#learn to treat people with respect BEFORE you learn to angrily break down everything that people do
sunfoxfic · 2 years
The internet will tell you that the solution to our problems is anger, but then you talk to actual activists and they always seem to stress that the two most important things you can do are vote and be kind. I'm not saying that anger isn't important, but I do think there are a lot of people being socialized on the internet who learn anger without kindness. They are not opposite to one another; they are complimentary, and while kindness without anger can sometimes be naive or unwillingly help that which is not so kind, anger without kindness is simply cruel.
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
The Boys Reacting to MC Telling Someone Off!
You go, MC! You don’t take shit from anyone!!
The scenario is that some stranger is being racist/ homophobic/ sexist/ transphobic towards you, and you SNAP!
Note: In Belphie’s prompt you can still be Gender Neutral, but I had to imagine AMAB for it’s contents. Forgive me!
Lucifer was walking you home from RAD. You stayed a little late after the meeting to finish up a bit of homework. On the walk home, a car pulled and started driving at your walking pace, howling suggestive obscenities at you.
How rude. Didn’t these lowlifes know that it’s disrespectful to catcall? He grits his teeth angrily, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. Poor you, you must be so uncomfortable.
Not. You stop in place, which causes them to slam on the breaks of their car. Before they can start asking for your number or to get in the car with you, you go off. You’re much more reserved with your voice, but your tone is frightening. Lucifer hearing you be so eloquent in describing what you’d do to them if they ever bothered you again was not something he expected he’d enjoy hearing. But here he is.
Pride? UP! It seems you got some backbone in you, threatening demons like that. He’s glad you are adjusting to life in the Devildom so well.
You and Mammon were enjoying your time at the casino. He usually goes alone but this time you managed to convince him to come with you.
The dealer at your table has been giving you both shifty eyes for a while now. Mammon’s luck is just getting worse and worse. He doesn’t seem to entirely notice it yet, blind through his frustrations, but you pick it apart quickly. The dealer is intentionally giving you both bad hands.
You nudge Mammon at the start of another round. His eyes follow yours to the dealer and suddenly he’s watching them like a hawk. After that round was lost, he’s about to pop a gasket.
Seeing Mammon angry wasn’t anything new, but the expression on his face made his anger contagious. He slammed the cards down on the table and went off before a word left Mammon’s mouth. he watched you with such passion, calling the dealer out. Needless to say, he’s glad you tagged along with him that night.
You both were at an Anime Convention. You decided to cosplay as one of Leviathan’s favorite characters from an anime you both picked up recently.
You both were enjoying your time there, taking photos, and shaking hands with other cosplayers and fans. You even got a few gifts as a thank you for some of the photos.
It was when one of the “fans” came up and asked for a photo that the problem started. They put their arm around you, and leaned in uncomfortably close. Levi watched from where he sat as the two of you began to take the photo. He heard a racial slur uttered from the fan and nearly lunged at them to attack.
What stopped him however was you, shoving them away and shouting about how disrespectful and unfunny that was. Levi watched with glee, his Henry being so brave in the face of bullies! Afterwards, he asked if you were alright, and treated you to a nice lunch away from all the noise.
You and Satan were both enjoying your time at a cat café. He seemed particularly invested in a kitten that curled up at his foot and was now purring. A grouchy older woman seemed irritated that a man was so emotionally invested in a kitten.
Satan was used to these comments. He learned by now to ignore them, and didn’t seem bothered by it at all. He was much more occupied petting the sweet kitten, who he almost wanted to take home with him had Lucifer not banned him from keeping pets.
You on the other hand, were not having it. You turned in your seat to the older woman and asked what her problem was. This caught Satan off guard, who figured up until now you were ignoring her too. Apparently not.
Things escalated and the woman, feeling threatened, decided to leave on her own accord. Pride wasn’t his sin, but to say he wasn’t proud of you for standing up for him nonetheless was very much appreciated. At least he knew he could count on you.
You and Asmo were at a huge party in town. There were some party-goers who were extremely drunk, and weren’t very fond of Asmo’s dress matching with yours. They commented specifically about how men shouldn’t be wearing dresses.
Asmo has dealt with people like this before, so he’s quick to ignore their comments. Arguing has only made these sorts of situations more stressful for him, and it’s not like he cares too much about what disgusting people think of him. He’s assured of his beauty by thousands, he doesn’t care what bad apples have to say!
You, on the other hand, do. And Asmo loves you for it. You immediately slam the breaks on whatever you were doing, turn to the two drunk party-goers, and yell at them that if they don’t like the way Asmo dresses, they should just leave. Asmo is loved by many humans, demons, and even angels, and no one loves people who treat others with no respect based on how they dress.
The argument goes on for just a bit longer before the drunkards are escorted out. Asmo has never been happier in his life. You didn’t need to, but you stood up for him. And even confirmed for him that yes- the world loves him for who he is and what he does. He’s sure to go all out (as if he was ever holding back) on the dresses, skirts, and bows now more than ever, thanks to you!
You and Beelzebub were are Ristorante Six, enjoying a meal together. It had been a long day after Beel’s game and he was starving. More than usual. He casually ordered at least five of everything on the menu.
It’s not like you were just barely eating yourself. You had gone through a few plates as well, unashamed of how much food you were able to put away. it was nothing compared to Beel, but he liked that you weren’t afraid to go all out on food as well!
HOWEVER, one disgruntled couple a few tables down did not seem fond of that. You heard a few comments here and there about your “piggish” behavior. Beel seemed to notice and was quite irritated about what he was hearing. He even stopped eating at certain points to be sure he was hearing right.
He was about to throw something at them in a fit of rage before you stopped him. You spun around in your chair and shot the couple a menacing glare. When you spoke, you were firm and terrifying, telling them to mind their own business and move away if they can’t handle you enjoying yourself with your favorite demon. Beel never seemed so happy to hear you standing up so firmly for yourself.
You and Belphie were waiting at the bus stop. You both wanted to get home as soon as possible to get some well needed rest after a long day at RAD. Absentmindedly, you sat in Belphie’s lap and he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn’t help but notice the disgruntled person who was also waiting at the bus stop with you.
Belphie wasn’t having that shit. Instantly was ready to pop off the second he realized that person had a problem with you in his lap. He snarled, showing his clear frustrations.
You stopped him calmly, by patting the top of his head and shushing him. He gave a mild complaint, but you continued to silence him, telling him that it was alright. You’ll handle this. He wasn’t sure what you meant until you stood up, and grabbed the person,
You were telling them that if they’ve got a problem with you and Belphie, then at least be brave enough to be more vocal about how much of an idiot they are. Your relentless tirade went on until the bus arrived, and by then the person was afraid of getting on the bus with you. Belphie was glad he had you to call his.
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Sirius is Disowned, Part 2. Check out Part 1.
London, July 26th of July, 2012. Content Warning: Toxic Masculinity, Homophobia, Violence, Physical Abuse. Sirius had been wearing the ring that Alphard gave him with pride. Actually, it looked pretty cool on him. Sirius saw his Uncle in a family dinner the day before he left for Rome. He had told everyone that he had business there. He didn't explain any further. Nobody questioned Alphard. Well except one person: Orion. Sirius couldn't pinpoint why his father hated Alphard so much. "I don't blame him, Sirius" Alphard had once answered, "We were horrible to him, me and Cygnus, when we were children. We never liked him" And Orion always repeated that Alphard was a bad influence on Sirius. That made Sirius like Alphard even more. But after his departure, Orion still didn't shut up about it. Sirius had been counting the days for the summer to be over and go back to Hogwarts. Regulus had recommended staying low, and trying to be nice. Sirius was following his brother's advice. But only because he wanted to ask permission to spend the rest of the summer at The Potters'. Perhaps if his parents were in a good mood, he might have a chance. So he was silent at dinner. Sirius was trying to ignore what his parents said. "I'm am so proud of you Reggie, darling" Walburga was saying "Being prefect is an honor" Of course Regulus, the good and perfect son, had gotten the perfect badge a few days ago. Sirius' exams results weren't bad. But nobody noticed that. "Thank you, mother" Regulus answered embarrassed. "Were you prefect, mother?" Sirius asked without thinking. He indeed needed magic to shut his mouth. Walburga's smile disappeared. Orion dropped his fork on the table, making Sirius' jump. Orion had the ability of losing patience easily. "I was just simply asking" Sirius said looking down. "No" Walburga answered, taking a sip of her wine "I wasn't a prefect. Neither do you, so..." Sometimes Walburga acted like a child. Sirius felt like she was constantly provoking him. Making him explode. They fought, Sirius said something stupid. And that's when Orion intervene. One punch or slap made Sirius finally shut up. Always the same. "I was..." Orion interrupted "I used to follow you everywhere, just to make sure you didn't get into trouble" he took a bite of his food "Remember that, darling?" Walburga seemed uncomfortable. She gave her husband a little smile. Sirius tried so hard not to roll his eyes. "Well, today we are talking about Regulus" She said "Samantha more wine" she raised her glass. As Samantha brought the bottle quickly, Sirius noticed Orion was getting furious. He detested it when Walburga drank. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting her husband. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting everyone. "Amm... Actually is not a big deal" Regulus said "I don't know what the fuzz is about..." Reggie was shy and nervous when Orion was around. He was afraid of him. Sirius feared him too, but unlike Regulus, he couldn't control what he said. "Of course is a big deal, darling" Walburga stroked Reggie's hair. She'd never done that with Sirius. Sirius tried to ignore that. Everything was fine. Perhaps they would let him go to The Potters' if he was nice. He was cutting his meat, when Orion spoke again, and he jumped. "What is that?" Sirius took a while to learn, Orion was talking to him. His father pointed to his new ring. "Oh... am just a ring..." Sirius murmured, putting the hand under the table. "What was that?" Orion spoke louder. One time, Orion had told Sirius that men never spoke between teeth. Always loud and clear. "A ring, sir" Sirius spoke up, wondering why the hell Orion never bothered Regulus. Just him. Orion laughed "Why does it look familiar?" Sirius saw Walburga's expressionless face, and Regulus' concerned one. Looking at him. Sirius swolled. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. "It was my Uncle Alphard's" Sirius expected some yelling. But Orion simply snorted. He didn't say anything to Sirius. Which was a relief. But Orion turned to Walburga. "Speaking of Alphard, Wally. What do you think he is
doing in Rome? Suspicious isn't it?" Orion continued the conversation as if they were two old ladies, gossiping. Walburga smiled "How the hell should I know, darling" she spat "I don't control what my brother does" "Well you know my theory, darling..." "What theory?" Fuck, Sirius didn't learn, did he? But what else could he do if they were talking about Alphard. When Orion turned to look at him, he added "Sir?" "It's stupid..." Walburga began. But Orion raised his hand and she was interrupted. "It's okay, Wally" Orion said "I think it is rightful to tell our children what their uncle is really like..." "You have no proof, Orion" Walburga clenched her teeth. "Anyway, I think Sirius deserves to know Alphard is not the person he thinks" Orion smiled evilly "What are you talking about?" At this point, Sirius couldn't shut his mouth. "Orion..." "Alphard uses drugs, parties, drinks and has sex with random people and hookers" Walburga rolled her eyes as if she didn't believe it. "With men" Orion added. Regulus almost choked with his food. A million thoughts ran through Sirius' mind. Especially all that Alphard said the day he said goodbye. How he regretted his choices. How he tried to convince Sirius to be himself no matter who he felt attracted to. Did this mean that Orion was right? "That's not true!" Sirius spatted angrily. Sirius had been raised following strictly what The Bible said. Sirius still remembered what his nanny Mrs. Syre used to said about gay people. "Those bloody homosexuals. We need to pray that they end up in hell, where they belong". But it was 2012. Sirius had learned to be respectful. Albus Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts was gay. Edgar Bones, his classmate was gay. Sirius knew what gays were like. Feminine and all. Alphard wasn't like that. "It is, son" "You have no proof" Orion laughed "Why the hell do you think Alphard hasn't married?" "He is a free spirit!" "Is that what he told you?" Orion laughed "How innocent..." "Mother say something!" Sirius protested Walburga continued to drink her wine. Sirius sighed. "Reggie?" Regulus blinked. "You like Uncle Alphard, don't you?" "Uncle Alphard is nice" Regulus muttered "Your bloody uncle is corrupting your minds...." Orion pointed at them with his fork, angrily "He is a fucking faggot, And if you spend a lot of time with him, he will turn you into that..." "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! THAT'S HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!" Sirius was losing his bloody temper. He stood up. "SIRIUS SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN" Walburga warned. Eyes full of hate. "How can you be so calm, Walburga?" Sirius pointed to his father "He is insulting your brother" "THAT'S IT EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Walburga yelled, she turned to Sirius "And you have no right to treat me like that, young man" "Apologize to your mother!" Orion yelled "Apologize for what you said about my Uncle!" Sirius yelled back. Orion stared at Sirius with eyes full of venom. "All you have to do is behave like a proper man. Like a proper Black" "Maybe I don't want to!" "ORION, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Walburga roared "You just hate that your ego is hurt" "This is what I been telling you, Wally!" Orion protested "Sirius had spent too much time with Alphard. He had changed. He is becoming rebel and responding... Look at that hair, is too long..." "What the hell does that mean?" "Maybe he's turning you into a puff..." Sirius was trembling with rage. Orion was saying lies about Alphard. And now about himself. Sirius thought about what Alphard told him. How he shouldn't let them mold him the way they want. How Alphard admired him for speaking up for the things he didn't like. Sirius thought about Remus. How he was different. He was special. And there was nothing wrong with him. Perhaps Alphard was different as well. Perhaps he was different too. "Maybe I am a puff" At that moment, he mostly said it to provoke Orion. And he reacted, because he threw his glass against the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. Everyone jumped. Walburga yelled. "What did you say?" Everyone
in their right mind would say sorry, and not speak again. Regulus was asking him exactly that with his pleading eyes. But Sirius was out of his mind. Or he just didn't care anymore. Or he was an idiot. "I said that maybe I am a puff" he repeated more clearly "Sir..." Sirius felt Orion's fist on his face before anything. He was on the floor. Nose and lip bleeding. He wanted to cry so badly but the tears didn't come out. Orion grabbed him by his shirt. His face was red with fury. "You were supposed to come out right!" Orion said desperately "You were supposed to be the heir!! You cannot be a faggot. Tell me you are not one!!" Sirius was definitely an idiot. "I am a faggot" his voice was hoarse and he coughed blood. But Orion was hitting him again. All that Sirius could see between punches, was Regulus crying and begging. "PLEASE FATHER STOP! PLEASE STOP!" And Walburga. Walburga was next to Regulus. Her face didn't flick or show emotion. She just stood there supporting Regulus and watching all. I give up. Sirius thought. Now I know there's no sign of love. They don't love me. Never did.
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eluminium · 4 years
Raid (hehe fanfic)
So i made a Masqueraiders (belongs to @reginaldcopperbottom) fanfic because i could. Yes it’s about 3k words. This one has been a long time in the making and I’m happy i finally got it done!
Please enjoy!
A groan escaped his throat as the car sent vibrations throughout his tired body. This was 100% not his day.
Scratch that, this was 100% not his week.
Although he knew that from the glorious hour he rose from his bed, with soreness traveling down his spine like a waterslide. These past days had been hell for the department, with criminal organizations raiding places left, right, and center. Good sleep was a rarity, and many fellow cops were falling asleep by their desks, only to be woken up by a call to action. And now it was his turn to deal with these crooks.
"The museum of Geology...A prime raiding target for any thief with common sense" mumbled his partner while taking a turn.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock..." was his grumpy response. 
"Who do you think it is this time?" his partner joked.
"I bet on the Crownminals, from what we got these thieves are well organized, and that's their brand"
"That makes sense, although could always be Toppats too. Y'know one time-"
As the words kept spilling out of his partner's mouth, his eyes wandered afield, out towards the rearview mirror. A fog gathered in his eyes as the blinking red and blue lights burrowed into him and the world around him faded a bit. Maybe he could get some quality sleep after this. Just gotta take out these criminals and then drop dead like a ragdoll. God, some good sleep was gonna be heavenly, he could almost feel the plushness of his bed calling out to him.
"We're..he...re! ...Hel..lo? yo..u the..re?"
So soft...He could almost pretend...
"Dude! You there?"
"Ugh, yeah yeah I'm here, stop snapping your fingers in my face" he murmured angrily as his feet touched the ground outside the car. 
The cold metal of his pistol dug into his hand. The museum and everything around it was engulfed in chaos. He picked up on various orders coming from colleagues, but it didn't seem to contain the animalistic anarchy around them.
A tired breath flowed out of his lips, this was not gonna be simple or coordinated, was it? Welp, better just get a good position and-
The ground rumbled angrily as an explosion tore through the museum. His body swayed violently as screams echoed in his ears.
"Shit! They need backup! C'mon, don't just stand there!"
Before he could even respond, a tight grip had grasped his shirt and his body was traveling faster than his mind. Dear lord, the guy was fast! In through the entrance, through the gunfire, people people people screaming loud loud-
The door's impact echoed in his ears as his mind tried to catch up with whatever the fuck just happened. The sleep deprivation wasn't helping at all.
"What...the HELL...did just happen?"
"Oh, sorry dude, went a bit too fast there!" his partner cheered.
"You could say that again..." he grumbled.
His disapproving stare tore through his partner, who could only respond by scratching the back of his neck with sweat dripping down his face. So awkward he was, with his apologetic smile and soft-looking face- Nope, that was NOT what he was gonna focus on. 
They stayed locked in that position, staring at each other stiffly until the sound of someone clearing their throat reached their ears. Both their gazes turned towards this new presence.
"Hello gentlemen, thank you for finally noticing us!" A masked fellow cheered.
His lips remained sealed as his gaze wandered over the man. The man's mask seemed to resemble two shining suns, and a well-kept sun hat covered up his head, even though it was mid-October. His arms, however, were tied up with a rope across his stomach. But even then, a bright and shrewish smile adorned his face.
"Alright, you can stop starring at me now pig, It was way more entertaining to watch you two play gay chicken."
"Agh! N-No, we weren't! I-I'm not even gay!" his partner exclaimed with embarrassment.
Suddenly, a strange protectiveness surged through his veins. His feet moved before his mind did, and he unexpectedly found himself between his partner and these fowl mask people.
"Oh yeah, that kid is definitely gay. Maybe the grump is gay too. Mad respect." the masked man chuckled to someone behind him.
He felt his face morph into a sneer as flustered squeaks clawed their way out of his partner's throat. His eyes turned to the woman behind the masked man, and they narrowed as he noticed more masked people tied up behind them. 
This had to be a temporary cell, and these are its inmates. A bunch of weird...mask people.
Mask people...Mask thieves? No that couldn't be right. Mask heisters? Maskings? Mask sneakers? Masquerade raiders? No that was stupid no-one in their right mind would choose that-
"Hey, big guy~"
He quickly snapped away from his thoughts with all his attention focused on the masked lady. Her hair was long and slightly curly, with the texture of the darkest night in December. Although, there were spots of color too. A purple crown with a white moon rested on her raven head. She was, factually, a beauty.
But something about that...seductive tone made his skin crawl, and not in a good way. More in an 'i'll pay you to never speak to me like that again' way.
"Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you got fine written all over you~"
Nope. Nope nope nope nope ew NO.
His mind was blank, and he looked like a fish out of water. It felt like disgusting bugs were crawling around inside his skin. Wait, was she wiggling her hips-?
"Dude? You online?"
He snapped back to reality and averted his stare. That was his partner. Right he still had a job to do. Criminals first, thinking about why he felt so uncomfortable with a woman flirting with him later. Luckily for him, a name got caught in his brainwaves.
He turned back towards the masked woman, his face stitched into a more serious expression.
"Masqueraiders correct?" he questioned with a head tilt.
The masked lass took a second to compose herself. Her purple gloved hand reached up and pushed her just as purple star marked mask back into place. It only took a single glance at the cop's "serious" face for her resolve to break, and the laughter burst out of her mouth like a botched dam. 
The gaze of the sun mask fellow, which had settled on his slightly less flustered partner, turned to him. And the cackling flowed out of his mouth not long after.
Ouch, that was a hit to the ego. The expression of seriousness faltered a little bit as his gaze turned to the ground. Wow, was he letting these crooks get under his skin?
Yes, he was.
He was tired! What can he say?
The laughter kept echoing in his ears for a bit, really destroying any hubris he had beforehand. The feeling of his partner's worried stare really didn't help. It actually made it more embarrassing. If this was 100% not his day before, now it was 150% not his day. The flow in his brain had practically stopped as he tried to reboot his thinking process. Okay, okay, he's got this. Just gotta-
An abrupt and intense movement in front of his eyes caused the mental reboot to speedrun through the last stages. The click of a gun bounced between the walls of the room, and the mocking laughter ceased abruptly. He couldn't make out the faces of the tied up convicts who mocked him or see them at all, for that matter, because his partner's body was standing protectively between him and the Masqueraiders. Well wasn't this familiar? I guess bros gotta protect bros. He didn't have to see it with his bare eyes to know that there was a gun pointed at the crooks. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.
"Hey, dudes, ladies, and thudes. Didn't we all learn that you should treat the police with an ounce of respect when we were younger?"
His partner's voice was smooth as a bead, yet it still possessed that edge of "dudebro" that was so unique to him. It was such a lovely song to his ears. God, what he would do to hear it more...
His head quickly swung side to side as if he was trying to shake that thought out of his head. No homo, no homo. Right?
The still but tense air that settled after his partners' words broke with a snort and some giggles. 
"Oh? Mind filling me in on the joke dude?" his partner quipped while the gun clattered in his hands.
"Don't you hear it lad?" The sun-masked fellow whose name apparently was Aieden responded confidently. Well, confidently when you consider that there was a gun in his face.
"Hear what?"
Now that he mentioned it, there seemed to be footsteps approaching their little hideaway spot. Very quick yet...heavy steps. Oh fuck. Could it be-?!
"Get down-!"
He felt his hand instinctively clutch the sleeve of his partner before they made contact with the hard floor. The seconds ticked on, and on, and on.
The wall by their side crumbled into pieces as an unstoppable force smashed into it. He felt the fabric of his partner's sleeve crack as he dragged them both out of the way of this brute.
"Freeze! This is-"
The gun rattled in his hands, his eyes dilated with fear. Because now he saw this person, this giant, clearly. Holy mother of God.
The man in front of him bore clothes in brilliant green and black. On his face rested a mysterious black mask that only covered one half, and a white spot resembling an eye covered the spot on the mask where his actual eye would be. Emerald green boots, teeth sharp as stalactites... 
And this fowl criminal was enormous. He dwarfed everybody else in that little supply closet, probably standing at around 7 feet tall! Jesus Christ, was he dealing with crooks or actual mythical beings?!
Luckily for him though, this gigantic force of nature didn't seem to pay any attention to his intimidation attempt. He seemed more focused on freeing his fellow Masqueraiders from their imprisonment, the leaf color feathers on his hat bouncing side to side. 
"There ya' are Ricardo! I'm surprised it took this long!"
He knew he couldn't go up against a beast like that. He'd get pummeled into the ground and lose every tooth he had left. His gaze wandered back to his partner's still face as he tried to think up a plan. A slight panic flowed down his spine when he noticed that his partner wasn't moving, but a quick check revealed that his heartbeat was strong and his soft breathing still there. Must have been knocked out...
He felt his arm reach for a spare curtain that was discarded next to them, and soon his partner rested under it, hidden from view. It was best to keep him secured until he woke up again.
As he observed the big green man whose name was Ricardo do his big green man things, a sudden flash of vibrant red caught his gaze. Someone had rushed past the big hole in the wall, someone clad in crimson. There was no doubt about it. It had to be the Masqueraiders leader himself, Sylvester Wesley. He knew it had to be him. And if he could capture their leader, maybe he could gain an advantage over these masks who mocked him. Although maybe it wasn't Wesley, maybe there was another red-clad mask bastard. But even then, capturing any Masqueraider would be a victory at this point. His pride was on the line after all!
He glanced back at his partner, still unconscious. A seed of doubt grew in his chest, should he really leave his partner like this? After everything that had happened...
Once again, his head bounced side to side. No, he had to do this. He had to apprehend SOMEONE. His partner would be fine, he just had to be! He was hidden, they'd never find him, right? He made his decision. It was time to round up some criminals.
Yet, the feeling of doubt and worry only grew stronger as he sneaked out through the hole made by the giant. Was he doing the right thing? Is this justice? To leave an unconscious man vulnerable? He didn't know, but he pushed those thoughts to the side as he spotted the red-clad criminal again. He seemed to be rounding up the last of their loot, with a big potato sack slung over his shoulder. It was certain now, that was the Masqueraiders leader himself. The black mask and red hat gave it away.
He cleared his throat before once again pointing his weapon at the crook.
"Freeze! Police!"
He met the gaze of the black-masked man and expected to meet a pair of eyes drowned in confusion. Yet all he could spot was a slight hint of surprise and then a kind of...playful mockery. A very familiar sight by now. 
"Catch me if you can!" The Masqueraiders leader sang out as he bolted down the hallway with the goods.
He took off after him, uselessly chasing the nimble and quick Wesley. Gunshots echoed off the walls as he unleashed a salvo aimed at the leader, yet all the shots either missed or were reflected by the skilled swordsman's weapon. Every bullet, no matter where he aimed. Time after time after time again, nothing seemed to be hitting this disgustingly fast weasel. Frustration boiled in his guts, come on now! He was so tantalizingly close to regaining his dignity and getting revenge on the Masqueraiders. Yet still NOTHING!
A roar of anger escaped him, his feet moving even faster. All he got back from Wesley was a coy grin and just...the most punchable expression ever.
"Hah! You're way too slow, ever considered hitting the gym?!" 
"Shut up!"
"You're not my dad so you can't tell me what to doooo~"
He was gonna crack Wesleys skull open like a watermelon. He was gonna do it, nothing could stop him from squeezing that stupid overconfident head in like a pimple. And he actually seemed to be closing in on him! His gun had run out of ammo by now, but he was hot on his heels now!
Wait, was he deliberately slowing down? Was Wesley running slower to ridicule him even more? Oh, this motherfucker...
