#lance mcclain would include
vldlance · 1 year
you will never convince me that lance mcclain has a six pack. why would that man put in that level of effort.
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 11 months
do you have any more details about the 'it was all a dream' au? the premise is so cool!
Ok so schrodeinger reality au, gonna be real this au has almost nothing but vibes (and heavily inspired by Madoka: Rebellion, Piecemeal episode and the Stranger entity from tma and this comic)~
tw none of it is explicit but it is better to be safe- mention of suicide attempt by poison (skip from "Her mother asks if she's ok" to next para)
mentions of gore (skip from "Ghosts start to solidify" to next para and "This was the worst condition" to next para)
mention of car crash (it is one line but still),
mention of death (skip from "This was the worst condition" to next para)
mention of a serial killer (skip from "This was the worst condition" to next para) ,
mention of violent murders (skip from "This was the worst condition" to next para),
mention of mutilation (skip from "This was the worst condition" to next para)
So basically right after Allura saves the multiverse, she wakes up in a room, in a bed, with things that arent her own but also feel really familiar. She also wakes up to find her hair is brown rather than white, her marks are gone (whammy), and her ears are round (double whammy), and she's a human (what the qUIZNAK). Like naturally she's freaking out right until the door opens and that is her mother, or well her human mother. She doesnt look anything like Melenor, her real mother, and yet she knows that the human woman was her mother.
Allura runs out of her room and the house isnt her own but also is, she remembers drawings on the wall she did as a kid, she remembers tripping on those stairs while running as a teen, she remembers when those photos on the wall were taken few months ago. She remembers this house she is in right now, she remembers a life she never lived. Her mother asks if she's ok. Her mother has been so worried since she.....almost killed herself. A simple quick acting poison, something painless. Mom found her in time and took her to the hospital. That is what the memory tells her.
Except, no she didnt, but she did. This isnt her life and that is not mother, except it is and she is her mom. This isnt real none of this is real. Both memories feel as real as the other. Her mom asks if she is ok again. She want to push her away, she's clearly a liar. She want to hug her, she is scared and wants her mom to tell her she's going to be ok. She can just nod in reply, both her pasts feeling more like a dream than a memory. She yearns for the life that is gone in every way, she wants to reject the new life that is gifted not lived. However the sense of loss is ever present.
As far as Shiro is concerned he has lived a pretty normal decent life. Ups and downs like everyone has. He achieved his dreams of going to space and it was good while it lasted. He survived an accident that took his arm and left him with scars. Awful thing car crashes, even if he doesnt really remember it and it Certainly doesnt matter. Had few relationships, few break ups, moments of joy and sorrow in equal amounts, cant really complain. His brother was there for it all, and even if Kuro loves to annoy him that is what brothers are for. All in all rather normal life. Except, one day he had a nightmare, with furry alien colonizers and alien witches and gladiator rings and giant robot lions. Non sensical and pointless he chooses to not think about it, suppresses it everytime it threatens come up. Except they keep coming, during his days and during his nights and he buries them deep every time. And they keep getting worse every time.
Until one day, there was a ghost, ghost that looked just like him, gored and bleeding just blankly staring at him. At first he thought it was Kuro, but when Shiro yelled out for him in horror, he pops out from wherever he was and walked past through that ghost. Little horrified, he decided to suppress this too, maybe stress or maybe a prank or maybe something else completely mundane. He never looks at the ghost, refuses to acknowledge its existence. Ghost disappears and appears seemingly randomly, (everytime he suppresses a memo- thoughts about his nightmares). Ignores it, doesnt acknowledge it, suppresses it, buries it within. The more he does it, the more they present, the more they stay at the back of his mind.
But then ghosts starts to solidify. First as bloody fingers, then as bloody hands, slowly slowly. The body part stayed, always bleeding, they are not seen but they are felt. Kuro almost slips on an unseen pool of blood, complains about the floor not looking wet. Shiro buries them too, in his flowerpots and flowerbeds and in backyard six feet under and when the body fully forms.
The ghost stop appearing after that, but he still doesnt feel free, he finds himself staring at a certain spot, still feels like the smell of blood lingers. Sometimes he could almost hear a heartbeat where the body is buried. But no, this never happened! Just like all those nightmares never happened, this never happened. Acknowleding it, even as some sort of hallucination makes it real, makes everything real, so it never happened. So what if his scars dont fit for a car crash, so what if his memory is spotty. Coincidences really, followed by a stressed mind and it's overactive imagination. Kuro worries but that is what a brother is for.
And as far as Shiro is concerned, he lives a pretty normal decent life.
This was the worst condition, Doctor Jaspreet Kaur had ever seen. Granted her tenure is not that old, only been a few years since she was a doctor, but this still had to be worse. A man, a young one, maybe in 20's skinned alive. Most definately a murder attempt. A serial killer has been in the news lately and her new patient shares the same condition the killer's victims when found. No identifying features, whether it be identity proof, tags on clothes, tattoos, skin marks or face itself. This time however, by some miracle, despite everything he was still alive.
So she and the other doctors trt everything they could to save this nameless person. He would have to stay in intensive care, will go through multiple surgeries and if he lives through all of that the damages would still be lifelong. But they still have to save him. So they try, they succeed in stopping the bleeding and stabilize him. They got in touch with the police, who took the statement for the new lead, hoped he survives so they could arrest the killer but didnt seem to care about his identity. Now it is a waiting game.
Few days later as she was making her rounds, she saw the Patient, and not only was he sitting up and moving, he was actively ripping off all his bandages. Jas ran in to stop him, but then stopped.
The Patient's skin had grown back. Light brown, as dark as hers, black hair, and freckles clear visible unlike hers which were always hidden under a ton of makeup. And when Jas looked at him she realized somethings. The patient looked familiar but in a way she cant quite put a finger on. Most likely Indian descent, american accent but hint of punjabi, 5'7, a bit chubby. The patient reminded her of her sister, and her brother, and her mother, and her father, and her grandparentss, slightly like all of them but not them. She also noticed the mirror in the patient's room was cracked, right from the point where the patient's reflected head would be.
The patient then turns to her and asks her questions, who are you? what place is this? What happened to me? And Jaspreet answers the best she can, i am Dr Jaspreet, we are in the State Hospital, you were brutally attacked but you are ok now. And then Jaspreet asks her own questions, do you know who you are? Do you have someone to call? Do you know who did this to you? And the patient- he? They? she? She. She just shook her head no, no she didnt know who she was, only what she is now. No she didnt remember anyone and doubted anyone remembered her. She did not know who did this, but she will find her killer.
Jaspreet wanted to ask what she meant by that. But the Patient stood up, something she shouldnt have been able to, not with injuries or with pain meds. Too dumbfounded to even react, all she can do is watch, as the Patient thanks her, asks where the hospital keeps patients things, and then left.
The Patient was already gone when she even thought to react. But that is ok! She'll just call and ask and staff security to stop the Patient. She even has a description, it is uhhh ummm she cant remember. She cant remember how the Patient looked like. And wait- was the Patient a guy in his 20's? Or a woman in her 30's? No, no neither, maybe something in between? Doesnt matter. She called the reception, told them the Patient from the room number 3462 would be making his way to the reception, and to please stop h-sh-them? As they required further observation. And the receptionist said that that particular hasnt been assigned in days. That cant be right? It was for the patient who almost uhhh died? And needed care for-for something? She would have to check the logs later. But no, the receptionist cant remember any such patient. And Jaspreet cant remember it well either.
Days later Jaspreet would read the news that the serial killer has finally been arrested, evidence compiled by an anonymous sleuth. Jaspreet is glad that the serial killer was arrested but also felt that she should be more.......interested in this case? Like she knew something about this case but doesnt really but cant tell you why. But well she guesses that is it than, if it was memorable than she would have remembered.
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sunnyyyyyyyynnus · 2 years
Hunk: Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
Keith: I'm a knife
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
fic rec friday 52
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics. and a quick note before i start: happy one year, everyone! a year of fic rec fridays! i started doing these when my blog really started to take off, and it's been an honour to share these with you :)
A Kind Demon And A Scary Angel by vrepit-nah (anonymous)
Day 18 - Forbidden Love Shiro breaks his head trying to appease the angel and demon on his shoulders and stop them to killing the other. He soon finds out that he didn't need to after all.
making lance's troublemaking ass the demon. so real. poor shiro can never have a break in any universe 😭😭 he just wants to vibe and he just gets bothered by klance all the time
2. Of Friends and Rivals (And Lovers) by vrepit-nah (anonymous)
Lance McClain has a big family, and that means no one is really ever alone in a room at any point of time. It becomes unnatural for him to feel when he’s in space in a huge castle with barely any people. So, he tries to fill the hole in his heart by seeking out his teammates. It strikes Keith odd one day when Lance begins hanging out with him instead of his other friends, and worst of all, it seems like Lance is caving in on himself without anyone noticing. Or: 5 times Lance seeks out to hang out with a friend, and the one time he doesn’t.
the first time i read part v i gasped OUT LOUD bc i was like no way he's gonna fuck up that bad. no goddamn way. and then he DID and i HOLLERED
3. Today, anew by MemeKonVLD (MemeKonYA)
“Lance.” Lance’s eyebrows furrow in concern for a second before his whole face goes gentle and open. “Hey buddy, everything okay?” Keith nods. Then shakes his head, then opens his mouth to let out a noisy sob before he’s hugging the air out of Lance, grip vise tight. Lance hugs him back. That’s one of the great things about him— he doesn’t— he doesn’t need explanations for things like this. He doesn’t make Keith jump through hoops, the way other people might— he’s just— he just knows what Keith needs in times like this. No façades, no posturing. (Or: the one where Keith is trapped in a time loop. A time loop from hell.)
their worst nightmares are each other dying. i am going to lose my mind. i am sobbing and screaming and yelling on the floor. i am sucking on cement. nobody touch me
4. Visions by @snowwarning27
"It’s funny, because as a tattoo artist he makes art that lasts pretty much forever – as far as the person who has it is concerned – but a street artist…their art lasts maybe a couple of days." Keith comes in for a tattoo; Lance immediately falls in love. With his art. His love for Keith comes later.
it's usually tattoo artist keith but tattoo artist lance my LOVE. also i will never get over graffiti artist keith i think about him all the time the punk ass
5. story received, story included by @freshia
(4:20PM): u know, number neighbor, i think i need a chiropractor.  (4:23PM): ? (4:25PM): because my back really hurts (4:25PM): from carrying this conversation ;(
Lance texts his number neighbor.
i LOVE texting fics. they're so fun. and lance in a texting fic is always funny bc it's so obviously true that he would be so funny if he had time to think about it. and of course keith would fall for him over text
that’s it for today!! happy one year! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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luvendiary · 2 years
Fic Recommendations <3
some fics that i really like and if you haven't read the yet, you totally should! i will update this regularly! feel free to recommend anything so i can put it on here!
Percy Jackson
the witch and the fish: the illustrious son of the sea is spending the summer in the hamptons with his family and unbeknownst to him an old friend is his next door neighbor for this summer.
talk to me: in which (y/n) gets hurt and says a few incriminating things while in pain.
my boyfriend: in which percy is the coolest person in the world— right behind you, of course
how they would hold your hands
attractive things they do
characters as romance tropes
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
dating hiccup would include
fluff alphabet
"what's all this blood?"
dragon riders christmas gift headcanons: dragon riders open up their xmas gift from their s/o and it is a very detailed wood carving of them riding their dragon.
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
these will mostly be daughter!reader, bc i have a soft spot for hotch as a father.
if we had five more minutes...: (aaron hotchner x daughter!reader) hotch wishes he had five more minutes.
hotches daughter: morgan and reid bring you down to ask you some questions on a recent case, not knowing who your father is.
why: you mourn over the death of you adoptive mother.
they'd bring you back: you’re an unsub’s latest target, but your personality is way more than he bargained for. 
