#lana condor x reader
callisto00 · 1 year
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( credits to: @/odairhee on Twitter❗️)
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dailynoahimagines · 4 years
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Hating Lana Condor Part 7
Hey guys, thanks for your patience. This will be the last past of the Hating Lana Condor series. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it x
You stand there, too stunned to move. How is she here? Why is she here is the most important question.
Lana walks in, dragging a Louis Vuitton suitcase and matching bags behind her.
“Is there somewhere I can put these?” she asks, dropping them with a loud clatter on the hallway tiles.
Your father rushes over and picks up the bags, “I’ll take these upstairs, (y/n), show Lana around will you.”
It’s been two days since Lana and Noah first showed up at your house. On the one hand it was nice being out of plastic Hollywood and all of the drama, but on the other hand it would have been great if Hollywood hadn’t shown up on your front doorstep in the shape of a petite girl with sleek black hair.
Although it strikes you as odd that you’ve barely seen Lana these past couple of days. She has either been in the guestroom, courtesy of your parents or out walking. Not that you’re complaining, it has given you and Noah the chance to have some much-needed time, away from the prying eyes of Hollywood cameras.
You come downstairs to find Lana helping your mother in the kitchen. When Lana spots you, a wide smile spreads across her face.
“Hey (y/n), want to come help me and your mum bake chocolate peanut butter cupcakes. You know I got pretty good at them when me and Noah worked on the To All The Boys sequel-“
“-actually I’m good thanks,” you interject. “Where is Noah anyways?”
Your mother shrugs.
“He’s taking a phone call I think,” Lana offers as she pours thick chocolatey batter into the cupcake tins.
You glower at her one last time before you disappear out the back door. It’s not hard to find Noah, you just follow a loud, raised voice that belongs to him. He sees you, and his face drops.
Your gaze falls to his waist, where his suitcase is propped up on a nearby table, its zip fully closed.
“You’re leaving,” you say. It’s a statement, and not a question.
Noah looks sad, but he nods. “Yeah.”
“Great. Well thanks for stopping by. It’s been swell.”
“I’m sorry,” Noah says. “They need me back in the city. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Don’t bother,” you say.
Noah walks towards you, his arms outstretched, ready to embrace you in a hug but you pull away. Noah breaths heavily, his chest contracting as he exhales. He doesn’t try to hug you again. His fingers grasp around the handle of the suitcase and he wheels it past you.
You watch him disappear back into the house, and you hear the soft thud of the front door. You can see Lana through the kitchen window, still helping your Mom. You can’t take it anymore. She has taken over you. And Noah once again, is gone.
You turn your back, and head down a path that leads down a country lane. Though the leaves are yellowing in the early fall, there is still some warmth left in the air. Your feet carry you to a small pond, where you used to lay for hours stretched out, devouring book after book.
You sit yourself down and reach into the pond, the water cool on your fingertips. Cicadas hum in the distance and the sun warms your back.
“Hi.” A voice says. You turn your head to see Lana standing behind you, her hands deep in her pockets.
“Hi,” you say coolly.
“Can I sit?”
“I can’t stop you.”
Lana presses her lips together, before she seats herself. “We should talk.”
“I’m really not in a chatty mood, but thanks,” you say as your gaze returns to the pond, and you watch several goldfish swimming in the depths of the water. You wish you could be a goldfish, everything would be so much simpler.
Lana exhales loudly. “I’m sorry he had to leave. He really didn’t want to go-“
“-oh he didn’t, did he? Super.”
You hate the acidity in your voice, but you somehow can’t help it.
“Talk to me.” Lana says. “Talk to me, maybe I can help.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “That’s hilarious. Really. Thanks. But I don’t think you want to hear anything I have to say.”
“Try me.”
You turn to Lana. Her expression seems sincere enough.
“Well,” you begin. “I think you’re manipulative. And shallow. And I don’t know, jealous? Everything is fifty times more difficult when you’re around. I mean you’re gorgeous and I’m…me.”
