#lately for me it's been a lot of Epic: The Musical
inkabelledesigns · 2 months
Artists of all mediums, what's your comfort music to listen to while making things?
I like a lot of stuff that can be classified as chill and adventurous, typically mostly instrumental. I'll usually put on a game soundtrack that fits that vibe as a result, though the Nutcracker and Swan Lake ballets also fit in there. Balan Wonderworld and Beast Breaker are some of the most comforting and fun ones in my collection.
Balan Wonderworld Soundtrack: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfFi6_9VykQaMlfWfTJ9fqqW-KP5OApzV&si=ZEdNUVsBDMt9gfic
Beast Breaker Soundtrack: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l64s1yjDu3yhSvSLtMuR_AL6Pk93LhmXQ&si=u0bpg2CEI0f2fdaZ
Consider reblogging and sharing some of your favorites! I'd love to hear your favorites, maybe find some cool new music to listen to while creating.
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dootznbootz · 11 days
Concept: Baby boy Telemachus getting kissed by both Penelope and Odysseus on the cheeks at the same time.
Then another thing of young adult Telemachus getting kissed by both Penelope and Odysseus on the cheeks at the same time. Finally having both back in his life again. Tears of joy all around.
Something similar to this
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nerdy-stilinski · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up then tag 5 people
Tagged by @derekhalesbian my beloved!!! thank you !!!
1. West of Tulsa by Wyatt Flores
2. eyes don’t lie by kingfishr
3. Solo by Ian Munsick
4. Which Witch by Florence + The Machine
5. drywall by Paris Paloma
no-pressure tags: @dirtbagdefender @stilinskiderek @elisela @missanniewhimsy @outtoshatter
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notscarsafe · 5 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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pedgito · 2 years
hii !! i love your work and i cant get out of my head rockstar!eddie MAYBE EVEN OLDER ROCKSTAR!EDDIE can u do something about him?? PLEASE im begging
author’s note: i’m back with more older!eddie because i literally can’t resist, it’s too good. i hope you enjoy!
cw: 18+ (minors dni), older rockstar!eddie, large age gap (early 20s, late 30s), shy!reader (if you squint), mentions of groupies, oral (m receiving), smoking, lots of dirty talk, deep throating, ect, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 2.8k
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You really had no business being here—shoved into a crowd at a rock concert for a band you’d never heard of. Corroded…something. But, by some cataclysmic fate you’d been shove to the front, body nearly leaning over the railing as the men on stage performed their hearts out, the crowd singing along to every song, hanging on to every word and it felt unreal watch something like this live, and needless to say, you were entranced.
Your friend had disappeared a few minutes earlier for a bathroom break during one of the quick intermissions, but you weren’t sure how easily they’d make it back, everyone packed in tight, leaving barely any room for you to breathe. The men on stage interacted with the crowd for a bit, the long haired one—the lead, you could only assume. He was loud and overbearing, making a complete fool of himself—it was obnoxious, until his eyes landed on you, drawing you in.
What you had failed to realize is that the band indeed liked to bring people on stage, typically for a ridiculous serenade or a chance for someone to show off their musical skills, let out a wild guitar riff or an epic drum solo—unfortunately, you couldn’t handle either.
Your heart clenches in your chest at his subtle nod, grinning barely enough for his teeth to peek through—you shake your head slightly, a thousand eyes burning into the back of your head as the crowd starts to catch up, beginning to interrupt into a cheer of encouragement. He leans back, whispering something to his bandmates until they’re nodding in response, hopping off the stage and heading your way.
And if you weren’t panicking already, the sound of your heart pounding in your ears is enough to drive you mad. You weren’t a fan, didn’t know a single word, and would undoubtedly make a fool of yourself if you let them pull you up on stage, no matter how enticing their presence may be—there was no way you were letting that happen, not in front of thousands of people.
You’re pretty insistent rather, shaking your head the moment they approach you—and from an outsider's perspective you look insane, throwing away an opportunity of a lifetime for some people, all because of your own innate shyness.
“She said no, Eddie.” The younger guy with short cropped and dirty blonde hair shouts back at his bandmates.
Eddie. It’s less fitting than you expect, but you’re not really one to judge—he cocks his head slightly, squatting down on the stage as he waves you forward, fingers wiggling welcomingly.
And maybe if you weren’t surrounded by a crowd of people, you would’ve considered it. He can see the fear in your eyes, jumping down to approach you quickly.
“Are you sure?” He asks, leaning forward to speak into your ear, the roar of the crowd deafening. “Anyone else in here would kill for a chance like this.”
He’s not lying—women would throw themselves on stage and at him, men too, but he’s also constantly surprised by people everyday, though this is a complete first.
“Pick someone else, please.” You beg, eyes pleading, glaring at him simmeringly, “Not me.”
“Hey—what’s going on?” The chipper voice of your friend asks, tearing up behind you as they push through the crowd.
You’ve never been more thankful for the distraction, letting Eddie pluck your friend from the crowd and drag them on stage in your place, but not before whispering over to one of the men lined up by the stage—a couple of professional gentlemen lined up in suits.
He hesitates a step before he hops back on stage and within the distraction of the crowd as they were more entranced with what was happening on stage as your friend took a seat, Eddie tears back and leans toward you again, breath hot as he speaks against the side of your face, “I’ll get you and your friend backstage passes, so try not to run away after the show’s over?”
It felt like a fucking fever dream, wondering if this is normal behavior—which it’s so glaringly obvious that it isn’t, but you keep your naivety at the forefront, nodding quietly in response as his eyes lock on you to confirm, offering you a devious smile in return before he’s gone, back on stage and performing like it was second nature—because to Eddie, it was.
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“This is crazy—this is fucking insane—“
You yank gently at your friend, stalling their overactive movements, knowing they were about to jump out of their skin given the chance.
“Hey, cool—you two are our last ones.” Eddie’s voice echoes behind you, rounding the corner as he nods toward the open door nestled just behind him. “Come on.”
You were trying to seem interested, act like you genuinely wanted to be there—but you couldn’t fake it, taking in the large, unorganized dressing room sparingly, astounded by the idea that people paid real money for experiences like this.
Because while your friend is eating up, enjoying the droves of attention the other bandmates are showing them, you’re reserved, standing back behind as Eddie approaches at your side, unlit cigarettes tucked between his lips.
“You smoke?” He asks curiously, fiddling with his lighter in his hands.
“Yeah.” You answer slowly, offering him a skeptical look.
Eddie easily reaches for the case tucked in his back pocket, offering you a single cigarette. You can feel the tension as he flicks it toward you, wordlessly offering you the chance for a one on one, not that you have a shit. But, you were here—so why not?
“Sure.” You shrug dismissively, reaching for the cigarette as Eddie calls over his shoulder, motioning for you to follow him outside—but considering the dressing room reeked of the smell of weed and smoke already, you weren’t sure he went outside to smoke very often.
“We’ll be back, gonna have a quick smoke—“ He announces, speaking jokingly toward your friend, “I’m sure you’ve got a ton of burning questions.”
Eddie doesn’t light up until he’s outside, heavy metal door clanging shut behind him. He inhaled deeply, igniting the end of the cigarette before extending his arms forward, offering to light your own. You lean forward silently, eyes never leaving his as the flint sparks to life.
“Why are you here?” He asks curiously, shoving the light back into his pocket.
You look around dumbly, taking in the surroundings before looking pointedly at him, “You offered me a smoke, didn’t you?”
Eddie chuckles around the cigarette, pulling it from his lips with a loose grip, thumbs and forefinger gripping the base.
“I meant the show, sweetheart.” Eddie says, tone enticing.
The attraction you feel is…unnatural, bordering on the heels of taboo. He’s nearly twice your age, graying slightly in his beard, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away, slipping one hand under your shirt to rest against your hip as you leaned against the wall.
“My friend had an extra ticket,” You shrug, “and why would I deny a good time?”
“So, you enjoyed the show?” He asks teasingly, cigarette lingering near his lips as he smirks, full of smug attitude.
“What I could,” You admit, “I have no idea who you guys are.”
He snorts a laugh, simmering with a small amount of disbelief.
“Oh, is that hard to believe?” You retort, “God, you musicians are all the same.”
“Musicians? Do tell.” Eddie encourages, puffing a few times in quick succession. “I’d love your take.”
You flick the cigarette toward the ground, stubbing it out with your shoe. “Full of yourselves.” You tell him simply, “Like when I told you I didn’t want to come on stage—you looked offended.”
“Forgive me,” Eddie replies dramatically, “In the past fifteen years not one person has ever turned down that chance. I was a little surprised.”
“Why did you pick me?” You inquire, pressing for more information, catching the way his eyes wander. “Was I just the right amount of pretty for you?”
“Huh,” Eddie replies, “seems like someone else is a little full of themselves.”
You don’t reply, eyebrows raising in annoyance as you wait for his response.
“You looked lost, overwhelmed” Eddie admits, “I was just trying to give you a chance to escape the crowd.”
“By pulling me onstage in front of thousands of people?”
“Look, sweetheart—“
You shake your head insistently, rising to poke a finger into his chest, fingertip pressing against bare skin, flicking at his chain necklace, guitar pick slapping against his chest.
“I’m not your sweetheart—I’m not your groupie, either.” You tell him snippingly, “Do you really think I’m that clueless?”
Eddie gums softly, “And yet, you still followed me out here.”
You pull back slightly, pouting in subtle anger.
“That’s what I thought.” He replies playfully, “So, what’s your excuse?”
The silence is the only answer Eddie needs, knowing you're just as guilty for feeling it too—he extends his hand carefully, flicking the cigarette to a far off dark corner, hoping that you’ll accept his offer.
Whatever that offer may be.
The first touch is instant electricity and Eddie pulls you in with ease, sliding his open palm down your back, resting just above the curve of your ass, other hand releasing yours to squeeze at the side of your neck, pulling you tight against him. His eyes are dark and peering down at you, head slightly turned up as he speaks.
“You can still run away, if you want.” Eddie offers, “I won’t be offended—though I have to admit, you’re much too pretty for me to let go that easily.”
You shake your head silently, skipping the niceties and rubbing a firm hand over the front of his jeans, cock growing hard under your touch. “Should I?”
