#laying my head down on either your lap or your chest
mangowafflesss · 3 days
This is the final part, I hate this but whatever I don't care :) Love to everyone who read this <3
Part 1 , Part 2
It had been a couple of days since you had kicked out John and his bitch of an ex. It was peaceful but very quiet. There was more room for your mind to start spiralling into thoughts, so you either had music playing through your speakers or the tv on throughout the day, just to make it seem like someone was here with you in the house.  
You had the locks changed and also blocked all contact with him, yes it was hard but you believed it to be the best thing to do. No more temptation to let him back into your heart. He hurt you and now you had to heal from the wounds. 
However, John wasn’t giving up on you that easily. He would show up to your house daily, knocking, wanting for you to listen to him. But why should you? He wouldn't listen to you, no matter how many times you expressed how much you wanted him to get rid of his ex.  
Today was Saturday. You were fresh out of the shower and heard repeated knocking on your front door. Choosing to ignore it, you did your usual routine before the knocking reached a point where your eye was borderline twitching. 
With a huff, you turned on your heel and charged through the house. When you got closer to the door, the louder the thumping got. “Fuck off John!” you yelled but the sound was relentless. 
Unlocking the door, you twisted the handle and yanked it open “Will you stop before you break down my damn door” you say but when the person on the other side isn’t John, your angry temper fizzles a little but not much. 
“John’s not here” you go to shut the door but his arm stops you and you roll your eyes before opening it again. 
“Where is he?” 
“Don’t know. Don’t care” you say with a shrug and watch as he looks past you and into your house. “I’m being serious Simon. His car isn’t even here” you point to the empty spot next to your car on the drive and feel your lip quiver for a second. 
No. You were done crying for him. 
“Did something happen?” he asks and you cross your arms over your chest “As if you don’t already know. You’re probably one of the first people he would’ve told. Is that why you’re here? He gave up begging so he sent one of his men to do it for him” you scoff while he stands there looking confused. You don’t think you ever seen such emotion on him. 
“I haven’t heard from him in a week. I have no idea what’s going on” he says truthfully and you’re shocked. 
“Really?” He nods his head and you believe him. “Why don’t you tell me about it? Whatever it is sounds like he’s in the wrong” you contemplate it for a while before stepping to the side and letting him inside of your home. 
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A couple of weeks later, Simon had been coming over a lot more. He expressed his hatred for what John did to you. You were confused at first, he was the closest thing Simon had to a family. They were friends, comrades. It was strange at first, but you were glad to have someone on your side, telling you how much John had fucked up. 
One night, you were laying on the sofa and stretched out your legs. They landed in Simon's lap and you had apologised before pulling them back to your recent position, but Simon had grabbed your legs and put them back into his lap mumbling something like “You’ll get cramp” but the way his fingers brushed against the skin of your calves made a fire inside you ignite. Maybe it was from the lack of touch from someone but it was all you could think about the entire night until he left to go back home. 
When he returned to your house a couple days after, you kissed him. It was a rushed decision but the way he kissed you back made you realise that he wanted this as much as you. 
From there on out, your relationship got more physical. You would grab him as soon as he walked through the door. Him scooping you up into his arms, dropping the things in his hands to the ground in the process.    
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A month and a half later, you were in bed. Legs spread with a head settled in between them. Your hands gripped onto his dirty blonde strands as he ran his tongue up your sopping cunt. “Fuck Si-”  you moaned as he sucked on your clit making you buck your hips and push his head further down onto you. You felt as if you were in heaven, floating on a cloud as he devoured you.    
Well you were in heaven until you heard knocking at the door. That fucking door will be the death of you. 
“Ignore it” Simon grunts before pushing two thick digits into you, making you hum and forget about anything for the moment. 
The doorbell started to ring and you huffed angrily. “It's him” you groaned while covering your face with your hands but Simon continued to swirl his tongue, happily lapping you up. 
You weren't going to be able to come like this. “Simon stop” you say regretfully and he pulls his fingers from you making you whine at the loss of them. 
You had to deal with this or else you’ll never do it. Sighing, you get up off the bed and put on your robe. Before leaving the haven of your room, you press a kiss to Simon's lips “We’ll continue this when I get back” you feel him smile against your lips before slapping your ass and falling onto his back on the mattress. 
You pick up the documents on the kitchen counter and walk to the front door where John stands. He looked rough but you didn’t care as you shoved the envelope at him. 
“Make sure you sign them John”   
He held them in his hand and looked up at you with sorrowful eyes. “Sweetheart, is there anything I can do to save this. Please”  
“No John, I never will listen to anything you have to say ever again” your voice had no emotion in it, you were done. Finally done. 
You heard footsteps behind you and felt a kiss was placed on the top of your head. John looked shocked at the sight of Simon but nodded to himself “I’ll sign them” he sounded broken and you felt a sense of relief. 
Before he left, he looked to Simon and spoke once more “Look after her will you?” you felt Simon pull you softly backwards and stood in the doorway blocking you from view. “I’ll do a lot more than you ever have” is all he says before slamming the door and locking it. 
He turns around with a smile decorating his face and mischievous glint in his eye. “Now that's dealt with.  Where were we?” you grin before sprinting back into the bedroom to continue what was so rudely interrupted. 
Tags: @knightofsexyness, @sleepyoriana @odettecigno @thigh-o-saur @blackhawkfanatic @hotvinimon @ghostlypatrolstranger, @nadinesabre, @v1x3n, @dakotapaigelove, @butchers-girl, @mayadarlings <3 <3
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ehh-balance · 3 days
Gorgug clicked off the turn signal on the hangvan after merging back into traffic. He glanced at the maps app on his crystal again just to be greeted with the same “continue for 88 miles” that was there before they pulled off into the rest stop for a quick break.
“Here ya go,” Kristen said softly, handing Gorgug a sandwich with the wrapper pulled down and wrapped around the bottom half. Gorgug mumbled a thank you, appreciatively taking a massive bite of the snack. He glanced in the rear view mirror, which had been positioned to see the back seat rather than the rear window.
In the third row, Fig had moved from slumped over on Adaine, to slumped against the window with her legs in Adaine’s lap. Adaine, whether she was trancing or napping, hadn’t moved much, just tipping her head from either side to keep her neck from getting too stiff. Fabian was splayed across most of the middle row with Riz tucked into the space between his legs and the seat back. His face was smushed into Fabian’s calf, part of it shiny with Riz’s drool. Gorgug could just spot the fluffy end of Riz’s tail where it was wrapped around Fabian’s arm.
Kristen must’ve seen him checking on everyone else, because she turned around in the passenger seat to peak in the backseat too.
“Man, I’m surprised none of them woke up.” She twisted back around to face forward before pulling a knee up to hug to her chest. Gorgug just hummed back at her, chewing his last bite of sandwich.
“Hey. I’ve got a question,” he said as he checked his blind spot before changing lanes.
“Lay it on me.”
“Remember when we died? Freshman year?” Even mentioning it made Gorgug start to sweat. The dark forest, the blade-like falling leaves. Everything closing in, the tight burn of anger. The lurking fear.
“It was quite a defining moment in my life actually,” Kristen said jokingly. She also placed a gentle hand on his forearm, which made Gorgug suck in a sudden breath. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding it. After hearing his shaky gasp of air, she squeezed his arm more firmly, and said in a gentle tone, “Yeah, I remember.”
Good. That’s good. Or, well, maybe it wasn’t good. Gorgug remembers talking about it with her after it had happened. They had been sitting on the curb across from Basrar’s, waiting for their parent’s to come pick them up. He remembers Kristen talking about how disappointing Helio was and how confused she had been. It had involved a lot of rambling about some pretty cult-y sounding childhood events and a lot of religious guilt. Gorgug had listened and offered unsure input, trying to steer her gently to the idea that maybe the way she was taught to worship wasn’t the only way. In turn, she had listened to him talk about the dark forest, and Mr. Gibbins, and the anger that had consumed the guidance counselor and the fear that had consumed Gorgug. She had healed him arms where his finger nails had cut into his skin from gripping them so tightly in his anxiety.
Gorgug tried to pull himself out of the memory. He had a goal here.
“I don’t like where I went.” Gorgug said firmly. Kristen squeezed his arm again, reaching further up his arm to tug on one of his friendship bracelets. The tug made him realize how tightly he had been clutching the steering wheel and he tried to relax his stiff fingers.
“I know. But hey, Gorthalax said it was a mistake. It shouldn’t happen like that again,” Kristen reassured. And while Gorgug had been telling himself that since Gorthalax had told him, he still didn’t know what that meant. Where he would actually end up when he finally died for good.
“At the end of everything with Porter and Ankarna. Lucy came back, and she told you that she had been in your- in Cassandra’s afterlife.” Gorgug took another breath, it felt like more air was entering his lungs now, “I want that. I want to know where I’m going, and I want it to be there.”
“Okay?” Gorgug paused. He thought there would be more. “Don’t I have to like. Get some paladin or cleric levels or something? Devote myself to Cassandra?”
Kristen tugged on another of his friendship bracelets this time, the blue and purple one she had made him. “If you want to be there, you’ll be there dude. I’ll make sure. Shoot off a prayer to Cassandra every once in a while if you feel like it. But if you need a hand to hold in the dark, we’ll be there. Whenever you need it.”
Gorgug suddenly felt like he could cry. He hadn’t realized how much he still worried about where he would end up when he died. Being downed so much in the fight against Porter had really kickstarted his stress about it again. He felt like he had in freshman year, right after he died, trying to explain to people how he thought he went to hell. How no one else seemed to grasp the gravity of how intense his emotions were. How no one listened to him, or took him seriously. Or if they did, like his parents, there wasn’t anything they could do. But now one of his best friends finally laid his fears to rest. He had a heaven to go to that would be peaceful, and would likely house a few of his other friends.
Gorgug watched as the sun finally finished setting, the darkness a relief on his straining eyes. A chill quickly settled in, but Gorgug didn’t move to turn on the heat in the car. The cold that the twilight brought felt familiar and comforting and reminded him of Kristen’s magic when she healed him during battles. He finally felt the tension ease from his shoulders and jaw.
“Thank you. I don’t think I realized how much stress that was causing me.” Gorgug glanced at Kristen and saw her smiling fondly back at him.
“Hey man, anytime. Give unto me all your stress tokens, and I shall wipe them clean. So it is spoken, so it shall be. These are the words of Saint Applebees,” Her smile turned slightly feral, baring more teeth and she cackled at herself. Gorgug snorted back at her, the relief of stress and the ease of tension from Kristen catching him off guard.
“I don’t think I want to know what’s going on up there,” Adaine mumbled from the third row, rubbing at her eyes with her glasses pushed up to her forehead.
“I do!” Fig yelled, not at all sounding like she had just woken up from an hour long nap.
“If it involves more yelling, I do not want to hear about it,” Fabian mumbled, while shifting his eye patch to cover his one good eye, even though it was dark out now. He petulantly wrapped his arms around his head to cover his ears. Riz patted his calf in sympathy, while also wiping his drool up with a sleight of hand.
“You still good driving Gorgug? I can tap in whenever now that I’ve got some sleep in me.” Riz offered as he sat up.
“I’m okay. Maybe when we pull off at the next rest stop,” Gorgug replied. He felt Kristen squeeze his arm, from where she still had a grip on it, and the two shared a smile. Yeah, he was okay.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
You’re so pretty.
Also your butt is wonderful.
Also also your titties are great.
Also also also please can you lay your head in my lap while I play with your hair?
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#first of all omg hi!!!! I didn’t think anyone was going to send me anything so I started getting ready for bed#and then I got all comfy in bed and decided to check tumblr#and I SEE THIS#all of this is so sweet 🥺#but I think the part that is hurting my heart a little bit#I WANNA LAY MY HEAD DOWN IN YOUR LAP PLS PLS PLS#I think I would start crying if someone I loved and trusted started playing with my hair#my hair is such a big part of me so I protect it 😂#I still remember when I was growing up and fucking STRANGERS touched my hair#so that’s why I was always kinda creeped out over it#but then I keep seeing all of these sweet cuddling gifs#and the moment just seems so sweet and soft#laying my head down on either your lap or your chest#and your slowly playing with my hair#maybe we are talking about random shit#or maybe we are just peacefully quiet and enjoying each others company#or if you really want to make me start to sob#tell me everything that you love about me#whisper that you’re so thankful that I’m in your life#and that I’m the only girl you could ever want#oooooofda I know I LEAPED there#but man oh MAN I’m in the mood to find the loml#I want to grow old with them#the most important word in that being GROW - I want to grow with someone and we push each other to be the best person we can be#you like how my mind jumped from laying my head down on your lap to this 😂😂😂#my hopeless romantic heart is SCREAMING#I need something romantic to happen to me ASAP#I was going to do a hair playing gif but then I SAW THIS ONE AND OMG MY HEART I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW#thank you so so SO much cutie 🥰🥰🥰#ask
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rafeandonlyrafe · 17 days
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words: 1.2k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, soft!rafe, established relationship, overbearing/annoying parents, proposal, marriage talk
“and why would i not want to come?” rafe questions, a soft smile on his face as he looks over to you.
“my family can be… a lot sometimes. i wouldn't blame you if you couldn't be around them for a whole two weeks.” you explain softly.
“but then i would have to be away from you for two whole weeks.” rafe hums. “i can put up with them if it means being with you.”
“stop it.” you whine out. “you're gonna make me all blushy.”