He was laser-focused now, not considering where his feet were taking him. So when he ran into an open exhibit, he didn't notice the danger lurking by the stage lights. He just wanted to commit some nice ol' murder on the man who kept taunting him.
"Veronica! Now!"
But that, that stopped him a bit. What? Was Wesley calling for backup? But, there's nobody here. Or is there? Wait who was Veronica? He followed Wesley's gaze and noticed a lady dressed in purple sitting by one of the stage lights. She had a very similar mask to the big green-
He couldn't see any more details of her, or see at all for that matter. A scream clawed its way out of his lungs, his eyes feeling like they were burning. His body swayed from side to side, and his sweaty hands were covering his eyes. The empty gun clattered to the floor. That bitch, she'd used the stage light like a flashbang! The force against his face provided by his hands harshened, trying to block out as much as he could.
"Oh, how the turntables turn!"
He felt Wesley's presence next to him, teasing him. Oh, he wanted nothing more than to beat his ass, but he couldn't get his hands off his face without causing worse pain. An angry gurgle was what he gave in response.
"Aw, how cute. Did you really think you could catch the great Sylvester Wesley? One of the sneakiest sneakers who have ever sneaked? With your rancid vibes? Don't make me laugh! Or well, I'm already laughing, so jokes on you!" Ugh, that dumb tone...
"I can't believe you managed- What Veronica? ...Aw come on can't I just mess with him a little more? Yeah yeah, I know there's probably- Veronica can you make a little exception- OKAY okay FINE I'll knock him out and we'll leave with the loot. You owe me a pop tart now."
"Toooo deee looo turtle, have fun in dreamland!"
Before he could even fight back, something hard impacted the side of his head. He was swallowed up by the sweet release of unconsciousness, something he'd been craving all day. The last thing he knew was the cold feel of the floor, and the faint sound of footsteps burrowing into his ear.
Darkness...A rumbling noise of somebody talking to him...He slowly felt himself returning to the land of the awake, a killer pain pounding in his head. The first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is his partner with a few bandages tied around his head. He talked, and talked, and talked. He looked kinda cute like this, hair all fluffed up and features so soft. But he's talking too fast for him to pick anything up.
Although all those thoughts disappear when he notices something on his stomach. His hand closes around the object, his partner's worried squawks becoming nothing but background noise. It was a black velvet mask.
He couldn't take his gaze off it, it was locked to this replica of Wesley's famous mask. As his partner finally got a grip on him and started carrying him out of the destroyed museum, there was only one thought on his mind.
"I'll get that bastard, I'll throw him behind bars myself."
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 608: Swimsuit Runway:  Part I/III
Mercury and Emerald looked up at the vaunted city of Mistral. "I know you're a street rat," Mercury said to her, "but let me explain some things to you."
"I'M NOT A STREET RAT!" Emerald shouted, "Cinder..."
"Never stopped you from picking pockets." Mercury firmly stated.
"What do you have against!?.."
"Because it draws a LOT attention, and is one of the worst ways to make money. Did you learn nothing from?.." he said, and trailed off. "Anyways, Mistral is very classist. The higher status you are, the higher up on the mountain you get to live. This means the higher you go up, the more scrutiny we get."
"And how do you know this?" Emerald asked.
"I guess it might have never occured to you that my father did more than beat me." Mercury voiced, "He took me on assignments. Sometimes I even helped. But you are missing the best part."
"And what's that?" Emerald spitefully asked him.
"Right now what we need most is a street rat. You need to find where all of the other street rats go."
"And then what?" Emerald asked.
"We knock on a few doors." Mercury stated. "And whatever you do, don't pick any pockets."
"And why should I listen to you?!" Emerald shouted, and Mercury looked around, seeing everyone looking at them.
"Because once we start to move we'll have more than enough money to get by," Mercury voiced, "and if you keep that up - you'll ruin everything. Cinder's not here to pamper you and fix your mistakes."
Emerald scoffed, and was incensed, but wasn't sure of what to say. She breathed in deep when something occured to her. "Why... are we even working together?"
"Because we both want to find Cinder," Mercury voiced, "and our chances are much better together."
Emerald angrily looked at him before looking away. He wasn't sure if she saw the panic on his face, but he was trying his best to hide it.
* * *
Mercury laid back in the shadows, simply relaxing, when Emerald reappeared. "So, what?, I do all the hard work, and you just sit your ass aroun?.."
Mercury sat up, "What did you find?"
"Drug dealers, pimps, street gangs, triads, fixers for the homeless, fences..."
"More than enough to get started." Mercury said, leaned back, and flipped himself up to his feet.
"And just what are you going to do?" Emerald said with clear hostility?"
Mercury cricked his neck and started moving about like he was in a fight, "Knock on a few doors."
* * *
Mercury kicked the door into the drug den. It naturally caused a whole lot of panic, with people running all over the place. They were half dressed and strung out on drugs. Many were not able to respond at all and barely looked at him.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" a man asked him.
"The son of Marcus Black." Mercury stated. "I'm looking to build a little nest egg. So, you can give me your money, or I can kill you and take it." A group of large men approached him.
* * *
Mercury left through the destroyed door carrying a large sack of Lien, and walked into the shadows.
"Very subtle." Emerald stated.
"I never said we had to be subtle." Mercury stated. "This den is too low-brow to have any political connections. It's also an independant operator. All we did was make it so their competitors can jack up the prices." Emerald stared at him in awe, unsure of what to say, "But, now, everyone respects us. And if you don't mess with them, they won't mess with us. We also did get a sack of Lien out of it."
"How's that different from pick-pocketing?" Emerald asked him, and Mercury choked up on the bag.
"What's the best way to make money pick-pocketing?" Mercury asked.
"...the... rich?.." Emerald asked.
"Right." Mercury stated, "All it takes is one rich asshole getting pick-pocketed to piss off the entire powers that be in a kingdom. I got a hell of a lot more money from a single opium den, and nobody cares."
Emerald looked around him at the broken door. "Someone cares."
"Yeah, but the only ones who care are all dead." Mercury said. "Now for the second part."
"Second part?" Emerald asked.
"Take me to the king of the beggars."
* * *
Mercury augustly walked up to the disheveled man. "We're looking for a friend of ours."
"Oh?" the disheveled man asked.
"And we're willing to pay for anyone who can get us information. Just..." Mercury voiced, "don't lie to us. We're," he said, and paused, giving him an intense glare, "not fond of people lying to us."
* * *
RWBY + Nora + Aurora entered the house, only to find the boys and Ilia sitting on the couches.
"So?," Yang asked, "you guys have fun in our absence?"
"Just training." Jaune tried to casually say.
"Perhaps we should?.." Blake asked, looking at the stairs to the gymnasium.
"She has a point." Weiss said.
"What?" Ruby replied.
"Let's show these guys our new swimsuits." Yang said to her, and then turned back to the lounge, "No peeking."
"I know it was meant as a joke, but we would never do such a thing." Ren voiced.
Yang rolled her eyes, and the Huntresses all filed down the stairs.
* * *
"Something is afoot." Weiss quipped.
"Duh." Yang said to her.
"That's a duh?" Ruby asked.
"Duh." Yang said in reply, "Sis."
Weiss quickly pulled Ruby into a hug. She looked over Ruby's shoulder at Yang, "Social graces are perhaps not her strongest suit."
"Oh, believe me," Yang said to her, "I KNOW. Which is why I just bluntly tell Ruby these things."
"She's right." Ruby voiced.
"Perchance?.." Weiss asked, "Whom?.."
"Oh?" Ruby asked, "I mean, Yang. Sometimes she just has to slap me with how things are."
"Yes..." Blake voiced, "the boys are up to something... but I think..."
"Does that?.." Yang asked, "mean you include Ilia as one of 'the boys?'"
Blake just glared at her. She then rolled her eyes before continuing, "BUT I THINK that they would never do anything against us. So, chances are they are buying a present for us, or something."
"What kind of present?!" Nora exclaimed. Blake scowled. Weiss scoffed. Yang quickly moved forward and covered Nora's mouth.
"Shh." Yang whispered to her. Nora nodded and Yang let her go.
"What do we do?" Ruby asked.
"Try to not react." Weiss exclaimed.
"And try to act surprised when they pull it off." Yang continued.
"And?," Ruby asked, "if I'm, not so good at?.."
"She does have a point." Blake voiced.
"What do we do?!" Nora exclaimed, "Because I'm terrible at it, too."
"Perhaps a gag." Weiss voiced.
Nora eagerly pointed at her.
Ruby looked about nervously before pulling her hood over her head.
"I'm pretty sure Jaune has figured out what that means." Nora said to Ruby.
"What do we do?!" Ruby shouted from under her hood.
"Mayhap..." Weiss voiced, "not spend so much time shouting."
Ruby dropped down to all fours. Her tail stuck out of her cape, twitching nervously. She saw it out of the corner of her eyes, and turned towards it. And again. And again, until Yang picked her up. Ruby licked her on the face. Yang quickly let go, causing Ruby to land on all four and run off to the corner. She then ran away to the other corner. She tried to run again, only to have Weiss' black Glyph hold her in-place. She tried to gallop away, but found herself not moving. She hid back under her hood, head quickly moving from place to place.
"She's?.." Weiss asked... "gone... feral?.."
This caused Blake to scoff.
"Dog my cats," Yang voiced, "what got her as high as the hair on a cat's back?" This caused Weiss to glare at Yang. "What?" Yang asked, "You can't tell me your not a fan of my puns."
"It's more..." that Weiss stated, finding the words, "that you are mixing metaphors..."
"It's enough to make a cat laugh." Yang said, causing Blake to break a faint smile.
"I hate to be a wet blanket." Weiss grumbled.
"We know THAT's not true." Nora said to her.
"But turned Blake from a hellcat to one with a cheshire grin?" Weiss asked
"Hoo, doggy." Yang said to her.
"Was that a pun?" Nora asked.
Yang patted Nora on the back, "She tried her best. She also brings up a good point." Weiss, Yang, and Nora all turned to look at Blake.
Blake breathed in deeply before replying ,"We can't let our animal instincts take over."
"Why not?" Nora asked.
"It's a sin!" Blake exclaimed.
"Says who?" Yang voiced.
And Blake looked at her, "If Faunus start acting like animals, how do you think the Humans will treat us?"
"She makes a valid... point..." Weiss voiced.
"Says who?!" Nora exclaimed.
"Yeah." Yang interjected, "Faunus have tried acting all Human-like, and everyone still hates us. Well, except in Patch... the only reason we're allowed so high in Mistral is because we're Huntresses... or were students... I mean..."
"Huntressesmen." Nora added.
"Yes!" Yang said, pointing at Nora.
"That is not... remotely... a word." Weiss grumbled.
"You sound like Jaune..." Nora dejectedly huffed, and this caused Weiss to let out a surprised scoff.
* * *
Jaune, Ren, Qrow, Oscar, and Ilia sat awkwardly on the couches.
"Does?.." Oscar voiced, "it always take this long for girls to get changed?"
"Yes." Jaune decisively said.
"And the shouting?.." Oscar added.
"Also yes." Jaune said with grim finality.
* * *
Note: It means seem like Nora's being inconsistent on her knowledge, she's just being Nora. She knows about the speciality items, but not the rings.
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gloves94 · 4 years
Sunburn [Prince Zuko] 4
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Warnings: None   Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Zuko/OC   Summary:  “You have everything you’ve ever wanted.” “No.” He said softly. “Not everything…”  His golden eyes looked at her with a melting intensity she had never witnessed before. “I guess not.” She responded with glassy eyes as tears welled up threatening to break the dam of her eyes.
My fanfiction: M A S T E R L I S T
'Dear Mom and Dad,' Her letter began.
'I truly wish there had been a moment to say goodbye, but alas, it is not a goodbye, but a see you later. I was persuaded by the spirit of adventure to embark on this journey with General Iroh and Prince Zuko. I promise you I will be home before you know it. I'll even send gifts home!
I hope you do not miss me as much as I do. What I meant to say is, I miss you already, terribly. Be strong.
Sending my love,
Your daughter Tsai.'
The girl sighed as she lowered her ink brush and sighed waiting for the scroll to dry. Little did she know that her mother would faint upon reading her message. Her father would have to lay down and have some wine brought to his chambers, and Mecha would be the proudest brother in the Fire Nation.
Iroh had been delighted at Tsai's change of heart. He had embraced her like the daughter he never had and welcomed her aboard the ship with more than open arms. The entire cabin and crew had been instructed that she was here as an honored royal guest and because of that should be esteemed and treated as such. Prince Zuko on the other hand fumed at the sight of a woman on his ship- not only a woman, but this one in particular. He didn't know what it was about her that irritated him so much. He didn't know if it was her hair color, or the fact that she was now burdening him with her presence. As far as he knew she wasn't even a bender. She would only get in the way. But what bothered him the most-
He glared at his Uncle from across the deck of the ship. He had never looked happier on board. He sat on a small table with the girl. Both of them sipping tea and enjoying a heated game of Pai Sho. The prince seethed. He had watched his uncle play that stupid game hundreds of times and judging from the looks this one was probably the funniest most hilarious game he had ever played. He gritted his teeth.
"You're distracting my Uncle!" Zuko growled as he approached them. Both of his fists were clenched at his sides as he glowered at the girl. "Uncle, come watch me train!" He demanded like the spoiled prince he was.
"You're Uncle doesn't want to watch you practice ballet Zuko," she stuck her tongue out with an irked expression. What was it about her that just got under his skin? "You will address me as Your Highness or by my Royal title! Let me remind you that you are his guest. Not mine."
"If you insist, Your Highness." She said sarcastically. "Prince of being a pain in my ass," she grumbled under her breath. "What did you say?!" He shot back.
"There is a storm coming," Iroh suddenly interrupted inhaling a deep breath of air from the ocean. Tsai still wasn't used to the scent of the ocean surrounding them. It felt strange to be away from home for the first time. Specially one a ship in the middle of the vast ocean.
"A big one."
"You're out of your mind, Uncle," Zuko commented dryly. "The weather is perfect. Not a single cloud in sight," he raised his head looking at the endless blue sky above them. "Storm is approaching from the North," Iroh said firmly as he turned to look at his hard headed nephew. "I suggest we alter out course and head southwest."
"We know the Avatar is traveling northward," the other retorted pointing north. "So we'll do the same."
Tsai didn't know anything about navigation, or about climate conditions for a matter of fact. She had always been more a fan of tea, flora and fauna. Right now, the only thing she knew was that her purpose of being on board was persuade the prince that seeing the citizens of the Earth Kingdom as equals would be pivotal for the future of the Fire Nation empire.
"Such a lovely day," She said gazing at the sunny skies above. "You should listen to your Uncle. I'm sure with his experience as General he knows a thing or two about these types of circumstances," she said sipping her cup wisely not bothering to spare him a glance.
"Stay out of this! The only reason you're even here is for entertainment purposes," he spat harshly ignoring the unamused expression on her face. "What does it say about you when your Uncle would rather spend his afternoon with a perfect stranger than with his own nephew!" She challenged rising to her feet. "Please!" Iroh said loudly making both hot-headed teenagers turn to him.
'Perhaps this had not been the best of ideas...'
"Price Zuko, consider the safety of the crew, of our royal guest," he signaled to the red-head standing next to him. "The safety of the crew doesn't matter!" He snapped angrily. "Neither does hers. She should've known what she was getting into before deciding to stowaway on my ship!"
'Why you-' She wanted to strangle him. Just as Zuko said that a Lieutenant walked on the deck and raised an eyebrow at the prince with a frown on his features.
Zuko's expression hardened. "Finding the Avatar is more important than any individual's safety," he said before stalking off and slamming the door to the command tower behind him.
"He doesn't mean that," Iroh stated in an attempt to soothe the anger of Tsai and every other crew member that had heard him. She shook her head at Iroh's attempt to once again redeem his nephew. His words had not just been mean, they had been cruel. Tsai figured that maybe he really was just as cruel as she had heard his father.
Sometime later the ship's crew was gathered at the deck as they together observed a massive dark cloud that loomed over the horizon and was rapidly approaching. It was then that Zuko returned, the girl could sense the anger almost radiating off him.
"Huh, what do you know," she commented innocently. "Looks like Uncle Iroh was right about the storm after all," she crossed her arms over her chest and taunted the banished prince with a smirk on her face. "Lucky guess," Iroh responded in a pleasant tone.
"Listen here you colonial pest!" Zuko barked as he marked towards the girl. Her eyes shot wide at the insult. "You'd better learn some respect if you're going to be aboard my ship!" She looked at him smugly. Not breaking eye contact she rose to her feet and stood as tall as possible, she raised her neck as tall as possible in her best attempt to appear intimidating. "Oh, yeah?"
"Or I'll teach it you," he threatened before jabbing her chest hard. Her eyes were angry but the sneer on her lips was almost one of humor. Instinctively she reached for her arm ready to-
"You can't go around talking to your girlfriend like that!" One of the crew members shouted. "That's fucked up," one murmured under his breath.
"She's not my girlfriend!" "He wishes!"
Both retorted bitterly at the same time.
Iroh sighed and rubbed his temples. Nobody seemed to be noticing the way he was making silencing motions with his hands.
"What do you know about respect?" The Lieutenant demanded harshly. "The way you talk to everyone around, from your hard-working crew to your girlfriend and your esteemed uncle. It shows you know nothing about respect!"
"I'm not his-" She sighed and shook her head. "Never mind," she mumbled defeated.
This argument was pointless. It was obvious that Zuko didn't care about anybody but himself. Then again, what else was to be expected from a spoiled bratty prince. Beyond annoyed, Tsai decided to find something to do in the ship. She spent some time in the Commander's towers simply looking around. There were many maps and other important documents and placements on the walls which were pinned with Avatar sightings as well as his hot trail on a map of the world.
'Wow..', she let out a low whistle. It seemed like the prince had been searching for a while. He really was obsessed. She couldn't help but wonder just what they would do with the Avatar once they captured him. If they made off with him, he would just be reborn into his next life cycle. So would they just keep him around? Weaponize him for the benefit of the fire nation? It was a smart plan.
Some of the crew returned after a moment and growing bored she made a pit stop in the kitchen. The kitchen was unbearably hot and crowded which made her feel claustrophobic. She had never been allowed in the royal palace's back in You Dao. She took her time to find a snack and found some cherries to snack on. She stopped for a moment to listen to the booming thunder which signaled the arrival of the storm. Taking a bowl full of cherries she made her way back to her room, and figured she would attempting to read away the coming storm or maybe even nap.
She opened the door to her room mindlessly.
Her room was dimly lit with candles and in the center sat the prince in a meditating pose. Having been disturbed he snapped his eyes opened and scowled at her.
"What is your problem?!" She shouted angrily throwing the cherries at him.
She hated it when people were in her room, specially men. This was a complete invasion of privacy! What was so hard about just staying out? She knew she had this problem back at home with Mecha, but with him?
The fire behind him grew until it licked the ceiling.
"Come for your lesson, have you?" He rose to his feel, stomping on a discarded cherry as he approached her. Regardless, standing tall with her back erect Tsai stood her ground. She looked at his illuminated palm in which flames of fire only grew hotter. Her hand twitched slightly, ready to attack if provoked. He came close, very, close, much to close for comfort and stood inches away from her. The only sound in the room was the slight shaking of the ship and the angry rapping of the storm outside. It was then that he raised his hand and she involuntarily flinched away losing her proud ground, giving a step back her body meeting the metal wall behind. She expected to see a smug expression on his face, but instead there was hurting in his eyes. The bowl with fruit slipped from her fingers and crashed against the floor shattering.
"W-Were you going to hurt me?" She asked in a small voice.
He looked at her, like really looked at her. She had attempted to stand up to him, yet he could see the fear in her eyes. He felt horrible. He had just been meditating about that fateful day- the days before he was branded as the "Banished Prince", before his monstrous father had done the unthinkable to him and to think he was capable of such cruelty. His blood ran cold at the realization that the apple did not fall far from the tree.
He was silent. The flames in the room dyed as he lowered his head with shame and stepped away from her.
"Were you?" She repeated louder, her voice harsher.
"No," he responded quietly taking a seat on her bed. He sat in the dim darkness and lowered his head. Tsai had a feeling that Zuko wasn't the kind of person to apologize, yet he looked disturbed, his shoulder's bearing a loaded weight of regret.
Cautiously, as if dealing with an injured animal she moved in careful steps towards him. Stepping on some of the fruits that were in the ground, careful not to directly step on any shards from the broken bowl.
"Hey," She said in a soft tone as she sat next to him. He still hadn't looked up, yet could feel her weight sinking the mattress next to him. "Are-Are you O.K?" She placed a careful hand on his shoulder just like she would've done with her brother. He stiffened at the gesture. Taking note that she should avoid all physical contact with him she retreated. He remained mute. Feeling the air growing heavy with awkwardness around them she decided to be the one to break the ice.
"You know- I know you're going to find him," she began. "Nobody had even seen the Avatar in the past one hundred years until you came along. That's got to count for something right? Although I do think you might need some serious counseling aid with your obsession. Your rage too. And the way you treat others, specially your Uncle."
"You don't understand," he muttered sharply under his breath. "My honor depends on it," he finally turned to face her, a hard look on his eyes.
"A virtuous man is content with himself without doubt or lacking of self: be it honor, courage or strength." She said wisely.
"You sound like Uncle," He scoffed lightly. "I sound like my grandfather," she exhaled a long breath before laying back on the mattress. "Now, I'd really appreciate it if you could leave my room."
"Your room? This is mine."
Confused she slowly sat up. The room had been so dark she hadn't even seen the massive Fire Nation banner on the wall, or the dual twin swords hung on the other wall. "Oh," was all she could manage. She looked at the mess she had made, the smashed fruits on the floor, the broken bowl. She felt a little smaller having been consumed by her embarrassment at the realization that she had been the one intruding.
"I'll be on my way then," she peeped.
They both stood up and the loud sound of thunder suddenly resounded as the ship was struck. A sudden wave violently rocked the ship violently. The fire in the room died. What if the ship flipped?
"Holy catgators! We're going to die!" She panicked not realizing she had reached for his arm despite her mental note of not touching the prince. "I'm going to see what happened," he said walking away, shrugging her grip off. "Stay here," he ordered. "No way! I don't want to drown!"
Both rushed to the deck where the rest of the crew as well was Iroh stood. "Where were we hit?" The prince demanded. The ship rocked dangerously and water seemed to be coming from everywhere. Tsai kept her hands raised above her eyes to keep her sight clear from the prickling rain.
"I don't know!" The Lieutenant cried out as he attempted to keep his balance. "Look!" Tsai suddenly pointed out at the sight of dark cloud of smoke rising from the top of the command tower. "The helmsman!" Zuko shouted when he realized the man was hanging precariously by one hand from the ruined observation deck. Without any hesitation Zuko rushed towards the service ladder and began rapidly climbing, his Lieutenant tailing behind him. It was then that the helmsman dropped. Tsai brought a horrified hand to her face her mouth gaping as the man fell to his death. It was then that somehow Zuko managed to catch the man's wrist mid air saving the man's life.
"Tsai! Watch out!" The girl was pushed to the deck's ground before she could react. She turned to see Iroh standing where she had been and a bolt of lightning struck him. Her eyes widened as it hit him and redirected it to the ocean. His shoulders, hair and hands smoking. She starred in shock having never seen anything like it. "I am....fine," he practically squeaked. The ship was once again rocked violently.
The lieutenant and helmsman were not on deck. Tsai approached Iroh and helped him regain his composure.
"The Avatar!" Zuko suddenly shouted in surprise.
Tsai turned to see the most unbelievable things. A flying bison soaring through the storm. "B-But I thought all flying bisons were extinct." She said more to herself.
"What do you want to do, sir?" The Lieutenant asked with his back straight as he awaited for the prince's command. He hesitated for a moment. "Let him go. We need to get this ship to safety." "Then we must head directly into the eye of the storm," Iroh stated sagely.
Sometime later light shyly peeked in through gaps in the clouds as they reached the eye of the hurricane.
"So what did you think of your first day abroad Tsai?" Iroh asked as they both stood by the decks' railing gazing off into the now peaceful ocean. Light drizzling drain continued to pepper their at their skin. "It's certainly more exciting than anything that's happening back home," she grinned. Today had been scary, it had been a emotional rollercoaster, yet she was happy to be here. To have struggled through the day. Her mind had been taken off her grandfather's passing and she couldn't help but wonder what chaotic anecdote they would encounter tomorrow.
"I still can't believe you redirected that thunderbolt! And then we saw a flying bison! I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!" "Patience my dear, patience," Iroh laughed whole heartedly. "We should focus on what we are having for dinner tonight. All of this commotion has made me realized how hungry I am."
Zuko once again found himself glaring at his Uncle Iroh and the girl.
"Uncle," he interrupted. Approaching the two of them quietly. Both turned to look at him. "I'm sorry," he genuinely apologized and slightly bowed his head. Iroh smiled faintly and placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder, "Your apology is accepted," he smiled. "Now I'm going to go get tonight's tea ready," he smiled at the two teenagers before leaving.
Zuko didn't leave, instead his gaze shifted to the calm ocean before him. She drank up his presence.
Perhaps Iroh was right and his nephew did possess some redeeming qualities. She hadn't even realized she had been genuinely smiling at him.
"What are you looking so smug about," He barked avoiding her gaze. Tsai wouldn't have bet on it but she could've sworn she noted the slightest of blushes dust his face.
Maybe, just maybe he wasn't all that bad.
FIRST https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621142853126602752/sunburn-prince-zuko-1
NEXT https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621143989947629568/sunburn-prince-zuko-5
PREV https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/621143643304116224/sunburn-prince-zuko-3
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Now that daddy knows
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Summary: Trying to get over the break-up with your fiancée you spend a week with a foreign man. No names. No rules. No seeing each other again. What happens when you stumble into him again?
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader, Au!Sam Winchester, Cole Trenton
Warnings: angst, violence, language, arguments, fluff, comforting
What daddy doesn’t know Masterlist
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“Dean, you should check these papers. I think Cole made a mistake.” Glancing at the papers you placed in front of him Dean wrinkles his forehead seeing the sum is way too low.