Spencer Reid
how to play the game
tear me apart: based on episode 23, season 7. where the reader gets caught in a bank heist
work song
roomate!spencer coming home after no one remembered his birthday
Keith Kogane
i'm not going anywhere: you’ve been dating keith for about six months, but you’ve only recently met his group of friends. he’s worried that they each have more to offer you than he does, and his insecurities eat away at him until you calm him down.
imagine keith kogane breaking you out of a galra prison
dating keith kogane
bf keith hcs
lucky charm: teaching lance the ways of smooth flirting are very hard , and for keith , acting as your practice dummy is even harder.
allura´s sister: being the younger sibling to Allura meant no eyes were on you, that is until Keith met your gaze.
pain: even when fueled by pure fury and determination
lance´s sister: keith kogane finds himself being questioned by one mcclain to find himself answering to the other
keith with an artistic s/o
hc keith dating allura's younger sister
the five times he didn't
runaways: in which you and Keith are both runaways who end up meeting outside of a motel – neither of you have enough money for one room, so you end up taking a risk and putting your money together, buying one room between the two of you – despite being complete strangers.  
sunshine: Keith Kogane was insufferable. An absolute nightmare to be around. So why are you getting visions of him kissing you?
change of plans: now that Keith Kogane is a rockstar, it’s become very difficult to decipher whether someone likes him for him, or for his money. So, he’s decided to just stay as far away from love as possible. 
reuniting when he returns to earth
paladins accidentally hurting reader
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
the girl with the books:  james and sirius notice that it’s not the books that keep remus in the library, and are determined to know whether you – the object of remus’s affection – return his feelings.
we'll never have sex: you’re used to boys wanting one thing and one thing only from you, causing you to be thrown off when Remus Lupin kisses you, just to kiss you. based off of “We’ll Never Have Sex” by Leith Ross.
heavy handed: your debut as the marauders’ new guitarist doesn’t exactly go to plan when remus gets handsy with you on stage.
bassist!remus x reader
remus giving a sweet little message before playing the song he wrote for you.
James Potter
we deserve this life: your beautifully regular life with your husband years after the war
james bodyguard au
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
imagine being wolfstar's daughter and having a jily type love story with harry
Fred Weasley
always little wolf: while y/n and Fred walk home in the snow, the simplest conversation makes Fred sure of one thing, he's going to marry that girl.
Theo Nott
the only heaven i'll be sent to (is when i'm alone with you): y/n and theo get dared to spend 7 minutes in heaven and interesting conversation ensues.
last kiss
theodore nott as your boyfriend
what's it like to be theodore nott's girlfriend
Peter Parker
celestial beings: there's a reason why peter parker can't keep his eyes off of you.
something to remember me by: reader and happy visit may's grave and peter is there. you don't remember him
daddy's got a gun: (tasm!peter x hotchner!reader) in which peter meets your dad - aaron hotchner.
just barely: (tasm!peter x reader) “okay, peter. are you afraid of spiders?”  “no.”  “then can you go get the one in my apartment?”
Bucky Barnes
the bet: the agents at SHIELD have not taken well to Bucky’s pardon. When he’s injured on a mission under suspicious circumstances, you take matters into your own hands.
Peter Pevensie
the golden witch: y/n returns to narnia with the pevensies and discovers something powerful about herself.
jealous confessions: war times are complicated and feelings tent to get overwhelming. when jealousy hits peter, he doesn't know what to do, you don't know what to make of it, and you two end up… "confessing".
an unexpected turn: your night took an unexpected turn when you follow after the high king during an important ball. you certainly didn’t think the stroll would lead to a fencing lesson.
Edmund Pevensie
taking care of you: edmund sneaks in to make sure his queen is alright.
set during the events of prince caspian
hearts are beating: reader discovers that she’s pregnant and tells their s/o, edmund
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adobedragon · 8 days
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“So, the saying goes, ‘Something old, something new…” Allura ticked off each phrase on her fingers. “Something borrowed, something blue?”
“Yup,” said Pidge, picking at a loose thread on the bed’s comforter. She, along with a handful of other women, were in Lance’s parents’ bedroom, awaiting the arrival of Lance’s cousin Ignacio, a hairstylist. Ignacio had the herculean task of doing Pidge’s hair and makeup for the wedding.
“Something blue?” chirped Ezor. “Wouldn’t that be Lancey-Lance? Blue Paladin.”
“I thought he was the Red Paladin,” said Zethrid in her gravelly voice. “It’s so hard to keep track of all the Voltron Lion changes.”
Pidge chuckled, though deep down she found the two alien women’s presence a bit off-putting. They had eventually proven themselves good fighting companions but Pidge still hadn’t quite forgiven Ezor for trying to torture her years ago.
“Katie’s dress has blue beadwork and stitching.” Colleen Holt ran her fingers along the dress’s bodice.
The dress was draped over the bed and Pidge, who was sitting beside it, traced the arc of an embroidered vine with a finger. “My dress is also new.” One of Coran’s designs, its basic form was that of a green, 1920s flapper dress, but fashioned from an Altean fabric derived from spider silk. “‘Blue’ and ‘new’.” She grinned wickedly. “My underpants are new too.”
Veronica, Lance’s sister, arched an eyebrow at her in the same manner her brother often did. “Are you wearing boys’ underwear? Under your wedding dress?”
“Well, yeah,” said Pidge. “They’re comfy.” She shrugged. “Lance thinks they’re sexy.” Remembering that Lance’s mother was in the room, she blushed.
Elvia McClain laughed and winked at Pidge, demonstrating the origin of that Lance gesture. “Relax, mija. I have five children and none of them conceived immaculately. You think I don’t know what you and Lance have been doing in the bunk house? In the barn?”
Pidge smirked and blushed, because, yeah, there weren’t many places on the McClain farm where Pidge and Lance hadn’t had sex.
“Here is ‘old’ and ‘borrowed.’” Allura reached toward her earlobe and with a flourish and a hum of Altean alchemy, removed the gem-like earring. “These were my mother’s. From old Altea.”
“Those were Queen Melenor’s?” said Romelle reverently, the Altean woman leaning in to view the earrings closely.
As Allura reached toward Pidge’s ear, Pidge leaned back. “I, uh, they’re too nice, too nice for me.”
“Nonsense. I would be honored if you wore them.” Allura held the lilac purple gem near Pidge’s earlobe, and the earring hummed, Altean space magic fastening it so it dangled beneath her ear. “Just don’t let Lance swallow them when you two start climbing each other.”
“Thank you,” said Pidge as Allura attached the second earring. She rose from the bed and studied herself in the mirror over the dresser. In her current, typical Pidge state of scruffiness—green tank top and gray sweatpants—the earrings made her look like a toddler playing dress-up with mom’s jewelry.
The McClain’s house shook lightly as the front door opened and shut. “That must be Ignacio,” said Elvia, hurrying off to meet him. Pidge grimaced, not quite ready for this; primping and preening were not Pidge’s default settings.
Earlier, sensing her nervousness, Lance had said, “You don’t have to do this. If you want, we can wear matching tuxes. I don’t care what you wear just as long as I’m the one who gets to undress you later.” This accompanied with his signature flirty eyebrow waggle.
His offer was why she’d asked him to marry her in the first place. Because he loved her as she was, her boy self, girl self and everything in between.
In the mirror, she saw a tall, dark-skinned middle-aged man enter the room. She tensed, then reminded herself she was a Paladin of Voltron, unafraid of anything, including a guy with a kit full of face goop and hair-taming implements.
Turning, she gave Ignacio a wobbly smile. “Hi. I’m Pidge.”
She wasn’t doing this for Lance or out of any need to cling to tradition. She was doing it because even androgynous Paladins of Voltron want to be a princess on their wedding day.
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kyonix-sparkles · 3 months
Meet the writer!
I am 15, I write smut usually but I can write something wholesome if requested (if it's angst I'll try, I'm not good at it). If you request something and it's not posted in like.. two days (maybe three) 10/10 I'm either still working on it or I lost the motivation to do it, it will get done at some point. Just bare with me please. All I do is write fanfics and little stories, all of my writing up here will be in the first person which can be the readers pov or your oc. A warning I write how I would want it to go if I was in the reader's shoes, so if it doesn't fit how you want it to go I'm sorry :'(. I can write for more fandoms or characters if you give me a rundown on it(them). If you have an OC you'd like me to add in the fanfic(writing) just tell me about them in the request and I'll get it done. I usually write for male/gn reader but if requested I'll write fem reader, I also write ftm as a ftm person, but when it comes to mtf I can try but there will most likely be mistakes. Sensitive subjects like self harm I will write if requested but it does make me nervous to write.
Anyone can request from me as long as it doesn't overstep boundaries.
Genshin impact, Demon slayer, Mha, BSD, Seraph of the end, hxh, hazbin hotel, Voltron (I may add some I may delete some)
Scaramouche, Venti, Aether, Xiao, Tighnari, Razor, Collei, Freminet.
Tomioka, tanjiro(no nsfw allowed unless aged up), Tamayo, Mitsuri, Obanai, Muichirou (no nsfw allowed unless aged up).
Izuku Midoriya, Bakugou , Ejiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Shinso, Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, Shouta Aizawa. Tamaki Amajiki
Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Atsushi Nakajima.
Mikaela Hyakuya, Yuichiro Hyakuya, Yoichi Saotome.
Gon, Killua, Kurapika.
AngelDust, Husk, Alastor, Lucifer
Pidge Gunderson, Keith Kogane, Lance McClain
//I'll try to get the characters to act as cannon as I can but I'm really good at making them OOC :')//
Kinks(NSFW) I'll write:
Boob/nipple play, Anal, CNC (Ill try), cum play, bondage, using toys, breeding, roleplay, orgasm control(overstimulation), piss kink(I’ll try), degradation/praise, Daddy/Mommy kink, threesomes/foursomes(I'll try), oral, sex toys, sexting, Somnophilia(ill try), collars and leashes can be included if requested
//you can ask/request for more but I'm not doing rape or in a sense overly aggressive sex, pedophilia, abuse or toxic relationships. Everything here is written with consent. I do not write for the dark stuff like Yanderes. Stalking, drugging, kidnapping, or said yandere forces captivity, kills the reader or the major stuff like limb removal(sorry it just makes me uncomfortable)//
//I'm still new to writing on here so give me some time I have to get used to everything//
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ditzydisaster13 · 5 months
The Pretty Pink Alien
hi guys. If you’ve missed me; I’m back. With yet another thing of drawings. And my seemingly never ending desire to draw mCC x mOC. Just making random gay ships with ocs to characters that are already part of the show anyways. I’ve been fandom hopping again. Which I do a lot. This time my brain is on the Voltron series. The Dreamworks that’s on Netflix and has a shitty ending and plain sucky character développement.
Aside from how the animators messed up the show, I still love the characters themselves. Lance McClain will forever be my favorite. So I guess it’s time to introduce to you guys his pink alien boyfriend. Roxetor.
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I definitely went through some edits. Appearance wise-> and just naming the species. Most of it is very similar though. Haven’t drawn much of Lance and Rox together, besides the paper drawing where I was literally just messing around at first-
I even included a bond as the first image. All of my CC x OC situations. Mostly. I never even thought I would do one for Lance or VLD. But I did.
And there’s loads more on Rox for the future. If you wanna know more about my character, as well as how the ship came to be leave a comment or so and I’ll do my best to reach out.
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Bakugou ;-;
Chapter 5: Lance McClain x Reader (AU)
This AU was requested by, Ruby Star!
< This AU contains slight cursing >
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
"Damn It, you're going to get us In trouble, AGAIN." Keith mumbled to Lance as he followed behind him, grumbling. "You know, Allura and Shiro won't be happy If we go to the surface."
Lance turned around, sending Keith a wink. "Relax, we won't be gone long. I just want to see how everything looks on the surface."
