#let me be vulnerable in the tags real quick
birthdayplant · 1 year
it’s so weird to be unconditionally loved by people and that i’m someone they want to be around often. it’s hard to “understand” a person’s reasons for loving me that much but maybe my problem is i don’t need to understand it in the first place and rather just accept it for what it is.
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afterbluehours · 4 months
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Love Bite - Choi Beomgyu
warnings: vampire fem!reader, blood, sex, themes of starvation
note: This came from a super random thought I had one day that Beomgyu would let his vampire girlfriend drink from him and probably get off on it. I'm not a vampire enthusiast so I wasn't down on the lore, but I found out from a friend who loves vampires that their bites feel euphoric so everybody kinda gets off on it? But by then I'd been working on it for most of January and written so much that I decided to go ahead with it anyway. Thank you to my beta readers! (not sure if they want to be tagged)
Beomgyu was slightly scared when he learned the person he's dating is a vampire, as anybody would, while also internally freaking out that he's just learned vampires are real and he's one of very few humans who know. But to your surprise, he doesn't leave. He gets used to the idea pretty fast when he doesn't see any major changes in you or your relationship after you tell him. You’ve always been so gentle, and he knows it’s a character trait and not a disguise when you continue to be caring and nurturing. 
Some things start to make sense once he knows, like how he has never seen you sleep, which he never thought was strange before, just seeing you as a late night and early morning person, always awake before him. He can see now how much you've had to hold yourself back; how long it took to get you to agree to go out with him; all the times you'd shied away from your first kiss, how long it took for you to finally let it happen, and the way you’d trembled as he held you close afterward; the frequent long weeks that he'd go without seeing you when you claimed to be sick, and how you'd never let him come to take care of you or even bring you anything during those times; why you never meet his friends. He'd thought you were just a shy, private person who needed a bit more time than others to warm up to things. You were so grateful that he was so patient and understanding with you, sure that anybody else would have gotten fed up with the way you acted and given up long before the year mark. But not Beomgyu. 
He began to see how often you let yourself go hungry, determined that nobody else should suffer for your existence. Without hesitation, he offers, no, begs you to feed from him when he can tell you've been neglecting your needs, famishing yourself for the sake of the safety of others. You always refuse his proposals, never even toying with the thought of blurring that line between love and lunch. Until he finds you more weak and dazed than he's ever seen you, flinching away from the scent of him as he enters the room you've secluded yourself to. He begs you to drink from him, replenish yourself, his hands caressing your face, eyes pleading just as much as his voice. 
"I know you don't want to hurt me,” he whispers. His fingers are so unfairly warm on your cheeks, luring your eyes up to look at him. “But it hurts me to see you like this.”
In the haze of your desperation, you can't keep your eyes from honing in on his jugular, on the veins that pulse just beneath the skin. He looks and sounds so sweet, and the vulnerable state you're in makes it hard to think straight. His words and his scent cause you to feel dizzy, the mix of these factors and your heightened impulses make you begin to question why you never considered tasting him before. Two states of mind battle inside you–the craze of hunger and your personal beliefs and wishes.
Beomgyu pulls you into his lap on a chair by the window, bearing most of your limp weight. He slings your arms over his shoulders before cradling your head in his hand against his neck, positioning your face at his throat. You can hear the quick thudding of his heart, the throb of his pulse—nervous or excited, you can't tell. Closing your eyes, you let yourself inhale the warmth of him for a long stretching moment. Then, with your little remaining strength, you sit up enough to look him in the eye. 
He doesn't look scared or burdened; he looks trusting and devoted. You let your chest fall flush against his to feel the beating of his heart where your own might once have been, reveling in the idea of two being one for just a moment. Kissing him softly, you feel his breath on your face, the steady rhythm of him. He's so beautifully alive, so whole and so fragile. Your rational mind seems to have remained despite the lost fight and the mania you feel as your eyes ask of his surety. 
His head nods, and you gently capture his jaw in your hands and let yourself return to his neck. He doesn't scream or cry out in pain when your fangs pierce his skin. The only sound he emits is a sharp intake of breath through his teeth and a groan that he tries to hide under said breath. His body doesn't tense with fear or unbearable agony. You have the clarity to notice these things before the erraticism floods you, faster than the taste of him floods your mouth. 
The heat of his blood warms your body as you suck it down, like gasoline on a fire. You had never let yourself imagine how he would taste, never dared to think that you would ever find out. The fire dances hungrily in your belly, crying for more, more, more, and you open your eyes to ground yourself against your instinct. You lick soothingly over the puncture you've left behind as you detach from his flesh, both to give him a break and check over him. His face appears blissful; dream-like eyes opening into yours, and lips parted with fleeting breath. You feel his hands softly grab at your waist. 
"More," he breathes out dazedly. Your lips make to rebuff him, but he's quicker to speak. "You need more. Please." 
Were you in a more stable state, you'd want to have a conversation about this. But with Beomgyu's words, your natural desire overcomes the memory of your rational thoughts. Somewhere in the back of your clouded mind, you're grateful to have someone who cares about you enough to share their life-force to keep you comfortable. Your tongue laves across the bite to lap up the blood collecting there before you dive back in to begin gently sucking again. Fighting against every urge that sings inside you, you hold yourself back from severing any veins or arteries, willing to cause as little damage as a minimal flesh wound that can be easily staunched to prevent even more blood loss.
The moan that comes from the man below you is jarring; it doesn't derive from pain. Is this normal? His thumbs anchor into the flesh above your hip bones, and he angles his head up further to give you a more advantageous angle, encouraging you. His body jolts a little, causing your fangs to sink deeper, against your intentions, delivering more of his blood to you. You swallow it down before pulling away again with a gasp, dizzy with the effort it takes to stop yourself from guzzling him down. 
"Beomgyu… I-" 
"Ride me," he whines breathlessly, his eyes as blown out as your own probably are right now. 
The sound of the words that tumble from his lips is almost enough to startle you out of your thirst. At first you're not sure you heard him right, you've been out of it for days... But then your boyfriend is closing the gap between you, nose pressing under your jaw as his arms pull your hips against him, grinding you over his crotch, brushing hard and long underneath you, the friction waking another fire inside you. 
"Ride me, baby, please." He sounds as if he's never needed anything so badly before, and he's definitely never begged for you this way. A new warmth begins pooling in your belly alongside the blood. 
Beomgyu only fumbles a few times while unbuttoning his pants blindly as he offers his lips endearingly desperately to you. Fingers hike up the material of your dress until it's bunched around your waist, grab at your panties and angle them to the side. You hadn't realised how wet you were until he pushed inside with no resistance. 
The kiss is broken as the two of you react to the slide of his cock with a gasp and a groan, your forehead dropping to meet his as he pants shakily. Arms reaching under your thighs, he pulls you along his length, then lets you sink back down, until you take over and begin to ride him. Your lips brush over the bite you've left as you move against him and he moans again, hips thrusting up to meet yours. 
A gentle hand cups the back of your neck to return your mouth to the site when you don't do so yourself, and you're so tempted to drink again, but you will yourself to believe you've had enough to keep you going until you find another source. Beomgyu is whining at your lack of action, so you settle on kissing the punctures instead, savouring the taste of him as the blood pooled at the site sticks to your lips. You feel him throb inside you at the sensation of your mouth at the area, and he shivers as if all the nerves in his body are connected to that spot. 
“Take more,” he says between shaky breaths. “Feels so good.”
“No, Gyu-”
His lips are on yours the moment you pull back from him, so quick to act and so lost in passion he doesn't seem to notice the crimson hue that slathers your lips or the iron tang that they share. His hands are soft on your face now, thumbs stroking your cheek bones; always so gentle with you, as if he were not the one that was fragile, but you. When he breaks away for air, his mouth is smudged with a faint red stain.
His eyes drink you and he looks as in love as ever, just as adoring of you as before he learned what you are. Even now, with his neck punctured and his blood settling in your stomach, he still doesn’t see a monster.
“Gyu,” your moan drags out as your hips bring him deeper inside you over and over. A "You're too good for me” slips from your mind to your lips, followed by, "I don't deserve you."
You could swear you see pain on his face for a fraction of a second at your words. Then his hand is in your hair and he's meeting your lips once again to convey everything he's too breathless to say in this moment. When the kiss is broken, you dip down, your lips travelling over the column of his throat, leaving a trail of kisses and earning more moans from Beomgyu as his head falls back in bliss. 
“Don't– ah, don't ever say that,” he struggles to get the words out. “You're… oh god. I love you so much.”
