#legisl satanist
blogsatanista · 2 years
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jamie-elbowz · 3 months
In the US, they can't legally outlaw teaching a religion. It's why despite the GOP's insistence that LGBTQIA+ folks are one, they can still legislate against. I think we should just fight fire with fire, found a secular queer-centric religion like some sort of gay spaghetti monster or a flamboyant satanic temple. We'll be queer people in America and not satanist or atheists, so we'll have that going against us but even still y'all.
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
The Ukrainian parliament has approved a law that would allow authorities to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which Kiev has repeatedly accused of having ties to Russia, according to an MP. The legislation also outright bans the Russian Orthodox Church and all affiliated religious institutions.
Before reading the details on the process of destruction of an authentic and historic Christian Church such as the Orthodox one devoted to the Patriarch of Mosca, every reader should read our historical investigation on the evil plan of the New World Order, theorized by Geroge Soros as an evolution of NATO since 1993, which is a continuation of the project of Freemasonry and Zionism to destroy Christianity one piece at a time.
Without the Vatican’s cardinals who still dialogue with Freemasonry (excommunicated by Pope Leo XIII with the Encyclical Humanus Genus) being able to understand that they are conscious or idiotic accomplices of a Satanist project which sees its maxim expression precisely in the neo-Nazi regime of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as we have highlighted in dozens of reports.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
One of two men who carried out a Satanist-inspired “thrill kill” murder in San Jose was freed from prison and released back into Santa Clara County. Former inmate Jae Williams, 29, was granted early release on November 20, court records show.
Williams was a 15-year-old high school student when he and his 16-year-old friend, Randy Thompson, decided they wanted to kill someone. The boys befriended 15-year-old Michael Russell with the sole intention of murdering him in 2009.
The victim’s family’s attorney, Scotty J. Storey, told KRON4, “Jae and Randy set out with a goal of killing someone just to find out what it felt like. They cultivated a ‘friendship’ with Mikey, lulling him into a sense of security with them, to achieve their goal.”
When San Jose Police Department homicide detectives were investigating the teen’s grisly death, Williams told police that his religion, Satanism, gave him permission to kill.
The three boys went to Russell’s house on Nov. 10, 2009. When the trio was alone in the backyard, Williams and Thompson attacked the victim with a knife. They reportedly took turns stabbing the Santa Teresa High School student.
Storey said the terror Russell must have felt realizing his “friends” were going to kill him is unimaginable.
With Williams freed from prison, the victim’s surviving family members are also terrified, Storey said.
“They are very disappointed in the legislative system that created the statute, which lead his release. They are also terrified for themselves and for society. There is no indication that Jae Williams ever showed any contrition or remorse for taking Mikey’s life or the brutal way that he and Randy murdered him,” Storey told KRON4.
For their trials, Thompson and Williams were charged and convicted as adults, and sentenced to serve 26 years to life in prison. Senate Bill 1391, passed in 2018, prohibits anyone under the age of 16 from being charged as an adult. After California’s law passed, Williams’ case was transferred into juvenile court.
Thompson — who was just one year older than Williams at the time of the “Thrill Kill” — remains locked up in San Quentin State Prison, a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesperson confirmed to KRON4. “He was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder. He is in CDCR custody,” the spokesperson wrote.
Thompson’s next parole hearing is scheduled for March of 2024. He will be eligible for parole in May of 2028, according to state inmate records.
Williams was set free hours after a discharge hearing was held in Santa Clara County juvenile court on November 20. His mother, Christina Trujillo, and defense attorney, Lewis Octavio Romero, appeared in the courtroom with him, court records state.
The court set the following probation conditions on the convicted murderer’s release:
Williams cannot change his place of residence without prior approval from his probation officer.
Williams is forbidden from associating with Thompson. He is also barred from having any “intentional contact” with the victim’s family members.
He must participate in re-entry services.
He may not leave his family’s home between 11 p.m.-6 a.m.
He must attend school, vocational training, or maintain full-time employment.
Williams may not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
He is subject to search and seizure at any time by law enforcement.
Williams is not allowed to own firearms until he turns 30 years old on June 8, 2024.
