#lancer don’t look
officialancer · 1 year
* You think you hear the sound of demonic screaming. * Could be a loud waterfall.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 173
Danny might have made a mistake. On one hand, thankfully, his class hasn’t realized he’s Phantom, which is good. On the other hand, he’s somehow become their arms dealer after maybe, just maybe er, being done with Skulker’s shit when he was just trying to do his test and er… maybe beating him to a pulp. As Danny Fenton. 
Well, the good news is apparently everyone now thinks that he doesn’t fight back lest he accidentally snap someone’s spine. Which is honestly kind of nice to not have to deal with the harassment anymore. 
How has he become the fenton technology arms dealer though?! Legitimately, he has no idea how it happened except for sleep deprivation and someone mentioning how one of the places that they might be going to for the field trip was Gotham. 
At least everyone has their weapons and knows how to use them when some sort of clown-masked people decide to break into the mall and attempt to take them hostage. So. He guess he can’t complain, and at least he got food that doesn’t come alive in exchange. 
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IPS-Northstar: voted least likely to violate the First Contact Accords for over 200 years in a row!
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DPXDC Prompts #537
Mr. Lancer is a retired Slade Wilson.
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tothesolarium · 9 months
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Making really normal art about a really normal city~planet
(this is a close up full piece~current Wip on The Site of Support that transports Kisses from me to you)
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tanglepelt · 1 year
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I had zero ideas about what to do for fractals.
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witchoil · 1 year
folks reading the archive undying i have a few questions about the mech stuff!!
1) how crunchy is it out of 10? i like crunchy mech content with some fun made-up technical limits that really give combat heightened stakes
2) how horny is it out of 10? i typically don’t get out of bed for less than a 6
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stump-salsa · 2 years
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Hhhnnrgghgng ponies
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If you could put one (1) other Pandava sibling (or two if you pick the twins) in the game for Arjuna to hang out with, who'd it be?
see bhima is an easy pick bc he has a lot of easy-to-write personality but I kind of want yudhisthira. ONLY if they give him actual nuance though bc it’d be easy to just write him as being a jerk or whatever from modern perspectives but tbh he kind of gives more of this vibe to me
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where he’s trying to bail out the goddamn titanic except the titanic is everyone trying to kill him and his family and everyone killing each other is inevitable and also nothing ever goes his way and he will be the only one alive in the end. like let him be just so fucking stressed and trying to do everything himself and when it starts going sideways he internally panics panics and is like ‘hold on guys I can fix it hang on I’ll fix it’ but it keeps getting worse and oh damn we all got exiled again :( except he’s the oldest brother so he can’t just lie down and cry he has to like, walk it off and come up w a plan so they don’t all die (earlier than they’re supposed to)
UNLESS it’s the yudhisthira who got to heaven or after the war bc I think he’d be a good candidate for a ruler so he’d be more competent and focused on the spirituality side of things but even then his dad still decides to bully him so you know
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getting there all lazy like
Feelings on jobs here below (only the ones I’ve done recently):
—dragoon and monk are my fave of the jobs thus far. Maybe monk a bit more in terms of how snappy and fun the combos are. It flows well and feels natural. I’ve been enjoying it at 70. The job quests are in the realm of they start good and have a good premise but for me they fail to deliver a satisfying end
—dragoon is fun, but I feel like it’ll be more fun at 80. I really enjoyed it in bozja, and I miss the way 80 dragoon feels. Still it’s lots of management of buffs and positionals, but it feels satisfying. The job quest were more fun the second time, but they’re middle ground for me. Pretty good.
—ninja is bard’s management on steroids. so much remembering which combos are which. It’s got a nice flow to it though even at 70-79. I’ve enjoyed it. worth it to lvl bc the job quests are so much fun there isn’t a bad set of them through the expansions.
—samurai exists. I haven’t played it enough to get a good feel for it. i feel like I’m missing something when I play it though—it’s not all clicking yet. I enjoyed both sets of job quests a lot; they were very good.
—reaper is reaper. I don’t much remember leveling it, but it’s fun in 50 content I recall that much. job quests are excellent—200/10. I enjoyed them far more than sage, but personal preference.