“i love how easily i get you all flustered.” rafe laughs, pulling you onto his lap.
you've purposely only let rafe around your parents in small doses. they can be overwhelming, intense, and if they get on your nerves, they'll certainly get on rafes.
rafe holds you closer to his chest, his mouth finding yours. you allow him to kiss you for a minute before you pull away, much to rafes dismay as he frowns.
“okay, so to prepare you for them-”
“kiss first.” rafe interrupts. “prepare later.”
you can't argue with that logic.
“rafe, did you remember your socks and underwear?”
“mom!” you gasp. “he's a grown man, oh my god. you don't need to announce that in a crowded airport.” you hiss out the last part, a warning against any of her antics, not that it does anything to dull her.
“oh, relax sweetie.” she laughs. “i just don't want your boyfriend to have to get to mexico only to have to buy a pack of undies.”
“oh my god.” you grab rafe, pulling him a bit farther away from your parents, hopefully meaning they won't talk to either of you as much. “im so sorry about them.”
“hey, it's fine.” rafe presses a kiss to the top of your head. “just think about mexico. we're going to get there and lay out on the beach just the two of us. ill take you shopping and we'll spend all our money on tourist traps.”
“yeah, when my dad isn't forcing us to go to museums or cultural sites and my mom isn't snapping 1,000 pictures of us.” you look over at your parents only to realize your mom is taking a picture of you at this very moment.
your groan is drowned out by rafes laughter.
“mama, we are going out to the beach!” you call.
“oh, goodness!” she quickly rushes into the living room, the back patio opening up right onto the sand.
“be back in time for dinner, dears!” she says, grabbing a bottle of sunscreen and adding it to your bag.
“we'll be just outside, mom.” you say, allowing her to kiss both your cheeks. despite finding your parents overwhelming at times, you love them and know they love you too.
“rafe, she burns easily. make sure you reapply for her.” your mom says, pressing a kiss to his cheek as well.
“yes ma'am.” rafe nods.
you make your way outside before she can say anything else, walking until you're closer to shore.
“let me know when you need more sunscreen.” rafe smirks at you as you both lay out towels. “im always down to get my hands on your body.” 
“perv.” you laugh, making rafe growl and reach over to tickle your sides, ending up lying on the same towel in a heap.
your hand in rafes is the biggest solace as your dad continues on about the history of the town, deigning himself an honorary tour guide.
“sorry about this.” you squeeze rafes hand. it was interesting at first, but now that you're on the third hour of explanation about the architecture of one building or how the streets were made, it's becoming boring and manatonis.
“no problem.” rafe hums. “seriously you gotta stop apologizing, baby. your parents aren't that bad, plus, they made you, so i kinda have to thank them for that.”
“oh you're so sweet.” you whine, leaning in to turn your voice into a whisper. “you are absolutely getting laid tonight.”
“and you are absolutely getting treated to a beautiful and private dinner. i already talked to your mom about it. she called me a little romantic.” rafe smirks.
“you are a little romantic.” you giggle, reaching across the table to hold rafes hand, the flame of the candle flickering in between the two of you, appetizers and entrees finished, waiting for a dessert to split to be brought out to you.
“have to tell your mom she was right.” 
“hopefully they're asleep when we get back.” you can't help the smirk that stretches over your cheeks.
“oh, you are desperate for it, huh?” rafe laughs, sitting back as the waiter brings you out a chocolate cake dripping in fudge.
“it's been like four whole days, of course im desperate.”
“oh fuck.” you whisper, head tilted back against the sheets, rafe between your legs, thrusting mercilessly inside of you.
“god, you're so warm.” rafe hums out, burying his cock inside of you repeatedly.
“to-touch me.” you whine out, rafe instantly knowing what you're really asking for. “i need it.”
rafe drops his hand to your clit, rubbing it as he feels you pulsing around him as your high builds.
“nice and tight for me baby. and so wet.” rafe hums out, struggling to keep his voice low since your parents are asleep not far away.
“gonna cum- rafe!” you let out a gasp. “gonna cum, please.”
rafe moves as fast as his tired legs will allow, wishing he wasn't so worn out from the very long walk around the city with your father.
he makes up for his lack of pace with his thumb on your clit, rubbing and flicking over your bud until your high breaks.
your back arches off the bed with a moan as you cum probably a little too loud, rafe releasing inside of you only a moment later with a moan of his own.
“some mama and me time would be nice.” you smile, looking at the spa package your mom laid out in front of you.
“mhm. and your dad has something planned for him and rafe.” she says, looking over to your boyfriend.
“are you okay with that?” you ask, looking over at him as he eats his bacon.
“sure.” he nods. “would be nice to get to know him. one on one, ya know.”
“where are we going?” rafe questions, looking out the taxi window as it takes him further into the city.
“a shop.” your father just hums out, leaving it at that.
“okay.” rafe allows the silence to settle until they reach the store. he understands exactly why he's been brought here as he sees the storefront, advertising glittering bracelets and diamond rings.
“sir, i should let you know-” rafe clears his throat, reaching into his pocket to pull out the velvet box. “i already have what i think you brought me here to influence me to buy.”
your father's eyebrows raise in surprise as rafe continues.
“i haven't asked your permission yet, but i know i want to marry your daughter. i love her very much.”
“we would be honored to have you become part of our family, son.” your dad says, clearing his throat as tears well in his eyes.
“last night.” you hum, looking out onto the the water, the moonlight glittering over the waves.
“actually-” rafe smiles, tucking you further into his side. “we are extending our trip by a week. your parents are going home, though.”
“really?” your eyes widen.
“they insisted, actually.” he chuckles. “on one condition.”
“what's the condition?” you question as rafe sinks to his knees pulling out a box.
“that you say yes.”
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cheapshrimpysheep · 7 months
Meaningful Kiss
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SUMMARY: Would they make Public Displays of Affection? If not, are they protective instead? And how do they show you how much they truly love you through their kisses?
CHARACTERS: OB students (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia & Malleus)
TAGS: Bullet Points; Fluff; GN Reader; Established Relationship, Kissing, Flirting, Slightly Suggestive(?)
WORD COUNT: An average of 300 words per character.
COMMENTS: This has been a WIP for so long that I don't even remember how I got the idea to write it. And in my case, being a WIP for a long time means that I wrote one part and then went on to write something else and ended up forgetting about this one for a long time. 😅 But now I've finished it.
I hope you enjoy 💋
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CONTEXT: You two are in an established relationship already.
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Riddle is not really the PDA type. The most he would do with you in public could be walk arm in arm like you were royalty. In terms of kisses, a kiss on the back of your hand or, at the most, on your cheek.
When the two of you are alone on a normal day, he will probably be working on his student and Housewarden duties. But whenever you tell him he should take a break, he'll get up, sit next to you and hug you, like you're a charger.
If you're relaxing together, he’ll be reading a book with one arm around you. Either around your shoulders or around your waist, which you told him you like the most. He’ll also laying his head on your shoulder.
The most meaningful kisses are, of course, the kisses on your lips. He's not the type to kiss you on the lips just like a "good morning" thing. These kisses are always sweet and lovely. His hands would be on your cheeks to caress them.
He needs you, but his kisses aren't needy. They are the caring type. You are his precious rose. In contrast to his strict self, the way he shows you that he loves you is through soft affection and care.
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A relationship with Leona Kingscholar comes with your rights and duties. Some of your rights: He will buy you things; you’re allowed to pet his ears; he will be your protector and you can sleep with him in his comfy bed and have breakfast in bed (he ordered someone to bring it to you two)
Some of your duties: let him use you as a pillow (be it your thighs in the greenhouse or your chest in bed.); don't be too annoying to him; dealing with his “smugness” on a daily basis and being his and his alone, the same way he's yours.
He's kinda into PDA, but more in the sense of telling anyone who might look at you with interest that you're his. Or anyone who looks down on you that if they do the slightest thing against you they will have to suffer at his claws. If the other person is a friend of yours, he'll let it go.
He has at least two types of kisses. The first is the “make out” kisses. When you're alone and he wants you (if you want him at the time too of course), he would give you deep kisses, kiss your neck and run his hands over you. Either he would make you sit on his lap our make you lie down with him.
His real meaningful kisses are the second ones. The "lazy" kisses. The first ones are linked to his pride. These second ones are much more affectionate. Usually happen when he's still sleepy, like when he just woke up from a good nap. He may lazily put his arms around you and kiss your cheek, neck, or shoulder gently. This is perhaps the most vulnerable state he will let you see. And so it will only happen in private.
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Azul is also not very adept at PDA, but he is still capable of putting an arm around you and kissing your cheek to show how well he takes care of you.
He's already quite charming and pleasant with his potential clients, so with you it's not much different in public. The only difference is that with you it's genuine.
Do I need to say that dating him is like dating a Mafia Boss? AKA: Nobody disrespects my loved ones, unless they want a certain head in their beds when they wake up. (reference to The Godfather)
Being alone with him on a normal day would probably be being with him in his VIP room at Mostro Lounge. You're sitting on one of the couches while he's dealing with his paperwork. He’s probably the type that likes to be teased a little. So, when you see that he is no longer that attentive to the papers, go up to him, play with his hair, kiss his cheek, that will put him in the mood for you.
He’s the opposite of Leona. The kisses he usually gives you are sweet and charming like him. Because that's the side of him he want to show you the most. He'll kiss your cheek and lips affectionately. Let you sit on his lap. The side he most wants to show you is the confident and caring side. The one who shows you that you can trust him and that he will take care of you.
His most meaningful kiss is the opposite. The one related to his needy side. He shows you his most vulnerable side when he is the one who needs you. And that's what everything he does shows you. His kisses, his hugs, his begging look, all screaming “I need you! Please don’t leave me.”
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Jamil is completely against PDA! He doesn't like to stand out or draw attention and PDA always do that to the people involved. He won't hold your hand or kiss you. To the point where no one knows if you're even dating or not.
The only way he would show his affection for you in public is if that is a way to protect you. If someone looks down on you and he feels that that persons can be a threat to you, he will show that he is an even greater threat to them. In these moments, his protective side is stronger. He is Kalim's protector by obligation, but yours by free will.
It's when you're alone that he'll make up for his lack of affection of the day. On a normal day, you would be alone in the kitchen. He would probably be cooking for Kalim, but making something for you two as well. He’ll let you taste things as he cooks. He feels more relaxed when he's with you and even more so when you hug him.
When you're relaxing together, he would spoil you. Give you soft and sweet kisses. Pet your head and play with your hair. Give you massages and feed you things like grapes or small snacks. Or even taking the first mouthful of food he made for you to your mouth and seeing your delighted face.
The most meaningful gestures of affection he shows you are related to his most lustful side (lust for power) when you are the one spoiling him. The one moment in his life where he is no longer the servant, but the master. This time, he kisses your lips, your neck and everything he's entitled to. He tends not to show his feelings but with you he will show how much he loves you and how much he wants you.
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In reality, Vil neither likes nor dislikes PDA. He's kind of indifferent to it. The only reason he doesn't do it with you is because it would have bad consequences for both of you for his work as an actor and model. The most he can do is walk hand in hand with you.
Even though he doesn't show it much in public, everyone will know that you two are dating. He'll make sure of it, even if it's just information on the internet or him straight out saying it. On the one hand to protect you, because only an idiot would try to mess with Vil Schoenheit's partner. On the other hand to discourage anyone who has the slightest interest in you. “Honey, they’re with me. Do you really think you can even get to my heels? So, don't bother them.”
The only possible problem for you is that he's going to be more strict now that you're dating. From the outside it looks like he can be mean and demanding with you. But the truth is, he wants you to look your best so people know why he fell in love with you. He wants others to see on the outside how beautiful you are on the inside.
But of course, sometimes it's too much and you'll challenge him. Be stubborn and carefree. The best part? He's so into it! Your way of teasing each other.
He kisses you every now and then when you're alone. But when you put him on this mood, all his affection mix with boldness intensifies. Oh, of course, you wanted him to remind you what the reward is for listening to him. The answer is: appreciating you with the rest of his senses, sensual kisses on your lips, jaw, neck and shoulders; his hands running over your body, him delighting in your wearing the perfume he made for you. He'll show you how beautiful you are to him.
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PDA is not even an option! There is no way! Na-a! Listen, Idia loves you, really, he promises BUT going with you to places where couples usually go is already a lot and holding hands is the absolute most he can do. IF that even happens.
He wouldn’t be the jealous type. If someone shows an interest in you, at least they have good taste. But if someone looks down on you or goes so far as to disrespect you, then he goes from 0 to 100. Do these worms know he can hack them? exposing things that can completely ruin their lives until the day they pass through the gates of the underworld? Ortho can help protect you in the meantime.
Since he is a 0 to 100 guy, his kisses are the same. His "0" kisses are lazy. Mainly light, on your shoulder and neck, because you would be sitting on his lap, chest to chest, while he plays on his PC and you on your phone on his back. He also gives you casual "hi" and "bye" kisses on the lips.
Then there is his "100" kisses. Those are the real meaningful kisses, the "I love you" kisses. They are passionate but kind. Because loving you is different for loving a game, it's like he found his balance. they are not needy, but appreciative, the real embodiment of "OMG, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He also becomes bolder as he feels comfortable with you. He loves to tease you until he makes you shut him up with a kiss. The stronger your relationship is, the more daring and smug he will be.
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Malleus is quite indifferent to PDA. However, he is not the type to initiate the exchange of affection, but he is the type to reciprocate it. He won't kiss or hug you out of nowhere. But if you kiss or hug him, he will definitely reciprocate.