Keith let out a sigh, "The stupid things I do with you Is starting to make me question my mental state. Fine, lead th way."
Lance grabbed Keith In a hug grinning, "See?! Was that so hard?"
"Let's just go before I change my mind, fishbreath."
"Why you- You know what, whatever." Lance hmphed, slapping his blue fins across Keith's face as he swam off.
"Ow! Get back here!"
"Catch me first!"
"Aye, aye. Hello there, princess-"
You raised a middle finger, "Fuck off."
"Well fine then, don't have to be such a bitch about It." The male frowned and walked off.
"Gosh, I can't stand going fishing with these dudes!" You groaned, resting your chin on the back of your hands, before the ship began to rock back and forth.
"Shit! We should go back! It's storming like hell out here!"
You fell onto the ship floor as the water began moving violenty as It was raining heavily, soaking your H/L H/C hair.
"Do you think the merpeople are mad?!"
"Damn It! there's no such things as mermaids, you goose!"
You rolled your eyes as the sailors fought, before lightning hit the ship, you jumped up as fire began to spread.
Life must hate me today.
The ship rocked one too many times and some of he sailors fell off Into the water.
Including you.
"Almost there!"
"Lance, there's nothing special here near the surface, so what makes you think there's somthing on the surface?"
"I'm just curious, fishbrain."
"Oh fin no. You did not just call me-"
"Look!" Lance cut Keith off, slapping his blue fins In his friend's face again.
There was something floating In the water.
Well, more like someone...
"They're Injured! Keith let's-"
"No, It's a human, Lance. We're already banned from the surface, so what would everyone think If we helped a human?!"
"I don't care what everyone thinks! I-"
"Lance, think about how disappointed Allura would feel."
Lance bit his bottom lip, closing his eyes tightly. "...I don't think Allura would forbade me for helping someone In need." Lance then swam off.
"Hold on- That's not what I- LANCE! Ugh!" Keith rolled his eyes following behind his friend.
After the storm died down, Lance and Keith brought Y/N to the surface, putting the female on a piece of wood which was left from the ship.
"How do we know If she's...Alive?" Keith mumbled, turning to Lance.
"She hasn't turned to seafoam, so that's a good sign."
"...Humans die differently, fishbreath."
"Oh- Wait! How do you know that humans die differently?!"
"...I'm not even going to entertain you and your stupidity."
Keith and Lance quickly turned to the female, "She's waking up!"
"Good, lets go." Keith grabbed Lance's wrist, only for Lance to raise a brow. "Huh, why?!"
"Because, If she finds out we're merpeople we're gone like salmon. Now c'mon!" Keith let go of Lance's wrist and dived In the water.
Lance turned back to the female, who was awake and staring at him with wide eyes.
"...W..h..o......What are....You?"
Lance just sent her a smile.
"Nothing Important." He said simply and dived Into the water.
Dark brown hair,
Tan skin,
Blue eyes.
A few days have passed and you were playing with seashells on the beach.
He was pretty...
You kind of wished you stopped him so you could speak with him.
But...He had a tail.
Just what exactly was he?
You thought about one of the stupid stories that the sailors were telling and you shook your head.
Mermaids don't exist...
"Or do they...?" You jumped upon hearing a voice, you saw a...Creature swim up and smile at you behind a hood, white hair next to their cheeks.
"How would you like to see your savior again?"
You said the word 'yes' without even thinking.
The creature grinned, "Then you can, you just need to give me one thing In return."
You tilted your head, "Which Is...?"
"Your voice."
You put your hand near your throat, you raised a brow. "...Why?"
"You see...I never had a beautiful voice before."
"What makes you think I have a beautiful voice?"
"I was listening to your singing, now. Deal or no deal?"
You thought for a moment, If you exchanged your voice you could never talk or sing again...
But you'd be able to see him again...
Screw It.
A bright light formed and surrounded you, before you knew It, you were In the water.
You cleared your throat trying to speak but words didn't come out, she actually took your voice In that short span of time.
You were suddenly feeling scared, reality was hitting you way too fast.
"Hello there, fellow mermaid." You heard a soft voice and looked up.
She had pink fins and long beautiful white hair.
The female smiled, "My name Is Allura, princess of Altea. What are you doing so far away from there?"
You looked down and noticed you had beautiful F/C fins, with scales as well! You were about to speak with the mermaid, but realized you couldn't talk, you put a hand over your lips and then crossed your two Index fingers over each other so It would be In the shape of an 'X'.
It took Allura a while to catch on, but she finally did. Her gaze softened. "Oh you poor thing...Come, I'll show you where Altea Is."
You took her hand as you swam beside her.
When you both made It to Altea you recognized him Instantly.
Dark brown hair, tan skin, blue eyes.
A smile formed on your lips.
Found you.
Hope you enjoyed It!
Chapter 8: NOTICE
Chapter Text
To everyone that has requested something and It's still not completed, I'm sorry.
COVID has taken a huge toll on me and my family, and I've been struggling with some personal Issues that I will not delve too deep Into.
In any case, those are the reasons I have not been that active on AO3 or any of my other platforms where I write fanfiction and whatnot.
I'm sorry about this, but I assure I will get to every request, albeit a bit slowly but I will get to It along with my other works and series.
I wish everybody well In this trying time.
Stay safe!
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of Oneshot Books Next Work →
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retvenkos · 3 years
“i hope you know cpr, because you just took my breath away.”
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— we all know that lance is an incorrigible flirt. so, oh, boy.... the pick up lines that preceded dating and the lines that continue....
there is no way you can avoid the outpouring of love that lance has for you. at any and all moments, he has something to say. even if you’re more on the shy side and really hate the attention, lance will still reach his daily count, only he’ll be more subtle - whispering pick up lines in your ear so he can see you blush, or catching you when you’re alone and spilling his heart.
— he just can’t contain it! and honestly,,,,, you grow to like it better when he doesn’t.
and all of his pet names for you are really cute, too! you give him one, at some point, and whenever you say it, he just becomes the epitome of heart eyes.
— but what’s funny is that while lance is the absolute most when talking.... he has no idea how to write it all down. he’s definitely tried to write you love letters before, but it always ends up in crumpled sheets of paper and dissatisfied groans. he just doesn’t know how to do it! if he were talking, he’d know exactly what to say, but when the page is before him... it’s like he’s not sure if it will be good enough.
when pidge finds him surrounded by at least twenty pieces of balled of paper, she definitely finds it hilarious.
>>  “you mean ‘lance the prolific’ doesn’t know how to write a love letter? aren’t you the same boy who can recite a five paragraph essay about how amazing (y/n) is?”
and when lance awkwardly explains that his feelings of inadequacy, pidge is awkward too. 
>> “oh.... well,  do you have to write them letters? isn’t saying it enough?”
and maybe it is.
(or maybe, lance gets the great idea that pidge should write love letters for him. i mean,,, pidge is smart, right?
((pidge does not know how to write love letters ~lance style~. it doesn’t end well.))
— asdfghjkl,,, okay, okay, but i think it’s critical that we all understand that lance is really in tune with his and other people’s emotions
like, this boy can sense when someone is having an off day, and for the most part, he’s pretty considerate of that fact and knows how to make things right.
he knows how to give space when you need it, or when it’s time for a hug and some soothing words.
(lance is most definitely a caretaker, so just know that you are in good hands.)
— but also, i hope you are good with emotions too because lance bottles things up like crazy. please, someone talk to lance about how he’s doing because if no one asks... he’ll never mention it.
i think it’s vital that you care for lance. you listen to him and remind him how important he is to you. lance gives me the vibes of someone who desperately wants to be seen and wants to be someone’s choice. if you show him that... well, that’s something special.
— i also think it’s important that we all have a collective understanding that one of lance’s primary love languages is quality time. 
you two spend so much time together. (i mean, you’re stuck is space. there’s not much else you can do.)
when you guys are bored, people can usually find you laying on the floor of lance’s room, telling stories about things you miss (lance talks a lot about his family) while putting on face masks or something. you probably tell him all of your most embarrassing stories, and he insists that they’re cute. that you’re cute.
>> “you think so?”
>> “definitely. you’d have to be crazy to not think so.”
>> “well, i think you’re cute, lance. amazing. perfect, even.”
and lance snorts
>> “i mean it!”
and all he can do is smile.
— and ! since you guys are stuck out in space and can’t exactly ask your families for advice on the ~dating~ scene,,,,,, you both bombard shiro.
he’s just a tired dad,,,,,,, he just wants to rest,,,,,,,, but if lance isn’t asking him about what to get you for a gift, you are asking shiro for flirting tips so that you can dish it right back to lance.
shiro tries to tell lance to get keith’s help but keith is like ??? why would you come to me ??? and doesn’t know what to say
(lance eventually ends up asking hunk, and it’s truly the smartest idea ever. hunk is a romantic. you guys just don’t want to see it.)
and you somehow end up asking coran for pick up lines and ohmygod,,,,,, they’re so bad,,,,, lance adores them.
— and i think your relationship is so playful! you definitely train together, and you actually give each other good tips. you also compete. a lot. lance loves a good competition! and besides, don’t you want to see who’s the better pilot? or the better cook? or the better swimmer? 
— also! if you’re a massive nerd about something, lance lives for listening to you ramble about something he barely understands. it’s about the excited fire in your eyes. it’s about the intimacy of sharing something so important to your self-concept.
and please listen to lance ramble about his interests. sometimes, he feels like no one ever really sees him as anything more than the flirty one. but if he’s super knowledgeable about something and you ask him questions about it??? he’ll love you forever.
— oh, and lance is big on holding you,,,,,, in any way, shape, or form, he just wants to hold you. that can mean cuddling! hugs! holding hands! interlocking pinkies when you’re standing next to each other on the bridge! he just likes knowing your there. lance will want to put his hand in your back pocket! he will want to do any kind of cheesy, rom-com-esque actions that he can possibly think of. 
just wait until allura tells him the cheesy, altean couple things,,,,,,
— but what i also can’t stress enough with lance is that he is always asking you if you are okay with stuff, and it’s honestly goals. please extend the same courtesy back to him, because truly, how often are people asking lance what he wants?
— oh, and you guys work so well in battle together. you always have the other’s back, and while you’re probably not as chatty when you’re being shot at, you probably still get a few comments tossed back and forth.
— and after a fight with the galra? after you’re sore and dead tired? you definitely wander into the lounge, only to find that keith has sprawled out on the couch, so instead of pushing him over or going to your room, you just,,, lay on the floor.
lance walks in, not too long after, and he comes over to you like ??? you okay? and you’re eyes are closed, but you raise a hand in greeting.
>> “i’m fine.”
so lance sits down beside you. for a moment, it’s nice, actually, but then the ground is hard, and honestly, when was the last time someone mopped these?
>> “so... are you always going to lay on the ground after a battle?”
>> “Only the epic ones.”
and lance laughs, but he doesn’t get off of the ground. he doesn’t leave, and instead, he tells you about this amazing save he saw you do. and you smile and tell him about how you saw him heroically save keith
(keith grunts in dismay at that)
and lance looks at you, smiling wide, stars in his eyes, and you both lean in for a kiss.
>> “you taste like sweat,” he mumbles.
you laugh, and he can feel it against his lips
>> “war,” you correct.
>> “you taste like war,” he agrees.
>> “and you taste like heroics.”
>> “and i’m officially out of here,” says keith, clearly traumatized.
and you both laugh because the paladins are just idiots in space (affectionate)
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taglist: @maybanksslut​, (and @biqherosix​​, because i crave validation) // add yourself to the taglist here!
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korolrezni-nikolai · 2 years
klance starter pack fic list
making a klance fic rec list of the absolute must-reads all in one place! this will be in no particular order and is mainly for my use since the fandom is p dead lol.
Nightmares by Trashness
Summary: Lance's nightmares are getting out of control. It's affecting his and the team's performance, but he's at a loss for how to fix this. Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.
