#leftist ideology
lifeonkylesfarm · 2 years
ngl every city building game highly emphasizes social services for a reason.
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coloradoron · 5 months
The Dangerous Woke Orgy of Self
The pathetic protests occurring across the US are a perfect illustration of the orgy of moral smugness that imbues the woke leftists. Rage against "whomever" or "whatever", chant empty slogans, party into oblivion, make love with a stranger, leave a wicked mess for responsible people to pick-up, rinse, and repeat.
This type of self-indulgence has an endless appetite. The false sense of righteousness they feel is an addictive drug. The allure of belonging to a common cause against perceived injustice is a never ending cycle.
History shows it eventually escalates to abuses a la the French Revolution, where the thirst for perverted justice ends with heads rolling until finally the leadership of the causes itself are consumed.
This is a blind religion, a cult, a worship of disdain, a feel good misdirection that is being used by the opportunistic Marxists and globalists to destroy America. And they are winning at this point.
Today it is a sickening chant against Jews and Israel. But, don't be deceived or lulled, it is only a matter of time and strategy until it is white men, gun owners, conservatives, Christians, the wealthy, property owners, intellectuals, anybody and everybody the leftists body politic deems unworthy or a threat to the "cause?".
As (I believe) Lenin said, " Useful Idiots" that don't have a clue that in the end they are all expendable.
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r1c4rd4 · 1 year
This. is. Important. N4Z1§ HAVE A 70. MILLION FOLLOWIN. Tw antisemitism, Violence, ''schizoposts'', making fun of autism and insanity
Tiktok is so fd. PLEASE DELETE IT IT IS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE APP. I am from austria this hits me holdy f**k
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melencolia-maniac · 2 years
Confession of a serial job-hopper:
1. Boredom is the root of all evil (or you may argue it’s the root of all creativity). I can’t tolerate boredom. Truth is, every job becomes monotonous after a while. ‘Tis the nature of things.
2. It’s not difficult to find a job, as long as you’re good at personal branding. No experience? No problem! Watch a 15-minute video on YouTube and you’re instantly an expert. ‘Tis the power of bullsh**ing (or spontaneous speaking, whichever term you prefer).
3. I hate working for capitalists, but alas, you gotta start from somewhere to fill that rebellious belly of yours. I hate when ppl pocketing all the profit I generated. Never forget this hatred. ‘Tis the source of motivation.
4. Learn, learn, observe and learn. Know thy enemy. Keep you friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
I am proud of being a serial job-hopper.
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What insane leftist social engineering nightmare will make the average hardworking and law abiding American finally cry out? This one truly sets a new and terrifying standard for a crazy and wholly unjustified governmental theft in the name of “equity”.
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notgoingwell · 1 year
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nyancrimew · 2 months
i'm a us liberal and i think you're cool
i highly doubt you're a liberal then and just think liberal = leftist which it very much does not
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dreamspring · 7 months
question to my punk & goth friends out there - i saw this video saying that punk and goth are not music based subcultures and as someone who isn’t really engaged in either deeply i am so confused
here are some comments ???
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anarchistfrogposting · 9 months
The point is not moral absolution or ideological purity, it’s building a better world.
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detectivehole · 2 months
"weird" hurts conservative feelings but cannot be effectively turned around on progressives because we've probably been called weird our whole lives, but those concerned with maintaining the status quo and right uniformity may have never been called weird before, or at the very least the idea of being weird is fundamentally disgusting to them
not that this is some great weapon we will use to crush the right or something- it's just a mild insult and a decent campaign angle- but i think it's fun to think about why they seem particularly hurt by it
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lifeonkylesfarm · 1 year
why is profit immoral? a concise answer
- because someone in real life asked me this and I froze up because I didn't want to get into an argument
Profit is immoral because profit is theft.
Why is profit theft? Because, in order for a corporation to profit, it must take for itself the value the workers produced.
Think about it for a second. Are CEOs, executives, etc. producing value? Are they making the products the company sells? Are they providing the services the company sells? The answer, of course, is no. The people who produce the value of the company (i.e. the goods and services the company sells to make money) are the workers/laborers.
Here's an example: McDonalds cooks are generally paid $7.25 an hour (that is the federal minimum wage in the United States. In states where the minimum wage is higher, this differs). That can afford about 1.4 Big Macs (the price of a Big Mac in the US is, on average, around $5.15, as of around June 2023). Can anyone here honestly tell me that they think a single McDonalds cook makes only 1.4 Big Macs an hour? We're not even talking about other products here too. A McDonalds employee is clearly not paid for all of the value they produce. That employee is rightfully owed the money that comes directly from their work. Thus, McDonalds is stealing money from that employee.
This is a very simple example, but I think it shows the issue with profit. Profit *necessitates* that a company takes money from those who produce the value of the company and give it to shareholders, investors, owners, whoever. The big boys at the top who had the privilege of being able to have a share in the company.
Thus concludes concisely why profit is theft.
