#lesbian fashion disaster
bookiedoodles · 2 years
God Casey Jr must have the most god awful absolutely phenomenal fashion sense, what with having a lesbian mom and a gay father
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unreversedumbrella · 2 years
with the knowledge that teru last saw his parents years ago and that he regularly visits spirits&such I have now fully become a "reigen adopts teru" believer
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onaveryislandxx · 10 months
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I got a haircut and also it's silver now. Also face reveal ig
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k-badger-draws · 2 years
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Here is some modern apollo in my other style. I love drawing him, he is a beautiful disaster bisexual of a god. My dm described him wearing cargo shorts. And I refuse to draw him in them. That feels like sacrilege putting a god in cargo shorts. I will riot if he puts the next god in crocs.
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Posts referring to Harrowhark goddamn Nonagesimus as a “femme” because they want to contrast her with Gideon’s butchness are so funny TBH. That woman has never learnt how to do any make-up except her religiously-mandated stupid skulls in her whole life. She only ever dresses in her fucking nun gear, even when the situation does not require it or even when it’s explicitly inapproppriate, and she often doesn’t even change it often enough because she’s an obsessive workaholic with depressive tendencies. She gets a feminizing make-over scene from Ianthe once and it manages to make her more uncomfortable than usual in a book that’s in its entirety just one astronomically-sized mental breakdown she’s having. A church goblin is what she is. A dirty little creature living in the attic of a graveyard chapel and feeding on dust. A humansona of motherfucking Gollum. The enemy number one on the Fashion Police first-priority hit list. Not even your standard disaster lesbian, but a full-on lesbian disaster. She wouldn’t know “femme” if it slithered through her back and bit her in the ass. “FEMME”.
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the-moon-files · 4 months
...now ur just sweet talking me 🥰 /lh
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Not years, well maybe 1 year-
but i have wanted to ramble desperately to smone, even the tumblr void if i had to, abt humans vs. hylians so much, esp with a guide reader or male reader bc whatdya know im into niche stuff that only u and like 2 other ppl like lmao ¯\(ツ)/¯
Anyway im so shocked, since ur like the third person to be interested in this and wanna hear abt it 🥺 🤲💌 here u go!! Hope u like it <333 👉👈
Sun: Masc!Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Humans are Not Hylians/Humans are Space Orcs AU, Headcanons-ish, long overall but each section is kinda short
Stars: Mostly worldbuilding! you've been warned, don't get mad me for not talking abt the boys too much✌️
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of private area/joke in the clothing headcanons, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
just some quick headcanons bc tbh i haven't given it too much thought, and i feel like I've been able to somewhat get into it in other posts? or maybe im thinking of stuff i have in my drafts idk-
Imma make another list, so buckle up for the short ride lol
Courting periods/dating/marriage
individual/small groups society-based hylians v. large personal groups/large community society-based humans
simpler foods hylians v. complex food humans
clothing modesty/style/relationships with fashion
fighting styles/strategies
entertainment complexity/differences
and language
1st one, not much yet, im also making a separate post bc someone else asked me to talk abt that more 🥺
(tysm for all the enthusiastic asks guys <33)
anyway, basically hylian courting is a lot shorter, think “lesbians with the uhaul” type of energy, like sort of the classical medieval “does thee wish to pursue marriage with this one?” ← how hylians ask u out for the first time lmao
if it helps, they do tend to get to know one another well, talking about morals/kids/life goals/preferred lifestyle/house/etc. pretty clearly and quickly, then using the in between time to sort of stew on that information
id say the total time is sort of something like 6 months? maybe 3/4 if they're really compatible
(so bc i love interpreting video game logic for real world building, I actually blame this on how fast Zelda/link get together in games despite having sometimes never met before that moment lol)
like i said, ill be posting about this later
2nd one!!
pretty basic, just saying we don't really see hylians in big groups, despite the organizations they form, like kingdoms/knights or on a more personal level, towns/families/etc.