This was the first klance fic I read and it made me fall in love with this ship. I’ve re-read this fic multiple times since then and it’s a one-shot, quite short and sweet. I love it! 
never saw you coming by dimpleforyourthoughts
Summary:  Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story.
This fic. This fic ruined me and literally left me sobbing at 3 a.m. It’s also a one-chapter fic but has a hefty word count of 45K+ words and functions more as a drabble than anything. It’s a giant character study into Keith and his relationship with Lance and just how he grew up, met Shiro, etc. This fic made me fall in love with Keith as a character and is so so stunning. 
so why don’t we fall by aknightley
Summary: Five times Lance used a pet name for Keith, and one time Keith used one for Lance.
Keith has no basis for having a relationship with someone, so he's trying to follow Lance's lead.
So anything by aknightley is pretty much a masterpiece but I especially adore this fic because its one of their much more lighter, softer ones and has Established Relationship Klance, so if you want a short 5+1 things fic that skips over all the angst and pining and goes straight to fluff, this one’s perfect for you! It’s such a sweet portrayal of Keith and Lance and just had me smiling at my phone.
part 1: there nestled against his pulse by hiuythn
Summary: "Found you!" Lance says, vaulting over the back of the couch. He lands with a soft thump that bounces Keith up in his seat. "Hey, I've got a question for you. You don't have to answer it, but, uh, have you met your soulmate?"
"No," says Keith, "I haven't.”
I shouldn't.
part 2: this is what love looks like: by hiuythn
Summary:  Unlike Keith, Lance has to be dragged by his feet, bound and gagged, into this love. If there was a contest for the art of self-denial, he’d be the reigning champion.
part 3: roll credits by hiuythn
Summary: When Allura said, “You will explain everything to me,” she wasn’t kidding. “Can you still hear him?” she asks. She’s got a fucking datapad. She’s taking notes. “Yes,” Keith sighs. “He’s still singing Backstreet Boys.”
[post-TNAHP/TWILLL. Some asks from tumblr, some headcanons/extra scenes I haven’t shared yet.]
SOULMATES KLANCE!! That is definitely my favorite Klance trope and this is definitely the fic that started that obsession. Very famous in the fandom, this is a good 55K+ word, soulmate AU set in canon verse that has everything you could ever want: Enemies to Lovers, Langst, Regular Angst, Pining, Almost Major Character Death, etc. You should also definitely check out the sequel that follows major events from Lance’s point of view. To be honest, I actually love the sequel more because it’s such a beautiful deep-dive into Lance’s psyche and what makes him tick and also explores Lance’s experience at the Garrison and deals with out of fic events. But you definitely have to read TNAHP to understand the sequel! The sequel honestly made fall in love with Lance and he’s now my favorite character in VLD so. The sequel is also actually longer than the original fic word count-wise (the sequel cuts off at around 59K words, the original is at 55K+) and is a must-read if you enjoyed TNAHP!
There’s also a third part that I’ve linked, which has extra scenes and drabbles and is honestly so so cute and such a good dose of fluff after the angst and hurt/comfort of the first two that I couldn’t NOT include it. 
katabasis by hiuythn
Summary:  Keith's jetpack malfunctions.
So this is definitely the most angstiest and saddest fic I’m reccing so far. It absolutely ruined me and made me cry and re-evaluate all my life choices. That’s all I’m going to say. If you’re in the mood for some straight-up, hardcore Langst, this one’s for you.
skin hunger by hiuythn
Summary: Keith is touch-starved to the point of stupidity. Lance helps. Lance tries to help. Lance tries.
akjdjdjdjd THIS FIC IS SO SOFT AND SWEET AND CUTE. at this point, this list is basically just becoming hiuythn fics but I can’t help it! I had to include this fic after the damage the last one did. If katabasis is everything sad, skin hunger is everything happy. its a s3 AU with no clone!shiro and is more of a crackfic than anything, dealing with Keith going through Galran puberty and is hilarious and sweet all at the same time. we also get broganes and the way Klance’s relationship builds up is j *chef’s kiss* It’s a p short one-shot (only 12K+ words) and definitely the best thing for a pick me up! Slav and Keith’s interactions are also hilarious.
nothing’s quite as sweet by dimpleforyouthoughts
Summary:  Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
So this is another gem by the amazing dimpleforyourthoughts and this fic is literally a ray of sunshine in this cold, dark, desolate world. It has kittens, coffee, side Shallura and cat cafes. Need I say more? Definitely an A+ comfort fic for the bad days.
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by klancekorner
Summary:  Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
This is literally my favorite Klance fic ever, I’m sorry to all the masterpieces on this list and to all the others as well but this fic has my heart for all of eternity. It’s a 135K+ word monster of a fic and took me a good 2 days to finish and took my sanity as well. It’s such a raw and real fic and the way it captures Lance’s anxiety really hit me in the feels and made me fall in love with him further. I know what most of us are thinking- a friends-to-lovers fic? Really? But trust me give it a shot, the pining, the writing, the resolution, EVERYTHING is so good, you *have* to read it.
On Thin Ice by anonimina
Summary: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.
Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
(Russian Translation https://ficbook.net/readfic/5434480)
THIS FIC IS INCOMPLETE! I know most of you all will skip this because of that but it’s such a good fic that I had to include it despite that fact. It perfectly captures my Winter Olympics obsessions (Yuzuru Hanyu and Shoma Uno ftw) and has such good broganes and side Shallura. It’s also one of the few fics that acknowledge how talented and brilliant my Lancey boy is and has Keith showing him the appropriate amount of respect and amazement. I loved it and I do hope you love this incomplete 200K+ word fic too!
Not that Bad by varelsen
Summary: “Am I really going to have to explain this to you?” “No, I’m totally fine with you shutting up right about now.” Hunk cups his hands around his mouth. “You. Are crushing. On Keith.”
Or, a college AU featuring coffee shops, silly rivalries, motorcycles, arcade games, friendships, and lots of warm, fluffy feelings that are both confusing and delightful all at the same time.
One of the best Klance College AUs out there! It has awkward first impressions, Influencer Allura, and Keith on a motorcycle! It’s such a readable fic. It also sees the relationship slowly sort of dissolve into a benefits one and has such a natural flow to the relationship. It’s one of my most re-readable favs so defo check it out!
just come to me once by laallomri
Summary: Lance’s smile widens. He leans forward, and the prickling in Keith’s chest gives way to butterflies, fluttering wildly in his stomach, and oh wow has Lance always had this many freckles, has he always had eyelashes that long, has he—
Lance pokes his cheek, right over the Galra mark. Keith blinks.
“I can’t believe you and your mom have matching face tattoos now,” he says, and it’s so fucking dumb, but it’s exactly the kind of dumb thing Keith has longed to hear, and before he knows what he’s doing he’s surging forward, almost knocking Lance back against Red’s paw, and throwing his arms around him.
In which Keith lives on a space whale, goes on a road trip, and (eventually) gets a boyfriend.
I don’t even know how to encapsulate what this fic made me feel. It feels like the last day of school, the feeling you get when the ending credits roll on a really good Pixar/Disney movie. The feeling that songs like Fireflies or I Lived make you feel. 
This fic also features a lot of POC, trans and queer rep and I for one loved all the Indian stuff in it. It’s also one of the few fics where Krolia and Keith’s relationship is explored in canon without being depressing so ofc i love it!!
Something Blue by starlightment
Summary:  When Lance gets dumped by his fiancée just days before his entire family is flying out to visit, he finds himself trapped in a monumental lie. Now, with no bride-to-be, and no guts to admit the truth, he’s in desperate need of a pseudo-sweetheart — and fast. And Keith just so happens to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Fake dating Klance!! A truly blessed trope. We also see pining Keith and this is just such a well-written Modern AU, it had to go on the list!
part 1: Read All About It by starlightment
Summary:  Keith is Altea High’s star athlete. And Lance, a wily reporter for the school newspaper, is crushing hard. The only problem? They’ve never actually met before. So when Lance decides to broadcast his long-hidden feelings in an explicitly romantic exposé, he ends up accidentally sparking a school-wide epidemic. Suddenly the entire student body is in on the drama, but are words truly enough to win over the school’s enigmatic heartthrob?
part 2:  Read All About It: part 2 by starlightment
Summary:  With a year of college and long-distance dating under their belts, Lance and Keith return home for the summer only to realize that life still has a few more challenges in store. Sequel to "Read All About It".
This is another masterpiece by starlightment!! I honestly can’t decide whether I like this better than Something Blue, but if you’re in the mood for high school feels and public confessions, this is definitely for you! Lance is also portrayed in such a talented light and I truly loved his characterization in the fic. Here, we have very heavy Langst and Lance pining instead of pining! Keith for a change too. 
Part 2 is incomplete as of now but what’s there is very funny and sweet and a must-read if you loved the first one. Honestly, it’s kind of an extra scenes/moments work and has some post-fic things as well which I love to see since it has College Klance.
open your arms to me by aknightley
Summary: Lance quickly finds Keith’s communication signal and hits call.
A few seconds later, he realizes what he’s just done, panics, and immediately slams the 'end call' button.
“Shit!” he hisses through his teeth, throwing the tablet on the bed and recoiling away from it like it’s a poisonous snake rather than innocent alien technology. Its screen goes blank again, wiped clean the way he wishes his impulsive action could be. “What am I doing?”
So like I said, I love aknightley’s stuff (seriously- they could write their grocery list and I’d eat that shit up) but I love S4 fix-it fics with Long Distance Klance and BoM Half-Galran Keith and this one honestly takes the cake. It has such a nice build-up to the relationship and the pining is just amazing.
pushed up the window to kiss you off by aknightley
Summary: A series of conversations between Keith and Lance when they're apart but together, and the effects unrelenting thoughts can have on a very confused boy.
The worst part of deciding to leave had been telling Lance his plans -- no, the worst part had been that Lance had understood.
Another Klance S4 fix it fic by aknightley but this one is my more preferred one since it skips all the pining and goes straight to Established Relationship Klance, which aknightley honestly writes so beautifully!! Their relationship is also a secret and I truly loved the humor and how we see Keith deal with being a BoM member and all the bloodshed and sadness that comes with it. 
all my reasons why, by tylerproposey
Summary:  It starts off as an infatuation, nothing more than admiration for the entrancing blue eyed boy. It turns into a crush - something he’s never had - and suddenly every shade of blue reminds him of Lance. It ends with love, something deep and turbulent, really he never stood a chance.
This fic is very similar to never saw you coming and is honestly one of those hidden Klance gems that everyone HAS to read it. It once again shows Klance from Keith’s perspective in canon and the way the author captures Keith and Lance both is just stunning. I’d recommend reading the other fics by tylerproposey as well- I’m not including any on the list except for this one since it’s just *that* good. Their other fics are more Modern AUs and more plot, less pining than this one but equally as fun to read!
Tramps Like Us by PVB
Summary: “Do you play guitar?” Lance asks, holding up the pick.
“Yeah,” Keith replies
.“Are you good?”
“Are you just saying you’re good, or are you actually good?”
“Actually good,” Keith says defensively. “And why do you care anyway?”
Lance narrows his eyes at him. “I don’t know if I believe you.”
“I’ll prove it,” Keith says before he can think.
(High school marching band/Battle of the Bands AU. Keith is the new kid, Lance is trying to prove himself, Pidge is a musical prodigy, Hunk’s tired of stereotypes, Shiro and Allura are just trying to get people to stop calling them ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’, and Bruce Springsteen is still the Boss. Don’t ask about the lions.)
this is a fic very similair to the feels invoked by just come to me once by laallomri and I enjoyed this so much- it had me laughing out loud and rolling on the floor with all the shenanigans of the gang. I also love the side Shallura and Pidge, Hunk and Lance are just the right amount of crazy and weird in this!! The way Keith slowly finds a family in these crazy weirdos and also opens up to his dad is so sweet and made me cry. Such a good HS/band AU! It’s also perfect for 70s/80s rock n roll music geeks and really explores the music aspect of things!
all of these stars will guide us home  by mayerwien
Summary:  The space museum volunteers au, aka "my God, it's full of snarks."
