#lazy indifference
solivagantingrebel · 3 months
Why be drunk to feel relaxed when all your inhibitions fucks off the moment you're tired as fuck.
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dreamlogic · 1 month
musing in the tags about the view two years out from my hysterectomy and the shifting nature of neuropathy. i asked my PT for recommendations/resources pertaining to pain science and that's been a very helpful lenses to have. i'm still not back to normal, will never be unmarked by this experience or return to my pre-op self, but my baseline has been gradually increasing over the last few months, and it feels good to look back on the last two years and say "i have no idea how i managed to function while living with that, but i did!"
#meatsuit renno#chronic blogging#ctxt#at first post-hysto pain was a deep burning ache#and eventually that lessened on my left side and settled in for the long haul on the right#after a couple weeks it had started to feel like a small carnivorous creature scrabbling and gnawing at the inside of my abdomen#nestled into the hollow of my pelvis and reaching up with its raking claws#about 6 months in and the creature still chewed occasionally but had shrunk to the size of a tennis ball under my right incision site#it clamped its jaws down and went to sleep and i perpetually felt like someone had pinched a fold of my insides with a large binder clip#this constant awful twisting tug every time i moved that kept me from straightening up or breathing fully#this is about a year into recovery and my original surgeon has blown off my requests for follow-up treatment three times now#i carried on as best i could. fatigue and brainfog getting worse & worse as the pain wore on unrelentingly#about a year and a half into recovery it worsened again. searing lancing pain like i'd been impaled on a piece of white hot rebar#couldn't hardly move. couldn't think straight. couldn't sleep#finally checked myself into urgent care & then the ER just to try to get someone anyone to take me seriously and help me#finally got a referral to a new surgeon who immediately pinned it as extreme neuropathy#started gabapentin end of december last year and the relief was immediately#i never thought i would welcome the gritted teeth vice grip of my little feral pain creature#but when i felt the molten spike slide out to be replaced once more by its worrying jaws#the intermittent spark and fizzle of that pinching squirming pain was a dramatic improvement#then i started PT in march and slowly so slowly the creature's hungry grip is loosening#it still clamps down occasionally. maybe once every week or two i'll have a day when i just accept#that there will be a horrible little creature chewing on my right side from the inside#but nowadays with the gabapentin doing as much as it can and an exercise routine i must stick to religiously to supplement PT#the pain is more of a little pearl of dark matter shifting around under my skin#it's incredibly dense. the heart of a black hole of disabling agony. all that white hot fury condensed into a slick heavy marble#as i recover some of my strength and energy i can feel my body coating it in nacreous layers to minimize its influence#my hysterectomy was 2 years and 4 days ago today and i feel like i can finally finally say i'm beginning to truly heal#i suspect i'll always carry this pearl in my side like shrapnel. product of damaged nerve tissue that went untreated for far too long#i wish my original surgeon had been more competent more attentive less lazy & indifferent to my pain. but i still don't have any regrets.
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eorzeashan · 9 months
I like to hc Jadus is like. a Sith parasite. someone who became so warped by the dark side that they don't even resemble what they used to be or anything mortal (instead of just going to the beach that makes you old). the definition of something that looks like a Sith, acts like a Sith, and resembles one in order to fool others and worm their way amongst their ranks, but clearly has become something that merely mimics them now. His body is incorporeal, his mind in a different time and place; so steeped in the dark side is he that he barely qualifies as any kind of species but rather an individual offshoot of the Force, shed like a lizard's tail.
He may have been a man once. That doesn't matter now.
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midwestaesthetics · 4 months
Sunday morning goddess
I’m waking to your lantern
Shaped shoulder tattoo, flickering
In the first wisps of dawn
That peek through your Venetian blinds
Sunday morning empress
Your lipstick traces and hickey
Graces are worn like rubies and
Amethyst round my neck, now I’m counting
These precious stones in the mirror for posterity
Your sweet sighs breaking the waves
Of an ever-shallower slumber
Your ribcage’s slow-motion symmetry
In concert with every exhalation
February’s cold is giving goosebumps
To the exposed skin on my back
Your one loose bedsheet
I fasten into a makeshift robe
Until I locate, the clothes I came in
Calico voyeur sashaying through the half
Opened door, figure eights round my frigid toes
Appreciating the touch of warming hands
My newfound friend, she leads me knowingly
To the oak paneled pantry, for its breakfast time
I’m losing myself in the geometric infinity
Etched in the white-blue vinyl of your kitchen floor
Your sweet sighs still permeate my ear’s periphery
Against the dull white noise of your fridge
Draped in thin white linen
And seated at your round table
I’m drawn to purple hyacinths
In the see through gown of a glass vase
A centerpiece on oak stained wood
Suddenly I recall a recent headline, the rodent
Meteorologist is calling for an early spring
Last night felt like the heating of worlds
Stripping away my glacial feeling, now here I am
Nearly naked, basking in a spring thaw
Your ceiling light turned off and your autumn
Colored candles remain unlit and still
Your sweet sighs of slumber in the other room
Play like an Irish air of old, stirring my indifference  
Sunday morning is playing with my psyche
I’m only sure about my uncertainty
A few hours from now who can say
If I’ll be reading your poker face
Or if I may never see it again, excluding memories
Sunday morning is arousing my curiosity
For the first time in a long while
Though I’m not prone to your tarot and astrology
But the splendor of your hyacinth
Bouquet nourished by the sun’s incoming tides…
Is playing tricks on me, unsettling me
Maybe you’re annihilating me, maybe you’re liberating me
Before you rise and before I must decide, 
As you’re exiting hibernation am I exiting the door?
