#late and for like the 10th time but whatever
tanicus-caesareth · 2 months
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guarana drama, damage control
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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✨change the system✨
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targaryenluvs · 7 months
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pairing: dark!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
warnings: cold!corio, murder, nc kissing, possessiveness, very controlling thoughts and actions, arranged marriage, cheating, dark-ish themes since he’s literally insane HAVE U SEEN THE BOOKS? not proof read
summary: after the 10th hunger games, coriolanus set his sights on a girl from his younger years to be his wife. disgusted by his actions and scared by the rumours your family agreed. as you realise he wasn’t the same boy from before, snow finds himself intrigued, especially when you seem to be visiting a friends house too often.
word count: 1.9k words
a/n: i don’t usually write toxic shit but like that’s the definition of snow and his cute lil intrusive thoughts so here u go 😘 this man is a bad man especially after lucy. so i find it so funny when he’s super sweet in some fics but he’s super like ooh she needs protection, oh she’s fragile you get me???
there was no point in crying.
you knew that.
but at the prospect of marrying a man whom you barely even knew scared the hell out of you, and the thought of not being with your albeit secret boyfriend, not getting to marry him, start a life with him? it was unbearable.
your dress was crisp white, like snow. of course.
the memories of that day were jumbled in your head, you remember being stuffed into a dress, your hair and face being pulled every which way and holding coriolanus’s hands as you listened to his vows, void of emotion in the eyes but with a slight smile on his face. you couldn’t even recall what happened afterwards. and you didn’t want to. coriolanus hadn’t even let you properly bid your family farewell before he’d sweeped you away to your new home, courtesy of your parents and the plinths.
and even if your home was cold and distant you tried your best to be nice and easy with snow. you’d wear what he wanted, did what he wanted and everything else. you could tell he found comfort in control, knowing what was happening, being able to tell people what to do. even if you hated to admit it, it suited him.
in a rare moment, his mask would slip. the mask that kept his true thoughts and emotions neatly stored away, it would fall. and you revelled in them, a genuine smile, across his face. but as soon as it slipped, his walls were back up and he was straightening his red coat and out the door.
over the next months you’d learnt to keep yourself in check, there was no point in trying to bond with coriolanus, he knew his boundaries in your relationship? marriage? whatever it was, it was just on paper. you were mere passing acquaintances at best. you’d have breakfast together, he’d leave the house, you’d occupy yourself with the house, the library, entertainment, shopping, he’d come home, dinner and then off to your rooms.
but over a few weeks ago you’d met someone new.
andrenis was insanely gorgeous, his eyes shone in the sun and his brown hair reminded you of chocolate. he was breathtaking and he loved you. it’d been so long since you felt love, pure and devoted love to someone. the vacant halls of coriolanus’s and yours home were at the back of your mind in his presence.
at first youd started of friends of course and as you continued you felt, alive. every time he looked at you, talked to you everything faded to the back of your mind. but what you didn’t know was that snow had taken note. he’d noticed you skipping out on breakfast at times, your maids always claiming that you’d been reading late, working late and so on.
working late? you were married to him, what work could you possible have? why were you sleeping so late? could you not do your reading during the day? what was taking your attention, who?
even if you didn’t talk much, let alone see eachother you were a constant in his life now. something that gave him comfort of sorts. small talk with you in the morning and night, seeing you in the halls, your laugh echoing through the halls as you talked with staff, your scent lingering in the library and the drops of blood on his roses, since you were the only person whom he allowed to tend to them.
for him, you were security.
he knew you wouldn’t leave since you had no reason to. there was no love holding you to this relationship, you had a comfortable life, your friends and family in your reach and the luxury that you lived in. you were free, in your eyes. but in reality the second your own pen touched that paper and you signed the certificate your life was taken from you. even if you didn’t know it, coriolanus had been monitoring you from afar.
keeping track of what you did, where you went, what you spent. it was all to make sure you made it home of course. nothing less, nothing more.
so imagine his surprise when he heard reports of you sneaking out of the house and returning in the early hours of the morning.
for some reason he couldn’t help the pang of jealousy in his heart. why on earth would you be sneaking out? was this home not enough? the roof over your head and the food in your stomach? the bed you sleep in and the man you call your husband. your loyalty should be unwavering yet here he was, watching you creep out of the house through the servants quarters.
his jaw clenched and his fists curled as you laid your hands against his chest, foreheads against the others. “i’ve missed you my love.” the man’s voice echoed through his head.
words he’d never said to you.
“i know, but we are together and that is all that matters. i love you andrenis.”
words you’d never said to him.
“i’m to visit district 12, my father wishes for me to visit my brother. you know what he did, his punishment was to be a peacekeeper. but his time is up and mother misses him terribly. i do not know how long i will be y/n, but i will bring you back whatever you wish.”
“and what exactly will you get from district 12 that my dear wife will will not be able to get here?” it wasn’t a question, even if it was said as one. there was not a single thing that he wouldn’t give his wife. to keep up your appearances of course, he couldn’t have you going without something you wanted.
your heart was racing and your hands sweaty as you instantly pulled away from andrenis. snows eyes bore into his, andrenis breathed deeply before speaking, “coriolanus. you look good, rising above the ranks, marrying up are we?”
andrenis layworth. not only did coriolanus despise him but he knew how he truly acted. he should’ve stayed away from things that weren’t his, never were and never would be.
“andrenis!” you scolded him, it was already embarrassing in your eyes to be caught with him by your husband but you wouldn’t let him mock coriolanus.
your husband reached his hand out towards you, and you accepted as he spoke up. “i hope your travels are safe, andrenis.” the two of you walked away, him placing you into the car before shutting the door. he tapped on the back as you drove back home, without him to your surprise.
andrenis was taken aback. in all the time he’d been with you, you’d failed to mention your husband was him. and as much as andrenis would hate to say it, snow did intimidate him. nowadays at least. he rarely showed emotion, he was always proper and dressed appropriately, but all that didn’t matter when snow had his mind. his wit, intelligence and cunning was far more impressive than most.
he’d always kept himself in check.
but as coriolanus snow walked towards him with certainty he backed himself all the way into the dark alley as he was grabbed by his collar and slammed into the wall. “my wife. she is my wife, no one else’s. just because your pockets may be deeper than mine does not mean that i won’t hesitate to get you out of my way. you could never be worthy of her and if you so much as look at her, i will make sure you will never see the light of day. perhaps you’ll have a fall, or a crash with your traitor brother?”
the mask had fallen and the only thing left behind it was pure rage.
“or maybe we’ll hang? what would that be, three deaths on your hands?” andrenis smirked as coriolanus’s face dropped. he grabbed andrenis and shoved him infront, pushing him to walk. “you’re going to district 12 and you will never come out.” andrenis laughed loudly, “such terror you impose, poor coriolanus, clawing his way to the top. marrying a woman by force-”
“on second thought.”
a single gun shot rung through the air.
“district 12 isn’t low enough for you.” snow spoke as andrenis tried to crawl away from him. “no place on earth deserves the dishonour of having you waste their resources. the air you breathe is a privilege, that should not be taken by you.” coriolanus pulled him up by his hair, “the second you decided to be with her, was the day that you died.”
andrenis’s eyes were closing, fear swimming around. but corio couldn’t bring himself to care. his mind was clouded, for once he wasn’t thinking clearly. as he walked back into the house he saw you, sat with your head in your hands, jumping up at the sound of him entering. “corio.”
his heart was beating erratically at the sound of your voice, so soft and welcoming. why hadn’t he noticed your sweetness before?
“i’m so sorry, i- i was weak. we rarely speak to eachother, let alone allow ourselves to love. with andrenis, he reminded me of it, reminded me how it felt to love and to be loved. i won’t see him again, i promise.”
so submissive, rather than standing your ground. getting angry at him for forcing you into the marriage, for not talking to you, you were apologising. whilst you may have been disloyal he saw it only as a weakness. a bad habit to which he could help, he could fix. and he knew you’d keep your promise, not because you’d try your hardest but because andrenis was a cold stiff body in the bottom of a construction site. a mugging victim? an accident? it didn’t matter how his passing was seen as, he was gone and he’d never return.
he’d made sure of it.
as he walked towards you the scene from before replayed in his head as you walked backwards with every step you took, and in your eyes he saw what he craved to enforce, terror. and you were so small to him, something fragile, in need of control and order.
“don’t worry, i’ll keep you safe, i’m all you need.” corio spoke as his face got closer. the rise and fall of your chest was rapid, your eyes were wide as you realised what he was trying to do. you quickly turned your head but he quickly forced you to look at him, fingers digging into your face, “i give you everything, i will always give you everything. you deserve nothing but the best and i am the only one who can give it to you, you need me. do you understand?” he questioned as you began to cry, you’d never seen him so unhinged. his hair was slightly out of place, a strand infront of his eye.
(zayn malik vibes)
his coat was off, most likely hung on the door way and his sleeves were rolled, his usually pristine white shirt was crinkled, dirty. what had he been doing after you left? you’d gotten your answer as your teary eyes blinked away the tears, focused on his bare arms,
“corio, please. what did you do?” you cried as his hand made its way to your neck as he pressed your forehead to his, your stomach swirling and head spinning as a sense of deja vu crossed you, andrenis.
“what i had to, i will always do what i have to. nothing is ever handed to me.”
“you didn’t-”
he laughed, “snow lands on top, in life and on you.”
(going to puke why did i write that it’s so cringe)
the kiss was nothing like you ever had. it wasn’t sweet, passionate, rather hungry, as if he was chasing you, afraid you’d run. as if you could, he’d let one girl get away and with how he looked at you in this moment?
you were trapped.
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sapionic · 3 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus is in someone's house 8-12
Having your Venus in someone's 8th house makes them someone that comes through for you time after time. Depending on the particular zodiac sign in the 8th house will determine in what ways, but overall this is likely someone that has the capability of being loyal or consistent. They likely provide you with a strong sense of merging. Things with this person is likely passionate, intense, and interesting.
Having your Venus in someone's 9th house in a good sense is that this person brings adventure to your life. They may even propel you into a state of independence that you didn't have at first. This person is likely to show you things you have yet to discover. Whatever they show you can be something that sticks with you even after the connection dissolves because VENUS is value. Good synastry placement for tour guides.
Having your Venus in someone's 10th house makes them provide you with the ultimate stable dynamic, especially romantically. They have everything you need and want romantically. This would probably be more enjoyable to you than the 7th house synastry as the 10th house provides more and has more value to offer and bask in than the 7th house. You may enjoy how this person looks physically. They could have a lot going for themselves or they simply provide you with a lot. Good placement for family.
Having your Venus in someone's 11th house means that they could have came to you. The connection could have started unexpectedly or in some type of spontaneous way. They provide you with support and a different style of doing things. They could bring forth experiences you didn't expect to experience. Internet friends would be idea for this synastry.
Having your Venus in someone's 12th house could have resulted in something between you two happening late in the day or the attraction was last minute, private, or with hidden intentions. It could take a while for them to vlaue you or understand if there is a connection here. Better suited for long distant connections or connections where there are no intentions on meeting. For instance, a webcam model and a viewer on her stream would be better fit for this synastry.
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astrow1zar6 · 5 months
Astro Notes- 21
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Aqua Venus’s love style is NOT distant & aloof. If they are distant with you or u don’t know where u stand with them 9 times out of 10 they are very uninterested. When they find that one weirdo (cuz they love unconventionals) they are so romantic and clingy. When they find their person its usually their best friend & they do everything together. I think people assume their love nature is distance because that’s how they treat most people but once they find that person it’s nothing like that at all. They’re just really specific & will ice out anything they don’t vibe with. They are really flirty when they have a crush.