(once again, in-game appearances/video game logic translated to real life to draw these conclusions)
like not only are family units pretty small, like nuclear family setup, with like 2 parents and 2 kids, or single parent 1 kid type of situation, but the towns or collections of these families arent very big either
hylians kind of use their government the way it was intended lmao?
like the villages and towns matter more for everyday decisions than the kingdom/royalty, like Zelda would esstientally just be the mayor of Castle Town for those constant decisions,
while occasionally is called on to make decisions like for several towns or like is a natural disaster happens
meanwhile humans are, in comparison, in Way Bigger groups, both on an organization scale, and a personal scale
like u have all these specific branches of government, whereas im sure the population difference doesn't help,
and on a personal level, humans can easily have like multiple parents, lots of siblings, and once u combine that with each parent having family too, and those families like to meet up? All together??
yeah, itd look insane to any hylians (who’s smaller extended family may just make up their own village and that's it)
3. I've touched on this
like the use of spices, syrups, seasonings, etc
but also the complexity of dishes too, like chilling cream and mixing it for awhile to make ice cream, or even just getting ordering a pizza,
that's a lot of processing, like making the dough from flour and other ingredients, to letting it rise, to making the tomato paste, making cheese, then combining those things with any other toppings, all into one dish??
i like to think that hylians have only just started to touch on actual complicated cooking processes (as in BOTW, where they sell flour and salt, so people besides Link/Wild must know what to do with it)
this has the advantage of impressing any hylian with what a “creative genius” you are lol
4. look im just a fan of medieval time periods Links
so i think its funny if the hylians are used to like 4/3 layers and ur over here like, “wym, if i take off my shirt there's nothing underneath?”
one of them gets bold enough to ask, “d-do you not. do you not have undergarments??”
you “just my boxers? like just to cover my di-”
also this makes its easy to seduce people here? LMAO
clothes are def higher quality, after all there's not as many artificial processes or materials interfering,
plus u usually get some sick embroidery on it too!!
5. so like i get it, Link is the main fighter in games
but like, the few times there is a war/army in loz games, there's rlly not a lot of strategy, beyond just finding the enemy and fighting
tho im partial to that hylians/most inhabitants of Hyrule abide by the “lets meet up either literally by inviting each other or just between our territories to fight”
with occasional guerilla warfare (by any means necessary/stealth/ambush attacks/strategy) that's only rlly used either by Demise/Ganon, or by the wilder individuals/races in games
or maybe even the more civilized fighters in an emergency
and so that means by this logic that all of the Chain use kind of wild techniques compared to their race/kingdom lmao
id imagine its not too surprising to also see “every fight is a bar fight if its for my life” from individual travelers, so im sure they're not viewed too crazy (esp when ppl know their the hero that constantly has to deal with guerilla warfare from Ganon)
but its be hilarious to watch the reactions of both the Links realizing they’re in a bigger group that should be using “proper” fighting strategies and seeing the general publics reaction to this absolutely feral, armed to the teeth, trained hylians with their equally wild human lol
LMAO everyone thinks ur the reason they started using the more brutal fighting methods bc ur human, ur a bad influence lol
(humans would use it primarily, esp after we converted to use that method in warfare a couple hundred years ago i think?)
changing course a bit, hylians tend to use weapons (to compensate for difference in strength compared to humans, and since they don't experience/get a lesser version of adrenaline)
while humans tend to equally rely on weapons and our body as a weapon (marital arts/basic self-defense)
6. this is mostly bc the hylians only rlly seem to have the basics of music, books/stories, theater, and art
i have, surprise surprise, another post abt how i think this came to be,
mostly based on how human curiosity is indomitable and insatiable and the endless force that has not yet met its immovable object.
or at least an immovable object they haven't at least poked a little, out of curiosity lol
like we went to space for that reason, we reach the most dangerous corners of our planet (deep underwater/volcanoes) out of sheer curiousity/for the sake of simple knowledge of the thing
so needless to say, curiosity can absolutely drive any field to its limits, including the arts, which is why we can have stained glass, or movies/tv shows, hell, the marvel that is Hatsune Miku lmao
(fully for entertainment, a projection of light and sound, what is essentially magical illusions but u did it hte hard way, to the hylians)
on a different entertainment related note, i don't know if the hylians would be super into sports, or not really at all? mostly bc they have to use their fighting/training against real threats, not the sort of “fake” threats that sports are
but on the other hand i could see people like knights wanting to use their abilities for something other than violence and fighting bc their life or their villages lives depended on it
bet the Links would enjoy it for those reasons especially, what with at least sumo wrestling being a sport or activity for them at some point in history, and practically beg u for any new games to play, or to ref their games, bc whewwww
im sure they could get pretty competitive lol
7. obviously, their mostly influenced by the Japanese language
id almost like to imagine a sort of, if not outright Japanese (like with earlier heroes like Sky) then a sort of English-Japanese hybrid further along the line
sort of like how English has German/Greek/Latin roots and therefore u can see what words or structure comes from where, or even how u can understand a fair amount of basic words when other languages share the same roots (english, pants = spanish, pantalones)
would make for some funny miscommunications
or even better, most hylians liking ur unique accent or the Links love to hear u talk bc of it lol
well the fever has broken, i am now free of the sickness that made me hack this up geez
i hope u got some enjoyment out of these my beloved anon!! esp since u were so nice as to ask abt it <33
hope u guys have a great weekend, look out for some more posts, bc its been great to get some more asks in lately and very motivating,
not to mention i actually have time to write now that my siblings graduated/we’ve moved several states over 💀
so i have reliable internet now too! sheesh :’)
Peace out,
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Nature of the Human Soul Pride Special 2024
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
            “Angel! Husk! Vaggie! Alastor!” Charlie rounded the corner and ran towards her fellow adults in the hotel. “Disaster!”