If Williams violates his probation conditions, he could be ordered back to jail for no longer than six months.
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the-unholy-sovereign · 9 months
[{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] 💀 Shivah "Shiva"
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[(I.Sire)] ANDREW THE GRAND (Overseer) : The Shah of Africa/Madagascar; Inaugural "Congolese" Inauguration, the Congo-basin (Africa) Afrikaans legislative "Legislation" Republic (Republic) Central-Africa I.Presidential (President).
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nubian-creed · 10 months
[{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] U.S. President "Elected" Andrew M. Allen Drayton, (Legislation) Executive-Administrator I.Corporal First "Lieutenant" General, (Five-star) Colonel first I.Officer (Commander) I.Governor. . Lt.Governor/Major. Basically, the "U.S. Secretary" of State is an un-elected official that presides in the "Executive-Branch" of government is the reason why the primary I.Presidential elections for Military-Generals are conducted, including re-elections of pre-existing U.S.Presidents (Legislation).
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so, a group of people who call themselves "abolishinists" came to my hometown from out of state, and showed gory pics of aborted fetuses to a bunch of children all week, and I had the opportunity to go and counter protest them. I was the first one there, but I ran into a group of Satanists from The Satanic Grotto, and became friends with them, and honestly, I had so much fun. I was finally able to do something that felt like I was helping my community in a way that made more of an impact on the people in the city than just writing to our legislation, which trust me, that's real important, like probably more so that this, but the fact that we went all day, and we picked up so many people along the way was just such a cool experience.
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bilbobagginsomebabez · 3 months
i feel like people forget that the executive branch is not meant to have much sway over domestic policy. that's the legislative branch. they make the laws. the executive ensures that laws and the constitution are duly enforced. that's why the executive branch appoints ministers, judges, consuls, and officers. the extent of their domestic influence is theoretically supposed to be limited to their judgement in picking people best suited to faithfully follow laws as they're written. executive orders were originally very limited in power, and the intentional capitalization of "Objections" in the presidential veto clause of the constitution as opposed to uncaptialized variations elsewhere indicate a formality and the necessity of serious legal or constitutional grounds upon which to object. the VP is literally around to be their stand-in tiebreaker with the legislative branch so they don't have direct influence. their time is mostly supposed to be spent on making sure the federal government remains stable and interfacing with the Outside World (diplomacy & war). when you have issues with laws (domestic policy), they are supposed to be resolved by changing the law in the legislative branch or changing the constitution through the legislative branch after first pursuing your cause in your own home area.
i say this because i cannot read that voting for biden is "preserving our democracy" one more time without screaming at the top of my fucking lungs. it is stuffing more bandages into one of several open gunshots wounds. pushing domestic policy through the executive branch is a bypass to a legislative branch that is already (and increasingly!) broken and unresponsive. don't get me wrong, it was clever! you work what works, and it worked for a long time.
it [a] exacerbated the cycle of power accumulating to the executive branch and [b] also requires that american voters prioritize themselves and essentially abandon any commitment to international solidarity or consideration of foreign policy when voting for their executive. who controls foreign policy. in real time: [a] trump, as a candidate who can wreak incredible havoc with the accumulated executive power and [b] our inability to do literally a single fucking thing about our government sending boatload after boatload after boatload of weapons to exterminate palestinian civilians. these weaknesses are incredibly apparent right now, exacerbated by (it's own problem) a two-party system exploiting them and growing systemic instability. voting for biden cannot and will not resolve any of this. the best argument for him is that he will create less difficult circumstances than donald trump in which to attempt to problem-solve.