Feeling his stomach tighten beneath you, his hips push up to meet yours, plunging himself so deep and snug inside you. Sparks shoot through your whole body from the feeling and you impulsively wrap your legs around him to keep him there as you quiver with pleasure, walls clenching desperately. There's a broken wail beneath you and you're faintly aware of the sensation of Beomgyu finishing inside you, and his name being called again and again by your voice. 
When your vision clears, certain that you would be a mess of tears if you had the ability to cry, you find your boyfriend heavy-lidded and wearing a slight, delirious smile. You're so in love with this human, bewildered by the fact that you don't know what you would do if he were to go away. Or worse; inevitably succumb to mortality, a voice in your head reminds you, causing you to mentally flinch away from your thoughts and focus on your view. 
Taking his head in your hands, you try to rouse him from his euphoria. “Are you okay?” Checking him over, you find no sign of excessive dizziness, though his rapid breathing and any lightheadedness in this moment could be from the other activities rather than the blood loss. Taking a better look at the bite you’ve left, reality comes crashing down on you, a hint of panic settling in beside it. “How are we going to hide this? This will take weeks to heal–”
A thumb swiping along your bottom lip brings your attention back to Beomgyu’s gaze. His eyes look a little more focused now as he steps into a reassuring role. “It’s okay,” he coos softly, as though you’re a bird he could spook, that you might fly away, not a creature that had him at its mercy moments ago. “I’ll bandage it and say I got a tattoo.”
“You would never get a tattoo,” you huff slightly, feeling he’s not taking this as seriously as he should. “And when you take the bandage off and there’s nothing there?”
He chuckles, hands running up and down your arms in a comforting way that has become familiar to you. “Then I’ll say I got a piercing, didn’t like it and took it out.” The soft brown of his eyes are so mesmerising, so persuasive that you’re almost soothed out of your unease about the whole thing, and he throws in a kiss to seal the deal. Leaning back, he’s smiling once more. “We’re definitely doing that again.”
Incredulous, you shake your head. You try to shift on his lap and are reminded that the two of you are still connected. “No, Beomgyu–”
“Hey. Look ook at me, love, I’m fine!” 
“This isn’t what I got involved with you for,” you say solemnly. It's quite the contrast to your boyfriend's nonchalant and playful attitude, and as soon as he hears the words, he's adapting to you. If possible, his eyes grow even softer. 
“I know,” he says softly. He helps you untether yourselves, promising to continue the conversation after you're both cleaned up. In the bathroom, you notice the way he eyes the bite, inspecting it carefully. He doesn't seem phased by the mark at all, his reaction similar to if he'd just nicked himself while shaving. Opening the first aid kit, he's ready to see to it himself, but happily allows you to treat and bandage it when you offer. Once clean and in bed, he resumes the previous conversation as promised, knowing it's important to you. 
You're laying on top of him, chest to chest and able to look at him properly–one of Beomgyu's favourite things about you being lighter than humans is that he can cuddle you this way without being crushed. He strokes your hair as you begin again, trying not to be distracted by the gesture. “I don't want to risk ever losing control and putting you in danger. What if I can't stop next time?”
“I understand,” Beomgyu's voice rumbles through your body as he speaks. “But do you realise how much restraint you showed today? While you were starved? If you could handle that without draining me for every drop I'm worth, I think you can handle a sip here and there before you reach the danger zone.”
For every drop I'm worth? Your expression pulls into a cringe. “Don't say it like that.”
A grin flashes over his face before he's serious again. “I trust you. And it’s not just that it feels good, I hate to see you suffering, you know.”
You sigh deeply, too tired and bombarded by logical arguments to find a rebuttal. Now it's you who reaches up to play with his hair, something you know he loves that relaxes him. “You should sleep.”
His eyes close obediently, making you smile. Arms wrap around you, holding you impossibly closer. “You trying to shut me up?” he jokes. “You're lucky to have me.”
As your fingers stroke through his hair, his mischievous smile slowly fades as his face softens at your touch. It's not long until he'll slip into sleep. “I know,” you whisper. 
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satorubrain · 1 year
Heyy <3
Can i have *another* request for the child eater Gojo~ how he would wake us up:
Normally (everyday)
To be sweet~
In an emergency~
and To be a pain!
Thank you!! i'm looking so forward to this!!!
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader.
Tags: Fluff, slight angst.
Synopsis: How Satoru wakes you up.
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Lets consider this is the normal one but the real normal is "to be a pain"
He wouldn't. He doesn't even want to get up. But your phone is too far from his reach and it's too comfortable to leave. He nuzzles in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent mixed with your lotion.
"Babeeee" he whines. "Your alarm has been going off for the last 15 minutes? Think you can do something about it please?"
"Mn. 5 more minutes pleasee" You mumble in your sleep, head buried in the pillow, eliciting a giggle from him.
It's a daily thing and both of you knew that. The 5 minutes might turn into 5 hours and you'll still somehow manage to doze off without a worry in your sleepyhead.
He hugs you a little tighter before dragging you up along with him, rocking back and forth with you, saying sweet nothings in your ear waking you up (mostly because if he annoys you in the morning, he'd be found dead in the next two seconds).
To be sweet.
This usually happens when you return late at night from a week long mission or when he fully knows you've been having a hard time recently, he tries his best to be extra sweet.
He wakes up a little early, drawing you a bath so you can relax. While the water is filling up he gets you breakfast, since he's prohibited from cooking but at least he knows how to make your favourite kind of tea.
Giving you a gentle kiss on your cheek as he slides an arm under your back, helping you get up.
"Good morning, sweet. I've got you breakfast and drawn a bath for you. What do you want first..... Or perhaps you want me?" He mischievously jokes earning a smack on the shoulder from you.
In an emergency.
I dont really imagine what kind of emergencies he might have. But I can think of three to be specific.
Case 1:
If anything that wakes him is your phone ringing because someone called you at an ungodly time.
Thankfully before it could even bother you, he picks it up just to find out about an emergency exorcism of a special grade curse that appeared out of nowhere. All it did was annoy him, he was irritated by the higherups who decided to summon you at 4 in the morning.
No he still doesn't wake you up. Instead he decides to solve your problem and not bother your peace.
Giving you a quick peck on your forehead, whispering "sleep tight, sweets. I will be right back" to which you mumble random incomprehensible words, which was enough encouragement for him. It doesn't even take him an hour to finish up your work and return to your warm embrace, giving in to his sleep.
"Uhh what did I get paid for?" You question, mostly yourself while checking the text message as you got ready for the day.
"Well i wonder" he stands proudly in front of you grinning widely giving you an answer.
Case 2:
He's crying.
It's one of the days when his thoughts get the better of him, his past comes tumbling down, numbing his senses and leaving him so vulnerable.
He's holding you close, afraid that he'll have to lose you too- maybe that you'll leave him or something else. His past has left a deep wound in his heart that is far from being healed, which reopens from time to time leaving him whimpering and afraid.
You soon wake up to his silent sobs, his chest heaving, and his soft sniffs. It doesn't take you long to come to your senses and realize he's probably having an anxiety attack. You know what's aching him, he doesn't need to tell you nor do you need to ask.
You hug him tightly as you gently pat his head. "My love, my Satoru. I'm here alright? You'll be fine. We will be fine okay, love?" you try your best to comfort him, reminding him to regulate his breathing as you wipe his tears, and thankfully it seems to be working.
"P-please... Don't leave me" Satoru pleads, sounding so pained and broken. You feel your heart shatter at his words.
"Always my love, I'll always be with you" You assure him, cupping his cheeks as he rests his forehead against yours, closing his eyes while holding you tightly as he falls asleep.
To be a pain.
Exhibit A.
Another emergency being, him having a stupid question at 3 fucking 48 in the morning.
"babe babe as curses are developing they will start crushing too?" "Do you think Sukuna ever gets lonely? Nah maybe not hes a loser" "Babe will you love me if i was a worm?" "I had a dream of you!!! Did you dream about me too?" He shakes you awake, looking at you with his bright cerulean curious eyes.
"Gojo Satoru are you serious?!"
"My name is not Gojo Satoru, my name is, my love or something like that but not gojo. But what do you think about the question!!!!!!"
Exhibit B.
He has returned from a week-long mission at 4am and of course he wakes you up with a loud announcement of his arrival before he rushes into your shared bedroom, discarding his blindfolds somewhere. The door hits the wall with a loud bang while his throws himself on top of you crushing you with his weight.
"I'm love-starved" He explains cupping your cheeks, frowning and pouting slightly, his eyes a little watery. Enjoying your every movement and grunt that spill past your lips as you try to make space for yourself. Witnessing your beauty makes him realize how much he missed you as he cages with a tight hug.