            The others all looked at Charlie in confusion.
            “Oh, boy, what is it gonna be this time?” said Angel.
            “Nothing that I’m going to be a part of,” muttered Husk.
            The last time Charlie had looked this freaked out, she had learned that all the dances she knew from Earth were out of date and forced all of them to teach her the latest dances (only to then learn that Vaggie had died ten years before (Y/N), and (Y/N) wasn’t exposed to modern media so she was still behind).
            “Babe,” said Vaggie, grabbing Charlie by the shoulders to steady her. “Calm down. Tell us what’s wrong.”
            While Angel and Husk attempted to stand and sneak away, Alastor began to melt into the shadows.
            “It’s about (Y/N)!” said Charlie.
            Angel and Husk froze, and Alastor instantly reformed. Vaggie tensed.
            “What about (Y/N)?” said Alastor, tilting his head. His wide smile was frozen on his face, but Husk took a careful step back at the sharpness of the expression.
            “I was talking to them about the party my dad held for me last week because he learned that I liked girls and guys, and they looked confused! They had no idea it could be something celebrated!” said Charlie.
            “Babe, in most of our lives it wasn’t something people could talk about,” said Vaggie. “I mean, I died when LGBT people were starting to be able to marry.”
            “Yes, but (Y/N) thought people who were queer were in Hell because they were queer! They thought they were in Hell partly because of that,” said Charlie, anguished.
            “…They think that about themself?” said Angel, frowning and glancing at Husk.
            Husk sighed. “They have made some comments like that. I think they were raised religious and were pretty controlled.”
            “So (Y/N) thinks they’re a bad person?” said Angel. He frowned. “They’re like…the best of us outside of Charlie.”
            “They are in Hell for a reason,” said Alastor. He grinned. “Pretending they’re helpless doesn’t help them.”
            Husk scowled and rolled his eyes. “They’re strong, but they’re still a kid.”
            “They’re in Hell, but not for being queer!” said Charlie. She looked at Vaggie. “We need to make sure they know that!”
            “Hey, babe, relax.” Vaggie smiled and took Charlie’s hands. “If you’re that worried, we can talk to them.”
            “We have to do better than that,” said Charlie fiercely. Everyone exchanged looks. That meant they were about to be dragged into one of Charlie’s ideas.
            “Is it too late to escape?” muttered Husk.
            “Probably,” said Angel. He offered Husk a smile. “But it’s for (Y/N), so I can put up with it.”
            “Is everyone ready?” said Charlie, bouncing around.
            “After all the hours we put into decorating? We better be,” sighed Husk.
            The entire foyer was covered in rainbows and sparkles. In typical Charlie fashion, she had decided to go as dramatic as she could. She had also forced outfits or at least pins onto everyone in the hotel.
            Husk had a bowtie in pansexual colors, Angel Dust had a crop top that said “I <3 Gay People,” Vaggie had a dress with lesbian colors, and Charlie had a bisexual flag wrapped around herself. Charlie had tried to approach Alastor with an aroace pin, but Alastor had been confused, and, since no one wanted to be the one to explain to him what it meant, they had decided to back off. Finally, Charlie had gotten nonbinary and aroace flags for (Y/N). She was really excited to help (Y/N) be prouder in who they were. Seriously, she was vibrating in excitement.
            “We’re back!” said Rosie, who had taken (Y/N) out shopping as a ruse to have them leave the hotel (as soon as Charlie explained what she wanted to do for (Y/N), Rosie had been on board).
            “I feel like I’ve been through Hell,” groaned (Y/N), holding a bunch of bags from their excursion with Rosie.
            “It was for a good cause,” said Rosie, patting their roses affectionately. She took the bags and put them down. “Fashion and fun.”