You can’t help everything tumbling out now.
“You’re always around him…like always. Especially when I’m around, you just have to be there. I don’t know if you like him, or you’re trying to prove that you can take him away from me or what-“
“-stop!” Lana shrieks, holding up a hand. Her eyes are brimming with tears.
Did you take it too far? No, she needs to know how she’s made you feel.
“(y/n), you’ve got it all wrong,” Lana says as a tear spills down her cheek. “All wrong.”
“I was jealous,” Lana begins. “But not of you, of Noah.”
Your eyes widen. “excuse me.”
“It was you, it’s always been you.”
Lana leans towards you and she tilts her head, and kisses you. As kisses go, it wasn’t half bad. Stunned, you pull back.
“What the-“
“I know it’s wrong. I know you’re with him, I get it. I just had to do that, I’m sorry.” Lana is blushing.
“But you hated me,” you say. “You followed me around, you stayed for the weekend, you followed me shopping, you came for breakfast and showed up at my work and you flew out here and….”
Realization dawns on you. “Oh my god.”
A small smile plays on her lips. “It’s always been you.”
“Holy shit.” Is all you can manage. “Listen Lana, I’m flattered. I really am. But I think I need to go and find Noah.”
“I understand,” Lana says. “Friends?”
“Of course.” You say, leaning over and you kiss her again. You jump up and fly back up the path, hoping to God Noah hasn’t left yet.
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centineoah-blog · 6 years
Sooo would anyone be interested in a Noah Centineo x Reader/ Lana Condor x Reader fic? I’ve kinda been working on one for the past few weeks and my bi brain hasn’t decided who it wants
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comehomeducklings · 3 years
Sneaky Glances
Summary: The cast of the show Deadly Class is being interviewed about their experiences and how it felt during some specific scenes. During this, Benjamin and you sneak in heavy glances. Mostly paired with cheeky grins.
A/N: I am obsessed with this man. I don’t see much content with him so I’m making my own, enjoy <3.
Pairing: Benjamin Wadsworth x reader
"How did it feel to complete season 1 of the show?"
"I was mostly sad, this cast of people are like my family. We had so many tears and smiles passed around every day. On the bright side, finishing the show felt very accomplishing. I had made friendships that would last me a lifetime." you answered.
You looked around at the cast as you said this. Most of them nodding their heads and making agreeable grunts.
"Yeah, we're all so glad that our fans supported us throughout the whole process," Maria added.
The interviewer smiles brightly and fixes her stance in her chair. "I've watched the show myself and I have to say, the talent you all put forth was incredible. How were the fighting scenes like filming?"
You start smiling, reminiscing on the bruises you got from the scenes. The black and purple spots took quite a while to fade away.
"Well, Marcus is getting constantly beaten up. He does do a little bit of fighting but I just mostly had to learn how to take the punches. I personally really enjoyed it though, it was a lot of fun." Benjamin responds with. Fiddling a little with his hands at the end.
You nod and look towards him smiling, "I remember Ben getting this huge bruise on his cheek because he forgot to dodge a scripted punch." you chuckle a little bit. You reach your hand out to trace along the side of his cheek.
"It took up this whole area and wouldn't go away for a long time."
Ben makes eye contact with you, expressing his signature cheeky smile.
"I got yelled at by my make-up artists. Wasn't a very fun time for me, I couldn't smile without slightly wincing."
Chuckles are heard throughout the crowd, all chatting to one another.
"Maria and I couldn't stop laughing," Lana cackled, laughing lightly with her co-star sitting to the right of her.
"Now in the show, the tension between your characters is strongly expressed in every scene you both appear in. Was that tension fully planned and directed for each scene? Or did you improvise some of it and the rest was up to our imaginations?" she questions, softly gesturing between you and Ben.