Gemini mars are normally amazing with their hands , if uk what I mean 👀😏
Venus in Libras are really amazing party planners. They are really artistically talented when it comes to decorating & hosting social events. They know how to make their environment aesthetically pleasing & make others comfortable in the process.
Sagittarius risings have really loud laughs. They’re those people that when someone says a joke their laugh is usually funnier than the joke 😂
Cancer risings are always victimizing themselves. If underdeveloped this can be one of the most manipulative cancer placements.
Cancers and Taurus always end up together.
Moon in Scorpios can like attention just as much (if not more) than Leo’s. This may sound really shocking given how reserved this sign usually is. But I notice these people really shine in the spotlight. Most really big celebrities have their Moon in Scorpio.
Venus in Taurus love when people put a lot of thought in when buying/making them gifts. They value sentimental things that you can’t just buy anywhere like a knitted blanket, or art you made, pottery, jewelry etc. they like to know you really pay attention to their interests compared to just getting something name branded or a gift card.
Libra risings are always talking about their exes (they normally have a lot of them) they will always randomly bring them up in convos saying how certain things remind them of their exes. It can get a little annoying sometimes 😂
Aries Venus’s tend to not mind being single for long periods of time. I’ve seen this placement never marry or wait really late to finally decide. They are very independent by nature and it’s usually difficult to keep their attention for the long term. Their flame burns bright in the beginning just for it to burn out just as fast. They need a partner who will keep them on their toes constantly. This can be challenging however because they despise things that become to “stable” & “dull” which is why many just stay single. I also notice the women enjoy flirting & talking to men who are taken or married? I have no idea why but I always see women with this placement in that kinda predicament at-least once in their life. Their need for excitement I believe causes them to go for men that are taken for a sorta “challenge”. (This usually never ends well or how they wanted however).
Neptune in the 10th house people can be confused on what career path to take or can have very delusional unrealistic expectations for their careers. (Ex: wanting to be a famous NFL quarterback but never really practices for it). HOWEVER once they do finally decide on a path people can completely idolize these people to an almost worshipping degree. (I believe Jesus Christ has his Neptune in the 10th house). They can be amazing religious/spiritual leaders as well.
A lot of cult leaders have Pluto in the 11th house. These people can also have a very worshipping fan group if they get big in whatever they’re into but their followers have a darker more intense vibe than Neptune in the 10ths. People can easily be obsessed with these people and will do a lot of irrational things to please them. They can persuade people to do anything.
Lilith conjunct ascendant in synastry can be very scary sometimes. The Lilith person will do anything for the ascendant person even if it could ruin their life. Lilith becomes almost hypnotized by the ascendant person. Gypsy rose Blanchard and her bf at the time Nick had this aspect. Nicks Lilith was conjunct her ascendant & she was able to convince him to murder her mother.
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Jazz, Danny, and Elle move to Gotham for school. Jazz and Danny both at Gotham University while Elle decides she wants to go to high school.
Elle meets Damian and Jon and they just click. Flash forward a little and Elle is kinda crushing on Damian and Damian is trying to figure out what these feelings are toward his new friend.
The teen awkwardness is peak and the opportunity for cringe is plentiful.
Insert families’ perspective here.
The Bats are suspicious why Damian is coming home late from school sometimes and why he’s acting weird. It’s Dick that gets it out of him first of course and encourages him to bring Elle over sometimes instead of always going over to her apartment. Just-
“Father, may I bring someone over after school?”
“Damian, you don’t have to ask if Jon can come over.”
“He’ll be coming as well.”
Bruce actually looking up from whatever he was working on.
“You’ve made a new friend? Someone other than Jon?”
“That is correct.”
“Who is it?” Bruce asks after some silence.
“Her name is Elle Nightingale. She is in three of my classes.”
Bruce blinks.
“Yes. Elle is a girl, obviously. I didn’t realize you were going senile in your old age.”
Cue mass teasing from all of his siblings and even from Bruce about having a crush, especially when they see how he acts around her when she visits with Jon.
They predictably will do a background check on the girl and her family, immediately raising questions. Why was she homeschooled before 10th grade? Why does the eldest sister have custody? Why did they change their last name and move halfway across the country?
Then there are the Nightingales.
When Jazz easily sees the little blushes and the side-eyed glances, she sits Elle down for The Talk much to the horror of the teenager. Other than some supervision, she just gives them small encouraging smiles every once in a while, making them blush even more.
Danny on the other hand is between teasing his little sister and laughing at the young love, and going into protective brother mode and giving Damian subtle threats if he ever hurts his baby sister. He’s actually pretty okay with Damian (the kid seems too old fashioned to pressure Elle anyway) and they surprisingly bond over the most random things like dogs, finding new vegetarian recipes, and different mechanics or weapons Danny tinkers with in his free time.
I just think it would be super cute and funny. Especially when the families meet and it’s kinda chaos.
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bluemari23 · 5 months
cake cake cake | jeon jungkook
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summary: your boyfriend eats the cake for a party and thinks he can get away with it
pairing: jeon jungkook x baker owner reader
genre: fluff, lil angst, established relationship
warnings: none
“Now what did we say?” You had your hands on your hips as you looked to your boyfriend, a fork in his hand and a piece of cake in his mouth.
“That we wouldn’t eat the cake until after dinner.” Jungkook murmured the agreement you came to earlier, right after you made said cake, having at least a little decency to look guilty.
You stared at your boyfriend, trying to figure out why he decided it would be okay to start eating the cake you spent almost a day baking, having to let it cool for a couple hours before you iced it. 
It was the day of the 10th anniversary party for Bangtan’s debut and you were asked, well, more like bribed by Jimin and Taehyung to bake the cake this year. They could never get enough of your baked goods, often doing whatever they could to sneak them from the bakery whenever they showed up.
“Baby, I’m sorry! It just looked so good! I couldn’t help myself.” Jungkook got up from his seat at the kitchen island and moved towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and trying his hardest to pout his lips as he spoke. 
“Everything you bake is just soooooo good, baby!” Jungkook knew he needed to up his antics, now trying to turn you away from the cake and press you against the island, stepping in between your legs to get even closer to you. 
You just let him move you around, enjoying whenever he manhandled you. You couldn’t help it, you found Jungkook’s strength so attractive. You watched him lean in, kissing you on the lips and then felt as he slowly moved down, kissing your jaw and then down to your neck where he knew you soft spot was. 
A sigh left your lips once he found it and your grip on his bicep weakened just a little. Jungkook knew he had you where he wanted you. He could see the anger leaving your body, the tension leaving your shoulders as you relax even further into his grip, allowing him to grab you by your hips and sit you on the counter behind you. 
“I’m still mad at you.” You let out, sighing at the feeling of him against you. Jungkook couldn’t have that though, and pulled back a little bit so he could see the small pout against your lips. 
“Please forgive me, baby. I’ll do anything.” He had no clue that he was doing exactly what you wanted him to do, playing right into the palm of your hand. 
Secretly, you had made a second cake, just in case something happened to the first one. It wouldn’t be the first time one of the boys had gotten into the cake before it was time, you just didn’t expect it to be your boyfriend this time. 
But you didn’t let him know that, yet.
“Anything?” You questioned, pulling back from him again and resting your hand on his shoulder. 
Jungkook looked a little taken back, but still nodded his head at your question. He really did feel bad that he let his impulse take over and eat the cake you worked so hard to make for their party.
“I’ll think about my request later. For now, will you get the cake out of the freezer and put it in the box? We’re going to be late for the party.” You pushed him away so you could get down, trying hard not to laugh at the dumbfounded expression on his face. 
“What? Baby, what do you mean?” Jungkook called out after you but you just shut the door to the bedroom behind you. 
Walking over to the freezer, Jungkook sees an almost identical cake to the one he almost finished eating. 
“Aish, this girl.” He laughed out, seeing now he had been played, intentionally or not. Either way, he still did as he was told, carefully placing the finished cake into the carrying box you had left out on the counter. 
It had been a while since you got in a teasing mood, and he couldn’t wait to see what you thought was an adequate punishment for him later tonight. 
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flanaganfilm · 5 months
Hey, Mike! Did moving to Los Angeles at the start of your career turn out to be all that you thought it would be? It’s a big step that a lot of people take, and I’ve never really heard you talk about those early years before. Did you ever contemplate quitting? And if so, I’m glad you stuck to it - we love your work!
Oh, I contemplated quitting many, many times.
I moved to Los Angeles in January, 2003. I had just graduated the previous summer from Towson University, and a group of five of us moved out together. Some wanted to be filmmakers, some wanted to be actors. We shared a 3-bedroom apartment in Glendale. The adjacent apartment was occupied by four other Towson alums. Between the two apartments, we called it "Little Towson." I didn't own a car at the start. I had no health insurance. I'd saved a few thousand dollars to get me through the first six months, but none of us had jobs at the beginning. I remember applying (and being rejected) for a job at Walmart. I combed Craigslist looking for non-union editorial gigs.
I had told myself I'd give it five years, and if I hadn't gotten any traction, I'd move back to Maryland.
People started dropping out pretty quickly. One of my roommates (and one of my best friends) had moved out here to be an actor, and only lasted a few months before he decided to go back. It's overwhelming and terrifying to take a leap into a city as expensive as LA, and you're surrounded by people who all want the same career that you want. But it feels like there is a thousand foot wall circling the industry, and it seems impossible to scale it.
I found work doing odd editorial jobs before working as a logger, than an assistant editor, then an editor on a few reality shows. I shot and cut those local car commercials you see on late night cable. And I frequently ran out of money and overdrafted my account. As more and more of our original group gave up and moved back East, I started to feel more and more crazy. A lot of my friends from school were getting married, buying houses, having kids. I felt pretty delusional as my 5-year deadline came and went, and I still hadn't found any way over or through that wall. When we started to talk about making Absentia in 2010, I had been in LA for more than 7 years. I was working two jobs as an editor. I found out I was going to be a father. It felt very much like whatever I'd wanted to happen by moving to LA was not going to happen. Absentia was kind of last-ditch effort. Ultimately, the five year plan I'd allowed myself when I moved to LA turned into a 9-year plan. I started shooting Oculus - my first "real" movie - in the fall of 2012, just shy of my 10th anniversary in Los Angeles. That movie wouldn't come out for a while after that, so by the time I actually had a career as a filmmaker, well over a decade had passed struggling in LA.
For most of that time, my refusal to move back to Maryland looked (and felt) like a delusion. Only afterward did it start to look like "tenacity." And it never felt like "persistence" or "determination"... it felt insane. It felt like constant, daily frustration and rejection. And when I couldn't pay the bills, or couldn't land a job, it felt downright embarrassing.
For what it's worth, the only difference I've seen between people who "make it" out here and don't are that the ones who made it all stayed long past their expiration dates. I've seen wildly talented people pack it up and head home. Talent helps a lot once the door is open, but really the only thing that opens the door is persistence. To the point of feeling insane.
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brittscafe · 5 months
this would be very random request but okay- (feel free to delete if you're not comfortable with it and it's lengthy so my apologies 😵‍💫)
How would Shunsui, Shinji, Kensei, (grown up) Toshiro, (young and captain of 10th division) Isshin and Gin would react to f!chubby!reader with big chest who is like 3th seat in their division for some time now and who was incredibly shy, easily flustered, a bit sensitive and introverted (a lot i know, im sorry 😭) at first but slowly become more comfortable with them, more relaxed and less anxious and stiff with everything and everyone, more joking around (reader have dark and silly humor too) and surprisingly more touchy but not in a sexual way, just like-occasional hug, kiss on a cheek, upper front body pressed against his back while she explains something to him, hand brushing with her captain even a massage to relax them when it's he's stressed when they don't have a job to do or paperwork to finish.
to the request finally (😭), what if reader makes tempting, unexpected offer; like they have some work to do (say paperwork or some not so important thing to do-cleaning or something like that) or something more personal like she have to have a dinner with her brother and mother and she lied she have a boyfriend so she just say.