Or am I staying for awhile at your graceful invitation?
Before we start and before it’s all said and done
Let me at least find my socks… 
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albertfinch · 5 months
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January 15, 2024 – Exhortation
Don't allow yourself to stagnate and become callous and cold. Now is the time to awake from slumber and rouse to reality (see Romans 13:11-14)!
Even now, the Holy Spirit is descending, hovering, and brooding over you. Shake yourself from the depression in which circumstances have kept you! You are standing at the threshold of God's glory!
Right NOW God is calling you forth from the circumstances that have knocked the wind out of you and left you lifeless. You are breathing but you are lifeless. Hear the Spirit of the Lord declaring to you today, "Come forth!"  -- see in your spirit a sudden surge of God's power, answers to prayer, and an outpouring of His Spirit. The unfolding of His plans for your next assignment are at hand as you keep praying, keep standing, and keep contending.
This is not the time to retreat or to take a backseat. No, this is the time for Christ in you to roar!!
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My gender is weird but not in like trans/gender non conforming way. (To preface this I am from the south and was raised Christian so coming out kinda isn’t an option.) But like my gender is like babysitting your neighbors 3 year old whose across the room from you. And everyone online is saying make sure you’re always watching the kid, they’re known to be handfuls,,,, but like not this one??? Like I look up from my book and he ain’t crying or screaming or drawing on the walls or nothing little man’s just sitting there so I go back to reading. I was born with tits and dresses are nice but makeup is a hassle and I like my long hair but I have shoulders bigger than half the guys in my grade and if my boobs were to fall off tomorrow I’d just kinda shrug and move on and live flat chested. At the moment I’m saying I’m allocishet but if someone were to genuinely ask me about my pronouns idk kid’s not screaming yet so she/her is fine but also if someone started calling me by different pronouns I’d just shrug and see if the new kid starts screaming and if not yeah sure those pronouns are cool too I guess.
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->With coop and shed clean, Alice wandered back to chat with the chickens for a little while and collect the eggs (in between giving herself more pep talks, because that sad moodlet from earlier was really sticking -- on the other hand, she got cake for breakfast, so that had to have helped in the "happiness" department), while Smiler successfully entertained Moory and got some milk for the fridge. Victor, for his part, continued his tending and harvesting of the greenhouse -- hampered slightly by the fact that Bugs and Elmer, now on low battery, had decided it was their duty to float off around the lot and hide from me. *sigh* Elmer I fortunately found pretty quickly as he passed by the greenhouse searching for more plants to tend, and got Victor to shut him off, but Bugs proved to be harder to find...
-->But while looking for that darn bot, I happened to spot a familiar face in the front yard -- one Brian Pimentel, NAP Inspector! Making note of a bunch of recyclables the gang had left in the front yard during an earlier attempt to clear out the garbage. ^^; I quickly had Victor go recycle that and some other trash while Brian went around the house to check on the greenhouse -- and, to my delight, Bugs appeared, "chasing" the guy there! I kept an eye on him while Brian finished his inspection -- fortunately, despite the mess in the front yard, the gang got another passing grade. Even more fortunately, he wasn't at all tempted by Toothy's cake tongue when he left the lot. XD I had Victor finish up his recycling, then go and turn off Bugs before the bot exploded before harvesting his now-fully-grown oversized crops. Whew -- disaster averted!
-->While that was going on, I had Alice refill the pet bowls so a hungry Surprise could get her lunch, then give some meat to Toothy so they didn't try to snap up any passing Sims. She then fixed up a broken water collector while Smiler (somewhat glitchily) hatched the latest chick out of the coop, and Victor claimed the last slice of cake in the fridge as his lunch. I mean, after all that tending and harvesting, sir, I think you deserve it! He wandered over Alice's way for a chat while Smiler celebrated the birth of a new chick with a dance...
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wiseatom · 1 year
no bunny rep yet in the pet poll. disgraceful
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solarsbrace · 9 months
“ Find someone to get this to Prince Ephraim—do not deliver it yourself, and do not share who it is from. ” He’ll figure it out for himself soon enough anyway.
Valter wasn’t entirely certain of that, but that didn’t really matter much to him. If Ephraim knew he was sending a gift, then that proved something of the boy’s intellect. If he didn’t– well, all the better.
He doesn’t give the monk much time to be confused, wordlessly leaving then, slipping into darkness. Still, they accomplish the task—it is passed along to an armorer in the training grounds, and when the solar prince next enters, an envelope is passed into his hands.