You both pause for a moment, looking in the other's direction. Quietly communicating through your eyes on how to answer this question. You both have been flirting and teasing since day 2 of filming. Your covered feelings constantly being analyzed by the fans.
"Our amazing director did explain the sort of looks that had to be expressed between us. Most of it though we studied from the comics." You clarified. Both eyes never leaving Ben's.
While Benjamin focused on your lips, he added, "We did improvise some of it, adding to our own characters. It was just a matter of how much the cameras picked up on."
The cast shared a knowing look towards each other, passing a silent understanding. You started to get a little nervous so you broke the eye contact, focusing your sight completely on Lana. Ben would continue to steal glances. He would also try to get your attention by including you in his answers to the questions being asked. Your fans would definitely take notice and start making compilations of him just staring at you.
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uhholiveish · 3 years
prompt: together on a vacation || Timothee Chalamet
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❤ by yninstgram, zendaya and 1,627,671 others
tchalamet my pretty date and her new friend
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yninstagram i think my friend look exactly like you.... I like him
↪ tchalamet hahaha you are so funny 😑
timothyforever how are you liking korea??
↪ tchalamet ☑ its the prettiest
timtimchalamet they are in Korea???? together
loveynforver they are so cute!!!!!!!
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❤ by selenagomez, tchalamet and 2,517,719
yninstagram forever in my <3
view all the comments
tchalamet hello pretty stranger can i have your number?
↪ yninstagram sorry got a bf and he is crazyyy you don't wanna mess with me
↪tchalamet hmmm for you i think i can handle crazyyyy 🤣🤣
loveynforever she is so pretty i cant even
randomuser don't make Timothee eat those weird thing you Chinese eat
↪ yninstagram rip geographic knowledge
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❤ by tomholland2013 and 2,162,700 others
yninstagram not sure who i love more this boy or this food
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tchalamet ☑ eXcUsE mE?
↪yninstagram ☑ you know right this doesn't make you sound sarcastic
↪tchalamet ☑ bye i am going and taking the food with me
timtimchalamet please he is so hot 🔥
loveynforever i feel like he is starring right at my soul
randomfan okay genuinely not sure which one looks more delicious 🤤
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❤ arianagrande and 2,718,950 others
tchalamet i won.... :)
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yninstagram ☑ no you did not
↪tchalamet ☑ yes i did you tiny little thing
loveynforever i am living for the height difference
zendaya☑ don't forget to bring lots stuff for me
↪yninstagram☑ brought a whole suitcase
timtimchalamet please adopt me!!!
a/n: feel free to request :)
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angel-istic · 3 years
Okay but imagine how much of an iconic duo Peter Maximoff and Jubilee could’ve been
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autismvampyre · 3 years
i just wanna hangout w jubilee she's amazing
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I just made a playlist that gives off Jubilee vibes bc I love this gal so much <3 It helps when I write about her. I ya want to listen to it too here's the link:
Tell me if y'all like it!
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maximoffs-girl · 3 years
Hello!! I was wondering if I could do a ship request for the xmen👀 I’m bisexual and my name is Bella, I go by she/they pronouns. I’m 5’4 and have blonde hair (almost at my waist), glasses, pale skin (and some freckles), and I dress like either a teen in the 80s or an emo sixth grader there is no in between. I’m dorky and I like to think I’m funny. I know weird fun facts about a lot of random stuff and often heavily analyze fandoms. I’m known for being bubbly, loud, and funny around my friends but to people I don’t know I’m often sarcastic and mean. Im impulsive and often do dumb stuff due to my lack of common sense/self awareness. I have anger issues (under control thank god), slight anxiety issues, and adhd. I draw and write novels (publishing one right now actually!!!) in my spare time. I also read a lot (I’m a burnt out gifted kid). My favorite song is either All I Wanted by Paramore or Rasputin by Boney M. My guilty pleasure movie is probably Legally Blonde. My favorite color is red and my favorite animal is a cat. If I could have any superpower it would be pyrokinesis/fire manipulation. My comfort food is mac n cheese. My ideal partner would be supportive and would make me laugh :)) anyway, have a lovely day!!!!