—warrior is so much fun it’s such a fun tank. It’s such a solid tank. I feel like I don’t have to worry any when I’m playing warrior because it’s so simple and just Fun. Job quests are kinda….there? the humor of them doesn’t hit for me and they mention one thing in an early quest I wish they would have done more with.
—Paladin is fun too. Not a fan of how you have 173738 mitigations and I worry how it’ll feel past 70, but just playing it at 70 and it’s fun. I like it. It’s a job that came up and got me all sneaky like with it being canon for eyrie. (the job quests leave so much to be desired and I think they have the weakest job quests in 14)
—gnb is extremely fun to play. It feels tanky enough to go go go but also feels like good damage. I enjoy it a lot. the job quests are kinda middle ground for me; I feel like there could have been more content in them—I wanted more story. I wanted deeper dives of the job npcs and more to sink my teeth into.
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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yeah I’m an artist
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officialancer · 1 year
ur dad suck me good and hard through my jorts /ref
* Greetings. * Me again. * I said I’d stop answering these asks, but here we are...
* Laughing through times of stress isn’t unusual for me. * But if you took the time to type that, you didn’t even skim the room’s EmberNotes, let alone read it. * Why would you—? * Just please think before you type! You can’t take back everything you say. * Unlike some people.
* While I’m on the subject… * If any of you say this about the Dreemurrs I might actually scream. * Not really my parents anymore but I’ll still scream.
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I don’t know if my father was a good man in canon, but he was not a good man in my memories.
Edit: please excuse spelling mistakes it’s 2 am and I needed to get this off my chest.
#❤️red lancer#vent#not yan#do not interact unless partners /srs#My father was like the body’s mother only more charasmatic.#He loved what we did for him. Two little girls handing out papers with words we didn’t understand written by a man who was shunned by his#community because he had a different idea of how Christianity could look.#the weather didn’t matter to him. snow or rain or blazing sun my sister and I would stand and pass out papers to people walking along the#street. after he got excommunicated we started to starve so I started stealing food.#my wish helped create a cult. I only know now bc of what this body has experienced that that’s what my wish created. a cult.#even before I got here I still tried to rationalize his actions and explain it to the others like he was good. i tried to pretend he was#what I thought has was—a shepherd calling the flock back to the gates of heaven—when really he was another man using religion as an excuse#to be an utter asshole. I met Mami in that time period and when my father found out I was a puella magi he literally threw me out.#I ran to Mami and when I had calmed down I went back and found the church in flames with my family still inside it. Kyubey was watching the#fire and I begged him to save them. it simply looked at me and said ‘you are fortunate you were not there Sakura Kyouko’.#I don’t know how I managed to survive that night and not turn into a witch but somehow I made it through the next few years stealing and#scavanging but I did. And I made it to Mitikahara. I made it to Sayaka and Homura and Madoka. Sometimes Mami would be there as well. Or#Sayaka wouldn’t be there but that was rare. And now we’re here and my father is nothing but a bad memory.
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physalian · 3 months
How to make your writing sound less stiff
Just a few suggestions. You shouldn’t have to compromise your writing style and voice with any of these, and some situations and scenes might demand some stiff or jerky writing to better convey emotion and immersion. I am not the first to come up with these, just circulating them again.
1. Vary sentence structure.
This is an example paragraph. You might see this generated from AI. I can’t help but read this in a robotic voice. It’s very flat and undynamic. No matter what the words are, it will be boring. It’s boring because you don’t think in stiff sentences. Comedians don’t tell jokes in stiff sentences. We don’t tell campfire stories in stiff sentences. These often lack flow between points, too.
So funnily enough, I had to sit through 87k words of a “romance” written just like this. It was stiff, janky, and very unpoetic. Which is fine, the author didn’t tell me it was erotica. It just felt like an old lady narrator, like Old Rose from Titanic telling the audience decades after the fact instead of living it right in the moment. It was in first person pov, too, which just made it worse. To be able to write something so explicit and yet so un-titillating was a talent. Like, beginner fanfic smut writers at least do it with enthusiasm.
