#lesbians UwU
I don't see a reason why I should share my character information but I also don't see a reason why I shouldn't...
Forgive me for loss in image quality and also I know that nobody will care about any of this and I have no idea why I'm still making art at all.
Well, anyway... let's get started. I'll try to update these character posts when I've written down more info.
.:Blossom Flare:.
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Blossom Flare was born as result of her unicorn mother's experiment to create a dragon/unicorn Hybrid.
Due to complications her mother passed away not long after she was born. Her dragon father Frost, was no her only parent. After the death of Blossom's mother, her father grew to dislike the young Blossom as he saw her as one of the reason's his wife died. Frost took care of Blossom with slight annoyance. Frost home schooled Blossom and she wasn't allowed to explore much Because of this Blossom grew up to be a introverted and asocial girl. Blossom spend most of her time reading books, including books about magic. While Frost didn't forbid her from using magic, he didn't appreciate his daughters love for magic. Frost's trust in magic was damaged when his partner died due to the magical experiment, so he didn't want anything to do with it. However, Blossom became resentful of her father and practiced her magic in secret. Due to her own curiosity Blossom became a very talented witch. After a fight with her dad when she was 18, she decided she was old enough to take care of herself and fled to the unicorn lands to attend a magic school.
When she was in school she befriended Edgar, a crow with a passion for inventing.
(Okay, I need to fill in this part when she went to magic school. Ehh.. But now I got nothing. I just don't think this school drama was that interesting.)
Blossom grew up to be an independent person who seems confident despite her more introverted nature. After finishing school Blossom remains very determent to master her magic skills and started her own potion shop. Blossom lives at the edge of town near the forest. She seems to stay away from most people due to  her bad relationship with most people in the village she lives in, as she can a have bad temper and harsh attitude. These traits are somewhat common in dragons but is mostly a stereotype. Her behavior is likely a result of her upbringing. Despite this Blossom is a honest person. She greatly dislikes "sugar coating" stuff, for the people in the village this is another reason to dislike her but Blossom wants to stay true to herself.
After some time living alone she got herself a housemate called Moss Hope, a shy unicorn who struggles to deal with the world. Blossom is very protective of Moss and became a lot more open when it comes to talking about her emotions. The two women deeply care for each other. 🤨🏳️‍🌈❓
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azurem · 28 days
can you draw fat lesbian nightmare PLEASEEEEE
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fear not for I am here
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smittenskitten · 2 years
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GAP (2022 - 2023) dir. NUTTAPONG WONGKAVEEPAIROJ Becky Armstrong as Mon Kornkamon Freen Sarocha Chankimha as Sam Samanan Anantrakul
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liquid-rat · 1 year
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
Transphobic women will say things like "of course I'd rather be male, and would prefer a male body, and wore male clothing as a child, but every woman wants that. I've now accepted my female gender role fully which means everyone else can". Like, my guy that's not normal, I think you're going to be much happier and more euphoric once you're a boy. Like, so much of terfism and tradwifism is egg behavior, I want to put you in boy clothes and let you enjoy being a cute guy and being called handsome by straight girls.
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it's adora.
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vanillafry · 3 months
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[ FFXIV OCs ] Made it in time, Happy Pride month everyone! 🏳️‍🌈✨
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marybeatriceofmodena · 3 months
I can't fucking believe yall were up Rings of Power's ass when HotD decided to have Our Lady of Sorrows of Westeros cause a civil war because she forgot her own trashbag of a son was named after Aegon the Conqueror and she took a dying man's rambling about some pretty fundamental history as him designating him as heir. Like, I'm supposed to think this lady is smart. What even.
And if any Alicent stans want to come for me I want you to seriously sit down. And think about how your fave is written. How she reacts to things. How she processes information. Like, this is someone who's been in court for 20+ years and still doesn't get the basics. I hate Philippa Gregory's books with a passion but Mary Boleyn was a smarter bitch than this. This is a writers' problem.
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goldenpinof · 5 months
Dan and Phil often give me the vibes of two people who everyone believes is dating, like friends and people around assume they're dating. But actually they're both oblivious idiots who don't realize yes they've been dating for several years. They believe what they do are just friend things but it's clear normal friends wouldn't do those things.
yeah, like eating ass
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mimikyuno · 4 months
they’re a couple
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sovhina · 6 months
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Vivian and a redemption Zahra doodle for wip Wednesday! From like last week lol
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azurem · 11 hours
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??? We're literally married??? Yuri married at that
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badly-drawn-bbu · 6 months
getting gelato with the besties!!! 💖
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love-is-a-pearl · 3 months
Remember when DPani said "doing contests and gyms is a metaphor for being bisexual" and then had Zoey be biphobic towards Ash AND Nando? on screen???
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TFW when your crush hate crimes you by accident
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I love you so much, I can’t wait for our skin to meet again 💕 women are wild & my weakness 😍
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randomrangerwhite · 5 months
Love going into the Farcille tag on here and just seeing posts about how we should let the guys be shipped with the girls or how we should stop hating on the men when shipping Farcille and like just stop it.
Yall never had this much energy defending women in mxm pairings. So why is it every 3 or 4 new posts I see here on the Farcille tag some fan trying to defend why we should uplift the men and give them more attention as if they already don't have enough in series and within fandom?
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