there is literally endless discourse on how to interpret your position in this clusterfuck and the right thing to do, the best and most effective way to accomplish our goals both in the US for ourselves and for our international kin, both for and against utilizing and opposing several different levels of adversarial government with different structural relations.[1] but i implore everyone to remember that all of these strategies are jerryrigged patches on an increasingly BROKEN machine, and that they eventually stop being effective. when your strategy's weaknesses have turned into or added to their own disastrous problems, it might be time to consider a new one. we have to be adaptive to be effective; these systems are hostile and constantly adapting against us. there are different leverage points to strategically influence in our government than the president, and there are strategies of community organizing that don't involve the government at all. labor organizing (unions), community organizing (community asset transfer, community gardens, tenant unions), religious organizing (satanists who do the legal battles, mostly used by conservatives) [2]
I cannot say what the right thing to do in this election is. there is not one single answer for everyone. it's dependent on what state you live in and if it's competitive (do your state's electoral college votes have a chance in hell of going to biden), whether or not your district is gerrymandered to the point that it will or won't go for biden or trump no matter what to you, etc etc. there is a literal logistical negotiation to how impactful your vote is and how much gravity there is to your decision. if your vote actually has an impact on the electoral college, i think it's your part to make sure we have an easier adversary this next election cycle and vote for biden. for everyone else, look. it's a broken system and there are other weak points and other strategies. which we need right now. if your vote is unlikely to have an impact on an electoral college vote, i genuinely believe that protest votes for claudia de la cruz are a good move. if deployed effectively, biden would still win but still have his wits scared out of him enough to consider a remotely acceptable change in palestine policies.
as for genuine strategic involvement with various governments, this is why people tell you to focus on local elections. it's not because it's cute. it's because they are the new weak point that republicans are MUCH more effective at targeting. so much attention is directed to the federal arm that local and state elections go uncontested and party power is limited because it's largely beneath party attention. all these scary anti-trans laws and policies coming up through state govs and school boards and shit are exploiting the new and more potent strategy. you can do that in the other direction & it carries the benefit of feeling more meaningful because it has an impact on your specific life and what your specific town/city's public policies are regarding public transport or the police budget or schools or whatever. [2]
i just. if one public official has the power to dismantle your whole fucking democracy, your democracy was already donezo. what you had was the consolidation of power and the appearance of choice. i will not deny that the appearance of choice is a stronger position to be in than open disregard. the appearance of choice is easier to turn into real choice than a situation where the appearance isn't even called for. but we have GOT to remember that this is a writhing and many-tentacled beast that requires multiple fronts of opposition adapted to different environments with strategies to suit to different skill-sets. there is no one size fits all strategy, and there is no strategy that works forever.
[1] different states literally do have different governments. same with cities and counties. it's multiple governments, and they do have different jurisdictions and different jobs. sometimes your public utilities district will be a private company or an independently managed public nonprofit and those are ALSO different governments with different responsibilities and limits against each other. indigenous governance of nation members and reservations are ALSO different governments! there are so many!
[2] no shortcuts: organizing for power in the guilded age by jane mcafee
deep organizing, communist organizing: an introduction by ed childs
Community Organizing: People Power from the Grassroots By Dave Beckwith, with Cristina Lopez, Center for Community Change
Basics of Community Organizing, Citizens Committee of New York
Neighborhood Democracy Movement Resources & toolkits (community asset transfer & street connecting)
[3] register with run for something and go fucking wild. you can run meetings at community centers and knock on doors, you can run, YOU CAN RUN A REAL SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN AND MAKE A FUCKING WEBSITE. even a half-hearted one is better than nothing. you'd be shocked at how few state and local candidates have a fucking website or social media profile. it is FREQUENTLY impossible to determine their policy decisions. change that and you're ahead of the game already.