Eddie tilts his head slightly, confused.
“Run away?” You clarify.
“Remind me how much you know about me?” Eddie asks, knowing that his life wasn’t ever private anymore, not anyone.
He’s lived a majority of his adult life in the limelight and made every possible mistake along the way—it’s refreshing, looking into the innocent and untainted eyes of someone who knew nothing about him; good or bad.
“Not a thing.” You reaffirm, a sharp edged smile on your face as you lean further into him, pressing the line on your body against him.
“Perfect.” He breathes, before tipping your head back to capture your mouth, tongue tasting like whiskey and smoke, the faint mix of sweat and fancy cologne lingering in your senses as you open up to him, lips parting willingly.
He kisses sure of himself, hands never faltering or straying away, squeezing in the places that had you squealing softly into his mouth before eventually traveling to cover your ass fully, squeezing the flesh in his palms as you pull back, allowing him to chase your lips slightly before pulling away, voice low as you speak, “Can I suck your cock?” You ask sweetly and Eddie’s never been so genuinely taken back in his life.
He’s used to quick fucks and nothing else, getting what he could from these short encounters and never thinking twice.
“Fuck yeah,” Eddie replies with a chuckle of amusement, unfastening his pants as you sink to your knees, helping him with his belt, “—shit sweetheart, hold on—“
His quickly strips himself of his jacket, dropping into the floor wordlessly—you spread it out under your knees, knowing it won’t do much but you’re thankful for the gesture, showing it in the way you pull his jeans down his hips enough until you can get a hand around his cock, pumping it in long, slow strokes as it rose to full hardness.
“You know what you’re doing?” Eddie asks, thumb rubbing tenderly at the side of your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. You nod confidently, bottom lip pulled loosely between your teeth as he gently shoves your hand away, gripping himself firmly and lining the head of his cock at your lips, dragging your bottom lip with it as he waits, jaw tensed.
“Open for me, sweetheart.” He tells you kindly, the hand cupping your chin tipping your head up higher, your lips parting obediently until he can slip the tip past your lips, dragging the fleshy head over your tongue, allowing himself a few languid strokes until you’re hollowing your cheeks out, lips wrapping around him at the perfect pressure, swirling your tongue teasingly against the sensitive slit. “Can’t take too long—they’ll come looking,” Eddie speaks idly, mouth hung open slightly as he watches you take more of his cock, your hand coming up to gently swat his away, directing it toward your hair, allowing him to grip a fair portion as you forced yourself deeper, hand wrapping around what you couldn’t cover.
He’s more than you’ve ever taken otherwise, but not so overwhelming that you feel like you shouldn’t, that you can’t.
“I’ll be quick.” You say, breath ghosting over his shaft as your mouth travels down, paying the perfect amount of attention to his balls, rolling the tight sack over your tongue until he’s groaning loudly into the chill air, squeezing at the chunk of hair he had in his grip, “I swear.”
You tease him further, stroking at his shaft with his balls still heavy in your mouth, nose nudging at the properly kept curls settled at the base of his cock, moaning in a effort to pull another desperate noise from him—it works, Eddie grunting through his teeth as he pulls you away, urging you direct the attention toward his aching dick, your tongue peeking out to lick at the small bead of precum, eyes never leaving his face.
You really hadn’t expected to spend your night like this, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to pull away, struck by his intense and heavy gaze, staring down at you with an adoration you’d never felt, with anyone.
“God, those fucking lips,” He comments, thumb rubbing carefully around the edge, the stretch of his dick in your mouth was obscene, no doubt—he could barely keep it together, “where’d you learn to use your mouth like this?”
“Lots and lots of practice,” You tell him honestly, voice dripping with a tone of sweetness that doesn’t nearly make up for the depraved words that come out of your mouth. “—want you to fuck my face, Eddie.”
His eyebrows furrow in disbelief, barely visible under his long bangs, but you can see it—he nods slightly, pulling you back abruptly before repositioning himself, forcing his cock into your mouth slowly until it won’t budge, nudging the back of your throat, eyes watering at the soft intrusion. You nod slowly—it’s all Eddie needs before he’s pulling out again, thrusting back into your mouth harshly.
You moan around him, genuinely startled by his ease of flipping control, face tense and eyes squeezed shut as he fucks your face with fervor. He throws his head back lazily, groaning with every nudge at the back of your throat, gagging when he pulls you forward, holding you still, coming down your throat with no warning—not that you weren’t not expecting it, eyes watering from the intrusion as he pulls you back gently.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry—“ Eddie quickly apologizes, “I didn’t mean—“
You swallow the salty, heady cum that sat in your mouth, smiling at him devilishly; the grin enough to have him falling to his knees.
“Stop trying to be a gentleman, Eddie.” You laugh softly, rising from your spot on the ground and thrusting his leather jacket into his hands, watching as he haphazardly stuffed himself back into his pants, looking disheveled. You could only assume you looked the same. ”I know it’s just an act.”
“Oh, sweetheart—you don’t know a damn thing about me.” Eddie chides, reaching forward to flick a stray hair from your face. “Remember?”
Your snort softly in defiance, sizing him up briefly.
Eddie figured it’s a long shot, but he takes a leap.
“So, we’ve got a show here next week, too—“
“Mmm, no.” You quickly retort, shaking your head shyly.
“I can get you tickets, full VIP treatment.” Eddie confesses, shrugging the jacket back on his shoulders, “It’s a sold out show, you know?”
“And I’m not a groupie.” You reinforce, “Remember?”
You were only half serious—but you couldn’t justify showing up to another show, letting this become a thing. The thrill was exhilarating, knowing you could have something most people would die for, something you knew was far from appropriate.
Eddie laughs briefly, nodding in response. He steps forward unexpectedly, devouring you in a breathtaking kiss, all tongue and teeth, nothing like the softer kiss from earlier. He wants you to remember it.
“Well, if it’s fate,” Eddie says against your mouth, “I guess I’ll see you again.”
“I guess so.” You smile back, playfully biting at his lip before pulling away, heading inside before he can say another word.
And Eddie would try his damndest to make that happen, unbeknownst to you, not that you would’ve minded—Eddie enjoyed the chase.
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roanniom · 2 years
Show Me - Part 2
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: After hooking up with your best friend Eddie, you’ve continued to explore what he taught you. He asks you to tell him about it during a late-night phone call. 
Word Count: 4.6k
Note: In this AU Eddie and Reader are both 18. 
Read Show Me Part 1 Here
Warning: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, phone sex, dirty dirty talk, some angsty feelings but it’s light, masturbation (male and female), friends to lovers continuation, drug use and discussion of drugs
“You’re in trouble now, pretty girl.”
Your head snaps up at Eddie’s words. So do the heads of the rest of the members of Hellfire, your shared friends. The friends who also have never heard Eddie call you ‘pretty girl’ in public. The friends who don’t know that you spent last Saturday night with their dungeon master between your thighs. 
“Is that you speaking, Eddie? Or Argon the Terrible? Either way, someone’s getting a slap in the face.” You give him a pointed look over his DM shield. His smirk widens. 
You both know he hadn’t been speaking as an NPC. He was goading you directly. And in front of everyone. Something you two had agreed not to do. If you were closer to him you would have kicked him under the table. Instead you just glare. 
“It’s a little bit of both,” he dares to say with a shrug. Then he throws a menacing hand up. “But Argon the Terrible does think your skin will make a beautiful pelt. So what say you? Fight or flee?”
You and the boys spend the rest of the session engaged in combat that has Eddie running through a litany of characters and accent, on his toes all evening until you finally defeat him and he lets out a theatrical cry of anguish. He crumples to the floor and the boys pile onto him in a heap, laughing and cheering out their victory. You hang back watching him roll around with all of them. Taking in his massive smile and his kind eyes and the love and care he demonstrates with each of them in turn. At one point he looks up and makes eye contact with you, smiling over Lucas’s head. You can’t help it - your grin reaches epic proportions.
Once everyone has said good bye for the night, it is just the two of you left in the dusty parking lot. It is customary for Eddie to drive you home after Hellfire meetings, but there’s something about being alone together that has your skin goosebumping as you settle into his van. 
The ride is quiet. Or as quiet as it can be with Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath playing at top volume through the speakers. Neither of you say anything until you’re rolling to a stop in front of your house. 
“You promise you weren’t going easy on us today, letting us win that battle?” you ask in the space left over when he turns off the music. Eddie shifts in his seat to look at you, suppressing a mischievous grin.
“Whatever gave you an idea like that, pretty girl?” 
You reach out to swat at him but he grabs your hand in his, holding into it. You look down at the rings on his fingers where they press into yours. 
It’s been three days since that night in his bedroom. Three days and you haven’t discussed it once. In the morning he’d acted the same as ever, so you had done the same. The morning sunlight and the cold slap of soberness sapped away any lingering sexual tension, leaving you just with the feeling that something was different. Something had changed in some irrevocable way. 
It was a Sunday and your parents were getting back to town, however, so you had to high tail it out of there quick. You didn’t see Eddie again until Monday, and though your glances were charged, there wasn’t a moment that you were alone together. You had extracurriculars after school that evening, and work at the local diner the night after that. Not to mention that Eddie had a few deals to attend to. 
You tried not to think too much of it. What did you expect? For Eddie to touch and make you feel things you had never known you could and then for the two of you to ride off into a magical sunset? 
You would hurt your own feelings if you admitted your answer to that question.
So now, three days later, sitting in your driveway with Eddie holding your hand, you feel like you’ve never been more unsure of something in your entire life. 
You’re about to say something when Eddie’s thumb starts rubbing circles into your knuckles. It makes your stomach flip and you glance up at him only to find his eye boring into you. 
“You know, I - ,” he begins. However, a light flips on in the living room window and you scramble to get out of his van. 
“I gotta go - I’ll call you!” you toss over your shoulder as you make your way outside, leaving Eddie alone and a little confused in your wake. 
Now you sit in your bed with the phone hidden with you beneath the covers. You’d quietly grabbed it from the hall after your parents had gone to sleep, pulling it so that the electrical wire fit under your door. You finger the dials to try and work up the courage to call Eddie up.
Why had you said you’d call him? You never call him. You always see him - what’s the point in calling when you could just bike to his trailer in a few hours time. 