            “Surprise!” Charlie threw confetti in the air and turned on the rainbow disco ball.
            (Y/N) stared at the decorations and their friends. A banner read “Happy Pride,” and everyone was dressed in fun outfits.
            “Um, what?” said (Y/N).
            “Welcome to our Pride Celebration!” said Charlie eagerly.
            “We’re already in Pride Ring,” said (Y/N), confused.
            “This is for being queer, kid,” said Angel, laughing.
            (Y/N) frowned. “Okay…”
            Husk rolled his eyes and got to the point so that (Y/N) didn’t keep beating themself up. “You’re allowed to be queer. Whatever shit your parents told you, that is not part of the reason you’re in Hell.”
            “It isn’t?” said (Y/N) uncertainly.
            “That would be silly nonsense!” said Alastor, laughing wildly. “The fact that you believed that is amusing! Honestly, if that was why people were in Hell, we’d be even more overcrowded than we are.”
            Vaggie winced at Alastor’s terrible explanation. “What he means is that we did other things to end up in Hell. None of them revolve around our gender or who we’re attracted to.”
            “So don’t think that about yourself!” said Charlie, hugging (Y/N). She flung the flags around their shoulders. “You don’t have to have a gender, and you don’t have to be into anyone, and that doesn’t make you a bad person!”
            “No, you’re in Hell because you killed people!” chirped Alastor.
            Angel winced, and Vaggie groaned.
            “Alastor…” said Charlie, coughing.
            Alastor waved a hand. “They know it’s true!”
            (Y/N) cleared their throat and nodded. “I’m here for a reason.” They smiled at the others. “But…I guess it’s not for being myself.”
            “There you go, little sprout,” said Rosie fondly, smiling. “Now, let’s go celebrate who you are.”
            (Y/N) smiled. They actually had a family now. They could be themself, and they didn’t have to feel guilty. Well, they still felt some shame, but religious guilt was hard to get rid of. (Y/N) could work on it, though. It would take time, but, hey, they were in Hell for eternity. They had nothing but time.
            (Y/N) smiled as their friends danced to music. They hung back, still slightly overwhelmed at everything, but they were happy. After their life, they had a lot of unhandled guilt regarding aspects of who they were and the…situation they lived in during their mortal life, but having this, having their friends. It helped (Y/N). It made them feel whole.
            (Y/N) wrapped the flags tighter around themself.
            “Not enjoying the party?” Alastor appeared beside them.
            (Y/N) smiled. “I am. I’m just taking a break from the energy. Charlie has a lot of it,” they chuckled.
            “Hm, yes, I don’t understand why she put this on, but it was entertaining to see everyone working so hard for some rainbows!” said Alastor.
            “It was nice of them,” said (Y/N). “I mean, I always thought I was strange in life for not feeling like I connected to the, uh, boxes people put me into. Gender and liking people and stuff.”
            “That stuff is all nonsense,” said Alastor. “Acting like anyone really wants to be around anyone or be anything is silly.” He laughed. “But my oh my is it amusing to watch people try to fit those roles when you can just…not.” He grinned.
            (Y/N) smiled slightly. Alastor had an interesting perspective on things, but he was supportive. He might be old-fashioned, but he wasn’t homophobic or transphobic.
            “I don’t like being pushed into roles,” agreed (Y/N).
            Alastor’s smile widened. “Good. I don’t want my protégé fitting a mold.”
            (Y/N) smiled again, and on the edges of the room, lavender flowers bloomed.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
I would just like to take a moment to praise Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko. I am only three episodes in to this show, but it has been so funny, so chaotic, and so undoubtedly queer. With so few GL offerings in the absolute tidal wave of BL that we get each year, we rarely get an opportunity to see what feels like more authentically queer sapphic experiences. Or at least I have. There are moments for sure, there are lovely little shows like Sleep With Me and She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat but if I am honest 23.5 and Chaser Game W were disasters, GAP while consistently fun did drop in quality in the back half, and the majority of other GLs I’ve heard about that have aired recently are genuinely problematic. 
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We are almost halfway through this show right now, and I am having the time of my life. This show has had me legitimately cackling in every episode and truly embodies the gay panic of a good ol’ fashion lesbian desperately trying not to misconstrue her colleague’s rather obvious advances.
That said, there are three things that this show has done that have made me fall desperately in love with it:
Hiroko spends so much of her time at the lesbian bar.