Exhibit C:
"Rise and shineeeeeee" He declares as he slides the curtains aside causing you to wake up whining.
"Glad you woke up! I need my morning kiss now" He returns to you demanding a morning kiss just to be thrown off the bed when he comes close to you before you rush to the bathroom to get ready.
Oh, how he loves teasing you and annoying you. Knowing you won't even say a word before brushing and getting rid of that morning breath he could care less about.
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whoahoney · 2 years
An Attempt at a One Night Stand Pt 3
Eddie Munson x SingleMom!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Summary: Eddie and Y/n try being vulnerable during their first sleepover
Content Warnings: Fem/AFAB!Reader, use of Y/N, mature language and themes, SMUT, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, nipple play, hair pulling, spanking, edging, unprotected sex (WRAP IT), pet names (baby, good girl, sweet girl, etc) slight degradation(?), eddie is a switch, reader is a switch, squirting, mostly porn
A/N: Regarding the tag list. 🤍 I’m sorry if you didn’t get tagged, it wouldn’t let me mention more than 50 people, but holy shit, I can’t believe that many people want to be apart of this series 😭
I will be starting a new taglist based on the people who comment on this post! If you aren’t able to get a spot on the new list, I recommend turning on post notifications since I only post my work on this blog. If you’d like to see my shit posts, feel free to check out my side blog, @whoahoneyy.
Thank you all so much 🤍😭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n couldn’t help but scream into a throw pillow out of excitement after she heard Eddie pull out of the driveway, Danny tucked away in bed for the night.
The evening had gone well— better than well, great, in fact. Neither of the young adults could wipe the smiles from their faces after they’d parted, newly made plans for a sleepover on Wednesday evening set for after she got off work late.
“That’ll be the perfect opportunity to have Danny stay the night at—ulgh—Ginger’s.” She mentioned through a grunt from the floral loveseat as her little boy flopped on top of her stomach. “Sleepover?” Danny asked with excitement brewing in his starry dark eyes.
“Yep! Then mama will have the house to herself for the first time ever! Well, maybe not..completely to myself..” She mentioned passively, the comment going right over Danny’s curly head and landing right onto Eddie’s crotch.
“Oh-h,” he squeaked, “The first time? Ever?” He tried to make conversation, sidestepping the more intriguing part of her revelation.
Danny busied himself with his mothers hands and face, her eyes darted over to Eddie who sat on the closest end of the sofa to her, the dim blue light of the tv illuminating the side of his face. His round eyes shined, his lips parted with a soft gasp.
Y/n nodded as she sat up with the boy laying against her shoulder sleepily.
“I’m gonna give him a bath real quick, if that’s cool. I-If you need to go, I under—“
“I don’t have to go.” He smiled.
She blushed as Danny buried his head in her shoulder, sleepily. “I don’t think it’ll be long, feel free to switch the channel.” She said as she departed.
Eddie smiled at the sight before him, a beautiful woman and her beautiful child in the evening. He wished he remembered bath time with his mom; if she ever even did bathtime.
His mothers absence never really bothered him, though he was always reminded by his father that she left because she wanted to. It never bothered Eddie that he had no memories of her, not until now.
At the sound of the water running, he craned his neck to catch a view of the door at the end of the hall; Y/n sat on her knees in front of the tub gathering her hair into a ponytail as she set about preparing the bath.
He observed the process and wondered about her train of thought; check the temperature, plug the drain, adjust the temperature, check the temperature again. Add bubbles, add the child, and toys. Turn off the water, grab the soap and loofa.
He admired her smile as she watched Danny settle into the warmth sleepily, his long day catching up to him. Y/n rubbed his scalp with her nails, the boy leaning into her touch. “I love you, mama.” He sighed.
“I love you too, baby.” She whispered, planting a kiss on his head before she sighed and got started with washing him.
Eddie turned his attention to the tv when he noticed his breathing quake and his brow knit together, his mouth tangled in a frown. He stood from his seat and walked to the kitchen, taking deep breaths the whole way to the table.
He grabbed his cup from earlier and stepped over to the sink, filling the glass with water while the cold that splashed his wrists and centered him a bit. The feeling in his chest was heavy, and he wished for nothing more than the tension to go away so he could enjoy the rest of his time with them.
He took a generous drink, the ice resting against his lip until he was satisfied. He looked down at the sink and ran his warm tongue over his cold upper lip before turning on the hot water and looking around for the dish soap.
Her dishes were done for the most part with the exception of the dinner dishes and what looked to be plates from lunch and breakfast. “Piece of cake.” He mumbled to himself, plucking a yellow sponge from the window sill.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie had the dishes cleared in no time, wiping down the sink as he heard the faint sounds of water falling from a rinse cup. “Tilt your head back for me.” She said gently.
Eddie’s heart warmed then he shook his head, picking up a hand towel and drying off. He admired his job well done, the dishes drying on the counter on the rack.
He used the towel to dry the plates first, stacking as he went, then put them where he saw her pull them from previously. After that, he moved onto the skillets, which he found in the cabinet next to the stove.
He was eager and afraid to see how Y/n felt, hoping she wouldn’t take his act of service out of context.
‘It’s too much, dude. Desperate much?’ A voice reminded him, a cringe shooting down his spine before he took another deep breath and talked himself down.
‘I’m being a good guest and making myself useful in the home of a single parent—it isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for another friend in her position. Fuck you!’ He nodded victoriously at winning the battle of the last word with his worst critic.
Before he knew it, he had the dishes dried and put away, the counter and stove wiped down the best he could, and was able to sit down and act like he did nothing.
He grinned behind his hand— satisfied with himself as she left Danny’s room with an eager smile playing at her lips. Eddie lit up at the sight of her, the golden glow of the single hallway light casting a halo around her as she approached.
“You did it!” He congratulated quietly, his heart leaping when she walked past him to go to the kitchen. “Yeah, well, you wanna come and dry dishes for me?” She asked, her head turned back to look at him as she entered the kitchen, Eddie hot on her heels.
Eddie smirked as she turned around, stopping in her tracks. “Oh, Eddie…” She whispered, turning to him once again, though the playfulness left her eyes, adoration taking residence instead.
“You didn’t have to—“
“I know, I just wanted to show you I’m-I’m grateful for dinner and for this chance—“
Y/n pulled him close, her arms thrown around his neck and her nose nuzzling his hair close to his neck. She held him tight, in a way that felt like such a warm blanket for Eddie, it was a hug like no other.
“Thank you.” She sighed.
Eddie bent down, wrapping his arms around her waist with a relieved sigh, drawing in a deep breath as he uttered, “Thank you.” Stroking her back up and down chastely with his hands.
As much as she wanted him to spend the night, she decided she needed to wait until Wednesday. Y/n still wasn’t convinced it was all real, so she wanted to see if any cards fell before then.
On Monday, he called her after 8 (Danny’s bedtime), greeting her with a, ‘Ugh, Angel! It’s so good to hear your voice. How are you? How’s Dan the man?’
They talked for two hours about this and that, anything and everything that came up; favorite colors to obscure childhood memories, exchanging high school experiences to sex stories, no holds were barred.
Except one.
On Tuesday, he stopped by her work during lunch, the store mostly empty during the midday. He showed up right as she flipped the store sign to ‘be back later!’ His figure zooming down the sidewalk, over shooting by a few feet and having to back track, his chest heaving and out of breath as he caught her startled little jump.
“Hey! I’m glad I caught you.” He said through the glass. Y/n scoffed and unlocked the door, letting him in before locking it back. “What are you up to?” She asked suspiciously with her arms crossed against her front.
“I didn’t know you wear glasses.” He smiled warmly, his eyes flitting over her face now that the large rims sat perched on her nose. He was a popsicle on the sidewalk in July. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the counter, “I read a lot of small print.” She shrugged.
“I love them.” He beamed, plucking them from her face and putting them on his own. “Eddie!” She giggled, leaning into his chest, still waiting for an answer to her previous question.
“I wanted to wish a lovely lady a good day, is that a crime?” He scoffed rather suspiciously, placing her glasses back on her face gently and admiring the bun she wore her hair in, her face on clear display.
“You’re cute when you think I’m up to something.” He smiled, noting how she blushed at the compliment. She uncrossed her arms and looked everywhere but his face, something Danny did when he was feeling shy.