And he's going to be extremely casual about it. I mean, it's two lovers interacting with each other. As young humans would say: What's the big deal? However, he still distinguishes between the affection he gives you in public and the affection he gives you in private.
In public, his hugs are polite, and his kisses are light but loving.
In private, what he wants most is simply to be with you. He loves it when you sit on his lap and he cuddles you, and he likes it even more when you cuddle him back. He maintains his composure quite well, but you know that just your kisses on his checks already melt him inside.
His regular kisses in privet are sweet, loving, showing you that you are the most precious thing in his life. And very recurrent. He may not be the type to initiate the exchange of affection in public, but he certainly is in private.
All his kisses are meaningful, but the most meaningful of all are the one he gives you on your lips while smiling. The kind of kiss he can't stop himself from giving you. You may not even notice when they happen, because you are simply being yourself.
He feels the need to kiss you passionately when you do something that reminds him of why he fell in love with you. The moments when you do something that may seem simple, but for him it is something extraordinary. And if you don't realize at first how incredible that small gesture can be for him, it only makes you more charming.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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luveline · 1 month
Ooo can we have a blurb where bombshell! R and Spence were either on a date or were about to have their first time but got called into work? They both look a little annoyed at being interrupted. The bombshell reader series has my heart 🥺
im picturing boyband reid here maybe <3 fem
cw suggestive content
“These are trick buttons,” you accuse. 
Spencer laughs for the tenth time in as many minutes, perhaps tickled under your hands, more likely that he’s just feeling the same rush of hormones (namely adrenaline) as you are. “They’re not trick buttons, it’s ‘cos your hands are shaking.” 
He takes your poor hands in his. “It’s okay,” he adds softly, “I can do it.” 
“I’m not nervous, I’m excited,” you say, less soft, more desperate than he is, or at least on the surface. 
“I know, I know–” He catches your lips in a sudden eager kiss, a hand jumping to your cheek to ferry you closer, the other sewing down between your two chests to work open his fiendish buttons. 
“See,” he says between kissing, “easy.” 
“I’d like to see this level of dexterity when you unclasp my bra,” you mumble, kissing with every bit of hunger and love you have for him, lips drifting to his cheek, and then down to his jaw. Your mouth opens of its own accord. Spencer lets a breath slip from him coloured with wanting, the most amorous sound he’s ever made under your hands as you kiss, and nip, and—
Your phone rings from the nightstand, a heavy, repetitive vibration. 
“Ignore it,” you say easily, climbing up over Spencer’s lap, hand to the side of his face and rubbing tenderly. 
“I was planning on it,” he says. He was shy at first, those first few kisses, but Spencer’s a person like any other and he squeezes your hips closer to his without further argument. 
Your phone stops ringing a half a minute later. You smile into his mouth, even more when his fingers climb the length of your spine to slip playfully under the clasp of your bra. “How many tries do I get?” he asks. 
You sit back just a touch to meet his charming gaze. “As many as you need, handsome… I’m very patient.” 
He pulls you in to kiss your neck just as his phone begins to ring. 
“It’s work,” he guesses, paused regretfully under your chin. 
“We don’t know that.” 
“That’s my ringtone for work.” 
You breathe heavily atop him. “Can’t we be late?” 
He smiles at you gently. “I’m sorry, angel. If we’re late again this week he might actually bite your head off.”
Things were so perfect. This was it, this was the moment you finally knew each other to the very core, and your stomach aches with how badly you want him. You're startled at the heat behind your eyes knowing it’s not gonna happen. 
“Not tonight,” Spencer says, like he can read your mind. Maybe he’d been thinking a similar thing. “But soon, okay?”
You wrap your arms around his neck. 
His phone stops ringing before he can catch it. Both of your phones ping with simultaneous text messages quickly afterward, before your ringtone begins again in earnest. 
He leans graciously toward the nightstand, allowing you to continue hugging him while also answering the phone. “Hello?” you ask. 
“Agent Hotchner’s calling you in.” 
You press your nose to Spencer’s shoulder. “Okay. I have Dr. Reid with me too. Please stop calling, we’ll be there as soon as possible,” you say, flustered. You hang up quick. 
Spencer pats your back with his fingers, palm flat to your shoulder, apparently the less gutted of the both of you at your missed moment. “Let me get you dressed, okay?” he says. “You’re too sulky. It wouldn’t have even been that good.” 
“How rude.” 
His teasing continues. “I’m serious. I haven’t been with anyone since that girl in Vegas–”
“What girl in Vegas?” 
“–and anyways,” he says, tilting your head back, his smile both playful and adoring at once, “you shouldn’t have been on top.” 
“Spencer,” you laugh, pressing your hand to your eyes. 
“I have a head full of statistics on female pleasure and I don’t need them to know you should be laying down when we–”
You kiss him. “That’s enough,” you say, pressing the tips of your noses together. “I get the picture.” Your arm curled around his neck feels right, and you’re heartbroken to let it slink back to your side, but you do. “I love you. I wish we’d chosen different careers.” 
“I love you, too, but I don’t. Then we never would’ve met,” he says simply.
You let out a happy breath. “I guess not.” 
Spencer hoists you off of his lap in an impressive show of strength, but then he dumps you in the mess of sheets, which is less lovely. “What do you want to wear?” he asks, springing up, heading straight for his closet. “I pressed your pinstriped dress yesterday, that would look cute with your stockings. And you won’t need a jacket, it’s hotter out there than it is in here. Why are you looking at me like that? We literally don’t have time for this.” 
You love him. You’re gonna rock his world when you get home. “The dress is fine.” You put your arms up in the air. “I’m waiting. And look! We’re half undressed already. How convenient.” 
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strawberrynull · 2 months
──౨ৎ ˙🧸 ̟ cuddling positions
엔하이픈 | Enhypen | Sim Jaeyun
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──Pairing: bf!jake x afab!reader
──Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff
──Synopsis: Some positions you two would cuddle in or just hang out
──Warnings: skinship, kissing, thigh kisses, hickeys, chest kisses, slightly suggestive
──A/N: this literally took me 10 minutes lmao. It was also supposed to be for Niki at first but after writing the first one I was like 'nah I have more ideas for Jakey'
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౨ৎ Jake would be laying on his back or against the headboard. His knees would be slightly bent; enough room for you to lay on your stomach under his legs. You two would be on tiktok or insta reels, occasionally sending one to each other.
౨ৎ If your bed is in a corner, you would be sitting with your back against the wall. Otherwise, your back would be against the headboard. Jake would lay between your legs with your hands around his waist like puzzle pieces. This would give you perfect access to kiss his broad shoulders as well as his neck. You would leave several hickeys on his neck often.
౨ৎ Jake would lay on his back with you resting right on top of him. Your head would be on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as his chest rose and fell slowly. He would work his fingers through your hair gently or hug you tight around your waist. Or
౨ৎ Or Jake would be the one laying on top of you; his bigger body pressed against yours. He would have his face nuzzled into your chest with his hands running up and down your sides. He would kiss your chest if it was exposed, and even leave hickeys if he felt like it. Or he would rest his head in his palm, staring up at you with lovestruck eyes.
౨ৎ You would be sitting as Jake lays down with his head in your lap, probably staring at his phone or up at your pretty face. You would stroke his soft hair subconsciously because there is just no way to resist. Or the other way around; Jake would sit with your head in his lap. He would stroke your hair wile either staring at your features or while playing video games.
౨ৎ Jake would sit in his gaming chair, controller in hand while you sat on his lap. You would be facing him so you could leave kisses all around his face and neck. Or you would wrap your arms around his waist and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
౨ৎ You would be sitting, back against the pillows while Jake laid on his back with his head in between your plush thighs. Your legs would be draped over his shoulders. His hand would come up to rub one of your soft thighs while he held his phone on the other. Occasionally he would tilt his head to place kisses on the inside of your thighs.
౨ৎ While watching movies, Jake would sit upright so he could hold you on his lap like you were a little baby. Your knees would be to your chest and your arms wrapped around his neck like he was carrying you bridal style.
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© strawberrynull, 2024. Do not copy my work. Please DM for permission before translating or reuploading. Thank You
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sunflowersteves · 11 months
Secretly thinking about Hobies/Miguels thigh obsession
Ithe reader’s got THICK thick thighs and he keeps playing w them
Either way,
He loves..
squeezing, pinching them, nipping at them anywhere n anytime he can
laying between your thighs, he’d place his head between your boobs
getting his head between ur thighs , tightening the grip on his head while eating u out
When sitting on his face you’re afraid you’d suffocate him with you thighs “Then I would die a happy man”
oh my god 😫
pairing || miguel o’hara x fem!reader
warnings || soft!miguel, fluff, SMUT, thigh biting, miguel has a thigh kink, thigh fucking, oral sex (fem receiving), dom x sub, [18+ ONLY]
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Miguel knew he was obsessed—that much was completely clear as day. He couldn’t stop his eyes from trailing down to your thighs as they jiggled with each step. He couldn't help when his hands tightened around them, unable to fully wrap his large hand around the plush skin. 
It drove him fucking insane. 
“Cariño,” His voice was quiet in concentration, “y’need to stop moving.” 
You squirmed in his lap, legs perched up across his thighs. While you were watching TV, Miguel had a book in one hand, eyes scanning the page. However, for the past ten minutes, Miguel had been kneading into your thighs. He would squeeze them, feel them, and occasionally pinch them. 
His reading glasses slightly slid down his curved nose. His head was turned to you, ruby eyes intense with just the smallest of smirks across his lips. It was so distracting—he and his hands flushed up against your legs.
“Can’t read with you moving all around like that.” He says coolly. His voice was deep and gruff, the eye contact never wavering. You could feel yourself squirm again. Your body felt increasingly hot as his eyes gravitated towards his lap. He watched you move your thighs once more, and he subconsciously licked his lips. 
His large hand sunk deep into the molding flesh, creating the indents of his fingers into your skin. “Miggy—” 
He slapped his book shut and tossed it onto the coffee table. You let out a gasp as he moved so fast you hardly knew what was happening. Miguel had maneuvered himself so your thighs were slung over his shoulder, and he was crouched down so his chest met the couch. 
“Too fucking distracting.” He growls. His hands go to re-grip your thighs once more, spreading them apart. “Your fucking thighs—”
He cuts his own self off as he starts to kiss your thighs. Sometimes he couldn’t believe how much he craved them—how much he thought about them completely enveloping his face. 
He loved when he could kiss them and put his fangs in them. He loved to see the indent of the way his teeth punctured your skin. 
He could feel his cock jump at the sight of them on display for him. He could picture the sweet memory of last night when he had his slick cock in between your thighs and fucked up into them. 
“Fuck, Miguel—” Your hands reach to his hair and pull. He lets out a groan, tongue swirling around your supple skin. 
He unsheathed his fangs and grazed them over the meat of your thighs. He watched as you gasped, head falling back. His hands continued to mold around the flesh, and he groaned, hips bucking into the couch. 
“So fucking thick,” he murmurs. “So fucking good to me, cariño.” 
He goes to kiss your mound, covered by panties and a pair of shorts. You whimpered, watching his glossy lust-filled eyes gaze at the skin before him. 
He lets out one of his claws, hand in the middle of the air, before ripping your shorts in half. “Miguel!” You scold. Another pair of pants and underwear were destroyed. Again. 
He doesn’t waste time, ignoring your scolding. He dips his tongue into your folds and growls at the wetness that sticks to your walls. “Taste—” He licks up to your clit and swirls the swollen bud. “So fucking—” His fingers press deeper into your thighs. “Good.” He gasps. 
Your thighs instinctively get tighter around his head, and he could practically feel his eyes roll in the back of his head. His head backs up as far as possible—wild eyes looking aflame. 
“Baby?” You say, concerned. He looked at you for a bit longer. Your eyes were hazy, your face looking completely fucked out. You had been squirming in his lap for some time, and he relished in the feeling of your body becoming hotter and hotter.
His eyes flashed. “Do it again.” He demands. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Do what?” You were being genuine—not the innocent bratty nature that he was so used to. 
“Put your thighs around my head. Again.” He growled out the last part of the sentence. His cock twitched again at the sight of your thighs wrapped around him. 
Your hand subconsciously lightly tugs on his hair. “B-but, Miguel.” Your eyes flicker away from him. “I’ll crush you.”
He takes a good look at you once more. He then chuckles under his breath before kneading your thighs again. 
“Good. I want you to.” He pressed his lips back onto your slick and pushed a tongue between your folds. “I want you to crush my fucking head, cariño.”
He taps your thigh in an inpatient manner, the other hand teasing your entrance with a finger. “Do I make myself clear?” 
“Y-yes, Miguel.” 
He pleasantly hums. “Now sit back and wrap your thighs around me. Be my good girl.” 
You didn’t need to be told twice. 
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messylustt · 11 months
Ok a little thing for hobie (reader has nipple piercings)
You and hobie are just laying around the flat minding your business when hobie sees you kinda in pain and he asks what's wrong and,well, since you're comfortable with him you say ' I'm gonna be honest with you, sometimes my nipples itch and hurt and it's hard with the piercings ' and hobie's like ' I can help with that ' and proceeds to suck on your titties ndjdkx
friends help friends — hobie brown ( nsfw ). longer name. hobie soothing your sore nipples with his tongue. how sweet of him.