“A monk dropped by earlier and said to give this to you. Didn’t say why though—it’s not my business anyway.” The note delivered, the armorer steps back to their work, making sure all the weapons are still good for use.
The envelope is unmarked but neatly pressed, although sealed tighter than most. Should the prince choose to open it, a note resides within, written in a decently fine hand and unaccompanied by anything else.
Enjoy your birthday, prince. Don’t forget to think of your father.
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letters were not usually delivered to him, much less from anonymous monks of the monastery. even still, the king thankfully accepted the letter from the armorer and went about his own business. he tucked the letter in his pocket, thinking to look into it at a later time. he'd nearly forgotten about it until he fell out of his pocket unceremoniously on the floor. now that he was at his dorm, and alone for the night, he decided he could finally sate his curiosity.
opening the letter, he would find a wide page inside with only a few words sprawled neatly across some of it's surface. immediately the words left him bitter, squeezing the paper tightly in his hands. a personal message, a threat, and a promise all in one simple statement. he placed the paper down at last, turning away from it like it might blind him. despite his immense struggle, thoughts of his father came to flood his mind as he wished they wouldn't.
moments of joy, moments of anger, moments of sadness, all meshed together in his minds eye. he remembers happier days with his mother and father reading him bedtime stories. he remembers the squabbles he had with his father, denouncing everything fado had stood for. he remembers their last conversation together, and how it had been anything but pleasant he remembers not getting to say goodbye. quickly he wipes the wet beneath his eyes, trying to hide the tears from even himself.
he stiffened up at last, picking the paper back up to give it a closer examination. few of his countrymen called fodlan home, and even fewer who would leave such a rotten message for him. only one name came to mind, only one retched name he had hoped to think of again. Valter...
Ashamed of his emotions, he crumpled the paper up and threw it in the bin next to his feet. "happy birthday to me." he stated, angry he had let that man get to him.
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evilforgood999 · 10 months
I don't know how to explain this but Miles is a malewife
The first thought was that the girls were exploiting him hhhhhhhh
I'm more convinced that he's like a little brother (at least for Vick)
But yes he has these vibes
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
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rubbcrhosemoved · 1 year
Because I’m bored, have the Sins as HUMANS--
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al-lewinsky · 2 years
i rly dont get couples who constantly come for each other in truly antagonistic ways - like may the “disdain” you have for each other be played up or real; i don't see how that can be sustained long-term without some form of resentment building over time
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guideaus · 1 year
you know, the ai stuff is annoying, it sounds shitty when apparently ppl can just plug in all of an artist's work to train an ai to come up w some result, but some of the takes ive been seeing about it on twitter are... really stupid. now im like okay wait, how much do i actually know about this issue
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tenth-sentence · 7 months
He was lazy and indifferent, but not evil.
"Incarnations of Immortality: On a Pale Horse" - Piers Anthony
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victorluvsalice · 11 months
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How about a nice hike around one of Gilbert Gardens's walking paths? After checking out the routes on offer, I decided that a stroll by the arboretum to end the day would be the nicest, and sent the group over to the start of the path --
Only for Victor to use his broom to get there right away, and Alice and Smiler to jog. *facepalm* My fault for both using the "go here together" option when I should have had them all try to teleport there separately, and for forgetting that Victor prioritizes his broom for travel over long distances. So poor Victor was stuck waiting for his partners to come join him at the head of the path for quite a while -- long enough that, by the time Alice arrived, he'd given up and was preparing to go for a walk on his own. Whoops. Fortunately I was able to quickly cancel the interaction and reset up the group walk, and after a moment's dithering, the gang started off --
Only for the thunderstorms, held at bay for the entire afternoon, to come back with a vengeance. *sigh* They kept at it for a few paces, but soon the rumbling of thunder made them stop in their tracks. Welp, nothing for it but to just head home, right?
Sort of -- while I did have them return to their home lot, I wasn't quite done with them going out and about for the day. Once they arrived back at the farm, I looked around and found a nice picturesque spot by an old mill house situated on the river not too far away. I had everyone head over (THIS time using the separate teleports to make sure they all got there roughly about the same time), then had Victor and Smiler chat and flirt for a while to fulfill the Party Spirit tradition for Victor (Alice, who cares not for that tradition due to her Loner trait, did a little scavenging in the dirt nearby). And then. . .
Well. As it turns out, having Wonderful Whims in your game means that in addition to polyamory -- you can have Sims married to multiple people. So, with Alice looking on, Victor went ahead and proposed to Smiler. And Smiler said yes. <3 :D Granted, they were a TOUCH ambivalent about it in their moodlets because they prefer non-exclusive relationships (as per Lumpinou's Open Love Life mod) and getting married does feel a bit on the "exclusive" side, but they love Victor and they're happy to commit to him. And of course Victor is thrilled to be married to both his partners. :) So, yeah, that's the other reason I wanted to do this update this week -- we've got a wedding coming up! A true Valicer wedding, in fact, as I'm already well aware that married couples can use wedding arches to renew their vows... ;)
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