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princetonlawschool · 2 years
Ideal Year One, First Term Courses:
1. Systems of Governments
2. Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Legal Jurisdictions and History
3. Common Law Powers
4. Real and Personal Property
5. United States Constitutional Law
Ideal Year One, Second Term Courses:
1. Civil Procedure
2. Criminal Law and Procedure
3. Religion and the State
4. Rights of People and Powers of Governments
5. Civil Legal Jurisdictions/Napoleonic Code Jurisdictions
First Summer Courses
1. Trial Practice- Making and Meeting Objections
2. Racism, Sexism, Discrimination, Laws For and Against
3. Family Law
Ideal Year Two, First Term Courses
1. Federal Court and Highest Court Appellate Case Study
2. Laws Under State Emergency War Powers or other Emerging Crises
3. Parties, Election Systems, Factions, Types of Government Groups
4. Laws of War and Military Justice Jurisdiction
5. Government Treaty and International Compact Issues
Ideal Year Two, Second Term:
1. The Sciences, Arts, Free Speech and Press Issues
2. Specific Rights Pertaining to Rare Groups
3. Rights To Associations and Revolutionary War or Changing Structure of Governments Events
4. Maximizing Period of Preparing For and Aid During Periods of Servitude
5. Contract Law
Year Three, First Term
1. Constitutional Torts
2. Legal and Moral Ethics
3. Business Law
4. Legal Developments
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5. Judicial Interpretation Methods
Year Three, Second Term
1. Clinic Service
2. Legal Process State/Federal Courts
3. Remote Legal Theories
4. Politically Charged Manipulation
5. Applying For Civil Servant Positions
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blogsatanista · 2 years
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The Equality Act
I’ve been posting about it for years. Using gender and sex interchangeably will help radical lawmakers capitalize on the lack of distinction and introduce laws that do away with scientific, biological reality. The Democrat-controlled House just recently passed the Equality Act, which they say despite federal anti-discrimination laws already existing, is just new legislation designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination, but of course there’s much more to it, and seems to only care about the “T”.
“Sex,” the bill says, is now defined by “gender identity,” which the legislation then describes so broadly it is limited only by a person’s imagination. “Gender identity” means “the gender-related identity, stereotype, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual's’ designated sex at birth.” The Equality Act then treats an individual’s self-determined “gender identity” as the individual’s sex under the law, and requires Americans to do the same in virtually every aspect of civil society, including public accommodations, public facilities, public education, all federally assisted programs and employment.
“An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” Under the law, any biological man or boy claiming a female gender identity could access women’s and girl’s store dressing rooms, recreational centers locker rooms, or school bathrooms and there would be nothing a state, city, school board or private business could do about it. 
The Equality Act then describes that where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification, such as in cases involving intimate care of clients and customers, personal caregivers including in nursing homes and hospitals, women’s waxing and esthetician work, or chaperones, counselors or coaches, that employers must consider only the applicant’s gender identity, not their sex, as it now would mean the same thing. This means an adult man who claims a female gender identity can obtain a job involving sensitive, personal and intimate matters involving girls and women, which would normally be provided by other women, and clients will either have to shut up and accept it or face federal discrimination charges. If you don’t feel comfortable with a man who says they identify as a woman waxing you, or providing intimate, invasive care to your unwell mom or grandmother, or sharing bathrooms with you, it's very close to becoming a federal crime to object.
The bill doesn’t even require the individual to have clinically diagnosed gender dysphoria, or undertaking surgical or hormonal transition, making it that self-declared “gender identity” would be the only requirement to determine our sex under law and everyone else must play along. Anyone, at any time, could declare a change of gender identity and must instantly be recognized as such. A male athlete can declare his identity as “female” at any time, without any medical corroboration, and he instantly qualifies to compete against girls and afterwards join them in the changing rooms. The Equality Act states sports competitions and scholarship programs designated for girls and women to admit males if they proclaim a female gender identity. Studies have shown that “female identifying” athletes still hold an “intolerable advantage” over females even when they have undergone hormone treatments, yet this bill doesn’t require the male to do anything to compete against women, except say they identify as female. 
All previous single-sex facilities including shared hospital rooms or wards, jails, prisons or juvenile detention facilities, homeless shelters, overnight drug rehabilitation centers and domestic violence or rape crisis shelters would also be forced by law to welcome men who say they are female. Furthermore, the Equality Act would trump religious freedom. Remember my posts about baker Jack Phillips? In 2017, after years of fighting off attacks and lawsuits from anti-Christian activists, the Colorado Christian baker won a Supreme Court battle establishing his right to choose not to bake same-sex wedding, “gender transition” and satanist cakes? Four years later, he is still embroiled in an unending stream of lawsuits and complaints brought by radical activists who demand he does what they say. The Equality Act would take the treatment the baker has received, all because he has different views on marriage and gender, and nationalize it, forcing every religious business owner to go against their beliefs - and everyone else to go against science - and do as they’re told. 