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hobie eyes you as you shift on the couch, gaze distracted by your phone. you keep re-adjusting your shirt and hobie keeps noticing more and more. until he speaks up. “ya alright’ there?” you glance at him, nodding at first before pausing. “actually…this may sound weird…and is probably a little too much information — ” hobie shifts closer to you, along the couch, shaking his head.
“ya do realise i tell ya shit that don’ even make sense half the time…righ’?” you knock your head back and forth, semi agreeing.“alright…” you say, shifting to face him better. “ever since i got my nipples pierced they’ve always been either itchy or sore…to the point that it just…you know.” you say, eyeing him. hobie had glanced down, staring at your tits as he tilted his head. he’d noticed your nipple piercings recently, sometimes poking through a comfy shirt. he shifts closer to you, still staring.
“mus’ be annoyin’.” he comments, his fingers moving to the bottom of your shirt as you hum a ‘yeah, just a bit’. but then hobie’s slender fingers are skimming up your shirt, before grazing across the metal bar of your nipple piercing — still over the material. “does tha’ hurt?” he meets your gaze, hand now hovering. your breathing had hitched at his close action, as you lick your lips.“kinda…”
“hm.” hobie hums, going back to the bottom of your skirt, as he lifts it — just a fraction. you watch him closely, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach. “ya need any help?” hobie asks, continuing to slowly lift your shift. “what?” your mind is a little fuzzy. hobie chuckles as he continues to draw the material up, then he’s muttering “lift ya arms f’me.”
and for some reason you do, letting hobie remove your shirt. no bra. it was night time. so, of course no bra. hobie eyed your chest, before he wrapped his hand around your waist, pulling you closer to him making you choke on your breathing again. “jus’ a friend helpin’ a friend.” he mutters, catching your slightly wide gaze. and then his tongue is out and licking at one of your nipples, making you slightly gasp.
hobie tightens his hold around you, making his mouth easily accessible to wrap his full lips around your nipple, the cold metal feeling nice on his tongue. your back is arched into him as your head begins to loll, hobie’s sucking and licking turning far more prominent as he basically makes out with your nipple, his cooling spit actually doing wonders for the burn and itch.
“h — hobie…” you breathe out, as he just hums against your tit. “tha’ feel better?…want some help with the other?” he asks, already moving his mouth towards it. “uh…yeah…” you manage making him grin as he eagerly sucks your nipple, his tongue swirling sloppily, as his lip ring grazes part of your soft skin. “mm…feelin’ better?” he asks, you now partially on his lap. his spit is all over your tits and in all honesty hobie doesn’t want to stop but your pulling his head back by a soft grip to his hair, making him meet your gaze.
“what brought that on?” you breathe heavy. but hobie doesn’t answer, getting out of your hold as he wraps his lips back around your nipple making a choked whimper fall from your mouth. “i think you need a bit more help, babe…” hobie says, kitten licking part of your tits now as he hums in approval, gradually growing a tad addicted.
“yeah…i can help…don’ worry…jus’ relax…that’s it…hook your leg over my lap…make it easier f’me…” you hadn’t at first realised how eager hobie was to help you. and hobie hadn’t at first realised just how good your tits would taste.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 5 months
Say yes to me
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Paring: fem!reader x alpha!Nat
Warnings: SMUT, a/b/o, alpha Nat, omega reader, consensual human trafficking?, sex toys, begging, praise kink, pet names, breeding, unprotected sex, creampie, belly bulges, age gap (obviously)
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional. I do not own these characters!
A/N: look who’s back
You were prepared for once belonging to an powerful alpha, after all you had spent all your upbringing on a farm designed to produce omegas like you. In a world where most of the population either consisted of betas or alphas your kind was especially rare. Which meant there weren’t enough omegas for the alphas and that concluded in the farms like the one you had grew up in. The avengers mostly consisted of alphas, alphas with mates. Tony had Pepper, Clint had Laura and Nat had well no one until now. Tony thought he had been a damn genius when he got the idea what to get Nat for her 40th birthday. Why not get the alpha her very own mate? 
Natasha couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw you, younger, unmated and exactly her type. She was grateful for her gift of course, ever since she got you she had been all over you. Trying to make you hers. Natasha despised the idea by mating you by force so she tried her best to appeal to you. You were surprised by the kindness of the older alpha as she respected your borders and never made you uncomfortable. She’d take you out to dinner, watch your favourite movies and even teach you some martial art. 
You were certain to mate with her after all it wasn’t like you had much of a choice, however you weren’t complaining. You didn’t want her, no, you needed her. Every time you sat down on her lap and let her cock strain in her boxers. You tried to kiss her again and again but it never brought you anywhere. She insisted on waiting until your second heat which one bothered you more after all you hadn’t even had your first. 
"Please Tasha" you whined rolling your hips in anticipation for her. "You know what the farm said mating in your sleeping with an alpha in your first heat only makes it wore" You rolled you eyes sitting up to get a better view of the assassin sitting on the edge of the king sized bed. "I need it, please touch me, please. You begged her. "We can use the toys they gave you for your heat" She prosed, it took everything in her not to mate you right now. 
"Better than nothing" You signed watching Natasha tug off your shorts. She climbed up your body catching your lips in a heated kiss. You released whimpers as she shoved her tongue down her throat. You rocked your hips against hers, crotch on crotch as you tried to get her attention. "Fuck, you're a naughty girl" She groaned kissing down your neck to your chest nibbling on the sensitive skin of your breasts. "Please Tasha, please" you begged her "I'll make it better I promise кроли" Her calling you russian pet names only made you go even more crazy. 
She had you laying on her chest with your back your legs spread over her crotch. One hand played with your breast using it as a sort of stress ball as she paled the sensitive flesh with her veiny hands. The other one held a vibrator to your puffy clit as you buckled your hips desperately against the toy. She had put it on a low setting enough to make you get close to your edge but not enough to actually make you cum. You moaned right in the older woman's ear in an attempted to get her to break her facade and finally mate you. 
After a while of teasing your puffy cunt he decided to finally turn the toy up to give you the sweet release. You threw your head back on her shoulder crying out for a release. "Good girl" She praised you once more turning the device higher. "Come on sweet girl cum for me, cum for your alpha" With a few more rolls of your hips you had your release pressing your face into her neck as you clenched around nothing. Natasha helped you through your first orgasm of the night but you were far from satisfied, you were going to get her to mate with you that day. 
Natasha seemingly not aware of your determination stood up from the bed to get a wash cloth from the bath couldn't believe her eyes when she came back to her bed room. You had placed yourself on her bed on all fours you back arched to present your tripping holes to the older alpha. "Please alpha breed me" You whined your face smushed against the soft pillow. 
"Fuck you're making this hard for me baby girl" she chuckled standing behind you to palm your ass. "Jus' take me this rule is so stupid" you complained, there had been this stupid rule of not mating in your first heat because it should be something every omega should get over with however you couldn't care less. You could hear her unbuckling her belt before hearing the sound  of the zipper going down. She placed herself behind you rubbing two fingers through your slit before pushing them past your tight hole. 
"Fuck you're tighter than I thought but I'll make it fit кролик" She smirked pulling her fingers out again before alining her self behind you. Natasha pushed her hips forward pushing her cock into for weeping hole. She was big, bigger than you thought but after a while her stretch was so delicious you'd never want anything else. After she bottomed you out she waited for your approval to move. Her hands smooth over your lower back and womb feeling a small bump where the head of your cock was whimpering at the feeling of your tight walls behind her. 
"Please, Natty, move" You breathed out anticipating the movement of the older woman. She started to pump her dick in and out your already sensitive cunt. You couldn't help but release sweet whimpers at the fast pace she had she had set. One arm sneaked around your body pulling you up against her chest as she never stopped pounding into you. She released an almost animalistic groan before biting down on your shoulder making you cry out to mark you as her mate.
"Fuck" She groaned into your ear "I'm gonna fuck you pregnant, you'll be tripping with my cum when I'm done with you" "Please Tasha breed me with your pups" You cried out. One of her exercised hands found its way to your overstimulated Clit rubbing the nub.  "Cum, cum with me" She called out before releasing inside of your womb painting the insides white as her knot formed making her slow her movement. That triggered your own orgasm making you see stars. 
She held you close caressing your body and whispering sweet nothings into you ear as she writhe for her knot to disappear. After awhile she pulled out to place you on the soft mattress she took a look between your leg to see your ruined cunt sum tripping out of your abused hole onto the beddings. The sight only made her hard again. "Ready for round 2" 
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l13 · 11 months
currently OBSESSED with your blog. Everything you post is FIRE. HEAR ME OUT, ok, imagine being like hella subby/timid and Miguel LOVES it but is also trying to help you use your voice, say what you want, GET YOU TO TAKE CHARGE A LIL and your all shy and cute and it just makes him want to fuck you THAT MUCH HARDER
nsfw mdni!
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you're absolutely right anon, he'd love it and he'd also tease you RELENTLESSLY about it- taking advantage of the fact that you wouldn't speak up, so desperately trying to help you achieve the opposite- to be open with him and not feel the need to hide anything from him,
he'd always say shit like "R'you tired, baby? Already?" as if this wasn't the third time he was fucking you, and you'd just mewl in reply, turning your head to bury your face deeper in your pillow
one night you end up with your back against the mattress, moaning and whimpering at the way Miguel eats you out like a starved man- groaning into your pussy as he licks everything you have to offer, lapping quickly at your folds.
you can feel you're close as you arch your back, unconsciously moving further away from him- and he grabs your thighs to pull you closer, clicking his tongue, "Oh baby.. Can't handle what I give you?"
you huff, "I can." and he just chuckles, his chin glistening, "Really."
"Then tell me what you want- I'll stop if you don't." he's thrown that one phrase in a LOT, always 'threatening' to stop making you feel good in order for you to speak up more- but you'd never budged and he in turn wouldn't stop either, because he couldn't. This time, though, he actually keeps his promise when you don't reply to him, and you're baffled as you watch him walk out of the room, leaving you panting on the bed.
you were so close to cumming, and he just left you there. You get up quickly to follow him out the room, rolling your eyes when you see him casually sitting on the couch, legs spread and all, and you come to stand right in front of him, blocking his view of the tv. His eyes betray him as always, and you try not to squirm at the way he stares at your body, licking his lips as he eyes you up and down,
"Something you need, querida?"
you've never actually asked Miguel for anything- only replying with small 'yes's whenever he'd ask you if you wanted more- if you wanted him to do this or that.
"I want your mouth on my pussy," you ignore the way your voice trembles as you talk, stubbornly standing your ground. Miguel grins, tongue running over his fangs before he scoots over, "Lay back,"
"You lay back. I wanna sit on your face." the way his eyebrows shoot up is almost comical, but then he's groaning, grabbing your thighs and pulling you towards him, and you gasp as you situate yourself in his lap clumsily. He kisses you hard- tongue rolling over your own, as you begin to grind your hips on him, loving the way his boxers feel against your bare pussy.
You run your hand up to rub at his pecs before you're pushing him down, and he chuckles breathlessly as he falls back, "Kitty finally got claws, huh?"
For some reason that pisses you off even more because you murmur, "Shut up," then you're suddenly climbing over his chest, hovering right above his mouth, and he can't keep his eyes off your pretty pussy- practically drooling at the sight,
after that it's like everything's changed- seeing miguel beg, hearing him whine for your pussy like you always do for his cock, changed how you viewed sex in general- and now you're the one asking to go for a second- third round, and he's the one laying down on the bed, sweat running down his temple as he pants hard, "Just give me a second baby, shit-" but you don't listen to him- too cockdrunk to do so- so you just straddle him again, taking his cock in your hands, loving the way he jumps from how overstimulated he is,
He grunts from underneath you, his hands squeezing your hips as he throws his head back in exasperation when you slip his cock back inside you, "h my Godddd, this pussy's too tight- I can't-"
and you pout at him, "What's the matter, baby? Can't handle what I give you?" and right at that moment, Miguel thinks he's created a monster
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think this got way off topic, no? so sorry if it did
also thank you so much for your kind words 🥹 <3333
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seattlesellie · 11 months
thinkin abt eating bbf!ellie out while she’s gaming and on a call with reader’s brother ☺️
she would have to keep muting her headset every 30 seconds bc she couldn’t keep quiet and eventually would just toss her controller on the floor and end the call so she could fuck reader stupid while reader’s brother is spamming her w texts asking where she went 😭
ok u got me with this… 💗🪷
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
ʚɞ it was purely innocent at first, you swore to god it was. what’s so wrong about sitting on your girlf— well, that isnt quite right. on your frien— god, thats not exactly it either. on your… brother’s best friends (that’s better) lap while she’s playing a video game? she let you in, in fact, she signaled you to come closer with a small pat on her thigh before you did. “m’not a dog…” you scoffed, pouting before rolling your eyes, desperately trying to hide the fact that even that mere, simple gesture made it feel funny in your stomach. “no, but you’re my—“ she stopped, and grazed the corner of her mouth with her tongue. “just come warm me up”
ʚɞ that was her excuse for everything. wanted to hold your hand after splitting you raw? it’s just to warm her up. move closer while her arm is loosely placed on your chest while “hugging” you from behind while laying on the bed? come warm her up. she’d never admit she just yearned to feel you close, craved to touch you at any given moment, as if you’d slip away if she didn’t.
