#laurel snyder
anicarissi · 1 year
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Laurel Snyder’s novels are always enchanting and unusual, and I can feel the magic in this one from the very first page 💚
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resowrites · 1 year
Hot Seat - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry is interviewed about life post-The Witcher…
Characters: AU!Henry Cavill, Wife!OC, Interviewer
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2817
A/N: This is something a bit different so I hope you all enjoy. Not that I should have to point it out but as with all my work, it’s pure fiction (as in completely made up) and not in any way meant to reflect reality. As ever, let me know your thoughts - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Hot Seat - oneshot.
My first thought upon starting my interview with Henry Cavill is that I must have got my lines crossed. Instead of the 39-year-old Jersey-born actor, the featureless wall on the screen in front of reveals a woman. She quickly introduces herself and apologises for his absence. "Our puppy got into a multipack of toilet rolls and is still wreaking havoc, but he'll be right with you." This, as it turns out, is his partner Ollie. The 33-year-old financial advisor (she politely asks me not to give her full name as apparently "the people who care already know it"), has been with the actor for the better part of a decade though it's seldom publicised. They're occasionally pictured together but Henry, known for being one of the more private Hollywood actors, has given away few details about the relationship.
This, however, doesn't stop her from graciously chatting with me while we await his arrival. Having a son with her name, I ask if it's short for something else. "No, just Ollie. My parents were fans of Laurel and Hardy," she says with a shrug. So she's not actually Olivia? "Nope, though I suppose it could have been worse, they could have called me Stan," she replies drily. I tell her my wife and I are expecting a girl in the summer. "Oh how lovely - don't give her a boy's name." Duly noted. I then ask after Kal, Henry's longtime canine companion, and she assures me he's still alive and kicking. So what prompted the puppy? "Anniversary gift," she says between sips of water, though she doesn't give a name or clarify who gifted who. Moving on, I ask if she has any tips for interviewing Henry. "Talk slowly," comes her immediate response. It's not difficult to see how he fell for her, big twinkly eyes and a throaty laugh betray a quick wit that's similar to his own. I venture to ask what it's like being in a relationship with him. "Agonising. I mean his looks alone, I'm at a loss," she deadpans before another laugh. And the fame? "Honestly, it's not something I really think about. Our day-to-day life is very normal."
As if on cue, Henry enters the room with a large and very fluffy puppy trying to wriggle free of his arms. His eyes flash briefly with concern but she gives him a reassuring smile, thanks me for my patience, and wishes me well. She then pats Henry on the chest, tells him to behave himself, and disappears with the puppy in tow. The screen now fills with his impressive frame though his demeanour is infinitely milder - if slightly harried. "My apologies John. Akita's - can't live with them, can't live without them." Much has been made of the peaks and troughs of his Hollywood career. At one point in the early aughts, he'd missed out on multiple high-profile roles (Henry Cavill: Hollywood's unluckiest actor?) Finally bagging Superman in 2013 with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, he proved capable of big returns and even bigger popularity (Henry Cavill: Superman for a new generation).
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In 2013's Man of Steel (image credit: Warner Bros.)
This makes news of his recent departure from both Netflix's The Witcher (ostensibly because of creative differences), and DC's Superman franchise (due to the recent hiring of James Gunn as the studio's creative leader), all the more stupefying. But whether or not he really is Hollywood's 'unluckiest' actor, this isn't a term that reflects his life outside of the job, something which definitely marks him out from his contemporaries. In addition to a much-protected relationship (neither he nor his publicist confirms the status of it despite appearing to wear a wedding ring), he hails from a loving family and has a close-knit group of friends. He withdrew from a recent project (for reasons unrelated to the project itself), but is now in talks to appear in and produce an adaptation of Warhammer 40, 000 after Amazon recently secured the rights to the popular tabletop game.
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In 2019's The Witcher (image credit: Netflix)
It's actually not the first time I've met Henry. Our paths once crossed some years ago in a hotel lobby though this brief encounter was part of a jam-packed press tour. Today's meeting isn't scheduled for a considerably longer time, but there's more than enough to discuss. A colleague did however warn me that despite a more ingenuous nature, he can make for a difficult interviewee. For the first part of our interview, I would be inclined to agree. Though pleasant, his answers border on glib and this is perhaps unsurprising given the recent twists and turns of his career. Happily, he warms up as our fourty minutes go by and on this occasion, is more revealing about life away from the cameras…
J: First thing's first, are you watching the Six Nations (an annual international men's rugby union competition)?
H: Yeah, it's been dismal though (England won just two out of five matches)… doesn't bode well for the World Cup does it?
J: No it doesn't. Now I know you can't say much at the moment about more recent as well as upcoming projects, but I wanted to get your take on the development of IPs for modern audiences. More than ever it seems a rather precarious business…
H: I think that's a fair assessment. There's lots of competition and only a finite amount of resources, so balancing what audiences want against the financial gains is tricky.
J: So what's the solution?
H: Are you trying to get me into trouble (laughs)? It depends. I mean, you can experiment a bit more with big projects. But for niche ventures, I think it's probably better to lean on the source material and fanbases already there.
J: But do you think there's a general fatigue with certain genres at the moment?
H: Perhaps, but that's why it's all the more important to look at the project as a whole. More often than not, if a project sinks it's on the project, not the audience.
J: Surely events such as the pandemic have had a huge impact though?
H: Yeah, definitely. But I don't think it's that difficult to produce big and/or successful entertainment because if anything, the need has never been stronger. It may just require studios to slow down a bit and think harder about each stage of development.
J: Do you feel more at peace with your career these days?
H: I would say so. I mean it's not an industry you ever feel secure in because that's not really the nature of it. But I still feel the same rush and excitement. I think there's a tendency to forget that actors act for the same reason people enjoy consuming our work. We like to escape and have fun as well.
J: What has it taught you about yourself?
H: Well for one it's bettered my patience (laughs). There's also nothing like acting to improve your physique (laughs).
J: Do you still feel the same pressures to look and perform a certain way?
H: I mean to an extent it's just the expectation and I completely respect that - if you're spending millions bringing, say, Superman to life, whoever plays him must at the very least, look like him.
J: And what are your thoughts now that that franchise will be moving ahead without you?
H: Well, for one, I'm not as devastated as everyone seems to think (laughs). I had a blast making those films and I was looking forward to expanding on what was created but the workouts were something else. As were the press tours (laugh).