Okay, damn I just can’t stop coming with all the Klance HS/teen AUs. But this one I had to put in because it’s just another one of those funny, smiling at my screen ones and I also adore the angsty broganes we see in this fic- once again, a Keith POV that shows him finding a family amongst Lance, Pidge and Hunk. It doesn’t have much (any) Allura in it but I can excuse that for how good it is!
Fake It Til You Make It by nikkiRA
Summary: “No, it’s not that –” Keith tries to backtrack. “We just – we –” he isn’t sure what he’s going to say, he just knows he has to say something before he and Lance are forced to have sex with some weird alien species, while also keeping the weird alien king happy enough to create an alliance with them.
But not for the first time and not for the last, Lance pulls through.
Of course, this time pulling through almost gives Keith a heart attack, because Lance slips his fingers through Keith’s so that they’re holding hands.
“What Keith here means to say,” Lance says, and although his voice is steady, he is gripping Keith’s fingers so tightly it’s painful. “Is that we can’t mate with your people, although we, um, appreciate the offer, because, well. We already are. M-mated, I mean. With, you know. Each other.”
Fake dating Klance once again! In canon this time and I mainly read it because it was written by nikkiRA (whose Solangelo stuff I adore) but I truly loved it! It is quite explicit though, since it has a (sort of) sex pollen trope as well so if you’re in the mood for smut, I’d definitely recommend this!
part 1: house on fire by ilgaksu
Summary: When Lance McClain is eighteen, he qualifies for the Olympics.
When he's nineteen, he meets Keith.
Correlation does not mean cause, until it totally does.
part 2: two ways to skin tonight by ilgaksu
Summary: “You can do this,” Keith’s coach tells him at seventeen, hand on his shoulder and nerves in his eyes. Keith looks down at the chalk against his hands, stark and messy against the black of the gloves. He adjusts one of the straps again. Flexes his hand. Nods.
This is definitely one of the best fics I’m putting on this list! I originally read it because I found aknightley’s drabbles set in the same universe (which you should ALSO read it- soo good) and I honestly did not expect to love it as much as I did! If you’ve had a huge Olympics or AFTG phase like me, this is perfect for you. It also so nicely incorporates Social Media into it- which is one of my favorite tropes and this fic has to be one of my favorites under that trope. It’s such an inspiring collection (called ‘the greatest’) and truly captures the vastness and importance and beauty of the Olympics/competitive sports and interweaves so many conversations about LGBTQ+ athletes into it that I love it. The author creates such a realistic and fleshed out world that I kind of got RWARB vibes. All in all, a must-read if you love AFTG- it’s actually inspired from the really famous AFTG fic about the Minyard-Josten rivalry!
it grows stronger by tylerproposey
Summary: College campuses are a cesspool of awkward encounters. Some more unnerving than others, as Lance comes to find. He thinks it’s important to note that in all those instances, Keith is there to witness them. Actually, that’s unfair. Admittedly Keith happens to be useful in getting him out of those situations. Affection, as it goes, grows stronger when you’re constantly being “saved” by a protective rival – but mostly friend at this point.
Ok, so I know I said I wouldn’t include anything else by tylerproposey but I couldn’t help it- this fic is definitely one of the best College AUs out there. It’s so much more than a 5+1 fic!
i need someone like you to lighten the load by slowklancing (notanannoyingfangirl), sunnyjolras
Summary: Another scrap of parchment shot out of the cup, a fourth scrap of parchment, which made no sense at all, and the Headmaster grabbed it from the air, unrolling it and reading it quietly.
The entirety of the Great Hall remained silent. It was as quiet as a tomb.
“Lance Álvarez?” The Headmaster whispered, and then again, louder. “Lance Álvarez.”
Wait, what?
// Lance and Keith have always been battling it out: on the Quidditch field, in the duelling club, for the best marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Keith always manages to come out in the lead.
Now, the Triwizard Tournament has been announced and Lance knows that Keith is going to beat him for the only open spot, even if he pretends that he thinks otherwise. But it doesn’t quite go the way that Lance expects, and everything changes from there.
Hogwarts Klance AU!!! For the Twiwizard Tournament!! Such a long ride but so worth it- all the ups and downs of their relationship and Lance’s life is EXACTLY like an HP book and I loved it. We also see Hagrid! Coran and DADA prof! Shiro so what more could I ask for? It also features Allura from Beauxbatons and Lotor from Drumstrang! It does follow HP canon in its ending, so it might be a bit lacking in that but i just adore the exposition of the plot so I couldn’t not include it!
say my name (and every color illuminates) by parchmints
Summary: “Well, that’s what you are, right? My subconscious talking to me? That’s what my aunt says dreams are, but it’s kinda weird that my subconscious hasn’t seen the ocean before since I’ve been around the ocean my entire life.”
“What? No! I’m--I’m not your subconscious, I’m your--” Keith starts, but he slams his lips together in a tight lock, then looks at the waves, while Lance sits up taller and leans in closer to him.
“My what?”
“Just--!” Keith starts, getting frustrated and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m real, okay? We’re not--this isn’t--we’re having a shared dream.”
Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
SOULMATES KLANCE!! this is also a fic by parchmints, who is another one of my fav klance authors and this is definitely my favorite one of theirs- its a must read if you’re a sucker for Soulmates Klance like me. The way they eventually meet also had me smiling at my phone so much!
they're gonna watch me disappear into the sun by basicallymonsters
Summary: Lance turns his face towards the tree line meandering off to the edge of the coast, feeling every system in his body light up simultaneously. “Keith.”
He lifts his wrists and Keith’s hands follow them up. He shifts closer on his knees, mouth turned down, desperate.
“So you can’t expect me to leave you here,” Keith says, “I know that I’m asking you to walk away from your home. But you’re asking me to walk away from mine.”
(prompt: when they get to Earth, Lance wants to stay)
this fic is very similair to katabasis, in the sense that they both made me want to die. im not even joking, this fic put me off of reading klance for like the next 2 months because it was that fucking sad. so of course i need everyone to share in my misery.
no, but all jokes aside, this is an amazing fic that will absolutely change you forever. it is such a good exploration of lance as well, and how much his family means to him and for a fic of only 7K+ words, it sure has an impact.
life after death by taylortot
Summary: Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice.
She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes-”
He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.”
After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
so this is another amazingly angsty beautiful fic WHICH IS ALSO INCOMPLETE by the way but the author is still replying to comments and there’s only 1 more chapter left so hey, there is hope for us all! i just really love the deep love lance has for keith in this and how everything unravels slowly by slowly and we learn about how they fell in love, along with lance himself. you *have* to read this!
it's all in my head by aknightley
Summary: "Uh," Pidge said, "Lance? Buddy? What's the deal?"
"That's Lance?" Hunk shouted, somehow still ramming ships away from the castle; Keith felt like bubbles were bursting in his head, effervescent pops of giddy fear mixed with conviction. 
Lance, he thought, Lance feels like this. "Thank God, I thought I was going crazy for a second."
Another amazing must-read fic by aknightley that explores the paladin bond as a much more psychic connection and shows Keith and Lance both struggling to hide their feelings for each other through it! Must more be said? Go read it!
pepsicola by corydalis  
Summary: It starts like this:
 Lance looking up at the scoreboard only a few days into his Garrison training and muttering to himself, “What the hell kind of a name is Keith?”--
Or, Keith and Lance fall in love. Eventually.
corydalis has the absolute best klance drabble fics but i especially enjoy this fic because of the dual POV and how we see both characters grow from the Garrison itself and the slow build to a friendship and then eventual romance is to die for! very similar to never saw you coming, by the way.
Like Devo by surveycorpsjean
Summary: As rival jammers, they're rough, skating around the rink, giving bruises, bloody noses, broken ribs and snapped fingers-
But when the cops show up, Keith grabs his hand and yanks Lance into the storm drain.
And that’s how they start dating.
The adrenaline rush I got from this is unparalleled! Both Keith and Lance are also absolute BAMFs and I love how fucking rogue the fic is. It’s just a one-shot so I’d defo recc it, but it is quite explicit so if that’s not your thing, go ahead and skip it!
this is my idea (of love) by the-noble-idiot (noblegambit)
Summary:  The first meeting between Crown Prince Lance of Altea and Prince Keith of Daizabaal was, to put it mildly, less than perfect.
ARRANGED MARRIAGE KLANCE GALTEAN AU!! this fic is so so so good and the build-up of their relationship over the years that we see in glimpses is so precious and amazing- and the enemies-to-lovers in this is to die for. My only complaint is that I wish it were longer!
you should date me by petalloso
Summary: “I can read you, Keith Kogane. You’re tired and maybe a little sad, and this mask will lift your spirits, heal your aura, align your chakras. Trust me.”
“I chrusht myou,” Keith says through his fish lips, Lance's hands warm against his squished cheeks, his heart pounding ridiculously in his chest.
This fic is the defo THE best College AU out there and has SUCH similar vibes to Hearts Don’t Break Around Here and Tramps like Us that I adore it. It’s so kooky and weird and hilarious and lovely- exactly like college and I LOVE it. Klance’s relationship dynamic in this is to die for and is so fun to read! It also shows Keith with dyslexia and ADHD, which is a new take since its usually Lance with ADHD but one I loved equally and the portrayal of ADHD is so refreshing to read if you have ADHD (like me) but can be hard for people without it to read since it’s a bit erratic and random. I’d still highly recommend it!!
Love Bite(s) by  ArchetypeOfAdespota
Summary: In which Keith gets bitten by a Love Bug, and Lance is less okay with this than anyone honestly expected.
This is literally the best Lovebug Klance AU out there and definitely started my obsession with that trope- Alas, there are none as good as this one! I loove how we see Klance trying to hide their real unrequited feelings and the amount of misunderstandings was so frustrating but written so well- the resolution was to die for! I’d definitely recommend it! The author’s writing style is very good and there is a second part to this fic that deals with a ‘what-if’ where Lance was bit instead of Keith but that’s incomplete so I didn’t include it but you can check it out if you like this fic!
Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay
Summary: Lance and Keith are constantly being mistaken for a couple. Lance is highly offended. Keith is quietly outraged.
Pidge decides if she can’t have peace, then she can write an epic scientific dissertation on the romantic failings of two exceptionally dense paladins.
This fic is going to be the last of this very extensive list and its honestly one of the most re-readable fics and is such a good crackfic with outsider POV on Klance! It also has 4 more parts that are one-shots/sequels set in the same ‘verse and you can definitely check that out if you want more Matchmaking Science Pidge.
Some other Klance authors I’d recommend that didn’t make it on this list:
Purpleneutrino (mackerelmademedoit)
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lovedianagrey · 2 years
Klance Fanfic Recs No One Asked For
One Wheel Short - “Sometimes, I think the universe would be a lot better off without Lance McClain.” So we see how it looks.
Tags: Angsty, Character Death But It’s Just Lance, You Will Cry, Canon Divergent
Word Count: 234,645
Foreign Scenes -  Lance finally goes through his dream trip abroad, and he meets someone who wants to see the same places he’s been wishing to see for years. Keith is trying to take pictures, and this random guy really likes to bother him. 
Tags: Traveling AU, Slow-Burn, Strangers to Lovers
Word Count: 110,581
Call Me, Beep Me - Where Lance is given the wrong number by a pretty girl, and instead meets a pretty boy. 
Tags: Wrong Number AU, Texting, Minor Shallura
Word Count: 85,591
Shake the Disease - Keith and Lance have to help a planet with an infectious disease, and they end up needing to quarantine. Cuteness ensues.