“Well I know you’re up to something, Munson. I know your lunch breaks aren’t that long either, you came running down the street like a maniac, I mean I think it’s great and all that you don’t care what the dipshits in Hawkins think, but around here no one—“
He cut her off by pulling her in for a warm, slow, and sweet kiss. His full lips slotting over hers, moving and sucking lightly as she melted into him, her arms throwing themselves over his shoulders and leaning her body into him. He leaned against the counter, his eyes rolling back at her sweet little moan. She grinded her hips against his denim clad crotch, his mouth opening with a gasp.
“Aha, I gotcha back, now we’re even.” She smiled with her eyes closed, nipping his bottom lip for the fun of it and pulling back. Eddie scoffed, shamelessly reaching down between them to readjust himself.
“You’re good, you’re good, I’ll give you that, baby. But come tomorrow night,” he bent down next to her ear to whisper, “we’re gonna rattle some walls. ‘Kay?” He looked at her with that hungry for mischief look in his eye, his smirk pushing his bottom lip out slightly.
Y/n licked her lips to go back for one more kiss, Eddie pulling back at the last second to tease her just to see the look of surprise on her face. “Oh, I see, okay, if that’s how you wanna play it, we can save the rest for tomorrow night, I’m cool—“
“No, no, no, I was just messin’ around,” He rushed, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to sprinkle kisses on her cheeks, “Honest, the only reason I came here was because I couldn’t stop thinking about kissing you—just kissing you. I had to, I just needed to see you… hope it wasn’t weird.” He said, with a dry chuckle to mask his wavering confidence.
Y/n beamed, her hands laying over his cheeks, the cold of her hands sending a shock through his skin that heated her palms, the butterflies returning. “It wasn’t weird. I think about kissing you quite often, too.” She mumbled, raising on her tiptoes to plant a firm chaste kiss atop his full lips. She smiled in satisfaction at the way they felt coming off hers.
She caught him peeking at her through his eyelashes as her lips lingered in front of his. “I gotta get back.” He whispered. Y/n smiled and nodded.
“You think you’d be in the mood for me to call later?” He asked, maybe a little more quiet than before.
Y/n nodded, “I’m already looking forward to it.”
Then Wednesday came.
Y/n felt like her day flew by around her, work going smoothly until she got off to pick Danny up from pre-school.
Danny was ecstatic to see his mother, rushing over to her to show her his picture of the letter G. “Mommy, LOOK!” He urged deeply, shoving the paper in her face. She picked him up, his little legs immediately hooking around her waist as she walked them back to the car.
“It’s G week?! What G words did you guys talk about today?” She asked, feeling around in her jacket pocket for her keys. “Aidan said go, Marley said grow, and I said Gigi!” He grinned, a proud smile stretching across his face.
“That’s so clever of you! She’s gonna be so thrilled to see this. Are you gonna give it to her tonight?” Y/n asked with excitement widening her eyes as she buckled him in his seat.
Danny flashed a similar expression, as he squealed “Yeah!”
The drive home was always fun, Danny having a taste for louder music. He preferred it set to 100.5 ‘the KATT’, otherwise known as the local radio hub of heavy rock.
Danny was an endlessly moving kiddo, so the car was always hard, being strapped down triggering the fuck outta the kid, but since he figured out he could thrash his head around to the intense drums and guitars, he was golden.
Y/n always enjoyed joining him at stops or glancing back at him in the mirror, thinking of all the times her and Adam drove around at night listening to every radio station they deemed worthy.
Adam always liked the louder stuff too. Y/n came from Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Fleetwood Mac, growing up around the drug-addled hippie scene of the 70s. It wasn’t until she heard Adam’s first Alice Cooper album that her preferences shifted.
This day, the KATT played WASP’s Wild Child. The drums coming in heavy during the intro had Danny kicking his feet and throwing his head similarly to the way his father preferred, side to side, as opposed to up and down like his mom.
Danny’s bangs were very much in his eyes at this point, but he insisted he wanted it long like his moms, though Y/n really thought it was because headbanging was more fun with long hair.
“Take it easy, little dude, you’re gonna hurt your neck!” Y/n chastised as the little boy shook his head back and forth with an ornery smile on his face, “No I not!” He insisted.
“It’s ‘No, I won’t.’ and yes you will!!”
Luckily, no injuries were sustained on the way to Ginger’s, which was the regular routine for her late days, Wednesdays. But tonight she’d have an even later night.
Robin had filled Ginger in on the situation, who was also eager to help Y/n; knowing what it’s like to lose a husband to death unexpectedly.
“Eddie’s your friend?” Ginger asked as she rolled the pizza dough for their special dinner Danny had chosen.
Robin nodded as she ate some shredded cheese. “Oh yeah, Eddie’s as good as they come, mom. Remember? His name was cleared after—“
“Oh, my, it’s that Munson boy, isn’t it?” She placed a shocked hand to her cheek as Robin confirmed with a nod. “Well, I’ll be. That poor boy had a bad hand dealt to him the moment he was born. Is he-Is he doing okay? After it all?” She’d asked, running and finger across Robin's cheekbone and pushing hair back from her face.
“Yeah, mom, Eddie’s okay.” She assured.
“And you? You’re still doing okay? Nothing else has—“
“Yes, everything’s okay. It’s all over.” She nodded assuringly, her mother sighing and pulling her into a bone crushing hug, though Robin didn’t mind this time.
Robin's mom could be rather harsh when it came to patience, but since Adam passed away and the earthquake of ‘86, she’d turned more tender towards her daughter and welcomed Y/n and Danny with open arms when the girl had nowhere else to turn.
Ginger had accepted that she wouldn’t know or maybe even understand everything, but she had known things weren’t right in Hawkins a long time ago. She was just happy her clumsy, imaginative, caring, and brilliant daughter was safe in her arms.
“Mom—you’re crushing me.” She squeaked out.
Ginger leapt away from Robin and smoothed the girls shirt and hair, smiling at her adoringly before turning back to the dough.
Danny hadn’t bothered to tell his mother goodbye before she went to the restaurant for work, his mind already focused on needing to smush his hands into the gooey and fluffy dough.
“We’ll take it from here, mom, have a wonderful evening at work!” Robin winked at the door before closing it, Ginger yelling, “and a well deserved good night!” behind her, the two girls' eyes widening before bursting into hysterics.
“I love you all so much, please call if you need anything! You have the restaurant number right?”
“Yes! Now, GO!” Robin urged as the sun cast an orange glow across the land, Y/n’s shift close to starting.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n finished her shift leaned over the counter, counting her tips with a satisfied smirk on her face; knowing she’d be able to afford the rent and get Danny’s new shoes.
She practically raced home, the KATT turned up full blast with Black Sabbath rolling through the speakers, a smile tugging at her lips as her heart rattled against her sternum in excitement and fear.
She ran inside as soon as her feet hit the ground, hoping to have the place looking like a child didn’t live there for just one night. Y/n flew through the living room, her jacket, apron, and shoes still on from work, scooping up toys and throwing them in a laundry basket to dump in Danny’s toy box.
She ran the vacuum over the carpets and lit a couple aromatherapy candles she’s never been able to enjoy, the atmosphere filled with notes of patchouli and vanilla.
When she was satisfied with the kitchen and living room, she moved onto her room and bathroom. She started by picking up the forgotten dirty laundry on the floor, then stripped her bed. She made quick work of throwing the basket in the laundry room to be dealt with later.
She shed her jacket and apron, tossing it on the couch on her way back through. She stood at the end of her bed, catching her chest heaving with breath, her head beginning to feel fuzzy as she gripped the bed frame for support.
‘It doesn’t have to be perfect.’ She thought, a slower breath drawing through her.
Looking at the bare mattress, she then turned to the hall cabinet, finding her best and softest sheets she’d been waiting to use for this night. The soft cotton blend was sweet like lavender, the feeling of her nose buried in it was both soothing and inviting.
Once she was able to slow her breath down, she made the bed quickly, the last pillow on the bed taking a weight off her chest as she glanced at the clock.
Her eyes bugged out of her head, dashing into the bathroom to evaluate her appearance.
Her makeup had caked and creased in spots, her mascara flaking and running over her under eyes which were puffy due to the irritation and the long day. Her eyes themselves were watery and pink as if she’d taken a generous rip from a bong though sadly it wasn’t the case.
She sighed, about to consider washing her face to put on a brand new layer of makeup when the doorbell rang, dropping the recently lifted load back on top of her.
“Hello?” His voice rang through the house, “Y/n/n, I’m here, uh, your keys are still in the door? Are you okay?” He called unsurely, his upper half leaning through the entry, keys in hand.
His eyes swept what he could see of the house, his eyes wide as saucers and his heart beat picking up pace the more his thoughts spiraled. The place felt too quiet without the tv playing Danny’s shows.
