#legacy creative
michalslava · 1 year
0 notes
cranetreegang · 1 year
The Polyjuice Ploy - Ominis x FemReader
Well... this got out of hand. This was a request made by this lovely person -> @mentosanu and here is the original post/request
Hopefully I have not gone too crazy and this is somewhat what you wanted lol. if not... my b.
Shoutout again to @isolight for reading this over <3 you da best
Music to enjoy -> Flight of Dragons
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Summary: Sebastian and Ominis, after reading through an old textbook, get the idea of Ominis drinking a Polyjuice Potion to enjoy a day of sight and surprise a certain special someone ;)
Word Count: ~7,8-, (checks word count again... omfg) ~7,800 words
Warnings: angst/hurt, slightly heated kissing, comfort/fluff
Credit to the Harry Potter website and JK where I basically stole *cough* rewrote the description of what a polyjuice potion does and the affects of the polyjuice when ominis transforms
Read my other Ominis Fics Here
Ominis rests his head into his palm with a sigh. His quill writes out the last sentences he needs for his essay and he couldn’t be happier to be nearly done. Footsteps echoing on stone catch his attention, followed by the gate of the Undercroft rattling open. 
“Ah, was hoping to find you here.” Sebastian greets. 
“Looking for me, were you?” Ominis spares Sebastian a grin in greeting. “I’m busy at the moment, but if you don’t mind waiting-,”
Something heavy drops onto the table Ominis is using, sloshing his pot of ink. Ominis frowns as he feels over the object in front of him. 
“Why… what is this?” Ominis questions, tracing over the worn cover of a leather tome. He runs his other hand along the spine. The bindings of the book are exposed and he can feel the bumps of worn cords holding the loose pages together. Even the leather is peeling on the corners and edges. Whatever the title of the tome was, it’s long since faded as his wand can’t find a legible letter to decipher.
“Some light reading I need help with.” Sebastian states while he takes a seat next to Ominis.
Ominis sighs, “I don’t have time for this, Sebastian. I must finish this report for Profess-,”
“That can wait. This is far more pressing.” Sebastian shoves away all of Ominis’ writing utensils. 
“Ominis, you were the one saying I needed to find other ways to cure Anne. Well, this could be it. Now, are you going to help me, or sit there and complain?” 
Ominis lets out a deep breath while he flips the book open, “Fine. But only for a little bit. Then I must finish my report.” Ominis stresses with a glare aimed towards Sebastian. 
“Thank you, my friend. I won’t soon forget this.” 
Ominis skims through the pages. Seems Sebastian procured an archaic textbook dated back to the first few years of Hogwarts - detailing the more illicit potions you could make. Elixirs ranging from the mundane boil remover to the far more deadly Eternal Sleep Draughts. Ominis doesn’t find much in the book to help Anne, not even a remedy to help with the pain. He flips to another page when he pauses. 
It enables the consumer to assume the physical appearance of another person, as long as they have first procured part of that individual’s body to add to the brew. The effects of the potion are only temporary, and, depending on how well it has been brewed, may last anywhere from ten minutes to twelve hours. You are able to change age, sex, and race by taking the Polyjuice Potion, but not species.
The more he reads, the more his thoughts stray from searching for a cure for Anne. To take on the physical appearance of someone else and to change… 
“Find something?” Sebastian questions, glancing over Ominis’ still wand digging into the page.
“No.” Ominis states and tries to turn to another section of the book, but Sebastian snatches the tome from Ominis’ grasp. He examines what has caught Ominis’ attention and Sebastian’s brows furrow at what he finds.
“Polyjuice Potion?” Sebastian looks over to Ominis. 
“I’m sorry. I got distracted. Can we please move on and go back to the task at hand?” Ominis reaches for the book, but Sebastian keeps it just out of his reach and chuckles.
“Why’re you so interested in a Polyjuice Potion, Ominis?” 
Ominis huffs with a shake of his head, “I’m not.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “You most definitely are.” 
Ominis crosses his arms with a snarl, “And if I am? What of it?”
Sebastian reads over the passage again, a smile forming on his lips, “I can see why you would be. If I’m thinking the same thing you are.” 
“It’s silly. I shouldn’t even entertain the thought.” Ominis dismisses. 
“Why not? Wouldn’t you want to spend the day being able to see?” 
Ominis frowns, “But, it wouldn’t be through my own eyes. It would have to be through someone else's. And I doubt anybody would be willing to give me a lock of hair for such a thing.” 
Sebastian puts his hand on Ominis’ shoulder with a slight grin, “It’s a good thing I am that somebody.” 
“You heard me. I think we should make this potion and once it’s done, you can use my hair. It’ll be perfect!” Sebastian shakes Ominis in his excitement.
“Brewing a Polyjuice Potion takes time. And, far more importantly, skill. A skill I doubt either of us possesses.” 
Sebastian leans back in his chair with a hum, “That could pose a problem. Unless, we found someone to make us the potion.” 
Ominis cranes his head, “Who would be willing to-,” the words die in his mouth. His lips thin as he nods, “I know of someone. I’ll have to reach out to them though.” 
Sebastian claps his hands together with a grin, “Excellent. This may be one of your better ideas, Ominis.” 
Ominis snatches the book from Sebastain and goes back to researching, “We shall see, won’t we?”
Two weeks pass before Ominis receives word back from his contact. The letter is brief and Ominis is filled with excited trepidation as he heads to the Hog’s Head for the meeting. Ominis is relieved the transaction is quick, with few words exchanged. Ominis keeps the potion close to his chest as he heads to the Undercroft to stash it away until the right moment. 
Three days later, Sebastian finds Ominis pacing in the Undercroft. 
“Sorry I’m late.” Sebastian greets. “Ready for this?”
Ominis shakes his head, “I don’t know. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” 
“What’s the problem? You seemed sure yesterday.” 
Ominis stops, letting out a sigh, “Are you sure you’re okay with this? If you’re have any doubts, I-,” 
“I want to do this, Ominis.” Sebastian interjects. “Now, where is that potion before you change your mind.” 
Ominis reaches into his pocket and hands the potion over to Sebastian. Sebastain holds the palm-sized phial up to the fire’s light. He plucks out a few strands of his hair then he places them into the potion. A faint sizzling sound can be heard as Sebastian swirls the muddy liquid. Sebastian hands the potion back to Ominis.
“Drink up.” Sebastian grins. 
Ominis holds the potion in his hand - willing away his nerves. He raises the potion up with a slight smile, “Cheers.” 
He downs the thick liquid, refusing to allow himself to gag at the taste and consistency. 
Immediately, his insides start writhing and twisting. He doubles over, wondering if he’s going to throw up the concoction. A burning sensation spreads rapidly from his stomach to the tips of his fingers and toes. It’s enough to bring him gasping to all fours, whimpering and moaning as a horrible melting feeling begins to overtake him. His skin feels like it’s bubbling. His fingers stretch out, growing larger and longer. He hears the popping of his joints as they shift into their new positions over the rushing of blood in his ears. His shoulders stretch and he’s constricted in his own clothes. He rips off his robe, flinging it away, and his legs and feet are in agony. His shoes are now two sizes too small and he could feel his hair resting along his forehead instead of being neatly styled back. 
“Ominis! Ominis, are you alright? Answer me!” Sebastian demands, flipping Ominis over to his back.
Ominis spares him a nod, finding his tongue to be too heavy and thick in his mouth to speak. He no longer feels like he’s ripping apart and the nausea he felt has all but evaporated. 
Sebastian chuckles, “Wow. I… this is absolutely dotty.” 
Ominis’ brows pinch and Sebastian’s hands assist him into a sitting position. 
“Ominis. Open your eyes.” Sebastian urges. 
Ominis sucks in a sharp breath then slowly opens his eyes. A bright face grinning back at him is the first thing he sees. Ominis stares at the boy, taking in the sight. 
“Sebastian?” His voice is not his own and Sebastian’s eyes widen.
“Whoa! Oh, wow, Ominis. You can see.” Sebastian’s grin is contagious and Ominis matches his excitement. 
“I can see. I see you.” Ominis reaches up and touches Sebastian’s face, his eyes blurring with sharp tears burning his eyes and throat. Sebastian lets Ominis trace over his smiling face. It’s all so familiar. The bridge of Sebastian’s nose all the way down to the curve of his brows. Ominis didn’t expect his friend to have such dark eyes and dots all over his face. Sebastian’s hair is about how he pictured though - a thick mess on top of his head.
“Well? Am I what you envisioned, or have I disappointed?” Sebastian teases. 
Ominis shakes his head, “You’re nothing like I envisioned. Yet, it makes sense. I-,” he turns his attention to around them. He gets to his shaky legs and laughs as he looks around. 
The room is far less inviting than he imagined with the stone being a dull, dreary hue. The lights of the brazers and candles lures him closer. The warmth of their light takes his breath away and his hand reaches out to hover just over the flames. He turns his gaze to all the crates, boxes, and other items stored away down here. Some are covered in a fine layer of dust, while others are draped over with light colored sheets.
“This is the Undercroft.” Ominis mumbles to himself. 
“Indeed it is.” Sebastian grabs each of Ominis’ shoulders and drags him over to a cracked mirror. “And here you are.” 
Ominis stares at the two identical boys in the mirror. Ominis’ eyes widen and the boy across from him does the same. He tilts his head and so does the reflection. He touches over his cheek and drags his fingers down over the tanned, freckled skin. 
He looks over to Sebastian, “How odd indeed.” 
“I must say, this is probably the best you’ve ever looked, Ominis.” Sebastian smirks. 