It doesn’t end there. The Equality Act also means changes in school curricula, such as classes and text that affirm and promote gender theory viewpoints. These mandated school programs would override states that have prohibited such ideological curricula and also parents who don’t want their kids learning it. Even worse, according to the Equality Act, religious nurses, doctors, and hospitals unwilling to perform sex-change surgery on children would also be legally discriminating. Parents who don’t allow their kid to undergo puberty blockers, hormone therapy and sex changes would also be violating the law, have their parental rights removed and lose custody of their child, even though that’s already happening all over the country. 
The House already passed the Equality Act in May 2019 for the first time, but the Republican-led Senate kept the bill from going any further. The bill has again passed the House, and Biden has promised to sign it into law, leaving the Senate again as the last hurdle. With Democrats now controlling the Senate, the bill is sure to at least see the floor for debate. The question then becomes whether Democrats can get enough votes to make it federal law, and given that Democrats have so far succeeded in framing the Equality Act as a civil rights law necessary to protect all LGBTQ people (plus, who would ever vote against the EQUALITY act, you don’t believe in equality!? You enjoy discrimination!?”) the passage seems increasingly likely. If it is passed, it’s difficult to imagine how destroying our rights of conscience, reality, religious freedom, businesses, schools, privacy and sports was worth conforming to the feelings of 0.6 percent of the population. 
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If you don’t like the results, change the narrative. Classic corruption behavior. 
Let’s talk about the implications of these tweets:
These tweets highlight why people don’t want more Christians in elected office. People voted in their poll and the results were overwhelmingly one-sided. I know that this poll isn’t a statistically sound poll, but there are still readable results. To discount those results because they didn’t match your organizations values, is the problem with having elected officials legislate with religious beliefs instead of representing their constituents. If an elected official is more concerned about upholding their personal religious ideologies than being a voice for their constituents, then the republic process has failed. 
Discounting the 45,370 “No” votes in this poll because they came from “Satanists and Atheist” means that only votes that this organization wants to count are ones that agree with their views. That is not how voting works. 
If a majority of voters want something, that it just how it is. Living in a democracy means that you are free to have your own opinions and your opinions may be overruled.  
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Marxism and Conspiracy Theories
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Originally commissioned for the Organise Aotearoa website, you can find more articles here. In running a socialist organisation, especially one that has an audience and collaborators outside of the regular “left wing activist” crowd, we often find ourselves in contact with conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists.
Some people even think socialists like us are conspiracy theorists—after all, aren’t we blaming nearly all of our problems on a tiny group of people who we say control the Government, most political parties, our workplaces, and our media? On the other hand, some believe that socialism is itself a part of a conspiracy, and that we are influencing culture and secretly control universities or political parties.
Conspiracy theories are usually based in the idea that some outside influence or ruling organisation controls everything around us, and this means that there is quite often a grain of truth somewhere in the mix. On the other hand, conspiracy theories can be a dangerous way of misdirecting anger away from those who deserve it and onto ethnic minorities or other scapegoats.
That’s why we’re attempting to write this in good faith rather than dismissing people we disagree with as cranks and crazies. Rather than appealing to rationality and common sense, we’re more interested in giving people the tools to separate fact from fiction. So what should you do if you’re confronted with a theory or worldview you think might be conspiratorial?
Is it falsifiable?
Falsifiability means that something can be proven wrong if the right evidence can be used against it. Many conspiracy theories rely on being unfalsifiable, what this means is that no matter how much evidence disproves the theory, you’ll still find a few people who believe it. For example, climate change denial is unfalsifiable because it is based on the idea that all the world’s scientists are deliberately misleading the public. No matter how many reports about looming ecological catastrophe come out, climate change denialism will still linger on because those producing the reports can’t be trusted. The only way that climate change denialism can be disproven is when our planet becomes completely uninhabitable, by which time the debate is pretty irrelevant.
In contrast, a worldview like socialism is falsifiable in part because there are thousands of ways we could be proven wrong if we saw the correct evidence. If someone becomes a billionaire without exploiting the labour of another human being, that would be direct evidence against socialism. A capitalist state completely abolishing wealth inequality would be another example. There are many things that simply could not happen without socialism being untrue—they just haven’t happened yet!