Hiroko and Ayaka are horny on main
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Legitimately, it makes me so so happy that we are getting a story out of Japan where the main character is incredibly aware of and comfortable with her sexuality. This is not a queer discovery show, this is a gays getting on the same page about their feelings show. Learning in, like, Episode 1 that the second Hiroko turned 18 she marched her gay little ass straight to the lesbian bar and has made that Her Spot for (I think) more than a decade. 
She’s an established regular with a bunch of other established regular lesbians friends and that makes me *so* happy. 
Both Hiroko and Ayaka are horny on main in ways that are also so refreshing to me, and the way they play with Hiroko’s own history as a Woman Who Fucks is so fun because it is made so blatantly obvious that she is the pursuer in the majority of the sexual encounters she’s engaged in (and those counts are in the triple digits) so it is really fun seeing her brain absolutely short circuit and any and all suaveness we got to see in the little flashbacks of her times picking up women in the bar just absolutely imploding under the stress of trying to convince herself that this incredibly hot woman that works for her is actually straight and has no idea what she is doing. 
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And on the flip side, Ayaka has clearly not had a ton of sexual intimacy with women in the past because we see her being incredibly impersonable and isolated in the flashbacks we get. But now that she is actively pursuing her feelings for Hiroko and desperately trying to make herself known she is clearly very horny and would be DTF at the drop of a hat. It is just so much fun watching her get progressively more annoyed at the fact that she is making it blatantly obvious that she wants to fuck Hiroko and Hiroko is at this point willfully ignoring it because she, and I quote, “doesn’t know how to act without an ulterior motive,” and is trying to make sure she isn’t misunderstanding Ayaka. 
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And finally, and this is just a small thing, but in the most recent episode, Hiroko and Ayaka take a business trip together, and Ayaka ends up helping this elder that is having difficulty with some heavy boxes of supplies for their store. AND THE PERSON SHE HELPS IS THE BUTCHEST WOMAN I HAVE SEEN OUT OF ALL THE ASIAN QLS I’VE WATCHED FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. Like we have had mascs, but I am talking the casual inclusion of an elder butch woman, which I have not seen. Hell, I have barely seen older butch lesbians in any media I’ve watched (shout out to Cloudburst) so to see someone just vibing in this show, even if her role is small, is of such monumental importance and makes me feel like this show is made with a queer audience in mind, which is not the case for most of the GLs I’ve watched (at least in my own perception/opinion). 
Anyway, if you are not watching this show you should! It’s readily available on GagaOoLala, the episodes are only 23 minutes long, and there will be a whopping 8 episodes.
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findafight · 1 year
i don't get why robin and eddie clocking each other is so popular. firstly i find it kind of cheap esp since it's usually a set-up for robin and/or eddie being all-knowing arbiters of lgbt knowledge while steve is clueless and dumb and not lgbt enough (despite usually being bi) to partake in this exchange as well. then it's otherwise used to establish an immediate connection between robin and eddie since they are both gay which automatically makes them besties. secondly it doesn't make much sense w what we see of either robin or eddie. like we know robin struggles w social cues and we see that that extends to sexual orientation through her interactions w vickie. also i think she is just not paying that much attention to eddie i must be honest. then w eddie he spends his time campaigning for the stancy revival while steve blatantly stares at his mouth so. i don't think he'd be good at that either. like the irony in this being so common is that steve is the person that does clock someone else on top of being consistently socially and emotionally intelligent and perceptive. idk sometimes i feel like ppl take him not clocking robin as proof he's incapable of it despite him then clocking someone later and being right, and that s3 scene fitting into the broader context of steve being lonely, insecure, and off his game for most of s3 as well as between s2 and s3. tbh missed comedy potential w steve being the one person in that trio that actually knows what's happening.
oooohg yeah i feel you anon. Not to say that all the fics that have these tropes in them are bad! it just. sometimes gets annoying? I don't want people to feel too bad about it but yes agree.
I think it really is used as a way to fast track their friendship. Truly unfortunate that it's often used to make them all knowing queer guides instead of the disaster teenage gays they are.
Robin is a small town lesbian who is only out to one singular person, she does not know anything, let alone vague little queer codes that might be happening. She wouldn't know Eddie was queer for a variety of reasons. She says herself she's not good at reading people! She's also busy worrying about if she's doing something that might out her or make people suspicious of her, so she's not analyzing other people's actions. She does not care about men that aren't Steve enough to pay enough attention to figure out if Eddie is queer or not lol. She can't even figure out if the girl she likes who likes her back is queer when her best friend is telling her. Oblivious icon! open your eyes, queen!!