"I need your help ! I'll do anything in return!! I'II write every one of your reports! I’ll even cook for you! I'II even suck your d-"
and she immediately slaps her mouth shut, shocked by her own words, room was pure silence, and of course just breathed of both of them is heard. (let’s say it’s already very late in their shared office, so they are free to do anything)
Make it just humor and suggestive or make it more, if possible make it in form of headcanons! Thank you for your time! Sending lots of love and hugs! ❤️‍🩹
omgggg haha I love this! Much loveeeee 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Shunsui: You walk into your captain's office and his soft, husky eyes flicker up to yours.
"Hey, I've got some paperwork for you," Shunsui chimes out, a smile on his face and holding out a stack of paperwork. Your eyes widen and you let out a heavy sigh.
Shunsui cocks an eyebrow at your heavy sigh. "I have plans, captain Kyoraku," you explain and he chuckles slightly.
"I understand that, but just do these and then you may leave," Shunsui explains with a calm voice and you walk up to him, swiping the papers from his hand.
Your eyes rake over the papers and you chew on your bottom lip. You will never get these done in time for dinner.
"Will you help me with them, please?" you pout and Shunsui runs his tongue over his bottom lip, shaking his head.
"No, y/n. I suggest you start on them now so you may go attend your plans for the evening," Shunsui speaks softly and you press your lips together.
"Please, Shunsui! I'll do anything in return! I'll write every one of your reports, I'll buy you an endless supply of sake, or I'll even suck your d-" your voice rambles on and Shunsui's heart skips a beat at the last sentence that you don't finish.
You slap your hand over your mouth as your stomach twists into uneasy knots. You lock eyes with your captain and you feel your face go red hot.
Shunsui chuckles deeply, standing up from his chair and you gulp at the way his figure swallows you up. He stands in front of you, mere inches in between your bodies.
"That's a tempting offer, y/n," Shunsui speaks hoarsely, eyes flickering down to your breasts peeking out from your uniform. You feel your body tingle and his eyes lift back up to your eyes.
He reaches his hand up and cups your face, his warm hand making your heart skip a beat.
"I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that," you stutter out and Shunsui's lips curl into a wide grin. Shunsui's thumb brushes over your cheek and he leans his head down.
"You go and do whatever plans you have mind. I'll finish the paperwork. How about you meet me in my office afterwards?" Shunsui whispers, his warm lips hovering above yours.
You squeeze your thighs together, trying to make the tingly feeling go away from your core. Shunsui bites on his bottom lip and you nod your head.
Shunsui takes a step back and you quickly leave his office, giddy and excited for tonight.
Shinji: You're laying down on the couch, your legs resting over Shinji's as he's focused on his phone. You lift your leg up and nudge him slightly.
Shinji tears his gaze away from his phone and he gazes over at you, cocking an eyebrow.
"Are we almost done here?" you ask curiously.
"We've got to clean up the mess the other squad members made with that party," Shinji explains and you scoff quietly.
"Oh, come on, Shinji! I've got plans," you whine out, sitting up on the couch.
"Oh really? With who?" Shinji asks, a sly smirk across his face.
"M-my boyfriend," you shrug your shoulders, glancing away. Shinji scrunches up his nose and sticks his tongue out at you. His tongue piercing glistens in the dim lighting.
"You are a horrible liar. Now, come on," Shinji urges you and your lips curve down into a tiny frown.
"No, Shinji! I'll do anything if you let me get out of this!" you beg him.
"Like what?" Shinji asks, crossing his arms over his chest and shooting you a firm glance.
"I'll do all the paperwork, I'll deal with Hiyori for you, I'll even cook for you, I'll suck your d-!" you immediately stop speaking, your heart sinking into the soles of your feet.
Shinji's breath hitches in his throat and his wide eyes meet yours. You sink down in your figure and the room becomes silent. Shinji feels his cock grow hard inside of his pants at the thought and he adjusts his pants.
"Now...that is an offer I just cannot refuse, my dear y/n," Shinji drawls out his voice, wryly and slyly. A lump gets stuck in your throat as Shinji grabs onto your shoulders and presses you into the couch.
He climbs on top of you and his face is so close to yours. You can feel his warm breath fanning over your lips. Suddenly, Shinji bursts out laughing in your face and you knit your eyebrows together.
"Why are you laughing?" you speak quietly and Shinji snorts quietly, shaking his head.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Y/n, that is a lovely offer, but I'm gonna have to take your offer up another time. Maybe, tomorrow if you're free?" Shinji asks, drawing his lips dangerously close to yours.
You open your mouth to speak, but Shinji roughly presses his lips to yours. You groan into his mouth, your heart skipping a beat. His lips are warm and soft against yours.
"So, tomorrow?" Shinji asks, pulling away from the heated kiss and you blink with surprise.
"Sure," you reply, trapped underneath his lustful gaze.
"Run along and go have dinner with your fake boyfriend. I'll be waiting," Shinji shoots you a quick wink.
Kensei: Your gaze is stuck on your captain, unable to be shaken up by anything and focused on the movements of the broom he's dragging along the floor.
Your back hurts and all you want to do is go have a nice dinner with your friends. Instead you're here with your captain, cleaning up the hallway.
Your stomach grumbles quietly and rings throughout Kensei's eardrums. Your eyes widen as Kensei stops sweeping the dusty ground.
"Are you hungry, y/n?" Kensei chuckles out, glancing over at you and cocking an eyebrow. Your face gets hotter by the second as his eyes are on you and you lower your head.
"You have no idea," you sigh out and Kensei smirks widely.
"I would say go get dinner, but we need to clean first. Everyone else seemed to make the biggest mess tonight," Kensei sighs deeply.
"Ugh, Kensei please! I'm so hungry I could literally eat a horse!" you whine out. Kensei throws his head back and lets out a loud chuckle that fills the room.
"After we clean, I'll treat you to some dinner y/n," Kensei suggests and you roll your eyes.
"Please! I'll do anything if you let me go right now. I'll deal with Mashiro and Hiyori, I'll cook you dinner everyday, I'll even suck your di-!" your voice starts to trail off.
Kensei's wide eyes don't leave yours and you gulp. You're glad that Kensei is usually calm and collected.
"Ok," Kensei speaks up and your heart skips a beat.
"What do you mean ok?!" you raise your voice, grabbing a nearby pillow from the couch and throwing it at him. Kensei huffs out and easily dodges the pillow.
"I'm kidding, geez. I'm assuming you didn't mean to say that out loud...you can go ahead and go home," Kensei clears his throat, red spreading across his cheeks.
"Oh, thank you!" you giggle out, rushing out of the office and leaving Kensei a embarrassed puddle.
Toshiro: His head is buried in the paperwork, pen scribbling on the papers rapidly. You let out a heavy sigh that fills the room and catches Toshiro's attention.
He lifts his head up from the paper and sets his pen down. He turns his head towards you and his eyes have a tired gleam over them.
"What's wrong?" Toshiro asks with a firm voice.
"Nothing," you mumble out. Toshiro shifts his weight and shoots you a glance.
"Tell me," Toshiro demands with a harsh tone and you roll your eyes with annoyance.
"I have an important dinner with my boyfriend," you explain and you feel Toshiro's gaze sharpen and darken.
"And you think that dinner with your boyfriend is more important than your duties?" Toshiro asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Of course not, but come on! I'll do anything for you! I'll cook, clean, hell I'll even suck your d-"
Toshiro's breath hitches in his throat and your jaw drops open to the ground.
You can't believe you just said that...out loud.
"Do you really think that's appropriate to say to your captain?" Toshiro scoffs out, raising his eyebrows. Toshiro's snow white hair covers the tips of his ears turning bright red and burning.
"No, Captain Hitsugaya," you mumble out, lowering your head with shame.
"Geez, what an embarrassment. Go home, y/n and have dinner with your boyfriend if you're that desperate," Toshiro scoffs out, hiding back a smile.
You glance over at him and nod your head, mumbling a soft sorry before bolting out the door.
Isshin: You and Isshin steal glances over at each other from across the room. You've been arguing about him letting you go home early and he won't budge.
"Oh, come on, Isshin! I'll do anything for you. I'll cook for you, I'll clean up everything, I'll even suck your di-"
The color from Isshin's face floods away and his cheeks turn bright red. His breath hitches in his throat as he slowly turns his head to you.
You're awaiting for his reaction, expecting a bad one. Isshin starts to burst out laughing and you knit your eyebrows together. He slowly walks up to you and pats your shoulder.
Your body rattles and his laughter rings in your eardrums. "Of course, you can go home early!" Isshin chuckles out and your eyes widen.
You waste no time in leaving Isshin's office, sure to be ashamed of your words tomorrow and everyday until your death.
Gin: You and Gin are relishing in the silence in your shared office.
"Hey, I'm going to head out. I have some dinner plans," you explain and Gin lifts his head up from the pile of papers.
"Ah, I don't think so," Gin speaks up, that stupid sly grin still across his pale face. You scoff quietly and pout, pushing your bottom lip.
"Why not?" you whine out, huffing and puffing.
"I need you for 10 more minutes. You can do 10 more minutes, right?" Gin asks, towering above you.
"No, I really can't! Come on, Gin! I'll do anything for you. What do you want? I'll make you cookies, bring you sake, or I'll even suck your di-"
It's like Gin doesn't even react to the words that just came out of your mouth, he just stands there and stares at you. Your heart is slamming against your chest and you just wish Gin would stop staring a goddamn hole through your head.
"Well, since you're offering," Gin shrugs his shoulders, that stupid sly smile across his pale face. Your eyes widen in awe as Gin's hand slowly reaches into his uniform and down into his boxers.
You quickly spin around on your feet and bury your flustered face into the palm of your hands.
"I'm kidding. Go home," Gin chuckles out, shaking his head with disbelief. His narrow eyes watch as you rush out of the office, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Silly girl," Gin mumbles underneath his breath, running his fingers through his silver hair.
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
new years day
Summary: "You've shared a New Year's kiss with your best friend Lottie Matthews every year since you were eight years old– it's practically tradition at this point– but something feels different about this one. As much time as you spend agonizing over the state of your friendship there's still no place you'd rather be than helping her clean up the morning after her party, but does she have to keep looking at you like that?"
A/N: did someone say childhood best friends to lovers?
You were five years old the first time you met Lottie. You were pretty nervous starting kindergarten and had cried the entire way in, but you'd quieted right up when you saw her. Your eyes caught from across the room and you couldn't resist the urge to walk over to her and join whatever game she was playing. The two of you have always gravitated around each other, even then. You'd never met before, but you slot together like you'd always known each other. 
You were eight the first time Lottie Matthews kissed you at midnight, the very first time you were allowed to stay up late enough to see it. It was only on the cheek, mind you, but you still counted it as your first kiss. You weren't quite sure what she was on about and immediately tried to wipe it off your cheek, but she didn't seem to care. You'd find out later that she'd misunderstood a conversation she overheard from one of her parent's friends, but the tradition stuck nonetheless. 
“After all,” She'd claimed when you were 14, ”There's no relationship in my life more important than you. Why would I want to waste good luck on a stupid boy?”
Which brings you to today: New Year's Eve and the 10th anniversary of your initial kiss. 
You hum in acknowledgment as she continues to speak, her words flowing in one ear and out the other. You weren’t quite sure what she was saying, you’d lost that particular plot a long time ago. Her voice was pleasant enough you suppose, but you weren’t sure what her name was. You remember her telling you it, but you hadn’t considered it important enough to remember at the time. You hope it doesn’t come up, that would be pretty fucking awkward. You laugh at the thought, making her grin widely at you. Oh, did she just make a joke? You wonder idly. She seems mighty pleased with herself regardless.