Ominis laughs, “I’m sure.” 
Ominis stares at Sebastian, finding it unbelievable he can actually see his friend looking back at him with a devilish smile. He could always hear Sebastian’s smirks when he spoke, but to see how it affects his face, especially his eyes - illuminating them in a way Ominis doesn’t quite understand - makes him wonder if all people are this animated.
“Well, as exciting as being here is, there’s a whole bunch of things you ought to see before that potion wears off.” Sebastian states. 
Ominis nods, “Yes. Of course. Where should we begin?” 
Sebastian smirks while guiding Ominis towards the exit gate, “Sorry, my friend, but I’m afraid I can’t go with you.” 
“What?! Why not? This was practically your idea.” Ominis scowls. 
Sebastian raises a brow, “Oh? And tell me how good of an idea will it be for the both of us to be seen together right now? They know I’m a twin, but I doubt they’ll believe this.” He gestures over Ominis. 
“Besides,” Sebastian slips off his robe and tosses it to Ominis, “you already have plans today.” 
“I do?” Ominis shrugs on the robe, adjusting the sleeves and rolling his shoulders.
“Yep! You’re supposed to be meeting up with a certain special someone right about now.” Sebastian grins.
“What? You made plans with her?” Ominis crosses his arms with a frown. 
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “By I, I mean, you, Ominis.” 
Ominis’ brows furrow, “You mean to say you didn’t tell her what we’re doing.” 
“No. It’s better this way - trust me.” Sebastian opens the gate and motions for Ominis to go through, “Now, go to the North Exit. And have fun today. I’ll be here waiting until you come back.” 
Ominis wants to protest, but Sebastian slams the gate closed in his face and starts walking away. Ominis sighs, making his way out of the Undercroft. 
He’s met with a near blinding light once he emerges from the clock. His eyes roam all over, taking in the sights of students passing by. He grips his wand and follows the familiar vibrations towards the North Exit, but his stride is slow. The sounds he’s heard all start to merge together. The paintings, the statues, the students, the smells of certain plants - all of it forms the full picture before him. He stops several times in front of vibrant paintings of faraway places, suits of armor shining in the light, and when he takes a bridge outside, he’s completely entranced. 
The sky above is a color he finds the most pleasing. Blue. That must be the color blue, he realizes. With gentle clouds rolling by, he’s starting to understand how people can gaze up at the heavens for hours on end. Students zip by on their brooms and he laughs at how wonderful the sight is. The sun peeks out over the towering castle. He can’t believe how small the sun is - he always imagined it taking up half the sky considering how much the light reaches. He has to look away when his eyes begin to burn and dark spots blot his vision. He continues his journey to the North Exit, but as he gets closer and closer the more his nerves start to show themselves. 
Seeing Sebastian for the first time was surprising, so he can only imagine how he’ll react to seeing her. His heart won’t slow down - it keeps getting faster and faster with every step closer he gets. His hands clench and unclench themselves and he’s practically grinding his teeth into dust. He’s tempted to turn around, hide in the Undercroft until the potion wears off, just to cease this torture. He’s at the stairway gripping the cool railing as he descends. Just before he reaches the last step, the vibrations of his wand pick up a familiar aura of someone. His stomach twists. He looks over to find a girl standing by the door. 
She cranes her head and smiles with a light wave, “Sebastian! What’re you doing here?” 
Ominis freezes in place - his mind barely able to shove his wand into his robe’s pockets. His heart hammers in his chest and he can’t breathe. She walks towards him with confusion lacing her eyes. Her eyes. He can’t stop staring at them. They’re a beautiful color he’s not familiar with. They almost seem to sparkle. And how she moves is enchanting. It’s like she’s floating right over to him. Her perfume reaches his nose and a smile stretches across his face at the familiarity. 
“Sebastian? Everything alright? Do I have something on my face?” She laughs, but her brows pinch together with slight worry at the thought. 
“What? Um, no. I-, You look great. I-I mean, you’re-, It’s fine.” Ominis curses himself and decides shutting his mouth would be best for now until he regains control of his rattled mind. 
She nods with her eyes slightly narrowed, “Well, um, have you seen Ominis?” 
She laughs, “Yes, Ominis. You know, our friend? You said he’d be meeting me here to go to Hogsmeade. But, it looks like he’s running late.” 
Damn Sebastian for telling her that. He probably thinks he’s so clever, Ominis seethes to himself. 
“Well, actually…,” Ominis takes in her awaiting features, noting how much her face speaks for her - much like Sebastian’s. If only he could recognize what emotion she’s currently conveying with her pinched brows and slight frown. Perhaps Sebastian had a point about not telling her. He turns his gaze to the ground, “He said he wouldn’t be able to make it.” 
“Oh.” Her frown fully forms and she looks away, “D-Did he say why?” 
He curses himself at lying, but he can’t back down now, “He said he wasn’t feeling like himself.”
She nods, slow and disappointed, “I see. I should probably go check on him if he’s not feeling well.” 
“No!” Ominis exclaims, making her eyes widen. “I mean, we could go to Hogsmeade together instead.” 
She cranes her head, her eyes scanning over him as her mouth parts and closes several times. 
“Ominis said I should take you.” He blurts out. “You know, as to not disappoint. He feels terrible about all of this.” 
She spares him a small smile, “Ever the gentleman. Alright, if you don’t mind, I suppose it’d be nice to get away from the castle for the afternoon.” 
He can’t stop his grin from forming and he holds out his arm for her, “Shall we?” 
She raises a brow at him and he realizes all too late how odd this gesture is for ‘Sebastian’ to be making. He quickly lowers his arm and takes the lead with a hurried gait. She doesn’t follow immediately and it takes her a few long strides to catch back up. He opens the door and he’s taken back by the sight which greets him.
The lawn is a vivid pigment in contrast to the stone which cuts through it. The grass is lush and inviting. He kneels down and rests his hand on it. The grass ripples from the wind and he’s beguiled by how peaceful the motion is. He’s felt it a hundred times, but to see it actually happen as it moves in waves across the field makes his smile widen. He remembers Sebastian saying that grass is normally green. He takes in the color of green and how it paints the trees as well in a different shade - a more richer, green. 
“Everything alright?” 
He whips his head over to her, who watches him with a worrying gaze. He quickly stands back up.
“Fine. I apologize - I thought I saw something.” He walks ahead and she keeps up with him. 
Ominis tries to keep himself from staring too long at the fountain as they pass. The water trickles and rings in his ears in a pleasant way, and he wouldn’t mind staring at the rippling water, but he forces himself to keep walking. They continue along the path and when they reach the bridge, he practically slams his chest against the railing to look at the river below.
The water rushes over the different colored rocks, taking various debris of leaves and twigs down stream. He follows the river until he sees the lake shimmering in the distance. He’s aware of her standing by him and her eyes are trained at where he was staring. 
“Something caught your eye again?” She wonders.
“Yes, but it was nothing.” He dismisses. 
She nods with a slight grin, “Are you sure you haven’t caught what currently plagues Ominis? You’re being quite odd today.” 
“I’m fine.” Ominis smiles at her and she nods, but the way her gaze seems to be piercing right through him makes him feel exposed. 
Despite doing his best to keep his eyes straight ahead instead of looking around, he can’t help himself. He can’t believe how beautiful the world is. He looks above them at the tree limbs overhanging the path. The sunlight filters through the canopy and he’s in awe at how such a simple thing could be so magnificent. He could actually see the rays of sunlight - he even reaches out to grab it. Little flying creatures flutter past them towards the bright flowers growing beside the path and he can’t quell his smile as he watches. The sound of the trumpet flowers makes him pause. While the flowers themselves were dazzling, their obnoxious noise masks any notes of admiration within him. 
“You’re quiet today.” She says, bringing his attention to her. The sun illuminates her skin and hair, making her glow. He’s taken back by how captivating she is. His heart picks back up again and his stomach flutters and twists. He likes watching how her voice and lips work in tandem to speak. Then he realizes she’s said something else.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” He mumbles. 
She stops walking, making him do the same, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” 
“Yes. I’m fine, I assure you.” 
She opens her mouth, but promptly shuts it. She scans over him again then resumes walking. There’s an emotion written upon her face, but he’s not sure what it is. He’s finding great difficulty in discerning anything she says, too. A task he had no trouble with before, but now his mind can’t piece together her face with what’s being said.
The path winds up the hill and as they reach the top, his breath escapes him at the sight of Hogwarts in the distance. He all but sprints towards the overlook and he lets out a slight laugh at the castle. It was grand. Truly, and utterly, grand. The lake surrounds the school - which seemingly emerged with the jagged rocks which encompasses it. The towering trees seem almost insignificant compared to the striking, massive castle. 
“Quite a sight.” She says with a sigh while she joins him at the railing. “It never fails to give me goosebumps.” 
A flock of birds fly in front of Hogwarts and Ominis nods, “Magnificent.” 
She watches him and her lips try tugging into a smile, but she refuses to let it form. She pats the railing then turns towards the path.
“Come along. We’re nearly there.” 
Ominis takes in Hogwarts for a moment longer before following after her. 
He’s looking up at a tree with leaves that were not green, but a light, almost soft color. He’s perplexed by the idea of trees being more than just green when his eyes widen at the entrance to the town. Hogsmeade is bustling with students and patrons alike - some rushing to get to where they need to be while others stroll about with not a care in the world.
She turns to him with a slight grin, “How about checking out Gladrags first? I’m in need of a new pair of gloves.” 