“You’re right, Y/N. Damn, Cole should know better than making stupid mistakes like this. We could’ve lost a lot of money.” Tapping his fingers onto the desk Dean reads your notes, smirking as you already found Cole’s mistake. “Smart girl. I guess I was right once again. You’re a shooting star, Y/N.”
Dean doesn’t touch you in his office. While being at work he acts completely professional. There is no playful tone, no lingering kisses. Dean is full business and you appreciate he treats you with respect.
“I think we should fix the contract and send it to Singer Inc. within the next hours. Shall I talk to Cole about his mistake or do you want him to come to your office?” Your eyes search Dean’s face and you now he hates talking to his employees.
“Y/N, please handle this for me. I need to talk to Sam before we can drive home.” Dean is handing you the papers, a smile on his face as you nod, before leaving his office.
You’ve got no clue how hard Dean must fight the urge to act unprofessionally around you. He respects you and your talent too much to jeopardize your position.
“Mr. Trenton, can we talk in your office?” Cole eyes you suspiciously, he doesn’t like the fact you got the position he always wanted.
“Fine. Follow me, Y/N.” You don’t like Cole is calling you by your name instead of calling you Ms. Y/L/N.
He doesn’t act professional around you and once or twice over the last months you wanted to tell Dean about it, but you don’t want to cause trouble after working for Dean for such a short time.
“What do you want to talk about with me? I don’t know anything about tampons or dresses.” Smirking Cole leans against his desk, eyeing you up and down.
“I try to ignore your inappropriate comment once again, Mr. Trenton. I must tell you that you made a mistake with these papers. Mr. Winchester asked me to talk to you about it. Please look at my notes and correct the contract. Singer Inc. waited long enough.” Your tone is professional, but you ball your hands into fists as Cole keeps on smirking.
“Doll, I do not need to follow your orders. If Dean wants me to do something he can tell me so, not send his latest fling. I’ve got no clue why he gave you the job as you are nothing more than an arm candy.” Cole spats now and your eyes want to fill with tears.
Pushing the tears away you straighten your back, ready to stand your ground against Cole.
“Mr. Winchester wants you to fix your mistake, now. I do not like to repeat myself.” Tossing the papers onto Cole’s desk you turn on your heels, but he grabs your arm, trying to intimidate you with his size.
“Let go of me right now or I’ll start screaming and everyone will know what kind of man you are. I’m pretty sure people would like to know how you talk about your colleagues. Now hands off.” Cole is still smirking, not letting go of your arm, not even when you try to wiggle out of his grip.
“I think Ms. Y/L/N told you to let her go. I assume you have a reason to touch and threaten my girlfriend, Cole.” Dean’s hands are balled into fists as he walks into Cole’s office the moment his employee tightens the grip at your arm.
“She started this…” Cole lies through his teeth, but Dean won’t buy it. “Told me I did not do my job and that you will fire me if she snaps her finger.”
“I think…” Dean grabs the hand Cold has at your arm, twisting it. “Ms. Y/L/N talked to you about your mistake, not threatened you. Even if she would’ve told you that you didn’t do your job – she would have been right. You messed up another contract, now let go of my girl or you will regret the day your mother pressed you out of her hole.” Dean is clenching his jaw, close to losing control.
Cole’s eyes are widened in shock. Not a single time before Dean defended one of his flings, even joined Cole in making fun of a poor girl believing he wanted more than a quickie in his office.
“I thought you will get rid of her soon.” Cole tries to apologize for his behavior but the look on Dean’s face tells him to shut his mouth.
“First of all, Cole…” Pointing at the papers on Cole’s desk Dean presses his lips together. “You messed up epically. We could’ve lost a lot of money and Y/N saved your ass – again.”
Cole wants to protest but Dean gets his phone out to call Sam. “Sam, we have to say goodbye to Cole. No, no…this isn’t a joke. He messed up the contract for Singer Inc. Y/N saved our money but instead of thanking her Cole attacked her, she has bruises at her arm. I want you to prepare a letter of termination.” Ending the call Dean ignores the man attacking you not moments ago trying to apologize.
“Dean, we know each other for over five years. You barely know that chick. She’s only a hole to take your cock…” Cole can’t finish his sentence as Dean’s fist collides with his jaw.
“Shut your cakehole, Cole. Y/N is my girl! No one touches her, no one hurts her…” Slamming his fist into Cole’s face again Dean curses. “No one talks low about her. Now pack your shit and if you are lucky you will get severance pay.”
While Dean is busy making sure Cole learned his lesson Sam enters the office. Eyes widened, mouth agape he takes deep breaths.
“Dean…” Sam exhales seeing Cole’s bloody face and the bruises at your upper arm. “What have you done?” Sam is not used to seeing his brother fighting over a girl. Since Lisa, his brother saw girls as disposable and not worth his time but with you…
“I had to make him shut up. Pay him small severance pay and call the security. Mr. Trenton is not allowed to ever enter our building again. He attacked a colleague trying to help to cover his mistake.” Ignoring his brother's boring looks Dean checks on you.
His eyes darken seeing you flinch away when he touches the bruises gently. “I’m going to drive my girl home. Make sure Jimmy takes care of the contract for Singer Inc.”
“How shall I handle this kind of shit? What if he sues you now?” Sam paces around the room, looking at Cole who starts packing his belongings into the box Sam brought to the office.
“He can try to sue me, Sam. Cole touched what’s mine, hurt my girl. I don’t care if he gets money. I do not let anyone touch Y/N!” Dean is angrily staring up at his brother. “You would do the same for Jessica!”
“I know Jessica for over fourteen years, Dean. You just met this girl.” Sam retorts and you flinch at his harsh tone.
“Oh…yeah. Fourteen years ago, you barely knew Jess too. What if someone would’ve tried to touch and hurt her? Would you have watched him or stepped in, Sammy? How can you talk low about my girlfriend, not even knowing her?” Dean is beyond angry. Sam can’t just tell him he can’t defend you only as he’s with you for a few months.
“Dean, I’m just trying to protect you. What if she leaves you in a few weeks? What if she only warms your bed to make sure she can keep her position?” Sam went too far, and he knows it the moment Dean grabs his jacket to slam him into the wall.
“I told you no one talks low about my girl! I offered her the job after she left. I dragged her back into my bed, Sammy, not the other way around. If you ever talk about the woman I love like that again we are done. I didn’t like Jessica in the beginning either, but I gave her a fair chance and she surprised me.” Dean is panting heavily and you gently place one hand onto his shoulder.
“Let go of your brother, Dean. It’s better to quit the job. No one seems to believe I’m capable of doing my job. Everyone believes I need to have sex with you to keep my position. I can work for someone else.” Your voice sounds broken, hurt and Dean let go of his brother to check on you.
His large hands cradle your face to wipe the tears rolling down your cheeks away. Lips gently touching yours Dean ignores everyone else in the office.
“You will not quit your job, Y/N. Without you, we would’ve lost a billion dollars and damaged our reputation. No one is smarter than my girl. Now let me drive you home and make sure at least one Winchester treats you with respect.” Dean is slinging one arm around your shoulder, giving his brother one last glare.
“Dean listen…I…” Sam tries to talk to his brother, but Dean won’t let him. Raising his hand, he shakes his head.
“As long as you do not apologize to my girl and treat her with respect I will not come to your stupid dinner to celebrate a marriage with a girl you barely knew back then.” Dean spats leading you out of the office.
“Dean…come on…”
“I want to apologize.” Sam is sitting on the couch as you nod, not meeting Dean’s brothers’ eyes. Somehow he made you feel worthless and even doubt your relationship with Dean.
You stayed at home for over a week, not caring about the rumors you got kicked out and that Dean finally had enough of you.
As you refused to return to your office and Dean didn’t want to force you he called his brother to make sure you will come back.
“Y/N, please don’t believe I wanted to make you feel bad. It’s just…” Gulping Sam doesn’t know if he can cross the line, but he looks at your sad face and knows he has to tell you about Lisa. “Around eight years ago Dean wanted to marry, had a family and believed he will be happy with Lisa for the rest of his life.”
Now you meet Sam’s eyes and he gives you a cracked smile. Your throat feels dry and you nervously play with the seam of your shirt. “What happened?” Choking the words out you wet your lips.
“Everything went downhill within a week. Dean found out Lisa was only after him to get insider information. She even used her son to pretend she wants to have a family with my brother. I don’t need to explain he changed…a lot.” Sam can see the fear in your eyes, and he gives you a warm smile.
“You think he’s using me like these other girls?” Sniffling you want to leave the room, but Sam gently stops you.
“I thought so or thought you want to use my brother but what he did with Cole…” Sam laughs. “For years I haven’t seen Dean so furious, defending a woman. I think you can break down the walls he built around his heart.”
“Can you tell me a bit more? What happened after Dean found out?”
Your hands start shaking as Sam tells you Dean drank too much, almost totaled his car and came to the office days later, acting as nothing was wrong.
That his brother only lived for his job from that moment on.
“Did Sammy apologize?” Dean searches your face as he dries his hair. “If not I’ll kick his sorry ass for sure.”
Smiling you get up from the bed to slide your hands over Dean’s shoulders before you place a soft kiss to his back. Your arms sling around his body and he chuckles lightly.
“Cuddling is my weakness, Baby Girl.” Dean can feel a change in your behavior, and he wonders what Sam told you. “He told you…”
“I’m so sorry, Dean. I swear I would never do such a thing. If you want me to quit or move out of your house, I’ll…” Your words get stopped as Dean turns around to press his lips gently to yours.
Hands tangling in your hair he slowly moves his lips against yours, pushing all your doubts away.
“I will not let you slip through my fingers, Y/N. I know you are not like Lisa and please believe me I will not treat you like one of the other girls. I want you, all of you.” Nodding against Dean’s lips you breathe ‘yes’ and he smirks as you fist his towel.
“I think now that daddy knows we should attend his ‘praise’ dinner for my brother and his wife.” Chuckling you give Dean a wink. “He loves talking about my brother and how proud he’s on Jason, Baby. You could use the opportunity to bend me over the dining table as you threatened…”
Growling Dean watches you sliding your nightgown down your arms. “We could practice right now, boss. Got to make sure you will be in your best form, daddy…”
Dean is licking his lips before the towel hits the floor and he pushes you onto the bed…
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439 notes · View notes
crusherthedoctor · 4 years
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The beach trope: another one that often comes early in Sonic's quests, and this one's no different, though expectations are very mildly subverted by making it the third zone instead of the very first. (Careful Crusher, you had the audience on the edge of their seats there.)
More importantly though, it's possibly one of the most famous and celebrated level tropes in the series. Emerald Coast is undeniably iconic, Seaside Hill is just as iconic while also merging with the Green Hill setup, and Wave Ocean... is a poor man's Emerald Coast, but it's probably better than most levels in '06 by comparison, so it too is iconic, from a certain point of view. We can't forget Jungle Joyride either, even if that's mostly because we got to see the frame rate die before our very eyes.
So how do you make your interpretation stand out? How do you prevent having a Wave Ocean 2: Wave Oceaner on your hands? Well, it's actually very simple...
Creating Zone 3: Coastline Resort
3-1: Shining Shore
Remember when I said that sometimes all it takes to make an environment feel different is the time of day, or a change in weather? This is one of the first major examples of putting that philosophy into action, as compared to previous beach levels, which were usually content with taking place in the bright sunny daytime, this one takes place under a pleasant purple sunset.
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This of course contrasting heavily with not only the blue sea, but also the sands, which although given a mild touch of purple courtesy of the sunset, cannot fully hide their natural shade of white.
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And of course, waterfalls.
We can’t forget the waterfalls.
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Despite being a true blue beach level first and foremost, there are also a few hints of plaza, further setting it apart from the Emerald Coasts and Not-Emerald Coasts of old times past. This aesthetic in particular is based heavily on the seaside town of Whitby.
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No doubt Sonic would admire this place, at least when he's not forced to go deep underwater. Maybe when the adventure is over, he can come back here and have a relaxing moment with... someone. Dunno who though. I doubt Eggman would be interested, and not just because he's actually in-character. Oh well, plenty more horses in the sea.
Speaking of, what about the underwater sections? Shining Shore does have them after all, in full 3D, as opposed to making them bottomless pits in disguise. Unsurprisingly, everything's a lot more blue than purple down there, gorgeously so, but the coral reef provides its own variety of colour.
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The local fishies don't seem to mind you being in their line of sight... nor do the Badniks, but probably for a different reason.
Since we're three zones in, you might have noticed by now that each zone, regardless of their overall colour scheme, has one element in at least one act that goes all rainbow with the colours than everything else. You had the flower patches in Gleaming Meadows, you had the wood barriers in Tricky Tropics with their rusting paint jobs, and now we have the coral reef in Coastline Resort... any reason for this?
Alas, the answer is a mundane one: it's just a little way of tying all the zones in Viridonia together. As this quest revolves around the mystery of the elusive Ethereal Zone, this seemingly inconsequential aspect is a way of ensuring that it will always remain at the back of your mind. It may be relatively more subtle and easy to miss than, say, a giant moon glaring down angrily at you no matter where you go on the map as it literally comes closer and closer to killing everyone, but the intention is effectively the same: the central meat of the setting and story is always present in some form, however indirect, even if the characters aren't currently discussing it.
Also, shout out to the lighthouse that helped our heroes by inadvertently blinding the pursuing mechanized orca.
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You really put a dent in Heavy Gunner's strategy.
First Section (calm): Lagoony Tunes (Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced) Peach Field (Mario Hoops 3-on-3)
Second Section (adrenaline): Lost Palace (Team Sonic Racing) Hang Eight (Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back)
3-2: Crazy Rapids
Being a whimsical water park, made even more whimsical to fit the video game format, this one explains itself in a lot of areas. But let's go over the finer details anyway, shall we?
As mentioned in the fic, the park has been made to fit in seamlessly with the ruins present in the area, thus creating a Good Future-esque wonderland of nature and technology in harmony. For an idea of how the ruins aesthetic would work, imagine something akin to the Sunset Beach Resort in Jamaica, particularly the long bridge and archways you can see in both of these shots:
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Kind of has an Aquatic Ruin vibe, doesn’t it?
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Even then, that only applies to half of the architecture, as the other half breaks up the yellow with some white, reminiscent of a certain OTHER watery location in Sonic's past...
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We also have the giant fountains sprinkled around the place. There are two types of fountains to be exact, both of which may seem familiar to the attentive eye...
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The difference? They're larger. MUCH larger. As in, you can actually platform your way on and around them.
As for what’s inside? It's exactly how you'd imagine it to be, albeit exaggerated even further to befit a Sonic level.
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And in-tune with the beachside mood, the Chao Garden found nearby would take a page from the one in Station Square...
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...with a little extra flavor of this...
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...complete with miniature water slides and the like for the adorable inhabitants... the inhabitants that Eggman currently has an unexplained interest in. How do the Chao factor into his latest plan?
Heh heh, only I and those I've discussed it with in PMs know that for now.
First Section (outside): Windy and Ripply (Sonic Adventure) Ocean Palace (Sonic Heroes)
Second Section (inside): Data Select (Tee Lopes) Wii Shop Channel - Mii Channel (Super Smash Bros. Wii U)
3-3: Aquarium Gallery
Disappointed that Crazy Rapids lacked that smooth red-on-blue contrast that Aquarium Park from Sonic Colours had? Well we can’t all be in the same league as Eggman sadly, but fear not, for the similarly named Aquarium Gallery gets right in on the action, combining red walls and an overall upper class aesthetic...
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...with the expected quantities of shimmering blue that comes with the aquarium setting. And with glass tanks of great size, comes great fishies to go along with them.
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The black and white checkered floor would also be a must. It's a Sonic game, we gotta have a checkered pattern somewhere. It just works. /ToddCrusher
Don't worry about the living conditions for the fish here, by the way. Eggman mechanizing them aside, the people who work at the park - and those who visit it - make sure to treat all the marine life with the utmost respect and kindness. Just a shame that they're apparently not so willing to lend that same understanding to Trudy... but it does provide an early hint that despite the few genuine bad apples who are outright antagonistic towards Trudy, most of the folks ignorant to her condition are exactly that at worst: ignorant. Meaning, despite first impressions, most of them are not bad people at heart, and with a little help and persistence, it's not entirely impossible that they can eventually learn to understand and sympathise with Trudy's situation.
In other words, they have more dimension than the background characters in Sonic Boom, where they're all mostly a bunch of one-note arseholes with little redeeming qualities and don’t deserve to be saved by Sonic in the slightest.
Anyhow, eventually, after a trip through one of those sweet underwater tunnels...
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...we find ourselves in the cavern area, where red is exchanged for turquoise, and there are reflected ripples galore. Since the Marble Caves in Chile already look halfway to being a Sonic level due to its unique formations, that's the best comparison I can make here.
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Too blue, you might say? Well, the sunset from earlier would be poking through the holes in the wall, adding some warm to the cool once more... the giant seashells everywhere help spice it up too.
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Like these, but bigger than Ken Penders’ ego.
If that’s even possible...
First Section (aquarium): Rooftop Run - Night (Sonic Unleashed) Coconut Mall (Mario Kart Wii)
Second Section (caves): Sea Shell Shenanigans (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex) Dire, Dire Docks (Super Mario 64)
3-4: Hydro Plant
The outside structure for this place is shaped like a giant wall, which predictably brings the Hoover Dam to mind:
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And that applies inside as well, at least initially. The similarities indoors come mostly from the generators, as well as the sheer size of the place.
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Since it's considerably rustier however, we have darker lighting in place, with the sunset outside preventing it from being too dark inside. There’s also a copious amount of daring graffiti caused by hoodlums... or maybe Eggman, since he'd probably be the type to do that to any property that isn't his. Some of this graffiti would look very impressive...
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While others would... uh...
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Look, they tried, okay?
With all this graffiti, that means there’s opportunity for a generous helping of cheeky references to previous installments if you’re able to find them... and if you can understand them. To this day, the typo in “make belif reborn” has not been corrected. Absolutely disgusting.
But as the fic dictates, the further you go on, the tidier and more high tech it becomes. Simply put, this section would remind one of Aquatic Base from '06, mainly because I've always liked the idea despite its characteristically terrible level design, so why not salvage the concept and give it a second chance?
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With some added flavor to make it less monotone, mind you. Like actual water sections, some green lights to break up all the blue, giant crab robot threatening to kill you... the works.
Sonic may be glad that this zone is behind him, but little does he know, it's not the only zone with intense water action around these parts. Luckily for him, that won't be for a while, so he can breathe a sigh of relief for now. Still, we know Eggman has other ways of keeping the gang on their toes...
First Section (rusty): Wily Stage 2 (Mega Man 7) Pokey Pipes (Donkey Kong Country 3)
Second Section (high tech): Ocean Base Act 1 (Sonic Advance 3) H2 Oh No (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex)
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ruofeng-ruomian · 4 years
Meeting Again
Jiang Fengmian received an invitation from the Nie Sect, stating that a conference will be happening in a few weeks. He was hesitant in going since he does not want to leave A-ying all alone in the Jiang Sect knowing the true nature of his wife. He knows that if he lets the boy out of his sight, he’ll get harmed just like what happened two years ago.
From that then on, he made sure to never let him leave his sight. If by any chance he had to leave the boy, he asks his right-hand man to watch over the boy. This decision though did have a consequence, his wife was very displeased upon finding out about this order.
“You dare show such favoritism towards the son of a servant over your son? Where did you hear the right-hand man of a sect leader guarding a child not of blood by the main family?! This is why the other Sects have started talking about us behind our backs due to you showing more affection and attention than to your son!” She screams with a red face, Zidian crackling sensing its owner's fury.
Instead of answering his Alpha, he walked out of the room calmly. Behind him, he can hear the breaking objects as they get thrown.
It was not his intention to show favoritism, but if he leaves A-ying alone his wife will do anything in her power to destroy the boy’s life. He knows that his children are safe, they are the blood of Yu Ziyuan after all. The same cannot be said for A-Ying, the boy will face problems.
“Sect Leader, if you are truly worried about Wei Ying, we can bring him along if you wished to.”
Jiang Fengmian stopped and contemplated whether is it a good idea to bring the small child along with him. As a Sect Leader, he’ll be too busy interacting with other Sect Leaders to give the attention that the boy needs. The same can be said for Jiang XiaoLin, as his second-in-command, he’ll be doing the same or maybe even more.
“I don’t know XiaoLin, will he be okay? He has never left Yunmeng and I don’t think it is safe enough to introduce him to the cultivation world.”
“Rumors have already started spreading about a boy that clings to you, whom you have kept by your side most of the times. People who have heard of this are already talking about A-Ying as your illegitimate child, which continues to infuriate your wife.” Jiang XiaoLin replies with a little smile.
Fengmian raised an eyebrow at his right-hand man, “Is it polite of you to enjoy the torment my wife goes through?”
Jiang XiaoLin laughs, “I have no respect for that Alpha woman, he abuses you verbally and has no respect for you. If she was the Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiang, she would have laid a hand on you long ago with that Zidian of hers.”
Jiang Fengmian cannot sight at the words of his friend, “But still... you must be careful of your words. I would be unable to defend you if Yu Ziyuan wishes to punish you for such “insolence”.”
“No need to worry about me Sect Leader, I would gladly get whipped for the sake of just irritating that woman. The only good she ever has done in this world is bringing A-Cheng and A-Li into this world.”
The Sect Leader shook his head as he gives his friend an unbelieving look.
Wen Xu stands in front of his father with his head bowed down, just waiting for him to speak. Wen Chao, his younger brother stood beside him looking bored but still showing respect at their powerful father.
“I want you to go to the conference in my stead. You are my heir, this is in a way training for the future once you become the Leader of the Qishan Wen.” Wen Ruohan calmly tells his son as he drinks from his cup.
Unable to stop himself, his head snaps upright to look at his father in shock.
“But father, the other Sects will see this as a disrespect-” Before he could continue, Wen Ruohan stops him.
He puts the cup down and stood up in all of his glory, “Are you saying that you will disobey this order?”
Wen Xu shakes his head, “Of course not father, it’s just-”
“Then there is no need to further this discussion. If they dare to say anything just tell them that this is a training. Bring your brother and make sure that he’ll have at least an idea of his position.”
Wen Chao chokes at his father’s implication of his irresponsibility.
Without further words, their conversation was done. The moment their father turned around and continued his drinking they both know what to do. 
So they left their father after giving a bow and walked side by side. 
“Why must father force me to go?” The second son whines.
Wen Xu frowns and reprimands, “Obey father Chao-er. You must understand that his words will always be a law to follow. He is right anyway, you need to learn. Wen Zhuliu spoils you too much.”
Wen Chao pouts and leaves his brother alone. 
As he watches his brother leave, the Wen heir could not help but sigh and remember his other brother that passed away years ago. He has not seen his father smile unlike when he was with the Jiang Sect Leader. 
The gentle omega that treated him kindly like most omega mothers would to their pup. It makes him sad that the warmth has vanished from their palace the same day the omega did as well. It was the first time he ever felt how it felt to be cared for and loved. His father showers them with money and gifts when they accomplish something but in the end, Wen Xu understands that his father was never a gentle one. 
After all, who would be able to show something they never experienced?
Shaking the thoughts off, he goes to his room to prepare for his travel early morning tomorrow.
As Yunmeng Jiang enters the Nie Sect, Qishan Wen does as well. 
Jiang Fengmian stops to greet the other Sect Leader but was surprised to see a young man leading the group.
“Greetings young master Wen,” He smiles gently, “Is your father not here?”
Wen Xu froze at hearing the familiar gentle voice. Once he turns around, there he sees the gentle omegan Sect Leader that his father continues to cherish in his heart.
“G-greeting Sect Leader Jiang,” He stammers, unable to get over his shock. “My father sent me as a representative to train me. He said it is time for me to experience the duties of a Sect Leader if I will be one in the future.”
Jiang Fengmian blinks, “Oh. That’s very responsible of you young master Wen if you wish to ask me anything just do so, alright?”
“My brother does not need help from an omega!” Wen Chao exclaims.
Everyone stared wide-eyed at the words that came out of the mouth of the second young master.
“How dare you-” One of the Jiang disciples angrily shouts, who was about to unsheathe his sword when Wen Xu slaps his brother.
“How dare you show disrespect towards a Sect Leader?! Remember your status Wen Chao, compared to the position of a Sect Leader you a second son is nothing.” He turns and bows at the Yunmeng Jiang Sect Leader, “Please excuse my brother Sect Leader Jiang. I will personally make sure that he will face punishment, my father made sure to teach us that whether Omega, Beta, or Alpha, the position or status says it all. The second gender has nothing to do with it.”
Fengmian was about to reply when a small hand tugged at his sleeve, “Uncle Jiang, what is an omega?” Asks a small voice.
The Sect Leader smiles at the question and picks up the young boy.
That’s when Wen Xu sees the face of the boy who asked. Scanning the face, he realized that the boy looks familiar.
The red eyes that most young Wens from the main bloodline possess stares back at him with innocence.
After answering the curious pup’s question, Jiang Fengmian tells the boy to introduce himself.
“Greetings young master Wen! I am Wei Ying.” He smiles happily while trying to bow while in the hands of the Sect Leader.
That’s when he realized who is the boy, one of the secrets that the Wen holds close is a rare trait that few only have.
The ability to recognize one of their own, a skill that developed when their bloodline was about to extinct a hundred years ago.
That boy is of their bloodline, the son of his father. Another blood is mixed from what he can sense. His father’s dead son from Jiang Fengmian is alive, and it seems the Jiang Sect Leader is unaware just like what he heard a few years ago.
“Is everything alright?” Jiang Fengmian asks worriedly after seeing Wen Xu staring at the son of his best friends.
The Sect Leader truly has no memories of what happened or anything personally connected to the Wen Sect. Which includes the boy, the rumor of him taking in a child...
They ignored. 
But this changes everything, he does not know if it is for the better...
or worse.
Smiling back, “Yes Sect Leader Jiang, do not worry. I am completely alright. Why don’t we all go in together?” 
The Sect Leader accepts the offer. Both Wen and Jiang walk side by side.