You make a surprised noise at the sudden weight in your lap, wrapping your arm around Lottie’s legs to shift her into a more comfortable position. Lottie grins happily down at you as she throws her arm around your shoulder and leans her head against it, bringing her face far too close for comfort. You look over to continue your conversation but find yourself talking to thin air. The girl you were talking to seems to have left at some point since Lottie came over. Weird, You think with a shrug. You wrap your arm around Lottie’s waist as you relax back against the chair, closing your eyes as you rest your head back.
You can almost feel Lottie’s eyes burning into you despite not being able to see her. You hum in question but she doesn’t seem to feel the need to answer it, continuing to stare all the while. You open your eyes to look at her but she makes a noise in protest as you try to turn your head away so you decide just to sit there. She can look if she wants to, you suppose. It’s not like she hasn’t seen you looking much worse many a time. You grin at the thought, remembering the time she’d watched you slip and fall into a puddle. It had seemed so humiliating at the time, but you still remember the way her body shook as she tried and failed not to laugh at your expense.
“What’s so funny?” Lottie murmurs, poking you in the cheek with just the tip of her nail. Your grin widens at the act, biting at her finger playfully when she tries again. Lottie gasps as she draws her hand to her chest feigning injury. You roll your eyes fondly, she could be such a baby sometimes. You tell her what you just remembered as she laughs softly.
“Wasn’t so funny when you hugged me,” Lottie complains teasingly.
“What’s a little mud between friends?”
“Between best friends.” Lottie corrects, oddly serious for the joking conversation you’ve been having. You hum in acknowledgment. Obviously.
“Say it?” Lottie asks quietly. You give her a curious look but agree easily enough.
“Between best friends.” You say quietly, looking up at her seriously. Lottie just smiles, breaking the tension between you as she leans away from you to sit up higher in your lap. She peers over your head, patting your shoulder excitedly as she catches sight of the time.
“Almost midnight,” She explains as she climbs out of your lap and tugs you with her. You stumble into her, almost taking the both of you down, at the sudden movement but Lottie manages to catch herself on the edge of the table. You hear the faint sounds of her laughter as she drags you through the party to the rest of your friends situated lazily around the TV waiting for the ball to drop.
You see Jackie and Shauna sitting oddly close to each other with Jeff nowhere in sight. You vaguely remember him storming past you at some point during the night but didn’t give it much attention. You can’t help but notice the nervous glances they keep exchanging. You nudge Lottie excitedly as you nod your head in their direction. You wondered if they were ever going to realize what everyone else already saw. Lottie rolls her eyes fondly as she squeezes your hand tighter. Some people were just so oblivious.
You eyed Lottie a little nervously as the countdown began, always a little afraid that she’d find someone else she wanted to kiss more at midnight. She's been your New Year's kiss as long as you can remember, but you've been waiting for the year she finally decides it's too childish and wants a real kiss. You certainly weren't going to be the one to make that choice. As pathetic as it sounds you'd willingly take her in whatever form she was willing to give you.  
Lottie looks a little amused at the uncertainty on your face, pulling you closer to her as the seconds slowly ticked by. She rests her hand on your hip as she leans in, your faces are just inches apart and you almost shudder at the feeling of her breath. As everyone starts screaming and cheering in the new year you quickly cross the distance, meeting Lottie in a gentle kiss. She pulls away all too soon, but she has such a gentle and loving expression on her face that you don't mourn it too much. 
You can faintly hear the rest of the party cheering in the background in their own states of reverie, but you're focused fully on Lottie at this moment. How could you not be when she’s looking at you like this, the way she does in only your most secret dreams? Lottie’s been your best friend since you’ve known what a friend was and she knows everything about you; Everything but this, your most hidden secret that you dare not speak aloud even to yourself. You don’t remember when you fell in love with her the first time, sometimes you think you must always have been.
Lottie smiles softly at you, sliding her hand up your back to pull you in for a quick hug. She pulls away to hug your other friends, cheering along as the new year begins. You just barely manage to tear your eyes away from her as you start celebrating with an amused-looking Nat. Nat had a tendency of looking at you weirdly as if she knew something you didn’t, but even she was too caught up in the reverie for her typical knowing glance.
Your very favorite part of her New Year's party was always getting to tell everyone to get the fuck out the second Lottie looked the slightest bit tired. Lottie would always be silently appreciative, hovering behind you until everyone left and she could drag you upstairs to go to bed. You and Lottie had fallen into bed with each other like usual, never able to resist the urge to be apart for too long at a time. She holds you so tightly against her like always, every inch of your bodies pressed against each other as if she’s afraid you’d disappear if she didn’t.
The first time you wake up it’s to the all too familiar feeling of coldness; You sigh as you start feeling for the edge of the blanket, knowing that Lottie has once again stolen it from you. You gently pry the edges of it out of her fingers, careful not to wake her up. You’re not quite sure how she manages to hold you so tightly against her and hog the blanket at the same time, but you’ve always found it a little impressive nonetheless. Lottie’s arm tightens around you reflexively in her sleep at the movement, but you're more than willing to let it happen now that you’ve recovered your blanket.
You rest your hand on top of hers, gently lacing your fingers together. You know Lottie would happily let you hold it while she was awake, her being the one to grab for your hand more often than not, but you still felt slightly guilty holding her like this. You wonder if Lottie would be upset if she knew how much time you spent imagining that your relationship was just a little different. You love being Lottie’s best friend, you really do, but you spend a suspicious amount of time imagining what it would be like to kiss her for real one day. You’ve started dreaming about it recently, never safe from your burning desire to be with Lottie. You shut your eyes as you let the feeling of Lottie’s breath against your neck soothe you back to sleep
The second time you wake up it’s to Lottie Matthews shaking you awake, her face hovering close to yours as she grins down at you. You groan as you gently push her face away and bring the blanket up to cover your eyes against the light. “Go back to sleep, Charlie” You complain sleepily, her childhood nickname slipping through in your exhaustion. You silently curse her need to always get up at the crack of dawn as you hear the soft sounds of her laughter, muffled though they may be. Your hands tighten around the edge of the blanket in a slight panic as Lottie starts tugging it away from you. You fight valiantly but Lottie’s got the advantage of standing over you as she finally pulls them off of you. You sigh as you look blearily up at her. “Hope you're happy now.” You mutter, holding your hand out as you let her pull you into a sitting position.
“I made us breakfast,” Lottie says with an unfamiliar expression on her face. You fake a grin as you try to hide your wince. Yay. Lottie waits impatiently on her bed as you get ready, dragging you down the stairs to the breakfast of champions: runny eggs and burnt toast. You turn your head to hide the way you gag at the texture, honestly counting yourself lucky she didn’t burn the house down with you in it during the process. You once watched her burn spaghetti, you’ll take progress wherever you can find it.
As you choke the rest of your breakfast down you watch Lottie as she moves around the kitchen, already starting to clean the mess everyone has left in her house. She always wanted to clean up after her parties before the staff came back because she felt guilty about making them clean it up for her. There was always the worry about them telling her father about it if they had to clean it, but both you and Lottie doubted Mr. Matthews would care enough about something Lottie did to come home and tell her off about it. Lottie would always assure you that she doesn’t need your help cleaning up, but it wasn’t like you were going to leave your best friend cleaning the whole house by herself, especially after New Year's as it had a history of getting more trashed than usual in the process.
You can’t help but notice her excess of nervous energy, and you wonder what that's about considering it was just the two of you: you can’t fathom a reason you’d ever make Lottie nervous. She looks over at you and quickly looks away when she sees you staring back at her seeming oddly shy. You shrug it off, deciding you’d let her come to you about it in her own time even if it was noticeably weird.
You grumble in frustration as you take a rag to the kitchen island for the third time, cursing under your breath as you try once again to scrub the stickiness off. You weren’t sure who spilled something all over the table and just fucking left it to dry, but you would be having words with them when you found out. You were positive Misty would know, and the thought of finding out was the only thing keeping you calm as you scrubbed and scrubbed at the island. As pathetic as it sounds you nearly cry out in joy when you finally get the island clean: your arm was really starting to sting from the repetitive motion. 
You look up from the island for the first time in a while to find Lottie leaning up against the kitchen counter staring intently at you, the corners of her lips quirking up. You scoff as you see her, gesturing down at the island you just cleaned. “You weren’t going to help me? How long have you been here?” You ask, a little miffed.
“You seem like you had it handled,” Lottie says, shrugging her shoulders lazily. She watches you carefully, eyes never leaving you despite her laid-back demeanor. 
“Did I?” You roll your eyes, tossing the now dirty rag at Lottie's face as you walk back into the living room. You laugh softly to yourself as you hear her squeal in surprise as the rag smacks her. You start working on picking up the cups littered across the floor to the beautiful sounds of Lottie’s outrage as she stalks in after you. She gives you her best imitation of a glare as you smile innocently up at her. Lottie sighs as she looks away. Lottie was a girl of many talents, but staying upset with you was never one of them.
You can’t help but smile as the two of you make quick work of the living room, working around each other like a well-oiled machine. One of the many things you like about being with Lottie was how she always seemed to anticipate your needs, tossing you a new trash bag before you even realized yours was full being a prime example. The two of you move fluently around each other, so used to the other that you truly think you could see her without looking. 
You sigh in relief as you finish picking up the living room, the bulk of the cleaning nearly done. Lottie had cleaned up outside while you were working on the kitchen which left you with the sweeping. You’d checked the other rooms downstairs, always fearing stragglers wandering off, but thankfully no one had gotten into them this year. You shudder in disgust as you remember having to clean up one of the downstairs bedrooms last year, truly a low point in your life. The things you do for love.
You listen absentmindedly while you sweep up as Lottie trails behind you and talks about all the things you missed at the party last night. You didn’t find a lot of it of any particular interest, who’s cheating on who seems to be the vast majority of it. You weren’t quite sure how Lottie came by some of her gossip, but it always seemed weirdly accurate regardless so you’ve learned over the years that it’s better not to question it. You visibly perk up at the sound of your friend's name, eagerly listening as Lottie talks about Jackie’s apparent breakup with Jeff just in time to kiss Shauna at midnight.
“Guess that’s why he stormed off.” You comment wryly, shaking your head in amusement. Lottie grins, tilting her head in acknowledgment as she pries the broom from your hands to finish sweeping the floor. She shoes you away when you try to grab back for it, choosing to instead regale you in the rest of the drama she’d witnessed at the party. You were almost in awe, honestly. She always seems to make so much more time out of the same couple hours you were at the party than you did: you’d think she was there for days as much recon as she seems to have gathered. I’d sure hate to be on her bad side, You think as you listen intently.
Lottie’s always been the prettiest girl you’ve ever met, but there was something especially captivating about her in little moments like these shared just between the two of you. Lottie was practically glowing as she spoke a language that only the two of you could understand, so full of inside jokes and references that you often left your other friends confused about what you were even talking about. Lottie has a way of making you feel like the only other person on Earth when she talks to you, the only one that could ever possibly mean something to her. It was a heady feeling, one that you think you’ll never get used to. You consider kissing her for a long moment as the two of you make eye contact, and for a split second you think she might want the same thing as her eyes glance toward your lips, but you glance away as you find something to busy yourself with instead.
You wrinkle your nose in disgust as you drag the trash cans out to the curb, trying your best not to breathe through your nose. You make a hasty retreat the second you're able to, walking back into the house in the hopes of finally getting to collapse on the couch. You groan at the sight that greets you: Lottie Matthews' long limbs sprawled across the only comfortable couch the Matthews own. You eye the other couch in resignation, knowing from experience how stiff and uncomfortable it is. Lottie slowly turns her head to meet you, and judging from the slight smirk on Lottie’s face you know she’s done this to you on purpose.