He nods, his eyes darting everywhere. So much is happening, it’s enough to spin his head. Hogsmeade has always been a bit overwhelming to his senses - so many smells, sounds, and people. It makes it hard for him to know what’s happening, or where he was at times. Now, he sees the chaos before him is just as he imagined. Cauldrons bubble over crackling fires, lively music plays in the distance, several conversations all happening at once - it makes him grin with how mad this whole place is.
A hand takes his and he doesn’t think twice about grasping it back, letting it tug him along as he looks around. His mind catches up to him after a few steps and he looks down to find her leading him. He’s about to take his hand back and come up with some excuse to his bewilderment, but she glances towards him with a soft smile. This smile is far different from the others she’s had. It reaches all the way to her eyes. For some reason, it makes his chest warm and his breathing choppy - he can’t possibly remove his hand now. Not if it means extinguishing this feeling.
Her pace is far easier than it was on the way here. It gives him plenty of time to take in the sights of the different shops as they pass by. He recognizes the scents of some, like Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks, and others surprise him by their appearance, like Spintwitches. Birds fly overhead - which he figures out are owls due to the parcels they carry - and watering cans zip past to the different rows of blooming flowers. He notices the hanging lights overhead and he wonders what nighttime must look like. 
Honeydukes’ display of assorted, bright candy is what brings him to a full stop. The candy is vibrant and comes in so many designs and shapes. 
“Do you want to go inside?” She questions.
He slowly nods and she giggles - leading him into the candy shop. 
He can’t contain his smile at the vast array of colors before him. There’s more than he could ever imagine and he feels somewhat annoyed by how little everyone has told him - giving him only basic colors and denying him the plethora of shades they come in. It makes what he saw at Hogwarts seem almost muted in tone by comparison. 
They browse the vast selection of succulent candies, chocolates, and cakes until he finds his favorite - Peppermint Toad. He picks up the box with a grin. He’s always enjoyed the sharp mint taste and how the toad hops around in his stomach after. He finds the whole experience amusing - much to Anne and Sebastian’s confusion. 
“Is there anything you would like?” He asks, glancing towards her. 
She laughs, “You want to get me something?” 
He nods, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” 
She bites her lip with a slight shake of her head, “I wouldn’t mind a Chocolate Frog then. Since you’re offering.” 
He pays for their sweets and they head back out - making their way towards Gladrags. He stares at the toad-shaped treat, noting how the pattern swirls with two different colors which possess a slight shine, before he pops it into his mouth. He frowns for a moment at the peppermint taste not being nearly as predominant as he remembers. While the toad hops in his stomach, she’s already eaten her chocolate and is examining her card.
“Merlin’s Beard. I got Almeric Sawbridge. Again.” She huffs.
He laughs at her sour expression. Her frown melts away into a warm grin and she looks away.
“I didn’t know you liked Peppermint Toads.” She comments. “Thought only Ominis did.” 
Ominis curses himself for not thinking about such an oversight.
“I… normally don’t. I only wanted to see why Ominis enjoys them so.” He says.
“And?” She smiles. “What’s your verdict?” 
“They’re adequate.”
She giggles with a slight shake of her head.
They arrive at Gladrags and the smell of pigment and fabric greet them as they walk in. She wanders over to a dress on display. She skims over the fabric with a slight smile then looks over to him.
“What do you think of this orange?” She wonders. 
The dark, rich color is almost regal in appearance. He touches the dress, following the seam down the bodice and enjoying the stiff material. 
“It looks beautiful.” He says. 
Her eyes are aflame and a wide smile comes over her. She bites her lip then turns away towards the scarves. She looks over them until she finds one. She holds it out to inspect it before turning back to him.
“Do you think Ominis would like this?” She asks. 
The monotonous tone of the scarf doesn’t evoke anything in him until he feels the article of clothing. It’s soft and brings a smile to his face. 
“I like it.” He comments then shakes his head. “So, I’m sure Ominis would as well.” 
She laughs, wrapping the scarf around his neck, “I’m glad you think so. Mind holding on to it for me then?” 
“I-, of course.” He can feel his cheeks heating up as she smooths down the scarf on his chest. When her eyes meet his, a gasp escapes him. He feels encapsulated in a warmth he’s never experienced before. All from one single look. He’s slightly thankful he can’t see her all the time for he’s sure he would never be able to speak a coherent sentence to her otherwise. 
 She pays for the scarf then grabs his hand again, leading him outside. She turns to him with a grin. 
“What would you like to do today?”
The question takes him by surprise and he can’t form a single thought to reply back to her. 
“Well, if you have nothing in mind, then I may have something we can do.” 
He smiles, “Lead the way.” 
She squeezes his hand and his heart soars at the twinkle in her eyes. She’s up to something, but he can’t find it in himself to care. She leads him through Hogsmeade until they’re at the park. He’s heard the dragon’s rumbles from the topiary before, but he finds great amusement in seeing it. It’s far more animated than he imagined. And the dragon itself, while somewhat cute, gives him a slight shiver at how powerful of a beast they are. The colorful, flowered trees rain down their petals and he reaches out to grab one, but it slips right through his fingers. She takes them to the overlook and he can see the train station below them. Over in the distance, Hogwarts stands noblely. 
“Well,” he faces her, “what did you have in mind?” 
She has a sly smile as she gazes out over the scenery before them. The wind ruffles through her hair and he’s momentarily dizzy due to his lack of breathing. He needs to cease his staring, lest he die from self-induced asphyxiation, yet he's drawn to her and he’s unable to break away.
“It’s a fine day for some sightseeing.” She reaches into her robes and pulls out a worn, leather duffle bag. She glances around to ensure they’re still alone before she opens the bag. 
A whooshing noise, followed by a light, emits from the bag. Before his eyes, a giant beast emerges, followed by another similar beast with different colorings. The creatures chirp and scratch their sharp claws on the stone ground. His eyes widen and he’s quick to step away from them and be closer to her.
“Hippogriffs.” She states. 
“What do we need them for?” He questions - not bothering to mask his apprehension. 
She grins as she goes to one of the Hippogriffs that’s similar in coloring as the scarf she gave him. 
“This is Highwing. She’s quite spectacular, isn’t she?” She holds out her hand and Highwing bumps her beak against her palm. “And the other one is her mate. Dashmane.” 
She giggles, “Yes, because he’s so dashing.” 
The darker shade of the beast’s plumage shimmers in the sunlight. Ominis appreciates how stunning both of the creatures are. 
“First things first, you must introduce yourself to him - by giving a low bow.” She informs him.
Ominis glances between her and Dashmane before he does as she instructed. He bows, his back low and his head even lower. His eyes dart up to the creature as Dashmane bows back to him. 
“Excellent.” She grins as she goes to Highwing’s side then mounts the awaiting beast. She looks over to him expectantly. 
“But, I-I don’t know how to fly.” He protests. 
“You’ll be fine O-,” She pauses with a slight cough, “Sebastian. You’ll pick it right up.”
He gulps as he follows her movements and manages to jump then swing his leg over Dashmane. Ominis situates himself on the beast’s back. He looks over to her and she has a pleased smile. She appears relaxed - like this is natural for her to be on the back of a Hippogriff.
“Ready?” She wonders. 
He examines Dashmane, “Where do I hold on to?” 
She shrugs, “Anywhere you can.” 
He frowns, settling on grabbing a hold of a few tufts of feathers near the nape of Dashmane’s neck. Dashmane lets out a startled squawk, rearing up and nearly sending Ominis sliding off. Dashmane gallops forward and his wings unfurl as he vaults over the stone banister. With a few mighty flaps of his wings, Dashmane is soaring over the train tracks and towards the train station. Ominis’ heart is pounding in his chest and his eyes are blurring through the tears streaming past his temple. He feels like he’s close to falling off Dashmane’s back at any moment - or at the slightest movement.
A screech gets his attention as she flies in front of him. She looks over at Ominis with a wide smile. She’s truly a natural flier with how at ease she appears to be. Her and Highwing take the lead. Dashmane lets out a chirp of his own as he tries to catch up. Bystanders below, waiting for the Hogwarts Express, all stare up as they pass overhead. She curves off to the left towards a waterfall before banking back towards the arched bridge, diving below. Ominis clutches onto Dashmane as he follows, his stomach flipping and his breathing erratic. 
She turns Highwing away from the lake and over the tree line - following the lake’s shore. She spares him glances to ensure he’s still following as she takes them over the treetops. The tips shudder and move as they fly by they’re so close. She dives below the trees, with Dashmane doing the same, and they zip along the path until she takes them high above once more. His head turns every which way as he takes in the sight of the valley from above. The rivers cut through the growth of trees similar to the veins on his hands. He spots clusters of homes tucked away in the forest. 
They head towards an old castle or keep of some kind, with a blooming tree of the same vibrant, soft color from Hogsmeade, where they fly over as they turn back towards Hogwarts. He stares at the ruined estate in wonder at what it could’ve been. He turns his attention back to her and he adjusts himself on Dashmane. He lowers himself and, as if reading his thoughts, Dashmane flaps his wings harder than before.
Dashmane finally catches up to her and Highwing. She looks over to them and she laughs.
“You’re getting the hang of it!” She shouts. “Now, try to keep up!” 
Ominis’ eyes widen as she careens towards the river below. He tightens his grip then does the same. They soar across a river until they’re back over the Black Lake. He can’t stop his heart from beating wildly, but he’s finding the rush to be too thrilling to suppress. He leans himself over enough to catch his rippled reflection in the lake. He frowns at Sebastian being the face looking back at him. He focuses back on their flight.