J: Would you say that's one of the biggest drawbacks now for actors?
H: I suppose. I mean who honestly wants to be hooked up to a lie detector and asked leading questions (laughs)? I find it a bit unfair at times. I'm not suggesting for one minute that actors aren't immensely lucky or privileged. Of course, what we do is comparatively easy. But the amount of exposure will always be a double-edged sword, no question.
J: You've said in the past you're not a huge fan of social media, do you think it's essential to what you do?
H: Perhaps not essential but it's undeniably very useful. And I have no issue in sharing parts of my life with those who find it interesting. But I also don’t see the harm in a bit of mystery, there's no need to upload and share absolutely everything.
J: More male stars are speaking up about the double standards in how they're treated by fans and the wider public. Are those sentiments you share?
H: Yes and no. I mean most of the time it's harmless and of course very flattering, but I think it's always best to put others at ease rather than risk making them uncomfortable. Of course, everyone has different ideas on how to do that (laughs) but as the old saying goes, do unto others…
J: I imagine it's different when that attention is also directed at those closest to you?
H: Oh absolutely. My friends and family didn't sign up for that but luckily they're good-natured about it.
J: It seems the lines are becoming more and more blurred though…
H: Yeah, and that's a shame. But it's also why you need to be prudent about how much of it you elicit and engage in.
J: But do you take issue with the amount of gossip? I imagine it's hard knowing it's out there when there's not much you can do about it.
H: I try and look for the silver linings, I mean if people are that invested it means you at least have some relevance still. Besides, I have a very happy, successful life outside of what I do and that makes all the difference.
J: I am curious to know how you've managed to make that work…
H: Well I don't want to give the impression that it's easy because it's not. Spending so much time away from the people you love is easily the worst thing about this job and it's something I'm always trying to improve.
J: You're also approaching 40, has that caused you to stop and take stock?
H: Thanks for the reminder (laughs). Nah I'm in a good place about it actually. Well, for now… (laughs).
J: Are there any roles, in particular, you still wish to play?
H: Not really. I think most people see me as an action star and I'm happy to remain so. It seems to be what I excel at though I've also enjoyed branching out into more comedic roles. More of those would be nice.
J: So you've no burning desires for the future? What about regrets?
H: I wouldn't say that (laughs). There's some stuff I've yet to get around to, as for regrets I've very few.
J: Such as?
H: Well, some of the films I've made for starters (laughs). Although that's not really fair as there's always something to take away from those experiences.
J: What about personally?
H: Um (pauses), nothing springs to mind. I wish I'd met my better half a lot sooner. But we've been together for over seven years so I can't complain.
J: If I remember rightly you'd just started seeing each other the last time we spoke.
H: That's right! God, where's the time gone?
J: How were the lockdowns for you both?
H: You know, as scary and traumatic as that time was, I can honestly say it reaffirmed to me that I'd made the right choices.
J: Did she feel similarly?
H: Perhaps not at first (laughs).
J: You certainly seem to share the same sense of humour. You know she introduced herself as the maid?
H: (Looks around) I hope you didn't fall for it… (laughs). And she's far more warped, trust me. She's just better at hiding it (laughs).
J: Care to give some examples?
H: Oh God, where do I start (laughs)? To be honest I'm not sure I can without making her look completely mad… though that wouldn't be an unfair assessment (laughs) (slight pause). She's a nightmare to text. Her idea of messaging me usually involves repeating a word until I manage to guess what on earth she's on about (laughs). I was in London a few days back and I messaged her asking how her morning had gone and she just kept responding with the word 'log' (laughs). So there I was, in a meeting with my business manager, trying to figure out at the back of my mind what she meant. Did she want to log a complaint (laughs)? Was I supposed to bring home a chocolate log? Did we need more firewood (laughs)? Turns out she'd just tripped over one while walking the dogs. See? Mad (grins).
J: My wife's like that but with GIFs.
H: Yeah, I get those less often but to maximum effect (laughs). Like I remember when I was getting fitted for the suits I wore in The Man from Uncle. I sent her a picture of my favourite and she immediately winged back a gif of Sterling Archer (from FX's 2009 animated sitcom Archer) (laughs).
J: Is she indifferent to what you do?
H: It's not that she's indifferent, she's just not taken in by it and thank God because it helps keep me sane.
J: So she likes to keep you on your toes?
H: Oh yeah, our life's never dull (laugh). The last time I was away filming, I'd stupidly warned her beforehand not to go anywhere near this rare Warhammer figurine that a friend sent me. So cue the photos of it in the dust container of the Dyson, at the edge of Kal's food bowl as his face was in it… she even sent me one of it in the washing machine just as it was filling up with water. That one warranted a phone call (laughs).
J: Oh dear. Did it survive?
H: Annoyingly it was absolutely fine… she's done worse (laughs).
J: Such as?
H: Er, well there was the time I was in New Zealand shooting the helicopter sequence for Mission Impossible: Fallout. I've talked about it before so I'm not going to rehash it but the conditions were extreme so everyone was pretty miserable. What made it worse was that a few weeks before, she'd broken her hand - the story of how she did that is actually funnier than the one I'm about to tell—
J: What happened?
H: … No, I can't say. She'd kill me (laughs). Anyway, being halfway across the world I couldn't get back to her and was in a bit of a state about it. So to cheer me up, one afternoon she sends me a video of her at the physio's office and in it (laughs)… she's wearing one of those old-fashioned prosthetic split hooks (laughs). What's amazing is how she somehow managed to rope the physio in, like as soon as he comes into the room she puts her phone down so as not to film him (laughs).
J: Where on earth did she get a split hook?
H: I know right? She told me Etsy but God knows… apparently the physio provided the arm it was attached to (laughs). So there I was, suspended above the Southern Alps, laughing the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.
J: Did you show it to Tom Cruise?
H: Oh yeah.
J: And what did he say?
H: She's a keeper (laughs). I'd play it for you but it got deleted when I changed phones a little while back.
J: Well, that's disappointing. What happened to the hook?
H: When I finally came home we had some champagne to celebrate and when I went to the drawer, I found she'd chucked it in there with the bottle openers (laughs).
J: Are there any more stories you can share?
H: Yeah, but I think I've said enough (laughs).
J: What makes the two of you such a good match do you think?
H: She's got a long fuse which certainly helps (laughs). We were just meant for each other (shrugs).
J: Did it feel that way quite early on? I know it did with my wife.
H: Oh yeah, almost instantly. When you know, you know.
