#led plant growth lights
luxintlight · 1 year
Whether you’re new to growing or you’re just new to LED lighting, this fast-advancing technology might have your mind reeling. To make the most of LEDs, you have to understand LED grow light intensity and coverage. And even experienced HID growers have a bit of a learning curve when it comes to LED lighting metrics.
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You see, HID grow lights come with a fairly basic of rules to define “quality light.” When selecting HPS and MH bulbs, high wattage automatically means high intensity. You follow a set formula for the watts needed to cover a grow area, and select your lights accordingly. LED grow lights are more complicated for one simple reason: They’re more efficient. Top-tier LED lights require less energy to produce the same intensity of light. Not only that, they also emit the exact color spectrum your plants need and focus those photons directly onto the canopy. This eliminates waste, ensuring you only consume as much energy as you need for your crop. This efficacy is good for your budget and the environment. Suffice to say, it’s worth the time it takes to understand LED grow light intensity and coverage. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know in clear and simple language.
What LED Grow Light Intensity Really Means
When we talk about light intensity, we’re referring to the amount or strength of light produced. With that in mind, let’s clear up one of the greatest misconceptions about grow light intensity. Watts do not equal intensity. A watt is simply a measurement of electric power. It tells you the amount of energy your lights require in order to operate. The only reason growers associate watts with light intensity is because all HID bulbs are fairly uniform in terms of wattage. There is a pretty consistent wattage input to lumen output ratio for HPS and MH grow lights. This is not the case with LED lights. Not only are quality LEDs far more efficient than HIDs, but there is a wide range of efficacy among LED grow lamps. A quality 300-watt LED luminaire produces greater light intensity and higher quality light output than a cheap LED grow light of the same wattage. In order to make sense of LED grow light intensity and coverage, you need to get familiar with different metrics. This may feel like a lot at first but stick with us. We’re going to take this step by step.
Understanding the Metrics of LED Grow Light Intensity and Coverage
When you research different LED lights, there are certain metrics you should look for. As we said before, watts are not relevant for determining the intensity or coverage of LEDs. Don’t worry about lumens, either. Lumens simply refer to the visual brightness of a light; it has nothing to do with how well your plants can use that light. Here are the metrics that do matter when determining the intensity of an LED grow light.
Grow light manufacturers engineer LED lights to provide a high intensity of usable light. We refer to this usable light as photosynthetically active radiation or PAR. You see, your plants only use certain wavelengths for photosynthesis. These wavelengths all fall within the visible light range of 400-700nm. As a grower, your greatest concern should not be the amount of light your grow light produces, but the amount of light within the PAR range. Anything outside the range is useless to your plants. PAR is measured in micromoles. If you want to do a deep dive into micromoles, you can learn more about LED metrics here.
Coverage Area
Every LED grow light you consider should have information regarding the lamp’s footprint. This refers to the coverage area—the square footage of canopy that will fall under the beam of the luminaire. Now, the footprint is important for determining how many and which lights you need for your grow room or tent. But there is also an important correlation between LED grow light intensity and coverage area. This correlation is referred to as the inverse square law of light. We’ll spare you the complicated formulas and just cut to the chase: The farther an object is from the light source, the less intense the light is when it reaches that object. And light intensity drops off fast. Let’s say you have a lamp hanging at a 1-foot distance from your canopy. Then, you increase the hanging height to a distance of 2 feet. You will now have a light intensity that is ¼ of what it was before. Major difference, right? This is why the coverage area is essential. Not only do the size and lenses of your LED grow light determine your coverage area, but so does hanging height. The greater the distance between your lights and canopy, the larger the footprint . . . but the lower the light intensity. This is why it’s very important to pay attention to hanging heights and coverage area when selecting a light. These metrics tell you the conditions under which your plants receive the advertised. PPFD. And what is PPFD? Glad you asked.
Thanks to the inverse square law, it simply isn’t enough to just know how much PAR your grow lights produce. PAR only tells you how many usable photons your LED light emits. The amount of PAR that actually reaches your plants . . . that’s a whole other measurement. PPFD stands for photosynthetic photon flux density. Your LED grow light’s PPFD metrics tell you the number of PAR photons reaching your canopy each second. This metric is expressed as micromoles per square meter per second (or umol/m²/s). So what’s a good PPFD number? It depends on what you grow. Different plants have different needs. Many flowering plants, for example, prefer 300—600 umols for vegetative growth and 800—1,000 umols in the flowering stage.
Uniformity in LED Grow Light Intensity and Coverage
Now that we have a better grip on LED light intensity, let’s talk a little more about your coverage area. LED grow light intensity and coverage are related not just through hanging heights, but also through light spread. Depending on the specific LED lamp, you could experience a decrease in light intensity at the outer edges of the footprint. This is why it’s so important to do your due diligence when choosing the best LED grow light. Let’s say, for example, that you need a grow light to cover a 5’ x 5’ canopy. You find an LED lamp with a 5’ x 5’ footprint and a PPFD that falls within the ideal range for your crop. But then after a few weeks, you notice that the plants directly under your light are thriving, while those at the edges look a little weaker. The problem is that the PPFD provided by the manufacturer only measured photons reaching a surface directly below the lamp. The manufacturer neglected to inform you that their product does not achieve an even light spread. When evaluating LED grow light intensity and coverage, pay close attention to uniformity. Request a PPFD map from the manufacturer. This map shows PAR measurements for various hanging heights and across surface areas. PPFD maps make it easier for you to compare LED grow lights and determine how many lights you actually need.
Light Intensity and Efficacy
As we previously mentioned, wattage is not a clear indication of LED light intensity because LED lights vary inefficiency. While HID efficacy is fixed, LED lights consistently advance to achieve greater intensity for less energy input. This is why high quality LED grow lights are astoundingly cost-effective in the long run. In addition to boasting a much longer life span, LED lights provide greater intensity at about half the energy expense. If you’ve ever used HID grow lights, you know that achieving an even spread of light requires the use of reflectors. This is another area where LED grow lights simplify your grow operation. Quality LEDs are made to spread light with uniform intensity. All light is directed down onto the canopy, so there’s less need to bounce lost light back to your plants. This is why we say it’s more than worth it to work at understanding LED grow light intensity and coverage. You stand to save significant money on your cultivation process, and you can enjoy higher yields and a better product. If there’s anything we can do at LUXINT to help you determine which LED grow lights are right for you, please reach out. We’ll talk through the needs of your specific grow space and help you calculate the benefits of using leading LED technology.
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Get in touch with us!
Contact us for information on which lights are right for your application as well as free complete computerized light plans and grow consulting.
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Controlling Plant Growth with LED Grow Lights: Photoperiod and Photoperiodism
The concepts of photoperiodism, how it impacts plant growth, and how LED grow lights can be used to properly regulate photoperiod for the best possible plant development will all be covered in this blog. 
With regard to a 24-hour cycle, photoperiodism describes how plants react to the length of the light and dark phases. Different photoperiods have developed to cause different physiological and developmental processes in different plants. LED grow lights are the best choice for controlling photoperiod and photoperiodic reactions because they provide exact control over the duration and intensity of light. Indoor gardeners can simulate natural lighting conditions and manage plant growth stages by altering the length of the light and dark periods while utilising LED grow lights. 
In order to establish the best conditions for growing plants that are not adapted to the local environment, LED grow lights can also be used to lengthen or shorten the day. LED grow lights, for instance, can be used to lengthen the day in places with limited winter days and maintain plant development in light-sensitive species. On the other hand, in areas where summer days are lengthy, LED grow lights can be used to shorten the day and encourage flowering in plants that need short days.
It's important to remember that different plant species respond to light differently, and that the ideal photoperiod may change based on the stage of growth and the desired result. As a result, it's crucial to learn about and comprehend the unique photoperiodic needs of the plants being produced in order to adjust the LED grow light settings appropriately.
In conclusion, an effective tool for indoor gardeners is an awareness of photoperiodism and the use of LED grow lights to control it. LED grow lights give gardeners exact control over light duration and intensity, allowing them to mimic natural lighting conditions and maximise plant growth stages such vegetative growth, blooming, fruiting, and the generation of secondary metabolites. To get the best outcomes, it's crucial to learn about and comprehend the particular photoperiodic needs of the plants being produced. Indoor gardening has been transformed by LED grow lights, which offer a flexible and effective way to manage plant growth and increase output.