The sound of her quick steps through the room in front of him put him at ease immediately. He stepped the rest of the way in the house shutting the door behind him, but keeping his eyes on her beautiful figure approaching.
“Hi! I’m sorry, I must’ve gotten ahead of myself, I haven’t been home long I was just gonna—“
Eddie cut off her ramble by pulling her face to his, his plush lips pressed against hers in a long chaste kiss that had both of their hearts slowing. Their shared tension melted away at the sensation of being so close, breathing each other in and taking in their first moments utterly and completely alone with no time limit or interruptions.
When he pulled back from her lips, he rested his head on top of hers in a warm embrace for a moment, feeling like a child with a teddy bear whenever she was near. He couldn’t help but hold her at half an arm's length to take in her pretty face, a sight for sore eyes since he hadn’t seen her since the day prior, which now for Eddie was an eternity.
“Lemme look at you.” He grinned as he moved her ponytail back over her shoulder, her nervous face turning to the ground in an embarrassed chuckle.
“Uh, I’m a mess, I haven’t had time to—“ he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his, smiling when their eyes met.
“There she is.” He cooed quietly, his hand flattening against her cheek. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Eddie looked all across her face, examining it as if it would’ve changed. He thought the worn spot on the tip of her nose was cute, the makeup having been wiped because of their kiss. The outline of her lipstick was the only evidence that she wore any that day. He eyed the dark circles under her eyes, chuckling when he realized it was only runny mascara.
“Stooop, I know, I look like a raccoon.” She giggled, looking down and stepping away, still holding his hand as she eased him into the living room.
“Did you know raccoons are my favorite animal of all time?” Eddie asked, turning her back around to face him once they stood in front of the couch.
She laughed lightly and wiped under one eye, “I thought you said dragons were your favorite?”
“Yeah, well Danny told me dragons weren’t ‘actually real’, so I had to choose a new favorite.” He shrugged, watching her walk down the hallway to her open door, a place he was very eager to see.
He’d been thinking of her bedroom and what it’d be like since the night they met, when he had wished so desperately to be taken home by her. “Why are they your favorite?” She asked when she reached the end of the hall, turning to see he hadn’t moved, a chuckle leaving her lips as he stood aimlessly in the center of the room.
“C’mere.” She said with a little nod. Eddie smiled and rushed to her, following her through the doorway and looking around.
Her room was simple, though the bed looked grand and womanly, coordinating blankets and sheets folded and tucked just the right way. She had a bed frame and a lace tapestry that hung above; it looked like a princess—no, queen, slept there.
He followed her figure into what seemed to be her bathroom, leaning on the door frame as she went about turning on the sink and procuring a wash rag. She sighed and looked at the makeup bag on the counter, Eddie seeing her thought process unfold.
“What are you thinking about?” He said, narrowing his eyes at her and nodding at the bag. She looked taken aback, like she’d be caught.
“Oh, well, when you came I was about to get ready and change to see you, but I ran out of time, so I was trying to decide if—“ she slid the bag over, taking out her concealer as if she were preparing to show him before his hand covered hers.
“I wanna see you get ready for bed.” He said quietly.
Y/n cocked her head, “Like, you wanna have shower sex?”
Eddie blanched, his cheeks soon flooding with a hot blush at the suggestion, “Oh, uh, no, I wasn’t—I meant I just wanna hang in here while you do whatever you… do. You know? If you wanna shower, I’d just sit right over here,” he sat down and scooted back on the counter, making himself at home. “—and talk to ya, if you like that. Or I could leave and just wait for you in the living room, doesn’t matter to me.” Though he desperately hoped she would let him stay.
“No, no, I-I’d love it if you kept me company in here, I’ve been dying to see you.” She smiled, stepping in between his legs and putting her arms over his shoulders. Eddie’s eyes lit up and he leaned in for a tender kiss.
“Now,” he said, parting them after a moment, “As much as I love the grunge look, your eyes will thank you when you wash your face, baby.” He handed her the damp rag. She nodded and stepped over to the sink, bending down to splash some warm water on her face. Eddie hopped down and turned on the shower for her. He turned back and watched her lather the soap in her hands before starting circles on her cheeks.
Y/n smiled as he stepped behind her, placing his hands on her waist and kissing the top of her head, “Do you have a towel?” He asked slightly louder than the water noise.
She stared at him as he stared back at her in the mirror, his smile telling her that he knew he was making her uncomfortable with the care he provided, though he would stop if she asked. The thing is, she didn’t.
She sighed, looking down at the water rushing down into the bowl before her and shook her head, “I don’t.” She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders and his head come to rest next to her ear, “Could you tell me where they are?” He asked softly, his saccharine words sending heat down to her core.
She giggled and flinched at the tickle of his breath against her ear. “In the top hall cabinet—“ She laughed as he took off before she could finish, dashing across the house as quickly as possible to retrieve the fluffiest towels her cabinet had to offer.
He returned moments later with two faded blue towels. “Here you are, my lady.” He presented them to her like a humble servant would as she used the warm rag to wipe the soap and makeup from her face. She wiped away one black eye, the other still remaining as she reached out for them and laughed again, her heart warming at the smile he gave her when she did.
He took the rag from her and gently cupped her face, adoration pouring from him into her with just one look. She closed her eyes and surrendered to his touch, the warmth on her face soothing as he rubbed away the rest of the makeup.
She opened her eyes when he took the cloth away, his hand remaining in place, “Perfect.” He mumbled to himself as she brought her hand up over his to hold, turning and pressing a kiss to his palm before stepping away and testing the water.
Eddie turned to look at her bed and the rest of her room, wondering if she already had clothes to change into somewhere “Hey, babe, do you—“ he turned to ask but his thoughts were interrupted by her undressing as she’s done in front of him twice before, but less rushed.
His mouth fell agape as he observed her coming undone in the most pure way; a woman preparing to bathe. There was something sensual about the process yet ethereal and chaste.
He admired the slopes of her naked body as she rid herself of her skirt and tights, her figure making him think of the goddess Venus. He couldn’t deny the stiffness in his jeans but it could wait, he just wanted to observe.
She turned to look at him, her smile returning when she noticed the way he looked at her. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She chuckled.
“I’ll never get used to… that.” He chuckled, shyly looking her up and down as she straightened and walked towards him.
“You sure you’re not asking for shower sex?” She asked him suspiciously, questioning his underlying motive.
Eddie closed his eyes as she came to stand right in front of him, trying to keep himself and the moment clean; he wanted to prove to her he wasn’t like the others. She smiled at him though she knew he couldn’t see.
“No! No. I’m not. We, uh, have plenty of time right? I’m by no means turning down shower sex, if-if that’s what you’re asking for?” He chuckled, scrunching his eyes shut to resist taking a peek.
He could hear her chuckle and felt her presence move away from him. With the sound of the shower curtain opening, so did his eyes. She looked back at him with a knowing look and smiled before closing the curtain back.
“Come sit and talk to me!” She insisted, the walls of the shower amplifying her wonderful voice. Eddie smiled and walked to the toilet without hesitation. “Alright, I’m here.” He confirmed.
“Tell me about your day! What’d you do?” She asked, running her hair under the water.
“Work was work. I was the grunt all day, doing every job the older guys didn’t want. Felt like time was crawling by, all I could think about was what time it was, what you were up to, and-and if you were thinking about me, you know?” He admitted, turning his position to sit on the counter and rest his feet on the toilet below, facing the shower easier and leaning his shoulder against the mirror.
Y/n peeked her head out of the curtain, her wet hair framing her face and water droplets clinging to her face like freckles.
A smile tugged at his lips as she looked at him in wonder. “I was.” She blushed, steam rolling out of the shower and filling the room as she returned to washing her hair.
“I-I’m glad.” He blushed. “Was, uh, Danny… excited when you dropped him off?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, he barely even kissed me bye!” She said in disbelief, going on about different times he’s chosen Robin and Ginger over her, as the citrus notes of her shampoo filled the humid room, intoxicating Eddie instantly. He wanted to drown in this scent, bury his nose in her hair and stay there as long as she allowed.
But then came her conditioner.
The smell intensified when the floral scent of the treatment sat on her hair while she washed her body, yet another aroma that made his heart sing.
After a while the water started to get to him, the two cokes he slammed before he got here catching up to him. “I’m gonna go use the other bathroom.” He said after a bit of silence while she rinsed her hair, the water slapping the bottom of the tub loudly.
“What?” She asked, peeking back through the gap, her hair soaked and slicked back from a thorough rinsing.