She’s taking them towards Hogwarts, flying higher and higher as they near. Ominis can place what some of these areas are - like the boathouse where he arrived his very first year. Feels like only yesterday when he made the climb up all those steps and entered the Great Hall for the first time.
She takes them over the ramp and heads straight for the courtyard leading to the Great Hall. Ominis can make out the students below with some of them pointing up at them as they near. Highwing angles upwards before taking a dive right past the courtyard. Ominis’ eyes widen as Dashmane follows the route and dives after them. His heart is in his throat and his stomach drops. They’re heading right into a stone bridge and his whole body tenses up. Dashmane closes up his wings and zips through the archway. 
Ominis lets out a breath as Dashmane follows along the river, keeping his wingspan small enough to navigate the narrow crevice. Highwing zips through then banks sharply to the left at the divide. He emerges from the river just as she turns back towards a waterfall underneath the castle. As they turn out to trail along the embankment of the lake, she leads them towards another cascading river towards the old wooden long bridge. 
She flies them underneath and leads them up the waterfall, flying higher and higher over a stone bridge, until she turns to the left towards a plateau. She lands at a clearing with various rocks set up in a large circle around the area. He manages to bring Dashmane into a gentle landing, prancing up to be next to Highwing. 
“See. I knew you could fly.” She grins at him, her hair windblown and her face radiating. 
“I think you were trying to get us killed.” He retorts with a smile. 
She laughs, dismounting from Highwing then him dismounting as well. She brings out the strange leather bag again and opens it. The bag sucks both Highwing and Dashmane inside. She puts the bag away then motions with her head towards the edge of the plateau. She takes a seat on the rock, her legs draping over the edge. He sits next to her and he takes in the sight before them. 
The sun is beginning to set behind them, casting a pale, but brilliant, glow upon Hogwarts. Birds fly around a tower, which he realizes is the Owlery. 
“I’m glad we got here in time.” She whispers, her eyes set towards the sunset. “I wanted your first sunset to be special.” 
“It already is-,” the words die in his mouth as he pieces together what she just said. 
“I-I mean-, what do you mean my first sunset?” He tries to play off. 
Her eyes roll over to him with an amused grin playing on her lips.
“Do not play coy with me now, Ominis. I know it’s you.” 
His eyes widen and he can feel a burning heat overtake his face. She giggles, placing a warm hand on his.
“While I was irritated you did not tell me of your ploy at first, I figured you must have your reasons to keep me in the dark on this.” 
His head falls with a sigh, “No. Not a good reason by any sort of means.” 
She laughs again, “I assume Sebastian must be involved.” 
“This was his idea, if that’s what you’re implying.” He looks over to her, “When did you figure it out?” 
She hums, “I had a feeling something was wrong when you looked at the grass like you’ve never seen it before. Then again, when we got to Hogsmeade, you were completely taken away. And Sebastian most certainly doesn’t look at me the way you did today. But, what finally confirmed my suspicions, was when I asked what you thought of that orange dress. Which was very clearly purple, by the by.” 
He closes his eyes with a soft groan, “You are far too clever of a witch at times.” He looks over to her with raised brows. “Does that mean that harrowing flight was to get back at me?” 
She bites her bottom lip, “A bit. But, to also show you as much as possible before that Polyjuice Potion wears off.” She sighs, “I wish you would’ve told me. I could’ve made today special for you.” 
“It has been special.” He takes her hand in his with a smile. 
The look upon her face sends him spiraling once more. He’s not sure what it is, but he knows how it makes him feel. She’s the first to look away and she’s back to gazing at the sunset.
“You don’t want to miss this.” She says in a quiet voice. 
He looks off towards where the sun is setting behind the rolling mountains. The hills in the distance are draped in a fog and the colors begin to bloom across the landscape. 
“What colors are these?” He wonders. 
“Well, do you see there?” She points towards a large patch of a bright pigment which echoes across the sky. “That’s actually orange.” 
“Orange.” He laughs. “I see my mistake now.” 
She smiles as she points to another section of a softer color similar to some of the vibrant trees he saw, “That there, is pink.” 
His lips stretch into a smile, “Pink. I think I do like pink.” 
“And over there,” she points toward a darker color, far richer than the rest, “is purple. And there, where the sun is, is yellow, or actually, more accurately, gold.” 
He sucks in a deep breath, taking in this new knowledge. He wants to engrain this picture before him into his mind. The clouds hold a vast array of pigments like a field of flowers. And he can see so far - miles upon miles with no end in sight. It all evokes a well of emotion within him. And when he looks down at her, the sunset reflecting upon her soft features and in her eyes, he all but breaks. 
“I wish I could see this everyday.” His voice wavers. 
She looks over to him - her lips parted in concern and her smile fading. She wants to say something, the anguish is clear. His hand cups her cheek and her eyes close at the contact. 
“I don’t mean to cause you distress, love. I only mean to say - I envy Sebastian, and everyone else, that’s able to gaze upon you. I would love to do nothing more than to sing you ballads about your beauty.” He strokes her cheek, her eyes remaining close as she places her hand over his to press him closer to her face. 
“You don’t need to serenade me, Ominis.”
“I know.” He smiles. “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to.” 
His other hand joins in and he feels over her face - an action he has done several times. But, to see what he’s felt, elates him. It’s almost terrifying how strong the notion is. Her eyes remain close as he traces over her cheeks and down her nose then all the way to her jawline and lips. 
“I hope I’m what you were expecting.” She whispers, her brows knitting together as she slowly opens her eyes.
He smiles as he tucks away the wild hairs framing her face, “More than I could’ve ever imagined.”
The light begins to fade away and they’re soon swathed in a darkness he’s all too familiar with. He’s amazed he’s still able to somewhat see. Hogwarts illuminates in a soft glow and a sense of coziness strikes him. She leans closer to him, resting her hand on his chest.
“Lay with me.” She whispers while she pushes him back towards the ground. 
He lets her push him, falling back onto the cold stone beneath them. He watches her as she tucks herself next to him and she faces up towards the sky. Her eyes shift towards him and she laughs.
“Look up.”
She stares at him as he obeys her command. The sky is no longer a bright blue, but a darker, far richer shade. But what catches his eyes are the shimmering dots which twinkle in various prismatic colors. A gasp leaves him and she giggles.
“Those are the stars. And over there is the moon.” She points in front of them and he follows her finger towards the most breathtaking thing. The moon, once described to him as silver, seems almost unreal as it hovers in the night sky. Its light is cold compared to the sun and he finds himself in awe at its majesty.
“It’s all so beautiful.” He whispers while he hugs her closer to him.
Something shifts within him. He lets out a gasp then looks at his hand. His fingers and knuckles are shifting before his very eyes. 
“No. No, not yet.” He curses. 
She’s about to question what’s wrong when her eyes widen, “Ominis. Your hair. It’s… the potion.” 
He sits up - her doing the same- and he looks around. He doesn’t want this to end, but already the darkness is beginning to cloud his vision. He looks to her, pulling her close to him. He cups both sides of her cheeks and she holds him closer. 
She smiles as she says, “I love you, Ominis.” 
Seeing her lips move, the genuineness in her expression, and the softness in her gaze sends him careening. He stares at her, taking in every little piece of her, while the darkness consumes more and more. 
Then, she’s gone. 
He lets out a shaky breath and a coldness seeps into him. He’s still - unable to move. 
When she presses her forehead to his, he can no longer contain himself. Tears stream down his cheeks and she’s quick to embrace him, holding his head into the crook of her neck as he sobs. She strokes down his back while her other hand soothes his hair. There’s a whirlwind of emotion raging through him and he doesn’t know how to calm himself down. He’s thankful she’s not chastising him for acting this way - so pathetic and broken. Her gentle movements ground him from fully sinking into the numbing coldness which threatens to drag him deeper into an endless abyss. 
She whispers soft words, but he’s so lost he doesn’t understand what she’s saying. All he can notice is how warm she is and how tightly she holds him. Never once letting him go.
The chaos slowly quells and he’s exhausted himself. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice is hoarse and quiet. “I-I should have better control over myself. I-I didn’t anticipate how-, how much I-,” 
“It’s okay, Ominis.” She kisses his temple. “It’s okay.” 
She kisses his tear-stained cheek then the corner of his lips. He’s practically ravenous as he hooks his fingers into her hair to guide her into a searing kiss. A whimper escapes him at the rawness of her lips against his. When she parts, he opens his eyes in hopes he would catch just a faint glimpse of her. 
But no… all he has left is the memory of today. The vibrancy of the world and the breathtaking beauty she possesses. 
He sighs, “There’s a part of me that wishes I could do this everyday.” He pauses, brushing the tip of his nose against hers and tangling his fingers further into her hair. “But, another part is glad to be back in my own skin.”
She lets out a soft hum of agreement, “I very much like you being back. It was quite odd having to hold Sebastian’s hand today.” 
He laughs, “I can imagine.” 
“I do love you, Ominis. All parts of you.” She says. 
His throat tightens, but he’s done shedding tears. He brings her into a much softer kiss this time then he whispers, “I love you, too.” 
The words feel lacking. They aren’t enough to convey the strong feelings he has for her. But, how else could he describe the way she makes him feel. How else could he even come close to explaining that she is so very precious and dear to him. So, he settles with what he can for now.
“We should head back. We’ll have to sneak into the kitchens if we’re to get any sort of dinner tonight.” 
“We should get Sebastian as well. I’m sure he’s dying to leave the confines of the Undercroft by now. Although, maybe it’s good for him to be locked away for a while.” Ominis muses with a slight smirk.
She giggles, “Certainly keeps him out of trouble.” 