A week after we meet I receive a gift at the office - a box of homemade cookies (which are heavenly) and a beautiful baby blanket. Accompanied is a note which first apologises for the gift's tardiness 'Henry ate the first batch,' thanks me for a good interview and then encourages some skepticism of the tales told as 'they're only mostly true.' Either way, I concede that he is indeed a lucky man.
Enola Holmes 2 is on Netflix.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo
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swayhere · 3 months
canon starter call - open to anyone !
i have a strong urge to write some canon muses, so if you would be interested in writing against any of the canon muses listed under the READ MORE below, please comment/IM me and i can send a starter your way or reply to one of your starters.
i do not require you to know anything about my muse's canon, but i'm more than happy to tell you about it if you ask. i'd be happy to write canon muses against your ocs! also, mixing fandoms is 100% ok with me unless your canon muse is problematic and makes me uncomfy. my canon muses do not have all their memories or relationships from their life unless we plot it, but they will have the same general personality/ambitions.
if you are willing to write against my canon muses but don't care which, just like this post, and i'll take a look at your open starters and/or send you a closed starter at random with a muse i think fits the vibe.
*please don't agree to write against my canon muses if you're one of those picky weirdos that will be up in arms if i don't write a cannon muse exactly how you would.
( if you'd prefer to write against an oc muse only, check this post. )
canon muses i'd like to write: bold = extra big muse rn. strikethrough = exclusive, so not rn.
muses from tv shows: 
911 — eddie diaz , evan buckley , athena grant , bobby nash , karen wilson
911: lonestar — carlos reyes , grace ryder , judson ryder , t.k. strand , owen strand
as the world turns — dr. reid oliver , luke snyder
boy meets world — shawn hunter , jack hunter , angela moore , topanga lawrence
chuck — sarah walker , chuck bartowski , bryce larkin 
degrassi — jimmy brooks , sean cameron , ellie nash , marco del rossi , sav bhandari , drew torres , zoe rivas , miles hollingsworth iii , tiny bell , esme song , 
gilmore girls — jess , luke
good trouble — gael martinez , jamie hunter , callie adams foster , mariana adams foster , evan speck , joaquin perez , dennis cooper 
how i met your father — sid , ian , sophie , jesse
how i met your mother — marshall eriksen , lily aldrin , victoria
how to get away with murder — laurel castillo , connor walsh , oliver hampton , michaela pratt , frank delfino 
jessica jones — jessica jones
lost — kate austen , juliet burke , daniel faraday , desmond hume , sayid jarrah , sun-hwa kwon , claire littleton , walter ‘walt’ lloyd , charlie pace , hugo ‘hurley’ reyes , shannon rutherford , miles straume 
new amsterdam — lauren bloom , elizabeth wilder , casey acosta
new girl — nick miller , winston bishop , cece parekh
one tree hill — nathan scott , lucas scott , keith scott , chase adams , brooke davis 
outer banks (obx) — jj maybank , kiara carrera
please like me — arnold 
rosewell, new mexico — michael guerin , maria deluca , isobel evans
scandal — olivia pope , prezzy fitz
scooby doo — daphne blake
stranger things — robin buckley , steve harrington , jim hopper , chrissy cunningham , eddie munson , max mayfield , eleven , mike wheeler 
superstore — jonah simms
the 100 — finn collins
the bear — richie jerimovich, carmy berzatto , marcus , sydney adamu  
the mindy project — danny castellano 
the office — ryan howard , jim halpert , pam halpert , kelly kapoor , holly flax
the politician — river barkley , astrid sloan 
the young & the restless — sally spectra , adam newman , chelsea lawson , phyllis summers , lily winters , sharon newman , chance chancellor , victoria newman , tessa porter , amanda sinclair , cole howard
younger — josh , kelsey peters
muses from books: 
along for the ride ( book version only ) — eli stock , auden west , maggie  
one of us is lying ( book version only ) — cooper clay , nate
red white & royal blue — alex claremont-diaz , prince henry , zahra bankston
we were liars — gatwick ‘gat’ matthew patil
muses from movies: 
dead poets society — neil perry , charlie dalton , todd anderson
harry potter — lee jordan
les mis — enjolras , grantaire 
super 8 — joe lamb , martin , preston
twilight — irina denali , jasper cullen
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
Thank goodness for Taron Egerton (and John) because how else would ever know what's going on with Edward Holcroft. This long absence - has he fallen into the sea? Got lost in the forest? We'd never know if it weren't for these random IG stories of Taron (and John) of Ed.
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Where is Edward now? Who knows. What is known is that he won't be seen in FX's adaptation of NEVER LET ME GO because the project has been scrapped. So yes, another Holcroft Hiatus is in the offing.
I must admit I didn't really belive that Ed Holcroft account was legit but I was wrong.
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Another missing KINGSMAN star is Colin Firth. Colin has been busy in the past couple of years with back-to-back projects (MOTHERING SUNDAY, EMPIRE OF LIGHT, THE STAIRCASE) and he even pops up in the romantic-comedy RYE LANE (currently in theaters in the UK, streaming on Hulu in the U.S). But he has nothing currently lined up according to IMDB - even the action-comedy NEW YORK WILL EAT YOU that he was attached to in 2020 is not listed.
-Now someone who will not stop working is Taron Egerton and I, for one, am happy for that.
He can currently be seen in the excellent AppleTV+'s film TETRIS produced by Matthew Vaughn's MARV Films.
Taron and costar Nikita Efremov are so great.
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Taron has CARRY ON in post-production and is doing a three-peater with AppleTV+ by reteaming with the streamer and his BLACK BIRD creator Dennis Lehane for FIREBUG (which Egerton will also serve as executive producer).
What is it about?: "Written by Lehane and inspired by true events, Firebug will follow a troubled detective and an enigmatic arson investigator (played by Rocketman star Egerton) as they pursue the trails of two serial arsonists."
Taron has donned his producer hat by acquiring the screen rights to Josh Silver's debut novel, the LGBTQ+ psychological thriller, "HappyHead". So far he has no plans to act in the project.
When Taron isn't working he's gassing people up, like his ROCKETMAN costar Kit Connor .
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-Mark Strong is another one who doesn't rest on his laurels. He can be currently seen on Netflix's MURDER MYSTERY 2 starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.