But your fingers are moving of their own volition and soon an expectant ring sounds in your ear. 
“Hello hello, Munson estate,” comes Eddie’s answer crackling to life over the line, a bastardized approximation of a British accent coloring his voice. You bite your lip and smile at his customary greeting. 
“Yes, may I please speak with the young Master Munson?” you respond, chewing on your fingernail when you realize the innuendo now laced in the formality. Eddie, however, does not miss a beat.
“He was out on a fox hunt but perhaps I can find him mulling about - Edward?” There’s a dramatic scuffle on the other side of the phone and you can practically see Eddie dropping to the floor and crawling back to the phone. “Hello? Yes, hello?”
“The help called you by your first name. The impertinence!” you say shrilly, not wanting the bit to be over quite yet. Because when it’s over you’ll have to face the real reason you’re calling, and you’re not sure why that is just yet. 
“They did? Well I never!” Eddie replies, getting a big laugh out of you. Once your giggles subside, he speaks again - normally this time - and you can hear the smile in his voice. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you say back, suddenly shy. 
“And to what do I owe the pleasure?” He’s not going to make it easy on you. Not going to do that thing he so often does where he blusters through a conversation, shouldering the weight of it and forging ahead with his own subject matters. No, he’s leaving it up to you. 
“I was just…I just wanted…it’s not like there was anything I really needed to say,” you admit, a lot more stuttery than you would have liked. “Is there anything you need to say?”
“You called me, remember?” he points out, refusing to take the bait. 
“Yeah, that’s true.” You trail off and let the silence hang. You pray to the telephonic gods that Eddie will take pity on your awkward soul and help you out here by changing the subject.
“Want me to…pick something to talk about? Since you seem to have no agenda for this meeting?” You can tell he’s trying really hard not to laugh at you and you appreciate it.
“That would be lovely.” 
“So have you been practicing?” 
“Practicing what?” your brow furrows as you wonder what he could mean. 
“Practicing what I showed you.”
Your heart jumps into your throat and your stomach lurches. So you’re going there. Not the way in that you would have guessed, but you’re crossing that line. You have the option to cower away from the subject - to pretend it never happened and hobble towards a tenuous status quo - or you could approach it head on. 
You choose the latter, but flip it on him.
“You mean have I been touching myself?” you ask boldly, inwardly celebrating that your words come out strong. You hear a huff on the other line. 
“That’s exactly what I mean, princess.” 
You’re silent for a moment, nodding but not yet answering in a way that he would be able to hear until - 
“Yes. I have.”
A groan pushes into you through the speaker and it makes your whole body feel on fire. You imagine him laying out on his bed, phone cord equally straining from where he’d dragged it into his room. What does he look like right now? You close your eyes and try to imagine him in your mind.
“And what?”
“How does it feel? Are you converted to the ways of pleasure yet?” he asks, tone still light and jokey as ever in spite of the fact that his voice now has a slightly huskier tinge. 
��I’ll be honest. I think I’m all in on it, yeah,” you say with a laugh. His joins you over the phone. 
“You hedonistic strumpet.”
He has you rolling your eyes and giggling even from a distance. 
“I’m sure I could say the same about you.”
“Me? No. I’m innocent as the fresh fallen snow,” he says back wickedly. 
“Oh yeah? How many times have you jerked off today?”
“Three,” he replies without missing a beat. “What about you?” When you hesitate he tsks. “Don’t get shy on me now, princess.”
“I haven’t…today.”
A beat.
“Do you want to?” Eddie asks. You twirl the phone cord around your finger.
“I mean, I still plan on it, yeah.”
“Want any help?” He says it nonchalantly. As if he’s offering to help you with homework, which you both know he’d never do because he already cheats off yours every day. 
“Eddie you can’t come over now. My parents are asleep down the hall.”
“I didn't say anything about coming over,” he replies. Your heart skips a beat and you settle deeper into your pillows. 
“What exactly do you have in mind then?”
“We could…talk about something sexy,” he says vaguely, sounding as if he’s reaching for a topic. As if he hadn’t expected you to play along and now as to go through with something for which he wasn’t prepared. The hesitation has you laughing and melts some of your nerves. You forget that you’re on a more even playing field these days.
“Oh yeah? What’s something sexy, big boy?” Eddie’s answering chuckle is low. 
“I forgot. You think I’m big. Too big even.”
Blood rushes in your ears as you remember flashes of the moment when you commented on his size. You were on your back with Eddie on top of you, his body between your legs. Your thighs fall open now beneath your blankets and you’re sorely disappointed to feel just how empty the space is between them without him. 
“What did you think about?” you ask then, trying to distract from the way your body is reacting. 
“What did I think about when you said I was too big? That you were perfect,” Eddie replies with a laugh. 
“No. What did you think about when you jerked off each time today?”
You hear silence on the other line for a second as Eddie’s laughter dies down. 
“You,” he says simply when he speaks up. You hold your breath waiting for him to continue and he hums. “That can’t be surprising, Princess.” 
Your heart stutters at his low voice. Honesty. That seems the best route. 
“I hoped you thought about me,” you whisper into the receiver. Eddie let’s out an incredulous laugh. 
“I used to think about you all the time when I had little more than my imagination to go off of. You think I made you cum and then I quit you cold turkey?” 
“Eddie…” you try to chide, but you really can’t. Because your smile is wide and he can most certainly hear it through the phone. 
“Just saying it like it is, Princess.” You imagine him shrugging, an equally big smile on his face. You twirl the phone cord around your finger thoughtfully for a moment. 
“When you were thinking of me…what was I doing?” 
Eddie groans at the question and the sound shoots straight through your body. The hand not holding the phone covers you breast, squeezing before ghosting a finger over your nipple through your shirt, imagining what it would feel like if he were here doing it instead. 
“You were undoing me piece by piece, Princess.” He sounds a little less composed than before. 
“Fucking ‘how’ - Christ,” Eddie laughs, repeating your question. “Little things. Some it was normal stuff you already do. Bending down. Rubbing your ass or tits against me as you walked by.” 
“I do not do that,” you practically cry out indignantly though your mind quickly flashes back to the story he told you about watching WarGames together. You can hear Eddie tsking immediately. 
“Oh but you do. You really do. And I’ve had all the inconvenient boners in inconvenient places to prove it.”
You inhale sharply but stay quiet. Silently willing him to continue on, which he does. 
“But some of it was a little more risqué.” 
“Oh risque was it?” You giggle, teasing his word choice and moving your hand to play with your other breast. You feel the rustle of fabric in the distance and a soft thud and imagine he just stripped off and discarded his jacket. Like he’s settling in. Getting comfortable. 
“You took off your clothes for me. One thing at a time. Made a real show of it.” His voice is huskier now and you’d give anything to see him at this exact moment. 
“And you liked the show?” You ask, allowing your hand to slide down and cup the mound between your legs. 
“I came three times today thinking of you under me. So I believe that’s a ‘fuck yes’,” Eddie clarifies with a chuckle. There’s another rustle - sort of like friction on denim - and your heart rate picks up. But Eddie keeps going. “What about you? You said you’ve been practicing.” 
“Well I’ve been thinking about…your hands.” You find yourself biting your lip as you allow yourself to be honest. As you do so your own hand slides underneath your shorts and panties, fingers sinking into your already wet folds. “They’re so strong and…” you take a deep breath. “They felt so good inside me.” 
Another groan issues from Eddie’s side of the line and you let your finger swirl around your clit. 
“Yeah? You still thinking of my fingers inside that tight pussy?” He says it seriously and it is so hot you almost combust. But you’re also experiencing a rush from doing something so inappropriate that you let out a heady giggle. 
“There’s the porn dialogue again.” You’re aware of how breathless your words come out. The fact that they are slightly higher pitched. 
“You fucking love it, Princess. Don’t act like me talking about your pussy right now isn’t making it so wet you can’t stand it.” 
“Jesus Christ” you breathe out. One finger sinks into your hole while you use the index finger on your other hand to continue drawing circles on your clit. “Yeah but it’s not the same.” It’s almost a complaint. Almost more whine than statement. 
“What’s not the same?” 
“M-my fingers.” 
“Are…are you touching yourself right now?” The incredulous sound of his voice has your hands freezing their movement. 
“I…I thought that’s what we were doing…” you reply, suddenly self conscious. Embarrassment begins to rise like heat in your body but Eddie is quick to clarify. 
“That’s what I hoped we were doing but - fucking Christ I didn’t think you’d actually want…how wet are you?” He’s flustered and you imagine him running a distracted hand through his wild hair. 
“I’m really wet, Eddie.” 
“Fuck,” is all he says in response. The sound of a zipper and more shuffling on the other line and suddenly you can’t breathe. You picture him laid out on his bed, the phone pressed to his ear while he takes himself in his own hand and strokes. 
“Are you hard?” 
“Baby I’ve been hard since the call started. Right now I’m trying to keep from losing my mind.” 
“I thought you already came three times today,” you tease, relaxing deeper against the bed and renewing the motion between your thighs. 
“Oh are you bragging now? You’re lucky smug sounds hot on you.” Eddie laughs. You can hear him by now. Hear his hand on his cock in a steady slide of skin on skin. 
“I’m just happy I can have an effect on you.” 
“You have no fucking clue, do you? The effect you have on me.” His breathing is labored and you feel your own pick up. A wonderful, taut tension starts pulling in your abdomen. 
“I…I wish that was my hand on your cock.” 
“Fucking hell,” Eddie cries out with exhasperation as if you’ve wounded him instead of turned him on more. It gives you courage to go further, all while sinking another finger inside of yourself. 
“Or my mouth.” 
Eddie abruptly grits out your name and you feel your hips buck up against your hand. 
“Last week you couldn’t even talk about touching yourself and tonight you have your fingers in your pussy and you’re trying to make me bust.” He sounds distantly proud and you can’t help the thrill that runs down your body. 
“Well you inspire me, Eddie.” 
“Fuck I like hearing you say my name.” 
“I’ve said it a hundred times, Ed.” 
“Sounds different when you’re turned on.” 
“Eddie.” You try it on for size and he moans into your ear through the phone. Your pulse is pounding in your ears and in your pussy and your fingers curl up onto the sweet spot you’d found while exploring and thinking of his hard cock the night before. It makes you let out a little cry. 