Eddie had a man he deliberately broke a moment of romantic tension between his love interest by throwing a vest at his face staring at his lips and still pushed him towards said love interest. Sir. what are you doing. and once it's clear stncy isn't happening you know eddie would be like okay. why aren't you dating Robin? hmm? she's cool! and causes Steve to Suffer. (Steve was flirting with Eddie .5 seconds before he started on this please get with the program Eddie!!)
Also think it's silly that people would stereotype Eddie as Queer from how he dresses as though that's not just how a lot of people dressed? long hair was In in the 80s. Metal fashion was there. It also likely had some/a lot of ingrained homophobia in the subculture (as many things did). Sorry Eddie, but I'm pretty sure our boy Brucie did more for the gays than metallica. (Kissing Clarence Clemens Right On The Mouth Many Times On Stage thank you mr. springsteen and mr. clemens sirs.)
Steve's the only one of these three that 1) knows how to flirt 2) knows when someone is flirting with him 3) has consistently demonstrated being emotionally and socially intelligent to observe people (more than arguably anyone else in the series) and 4) has any kind of functioning gaydar. Totally agree that Steve not clocking Robin despite his gaydar is that he was way off his game, insecure, in a funk, pathetic sad meow meow era, and in a weird state of squish-or-crush on Robin, that was pushed towards crush by Dustin but slam dunked into squish by Robin coming out (does that make any sense?)
I truly, truly believe Vickie returned Fast Times paused on 53 minutes and five seconds specifically when she knew Robin and/or Steve would be the ones to rewind it. Why else would she not rewind it? when clearly they knew who had rented it and could potentially out her if they read into it? She was getting vibes from robin and knew that Steve would at least report Back to Robin (I refuse to believe the championship game was the only time stobin gossiped like they did. Vickie knows their shenanigans.) so she decided to be indirect but kinda obvious about it!! And while Robin is denying this Steve has seen the truth, he knows exactly what Vickie is doing. (would be very funny if Steve and Vickie clock each other, and then make eye contact like I know what you are. They deserve to become funky little friends while Steve is trying to get her and Robin together.)
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rouge-the-bat · 2 months
will always be obsessed with kuramas whole deal. king of thieves turned mamas boy. hes a video game nerd and top of his class. he enjoys being sadistic but tries to save his ruthlessness for those that deserve it. he can rock any gender but his fashion is often a disaster. he regularly dresses like a dad and/or a lesbian. he says plant puns while on the brink of death. he can be cold and calculating but hes also a silly fox that likes to mess with his friends. his boyfriend is a 4'10" gremlin that acts like a stray cat thats failing to resist being domesticated. he has a huge ego but also intense guilt and takes any chance to throw himself in harms way if it means protecting a loved one. he kills people with a rose that he keeps in his hair. he also killed a man by whipping his hair once. hes a rich kid. when he had to work for a king in hell, he still found some way to call his mom there. he even has a little fox tail charm on his bag.
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analviel · 1 year
You know that one post shitting on Joker? Like 'Superman gives pity laugh' because his jokes are so lame? So in the community, every city has that hero mascot right? Like the main man, usually Justice League adjacent, so if there are hero representatives, a city probably got a villain mascot. The Batkids get a lot of shit for having a lameass villain.
Dick regularly cries to Bruce about this: "Do something about this B! Don't you see your children are suffering?! Jason is being bullied by the Flashes just because they have cool villains!"
(That was very much intended pun.)
Jason, holding Barry in a head lock while shaking down Wally -with a Bat stamped glove that's glowing and producing weird staticky sounds while Barbara and Tim watch from the sidelines taking notes- as Bart cackles at them: Do you not care for us at all!
Duke, screeching at the top of his lungs: He is not the Gotham villain!
Steph: We've got the Riddler, people!
Cass: Poison Ivy.
Steph: What? No, she's got her moments but Riddler actually represents the aspects of the standard Gotham insanity. We gotta think representation Cass!
Cass: Lesbian.
Damian: If we are talking about Gotham insanity, I believe Dr. Quinzel is a much better candidate.
Tim: You only say that because she recently called herself your nemesis.
Damian: Clearly, not even insanity can blind one so much they lose all sense, as despite appearing in your time, she has seen me as the superior Robin, I have recognition in the streets, whereas what did you have other than their pity.