Hi honey! I ship you with...
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What your relationship would look like:
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hyunnielix · 5 years
Marcus lends you his hoodie after an accident which prompts you to contemplate whether you should give it back. 
Pairing: Y/N x Marcus Lopez Arguello
Warnings: Fluff! The tiniest bit of angst, Kinda AU (UNEDITED)
Word Count: 1.2k
 the smell of your cologne is still on it  slip it on over my shoulders
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“How’s it going so far?” You questioned, easily sliding your legs under the table so you could sit next to Marcus at the designated ‘rats’ table along with Petra, Billy and Lex. 
You placed your cafeteria tray down, staring at the food disgustedly as you’d lost your appetite a while ago.
“He’s managed to get beaten up every day if that’s what you're asking,” Lex exclaimed, a raspy laugh leaving his lips as Marcus made an unpleasant face at him rolling his eyes out of annoyance.
“Aww not so well then.” You pouted, placing a finger underneath Marcus’s chin to see the damage that no doubt Chico would’ve caused, his group were a bunch of egotistical dicks that took enjoyment in watching others in pain.
Sure enough, he had a fresh bruise above his eye and a nasty cut across the bridge of his nose. Brushing your thumb against the greenish tinted bruise your breath hitched as he swatted your hand away from him.
“If you’re going to make fun of me for it hurry up,” He sighed, twirling the metallic fork in his food before side eyeing you waiting for your sarcastic comment.
“I wasn’t-,” You began to defend yourself but stopped as he shrugged it off, returning his focus to the sloppy peas on his plate he had yet to eat.
“Why is Brandy coming over here?” Petra hissed, causing the group to turn towards their table watching intently as the blonde haired nazi wannabe strutted toward them with a flavoured milk carton in her hand. 
“Hey Y'all I just came over here to congratulate Y/N for officially reaching slut status,” She exclaimed standing at the front of the table addressing the group, a smirk plastered on her face as you refused to make eye contact with her.
You knew what she was talking about which caused your heartbeat to quicken wondering how she found out in the first place. 
Ambling over towards you she held the milk carton above your head and before you could retaliate you felt the cold chocolate flavoured liquid penetrate your hair and trail down your blazer and all over your chest.
The ringing of laughter could be heard throughout the cafeteria as you attempted to wipe the milk off your face, tasting it in the process.
“Fine, you want to call me slut go ahead, let's see how everyone else thinks of me after I do this,” You spat on her shoe before standing up in your spot, unpredictably you began to unbutton the chocolate milk covered school blazer ripping it off and placing it on the table leaving you in a white undershirt.
“But of course this isn’t enough for you Brandy is it?” You questioned while crossing your arms using your hands to grab the hem of the white now stained undershirt and pulling it off in one swift motion leaving you in your expensive branded lacy black lingerie bra.
An uproar of cheering and clapping began as you stood there, hands placed on your hips a bitchy grin on your face as Brandy kissed her teeth huffing and turning around, returning to her ‘legacy’ table.
“Holy shit Y/N.” Petra exclaimed, beginning to clap along with everyone else amazed by your bold actions. 
You knew the boys at your table especially would be eyeing you, biting your lip you moved your gaze to Marcus whose lips were parted out of what you couldn’t decipher as surprise or shock. Giving him a sly wink, you caught his reaction out of the corner of your eye as you sat down again. The sight of his reddening cheeks was adorable, it was easy to make him flustered.
For once in your life, you’d rendered Lex and Billy speechless which caused you to internally celebrate, the lack of cheeky comments made you feel accomplished.
After an awkwardly long time, while shirtless, you began to slightly shiver due to the coolness of the room. The curly brunette had picked up on how uncomfortable you were starting to feel.