Tags: Minor Character Death, Sickfic, Mutual Pinning, Canon Divergent, Quarantine
Word Count: 55,390
Lilac Sweet - After a breach of trust in Lance with the team, the paladin is captured and kept not exactly held hostage by Lotor. The Galra happens to fall for him. With Lance, it’s… more complicated than that.
Tags: Drug Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Mutual Pining, Canon Divergent, Toxic Relationships (romantic and otherwise), and Langst
Word Count: 348,998
Hot Singles In Your Area - Lance falls in love with a sex line operator. Keith can’t help falling in love too.
Tags: Wrong Number AU, Smut, Phone Sex, Literally One Of My Favorite Ones
Word Count: 31,663
Like A Second Heart - After Lance loses his memory of the past couple of years, the team comes together, Keith included, to help Lance figure out everything he lost.
Tags: Memory Loss, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergent
Word Count: 20,958
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - Being best friends with Lance McClain isn’t easy. Particularly when you’re falling in love with him. 
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Childhood Friends AU, This One’s A Banger
Word Count: 135,555
Homesick Space Camp - After weeks of being an asshole, Lance realizes it might be time to grow up. But then he and Keith kinda get stuck being faked married and you know, it gets hard after that.
Tags: Fake Relationship, Canon Divergent, Action, Political Intrigue, I Loved This One
Word Count: 74,280
Dirty Laundry - After lying to his family about who he’s bringing home, Lance figures that the best he can do is keep the lie, and the best deal he could come up with is brought up. 
"Two whole months of free laundry in exchange for two weeks of being my fake boyfriend. Deal?"
Somehow, Keith says yes.
Tags: Fake Dating, AU, Light Hurt/Lot of Comfort
Word Count: 85,046
Lion Chain: Anthology - After the death of his work partner and friend, Keith returns to the funeral of Miguel Sánchez. There he meets Lance, Miguel’s younger brother, and starts thinking maybe he’d been correct all along. The two of them could become forever. 
Tags: Military!AU, Slow Burn, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Smut, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 574,268
something just like this - Keith decides to be a counselor at camp Voltron and Lance really doesn’t like the Red cabin. 
Tags: Smut, Fluff, Basically No Angst, Camp!AU
Word Count: 58,800
Drummer Boy - Keith is a drummer at a local bar Lance visits, and his eyes meet with ocean blue. Lance might not be completely straight, after all. 
Tags: SMUT, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Explicit Content, Slow Burn, College!AU Word Count: 50,188
And I’ll Form the Heart - Keith is writing Voltron, a fantasy novel that explores an intergalactic war. Problem? He can’t figure out the romance in it for the life of him. Lance thinks all he needs is a wingman to discover the real world first. We watch it all unfold.
Tags: College!AU, Lance Is A Wingman, Keith Is Oblivious, They’re Gay
Word Count: 65,747
Smokey the Bear Has Nothing On You - Keith, a firefighter, is reunited with his old crush/rival, Lance McClain, in Altea Elementary’s Safety day.
Tags: Firefighter!Keith, Teacher!Lance, Fluff Word Count: 50,831
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Of all places they have family dinners, Pidge likes it when they go to the McClain house best. Everyone else’s place is fun, and she’s never once had a bad time, but there’s something especially special about dinners with Lance and his family. Of course she sees Lance every day — they still live on the Castle, they tried living separately of each other post-war but it was way too anxiety inducing — but they all decided, unanimously, that they would make an effort once a week to visit each of their families.
Visiting the McClains in Cuba, though, is the most fun.
The house is just so busy! There are so many people in it at all times. It’s always loud and exciting and there are always a million things to do. Pidge is always reminded of Meet the Robinsons when she walks through the worn door with peeling green paint and meets two people that were not there the last time she visited and whose relations are ambiguous. It’s great. That, and Marcela McClain may be the coolest woman Pidge has ever met. She’s awesome. She’s an Olympic heavyweight champion, and her biceps are bigger than Pidge’s head. Allura was so delighted to meet her she could barely speak. Pidge wasn’t far off. She’s also a professor of mathematics. Pidge remembers asking once why her career paths were so drastically different, and she’d simply shrugged and said she picked the careers that would piss the most people off and went from there.
Pidge fully understands why Lance missed her so much.
The absolute, number one, greatest thing about the McClain house, though, is the photo albums. Marcela was meticulous. She has dozens of ‘em, never highlighting one kid more than the other, and never missing a moment. Pidge has every embarrassing photo of Lance she could ever want or need. (Her favourite is a picture of Lance, circa 12 years old, with braces and the most emo outfit of all time, including badly dyed black hair. He’s stuck upside down on a set of monkey bars and looks miserable about it. It’s her lock screen. Occasionally she sends it to Keith and they laugh themselves to tears over it. Lance hates it with a fiery passion.)
One night, after dinner, they’re all crowded around the living room, half on top of each other, flipping through one of the older albums. Pidge watches as picture after picture of baby Lance flips by, and she notices that he is never, not even once, standing on his own two feet. She glances over at him now, and shakes her head fondly as she sees him curled up into a tight ball on Keith’s lap, head resting on his chest, playing idly with one of Hunk’s hands.
Pidge points to one of the pictures, where baby Lance is mid laugh, standing on top of teen Luis’ shoulders.
“You are always being held by someone,” she says. “We’re you afraid of being set down, you dork?”
She was teasing, poking fun at Lance’s constant desire to just hold and be held by people, so she wasn’t expecting the vulnerability in his voice.
“I was afraid of being let go,” he says matter-of-factly. He doesn’t sound upset, and he doesn’t look sad. Just as if that’s one of the truths of the universe, something he simply lives with and has come to terms with. His nonchalance doesn’t stop Keith from pressing a gentle kiss to his hair, or Hunk’s quick squeeze, or Allura’s hand popping up from nowhere to pat him on the cheek.
“We love you, Lance,” they chorus together, and Lance laughs. Pidge grins, too.
“We’ll never let you go,” she assures, “we like you too much.”
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alienslovetea · 7 years
the magic of gardens (a langst minific)
since im currently working on my rebel!lance au and torn apart (and maybe some more of lachesism!lance ;) ), i thought I’d give you guys some langst and fluff since I haven’t written anything in a while!
If there was one thing that was obvious to Lance during his time in space, it was how lifeless it was. Of course it wasn’t always that way, the paladins were often wormhole-ing from one galaxy to another and seeing a multitude of different planets every day. Yet there were also those moments where it was just the castle and the vastness of space, leaving them without any planet to anchor to. 
It was in those moments that Lance truly missed his home, not only for his family, but for the life that always bloomed on Earth. Back home, Lance had had a garden, both outside and in his bedroom. The plants ranged from succulents to flowers to even vegetables, filling Lance’s room to the brim with life. 
That’s when it started, Lance would have to say, a day like any other filled with boring missions. The team had been visiting a planet by the name of Gaji, specifically its markets for supplies for the castle. Lance being Lance, had wandered off, hoisting his bag over his shoulder in search of something cool and discovered a little shop at the end of the row, where a small alien sat surrounded by plants. The alien itself was a soft lavender with three eyes, each peering at Lance with curiosity. “Are you interested in buying some plants?” The merchant asked, gesturing around the shop, “Anything specific?” Lance shook his head and peered around the small shop, looking at all the odd plants that were scattered around. Some glowed, while others moved, each unique in their own way. 
“May I ask where you got all these plants? I haven’t seen any of these on Gaji?” Lance said instead, interested. 
The merchant laughed, sounding almost like a bird chirp, at his words,”Oh no, these are plants I’ve discovered while traveling. I have my own garden and I like to sell any plants I already have or do not need anymore.”
“You have a garden? Is it here on Gaji? How do you manage it? I used to have one too back on my home planet, sorry if I’m asking too much!” Lance replied excitedly, he never had thought to start his own garden out in space. 
“Oh no you’re fine, I enjoy talking about my garden, ask as many questions as you’d like! You remind me of an old friend, they too loved nature. And yes, it is here on Gaji towards the mountains so it can receive direct light from our sun. My family mostly manages it for me while I’m away, however I also have some droids who help out as well!” He explained, pointing to a small robot on a nearby shelf. 
“That’s so cool! How do you collect the plants? Especially these larger ones?” Lance asked.
“Oh that’s simple, have you ever heard of Bev? No? Well, he’s an inventor who created these small boxes that expand and then shrink to carry whatever you need. I’m not exactly sure of the science behind it, but it helps me with the business! Oh and please take a seat! You must be getting tired simply standing there, would you like a cup of lepaz as well? It’s a de-stresser tea, the plants can tell you’re a bit stressed.” He ushered Lance into a soft cushion before disappearing behind a door and emerging with two mugs and some cookies, or rather space cookies. 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do all this! I haven’t even learned your name yet!” Lance exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“Oh no, it is custom with my people to provide support, especially to those who appreciate nature! My name is Zad, and I’ve heard tales of you, Blue Paladin. Now may I ask some questions as well? Is it true you battled a sea monster with only your wits and saved a whole planet?” Zad handed him his mug and the two talked for hours about the universe and plants in the cozy little shop. For the first time in months, Lance felt completely relaxed.
Before he knew it, he was getting a call over the comms to return back to the castle, ruining his good mood. 
“Sorry Zad, I have to get going back to the castle now,” Lance sighed, placing his mug on the floor. 
Zad smiled and stood up, gesturing for Lance to as well. “It was nice to meet you Blue Paladin, please accept this communicator as a away for us to keep in touch! And back to my first question before you go, are you interested in any of these plants? I’m sure you’d be a great caretaker!” 
Lance happily accepted the small communicator, ignoring the second beep alerting him to head back to the castle before responding,”I sadly don’t have any money on me, our team leader was carrying it before I wandered off. I really have to go now though, I’ll make sure to keep in touch!” 
Lance was all but running out of the shop as his helmet beeped a third time, but was interrupted by a loud, “Wait!”
Zad ran up to him, holding a small cube in his hand, “Take this then, it has all you need to start up your own garden.” Lance was about to retort that he couldn’t possibly accept such a gift when his helmet beeped once again, this time with a short and angry message from Allura, leaving him with no option but to accept and sprint back to the castle.
The lecture he received once he returned hadn’t been a fun one, that’s for sure. 
“You can’t keep wandering off like that Lance! You could have gotten seriously hurt, I expected better from you,” Shiro reprimanded as soon as he was onboard, practically fuming. He had to pinch the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath before continuing, “Just… just act as a Paladin all right? I know you’re tired and the market was cool, but we have to be the responsible ones and that means not jeopardizing a mission to go sight-seeing okay?” Lance could only nod, keeping his eyes trained on the floor as he trudged back to his room quietly. He’d face the rest of the team tomorrow. 
Once he reached his room he immediately went and changed, going through his nightly routine as well. It wasn’t until he was putting on his face mask when he remembered the small cube Zad had given him. He went and pulled it out the bag he had brought with him, admiring the intricate designs that covered the cube. There was a small button on the cube and without thinking Lance immediately pushed, which was a mistake. 
Items began pouring out of the box; boxes of soil, fertilizer, tea boxes, and plants began to cover his floor. Zad had said he gave him enough to start a garden but he hadn’t thought it was this much! It was going to be a long night. 
Lance barely got any sleep after having to organize all the supplies he had been given, which now covered half his room even after being put into stacks. He almost face planted into his food goo during breakfast, which didn’t go unnoticed. 
Coran had pulled him aside before training asking him if he felt alright, twisting his moustache in worry. 
Lance ran his fingers through his hair,”Well um, I’m feeling fine I just stayed up a bit a late due to an…accident.”
“An accident?! Are you alright? Should I go start a healing pod, you know how-”
“Its fine! I was given a gift the other day at the market and it kinda exploded all over my room? So it kinda resembles a garden shop at the moment with all the supplies that’s in there,” Lance mumbled, “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could put all of that right? I can’t use half of my room currently, which is a small problem.” Coran was speechless for a moment before a huge grin overtook his face. 