They head back to the castle with her practically glued to his side as she explains all the questions he has about the things he saw today. His fingers occasionally twisting the soft fabric of the scarf draped across his neck. He smiles as he knows exactly what color it is.
It’s not until the next day when the rumors around the school finally reach Sebastian that he corners Ominis just before Charms class. 
“What’s this about ‘me’ flying a bloody Hippogriff over the school yesterday?” 
Ominis can only smirk in response. 
AN: Bruh i just can't help myself but add some flying INTO EVERYTHING!! I HAVE A PROBLEM! Like, when I saw the scene of Dany and Jon in GoT doing their dragon flight when i was searching for music, i just knew i had to do it here. LOL i even went flying around the world in game trying to find the best route as well.
You can find the plateau where this takes place below by the Merlin Trail:
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and here's my horrible, low quality, sunset pic via the pic i took of my tv from my phone lollll.
Anyways, I really wanted to capture the thought of Ominis not having a clue what the heck colors are and most def not being able to understand certain more obscure facial expressions (like suspicion). And I really liked the idea of leaving the Fifth Year in the dark about the Polyjuice Potion... idk why. i just thought it was fun LOL.
Hopefully it wasn't too weird about her holding his hand as 'Sebastian' but I was going for the 'yeah she's figured out it's ominis' type vibe. idk hopefully that's conveyed
Thanks again for reading! Feedback always appreciated <3
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mistress-light · 15 days
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Alien Isolation • Crew Expendable
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thatsoanjie · 14 days
When the wind settles
Sebastian Sallow x reader
Summary : After Ranrok was ended, a Goblin rebellion happened. This is 5 months after the rebellion, and everyone thought you were gone for good. Sebastian revisits Feldcroft in an attempt to find traces of you again, not knowing what's to come.
Word count : 1.5k
Notes : This one was a little heavier to write! Just had to get this one out of my mind.
TW : Mentions of su!c!dal ideation... read at your own discretion.
Read my disclaimer and fair use notice here
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The ruins of Feldcroft lay still, a silent testament to the war that had ravaged the land. The village, once vibrant with life, was now a graveyard of memories, its cottages reduced to charred skeletons, its streets choked with debris. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and ashes, a grim reminder of all that had been lost. Snow had begun to fall again, soft and steady, as if the sky itself was mourning.
Sebastian Sallow stood in the center of what had once been his home, his heart as cold and lifeless as the stones scattered around him. It had been five months since the final battle of the Goblin Rebellion, five months since he had lost almost everything that mattered. Ominis and Anne were safe, and for that, he was grateful, but the knowledge did nothing to fill the void inside him.
Because you were gone.
The thought was a knife in his chest, a pain that had become as familiar as his own heartbeat. You had been his anchor, his hope, his everything. And now you were nothing more than a memory—a ghost that haunted his every waking moment. They had told him you were dead, that you had been lost in the chaos of the battle, your body never found. He had refused to believe it at first, had scoured the wreckage for any sign of you, but as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the terrible truth had settled in.
You were gone. And there was nothing he could do to change that.
The guilt was a constant companion, a weight he could never shake. You had been the best of them, the light that had kept him going through the darkest times. And now that light was extinguished, leaving him to stumble through the shadows alone.
He had come back to Feldcroft because there was nowhere else to go. The world outside was trying to rebuild, to move on, but Sebastian was stuck in the past, trapped in a moment that he couldn’t escape. The ruins of Feldcroft were all that was left of his old life, a desolate reflection of the emptiness he carried inside him. 
He wandered through the village, his steps slow and heavy, his mind lost in the memories of what had once been. He could still see it, as if the echoes of the past were imprinted on the air—the laughter of children playing in the streets, the warm glow of lanterns in the windows, the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from the cottages. But those memories were like ghosts, insubstantial and fleeting, impossible to hold on to.
Just like you.
Sebastian’s breath hitched as he reached the edge of the village, where the land sloped down toward the river. This had been your favorite spot, the place where you had always come to find peace, to escape from the burdens of the world. He could almost see you there, standing by the water, your hair catching the light as you turned to smile at him.
But it was just a memory. Just another ghost.
He closed his eyes, the ache in his chest unbearable. He didn’t know how to keep going without you, didn’t want to keep going. The world was a darker place without you in it, and he was so tired of stumbling through the shadows, of trying to find his way in a world that no longer made sense.
But then, through the silence, he heard it—a sound so soft, so faint, that at first, he thought it was just the wind. But it came again, more distinct this time, a footstep crunching in the snow behind him.
His heart stopped, his breath catching in his throat. He turned slowly, afraid to look, afraid to hope. And then he saw you.
You were standing just a few feet away, your figure half-hidden by the falling snow, your eyes wide with shock and something else—something that mirrored the grief and yearning that had been eating away at him for so long.
For a moment, he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. His mind struggled to process what he was seeing, to reconcile the image of you standing before him with the brutal reality he had been living in. It couldn’t be real. You were gone. You were a ghost.
“Sebastian,” you whispered, your voice trembling as if you, too, were afraid that this was just a dream, that you might wake up at any moment and find yourself alone again.
He shook his head, his eyes wide with disbelief. “You’re not real,” he said, his voice breaking as he took a step back, his hands trembling at his sides. “You can’t be real.”
“Sebastian, it’s me,” you insisted, your voice thick with emotion as you took a step toward him, your hand reaching out as if to reassure him, to prove that you were real, that you were here.
He flinched, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared at you, his mind screaming that this couldn’t be happening, that you were just a figment of his imagination, conjured by his grief and longing. “You’re dead,” he whispered, his voice raw with the pain that had been festering inside him for months. “They told me you were dead.”
“I almost was,” you admitted, your voice barely more than a breath. “I was hurt, Sebastian—badly. But I survived. I made it to one of the camps, and they healed me. After that, I helped wherever I could—healing, rebuilding, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. But my work there was done, I had nothing keeping me there. I had to find you.”
He stared at you, his heart breaking all over again at the sight of the tears in your eyes, the grief and love that shone in them. “I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions. “I thought you were gone, and I didn’t know how to keep going without you.”
You took another step closer, your hand brushing against his arm, warm and solid and so achingly real. “I’m here now,” you whispered, your voice filled with a quiet, unshakable determination. “We’re both here, Sebastian. We survived.”
He swallowed hard, his throat tight with the tears he had been holding back for so long. “It should’ve been me,” he choked out, the words slipping out before he could stop them. “You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve to suffer like that. I should’ve been the one to die, not you.”
“No,” you said firmly, your voice laced with a fierce, desperate kind of love. “Don’t you ever say that, Sebastian. We both fought, we both survived. And now we’re here. Alive.”
He hesitated, his heart warring with his mind, his grief and guilt battling against the overwhelming relief of having you in his arms again. “I thought I’d lost you,” he repeated, his voice breaking as he finally let himself believe what he was seeing, let himself believe that you were really here, that this wasn’t just a cruel trick of his imagination.
You reached up, your hand cupping his cheek, your touch grounding him, anchoring him in the reality of the moment. “I’m right here,” you whispered, your voice trembling with the depth of your emotions. “And I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you, Sebastian. Not now. Not ever.”
He couldn’t hold back any longer. With a broken sob, he pulled you into his arms, holding you as tightly as he could, as if he could somehow make up for all the lost time, for all the moments he had thought he would never have with you again. You clung to him just as fiercely, your tears soaking into his shirt as you buried your face in his chest, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you tried to steady yourself.
“I love you,” he whispered, the words spilling out of him in a rush, as if he had been holding them back for too long. “I love you. I should have told you before, but I was too scared, too afraid of what might happen. But I’m not going to make that mistake again.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of the words. “I always have, Sebastian. And I’m not going to let you go. Not now. Not ever.”
He kissed you then, slow and deep, pouring all of his love, all of his grief, all of his yearning into that one kiss. It was a kiss filled with the promise of tomorrow, with the hope of a future that he had thought was lost. And as he held you in his arms, surrounded by the ruins of Feldcroft, the wind swirling around you like a shroud, he knew that he had found you again.
And that was enough.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Requests are open.
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apricote · 22 days
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welcome to generation 2 of the baudelaire nightmare legacy challenge!
goals: complete the joke star + musical genius aspiration max the entertainer career max comedy, media production and guitar skills become at least a 2 star celebrity
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trappezoider · 15 days
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Attention all writers, artists, virtual photographers and other creative individuals who are interested in Sebinis!!
We've compiled a list of spooky prompts for October on our Sebinis-server🙌Everyone who wants to create something Sebinis-related is welcome to join this challenge! There is of course no pressure to do every single one of them, they're all optional x) Additionally, using the hashtag #gauntingsalloween with the posts on social media is highly encouraged so it's easy to find! And if you're interested in joing our Sebinis-server on Discord where there probably will be a lot of discussion about the event, here's the link: https://discord.gg/pQJdkqaRJz Happy brainrotting and I hope you all have a wonderful fall!!🍂
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rypnami · 7 months
raise your hand if you’re also incredibly interested in everyone’s MCs and want to hear about them all the time ✋
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kylominis · 1 month
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"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑢𝑝 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑝, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒’𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑒𝑛𝑑…" [♡]
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aurorangen · 3 months
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We were just like any other family
[You may know, I was born with a heart condition, atrial septal defect: to simply put it, I have a hole in my heart. I can get tired often and run out of breath easily. Visits to the hospital were frequent as a kid]
[Because of this, my parents took extra care of my health and we were very close] Payton: Vincent, remember it's your doctor's appointment! Have you got everything ready? Vincent: [nods head] Yup, I'm all prepared Mum! Don't worry [hugs her]
[Both of them had fulfilling jobs. My Mum worked in the OB-GYN department at the hospital. Her shifts were hectic, but she took every chance she could to be with us. When there was no school, my Dad was with me]
[I never really knew what his job was. All I thought back then was that he was an important man. My Mum said he had a research job, I don't think she knew entirely what he did either. But he supported the family well]
Payton: I'll see you later at the hospital sweetie. Dad will take you ok? Love you! Vincent: I love you too! [Even though I didn't spend as much time with her then, my favourite was always my Mum]
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hogwartslegacypics · 9 months
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In celebration of reaching 1,000 followers, here is 1,000+ pictures of Sebastian in one!