ʚɞ she was wearing her headset, and a couple of baby hairs frizzled up on the top of her head. both hands on the controller, wrapped tightly around your waist, continuously yelling at someone you guessed was a complete stranger she was playing with. “who are you talking to?” you questioned, trying to stop yourself from grinning at how cute she looked with her tongue poking out of her mouth when she was hyperfocused on the screen. “shh…” she sushed, slightly blowing out her eyes. “your brother”
“he can hear me?!” fuck. that came out way too loud. she abruptly placed her left palm on your lips, to shut you up. “just a sec, man” she spoke into the mic. “you cant make any noise” she whispered, and when you winced, she smirked. “just watch, and keep quiet”
ʚɞ being quiet, was not exactly your forte. especially not when you were supposed to (it was as if someone placed a red button with a huge sign of “do not press!”— you have to press.) and especially, while you were sat on ellie’s lap, and she kept sniffling and huffing and cursing those little “fuck” and “shit” under her breath and the air she blew, caressed your neck and made you shiver and… her hand, on that damn controller, her fingers circling the silicone ball, her thumb, to be more specific, and it’s a little fucking distracting— how she happens to bounce her leg, making you bounce up and down with it’s movement, every time she's upset someone had killed her in the game, and how when she wins a round, she lays herself back on the chair, spreads her legs and cockily murmurs into the mic “fucking got you, asshole”
ʚɞ did she know what she was doing, as she slapped your thigh when she won the 3rd round in a row? did she know that when she bounced you up and down, your tummy flipped and your eyes rolled back? even if she did know, what you did next was so not fair to her.
ʚɞ you pressed your ass deep inside her lap, making the fat squish down on her thigh, and she cleared her throat, and chuckled. clearly, it did something to her, her throat feeling suddenly dry, but she didn’t want you to know. you stopped, and she readjusted herself, straightening her back. “i’m out of fuc…ing ammo” and with that, you pressed your ass down even deeper into ellie’s lap, cause her face to twitch in the slightest. “give me some fuc—“ now, you purely rocked your ass back and forth on her crotch, staring at the screen, attempting to appear as aloof as you could. it made her stretch her head back, and huff out a small, shaky breath. she placed her hand on your thigh, and squeezed hard. it wasn’t a nice, thoughtful gesture, it was a sign to stop fucking moving, you’ve been warned. she was on a winning streak and you were about to ruin it.
ʚɞ your shorts were truly way too short, bordering on underwear, the material was truly too thin, and she could feel every inch of you through her sweats. your thighs, your feet rocking back and forth and kicking her on purpose, and your ass who grew to be the biggest distraction of all— “just a sec dude, im pausing just… taking a water break”
she was going to lose, and she knew it.
she took the headset off, and placed it, no— threw it on the table. “what are you doing?” she murmured in a low, raspy voice. you managed to catch your breath, and attempted to sound as angelic and innocent as you possibly could. “nothing…?” you quipped, and smiled softly. ellie slightly nodded her head up and down. “keep doing nothing, see where that gets you”
“not doing anything, swear” and the way you put your hand on your chest, right where your heart is, and then palmed it to give it the smallest, gentlest squeeze… “jesus fucking christ” she huffed, and stared down. she wasn’t going to get out of this, and she certainly wasn't going to win.
ʚɞ she spread her thighs wider, with you sat directly on her thigh, and put her headset back on. two can play this game. she didn’t want your brother to know about you two, and you didn’t want him to know even more. you moved yourself to sit right on her center, right where her crotch is, and the wheeze that came out of her mouth— “fffuck”
“you good, ellie?” that was your brother’s voice popping out of her headset. you were that close to her face. your cheek pressed up on her’s, and you moaned inside her ear, a small “aaah, ellie” and you knew that would get her, because nothing made her wetter than those damn moans, and when you added her name in the mix—she cleared her throat, and if you saw the way her eyebrows scrunched together, her eyelids simply resting shut because she had to physically restrain herself, you’d have probably started whining and begging. “m’good, yeah—keep going” was she talking to you, or to him? you made up your mind. she was talking to you.
ʚɞ you grinded youself back and forth again and again, and you knew you rubbed her right where she needed you. you pressed down hard, and it hit right on her clit. “god” she huffed, her breaths growing shaky and uneven. she bumped her crotch into your ass and it made you squeal like a chew toy. “sh— shut up” she groaned, and hastily placed her palm on your mouth again. “shut the fuck up bro”. it was truly disgusting, how turned on you were by grinding yourself up against her, letting her clothed crotch hump your ass. ellie, desperately dug her palm extra hard on the controller, as she felt a glob of slick leaking out of her cunt, because she knew that if she let it go, her hand would immediately drop down to your pussy, and start fucking you raw on the chair.
ʚɞ the wet, sticky patch in your underwear grew bigger and bigger every time you bounced, circling your ass in fast, needy movements on her crotch as if you were trying to win a race. ellie's mind left the game already, completely blind to what was happening on the screen, but kept on pretending. it was funny to her, truly, how pathetic you looked. your movements growing messy, sweat sticking down your forehead, your bottom lip between your teeth, and she almost let you use her body to cum, and you swore you almost did. your small chocked out breaths were growing heavier and needier, and you huffed small whispers of her name in broken little sentences. “mmhm el-lie” she smirked, and placed her hand up on the small mic to block the obscenity that was about to escape her lips; "about to cum in those little fucking panties? hm? you’re so fucking slutty”
ʚɞ and thats exactly when you stopped, and peeled your shaky body off of her. she seemed confused for a second, because god she was loving it, the way you tried to get her flustered and turned out a needy, flustered, moaning mess yourself. she didn’t even need to do anything, just purely exist, for you to nearly cum inside your shorts. her lips curled into to a small, teasing smile. “what are you doing?” she mouthed. you got down on your knees, placing yourself directly in front of her crotch. ellie hovered over you in a manspread, and you put your chin right on the chair. “nothing” you mouthed back, and gave her a small pout. she huffed, as her game character stood idly on the ground, a black rifle in her hand, and your brother paced nearer and nearer. you placed your hands on her thighs, and batted your eyelashes. she sighed, and gazed at you with a prying look.
“you’re gonna fucking kill me”
“hell fucking yes i am” your brother exclaimed, muffled in her headset.
ʚɞ you didn’t even peel the grey sweats out of her body, you straight up yanked them down. what you saw… didn’t disappoint you in the slightest. a wet spot, perhaps even bigger than yours, making her black boxers take even a darker shade of black. you let out a shaky “oh my… god”, as she slid off of the chair, her eyes rolling back. “m’playing… just keep fucking going i’m playing” again, she wasn’t talking to you, or was she? she looked at you again, warning you. you blinked slowly, trying to tease her as much as you could. ellie's eyes squinted, and she hesitated for a moment. she brought her hand down and caressed the top of your head. although she was gentle, you could tell how crazy you were driving her. she bucked her hips forward, and mouthed; “lick”
ʚɞ firstly, you gave a small lick to the soft fabric, and felt her tangy sweet taste just merely grazing your pink muscle. then, she aggressively patted her hand on the top of your head, again, and made you look up at her. her eyes turned a darker shade of emerald green, and she looked angry. “dont play with me” she mouthed, and squeezed your cheeks together. she gave the right one a small pat, and then a stinging little slap, making you yelp. she was in control, and she was going to use you.
ʚɞ she placed the controller on your fucking head, and pushed her soaking boxers down, to lay loosely wrapped aound her ankles. ellie pushed your face forward to meet her weeping core, and you immediately stuck your tongue out, to gift a delicate, slow lick to her glistening, peachy pink folds. you pushed it inside of her hole, and she clenched right on it. she gripped the controller harder, and looked absolutely gone. no matter how hard she pushed your head, you didn’t dare to ever meet her clit, the brat that you are, because you thought it was so much more fun to watch her suffer. “mmfuck” she groaned, “fuck— y-you man” and the way she whimpered right into the mic; “m’good dude just— fuck just my arm hurts” and looked downwards to give you a look that was purely warning you— keep on playing with her like that and she’d fucking make it hurt.
ʚɞ it was torturous, and she really got truly delirious, the way in which you licked around her cunt, stopping your movements to plant a simple, delicate little kiss on her thigh, just to hear her respond with a throaty groan, look down at you with her bangs sticking to her forehead, hand shaking around the black controller, biting her lip hard— because if she didn't, she would have moaned so loud she'd get kicked out of your family's home for fucking with your brother's precious sister. she shook her thigh to get you off of it, and it signaled to stop fucking teasing. "I can'— fuck— man fuck, im gonna fucking— lose the fucking game" she stutters, sounding like a complete idiot, biting her fist hard and twisting her face, her jaw clenched so tight because if he hears her, he's gonna think she's either about to pass completely out, or think she's in heat— and the fact that you won't, absolutely refuse to give her needy clit any attention, and the way you look so concentrated on torturing her, keeping your eyes fixated on her’s, acting all brave because you know she cant talk, and cant do anything because she’s fucking “busy” oh, you pissed her off— your mouth stuffed with her cunt, looking up to her as if you're not trying to kill her;
nope. she can't do this anymore. she grabbed the back of your neck forcefully, and pulled yourself off of her. you pout, and then you're slightly terrified, because the controller just met the floor with a loud thud. "i'll be back in 5 minutes" she breathlessly talks into the mic.
“swear— five fucking minutes, gimme five”
ʚɞ you both stare at each other for a moment, as if you're communicating with just looks, and she lifts herself off of the chair and you pounce back, but she's quicker than you.
you dont know how you find yourself pushed against the mattress, with her hand around your throat. she's not pressing, it's just wrapped around it, and she's angry.
"you fucking..." you look to the side, trying to avoid her piercing gaze. the wall, apparently, has a lot to say. "look at me" she whispers, and forces you to turn your head around and face her. freckles splattered all over her face, you try and concentrate on them but she's chasing your eyes.
ʚɞ she's too quick, it's all too fucking quick and you whine so loud, your back arching off of the bed and she presses you down, shoves her hand inside of your panties and chuckles; "you're a fucking... you're so fucking..." she’s breathless, and famished, because she doesn't even finish that sentence before her lips are on yours, hips jerking forward, as soon as she feels the puddle, or the sea, that's right inside your panties.
"fucking tease"
ʚɞ you swear you’re vibrating on her hand. “pl—ease” you plead, your voice whiney and quiet because all of a sudden, ellie has the upper arm, and you, poor you— can’t tease her anymore. “please what?” she coos. “please ellie…” and she cups your tits, both of them, and squeezes them together so tight it makes you leak down your thigh.
“s’not good enough” she tsk’s, bringing her forehead to meet yours. she merely hovers over your clit, and it’s that friction you were looking for so hard and—
her phone buzzes.
“where the fuck are you?”
she places the phone screen in front of you, pinches your chin with her index finger and her thumb, makes sure you actually look, and types;
“i’m fucking your sister, brb”
your breath hitches, and she chuckles, deeply and mockingly, like shes making fun of you.
“should i press send?” she teases.
“no…” you stutter, and yet again, attempt to wear the purest, most angelic and divine expression on your face. “oh… no?” she mocks, plunging a finger inside of you deep, cooing at how you gasp silently, imitating your gasp right back to you.
“nonono” you blabber incoherently, and she’s not even moving her finger, just letting you warm it inside.
“s’too bad…”
and with that, she presses “send.”
a moment passes.
“not funny dude”
oh, he didn’t buy it.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 11 months
Dating Miguel O’Hara Would Include…
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Warnings: Implied Smut, Domestic Miguel !!!, Possessive Miguel, Protective Miguel, Dominant Miguel, Slight Yandere Miguel (if you squint), Fluff, Mild Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No Pronouns used for Reader Except You’.
Miguel being stoic and militant around his associates, but melting into a massive softie when he gets to see you.
His eyes literally light up when he hears you coming. He has to resist the urge to scoop you up into his arms and cuddle you silly whenever he hears you call his name, your tones music to his ears, his heart thrumming – harpstrings.
Golden retriever boyfriend to the MAX.
He brings you breakfast in bed whenever he’s awake before you – which is often considering his vampiric nature. And he looks so proud of himself when he cooks a good meal, too. Literally just a beaming, teeth-filled, closed-eye smile when you tell him he’s “Done such a good job, Babe !”
Any kind of praise sends him absolutely wild, so use it sparingly. It can either get you out of or into a world of trouble; especially if you're trying to get Miguel hot under the collar.
Miguel’s love language is, simply put, everything.
The adoration that swells in his chest whenever he thinks of you manifests as him throwing himself into your service.
He does anything and everything you ask of him, no matter how extravagant or nominal the request is. And everything you don’t.
He isn’t stingy with his words, either; he tells you how much he loves you whenever you’re alone, often coming up behind you and sliding his arms around your front, resting his head on your shoulder and breathing deeply.
He presses soft, careful kisses into the crook of your neck, making sure to keep his fangs from pinching you, inhaling your warmth, your scent.
“I love you.” His heart drums into your back. His lips capture your skin again. “I love you,” And again. “I live for you.” And again.
He’s lived with a lifetime of regret for not being able to protect those he held dear; he won’t allow you to go without knowing the extent of his adoration for you. Not when he feels he never truly got to show his family – his ghosts – how much he loved them.
On a lighter note, Miguel LOVES having his hair played with; just card your fingers through his locks and he’s as good as incapacitated.
After a rough day, he crawls into bed and lays his head in your lap or on your chest, his body winding down in your soft embrace.
He lowkey moans when you catch his sensitive spot, his brows knotting together, his voice coming out as a rasped whisper.
He knows when you’re purposely trying to get him worked up, though. And he doesn’t stand for it.