It seems, Wen Xu thinks as he ignores the stares that they received, the family that I have longed for will happen. He turns to look at the young boy again and smiled, which was returned with a cheerful one.
It was a good idea for me to come here instead. Or else his father would have razed the whole place into the ground and forcefully take both back to the Wen Sect. For now, he needs to plan on how should report this back to his father.
Upon facing other Sect Leaders, the young heir of the Wen Sect straightens up and faced them with cold eyes before bowing respectfully. His thoughts though are filled with planning.
“Greetings Sect Leaders, I am the heir of the Wen Sect. I was sent by my father in his stead to learn the responsibilities for when the day comes that I will lead the glorious Wen Sect.”
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a-reasonforthoughts · 4 years
My thoughts on the Rise of Skywalker, because quarantine forced me to finally watch it. !!!!Spoilers!!!!!
Growing up, Star Wars was my childhood. My sisters and I read all the books (including the comics) and we packed the Essential Guides with us everywhere. Because for our deep love of the Extended universe, when the last few movies came out we had... mixed emotions. I didn’t even see the last movie when it came out after hearing some less than stellar reviews. So here’s my review, or rather my reactions to the Rise of Skywalker. (Yes, I actually sat down with paper and pen and watched this movie.) Title craw: The DIABOLICAL First Order.
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‘The Emperor has returned.’ Wow, the are expecting us to go along with a lot aren’t they.
Cool. Kylo wrecking everything.
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Yay, a planet that isn’t snow, desert, or forest. Hold on tight kids, they’re throwing us right into this one. We’re already at Palpatine’s house.   Ew. Whats with the tank?
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Whoa eyes! What’s up with his lips? Can someone bring this fossil a drink?
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Imperial March playing while a Star Destroyer rises in the back ground. Is this Vader’s old ship? Rey is “Not who we thought she is.” Thought she was “Nothing”?
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Ew, what is Klaud, and why is he here?
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Who are all these people on the Falcon? “How do we thank you?” “Win the war.” aren’t you all on the same team? Why do you need to thank him? Cool, another planet thats not snow, desert, or a forest. Never mind.
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Oh great, Rey’s here.  Looks like the Lightsaber is fixed.  I know the names of a bunch of these plants! When Luke was training with the ball thing (Training remote) he was just trying to deflect the shots. Rey’s trying to take down the whole forest. 
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You sure you want to destroy that thing Rey? There can’t be to many of them laying around Who are all these people? Why’s the Falcon on FIRE?! Since when is “Light-speed skip” a thing? Seriously. Who are all these people? I thought after the last movie there was only like, 10 of them left. Hey! It’s Merry from Lord of the Rings!
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What’s this old orange doing here?
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“Sith Way-finder” Sigh. Are Poe and Rey a “thing”? Are Finn and Rey a “thing”? Why’s everyone here but R2? There he is. Why did they not bring him?!
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Now I’m watching a Planet of the Apes crossover.
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That guy who was on the same team is dead now. His blood is clear so the rating doesn't go up. Well, Hux is certainly different.
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Someone must have taken his hair gel because his hair was never this poofy before.   Is this a Holi Festival, or Burning man.
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Why are we learning the name of this random kid? Rey just walked away from her, what was that? Yay! The force link is still there!
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Kylo is giving off stalker vibes. It’s nice to see him growing into his role of Supreme Leader. Looks like everyone hates him. Wait- Who is this guy?! Why are they following a stranger!
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It’s LANDO Oh, so Rey know’s who Lando is, but thought Luke was a myth. Makes sense. Boom. First order is here.
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Lando: “My flying days are over.” Why? “Give Leia my love.” Ew.  Wait, why is Lando out here? Did Luke just leave him? He said he came here with him. Has the emotional issues of being abandoned by Luke led him to never fly again? Is this a parallel story to Rey’s abandonment? What’s the motive here movie!  They made it even harder for these Storm Troopers to see out of those helmets.
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3PO is getting a lot of lines. Rey *is distracted* Ship *Blows up*  Now they have sinking sand. WAS THAT ALMOST A CONFESSION?! This guy just says, “The Falcon is not responding.” when asked, and they’re like “Don’t be such a downer!” Oh yay, they survived.  Kay, we’re just brushing over Finn’s almost confession. I’m sure they’ll come back to that later. *Cough* Okay, that flashlight bit was funny. 
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How do you know that’s the guy you’re looking for? That could be anybody’s skeleton! How’d they find a knife that neither Luke, or Lando (who might have been here for 20 years) could find!  Rey’s making friend’s with the basilisk.
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She just transferred some of her life force to the snake! Why!? This old ship they found in the desert still works. “Chewie, tell Rey we got to go!” Why can’t you do it? You’re not doing anything. Axe. Here comes lover boy.  How to Breathe, the movie, by Rey.
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Trailer shot.
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Was he just gonna run her over?
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Cool, she’s pulling the ship out of the sky. Uh oh, helmet’s off, there goes her focus.
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Now they’re playing tug-a-war with the ship. It’s the light saber fight all over again.  Whoa!!! She juST LIGHTING’D THE SHIP! Kylo Looked freaked out for a second! She just told Finn she had a vision of her and Kylo together, and he looks like he’s gonna cry. 3PO tells them how horrible and dangerous it is to override a droid’s programming. “Let’s do that!” That droid looks like a yoga wheel and a hairdryer. 
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Rey to the new droid: “Someone treated him badly. It’s alright, you’re with us now.” Yeah, just don’t watch what we’re about to do to this other droid.
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Looks like we’re adding another girl to this love triangle (hexagon?) She’s not supposed to be a Mandalorian is she. (So help me-) I hate you and I’m going to turn you in *Hit’s her over the head and pulls out a lightsaber* Okay, lets go.
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Why they so mad at Poe for being a smuggler?  Wow. They are forcing C-3PO to do this. Backup his memory to the hairdryer! It’s got to have a reason for being here! C-3PO “Oh! I just had an idea of something else we could try-” ZAP!  ...Was that supposed to be funny? These writers need to learn what humor is, and when to use it. Why are we focusing on Poe and his old girlfriend the Power Ranger? Wah! What’s up with 3PO’s eye’s? Is he a Sith droid now? Why does he have that function?!
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Rey, you’re boyfriend’s here. They wiped 3PO’s memory and he doesn’t know who anyone is, but he’s still polite. Poe angrily points “That’s gonna be a problem!” Our heroes ladies and gentleman. I hope the First Order just blast them. That Admiral’s badge just let them in? Like no one reported that missing?? Wiped 3PO’s memory and they’re getting the dagger anyway. Worst rescue ever. 
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Vaders Helmet has had a hard life. Rey has a vision in every scene she's in.
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More ‘Rey’s family history’ with Kylo “Tell me where you are,” She’s in your room dude.
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R.IP. Vader Helmet
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That Stormtrooper behind Kylo must be so confused.  *Sees helmet, breaks link*  “She’s in my quarters!” Told you so. Why is Hux the spy? When did this happen? What does he think the outcome of this will be?
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3PO just wandering the halls with a crossbow. 
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“You are a Palpatine.” Wanna be a Solo? Is this like his fourth proposal? OooooOOOOooo, that was cool! Kylo standing in the blast of the Falcon’s engines was a moment we needed!
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Yikes! They took out Hux fast! They didn’t want to question him or anything? No?
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The Death Star was blasted to smithereens, why is it here? How is it here?
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They made that dagger to line up with the wreckage? I’m pretty sure things that are constantly beat by the ocean will move or erode over time. Who even made that? What was the purpose?!
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Yay, another scavenger  Who’s also a ex-Stormtrooper, because why not.
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That’s a horse covered in a rug. Rey’s out trying to kill herself again.
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“There’s another Skimmer!” Wonder who that is. He is literally following her to the ends of the galaxy. 
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Wait- The throne rooms still in one piece?! The chair and everything?!!! Dark Rey- YIKES! TEETH
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I thought he stopped the holocron with his foot, I was really surprised when fingers formed and he picked it up.
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Kylo acting so cool as she’s trying to slash him to ribbons. I see Merry again! Wait- What’s Leia got to do? And why does Maz know? They’ve never explained what this strange orange is and what she can do.
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Finn’s in deep- Wait how'd he get out here?????
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Leia don’t distract your son while he’s fighting for his life!
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“I wanted to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” You think he’s going to leave you alone after that?
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Why is Rey just a total mess in every movie.
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Chewie mourning Leia is a good touch. It’s nice to see the reaction of someone who ACTUALLY knew her.  Whoa! They got Harrison Ford to come back! That must have taken a lot of bribery (or blackmail).
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Has almost dying given Kylo/Ben the power to see non-Force user ghost, or is he just going nuts? So this is just a rehash of Han’s death scene. 
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Aw, he called him Dad- Hey don’t throw that away, you need that!
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He’s nuts. Those red helmets look stupid. Aaaaand it’s the Death Star again Merry in the background! Why’d they make Poe the General? Lando finally got off that planet 
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“General.” “General.” She’s burning his ship. Good luck Kylo/Ben.
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You know how hot that fire has got to be to burn metal “A Jedi weapon should be treated with more respect.” You brat.
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Why did he have Leia’s lightsaber here? “...it would be picked up again, by someone who would finish her journey.” Oooookay, but why not just have her take Luke’s old Saber? It’s gotta be laying around here somewhere.
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I know it’s symbolic and all that he’s raising the x-wing, but there’s no way that thing still works.
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Alright, 3PO’s memories are back. Why’d we have to go through all that? I spy Merry again! How does Poe know all this stuff about Exogol? He’s just a fountain of information over here!
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“Now we take the war to them!” That’s literally what you’ve done every movie ever No one is questioning how Lando got here. Isn’t this a secret base? *Dr. Evil voice* ONE MILLION STAR DESTROYERS 
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Who even wrote this story line? Finn’s going with his gut and everyones just going along with it. Not like you could all die or anything. They brought the rug horses with them
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How are they breathing in space!? Those red troopers still look stupid.
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What’s this crowd chanting? Are they speaking Parseltoungue?  “I never wanted you dead.” That’s why I told Kylo Ren to kill you.
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Hang on- his plan is ‘You be the empress, and I’ll just possess you. Grandaughter.’  EW. Why would she want that? How is that a tempting offer? Someone’s gone senile. Direct quote: “I got to go do something!” “I’m coming with you!” Why do these people get attached so quickly?! 
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“Luke was saved by his father. The only family you have here is me.” Yeah, but I got a boyfriend who follows me everywhere!
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Ben runs and jumps: “Ow.” We finally get to see the Knight’s of Ren in action! (Where have they been this whole time?) “Once you kill me I shall become apart of you!” So she could just, not kill him. Right? Oh yeah, here we go, now we got a showdown!
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Well, that was anticlimactic 
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WHAT IS HAPPENING Poe just realized he's the worst General ever.
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YO. Don’t tell your troops there is no hope! What is wrong with you??? Why isn't Lando the General? He is a lot more qualified!!!
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Wait a minute!! Where were all these people when LEIA ORGANA called for help????
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Wedge Antilles!!!!!! So all the life force sucking was just so Palpatine could up grade his outfit? *Flings Ben into a pit* Palpatine is so done with the Skywalkers Hey, I know these voices!!!! Aaaaand now he wants to kill her. So whats our big moment? TWO lightsabers! 
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Why did the make that the big epic moment? Why didn’t they have Ben run over and they do it together- It would have been perfect for his story arch! Rey: “And we” Together: “are all the Jedi!” Now she's dying. Why? Not even the writers know So Finn’s Force sensitive. Cool I guess? This is a really touching moment for them, even more so if they did anything other than fight this entire movie!
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This kinda feels out of nowhere
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NOW SHE’S SMILING AND FINE. HE JUST DIED Merry’s here again and I can’t even be happy about it Now Finn has to chose between Rose and the new girl  Poe’s trying to start something with his Power Ranger old flame, and she's like “Not a chance.” Now everything’s all happy like BEN DIDN’T JUST DIE. ARE WE NOT GOING TO ADDRESS THIS?????????? Oh hey, it’s the Lars farm. Nobody else moved in after all these years? Now she's burying the Skywalker lightsabers in the place they all hated.
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Well I guess they had to wrap this mess up somehow
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usual-day-dreamer · 5 years
Ice Breakers (Hockey Player!Timothée C. x Figure Skating!Reader) Chapter Two
SUMMARY: working harder than ever, and turning down Timmy has made you fragile again, not to mention Justin being Justin too.
A/N: I’m glad you are enjoying this! I’ll try to post a new chapter every week, thanks for the love and support! Feedback is appreciated. I’m also taking request, like headcannons or small one shots or scenarios of hockey player Timmy with the reader, so ask away!
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Off ice training was harder, and even though you were exhausted you still went to work, everything there was going smoothly, and you had to pay rent and your classes so there was no questioning going.
Work was full when you arrived, your feet and body ached, and Justin appearing with a bunch of his friends before closing did not make it better.
“Give me the keys, I’ll stay here with them” you reluctantly gave him the keys. You walked towards the back room to sit for a while before taking off your apron. Justin walked inside and watched you.
“What?” You spat
“I just wanted to invite you to my small… gathering” a woman appeared and hugged him from behind, encouraging him to go back with the others.
“No thanks, I’m tired”
You pushed past them “Suit yourself” you heard him said as you opened the door, cold embracing you as you walked out with a final glance towards him.
You woke up for the fourth time that night, looking at the clock you groaned, it was 5 in the morning. You tried to sleep again but failed miserably. For some weird reason you have not been able to sleep, and you were tired.
After 30 minutes you finally gave up, stood up and got changed. You grabbed you bag and walked outside, embracing cold once again as you made your way towards the ice rink. With two coffees in hand you walked towards the entrance, smiling at Bob, the guy that cleaned the ice.
“We’re not open yet” he said, you showed him the coffee and he sighed, letting you in.
“Welcome back miss Y/L” you smiled at him and went to put your skates on.
The ice crunched deliciously underneath your skates, you smiled at the familiar feeling. It was empty and quiet, skating to an imaginary song as you finally relaxed.
Timothée looked at Bob and he just shrugged his shoulders showing him his cup of coffee, he smiled and stepped inside the rink, only to find your familiar silhouette moving gracefully around the ice. He silently watched you with a small smile on his face, the morning glow reflecting on the ice made you heavenly as you kept on moving, the light making you shine brightly made his heart skip a beat again.
“Can’t say I’m surprised to see you here” startled, you looked behind, Timothée was skating towards you with a smile on his face.
“Morning” You said, he stopped abruptly, covering your legs with ice.
“I hate it when you do that” you said, “Remember how you used to interrupt my routines throwing snowballs at me?”
He laughed “I do” his eyes trailed over your face, already concerned at the purple settled underneath your E/C eyes.
“You look terrible” he said “I mean, not terrible, just like- like you had no rest last night”
“Thank you” You answered with a laugh “Had a rough night”
“Why?” You shrugged your shoulders “Don’t know, maybe I’ve been stressed”
“Anytime you want me to help you with that, just call me” he winked and wiggled his eyebrows, you laughed and pushed him playfully “You’re gross”
“What are you even doing here so early?” You asked him, you were both lying on the ice looking up at the ceiling, the cold pressing against your back made goosebumps appear on your neck and exposed collarbone, you looked at him and he did the same.
“Because I knew you’d be here” you blushed and looked at the ceiling again, you could feel him staring at you.
“Hey, maybe today we- “
“Kids! Get off the ice, I have to clean it before everyone gets here”
You sat up and looked at Timothée, standing up before him and offering him a hand, which he gladly took. You skated out as the Zamboni cleaned the ice. Timothée cleared his throat and you looked at him.
“I was saying…” he paused “Maybe later we could do something” he looked away and your looked softened.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Timmy…”
Your sad look threw him off but before you could answer your coach called you over.
“I’m sorry Timmy I have to go”
You walked again, and Timmy looked at you as you disappeared again on in the ice, worry swimming through his head.
Your class was over before you knew, you were already untying your skates, feeling the judging stares of the other moms. The hairs in your spine were tingling in discomfort and you felt tears pooling in your eyes at the feeling.
“Hey” Anna’s hand on you back brought air back inside your lungs and you smiled at her looking up.
“Justin didn’t come in today” you looked around puzzled, only to cross eyes with his angry partner. You gave her an apologetic smile and she did the same.
“My class went smoothly thanks to that though” Anna laughed “Maybe I’ll know what happened at work”
“If you do, text me what happened as soon as you can”
You laughed “God I missed you” you breathed “Of course I will”
And with a wicked smile, you left for work.
“Y/N! Just the girl I wanted to see”
The other employees looked at you nervously as you walked towards them, anxiety already crawling beneath your skin wondering what your boss wanted.
“Is there anything I can help you with sir?” You asked, wiping your sweaty palms on your apron.
“Actually, there is” he stood up, pulling Justin up from his chair by his arm, you eyed them nervously.
“You know, my son” he looked at Justin, anger hidden behind his calm tone “Threw a… small gathering here the other night”
You nodded.
“Well, you teach him a lesson, I decided to give him a job here with you as his supervisor”
You groaned internally and forced a smile “Of course sir”
“It’s settled them” he pushed Justin towards you, your angry eyes looking at him, he did the same.
“I’ll leave you to it then, hope he learns his lesson”
After that, he turned around and walked out.
“I can’t believe this” you angrily walked away, Justin right behind you. Once inside the staff room you turned to him, anger pulling off your body in waves.
“What the fuck Justin?” You exhaled, looking around for a uniform for him.
“What? As my dad said, it was a small gathering”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. Pulling out a uniform you threw it at him.
“Get changed, meet me outside”
“You can’t boss me around!”
“According to your dad, I can, so do as I say quickly” you walked out closing the door.
Justin stared at the door, and then at the uniform.
Half an hour later, Justin was nowhere to be found, you had just finished attending a table, so you decided to see what he was doing.
Opening the door, you felt as angry as you had ever been.
“What the fuck!?” Justin looked up from his phone at the sound of your voice.
“Hey, I was just thinking about you”
“Listen Justin, I’m honestly not happy that I have to baby sit you- “
“Let me finish!” He closed his mouth and looked at you “But just try not to be an asshole and help! Maybe if you do it then you’ll be off my back soon”
“Fine” he rolled his eyes “Where do I start?”
“I can’t believe you’re making me clean the restrooms”
“Shut up and scrub” he groaned but kept going.
“Look for me when you’re done, if I see you get better maybe you’ll start being a waiter, deal?” He nodded.
“You won’t believe what happened yesterday”
Anna looked at you, telling you to go on.
“Justin’s dad told me to baby sit Justin at work to teach him a lesson”
“No way! Why’s that?”
“Apparently, a party got out of hand two night ago, that’s why he wasn’t here yesterday”
“Typical Justin”
“Tell me about”
Hushed voices made you look away from Anna, you rolled your eyes. “What are they gossiping about now?”
Anna looked towards the group of moms and frowned.
“Fuck, I forgot to tell you”
“Do you remember Amber?”
“Yeah…” your voice dropped a little “What about her?”
“Well, last year she went to Russia for a skating camp or some shit like that, we all thought she wasn’t coming back but apparently, she’s back this week”
“Just when I thought my week couldn’t get any worse”
“Don’t stress babe, I know your story with her was harsh, but you have to ignore her! Don’t let her bitchy ass to stop you from getting what you want”
You smiled “I won’t, but I think I’ll talk with my therapist about this”
“You totally should”
She stood up and grabbed your hand “Let’s go train hard”
Sitting comfortably in front of your therapist you took a breath.
“What actually happened between you and Amber?”
“We were really good friends” you started “But she suddenly turned into someone else, she was a bitch with me, so I got tired of how she treated me and just… kept my distance”
“And now she’s back” you nodded. “I think you should listen to Anna, ignore Amber, focus on yourself like you are doing now… remember, you don’t want toxic people back”
“I will”
“And about Timothée…” you nervously looked around “I think you should give him a chance”
“I don’t know if I’m ready again…”
“Also, give yourself a break… and remember, if he really loves you, he’s going to help you and respect your choices”
“He’ll help you move on; you can’t do everything on your own”
You nodded, “Thank you”.
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youremeimyou · 5 years
The Lesser Gods of Bangtanis(pt.2)
Introduction - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
pairings: Kim Taehyung x reader, Jeon Jungkook x reader, OT7(this fic is about all of the boys’ characters, not just ‘Y/Nxsomeone’ focused) genre: angst, fluff, comedy, adventure.. -fantasy au, medieval au, magic au, royal au word count: 4k warnings: brief violance?(just some combat and sword fighting stuff)
Description: Princess Y/N, who holds the fate of her people on her shoulders arrives at the kingdom of Bangtanis, that is the home of our mighty heroes. What will the destiny of our heroes be, when she brings along a threat called dark magic and a little bit of love with her?
A/N: Here’s part 2! I know it’s been a long while but I kinda had to find motivation to write this since the first part wasn’t really popular. But I, myself enjoy this story so I’ll keep writing this series. Part 1 and 2 are crucial to the storyline so you might want to check them out. I’d be really glad to know how you think this is going, if you read it. I hope you like it. Enjoy!
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As Taehyung and Y/N were about to walk out of the main entrance of the castle, they heard noises coming from the gate's direction. When they moved closer they could see it was Jeon Jungkook, the boy from before. Obviously the guards weren't letting him in. A mere villager had no business walking about the castle.
"Princess Y/N, I need to talk to her. It's important!"
The guards not only kept him out but weren't exactly being nice, either. Trying to push him around and all the while looking down on him.
The princess was about to take a step forward and order the guards to let him be but Taehyung stopped her just in time, putting his arm in front of her.
"You must really be tired for almost blowing your cover this recklessly. It's best if you leave everything to me until we get to the cottage."
"Your guards are mistreating him, can't you see?"
"They're not my guards, Y/N. Now let me handle this."
Y/N turned her head to look at the prince and saw that he too was uncomfortable with how they treated Jungkook. She noted how the delicate features of his face were hardened in dissapproval.
"Guards! Let the boy through." he ordered in a firm voice. They realized it was the prince but didn't stop restraining Jungkook.
"But my prince, this boy isn't a noble-"
"That's Jungkook. He's my friend and he's under my protection. Now, back to your posts!"
They let the boy go after that. Because Prince Taehyung usually wasn't a tough looking person. But when something made him mad, he could be very intimidating. Now both Y/N and Jungkook saw that.
"Thank you, my lord." Jungkook said as he fixed his clothes that were ruffled up from all the pulling and pushing.
"You were more than capable of getting away from those two. I remember how you handled that big guy I tricked at the tavern, once."
Prince Taehyung often cheated and was rarely caught doing so, at gambling. He was lucky Jungkook recognized him as the prince and rescued him that night.
"They're official guards of the palace. It'd be disrespectful."
Jungkook's good-heartedness didn't go unnoticed by the princess.
"I need to speak to you, my lady."
She hurried to him and whispered.
"They don't know I'm the princess here. I have a double for safety. Just call me Y/N."
"Oh- okay." Jungkook blushed out of nowhere. "My father sent me with information. I have to take you somewhere and talk to you about it."
"Where?" The prince interrupted.
"My lord, with all due respect, both the place and the information is meant for the prin- I mean, Y/N. My father's orders for me."
Taehyung was about to protest but Y/N cut in before that.
"Very well. We'll go alone. You can leave me somewhere the prince can pick me up, after."
"Y/N, you were assigned to me. I can't leave you-"
"My father told me to trust the Jeons, no matter what. They wouldn't ask this of us if it wasn't important. We'll meet up afterwards."
Taehyung wasn't content with that. He was a damn prince of the royal court. Wasn't she supposed to trust him, too? But he knew by now just how stubborn Y/N was and didn't push further.
"Where were you normally headed? I can take her there after we're done." Jungkook asked, seeing the annoyed look on the prince's face.
"Do you know Lord Yoongi's old cottage? It's close to your home, actually."
"Yes, my lord."
"Get her there. And be quick about it."
"Yes, my lord."
Jungkook really was well-mannered.
Him and the princess started walking away after that, leaving a very bothered prince behind.
Their journey to the said place was rather long and quite, with Y/N being exhausted and Jungkook being shy. Plus, they were on horseback, much to Y/N's relief. She had enough walking the last couple of days. Only if the prince could think of taking a horse, as well she thought.
Once they arrived and got off the horse, Y/N saw that they were in a plain meadow.
"Why are we here?" she asked Jungkook.
"My lady, what I'm about to tell you is very important and confidential. I need your word on not talking about it anywhere else."
"You have my word."
Jungkook then whistled in a very unique melody and crowded groups of people started appearing from behind the trees that surrounded the meadow.
"These are mage warriors. They're sorcerers but none of them are registered at the castle so it's a secret. A little army of magic. I'm training them to help you."
Y/N was amazed at how many there were. Both men and women.
"They agreed to help?"
"Your father was the one to help them come and start their life here. They all owe him, so yes."
"But why aren't they registered wizards?"
"Bangtanis controls all magic very strictly. My father said they wouldn't be able to improve this much under the teachers at the castle."
Y/N didn't quite understand because in her kingdom magic was very welcomed and open for developement. But she was very happy to see these people willing to help, nonetheless.
"And since you're training them, you must be a mighty warrior. Thank you for helping as well, Jungkook."
"That's very kind of you, my lady." Jungkook was again a blushing mess.
"Let's be friends. I believe your father said we've even met before as kids, right?"
"Call me Y/N from now on. And I'll call you.. Guk, shall I?"
That moment from fifteen years ago flashed before Jungkook's eyes. The moment she offered him exactly the same thing, as kids. He was now as baffled as he had been then. Baffled at how humble of a princess she was.. He slowly nodded.
"So tell me, Guk. In how much time will their training be complete?"
"Hard to say right now. From what I've seen, they're very talented sorcerers. But most don't know combat that well. It might take weeks, my lady."
"Oh- what did we just agree on, Guk?"
"Sorry." Jungkook shyed away. "It might take weeks, Y/N."
"I see." Weeks had to pass before she could try to rescue her parents and their people. But this was her only shot. Weeks or months, she had to take it. So she gave him a warm smile to show her gratitude.
Jungkook took her to Min Yoongi's old cottage after that, as promised.