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bogleech · 4 months
MORE SUNDEW KITS AVAILABLE! A tiny carnivorous plant swamp that should grow for you even if you IGNORE IT ENTIRELY, by which I mean the following are some jars I have never touched (let alone opened) in over six months to a year:
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This is the scale of the little baby sundews I will send you:
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Here's how the sphagnum moss can grow depending on conditions:
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Tinier little plants and liverworts will also come in your moss! Includes instructions in the box but here's some FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:
Don't they ever need air?!
-No! Some plants can't handle but the processes of Photosynthesis and a symbiotic microbiome allow many plants to live in an airtight container as long as it holds any moisture.
Do I need to water these?
-No! If they're in a properly sealed clear container that never loses moisture, you will never have to water these. If you do need to add water for any reason though it HAS to be distilled, reverse osmosis water, or fresh rain water, not just filtered or purified water. Luckily you can buy distilled water by the gallon at any grocery store! This is the one rule you have to take to the letter; carnivorous plants grow in such a strict type of wetland, even water from most healthy natural ponds will kill them!
How often do they need to be fed?
-Technically never. As carnivorous plants they will grow bigger, faster and more colorful if you give them tiny prey, such as ants or fruit flies, and some people have success with crumbs of fish food, but be sure to remove any food that gets moldy. If you NEVER feed them, they will still grow anyway, just scrappier.
What about climate?
-Sundews are generally fine as long as they don't freeze solid or roast at over 100f for too long, but can still bounce back even from a little frost or a heat wave, basically more temperature-resistant than you probably are! What are their light requirements? -ANY light that plants can live on, including plant-friendly indoor LED lights! Sundews can make do just fine in fairly low to medium light, but also enjoy intense, full blast sunlight, which can even turn them reddish pink over time. As long as they aren't in total darkness, they should do alright! What about the mosses?? -Sphagnum moss grows right alongside sundews in the wild and enjoys all the same conditions!
What if it dies anyway?!
-Sometimes a sundew dies down naturally, especially after it produces a flower or under prolonged winter cold, but leave it be and you might eventually notice new growth. Here's one of mine that turned completely brown and rotten looking, then months later, every leaf sprouted a baby one:
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In the Light of Day
After years of buried feelings, you and Crosshair wake beside each other, the line between friendship and romance blurred. In the light of day, you both confront the uncertainty of what lies ahead.
Pairing: Post-Tantiss Crosshair x f!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: softness, fluff, implied night together, very very minor spoiler from the leaked official S3 clip, character growth, Cross is trying to embrace feelings, a lil' saucy.
Translations: ner kar’ta - my heart
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The palm leaves outside the open window dance with the first light of dawn, casting dappled shadows across the peaceful bedroom. Clothes lay strewn across the floor, remnants of a night intertwined in passion. As the soft, warm breeze wafts through the room, carrying the scent of the ocean and nearby blossoms, Crosshair lets out a soft sigh. Eyes flitting around the space, he takes in the golden glow from the rising sun - such a stark contrast to the months of dark coldness he’d once accepted as his fate.
Shifting a little among the rumpled bed sheets, his gaze lands on you, lost to sleep beside him, your chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. Last night had been…unexpected. For years, you’d been the object of his deepest affections, a love he had buried deep within his heart, covering it up with wit and snark, fearing rejection or the potential loss of your friendship. Yet, here you were, nestled beside him in the soft embrace of dawn. Every stolen glance, every suppressed longing, had led to this, where the line between dreams and reality blurred into a blissful haze of possibility.
You’d been with him and his brothers since the start of the war, acting as a liaison between them and Command. You’d driven him insane at first – all smiles and laughter, always up in his space – but as the days had dragged into months and then into years, he’d found himself gravitating towards you. Your laughter had become his favourite sound. He'd worried when you weren’t in his line of sight. Somehow, you’d wormed past his walls and planted yourself there, occupying space he’d once reserved solely for his brothers.
But then everything had fallen apart, and for a year, he’d only caught snippets of you – while tracking you and his siblings across the galaxy, as Kamino burned and sank below the waves, and then when the torture on Tantiss had been overwhelming. His mind had needed something to hold on to. Shaking away the memories, Crosshair draws his right hand towards his chest, his left hand cradling the back of it to stop the irritating tremble that was now his norm. He turns his focus back to you.
You were so beautiful and had been even more radiant last night – the life and soul of the equinox celebration that had taken over Pabu. He’d been content to linger nearby for a while, keep an eye on you as you danced and chatted with the island residents, but the large crowd had quickly made him uncomfortable. He’d fallen back into form, taking refuge on a nearby rooftop.
He’d missed the sound of you clambering to his vantage point and flinched with surprise when you’d sat at his side. You’d reached for him, a soothing hand on his arm, and asked him to walk along the quiet shoreline with you. The pair of you had been halfway down the beach when your hand had slipped into his, and once you’d reached the docks at the far end of the sandy shore, you’d cautiously pushed up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
The rest was a haze – how he’d tilted his head to capture your lips in a desperate kiss, the building anticipation on the route home, the slam of the bedroom door, clothes discarded, the scent of you and, finally, the soft curves of your body in his hands.
You embraced everything about him. From his prickly attitude during the war to the desolate version of himself he’d been after his rescue, to who he was now – slowly healing, working through things that plagued him, and rebuilding his bond with his siblings. Gratitude flows through him, and he reaches for you, slender fingers dragging along the fullness of your cheek, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips at the sight of you resting amongst the pillows.
A feather-light caress stirs you from your slumber, your eyes fluttering open, meeting the hawkish gaze of the man beside you. Warmth sweeps through you, soft feelings that had slowly taken root in your heart over the years, no longer able to hide in the darkness. A gentle smile spreads across your lips. “Good morning.” You whisper, not wanting to break the tranquility of the moment.
Crosshair returns your smile, his fingers still tracing the curves of your face with tender reverence. “Good morning.” He murmurs in reply, his voice a low slink that sends shivers down your spine.
As you hold each other’s gaze, the galaxy seems to pause, waiting with bated breath.
“Last night... it was...” Crosshair breaks the silence first, trailing off, unable to find the words to articulate the depth of what he’s feeling.
Reaching out, you gently trace your fingertips along his jawline. The flicker of vulnerability in his eyes is a new development he’s learning to accept and embrace. “I know.” You murmur, your voice soft but sure. You’d been worried about making a move, concerned he wasn’t ready for it yet, but the enthusiasm with which he’d reciprocated had eased your worries.
Try as he might to hide it, a mixture of relief and disbelief washes over him. “I never thought...” He starts, his voice trailing off once more. With a heavy exhale, Crosshair lets the weight of his emotions settle, still learning to sit with them. “I’m not good at this.” He admits with a scowl, frustrated that he’s floundering.
“And that’s okay.” You respond, your voice a soothing melody in the quiet room. Your fingers thread with his and come to rest on the pillow between you, a gesture of comfort and understanding. You take him in for a moment – still a little gaunt with dark circles under his eyes. Among the knotted scars on the side of his head is a new one, a thin straight line, the only evidence of his chip being pried out once he’d been rescued. It was unsurprising that the Empire had lied to him about removing it.
Crosshair’s shoulders relax slightly at your reassurance. You’d always been patient with him, even when he hadn’t deserved it. “I’ve never been one for relationships.” He confesses, his gaze fixed on yours. “But with you, it feels...different.”
Your heart swells at his admission, the sincerity in his words washing over you like a gentle tide. “I feel it, too.” You reply softly, drawing your intertwined hands up to kiss the back of his hand, ignoring how it trembles.
“What…do we do now?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper as his brows furrow once more, uncertainty marring his features.
You pause, considering his question carefully. “I think we have a choice.” You answer honestly. “We can either retreat back into the safety of what we know, or we can see where this takes us.” There’s no doubt in your mind which path you want to follow, but you don’t want to lead him. He needs to decide for himself. Too many decisions have been taken from him throughout his life.
Crosshair nods slowly as if mulling over your words. “And if it doesn’t work out?” He ventures.
“We talk about it.” You assure him, sincerity ringing in your voice. “We work through it together. Just like everything else.”
A comfortable silence settles between you as Crosshair weighs up the options, and you take the opportunity to soak up the feeling of being in bed together, just in case this is the only time you can experience it.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost miss the subtle shift in Crosshair’s expression - a flicker of determination, a silent resolve. “I want to try.” He says suddenly, his voice low but firm. “I want to see where this goes with you.”