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vaduart · 5 months
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Last month I was sketching some headshots of Chloe but I wasn't satisfied with any of them, when suddenly I started drawing Chloe as a baby and then this happened! it's so relaxing to draw them. the fact that with this style you don't necessarily have to worry much about the anatomy being accurate it's liberating!
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myokk · 3 months
what are eloise's fav books? 👁️👁️
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Sorry it took me a while to respond, I woke up and saw this…and I’ve been thinking about it on and off all day while I pondered🤔💓
First, Eloise LOVES reading🥹📚🫶
She is also very introverted and thinky…Eloise tends to gravitate towards books that are more about capturing the essence of what it is to be human than plot-based books. She is living in the PERFECT ERA FOR THAT😇🙏😇🙏😇🙏
Also, for some reason I feel like the wizarding world is not renowned for its literature….they spend so much time mastering magic and studying it that I really doubt they spend much time reading novels 😔🙏 but Eloise was NOT in the wizarding world…she spent FIVE years in a muggle finishing school after she was believed to be a squib…none of the muggle girls really liked her bc she never understood what they were talking about, and she never made an effort to try and fit in, so she turned to reading for the first time in her life😇😇😇 gobbling up books like Matilda😇😇😇
(now she has a whole mini-library under her bed at Hogwarts, and has gotten a lot of the fifth-years passing around books that progressively get more worn down and loved)
Her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. Eloise has never felt like she was in charge of her life, so she loves reading about Elizabeth Bennet (her complete opposite but someone she admires so much bc she wishes she could have more of a backbone). Elizabeth isn’t afraid to speak her mind and doesn’t always follow social niceties if it means compromising her happiness😇
Middlemarch by George Eliot. A beautiful case study on being human (actually all of these books are…)
She LOVES the Russians…Tolstoy (Anna Karenina), Dostoyevsky (The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov…), Gogol (Dead Souls)…
Little Women by Luisa May Alcott
I feel like Eloise would have also read Picture of Dorian Gray, but it came out in 1890 and I doubt she was up-to-date with new things being published bahahahaha. Maybe she’s not so interested in Frankenstein until she actually reads it, and it also becomes a favorite💓
I personally have a lot more favorite books from this time period, but these are the ones I thought Eloise would especially like💓💓💓 (I had to give a fellow bookworm good taste😇) (yes I think I have good taste in books…doesn’t everyone think that of themselves?💓)
Anyways if you’re interested here is the list of MY top 10 books…some of them are from after the year 1900 but ELOISE WOULD HAVE LIKED THEM TOO😤
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pretty-purple-pages · 5 months
𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮, 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝔀𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭
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synopsis: grayson davenport hawthorne is sick. luckily his beloved girlfriend is there to help him.
pairing: grayson x reader (implied f!)
content (genre and warnings): reader's gender is not specified but 'girlfriend' is used once, fluff 100% fluff, banter, sickfic, grayson folds for reader, just grayson getting the love he deserves
word count: 0.5 k
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"Gray?", you called out sleepily, half awake, but fully aware of the warm, shirtless body beside you. Grayson's hand was firmly wrapped around your waist, pulling your back even closer to his chest, if that was possible.
"You feel hot", you continued, propping on your elbows to look at his face properly. His normally perfect hair was dishevelled, but he still managed to look perfect. The kind of perfection which gave you butterflies.
"I know you find me hot, darling, but it isn't a reason to break our peaceful slumber in the middle of the night, is it?", Grayson answered, half annoyed, half amused, his voice even deeper than usual. He opened his eyes to look at you properly, running his hand through his hair.
"Not like that!", you gasped, as your cheeks burned red. "I'm saying, I think you have a fever."
"What?", your boyfriend asked with pure confusion painted all over his face. He looked absolutely adorable; it was an extremely rare sight.
"A Hawthorne doesn't get sick", he scoffed, as if you had told a dad joke. He was now fully awake and fully annoyed.
"Being a Hawthorne doesn't mean you're immune to diseases", you countered, exasperated, which was justified due to his utterly ridiculous statement. "Unless your sadistic psychopathic grandpa altered your genes to make you immune. Wouldn't be surprising, actually."
Grayson threw you a look and you rolled your eyes. You put your palm flat on his forehead and flinched back.
"You're burning!", you said, concerned, lines etching on your forehead. You stood up and rummaged through the bed-side table, and retrieved a thermometer with a victorious smile.
"Here", you tossed it to him. "Take your temperature, I'll be right back with some medicine."
You quickly ran and brought the paracetamol with a glass of water. He protested, but swallowed it once you glared at him. Yes, the all feared Grayson Hawthorne folded at your one glance.
"Now rest up", you ordered, getting into bed beside him, sitting up against the headboard. He took your hand and patted his head. You sighed, moving his head onto your lap, running your fingers through his hair, just how he liked it.
"Who would think that Grayson Davenport Hawthorne cannot sleep without his girlfriend playing with his hair", you giggled and he blushed from embarrassment. Oh, how you wanted to snap a picture right there and then, and then trade it with Jameson or Xander for some "Hawthorne gossip".
"Oh shut it", he mumbled as he snuggled closer to you, drifting asleep.
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©reyna-obsessed | Not to be reposted, translated or copied on any platform
tags: @reminiscentreader @shuhuaspookie @loife1m @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @moondust-on-the-hijabi
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cranetreegang · 2 years
Let Me Show You Something - Ominis x FemMC
Sooooo Hogwarts Legacy. I am obsessed. I completed the game, then made a evil Hufflepuff to do foul things and be a menace to the wizarding world. I fly around Hogwarts all the time. I'm currently living my best life.
And I love Ominis, Sebastian of course too, but Ominis just ahhhh he's so presh!! Like I just wanna protect my boi.
So here's a lil something for him. Nothing explicit and no spoilers. Just a fluffly fluff piece! I did my best to write using his view point, but I've never had a blind character before sooo sorry in advanced.
I like to imagine that when he has his wand he sees similarly to how 2003 Ben Affleck Daredevil sees. Like an echolocation type. Would actually love to do a cool rain scene like in the movie with Ominis, but I digress.
Summary: Ominis finds himself following the Fifth year due to his burning curiosity about her. He ends up finding more than he expected.
Word Count: ~ 1,780 words
Read more of my Ominis Fics Here!
He can feel her as she hurries through the halls, pausing on occasion to listen for anyone else. At this time of night, and with curfew rapidly approaching, he can only make out one or two other students in these lonely halls. She continues and he does the same after her.
 He doesn’t mean to follow her, but he can’t help himself. Not only due to his curiosity as to where she goes after meeting with him and Sebastian in the Undercroft, but because she’s magnetic. It’s the only word he could describe her. Ever since she first stepped foot into their Charms class and even when she blasted dear Sebastian off the dueling platform, he could sense a distinct aura surrounding the new fifth year. Something unlike he’s ever sensed before. It actually answered his question as to how a fifth year could even join Hogwarts, let alone be expected to thrive. If he could sense the aura she possesses, then he was positive others could as well.
He chastises himself as he trails after her, her footsteps echoing in the empty stone cooriders while he maintains his silent walk. He doesn’t mean to follow her. He truly doesn’t, yet he can’t stop himself. This feeling. This presence she possesses. It’s driving him mad as to why, or how, she is the way she is. How eager he is to be within her presence. But, another nagging feeling bubbles up within him at what she does on her own. While she’s spoken to him about some of her ‘adventures’, he gets the distinct impression she’s leaving many details out. 
Her footfalls stop again, making him do the same. He strains his ears and he swears he hears a door open then swiftly shut. He frowns when she suddenly disappears from his probing. He rounds the corner and retraces where she went, but he can’t find her nor any doors to slip into. It’s like she just vanished. His brows furrow while he recalls this being near the stairwell towards the Astronomy Tower. There shouldn’t be any areas in which she could just-,
“Why are you following me?” Her voice cuts him from his thoughts and he whirls around to find her standing in the middle of the hallway. He struggles to regain his composure at her sudden reappearance, his mind scrambling to comprehend how she reappeared in the hallway with nary a room to hide in. And the Disillusionment Charm wouldn’t hide her either, he’s sure of it. He replays the question in his mind. She didn’t sound accusatory. No. She sounded amused more than anything. Like a cat that’s caught their prey.
She approaches him, “Ominis?” 
“Yes?” His voice strains to keep himself level sounding while he gathers himself. He has no good excuse as to why he’s following her. Nor any reasons as to why he would be here other than what he’s doing. 
He can feel her eyes on him, studying him. He wonders if she’s concluded the same thing he has. The thought sends shivers down his spine.
“It’s nearly curfew.” She states. 
“Indeed it is.” He cranes his head towards her with a raised brow, “Yet here we are.” 
“Here we are.” She lets out a soft laugh and he can’t help but smile at the sound. She steps closer to him, looking around to ensure they were still alone, before she whispers, “Well, since you’re here, for whatever reason, may I show you something?” 