“I’m gonna need you to hurry up and cum. Alright?” 
“I want to cum.” You’re feeling squirmy and impatient now. When he’d touched you, you found the edge very quickly. Under your own unpracticed fingers you’re chasing the floaty feeling he’d so easily achieved in you. 
“I know, baby.” 
“I…I have two fingers inside me,” you let him know. He lets out a guttural groan of agony. 
“Want to see you.” 
“I want to feel you.” You’re long past discomfort or awkwardness now. You’re getting more and more frustrated as your climax nears. 
“If I was there, Princess, I’d make you feel sooo good right now.” His words make you even more frustrated.  It comes out vocally in the form of a whine. You’re almost upset that this is happening over the phone rather than in person. Eddie seems to sense it. “Just keep talking to me, baby.” 
“This is the harder part,” you mumble. You hear Eddie’s hand speed up on his cock and he barks out a laugh. 
“You’re telling me.” 
“No, I mean…ugh.” You’re giggling at his words but still your finger works frantically at your clit, your brow furrowed in concentration. “It’s hard to make myself…cum.” 
“Fuck, Princess,” you hear his motion pause and imagine him squeezing the base of his dick to stave off his orgasm. “You’re doing a pretty good job with me.” 
You let out a laugh that sounds too breathy to your own ears. A new surge of wetness coats your fingers as you consider the effect you’re having on him. 
“You’re better at touching me, Eddie,” you whisper. He full on moans in response and you hear his stroking resume, faster now. 
“If I was there I’d kiss you. Up and down your whole body,” he says with renewed conviction. You picture it in your mind’s eye. Try to approximate the weight and pressure of him on top of you, the drag of his lips against your skin. You moan and he continues. “I’d kiss that sweet spot on your neck. That spot you wanted me to keep on sucking. I wouldn’t stop this time.”
Your breathing hitches and the coil inside you tightens dramatically. 
“I’d suck and bite until you were all marked up. Till you were writhing under me, still begging for more.” 
“Eddie.” You say his name. Not as a question or as a reproach but as a statement. The punctuation to a gasp. The fingers of one hand are pumping in and out of you at a rapid speed now, your other hand rubbing mindlessly at your bud. 
“I’d suck on that sweet spot until the mark was so big and so dark that you couldn’t hide it. Everyone would know you were getting it good. Everyone would know someone was treating you right, pretty girl.” 
“You, Eddie,” you correct his vagueness. Your eyes are shut tight, your head positively cricking as you keep the phone balance between your shoulder and your ear, your hands bringing you almost all the way to the edge. “You’re treating me right.” 
“Nobody would assume it’s me,” he contradicts with a huffing laugh. His labored breaths have turned to full on pants at this point, accentuated with the staccato sound of his hand on his cock. “Everyone knows I’m just your freak friend, Princess. Beauty and the fucking beast.” 
“You treat me right, Eddie,” you correct him again, shaking your head though he can’t see you. “Y-you’ve always treated me right.” Your voice breaks around your words and Eddie looses a moan.
“Fuck, princess. What are you doing to me?”
“What am I doing to you? What are you doing to me?” you laugh incredulously. “You’ve turned me into some…some…”
“Hedonistic strumpet?” Eddie offers, making a call back to his earlier assessment of your newfound debauchery. 
“You’re an asshole,” you whimper without an ounce of menace. You’re too close. Laughing and talking to him like this - touching yourself like this while he’s there on the other line - has got you right there. So near the edge. 
“And you’re a fucking wet dream,” he replies, hoarse. “You know that I can hear you? I can hear how wet you are for me.”
“Oh god,” you exhale, your eyes shooting open and you stare blindly at the ceiling.
“How am I going to be able to sit next to you tomorrow and pretend like everything’s normal when all I’ll be able to do is remember this sound? Jesus H. Christ.” 
“Fuck, Eddie.” Your fingers rock to a stop inside you and your hips stutter.  
“Have to keep pretending like you’re just one of the guys. Which you’ve never been because you’ve always been just this…this fucking forbidden fruit. Fuck.” He’s rambling now. Babbling and it isn’t making sense at all. Both because it is nonsense and because you’ve lost the ability to comprehend words. You’re so overwhelmed by his voice and the vision in your mind that you have of his hands on his own body moving in tandem with your own. “I just…I just fucking want you. I need you so bad, princess.”
“Then have me.” Your voice is weak and laced with everything you’re not saying. Everything neither of you are saying as you both continue to dance this dance. Eddie moans and the guttural sound coming from so deep within him is what does you in. You unravel and your hips buck against your hand as you cry out. “Eddie!”  
“Are you cumming? Is that you cumming?” His voice is so urgent and raw but all you can do is nod, though he can’t see it. Your desperate pants confirm his suspicions and he curses under his breath. The sound of him fucking his fist intensify. “So fucking unfair that I can’t see you right now. Can’t believe you wouldn’t let me come over.” 
“Fuck…that was…oh fuck,” you give him a shaky laugh as you start to come down from the orgasm, your entire body still pulsing. 
“Ughhh you sound so good. I just…fuck.” You hear the same frustration in his voice which had been so prevalent in your voice just moments ago. You know he’s equal parts turned on, disappointed, and impatient. You stretch out like a cat, feeling relaxation seep into your muscles. 
“Eddie…are you going to cum?” you ask weakly. It’s a silly question, not really tinged with teasing. It’s pretty genuine and doesn’t even really sound as dirty as the words would imply. And suddenly Eddie is calling out your name through the phone. You imagine his hips thrusting. Imagine cum coating his stomach and hand. Again you get that phantom urge to taste him. To put your mouth on him and receive everything he has to give. To shock him and make the pleasure last that much longer for him. 
You hear him flop back onto his bed and breathe heavily into the receiver just as your blood starts fizzling again from your flight of fancy. 
“Maybe there’s a reason you’re forbidden fruit,” he says when he starts to catch his breath. “Feels illegal to cum that hard.”
“Since when have you cared about something being illegal, Eddie Munson?” You nuzzle your head into your pillow, keeping the phone pressed between your pillow and your ear. 
“You got me there, princess,” he chuckles. You hear rummaging and then the click of a lighter. A hiss indicates an exhalation of smoke. “Speaking of illegal, I have a new shipment of that stuff you like. What do you think? I come get you, we get high and I fuck you the way I should have fucked you in the first place?”
A thrill runs through your body and you feel your recently slowed heart rate skip back up in record time. 
“I have to go to sleep, Eddie,” you chide, though there’s humor - and regret - apparent in your tone. 
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he replies good naturedly and you can hear his massive grin. “Fuck, I came so hard I could probably knock out right now anyway. What the fuck is in your voice? I should bottle that up and sell it, it’s a fucking drug.” 
“I could say the same about you. Since when have you sounded so sexy?”
“I’ll pretend I never heard you say that since I’m in a band and have always sounded sexy,” he jokes. 
You stretch again and in doing so inadvertently glance at the clock which makes your eyes widen. 
“Shit. It’s so late.”
“Yeah, it is,” he agrees, but he makes no attempt to close out the call. Your heart pinches with fondness. You don’t want to be the one to end it either but you have to, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“I’m gonna go…”
“Princess?” he calls out and your heart clenches. 
“There’s that party down by the lake this Friday. That burnout Roger from Chem has his parent’s place to himself. Are we going?”
You two make appearances at parties together all the time. You’ve always been practically attached at the hip, other than when he has to do deals, and even then sometimes you tag along if you know the customer. But you aren’t sure if the “we” in his question is the same “we” as always or if it implies a different level of togetherness. Your throat itches to ask, but you swallow and just answer simply. 
“Yeah I’m game.”
“Knew you would be,” he replies and yet again you hear his smile. A second stretches out and you feel like he wants to say something else. You feel the urge to say something else yourself, but you settle on the easier option. 
“Good night, Eddie.” 
“Good night, princess.”
Taglist (this is a mix of people who asked specifically to be tagged and people who begged for a part 2, please let me know if you would like to be added or taken off the list!): @ sunkissed-babygirl @ lovely-pineapples @ ohhersheybars @ marcs-grant @ itswormtrain @ short1989 @ took-me-hours-to-steal-those @aphr0d1teh @ andrea-the-perverted-fangrl @ fruitsaladtree @ pandorablackthorn @ greeneyedsuccubunny @ stardust-galaxies @indiffrents @ fanofmanystuff @ marsh-melows-blog @ katsukis1wife @ spookyreidd @ bluetreecloud20 @ tarosin @ impossible-potatoe @ pennamesgame @ dracoola98 @ dickfacemcshitboner @ marvelnbangtanslut @ weed-gummy @ emieg92 @ greeneyedsuccubunny @ novativee @ wotthefckuwantluv @ k222wa @ indiffrents @ babywitchbitch33 @ monimickell @ starsxmoonsx @cowboy-kylo @theoncrayjoy @millenialcatlady @sacklerscumrag​ @ liaharrington @ lovely-pineapples @ milos-dump @ hugmedin @ disappointmenttomyfamily69 @ itsatrashfire @ took-me-hours-to-steal-those @ that-girl-named-alex @ alohastitch0626 @ carlya65 @ i-love-strangerthings @ i-love-strangerthings @ your-local-theater-kid @ imagine-all-the-imagines @ jupiter1608 @ kittenxo-xo @ lanadelreyspepsicola @ lainternettuale @ marauderssimpcuzwhytfnot @ insidxangel @copycatkillerfics
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mysticstarlightduck · 29 days
Late Writeblr Intro!
Hello, friends!
I figured it was about time I made an actual blog intro of my own since I forgot to make one when I started this blog last year. Better late than never, lmao!
Pls, reblog, like, and/or reply to help boost the blog! 💕
Let's get started:
Personal Stuff! 💜🩶🖤
My name is Anna/Anya but you can call me Mystic, Ducky, or just Anya on this blog! My personal nickname is Ani and I adore it (:
I am an Asexual woman (my pronouns are she/her!) and I'm also personally an atheist who puts my faith in the spirits of Mother Nature, though I respect all other religions equally!