Tim, who has an entire Rouge's gallery who's thoughts almost immediately went to Anarky 'want to do good despite struggling in his methods', General 'generally unpleasant boy who is inclined to animals and had usurped Anarky's position by rendering him paralyzed', and Ra's Al Ghul 'Ra's Al Ghul enough said if he trips on the goddamn stairs and his Pits spontaneously combusted Tim would happily hand Jason a get Tim to do whatever you want coupon', muttering: ..... I know who my Rouge's gallery mascot is.
Barbara: What about Harvey? Literally the duality of Gotham crazies, and he was district attorney so how's that for representative.
Jason: What? Ew, no, he's white.
Dick: Was he?
Duke: Uh, you're all sleeping on Catwoman? I mean, someone says Catwoman and they think Gotham.
Cass: Someone says Riddler they have to think if it was Gotham or Keystone.
Dick: Someone says Catwoman and everyone thinks of rooftops, Batman, and a Robin shooed away to the other end of the city.
Steph: What about Zsaz?
Duke: Who?
Steph: Yeah, fair.
Everyone talking over each other on which hero is really the best representative:
Damian: Should bring honor-
Tim: -monologues are at least-
Steph: The design you know, we don't want a fashion disaster-
Cass: -should compliment our mission-
Babs: -makes at least a bit of sense-
Jason: -someone I don't want to put a bullet in-
(My vote is actually on Scarecrow.)
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Arlo Cannon
they/he, child of apollo
kind of a dumbass. this boy is only alive because of sheer dumb luck. he may be a half blood but you will have to pry "oh my god" and "jesus christ" out of his cold dead southern hands. he can play a few instruments and sing kinda well but hes annoying about it. he once wouldnt stop playing megalovania on the piano to annoy the other apollo kids. has a mental breakdown if he has to think about his feelings for more than thirty seconds.
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Maximillian "max" Maxwell
they/them, child of ares
insecure about being insecure. dresses like a lumberjack. will kill you if you call them maxmax. bi disaster. my friend once said theyre giving man on tinder holding up a fish in their pfp vibes. wields an axe. they're 4'8 and yet still manage to contain the rage of a thousand suns.
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Sullivan "sulli" O'Malley
she/her, daughter of athena
weird little trans girl. eleven years old. much like an owl shes strange, wise, and has a wide eyed unblinking stare. shes very much an athena kid but first and foremost shes her fathers daughter. aroace icon. homeschooled. has a fucked up sleep schedule to the point of being pretty much nocturnal. thinks camp half blood is weird and would much rather be with her dad every summer. autistic.
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Quinn Evangeline
they/she/he, child of aphrodite
thinks hes alot cooler than they actually are. aromantic. loves to give love advice thats either really good or ends up crashing and burning. dyes their hair blonde. holds a grudge against her mom. their mortal dad is married to a man giving them two dads. has THE BEST fashion sense. thought he was a lesbian when they first realised shes not attracted to men.
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Cameron Flores
he/him, child of hermes
quinns best friend. the day his executives start functioning its over for you all. gay disaster in all directions. acts and kinda looks like a tiktok fuckboy. often gossips with quinn in the back of aphrodite cabin. quinn made him swear not to date any of the aphrodite kids. devious little fucker. i hate him/aff
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tagging @daggerhobbit @possibly-astraeus @fakevariety @o-kye
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blitzwhore · 5 months
For your ship thingie: Velvette x Lute from HH?
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This is such a random ship, but I'll never say no to horrible women becoming toxic lesbians in fiction, so I'm here for it 🤩
I feel like Lute would hate herself for feeling attracted to not only a woman, but a demon at that, and would probably lash out violently. Meanwhile, Velvette would think Lute is pathetic in a kinda endearing and harmless way (if she was deprived of angelic weapons), and also in dire need of intervention on so many levels, including her nonexistent sense of fashion. It's a recipe for crack and disaster and I'm here for it, tbh 😂
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hangingoutwithcorpsez · 8 months
Satin headcanons!
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- She's a lipstick lesbian! Finding that out and accepting herself was very simple to her. The hard part was that Chenille wasn't as supportive at the beggining, but eventually changed that...
- Satin secretly is a big fan of rock music. She got into it before the Rock Apocalypse, but that made her even more interested! When the first rock trolls started to visit Pop Village and Trollstopia, she developed many crushes on female hard rock trolls.
- At first, she got her ears pierced profesionally along with Chenille. But later on decided she needed a bigger change, and got a few more. By herself. At home. Let's just say that was a huge disaster... But hey, at least now they look stylish!