“Careful Darling,” he glowers, the phantom sensation of you tugging his hair a half-weight on his senses. He cracks an eye open, his wine irises peaking out beneath heavy lids.
“Or I won’t be so gentle when it’s my turn to take care of you.”
Miguel prefers private displays of affection over public displays of affection; he doesn’t want his subordinates knowing he’s gone soft.
But, there are exceptions to this principle.
Like if Miguel’s feeling particularly hot and desperate, by which point he whisks you away to the bathroom and the two of you aren’t seen for a good hour or so. Usually longer.
The other exception is if he’s feeling jealous or possessive, by which point his sensibilities have vacated his mind and he’s right behind you, his hands on your waist, your shoulders – anywhere he can hold you. Or, he’s filling your mouth with his tongue and your ear with his words if the other party present doesn’t get the hint that you’re taken.
“You’re mine,” he rasps, his breath hot, prickling your skin, the tips of his fang drawing goosebumps. Miguel’s eyes shine an ocean red, dark and unknown. He has you caged, arms encompassing you entirely.
“And I’ll never let anyone take you from me.”
Speaking of; Miguel is incredibly possessive.
Years of rumination and a history of scattered failures make for a very territorial man. And it shows.
He keeps his hands on you whenever you’re together or in the presence of someone he thinks can steal you from him; someone better than him.
He stares down at them until they fumble or leave; whichever prevails first. After which point, when you’re alone, he turns you round to look at him and just stares at you like 🥺.
The epitome of ‘Babe you pushed my leg off you while you were asleep; do you still love me ???’
You have to reassure him when things like this occur. Take him by the face and hold him gently in your hands; press a soft kiss to his lips and call him your “One and only,”
Doing so is a one-way ticket to a very long night.
Possessive, heartfelt, grasping, gasping love-making.
Miguel can’t stop until your bottom half is numb and the only thing you’re capable of thinking and saying is his name.
Of course, he rewards you for your endurance after the fact.
Aftercare king right here <333
Treats you like you’re glass; he runs you a bath, brings you your favourite drink and changes the bedsheets.
And, when you’re fast asleep and curled up into his chest, his heart flutters, and, for the first time in his life, he feels that he has stability. Pure, unconditional, everlasting love.
And he’ll sooner dismantle the multiverse himself than let anyone or anything take that from him.
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 2.7k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, PISS KINK!!!!, holding pee, peeing inside (of v), p in v sex, unprotected sex, dom/sub undertones, daddy kink, use of kid and kiddo to describe reader, f receiving oral and fingering, thigh slapping, hickeys/bruises, kinda dumbifiication?, degradation
you swear you’ve never felt a greater high than the one you get from rafes attention. instantly slipping into a dazed state when he puts his hands on you. you forgot what you originally came inside for as his hands wrap around your waist, guiding you towards the bedroom.
“my pretty little girl.” rafe kisses you, his soft words contrast to the dominance of his lips as he maneuvers you towards the bed.
“rafey.” you whine when his head buries in your neck, first pressing kisses to the hickeys he left a week ago before sucking the skin, causing them to rebloom and darken again, always needing some sort of symbol of his ownership over you.
“shh, daddy gonna take real good care of you.” rafe assures, his tongue sneaking out to lick over your skin, the heat from the sun still evident as he laps over the bruises that he refuses to let you cover, especially when you are traipsing around in the small bikini you’ve currently got on.
“please.” you whimper, immediately regretting it when rafe gets that familiar look in his eye.
“please what, kid? gotta get more specific.” he warns, hands dropping lower to toy with the ties on either side of your suit.
“kiss me again.” you place your hands on his jaw, navigating your lips back to his as you kiss, pressing your body forward, your chest against his torso, breasts squishing up against him, making the fabric of you swimsuit rub deliciously over your hard nipples.
“such a cute little thing.” rafe mumbles against your lips before sinking his teeth into your lower lip and giving it a tug. “always wanting to kiss and cuddle. so adorable.”
“just love you.” you hum, eyes glazed over as rafe kisses you again before pushing at your shoulders, gently guiding you down onto the bed.
“you’re so sweet kiddo.” rafe says as he tugs his jacket off, watching you squirm on top of the sheets. your eyes follow with great interest as his fingers work to undo each shirt button, teasingly slow as more of his skin is revealed before he pulls it off his shoulders, revealing his bare torso, muscles on display with his smattering of freckles.
rafe crawls onto the bed next to you, his hand coming to grip your breast over your bikini, squeezing at your plump flesh. he tugs the cup down when he gets bored of the barrier, not wanting any more separation as his palm rubs over your nipple.
you arch your back, pushing your chest further into his hand as he tugs the other cup down as well, tracing his fingertip over your tanline, further deepened from when you were laying out today before having to come in to get a drink of water and pee.
your eyes widen when you suddenly remember why you rushed inside in the first place, rafe interrupting you before you could make it to the bathroom. “rafey-” you whine, but the glare in his eye tells you he’s over being called that nickname.
“daddy.” you correct yourself quickly, squirming as you realize how full your bladder is, surprised you could forget about it, but rafe has that effect on you. all else becomes unimportant besides him.
you open your mouth to continue when rafe bends, his mouth slotting over your nipple as he pulls the bud into his mouth, sucking on your tit on as his hand moves to play with the other side of your chest.
“love your cute little tanlines baby.” rafe says, tongue sneaking out of his mouth as he licks over the line separating your pale skin from the bronzed skin you exposed to the sun. rafes tongue follows the line across the valley between your breasts before he reaches your other tit.
he drags his tongue in circles around your nipple before he presses forward and bites down, teeth sinking into your skin as he tugs.
“ah! daddy!” you yelp, hands coming to his hair, but you don’t dare tug, knowing that would only get you in more trouble.
“sorry baby, you’re just so cute i wanna eat you up.” rafe drags his teeth over the swell of your breast but doesn’t bite down anymore, instead shifting so he’s laying between your legs as he moves down the bed.
“daddy i have to-” you begin to explain why you need to stop, why you need to rush to the bathroom, but then his thumb rubs over top of your swimsuit, right over your slit.
“shh, daddy is gonna eat you out.” rafe says, licking his lips. he isn’t one to give you head often, prefering to finger and then fuck you, but occasionally he gets the need to have his head between your legs, mouth devouring our cunt.
“please-” you try to continue, but rafe doesn’t realize that your next word is going to be stop as his fingers come to the ties on either side of your hip, pulling at the strings until they unlace. rafe tugs the material away that was covering up his snack for the afternoon.
“pretty pussy baby girl.” rafe coos, thumb coming back to stroke over your folds before he separates them, opening you up for him. the rush of air on your pussy has you having to clench your hole, worried about spilling and letting your bladder go.
“aww, look at you trying to hide from me.” rafe drops his head, tongue pressing against your tight ring of muscle. you relax briefly, almost letting your pee go before you clench again, this time around rafes tongue.
“so tight honey.” rafe says as he pulls out, tongue lapping over your slit. “can’t wait to get my cock inside you.”
rafe laps up your wetness, swearing that you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted as he teases your clit, moving close to it but never touching.
“i-i-” you try again, but rafe finally sucks your clit into his mouth and all your thoughts are gone again as he finally pays attention to your most needy spot. 
“so tasty.” rafe mumbles against your cunt, chin messy and slick with your juices as his eyes slide shut, focusing on switching between rubbing his tongue against your clit and sucking it between his lips.
your eyes roll back in your head, not used to this type of service from rafe. it’s usually your mouth on him, or more aptly, rafe using your mouth for his own pleasure.
“s-s-sss.” you hiss out, again trying to form the word stop as your hips push up off the bed, trying to get rafes head to stay in between your legs, but he pulls away with an angry glare, slapping his hand against your hip.
“don’t be bratty.” he warns sternly, demeanor suddenly shifting and he moves from laying between your spread legs to kneeling. “i eat you out, and this is how you repay me?”
“ra-daddy.” you coo out, but rafe caught the slip. 
“shut up. don’t say another word or you won’t come for a week.” rafe huffs out, his brows etched together, upset that you ruined his fun time eating you out as he tugs his pants and underwear off, tossing them away.
you simply nod, focusing on controlling your bladder and not letting loose and making an even bigger mess of the bed.
rafe grips your hips, his hands covering the pale sides that are always hidden from the sun under your swimsuit. he tugs you up onto his thighs, manhandling your body like you weigh nothing.
rafe grips his cock, keeping one hand tight on your hip, a warning and a reminder of the control he has over you. he rubs the head through your slick folds before tapping the head against your clit, making you moan out before snapping your mouth closed.
“you can moan, kiddo.” rafe says upon seeing your panicked expression, worried that you broke his rule. “but don't say another word. sick of hearing your bratty complaints or calling me the wrong name.”
you nod, knowing you should just say that you have to pee, but you don't want to break his rule, especially when you’ve been trying so hard lately to be a good girl for him. rafe pushes his cock against your hole, frowning when you don’t relax for him.
“come on, baby. let me fuck you before i have to force myself in.” rafe commands, and you really do try to relax, but every time your body starts to loosen a little, you’re worried you’re going to start to pee and clench right up again.
“fucking hell.” rafe groans when he realizes that despite pushing, he’s not going to get inside of you with you so tense. rafe rubs his thumb harshly over your clit as one finger pokes against your hole until he can begin to finger you, pumping in and out quickly as your wetness builds, hoping rafe doesn’t realize that a bit of it is pee that you couldn’t hold back anymore, but the slight relief from dripping a little out is quickly replaced by needing to go even more.
“open up for me, kiddo.” rafe says, managing to push another finger into your hole, immediately beginning to scissor as his thumb pushes at your clit, his cock pulsing while watching you underneath him, hips pushed up onto his thighs.
you take a deep breath, ignoring the stretch the best you can as you relax, only cringing slightly when rafe spreads his fingers further, causing a jolt of pain.
rafe holds your pussy open with his fingers while he lines his cock up again, now able to successfully push in as he pulls his fingers out. they’re nothing compared to his cock, hard and large inside of you, making your bladder press against your skin.
you let out a moan, surprised by how your pleasure is amplified from having to pee and being forced to hold it. rafe pauses briefly to smile, but you know its not for your sake, not letting you adjust but rather taking a moment to appreciate how he finally got inside of your tiny cunt.
“gonna fuck you so good baby.” rafe punches his hips forward, making your back arch off the bed as you squeal.
rafe immediately sets a fast and punishing pace, ignoring your whines and gasps as his skin slaps against yours, adding to the wet squelching sounds of him pumping inside your wet pussy.
rafes hands grip at your hips, keeping your pulled up off the bed, raised to the level where he can fuck you while kneeling, liking how your upper back slides against the sheets as he fucks you, completely out of control of your own body.
“you feel extra tight today, darling.” rafe says, not realizing it’s because you’re clenching around his cock with such effort, not wanting to spoil the fun by letting your bladder go.
rafe repositions you suddenly, pressing your hips into the mattress before draping his body over yours, pressing your lips together in a sudden kiss. you try your best to focus on his mouth, hands coming to his hair to keep him close as your mouth glides over his.
“so good baby. i love you.” rafe says, thumb coming to rub your clit, placing his fingers over your lower stomach as he does, not realizing that he’s pushing directly on your full bladder, making you moan out as your eyes slide shut, mouth opening as your jaw slackens, but rafe just takes it as a plea to kiss you more.
rafes tongue invades your mouth, using your wide open mouth as an opportunity to explore and mix his tongue with yours as his fingers continue to push down as he focuses his thumb on your clit along with the swing of his hips in to fuck you.
“i love you daddy, i love you so much.” you whine out, eyes wide and focused on rafe, glad that he doesn’t mind your slip up when he warned you not to talk, not when it’s words so sweet as he feels your cunt pulse around him, not realize what is about to happen.
“oh, baby.” rafe coos as your eyebrows scrunch together, managing to keep your eyes open on rafes beautiful face as you cum suddenly, not even really feeling the buildup with your focus being so off, more forced out of your body by rafe.
you moan out, hands clenching in rafes hair as you grind your hips down against his cock, noticing he had stopped moving as your high runs its course until you collapse against the bed with a final moan.
you blink up at rafe, embarrassed how suddenly and intensely your orgasm came, when you realize the reason for the look in his eye as you suddenly don’t feel the need to pee anymore as you look down, realizing the bed was completely wet and your piss had gushed out around rafes cock when your orgasm was triggered.
“i’m so sorry daddy.” you cover your face, tears coming to your eyes.
rafe pauses for a moment, assessing the situation before he begins to slowly thrust again, your cunt even more warm as your pee soaks into the bed.
“shh, baby.” rafe tugs your palms away from your face, his hands wrapping around your wrist and pressing them into the mattress, putting his weight on them as he speeds up his thrusts. rafe peppers kisses all over your face as you begin to babble, trying to explain as his tongue sneaks out, licking away your teers off your cheeks.
“it was an accident i swear, i had to go but i didnt want to stop you and-”
“it’s okay.” rafe says.
“it is?” you question, pouting interrupted with a gasp as rafe continues to fuck your oversensitive cunt, dripping with your juices and pee.
“yeah, daddy is gonna piss inside you.” rafe says so nonchalantly you’re worried you heard him wrong, but you can tell by the smirk on his face that this is an idea he’s had for a while. “you’ve already made a mess of the bed, so you can be a real good girl and take my piss, yeah? to make up for it.”