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He also has 8 projects in various stages of production including the upcoming HBO Max series DUNE: THE SISTHERHOOD. But with the constant changes at WB/Disco(very) and the series director and one of the leads, Shirley Henderson, exiting the project, who Is to say that the series will ever happen.
Taron and Mark at a BAFTA party.
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-Another KINGSMAN alum with 8 projects in various stages of production is Samuel L. Jackson. One of them being the upcoming DISNEY+ series SECRET INVASION.
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He also has the Matthew Vaughn directed ARGYLLE starring Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell and DAMAGED starring the always intriguing Vincent Cassel
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-Not a BAFTA party but Vanity Fair Oscar party, Sofia Boutella bumped into her former boss Madonna and her fellow former back-up dancers to Madge.
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Boutella can be currently seen in Steven Knight's ROGUE HEROES and she will be in Zack Snyder's upcoming REBEL MOON.
-Sophia Cookson was recently seen in ITV's mini- THE CONFESSIONS of FRANNIE LANGTON and will be seen soon in Lee Tamahori's (ONCE WERE WARRIORS), EMPEROR in the lead role. The film also stars Adrien Brody and Bill Skarsgård. She also has STOCKHOLM BLOODBATH coming up.
Set pictures of Sophie and her little one.
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Sophie's partner Stephen Campbell-Moore shares a daughter with ex-wife Claire Foy.
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
My Marvel/DC crossover AU No One Asked for
Read the title. Here’s the layout.
This is an AU I’ve been sitting on for about two or three years now, and often revisit to make some changes. While this isn’t something I really shelved, I am unlikely to write any of the stories down. 
I still keep a lot of what I did write in my notes. From this AU I wrote down several prompts, some of which I already shared in other posts.
1. You'd think combining the Arrowverse and DCEU alone is gonna be a hassle, but when I wrote things down, the actual changes are pretty small.
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The main events of the Arrowverse, DCEU, and MCU remain otherwise the same, there are a few small adjustments made here and there. Some suspension of disbelief is required. Birds of Prey was the hardest one to adapt.
Most changes are “Who plays what character ?”  
Of course, because this is a fanfic AU, we can just say "The Other Darin" trope is at play. Henry Cavill’s Superman ? Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman ? Same deal as Eric Norton/Mark Ruffalo’s Banner, or Terrence Howard/Don Cheadle’s Rhodes.
With that all said, this AU treats Grant Gustin's Barry Allen is treated as the “canon”. The indefinitely postponed upcoming Flash movie is disregarded entirely. We all know why.
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Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor is also treated as his "canon" character, but he initially had the same traits and role as Eisenberg’s Luthor. I like to think Eisenberg!Luthor was fronting as “the eccentric young mogul” while Cryer’s represents Luthor going masks off.
Some fan casting is bigger issues. Mostly "casting" Diana Laurel Lance, between Katie Cassidy or Jurnee Smollett, for far reasons too complicated to discuss here.  
And finally, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is treated as canon.
2. “But where was X superhero during Y's events ?”
A lot of these events would have coincided with each other.
In this AU, Iron Man/2, The Incredible Hulk and Thor would have taken place between/around the first two seasons of Arrow. The present day events of Man of Steel would have coincided with The Avengers. Batman V. Superman and Suicide Squad would take place around the time of The Dark World and The Winter Soldier.
Age of Ultron would coincide with Zack Snyder's Justice League - also taking place between seasons one and two of The Flash, and before Supergirl's first season.
Up to speed, Barry ?
So, here’s some of the prompts I came up with for the AU.
1. Unlike Supergirl, Superman wasn't an active superhero when Kara came to Earth, but it was around the time Clark was wandering the world. During this time, Clark reached out to the Danvers family to help him understand his powers, much like the Arrowverse. 
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As it so happens, Carol Danvers turns out to be Jeremiah's sister, which is how they help Clark understand his powers. Clark would build a bridge of trust with the Danvers' and brought Kara to them, as he wasn't in the right headspace to look after a child. As a result ? Kara grew up with Carol Danvers as an “Awesome Aunt”.
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We’d also have a Superman prequel, also serving as a Captain Marvel crossover. For such as a story, I’d picture Ronan as the de-facto Big Bad, showing him falling out of favor with the Kree, before joining Thanos.
2. I wrote a post based on this AU, but I had this one idea of various WLW prompts for Diana/Wonder Woman. You can read the long version here.
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It focused on what Wonder Woman was up to over the decades, especially those she romanced. The most prominent being Wondercarter, Wonderwidow and Superwondercorp.
In this version of Captain America: The First Avenger ? Wonder Woman was considered a battlefield urban legend, and a partial inspiration for the super soldier project. After the events of Agent Carter, Diana would become acquainted with Howard and Maria Stark, and ends up staying with Peggy and Angie as a temporary house guest on the Stark Estates.
How long Diana was involved with them isn't elaborated, but I see Tony having memories of an “Aunt Diana” babying him from when he was a little kid. Cuz we all know she would.
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I don't see Tony reuniting Diana until well after he becomes Iron Man. Probably after Civil War or Infinity War. At the very least, Diana ends up another one of Morgan Stark's honorary aunts. Diana would totally be one of those aunts who’d tell Tony’s people embarrassing stories of him from when he was tot.
Another idea I had involved Sarah Rogers being Steve Trevor's sister, and her naming her son after her late brother. But I was pretty iffy about that. It came off as too nepotistic, and I felt Diana should have minimal, if any ties to Steve Rogers. Wonder Woman being the inspiration for the super soldier project should be enough, right ? 
3. This one's gonna get me fucking lynched...
So, it's come to my attention that The Batman 2022 was considered as a DCEU prequel early in development. At the risk of being mauled by both Battinson and Batfleck stans, I'm applying that here.
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In this AU, an altered version of The Batman occurred, the main difference being it was set in the late 90′s to early 2000′s. Technology adjusted accordingly, and the Riddler’s platform is old web forums, such as IRC chat (or if set around 2003, MySpace).
Anyways, Battison would have represented Bruce Wayne in his early career as Batman when he first became a symbol of hope, while Batfleck represents his “Broken/Fallen Hero” stage. After all, you can't have a “Fall From Grace” period if you never had anything to fall from...
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*prepares myself for the pitches and torchforks*
4. As I said above, the “present day” events of Man of Steel would have taken place alongside The Avengers.
Zod's attack on Metropolis occurs at the same time as the Battle in New York. Neither Zod, nor Thanos and Loki were aware of each other beforehand; it was just dumb luck their invasions occurred at the same time! Still, people initially thought Zod, Loki and the Chitauri represented the same threat. 