“Y/N, here,” He mumbled, beginning to pull off his black and comfortable looking hoodie for you as it was the most sensible option other than being shirtless.
“Turn sideways,” He ordered as you threw one leg over the bench, sitting on it sideways and facing him. 
“Arms up.” He sang cheerily which was the complete opposite of how he was feeling before, maybe you’d cheered him up with your act. Obeying him you lifted both of your arms up in a Y formation making the process easier for him.
Placing it over your head, he helped pull the sleeves down onto your arms. His nimble fingers skimmed down your torso as he attempted to pull the rest of the hoodie down onto your figure causing Goosebumps to arise.
“Thank you,” You whispered noticing how fluffy and warm it was around your body, you had to refrain from letting out a sigh of contentment. 
“I’ve never seen Brandy been so humiliated in my life,” Billy exclaimed, praising you as he began to laugh at the scene that unravelled before him just a couple of minutes ago. 
“She deserved it,” You replied snarkily as the group hummed in agreement at your statement. 
“And now you’re going to have another target on your back,” Marcus stated knowingly which caused you to emit a groan of unsatisfaction.
“He does have a point, she’ll do anything to get back at you for that,” Lex piped up, leg crossed on the table as he leant back comfortably contributing to the conversation. 
“I’ll survive, I always do.” You shrugged, flipping up the hoodie to cover your head out of boredom. 
After using the rest of your afternoon classes to contemplate whether you should give Marcus’s hoodie back you decided to personally greet him at his room. 
Folding the black jumper up nicely, you hugged it inhaling the scent of him that lingered on it causing you to smile. You liked him more than you let on.
Roaming down the halls almost awkwardly, you paused at the door of his and Shabnams shared room, exhaling to release some nerves before holding your arm up in a knocking position.
Before you could knock, the door swung open revealing a somewhat shirtless Marcus who looked just as equally stunned to see you.
“Y/N,” He exclaimed, eyebrows raising as he attempted to quickly button up the white shirt as he saw you. 
Your eyes lingered on the splotches of white scarred tissue that trailed down his chest as he covered them up.
“Marcus I uh, here,” You whispered in a hushed tone, handing him the folded hoodie as you tried to comprehend what you’d just seen. 
“It’s nothing Y/N,” He said referring to his scars as he softly smiled, you could see the anguish in his eyes as he relived the memories from the boys home causing you to let out a sigh.
“If you ever want to talk about it, I’m all ears,” You offered, furrowing your brows as he nodded in reply, murmuring a small thanks for returning his hoodie.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He questioned as you began to strut away from the room and back down the many confusing halls of Kings Dominion.
“Maybe.” You exclaimed, throwing your head over your shoulder and cheekily smiling as he watched you leave.
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mixed-imagination · 6 years
I ship them in real life now.
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Some who saw the movie have been wondering about the origins of the lock-screen photo of Peter and Lara Jean sleeping on the couch, which we see briefly after Margot successfully gets their hot tub video taken off Instagram. Was there a scene that was cut from the movie that would explain where that photo came from? x
Susan Johnson (director): I can tell you. I don’t think this will blow any magic in telling you what happened with that. That was actually one of our crew members who took that photo. The two of them were in the green room on set at the high school location, in the area where we put the actors. They actually were sleeping on the couch in that room like that, so we just stood over them and took that picture and it’s so friggin’ cute. So yeah, we just borrowed it from our crew member. (Laughs.) There wasn’t [a scene]. I could make something up but I actually think it’s cute that they hang out like that.
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dailynoahimagines · 5 years
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Hating Lana Condor Part 6
warnings: mild language / some swearing / potential suicide, self harm references/implications
word count: 1246
authors note: hey guys, thanks so much for the patience. I won’t bore you all with the details, but I hope you enjoy part six. It’s a lil darker and moodier than my normal writing, but I hope you get something out of it
It had been a month since you had seen him. It had been a month of being away from the glare of the spotlight, pushing your way past the frenzy of paparazzi every time you left your building.