His words hang in the air, and, for a moment, you’re speechless. It’s a leap of faith, a step into the unknown, but as you meet his gaze, you know he means it. A smile tugs at your lips. “I want that too.” You admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Relief passes over Crosshair’s eyes as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss - as easy as breathing.
You return it without hesitation, letting go of his hand so you can cup his face and anchor yourself in this moment.
Crosshair deepens the kiss, his hand reaching your hip, pulling you closer as if afraid to let go. When you finally break apart, a soft smile lingers on both of your lips.
“C’mon, let’s get some breakfast.” You insist, still adamant about helping him regain a few more pounds. Pressing one more kiss to his lips, you pull back and sit up, the sheets slipping down your body.
Crosshair’s gaze snaps to your naked frame, sharp eyes roaming over every curve as his smile switches into a smirk you’re all too familiar with. “You on the menu again, ner kar’ta?” He teases, voice raspy with desire.
Your pillow connects with his chest before he can stop it, earning a deep chuckle from him. “Behave.” You chide playfully, though the warmth in your eyes betrays the affection behind your words, and you can’t deny how your heart races at the new pet name. As you slip out of bed, you pull on his discarded shirt. “But you might want to save room for dessert...”
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shveris · 11 days
my jjk headcanons, part 4
some of these can be seen as modern!au AND canon universe things
part 1
part 2
part 3
when yuuji cries, it rains blood/red water (???) in sukuna’s inner domain
shoko can handle human bodies without issues but animal bodies? she tears up every time without fail
languages satoru is fluent in, besides japanese: english, korean, mandarin. he can also hold simple conversations in spanish, portuguese, italian, german, russian and ukrainian. he’s not sure if he should give french a try (because 1. it sounds awful, 2. it’s a difficult language, 3. he’s made too many “i hate the french” jokes and he’d feel low-key embarrassed if he ends up speaking it)
in addition to the hc above, satoru also regularly gets really confused about kanji & hanzi (iykyk, someone please end my suffering)
modern!au yuuji uploads song covers on niconico & youtube because gege said yuuji has the best singing voice + it’s canon that he likes to sing. his most popular uploads are deep coma, overdose, odoriko and asu no yozora shoukaihan
click the song names to get redirected to youtube in case you don’t know any of these
he’s an awful rapper though so whenever there’s rap parts, he makes sukuna record them since their voices sound almost the same
megumi cannot sleep unless it’s completely and utterly dark in his room. no LEDs, no lights coming through his blinds, no nothing. when he gets fed up with all the light sources, he just disappears into his shadow and sleeps in there
modern!au satoru can play a dozen of instruments (canon satoru can’t because his clan deemed learning those things as unnecessary for the holder of the six eyes)
modern!au sukuna would make those “cooking because murder is illegal” tiktoks
it’s a coping mechanism he copied from his twin because yuuji bakes when he’s in a bad mind space
suguru keeps a plethora of house plants and they’re all thriving (his place looks like a jungle)
satoru names his pets & suguru’s most used cursed spirits after characters from his fav movies & shows (click here for a more detailed post i did for this a while back)
sukuna can take control over yuuji's reflections and shadows (non-shamans can’t see it though)
sukuita twins in modern!au would be the same height until they hit 12 — sukuna gets a growth spurt because he eats his veggies. around 17 yuuji’s suddenly taller than him and he’s just “????!!!!”
adding onto that (cuz i love twins!au): sukuna buys lots of kirby merch because it reminds him of yuuji — he would never loudly admit it though. he just puts it in yuuji’s room and doesn’t talk about it ever
suguru has lots of things twice because shoko and satoru tend to accidentally buy him the same things for his birthday
shoko knows how to play the ukulele. it started out as a joke but she’s actually really good at it. she rickrolls people when asked to play something
modern!au sashisu would be like the plastics but they actually genuinely like each other and just dislike everyone else
suguru and shoko used to roll their cigs (it’s cheaper) until they befriended satoru. he uses his family’s assets very well by financing all their nicotine addictions
satoru only smokes cigs with those balls inside the filter — you have to break them before smoking — because they taste sweet(er). he dislikes the ones with menthol though
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umbraastaff · 2 years
the light of creation is such a fascinating and fucked up macguffin. an object that plants ideas in your mind and pushes them further than you ever would on your own. the brush that painted reality. a brush that, dropped in the wrong place, kept painting more and more over the top of a finished work.
this thing doesn't solve your problems. it alerts you to problems you would've never known you had, and then it solves those problems. the IPRE home planet's first ever spaceship was made for inter-system travel. they hadn't even been to the moon! the moon!
it gave a man an existential crisis of incomprehensible proportion, and then it led him to solve it like a math problem. there is no acceptance, no peace. only improvement and growth, the next thing, the next universe.
it's introduced as evil relics to be destroyed, then fused into the great shield to save everyone. it's the hunger's fuel and the starblaster's flight. it is an entirely neutral force. your reasons are nothing. your desires are everything.
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wesleysniperking · 4 months
From Luffy, to Usopp (from a One Piece “modern day” AU I’ll probably never write) ☀️ 🌱
Luffy: I remember the first time I met you. The first thing you told me was a lie, but I believed you anyway. Everyone told me you were lying, but I still believed you because you told me yourself. That’s what made you honest to me.
I think we all come from somewhere in the sky. You told me everything in this world—objects, humans, flowers—was real and had a soul. You made me believe that. So when I hear everyone talk about you, I have to listen to their lies because they don’t know you like I do. You’re still here; I know you are. You could be standing right in front of me.
Everyone lies about you because you aren’t here to tell the truth. But I remember the one time you were truly honest with me. You seemed so down, so sad. It was hard to believe because you always appeared so strong and happy.
Now I have to hear people say you were depressed, that I didn’t know you at all, that you had a darkness inside. How could I see darkness when all you showed me was light? You always blinded me in a good way. So why aren’t you here? Why aren’t you in the front row, laughing at me, saying, “You’re so stupid, what are you doing up there giving a speech?”
You were a bad liar, and so am I. But you were there for me, and now you aren’t. You were the only one who could go along with my craziness, who could play with me, who could be at my level of fun. Yet, you could also ground me, bring me back to reality, and say, “Maybe we shouldn’t do this because it’s not right.”
I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like that again. You used to compare me to the sun, saying I was the brightest thing in your life. I never told you this, but you were like air to me. You gave life to everything around you. Even now, it feels like I can’t live without you.
But you’re still here. You breathed air into all of those who loved you, and I’m surrounded by that. I can breathe again. You were the most genuine person I knew. You claimed to be a superhero, to slay giants, and I believed you. The last thing you said to me was, “You don’t understand, I am a lie.” But no, you weren’t a lie. You were the realest person I knew. You were air, you kept everything alive. Somewhere in the unknown, wherever people go after it ends, you’re there. Alive.
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Context: I've been reflecting on Usopp and his role within the crew. He's that one person in the friend group who is full of life and always making everyone laugh, but beneath that vibrant exterior, he hides a lot of darkness and depression. It's a heartbreaking reality that many people only discover these hidden struggles of a loved one or friend when it's too late.
I recently read a fic that compared Luffy to the Sun and Usopp to a plant, and it resonated deeply with me. Usopp, as a character, has undergone perhaps the most growth in the series. He brings life to the crew and gave life to the Merry. Through his storytelling, he breathes life into things that don't even exist. Plants produce oxygen, which is essential for human survival, just as Usopp's presence is vital for the crew.
When I think about what would have happened if Usopp had left the crew back in Water 7, I can't imagine Luffy carrying on with just his sunshine alone. Without sunshine, there is no life, but without plants, there is no oxygen, which is equally crucial. This idea led me to write a piece imagining Luffy giving a monologue about Usopp, in the event that he were to leave this world too soon.
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Usopp fan club (join if you want to)
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jammed-out · 10 months
Hypnovember Day 13 - Mind Fucked Out
(CW: dick growth, breast growth, ear penetration, magic transformation, light monster fucking)
Cold metal armor plates bounced against each other with each step as the Jayne made their way through the abandoned fortress. The sound echoed off of the cold stone walls that their singular torch did nothing to heat. The dampness hung in the air like a cold blanket clinging to every bolt and stone. They shivered, the torch’s heat not even managing to penetrate the cold metal armor that they wore.