Ominis internally winces at the jab. She’s offering to show him something? He makes a silent prayer it’s no trick before saying, “I-, yes. You may.” 
He picks up on her slight nod of approval as she replies in a quiet voice, “It’s a secret though. So you mustn't tell anyone. Not even Sebastian.” 
Ominis nods, “I promise.” 
She steps away then goes towards a wall, “This way.”
He hears a door open and he’s quick to follow her through. 
Sounds of cauldrons brewing, plants being watered, and a fire crackling greet him. There’s books flying to and fro while candles gently glide above them. He can smell fresh soil and a simmering pot of Wiggenweld over the slight stench of dung lofting in the distance. He takes this room in while she watches him.
“Where are we?” He finally asks.
“I suppose this is my own secret room. It’s called the Room of Requirement.” He can hear the smile in her words as she adds, “Since Sebastian showed me the Undercroft, it’s only fair I show you a secret place of my own.” 
She walks away towards a set of stairs, “This way.” She pauses then fully looks back at him, “How do you feel about beasts?” 
Ominis’ brows furrow once more, “I don’t fear them, if that’s what you’re wondering. Why do you ask?” 
“You’ll see.” 
He follows close behind while she leads them to a strange doorway. One which his wand struggles to comprehend for him. It’s almost like a portkey or portal of sorts. She stands next to him, watching as he hesitates on what to do next. Her hand grazes his. He hates himself for flinching at the sudden contact, but he’s relieved when her hand wraps around his own. The electric aura she possesses shoots through his arm like a hot current. 
“Trust me. I think you’ll like what this surprise is.” She gives him a soft squeeze and he can only nod in reply. 
She steps through the strange doorway first and he follows right behind. The air whooshes around them then he’s met with the sweet trill of bird song. He feels the warmth of the sun on his face and the gentle breeze ruffling his robes and hair. The air is as crisp as an autumn morning and he takes in the serene atmosphere for a moment.
“We’re outside?” He shakes his head. No, it wouldn’t be daylight quite yet.
She squeezes his hand once more, “In a way, yes. We are currently in a Vivarium.” 
“A Vivarium?” He hums to himself as he pieces together why she had questioned him about his affinity towards magical beasts. “How do you know of this place? When did you even find this?” 
He has so many questions, but she only giggles.
“I’ll tell you all about it. I promise. But, first,” She guides him forwards towards a clearing,“let me show you the surprise.” 
He sucks in a sharp breath at the presence of a large beast in front of them. He doesn’t realize he’s clenching her hand until she whispers, “Don’t worry. She won’t hurt you.” 
The beast approaches, giving a snort as she stops in front of them. Ominis realizes what beast this is.
“A unicorn.” He says in quiet shock. 
“Yes. Have you ever been around one before?” 
He shakes his head and she gives him a gentle squeeze. He can’t stop his slight smile at her touches while she asks, “Would you like to pet her?” 
He gulps then nods. She guides his hand up then towards the beast. As he awaits the unicorn, his chest flutters in anticipation. A wet nose brushes against his palm before it fully presses into his hand. A surprised chuckle escapes him. She guides his hand up the unicorn’s snout then back down again. Much to his dismay, her hand leaves him and he’s left to pet the unicorn on his own. 
“I’ve read of unicorns,” Ominis grins, “and their calm, serene nature. I fear the books did not do them justice though. They’re beautiful.” He whispers. 
As Ominis lowers his hand back to his side. The Unicorn nudges his cheek with a parting snort. He listens as the beast trots away on the lush grass and he’s left with a sense of wonder. 
“I think she likes you.” She smiles, pulling him from his thoughts once more. He can’t stop his smile as he takes in his friend next to him. How easily she pulls people into her. Into her warmth. He’s thankful for Sebastian’s insistence on including her into their lives. 
“Thank you. For showing me this. I won’t soon forget this kindness.” 
Her hand finds his once again and she guides him back towards the exit, “It was truly my pleasure, Ominis. I suppose it’s a good thing you have a coincidental knack of being where I am.” 
His mouth falls agape and he wants to defend himself against her accusation, but her gentle laugh and even softer squeeze of his hand makes him fall silent for a moment. 
“I don’t mean to. Truly.” He whispers. “With everything going on. You sneaking away from the castle. The poachers. The goblins. Even with what you do tell Sebastian and I, I know you’re keeping most of what you do to yourself. I… worry for you. Much like I do for Sebastian. I don’t wish for any harm to befall you. Either of you.” 
The air whooshes around them and they’re back in the Room of Requirement once more. 
“I don’t mind, Ominis. And I’m sorry. I don’t mean to worry you.” Her other hand rests on his forearm and more electric currents shoot across his body. “Do know that I am able to take care of myself. And I try not to throw myself into danger’s way too often.” 
Ominis snorts with a slight shake of his head, “I don’t doubt your capabilities. Far from it.” 
A bell tolls and she lets out a disappointed sigh.
“Curfew?” He wonders. 
“Indeed. I must now also apologize for keeping you for so long.” 
They walk down the stairs and towards the exit.
“Don’t. I would gladly serve detention if it means petting a unicorn once more.” Ominis smirks then adds, “That is, if I get caught anyways.” 
She laughs while she holds open the door for him to walk through, “I swear you almost sounded like Sebastian for a moment.” 
Ominis smiles and a silence falls between them as they stand out in the lonely hallway. Her hand gives his one final squeeze before letting go, taking the warmth he feels with her. 
“Well, I hope you have an uneventful walk back to your dorm.” She whispers. “I shall see you tomorrow at breakfast, yes?” 
He nods, “Sounds wonderful. Have a good night, my friend.” 
“And you as well, my friend.” She smiles then turns on her heel to head towards her dorm. He stays there, listening to her footfalls as they drift away. He can still feel the echoes of her warmth in his hand while he sneaks his way back to his common room. A smile unable to leave his lips.
AN: Hopefully you enjoyed! Let me know what ya think and if anyone wants to discuss Hogwarts Legacy, don't be afraid to reach out cause my oh my am I just reeling over the ending.
Read more of my Ominis Fics Here!
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thatsoanjie · 21 days
Beneath the shadows
Sebastian Sallow x reader
[spoilers, obviously]
Summary : Sebastian meets you for the first time, and invites you on a clandestine quest
Word count : ≈ 2 685
Notes : A differently developed version of Secrets of the Restricted Section. Flirty and SFW!
Read my disclaimer and fair use notice here
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You were a mystery wrapped in layers of secrecy and quiet intensity.
You didn’t say much in class, always kept your head down, eyes fixed on your parchment, as if the very ink from your quill was more interesting than the people around you. But sometimes, a flicker of curiosity would break through that cool exterior, especially during Professor Garlick’s herbology lessons—something about the way you handled the venomous tentacula with such care made Sebastian’s mind wander.
He noticed you, of course. Who wouldn’t? There was something about the way you moved through Hogwarts, not fully a part of its chaos, yet not entirely separate from it. You seemed to glide through the castle’s halls like a ghost, seen but not often heard.
Sebastian didn’t intend to get close to you. He wasn’t the type to be drawn to quiet enigmas. No, he preferred the thrill of a good duel, the crack of spells meeting shields, the satisfaction of outsmarting his opponents. But you were different.
The first time your paths crossed properly was in Defense Against the Dark Arts, when Professor Hecat paired you for a duel. Sebastian had smirked, sizing you up. “Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome,” he’d said, a mix of challenge and anticipation in his voice.
You’d met his gaze with a steady calm, no trace of intimidation. The duel was fierce, the classroom alive with sparks of magic and the cheers of your classmates. But it was your skill, your precision, that caught him off guard. You weren’t just holding your own—you were matching him, step for step, spell for spell. By the end of it, he wasn’t sure if he’d won or simply survived.
From that moment on, something shifted. Sebastian found himself looking for you in the corridors, curious about the person who had met his challenge without flinching. He started noticing you in the library, tucked away in a corner, surrounded by books and parchment, your focus unbreakable. He wasn’t sure what it was that drew him in—maybe it was the way you seemed at home in the solitude that others might have found lonely, or maybe it was the memory of that duel, the way you’d met him head-on.
It wasn’t until one night, when the castle was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, that he finally approached you outside of class. You were by the Black Lake, your silhouette framed by the water’s shimmering reflection.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked, his voice breaking the quiet of the night. You turned to him, surprised but not startled. There was a brief pause before you spoke.
“Sometimes the night is more comforting than the day,” you replied, your voice as soft as the breeze.
He moved to stand beside you, the two of you staring out at the lake in a silence that felt comfortable, unforced. There was no need for words; the connection between you was enough.
“I’ve noticed you,” he admitted after a while, his voice quiet, as if speaking too loudly might break the spell of the moment. “In class, in the library... you’re always so focused, so determined. It’s... intriguing.”
You didn’t respond right away, and he wondered if he’d said too much, revealing more of himself than he intended. But then you looked at him, really looked at him, and there was something in your gaze that made him feel seen in a way he hadn’t before.
“You’re not what I expected, Sebastian Sallow,” you said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “But then, nothing at Hogwarts ever is.”
You can feel the weight of Sebastian’s gaze as you turn away, letting the stillness of the night settle between you. The moonlight reflects off the water, casting everything in a silvery glow, making the moment feel almost surreal.
“I’m not what you expected?” Sebastian’s voice breaks the quiet, a hint of curiosity laced with something else—something almost playful.
You glance at him, a small smile playing on your lips. “No, you’re not. But that’s not a bad thing.”