2. Vary dialogue tag placement
You got three options, pre-, mid-, and post-tags.
Leader said, “this is a pre-dialogue tag.”
“This,” Lancer said, “is a mid-dialogue tag.”
“This is a post-dialogue tag,” Heart said.
Pre and Post have about the same effect but mid-tags do a lot of heavy lifting.
They help break up long paragraphs of dialogue that are jank to look at
They give you pauses for ~dramatic effect~
They prompt you to provide some other action, introspection, or scene descriptor with the tag. *don't forget that if you're continuing the sentence as if the tag wasn't there, not to capitalize the first word after the tag. Capitalize if the tag breaks up two complete sentences, not if it interrupts a single sentence.
It also looks better along the lefthand margin when you don’t start every paragraph with either the same character name, the same pronouns, or the same “ as it reads more natural and organic.
3. When the scene demands, get dynamic
General rule of thumb is that action scenes demand quick exchanges, short paragraphs, and very lean descriptors. Action scenes are where you put your juicy verbs to use and cut as many adverbs as you can. But regardless of if you’re in first person, second person, or third person limited, you can let the mood of the narrator bleed out into their narration.
Like, in horror, you can use a lot of onomatopoeia.
Drip Drip Drip
Or let the narration become jerky and unfocused and less strict in punctuation and maybe even a couple run-on sentences as your character struggles to think or catch their breath and is getting very overwhelmed.
You can toss out some grammar rules, too and get more poetic.
Warm breath tickles the back of her neck. It rattles, a quiet, soggy, rasp. She shivers. If she doesn’t look, it’s not there. If she doesn’t look, it’s not there. Sweat beads at her temple. Her heart thunders in her chest. Ba-bump-ba-bump-ba-bump-ba- It moves on, leaving a void of cold behind. She uncurls her fists, fingers achy and palms stinging from her nails. It’s gone.
4. Remember to balance dialogue, monologue, introspection, action, and descriptors.
The amount of times I have been faced with giant blocks of dialogue with zero tags, zero emotions, just speech on a page like they’re notecards to be read on a stage is higher than I expected. Don’t forget that though you may know exactly how your dialogue sounds in your head, your readers don’t. They need dialogue tags to pick up on things like tone, specifically for sarcasm and sincerity, whether a character is joking or hurt or happy.
If you’ve written a block of text (usually exposition or backstory stuff) that’s longer than 50 words, figure out a way to trim it. No matter what, break it up into multiple sections and fill in those breaks with important narrative that reflects the narrator’s feelings on what they’re saying and whoever they’re speaking to’s reaction to the words being said. Otherwise it’s meaningless.
Hope this helps anyone struggling! Now get writing.
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The Ivy in I’ve seen you before (dp x dc)
Danny is getting a little sick of being throw through portals midway through fights. It’s been twice this week and as much as he loves visiting the Far frozen he has a book report due tomorrow and Lancer has stopped accepting “ghosts” as his excuse for missing schoolwork.
Danny lands on the ground with an oomph, back first on a cold hard surface. When he manages to get a look around, he notices it’s not in fact ice. He looks to be in the middle of a deserted and pretty busted street. There are holes in the pavement, and huge cracks that cut through the whole road. On his left is a lush wall of vegetation, that has more or less claimed the streets. 
For a second Danny wonders is Overgrowth is back, but the street is unfamiliar, as are all the run-down buildings. Not Amity then.
From the corner of his eyes he catches a hint of auburn, in a familiar shade. He turns to look and low and behold it’s Jazz, approaching from within the vegetation wall.
“Jazz!” Danny calls out as he floats back to his feet, and starts walking towards the figure. “What are you doing here?”
He’s barely taken a dozen steps when the figure walks out of the thick jungle and allowing Danny to see Jazz more clearly. 
His sister does not at look at all like his sister. She’s older, for one and she’s wearing her hair down with no headband in sight. Her clothes look weird and it’s like she’s got a few leaves and vines all over her body. 
Oh, also she’s green.
“Jazz?” Danny echoes himself, confused. Because despite all the differences, she still looks exactly like Jazz: the same nose, the same eyes, the same hair.