They had found the abandoned castle while on a scouting mission for their guild and made note of it. However when nobody seemed to care to visit it, Jayne made a point to come back on their own time. So now, in the middle of the night, they ventured through the main tower. The grounds were clearly touched by a curse, whereas the rest of the wasteland swamp had been dead and decaying, the fortress sprung up rich verdant plants that grew along the walls, not a single leaf outside of the damaged walls. Even still, the wasteland was growing on the castle, cracks had formed in the walls, death and decay slowly stretching inward. Jayne knew it was better to not linger here, best to get in, get any magical items they could find and get out before the place came in.
The step beneath their right foot gave out, crumbling slightly. Their leather boot slid off the broken rock causing them to stumble. They slammed into the wall on their right to avoid a larger fall, metal plated shoulder slamming against it. The sound echoed off the silence. Jayne took a deep breath and steadied themselves using their free hand to push off from the wall. The cold seeped in through their glove chilling them to the bone. They quickly recoiled pulling their hand away.
Slowly they continued deeper down. The air felt colder the deeper they went but smelled less damp. It actually smelled sweeter, more like a ripe fruit. Jayne wondered what could be making such a smell in a place like this. They raised the torch higher above their head hoping to see further into the darkness.
As they rounded the last few steps, they came upon what seemed to be an antechamber. The close stone walls of the stair well expanded outward into large towering archways that stretched up above. Jayne raised the torch, the light barely illuminating the curved ceiling. Each archway formed into a bulbous domed roof. They let out a soft whistle, the sound bouncing around the room.
Jayne peered into the darkness, the arches seemed to stretch on and outward forming a large networking hallway. They sighed, it would take hours to search something this large. Instead they tucked one hand onto the hilt of their sword stashed on their left hip choosing instead to follow the sweet smell. It led them forward before sharply veering off towards the right, then to the left, then back to the right. Jayne was surprised, the scent seemed to be moving around the room. They made a mental note to remember each step. It would be harder to leave if they couldn’t, especially if there were dangers here.
“Sssssuch a pretty little adventurer. It has been ssssso long sssssince we could induct a new sssservant to the Velvet Fold.”
The voice echoed off of the ceiling. Jayne spun, sword raised in one hand, torch in the other. They waved it back and forth trying to illuminate the darkness. They couldn’t see anything but every so often they could sense shapes moving in the shadows. A brush of air. The smell would grow stronger flowing with it.
“The Velvet Fold welcomes all who wish to join it. Would you welcome its embrace?”
The second voice was different. It was softer, smaller than the other. Jayne didn’t know if it was further away or just from a smaller creature. There was definitely more than one thing here.
“Adventurer must welcome Fold. Must join us.”
That one was big. Possibly an orc or half giant. Jayne’s hand shook slightly. They shouldn’t have come here alone. They were very outmatched. Not only that but the Velvet Fold was extremely dangerous. They were a cult of savage worshippers that kidnapped and enslaved any who could be used as breeding stock. They ran across the lands reigning terror, or at least they had until they had been wiped out. Jayne had heard stories of the things they did. Suddenly they were terrified of what would happen if they were caught.
They turned quickly running. Their feet slammed against the ground thudding as they sprinted for dear life. They had to get out of there as fast as possible. They just needed to retrace their steps and they could escape. They wouldn’t go out adventuring alone. That’s why you have a guild to protect you from things like thi-
Their thoughts were cut short as their foot caught on something. Suddenly they were flying through the air, tumbling forward. Their chest slammed against the ground with a thud knocking the air from their lungs with a quick thud. Their sword slid across the ground into the darkness, the torch bouncing away. It dimmed with each thud, only a few embers burning gently in the darkness. Jayne scrambled forward, clawing with their hands to grab it. The fingers wrapped around the hilt, quickly coiling around it before suddenly feeling it slide away. Their metal plates scraped against the ground as something wrapped around their right leg, quickly pulling them backwards into the darkness. The light disappeared, swallowed up by the darkness as everything went black.
Jayne screamed and tried to kick at whatever was wrapped around their leg. It responded by twisting them sideways rolling them across the ground on their back. There was a flash of red light to their right and suddenly they found their wrists pulled together on their chest. An invisible chain wrapped around them tying them tightly together, a binding spell. It quickly pulled their wrists upward pulling their arms taught. It pulled tighter still dragging their arms up above their head. Slowly their body followed, pulled by their arms and the invisible string. They were tugged upward, stretching their body towards the ceiling. Their feet stood on the floor, just enough to prevent them from relaxing or dropping down.
“You will join the Velvet Fold. You will be welcomed in with warm and loving.” A voice whispered just behind their head. Jayne tried to turn but felt their arms strain at the effort.
“Do not sssstruggle. We would not like to ssssseeee you hurt yoursssself.”
“Please. Just let me go. I won’t tell anyone you’re here.” Jayne whimpered struggling against the invisible bonds.
“We would rather you did. We have been so lonely. Our lady in lust craves new followers. You shall be the first of many.” A pair of hands wrapped around Jayne’s body slowly sliding down their sides before coiling around their waist. “You will make a fantastic incubator.”
“Please. I don’t want this.” Jayne whimpered knowing that it was futile to fight them. It was too late for them. The monsters would have their way with them.
“Do not fear. We are gentle.”
“Yessss….Allow me to eassse your fearssss…” Jayne could make out a naga slithering into view. They slowly mouthed something, their hands glowing a soft green. They reached up and gently traced the edges of Jayne’s clothing and armor, the seams and pins decaying. The pieces of metal and fabric fell to the ground in shambles piece by piece. Jayne realized they were undressing themselves. The cold air slowly pushed into their skin causing their hair to stand on edge. They suddenly felt so vulnerable.
“You will be part of the Fold. Welcome the embrace of the goddess.” Jayne felt something cold press against the curve of their ass. It slid over the smooth flesh pressing between their two ass cheeks. It was slimy and squirmed against their flesh as if it was searching for an entrance. Jayne squeezed their eyes shut crying softly.
The object or creature, they couldn’t be sure slithered down, pressing against their asshole. It squeezed, forcing its way into the opening. Jayne felt something pop like a bubble. They felt fluid gush inside of their ass. It bubbled and gurgled, fizzing. Jayne could feel something in their stomach, like a bubble building. It grew, stretching upward. They felt so full as if they were going to burst. They tried squeezing to push it out and were rewarded with a loud pop. Something warm dripped out of them sliding down their legs. The air suddenly smelled sweet, like fresh fruit right after the harvest.
The snake person’s hands slid up caressing Jayne’s sides before sliding up onto their chest. The scales, surprisingly warm clasped their small chest, fingers toying with sensitive nipples. Jayne’s eyes rolled back in their head, pleasure radiating through them. “Are you sssssure they will be an incubator? I would perhapssss rather they breed me. It hassss been sssssooooo long ssssince I have been taken by the lady of lussssst.”
Jayne was barely aware of the conversation happening around them. Their nipples were radiating such pleasure thought their body. It was as if every nerve was suddenly connected to their chest. Each brush of a scale’s edge sent a shock through their body causing them to writhe in pleasure against the restraints. They could feel the wetness along their slit slowly build up into a single drop that fell down their legs.
“Need….” Jayne whined bucking their hips in the air. They needed to be touched. Their body was aching in a way that had never been felt before.
“They are ready. Prepare the crown of our lady. May it bless you with your true purpose.”
Jayne could feel a cold piece of metal place on their head. It thrummed with magical energy. Slowly it fit snuggly around their head. It pulsed, each vibration sending a wave of pleasure into Jayne’s body. They could feel it, like a heart beat. Their vision flashed with pulses. With each wave they could see in the darkness for a brief second. The vibrations creating a sort of outlined echo. There were dozens of shapes in the darkness, all looking at Jayne, all waiting for them.
Jayne cried out as they came, body shaking. They could feel the crown shifting, feeding off of them. Energy radiated out from it wrapping around them. Tendrils of magic snaked down caressing the sides of their face. They curled up trading around Jayne’s ears. Jayne wanted to protest but all that came out was a low whimper of pleasure.
The tendrils took it as approval and slipped inward. Jayne could feel their ears stretch as the phantom tendrils pushed deeper, stretching their head. Their eyes rolled back as they shook. Spit dripped out of their mouth as they gasped, their entirety suddenly penetrated. They felt a loud squelch as the tendrils popped in quickly smashing against their brain. Jayne groaned head falling forward as their legs spread. There was a magic building within them.