Any attempts by S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers to look into Superman yields the same results as this scene.
As with the DCEU, Superman was a controversial figure at first, with the Avengers having mixed thoughts about him. Unlike Batman, they didn't act on their suspicions, beyond a few cautious encounters.
Iron Man 3 would have taken place between Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. Superman tried to to look into “The Mandarin”, and teamed up with Steve and S.H.I.E.L.D to do so, but they kept running into dead ends. They were unaware of Aldrich Killian’s conspiracy until after the fact.
5. This is also something I covered in my Wonder Woman WLW prompts. 
This AU's Infinity War takes place alongside Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's retroactively implied that recreating the universe is what led to this world merger.  
Certain members of the Justice League - Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and Cyborg - anyone not with the Paragons, join the fight against Thanos, though don't do enough to affect the outcome. 
Out of them, Wonder Woman is the only survivor of The Snap and she helps the surviving Avengers - especially Natasha - and what's left of S.H.I.E.L.D hold down the fort for five years.
WonderWidow ensues.
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The Paragons survive the Snap because of their multiversal adventure; when they return to the recreated Earth, five years have passed. Agents of Shield is also canon to this AU, and its characters survive the Snap due to the time travel in season seven, returning to a Post-Blip world.  
The final fight with the Anti Monitor would have occurred at the same time as the one with Thanos. As with Infinity War, any members of the Justice League not fighting the Anti Monitor, join the fight against Thanos, albeit not affecting things in a significant way. The events of a Post Endgame/Crisis world remain unchanged, with minor exceptions.
But also Supercorp is canon here because I said so.
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While I’m at it, let’s talk the Superwondercorp arc I wrote.
Diana settles in Star City for a short “vacation” after keeping the world together for five years. There, Diana starts a love affair with Kara and Lena. Diana has an arc about opening her heart again, so soon after losing Natasha; whenever she loses a lover, it usually takes years or decades for her to open up again. When she develops feelings for Kara and Lena so quickly, she feels like she’s “betraying” Natasha.
Diana would later get involved when Gorr the God Butcher steps into the picture, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
6.  Birds of Prey was the hardest to include in this AU due to how radical difference between takes on the characters in the DCEU and Arrowverse. 
Here's what I'm working with.
With Helena Bertenili, I lean to her DCEU counterpart as being her “canon” character. Since I place Birds of Prey in a Post-Crisis/Endgame era, we could handwave it as being her history changing when the world's restored.
With the Black Mask, I had an (admittedly contrived) solution. This AU would have two Roman Sionis' - Sr. (Peter Outerbridge) and Jr. (Ewan McGregor). 
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McGregor's Sionis is written to be a decade or so younger than he is in Birds of Prey. Junior was far from Roman Sr's favorite child, alluding to his daddy issues Harley mentions. Following Roman Senior's downfall, Junior becomes obsessed with upstaging his father as the Black Mask, leading him to be the monstrous crime boss he was in Birds of Prey.
Then you got Dinah Laurel Lance, and her fan casting. I'm still flip flopping between Katie Cassidy and Jurnee Smollett, for reasons too complicated and distracting to go over here.
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The solution I'm leaning to is having Smollett's Dinah being a multiverse displaced individual, and she's adjusting to this new world when her Earth was destroyed by the Anti Monitor.
7. Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises had history. Stark Industries bought stakes in Wayne in the late 90's and early 2000's, when Bruce wasn't as active with the company, but that partnership slowly dissolved when Obediah Stane was in the picture.
When Tony went public as Iron Man, along Stane’s crimes being exposed, Bruce Wayne cut further ties with Stark. Such a relationship would bring unwanted attention to the technology Wayne Tech is developing, putting too many identities at risk. Afterwards the only ties they had was that many Wayne employees were former Stark employees. 
This becomes a problem when Quinten Beck enters the picture. 
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Beck reaches out to a few disgruntled ex-Stark employees, many of which are working for Wayne. As part of the Mysterio conspiracy, they embezzle a billions from Wayne Industries, and steal its technology. As a distraction, they stage a heist on Wayne Tech, and frame the Joker for the deed.
Bruce isn't made aware of this until Mysterio goes public, quickly recognizing Beck as an former Stark employee he turned away due to him being a “flight risk”.
Come Far From Home/No Way Home, Batman is going into detective mode uncovering and dismantling the Mysterio conspiracy. This is part of what exonerates Peter, along with Matt Murdock’s own “investigations”.
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During Peter’s case, Batman tries to reach out to him; but Peter knew Batman's reputation (which has become more sketchy following BVS), and became very defensive in their encounter, despite Batman avoiding his past mistakes. 
Even so, Bruce had to attend a number of legal proceedings, regarding the Wayne employees, and he'd have to go underground as the investigation got too close to exposing the identities of his associates.
As a joke, we'd have a scene where Bruce (Affleck) and Happy (Favreau) are both at a meeting with Matt (Cox) and Foggy (Henson). It really doesn't amount to anything but a throwback to 2003's Daredevil; “Hey, look! It's the old Matt and Foggy interacting with the new ones! Ain't that a hoot ?!”
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While much of the Mysterio conspiracy was exposed by the trial and investigations, the only member to escape was William Ginter Riva. The last we see Riva, he's bound, gagged and being dragged through a warehouse by a couple of thugs towards the Joker, whose not amuse that Batsy hospitalized over something he didn’t do. 
The Joker then pulls out a crowbar and prepares to show Riva how he previously Batman off the deep end...
8.  As for this AU’s No Way Home. This one was a lot of fun.
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Peter has a little more public support here than he did in NWH, with several members of The Avengers and Justice League publicly vouching for him. Especially after Murdock and Wayne’s investigations.
Coincidentally, Peter's identity is doxxed the day after Kara Danvers revealed her own identity to the public. When Peter is exonerated, Kara and Catco become Peter's most vocal supporters, countering Daily Bugle. Kara - as Supergirl - even interviews Peter and those close to him after his trial as a show of solidarity.
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Jameson tries to interview the elderly Steve Rogers, hoping that an “old and wizened soldier” (who previously fought against Spider-Man) would appeal to his audience...only to hastily cut the interview short when Steve ultimately speaks in Peter's favor.
When Hardy’s Eddie and Venom are pulled into this world, they end up settling into Star City, working for Catco as a reporter. Mainly because, I just wanna see the dynamic Eddie and Venom would have working for and/or with Kara. Especially in a world where not only aliens are public knowledge, but are active members of society.