- She writes poetry as a hobby! A troll as emotional as Satin needs to let her emotions out in an artistic way. And while she obviously uses her fashion projects to do that, sometimes words need to get into action. However she's too embarrased to show her work to her sister.
- She loves to do "pre-shower make up", except that it's not only before a shower... Sometimes before leaving for something actually important, Satin gets a random burst of inspiration and goes crazy with her make-up. But she will then quickly do her regular one, as her "inspirations" can be, well...
- Satin used to have a lip piercing, but it turns out, it's harder to apply lipstick with it. And she would FREAK OUT when her lips weren't perfect... So with that, the lip ring era had to end...
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I wish I could write more but I'm so tired😭 Hope yall like it tho because lately I am turning into a big Satin stan!! (Not really the same for Chenille sorry girlie) ALSO I created a tag for my headcanons so I feel a bit more organised for the future 💗 (# corpzez headcanons)
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eruditegeek · 3 months
Gay Glup Shitto of the Day #30
Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra
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Polyamorous lesbian rogue archeologist.
Doctor Aphra was an archeologist who specialized in weapons and droids. A morally grey disaster lesbian. She has worked for the empire, the rebellion, and every faction in between. However, in the end, she always put herself first and lived by the words, "Be gay, do crime."
Originally introduced as a supporting character along with two murderbots, 0-0-0 and BT-1, and bounty hunter Black Krrsantan in Darth Vader (2015) #3. She stole the show as the mercenary opposite the rebel smuggler Sana Starros. She did so well that her messy queer life took Sana, Santy, Triple Zero, and BT to her own spinoff comic series. Though along the way, she picked up a whole cast of other queer characters.
Her father was also an archeologist. He was an idealist who obsessed over his work to the neglect of his family. She got into the field both because of and in spite of him. While studying at the University of Bar'leth, she made frequent enemies of the professors.
She started off as a self-interested Imperial supporter. She believed in the Empire's peace through control because she didn't trust the idealist of the rebellion and believed that the galaxy was too full of selfish people. Her belief in the Empire was shaken after the destruction of Alderaan and even further while under the direct employ of Darth Vader.
She had a habit of backstabbing people for profit. Though even through all that selfish cynicism, she still found ways to do good for those around her... sometimes.
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This would bring Aphra and Sana together when one day Sana defended Aphra's idea with their professor. Aphra fell in love right there with the way Sana fought for her. They started dating soon after, Aphra being recently single after the two women she was dating found out about each other. They dated monogamously, which was unsual for Aphra. They got very close before Aphra broke Sana's heart and ran away.
Aphra traveled the galaxy rediscovering lost weapons and reactivating old droids. She did many odd jobs. She beyrayed, profited, and failed her way to notoriety. She eventually made it too big and subsequently had to hide from Vader bu faking her death. This wasn't the first time and won't be the last.
Back to doing good old-fashioned "real" archeology, she came in opposition to Imperial Captain Magna Tolvan. They immediately became enemies and quickly afterward developed crushes on each other.
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They fought, saved each other, and grew together. Both of them did horrible things to each other but also became better people because of it. The guilt and desire to do better pushed them both to better paths. Magna became a rebel officer, and Aphra became a slightly better person. Though their relationship would suffer for it at first.
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Sana and Magna would drift in and out of her life. Helping her become a better person and eventually a better partner. She rekindled the relationships that were so important to her.
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hurlumerlu · 2 months
lesbian only friends would have been the superior show so let me play with the main characters as wlw for a second
Mew: we all have that one pal who takes astrology a little too seriously. Has read all the foundational feminist texts. Wear neither leather nor pleather because both are bad. If we want a he/him lesbian, Mew's our best candidate.
Boston: I can only think of that friend of mine who has the wildest hookup stories and once mournfully told me she'd "finished tinder in the paris area". Great girl. The reddest lipstick.
Sand: soft butch Sand? soft butch Sand with her band shirts and motorcycle? she can still be played by First Kanaphan it's literally fine. would actually name female artists when listing her favourite musicians so canon Sand should get on her level.
Ray: a third of Ray's outfits would be rich mommy fashion on a woman and I can see how that could cause some confusion but it's not like rich mommies are immune to addiction and/or being a disaster. trust me it still works.
Nick: baby lesbian self-conscious about her lack of experience and her seemingly inescapable hetero-passing, trying out various aesthetics but none of them really fit? I don't know how to resolve that for her but I want to see it.
Top: ???? idk man he's such a dude.
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