Y/N knocked on the door and was surprised to see Jimin open it. She brushed past him and went straigth to the prince, who was all comfy on the sofa in front of the fireplace.
"You brought over the jester?" she angrily questioned but talked in a volume Jimin wouldn't hear.
"You didn't think I'd wait for you to get back home by my lonesome like a housewife, did you?" Taehyung on the other hand didn't mind his voice, at all.
"Shh- quite. I don't want him to-"
"Don't want him to what?" Taehyung was now being louder. He got up from the sofa and stood right in front of the princess.
"To get hurt by your rude words? Jimin here is used to being underestimated at first."
Y/N panicked. It wasn't her intention to be rude towards Jimin. She was just on edge all the time. It was like more and more people were learning her true identity and it made her alarmed.
Taehyung saw the panic in her eyes and it made him soften down instantly. His voice became much calmer and velvety.
"Look, I know you want to do this as subtly as possible. But Jimin was one of the first ones to know who you really are. He hasn't said anything to anyone, has he? And having him in on our fight will up our chances of success, trust me."
Y/N realized two things from what he said. The first was that if anything, Jimin had proven to be helpful and useful. She could be comfortable with sharing this mission with him. And the second thing was how Taehyung reffered to this task as theirs. Our fight.. he'd said. It made her fill up with hope.
Then, she made eye contact with the jester who came to sit in front of the fireplace, lowered her head a little and talked in a small voice.
“Jimin, I don’t know how much of that you heard but-”
“You’re stressed. You haven’t slept for a long while and you’re going through something horrible. So it’s okay, no need to say sorry. Just relax from now on.”
Jimin had an undertanding smile on his face as he looked straight in Y/N’s eyes. That seemed to transmit a message to her, quickly fixing the tense situation. They were now all sitting across the fireplace, calmly resting and deep in thought. Taehyung was the one to break the silence. 
“So, what was the so very confidential thing our village boy had to talk to you about, then?” he asked, obviously still annoyed with that whole thing.
“As you just mentioned, it’s confidential. That means I can’t tell you.” 
The prince was shocked. But moreover, he was upset. “You don’t trust me.”
Y/N quickly turned her head to him. That wasn’t the case. She’d love to explain but Jungkook had shown her a large group of unregistered sorcerers. And Taehyung was a prince of this kingdom. The kingdom that wouldn’t allow those people to practise magic as they did. If anything, telling Taehyung would put him in a tough position. Not to mention it’d put the whole operation at risk.
“That’s not true.”
The prince avoided eye contact. He really was bothered.
“Hey.” she called out, trying to catch his gaze. And finally he looked up at her.
“Telling you would only put you, Jimin and Jungkook in a tough spot. For now, you’re gonna have to trust me, okay?” 
Taehyung didn’t say anything back and it was back to silence. Until Jimin decided to leave after suggesting that both the prince and the princess get some rest. The day had already turned to evening and Y/N was beyond exhausted at this point. She, too wanted to call it a day. 
“You can have a bath before you go to sleep, if you want. There is a tub in the other room. I can help you heat the water up and carry it. It might help you relax.”
A bath sounded pretty nice to Y/N, after the long journey she’s had. 
“It’d be so nice to get cleaned up. I wish I had clean clothes, though. I forgot to get my luggage from my double.”
“Well, I borrowed some clean robes from one of the duchesses I know, before heading here. A night gown, too. They’re over there.” He pointed to the bed where the clothes were. 
The princess’ eyes lit up. And she silently appreciated the thougthfulness of the prince. They got the bathtub ready after that and Taehyung went back to sitting in front of the fireplace while waiting for Y/N to finish up. 
After some time, Y/N came out of the other room, wearing the night gown Taehyung had brought for her. The white, silk gown seemed to perfectly hug her body. It was also a bit shorter than normal, at least than the ones the prince had seen before. Y/N was a bit taller than average, after all.
Y/N noticed him staring. “What?”
“Nothing. Just.. I knew I guessed your measurements right.” He had that smug look on his face again.
“You must know all the duchesses’ measurements, as well. Considering how you found the best fitting gown.” Y/N spat back. But it only added to his ego.
“Not all but.. a considerable amount.” he said smirking.
Y/N just rolled her eyes. 
“Anyway, you take the bed over there and I’ll sleep here on the sofa.” 
After a while of both of them laying down in silence, Y/N spoke up.
That was the first time she called him by his name. Not Prince Smug or Prince Rude, just Taehyung. For some reason it made him feel good.
“Are you awake?”
“I am. But why are you? I thought you’d be fast asleep by now.”
“I know but I just can’t fall asleep. Oh and I wanted to thank you, for everything. I think I haven’t said it before but I’m greatful for your help.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Are you okay? I mean, are you in pain? Is that why you can’t sleep?”
“No, I’m not hurt. I think after all the fuss, silence just feels weird.” 
The last few days had been full of action and right now everything was calm and quite. But that wasn’t the only reason she couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t bring herself to say it, though. 
“I can take care of that. In case you haven’t noticed, I love to talk.” Taehyung said.
“Oh, I’ve noticed.”
“In fact, here’s one thing I’m curious about. How is it that you don’t remember me?”
Y/N smiled secretly.
“I guess you couldn’t leave a strong impression.”
“Oh? And how do you think you got that scar on the corner of your eye?”
Forget an impression, he had left a goddamn mark.
“I remember a very annoying boy swinging around a wooden stick and almost gouging my eye out.”
“That’s me! I’m the annoying boy.”
They both laughed.
“And you didn’t even cry, just kept on playing. That’s how I knew you were strong. Even back then.” He admired that about her.
When she didn’t reply for quite some time, he looked over and saw that she finally went to sleep.
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Deep into the night, Taehyung noticed the princess grunting and moving in the bed in discomfort. He wasn’t getting a great sleep either, thanks to the sofa so he was able to hear. As he straightened up, Y/N suddenly shouted in fear. She appeared to be unable to wake up from a nigtmare.
He quickly went to her. Grabbed her arms gently but it seemed to scare her more.
“Princess, wake up.” She kept trying to fight him away but Taehyung didn’t let go. “Y/N! Wake up!”
She finally came out of it, panting and out of breath.
“Shh.. It was just a bad dream. It’s alright.” Sitting next to her on the bed, he held onto her to get her to calm down. 
“Are you okay now? Ready to go back to sleep?”
“I’m not going back to sleep.”
“Y/N, you have to. Your body can’t take it.”
“No I- I couldn’t sleep earlier because of this, as well. Ever since what happened back home, I get these nightmares. Everytime I close my eyes those creatures are coming for me. It got worse on my way here, when I’d make camp and try to sleep on my own in the middle of the woods.”
Taehyung already knew it must’ve been hard for her. And now he could see the toll everything that happened took on her.
“Y/N, it’s only natural after all you’ve been through. Most people would be even worse. But you’re safe now. You’re far away from them and protected. Trust me, King Namjoon has very clever and good ways to keep eyes on people. And you’re not on your own anymore, I’m right here.”
He gave a little encouraging squeeze on her arms. And with the fear fading away, Y/N started to realize how close their bodies were. She could practically feel his breath on her face and his stare into her eyes almost burned. But instead of tensing up, it gave her a sense of comfort somehow. 
Taehyung let go of the princess so she could lay down, once again. And sat there next to her to help her feel safer and sleep better. A while later, they were both asleep and this time, neither of them woke up until the morning. 
The morning light brought the court jester with it. When Jimin walked inside the cottage he saw how the bed was shared by the prince and the princess. The image was entertaining to him and he wondered how their endless bickering could’ve led to this.
“Up and at ‘em!” he sharply shouted. Which caused the both of them to startle up from sleep.
“Jimin, why the hell are you shouting?” the prince mumbled with his head burried back in the pillow. 
“It’s already noon you lazy daisies, time to get up.”
Neither of them showed any signs of getting up.
“Fine. I guess I’ll have to eat all this food by myself.”
And as soon as food was mentioned, sleep was no more for both of them were hungry as wolves. 
“Are these from the castle?” the prince asked.
“I smuggled them out of the kitchen myself.”
“You are the best mate I have.”
Y/N was starting to both admire and envy their friendship at this point.
“Though, it’s nowhere near as good as what your double had for breakfast with the king, my lady.”
The princess was very curious as to what her double was doing and how the meetings with the king were going. 
“I don’t want fancy meals. But I would love to know if the king has decided yet or not. This going undercover thing is harder than I imagined.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll head to the castle in a bit and see how things are going. I was instructed to carry information, after all.” 
Taehyung was determined to talk to the king and his advisors and somehow convince them to help in the best way they could. 
“Well then, Jimin can you take me to Jungkook’s house before you go back to the castle?”
The prince and the jester shared a long look at each other. And that was enough for Jimin to see that the subject still bothered Taehyung.
“Why?” the prince finally asked.
“I can’t just stay here and do nothing. Maybe I can help him out.”
“What would you help him with?”
“I told you, I can’t tell you yet.”
Silence took over again for a while.
“Tell him to get you back here by sundown, princess.”
The prince went out right after and not very happily. And it was getting harder to hide the situation for Y/N, with how much Taehyung has gained her trust. But she just couldn’t reveal something like that easily. She had to endure the dissapointed gazes of the prince for now.
As Jimin and Y/N were walking through the mart to reach Jungkook’s house, they ran into Jungkook himself at the blacksmith. 
“She’s your responsibility for now. Protect her well and get her back to the cottage before dark, alright?” Jimin instructed the younger boy firmly right before leaving.
“Understood.” Jungkook was as respectful as always. He, then waited until Jimin was out of sight before he spoke with Y/N in a low voice.
“My lady- I mean Y/N. I was just ordering some weapons for our.. friends. I’ll go to the meadow for their training afterwards. Will you be joining me?”
“Yes, I want to help. I hate sitting around.”
The two made their way to the meadow where the sorcerers were training at and this time Y/N got a horse too, Jungkook lent her one. A dark brown, beautiful mare. Once they arrived, they saw that the sorcerers were already practising a rutine Jungkook had shown them earlier. 
“They seem to have good form. Are they improving quickly?”
“It’s only been two days. But they’re doing well for now.”
The truth was that the wizards had too much to learn. Considering the enemy they were going to face, they had to get much more stronger and it’d probably take more time than he imagined. Even Jungkook, who had many years of training wasn’t sure if he was ready to take on the creatures of the night. But he didn’t know how to break that news to this beautiful, desperate princess.
“When did you come to learn how to fight, Guk?”
“I’ve been learning since I was a kid. My family- the Jeons have supposedly been known for great combat skills since the early years of this kingdom. So my training has started very early in order to keep that up.”
They walked closer to the people training and Y/N saw stacks of various weapons nearby. There were all kinds of deadly, pointy things.
“This is an impressive arsenal.”
“More are coming. The blacksmith says they’ll be ready in a couple of days.”
Y/N picked up a sword and started to examine it.
“Good balance. Edges need a bit of shapening but the steel seems to be of good quality.”
“You know swords?” Jungkook’s voice had a tone of surprise to it.
“I know all weapons.” Y/N’s was filled with determination. She threw him the sword and picked up another one from the stack. Jungkook caught the weapon without blinking. But his surprised look was still evident.
“So, your horse riding is very well and you know about weapons. Don’t tell me you can fight as well, Y/N.” 
“I’d rather show you, Guk.”
And she quickly launched at him. Their swords clashed with a strong clink sound and Jungkook was even more baffled. Before he even got a chance to think, the princess recovered her blade with a quick turning move and got behind him while doing so. She, then wrapped an arm around his chest, trapping him and brought the sword close to his throat. And after waiting for a moment, she let him go.
“A princess and a warrior..” Jungkook was impressed beyond words. “whose combat style is aggresive, by the way.” he added.
“I love a good sparring, so you should fight back.” She attacked once more. Jungkook met all her advances with his sword but didn’t counter attack. 
“Your style is way more passive than I thought it’d be, Guk. If you’re holding back, I might hurt you for real.”
The princess attacked again but this time, Jungkook masterfully avoided and grabbed a hold on her arm holding the sword, swiftly disarming her. Now he was the one trapping the other from behind. And Jungkook’s arms were much stronger so she couldn’t wriggle out of them. 
“It’s more strategic than passive. I let you come at me twice and now I know your attack pattern.”
Y/N suddenly kicked his right foot and used his surprise to free herself and take back her blade. She wasted no time to advance at him but after their blades clashed for a dozen more times, they ended the spar when nobody seemed to get the better hand.
“Alright, maybe you’re not that pedictable.” Jungkook admitted and Y/N smiled at him sincerely.
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Meanwhile at the castle, Taehyung went to see the king and his advisors. They seemed to be holding a meeting with the knights, so he joined them. They were still disscussing on helping Princess Y/N’s kingdom with the army of Bangtanis or not. Only a few were saying the army was strong and capable of such a duty but most of them were pointing out the dangerous outcomes and how the situation wasn’t Bangtanis’ concern.
“My lords, my king, may I speak my mind?” Taehyung grabbed everyone’s attention. The king nodded, so he continued.
“Didn’t we help the people of neighbouring kingdoms fight back thugs and bandits when their own kings and knights wouldn’t? Didn’t we send our best men to kingdoms in need to help fight back invaders?”
They had. That’s why Bangtanis was looked at as a beacon of hope ever since King Namjoon became the ruler.
“Nobody can be more in need of our help than Princess Y/N and her people.” he added.
Kim Seokjin backed him up with his words.
“We’ve signed many treaties with them and held many events of peace in the past, too. They’re our friends.”
Then, silence took over and King Namjoon was deep in thought. In his heart the king knew he wanted to help them. But dark magic was a threath even bigger than most people in that room thought. Only King Namjoon and Min Yoongi knew more about how terrifying it actually was, from some things they’ve witnessed in the past. It was too hard to decide.
“I shall speak with the princess once more before making a final decision. But let me be clear, we can’t turn our backs to friends in need. We will find a way to help them. So, be prepared for anything, knights.”
Taehyung couldn’t help but smile. Things were starting to look up, at last. The king dismissed the meeting but asked Taehyung to stay behind. Only the king, his three advisors and Taehyung was left in the room.
“You’re way more involved in this than I thought you’d be Taehyung. Don’t tell me you’re suddenly interested in kingdom afairs?” Namjoon asked disbelievingly.
“Didn’t you always want me to be, hyung?”
“Yes, but you never really listen to me. I wonder what’s changed.”
“I do listen, hyung..” As soon as Taehyung said that all four of them laughed, not buying his words. “Okay, okay. I guess this time I feel more responsible because.. well, I met the princess when we were kids. So, she’s practically an old friend. I really want to help her.” he admitted.
“Good. It’s nice to see you join us here for something other than a feast.” They all laughed at what the king said until Jung Hoseok suddenly gasped.
“Feast.. We forgot the welcoming feast for the princess. We have to arrange one immediately.” he said in panic.
“But will they want a feast, after what has happened to them?” Taehyung questioned.
“A feast isn’t only entertainment but also a political event. And moreover, it’s tradition. Hoseok, have it prepared for tomorrow. Taehyung, you should bring the actual princess, I need to speak to her.”
“Yes, my king.”
Taehyung left the throne room after that and ran into Jimin who was waiting for him outside.
“So, how did the meeting go?”
“Better than I thought. I believe Namjoon hyung is finally coming around.”
The news made Jimin happy and he wrapped his arm around his friend’s shoulder. “I knew you could convince them to see reason, you silvertongue.”
Taehyung smiled.
“Oh and by the way, you’re working tomorrow.”
Jimin gave him a questioning look.
“They’re holding a feast for the princess and her company. And you, my talented friend are expected to show off your tricks.”
“Then, I need to practise my new moves. You should come watch me. I wanted to have your opinion on the new tricks, anyway.”
“I should get Y/N’s luggage from her double and take it to her. The king wants her to appear at the feast, tomorrow. She needs fancy clothes to show up.”
“I feel like she didn’t pack for a fancy event.”
“You’re right. I’ll borrow a fancy night dress from Minji again. The ones she gave before fit well. I’ll have to see your tricks tomorrow with everyone else, mate. But I already bet they’re wonderful.”
Jimin quickly retrieved his arm from Taehyung’s shoulder with a frown. 
“I feel like this princess is slowly replacing me.” He wore a playful pout on his lips. It amused Taehyung a lot. 
“What’re you talking about?” he said and flicked the jester forhead. “Nobody can replace my best friend.”
They were both laughing until Taehyung stopped suddenly, realizing something else.
“It’s almost dinner time. I should take some food to Y/N, too. I gotta get going Jimin, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jimin shook his head from side to side. “I was wrong.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. So, Jimin continued.
“I believe she’s doing something way more dangerous to you than just taking my place, dear mate.” He gave the prince a hinting look.
Taehyung squinted his eyes at him, gave him another flick on his forhead as response and walked away.
But of course, Jimin was on the right track.
A/N: Thank you soo much if you bared with me and read this whole long-ass thing. Once again feedback is very helpful and appreciated so I’ll be happy to know what you think. I’ll be back with part 3!
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wanna-b-poet31 · 5 years
An (at this point certainly more than) 4-part Meta on Good Omens Part 3: The Dubious Coping Skills of Aziraphale
Sooooo! Surprise surprise, I have lots and lots of thoughts on the ineffable husbands and their respective trauma/abuse recovery arcs. Sorry if anyone expected different content from me.
Before I get into how the abuse the ineffable husbands endure affects their relationship with each other or how through their relationship together, they are healing, helping both of them recover their issues, I want to examine their current coping skills.
Aziraphale, the loveable bastard
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Aziraphale is many things. Loving, kind, naive, powerful, and forgiving. Which, is why the audience and Crowley love him. He’s so gosh darn good at being good (and a bastard). However, Heaven is a highly emotionally abusive and manipulative place and Aziraphale is traumatized by his experiences. 
God openly admits that interacting with her is like playing a game in a dark room where the dealer is always smiling and changing the rules. Essentially, the “parental” figure is distant, and often unsupportive of the “child’s” needs or thoughts.  I already explain in Part 1 how Heaven’s angels (cough cough Gabriel the asshole cough cough) are explicitly emotinally abusive. 
This is compounded not just by the threat of expulsion, but the reality of it. On no uncertain terms, dissenters (demons) are cast out, ultimately denied the love and care supposedly implicit in being a child of God. They’re all typecasted as evil, bad, wrong creatures unable to do the right thing. Although abuse is a complex, often fluid, mix of manipulation, intimidation, and aggression, the lack of communication and implicit expectation of compliance, breeds abuse and instills trauma.  God’s threats of abandonment, coupled with the intimidation by archangels with their own agenda (see part 1), and a lack of any healthy support system loom low over the head of our favorite angel. 
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For example, in the beginning, he already knows the difference between kindness and cruelty; right and wrong; good and evil. Instead of he simply “does” his little rebellious act of giving humans his flaming sword, no questions, no permission, no bureaucracy, just action out of kindness and compassion for these creatures who had just gone against a direct order from God. Aziraphale is doing good at this moment. His only concern is with their ability to protect themselves and their children. He knows that not doing so would put these creatures in harm's way. He doesn’t hesitate, he doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t doubt himself, he simply acts. 
However, everyone else around him who he is expected to trust, would not think his actions are just. God angrily confronts him, Gabriel belittles him, and the guard preparing him for battle insults and shouts at him (calling him a pathetic excuse for an angel).  This all causes him significant anxiety because of the threat of real loss. Not just of love and home and family, but of identity. Aziraphale’s defining defining defining trait is his joy of helping others and pride at being an angel. He loves being “good”, and damn it is he good at the job (if not a tad naive at times). 
But, several times (with God, Gabriel, and the guard respectively), we see the impact of this decision to give away his sword results in a spike in Aziraphale’s anxiety, fear, and denial. All of which are byproducts of his abuse. Unfortunately, his instinct for deflection from a problem is the perfect recipe for several shots of top shelf levels of repression, his primary coping skill.  
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Based on his conditioning, he should have shunned the humans just like everyone else. He should have smitten the demon Crowley and turned his back on humanity. He is an angel, after all, and he can’t disobey orders. But he doesn’t hate them, he can’t hate them. He loves them all. 
Aziraphale constantly shows that he loves hard and honestly. He must have been the only one listening when God said to love all of her creatures because he genuinely wants to help them. But, based on the lack of communication and distinct power imbalance between him and the other angels, he’s not sure HOW to do it all the time. 
He’s constantly fearing that he’ll be punished for his compassion, for his love of humanity. Which, in many ways shows the complexity of his abuse at work. He doesn’t hate Heaven or God, not really, he’s a firm believer that they are the purveyor of good up until it’s obvious that no one (save Crowley) ever intended to treat him like an equal. Instead, throughout the series, he deflects from Heaven’s actions, believes them when they say that demons are evil, that giving his sword away was wrong, that God is unquestionable, that he is soft (read: pathetic). Even, and often frequently, when he knows that the information is wrong. 
 He knows through Crowley that demons aren’t (all) bad. It is evident when Crowley performs miracles for him unprompted, or when they go for lunch, or when they time and time again try to save each other. He also knows he loves Crowley based on the fact that he actively seeks out his companionship and is terrified of someone “destroying” his best friend.
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He knows from Pepper and Adam and Eve, that giving humans a way to protect themselves is necessary (even if War is bred from it) otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to survive. 
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He knows that God IS questionable ANDD that you should be questioning her because drowning!! a whole bunch of people!! including kids!! is wrong!! and he knows as much when he distances himself from Her choices. 
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He knows he’s not soft (even though Gabriel tells him he is) because he’s willing to do the difficult thing when the cards are down, and even then he believes fighting a war is not the solution to Armageddon. Hell, he knows neither killing the kid or going to war is going to solve all his problems. But being compassionate, or young, or naive isn’t a bad thing, it makes him stronger and able to identify with Adams’ fears about being able to stop Satan. 
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But just because he can see the truth, no, rather ESPECIALLY  because he can see that this is true, he knows he’s woefully underprepared for any sort of confrontation on his feelings. He doesn’t know how to cope with the mental disconnect between his heart and Heaven. How can Heaven be right if they’re wrong about smiting, and safety, and him, and Crowley? The short answer is they can’t. But, he doesn’t know what to do with this paradox, and the doubt scares him to the core. 
At first, he denies there’s anything traumatic going on. There is nothing wrong with the constant fear of falling by stepping out of line. That there is nothing what’s happening or how Crowley is being portrayed as evil when at best he’s wily. He buys the “there’s nothing to see here” mask of Heaven.  
He is clearly more than willing to internalize the dismissive nature of Gabriel (see parallels between being called soft and calling himself soft). He can excuse the fear tactics of Uriel (just trying to prevent the wily snake from doing bad like demons are supposed to do). He can even rationalize the destruction of Noah, Sodom, Gamorah, and Jesus (all part of the ineffable plan). However, none of it is healthy for him, because it requires him to distance himself from the good he wants to do and the abuse he’s suffering. 
But, once it’s too overwhelming to handle, and the cost of acknowledging that there is a problem with the system is too high, he starts repressing his desires. 
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For example, he represses his instinct for action allll the time. Where in the garden he just DID give humans his flaming sword, he has to physically restrain himself from action and calling Crowley the moment he learns the truth about Adam. He goes as far as LIE to Crowley that he’d tell him the news when he got it because he’s unable to coordinate the conflicting ideas that demons are bad, but Crowley is good. Subsequently, he represses his love for Crowley down, because the only supportive thing in his life Also is the biggest thing that goes against everything else he’s been conditioned to believe. 
Whenever there’s a whisper of doubt, he falls back on the dogmatism of “I’m an angel”, as a reason for action or inaction and represses his instinct to do anything about it. But a denial of a problem isn’t solving the problem. Repressing his issues aren’t coping with the underlining abuse that the whole power structure is based on.  
Let’s take the break-up scene where shit had hit the fan. 
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The end of the world is coming and Aziraphale KNOWS where the anti-christ is. He’s figured it all out, and he needs to act, the thing he is more afraid of doing than anything else. He acted in the garden, had done what needed to be done, and for his efforts was shamed into denying what he had done, and lied to (almost) everyone about giving it away. He got lucky he didn’t fall then (lying to God and all) and he simply doesn’t have the support system to risk her or Heaven’s wrath. 
So, he can’t just act on it. He doesn’t just go in on a Bentley on fire or run away with Crowley, or even just admit that there’s a problem with heaven. He’s to a point where he’s been conditioned into thinking anything but Heaven’s side is wrong. He’s clinging to the only thing that feels stable when he’s scared. Put simply, he can’t admit that the right thing to do here is to tell Crowley, tell him, fix the problem, or fight Heaven and Hell trying. He’s too afraid of the real consequences. He’s too afraid of being alone, without anyone to lean on. And, it doesn’t help that he’s been manipulated for 6000 years into not questioning procedure. 
But then he’s confronted by Crowley. Crowley tells him (under the assumption they were always on their own side) that if they can’t solve Armageddon they’ll run away together and try their best avoiding the war. But to run away would be admitting that Heaven is >gasp< wrong. That there is a flaw with his home, his family, with God’s plan and he doesn’t have the tools to do that. Sure, by this point he’s questioned everything they’ve told him about Demons, but it’s ingrained into his psyche. He either has to trust Heaven or be damned to hell.  There is no middle ground for Aziraphale. 
So he does the only thing he knows how to do in a traumatic situation. He deflects. He reverts back to 6000 years ago when he should be horrified by Crowley. He says “we’re on opposite sides” and that he doesn’t like Crowley. He says they aren’t friends. He lies. Because it’s easier to lie than to confront his trauma.   It’s easier to lie and say there’s nothing there (it’s easier to repress) than to admit that yes, he wants to run away, he wants to be with Crowley, he wants to be on their own side. It’s easier than the alternative which is a loss of identity and safety. 
All of this to say that his reaction is the consequence of repressing his doubts about heaven and his love for Crowley. He explodes at the demon. He says harmful, hurtful, things to his best friend because he doesn’t know how to reconcile the abusive power structure of heaven and the support Crowley has given him. So, he chooses not to act. He can’t leave. No matter how much he wants to go with Crowley at that moment, his repressed feelings won’t let him. Even as he’s days away from Armageddon, he can’t work through his feelings yet. He doesn’t have the tools or security yet. He doesn’t feel safe.