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I wrote another post - “What if No Way Home Had More Visitors ?” - and while this AU had nothing to do with that prompt, I’d probably carry some ideas here; such as Topher Grace's Eddie/Venom being pulled into the MCU, as is Dane DeHaan's Harry Osborn, and possibly TASM's Gwen and George Stacey. Another thing changed is the villains (and Toby and Andrew's Peter) were trapped in the MCU longer than a few days. Let's say a month. Long enough for the Green Goblin to become a bigger menace than he already is. Throughout, I see the Goblin going about facing Sam, Bucky, The Defenders, what's left of Team Arrow, the Bat Family. He’s even prepping his weapons with kryptonite incase Kara or the Kents wanna throw hands.
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Peter trying to cure and fix the villains also takes place over a longer period. If L-Corp had a branch on the East Coast, I can see Lena starting a partnership with Stark Industries following Tony's death. 
When word reaches Kara (one of Peter's most vocal public supporters) and Lena, they let Peter set up shop in their labs. Eddie and Venom would actually be part of the story, working for/with Kara. The fact that Lena is a practicing witch could be used to play her up against Steven.
I don't see the Avengers or Justice League helping with the Statue of Liberty fight, if only because (much like Peacemaker) by the time they arrive, Peter’s already beating down the Goblin. Hardy's Eddie/Venom, may have helped...preferably if Grace's Eddie/Venom was part of the Goblin’s squad.
9. Now you may be wondering how this AU affect the multiverse ? I had a few ideas. 
I had this one joke in mind were Toby and Andrew's Peter(s) remark Batman and Superman existing in their worlds too; it being implied that either Burton's Batman would be in the Raimiverse, or The Dark Knight Trilogy being in the Webbverse, etc.
Part of this joke is Toby's Peter doing some investigating in the MCU, and comes across Nelson and Murdock Law Office. It'd be implied that Daredevil 2003 is part of the Raimiverse. Seeing them at their offices, he briefly mistakes Happy (Favreau) and Bruce Wayne (Affleck) for Foggy and Matt, before being corrected. In another joke, Toby’s Peter would see a mugshot of Adrian Toomes, once momentarily mistaking it for his worlds Bruce Wayne before correcting himself.
10. My latest prompt for this AU involves Wonder Woman in Thor: Love and Thunder. And before you ask, I wouldn’t Diana and Thor aren’t rebounding off eachother here. Any relationship they’d have wouldn’t go past platonic.
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Considered Diana having some involvement with The Eternals, but I couldn’t think of a way to write her in. With Love And Thunder at least, Diana has something to do, even if she doesn’t drastically change the story.
After spending some time in Star City, Diana goes on tourist travels, paying New Asgard a visit. It just so happens to be when Gorr abducts the Asgardian children. As Wonder Woman, she joins the fight with the Shadow Demons, before joining Valkyrie, Thor, Jane and Korg on the rescue mission. 
Besides rescuing the children, two things catch Diana’s attention. 1. The existence of the Necrosword, especially since as far as she knew, she was the “God-Killing Weapon”. And 2. The fact that Omnipotence City exists and her father, Zeus, is alive.
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Zeus has a slightly bigger purpose, and the “don’t meet your hero” thing strikes harder for Diana. It goes without saying that the heroic stories of Zeus that Diana (and Thor) grew up had a few embellishments. But this Zeus is a little more nuanced than being a “Fake Ultimate Hero”. 
The heroic Zeus stories were broadly true, it’s just this Zeus is a foil to Thor and his arc. Zeus is what Thor could have become if he didn’t humble himself. And after driving off Darkseid, as well as Ares' fall from grace, Zeus is also what Thor would have become if he kept up his maladaptive coping habits post Infinity War.
Another change is that Thor and co wouldn’t leave thinking Zeus was dead; before they escape, Diana tells an injured Zeus off. Zeus tries to appeal to Diana as her father (and offers her her picks of men and women in the gods orgy). Diana rebuffs Zeus, declaring “I am going with them. I am gonna be what the Amazons were made to be. What you made me to be.” 
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Diana leaves Zeus in his humiliation....only to become another target of his revenge.
Beyond that, I see Diana being “heart” of the team. With her history of love and loss, she would understand what Thor, Jane, Valkyrie are going through and have gone through. She even tries to appeal to Gorr when she learns how his god failed him. Even so, I don’t think it would affect the outcome that much.
Beyond the Zeus plot, Diana would ultimately be another voice to say what they need to hear, and the ear to listen to their problems. I did consider a Diana x Valkyrie subplot, but even that doesn’t drastically affect anything.
As of this post, the AU is currently on hold.
I’m still mulling over new ideas, but besides Black Adam I have nothing new from DC to work with, or to include in Wakanda Forever. Especially between seasons of The Flash and Superman & Lois. And especially with James Gunn apparently rebooting the DCEU.
So pending new releases, that’s all for now.
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sesame-sim · 1 year
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BOOK - The Grammarians by Cathleen Schine
QUICK SYNOPSIS - Laurel and Daphne Wolfe, a pair of red-headed twin sisters, get in an almost lifelong rift over who gets to keep the family dictionary.
IMAGE 1 - A couple years after first-born son Don Wolfe went off to university to study psychiatry, younger brother Arthur enrolled to study economics. This was purely to satisfy his father. Words had always been held in high esteem in Arthur's eyes far more than numbers ever were so he spent much of his time holed up in the library reading. One afternoon he aided a female student with finding the poetry section and got to talking about the beauty of words. She asked him if he was a Simlish major.
ARTHUR: (bitterly) No, I'm in economics. In a few years I"ll be counting the coins of others, piling it up, hiding it in safe, filthy little bundles. That'll be my profession. SALLY: Don't be such a snob about money! Lawyers make money. Doctors make money too. ARTHUR: But their days aren't spent COUNTING money. SALLY: (laughing) I wonder. (Then, slyly) I understand your point that numbers aren't as noble as words. Numbers are quite useless. By the way, we had SIX inches of snow but it's above THIRTY-TWO degrees so it won't stick for long. But the ground is still treacherous and I've got to make my way to a THREE o'clock lecture in FIFTEEN minutes without breaking my FOUR limbs or my grade is going to plummet to ZERO."
IMAGE 2 - Arthur blinked at her. Then he walked and talked with her straight out of the library doors after she had checked out her book. He reasoned he had to make sure she didn't take a tumble.