“Uh, I, uh, just wanted to tell you I’m gonna go use the other bathroom—“
“Are you serious?” She looked from him to the toilet in amusement, suds clinging to her shoulder. He placed a hand over his cock that ached for two reasons and chuckled.
“Just pee in here!” She said, fixing the curtain back to give him privacy. “I won’t even hear you.” She insisted, resuming her rinsing and probably making more noise on purpose to make it less weird for him.
“A-Are you sure? Are we there yet?” He asked, waiting for the all clear, about ready for his bladder to burst.
She poked only her head back through the curtain and giggled, “Eddie?” a knowing look behind her eyes as a smile spread across his cheeks.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re there.” She giggled, pushing the curtain back closed til it kissed the wall.
“We’re doing this ass backwards, huh?” He asked, shaking his head and sidling up to the toilet as she laughed irresistibly. “It’s kind of the only way I do things.” Y/n joked.
Instead of responding, Eddie let out a relieved sigh, Y/n bursting into giggles at the sound, scrubbing her skin for a second time with her loofa.
“What? Can’t a guy piss in peace?” He joked as he finished, closing the lid and hesitating to flush, “Is it safe to flush this thing while you’re in there or are you gonna get scorched?” He asked, tapping on the curtain like a door as she turned off the water and opened the curtain all the way.
Eddie froze, his whole body rigid as a statue, especially his dick. Her body was crystallized, bejeweled in bulbous drops, her hair darker and longer from the weight of the water. She wiped her face with her hands as Eddie grabbed a towel for her.
She stepped out of the shallow tub, taking the towel with a grateful smile and burying her face in it, wiping away the wet. “Typically it gets really cold but I’ve had a couple instances where Danny flushed or used the other bathroom and I thought I was on fire.” She used that very towel to wrap up her hair in the most endearing towel hat that Eddie wanted to learn how to do, though he’d wait until next time to ask her to repeat the steps.
He rushed to open the next towel, wrapping it around her, delighted by her giggle as he tucked the towel into itself at her front. “Glad I used my best judgement, you do me no good if you’re a human popsicle.” He joked, “There we go. All clean.” He smiled, giving her shoulder a kiss before resting his head on it.
“Are you hungry?” She turned and asked, his focus staying on her shoulders and collarbone. He smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry though, I have a little snack.” He shrugged, watching her grab her toothbrush and toothpaste. Eddie looked to the fogged up glass and ran his dry hand around in the middle, clearing a space for her to see herself.
Y/n scrunched her brow and busied herself by putting the paste on the brush, “You brought snacks? I’ll have you know that I keep the best—“ she was interrupted by a little growl followed by a bite on the shoulder, a yelp pulled from her lips at his antics. “Ahh! Eddie!” She screamed through giggles, his arms winding around her from behind, careful not to knock the items from her hands.
He planted a kiss where he assaulted the flesh, waiting for her to meet his eye. She glanced up and noticed the giant heart around the two of them on the mirror, her eyes meeting Eddie’s that waited for her to notice, a small and expectant smile on his lips. She clenched her jaw in a tense smile as he laughed at her, her discomfort endearing.
He stroked her shoulders and the back of her neck, leaning down and pressing another kiss to her skin, this one much closer to her sweet spot. “I think it’s real cute how flustered you get when I do things for you.” He whispered, admiring her profile.
“If you want me to stop I will.” He whispered again, his tone filled with insecurity as he wrapped his arms around her waist to give a firm squeeze and await her answer.
When he looked back up at her in the mirror she was smiling at him, then reached up to remove her hair towel, her damp strands falling to one side of her shoulder. The heavenly smell of her freshly washed hair hit him, surrounding him like the steam in the air. He was living in a dream.
She turned to him, craving to see his face closer. Eddie’s eyes shined like they always did, practically beaming at her. She placed her hand on his cheek again, “I don’t want you to stop.” She whispered, nodding for him in earnest before he nodded back, his hand grazing down her arm until it met her hand on his face.
He leaned in and kissed her forehead before stepping back to lean against the wall, his reflection sending her a wink as she began scrubbing her teeth. When she finished rinsing her mouth, she noticed Eddie walking back to her room.
She watched him, his body leaving with the steam that pooled in the air while the shower was on. She looked to the mirror, the fog clinging to the glass, but most importantly the heart that was drawn there.
Y/n entered her room, smiling when she saw Eddie lounging at the end of her bed, looking like he belonged there. “You’re making all my dreams come true tonight, you know that?” He chuckled, his eyes following her to her chest of drawers in front of the bed.
She scoffed at his words and yanked open a drawer, grabbing a pair of lacy soft purple panties to tug on and then finding her pajama drawer. She dug around in search of her nicest item but to no avail, she didn’t have anything deemed nice enough for a night such as this.
She debated on only wearing the panties for him when he appeared behind her. “Whatcha lookin’ for?” He asked softly, pecking her shoulder as he peered into the drawer of giant car magazine and faded lettered band shirts.
“Oh, uh, I was just trying to see if there was anything—“
“I wanna see you in your favorite thing to wear to bed.” He smiled, his bottom lip between his teeth as he wiped a stray droplet from her brow.
She nodded with a soft smile, “okay.” She turned back to the drawer, spying her soft old bluegrass festival shirt and pulling the blue fabric out, a banjo with the Oklahoma emblem on the front, faded lettering announcing the dates and location, and the back previously filled with the act names before they faded and chipped away.
Eddie admired her from his spot on the bed, the panties sliding up her legs and hugging her soft hips exquisitely. He found himself wondering what it’d feel like to sink his teeth right below the band and leaving sloppy kisses there until she begged—
“Tada.” She said with flat enthusiasm and spun around, the large shirt she now wore flaring.
Eddie stood, looking down at her with a smile and taking her face in his hand. “You are the cutest, hottest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen..” He trailed off, gazing into the deep pools of her eyes, “..And it’s all because there’s a banjo on your shirt. Where is this, by the way? Did you go?” He asked, examining the shirt further.
She looked down at the shirt again and nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been everywhere. This is from ‘76, used to be my old man’s.” She chuckled. Eddie’s eyes flickered back to hers, gauging her where she was emotionally.
“W-Where is he?” He asked timidly, averting his eyes back to the faded writing on the shirt, spying a couple paint stains near the bottom.
Y/n sighed and circled her arms around his neck. “We spread his ashes over the pacific like he wanted. We went to California from the mountains, where he passed during our trip to Oregon. He was sick for a while, but he was really at peace with it all, so we were too. But when we came back— it was really different. We were that weird family that showed back up from vacation without the dad, you know? People started saying bizarre shit, you know how it goes.” She scoffed, shaking her head for getting off topic.
Eddie recognized this immediately and pulled her in for a hug. “How old were you?” He asked softly, unfamiliar pity in his voice.
“I, uh, I was 12.” She relaxed into the embrace, her chest releasing tension she didn’t know she held. Eddie sighed, kissing the side of her head and stroking her back.
“That’s around the age I ended up at Wayne’s.” He chuckled dryly, swaying them side to side.
“That’s a hard age without a dad.” She mentioned into his chest like a secret.
“Any age is hard without a dad.” He said without thinking, their bodies stilled. Eddie pulled back to look at her, earnesty filling his eyes, “I-I’m so—I didn’t mean, I wasn’t trying to—“
“It’s okay! I know you didn’t—it’s true though. It’s hard.” She nodded assuringly. She knew Danny benefited in ways kids like Y/n and Eddie didn’t, at least he hadn’t met his father before he lost him.
If Adam had a chance to choose between dying before he could meet his son or dying after, he’d choose before every time to save Danny from feeling that pain, and Y/n knew it. Eddie’s words hadn’t hurt her, it was just another time Eddie had seen her without her having to asking him to.
They stood and stared at each other in understanding, the weird limbo of where to go next.
“We don’t have to talk about—about anything you don’t want to talk about. But, uh. Thank you. For sharing that with me. It means a lot—“ He let out an audible gasp when she collided her lips against his. Her thumbs stroked the sides of his neck as she kept him close to her.
The glide of their tongues against one another was addicting, the two dancing around and exploring one another. She panted when she pulled away from him, her hands on his chest with no plans to move. He pulled her waist closer to him to press her against his straining cock.
He looked at the way her hair fell over her shoulder and hung between them, reaching out and wrapping the strand around his finger, “Can I, uh, fuck—“ he started but overthought and got embarrassed again.
Y/n scrunched her brow, “What is it?”
“It’s one of those… domestic day dreams I’ve had about you, you know?” He said shyly, his eyes running over her being.