“A garden you say? I have just the thing. But first, let’s get you out of training, yeah? You look a bit rugged and I think this will do you some good!” Coran winked at him, heading back into the dining room to alert the team that Lance would be helping him with some castle repairs for the rest of the day, which Shiro begrudgingly agreed to. 
The pair then quickly went to Lance’s room where they locked the door to keep their job away from prying eyes. 
“Now, I haven’t properly been able to alert you all of the functions of your rooms, which is quite a shame! You see, if you press this panel here, it opens up a small chamber! And if you press this one, it opens a wardrobe, and this one opens a-” Coran rambled, opening up a small room that had both an upper level and a lower level. It was lined with shelves and great lighting, exactly what Lance needed. “-and then the panel closed on his foot! Hah! On Altea…Lance, are you alright my boy?”
Lance hadn’t even realized he was crying, lifting a hand to touch the tears rolling down his face. He reached over and hugged Coran,”This is perfect Coran, thank you so much.” He wiped the tears away before grinning excitedly, “Now lets fill this baby up! This is going to be the coolest thing ever!”
By the end of the day, most of the bottom section had been filled with plants and Lance’s room was empty once again. Zad had given him a total of fifteen plants, each differing in size and type. His favorite had to be one that resembled a succulent, that glowed a soft blue and had shiny blue leaves. 
At dinner that night, Lance was about to tell the team about his cool new garden when he remembered that they were all angry at him still. That certainly put a damper on his happy mood. He couldn’t tell them about the garden now, not when they were angry, it would make them think he didn’t take this seriously. So he kept it a secret, promising himself to tell them when the time was right.
As the days turned to weeks, Lance found that instead of telling the team about his garden, he simply continued to add to it. He carried the cube with him on scouting missions to fill with any cool plants he might find along the way. This resulted in him filling up the entire bottom layer, the shelves full to the brim with plants. In a way, it was therapeutic, having something so simple to take care of and keep his mind off of the war he was fighting every day. He would often call up Zad on the communicator while he was in the room, talking to him about his garden and asking for any tips on certain plants. Zad had even went as far as to teach him a bit about plant magic, showing him the basics of the web of life that made up the world. It was relaxing, and even the team began to see a shift in him as well. In Pidge’s words, he was more “chill”.
It even helped him with his bond with Blue, as Zad had suggested he tried out meditation (which Lance had originally thought was lame) and he saw huge improvements in the way he could communicate with his lion. Her words came out sharper and he could speak to her over greater distances.
All thanks to these little plants. 
Of course, this was Lance however, and nothing ever went his way. 
He was just placing a new flower he found on the planet they previously visited, when a voice startled him and ended with the plant hitting the floor. 
“What. The. Hell.” Lance turned around to see Keith standing in the doorway, awe clearly displayed on his face. 
“Keith! What are you doing here? Why didn’t you knock?!” Lance yelled, “Goddamit, I broke its pot. Are you good little guy?” 
Keith only stared at the room in front of him, that was honestly one of the prettiest things he had ever seen. From the soft lanterns that floated around to all the glowing plants, it looked like something straight out of a disney movie. 
“How did you even…when did this happen?” Keith asked, staying in the doorway in fear of ruining the almost magical atmosphere of the room. 
Lance sighed, making his way down to the bottom level where Keith was,”Um, a while ago when we went to that market on Gaji? There was a plant shop there with this cool dude named Zad, who is a gardening god by the way, gave me a bunch of plants after we had this like huge discussion. Then Coran helped me set this up.” Lance smiled proudly at his garden, peeling off his gardening gloves. “Um, why did you come into my room anyway?”
“Oh um, I wanted to see if you wanted to spar but you seem busy so I’ll just go..” Keith said, slowly making his way back into Lance’s room. 
“Well now that you know about this, feel free to stay! I’ve got this awesome tea, or at least resembles a tea, that you should try! And-” Lance was interrupted by a song ringing, filling up the room, “One sec!”
Keith awkwardly stood there while Lance spoke to ‘Rad Zad’, not knowing whether he should stay or leave. Finally when Lance was done he turned to Keith. “Sorry about that, I just wanted to tell you I’ve got this cool fire plant thing that you would like!” 
The two ended up spending the rest of the afternoon exploring Lance’s garden, sipping on lepaz and enjoying a moment of magic in the midst of the madness. 
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
Pidge & Lance friendship/sibling dynamic headcanons?
hi! thank you sm for asking this!! i didn't think I'd be able to come up with anything but it was surprisingly super fun to do, I really liked writing this. I'm sorry it took so long to get out tho, I've had to spend like 90% of my time on the yearbook recently and i couldnt really do much else :/. but the yearbook is now finished and so is this hc list! i hope you enjoy it :)
let us begin 
Lance and Pidge! 
they didn't actually become friends until after the whole voltron debacle started 
we saw that lance had tried to befriend pidge back at the garrison, but (obviously) she had never been interested
like, at all 
so lance just kind of assumed she didn't like him and gave up after a while 
they're mostly, like, acquaintances, for the first few weeks of joining voltron - it takes pidge a little while to warm up to lance bc she thinks he's just an annoying party-boy, and lance thinks pidge is kind of full of herself
once they realise how much they have in common, though… 
all hell breaks loose. more or less. 
they play a lot of video games together
at first they only have killbot phantasm one, so they give themselves new rules and "multitask levels" to make it more interesting after they both inevitably master the game 
this usually involves having to defeat levels by themselves while the other person throws things at them 
the two of them also make sure to spend at least an hour every space mall-visit searching for new games, and pidge likes to code things for them to play when they run out  
lance has a list of nicknames for all of their teammates, but he makes a point to have some variety in his pidge names for the different occasions that he uses them in 
this list includes but is not limited to: pidgey/pidgeon (self explanatory), pea (short joke and green joke wrapped in one), birdie (for when he's trying to be nice), and stripe (after the evil gremlin in the movie gremlins)
pidge isn't a big fan of music, but she hates to work in silence, so lance will come hang out with her while she works and just talk about whatever
she doesn't fully listen most of the time, but lance doesn't mind because he never really talks about anything important 
their other teammates aren't exactly used to this dynamic, tho 
keith, staring at lance as he explains in detail the "sith lord jar jar binks" theory: how do you… focus? with him doing this? 
pidge: it's kinda like a white noise machine. I just tune him out
lance: first of all, racist, second of all- 
pidge also uses lance as her main source of ideas for low-stakes projects to work on on the side 
she even lets him help her make them, a privilege gifted to absolutely no one else (except hunk, but lance maintains that he doesn't count bc he's an engineer and makes stuff anyways) 
so far, they have made a (semi) functioning hoverboard, lightsabers (they can't hurt people, tho, much to pidge's disappointment), and a grappling hook
their most recent project is trying to figure out how to recreate spider-man's web shooters 
lance: i need to be spider-man, pidge. i was born to be spider-man. i can feel it. 
pidge: y'know lance that's actually super interesting, because I distinctly remember that spider-man actually made his own web shooters, he didn't just sit on the counter and watch as his friend did all the work 
lance: …
pidge's laptop has a bunch of kinds of entertainment downloaded onto it - music, movies, like three tv shows - and once lance learns this he refuses to let it go until he gets her to agree to watch something with him
one of the shows she has just so happens to be criminal minds. lance clings to this like his life depends on it 
lance, over comms: hey baby girl i need you to work me some magic 
pidge, trying to hack into a galra base: leandro martin mcclain I swear to god I am going to release your location to every sentry on this ship and I am going to watch them kill you over these security cameras and I am going to laugh 
needless to say, they make fun of eachother a lot 
every day. about everything. 
lance, dropping a spoon on the floor at breakfast: :/
pidge: lmao look at you. outstanding coordination. they really should've taught you how to juggle at clown school 
lance: first of all fuck you, second of all it was called performer's camp and i bet they wouldn't even let you in
in true sibling fashion, they never let eachother forget anything embarrassing. no matter what. 
pidge: (is quiet for more than three minutes) 
lance: hey remember that time at the garrison when a pretty girl asked if she could borrow a pencil and you panicked and said you didn't have any because you can't spell
pidge: I'm telling shiro on you that was one time- 
however, despite all of their teasing, they really do care about each other a lot
pidge is the first to hug lance when he steps out of the healing pods, and lance will bend over backwards to cheer pidge up on a bad day 
sometimes literally. never tell your found family siblings that you're a trained acrobat, kids.
lance organises little sleepovers with allura for days when pidge is feeling particularly dysphoric, so they can do traditionally "girly" things like paint their nails and put on makeup 
pidge doesn't usually do that sort of thing on a regular day, so it's kind of like a nice reminder that she's allowed to be feminine if she wants to be
originally a rule of these sleepovers was that everyone had to do one thing that pidge asked for before the night ended, but they had to scrap that rule after… complications, in one of lance's dares 
(in defense of allura, it had been over 10,000 years since she had her ears pierced, and it's not like she could see what the (professional) beautician was doing at the time, so really the fact lance ended up in a healing pod with an ear infection wasn't even her fault. the piercings do suit him, tho, so she maintains she did a very good job regardless)
the three of them usually end up cuddling in a little pile when they finally go to sleep 
lance has a sixth sense about knowing which bodily function pidge is neglecting at any given time 
he calls it his Big Brother Eye, and only realised he had inadvertently made a book reference when shiro praised him for his culture 
lance: big brother sees everything, pidgeon
shiro: oh, you've read 1984, lance? 
lance: um. is that like an album or something. 
anyways, lance tends to make frequent stops to pidge's room and/or lab to remind her to eat, drink, sleep, etc. sometimes all three at once but only in emergencies. 
pidge rarely actually wants to take a break, tho, so lance channels his best "my sister had kids when i was ten and i have been bargaining with small children for almost a decade" voice to convince her to leave 
lance: okay birdie, i know the coffee tastes good, but y'know what would taste even better? a sandwich. maybe even some ice cream. you feel like ice cream today kiddo? 
pidge, hopped up on three days of no sleep and expired space coffee coran thought it would be safe to give her: (stares directly into lance's eyes) where are you
lance and pidge both get the most homesick out of the team, so sometimes they'll just chill together in silence for a while. lance reminds pidge of her brother, and pidge reminds lance of one of his sisters, so their company is like an extra bit of comfort. they help each other a lot when it gets really difficult 
my askbox is still very much open for requests, btw, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to send them in!
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marmaligne · 3 years
Hey yo! :D For the requests: how about a vld post-canon fanfic in which the reader helps Lance to move on, while still remembering Allura with respect and fond memories, which ends up in a sweet love confession? :3 If you need more details, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks, and have a good day!
[Lance McClain] “Under The Sun”
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“It’s been quite awhile now, I wonder when Lance is coming home?”
You pondered without so much as a doubt that he’d be back eventually, but you were a bit worried about your long-time best friend. It was late into the summer evening now, and the gradient dark blue was only just beginning to peek over the horizon. He was out late far more often now, though you supposed it was because Allura’s death had hit him hard, but you were in disbelief in seeing the usually peppy and flirtatious boy so…. depressed. It was heartbreaking to witness.
Staring out the farmhouse window, you watched the tall grass sway in the fields beyond and the slight breeze ruffle through the distant image of an apple orchard. The sun was nearly set by now, and soon the stars would be clear in the sky—a constant reminder of the paladins journey across the galaxy.
Knowing that there was so much life out there beyond the Earth you knew, you could barely comprehend just how significantly small your life was in comparison. You hadn’t travelled with the paladins or engaged in conversation with Allura beyond briefings during the Galran invasion, but you understood that the universe they witnessed was oh-so-incredibly vast and endless.
And now you felt oh-so-incredibly lonely in it. You weren’t close with many of the other paladins, besides Hunk and Pidge of course. Shiro had his new husband, Coran was too iffy for your tastes, and Keith…. well he was always off and away. With Altea restored to its rightful glory, commerce and politics between itself and Earth were bustling and swell, never better, and many of the paladins, including Lance from time-to-time, were busy making deals and new friends.