BOOK TIME/PLACE - 1950, their university was not mentioned in the book
MY SAVE TIME/PLACE - Sim Year 50 / Sim Day 5694 / Winter D9 / MON / Britechester
SONG PAIRING - From 1950, Bewitched by Bill Snyder
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reaganwarren · 4 months
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crowcaws · 6 months
I've been thinking about the Mike's Mic Sucker Punch video so much. I haven't seen that movie in years but what's striking me about it is the mental gymnastics in the comments where some ppl seem fundamentally unable to grasp the idea of a dudebro director man they hate making an alarmingly accurate commentary on the exploitation of women, especially young girls.
The full cut is a pretty obvious take on the exploitative nature of Hollywood and the constant performance women must put forward to survive. You can't tell me after the Nickelodeon documentary, the open industry secrets, and everything that happened to Amanda Bynes, that a story about women being exploited in plain sight, finally snapping, being made into a spectacle, and in some cases that spectacle being the only power they hold anymore, is a social commentary that Snyder just stumbled upon entirely by fucking accident. "The look on her face at the end, it's like she wanted me to do it." Does this not remind you of Britney? Do you not think at the moment she shaved her head that she felt relief, that finally they might leave her in peace now?
Sucker Punch can comment on that and Rebel Moon can still suck ass and those two things can coexist.
Also to my knowledge Zac Snyder hasn't actually done anything wrong other than making some shit movies, and Sucker Punch being misunderstood as a Male Gaze Flick™ because of the Warner Bros forced cuts. And even if he was a bad person that still doesn't mean his work can't have feminist ideas. Look at Joss Whedon, he made Buffy and he's still a misogynist, it's just that his flavour of misogyny was resting on the laurels of making the most girl power show of the 1990s and thinking that absolved him of all sin.
I think to try and say Sucker Punch was not on purpose is such a leap it could qualify for the Olympic diving team.
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wistaris-wares · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Longest Night: A Passover Story by Laurel Snyder (2013 Paperback.
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anicarissi · 1 year
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“Stack WISHING SEASON next to BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA. Anica Mrose Rissi paints a picture and sings a song with a tremendous, unforgettable voice. As emotionally healing as it is ultimately joyful.” —Rita Williams Garcia, Newbery Honor author of ONE CRAZY SUMMER
“Beautiful and moving, this book will make you cry. But it will also mend your heart. A story that reminds us that love will help see us through, even in the darkest of times.” —Jasmine Warga, Newbery Honor author of OTHER WORDS FOR HOME
“Tender, heart-shifting, and deeply absorbing, Anica Mrose Rissi’s latest novel is a magical exploration of what it means to love and let go. A truly beautiful and profoundly intimate story.” —Corey Ann Haydu, author of EVENTOWN
“With beautiful prose and quiet humor, Anica Mrose Rissi tells a story of grief and loneliness and love and joy, the meandering, maddening mess that is healing from a great loss, and the (kind, awkward, surprising) people who help you through it. A quietly powerful tale that feels like an ageless classic.” —Claire Legrand, author of SOME KIND OF HAPPINESS
"A startlingly honest portrayal of grief, WISHING SEASON carries us through the bewildering beauty of a perfect Maine summer and a season of terrible loss. I loved this wise, lovely, delicate story of what we hold onto and how we let go.” —Laurel Snyder, author of ORPHAN ISLAND
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carnivorine · 10 months
this year i read:
Night Walks by Charles Dickens, not really much to say about this one as I read this in January and it is not particularly memorable
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, I really did prefer this to 1984, at some points found it quire confusing, but overall yeah
The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh, this book was okay but it was not a banger by any means. Very quiet feeling and did not really grip me, it was average but I would read another of her books (indeed I have Cursed Bread to read at some point)
What Moves the Dead by T.Kingfisher, to be honest I love the premises of Kingfisher's books however have read two now and much like Schwab they do absolutely nothing for me, most likely would not read a Kingfisher book again although I always love the premises. It is the execution that I dislike
Outlawed by Anna North, I was an enjoyer of this book. Nothing else to say really. I liked it, not a new favourite but a keeper.
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, I think this is an excellent book, can be very confusing for me due to the writing style but would definitely reread, probably one of the best books objectively that I have read this year
The Unseen Body by Jonathan Reisman, this doctor is insane honestly like reading some of his thoughts I was thinking WTF, but I did enjoy this for the (quite service level) insights into the body. I especially enjoyed the first chapter in my memory, wanted to show it to people who are not aware of EOL care and considerations, but not that good for people who already have a well enough understanding imo
Life With the Afterlife by Amy Bruni, this was very readable but again quite surface level, I am not familiar with the TV show the author is on and it referenced that quite a lot, enjoyed the viewing of ghosts as completely real, would love more 'ghost non-fiction'
From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty, I really did like this book but tbh I thought some of her descriptions were kinda cringe, teenage edgy, also it was barely around the world and there were not many sections, at least two were about the USA. Like they were still interesting but it did feel kind of surface level again, and not that international
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant, really did enjoy this one, there were definitely flaws and it is hardly a literary masterpiece however it was a lot of fun to read
Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder, this was another one that I found to be good fun however with flaws. I enjoyed the first POV the most but then I kind of thought it descended into a mess. Think this could have been done incredibly well if it was longer and went into actual biblical lore... a person can dream
Pew by Catherine Lacey, this was okay, although this had been hyped up to me and did let me down. This was very interesting premise of a completely ambiguous person and had a lot of space for coversation about perception and treatment based on race/gender/class etc however I am not sure this was explored to it's full potential, it was also recommended as something creepy, which I did not feel it was
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno Garcia, what can I say, Silvia Moreno Garcia I am in love with you <3 obsessed with the doomed romance tbh and I will read anything she writes. Put this off for over a year because I was scared I would hate it - ha I could never
Below by Laurel Hightower, I was so disappointed in this tbh. Like WHERE was mothman? He was there like three times and the main monster was NOT mothman. It was marketed as a mothman horror, and there was too much going on for such a short book
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson, another banger of a book, one of the top three of the year. The ending did feel rushed to me but I believe and hope there will be a sequel, other than that I really enjoyed this
Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell, this was okay... the premise and prologue were creepy but it just got worse as it went on. Also, he said how he was advised not to use Native American folklore and characters and he did anyway and said something about not making them into caricatures but the two main native characters still died during assisting the white main characters so... ??? Personally I would have enjoyed this more had it stayed a reddit story, or even a novella
Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen, a cute little comic type thing about a group of vegetables being petrified of a nearby Vampire who had just moved back into his castle, and a cute little lesson (???) about assumption and judging people before you know them, will probably read to my son
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pcyberfairy · 1 year
She is—a queen, a ghost, a bit of snow,
a dragon fly! And again and again and best of all, the swan.