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If he weren’t repressing his actions -- if he would look the abusive gift horse (Heaven) in the mouth -- he would see that Heaven is manipulating him, intimidating him until they get what they want -- war. But, he doesn’t know how to cut the cord, or to do the right thing without falling. And falling, without anyone to catch him, is too scary, too daunting. He’s traumatized into believing the only one capable of loving him, even if it’s conditionally, is Heaven and God, and losing that support is out of the question. What he doesn’t realize is that Crowley is head over heels in love with him, and (even if he weren’t in love) prepared to catch Aziraphale from falling. 
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Because it’s always Crowley. It is only Crowley -- the supposedly “bad” character -- who supports him about the sword. Only Crowley reassures him his actions and justifications are valid and soothes his anxiety, reaffirming that his position matters. For all the fanfare Crowley makes about being “not nice”, or jabs at Aziraphale’s love of magic, he never once belittles his angel. Sure, there’s light-hearted banter, but nothing he says really has a bite to it. Nothing he does is to harm or degrade Aziraphale.  There’s mutual respect, care, and active love oozing off of Crowley towards Aziraphale. 
The only caveat is that due to Crowley’s own dubious coping skills (see next installment) he clashes with Aziraphale’s understanding of the world at the park.  Consequently, it and makes Aziraphale’s coming to terms with his own Heavenly abuse harder, because he can’t be sure Crowley will be there to catch him. 
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It is not until he tries to go to the top, go directly to God, and met with indifference, and then is confronted by the guard who tells him he’s pathetic does he realize that there is, in fact, a problem with the way he’s being treated and the way the system is built to fail. It’s built to harm humanity and destroy everything Angels are supposed to love. It is until he cannot deny it any longer, or risk everything he’s trying to say, that he finally stops repressing his instincts AND HE GOES. He leaves Heaven, a man on a mission style. And it’s not that he falls so much, that he jumps. 
The terror of falling is the lack of control and concent. If he’s pushed, falling backward into the hellfire, he loses his identity, he loses his home, and he loses his only sense of self. If he jumps, however, he’s on his own terms (for the first time in the whole blessed series) and he can make choices about who is in his life and how. If he jumps, he’s not at the mercy of his distant “parent” or his blood-lust fellow angels.  In short, if he jumps, he’s free of the power imposed onto him. If he jumps he’s able to make his own decisions. If he jumps he’ll end up with Crowley. 
So he jumps. 
The bottom line is that repressing his behaviors is harmful to his own mental health and nearly destroys the only meaningful, and unconditional relationship he has. Since the dawn of time, and perhaps before then, Heaven has made it perfectly clear that he is disposable. Aziraphale is just another name on a roster who is causing too much trouble for the strict dogma of Heaven, Gabriel, and God. Those in charge treat him like a half-rate idiot who is missing the point of their war because he’s soft, or naive, or too human. They all treat him as lesser because he’s different, and believe they hold all the power over him.
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Which brings me to the whole point of unpacking how Aziraphale fails at coping with trauma. Equality. When he goes to heaven with his news, he’s met with dismissive coddling and outright insult. When he >spoiler< masquerades as Crowley, he is 3 against 1, horribly outnumbered, and not expected (well Crowly’s not expected) to get through the “trial” alive. God herself literally speaks down to him when asking about his sword. There is, ultimately, no winning for Aziraphale in Heaven or Hell’s systems. He has to cobble together his own side to truly be able to move forward and past the trauma. 
AND there is ONLY 1 single character in the whole series sees eye to eye with Aziraphale (quite literally). Only 1 character who treats him as an equal on the same level. 1 person who recognizes Aziraphale as a force to be reckoned with in his own right, and someone who is so worthy of love and trust without question. 
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It is only when he is fully vulnerable to Crowley, that he can stop repressing his doubts and, as it were, put all of his cards on the table. Once Heaven shows its hand, it is painfully obvious that no one ever intended to help or support Aziraphale’s efforts to save humanity. Once he commits to Crowley he can no longer repress his doubts or ignore the reality of the abusive situation he’d been living through. He is forced to reconcile the idea that he is loved as he is with Crowley, whereas in heaven, he is simply a disposable soldier to them, not an equal who deserves to be heard and whose concerns should be considered.
However, despite the trauma and abuse, and more incredibly, despite his repression, he is able to cope with some of his issues throughout time with his relationship with Crowley. He is able to work through his concerns about Noah and Jesus with Crowley by his side, listening and validating his experience and concern as something to be taken seriously like no one else had ever done before. Together, they treat each other with mutual respect, and more than losing his status as an Angel, Aziraphale is terrified shitless at the idea of losing Crowley.  The aforementioned break-up scenes are catalysts that force Aziraphale to make a choice and resist the intimidation and trauma caused by Heaven. And, once he commits to Crowley, there’s no going back, because, for the first time in over 6,000 years, he has a support system ready and able to help him cope with his issues. 
And so, Aziraphale begins his road to recovery thanks to the help of his loving and supportive relationship with Crowley which I will do a deep dive of soon. 
Sooooooooo this section went on wayyyyyy longer than intended. Look out for a Crowley-centric version tomorrow and a few more than 4 installments of this meta over the next week.  #sorry.
TLDR: Aziraphale’s abuse doesn’t allow him to cope with the fact his bosses and his instincts are telling him to do 2 very different things. He manages to cope but only by using denial and repression. It is only when he finally puts down his defenses and being honest with himself that he is not in a good place in Heaven, but he is in a good place with Crowley, that he can start working toward recovery.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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paxohana · 5 years
Menagerie, Pt. 1
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The evening was chilly for late spring, leaving him wishing he had worn a heavier jacket or better yet remained at home.  He was expected to be there, however.  It was the ball of the season, the event of the elite in the city.  While he didn’t consider himself in the upper crust of society, his family name carried notable weight.
He felt confident in his appearance, wearing the latest fashion from Paris.  The coattails were something that took some getting used to but paired along with pinstripe trousers he felt dapper. His crimson cravat felt as if it were choking him and the highly polished shoes pinched his feet, but such was the bane of aristocracy.  He just prayed he’d get through all the pomp and circumstance of the occasion.
“Viktor,” his date began, “I’m thirsty.  When we get inside, would you be a darling and get me something to drink?”
“Of course, my dear,” Viktor said, lifting her gloved hand and kissing it.
They walked through the archway leading to the grand room, only pausing to be introduced.  The scattered applause didn’t bode well with Viktor, but he knew it was because of his date.  Her family prayed Viktor took a liking to her and wedded her, but Viktor knew it was hopeless on their part.  He invited her to the ball as a favor to his father since her family’s clout was deteriorating. 
After excusing himself, Viktor headed toward the refreshment table and perused the offerings.  Every delicacy befitting a ball of this magnitude was present.  Scrutinizing the appetizers, Viktor was pleased when he saw a towering platter of finger sandwiches.  He grabbed a plate and stacked several on it along with a few petit fours.  Deciding he had enough to last most of the evening, Viktor returned to his date.
“I think you forgot something,” she said, frowning when he looked at her cluelessly, “My drink.  I swear, Viktor, you are so scatterbrained for someone your age!”
“I apologize,” he said, handing her his plate, “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Heading to the table once more, Viktor waited until the server assisted those ahead of him.  The band had struck up a tune and several couples headed for the dance floor.  He turned around and watched the dancers waltz around in the open.  His eyes darted from pair to pair, and he recognized a few before his gaze stopped.
That’s when he saw him.
The young man appeared to be an angel descended from the heavens.  His tan plaid jacket complimented his jet black hair perfectly, the golden wire-framed glasses giving him a glowing appearance.  Viktor admired his slender figure and the way his vest hugged his upper body.  His hands seemed delicate under the white gloves he wore, but the way he held his date in his arms suggested admirable strength.  
Viktor was instantly smitten.
He watched the graceful flow of the man’s body as he twirled his dance partner around the floor.  His movements denoted one skilled in the art, and Viktor thoroughly enjoyed being privy to see it.  He could tell the man was carrying on a conversation with his date, and when his eyes crinkled when he smiled, Viktor thought his heart would cease beating.  His smile was brighter than any star imaginable and the joy on his face ethereal.  Viktor wanted nothing more than to swoon over the man, wished it was him being held in his arms, spinning around the hardwood floor with him.
Shaking the impossible thoughts from his mind, Viktor ordered a drink for his date and returned to her.  His gaze remained fixed on the man, however. Viktor was intrigued by him, and he thought he must introduce himself.  Trying to think of a way to strike up a conversation with him, Viktor was jolted from his reverie when applause broke out among the guests.
“Yes, dear?” he responded with a question of his own.
“I’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes.  I would like to dance now,” she declared, taking his hand and dragging him to the floor.
The band switched to a slower tune and Viktor held his date closer, but his eyes never left the young man.  He barely heard the words his companion was speaking, nodding every so often or giving a hum of approval.  His mind wasn’t on the woman in his arms, but of the man mere feet away from him.
The song seemed to drone on forever.  He wanted to break away from the crowd, find the man that caught his fancy and chat until the small hours of the morning.  He wanted to know everything about him, wanted to hear his laughter and see that broad smile directed at him.
Bowing to his date, Viktor excused himself and scanned the people surrounding him, but became dismayed when he couldn’t locate the one that fascinated him.  Deciding to get a breath of fresh air, Viktor headed for the balcony but froze when he saw someone leaning against the railing. 
It was him, the one that took his breath away.  
Viktor couldn’t believe his luck and wondered if the heavens were smiling down upon him.  Clearing his throat as not to frighten the young man, Viktor ambled up to the railing and stood next to him.
“Good evening, sir,” Viktor said, trying to steady his voice to contain his growing excitement.
“Good evening,” the man said, smiling softly at him.
“Quite the party, isn’t it?” Viktor asked, grinning when the other man chuckled.
“I hate these soirees,” he replied, “Too many expectations and secrets.”
“I agree wholeheartedly,” Viktor said, holding out his hand, “Viktor Nikiforov.”
“Yuuri Katsuki,” the young man said, shaking Viktor’s hand with a strength he found enchanting, “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The pleasure is all mine.  What brings you to the Kelly’s tonight?”
“My father is their investor,” Yuuri said, “I’m representing my family.  I almost wish they had sent my sister.”
“I completely understand,” Viktor lamented, “My father is a steel magnate.  We’re expected to attend events such as this.”
“Wait, Nikiforov Metals?” Yuuri inquired.
“That’s us.”
“My father was just asked to take over as their financier,” Yuuri said in astonishment, “and here I am running into the scion of my father’s newest client.”
“I suppose it is a small world,” Viktor replied, chuckling slightly, “Maybe the stars have aligned or whatnot.”
Viktor watched Yuuri as he stared out at the inky darkness sparsely sprinkled with gas lamps.  He wanted to know what was going through his head but thought it impolite to comment on it.  Leaning against the railing, Viktor looked at Yuuri when he sighed.
“I wish we didn’t have such social responsibilities,” Yuuri began, “I want to feel free and alive, not stifled under others’ expectations.”
“I agree wholeheartedly.  I’m expected to marry and carry on the family business,” Viktor said.
“What would you rather do?” Yuuri inquired.
“Travel the world, help the less fortunate,” Viktor elaborated, “I see the underprivileged in our city and it tugs at my heart.”
“That’s quite admirable of you,” Yuuri said, giving a smile that made Viktor’s heart skip a beat.
“What would be in your future if you had a choice?” Viktor questioned.
“I’d like to go to school for medicine,” Yuuri explained.
“A doctor is a highly respectable career choice,” he said.
“Alas, I feel my life will be dedicated to taking over for my father’s position once he retires,” Yuuri said, sadness mingling in his voice.
“As will mine.  Such are the burdens of an only child,” Viktor said, sighing deeply.
Yuuri nodded in sympathy.  While he wasn’t in the same situation as Viktor, he was the only male heir and was expected to carry on his father’s legacy.  He felt trapped in his circumstances and wasn’t ready to resign himself to his destiny.
“Perhaps in the next lifetime,” Yuuri mused, desperately hoping it were true.
“Mayhap,” he agreed, “but enough about melancholic subjects.  What does Yuuri Katsuki do to pass his time throughout the day?”
“Typically follow my father around and learn from him,” Yuuri revealed, “Other times I spend time in the park reading or playing croquet.  I’m the family champion.”
“Impressive,” Viktor said, grinning when Yuuri smiled, “Have you ever tried your hand at polo?”
“I can’t say that I have,” he said.
“Would you like to join me this week?  There is a spot open on our team since Harold will be out of town.  I’d love for you to experience such a grand occasion,” Viktor invited, sincerely hoping Yuuri would agree.
“Alright,” Yuuri said, “It sounds like fun.  As long as it doesn’t interfere with my schedule, I’d be delighted to tag along.”
“We generally meet up in the square at ten o’clock on Wednesday mornings.  Is that agreeable?” Viktor inquired.
“Quite so.  See you then?”
After exchanging information in case one needed to cancel, they parted for the night to return to their dates.  Viktor kept scouring the crowd for Yuuri much to his date’s chagrin.  The last time Viktor spotted him, he knew he had gone too far.
“You could be couth enough to hide your fancy for other women, Viktor,” she complained, gathering her clutch, “I’m ready to leave now.”
Grimacing as his date angrily shrugged into her shawl, Viktor played scenarios through his head to appease her.  He knew if word got back to his father that he avoided her most of the evening, the man would be most displeased.
“I apologize, my dear,” Viktor said when they reached the stoop of her house, “My wits were not about me tonight.  I promise I shall make it up to you.”
“Don’t bother,” she grumbled, “Good night, Viktor.”
He leaned in to kiss her cheek but was spurned when she spun on her heel and opened the door, slamming it seconds later.  He knew he should have felt horrible at the manner he treated the woman, but he couldn’t help feeling relieved.  Not only would the limelight of her family’s expectations dim, but he wouldn’t be pressed into future engagements involving the woman.
Which left him more time with Yuuri Katsuki.
Grinning to himself, Viktor whistled as he wound his way through the darkened streets toward his own home.
Just something @princessmimoza​ and I thought up in 2018 and finally decided to get going on this project lol.  This ficlet will be updated on the first and sixteenth of every month.  We hope you like it!
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btsqualityy · 5 years
Amour Vincit Omnia / 16
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The next morning was Thanksgiving and when Taehyung woke up, Akira was fast asleep with her cheek pressed against his chest and her right leg wrapped around his as she cuddle up to him. 
After the whole episode at her father’s house, Taehyung drove them back to her mom’s place where Tonya demanded to know what happened once she saw the tears streaming down her daughter’s face. Akira was still pretty upset so Taehyung took over for her, explaining what had happened in the shortest terms that he could manage. Tonya was furious, rightfully so, and Taehyung almost wanted to smile as he realized that Tonya was who Akira had gotten her fierceness from. After Akira promised to talk to her mom later, Taehyung led her upstairs to her bedroom where Akira broke down into tears once again.
Taehyung wasn’t exactly sure how to feel. On one hand, he knew that Calvin and his close-mindedness was the cause of all of this but deep down, he couldn’t help but to feel like he had caused this crack to form in the relationship that Akira had with her father and that was a hard pill to swallow.
Realizing that he had to use the bathroom, Taehyung moved to get out of the bed but Akira whined against his chest and tightened her arms around him.
“I have to pee pretty girl,” he chuckled and she reluctantly moved her leg off of him as well as her arms.
“Hurry up,” she mumbled and he smiled to himself as he got out of the bed and walked over to the door, opening it and stepping into the hallway before gently shutting the door behind him.
After going to the bathroom, doing his business, and washing his hands, he stepped out of the bathroom only to literally run into somebody else.
“Akeem?” Taehyung wondered as he squinted his eyes in the dimly lit hallway.
“Hey Taehyung,” Akeem greeted him. “What are you doing up so early?”
“Bathroom,” Taehyung said as he pointed to the bathroom door behind him. “What about you?” He wondered as he looked Akeem up and down, noticing that he was fully dressed at 6am.
“Ah, I have a few girls who wanted to give me some thanks,” Akeem smirked, making Taehyung chuckle deeply. “Hey, how’s Kira doing?”
“She’s hurt,” Taehyung told him. “I think once her anger subsided, she realized what had happened and I think it’s hard on her.”
“I don’t know what she thought was going to happen,” Akeem said as he shook his head. “That man is deplorable and I’m so glad that I’m nothing like him.”
“Wait, Calvin’s your father too?” Taehyung asked and Akeem nodded. “The way that Akira told me, I just naturally assumed that the two of you had different fathers.”
“Nah, he’s my sperm donor too unfortunately,” Akeem muttered. “Our parents divorced when Akira was in her freshman year of college and I was only 12. Towards the end, our father treated our mom like shit and I can’t forgive him for that because I witnessed it all.”
“And Akira still has a relationship with him because she didn’t see it?” Taehyung questioned and Akeem nodded.
“That and she’s too damn forgiving to the wrong people,” he replied.  “I haven’t seen that man in a good three years and I don’t plan to anytime soon.”
“After meeting him yesterday, that’s completely understandable,” Taehyung joked and Akeem smiled at him.
“Can you do me a favor?” Akeem asked and Taehyung shrugged before nodding. “Look out for Kira for me? And I mean really look out for her. She has the biggest heart and she’s gonna try and act like this whole thing with our dad doesn’t bother her but she’s gonna end up breaking eventually and I’d like to know that she has someone there for her.”
“Of course,” Taehyung smiled softly. “I’m always gonna look out for her.”
“Thank man,” Akeem beamed and they slapped hands, half hugging each other afterwards. “Well, I have to get going. I can’t keep the girls waiting.”
“And you also wanna get back before your mom finds out too, right?” Taehyung pointed out.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Akeem smirked before stepping around Taehyung and heading down the stairs. Taehyung just shook his head and walked down the hall to your bedroom door, opening it and stepping inside before shutting the door behind him.
“I just cannot believe the audacity of that man,” Tonya muttered in annoyance as she angrily slammed the door to the oven after taking a pan of macaroni and cheese out.
“Mommy, can we please just stop talking about it?” Akira pleaded as she finished putting sauce on the meatballs that her mother had cooked before beginning to mix them up.
“I can’t! Not only does he go and disrespect Taehyung, who I know was nothing but respectful to him even though we all know that he doesn’t deserve it, he upset you and made you cry,” Tonya ranted. “You know that I don’t play about my kids.”
“I know Mommy.”
“If it weren’t Thanksgiving, I’d go over there and really tell him something.”
“I know Mommy,” Akira repeated. “But you were right and I should’ve known better than to take Taehyung over there.”
“Your intentions were fine Kira,” Tonya assured her as she walked over to her, taking the spoon out of Akira’s hands and mixing the meatballs herself. “It’s your father being an asshole that caused the problem, not you or Taehyung.” A few seconds of silence passed between them as Akira watched her mother’s movements. 
“Do you feel the same way?” Akira wondered quietly, finally asking the question that had been on her mind since late last night.
“About what?”
“About me dating Taehyung,” Akira clarified and Tonya stopped mixing to look over at her. “Does it bother you that he’s not black?”
“Oh my baby,” Tonya sighed as she quickly wiped her hands off onto a spare rag before setting them on Akira’s cheeks, looking into her eyes. “Of course it doesn’t bother me. I’ve always told you and your brother that I don’t care what your significant others may look like. As long as they make you happy, that’s all that matters to me.”
“And he does Mommy,” Akira nodded, feeling some tears beginning to cloud her vision. 
“I know baby, I can tell by the way you look at him,” Tonya grinned, using her thumbs to wipe Akira’s tears away before they could fall down her cheeks. “He’s good for you, that much is evident. That’s why I don’t get how your father could react like that.”
“I know but its over and done with now,” Akira shrugged before taking a deep breath and reaching up to make sure that the wetness on her face was completely gone. “I just want to enjoy the rest of my visit here with you and Keem.”
“Alright love,” Tonya smiled. “Let’s get this food out there to the boys, yeah?”
“Alright you all, let’s say grace,” Tonya said as she held her hands out, Akira grabbing ahold of her left one and Akeem grabbing onto her right one. Akira took Taehyung’s hand in her left and Akeem reached across the table and grabbed Taehyung’s free hand.
“Dear Lord, thank you so much for this food that we are about to receive. We come together today to practice mindfulness and to remind ourselves about everything that we have in our lives. Even though we are human and often forget how fortunate we all are, you still love us anyway. Please bless the hands that have prepared this food and in Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
“Amen,” everyone repeated afterwards and everyone began to pass the food around, adding healthy amounts to their individual plates.
“How’s the food Taehyung?” Tonya asked him and Taehyung looked up at her as he chewed a large mouthful, only being able to give her a thumbs up since he didn’t want to talk with his mouth full.
“God, I missed your cooking Mommy,” Akira sighed in delight after she had a bite of her mother’s yams.
“There’s no soul food restaurant in that big city?” Tonya joked.
“As if there’s a restaurant that could even come close to your cooking,” Akeem pointed out and Akira nodded in agreement.
“Literally though,” Akira laughed.
“What do you have planned for your birthday this year Kira?” Akeem wondered. 
“I’m not entirely sure yet Keem,” Akira shrugged. “Probably nothing special though, you know me.”
“Your birthday?” Taehyung interjected with a raised brow. “You didn’t tell me that your birthday was coming up.”
“She likes to downplay her day,” Tonya explained.
“It’s December 1st,” Akira told him. “And I’m not downplaying it. It’s just another day to me.”
“You should’ve told me,” Taehyung pouted and Akira laughed at his face.
“It’s not a big deal baby, really,” she swore before leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. Taehyung was about to reply but his phone started to ring in his pocket. After pulling it out and looking at the screen, his eyes widened as he saw the caller ID.
“Uh, excuse me, I have to take this,” he said as he moved to stand up. “It’s business.”
“Feel free,” Tonya nodded.
“Go ahead baby,” Akira added and Taehyung smiled lightly before walking out of the dining room. 
“Oh and speaking of birthdays,” Tonya said as she looked over at Akeem. “You sneak out of this house again, you won’t make it to your next one.”
“What?” Akeem gasped. “How did you even know that I left? Did Taehyung snitch?”
“I’m your mother and this isn’t my first rodeo,” Tonya chuckled. “Akira did it all the time and I’ve learned what the front door sounds like when it opens.”
“And Taehyung knew?” Akira asked.
“Yeah, I ran into him on my way out,” Akeem shrugged as he waved his hand. “But I just went to go hang out with Alicia.”
“It’s always just hanging out until someone gets pregnant,” Tonya said. “And I’ll kill you if you give me any grand kids before you graduate high school.”
“I’m 17 and in my last year of high school so if I got someone pregnant now, the baby would be born after I graduate so technically, I wouldn’t be breaking that rule,” Akeem explained and the death glare that Tonya gave him made Akira laugh out loud.
“Why do you always insist on stressing Mama out like that? You’re the reason that she has those grey hairs,” you joked. 
“Nah, those are from age,” Akeem snickered.
“These are from wisdom, not stress or my age,” Tonya spoke up.
“Whatever makes you feel better Ma,” Akeem muttered and Tonya reached over, smacking the back of his neck which made him yell out in pain.
“Keep playing with me little boy,” Tonya warned and Akira smiled as she watched the two of them interact. Just then, Taehyung walked back into the dining room and Akira looked up at him, noticing the frown on his face.
“Everything ok?” She asked him and he just sighed heavily before nodding his head.
“Yeah, but I have some bad news. I have to go to Korea as soon as possible,” he revealed and Akira’s eyes widened. “There’s some issue with our board and all of our shareholders are freaking out so I have to go and figure out what’s going on.”
“Isn’t it Thanksgiving there too though?” Akeem questioned and Taehyung looked over at him.
“Koreans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time that Americans do so it’s just a normal day there right now,” he explained and Akeem nodded in understanding. Taehyung then looked down at Akira, reaching down and taking her hand in his.
“I hope you’re not upset,” he muttered.
“I am a little but I understand,” she replied honestly. “When are you gonna leave?”
“I was gonna go up and pack my stuff now,” he replied.
“I’ll come help you then.”
“No no baby, you don’t have to do that,” he shook his head. “You stay here and enjoy your family ok?”
“You sure?” Akira asked and he nodded before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Ms. Tonya, thank you so much for hosting me, even though it was only for two days,” Taehyung chuckled.
“No problem sweetie, it was my pleasure. I hope you’ll come back to visit again,” she smile pointedly and Akira rolled her eyes playfully.
“Yes ma’am,” he agreed. “Akeem, it was nice meeting you.”
“Nice meeting you too dude and don’t forget what I asked you,” he reminded him and Taehyung nodded.
“I won’t,” he promised before looking back down at Akira. “I’ll come say goodbye to you before I leave, alright?” He said and Akira nodded before watching him walk away and hearing his footsteps going up the stairs.
“Oh great, now she’s gonna sulk for the rest of the time that she’s here,” Akeem teased and Akira pushed her leg out underneath the table and kicked him in the knee. “Ow! Ma!”
“Don’t call my name, you deserved it,” Tonya shrugged with a smile. “And don’t tease your sister. You’d feel the same way if you were in a committed relationship.”
“Yeah, doubt it,” he muttered before stuffing his mouth with more food. Tonya and Akeem continued to banter back and forth, and Akira only spoke up every once in a while as she tried to finish the food on her plate but she just couldn’t bring herself to. She really wasn’t seriously upset about Taehyung having to leave. She understood, she really did but she still didn’t want him to leave and definitely not all the way back to Korea. 
When she heard his footsteps walking back down the stairs, she got up and excused herself before walking into the front hall, where Taehyung was standing with his suitcase at his feet and looking down at his phone.
“Going now?” Akira spoke up and he looked up from his phone, smiling sadly as he nodded his head.
“Come here pretty girl,” he beckoned as he put his phone into his jacket pocket and Akira walked over to him, giggling when he set his hands on her hips and pulled her forward so that her chest was pressed against his.
“Gonna miss you,” she whispered as she set her hands on his shoulders.
“Gonna miss you too. I’m sorry that I have to leave,” he apologized again.
“It sucks but I know you have to be a responsible empire owner,” she joked, making Taehyung laugh heartily.