I'm Gen Z and Latina (Brazilian). I was raised bilingual (Brazilian Portuguese + English) and I love learning languages - currently, I'm working on learning French and Spanish! Career-wise I am studying in college to become a character designer and hopefully animator, as I want to pursue a career as an artist and writer! I also wish to have my WIPs published in the near future (:
Some fun facts about me!
My favorite shows are Critical Role, Game of Thrones, Castlevania, The Legend of Vox Machina (animated series), Star Wars, Voltron, The Dragon Prince, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and DC Comics content, as well as many more lmao. I love watching movies and series!
My favorite Vox Machina characters are Vax'ildan and Percy (:
I am a younger sister 💖
My hair is short and curly (pixie style, similar to the haircut Rapunzel has at the end of the Tangled movie!)
I adore listening to music, especially songs that can inspire me to write my WIPs! Playlists are a huge part of my writing process and something I really enjoy making.
I'm currently rereading Shadow and Bone (+ Six of Crows) and I am always looking for more good dark fantasy/historical fantasy books to read so book recs are always welcome! I also am a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series and Trials of Apollo (by Rick Riordan), though I'm usually more of a gritty/dark fantasy fan (like Game of Thrones)!
I have three dogs and two cats!😺🐶
I know how to play the piano, though I haven't done that in a while because things have been chaotic for me, but I'd like to start playing regularly again in my winter vacation.
I have worn glasses since I was 5 years old and have terrible eyesight without them (and some days with them, lol, so bear with me).
My friends and I are doing a DnD campaign every Sunday, where I play as a half-elf rogue named Aeryn (he/him). I'm adoring this adventure so far, it's so fun!!!
I love to bake and am rather good at it, but am a painfully average cook lmao (some specific recipes I make are actually rlly good, but it depends a lot on my mood and the 'alignment of the stars' lol)
I want to learn how to knit/crochet! 🧶
I'm a theater nerd and love musicals (:
About my Writing!🏹⌛
I write fictional works mostly in the genre of fantasy (high fantasy/epic fantasy/dark fantasy/historical fantasy/urban fantasy, etc. You name it!) and science fiction (space opera/cyberpunk/superhero, etc).
My works usually revolve around themes such as epic quests, secrets, adventure, rebels fighting an oppressive system, sibling bonds, acceptance/respect, outcasts, and much, much more! I love fluff and whump equally, and though my stories tend to focus on serious topics (or at least darker/heavier themes) within a fantasy/sci-fi setting, I like to have a good bit of humor, lighthearted fun, and comedy to my stories to lighten up the mood!
My main WIPs:
Song of Thorns
🌹WIP Intro: (here)🌹
Genre: dark fantasy, medieval fantasy, adventure/mystery, dark fairytale, eldritch horror (mild)
Style: Standalone (possible Trilogy)
Tags: #wip song of thorns #song of thorns
Short Summary/About: "A peasant girl moves with her siblings from her struggling seaside village to the kingdom's glittering floating capital, but after her older brother is kidnapped, she ends up discovering the dark, bloody secrets hiding behind the long-lasting royal family of the town and must team up with a young dhampir thief, the exiled prince, and a lonely druid girl to save the dying kingdom from this web of lies".
Supernova Initiative
🎇WIP Intro: (here) 🎇
Genre: space opera, adventure, exploration, laboratory whump, heist, thriller/mystery
Style: Episodic book series with an overarching plot (each chapter/group of chapters equivalent to an episode in a TV series)
Tags: #wip supernova initiative #supernova initiative
Short Summary/About: "A young intergalactic thief and his crew are captured after a heist gone wrong and forced to accept a strange deal - complete a mission for the Junction, retrieve important missing files, and get their freedom back. All the while that is happening, Jack Tithus, the protagonist, finds himself trapped as a test subject to an immoral, and elusive, man known as the Director."
Enchanted Illusions
💀 WIP Intro: (here)💀
Genre: Victorian fantasy, adventure, mystery, gothic fantasy, dark fantasy, crime-solving
Style: Possibly a trilogy
Tags: #wip enchanted illusions, #enchanted illusions
Short Summary/About: "On a magical setting inspired by Victorian times, a group of strangers and outcasts must work together to thwart a powerful secret organization and stop a murder spree that could lead to another civil war between myths and humans."
Of Starlight and Beasts
✨⚔️WIP Intro: (here)⚔️✨
Genre: medieval fantasy, epic fantasy, adventure/quest, dark fairytale, sword and sorcery, prophecies
Style: Book Series
Tags: #wip of starlight and beasts, #enchanted illusions
Short Summary/About: "A young knight in training and an amnesiac star mage embark on a quest to prevent an ancient prophecy from coming to fruition as a vengeful sorceress queen's army marches relentlessly onto their land with the intent to destroy all their kingdom has built."
The Last Wrath
🔥⚔️WIP Intro: to be made...⚔️🔥
Genre: dark fantasy, warfare, political intrigue, espionage, adventure/quest, medieval fantasy, whump
Style: Book Series (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip the last wrath, #the last wrath
Short Summary/About: "In a land torn by an ancient war between two sides of a continent, a mageborn girl finds herself trapped amid the bloodshed after her past comes back to haunt her and her family. Now, stopping the war may be the only chance she still has to survive."
Tales of Wilted Flowers
🥀WIP Intro: to be made...🪻
Genre: RPG-inspired fantasy, high fantasy, adventure, fairytale, epic quest, heist story, whump, light fantasy
Style: Trilogy (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip tales of wilted flowers #tales of wilted flowers
Short Summary/About - "A group of youths rejected and betrayed by society in many different ways come together due to unexpected circumstances and must rely on each other to prevent the kingdom's corrupt Head Sorcerer and the King from reviving an ancient evil."
Realms of Loss
🍂WIP Intro: (here)🍂
Genre: dark fantasy, warfare, medieval fantasy, high fantasy, ancient times fantasy, Viking-inspired, prophecies & curses
Style: Book Series (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip realms of loss #realms of loss
Short Summary/About - "In a continent destroyed by the fall of the Old Gods, and trapped in an endless toil for survival, a cocky young prince discovers his role in an ancient prophecy after his brother, the King, is murdered and assassins come for him too. Running away into the forsaken land beyond the walls of his kingdom, he'll have to learn to be a leader and save his people as a dead, murderous God awakens."
Mutant Inquiries/Open Secret Files
🤖 WIP Intro: to be made..🤖
Genre: superhero, cyberpunk, futuristic, dystopian, science fiction, urban fantasy
Style: Episodic Series, still in development
Tags: #wip mutant inquiries #wip open secret files #mutant inquiries #open secret files
Short Summary/About: "In a dystopian, high-tech future, a group of mutant teenagers become vigilantes and crime fighters to rebel against the oppressive government regime and survive their crime-ridden city."
I have a few other smaller-scale WIPs I occasionally, less frequently work on, such as Lies Untold and Jade Ruins, but those up above are the main ones that I wish to publish. I've also got a big, secret extra WIP I'm working on for fun and will share it with you guys soon!
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7grandmel · 1 month
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Little Munson
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Summary: you over hear Eddie telling your 7 year old boy to stand up to his bullies
Pair: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Writing: first person (I and my used)
Very short one shot!
It was the late 1990s, spring was unbearably hot this year so some god awful reason. Perhaps to make my pregnancy harder.
I was cleaning up the dinner table, putting away left over of Adam’s favourite meal so he could enjoy it again tomorrow. I heard whispering once I turned the tap off, secretly expecting that my two boys were up to no good.
Leaning against Adam’s bedroom door, I saw Eddie and our son sitting on the floor with the faces staring out the window.
“You can tell me about it you know, I’ve had my fair share of it.” Eddie spoke softly, his hand moving the dark brown frizzy hair from his son’s face.
Adam shrugged, neither of them noticing that I was witnessing this moment between them.
“I don’t know Dad, I don’t get what I’m doing wrong.”
“Nothing, there’s nothing wrong with you and your haven’t done anything wrong,” Eddie said. “Most kids just don’t like different.”
“And I’m different?”
“Oh you bet you are!” He smiled and tickled the boys stomach, “you love awesome stuff that even I never heard of, and you have epic drawings skills, and you can beat anyone at any video game on the planet!”
He gradually lifted the child onto his lap, swaying slowly.
“Why do they tease me?”
Eddie sighed, “they just don’t understand you Budd. I got teased because I like playing D&D, and because of the type of music I like and the way I dressed.”
The boy turned to look at his father slightly, and my heart instantly shattered when I saw both of them were crying silent tears.
Adam may not have been exactly like Eddie, but Eddie never made that an issue. He would always become excited when he learnt something new about our little boy, after all- he took a lot after me.
“Did they- did they call you names?” He asked.
Eddie nodded, “heaps of names. And you know what? I never let it get to me, I used to names too to prove to them that it didn’t mean anything. I became Eddie “the freak” Munson for all of high school.”
Adam giggled. “They call me ‘pages’. Because I’m always reading. I don’t think it’s very clever.”
Eddie snorted, “Your mom used to get called ‘goggles’ because one time she left science class with the safety glasses still on and didn’t notice for the entire day!”
“No way!” Your son erupted in laughter, “that’s so like mom.”
I couldn’t find it to be mad at them for bonding over my trauma. I couldn’t shake off that nickname for years, hell it was even in my year book.
But hearing all of this was helping Adam. My brave, curious and friendly little boy. He never complained, never sought out trouble. He was content keeping to himself, until he would notice someone else who looked lonely. That’s how he made all of his friends; he got that from Eddie, rescuing poor little lost sheep.
The only times we have ever been told about him be violent or rude was always when he was defending someone else. Yet for himself, he would bottle it up and pretend it didn’t exist.
“Mhm, that’s why we want you to know that there’s always going to be someone bigger, and meaner, but as long as you keep being you, then your ok. It’s the second you let them get to you, that they win.”
“How did you do it?” He asked.
Eddie smiled proudly, standing to his feet and lifting the seven year old in the air. “I would be loud and make the same remarks back to them. I reminded them that no one dares try to belittle Eddie ‘the freak’ or Eddie ‘the banished’!”
“Mommy says I talk back like you do, the sparcastic thing.”
“Sarcastic Budd, sarcastic.” Eddie corrected him. “And yeah you do. Do you think you’re all better now to go to sleep, or do you want me to stay some more.”