Signals of energy traced down their nerves, coiling, wrapping like energy. Their ass swelled, bulging, curving outward. Had they been wearing clothes, they would have exploded into shreds of fabric. Instead the flesh bounced, rising and swelling outward, muscle and fat forming and stretching outward. Their chest heaved, small flat breasts surging forward with momentum. Jayne could feel liquid swelling within them as they grew larger, heavier, pulling their chest forward. Small arms suddenly grew rich with muscle. Their wrists swelled to match, the magic ropes shattering instantly as their arms fell to their sides with a thud. They stumbled forward tumbling into the embrace of the naga.
Jayne’s mouth fell open as they slid down the body of the snake person. The scales left small cuts on the skin that quickly mended themselves. Their tongue shot out, quickly stretching longer. Jayne didn’t know how they knew, but they knew exactly what to do. Their lips quickly pushed the scales apart revealing the sensitive flesh hidden beneath. The naga hissed, their body shaking. Jayne’s tongue plunged deeper surging into the sweet depths within.
Deep inside their mind, Jayne was being overloaded with pleasure. They were aware of what their body was doing but had no control over it. It moved as if puppeted by their own desires or the crown’s. It was hard to know where Jayne ended and where the lady of lust began. Jayne could feel her voice, her touch as it guided her, awakening Jayne’s true potential. Jayne never know they were destined for such greatness, how so many were, their desires twisted and manipulated instead of allowing the Velvet Fold to run freely, embracing all who needed freedom. Jayne would help the lady of lust spread, the Velvet Fold spread once more, and in return, they would be free to embrace their pleasure.
The crown curled, wrapping around Jayne’s head, pulling. Something surged along the tentacles of magic. Pink magic surged out of Jayne’s head, pulsing up into the crown. The crowd cheered as Jayne felt a longing within themselves. They felt themselves stretch, swelling below. They could feel their insides twist, pushing outward, swelling forward. They leaned back gasping as from deep within their fold something burst out. A large throbbing cock, tapered at the head yet flared at the base. Jayne could feel more, horns, small ones bursting out of the top of their skull. The tentacles swelled brighter, rich pink energy pulling out of their head.
Blind lust filled them. Jayne became lost in the waves. It surged inside of their head, blind obedience, the Velvet Fold wrapping around their brain, flooding it with what was desired. Jayne gave into the desire. Lost within they would do what they must for the lady of lust. They would be the lady’s arch priest. They would do it with eagerness. They were the bearer of the crown, they must serve.
Jayne came, cock twitching wildly as cum erupted from the head. They could feel the crown merge with their horns, cold metal merging with flesh. The magic swirling into their very cells. They were the conduit of magic, they were their lady of lust’s vessel. They were the Velvet Fold, and the Velvet Fold was them. They could feel every orgasm from the crowd, their bodies shaking as they came.
Jayne smiled. The Velvet Fold must grow. They must spread their lady’s pleasure across the world.
Hope you enjoyed that. I’ll be following @h_sleepingirl prompt list for the entire month because I really like a couple of the prompts on the list. You should also definitely check out and support them.
You’ll also be able to find all of my writings under the tags on my page. Hope you enjoy and see you tomorrow!
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acutewitchcraft · 3 months
Experimenting with doing spells and rituals in minecraft again recently and noticing the difference from where i was back then to where i am now
I was and still am a witch in the broom closet, but getting a little older and more crafty and more observant i felt that my practice was a little stagnant and so i spent time branching out with spells and other relevant skills in the physical
Ending up with a lot of experimentation and exploration with types of spellwork since sigilwork wasn't doing it for me anymore
Eventually landed on something I was comfortable with, which was essentially container magic, filling it with herbs and plants that ive bought or grown the past year which was been pretty cool
I've needed the time and experience to develop some of my foundational skills that i thought i had a good handle on but didn't really, and i feel that i know how I can work best now and how to tap into my sense better and feel out energy
Which was interesting when i got back into doing spells with minecraft again
I was going through a tough time the past few days in my personal life, and while the source of stress and my fear had passed, there still lingered a feeling of heaviness in my heart and I wanted to help myself with processing it
So it felt like it was the best time to experiment
Last time, i had been testing and theorising about pixel sigilwork but again it just wasn't cutting it for me anymore
I let my instincts be my guide, and i outlined a few things it had to do
One, the main intentions are cleansing and healing, what i had felt has already been addressed and acknowledged, it just had to be nudged along, and i needed the beginning of my healing process to help me further move forward
Two, putting ingredients / components into a container like a barrel or shulker just wasn't going to cut it because instead of releasing the energy, i felt that that was just going to keep it so i had to take another avenue
Which led me to referring back to my correspondence posts and working on something there
I eventually found myself setting up in the birch forest, finding a nice area to set up the spell in
I have decided that biome due to the associations of birch being of new beginnings, and calming nerves and anxieties
Also i have decided on the idea of the idea of some of well build, since the idea was to throw the ingredients into lava to burn but i had another idea
A minecraft mechanic was that items automatically despawn after a few minutes if you don’t pick it up and i felt that that was the perfect opportunity to utilise it to make it so that each time one of them does, it's like it's releasing it's energy and intentions out into the world
So the lava was replaced at the bottom of the well, where i instead replaced it with water, and later covered the bottom with dripleaves, to signify that despite my trouble and struggles, there is still room for new growth
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Also it made a very cool effect of drooping to drop the items i threw on top of it into the water beneath and i didn't want to pass it up
The colour schemes i chose were black and green, allowing myself to essentially build and texture a black well, surrounding it with a design at the edges with green and then lighting the area up with candles and froglights
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The next part was choosing the spell components i wanted to use, and when that was done, I put away my blocks and my tools, leaving the ingredients in my hotbar and casted a circle in the game to set up the space
I won't really detail how i did that since im not sure that feels right now, so i'll be doing more testing in the future
Next was me trying to replicate what I tend to do to charge the ingredients of the spells with the specific intentions I was going for, and i found that in going down the hotbar, putting the component into my offhand and speaking my focus and intentions to it like that actually worked great
So slowly i worked with each of them, feeling when the energy settled or felt like it was ready before i threw it down the well
And once my hotbar was clear, i waited and felt out the energy, checking to see if the items below had all despawned completely
When it was, i winded things down and closed the circle, and found that the heaviness in my chest had eased quite a bit and i felt a little more settled
It was extremely effective, much more than i thought it would and I'll probably do more spells and experimenting in the future
Also more posts of correspondences to other parts of the game
Excited to do more!
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yuckydraws · 1 year
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Teddy Bear is here!
(CW: Mentions of Horrortale underground & PTSD)
Few Word Characteristics
Gentle (most of the time)
Slow to Trust
Information on his design (+ not shown, but still important info)
His time during the famine without food, eating non-magical food, and his head injury caused his magic to be unstable - which led to his body having a sort of forced magical growth spurt. He's 7'3" (221 cm), and has a big-boned, sturdy build.
This drastic change in his body as well as years of fights and repeated minor injuries, has left him with chronic pain. It usually flares up in his head and knees, but he's dealt with it almost everywhere.
His magic is still unstable, but his ecto-body has mostly recovered from the famine. He's even developed a bit of a belly in his joyful enjoyment of food on the surface.
His notebook is always on hand. His injury has caused him to have all sorts of issues, but mostly with his speech and memory. He uses his notes in his notebook to remember things. It's helped him a lot in his recovery, but he still has to reference it often.
His PTSD mixed with the effects of his head injury, leads him to have episodes in moments of high stress, being met with a trigger, or when having a painful migraine. These episodes vary from him being quiet and completely spaced out, to him being violent and angry. No matter which type, he's always exhausted and feeling guilty afterwards. Tilly is the one who is consistently able to pull him out of them.
Mentally he's made lots of progress as well - but he still, and likely always will, have his struggles.
The decaying atmosphere, dust-filled air & living conditions of the underground left his bones an off-white grey sort of color.
In times of stress or during an episode, he often picks at his socket in an attempt to ground himself - the bone there is chipped and sensitive.
He's amazing with animals, they seem to be naturally drawn to him. This, and his want to have his own self-sufficient farm drew him to try out raising chickens. They're more his pets now, than anything, but the household uses their eggs. They're named Nugget, Henrietta, Cluck, Chicken, and Peep. He would like to raise goats as well, but hasn't gotten Tilly and Sans to agree to the idea.
Speaking of animals, he's got an adorable rescue pup, named Dog. She absolutely adores Bear and he spoils her rotten.
He hates the stares he gets in public. So, he often wears a beanie in public to hide his injury. He still gets stares because of his large stature, but at least he's not inviting unwanted interactions or constantly feeling judged.