“i-i can do that.” you nod, pulsing your cunt around rafes cock, wanting to do whatever it takes to make him happy, just glad that he’s not mad at you.
rafes eyes flutter shut as he concentrates before you feel it inside of you, almost like when he cums but much more fluid, noting how it easily drips out of your pussy while rafes cock continues to slowly pump into you.
you let out a moan as the warmth fills you, surprised how much you like the feeling. the way rafe instantly begins to thrust harder as soon as he finishes you can tell he likes it too. 
“cl-close.” rafe mutters out, a brief warning before pushing deep inside of you, hips nuzzled up against yours as he cums, feeling similar to his piss but even better as your eyes roll back in your head, another moan slipping out.
rafe collapses forward, head nuzzling into your neck, kissing the bruises he left.
“was it good?” you ask, rubbing your fingertips over his wide back.
“so good baby, gonna have to use you like that more often.” rafe says, managing to lift his hips with what little energy he still has to flop his cock out of you, now soft.
“maybe in the shower next time.” you giggle awkwardly, glancing at the mess all over the bed, now soaked with both of your pee, along with your wetness and rafes cum sliding out of your pussy in dollops.
“speaking of shower…” rafe says with a sigh, flopping himself to lay next to you.
“mhm.” you hum, knowing the warm water is exactly what your body needs. “i’ll clean up the bed after…” you decide not to think too hard about the mess, not until after your shower at least. “come on baby.” rafe slides off the bed, holding his arms open to carry you to the shower. “better hurry up before i have to piss again and use a different hole.”
your eyes widen as you push yourself to the bed quickly, letting rafe carry you into the shower, but not before pressing his lips against yours in a loving kiss.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0
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evera-era · 8 months
my sweet girl.
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ellie williams x afab!reader
warnings: friends to lovers, virgin reader, ellie has a praise + innocence kink, fingering, oral r!receiving, facesitting, fondling, lots of kissing, you talk her through it, fluff !!!!
a/n: kinktober week 2 is here! writing this had me feeling some typa way,, ellie would never admit it but she’s def a praise kink girly
Today was different. Not because you were doing anything out of the ordinary — because you weren’t. You were hanging out with your friend Ellie, as you usually did on the weekends.
But you noticed that you’d let your eyes linger on her for a bit too long. And she let her eyes linger on you, too. You wondered if she always did that; if you only noticed because you felt confident enough to stare a bit more today.
Truthfully, your crush on Ellie developed a while ago. You were almost sure that it was obvious, considering how easily you’d agree to her — on everything.
But Ellie didn’t seem to mind. Or maybe she just didn’t notice? Either way, she really liked your presence.
She made that apparent, albeit casual with it. Some days she showed up with a smile on her face and a movie tucked under her arm. Other times, she’d alter the schedule, sneakily pairing herself with you for patrols. If she noticed you at the pub, she’d greet you before handing you a freshly poured drink.
Ellie naturally gravitated to you. And you, her. Being around her just felt good. It was the sound of her voice that brought you back to the present.
“It’s nice out.” She murmurs, turning her head to the side to look at you. She was laying horizontally on your bed.
“Yeah,” You replied, leaning your head back against the headboard. “Should we go and do something?”
She presses her lips into a thin line, then shakes her head.
“Rather stay in here. With you.” She says calmly.
You smiled meekly. “Okay.”
You continued to doodle in her sketchbook. She let you borrow it sometimes, to practice your drawing. You’d tell her not to bother, that you’d never be nearly as good as she was. But she always insisted, and you accepted — at the least, she’d have something to remind her of you.
“Can I see?” She asks, noticing the way your sketch held your attention.
“It’s your sketchbook,” You joked, handing it to her.
She took it with gentle hands, holding it open so she could look at it properly. She flickered her eyes from the book to you. “This is good, Y/N.”
“I don’t know,” You sighed. “Just… a silly drawing.”
“Your drawings aren’t silly.” She responds. “I think it’s nice.”
You shrugged, looking down at your hands. She passes it back to you.
“Why don’t you tear it out when you’re done?” She says. “So you can put it up.”
“Here? In the room?” You say with furrowed brows. You didn’t realize it was kind of a dumb question until after.
Ellie nods. “C’mon, it’ll look nice. It is nice.”
You look down at her bashfully. “I feel like you’re lying.”
“Well… I’m not,” She states. “And if you don’t hang it up, then I will. At my place.”
Your eyes widen. You can feel your cheeks go warm as you tuck your hair behind your ear.
“You… you serious?” You ask.
“Do I look like I’m not?”
You felt your face blush even more. But you muster up the courage to slowly meet her gaze. Her eyes are set on you, and they don’t look away.
“You always look serious,” You comment, shyly.
“Yeah… that part’s true.” She says, looking down at your lap. “Still tryin’ to work on that.”
“It’s okay. I mean… I don’t mind how you look.” You cleared your throat, looking out the window. “You’re pretty, Ellie.”
Ellie could feel her heartbeat grow in her chest. Her gaze softens as she glances at you. Then she shifts to put her hands behind her head.
“You’re prettier,” She adds, kicking her foot. “You’re always… like, gentle, and stuff.”
“You don’t know that,” You say, grinning. “Maybe I’m just that way around you.”
“Oh yeah?” She smirks. “Guess I’m pretty lucky, huh?”
You giggled. “Only so far.”
The room gets quiet again. You swore that during times like these, you could hear her breathing.
“Can I ask you something?” She says, interrupting the silence.
You nodded, closing the sketchbook.
“Have you ever, like…” She sighs. “Dated anyone? Or did stuff?”
Your heart skips a beat at her question. Ellie had never asked about this kind of subject before. And you’d never expect it from her — she wasn’t the type to openly delve into gossip.
You fiddled your thumbs at the thought. Ellie must be quite curious.
“Dated, yeah.” You murmured. “Doing stuff… not really.”
“Oh.” She mumbles. “Is it just, like, not your thing… or…”
“No,” You sigh. “Moreso the person. I think I wanted to like them, but I didn’t really like them. They weren’t… a good match for me.”
Ellie nods. Another minute goes by before she looks back up at you.
“So, then… what’s a good match for you?”
You brought your knees up to your chest.
“It’s a secret,” You whisper playfully.
“Secret?” She feigns shock. “I thought we were being honest here!”
You laughed.
Deep down, you were scared to confess your feelings to Ellie. You didn’t wanna ruin a good thing. But she’s always been soft when it comes to you, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Do you really wanna know?” You questioned after a minute, looking back over at her.
She raises her eyebrows. “I— I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, or anything—“
“I’m not uncomfortable, Ellie,” You say. “Just… nervous, to like, say it.”
She watches you carefully. She swallows firmly, then folds her bottom lip beneath her teeth.
“Well… I wouldn’t… judge you, if you told me, you know.” She says quietly. “I might judge the person, but… not you.”
“That doesn’t really help, in this case.” You exhale shakily. Her eyes widen as she tries to figure out what you mean.
“Because… I like you,” You admit. “And… I think we would be a good match, Ellie.”
It’s quiet for a moment. A stray gust of wind blows through the window, causing the sheer curtains to sway gently. You maintained eye contact with the brunette, awaiting her answer.
“Did…” She clears her throat. “Do you mean that?”
“Yes.” You reply. “I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, now.”
When she looks at you, her expression isn’t hardened. She’s studying you, tenderly. You can almost see a sliver of hope in her eyes.
Her eyes flutter as she tries to form a coherent sentence. “Um—“
“But you—“ You look off to the side, fearful of rejection. “You don’t have to say anything, Els.”
“No, I—“ Ellie huffs. “I’ve had a crush on you, too, Y/N. Since the first time we talked.”
Your breathing becomes shallow. You look over at her again; her eyes haven’t left your face.
She nods carefully, lifting her finger to scratch the tip of her ear. “I just, I didn’t think you felt the same way about me.”
You laugh under your breath. “How could I not?”
Ellie wrinkles her lips, bashfully. “I’m… not very lovely. Kinda just… me, y’know.”
You swing your legs over the side of the bed, so you were laying next to her in a similar position now. You rest your chin against your palm.
“I think you’re very lovely, Ellie.” You whisper. “And I like you a lot.”
She smiles, looking down at your lips. Her eyelashes flutter again. When her voice comes out, it’s like a whisper.
“Could… can I—“
“Yeah,” You cut her off, not even waiting to give her permission.
Ellie takes another moment to study your lips before propping herself up. At first she leaves her hands on the bed, but then she decides to cup the side of your face. She caresses your cheek with her thumb slowly — she wants to savor this moment — and listens to the sound of her heart beating.
She doesn’t want to close her eyes, but she thinks it’d be weird if she doesn’t, so she settles on doing so. Her nose brushes up against yours as her lips press gently against your own.
She kisses you like if she kisses any harder, you’d break. You can feel her holding her breath, trying to do it right. She pulls away after a few seconds.
“Was…” She exhales. “Was that okay?”
You nod, your lips spreading into a smile. “You don’t have to be afraid.”
“I know, I know.” She looks down at your lips again. “Just… didn’t wanna fuck it up.”
“You can’t fuck up a kiss,” You reply. “Unless… wait, is this your first time?”
“No— shit, did it seem like it?” She asks with wide eyes.
“No, no.” You giggle. “But you’re so nervous, I—“
“‘Cause— you— you’re so fucking pretty,” She retorts, facepalming as she blushes. “It’s hard.”
You bite your lip, tucking a stray piece of her away from her face. “Then do it again.”
Her eyes light up. “Yeah?”
“As many times as you want,” You murmur. “Why not?”
Ellie could feel warmth swell in her chest. This is why she loved being around you. You never made her feel bad for being the way she is. And yet, you somehow gave her the encouragement that made her feel like she could do anything in the world.
She doesn’t talk this time. Merely takes a breath, then leans in. She kisses you slow, taking the time to actually feel your lips. They were soft and sweet, just like you. Ellie swears she could stay right here forever.
When she pulls away, she keeps her eyes closed as she steadies her breathing. “Better?”
“Yeah,” You reply. “Let’s do it some more.”
If you had opened your eyes, you would have seen the way Ellie looked at you before you grabbed her face. But you didn’t, and she’s thankful, because she’s frozen in place for the first few seconds.
You had your hands in her hair as you pulled her top lip between yours. The tiniest moan escapes from her throat as she tries her best to re-focus and kiss you back. After a moment, she pulls away by a centimeter, then turns her head to the other side.
The two of you kiss several more times before she draws back. You look at her with expectant eyes.
“I—“ She stutters. “I’ve gotta… if we keep going, I’m not gonna wanna stop.”
“So don’t,” You explain, leaning to kiss her again. She pulls away.
“No, I mean…” Her face flushes even more. “God, this is so fucking embarrassing.”
At first you’re confused, but when your eyes flash down, you realize what she meant. Her nipples are poking through her shirt. She has her hands pulling at her button-up, trying to cover them.
You gently grab her wrists.
“Hey, it’s okay—“
“It’s not,” She insists. “I… I feel like a fuckin’ pervert. It’s only a fucking kiss, and I’m getting turned on—“
“I’m ruining it—“
“Ellie.” You say sternly, holding her hands still. “You’re not ruining anything, okay? It’s fine. If… if that’s what your body’s telling you, then…”
She watches you deliberately. “Then what?”
“Then… we could try it,” You whisper. “If you want.”
“Wh—“ She stutters. “But, what do you want? I don’t want you to feel like I’m going too fast—“
“I’m fine, Ellie. Promise.” You say. “I wanna try it, too.”
A damp spot began to form in Ellie’s underwear. She was so careful not to come on too strong, and here you were, practically begging her to take you all the way. She was shocked. Her head felt like it was spinning.
“You… you want me to be your first?”
You nodded.
“I— I don’t know if I can do that.” She blinks a few times before clarifying herself. “Not that I don’t want to — I really, really fucking want to — but I just, I don’t know if I’m gonna be good enough for you.”
“You’re already good enough for me,” You mumble, staring at her lips again.
“I mean it, Y/N, I—“ She sighs. “I don’t want your first time to be any less than perfect.”
“And it won’t be, as long as it’s with you.” You stroke her shoulder. “I… I want this, Ellie.”
She stares at you, still concerned.
“And even still, I’ll totally show you. I… I can tell you what feels good.”
After hearing you say that, Ellie swears her panties become a pool. She never thought about this before. She never thought about you telling her how to please you. Letting her know when she’s doing you right, and hitting the right spot. She can only imagine how pretty your voice would sound as she’s tongue deep in your cu—
“Ellie?” You say, bringing her out of her head. “If you changed your mind—“
“No, I—“ She places her hand on the back of your neck. “I’d never. I was just thinking.”
You smile. “Okay. Well, I’m right here, when you wanna start doing instead of thinking.”
She smirks to herself, nodding before removing her button up and tossing it on the floor. She’s wearing a black undershirt underneath, which fit tight around her upper arms. You resist the urge to whistle lowly.
“Lookin’ good, Els.”
She grins sheepishly. “I guess.”
Her hair droops down into her face as she slowly gets on top of you.
“Should’ve gotten a hair tie.”
“I’ll hold it for you,” You say, quickly moving your hands up to hold her hair back.
She leans down, grinning into your lips. “Thanks.”
She’s more confident when she kisses you this time. For the first few, it’s close-lipped, and then she feels the urge to explore. She swipes her tongue across your lower lip, and you copy her. She takes it as an invitation into your mouth, and she quickly begins toying with your tongue.