“I’m better. I’m not upset anymore, not if you and mom were like me too.” He said. Eddie kissed his cheek.
“Night Bud, see you in the morning okay?”
“Night Dad.”
I rushed out of the doorway before either of them could see me, or so I thought.
“Bedtime go well?” I asked, fixing up the table.
Eddie smiled and draped his arms around me, “You know, when your this large because you’re carrying our daughter, it’s a little hard to miss the noises you make when you walk darling.”
I swatted his arm. “I tried to be quiet!”
He only laughed at me, kissing me softly
If only it was possible for me to fall even more in love with this man, I knew I would every time he smiled.
Tag list: @fentyreligion @littlelunarfox @coconutchumby @eempxth @superflannel @fluffycookies22
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theboarsbride · 1 year
Faerie Book Recommendations🧚✨📚
So reading Sarah J Maas and her very, very shitty interpretation and (under)utilization of fae lore is inspiring me to create a personal list of books I've read that I feel like have like... ACTUAL faeries and folklore in them (not the normal-looking-hot-folks-with-pointy-ears-and-MAYBE-wings brand of faerie SJM popularized), and are actually worth your time
And if you've any books, stories, comics, etc. that you'd want to add to this list, feel free to add them in the comments, reblogs, tags, or my DMs!!
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
Very eerie fairytale vibes that center on the aftermath of the disappearance, and even more mysterious return, of three sisters when one of them goes missing again almost 10 years later. And also the writing is legit just B E A U T I F U L!!!
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
This is chock-full of classical faeries and folklore, and almost reads like a textbook about them since this is about a woman, the titular Emily Wilde, traveling to a Scandinavian country to complete her own encyclopedia about the fair-folk. It also features some lowkey cottagecore vibes and an academic rivals-to-lovers romance!
Gilded (Gilded #1) by Marissa Meyer
A retelling of Rumpelstiltskin that reads like its own dark Grimm's fairytale, and it's as eerie and grim as a YA fantasy novel can get. It also centers on themes of telling stories and folktales since the main character, Serilda, is infamous for spinning wild tales - which is what leads to her encounter with the famed, and feared, Earlking (who, as a villain, is so sinister and creepy - and utterly FAE!). Personally, this book wasn't really my cup of tea and I'm unsure if I'll read the sequel, Cursed, however it still has some classic fae vibes that SJM's work lacks, so it deserves a place on this list!
The Changeling by Victor LaValle
I'm using the term 'faerie' very loosely here, as the idea of changelings (and trolls), for me, is more of a narrative device to help us look into grief in fatherhood. But there is still a very strange, vaguely Pans Labyrinth-esque urban fantasy vibe playing in the background throughout!
Slewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery by Brom
Not necessarily FAERIES but more of mischievous and distrustful woodland folk - and also forest gods. Very heavily steeped in early colonial America era folk horror vibes... if you love media like Robert Eggers' The VVitch then you will ADORE this book! Also Brom's accompanying artwork is so, so beautiful! This is honestly such a perfect fall-time read once Halloween season rolls around.
Legendborn Cycle series by Tracy Deonn
Ok no faeries but... mixes classic Arthurian legends with southern Black beliefs while also telling an epic urban fantasy story centering on themes of grief, trauma, and prejudice. So no fae, but LOTS of great urban fantasy vibes (which I mean... if you're looking for more series to put on your shelf instead of Harry Potter......) Just... Please... just... this series... it's so GOOD!! IDK what else to add that hasn't been said about this series!
Direwood by Catherine Yu
Once again, not necessarily faeries in this book but instead vampires that have a very fae-like quality about them! (as well as blood-hungry butterflies and caterpillars hee-hee) The story as a whole feels like a whimsical fever dream that is STEEPED in tasty Gothic vibes! It sort of has the feeling of being in a late '90s/early '00s Goth music video.
Like Falling Stars by Avalon Roselin (@roselin-books-official)
A story about a girl who's forgotten her past and comes to develop a sweet friendship with a brooding ice faerie prince, and is brimming with so many cozy fantasy vibes!! Also all the fae characters in this novel are so colorful and lively, and they're all very heavily tied to elements and the seasons. Also ALSO!! The main relationship focuses primarily on platonic love as opposed to romantic, and is just as endearing! A perfect cozy winter/fall-time read.
Netvor: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast by @rosesnwater
Both a completed novel and an in-progress webcomic available to read on Tapas and Webtoons. Again, another story where major themes center on storytelling and fairytales, but also recovering from trauma and grief! There are so, so many classic faerie vibes, and even featuring pinnacle figures from classic fae lore like the Goblin Market, and it manages to feel equal parts nostalgic and unique in its use of faerie lore!
Dandies in Danger podcast by @dandiesindanger
A table-top RPG podcast instead of a novel! It features four queer men that are dragged into a world of fae and horror, all while set against the backdrop of Regency era London. It starts as a VERY eerie fae mystery (featuring figures like Titania and Oberon), but it slowly becomes a dark, horror historical-fantasy, and it's great! Also art by the podcast's creators is so good!
So these are the recs I have to offer for now!! As always, feel free to add more recommendations!!!💛
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Ok y'all it's time to join the party (very late) on my latest deep obsession, which THIS TIME I am going to allow myself to pursue instead of killing the joy (because of how intense it can get) and share with you!!
And that obsession is Epic: The Musical.
Holy smokes man this thing has remolded my brain, it just somehow hits all of those things which I desperately love in media
Firstly. The music is absolutely exquisite. And not even in the ways you'd normally think! Like--there's such wonderfully detailed soundscaping! The musical follows Odysseus on his journey home, and the songs themselves contain beautifully done effects that basically make the listening experience into a movie in your head. Monsters, crashing oceans, the underworld itself--and not only is this included in non-muscial sound design, it's incorporated into the music itself. The realm of the wind gods uses flutes as the main instrument--because it's a WIND instrument I'm losing my mind
PLUS there's the additional elements of musical "Easter eggs," thematic connections, leitmotifs, instrumentation identification, musical callbacks and even foreshadowing like come ONNNNN it's so well done
All of this with the added bonus that the songs, while cohesive, do not all sound the same, and do not feel like normal musical theater songs. They are the perfect mix between modern music, orchestral arrangements, and a musical theater jam, because they are 1. SUPER great to belt along to, 2. Very much linked together (as explained above) and 3. Very unlike the standard, vocal-focused empty pop sound we're used to (theater) while keeping the innovative, ear-wormy, modern (pop) beat that often feels out of place in theater!
And lyrically this musical is super strong. I spent a ton more time on the music (and will likely write more at length later) because that is what got me obsessed with it, but there's also much to praise lyrically! Unlike most modern "non-theater" musicals, while you can tell at places that it has been influenced by (the ever-present) Lin-Manuel Miranda, it feels authentically unique and independent. So many songs have genuinely profound lines (check out Just a Man, the second song in the saga) and the pop elements never lend themselves to empty repetition. Everything sung or said has a purpose, which I am obsessed with. Yes king go off give us everything
Finally (for now) there's just the genuine love that the creator(s) have for this musical. Jay Rivera-Herrans is the brain behind it (he wrote the entire musical over several years) and like...just look at what he shares about it on his Instagram. He gets so EXCITED!! And not like PR excitement, this is like legit "I'm making silly noises because I can't contain myself" excitement!!! He reminds me of me in that sense because he has SO much love and passion for what he does and the nuance in it and the people who enjoy his work, and he shares that in an unfiltered, real, authentic way, and we need to see more of that in the world.
Anyway, if you haven't heard of it and are now interested, it's pretty easy to catch up--there are 5 of the 9 sagas out right now, but only half of the songs, and Spotify has a playlist or two that has them all in order. It's only an hour and eight minutes worth of listening and I have just listened to it through twice in two days; it really does not get old. And then if you go to Jay's Instagram the rabbit hole is deep!! And he explains a lot of the lore and symbolism and intentionality/Easter eggs in the musical!! I went through all of the content he posted, pretty much...
So there's my official hawking of Epic (if only I had gotten in on this earlier!! The "Get in the Water" song that was trending a while ago?? That's from this!!) and you should go listen to it!!!!
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gatoraid · 9 months
Anime recs for The Radiant Emperor enjoyers
I was watching the new Ooku anime on Netflix some weeks ago and I thought it hit that ”court drama dealing with gender roles and making me cry” spot that He Who Drowned the World has been occupying in my heart lately (even if it engages with some of these themes very differently).
Somehow that got me thinking about other anime that might align with the vibes and themes in The Radiant Emperor book series and eventually came up with this list.
Some of those themes include gender roles, queerness, disability, politics, oppression, rebellion, revenge, impossible and messy relationships and tragedy. Darker themes like war, violence, sexual assault etc are also often present. Please lmk if you agree or disagree with these choices and feel free to add more!
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Dororo (2019)
Historical fantasy based on Osamu Tezuka’s manga classic from the 1960s.
An orphan who hides her gender in order to survive meets a young man who fights demons to claim back his body parts that his father traded away in a demonic pact. There’s tons of pain and tough moral questions and complicated family relationships, and the way Hyakkimaru deals with having lost and then slowly regaining parts of himself is super interesting.
24 episodes. Stream on Prime Video, Hidive
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The Heike Story (2022)
Retelling of the historical epic Heike monogatari through the eyes of an orphan girl who gains the ability to see supernatural things after her father’s passing. Inevitability of fate, the impermanence of all existence, praying for your loved ones’ happiness in the next life, all of these things are beautifully woven in this visually stunning story. The story also hits different when you know that Heike monogatari was traditionally performed by blind musicians and singers.
11 episodes. Stream on Cruncyroll, Apple TV
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Inu-oh (2022)
Historical fantasy. Two outcasts find each other and change the history with their music in this story that also pays respect to the Heike monogatari’s origin as a singing tradition. Focus on things like identity, disability, nonconformity, ghosts. Yes, the ghosts part is important. Also, the gender expressions and the bond between the two main characters is something I’ve seen a lot of queer/trans ppl relate to and Inu-oh is voiced by none other than the trans icon Avu-chan.