Life back at home was simple. Simple and quiet.
Your boss had let you take some time and work from home for a bit. Your parents had only been too happy to receive the call to tell them that you were coming home for a while, but they crept around the house in hushed worry, because they knew something was wrong. They hadn’t pressed you to tell them, but they knew something had happened with you and Noah. And they knew how much he means-meant to you.
“Plenty more fish in the sea!” your Dad said at the breakfast table, over a cup of black coffee.
Your Mom gave him a warning look.
“I mean, you’ll find someone else,” he said with a softer tone.
“I don’t want anyone else,” you said quietly. Your parents exchanged glances, but they didn’t say anymore on the matter.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna head to the office and get a bit more work done.”
Noah had tried talking to you. He’d really tried. He’d called and messaged, he’d even written, something you’d never thought a boy would do for you. But far from impressed, you’d stayed hidden at your parents.
It had been too much, the scandal, the gossip, the constant pressure to be nothing short of perfect all the time. And Lana. Freaking Lana. You’d had enough of her. And you’d had enough of Noah failing to stand up for you time and time again. You knew that the gossip columns would be writing about you, but you refused to read any of it. You refused to wear all the stupid labels and be styled You refused to be a part of that toxic world any longer.
You take your laptop out into the morning light and find a patch of grass in the sun. You flick through a few emails, but your finger wanders, and you find yourself typing his name into the search bar. Instantly, your screen is graced with Noah. There are pictures of him smiling and you feel a swooping sensation in the pit of your stomach. It’s hard to forget how photogenic that boy is, and you find a smile playing at the corners of your lips.
And then you see her. Lana. She’s standing right next to him, his arm around her shoulder. It’s as though ice has been pitched down your throat. You want to look away, but you can’t. you click on the photo and redirected to a news article. Apparently, they’re on holiday in the Caribbean, for some promotional thing.
You slam your laptop shut and you let the soft grass beneath you cocoon your head. Why did you do it? Why did you have to look? Are you really that stupid? Tears drip down your face and soak into the grass beneath you. as if it would be that easy? Did you really think that if you ran away from your life in the city, it would all go away? The pain?
Maybe if you lie here long enough, the earth would swallow you whole. Then you would never have to feel ever again. Or think or breathe or think about Noah. You close your eyes, and lie perfectly still, willing it all to end.
You’re floating. Your eyes are still closed, but you can feel yourself in motion. You come to the conclusion that you’re being carried. You try to open your eyes, but vertigo sets in and you squeeze your eyes shut, hoping that it will be all over soon.
“It’s alright,” a voice says. “You’re okay.”
Your set down on something soft.
“Do we need to call an ambulance?” you hear mother’s voice ask.
“No, (y/n) will be okay. She/he/they just need to rest,” the voice sounds like Noah’s and now you’ve definitely gone round the bend.
“Thankyou for coming,” your dad says.
“(y/n) can you open your eyes for me?” it still sounds like Noah. You don’t want to open your eyes, because you know you will wake up and he won’t be there. Because Noah is far away. He’s on some yacht in the Caribbean with Lana Condor.
“I know you probably don’t want to see me,” the voice says. “But I had to come. Your parents are worried, everyone is worried. I’m worried. Even-“
The voice breaks off.
“I’m here now. And I’m going to fix this.” Oh fuck. It is Noah. There’s no way that gravelly, warm voice can’t belong to him.
You open your eyes, and Noah Centineo is staring down at you, concern washed over his face A small smile breaks over his face.
“Hey, there you are.”
“You can’t be here,” you say. “You’re on a yacht.”
“Actually, the photos were staged. It gives the paps a few days’ worth of material to write about. Just to buy me some time to come and see you. It was actually Lana’s idea-“
“Don’t say her name.”
“You should be,” you say as you sit up.