“Tell me.” She said, leaning her chin on his chest to look up at him in his embrace.
“…Can I brush your hair?” He asked softly, averting his eyes, an embarrassed smile lingering. Y/n sighed, nodding dreamily as he smiled with his lip between his teeth.
“You can after you get ready for bed. You wanna shower? You have clothes to change into?” She asked, her sparkling eyes wide with intention. Eddie chuckled, running his tongue over his lip again to taste her. “I, uh, packed a bag, I did. But… I forgot it at home.” His cheeks burned pink all the way to his ears that stayed hidden behind his curls.
She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the laugh that was threatening to leave her lips, not doing a good job.
“But! I already showered and I don’t wear anything to bed anyway.” He assured, winding his arms around her middle and pulling her onto his lap at the end of the bed. She felt ridiculous, giggling as she fell over him, her panties leaving little barrier between his fly and her clit. Her hands stayed at his shoulders as she felt his fingers stroke her lower back, the bottom of her shirt riding up over her ass almost.
Y/n buried her face in his neck, the sensation of her nose burrowed in his skin sending tingles rippling throughout his body, his heart beat picking up as she spoke against his skin, “Do I get to help you get ready for bed?” She asked, feigning innocence, her nails stroking the back of his neck, his eyes flitting back and forth between her eyes and lips.
He nodded, waiting for her next move. She took no hesitation before she pulled him in for a kiss, her tongue eagerly coming out to play with his.
The difference between this kiss and the others they’d shared this night was their open mouths and moans pouring into one another, lips tugging on lips trying to get more of that taste that’s hard to come by; the kind of kiss they were used to when it came to their time together.
Eddie’s cock pulsed against the heat that sat on his crotch, canting his hips up and holding her hips firmly as he ground her down onto him, biting his lip in satisfaction as she wriggled on top of him to oblige his efforts. “You like this?” She asked, diving to the other side of his neck.
Eddie’s breathing was deepening already, his eyes rolling back and falling shut at her smells, touches, and sounds. He nodded and gave a weak, “Uh-huh.” In response, feeling her teeth in a smile against his skin before she sunk them into his shoulder as he’d done her, his cute little moan making her giggle as she left soothing kisses and kitten licks across the lingering bite on his skin.
He loved the way it sounded when her mouth left his skin, the smack of her lips another reminder that she was kissing him. She laid him down on his back, his muscles releasing tension as soon as they hit the blanket. Y/n scooted herself up his lap, placing her hands on his chest and raking her nails soothingly down his torso the way he liked.
“Oh, Jesus, you’re fantastic.” He groaned, hating how good this was already feeling while he was fully clothed. Y/n leaned down to his ear and whispered, “I can show you fantastic if you get naked for me.” Her hair surrounding them like a curtain from the rest of the world.
Eddie's eyes rolled again, a pathetic groan coming from him as he heard her speak, her quiet laughter only adding fuel to the fire, “It’s not fair.” He decided, sitting up and pulling his shirt from his body. “I’m just a man, Y/n, I’m already about to cream my pants just by being on your bed.” He chuckled, undoing his belt and pushing them down his thighs to leave him in his boxers.
Y/n crawled back off the bed with haste, Eddie not having time to ask a proper question before she was pulling them the rest of the way down, tossing them carelessly to the side with her lip between her teeth as she waited on the floor between his spread legs.
He looked down at her after a moment, his mouth falling agape. “Sweetheart.. whatcha doin down there?” He asked suspiciously, loving how naughty and mischievous she looked.
She snickered before sitting up on her knees, her hands resting on his thighs and rubbing tantalizing circles. “Can I have it in my mouth first?” She asked in an eager whisper as his eyes bugged out of his head, sitting up quickly.
“ ‘Can you’— jus—come here. Come here, right now.” He said, seriousness overtaking his features as he bent over to bring her chin in for another firm kiss moving against hers. Both hands held her jaw, his fingers buried in her hair. She moaned into him as he sucked on her bottom lip, his tongue having its way with her mouth before pulling back a couple inches.
She opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze, his hands combing the hair behind her ears. “You can have anything you want.. after I brush your hair.” He whispered in a smile, his thumb stroking her cheekbone.
She smiled and nodded, leaning in to kiss him again before standing and finding her favorite paddle brush in the bathroom. When she returned, she flipped off the bedroom light, the orange glow of the lamps matching the atmosphere perfectly.
She turned on the tv, grabbing the remote and tossing both it and the brush on the bed in the space between where their bodies would lie. Eddie looked at the pillows at the head of the bed, wondering which side would be for him.
“Which side do you—“ they asked in unison as he helped Y/n pull the comforter back, giggling when they caught each other.
“I sleep in the middle.” They both answered, laughing more as they crawled up to the middle, Eddie taking the side closest to the bathroom door.
The flat sheet and comforter felt buttery against his skin, Y/n tucked them in and the noise from the evening news filled the room.
Eddie felt like he was in someone else’s life for a moment, as if he had body snatched someone maybe; as if he wasn’t meant to be here getting taken care of in her nice warm bed.
He reached out around her waist and pulled her into his chest, effectively getting her sat in between his spread legs with her back to him.
He heard her sigh quietly, his hand reaching slowly to bring her hair behind her shoulders. “C-Could I have the brush?” He asked timidly. She smiled unbeknownst to him, and handed it back immediately, feeling a combination of excitement and uneasiness resting in her stomach as he hesitantly ran the brush through her ends, gently working up. “I-is this okay?” He asked, a little worried his request was weird, or too intimate for her.
She hummed and nodded, tilting her head back as she hugged her knees to her chest. He smiled and continued with more confidence, thankful he now knew what it felt like to help her get ready for bed, a process he’d be thinking about any time he was apart from her at night.
Y/n thought about Eddie’s persistence and thoughtfulness, how it reminded her of Adam again, sending that icky guilty feeling down to her stomach.
But Adam never brushed her hair..
It’s not like that’s a bad thing, if she’d asked, he would’ve in a heartbeat.
Adam loved to bring Y/n food. Whether it was before school, or after, a midnight snack or a candy bar deposited into her locker, he was always surprising her with treats from the vending machine or gas station, sometimes swiping extra treats from Aunt Ginger’s cookie jar if Y/n’s favorites were made.
Eddie offering to brush her hair felt like that, like Adam tapping on her window at 1:00 in the morning to bring her a donut she had mentioned ‘sounded heavenly’ on the phone prior to his arrival.
It gave her that same warm and fuzzy sense of importance—how lovely it was to be thought of.
They both sat in comfortable silence until the more interesting bits of the news were reported.
“Holy shit, look! They made a cartoon for adults?! We gotta check that out sometime!” Eddie pointed the brush at the tv in front of them, ‘The Simpsons, premiering on Fox Friday at 10:00’
“That’s too bad, we’ll be at the hideout, won’t we?” She asked. She could practically feel his eyes pop open before he threw his arms around her and squeeze her to his chest, flopping back on the pillows.
“You’re coming?!” He asked, abandoning the brush and wrapping his whole body around her and holding her close.
They settled as he planted a kiss on her neck, “Robin insisted Steve would wanna hang with Danny for the evening, so she’s gonna come too! But yeah, I’m—I’m gonna try to come as many Friday’s as I can.” She nodded, turning her head to look at him.
He shook his head as her hand stroked the other side of his curly hair. “That means… a lot to me. And I hope you know I don’t expect you to make every show, I’m more than happy to come to you after or—or see you some other time, you know?” He babbled in excitement, her adoring smile on her face as he returned them to their previous position and unwrapped his limbs.
“I’m gonna have to get you a Corroded Coffin shirt to wear…” he said in thought, picking the brush back up and finishing the job.
When he reached her roots, the teeth of the brush felt amazing against her scalp. She sighed with content, bringing warmth to his chest and cheeks.
When he was finished, he set the brush on the table to the side, then circled his arms back around her and pulled her into him til they were flush against one another.
“Thank you.” They both whispered as his chin came to rest on her shoulder, planting a kiss on her cheek before giving her another good squeeze.
She turned to look at him before pressing her lips against his, yet again. He smiled into it, humming his satisfaction against her as her fingers grasped his roots, the small surge of pain only amplifying his pleasure.
“Now can I have it in my mouth?” She asked when they parted, not opening her eyes yet. She felt his member throb against her lower back in response, an involuntary giggle rippling through her as his cheeks flushed in a smile.
“You can’t just say things like that to me, baby,” He whispered into her neck, his hot breath tickling her in more than one place. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” he began, his hand stroking the inside of her upper thigh, tracing slow circles that made her writhe softly. “—than for you to put your pretty lips on my cock right now, sweet girl.” He whispered, pinching her thigh to make her yelp, having an inkling the pain would do the same for her as it did for him.