Movie. Stream on Hulu
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Ōoku: The Inner Chambers (2023)
Alternate history where most men in Japan have been wiped out by a mysterious disease. Very much a court drama centered in the Tokugawa shogun’s residence where men serve the woman shogun as concubines (and sometimes have relationships with each other). Also, one of the main characters is a monk who ends up giving up his vows! Based on Fumi Yoshinaga’s acclaimed manga that has also been adapted to various live action movies and drama series.
10 episodes. Stream on Netflix
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Toward the Terra (2007)
Scifi classic with two main characters who are at the opposing sides but feel inexplicably connected. There’s just so many insane relationships and emotions here, I still have not recovered from the ”I want to kill you but I will also protect you with my own life” thing…… Based on the 1970s manga by Keiko Takemiya. Not to be confused with the movie from 1980.
24 episodes. Available on DVD
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Devilman Crybaby (2018)
Apocalyptic fantasy with demons and stuff. Based on the classic 1970s manga by Go Nagai.
I don’t even know how to describe the story, it’s just the tragedy, the queer yearning, the ”I killed the one I loved and then it was too late”, the ”things will get bad and then they will get worse” vibe that I think is very fitting. This one has the most extreme violent and sexual content out of the series on this list.
10 episodes. Stream on Netflix
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Banana Fish (2018)
Gang wars, mystery drugs and complicated emotions set in New York. Based on the iconic 1980s manga by Akemi Yoshida. Deals heavily with trauma and CSA.
You guessed right, this one is also a tragedy. If you love Ouyang and/or Baoxiang, you’re probably going to love Lee Yut-Lung. That’s all I’m going to say.
24 episodes. Stream on Amazon Prime
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blueberry-beanie · 4 months
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The New Cue #357 February 12:
Everything Everything's Jonathan Higgs
"We were weirdos then and we’re weirdos now"
At the beginning of next month, Everything Everything release their seventh record Mountainhead. It’s another brilliant album from one of the UK’s most imaginative and forward-thinking guitar bands, a quartet who never tread water and have been consistently honing, reworking and outdoing what’s gone before for over 15 years, always coming up with a new version of themselves without ever losing what makes them special. The pillars of their music tend to be a mix of danceable synth-y grooves and inventive art-rock, intricate arrangements constructed around big pop hooks and surrealist lyrics, frontman Jonathan Higgs’ vocal delivery emotive and exuberant at the same time.
Higgs is at the centre of it all, a creative dynamo who seems to sum up their idiosyncratic approach and who has the ability to inject emotion into the bizarrest lyrics, lines such as:
“And no reptiles! Just soft boiled eggs in shirts and ties, Waiting for the flashing green man Quivering and wobbling just like all the eggs you know”
That one is taken from Get To Heaven’s epic standout No Reptiles.
Or this, which somehow sounds poignant when Higgs sings it on the electro-pop banger Arch Enemy:
“Fatberg you smile, with your grave wax eyes, will you consume me?”
Or how about this oddball corker, from the euphoric electronica of Raw Data Feel closer Software Greatman?
“Maybe I see Klingons on the starboard bow Maybe, I’m a cat inside a sacred cow
Higgs is at it again with this zinger from their excellent recent single Cold Reactor: “I sent you the image of a yellow face To tell you I’m sad about the emptiness that’s all around me”
That song, released in autumn last year as the first single from Mountainhead, has become Everything Everything’s biggest radio hit yet. It’s spent weeks on the Radio 1 B-list, a very uncommon position for an indie band whose members are all in their late 30s, but its success that sums up the vibrancy and relevance of Everything Everything in 2024. Even better, it probably meant Radio 1 have had to get their heads around this blurb from Higgs on what the new record Mountainhead is about:
“In another world, society has built an immense mountain. To make the mountain bigger, they must make the hole they live in deeper and deeper. All of society is built around the creation of the mountain, and a mountain religion dominates all thought. At the top of the mountain is rumoured to be a huge mirror that reflects endlessly recurring images of the self, and at the bottom of the pit is a giant golden snake that is the primal fear of all believers. A ‘Mountainhead’ is one who believes the mountain must grow no matter the cost, and no matter how terrible it is to dwell in the great pit. The taller the mountain, the deeper the hole.”
Well, you don’t get that with Catfish And The Bottlemen. A few weeks ago Niall – that is me, I am The New Cue’s resident Everything Everything nut in case you hadn’t guessed – spoke to Jonathan over Zoom about the mad concept around the new record, the dynamics of being in a band in 2024, his favourite Liam Gallagher tweet and more. I’ve made this playlist of my favourite Everything Everything songs to listen whilst you read,
Hello Jonathan. I love the new record, it feels different to Raw Data Feel, a bit looser… Yeah, it’s got a lot more freedom and it sounds more like a band playing a lot of the time rather than the rigid, more computerised stuff that we were doing before. We made an effort to make it feel a bit more real and laid back.
Was there much overlap? No, partly because we put everything we made for Raw Data Feel on that record, we didn’t leave anything in the banks. We did the opposite with this, we actually went back and looked at some old demos and brought them back to life because we were looking for some kind of angle that we weren’t going to stumble across, we wanted to go back to our youngest selves and go, ‘What was that thing we were doing?’.
That’s interesting, how far back did you go? I think it’s sessions for A Fever Dream, or it might be Re-Animator, so five or six years ago. Some of the songs on this are from that time, or at least elements of them are or a little demo was made and then thrown away and then we went back and said ‘Let’s explore this and breathe new life into it.’
When you’re seven records in and you start to look back like that, does it feel like different versions of the band? Yeah, definitely. There’s definitely been eras, we’ve never got stuck in one way of doing things. There’s an evolution, for good or for ill, since our first songs to now. I can find myself very quickly thinking in those terms when I hear a song from then, I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, I was trying to do this’ and that stuff changes over time and I’m glad it does because otherwise, you just make the same record again and again and no-one wants that.
Yeah. Without naming any names, for some bands it ends up becoming a process of survival and maintenance. Yeah, thankfully, we’re not in that position. I know what you mean, this idea of being a nostalgia act does not appeal very much, partly because we were at our peak three albums in so we can go back and feast on Get To Heaven-era but I have no interest in going back to Man Alive and trying to recreate that partly because we were weirdos then and we’re weirdos now, it wasn’t the glory days by any means. I’m immensely proud of what we did back then but I’m not going to try and retread it. This is an odd thing to say having just said that I went back to some old demos and put them on our new record, but those demos were rejected for reasons that I find interesting now. And I don’t feel that we need to play the games we were playing them because we’re so good at writing successfully now, I think.
Something like Cold Reactor, I didn’t labour over it and I knew as soon as it was done, it was great and I knew that would that would carry us through. It allows you to feel a bit more relaxed about creativity rather than ‘Must get that radio single or we’re doomed!’, which obviously is the burning hot coal under our butts most of the time because it’s easy to take that stuff for granted, popular songs, but you’ve got to actually write them and they’ve got to actually be popular otherwise no-one cares. Basically, every album usually comes down to one, two or three songs and if none of them have any interest, then people just go, ‘Did an album even come out?’.
Cold Reactor is a good example of the band right now, it seems to sum up all that’s great about Everything Everything and it’s become this mad radio hit. I know! We’ve watched a lot of friends’ bands struggle in this period we’ve had, 15 years now. There is a tendency to rest on your laurels or try and repeat the thing and it’s very difficult to not do that. Sometimes, I’ve done it myself when I’ve sat down and written a song and then I get to the end of it, I go, ‘Well, we did that better with X song on Arc’ and it’s like, ‘I could do this and our fans will really like it because it sounds just like us, it sounds just like Arc’ and then we’re like ‘No, into the bin with you, let’s try and take that same sensation but do something new with it’. That often comes down to the production. I think if you were to strip all of our songs of their production, then you could probably find something I’ve written now very similar to something I’ve written.
There’s a simplicity to a lot of the songs on the new album, nothing is overloaded and it makes the more outlandish stuff more potent. That’s been a big thing to learn over our careers. You’ve got the ability to do outlandish stuff, and you’ve got these players who can play really well but that isn’t enough to just present all of those things at once and expect people to go, ‘Wow!’. Some of them will, and that’s how we made our name, the prog dads, as we used to call them, that came to our shows in the very early days and just stand there and go, ‘yes, this sounds like Yes!’, and that’s fine. But that I felt like it wasn’t really a challenge. It felt like being a music student still, trying to dazzle each other with complexity and emotion slowly rose through all that and they all just fell away. I was like, ‘No, that is the hardest thing to communicate’ and that’s the challenge. That’s what the greats do is, they get your emotions and you can’t manufacture that and you certainly can’t bamboozle that into people, you have to start with a strong, simple, true, or as close to true as you can manage, emotion and then you can start having fun with it. I think that’s the thing that took us the longest to learn.
Everything Everything’s work has grown more emotional with every record. You’ve got these big concepts around them but that disguises the fact they feel a bit more personal and vulnerable each time… I think that’s what happens to humans. Twenty-three-year-olds are a strange breed to look to for sustenance when it comes to art, there’s a rawness to being that age, it’s an age of discovery. And that stuff is very exciting but there’s no real reason why someone older would create like that or go to that well, it actually gets quite sad when people try to go to that well. Now I’m older and I’m more of an emotional person and I’m less about fireworks and more about volcanoes! I don’t know how to put it, there’s something much deeper now when I create than when I was a young punk.
On that note, rather than me crowbar into an incredibly long question, why don’t you sum up the concept of Mountainhead? It’s extremely simple, a one metaphor fits all type-deal. I knew I wanted to sing about capitalism but not put too fine a point on it. I mean, it’s not a very subtle metaphor. But I knew there were certain elements of it that I wanted to get across, namely the Sisyphean sort of feeling of it being pointless and also, the fact that there’s this trade-off between building the mountain but having to live in the dark, which was a big touchstone for me when I read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, this sense that our lives are getting worse in some ways, that the more we progress we’re becoming more isolated and we’re shutting off large parts of our humanity in the search for this goal of ever expanding and growing our economy and trying to climb the ladder. It’s simple enough that you can’t really fault it, I’m not saying this is exactly how we live, there’s not enough to it for it to fail. It’s something everyone gets straight away.