He chuckles softly, the sound low and warm. “Hogwarts has a way of surprising you, doesn’t it?”
You nod, the words resonating with you more than you care to admit. There’s something about this place, about the people you meet here, that feels like a constant shift between the known and the unknown. And Sebastian, with his sharp wit and even sharper dueling skills, is a part of that.
The conversation drifts, easy and light. It’s not until Sebastian’s expression turns thoughtful, almost serious, that you realize he’s been working up to something.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to do,” he says, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “But it’s not exactly… well, let’s just say it’s not something we’re supposed to be doing.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “And what might that be?”
He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “The Restricted Section of the library. I’ve got my reasons, but I could use some company.”
A thrill runs through you at the idea. The Restricted Section, filled with books and knowledge that most students can only dream about accessing. It’s dangerous, risky even, but you can’t deny the allure of it.
You remember a certain book professor Fig mentioned- could it be found in the Restricted section?
“How concerned should I be about the librarian?” you ask, trying to recall what she is like.
“Madam Scribner doesn’t take kindly to clandestine activities among her precious books,” Sebastian admits, the playful edge to his voice fading. “She and I have had our… entanglements, but I can hold my own against her. You, on the other hand, you may not be so lucky.”
You weigh the risks in your mind, but the curiosity, the need to obtain a certain book beyond those doors, is too strong to ignore. “All right,” you say, meeting his gaze with a determined nod. “I’ll help you.”
“Good,” he says, his grin returning. “Then meet me by the library tomorrow night. We’ll go after curfew when the castle is quiet.”
When you arrive at the library, Sebastian is already there, his eyes flicking toward the door to the Restricted Section. “See that?” he says, pointing. “That’s the door we need to reach, and those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat us out to Scribner. So don’t let them see us.”
“Understood,” you start, your voice hushed but steady. “I can be sneaky. Let’s go.”
Sebastian chuckles softly, grabbing a hold of your arm with equal gentleness, pulling you back from the prefect’s sight. “Hold on now, there’s a spell you should know. The Disillusionment Charm—it’s good for getting into places you’re not supposed to be. Cast it, and you’ll appear as little more than a trick of the light, just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You mean I’ll actually be able to turn invisible?”
“Something like that,” he says with a smirk. “It’s not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive… and spells? Spells are free. Give it a try.”
You nod, concentrating as you cast the Disillusionment Charm. The sensation is strange, like a ripple spreading across your skin, but when you look down, you see nothing but the faint shimmer of the air around you.
“Not bad,” Sebastian whispers approvingly. “Let’s move.”
“Wait, one last thing,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper as you point your wand toward the prefects patrolling ahead. With a quick flick, you mutter, “Confundus.”
The spell hits its mark, and you watch as the prefects glance around, confusion clouding their faces. 
Sebastian, standing close beside you, whispers, “Where’d you learn that one? Students don’t usually pick up Confundus until a month before the O.W.L.s.”
You smirk, knowing he can’t see it. “Oh, and you would know?”
“Of course,” he replies, you could hear his smirk as he spoke. “But my question was about you.” 
You turn towards him. “Let’s just say I have a talent for picking up things early.”
“Clearly,” he murmurs, lingering beside you just a moment longer than necessary. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
You shrug. “I guess you’ll have to stick around to find out.”
He chuckles softly, the sound low and warm. “Oh, I fully intend to.”
The two of you sneak into the library, the darkness enveloping you like a protective cloak. But then, as you approach the Restricted Section, Sebastian curses under his breath. “Blast, the librarian’s still here. Quick, behind the bookcase.”
You dart behind the nearest shelf, your heart pounding. You both drop the charm. His cheeks are flushed. “You told me the librarian would be gone by now!” you whisper pointedly.
“I said usually,” he retorts, a hint of tension creeping into his voice. “But it’ll still be all right. Do you see her desk behind me? The key is in the drawer of that desk. Now, here’s what we’re going to do: I’ll create a distraction to draw her away, and you focus on getting the key. I’ll meet you outside the Restricted Section.”
“You distract, I get the key. Understood.”
Sebastian gives you a confident nod. “I said I’d get you in, and I always keep my word. Trust me.”
With a quick glance to make sure the coast is clear, you slip around the bookcase, keeping low as you inch toward the librarian’s desk. You’re hyper-aware of every sound, every creak of the old wooden floors, but you manage to reach the desk without drawing attention. As you carefully open the drawer, your fingers close around the cold metal of the key.
You don’t have time to feel triumphant; you quickly retreat to the safety of the shadows, the key clutched tightly in your hand. Sebastian is already waiting for you, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Nicely done,” he murmurs as you hand him the key. “Let’s get inside before she comes back.”
You slip into the Restricted Section, the air thick with the scent of old parchment and forgotten secrets. Shelves loom around you, filled with ancient tomes that seem to whisper as you pass. You can’t help but feel a shiver of excitement at the forbidden knowledge within your reach.
But as you approach one particularly enticing book, its cover adorned with an emerald jewel, Sebastian’s voice stops you. “Oh, that one’s charmed to look more useful than it is. Fooled me twice. Never judge a tome by its cover, I say.”
You nod, moving past the book as the two of you continue deeper into the section. The eerie glow of ghostly figures catches your eye—Victorian-era spirits gliding silently through the aisles.
“Ghosts,” Sebastian warns, his voice low. “Don’t let them see you.”
You manage to avoid their gaze, slipping further into the shadows until you reach the lower levels of the Restricted section.
As you turn to head back, Sebastian drops his Disillusionment Charm, gesturing for you to do the same. “We should be in the clear now,” he says, his voice returning to its usual casual tone. “No need for us to be skulking about.”
You dispel the charm once more, the cool air of the library brushing against your skin as you reappear beside him. “So, what is it you’ve been looking for?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sebastian hesitates for a moment, his expression darkening. “I’m looking for a cure,” he finally admits, his voice softer. “For my sister, Anne. She’s been… well, Merlin knows everyone else has given up.”
A pang of sympathy shoots through you. “Why do you think we’ll find a cure in the Restricted Section? Hasn’t the Hogwarts matron helped?”
“We’ve tried everyone—from Nurse Blaine to St. Mungo’s,” he says, a touch of bitterness creeping into his voice. “But I can research on my own. No need to concern yourself with that right now. Let’s focus on what you’re after… which is what, precisely?”
You hesitate, not quite ready to reveal your own secrets. “I’ll know it when I see it.”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “You’re being awfully cryptic.”
Before you can respond, a familiar, mischievous voice echoes through the Restricted Section. “Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend! Out exploring where they shouldn’t be! Naughty, naughty, you’ll get caughty!”
The poltergeist swoops down, cackling with glee as he threatens to expose you both.
“Don’t you dare,” Sebastian hisses, but Peeves only grins wider.
“I’m going to tell, I’m going to tell!” Peeves sings, darting off toward the librarian.
You grab Sebastian’s arm, panic rising. “Wait! I don’t want you getting into trouble for me.”
Sebastian shakes his head, determination hardening his features. “I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters,” he says with a small smirk. “Besides, I like having friends who are in my debt. Now go! Good luck in your search.”
With a final nod, you slip back into the shadows, making your way out of the Restricted Section as Sebastian confronts Peeves. You can hear his voice in the distance, cool and confident, as he weaves a tale to Madam Scribner.
When you finally make your way back to the main portion of the library, the book safely hidden in your bag, you find Madam Scribner and Sebastian locked in a tense conversation.
“Sebastian! Sneaking into the Restricted Section again?” Madam Scribner’s voice is stern, her expression disapproving. “I had thought we were through with this mischief. Clearly, detentions are insufficient. I’m afraid I must take this to the Headmaster.”
“But—” Sebastian starts, but she cuts him off.
“That being said, Peeves informs me that you didn’t come alone tonight. If someone has coerced you, I would have you tell me. You’re a bright boy, don’t waste this.”
Sebastian glances your way for the briefest moment, but when he speaks, his voice is resolute. “There was nobody else. I came alone.”
Madam Scribner sighs, her disappointment palpable. “Oh, Sebastian, what will your uncle say?”
You slip away before she can spot you, your heart pounding with the narrowness of your escape. But as you head back to your dormitory, you can’t help but feel a strange mix of emotions. Gratitude, certainly, but something deeper too—a sense that whatever connection you and Sebastian share has only grown stronger in the shadows of that forbidden library.
Later that night, back in the quiet of your dormitory, you can't shake the thought of what happened in the library. The way Sebastian covered for you, taking the blame without hesitation—it gnaws at you. The least you can do is check on him.
You sit at your desk, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the parchment as you dip your quill in ink. The words come easily, your concern for him spilling onto the page.
I wanted to make sure everything’s all right. You didn’t have to take the blame back there—I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble. Let me know if you’re okay.
You tie the note to your owl’s leg and send it off, watching as it disappears into the night.
It’s not long before there’s a soft hoot at your window. Your owl returns, a letter clutched in its beak. You untie it, your heart quickening slightly as you recognize Sebastian’s handwriting.
Well, well,
Got your letter—nice to know you’re worried about me. I’m fine, really. Scribner gave me a good scolding, but nothing I can’t handle. I did tell you I have a way with the faculty, didn’t I?
But if you’re feeling guilty, I wouldn’t mind if you made it up to me. Maybe a walk by the lake again? This time, I promise not to drag you into any restricted areas… unless, of course, you ask nicely.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Sebastian
Thank you for reading! I felt like the whole quest needed a better ending to it hehe
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something something commodification of adolescent nostalgia packaging the timeless joy of self-insert fictional escapism into a soulless $60 product
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