays with your messy hair for a while. Carefully braiding small chunks to avoid waking you up
- Mitsuri takes a while to fall asleep. Her face is on fire but she is loving each second
- She won’t get up. She wants you to have the best sleep ever
Iguro Obanai
- Obanai is napping alone in his Estate’s backyard nap tree
- Not for long though, you bombard in and jump onto him
- In no time, you’re clinging to his side and sleeping
- Obanai mentally melts but his arms slowly circle around you to rub up and down your back
- Obanai gently rubs the skin of your back and shoulders
- Occasionally, he’ll press a kiss on your head
- Kaburamaru curls around until he is wrapped around your arm and laid down comfortably
- Obanai is resisting the urge to tangle his legs with yours. He is quite stiff, he doesn’t want to wake you
- He falls asleep almost half a hour later. You’re cuddling him and his heart is beating so fast, it may just fly out of his throat
Kyojuro Rengoku
- Kyojuro returns home from 30 hours of intense training and sits down to enjoy dinner with you
- After finishing, you wrapped your arms around his bulky bicep and laid your head on his shoulder
- You’re tired so you fell asleep. He is so warm, like a fireplace and his arms are like pillows
- Kyojuro simply smiles at the sight of your cute sleeping figure, he reaches around to gently pat your head
- Kyojuro ends up eating a lot slower than he usually does. Just so you can sleep longer
- Eventually though, he’ll have to wake you up to tell you he’s gonna move you to the bed you two share
- Kyojuro himself isn’t tired but he’ll happily sit besides you in the futon. He rests a hand on your arm so he can stroke it
Tomioka Giyuu
- Giyuu is the type of boyfriend to cuddle to your side as you’re both heading home. Giyuu is only physically affectionate when you two are completely alone
- After a great private dinner together, you were tired and with how warm Giyuu is, you begun dozing off
- Giyuu panicked as he felt your head fall on his shoulder. You’re still walking so he picks you up in bridal style and brings you into his Estate
- His face is on fire the entire time. He is struggling to not look at you. Your peaceful sleeping expression is simply adorable
- The time you two are in your shared bedroom, you’re basically clung to Giyuu like a koala
- He doesn’t even bother getting changed. He just crawls into the futon and falls asleep with your chin on his head
- Giyuu won’t admit it but he loved every second of you sleeping on his chest like that
Shinazugawa Sanemi
- After a tough night shift, you were quite tired as you forced yourself to stay awake whilst Sanemi practices Wind Breathing on a wood dummy
- Sanemi calls out your name and wakes you up. His eyes flared as he suspected that you were exhausted from the get-go
- Sanemi immediately dropped everything to be at your side. You’re his top priority
- Sitting down, he holds your hands to pull you so you lean on his chest
- His heart skips beats everytime. Your beauty is almost overwhelming but it doesn’t mean he’ll stop looking at you
- He may just take off his haori to place it over your shoulder so you’re warmer
- Training or hunting can wait. Getting you to have a great rest under the Wind Estate’s shade is more important to Sanemi
Tokito Muichiro
- What’s better than watching the stars with someone?
- Stargazing with Muichiro! He knows his stars well and rants about everything he learnt on specific constellations
- You, on the other hand, is trying desperately to stay awake as your usual sleep time has far passed. Exhaustion is kicking in
- Muichiro actually doesn’t notice how tired you are until after your head simply falls into his lap
- In that moment, Muichiro knows he must get you inside so you can rest better
- But at the same time, his cheeks flame and his heart jumps. You’re so pretty when you’re sleeping
- He doesn’t move at all. Why disturb your slumber so unnecessarily, even if his brain tells him to wake you so you can be warmer
- Eventually, Muichiro goes back to stargazing and runs his hands through your hair, twirling strands at times
Himejima Gyomei
- Gyomei is extremely caring about your health. And he can tell you’re overworking yourself in training but you’re too stubborn to admit you’re tired
- At one point, with Gyomei nearby, you just fall asleep like a light switch and he catches you before you could hit the floor
- He brings you back to the shared futon of yours and lays you down. Simply sitting besides you
- He doesn’t need to be able to see you to know how beautiful you look asleep
- Gyomei uses his hands the most out of the Hashira. He feels all over to better massage you. Your hair, your shoulders, your back and even your neck so he can feel your heartbeat
- Sure, Gyomei has an number of things to do in this moment but he won’t leave you alone. That’s simply cruel. In addition, your presence eases his stress
- So peaceful and loving, the aura around you two are
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