A lot of the lyrics touch on that theme but which of the songs is the most personal to you that veer away from the concept? Probably The Witness, that’s definitely not really related to the concept. That’s pretty personal. There’s a line in there about this… I shot this bird with an air rifle when I was a kid. I walked into the shed and I saw it, this cute little chaffinch or whatever and it just sat there looking at me and then I picked up the air rifle, I knew where it was and I killed it.
You bastard! I know, I’m telling you this now cos I felt bad, I’m not saying it was a good thing! For some reason that came back to me. During the very early sessions on the album, we’d all gone away somewhere and when we got back, Alex went up to his studio at the top of his house and a pigeon had got into the room and thrashed and thrashed to get back out for four days, there’s like blood all over, feathers everywhere. I was like, ‘Guys, this is a sign… we’re gonna call it The Pigeon!’. Obviously we didn’t but birds do get into it - Canary obviously is a song there - and this thing about that bird and it flew into my head. That’s very personal. But then the rest of the song is about some fucked up stuff that happened to me in the pandemic that haven’t properly been able to talk about in these situations because it’s a bit too personal, basically. A lot of Raw Data Feel was about trying to deal with that as well. I should’ve called it Raw Data Deal. That’s the only moment I’ve given over to that thing on this newest album, the last song. I haven’t actually been able to listen back to it because it makes me too emotional when I think about what it’s really about. But that’s not for public consumption, it’s not needed.
Fair enough. Tell me about the dynamic between the four of you, because that seems like a really important point in your longevity. Apart from a very early line-up change, it’s been the four of you the whole way. Yeah, it’s great. We’ve settled into our roles over the last 15 years. Alex [Robertshaw, guitarist and keyboards] is very much the producer now and by way of that, he’s ended up writing a lot of the guitar and keyboard parts, which I would usually write more of in the past. I’ve become completely consumed by the emotion of getting the message across in the lyrics and stuff like that, as well as obviously writing songs. But in terms of how they sound, I’m less and less involved or concerned, that’s Alex’s playground more. Mike [Spearman, drummer] and Jez [Pritchard, bass] are very good at taste-making. Me and Alex do 98% of the composition and then those guys are much more like, ‘Well, I feel like this is a good way for us to go or this is better than this one,’ things you can’t really tell when you’re the creator and you think everything’s great. They’re also really good at the whole business side of the band, which is the less romantic end but incredibly important. So talking to accountants and they’re having meetings with the labels and Mike’s producing the videos, getting organised, all the stuff that me and Alex being “the creatives” are terrible at because we have the luxury of being terrible at them. Those guys fill in the gaps and they’re really, really good at that. Jez is really good at meeting people and all that kind of shit, so it works really well. You’ve got at least one person covering every possible angle. I’m doing a lot of the visual stuff now. I’m designing a lot of the visual side of the band, basically most things that we’re tweeting or videos is all being done by me. As a unit we could basically do this by ourselves... if someone gave us loads of money, which is how we operate.
My last question is a random one but it’s been on my mind. On Christmas Day, you dug up a four-year-old Liam Gallagher tweet where he called the producer Dave Sardy “Dave Sardine”, and I wanted to know how your Christmas Day mind had been drawn back to that. Haha! Well, when it happened someone tweeted it to me and I thought was funny and I retweeted then. Then recently, I remembered it and I went to see if it was still there. It was and I was like, ‘I’m gonna save that for Christmas Day’ - it wasn’t related to what I was up to. It’s just like, right, ‘Christmas Day, time to tweet my favourite tweet’. It will always be my favourite tweet because it’s how angry he is about Dave Sardine. It’s so good.
The full article is available on substack.
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epicthemusicalstuff · 4 months
You mentioned that you were into a lot of adaptions, reinterpretations, and inspired works of the ancient Greek religion and lore, what are you into as far as the source materials? Are you a fan of the poems, a plays person, or do you prefer the philosophy? I personally started with pjo hyperfixation in elementary to the ancient Greek works in middle school and actually discovered Hadestown, tsoa, and Epic now that I'm in college so I'm curious how that affects what people prefer. I'm mostly a fan of the poems myself, I adore the Iliad and unpopular opinion but I really like the Dionysiaca. Obviously I enjoy the other stuff too, the Odyssey and Posthomerica and Homeric Hymns (Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter my beloved) but the Iliad was the first one I read so it's always been my fav. I've only recently discovered that there were fans on Tumblr and AO3 for all of those outside pjo in the last couple months so sorry if I sound over eager! I'm just very excited.
Like you I started out with Percy Jackson in elementary! It was actually required reading believe it or not, and I fell in love. Since then I really love the adaptations of Greek Mythology (Epic, Hadestown, PJO musical, Ulysses dies at Dawn) and others such as book retellings like Madeline Millers works Circe and Song of Achilles. Also Jennifer Saints Ariadne, and a couple other books that I’m forgetting right now.
As for more source materials, I of course love reading the Odyssey and Iliad, although I think I lean towards the more moderns translations on those.
I do very much like the plays though! I am a involved a lot in theatre, so it’s inevitable. Medea holds a special place in my heart, as that’s the play I am most familiar with. Honestly, with no prompting, I could launch into a Medea monologue right now. In addition I have read Oedipus Rex (this dude has Problems), a bit of Antigone, and Agamemnon!
I can’t say I’ve read too many other source materials, but anything that mentions Greek Mythology slightly is sure to interest me. (Midsummer Nights Dream had a bit of references to Greek Mythology though I don’t think that counts enough. Also could launch into a Helena monologue)
Overall I would say I just enjoy all of it! I’m definitely looking into reading and learning more, but unfortunately I’ve been busy lately. I love finding people who love the same things though!!!
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missmacfire · 1 year
🎶✨Put 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your favourite followers to do the same 🎶✨
Starting my own thread the other one was so long.
Thank you @4typercent for the tag ☺️
Gonna try to get some different genres on here for funzies
🎶 Let Me Drown - Orville Peck
I love this song so much. It is magical. I can't explain it, it is such a spiritual experience. I'm insane about it.
🎶 Priest - Lord of the Lost
Been listening a lot to Lord of the Lost lately, this one of their best.
🎶 Välikuolema - Käärijä
We all love Cha Cha Cha, this is my recommendation if you wanna test any of his other songs.
🎶 I Can't Stop Loving You - Ray Charles
The ending of Metropolis(2001) made me love this song so much. It is a fantastic song and an epic scene.
🎶 Dust and Ashes - Josh Groban
I love big melodramatic musical numbers sue me 🤷‍♀️ And Josh Groban is such a fantastic singer.
@yourlocaldisneyvillain @bromelads @readingtheentrails @redshiftsinger @kcsandmanfan @mindofmaja @fiftyferalbats
@tiredmouse @piersbananarama @ramsaybaggins
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seasonalmoss · 2 months
Epic the musical Catifed: I remade Penelope’s Ref!
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AAAAGHH DJDHFJRHJDHSHD OKAY OKAY, so Ive been meaning to redo her ref for quite some time now, and it happens that I’ve been stressed enough lately to draw her! She’s literally one of my very top comfort characters for me right now, to be fair all of my comfort characters are extremely important but for this situation I’m in right now the comfort I need is from people like Penelope or Willow (from Wings of Fire).
anyways this ref has really helped me decompress and calm down, drawing Penelope has made me feel so safe and secure, literally I love Penelope in Epic so much.
I looove how she is in Epic the musical? Idk I feel more drawn towards her and more interested in her then the Penelope in the Odyssey.
though I guess in general when I say “I love -insert character who appears in EPIC” I’m usually talking about specifically the interpretation of Epic. Though I do have a genuine interest in Greek mythology and I want to get into more media that’s about it, the specific characters I’ve grown attached to are the musical ones!
like- people need to understand that Epic isn’t just “the odyssey as a musical” it’s a transformative retelling! And in many ways is it’s own story.
like- I think everyone can Agree that Ody in epic is a lot more nicer and moral then Ody in the Odyssey,
they literally aren’t the same character, and I hate when I see people bash on Odysseus in Epic because of their opinions of him in the odyssey.
Don’t get me wrong I LOOVE LOOVE the Odyssey and Iliad and other Greek myths but that’s simply just not the fandom I’m apart of.
Yes, Epic is still based on the Odyssey and a retelling of it, but it’s still Separate, and people shouldn’t act like it isn’t or act like what happens in EPIC reflects onto the odyssey. Like- don’t say “oohh but Odysseus isn’t that bad because in Epic-“ Stop. Don’t say that.
if you see them as separate from eachother then it shouldn’t matter to you people’s takes of the characters in the Odyssey because they aren’t the same as in EPIC. And really that goes for everything?
I’ve seen people bring up PJO(somehow???) a lot or that Circe book (literally don’t know the name of it) in regards to Epic and say “but in this!” Like- dude they are literally different retellings and interpretations it’s not like every Greek mythology story is connected or idk- canon to the Original Myths??? And don’t get me wrong you can make crossover AUs! I honestly LOOOVE seeing all of the PJO x Epic things I see!
but anyways stupid ramble over, I LOOVE LOOVEE DESIGNING PENELOPE! AAGGHHDHDHD I wanted her to appear very regal and well kept, she is a queen after all. But further more Penelope in Epic is a character who isn’t much of a physical fighter, rather she stands back and watches with calculating eyes and prudence. She has an unwavering will and a strong composure in the face of 108 nasty Suitors. She’s wise and clever. With all of this I wanted to give her more lengthy and soft features, as Penelope is someone many don’t expect to expertly win a battle with wits. She simply just seems to be the face of royalty. But I also gave her a strong long/thick tail to show her strength, she absolutely can beat the shit out of you with that tail, but she won’t. Because she doesn’t need to, since she has other more “civil” methods of wits to break you down. but in general EPIC Penelope is more reserved and calm, she doesn’t need to gaslight you or manipulate you, she just needs to trick you. She’s understanding and gentle, yet serious and worried. she stands tall hence why I made her that height. she’s also one of Odysseus’s leading motives, and a major support for him. I wanted Penelope to come across as someone you turn to for guidance or you lean into to cry. She’s a sturdy yet soft shoulder to cry on, something Odysseus desperately needs. (also Penelope just HAS to be taller then Odysseus I’m sorry- if you don’t make Ody in epic shorter then practically everyone what are you doing? /j)
anyways thats my Penelope design!
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