“Hey, easy easy,” Noah says as he tries to push you back down, but you wave his hand away.
“And don’t tell me what to do.” Your voice sounds stronger. “You have no idea what you’ve done. you let her get away with so much. You made me look so stupid. For months and months and you did nothing!”
“I know, I know and I’m sorry,” Noah says.
“It’s going to take more than sorry, it’s going to take much more. I don’t trust you. I don’t even know if I want to continue being with you. I left the city, not just to get away from you. But from all of it. I’m not made for the kind of life you have. I’m not made for all the premieres and parties and glittering jewels and designer brands. It’s just not me.”
“I understand. I do, I really do. I still find that stuff hard. It’s hard to get used to. But it’s my job. That is my life.”
There’s a moment silence.
“I can’t believe you came all the way out here. If the paps find you-“
“Then I’ll fight them off with my own bare hands.”
You actually do smile, and Noah lightly touches your cheek. “I’ve missed that smile.”
“You do realise there isn’t another flight out of here till next week right?”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Noah says.  “We’ll camp out here till then. I can help your parents with housework, and me and you can spend some quiet time together. Away from everything.”
You bite your lip as you consider him. “Fine. Deal. But I get first pick of movies.”
“And I get to hold the popcorn bucket.”
“And! If I hear her name once, you’re gone.”
The grin disappears off Noah’s face.
“What now?” you say acidly.
“Well it’s just that…we came straight from shooting the yacht photos…”
There’s a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” your father says.  
“Noah, what did you do?”
Your father opens the door, and in walks the sleek haired, petite girl.
“You have to be kidding me.”
“Hey (y/n),” Lana says with a sweet grin. “You’re not looking too well. Looks like we got here just in time!”
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worthlessstreetrat · 6 years
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beronicahugs · 6 years
So...where’s my Peter Kavinsky to go on cute dates, cheer at his games with and take me to prom?
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centineoah-blog · 6 years
Sunshine (Noah Centineo X Reader)
A bright glare of light hits my eyes, forcing them open in response to the sunlight streaming through the window. As consciousness registers, I feel a heavy arm draped over my waist and a head nestled in the crook of my neck. I carefully turn, trying not to disturb his slumber, and look at his sleeping face. He has a such a gentle face, marred only by the scar just above his chin, but even that is endearing. The messy, curly mop of hair on his head is even more tousled than usual, and his lips are slightly curved up. Watching him like this, so soft and so... real, just makes me smile because he’s mine. The internet’s boyfriend, the sensation, the boy of everyone’s dreams, Noah Centineo, is all mine. A warm feeling grips my heart and I feel like I could fly. I don't even need the sun, this boy is just the brightest ray of sunshine.
His eyes flutter open. 
“Hey you” he mumbles, voice thick and raspy from sleep. God, I could not love him any more.
I can’t resist, so I lean forward and kiss his forehead.
“Hey, did I wake you?”
“Yes, with your creepy staring” he whispers, tightening his grip onto my waist and nuzzling my neck.
“I was just studying you” I giggle.
“So I’m your pet project then?” 
“I thought you loved me” He feigns hurt and it makes me giggle even more. I can’t believe he makes me giggle. I’m too old to be doing that.
“I need to get up now, I have work” I tell him, trying to lift his arm off me, but to no avail because he just makes it heavier. 
“Noah, let me go.” I try being stern with him, hoping it’ll work.
“No.” He declares and for a second, I feel like he’s going to, despite saying he wouldn’t. It’s mildly disappointing. 
However, my disappointment is short-lived as he shifts and I can feel him drop his entire weight onto me.
“Noah! You're crushing me!”
He lifts his head from my shoulder, a wide toothy grin stretched out on his face.
“That was the intention, sweetheart” 
~V short cause my brain stopped working after five minutes~
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mbsgr · 6 years
Noah Centineo as James Potter or James Sirius Potter
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