However not all conclusions of socialism are falsifiable, especially the application of revolutionary solutions in our current context. We don’t presume to have created a completely flawless worldview, and only through practice can theory be put to the test.
Where does the money lead?
Another hallmark of conspiracy theories is that they propose scenarios that simply don’t make economic sense. What is the profit motive behind paying off thousands and thousands of people so that they don’t reveal the “truth” about society when it makes much more sense to hide in plain sight for free? Every scheme requires a believable investment and a believable motive, but many conspiracy theories would require elaborate networks and millions of paid employees, all kept in perfect secrecy.
On the other hand, conspiracy theories which turned out to be true, such as the Jeffrey Epstein case, had clear social and profit motives. A single prisoner held information that was damaging to several politicians and businessmen, and they simply exercised their class solidarity to kill him before he could stand trial. This is a good example of a real-life conspiracy, as it was done so clumsily that it was only a matter of time before it was exposed.
As socialists, the main conspiracy we espouse is one that makes perfect economic sense, and takes place in plain sight: that the rich have created systems to endlessly exploit the labour of the poor—something that even the most capitalist economist would admit after a few drinks. While many conspiracies rely on the idea that truth is completely separate from appearance, most socialist theories rely on taking the most readily apparent and ordinary parts of daily life, and revealing truth through putting them in a wider economic and social context.
Does it focus on Jewish people?
Perhaps the most insidious aspect of conspiracy theories is how they are able to misdirect the anger of working class people towards minorities. Many popular conspiracy theories tie in to one big overarching conspiracy theory, collectively termed “New World Order” (NWO) conspiracies.
NWO conspiracies typically revolve around a secret pact involving Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Elders of Zion with occasional guest appearances by Nazis, Rhodes’ scholars, aliens, communists and satanists.
One aspect of NWO conspiracies that makes them so insidious and widespread is their tendency to bleed into one another thanks to internet forums, right-wing ultranationalist organisations, and other purveyors of “stigmatised knowledge.” This means that people who believe in NWO conspiracies often come to believe that racial groups, especially Jews, are a part of, or behind all of the other conspiracies.
This is because of a few factors: Jews were historically the most literate minority in Early Modern Europe, which often led to conditional entry into the management and middle classes. This, combined with Christian religious hostility, led to situations where Jews were blamed for nearly everything. By the time the 19th century arrived, whole fabricated documents (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) were being produced, claiming to expose a Jewish conspiracy to corrupt the world.
This means that many conspiracy theories involve a conscious or unconscious hostility towards Jews and other minorities. Jewish banking families like the Rothschilds are blown out of proportion, becoming arch-capitalist overlords rather than relatively small-scale bank owners. Jewish association with other “conspiratorial organisations” also had tragic consequences for other groups: along with the 6 million Jews murdered by Nazis, 200,000 Freemasons and 1,450 Jehovah’s Witnesses were also killed thanks to their alleged participation in Jewish conspiracies.
Many people in Aotearoa espouse rhetoric similar to NWO conspiracism without realising what a tragic history such thinking has led to. We need to educate people about the full implications of this brand of conspiracy theories, and completely divorce it from the socialist movement.
What about Marxism?
Marxism inevitably gets lumped in with many of the conspiracies outlined above. This is natural, since aren’t we conspiring to overthrow governments and institute our own world order (a new mode of production)? But underneath this relatively innocuous association is something more sinister. Marxism gets painted as a Jewish conspiracy, since we get our name from the proudly Jewish Karl Marx. This was something exploited by Marx’s contemporaries, and something that undercuts much of the criticism of socialism to this day.
This is a particularly dangerous association, not only because it creates unsafe situations for our Jewish comrades, but also because it prevents us from redirecting the misguided anger of conspiratorialism towards those who are actually pulling the strings: the bourgeoisie, of all cultures, ethnicities and nationalities. After all, why should anyone listen to us if we’re shills for the NWO, or Jewish capitalists like George Soros? This brings us back to one of the concepts we raised earlier—it makes conspiracy thinking unfalsifiable, because the only people willing to talk about the real conspiracies can be dismissed as part of the problem!