His eye-light often gives away what he's feeling, and tends to be more expressive than he is.
He's still Sans, deep down. You will never catch him in uncomfortable clothes.
He's got an impressive garden, that he tends to everyday of the season. He likes to challenge himself with difficult-to-grow plants, and enjoys having an abundance of fresh food on hand. He also tends to the grounds of the large skele-house. It keeps him busy since he can't work, and helps him feel like he's contributing to the household.
He's got a short, stubby tail, that has been deemed a weapon by some housemates of his who have gotten in the way of it's wagging before.
He's not much of a gamer, but he discovered Nintendogs and became hooked. You can occasionally find him grinning down at his borrowed DS as he plays it.
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siderealmaven · 7 months
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Love Letters To Your Zodiac Sign <3
Dear Aries,
Did you know that there is nothing wrong with being angry? It means you’re alive and attuned, sensitive and observant. You’re more intelligent than people give you credit for because the things you’ve seen and come to know are not something you can stay silent about. Your voice and actions have impact, a butterfly affect that spreads like wildfire, igniting the hearts of all who dare to get close to you.
Your anger is a sacred wild thing. It warms the body, it cradles the heart and motivates the mind to strive for something better. When you stop being ashamed of all they have labeled as aggressively too much, you’ll come to understand you need every untamable part of yourself to achieve your dreams. You will accept you could not be led because you were meant to lead and leaders must be able to defend and protect all they hold dear. Be proud of your strength. The world needs it.
Dear Taurus,
Did you know that it’s okay to invest in yourself? You don’t always have to put everyone else first. This body, this mind, this soul are yours and you are in charge of protecting and nurturing it. You cannot allow others to treat you like a plot of farmland to be tilled, sown and reaped until the soil is depleted. There is no smile worth that pain. Don’t even bother with those barbed wire fences, make sure you go for the iron and stone. This land is sacred land.
Don’t listen to the people who try to tell you what you should plant or how to make it grow. You were born for this and the plan must come from you. The vision and the work and the sweat must come from you. They will stand at your gates and beg to sit by your flowers and eat at your table after swearing that you would never harvest anything. Go ahead and let them see your smile as you say “This one is just for me.”
Dear Gemini,
Did you know that it’s okay for you to speak your mind, even before you’ve already made it up? The best ideas come mid-sentence and give you unexpected endings. It’s okay to delight in the excitement of seeing what your brain will divulge next, to feel curiosity towards your own subconscious without shame or reservation. You are like a magician and each time you cast a spell the result is different, a never ending kaleidoscope of brand new colors.
You have the heart of the inventor and the hands of a craftsman, you were built to create with wild abandon. Every time you allow yourself to wander and drift, to rebel against the rigid lines laid out for you, you follow the sound of your own inner voice. It doesn’t matter if anyone else is listening or if anyone else believes. The most important question to ask yourself is this; do you?
Dear Cancer,
Did you know that it is okay to be soft? The walls around your heart shine like armor in the moonlight; a warning to stay back, a lure to come closer. A call to animals with sharp teeth. You don’t have to apologize for the way that you are made or the way that it makes others feel. But you do have a duty to protect and preserve these precious parts of yourself, to treat your body like a shrine to your own life. Putting up walls to do so does not make you a bad person.
In a world that is cold and cruel more often than not, the softness of Cancer is like a warm fireplace, setting the living room aglow. It’s the warm stew in your favorite bowl and the handmade quilt laid over your lap. Without Cancer’s softness there would be no comfort, no nurturing hand, and no growth. There would be no safe places to land. So go head and hang up your artwork and light the scented candle. These small touches are what makes your house into a home and home is what the world needs, more than anything.
Dear Leo,
Did you know that it’s okay to want to be alone sometimes? You were born in the spotlight and I know you love the way it enhances your natural shimmer. There is nobody that can steal the stage and captivate the crowd quite like you can. However I know there are times when you wish you could just sit quietly and observe things, let your sparkly clothes rest and your cheeks recover from flashing that mega watt smile. So why do you keep pushing yourself to do more than is humanly possible?
The ooohs and aaaahs are certainly not worth the burn out. Your best work will be born in those quiet moments of solitude, when you allow yourself to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings without another person’s input. These are good times to ask yourself if your own needs are being met. It’s all too easy to get lost in the sauce when you’re constantly surrounded by others. Today, give yourself a break and ask yourself the real question. What makes you feel like a million bucks even when no one is looking at all?
Dear Virgo,
Did you know that it is okay to not always have the answers? There is a delicate element of beauty to uncertainty and it deserves your attention. There is a softness in the waiting and something like the relief in letting go of the need to know. Your value isn’t dependent upon your ability fix things and provide for others, much less in your ability to spout off information when someone asks for it. Who are you trying to save with your knowledge?
The most important answers are found within the quiet stillness, where thoughts can run free without expectation. Hit pause on your routine, forget about your schedule and step outside of your comfort zone. Leave the mess exactly like it is. Wander outside and let your mind contemplate the shapes in the clouds. Imagine the butterfly floating by has something important to share with you. This is how you save yourself.
Dear Libra,
Do you know that it’s okay to say No? You don’t have to be everything to everybody all of the time. There are pieces of you that were only ever meant to be yours and you have to guard them as fiercely as any treasure. There are times to be graceful and kind, and there are times to growl and roar like the animal we all are at the end of the day. When is the last time that you let your inner beast out to play? Let it scream with wild abandon?
The thing about rules is that we made them up. We can deconstruct and discard them, build them back up in a new image. There are society’s rules and then there are your rules for yourself. Does your personal code of honor actually serve you and your goals, or is it designed to keep you safe on someone else’s chessboard? If you’re tired of playing this game, then take off your helmet. You’re free to create your own rules and your own game, whenever you choose.
Dear Scorpio,
Did you know that it’s okay to let your guard down every once in a while? I know the world is full of terrifying monsters, but you were born with a knife in your hands and that is pretty scary too. Besides, there is more to life than just defending yourself. Like community, friends and family, who are on the other side of these mile high walls. I know you have every reason to be scared of vulnerability but we all know it’s what you crave the most.
Believe it or not, the things about you that make you different than everyone else are the most alluring thing about you. You don’t have to share yourself with everybody, but don’t make people who are jumping through hoops wait outside your door forever. Pay attention to who shows you curiosity and sees your authenticity as the gift it really is. The world has a lot to learn from your emotional strength and resilience.
Dear Sagittarius,
Did you know that it is okay for you to change your mind? That it the beauty of life; it is ever changing and so are you. You don’t have to hang on to your old selves, perspectives, beliefs or desires and carve them into stone. You don’t have to be who you were yesterday. I know that some people will call you flighty or uncommitted, but you were made to explore, discover, and evolve with the times. Stagnation is a disservice to your growth.
Growth is the ultimate commitment and the most difficult to keep, but you’re devoted like no other. You’re allowed to focus on yourself and prioritize your own perspective. The greatest teacher is not someone you must find and follow, but the organ beating inside your chest. Quiet down and listen to its whispers. What truth is pumping through your veins? Are you brave enough to acknowledge it? You’re the only one who can.
Dear Capricorn,
Did you know that you’re allowed to have nice things? There is no point to Life if you don’t let yourself enjoy it. And I don’t mean the expensive cars and designer bags, I mean the homemade muffins fresh from the oven, just like your grandmother use to make. I’m talking about the fresh sheets on the bed sprayed with your favorite scent and letting yourself sleep in a little longer than you’re supposed to. I mean that hug that you really need, but won’t let yourself ask for.
It’s okay to ask for things, to need things, and to want them. Comfort isn’t inherently evil because it is temporary and you are not inherently undeserving because you’ve previously found it out of reach. And my love, don’t you know? You don’t have to work for it all either. The best things in life are free, arriving in the worn palms of a dear friend who’s been wondering where you’ve been. Won’t you open the door?
Dear Aquarius,
Did you know that it’s okay to let yourself been seen? You’re not going to burst into flames the second you allow someone to get to know you. But you certainly will start to slowly decay if you never allow anyone in, just saying. Sure there will be people who don’t understand and even people who purposely misunderstand, but you are free to ignore them the way they are ignoring the best parts of you. You shouldn’t ignore yourself just because they did it first. Who wins in that scenario?
You may not want to hear it, but the best parts of you are the ones you’re afraid to be open about. But that fear isn’t necessarily something that should stop you. The truth is that you are not as alone as you might think. There are lots of people out there who are hiding these same thoughts, feelings and sides of themselves too. When you take the leap and let yourself be authentic, it gives them permission to come out of hiding. So raise your flag high and ignore the haters. The friends and family you’ve been waiting for are making their way towards it.