She holds her hand up towards you, wiggling her fingers in a mocking wave. Your eyes narrow at the sight, turning Lottie’s smirk into a wide grin as you cross the room. Lottie’s fingers flex against the couch as she grips it firmly in expectation of you pulling her off life you usually would, but you find yourself far too tired to fight over it today. Instead you simply just climb on top of her and lay down, resting your head on her chest. Lottie makes a shocked noise, tensing slightly in surprise.
It wasn’t that the position was unusual for either of you, but you knew that Lottie was just expecting more of a fight. Lottie looks down at the top of your head in suspicion but seems to accept it as she wraps her arms around you without protest. The two of you lay together in comfortable silence, legs intertwined as you melted into each other. You smile against Lottie’s chest at the slightly anxious movements of her fingertips against you before she finally gives up the fight, never able to resist keeping her hands away from your hair when it’s close enough to touch.
The feeling of her fingertips massaging your scalp lulls you into mindless bliss, so the sudden sound of her voice makes you jerk slightly in surprise. “Y/N?” Lottie asks quietly. You hum in acknowledgment, eyes sleepily blinking open. “You were looking at me earlier.” You laugh in your confusion. Looking at her?
“I look at you all the time, Lottie.” You say, not understanding what she’s getting at.
“It was different, this time,” Lottie admits slowly, as if seriously considering every word she says. “It’s been a different kind of look for a while, hasn’t it?”
You stiffen, your heart practically beating out of your chest. Your mouth feels strangely dry all of a sudden, and it takes you a few tries to say “Different?” Your voice cracks halfway through as an expression of your unease, making your face burn in embarrassment.
“You looked at me like you were thinking about kissing me,” Lottie says softly, pulling her hands off of you to lay them limply on the couch next to her as she speaks. “It would be okay if you did. Want to kiss me, that is.” She says with a tinge of anxiety, rushing the words out as quickly as she can.
She lays her head back against the couch, eyes facing the ceiling to avoid your gaze as you shift up onto your knees to look at her. You rest your weight on one hand as you grab at her chin with the other, wanting to see how serious she looks. Lottie’s face was flushed, looking up at you unsurely as she let you move her around. “I do,” You admit. “Want to kiss you.” Lottie grins widely in that special way you’ve only ever seen directed at you. Lottie slides her hands up your arms to rest against your shoulders as she tugs you down toward her, meeting you halfway as she eagerly reciprocates your kiss.
After a long moment, Lottie pulls back to lean against the couch, laughing breathlessly as she pulls you back down on top of her. The two of you stay on that couch for a long while as you enjoy exploratory touches to the background noise of gentle sighs and quiet laughs. You don’t think you’ve ever been as happy as you are at this moment, fingers tracing the edge of Lottie’s skirt as you tentatively nip at Lottie’s neck. Lottie curls her fingers in your hair, making you moan against her neck at the accompanying sting as you allow yourself to get fully lost in the moment.
You sigh contentedly as Lottie gently rubs her fingertips across your shoulder in a gentle caress, tightening her arm around you as she tries to pull you even closer. You laugh quietly, getting louder at the predictable pout on Lottie’s face. The two of you had retreated to her bedroom after a while, even that couch was only comfortable for so long after all. You’d flopped down on your back the second you’d reached her bed and Lottie had predictably wrapped herself around you, but it didn’t seem like it was close enough for her still. 
Selfishly you enjoy how desperate she always seems to be closer to you, always eager to let her consume you completely. Lottie finally just climbs on top of you, covering you completely as her weight presses you down into the bed. The world’s most comfortable weighted blanket. Lottie hums happily as she intertwines your legs and rests her head under your chin. You wonder idly if her legs are dangling off the end of the bed, but you figure that that’s her problem anyway. You close your eyes as you wrap your arms around her, curious about what you could possibly dream of now that it’s become your reality.
You always dreaded the first day of class in January more than almost any other day, but you found that you didn’t mind all that much today. You and Lottie lean heavily against each other in the cafeteria like usual, the giggling and flirty glances the only thing marking a change in your usual dynamic. Your other friends seem over it already, but none of them seem all that surprised about it. The only negative reaction you’d gotten was caught out of the corner of your eye as you watched a grumpy-looking Van hand a smug-looking Nat money. Your eyes narrow slightly at the sight, but you decide to confront them about it later. You're far too busy being disgusting with your girlfriend to care too much about it now.
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littledemondani · 2 years
10 and 22 for the smut prompts please! I love your work, you're one of my favorite Eddie writers <3
call it what you want
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warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, fem!reader, handjob, mentions of masturbation (male and female), best friends to lovers, dirty talk, petting
word count: 1.9k
prompt: 10. I can't help but have naughty thoughts when you look like that. 22. Just friends?! Do your friends make you feel hot and bothered like this? Do they make you moan like this? (X)
a/n: thank you for the req, bby<3 i really hope you enjoy it! sorry if anything like this has been done before. i don't have time to scroll through and read everything. reader and eddie are both 20 in this. also, my requests are open for blurbs/one-shots/concepts, etc.
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eddie could feel his heart hammering wildly in his chest — could also feel the blood rushing straight to his cock. no, this can’t be happening, not when you’re sitting right there next to him on the sofa. your right leg was crossed over your left, which hiked your already short plaid skirt up enough to showcase more of your thigh. eddie silently cursed himself and prayed to whatever god would listen to take away the filthy thoughts beginning to infiltrate his mind.
usually, those thoughts would creep in late at night when he was trying to go to sleep. he’d imagine how you’d look with your mouth stuffed full of his cock. your pretty eyes welled up with tears as you gazed up at him, silently pleading for him to fuck your throat just a little bit faster. he’d picture himself between your legs, tongue flicking at your clit with two fingers pushed in to the knuckle. he’d wonder how tight your cunt is, how wet and warm you’d feel around his cock. the way your walls would flutter and clench with each thrust he gives you. he’d try to imagine how your moans would sound, how his name would fall from your lips, begging him to fill you up with his cum.
in those moments, he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. his mind was clouded with lust, only focusing on how fucking good his hand felt stroking his painfully hard cock. it wasn’t until after the post-orgasmic bliss faded did the reality of the situation sink in, leaving him with a heavy, ugly feeling in his chest. 
you were his best friend and had been ever since the 10th grade when you two were paired up to be lab partners in biology. he was there for you through every heartbreak, every new relationship, the drama with the other girls in your class, the bullshit divorce your parents went through, and everything else in between. 
to have those sexual feelings about you, in his eyes, made him just like every other guy — the ones you complained to him about who only wanted to be your friend in hopes of getting into your pants. he hated that he had them, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t push them away for good. they always came back stronger and stronger, and now, much to eddie’s horror, they’re coming up directly in your presence.
he knew he should avert his gaze, should put his attention back on the movie that he insisted the both of you watch. instead, his eyes roamed over your exposed thigh, taking in how the hem of your skirt stopped just below your groin. if you moved even the slightest bit, he’d be able to catch a glimpse of your panties. what kind were you wearing? were they black? pink? blue? purple? cotton? lace? his cock swelled at the idea of you wearing a red lacy thong underneath.
you cleared your throat and it brought eddie back to the present. he quickly tore his gaze away from you and reached to grab his beer from the coffee table. to not seem conspicuous, he glanced down while he took a decent swig, taking notice of the obvious erection straining against his dark denim jeans. fuck what was he gonna do? if he noticed it, you could too if you happened to look directly at his lap.
he closed his eyes and tried to picture every repulsive thing imaginable to get rid of his hard-on. mrs. o’donnell in a bra seemed to be doing the trick, until he felt your hand on his thigh. his eyes snapped open and he looked down at you, the panic clearly evident behind his beautiful, big brown eyes. 
“are you okay?” you asked sweetly. “you’ve been fidgeting this whole time. d’you not like the movie?”
eddie couldn’t speak. your hand was close to his crotch, so close. one inch to the right and you would be touching him. he swallowed thickly, trying to wrack his brain for a good excuse.
he stammered a bit, brows furrowed and slightly shaking his head before settling on, “nah, no. e-everything’s good.” followed by a nervous chuckle and a fake smile.
you weren’t convinced at all. and it wasn’t just because it was blatantly obvious that he was lying. you had noticed him staring at you. noticed how he sucked in a sharp breath when you crossed your leg over the other and your skirt rode up. noticed how he had to dig his nails into the denim of his jeans — something you figured was to keep himself from reaching out to touch you like he most likely wanted to. out of the corner of your eye, you could see his gaze roaming over your body, and you couldn’t deny the warmth that flooded you because of it.
“really? because something tells me your mind was…somewhere else.” you scooted closer to him, and he tensed up a little, earning a giggle from you.
when he doesn’t say anything, a habit of his when he’s really flustered, you gestured to his lap. all of the blood quickly drains from his face, turning him slightly pale. fuck, you knew. you knew and you were probably going to be super freaked out and want nothing to do with him. you were going to yell at him, call him a freak, and run out of his trailer as fast as you could. at least, that’s what he pictured every time he thought about what you would do if you ever found out.
“i uh — y/n, listen, i-it’s not what it looks like—”
“i think it’s exactly what it looks like,” you note. “you got a hard-on. all because of how short my skirt is.”
it feels like the walls are closing in on him and he’s struggling to breathe. he closes his eyes, waiting for the inevitable moment when you start cursing him out. that never comes, though, and eddie is beyond shocked when you rub your palm over his erection.
he looked at you, eyes wide, a mix of confusion and wonder behind them. your lips were tugged into a wicked smirk as you felt his cock twitch against your touch. “isn’t that right, eddie?”
he doesn’t know what to do. in all of his worrying, he never stopped to think about you actually being into him that way. you always called him your ‘buddy’ and spoke to him like you did any other friend you had. he thought his chances with you were slim to none and had come to accept that you would only ever see him as a friend.
“i-i,” he stuttered. he took one last glance at you. your bottom lip was pulled between your teeth, eyes filled with what he could only describe as lust, chest slightly heaving as you continued to palm him. you wanted him. just like he’s wanted you all this time. that revelation destroyed every ounce of panic within him, and in it’s place, left only an intense state of arousal. “i can’t help but have naughty thoughts when you look like that.”
you can’t suppress the whine that slips past your lips. you increase the pressure of your hand on his bulge, keeping your eyes glued to his. “hm..do you think of me like that often?” you asked thoughtfully.
“y-yes,” he admitted, swallowing thickly as he flicked his gaze from your eyes, to your lips, then back again. his cheeks flushed a hint of pink in embarrassment, but, judging by your lack of a negative reaction, you don’t seem to mind his confession one bit.
“do you fantasize about me? about what i’d do to you?”
he nods, unable to speak as you drag your nails over the imprint of his cock. he was incredibly hard, you noticed, his cock practically begging to be let out from the confines of his jeans. you trail your fingers up to the waistband, slowly undoing the button. you pull the zipper down and eddie feels like his heart is going to burst through his chest. he’s breathing hard, licking his dry lips as he watches you intently.
“in your fantasies, did i ever do this?” you carefully take his cock in your hand, unable to contain the moan that spills past your lips. it’s a lot bigger than what you had anticipated; the head is perfectly shaped, leaking beads of pre-cum from the slit, shaft is thick, slightly curved to the left, with a prominent vein along the underside. the sight, along with the heavy feel of him in your hand, makes your cunt clench around nothing. you brush your thumb over the tip, relishing in the slight twitch from eddie as he gets used to you touching him. you lean over him gathering enough spit in your mouth before dribbling it onto his cock. you start to pump him slowly, from the tip all the way down to the base then back up again, twisting your hand on the upstroke.
eddie watches in awe, soft groans and whines leaving him as you work his cock. he nods, letting out a shaky, “shit, yes.”
getting to actually experience you giving him a handjob was so much better than any fantasy he ever had. you were perfect, knew just the right amount of pressure to squeeze his cock and where to put most of your attention to. his head tilted back as your other hand moved to cup his heavy balls, moaning hotly.