Does it mistake “Shock Doctrine” for “False Flags?”
Many conspiracies rely on the idea that the ruling class or other groups deliberately stage or perpetrate massive catastrophes in order to further their goals. A good example of these “False Flag” conspiracies is the 9/11 Truther movement which claims that the US Federal Government deliberately blew up the World Trade Centre and made it look as if it was the result of airliner impacts. They believe this, in part, because the US Government massively benefited from the attacks, and was able to use it for propaganda to consolidate its own domestic power and enable overseas imperialism.
However such claims could also be explained by a much more real and mundane tactic of the ruling class: the “Shock Doctrine.” This is the idea that Governments will opportunistically take advantage of shocking events and people’s fear to push through legislation, or exercise repressive measures and emergency powers. A recent and notable example of this took place in New Zealand. The Christchurch Mosque attacks were used by police as justification for expanding the police’s access to automatic weapons. The police had been lobbying for greater access to firearms for years, and these policies would likely have been adopted regardless of events. However, by using tragic acts of terrorism for their own gain, the police were able to convince even left-wing civil society that this policy is justified. Through the Shock Doctrine, terrible events often lead to Governments achieving their policy objectives, and this appears to some outside observers as if they planned the whole thing.
In truth, the real crime is the unending ability for capitalist states to use civilian deaths and tragedy as political capital in pushing their agendas.
Does it present an unwinnable situation?
One thing all of these conspiracy theories have in common is that they create situations in which we are so hopelessly outmatched and outmanoeuvred by infinitely powerful organisations that there’s no point except to give up, and maybe occasionally update a blog about it all. In a way, it’s comforting to know that someone has a plan, even if it’s an evil one, because our only options are to sit back and watch it unfurl rather than exercise our own agency to make plans of our own.
Socialism differs from many other conspiracies because we know there is no single plan, no blueprint by which the bourgeoisie controls us. They are a mass of competing interests, but they will also work together in cases where their interests align, such as when ensuring collective profits through wars and crises, or when removing threats to their collective interests, such as taxation and working class solidarity.
Socialism holds that there is no individual with the ability to shape reality except working class people working together to develop our own plans. Those who rule over us aren’t shady organisations with no public face, but rather a class of individuals with names and addresses, as well as visible social and economic systems they have set up to advance their interests.
So does OA believe in conspiracies?
In short, yes absolutely! Every time the bourgeoisie works together on a project, they are exercising their class solidarity, in other words, conspiring with each other. They do this all the time, from a group of lobbyists helping one another pressure governments, to a gun manufacturer providing a discount to a police force. Real life conspiracies are…well, kind of boring compared to the ones that capture people’s imaginations. Even the shadiest aspects of the capitalist world, such as corporate espionage, CIA coups and propaganda campaigns, tend not to put a lot of effort into covering their tracks, instead relying on our apathy and the subservience of news media to let the story die.
What we don’t engage in is conspiratorialism, the idea that we can theorise about conspiracies based on loose connections, anecdotal evidence, and confirmation biases.
Real conspiracies are simple, visible, and pretty uninteresting to most people. We simply don’t need to explain things via the most complex, hidden, and obscure structures known to humankind.