Dear Pisces,
Did you know that you don’t have to believe everyone? Your heart is big and receptive, so it’s natural for you to want to give everyone the same empathy and benefit of the doubt that you wish was afforded to you. However, not every story is true and not every story is told with good intent. It’s important that you learn to discern the difference between people who have earned your affection and understanding, versus those who are just looking to take advantage of it.
The same way you don’t have to believe everything others say, you don’t have to reject your own story just because someone else has. Sensitive, intuitive people are going to pick up on things that others don’t and their inability to do so is not a reflection of you, your validity, or your worth. Make sure you prioritize relationships with people who believe you the first time, see your sensitivity as a strength, and encourage you to believe in yourself. Your story after all, is worth telling too.
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Originally published on @siderealmaven's Patreon Page.
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breadbutrosestoo · 6 months
Quick, first impression analysis of Hozier's "Wildflower and Barley" from the new EP
Springtime in the country Each time, I'm shocked by the light The world lying fallow And you are apart from me Everything in my vision is movement and life Riverboat, wheelbarrow, wildflower and barley
“The world lying fallow” - fallow can mean “characterized by inaction; unproductive” but also it can mean “plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production”. I find that I like the second definition more because in covid times, that’s what happened (although it wasn’t planned). For example, the sea animals were coming back to the canals in Italy because the water was healing. Nature was healing. Though the world was unproductive, life isn’t necessarily synonymous to productivity like how we as humans have been led to believe. Your life isn’t characterized by what you do because life is an innate quality.
Though life at that time was in a state of limbo, life moves on (aka the last line). It's interesting that this is set in the springtime specifically because spring is the month of renewal. After the months of winter where nature is basically taking a break from any sort of growth and all growth has been stopped, spring and it's rays of light that are contrasted from the darker, cloudy winter days is a ray of hope and the start of renewal.
Springtime in the country I can smell summer on its breath Low and harrowed lie the fields and the heart of me Everything in my vision, departure and death Riverboat, wheelbarrow, wildflower and barley
This stanza plays on the first one because it’s practically the same lines yet it has substituted the speaker’s vision of life by death. However, the line about departure and death is followed by the same line that was to describe movement and life. Though there is death and departure, life moves on. The riverboats keep moving down the river, the wheelbarrow keeps rolling along, wildflowers always bloom in spring, barley grows into food for sustenance (to keep life living).
The fields are low and harrowed, waiting uneasily for action and the cultivation of food are exactly like his heart because he is waiting without a deadline for the time in which he can live life freely and love you again.
(The healers) This year, I swear it will be buried in actions (Are healing) This year, I swear it will be buried in words (The diggers are digging the earth) Some close to the surface, some close to the casket (I feel as useful as dirt) Useful as dirt Put my body to work Mmm (Ooh) Mmm (Ooh)
Whenever Hozier sings a song w another person I love the way in which he mixes two different storylines in the chorus (damage gets done). What is being buried in actions? What’s being buried in words? What is close to the surface and also close to the casket? Idk. It’s gone a little bit over my head. If I had to guess, I think he’s making a big metaphor from humans to plants (omg wow has he ever before done this like ever?).
(For these next two paragraphs ignore the parenthesized lines in the chorus) (first line = “this year, I swear it will be buried in actions)
Plant- first two lines (seeds of growth buried underground), third line (some close to breaking out into the world, some not budding at all), fourth line (though dirt is useful because it is the environment of the seed, the seed itself is useful because it is the thing that grows) fifth line (seed is put to work to renew life)
Human- first two lines (we are going to be doing things, we are going to be speaking, we are going to be living, though not productive, the mere act of living and just doing things regardless of impact is action and words and ultimately us living life) third line (some are close to making it out of the year and able to break out and do something greater, some die) fourth line (we are as useful to the world and the continuation of life as the environment outside of us, we are the ones that facilitate the growth of the plants and life in the dirt that holds the life we create in it) fifth line (I’m going to put my body to work and because we are innately full of life just by being alive, living and dying regardless of what happens to us is continuing life and renewing life)
“The healers are healing” and “the diggers are digging” are interesting because I have found both a straightforward meaning and a more creative one. “Healers” line could literally mean people are healing from covid and “diggers” line could literally mean people are farming. Also, “healers” line could mean people are participating in the continuation of life by healing others but people are also participating in the continuation of life by digging people’s graves when they die. Though dying seems like the end of life and the antithesis of life, it contributes to the duality of life and therefore a part of life.
I don't have much to say initially about the rest of the song because although there are little changes here and there, there isn't anything significant. But, I do want to talk more about the song as a whole. I hadn't read Inferno or known anything about the circles of hell but I did do a bit of research when I found out this was inspired by the first circle aka limbo. It’s oftentimes described as “a place of sorrow without torment” and that’s how the he's experiencing the world around him. I think when I first read this, I was so confused with the tone it was trying to convey (whether it was optimistic or pessimistic) because one line would be like “life persists” and the next will be like “we’re surrounded by death” but it makes sense to erase the idea of a one sided view of life and make room for the infinite shades. There can be space for two things at once. In the first circle of hell, the people that are in it are the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans. These people were good, they didn’t sin, yet they aren’t able to reach heaven because of the circumstances they have given. It is a lonely, forever existence and though it isn't heaven, it isn't hell. Life is sort of like that because though life comes with the pain of death and sorrow, it also comes with the renewal of life and death is simply a part of this cycle. I was just about to write the next sentence to be something like “therefore, we should be grateful for life and ourselves” but I think this is the wrong statement to write for this song because this song I feel lacks judgement. Like how limbo feels like a vague void of opposing forces yet the combination of those, it is less talking about the human condition through the lens of “what’s right” or “what’s wrong” and it’s more holding up a mirror to life and nonexistence of singularity. But even though there is no single human and natural story, there is one constant which is renewal and the innate continuation of life. Our death is life and our life is death. 
Please let me know what you think about this song because I'm frankly obsessed and my head is spinning because this song honestly feels the most obscure to me in meaning compared to the other three on the EP.
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What Role Does Green Light Play In Plant Development?
Although green light is included in full-spectrum LED lights, their value in promoting plant development is not entirely clear. The effects of green LED grow lights on plant growth are discussed here, along with when and how to use them.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
In honor of it re-blooming, this week's houseplant spotlight is my African violet:
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I bought this at the beginning of the summer. It was in a little 4" pot at the time, and had a few nice blooms. African violets are a bit higher difficulty level than I usually aim for, but my grandmother was known for being able to nurse African violets back to health. She had a big table in her front window crowded with pots of them that people had given her, practically dead, and she would coax them back to life. I wanted to grow one of my own as a fond memory of her.
So! Here are my tips and tricks!
This is a reservoir pot. The black part lifts out, and you pour water into the bottom. There are some wicks that hang down and soak up the water, delivering it to the roots. African violets have downy leaves that will be damaged by getting wet, so you never want to spritz them.
I used African violet mix, which has two advantages. (1) it's a little acidic, and (2) it barely retains water. Used in combo with the reservoir pot, the plant will get a steady supply of water to its roots without sitting in damp soil.
I keep it under an LED grow light, so it gets 12 hours a day of direct light.
After it finished its first bloom, I pinched off the spent blossoms. The blooms grow on a little stem that is very charmingly named a "peduncle". If only one or two blooms has died, you can pull off just the dead ones, but once they've all gone, you can trim out the entire peduncle. It's also good to prune off a few of the outer leaves, which gives the plant more space, lets it direct more energy to new growth, and keeps it looking nice.
And that's it! I've been super successful with this one-- it's probably twice the size it was when I got it, and it's bursting with flowers at the moment. I'm very proud of myself (and my violet)!
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Mamuta (Monster)
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(Mamuta Download by SAB64 on Deviantart)
(I love the mamuta, and I love how evil the captains are to them. They aren't aggressive at all, and even when you piss them off they don't even hurt pikmin! Just plant them! I interpreted them as benevolent fey- although they canonically lay eggs in the game- and kept them at their original size. I also incorporated the fact that these sweethearts have a tendency to get killed!)