Oh, and if anyone sees this and wants to argue/debate, know that I will not engage. Be real: do you think either of us are gonna change our minds as a result of a debate?
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hilacopter · 9 months
Can we add Nazi to the list of words we're not allowing goyim to use until they learn what it really means. I don't think they should be using it until they learn Nazism is a very specific fascist political ideology with antisemitism baked into it's core and not just a placeholder word for "bad guys". If I hear "(((Zionists))) are the new Nazis" one more time I'm gonna fucking snap.
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r1c4rd4 · 1 year
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In memory of Che Guevara
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a-very-tired-jew · 1 month
A trend that I have seen lately from the antisemitic anti-Zionist crowd is to latch on to the concept of Christian Zionists. I've seen a good number of the big accounts across social media talk about Christian Zionism as if it's the same thing as Zionism as it relates to Jews.
For example; take one of the GFM "verifiers" and big anti-Zionist blogger el-shab sharing from palistani (who is a raging antisemite).
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This is one example and follows the standard I've seen across ProPal social media. They will typically introduce Christian Zionism as a whataboutism to distract from the fact that their movement is full of Nazis, antisemites, and supremacists. They will not explain the differences between Christian Restorationism Zionism and Zionism, nor explain how it came about, and then drop the "Christian" modifier and just call refer to it as Zionism from then on. This is part of how they are and have been spreading the "Zionism is a White Supremacist Colonizer ideology".
Most people don't know the difference between Christian Zionism and Zionism. Most people don't know that Christian Zionism is Christian Restorationism and that they changed the name of their belief/ideology to "ally" with Jews and garner support. But that "allyship" with Jews is conditioned on the fact that they need us to be in our homeland so that they can get their Second Coming Apocalypse ending.
That's it.
That's the whole thing.
We need to be in Israel so the End Times can happen and that's why they're (Christian) Zionists.
It has nothing to do with Zionism as it relate to Jews, Jewish safety, Jewish identity, Jewish indigeneity, and so on.
It's just another appropriation by goyim.
Now, End Times style Christians in the USA tend to be right wing bigots. They're typically the ones ranting about how *insert hated group* are a sign of the End. They push for legislature that is discriminatory and hateful. Many of them are White Supremacists and proud of it. This is a common tactic used by the mouth pieces of the anti-Israel movement; distract and redirect.
Do they have Nazis in their movement? Yes. But don't focus on that. Focus on this other thing that I'm holding in front of your face that is totally the worse thing so that you don't question why we have Nazis, antisemites, and other bigots in our group.
Jews are not Christian Zionists and cannot be. Zionism as it relates to Jews is completely separate with its own subtypes couched underneath it. But to conflate their Christian beliefs with a Jewish ideology is a fallacious argument that really shows how desperate antisemites anti-Zionists are.
After all these months it appears that people are listening to Jews about what Zionism actually is vs what these protesters have been telling them it is. They need to go "well what about this Zionism?! huh? huh?" as if it's another gotcha. But just like they've been defining Zionism as if it was Kahanism, this new talking point will just be another nail in the coffin of "it's anti-Zionism, not antisemitism!"
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rebelfemme · 3 months
Blind acceptance without questioning or thinking for oneself is one of the most dangerous things that is currently so normalized.
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yellow-yarrow · 7 months
wait I haven't noticed this before, but the next world mural is in line with Noid's ideology
"True love is only possible only in the next world - for new people it is too late for us. Wreak havoc on the middle class"
Noid - "In the true life of tomorrow, every woman will be an innocence.
Noid - "A life is true if it's free from fear and internal division among oneself. And others -- mankind has seeds of greatness in it. A germinal will come, a return to trueness. It will be hard core."
Noid - "Have you been listening to what Egg's been saying? Love is *hard core* man, and a mother's love is the hardest core of all..." Noid - "Well, they *loved* her. They put all their love in her and forgot all about the rest of us."
Which reminds me:
Fuck the World - "I can answer that. Many men keep searching for *the one*. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it." (...) one must think of a way to fuck the whole world -- and not get caught up in fucking some *one*."
(The church quest is full of Scooter references and Fuck here sounds like he's quoting the first line of How much is the fish?: The chase is better than the catch - it's all connected lol)
True love is only possible in the next world/ true life of tomorrow where all women are innocences!
And I think this is all in line with Chernyshevsky's views about nihilism which has been discussed in this post
The line about fucking the whole world instead of putting all your love into one person also makes me think of a love that is not about thinking that you own your monogamous partner, but a more free kind of love that is present in Chernysevsky's book
Also, I feel like there are different versions of nihilism in Elysium, for example Zigi's father in Sacred and Terrible Air is a nihilist, but he says St Miro's nihilism isn't real nihilism, and it's a disappointment. So I'm not saying Noid is the same as Zigi, who wants the whole world to just disappear. Piss and Fuck seem to be also more into what Noid is talking about. Then there is Esteban and Hulio from Full Core State Nihilist (story on Martin Luiga's Medium set in Elysium) who are edgelords just fucking around (? I'm still not sure what their deal is)
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