You vocalize a moan, which comes out awkwardly muffled. But Ellie didn’t care. She liked where this was going.
She uses her thumb to pull your mouth open even more. Her kissing becomes desperate, as if she needed you to breathe. You struggled to fully hold her hair as her movements became more passionate, but you tried anyway.
When she pulls away, a small string of spit connects the two of you. She emits a low groan at the sight.
“Fuck,” She whispers. “You’re so pretty like this.”
You look up at her with lustful eyes. “Can you take my clothes off?”
She stares at you before complying, gently pulling your shirt over your head. Her hands trail down the front of your body before hooking under your pant loop and pulling down. You decide to help her when it came to removing your panties.
When she’s done undressing you, she takes the time to fully look at the sight before her. Your bare body was glistening under the fading sunlight. She never thought she’d get the chance to see you under her, much less naked.
“You too,” You add, gesturing to her tank top. She nods before disrobing as well.
She looks down at your body. “Do you want—“
“Ellie,” You interrupt, reaching up to fondle her. Her breasts were perky, and her nipples a pale shade of pink. You eventually slide your hands down onto her hips. “You’ve been hiding all this beauty the whole time?”
She blushes again, speechless from your sudden compliment.
“God.” You whisper. “Ellie, you— your body… it’s stunning.”
Any previous train of thought is cleared from Ellie’s mind. She has no idea what to think or say, or even how to speak, for that matter. All she knows is that, if she’s not careful, she might cum from your words alone.
So she leans down instead, pressing her nose to your chest. She inhales your scent before tilting up and wrapping her lips around your breast. If she was honest, she didn’t want just your nipple — she wants to consume it all. Her other hand massages your other tit.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you gently pulled on her scalp. The sensations she’s giving you made you gasp, thighs pressing together on their own.
She eventually switches over to the other side, and does the same thing. This time, she flits her green eyes up at you, carefully watching the faces you make. She drags her free hand down from the side of your breast to your waist, squeezing gently.
“Everything okay?” She whispers.
“Y-Yeah,” You whimper, looking down at her. “That felt really nice.”
She pulls away, leaning forward for one more kiss.
“Can I go down on you?” She asks quietly.
You hum in agreement, and she grins. She brings herself down til her face is just below your bellybutton.
“Smells so good,” She says, placing a small kiss on your pelvis. You prop yourself up against your elbows so you can get a better view looking down.
“I’m gonna lick it a bit,” She says softly. “Wanna know if it feels good.”
“Okay,” You grin.
The first stroke of her tongue is drawn out, almost painfully so. Your mouth watered. You craved the stimulation so bad, it was hard to remind yourself to be patient. But you knew Ellie had more experience than you, so it’s not worth rushing.
The licks after begin feeling much better against your skin. Ellie moaned a few times into your pussy, each noise making you gently rock yourself down against her mouth.
She pulls back, only by a centimeter. “Tastes like heaven.”
“Your tongue feels like heaven,” You reply. “It’s— it’s amazing—“
When she goes back in again, she begins to try different techniques. She creates a suction on your cunt while flicking her tongue against your clit. She also just kisses it, making out with it like she’d make out with you.
You told her you’d give her advice and yet, she didn’t need any. Everything she did just felt so fucking good.
“S’ good.” You drawl, rubbing your thigh against the side of her neck. “Want your tongue down there forever.”
Ellie’s own cunt throbs as she hears those words. She hums gently into your pussy, kissing it for a few more minutes before looking up at you.
“What else do you wanna try?”
You look around for a moment. “I— I was… well, I don’t know if you’d wanna.”
“Wanna what, baby?” She asks. “Tell me.”
“Could…” You sigh. “Could I sit on your face? You know what I mean, right? Not actually sit, but—“
She chuckles a bit. “Yeah, I know. But you could just sit on it, too.”
Ellie flips over so she’s on her back. You lean forward and crawl to where she is before scrunching your lips. “What if you couldn’t breathe?”
“Then I’d die happy,” She replies, giving two light taps on your ass. You take it as a signal to lower yourself down on her.
Something about having you on top of her flips a switch in Ellie. She begins absolutely devouring you like Thanksgiving dinner, arms caging you in so you can’t move away.
“Holy shit,” You grunt. Ellie continues to lap up your juices, licking and sucking them down.
You run your fingers through her sweaty hair. “Mm— fuck. That’s so good, Els. Feels so fuckin’ good.”
Ellie’s losing her mind at the praise. Her hand absentmindedly falls between her legs. She’s needy in the way she fingers her pussy, before getting an idea.
She reaches up and grabs your hand, then gently guides it towards her slick cunt. Unsure of what to do, you begin rubbing circles. It seems to work — Ellie’s breathing becomes heavier and heavier as she continues eating you out.
While Ellie sucks on your clit, you form a rhythm on hers. You try to stay consistent, but it’s hard to focus. You can feel a ball of pressure forming deep in your tummy.
“Ellie,” You groan out, using your other hand to stabilize yourself for support. “I— I think you might make me cum.”
Unconsciously, you grind down on Ellie’s tongue. Your hand remains on her clit as she reaches down and begins pumping her fingers in and out of her hole.
“Cum for me, baby.” She mumbles against your cunt. “Wanna taste it.”
“Yeah?” You whine.
You weren’t sure what made you say your next words, or where it even came from, but it comes out while you’re riding her face.
“Gonna— gonna be a good girl ‘nd make me cum?”
“Fuck, yes,” She grunts, palm tightening around your ass.
Hearing you talk like that instantly makes her a thousand times wetter. She begins sucking on your clit more ferociously as you move your hand to push your hair out of your face.
“So good— you’re makin’ me feel so good, Ellie.” You mewl, feeding her reaction to your words. “This pussy’s all for you. Nobody else.”
A guttural moan comes out from Ellie. You weren’t sure if the compliments were too much, or if she could breathe properly, but you noticed the way she was fingering herself became stronger and more sloppy.
She pulled you down into her mouth, eyes rolled back into her head while she continued to absolutely abuse your pussy with her tongue.
“Oh— J-Just like that,” You stutter. “Fuck— please— just like that, just like that—“
When you erupt on her tongue, you feel unsteady. Your thighs begin to shake uncontrollably as your face scrunches up in pleasure. But Ellie keeps a firm hold on you, relishing in the way you tremble under her touch. She gets off soon after, tightening and pulsing around her own two fingers.
She gets in a few more kisses with your pussy before speaking. “Shit, baby.”
You giggle, letting out a deep breath. “That was… really hot.”
“You’re really hot,” She says, looking up at you and planting one last kiss on your clit. You blush.
“Didn’t know what I was missing out on.” You murmur, climbing off of her. “I… I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner.”
Ellie thinks for a moment before sitting up. She smiles. “I’m really glad you didn’t.”
“Me, too.” You reply.
You lean in once more, placing another kiss on her lips before turning her cheek and kissing her, there, too. Ellie grabs your hand and presses her lips to the back of it.
“My sweet girl.” She whispers. “I’m so glad I could make you mine.”
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beanthesprout · 5 months
Just Like That
Soft Bucky x fem reader
Bucky can't handle seeing you in his shirt.
Warnings: soft dom bucky, praise kink, body worshipping, fingering, vaginal penetration
Requested by @bucky-barnes-lover
I hope you like it! I'm a bit rusty with writing so I'm sorry if it's weird or if he's out of character.
Requests are still open!
Bucky was anxiously waiting on the couch of the common room in the Avenger's Tower. You were supposed to be returning from a pretty dangerous mission. He was well aware you could absolutely handle anything thrown your way, but he still couldn't help but worry. He adored you.
His head snapped up as he heard the elevator ding and footsteps coming down the hall. You were waving off Tony, trying to just go and shower and relax after the mission you'd just had, but he was insistent on discussing your next mission.
Bucky stood as you walked in the room and felt his heart melt as he watched your face of annoyance over Tony change to one of warmth and adoration when you saw him. You happily waved off Tony and walked up to Bucky and gave him a loving kiss.
"Hey sweetheart." You murmured.
"Hey doll." His voice was low and warm, "How'd it go?"
"Good as usual. I'm sore and exhausted though."
His hand came up to stroke your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
"Can we go lay in bed after my shower?" You asked.
"Of course we can."
You grinned and kissed his cheek before making your way to shower. You grabbed a some fresh underwear and one of Bucky's old t-shirts.
The shower felt like heaven. Hot water relaxed your muscles and washed away the grime. You took your time, eventually stepping out and slathering on that lavender scented lotion you and Bucky loved and pulling on the underwear and shirt you'd grabbed.
You loved wearing his shirts, they were so soft and fit comfortably. You preferred his clothes to yours any day.
You wandered into Bucky's room, hair still dripping, he was sitting on the edge of the bed and looked up when you walked in. A blush colored his cheeks when he saw you.
"That's my shirt." He sounded indifferent but you could hear the tiniest bit of amusement in his voice.
"Mine now."
He stared at you for a moment before patting his thigh, "C'mere."
Obediently you moved to straddle his lap, your thighs resting on either side of him. His hands came to rest on your waist.
"You're beautiful." He murmured.
"Thank you." You said softly.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your jaw, trailing up before nibbling on your earlobe. You sighed softly, which caused him to grin.
His hands trailed to the edge of your shirt, fingers playing with the hem.
"You're drivin me crazy doll." His voice was husky with lust.
"I'm not even doing anything Buck." You chuckled.
"You're doing everything." He whispered as he pressed kisses to your neck, gently sucking and teasing at the skin with his teeth.
Soft moans fell from your lips as he left marks from your neck down to your chest.
"Keep making those pretty noises for me doll." He groaned against your neck as his hands slid under your shirt.
The coolness of his metal fingers gave tou goosebumps and pulled another moan from you. Your hands grabbed at his shirt and he gently bit your neck. Every little thing he did was driving you crazy.
His hands slid further up your shirt to grope at your breasts, teasing your nipples, grinning at the way you squirmed and whined.
In the blink of an eye his arms wrapped around you and he flipped the two of you over so you were laying on the bed and he was leaning over you.
"You look so good like that." He was staring down at your flushed face, you were slightly panting. You looked like a mess, but to him you'd never been more beautiful.
He leaned down to press his lips to yours, grunting softly when you eagerly kissed him back. You reached your arms up to wrap around his neck but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. His metal hand trailed from your jaw, down your neck and over your chest to the hem of your underwear.
He slid his tongue into your mouth, drawing out a moan from both of you. He pulled back to look at you.
"Let me take care of you." His voice was a murmur, his breath tickled your lips.
"Good girl."
His metal fingers swiftly tugged your panties down below your knees and he gently pushed a finger into you. Your back arched with a moan.
"That's right. Just like that baby." He whispered in your ear.
His finger pumped in and out of you, curling deliciously to hit that sweet spot. He added a second finger and you felt like you were going to lose your mind.
You moaned his name over and over as he pushed you closer and closer to your high. His pace was steady and strong, he knew exactly how to please you.
"Good girl. You're doing so well for me doll. Look at the way you take me." He groaned into your ear.
He reveled in the way you moaned his name and ground yourself against his hand. He was enamored with the way you clenched around him, the way your back arched, the way your lips moved as you gasped out his name. All of it drew him in.
He dragged his fingers in and out of you, curling them at every push in. It didn't take long before you were crying out his name, overwhelmed by the pleasure. He kept going until you'd completely finished, kissing you softly when you fell limp. He released your pinned wrists and gently pulled his fingers from you and held them to your lips.
"Clean the mess you made." He purred.
Obediently you opened your mouth to suck his fingers clean, your tongue swirling around the smooth metal. His breathing grew a little heavier at the sight.
"That's a good girl." He murmured, his eyes fully focused on your lips wrapped around his fingers.
When you finally released them he leaned down to kiss you again, it was soft and sweet.
One arm settled above your head to prop himself up while the other tugged off his clothes. Your hands raised to help him tug his clothes off, then drifted over his skin. He chuckled at that, you were just as dumbstruck as he was when clothes came off.
He rummaged through his bedside table and pulled out a condom, ripping the wrapper open with his teeth and quickly rolling it out.
"You want lube doll?" He asked as he kissed your jaw.
You nodded and he slathered some lube on his cock before gently guiding it into you. You let out a moan as he did, feeling every inch fill you.
"God you take me so well." He groaned.
You whimpered in response, clawing at his back as he started thrusting into you. He gradually picked up his pace, and his hand dipped between your legs to rub your clit.
The sounds of both your moans filled the room. He muttered sweet praises over and over as he fucked you, and all you could do was moan in response.
"Good girl. Thats right. Say my name just like that." He groaned.
You cried out his name as he thrust into you expertly, repeatedly thrusting at that same angle and quickly driving you to another orgasm.
A few more thrusts and you'd snapped, you clenched around him as he fucked you through your orgasm arching into his chest and grabbing at his broad shoulders. After you'd finished he kept going, the overstimulation bringing tears to your eyes.
"I'm almost there baby. Hold on." He kissed your cheek as he kept thrusting into you, bringing himself to his own orgasm.
It didn't take long before his hips started stuttering and he thrust deep into you one last time before releasing into the condom. The two of you lay there panting heavily before he eased himself out of you. He swiftly disposed of the condom and brought you a wet rag to clean yourself up before sliding your underwear on and tugging your shirt down and sliding his own boxers on.
"Ready for that nap doll?" He nuzzled your neck and you nodded.
He gently helped you maneuver under the blankets and pulled you close. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep as he gently grazed his fingers over your back.
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