And you felt left out and abandoned because of that. It wasn’t fair that you hadn’t been accepted into the space academy, only because there was a limit to the number of accepted students, and it wasn’t fair Lance left without a single word to you, on some grand adventure for years on end without so much as a word, and it wasn’t fair that you were helpless in all things besides cooking or cleaning or feeding the animals out in the barn, or giving Lance a hug when he needed one, or looking after his siblings while his parents were gone or just—being there. It just wasn’t fair that they’d all experienced so much of life, and you hadn’t done anything in the meantime. Your meagre living was nothing in comparison to their heroism and praise. You felt selfish for thinking this way, so you never voiced your concerns to anybody, especially Lance.
“I wonder what he’d think of me, thinking this way,” you looked out unto the glimmer of stars appearing beyond the clouds, “he’d look at me and think ‘Life is never fair, you should deal with it.’ What a joke.”
You suppose you were satisfied for now with just being able to be near Lance, as a friend and support for when he needed you most, even if he didn’t know it.
“Oh Allura,” stepping outside, your eyes had an even clearer view of the skyline, and the sunset appearing within your vision, and you could almost feel the expanse of the universe looking down upon you, Allura among the vast amount of stars blazing within it, “tell me what I should do to help him. Tell me how I should be there for him, in the same way you were and in ways otherwise. How can I make him happy now you’re gone?”
Of course, you would never receive an answer beyond a pregnant silence, and the echo of your own voice over the hills and through the house where the children were asleep. You kept your eyes on the stars, hoping they’d give you some form of sign, an astrological message that could guide you, a vision of some kind, but there was only emptiness, the soft yet visible twinkle of each individual sun, burning lightyears away.
Sigh. You really should’ve expected this you suppose.
“Speaking to the sky, I’m selfish and an idiot!”
You gripped your [H/c] hair and yanked it downwards, chanting ‘idiot’ over and over again, like a mantra or a prayer, hoping it would relieve some of your many frustrations, until you heard a small sound from a hay bale around the side of the house, near an old trough used to store feed.
“Hello? Anybody there?”
Silence was all that answered at first, but then a small series of whimpers came from the area. You grabbed a pitchfork and slowly made your way over to the bale, creeping closer and bringing the pitchfork up to your chest, ready to strike.
A terrified Lance dunked himself into the trough, getting his backside stuck before tipping it over and having it land on top of him while attempting to crawl away.
“Dios mío [Y/n], you scared me!” Lance stood up and dusted off his jacket and pants, rubbing at his eyes and making an awful attempt at hiding his face away from your sight.
“Well I’m sorry, oh merciful Lord Lance, but you being secretive and not answering me when I asked has a lot to do with that.”
He looked away from you for a further moment before responding.
“Well, I uh…. just wanted to be alone for a minute y’know? All my siblings and family n’ stuff, kind of makes my back stiff and mind numb from time-to-time.”
You watched solemnly as he tried to laugh it off, sitting back down on the edge of the trough, head leaning in his hands and staring off into the distance, obviously bothered by something. You were curious, but you didn’t have any right to pry if he didn’t want to tell you first. You’d respect his wishes if he really did just want to be alone.
“Well, alright then,” you smiled softly at him, forcing yourself off your knees and turning around to head back inside, “if you want to talk, I’ll be back inside. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
You began to walk away, adamant on getting back upstairs to the comfort of your bed and laying awake all night, when you felt a small weight on the back of your shirt. Lance’s hand had managed to grasp the fabric while you were walking away, and though you turned around to ask him why, he had barely moved from his position on the trough, only gazing at you with unshed tears in his eyes.
“Can you stay for a moment,” he pleaded, “please? It’ll only take a minute [Y/n], I swear.”
‘Allura give me strength’ you thought, letting out an exasperated sigh and seating yourself beside him on the ledge, barely glancing at him again, preferring to turn your sights to the horizon once more. You knew it’d be another nightly session of listening to his fears and sorrows, meanwhile drowning in your own self-doubt and anxieties. This also meant that tomorrow you’d wake up questioning your worth again, comparing yourself to the woman you’d come to respect and admire, and a woman who was now gone off to the afterlife, long before you.
“Tell me what’s up Lance. What’s eating away at you this time tonight, huh? Lemme guess, is it your girlfriend again?”
You watched as Lance fiddled with a piece of straw, rolling it back and forth between his palms, keeping his gaze on the sunset ahead.
“No,” he muttered, “more of an apology really.”
You nearly did a spit take, staring at him like he was a chicken with two heads. You never thought you’d be hearing an apology from the Casanova himself, let alone one aimed at you. Usually he was too cocky to have second thoughts.
“Sheesh Lance, what’s gotten into you? Did your mom finally drill some manners into that peabrain of yours?”
You jokingly put him in a headlock and started ruffling his hair, Lance desperately trying to remove your arm so he could fix his ruined part.
“[Y/n] c’mon! I styled my hair hours ago, I nearly kept it perfect for the whole day!”
He began running his fingers through his hair to put it back in place. Concentrating on perfecting it once more.
“Oh Lance, what kind of farmer like you needs styling gel? It gets greasy in a couple minutes anyways so why even bother.”
“It’s the thought that counts [Y/n]!”
You snorted as he huffed at you, the two of you quipping at each other reminded you of the days before he left off to the academy. Then you remembered,
“Oh right, the apology. Glad to see you learned some common courtesy, but what’s this all about Lance?”
You really needed answers. He suddenly went quiet and seemed to contemplate something for a moment. He worried you, and he knew it too, that you were expecting an explanation for an apology he probably wasn’t ready to give.
“Well you see [Y/n],” he stared directly at you, “I know that I’ve been down recently, and that you’ve always been…. there, I guess, for me when I needed you to be. And I know that I’ve never even thanked you or given you something in return, and that by using you as a way to escape my own problems, I’ve given you some of your own,”
He stopped for a moment to see if you were still paying attention, and seeing you looking at him with encouragement, he continued,
“I’m so sorry, [Y/n]. Really, I am. I was being dumb like always and pouring out my feelings onto someone who had difficulties of their own to deal with, and I never really thought about how I was hurting you…. I’m sorry. When Allura was here, and I was back out in space, battling alien hordes and saving the galaxy…. I felt like everything was right in the world, and that I was living my best life, being beside all the people I cared about, with friends I could trust. I didn’t realize until later that I completely forgot about you in the process, the best friend I left behind, who mattered maybe even more to me than I thought. I never meant to forget you, and I never meant to hurt you.”
He began to get nervous, losing the cocky persona he developed over the years completely, turning downtrodden and forcing out a final “I hope you can forgive me.”
Then he went quiet.
“….I never hated you, y’know,” you began, finally responding, “I never once despised you for leaving without me. I knew you’d come back someday, when I heard a lion took off from the desert that day, I just didn’t know when.”
You kept going, “If anything, I hated myself sometimes, for being selfish and wanting you to come back sooner, or blaming you in my mind for not taking me with you. It always felt unfair to me, that I was stuck here in a constant cycle of boring life, while you were out patrolling the universe, fighting Galra and going on cool missions-”
“-and nearly dying, like, 50 times!” Lance interrupted.
“….and nearly dying 50 times, yes.”
The sun was nearly gone now, disappearing quickly before you, clocking the time you’d been outside conversing in the summer heat—the pale moon climbing the sky behind you.
The stars shone ever-brighter, and the breeze had settled down, the grass at your feet stamped in and no longer swaying, and the crickets in the field were chirping, with the cows grazing in the meadow below, almost ready to head in for the night.
“I’m jealous Lance. And frustrated. But I never spoke a word of anything to you, because I loved you too much to bother you with any more problems than you already had. Nothings your fault, I was only emotional, and I have no disrespect for any of your friends or partners, including Allura. I only wish that you could’ve been happier.”
Ending your rant, you faced Lance again and shrugged, acting nonchalant, like nothing you said mattered at the moment. But he knew that whatever he said next would make a large impact on you.
“You loved me?”
You relaxed a little, “Still do Lance, never stopped even after you left. But, you came back with a space alien girlfriend, I knew I had to let you go.”
Allura was the light of his life, and he was the happiest you’d ever seen him in the weeks before her death. If she hadn’t needed to make a sacrifice, they would’ve probably grown old and had a life together, a family too, and he would have become the Altean King, with you far out of the picture. The little markings on the ridge of his cheekbones still detailed just how loving of a relationship the two were in. Even after her passing, you wouldn’t make a move when Lance only thought of you as a friend.
Both yourself and Lance were gazing at the sky now, completely silent, and yet there was an underlying comfort in the stillness, one which permeated through the air around you and invited a conversation to be had. Lance seemed to wish to speak in order to break it, scratching at the markings whilst trying to find the words to talk to you.
“Oh quiznak, words are too hard!”
Lance reaches across the trough to grasp the hand you’re using to stable yourself on the ledge, bringing it up to the space between the two of you and wearing the most serious expression you’ve ever seen on his face.
“When I was in third grade, I ran into a small child in the hallway and accidentally spilled their thermos of soup all over the floor. That tiny [H/c] kid became my desk-mate for all of third and fourth grade, and I remember having to give them my baloney sandwich because they wouldn’t stop crying till I did. In fifth grade, that same kid switched our lunchboxes because I had the better pizza pops, and in sixth grade, while taking a math test, they threw up all over the floor and I laughed like crazy; ended up going with them to the office because the teacher ‘didn’t like my attitude’. In seventh grade, I went to their birthday party and popped all the balloons, I stole half the cake and made off with three goodie bags before anyone could catch me. In eighth grade we became friends, and played pranks together on the other students during April fools, tipped an outhouse, and did each others homework because we both sucked at school. When I was in ninth grade, I gave them a Burger King crown and told them they ruled my world…. I know you know who I’m talking about.”
You began laughing the hardest you had in years, looking back on all the memories you and Lance had built up over the years, times when neither of you knew what would happen, and had big dreams and hopes for the future. The future had turned out to be far different from what both of you had expected.
“To be fair Lance, you were the one who threw up during that math test, not me. You cried for your mom all the way through the school and passed out on a couch in the lobby.”
“Shut up [Y/n], I’m attempting to be sentimental!”
When the laughter died down, and the world was quiet again, you gazed down at the entwined hands that rested between you two, and lazily swung them back and forth to see if he’d let go. When he didn’t, you smiled a bit,
“So what, this means your willing to try? To move on from Allura just like that? Forget everything you had with her and stick with me for awhile?”
He smiled brightly at you, as bright as the sun that could barely be seen, the final slivers fading away over the prairie.
“Allura’s not entirely gone,” he taps his markings, “these babies are a constant reminder of that. I’ll never forget the happiness she gave me, but I don’t want to keep dwelling on the fact that she’s gone. You’re here with me, more than anything, and I hope that we could stay this way for as long as we can.”
“I’d like that.”
It’s far too late to keep outside you realize, and the night brings with it a chilling cold that practically freezes your clothes to your skin, and tinges the air with frost. The fall season is coming, and summer is nearly over, and with it comes the colourful leaves, and the frosted grass, and the wilting flowers. You stand up, dragging Lance with you, and dust off the seat of your pants, preparing to head inside to bed.
Now the darkness has settled, the sun is gone. You take your hands and guide Lance around the house to the doorway. The door creaks open and shuts behind the two of you, and as you say your goodnights, you head off to your room. And as the glow of the moon enters through your window, enshrouding the walls in a pale light, you lay there and ponder.
Truly, you hope that you can spend many more days with Lance down in the fields, and with the cows and the tall grass, and out in the apple orchard, where the two of you will lie, down in the top soil, under the sun.
“[Y/n], know that you’ll always be my Burger Queen.”
“Lance please. Shut the fu*k up.”
✨ Hope you enjoyed ✨
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