“i thought so,” you said with a smirk. you gently squeezed the tip on the upstroke, mewling as pre-cum gushed from the slit. “can i tell you a secret?”
he flicks his gaze to you, plump lips slightly parted. “w-what is it?”
“i fantasize about you, too,” you confessed. “fuck myself with my pretty pink dildo every night and imagine it’s you.”
there’s no way any of this is real. you? masturbating while thinking about him? an image of you with your legs spread wide, thrusting the dildo deep inside your little cunt flashed in his mind. 
“fuuck…y/n,” he groaned, rutting up against your hand.
you leaned into him, your lips ghosting along the outer shell of his ear. “do you wanna fuck me eddie?” you whispered and he shivered against you.
“yeah,” he nodded. “god, i wanna fuck you so bad, baby, please.”
“good…because i can’t go another second without you being inside of me.” 
you smashed your lips against eddie’s, releasing some of the pent up sexual tension you had been feeling. his lips moved seamlessly with yours, like the two of you had done this a thousand times over. eddie brought the hand that wasn’t on your thigh to cup your cheek, gently brushing his thumb across your soft skin. it was a stark contrast to the way the two of you were kissing, but it made your head spin all the same. you pulled back, about to lift your leg over eddie’s lap when he stopped you.
“wait,” he breathed, peering up at you through the strands of hair that fell over his eyes. “i know we’re just friends, but—”
“just friends?!” you interrupted him. “do your friends make you feel hot and bothered like this? do they make you moan like this?”
“n-no,” he shook his head, his brown eyes never leaving your gaze.
“didn’t think so,” you said with a slight smirk. “i know my friends sure as fuck don’t make me wet like this. don’t make me so goddamn horny i can’t even think stra—”
in a swift motion, eddie flipped you onto your back, his hand delving between your legs to rub his fingers along your clothed cunt. “you’re right,” he said with a devilish smirk as he pushed against the wet spot on your lacy panties. “i think we’re well past the point of being just friends.”
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mystsee · 8 months
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✦ about: simon was back from his mission with one purpose on his mind, you :D
✦ content: soft!simon, fluff, slight nsfw themes, make outs, established relationship, little anxiety, cuddles
✦ a.n: somehow seeing that ghost cosplay irl today gave a sudden burst of inspiration, INEEDTHATMAN
today was a very tiring work day, having to write a full written document of what was spoken in yesterday’s meeting was not tiring, but boring.
re listening the conversations at least 5x trying to understand what they where saying, sometimes the british folks in here tended to speak a bit fast, making it hard for you to understand whatever the heck they were discussing!
you could say, ever since simon left for that mission, you’ve been like a lost puppy around base. you’ve been used to just do everything with him next to you.
every time you sat down to work, there he was, by your side—sometimes even on his lap, your favorite place. his fingers would playfully trace patterns on your stomach, occasionally grabbing at the adorable rolls or gently pulling you closer, resting his face on your shoulder just watching whatever you were doing, sometimes even helping you when you were stressed or tired
it was like a sweet distraction, and his touch was nothing short of heavenly. his hands seemed to know the perfect spots, making every moment a delightful pause in your routine.
but now, you found yourself buried under the weight of the workload, yearning for the comforting touch that once turned mundane hours into blissful interludes.
the room echoed with the ticking of the clock, each passing second amplifying the anxiety that clung to your shoulders. the playful distractions had faded, replaced by a pressing realization that this night would be a lonely one.
you wanted to sleep, to escape the mounting pressure, but the looming uncertainty about simon’s return kept you on edge. the ache of not knowing when simon would be back or if he was okay gnawed at your nerves, pushing you to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
you craved his return more than ever. and simon was no different than you.
the separation, now stretching into a month, had carved an ache in his heart. each passing day fueled his anticipation, and the nights without you felt longer than ever. the need to have you back in his arms, to feel the warmth of your presence, became an insatiable craving.
now, on the plane back, he could almost taste the reunion. the hum of the engines seemed to sync with the rhythm of his heartbeat, both propelling him towards the destination that held the promise of your embrace.
his mind was a whirlwind of images – the way you'd smile when he surprised you, the laughter that echoed in shared spaces, and the softness of your presence as you slept in his arms.
as the plane carried him closer to you, his eagerness reached a crescendo. he was ready to step off that plane and into the warmth of your world, to wrap you in his arms and just keep you there forever.
and it almost seemed like that was about to become true. simon was out of the plane in an instant, the cold hitting his face but he didn’t care one bit, he just cared about finding you.
he just got rid of the big cold jacket and his vest, not wanting any barriers when he finally felt you again, went straight to your room. it was late already, close to midnight, you’d probably be sleeping he thought!
but it was quite the contrary, you were about to cry, it was the 10th time you heard this small 5 second fragment, and you couldn’t understand a shit, it was like he was speaking a whole other language, enough to make you frustrated.
you were on your desk, knees close your chest, head on top of your knees, and your index finger just clicking and clicking again everytime the audio stopped. it was making you mad.
two minutes later you just couldn’t anymore, your mind was overthinking about simon, simon and simon. gasping for breath, you needed fresh air, your feet carrying you to the backyards, a retreat from the suffocating walls. the chill in the air bit through, but the warmth of your fluffy sweatshirt provided a comforting shield.
meanwhile, Simon, nearing your hallway, was jarred by the abrupt slam of a door. curiosity knitted into his features as he wondered about the disturbance at such an hour. time seemed to pause when he turned the corner, catching sight of you. your world hanging on the precipice of a breakdown, weariness etched on your face as your gaze lingered on the ground.
unbeknownst to you, simon punctuated his steps more, you, lost in the swirl of your own emotions, remained oblivious until the familiar cadence of footsteps broke through your solitude. at the speed of light, your eyes flickered up, and there he was – your simon, making his way toward you.
"simon" you breathed out, a soft whisper escaping your lips. the astonishment painted across your face mirrored the surge of emotions within.
the uncertainty of when he would return made the sight of him standing before you, muscles defined beneath a black sweatshirt, feel like a dream. as you sprang running toward him, the anticipation built, and the tears you hadn't realized were brimming spilled over.
without a second thought, you dashed towards him, his arms already open wide for you. as your arms wound around he whispered “my love” in a voice so relieved that it melted away the distance and uncertainty.
as your faces drew near, his breath whispered against your hair, a whisper of promises and unwavering devotion.
“i missed you so so much lovie” said simon while hugging your head even closer to him. his voice sounded so soft it was even unreal to him.
his hands traced soothing circles on your back, a gesture so familiar and comforting. it was as if he was trying to convey all the love that words couldn’t capture.
but simon wanted more. he effortlessly lifted you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips. the world blurred as he spun you around, a gesture that felt like a dance in the moonlit night. his arms, a fortress of warmth, held you securely.
simon pressed you against him, his heart beating in tandem with yours. the fabric of your hoodie pressed against his sweatshirt, and the chill in the air was forgotten in the warmth of shared laughter.
as if memory muscle, your hands instinctively went to his balaclava, pulling it to the middle of his face, the familiarity of his lips, so soft and kissable, now revealed, made your heart swell.
without hesitation, you kissed him, pouring all the longing and joy of the past month into that single moment. it was a kiss filled with the weight of separation and the relief of reunion. his lips met yours in perfect harmony, and the world seemed to pause, allowing this shared ecstasy to unfold.
simon, in that moment, became not just a figure of your imagination during the lonely nights but a tangible reality, warm and alive.
in response to your passionate embrace, simon deepened the kiss, pulling you even closer as if trying to defy the very forces that separated you. his lips melded with yours, making all kind of noises of appreciation, of being back with you, making you even more needy to be near him.
he missed you as much as you missed him.
“i missed you so much simon” simon could hear the agitation from your voice. he knew you’d be having very heavy work this week, you had a very important meeting, a very important step in your career. yet simon couldn’t help but feel disappointed for not being there.
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t there love” “don’t you worry about that simon” you said looking him straight to his eyes “all i care is that you’re here now” he saw you smile, the smile that made him all warm inside, the smile he absolutely loved seeing every morning.
“how about we take a shower big guy” simon just laughed, he came straight to see you he forgot he did just came in fact from the dessert, probably stinking.
the shower was filled with love, your hands expertly massaging tender spots on his back making simon groan from satisfaction. washing his hair, his face, his arms, all of him, every now and then just you clinging onto him to hug him for a few minutes. he was here again with you.
you two were basically one in that shower, not a small space in between you.
simon kept turning you over to help you “clean” yourself, but that just meant him just massaging your breasts, waist, bum, basically all the things he absolutely loved holding on to when you were distracted. and you laughing at him “you’re getting distracted again” “i’m sorry i just can’t deny them attention” you just rolled your eyes, but couldn’t deny how much you loved the attention you were receiving hehe.
after cleaning up, simon changed into the hoodie you absolutely adored, and laid in bed waiting for you. he saw all your work piled up on your desk, clearly seeing the stress you were going through moments before he found you.
as you went outside the bathroom, you saw simon, literally waiting for you, patting his chest. your second favorite place. smiling you reached to his side, cuddling next to him, clinging like a koala, your leg on top of his hip, hands on his neck, the other under his back hair, just playing with it, making simon shiver once again from satisfaction.
"how was the dessert?" you inquired, your curiosity piqued about simon’s experience in a place you've never been, let alone lived in for a month. his voice, deep and resonant, rumbled like an earthquake, making you giggle.
"ugly as hell" came his reply, and you couldn't help but laugh at the honesty. "what do you mean? didn’t you see any camels?" you added playfully.
simon chuckled, his laughter carrying a hint of amusement. "oh, plenty of camels. i even tried to have a conversation with one, but they're not great at small talk."
you couldn't help but snicker at the mental image of simon engaged in a one-sided chat with a camel in the vast desert. the quirky exchange became a moment of shared laughter, turning the conversation about a "dessert" into a sweet and funny memory.
along the conversation, you shifted positions, now lying on your side, and simon followed suit. the moonlight painted the room in a gentle glow as simon’s fingers delicately played with strands of your hair. you were pressed against his chest, your leg draped over his hip, creating a cozy tableau that felt like a warm hug.
with a softness in his voice, simon began lulling you to sleep with tales of the mission. each word was a whispered melody, painting vivid pictures of his adventures that unfolded in the vast desert.
"imagine this," he began, his voice a blend of playfulness and warmth, "a camel giving me side-eye because I accidentally interrupted its afternoon siesta. i swear, I've never seen such a judgmental camel."
you couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image, feeling the vibrations of your laughter against simon’s chest. his tales continued, each one sprinkled with his unique sense of humor.
as his hands gently massaged your hips and traveled up to your chest, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of cuteness wash over you. the tenderness in his touch was a language of its own, expressing care and affection without uttering a word.
you found yourself in a dreamlike state, murmuring sweet nothings and declarations of love. "i love your hands" you blabbered, a smile playing on your lips as simon’s warmth enveloped you.
his heart swelled with affection, seeing your drowsy contentment. he absolutely loved how affectionate you became when you were sleepy.
simon, feeling the warmth of your love, whispered, "and you don't know how much I love you." the words lingered in the air, a sweet promise exchanged in the quiet of the night.
as sleep claimed you, simon held you close, savoring the precious moment of having you in his arms again. he slept like a baby, content in the embrace of love that had transcended the distance of a month, finding solace in the shared dreams and whispered affirmations that filled the night.
he felt complete again ♡
i live for soft simon 🥲 wishing i was reader rn, anyway!
hope i made this fluffy enough jiji!!!