The woman stops, at the edge of the lush forest. She tilts her head.
“Do you seek asylum, child?” She answers. And it’s Jazz’s voice, if a little deeper.
“Jazz, it’s me,” the halfa says. “It’s Danny.”
But his sister frowns minutely. “I do not know you.”
“Yes you do!” Danny protests. “I’m your little brother!”
“I don’t have a brother,” Green Jazz says and that is when it clicks for Danny (and honestly it’s embarrassing it took him so long):
He’s in another universe.
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 3: reunions after a long time and rain
“Hay Bruce?” Duke asked as he walked out of the locker room. It was the end of his shift, thank god, so everyone was getting ready for the night shift.
“What's going on chum?”
“My cousin is coming to Gotham for a senior field trip thing next week to visit Gotham U and I was wondering if he and his friends can stay at the manor so they don’t have to pay for a hotel.”
“We’ll have to run a background check on them” “Already done!” Duke interrupted Bruce and jumped around him to get to the batcomputer to open up the files.
“Hmm. You really want your cousin to visit huh.” Bruce said as he scanned through the files.
“Ya. I haven’t seen him in ages and even though we text it’s not the same as an in-person visit. And Gotham isn’t safe for tourists so, manor.”
“Mhm, Duke?”
“Yes, Bruce?”
“Why are his and his friends' hometown labeled as unconfirmed?”
“Well, that may be one of the reasons I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to meet them? I know Tucker lives in Amity Park, Illinois. I’ve even visited him there when we were kids. But when I tried to look it up for the background check I couldn’t find it. It’s like it never existed. When I tried to ask him about it he kinda dodged my question and changed the subject. Like he was nervous about someone overhearing.”
“Alright. I’ll inform Tim about their hometown and see if he can find out what’s going on. Make sure you tell Alfried that we are having guests.”
“Thank you so much Bruce! I’ll go tell Alfried right now. Night!” Duke yelled as he ran to the elevator.
“Tucker! Over here!” Duke yelled as Tucker and his friends got off the bus.
“Duke! It’s good to see you! How have you been?” Tucker said as he ran up to Duke and gave him a side hug while using his free hand to point. “This is Danny and Sam. Danny, Sam. This is my cousin Duke.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. Tucker’s told me a lot about you two.” Duke said as he accepted handshakes from Sam then Danny.
“It’s nice to meet you too Duke. Hopefully, Tucker has told you only the worst of things about us.” Sam joked.
“Of course. Hay, did you really switch out all the frogs in your freshman biology class with robot frogs?”
“Don’t remind me. Those things were so creepy. They talked to you as you cut them open.” Danny said with a disgusted face.
“It was more humane than dissecting living animals.” Sam defended herself.
“Wait. The frogs were alive? Tucker! Why was your school using living frogs instead of cadaver frogs?” Duke asked in shock.
“I got no clue man. Anyways, do we need to call a cab to get to your place? Cause I’m not walking in this downpour.” Tucker said while looking around.
“Hold on right there Mr Foley. You all need to sign these forms so we can get ahold of you in case of an emergency.” Mr Lancer said as he walked up to the group with several papers. “And I would also like to speak to your guardian before my students leave so I know they are in safe hands.”
“Ahem. I’m afraid Master Wayne is occupied with work right now but I am his butler, Alfred Pennyworth and I am in charge of taking care of all the needs of the Wayne family and their guests. If need be here is the main phone number for the manor as well as the address. Is there anything else I can do to ensure you of your students’ safety?” Alfred said as he seemingly appeared out of thin air and handed Mr Lancer a business card with the aforementioned information written on the back.
“Thank you for this Mr Pennyworth. My name is Lenard Lancer. As the vice principal of Casper High School, I have a duty to the students of our school. So I will still need these three to fill out these forms before they leave.”
“Of course Mr Lancer. I fully understand. Now if you all would please finish with the paperwork, we can load into the car and get out of this dreadful weather.” Alfred said watching as Danny, Sam, and Tucker traded off on using each other's backs to fill out the forms and hand them back to Mr Lancer.
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