CR2 NG Tiny Fey (Earth)
Mamuta are simple, kindhearted fey who tend to the undergrowth of forests, counting clovers, planting flowers, and choosing seedlings to care for until they become great trees. They treat all plant life with love and care, and even when incensed, choose only to quell plant enemies rather than kill them. A mamuta typically chooses a field or clearing about 60ft in diameter as its territory- such a clearing flourishes under its care.
Mamuta have an odd quirk- they are fascinated by rare magical and technological items, and often keep them somewhere on their person or buried in the soil. This, unfortunately, has led amateur treasure hunters to target them for their goods. Mamuta will fight with surprising strength for a creature so small, but still rarely win these conflicts against armed humanoids, leaving their small, delicate plants without a protector.
Mamuta are said to taste like chicken-of-the-woods, and it is believed by scholars of the natural world that they represent the symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi, as well as natural processes growing over and burying items left in the woods.
A NG spellcaster level 7 or higher with the Improved Familiar feat may take a mamuta as a familiar.
This small brown creature has a pair of long arms extending from its torso, and no head- only a pair of soulful eyes buried in its chest.
Misc- CR2 NG Tiny Fey (Earth) HD3 Init:+0 Senses: Perception:+9 Stats- Str:16(+2) Dex:11(+0) Con:18(+4) Int:6(-3) Wis:19(+4) Cha:14(+2) BAB:+1 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft Defense- HP:22(3d6+9) AC:14 (+2 Size, +2 Natural) Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+7 CMD:11 Immunity: Force, Sonic Weakness: Vulnerable to Fire Offense- 2 Slam +3 (1d6+2) CMB:+1 Speed:15ft Special Attacks: Planter (DC12) Feats- Skill Focus (Knowledge [Nature]), Power Attack Skills- Knowledge (Nature) +6, Perception +9, Stealth +12 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster Level 4, Concentration +6) Status (Plants only) /constant Cure Light Wounds (Plants only), Goodberry 3/day Plant Growth 1/day Ecology- Environment- Forests, Plains Urban (Any) Languages- Sylvan Organization- Solitary Treasure- Double (Medicinal herbs, 1 Lesser Wondrous Item) Special Abilities- Planter (Su)- A mamuta’s slam attack is incapable of harming plants. Instead, a plant creature hit by the attack heals 1d6 damage and must make a DC12 Will save or become sedate, unable to act for 1d6 rounds as though they were dazed. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, I am the anonymous person who requested Dr. Stone's request, I am a little embarrassed to say who I am, but I seriously adore you, dear author, you are always considerate.
I would still like a request for both Nikola and Beelzebub, and Adam but still platonic. This time with a y/n in her 20s, who works on the alchemy of pixie dust (I don't know if she's seen the Tinker Bell movies).
Basically, y/n was the granddaughter of a scientist and whenever she visited her grandfather he also told her about the fairies and the strange dust that arose from the Blue Moon and a special stone, so as an adult she looked for the stone and recreated her own blue pixie dust and begin the study of this substance. Having her a little assistant fairy that she rescued once in a search for materials. Let's say y/n met her boyfriend during some tests with a plant growth enhancing pixie dust and a large root burst and she ended up landing on the man in question.
For Adam, the same thing happened to him but he began to stay close to her to take care that her daughter does not end up catapulting herself out of Valhalla.
(○` 3′○)
My sweet love, you never have to be embarrassed with me. I don’t judge others, unless if you’re mean to me or others then yes I will judge, but other than that, I adore each one of you.
-You sighed softly, looking down at your grandfather’s research notes, he had been long gone from you by the time you died and ascended to Valhalla, learning that he didn’t come to the same place, but you were able to keep his research notes, as well as your best friend and assistant, Luna, a tiny, light blue fairy.
-You had met Luna only a year after the death of your grandfather, saving her from a cat and tended to her wounds, a couple of scratches on her legs and arms.
-After she realized that you, being an adult, could see her, as before only children could see her, she knew you had an affinity for fairies, she knew you were a good person.
-The two of you traveled together, safely, so she wouldn’t be seen by anyone else and taken from you, researching and exploring the world in search of the Blue Moon Stone.
-After confirming with both Luna and the notes of your grandfather, this special stone, that only appears during a Blue Moon, had magical properties, ones that were insanely strong, even by fairy standards, and you wanted to research it and learn everything you could about it.
-This same drive for research is what led to your untimely death, slipping off a cliff and plunging into the ocean far below.
-When you awoke in Valhalla, you were amazed by everything around you, before you cried, hugging Luna close, seeing that she had also died, coming with you but she didn’t care, she wanted to stay by your side.
-You were given a small lab for your research, as Valhalla was able to get Blue Moon Stones easily for you, you didn’t mind the size of the lab, it was perfect for you and Luna, spending your days exploring Valhalla and researching the stones, researching the powers it had.
-Your research was fruitful, finding the stone had properties that worked on plants the best, while other organics, such as people or animals, only worked a small fraction as well.
-Luna and you were working hard, getting this new super fertilizer created, as some gods had approached you, mainly nature gods, who were interested in the results, offering rewards if your elixir would work to help their own plants and trees, and help the nature down on earth.
-You swallowed hard, holding a pipette with some of the liquid concentrated elixir, using a plant you had been given from Demeter.
-You dropped the first drop in and instantly the roots shot out, destroying a portion of your lab and sending you flying out the window.
-Good thing you had a soft-ish landing!
-Nikola- You squealed, realizing you had landed on a person, scrambling off of him as you were quick to cradle his head, “Are you all right?!” he was a bit dazed for a moment or two before he grinned brightly, “Thank you for your concern young lady! I am quite all right? I heard the explosion, were you working on an experiment?” you nodded, and his eyes sparkled brightly, immediately sitting up to cup your hands between your own, begging to see your research. You were stunned that this man, once introduced, was Nikola Tesla!! Luna was returning the roots to normal, using her own magic and Nikola was in awe, immediately greeting her kindly before asking you both tons of questions. He was a bit intimidating at first, as he was very enthusiastic, but he was quick to grow on both you and Luna as he had been looking for something new to research and fairy magic was something so new and unique that he couldn’t pass it up! The more he came around, the more you both grew used to him, and Luna could see the affection you had for him, thinking it was rather cute that you were so shy, choosing instead to approach Nikola first, telling him of your affections as she knew he would take the first step, and he did without any hesitation!
-Beelzebub- Your soft landing had been a person that you knocked out, instantly panicking as you crawled off him, checking him carefully for injuries before you hauled him up and dragged him to you lab so you could tend to him. Beelzebub woke up about an hour later, expecting a headache, but was surprised when he had no pain, as he remembered someone getting blown out of the lab he had been walking by and that person landing on top of him. The first one he saw was Luna, an actual fairy and she was quick to fly off his chest, where she had been watching him, her magic helping take some of the hurt away, flying to you to hide behind your hair. You touched her, feeling her tug your hair and you turned, immediately smiling, “Oh I’m so glad you’re awake! I’m sorry for knocking you out!” you came over as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head lightly, “What exploded?” you scratched your cheek lightly, turning your head and he saw a plant with monstrous sized roots, “When the roots shot out it blew me through the window.” He nodded softly before he inquired about what you were working on which immediately made you beam, surprising him as you gave him a tour, showing him the fruits of your research, including your newest failure, but with it, came more research, as you were able to adjust the dosage. Beelzebub became a frequent visitor to your lab, curious about your work and he wasn’t going to lie, he liked seeing you, your bright smiling face, so full of joy, made him feel so at ease, as he sat with you, helping you.
-Adam- You were quick to scrambling off the man, who was only wearing a fig leaf and you instantly panicked, knowing who this was, a mantra of apologies leaving your lips as you were near tears, helping him up. Adam wasn’t hurt, but he surprised you when he cupped your cheeks, seeing you in tears, “Are you okay? Any injuries?” his concern for you reminded you of your grandpa and you instantly sniffled, tears flying out the sides like geysers, comically, while Adam panicked, trying to find where you were hurt. Adam and Eve both came into your lab, after he called Eve, needing her help to calm you down, and they were surprised you were researching magic to help plants, with the help of Luna. Your fairy friend loved Eve, sitting in her hands and chatting warmly, but was shy with Adam, hiding in your hair as you showed them the results of your research, with the giant roots that had thrown you out of the lab, which Luna and you were now working on reversing so you could try again. Eve praised your hard work, enjoying the idea of this elixir helping plants, as was Adam, feeling proud of your hard work, but he said he wanted to stay around, to make sure you didn’t get blown out a window again, which just made you laugh lightly, but he was serious, not wanting to risk your safety.
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