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pompettepink · 1 year
Type of men NOT to date
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Dating in the 2020's is so rough! It feels like so many people are just looking for hookups and too many women are getting forced into "situationships" in the hopes that "more" will come out of it, but "more" never happens. Ladies, save yourselves the heartache and leave these type of low level men ALONE
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A man who asks "what you bring to the table"
He is thinking transactionally. He wants to know beforehand what act of service he can expect from you in the future. Whatever comes out of your mouth will be his checklist in the relationship and he WILL bring it up when you "fail to meet expectations".
A man who disrupts your peace
A man who is prone to fits of rage and refuses to seek help will take you down with him. He will actively work to destroy your self worth and possessions. Any man coming into your life MUST be giving you peace that is BETTER than the peace you find within yourself.
A man with low quality friends
There's a very high chance that if a man is in his mid to late 20s and is still friends with his highschool buddies they are actively holding him back. There needs to be far more substance in a male friendship than bonding over a band one time in a 10th grade science class. Having old time friends is amazing, but everyone in the friend group should be maturing at the same pace and having adult conversations and not just sharing their girlfriends nudes with the homies in the groupchat
A man who listens to Bro Podcasters
Self explanatory. There should be NO reason that a man sees value in anything a violent misogynist has to say. It is NOT NORMAL for a man to take lifestyle advice from broken men who are NOT living the lifestyle they're advocating for (monogamous long term relationship with the intention of marriage and providing for their wife and kids). Unless he is compiling information to loudly denounce those views and see those podcasters as an enemy of men, you have no business dating someone like that
A man who idolizes 50/50 relationships
Expecting your partner to go 50/50 with everything and anything is insecure and immature. In reality you can't ALWAYS split the bills. Sometimes things come up. Like card only payments, cash only payments, misplaced wallet, dead phone, payment deadline, accidents etc etc. If he expects every instance involving money to be split into two equal bills he WILL be resentful towards you if you fail to deliver. He should also be more than happy to spoil you when he can and pay in full
A man who struggles building relationships with women
You aren't going to be any different just because he's fucking you. And this isn't about a struggle that results from trauma (abusive mom). This is about ANY woman in his life. If he can't connect with his sisters and can't "really" explain "why", or if he's never had a female friend, that's a red flag. It's most likely that he can't build relationships with women who he isn't sexually attracted to, making him more likely to misconstrued any interaction with a pretty woman as grounds to cheat
An unkempt man
He doesn't need to be the world's best dresser, but he MUST care about his appearance. You two will be seen together constantly and in social settings others will view you as a single unit. You are doing a disservice to yourself by being with a man who has a hands-off attitude with the way he presents himself and always choices to go out with wrinkled stained clothes, dirty hair, a smelly outfit, and a wardrobe full of holes and filth
A man who moves too fast
Why is this man trying to get you into bed yet he doesn't even know your last name? Casual flings are totally fine and super appropriate for any adult to be a part of. But if you're looking to seriously date you HAVE to be picky. Even if your connection is magnetic off the bat restraint should be shown until the commitment is there. If you tell him you only want to have sex with a committed man and he gets mad, pressures you, or asks you to be official on the spot and then have sex afterwards, he just wants to orgasm, nothing more
A man who's all talk and no action
If a man talks about how close he feels to you, but doesn't try to commit, he's keeping you away from love. If a man romantically messages you everyday, but doesn't take you on a date, he's a pen pal. If he's always talking about going for a big promotion, but doesn't put in the work the position requires, he's just a job holder. Actions speak louder than words and if he wanted to, he would
A man who struggles with handling you
Far too many men couple up with talented, sexy, smart, extrovert women, then try to change them when they become official because they can't keep up with her. If she was a sexy dresser BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If she was always having deeply intellectual conversations BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If she had a large group of friends that she loved hanging out with BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If he can't keep up with you then he shouldn't take up space in your circle
A man who is incompetent with chores
Need I say more? Chores aren't rocket science. If he can't cook a meal from start to finish you'll be forced to be his personal chef. If he can't do a load of laundry you'll be forced to be his laundromat. If he doesn't know how to sweep, mop, or vacuum you'll be forced to be his maid. Never choose to be a servant when well rounded men exist in the dating pool
A man who doesn't boast about you
He should be proud to have you as his partner. Everyone in his life should know that you two are dating. He should want to walk behind you and open doors for you so that everyone can see you before they see him. He should always want to hold your hand and feel disgusted when other people hit on him. If he says he "lives a private life" and doesn't want to post you on his social media or be seen kissing you in public it's because he doesn't want his wife and other girlfriend to catch him cheating
Never let anyone convince you that it's impossible to find a man of quality because "your standards are too high". You're the prize and for your sake you should never expect the bare minimum for love
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elliesstrapon · 8 months
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✧.* After All ༊*·˚
.*:✧・゚: *✧・゚:*˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.
♪ Pairings: Ellie x Fem reader
♪ Summary: You're a 12th grade cheerleader closeted lesbian hard core crushing on Ellie who's into ceramics, you finally work up the courage to talk to her.
Warnings: 12th grade AU, fem cheerleader reader, Ceramics Ellie, masterbation, heated make out, swearing
Her soft hair, in contrast with her cold, bright green eyes, her freckles that you counted like stars, her long finger tips, her tattoos.. It's all you ever thought about. Ellie Williams is the only person you thought about.
Walking out of your second period class, just to see her stroll past you in the hallway, it always shattered your will to live. The way she stared dead into your eyes, as you watched her walk by, watching her turn her head back twice to look at you, the way she walked with her hands resting in her pockets, your heart was collapsing in on itself.
Every single sound you'd managed to tune out, to focus on her steady, cool footsteps in comparison to your clumsy, uncoordinated ones. Her eye lashes that fluttered, you were bewitched by her existence, and admitingly, it was ruining you.
"Y/n?!" One of your girls called, snapping you out of your daydream who'd just walked by you "huh?" You gasped. "What was that?!" She asked, furrowing her brows at you. "What? What was what?" You said. "Don't play dumb, that!" The shorter girl frowned. "You were walking so slow everyone gave us shit for it. Were you not listening?"
"oh" you replied, "whatever" she rolled her eyes. "Let's just go before we're late to class again."
"Seriously, what am I? Your mother?" she mumbled under her breath, grabbing your arm to pull you along at her speed. You knew she didn't mean it in any condescending way, in all honesty you knew she was just worried about you. You'd been coming across the same fantasy in the same hallway since nearing the end of 10th grade, and every time you'd gotten so deeply lost in it. You would have forgotten your own name if your bestfriend wasn't always snapping you out of it.
The walk to your class was short and uneventful, the hallways clearing before the bells even rang. You entered the classroom, deprived of most students, you greeted the teacher before taking your seat nearly by the desks in the center of the classroom. Eager for the time to go by so you'd finally get to your cheer practice. You sat playing with your pen, bored, the girl who'd once been annoyed by you now talking your ear off. And for then you thought your ears would've started bleeding. Until she walked in.
The same girl you stalked on Instagram constantly, who you'd known her life in and out; yet still couldn't talk to her; Ellie Williams. Your head followed as you watched her sit diagonally behind from you. Your gaze shifting as soon as she sat to face the front, at this point you hadn't heard anything the talkative girl had said within the last 15 minutes, all you knew, and saw was Ellie's eyes focusing on her sketches, the veins on her hands changing forms ever so gently as she scratched at the sheet of paper with her pencil. It was like you were put under a spell whenever she was around, so enchanted by her demeanor when she sat there, unaware of your existence, or aware and just didn't give two shits, none of them much better than the other. But you couldn't help but stare longingly. The Bell finally rang and the last few people entered the classroom, and your bestfriend scoffing, causing you to look away.
The rest of the class, you and the girl you spent most of your days with talked, ‘completing’ work and laughing absentmindedly as if nothing had happened the previous hour ago.
But every 5 minutes you'd shoot short and hidden glances, just to find her glances returned every single time, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach began pick up, to swarm, like a hurricane, at this point, your work hadn't been... nearly as neat or as complete as you would've wanted it to, or atleast what would've been if Ellie wasn't constantly catching your glances in the palm of her hand just like that. You'd noticed your bestfriend tuning out, intensely looking out the window; Football practice. When it came down to it, none of you could really complain about the unfinished work, clearly you were both pining over two people who didn't give two shits about either of you. And in your book, you both agreed to let it go.
When class came to an end, you along with your bestfriend quickly made your way to the field, every girl dressed in bright pink attire and poofy nice bows, short-skirts, if you were being completely honest, it might've been one of the only reasons you ever started cheerleading.
"Y/n!" The members of your team called, swarming you so fast you'd hadn't even seen half their faces. "Hiyya!" You smiled, exchanging hugs that were quick and sweet with eachother. As the time went by, joking around, the coach had arrived, speaker in hand. "Places!" She shouted. You hurriedly took your spot at the front of the team, your bestfriend closely to the side of you and the other girls placed at random.
The upbeat song started playing, your hips swayed, the girls danced, your pom-poms merely just an extension of your body. This was your happy place, the music, your friends, the girls, the dancing. Your feet were coordinated, you knew what you were doing for once, you didn't need to worry. The short song came to an end, your coach giving constructive criticism to the girls who'd needed, and all listened, and you went again, the people on the bleachers in their world, and you in your own. You continued to follow the consistent beats, your 4th try coming to and end.
"Alright girls, again!" The blonde shouted once more. "God, you'd think we were the ones going up against the opposing foot ball team" your bestfriend whispered to you. "Yeah" you said uneasily, watching a girl walk onto the bleachers, her short hair blowing, and her eyes squinting at the sun. You hadn't realized it was Ellie until she had turned to look down at you, you jumping out of your skin when you made eye contact. Her hooded eyes and sweet looking lips had you melting, losing your sanity, you backed up, missing the beat of the song, you bumped into one of the girls, lost in her eyes, her constellation cheeks.
You were dizzy, watching her laugh at your fail, her smile pure gold, your cheeks went red, not having heard anything your coach said. The girl you'd bumped into grabbed onto your arms from behind you, giving you a gentle and reassuring shake. "You okay?" She whispered. Ellie was still watching you, the small smile still plastered across her face still not having left. "Uh, no yeah— sorry, zoned out" you apologized, her gaze not leaving yours. You watched as her eyes followed your every move.
You needed to calm down. You apologized again, asking for permission to leave for the bathroom, in which, you did. You rapidly walked to the girls room, frantically trying to get her smile out of your mind. The restroom was empty, you sat down on the floor, your pom-poms on the left side of you. You felt the beads of sweat forming at your skin, every inch of your body at the point where if you could; you'd have dislocated everyone single one of them.
The cold floor had cooled you down, no matter how gross and disgusting it was, you needed it. You listened as the bell rang for the next period.