Swan, Laurel Snyder
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Alternate Events 3: Doppelganger Troubles and Other Threats
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XnFBAiL
by cer1992
Not long after learning of the recent resurrection of two heroines and the news of an impending Crisis, the heroes are once again thrown into action when trouble strikes in the form of evil doppelgangers and other enemies from alternate Earths. Takes place three weeks after the events of "Alternate Events 2: One Year Later".
Words: 108565, Chapters: 17/17, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of DC Multiverse Crossovers
Fandoms: Smallville, The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), Supergirl (TV 2015), DC Extended Universe, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), The Flash (TV 1990), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Superman (Christopher Reeve Movies), Supergirl (1984)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Clark Kent, Barry Allen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers, Courtney Whitmore, Laurel Lance, Earth-2 Laurel Lance, Sara Lance, Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan, Kara Zor-El, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, Mar Novu | The Monitor, Clark Luthor, Doomsday (Superman), Earth-X Oliver Queen, Earth-X Kara Danvers, Earth-X Clark Kent, Eobard Thawne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Earth-90 Barry Allen, John Diggle (DCU), Wally West, Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol, Billy Batson, Lex Luthor, Bart Allen, Tess Mercer, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz, Arthur Curry (DCU), Victor Stone, Dinah Lance, John Stewart (DCU), Slade Wilson, Nyssa al Ghul, Justice League (DCU), Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Winn Schott Jr., Earth-96 Clark Kent
Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Barry Allen/Kara Danvers, Kon-El | Conner Kent/Courtney Whitmore, Oliver Queen/Chloe Sullivan, Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiple Crossovers, Dimension Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021), Post-Justice League (2017), Smallville (Post-Series Finale), Smallville/Arrowverse crossover, Laurel Lance Lives, Crisis On Earth-X Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Episode: s01e09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XnFBAiL
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Forest Walk For Mental Health/Triggers
I wanted to make a list of ptsd triggers/random things that put me on edge
Angry yelling
medical antiseptic
hospitals/medical settings
People coming too close to my back side
being pinned down
Feeling like I can’t leave a place
confined spaces especially when there’s one or more people in the room with me
groups of rowdy boys make me nervous and tense
not being able to hear/see/smell the area around me
loud unexpected noises
Pain pills (because past suicide attempt)
Being in public/fear around people
I’ll update this list as I find new things that trigger me.
@Columbia Forest (off Meadowsweet, White Birch Ave, etc.)
@Columbia Forest by Barb’s, end of Columbia Forest BLVD.
@Monarch Woods
@Galt, far side along river
@Huron Woods
@Wilson Ave., woods
@Laurel Creek
@Bechtel Park Natural Area
@Breslau trails, park
@Mill Run Trail off Beaver Creek
@Doon, past Landon Hall (cliff)
@Steckle Woods off Bleams
@Riverside Park Cambridge
@Trail by Blair, River (Bean Orsten Park)
@Strasburg Creek Park off Rush Meadow Crescent
@off River Ridge by John
@Homer Watson Park
@end off Ottawa near Misty and Enzo
@old oak train behind St. Jacobs
@The Hydrocut off far end Glasgow
@upper Breslau
@RIM/old farmstead
@Health Valley Trail off University
@Activa & Copper Leaf
@Clair Lake
@mount nemo
@Lakeside, both sides off Greenbrook
@Tilt’s Bush
@Walker’s Woods, New Hamburg
@Vista Hills Park and Rock Elm Park
@Snyder’s Flats
@Doon Presbyterian Cemetery
@Strasburg Woods
@Crown land trail
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leahj · 1 year
Author Laurel Snyder tells the story of Jason Isbell and Amanda Shires
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theblogs2024 · 2 years
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Allisyn Snyder is a writer, director, producer, and co-owner of Watch The Footage (WTF) Productions, launching her career in the entertainment industry as an actress at only 4 years old when her manager, Lynne Marks, discovered Allisyn in a local acting class. At 15, her steady childhood acting career morphed into a passion for working behind the camera, setting her foundation with cinematography studies at Glendale CC after graduating early from high school. At 17, Allisyn began writing sketches for AwesomenessTV, with several airing on Nickelodeon including Gramma's Crib and the Us and Jan recurring sketches. At 18, Allisyn created YouTube personality Astrid Clover, assisted by Joey Luthman and Allisyn's now-husband Dylan Snyder, together releasing a new episode every Friday for 7 years while gaining a loyal following over 350 original episodes. In 2016, Allisyn began writing and producing films alongside Dylan Snyder, forming Watch The Footage Productions with producer Bob Morrison. WTF shorts It’s Just a Story, Strangers, Weeji, Nasty Habits, and Room 566 gained distribution through Fun Size Horror (FSH), the latter 4 of which are available on Amazon as part of FSH's Shocktale Party series. Psychological thriller Nasty Habits, written and directed by Allisyn in 2019, stars Josh Phillips and Serena Laurel and was selected by more than 60 film festivals, taking home 30+ accolades including Best Director at Block Island Film Festival 2019, and the Platinum Award for Best Female Director at Independent Shorts Awards 2019. The WTF team's festival success continued with Room 566, a horror short written by Allisyn and directed by Dylan Snyder that follows an anxiety-ridden man’s tumultuous Emergency Room experience, as he risks all to prevent his younger sister’s assignment to a room engulfed by dangerous superstitions. The script brought to life Allisyn's intense personal fears of hospitals and the supernatural. Room 566 acquired accolades at more than a dozen festivals, including Outstanding Screen Story at ZedFest 2019, and Best Screenplay at One-Reeler Short Film Competition 2019. When not in front of or behind the camera, certified AOW scuba divers Allisyn and Dylan enjoy ocean scuba diving at destinations such as Catalina, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. Allisyn enjoys roller derby, and studies the graceful and demanding art of trapeze with her younger sister Josie. She is a prolific artist, with her dark and whimsical characters invited to gallery showings since she was only 15 years old. Learn more info. check out here: https://www.allisynsnyder.com
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