“Oh, and I’m gonna have my plane fly back here to take you home to New York on Sunday so that you don’t have to worry about finding a flight,” Taehyung told her.
“Tae you don’t have to do that. I’m sure that I can find another flight back home.”
“It’s the holiday weekend and even if you did manage to find a flight, you’d probably have to pay a ridiculously high price for it,” he replied with a raised brow and Akira sighed. “Just let me do that for you.”
“Ok, ok,” she acquiesced as he leaned forward and pressed kisses all over her face, making her laugh loudly. When he stopped and she managed to get her laughing under control, they made eye contact before Taehyung pressed his lips to hers. The kiss quickly grew passionate, with Akira looping her arms around Taehyung’s neck as Taehyung used the grip that he had on her waist to pull her closer to him. When they finally did pull away, it was only because they both needed to breathe and they both smiled softly as Taehyung let his forehead fall against Akira’s.
“I love you,” Akira whispered into the small space between them and she could feel his pulse quicken from where her arms were around his neck. She almost wanted to take it back when he didn’t make any obvious moves to say anything back, but she wasn’t going to be apologetic for how she felt. She loved him and she had known it for a while now.
“I love you too,” he replied back with a wide grin. Akira looked up at him, using her fingers to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Text me when you land?” She said and he nodded, pressing another kiss to her lips before pulling away. 
“I’ll see you back in New York ok?” He said and she nodded, smiling softly as she watched him grab his suitcase and walk out of the house. She sighed dreamily until she heard a soft snicker from the other room.
“Ew, she’s in love,” Akeem huffed and Akira heard him scream along with a smack, so she figured that her mother had hit him again. Smiling widely, she just shook her head and walked back into the dining room. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 16: Clarity
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
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Chapter Summary: Mikael has Maleny and is hell-bent on making Klaus finally pay for everything done in the past. Still, despite her situation, Maleny finally comes to terms with her feelings.
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Klaus angrily paced back and forth outside Davina's cabin as he left a voicemail to Elijah, "Elijah, where are you? Mikael is loose with the stake, and Maleny is a hostage, and I am weaponless and in need of reinforcement. Urgently!"
He hung up and returned to the cabin where Kol was calmly rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, Davina still unconscious, "Wake her up," Klaus ordered him, "Tell her to get Mikael back here, now."
"Well, let me- let me think about that," Kol tilted his head in pretend thought, "No! I've got nothing against Maleny, honestly - she was my little mischievous companion after all."
"Okay, now is our time, Maleny," Kol declared to the older blonde beside him.
The two were standing side by side a short distance from a table full of various snacks the villagers had put out for their evening celebration. No one was supposed to have any until the celebration properly started.
Just as Kol started for the table, Maleny anxiously grabbed his arm, pulling him back, "You know we're not supposed to touch anything," she reminded him, "There are rules-"
"Oh c'mon, Maleny," Kol turned to her, pleading with her, "We went over this - remember the plan?"
"Ummm..." Maleny looked to the side, feeling guilty for having even thought about going with his plan.
"Mal?" Kol asked again, giving her a pout, "I said we would share and you know I don't disappoint my adoptive sister, so..."
At that Maleny, arched an eyebrow, "You make Rebekah suffer some times."
"Yeah, but half the time she deserves it," Kol shrugged then smiled at her, "But you're not like her. You're nicer, you're definitely a lot more fun than she is. You're like the sister I always wanted."
"Oh, don't be rude," Maleny playfully hit his arm, "And fine...but I want some berries," she pointed to the bowl of her favorite fruit.
"Got it," Kol beamed, sloppily kissing her cheek before heading out to do their plan.
Maleny chuckled to herself, heading to do her task of distraction in the meantime. She was to distract the one preparing the tables, Miss Heartfield - a terrible, strict old woman. If Maleny was honest, she was terrified by the woman but Kol promised her it wouldn't take more than two minutes max for him to snatch up what they wanted.
Kol kept to his word - in two minutes flat he was motioning to Maleny it was time to go. Giggling like a child would, the blonde scurried after him.
"I told you it would be easy," Kol said as they sat down on the ground, their backs against a home wall, both of them munching on their respective snacks.
"I am never doing that again," Maleny warned him as she dropped a couple of berries into her mouth, but both knew that was false.
She had said the same thing mere days ago.
Kol smiled to himself after reliving his memory. He then looked back at Klaus who remained furious than ever by the entrance of the cabin, "Self preservation, you see," he continued his excuse, "I stay in here, Mikael can't get to me. Well, go on then."
Klaus actually felt like killing Kol on the spot for his dismissal at the problem. But he saw there was no use in wasting time with Kol, "We're not done here!" he warned and then sped out to find Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Somewhere deep in the woods by the bayou, Mikael dragged along Maleny in a tight hold.
"You know, I remember you being awful and unnecessarily cruel but this is beyond ridiculous!" the blonde angrily shouted, almost able to hide her fear that coursed through her blood.
"And I seem to remember you weren't a big mouth back then," Mikael replied in a snarky tone, "I assume Niklaus taught you that."
"Who, by the way, is already looking for you," Maleny glared at him, "And we all know what happens when Klaus Mikaelson loses his temper."
Mikael sneered as he came to a stop, "Oh, you are an amusing girl - always have been. But let me tell you, amuseming and entertaining will have you killed eventually," he pointed Papa Tunde's blade at her, "And because you are oh-so-close to Niklaus, your end will be even sooner."
Maleny raised an eyebrow, "And you believe somehow this will make me go against him? If you believed you could do that you wouldn't have taken me as leverage. Because that's why you took me, isn't it?"
Though Mikael was irritated the plan was so easily visible, he stated, "Once I threaten to dismember you in front of him, Klaus will hesitate. And, in that moment of weakness, I shall end him."
"This is so wrong!" Maleny erupted into angry shouts, shaking off Mikael's arm in the process. He knew she couldn't out run him anyways so he let her be, "You have never seen Klaus as your son and when there was finally real proof that he actually wasn't, you went hysterical. You've literally been obsessing over the death of someone whose fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy! If there's anyone you should be going after it's Esther - she's the one who betrayed you."
"Hush! You are the enabler of the weak!" Mikael pointed, "No wonder he always sought your company."
"Cos I understood him, clearly," Maleny argued, but her mind wronged her by reminding her of a period where that wasn't true.
Maleny was quietly tending to pile of cloths inside her home when she happened to look up and see Klaus passing by. Immediately, she dropped her things and called for him, "Klaus!" she ran for her open door.
"Stay there!" the newly made vampire (or hybrid) ordered her just as she came to the door.
Startled, Maleny froze in her spot, "I...I know what happened out there," she nodded for the forest, "Rebekah, she...told me."
"Then you know what I have become," Klaus opened his arms and walked towards her, unable to really look her in the eyes, "A beast..."
Maleny's eyes lowered in clear sympathy for him, "I'm sorry...I..."
She'd heard from Esther about the savagery state Klaus had entered early at dawn, unable to control himself (as well as the others) after trying to decently feed off people in the forest. They would have died if they hadn't been stopped by Mikael and Finn. She'd wanted to go find him immediately but Esther had stopped her, warning Maleny of the danger she would be placing herself in.
"You are going to stay in there, Maleny," Klaus pointed towards Maleny's home, making the blonde take a quick glance back, "and you are not going to look for me-"
Maleny blinked in confusion, "What? But I-" and when she tried taking a step out of her house Klaus shouted.
"Stay in there!"
The blonde flinched under the harsh tone. Her blue eyes had widened, not in horror but of pain. She was quite used to her father using the same tone to talk to her, but never from Klaus.
"Maleny, I am...something bad," Klaus said, putting in simpler terms, "I have to feed off people to survive and it is a difficult struggle to have control."
"That's not your fault," Maleny whispered, her hand reaching out to his only to have him step back, "Klaus, why are you doing this?" her eyes began rapidly blinking as they watered, "I know what you are. I am not afraid."
"But I am," Klaus confessed under a shaky tone, "You do not understand Maleny. I can hear your heart pumping blood, blood I now crave, blood that warms your pink cheeks. And the last thing I want is for you to become my next prey."
Maleny's tears had begun running down her face, "I know you won't hurt me…"
"Give me time, Maleny. Pain is the last thing I want to cause you."
"Then stop this madness right now," Maleny weakly ordered, stepping out of her home's boundary. She purposely inched closer to him, running her fingers up his arm, "Let me be there for you. I can...I can help you..." she offered, though no specific ideas came to mind at the moment.
Klaus nearly fell under her charms as she brushed her lips against his. But her delicious, human scent became more prominent in the air, and her heartbeat rang in his ears. He pushed her away, making her stumble back into her home, " Stay away from me, Maleny," he whispered, doing a surprisingly good job of hiding his tears, "Stay indoors, where I cannot reach you - nor my siblings," with his final warning he turned away and walked off.
Maleny shut her eyes as she remembered the awful period she'd spent lonesomely whilst Klaus kept away from her. She didn't realize Mikael had taken an interest in distant music that had carried over through their silence.
"I hear music," he declared, glancing back at her, "And, where there's music, there's food."
"Oh," Maleny crinkled her nose, "leave them alone."
"Would you rather it be you I feed off, then?" Mikael challenged, coming back to her.
"Frankly, yes," Maleny nodded, making him laugh.
"How heroic of you," he snagged Maleny by the arm, dragging her towards his next meal's location, "Where'd you learn that one? Because it certainly wasn't from that hybrid."
"This may come as a shocker to you, Mikael, but I do have qualities that are all mine," Maleny rolled her eyes.
But Mikael sneered in return, dismissing her statement, "Oh please, ever since I could remember you were after my family like a lost-"
"I had lost my mother, you ignorant fool!" Maleny snapped, and soon saw the error she made when Mikael abruptly stopped and faced her with rage. Knowing he would break her if he overdid it, he settled for a hard strike across the face. Maleny fell to the ground, drowning her painful screeches as best she could. She looked up, mustering up her courage, "My life was hell after my mother died. My father was cruel and did nothing but hit me and treat me like a servant. I wasn't 'after your family' - I loved them like they were my own."
"Oh how truly sappy," Mikael rolled his eyes and turned away from her, trying to once again locate the distant music.
"Don't be snappish because you weren't able to learn what love was," Maleny said, earning herself a threatening glare back.
"And you think you know what that is?" he challenged, quickly getting the answer.
"Yes, I do-"
"Oh, really?"
"-I know what it is," Maleny spoke over him, "I do. I felt it before I even knew what it was."
Mikael stalked back to her, leaning down as she was still on the ground, "You think what you felt for Niklaus was..." he sardonically laughed, "...love?"
Maleny looked to the side, "Yes...there was no other word for it. Finn, Elijah, and Kol, I loved them to bits and pieces but...as brothers. They were my brothers. But Klaus, I..." she sighed, "...he made the simplest of things such puzzles..."
"Maleny," Rebekah came up to the blonde girl that was just coming out from the forest with a basket of damp clothes on her side, "Oh, thank God I found you. I need your help!"
Maleny didn't even get a word in before Rebekah dragged her by the arm towards a wooden table full of materials needed for basket making, "Let me guess," Maleny began when Rebekah cut her off frantically.
"I completely forgot I had to do this and now my mother is going to come back and shout at me or worse - she's going to-"
"Rebekah," Maleny rose her voice, completely amused by her. Rebekah blinked rapidly, trying to calm, while Maleny put down her basket on the edge of the table, "I can help you. I just finished washing clothes so I have time."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rebekah beamed and got straight to work with the blonde beside her.
"Now dear Maleny," they heard Elijah's voice, "don't tell me you're honestly falling for our sister's clever lies."
Maleny looked up, as did Rebekah, and saw Elijah and Klaus coming towards them. Immediately her hands fumbled with the bits she held between her fingers.
"I am not lying," Rebekah huffed, indignant of her brother's accusation.
"Just last week you asked poor Maleny to help you in..." Klaus stopped a moment to remember the task but frowned and looked at Maleny, "...what was it again, Mal?"
"U-uh...fruit collecting," Maleny answered almost instantaneously.
"Right, and then two days ago she asked you to...?"
"Help her wash clothes."
Rebekah looked between her brother and Maleny, at first annoyed Maleny was just giving into the accusations but then she saw Maleny's face and, well...she sighed in defeat. Anything Klaus wanted to know from her she would automatically spill. However, she failed to see Klaus' face whenever Maleny spoke.
Elijah did not. He was outright bemused by the sudden silence that fell between the four. Maleny had returned to her basket making, though her fingers seemed to have lost their talent like if she had never even learned. Meanwhile, Klaus took to staring at her like she was doing the most interesting craft in the world.
But Maleny's yelp cut through the awkward air. She had accidentally poked herself and drew blood from her index finger. "Maybe I won't help," she said afterwards, wincing as she touched her finger, "Ow..."
"Here," Klaus gently took her hand into his, startling Maleny. She blushed madly, rapidly blinking. She felt her heart beating so violently she actually thought for a minute it would simply burst. It was an annoyance sometimes, honestly, to constantly be nervous around someone to the point where it became true fear they might muck it up some way. But she never wished for it to stop.
Maleny smiled to herself, forgetting the monstrous man she had inches from her, "Even to making a bloody basket was difficult for me..." she actually forgot the feelings Klaus provoked - and probably without even knowing it.
Mikael had heard enough and yanked the woman to her feet, gripping both her wrists, "You were doomed from the start, then," he declared and dragged her for the nearby human camp settlement, ignoring her struggles.
~ 0 ~
"Hayley!" Cami came frantically through the courtyard of the compound, "Hayley!"
"What!?" Hayley came out from one of the rooms upstairs, "I know you're kinda new at this but you realize I have super hearing, right?"
Cami ignored the sarcasm with a shake of her head, "Has Elijah came back yet!?"
The name of the Original put Hayley on edge, "...no."
Cami deeply sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "He's gonna MIA and that's not like him. I told you, he should've came in last night."
Hayley shifted on her feet as she admitted, "I couldn't quite track Oliver either."
That sent Cami a whole new wave of worriment, "If they're both missing then something happened, something Esther did I'm sure."
"We've got to find them," Hayley muttered and hurriedly went for the stairs.
"Please," Cami nearly sounded like she was begging, but she simply couldn't help it.
Even Gia had told her to calm down and just let Elijah call her when he called her. She made Cami rethink all of this 'distancing' idea with how worried she was over the Original. It certainly didn't seem like Cami wanted to stay away.
~ 0 ~
Mikael dragged Maleny into a run-down warehouse and once they were at the center of the prime room he shoved her to the dirty floor.
"You're a monster!" Maleny pushed her hair out of her face and glared up at the man, "But then that's nothing new. You've always been a monster, a cruel man, and always towards Klaus."
"I didn't always hate him," Mikael interjected, "When Klaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought, 'This one- this one has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy.' But, my hope was short-lived. And, when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious. But, that passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast."
"Esther's infidelity was not his fault!" Maleny felt like a broken record as she said those words, "How do I get that through your thick head!?"
"Everything that followed was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves! He ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon, and he took my youngest son, Henrik. He was but a child, and he was torn apart."
"But that was an accident!" Maleny got up to her feet.
"An accident?" Mikael nearly lost it then, "AN ACCIDENT? HE MURDERED MY WIFE! HIS OWN MOTHER! Who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature! He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me! And yet, you defend him?"
"You didn't need anyone to make your children turn against you!" Maleny shouted right back but her voice hardly equaled his roar, "You were an awful father right from the start! Everything that happened was because of you - you and Esther."
"And what about you, my dear?" Mikael appeared to be amused by her, "Are you going to forget you participated in the very spell that created vampires?"
A distraught Esther and Mikael were coming out of a friend's (or ex-friend now) house when Maleny approached them, appearing rather nervous.
"I can help," the blonde declared, her fingers playing with each other as a way to relieve her nervousness. Esther looked at the young woman, expecting some explanation, "I know what you're trying to do to Klaus and the others...and I want to help."
"You?" Mikael couldn't help the scoff come from his mouth.
However, Esther seemed less reluctant, "Now wait a minute, I have taught her everything she knows and she is Abigail's daughter, meaning her power is grand."
"I will help as much as I can," Maleny promised.
"Do you even understand what we are trying to do?" Mikael wondered.
"Not completely," Maleny admitted sheepishly, "but I know you are trying to help Klaus and I will do anything to facilitate that."
Esther exchanged a brief glance with Mikael and quickly compiled an easy lie to really get the girl, "We want to strengthen our children, make it so that no one can hurt them."
Maleny seemed pleased with what she heard and smiled, "Then I will most definitely help. All I ask in return is that you allow me to keep seeing your children. I have lost who I loved most when I was a child and I do not wish for that to repeat itself."
Mikael smirked and nodded, "Then it is a deal, child."
"No, I stand by what I did," Maleny straightened up, "Because when I did it I was told it would strengthen them, never to make them into vampires. You and Esther lied, and that is why it's your fault. Do not stand there and blame me, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah or any of your children for being what they are - for what you and your wife did."
Mikael super sped up to her and grabbed her by the neck, "I used to have appreciation for you," he seemed to be studying her face, "As a child you reminded me of my eldest daughter who died. When you grew up, I thought you would make a fine addition to the family as the wife of one of my sons..."
"I would've happily done that," Maleny coughed as the air struggled to get into her lungs.
"Oh no, no - you speak of Niklaus when I speak of my true sons," Mikael gripped her throat just a little tighter. Maleny's hands flung to his arms, trying to push him off, "Perhaps Finn? Elijah? or Kol? He was nearer to your age..."
"That would've happened over my dead body!" Maleny shouted and kicked his shin. While it did no actual harm, Mikael was forced to let go of her from the sudden spark of pain. Maleny immediately took a deep breath.
"You are a stupid girl," Mikael snatched her by the arm, baring his fangs out for her.
"N-n-n-n-no! Don't-"
But Mikael bit down on her neck and Maleny screamed in utter pain.
~ 0 ~
In the location of Mikael's earlier meal in the woods stood Klaus who finished feeding off the remainders of the living humans. He needed all the bits of strength he could gather if he wanted to save Maleny. His mind was buzzing with all the different strategies that could possibly guarantee Maleny returning home with her life, even if it was just her who was left alive. He hadn't stopped cursing himself for being the complete careless man he kept swearing to Maleny he wouldn't be to keep her safe. Every time he got the smallest distraction (and usually by her ironically) she was hurt.
His phone ringing interrupted his grim thoughts, and when he answered he didn't bother hiding his impatience and rage, "What the hell do you want now, Hayley!? I'm a busy."
"That's rude, even for you," Hayley said back, and Klaus could picture her rolling her eyes, "I take it you've done no progress with Maleny whatso-"
"Don't speak further if you know what's good for you!" Klaus snapped, "Was there a point to this phone call?"
"Something has happened to Elijah. He was supposed to be our decoy last night, and now he's vanished. There's blood everywhere- werewolf and vampire. There's a trail. Cami and I need you to help us track it."
Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose as he mentally added one more problem to his list, "Well, as much as I might like to help you find my brother, I have more pressing matters as the moment."
"What's more important than your own brother?" Hayley indignantly inquired.
"Not 'more important' simply a main priority," Klaus clarified, "Starting with the only one out of all of us that still has a live, beating heart."
"Maleny?" Hayley repeated, confused, "What's happened?"
"Mikael took her," Klaus answered, his rage bubbling in each of the words, "He took her and I'm trying to find her - on my own - before she's truly hurt."
"So you have a plan, then?"
"Not exactly. Mikael now has Tunde's blade and the white oak stake but I'm sure I'll come up with something."
"Klaus, are you out of your mind!?"
"Frankly, yes, but I'm sure that'll go away once I find Maleny...because I will find her," Klaus almost promised at the spot, "And then I'm gonna end this. Either Mikael or I will be ash by day's end."
"I think we would all prefer for the ashes to be Mikael's," Hayley cut in, sounding less irritated than before, "Be careful, and bring back Mal. Cami and I will work to get Elijah back."
"Sounds like a plan," Klaus said, though really the thought of his family hadn't even crossed his mind once since he'd began searching for Maleny. There was no room to think of anything else that didn't involve Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Cami was inside the bedroom she often used in the compound when she stayed overnight. She held Elijah's gifted journal in her hands, skimming a couple paragraphs across several pages. When she heard footsteps nearing, she looked up and saw Hayley coming in. She closed her journal, awkwardly placing her hands over it like she were protecting it from unwanted eyes.
Hayley saw the action and lightly smiled, "I'm not gonna pick the lock and peek," she playfully warned.
"Sorry," Cami flushed and looked down.
"You know Elijah often looked at that thing while you were gone," Hayley leaned against the dresser, smirking at Cami's horrified face, "I literally mean staring at its covers," Hayley clarified, "As if Elijah would peak into you diary."
"Right..." Cami bit her lip, feeling slightly guilty for thinking Elijah would read her private thoughts when he was the one who gifted her the journal.
"He missed you a lot," Hayley said quietly, "I think he would be happy to see you this concerned over him."
"Just because I left didn't mean I stopped caring for you guys," Cami shrugged.
"Oh c'mon, Cami, if Elijah had done the same thing you did wouldn't you feel a little distraught?"
Cami sighed, rubbing her face in frustration, "God, I messed up. I didn't...I didn't mean to cause all this trouble. I was having problems of my own and I just...I took an abrupt decision, okay? Everyone does it."
"Agreed," Hayley raised her hands to show her neutral side.
"I just...I just want him back here," Cami then said quieter, "Is Klaus on his way?"
"Yeah, about that..." Hayley pushed herself off the dresser and walked about in the room, "...see, there's another problem that he really has to take care of right now."
"What?" Cami frowned. "Is he serious? We need him here to help us find Elijah!"
"Cami," Hayley sharply looked at her, "he's trying to find Maleny."
Cami blinked rapidly for a couple seconds, "C-come again now? Why would he need to find Maleny? I thought he was following her?"
"They found Mikael, apparently, and I guess he broke free from Davina's spell or something because he took Maleny..."
"What!?" Cami jumped from her spot on the bed, letting her journal fall to the floor, "My cousin's missing and you didn't tell me right away!?"
"Sorry," Hayley meekly apologized, "Look, he's going to find Mal and we're going to find Elijah."
"We need to help find Maleny," Cami shook her head, quickly prioritizing in her mind.
"What? But what about Elijah?"
"You said that this place," Cami gestured to the compound, "was home for me too and that everyone here was family. We find the person who needs more help. Elijah's an Original and wherever he is he can't die but Maleny can. He would want us to go find her first."
Hayley could hear Elijah saying something similar, as he once showed it when he chose her before Klaus and Rebekah during Celeste's awful game. It was necessary prioritizing.
~ 0 ~
It wasn't long before Klaus caught up with Mikael's trail to the abandoned warehouse. He was walking in with no weapons save a makeshift stake from a discarded shovel he found outside. It was nothing compared to what Mikael possessed but it was all there was and he was going to fight no matter what.
He barely contained himself he came into the warehouse and found Mikael holding Maleny at knife-point. He could see Maleny already weakened by the dried up blood on her neck from an earlier feeding - her face of cuts and dirt were the prominent second. Her eyes begged to be helped as the knife poked her flesh.
"You're gonna pay for hurting her," he angrily warned, moving for them but Mikael purposely pricked Maleny's neck to keep him back, "You always talk about what a 'man' should do and yet you use a mortal in your fights?"
Mikael scowled at the accusation, "I don't need a mortal in my battles - I already have two weapons that could easily kill you. She was merely insurance that you followed the trail. However, I did make her a promise that I'd drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn."
"LET HER GO!" roared Klaus, baring his hybrid face. He charged with enough speed to prevent Mikael from threatening Maleny again. He pushed Mikael across the room towards the wall, but from the great blow they broke into the second room.
Maleny fell to the floor and gasped, her hand flying to her blood-covered neck. She winced at the many crashes from the other room and looked around for anything that could help bring down Mikael. She decided nothing could beat the white oak stake but it didn't mean she couldn't use her magic to help Klaus get an advantage over Mikael. Pushing herself up to her feet, she drew a big breath and focused on a spell.
In the next room, Klaus had gotten Mikael down to the floor and was able to retrieve the white oak stake. However, Mikael then flung to Papa Tunde's blade towards Maleny, making Klaus leave speed into the main room to catch the blade before it could hurt Maleny. In doing so, he allowed Mikael to retrieve the white oak stake again from the floor. Mikael wasn't one to waste time so sped up to Klaus and stabbed him in the chest.
To Maleny, it almost felt as if her world has stopped then, "NOO!" she screamed in horror.
Klaus gave his own shriek of pain, his face beginning to desiccate with the stake embedded in his chest. Mikael eagerly awaited for the fire to begin and truly end Klaus but when nothing happened he became furious.
"Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, it would burn. Burn!"
Maleny's breath hitched in her throat when she realized the same thing. There was a spell brewing and it was close by. Whatever it was, it was holding back the stake's power, meaning there was still time to save Klaus. As soon as Mikael left the room to find the mysterious spell's origin, Maleny dashed towards Klaus.
She dropped to her knees and began pulling on the stake, trying to get it out, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," she grunted, ignoring her teary eyes as best she could. She didn't know when the spell would stop so she needed to be quick, but her weakness had proven a little stronger, "Isabelle, please help," she whispered and took a deep breath and she reached out to her French coven's help. Once she felt the power source through her veins, she finally pulled the stake from Klaus' chest.
She began smiling when she saw the color return to his face, even though it would take a little longer for him to wake up. What she would give to hear one of his sarcastic remarks, or anything for that matter. Because if he spoke, he would be fine, and then she would be fine too.
"What do you think you're doing?" Mikael's voice startled her into getting up.
She gripped the stake in her hands, holding towards him, "Stay the hell away from us! Or, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself."
Mikael looked mildly impressed, "You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir."
"That's funny - you think I'm alone in this," Maleny smirked with a tilt of her head, "One thing about witches, most of us stand together," she lowered the stake and mustered all her energy to match Isabelle's coven's and with a powerful gust of wind flung Mikael back against a wall, "I am not the naive girl of forest anymore, Mikael. I've learned my share of battle techniques with the centuries!" she made for it to cause an aneurysm, though it was simultaneously draining what little energy she had left.