"Hey" called a blunt voice, you looked over to see the smile of the girl you were having a melt down over. Your heart caught in your throat. Not knowing what to say. You averted your gaze, forcing the stuck saliva to go down your throat. "Uhm.. Hi" You blurted out. "That was funny" she grinned, "out there" she chuckled again, the butterflies that never really left returning to haunt you. "Uh yeah— you caught me off gaurd" you gently smiled at her, finally getting a good look at her face, all the different things, your favorite things about her, you could've written a list on everything you liked about her, but that would've been everything. "How so?" She laughed. You felt like your life had just fallen apart. Knowing you were talking to the girl who you'd never spoken too, who you were so madly in love with. She squatted down to your current eye level patiently waiting on your long awaited response. "Uh, I... Don't know." You laughed nervously, her eyes never leaving yours. "If you say so" she smiled, standing back up. "Did you follow me here?" You raised a brow, curiously. "What makes you think that?" She remarked. "It just so happens that after I embarrass myself infront of you, you follow me here" you mumble. "Nah" she smiled, "just had to take a piss" she chuckled, walking towards one of the stalls. "You good though?" She turned back around briefly, concern laced within her tone. "No, Yeah, I'm good" you smiled. Apart of you sad she hadn't come for you. "Good to hear" she flashed you another one of her kiss worthy smiles before officially entering and locking her stall. You stood up, leaving the bathroom in unease. Your heart pounding and your head a mess. Every one of her actions on repeat. Her voice playing over and over. She was so flawlessly careless, and yet you could barely find words to communicate to her.
School ended not long after. You drove home with your bestfriend, you thanked her as you exited the car, giving her a quick kiss to the cheek and a "love you!!" Waving her goodbye, you walked to your door, you took out your keys hearing her honk the horn as a final goodbye, and you unlocked your door.
The house was empty, like always, you tossed your back to the side, groaning at the rollercoaster ride of a day. You rushed to your room, changing out of your pink cheer uniform, into a lazy silk house coat.
You layed down on your unmade bed, sighing, the stress leaving your body as you could finally relax. You scrolled through instagram, all the girls you'd followed popping up, all so pretty, full lips, strong arms, and toned stomachs. You scrolled for a bit longer before coming across a page.
Ellies page. You bit your lip, tapping on the side profile in her profile picture. Her following well over a thousand, and the amount of videos of just her filling the screen, you pressed on the most recent one, where she sat in the ceramics room you'd recognized from school, her sweat pants messy and fingers so skilled. She looked at the camera every few minutes, the piece she was making taking form every time she moved her slender hands. Your heart stopped, thinking of what'd it'd be like if it was you instead of the piece. The butterflies swarming once more in your lower abdomen, and the space between your thighs heating up, your hands slid down between your legs. Rubbing ever so gently at your throbbing clit, your mind replacing your fingers with Ellie's. Your breaths uneven and irregular, your legs began to shake, until you felt the buzz come from your phone. The red heart bright on the screen; you'd liked Ellie's posts. Your heart dropped, shock washing over the pleasure. You quickly unliked, getting off her page, your breath still rapid, you pressed on your notifications. Her account requesting to follow you, you gasped. "Shit" you closed your eyes, you accepted the follow request, following her back, soon after her name popping up on your screen. She'd sent you a message.
"Hey" reading with the same voice she'd used today. You responded a simple hi. The conversation began, a smile across your face when she responded, when she reacted to your messages, she'd had you hooked. Every text she sent, every photo she liked, you were obsessed, you were obsessed with her smile, her eyes, her tattoos, her laugh, her raspy concerned voice. You'd completely lost your mind by now, the photos she sent of her hands after her ceramics session, the close ups of her eye, and the pictures she'd taken when she thought something was beautiful. In three hours you'd learnt about her friends, her plans for college, her future, you'd saved every photo of herself she sent to you. And night had fallen far quicker than you thought.
11:30 rolled around when you texted her goodnight, "goodnight" a heart emoji beside she texted, and your own skipping a beat, you closed your phone, forcing the thoughts out of your mind and prayed you'd fall asleep fast.
The next to weeks had flown by, the conversations going from 7:30 to 12:00, it was never ending and you felt yourself falling more and more deeply in love with her. For everytime she texted, was another thought across your mind wanting to ask her to hang out, you were stuck, you didn't want to seem crazy. And yet you were yearning for the adrenaline rush, to see if this was your chance. In your last period of the day, you'd texted her, almost absent mindidly, asking her to go for a walk with you, maybe get some food. To which she agreed, you watched the time tick away slowly, taunting you every minute, yet saving you, your heart beat increased with the seconds. You were counting the minutes away from when you'd walk into the room filled with works and ceramics. You thought back on what to say, what you would do when you saw her. Thinking about it drawing you away from the time you'd been counting; the end of class upon you. The bell rang and the room she was always in at the end of the day was calling you.
"You need a ride home?" Your best friend followed you to your locker as you pulled out your thin cardigan in your favourite color. "I think I'll be okay" you smiled as you watched her walk away. You now on your way to the Ceramics room Ellie was in, each step heavier and more hesitant. The door way half open, you heard faint music from the very room she was in, you followed the sound to the door, peaking in through the crack. There she sat, her breaths steady and her face irregular, calm, her fingers still as skilled from when you'd first saw the video she posted, you watched as a loose strand of hair fell from behind her ear. Her tattoo was stained, her bracelets tangled, you had taken in every detail, the distant sun illuminating the room enough to make her seem like just another angel like shadow, her hair bright.
"Are you spying on me?" She joked, smirking at how long you'd been standing in the door way admiring her. "No, I'm just.. really into ceramics" you lied, flashing her a cheeky smile. "Really? You've thrown before?" Her voice was soft, you turned to look at the pieces at the corner of the room "no" you shifted your stance. "C'mere, I'll teach you" she opened her legs signalling you to come sit between them. Your heart skipped a beat as you sat, her arm just above your hip and the other ones hand guiding yours, showing you how you'd shape everything, "so here, you'd just..." she spoke, her fingers above yours demonstrating, soon you getting the hang of it. Her arms now only resting on your waist and her breath tickling your neck. The sounds of satisfaction coming from her mouth when you did as asked.
You felt her smile against your skin, soon the silence was the only thing filling the room. Your heart pounded begging for a way out of your chest, the way she'd left her arms around you watching you take interest in her hobbies, it was too much. If it were up to you, you would've been calling her yours already, instead of hopelessly letting her ruin your ability to think.
You turned your head to look at her, glancing down at her chapped lips who'd already been smiling at you, sending you over the edge, you cupped her face, dirtying her with the wetness from the clay, you pulled away just as quickly. "Fuck, I'm sorry" you apologized, staring at the paintings on the wall. Her hands suddenly gripped your hips harder, pulling you in for another soft kiss, passionately licking your lips for entrance, you hummed into the kiss, "why didn't you tell me?" She whispered kissing the area around your lips, "scared" you croaked out, her smile against your lips when you wrapped your arms around her neck, her dried clay hands grabbed onto your ass cheek from under your skirt, lifting you up to pin you to the nearest wall ever, squeezing it as she did, you moaned into the lip to lip contact, her warm breath intoxicating you, you found her knee between your legs rubbing at your hot and throbbing pussy, having you struggling to kiss her back, you felt your legs giving out under you, the only thing keeping you up being her knee and the hand caressing your plush and soft ass cheek that she adored all too much. You whimpered quietly between every soft kiss she left across your skin, the wetness being traced down your neck like due drops. Her hand played with your inner thigh, whispering how warm you were down there for her.
"Fuck" you breathed, "do you know how long I've been in love with you?" You whispered, playing with her hair as she focused on mole on your neck. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to finally make a move?" She smirked into your skin going back up to your face to kiss the light freckles across your cheeks. "Really?" You smiled softly as she kissed your forehead next. "Yes really. First day of school" she pulled away, looking you in the eyes, her eyes filled with honesty and desire. "I've been so obsessed with you everyday since the end of 10th grade" your cheeks glowed red up until your ears, "Soo... wha'now?" The green eyed girl looked at you adoringly, her arms still holding strongly onto your hips. "Would You maybe wanna go out?" You asked shyly, her lips just inches away from yours.
"Id like to make that work" she smiled, placing a last kiss on your lips.
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starstruckodysseys · 30 days
the thing about fhjy ending is that like. the promo dropped september 26th. it was like my fourth week of high school and second week of college. i still vividly remember freaking out about it in my high school library at 8am but trying to be cool in the process.
the proper trailer came out december 13th. luckily i was at home this time, but i remember shrieking and flailing and giggling like the biggest loser imaginable, because i was so goddamn excited. thank god i was home alone.
the first episode came out january 10th. i watched it about half an hour after it dropped, because i was at bowling practice when it actually did, and between coming home and getting dinner, i was a little late. i watched with the biggest grin on my face and live blogged the entire thing.
and now it’s may 22nd, and i just finished watching the finale. i loved it, obviously. i went on a roller coaster of emotions that surprisingly didn’t end with me fully sobbing, though it got pretty damn close. i laughed and i teared up and i cheered and i kept that same goofy little smile on my face most of the time.
i graduate in two weeks. this show has been with me for basically my entire senior year - through my entire bowling season, the musical i state managed and the play i helped create, every college application and subsequent admission, my actual college selection, every single dumb little thing you have to do when you’re a high school senior. in a way, i can’t separate fantasy high junior year from my own real life senior year.
it sounds cheesy, i know, but this season has really meant a lot to me. it’s strange now that it’s ending. i don’t really know what to do, now. focus on whatever never stop blowing up is, i guess.
i still love the bad kids forever, by the way. even if we aren’t going to see them in action for the next god knows how many years. they’re very dear to my heart. that isn’t changing any time soon.
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angbangweek · 4 months
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We are happy to announce the dates for this year's Angbang week:
May 6th - May 12th
Welcome one and all to the third annual Angbang appreciation event! Whether you're a previous participant, new to either tumblr or this pairing, or simply an event enjoyer who views and shares the new content, thank you for stopping by and taking a look! This year we have chosen to begin on a Monday with new dates rather than midweek, so the date of the event itself is a little later than in previous years, but everything else stays the same. (Prompts and additional explanation/info below the cut)
We would like to greet all new and returning participants and Angbang enjoyers alike to this year's week-long chaos couple event. Feel free to save the date or even spread this around if you're interested. As usual, any and all participation is welcome! We will be accepting any and all original creations for the upcoming event - visual, written or auditory, which is including but not limited to Fanfiction, Poetry, art both traditional and digital, playlists or other musical creations, moodboards, and anything else you may come up with. So long as they're new, or as of yet unpublished, created by you and feature Angbang, we want to see them and feature them! Unless it's an entire temple. Mairon has tried it several times before, and... well, we would prefer to remain undrowned if possible.
The list of prompts for this year (which can also be found in the image description):
Day 1 - May 6th: Scars | Injuries* Day 2 - May 7th: Haste | Malice Day 3 - May 8th: Spying | Shapeshifting Day 4 - May 9th: Mountains | Iron Day 5 - May 10th: Fire | Lava Day 6 - May 11th: Order | Chaos Day 7 - May 12th: Prompt of choice from the previous weeks*
*We are aware of the nature of the first prompt. Due to this, we do ask that in addition to all relevant tags, you add the correct tag of either "scars" or "injuries" to your work on day 1 should you choose to post it, especially the latter, so that people could filter it out. We will likewise add relevant tags to works featuring these prompts so that anyone may filter it out if they so wish. *As you've noticed, this year's final "free" prompt is a bit more restrictive, and would encourage using one of the prompts from previous years, found here and here. One of them is free space, but we do encourage using one of the non-day-7 ones if you can.
Like in the previous years, we encourage you to pick whichever prompt you like better of the two offered that day (you can also wait for another day if you don't like either prompt, or combine the two if you prefer, or even make content for both prompts if you're really looking for a challenge / prefer not sleeping during the month of May, whatever you like). Once you've picked a prompt and made content for it, use the current year's Angbang Week tag, which is either #AngbangWeek2024 or #Angbang Week 2024, or tag this blog directly when posting your prompt for us to reblog it. Try not to post it before the event starts (you can queue up specific posts for specific days to help with that), do not worry about being late, and most importantly, enjoy! No need to stress yourself out over silly ship stuff.
For any additional questions, requests, or additional clarification regarding anything event-related, feel free to send an ask or a DM at anytime!
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