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the-unholy-sovereign · 10 months
[{]¤| Hail-Satan |¤[}] "Beijing" I.Legislation, "Congressional" Executive Andrew M. Allen Drayton.I "Hong Kong" Legislative-Representative (China)
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churchofsatannews · 6 years
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Today in the USA we mark the “birthday” of what our founders intended to be a secular republic. Americans popularly use this day, or the nearby weekend, as a means to enjoy a summer holiday with convivial gatherings, barbecues, and evening fireworks displays while commercial enterprises lure folks towards capitalist excess with varied sales for their wares and services. While we partake or refrain from all of this as we please, Satanists also make time to reflect on the significance of the manifestation of this nation whose expressed values have favored self-determination for its citizens. Satanism champions freedom, individualism and personal satisfaction so naturally we endorse the nation that in its 1776 Declaration of Independence promised its citizens “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” as fundamental rights. We also find inspiration in the bold proclamation in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1797 that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” This inherent secularism rejected the age old practice of governments being infested by an established religion which would then force widespread obeisance to its theist morals and doctrines. When properly functioning, the American social system serves as an ongoing experiment towards attaining a societal framework permitting individuals to control their own destiny. This is achieved via a social contract offering equity under the law which, to a certain degree, promotes meritocracy while eschewing the inherent “mob rule” of democracy. Viewing the past endeavors of our species, most freethinkers understand how rare is this approach to organizing our interactions—it could be but an ephemeral aberration in human history. Today we observe with trepidation ongoing “faith-based” efforts to legalize discrimination against fellow American citizens under the Orwellian guise of “religious freedom.” This makes clear that state-church tyranny is a tool many of the faithful would gladly wield if given the chance, so long as their church is the one being able to call the shots. Yet not everyone is fooled—even the heads of major corporations have called-out the blatant bigotry intended by Christians who scramble to establish this sort of legislation in many states. And, as has sadly become commonplace, the ongoing horror of theists mass-murdering those who do not submit to their irrational doctrines continues. From night clubs to airports, in mosques, restaurants, marketplaces, theaters, train stations, hotels, bridges, embassies and universities people are being slaughtered by barbarians who proudly claim their religious beliefs are a compelling reason for such atrocities. We should remain profoundly alarmed and not become inured to such savagery, working with rational people from many different nations and backgrounds to combat these extremist crimes against civilization. All who join us in cherishing personal sovereignty must grasp that maintaining the flame of freedom requires active vigilance, not acquiescence to those who would limit our autonomy based on their supernaturalist delusions. Today, we reflect on the fragility of individual liberty, affirming our iron-willed determination to preserve free thought in resistance to all who seek our subjugation to the “dictates” of their mythological deities and their anti-human morality. Here’s to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, unhampered by those whose faith will not tolerate diversity! Hail Independence—now and henceforward! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore
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johnnyrobish · 2 years
Ohio Lawmaker Believes Holocaust Should Also Be Taught From Germany’s Perspective
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Homeschooled MAGA Ohio State Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur (R-99th Dist), defended controversial legislation she co-sponsored while on a local news station, by pointing out she believes "divisive concepts" should be taught from “multiple points of view.”  She further explained that history could be taught from the perspective of someone in Poland who was “displaced” or “incorporated” into the war, or perhaps from the perspective of a Jewish person that has gone through the tragedies that took place, or maybe you'll listen to it from the perspective of a German soldier.
Oh, I get it!  We need to start teaching "divisive concepts” such as fascism from “multiple points of view.”  Well then, even though she and most of her base are primarily hard-core Bible thumpers, given her philosophy that “all points of view” should be taught - I’m sure all the Satanists in her district will be absolutely thrilled to learn that she’d be open to teaching local school children about Christianity “from Lucifer’s point of view.”  
That said, when she suggests we need to also view the Holocaust from Germany’s perspective, it has me wondering - exactly what does Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur imagine that perspective ought to be?  Somehow, the Jews had it coming?  Now, correct me if I’m wrong on this, but as far as I can tell, I think Hitler made the “Nazi perspective” pretty clear.  I don’t think there was much confusion about their opinions on most issues.  
The fact is, there’s really nothing new about any of this.  For example, their attacks on the teaching of a basically non-existent “Critical Race Theory” in public schools, is essentially nothing more than a hidden attempt to “view slavery in the US from the perspective of a slaveholder.”  The fact is, with this “all points of view” stance, Republicans have actually moved way beyond any “Critical Race Theory,” and are now offering their very own “Critical Reich Theory.”
Frankly, it must be quite confusing for them at times.  Let’s take, for example, the late entertainer Sammy Davis Jr., who was both Jewish and black.  It’s gotta be awfully difficult for people like her to figure out whether she’s supposed to hate Sammy for being Jewish, or for being black.  Now, if we revisit views on the Holocaust, shouldn’t we also consider OJ Simpson's take on the Nicole Brown Simpson/Ron Goldman killings, or Charlie Manson's side of the Tate/LaBianca murders?  Frankly, the possibilities seem endless - especially, if you’ve been homeschooled like Sarah Fowler Arthur.
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