Thankfully, Hayley appeared, along with Marcel, and started pounding on Mikael. Cami ran straight in for her blonde cousin who wobbled on her feet.
"Now, ENOUGH!" Mikael roared in rage, finally able to shove Marcel backwards, "This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you."
Klaus finally woke up with a gasp and wasted no time in getting up. Hayley grabbed a silver chain off the floor and threw it around Mikael's neck, pulling hard enough to knock him off his feet.
"Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it," she cast a smirk.
Davina entered the room in a hasty run, her neck oozing with blood Mikael had decided to feed on due to her spell. She went straight for Maleny, feeling awful she'd let her get caught in the crossfire. Though that also added to the many opponents Mikael already had - and that he knew.
"It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered," Klaus called out to the man, "Are you going to beg for your miserable life?"
Mikael laughed, "You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles," he threw them a scrap of wood at them before speeding out of the place.
The relief flooding the room became evident with the sighs that came out of everyone. After things got settled, Hayley and Marcel went to give the immediate area a final check for Mikael. Davina knew she had to get back to her 'friend' Kol who was outside, probably unconscious from Mikael's attack, but she wanted to have a word with Maleny first. She only took two steps forwards when Cami blocked the way.
"Cami, I just want to-"
"You've overdid it this time, Davina," the blonde scolded, though it was clear Cami struggled to be severely angry. She was still used to seeing Davina as just some kid who continued to be caught in crossfires of supernaturals. But now that she was a vampire, she had to force herself to see Davina as what she was: a witch with great power.
"I know," Davina agreed, but she wasn't sorry for trying to kill Klaus. She was only sorry Maleny got hurt and Marcel nearly died.
"Then you know I don't want to see you right now," Maleny called from her spot across the room, now sitting down on a wooden bench. She was waiting for Klaus to return with something to help her clean herself up. She needed Davina to be out of the room by that time that happened. God knows what the raging hybrid might do to the teen then.
"Mal, I'm really sorry," Davina ran a hand through her hair, frustrated.
"I know you are," Maleny could tell by her face the teen was genuinely sorry for her actions but it didn't erase all that happened, "I just don't want to see you right now. I think I'm entitled that after the day I had."
"If I can just explain-"
"Explain what, Davina?" Maleny couldn't help the cold tone lacing her words. She would've stood up if she felt herself again but for the moment she was stuck to the bench, "That you wanted to kill Klaus? Yeah, I heard the story. There's nothing to explain."
"You can't defend him, Mal! He's not a good person-"
"And neither are you, but you don't see me calling you out," Maleny said sourly, "I know what Klaus did to you and you don't know how sorry I am for that. You didn't deserve it."
"He killed Tim!" Davina exclaimed, her anger getting the best of her, "How can you defend that? Do you know how that feels?"
"See that's what I want you to think about," Maleny replied with, "If you know how that feels, losing someone you care about...why would you want to condemn to feel the same thing? After centuries of this curse, I...I don't think I could bear losing him anymore. If he dies then I will follow him."
"Mal, he's not…" Davina's eyes widened, gesturing back, "...he's not...he's not a good person! He's not worth it! You can do so much better-"
"I already have what I want from life and rest assure I will fight against anyone who threatens that," and however she could, she managed to stand but when Cami saw her wobbly legs she ran over to help, "And I'm sorry Davina, but if that means I have to fight you too...then I will."
Davina's eyes became glossy with the declaration, but she would not back down from what she felt was right, "Well," she swallowed down, "then I guess you've picked your side."
"I don't hate you Davina," Maleny whispered, "You're like a little sister to me..."
"I don't hate you either," Davina replied with the same whisper-like tone. Seeing there was no other thing to do, she turned on her heels and walked out.
Maleny sniffled and Cami slowly sat her down, "I'm sorry, Mal."
"For what?" Maleny sighed, "It wasn't you that tried to kill Klaus. I should be thanking you, actually. I heard Elijah's missing and yet you came down to help."
"Yeah well, Marcel learned what was going on and if Klaus dies so does he so that's how we got our ride here."
"And you?" Maleny looked at her cousin studiously, "You've gone for two weeks and you suddenly came by to help?" Cami guiltily looked to the side, "What happened, Cami?" Maleny asked quietly, "Elijah came back and said you two had a disagreement or something…"
"Petty disagreement," Cami dismissed the Original's topic with a clear of her throat.
"Right, well that 'petty disagreement'," Maleny did air quotation marks, "had Elijah moping around like never before," she then noticed the blush creeping over Cami's cheek, making her begin to smirk, "Cami...is there something you'd like to share with me?"
Cami thanked her lucky stars that Klaus came into the room as she was no where near ready to talk about that with Maleny.
"Not much but I did find this," the hybrid waved a long towel in his hand, "Marcel might be pretty irritated I ransacked his car."
Maleny smiled as he came up to them and Cami felt it was time to for her to go, "I'll go see if Hayley and Marcel are back," she excused herself with rapidness and hurried out.
"What's wrong with her?" Klaus asked curiously as he watched the blonde vampire head out rapidly.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure she's got the hots for your brother but doesn't realize it yet," Maleny shrugged casually and took the towel from him, "But don't tell anyone I said that."
Klaus would've laughed at her if it hadn't been for everything that had happened earlier. He bent down in front of her to clear up the dried blood from her when she noticed the stab wound on his chest hadn't cleared up yet.
"Is that going to hurt longer?" she whispered, gently placing a hand over the wound.
"It'll be fine soon enough," Klaus took her hand and gripped it, "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for."
Horrified to even hear that thought, she shook her head, "Don't even say it. I don't...I don't ever want to hear the possibility of that. Instead, I'd like to hear how we plan to kill Mikael as soon as we get the chance. Because I want him dead - to ashes if possible."
Klaus raised an eyebrow, taken aback by the cold bluntness in her tone, "Well, and here I thought you'd be getting rest and-"
"Listen," Maleny stopped him with her other hand, "When we stop Mikael and find Elijah then you can be a good nurse this time and put me to bed…" and then she thought how that sounded out a second later, "...okay, that sounded less awkward in my head," Klaus smirked and Maleny, embarrassed, laughed and hid her face behind her hands, "Shut up, just shut up and don't say anything."
Klaus lowered her hands from her face and softened as he reached to touch the bite marks still clear on her neck, "You shouldn't have been caught in this…"
"I've always been in this and that's the way I want it to be," Maleny firmly told him, "This is my side, my choice and no one's going to take it from me," surprised, Klaus blinked and slowly began to smile.
"You made your decision," Klaus felt like a child the way he said it, unable to hide his relief and happiness as he cupped her face.
"In the end, this is my family," Maleny softly said, purposely leaning forwards, "I came so far and I'm not losing any one of you for anything nor anyone."
She had the most beautiful of smiles across her face, so Klaus thought. He traced her lips with a thumb, wondering what kind of scold he would get from her if he stole a kiss off her. Unfortunately, mere seconds after he decided going for one, the others returned.
"So, Mikael's no where to be seen," Hayley announced, eyeing the pink-faced Maleny.
Klaus rose to his feet and turned to the trio, looking less embarrassed than Maleny, "I appreciate your assistance."
Marcel smiled, "Well, hey! You die, I die. Just call me selfish," but his eyes moved to Maleny and for the first time since they met, he spoke to her a in a kind tone, "I'm glad you're okay too, Maleny."
The blonde nodded, "Thank you. I'm glad my cousin's been in good care for this past week. I really appreciate that."
"And now that everything's a little better, I think we all need to turn our attention to Elijah," Cami reminded them all, hoping she didn't sound rude, "And we should hurry up."
And just like she wanted, they did.
~ 0 ~
One day passed and to everyone's misfortune (especially Cami's) Elijah was no where in sight. It led Klaus to do his common strategies when time was turning precious - torture. Consequently, in her piano room, Maleny desperately tried to drown out the shrill cries of pain by trying to successfully reproduce a tune Elijah had been meaning to teach her.
"Lavender's blue..." she mumbled to herself, wincing every now and then, "...lavender...lavender..." but then came the biggest scream possible and she quit, "Ah!" she growled in frustration and raised her hands, balling them into fists.
It had been her ridiculous attempt to get over being kidnapped and nearly killed instead of going for the usual 'take a rest and nap' thing. Clearly, nothing would be working. Taking a breath, she got up and left the room.
She passed Klaus' bedroom in favor of Hayley's, knowing the first was locked for clear reasons. Hayley was already having a conversation with Klaus in the nursery room, the connecting doors of Klaus' room also shut.
"So, the word 'interrogation' has lost the meaning I knew about," Maleny walked in more or less annoyed with the disturbance.
"Turns out witches are delicate creatures," Klaus said without thinking and earned himself a mock glare.
"Thanks," Maleny crossed her arms.
"Of course not you, love," Klaus casually corrected himself, unaware of the blush and smile the blonde acquired from the comment, "No matter! I suspected my mother had Elijah captive."
"Great," Haley started fishing for her phone in her jeans' pocket, "Then let's call Cami and tell her. She's been out looking with Gia."
But Klaus refused with a shake of his head, "Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out."
"On your own," Maleny blinked, "That's too dangerous."
"Well you can't come with me, can you?" Klaus countered with and quickly shut Hayley down before she nominated herself, "And since you need someone to watch over you, Hayley's staying here."
"Are we really going through this whole babysitting thing again?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, "Because I think I've dealt with worse things now."
"Look, if either of you come," Klaus gestured between her and Hayley, "then my mother will be sure to use one of you - if not both of you - to thwart me. I can't save Elijah if I'm busy saving you," he moved to close the doors again when Maleny stopped him.
"Can we talk afterwards, then?" Maleny inquired in low whisper, "It's really important," and yet even though it was so important she hadn't had the chance to talk to him about it since they returned from Mikael's adventure. Klaus had immediately set to finding Elijah all through the day and the morning.
"Afterwards," Klaus promised with a wide smile, moving back into his room.
Maleny sighed and whirled around to Hayley, looking more than disappointed. Hayley patted her arm and started leading her back to her own room on the other side of the nursery, "There, there, you want a drink?"
Maleny playfully rolled her eyes, "You can't get me drunk to forget my problems, Hayley. One of these days, it's not going to work."
Hayley laughed as they walked out of her room when they both heard a new voice calling out from the courtyard.
"Hello?" it was a young woman's voice...and French too, "Hello? Is anyone in here?"
Maleny's eyes widened as she recognized the voice and therefore the woman. She quickly ran up to the banister and looked down to see a tall, dark-haired woman standing in the middle, curiously looking around.
Hayley came up beside her, confused of what was happening, "Who's that, Mal?"
Maleny smiled at the woman below, "Amarrah!"
~ 0 ~
Cami and Gia walked into Marcel's apartment wearing glum faces, though the blonde looked more upset as was expected. After patrolling the Quarter, and the Algiers, they came up with nothing new on Elijah.
"So I'm assuming the search wasn't a success?" Marcel asked from the couch.
"Do you see an Original with us?" Cami sarcastically motioned to the space around her.
"She's a bit cranky cos she hasn't slept at all," Gia sarcastically smiled as she plopped down to the couch across Marcel, "We did what you advised - kept a low profile - went all over the city but there's no sign of Elijah anywhere."
"Yeah," Marcel nodded, "The humans I know said the same thing. Maybe Klaus is having better luck?"
"He would've called me already," Cami rubbed her face in pure frustration. She could not believe Elijah had been gone for days now and without leaving a trace.
"Actually," Hayley strolled into the room, "He would not have. Mal would kill him if he did."
Cami quickly turned around for the brunette, "Has he found him yet?"
"No," Hayley shook her head, "But I could use a rescue mission team again."
"For Elijah…?"
"Nope, that's all Klaus," Hayley clarified, "I'm talking about Oliver. Now, he and Elijah were fighting the werewolves together. I've heard that Oliver's been captured and is about to be executed. Now, look- if we can save Oliver, then we might be able to find out where Elijah is."
Marcel thought the plan wrong and made his question, "Kay, so what do you want from us?"
"Just a little distraction. Esther's son, Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, I can go get Ollie myself."
"You can't take on all those wolves by yourself. You'll get killed, and then I'll get killed for letting it happen."
Hayley sighed, "I'm not going in alone. The werewolves may be answering to the witches, but they still have an Alpha. I just have to find him."
"Jackson?" Cami recalled the name of Hayley's supposed betrothed and frowned, "He's been gone for months now. How do you expect to find him?"
Hayley didn't have a clear plan but she knew she was going to find him no matter what, "Are you in or out?"
Cami bit her lip, glancing at the window, "But Elijah…"
"Will be found by Klaus," Hayley assured.
"And Mal…?"
"She sort of has company today," Hayley crossed her arms, "So she'll be pretty safe with that woman. Cami, I really need your help. Can I count on you?"
Cami looked at the brunette and nodded, "Of course," and she motioned for Hayley to lead the way.
~ 0 ~
Amarrah Collins, daughter of one of the heads in the French coven that helped Maleny recuperate, sat on the foot of Maleny's bed intently studying every aspect of Maleny's bedroom. The expression on Amarrah's face led Maleny to believe she was angry - or at the very least annoyed. To be fair, Maleny was also annoyed with her abrupt presence because she knew Isabelle had sent the daughter to look after her.
"You were kidnapped," Amarrah broke the tensed silence in the room, finally returning her emerald green eyes to Maleny, the blonde leaning against her dresser.
"I suppose Isabelle felt the channeling of powers..." Maleny sighed, but was far stunned after Amarrah made a revelation.
"I have been in the Quarter for two weeks now and I am, frankly, appalled with your situation and the Mikaelsons."
"How in the hell does this all powerful hybrid think it safe for you to wander the streets on your own when you could be hunted down?"
Maleny was blinking rapidly, her mind racing to let it sink in that Amarrah had basically been witness to all that occurred in the last two weeks. Amarrah was a genuinely fun person to be around with - a very witty woman - but when she was angry God help the people who are on the receiving end.
"Maleny, I thought this man, though impulsive as you said, was responsible," Amarrah crossed her arms, quite frankly disappointed she hadn't gotten a chance to meet this Klaus to give him a piece of her mind.
"He is-" Maleny meekly began but Amarrah wasn't finished.
"You have been in and out of this compound and mostly on your own. Very few times have I witnessed either the brunette woman accompanying you. My mother was right - you are in way over your head."
"Now wait a minute," Maleny straightened up, "People can't be with me 24/7. I can walk now, Ams, and I have enough power to defend myself."
"That's not the point," Amarrah interjected, "If someone finds to your last corpse and so happens to know witches they can bring you down."
"Thanks Ams," Maleny walked away from her French friend.
Amarrah sighed, softening somewhat, "You know I care for you, Mal, but I am very concerned for you alright? You told my mother Esther was back and, well...she's crazy!"
"I noticed," Maleny sarcastically said back, pretending to fiddle with a cardigan draped over her vanity desk chair.
"And then you were kidnapped. Do you know how crazy I went when I figured it out!? Mal, I was up and ready to call Mum!"
"You didn't actually do that did you!?" Maleny had whirled around in terror of the idea.
"No," Amarrah assured, "But I feel like I should have. I had no idea how to find you without anything of yours."
"I'm back, and I'm okay," Maleny gestured to her perfectly well appearance.
"I am very relieved," Amarrah sternly said, "But I am very serious about your security guards around here."
Maleny groaned and walked over to her bed, promptly letting herself fall flat on her back. She shut her eyes, "Please, not you too. Anyone but you. You're the fun one! The party one!"
"Am not," Amarrah shot her an offended look, "I'm a Police detective for crying out loud! I don't party."
"But you are still the fun one," Maleny insisted, opening her eyes, "And I am begging you not to talk about my 'safety measures'. For all that is good please spare me it."
Amarrah held her hands in surrender, "I suppose I'm not the first one who's brought it up?"
"You suppose right. Everyone does it - it's like the hot news of every freaking day. But oh! There's no one who does it more than Klaus."
"Hm, I guess there had to be something he did right in the midst of all this," Amarrah pretended to mutter to herself and got a whack on the arm from Maleny, "He couldn't be all bad, I meant."
"He's not bad to me, Ams. We can have our arguments and silent treatments but...even when you saw me out in the Quarter alone I knew he was somewhere in the crowd watching me over."
"Seriously?" Amarrah glanced at the blonde, doubtful. She had figured out there must have been a falling out between Maleny and Klaus during the two weeks she had been there, but she did come to believe the hybrid had just let her friend roam the streets on her own. "How would you know that? Did you see him?"
"Then how would you know?" she insisted again.
Maleny smiled to herself, staring up at the ceiling, "Because that's what he always does. It's actually kind of cute that he thinks I don't know he does it."
Amarrah made a face at that but Maleny didn't see it due to her dreamy stare up above, "You have one weird relationship, have I mentioned?"
Maleny sighed, "It's unique. And I like unique. But you know what I would really like more?"
"To actually be in a proper, official relationship."
Amarrah gaped then, "You mean you're still..." she made a gesture with her hand, "...not together?"
"We've been busy," Maleny mumbled, "Arguing...and then solving problems...and arguing...a lot…" at the look Amarrah gave Maleny groaned, "It's not because of him. It's actually my fault."
"How so?"
"It's me being afraid, like usual," Maleny sighed, "It took one of my friends to give me a reality check. I've been meaning to talk to him but there's been some interruptions. But hopefully, when Klaus finds his brother we'll get some free time and I can tell him that I love him."
"I mean...if that's what you want to do," Amarrah scratched her head. Maleny rolled her eyes, knowing quite well that her friend disagreed with her love life. But, unlike Davina, she didn't constantly try to turn her away from it. She understood that it wasn't something she could understand. She was barely twenty six and hadn't really left her ranch town home in France in all of her life.
"I do," Maleny said with absolutely no doubt in her mind.
Amarrah then looked at her again, amusingly smiling, "You have such a weird relationship though..."
Maleny matched her smile, grateful they were slowly falling into their normal selves again, "Hey, at one point in our lives, Klaus and I were normal. It just another story of girl likes boy, boy likes girl."
"Yeah, before boy's parents turned boy into a hungry vampire," Amarrah reminded.
"Something girl also helped them to do," Maleny sat upright and shrugged, "But even after that, it was all good. I mean, there was a point where Klaus pushed me away while he learned to control himself, but eventually he did and we were okay again. All this that's happened, while bad, I wouldn't give up for a 'redo'."
"Seriously," Maleny nodded, "Because if we had stayed human we would have been dead for centuries now. There would be no New Orleans, no Cami, no Hayley, no Amarrah," she nudged the dark haired woman, "No French ranch...no little Hope Mikaelson."
"But there could have been different Mikaelson children," Amarrah didn't fail to bring up, "A child, Mal. Children. And they would be yours and Klaus. You wouldn't have been a step mother to some kid."
"I haven't even met Hope and I already love her to bits so please don't ever make it sound like it would be a burden to care for her," Maleny sharply scolded, understanding it hadn't been Amarrah's intention but she never wanted to hear something like that again, "And as for my own kids...they would've been nice - Klaus and I did have plans - but...it didn't happen. And it's sad, but there's nothing to do now."
Amarrah put an arm around Maleny's shoulders, "You're right, though," she said, in an attempt to uplift the mood she had brought down, "All this may be weird but you do sure love your weirdness."
That Maleny chuckle, "Oh Ams, I've missed you. And I'm fairly crossed you didn't come to me the moment you arrived to the Quarter."
"Sorry," Amarrah retracted her arm and stood up, Maleny noticing the sudden change in her tone, "I got, unintentionally, mixed up in a problem."
"What do you mean?"
Amarrah bit her lip nervously, "Mal, there's something you need to know."
"Okay," Amarrah sucked in a big breath and said it all in one go, "By accident I sort of made myself friends with the man I believe is your almost-boyfriend's older brother."
"Finn?" Maleny's mouth fell open.
"Mhm, please don't tell my mother! She will definitely kill me!"
"Ams, what's wrong with you!?"
"I didn't know who he was until a week ago! I thought he was just some guy renting me my apartment!"
"He's passing himself off as your landlord?" Maleny made a face, beginning to grow angry.
"I swear I was going to handle it on my own but I don't exactly know how to deal with a Mikaelson! Especially with a powerful witch like Finn."
"We'd need more people for that job," Maleny pointed, "But for now, I think you may be able to help out with another problem. Ams, I seriously hate to ask you but do you think you could help one of my friends today?"
"Sure, I guess," Amarrah shrugged, "But what's that go to do with this?"
"Because I'm pretty sure you're the key to helping Hayley save her friend from execution today," Maleny sighed and got up, walking to her nightstand where her phone laid.
~ 0 ~
And so that was how Amarrah found herself opening the door to her apartment for 'Vincent' (Finn) later on that day. Meeting up with this Hayley woman, they devised a plan in which Amarrah would keep Vincent occupied for an entire afternoon while she saved her friend Oliver from dying. That was why her kitchen's sink was an utter disaster.
'Vincent' may probably not even leave until late night came by.
And Finn having no idea who Amarrah herself was nor the trick being played, went right along with it.
~ 0 ~
Maleny read the text message Amarrah managed to send her a couple minutes back. She then texted Hayley to freely move on with her plan to save Ollie. Afterwards, the blonde headed for her room in the compound, still glum she'd been practically sent back like a kid to wait out the danger. Without Klaus, Elijah nor Hayley to 'look after her' Maleny was put under Cami's jurisdiction...though Cami herself wasn't too pleased with the plan. But since Hayley had technically found a much easier way to distract Finn, there hadn't been a need for much backup.
"Still nothing," a distraught Cami walked into Maleny's room, throwing off her jacket in frustration, "I thought Klaus was supposed to be good at hunting people down. Why hasn't he called?"
"Because he's still looking," Maleny said the obvious and earned a mock-glare from Cami.
"This isn't funny!" the blonde vampire exclaimed, "Elijah disappeared without a trace. Esther could be hurting him right now!"
"I doubt it, honestly," Maleny dismissed it casually as she continued ripping out pages from her journal, "Esther can be twisted but her methods are non life-threatening. She just wants them to accept her offer."
"You mean the one to place them, Hayley and I into mortal bodies?" Cami scoffed at the absurdity and went to sit on Maleny's bed.
Maleny sat at the edge and was filling up her area with balled papers, "The very one. Of course for me the offer is to get my previous corpse back and finally end the curse."
Cami shifted to face the blonde, "But can she really do it, though? Can she find your corpse?"
"I don't think she has to look very far," Maleny said and Cami tilted her head curiously, waiting for a clarification. Maleny stopped ripping up papers to look at her cousin, "It took me longer to figure out but I finally did. Esther has had my corpse this entire time."
Cami's eyes widened, "What!? How would you know!?"
"Because she never said to find my corpse, she was always keen on making sure I understood she could end the curse," Maleny elaborated the brief clue but clue nonetheless, "Anyone offering me a deal would begin more specifically by assuring me they would help me find the corpse. She's so calm about this curse and someone who has no pawns to play wouldn't be. She has my corpse somewhere, hidden no doubt."
"And you say this calmly?" Cami blinked rapidly, "If you've known this why didn't you say something?"
"Because I only just realized it," Maleny sighed.
"Are you going to tell Klaus?"
"Eventually, but after he gets Elijah back. Priorities."
Cami gave a nod of understanding. She seemed to be grateful for Maleny's way of thinking. Right now, their main priority was getting Elijah back. She really missed the Original in the sharp suit. Time seemed to pass far slower than it normally would, and it would continue to until Klaus returned with Elijah.
~ 0 ~
"You know, I liked this whole distracting thing," Amarrah chuckled over the phone, making Maleny roll her eyes. She should've figured Amarrah would be laughing over the grave situation. Amarrah always talked about adventure back in France, how she wanted to travel and do new things. Maleny wondered if these were the sorts of things Amarrah was thinking about.
"Well, Hayley says thanks," Maleny stood at the doorway of her room, actively waiting for the return of Klaus and hopefully Elijah, "She got Ollie back. She's in the bayou right now with him and apparently Jackson."
"But you know, speaking strategically, this thing could be good for you guys," Amarrah paused for a minute, "I think he may like me."
"No, trust me," Maleny shook her head, "Finn has only ever loved one woman and I doubt she'll ever make an appearance. You're some type of pawn for him and Esther."
"Oh, thanks," Amarrah laughed for a minute before going sober, "I meant that this little thing your friend Finn has with me can come in handy when you need another distraction - or even information. Haven't you heard the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"
"Except I doubt that saying was talking about a thousand-old witch and her son," Maleny leaned off the door fringe and sighed.
"I'm only saying, Mal. It can come in handy."
"Thank you Amarrah, seriously," Maleny said quietly, "And I'm glad you decided to tell me you were here. Though I'm still not content that Isabelle made you come just to keep an eye on me."
"It's alright," Amarrah said, "The entire family's worried about you, Mal. You've been our most precious possession for centuries."
"Because that doesn't make me feel weird," Maleny laughed, her cheeks a bright pink.
"You are, hush! Now, I must leave you for sleep. Goodnight, Mal. And...good luck with your special talk tonight."
Maleny then blushed deeper, "Goodnight Amarrah," she quickly said back then hung up.
Just as she returned to her bedroom, she heard noise from downstairs. She quickly left her cellphone in her room and ran out, barely catching Klaus going into Elijah's room upstairs.
"Cami!" Maleny immediately called for and ran for Elijah's bedroom. Elijah was laid flat on his bed, his clothes torn and disheveled, "What happened to him?" she asked Klaus quietly.
"My mother," Klaus muttered just as Cami hurried inside.
"Oh my God!" the blonde was in horror but nonetheless ran for Elijah's side, "What the hell happened to him?" she didn't know how to care for him, nor even how to touch him fearing she would only hurt him. He was breathing erratically and shifting in his sleep, which Cami figured wasn't really 'asleep' but some sort of trance or spell.
"It was Esther, she had him in the cemetery and did God knows what," Klaus shook his head and headed out of the room.
"How do we help him?" Cami turned after him but remained put.
"I don't know yet," Klaus answered and glanced to his brother, for once having no idea how to help, "Esther said he would be asleep for an entire day, and then...I don't know..."
Esther had shown Elijah 'the error of his ways' and left him in that state. There would be dire consequences and Klaus could only fear what they were.
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