Instead of a yelp, she let out a moan, bucking her hips into his hand, his fingers grabbing her flesh generously this time.
“Where do you want me?” He asked as she turned to him, softer than he sounded a few moments before. Y/n leaned forward, looking him up and down and admiring how his tattooed torso looked so comfy in her bed, his plaid boxers rumpled and ridden up so the expanse of his upper thighs was visible, his tattoos spread here and there.
She placed her hands on his knees, rubbing up and down, allowing her thumbs to massage his inner thighs. He took a deep centering breath as he watched her before him, the light of the tv outlining her sitting figure in glowing silver.
“I want you to stay right there.” She whispered before resting her palm on his bulge. Eddie hissed at the relief, the friction, the pleasure she provided, rubbing the heel of her hand along his shaft as her fingers cradled his balls. Eddie’s eyes scrunched closed at the intensity of the feeling.
“Oh, shit, baby.” He sighed, his chest heaving as he laid back to melt into her pillows. This was way different than the van. Way way different. So deliciously different.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, Eddie...” She whispered as she slid his boxers down his legs gently, his painfully red and large shaft springing into view. He heard her spit softly before he felt the relief of her slick hand around him, pumping slowly at first and keeping a firm grip.
“Jesus H Christ, are you trying to make me cum from a handjob?” He gasped, opening his eyes to meet hers glimmering back at him.
She released his member with wide eyes and bit her lip in slight embarrassment, “Sorry, I just got excited. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone down on someone.” She admitted with a shy smile.
Eddie sat up, looking at her intently, the ache of his penis momentarily forgotten. “Oh, no, no, no, I wasn’t trying to be mean, I just wanna last longer for you.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“You’re not mean, baby,” she assured, patting his chest, “Y’know, if you let me make you cum with my mouth, we could.. wait a bit and then keep going.. and going and going, you know what I mean?” She asked quietly, her hand inching its way up his thigh again.
He shuddered in response and nodded at her lips, “Okay, deal, but I wanna go down on you next.” He said, laying back down on the pillows, trying to prepare himself for what was to come.
Y/n saw his eyes flutter shut, a deep breath leaving his nose as he waited and tried to relax. She knew any touch she gave him would be well received, but this was uncharted territory.
She never had anyone so up close and personal with her vagina besides Adam, let alone after child birth. She put the thought out of her head and focused on where to start with Eddie.
She continued her light touches, running her hands up his legs like she had done before, going all the way up to his hip with one hand and grasping his stiffness in the other.
He felt a long wet lick on the underside of his shaft, then felt her lips close around his tip, running her tongue around his slit until he whined.
She pushed her head down his shaft easily, not wanting to overwhelm him. Eddie let out a soft slow moan until she reached midway down, then she pulled back up to the tip. “Oh, fuuuck,” he panted, his eyes still closed in fear of blowing his load as soon as he saw her doing such sinful acts.
He felt his hands in hers, Y/n placing them on her head and pushing down on them to show him to control her pace. He couldn’t help but open his eyes, his soul leaving his body at the sight of her hands on his, urging him to use her.
“You’re unreal, I swear to god..” he said before holding her head in his hands thrusting his hips gently and fucking her face. “If you-if you want me to stop just pinch the fuck outta my hip, okay?”
She rubbed her thumb soothingly across his hip bone, assuring him she’s okay. Eddie ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face as he gave his hips a rest and started bobbing her head up and down, faster and faster, feeling her moans vibrate up his shaft as he went.
“Oh god, you like this, don’t you? I should’ve fuckin’ known you like cock in your mouth.” He huffed a laugh as she placed her hands back on his thighs to stroke up and down, “Fuck baby, your mouth is so good. I’m getting close.” He sighed, stopping her movements and taking his hands away to cover his eyes and steady himself.
“No blowie has ever felt like this before—fuck.” He rubbed his hands down his face, his fingers pulling at his under eyes as he sighed. She let go of his tip with a pop, her eyes finding his as he hid a shy smile behind his hands, her smile only fueling the chuckles he felt coming on.
“You’re-you’re, like, a witch or something, you’ve got this, this, power over me where you can do literally anything and it feels like I dropped E.” He huffed in disbelief, regaining his composure and putting his hands on his forehead and taking another breath with his eyes closed.
“Okay, baby, will you make me cum?” He asked decidedly, “I want you to go until you can’t—ohh fuuuck.” He groaned as she sank back down on his cock unexpectedly, starting an unrelenting pace right off the bat.
“You’re gonna kill me, I swear to god.” He uttered as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked, his fists reaching back and clenching the pillow behind him.
Suddenly, he looked down at her, her hair drier now, her natural texture allowing it to lay to one side, her sparkling eyes set on his as he swung a leg over his and ground her clothed pussy on his knee, the sensation on her clit rolling her eyes back as she bobbed and hummed her satisfaction around his member. Eddie cried out as his orgasm coated her mouth, whimpering when she kept sucking.
Eddie let the feeling wash over him and subside like the tides of the ocean, his chest heaving and his neck and hairline damp with sweat. He gasped when he felt her lips on his, wrapping his arms around her waist with much urgency and pulling her body to him.
He lapped up her kisses with his eager mouth, mumbling “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” against her skin until she giggled profusely, his kissing trailing down her neck. “God, you’re amazing.” He whispered, sounding hornier than ever.
His hands went from her back down under the hem of her shirt. Y/n expected him to strip the shirt off, but his hands slipped up to her bare breasts, massaging them firmly as he kissed her. Her brain went fuzzy at the sensation, his rings rubbing against her nipples. She moaned lightly, that being his personal sign to flip them over and take care of her the way he desperately craved.
“Can I undress you?” He murmured against her jaw, pushing her shirt up over her tits and pinching both nipples. “Fuck!” She cried out, “Y-yeah, anything, baby.” She whispered mindlessly, the pet name sending blood to his dick already.
Eddie rid her of her sleep shirt, dropping it on her side of the bed for later. For now he looked down, above her on his knees, his hands resting on her parted thighs as he gazed down her body, and at her panties, licking his lip hungrily.
“You aren’t allowed to rip these, Munson.” She said pointedly, sliding her hands up to her breasts and teasing herself and him by rubbing them how he had, though her hands were smaller and her tits spilled out of her palms.
He softly gasped at the sight, admiring her tucked lip under her teeth as she smirked at him. She knew the advantage she held tonight, but Eddie wanted to wow her.
He crawled off the bed backwards, her brows drawing together, “What are you doing?” She asked as he pulled the covers to the side and stood at the end of the bed. He looked up at her like he was going to answer, only he leaned forward and grabbed her ankles, “Better grab a pillow.” He mentioned before yanking her to him.
She yelped as her head hit the bed on her way down, her hand clenched around the corner of her pillow and dragging it behind her. His hands rested on the backs of her knees, her feet just barely brushing the ground as he stood between them.
He resumed his stroke to the inside of her thighs, now noticing the patch of wetness showing through the light purple fabric covering her pussy with the screen light behind him.
“I’m so glad it’s my turn.” He whispered reverently as he knelt down in front of her, her name leaving his lips like a prayer as he looked up at her, her eyes meeting his with a question as he leaned forward and kissed her pussy, brown eyes unmoving until they closed in ecstasy.
She still smelled sweet from her shower, the warmth of her skin soft and inviting. He slipped his fingers under the band and pulled them down, her wetness glistening from puffy lips that begged to be kissed some more. His breath fanned across the newly exposed skin and he hovered, figuring out what he wanted to do first.
She drew her knees back up and out for him, his arms slipping around her thighs with ease, her feet dangling over his back, squeezing her flesh tightly with his fingers and grunting, “Already being so good for me… I’ve been dreaming of this since the night I met you.” He sighed, connecting his lips around her entrance, his tongue working up and down, steadily and lightly.
She mewled as his soft lips began moving against her pussy like he was making out another girl. He groaned when her hands found his hair, her nails eagerly scratching his scalp the way he liked.
His mouth worked up to her bud, swirling his tongue around it and prodding it every once in a while, sending a jolt to her hips and legs. She cried out when he unexpectedly sucked, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
He added two fingers easily, “Oh my god, Eddie, yes! A little faster, please?” She asked quietly, as if she was afraid to be loud. He released her clit with a slurp, his mouth soaked as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, his other hand reaching up and pinching her nipple.
“Fuck!” She yelled, her pussy clenching around him as she bucked her hips, his thumb working her clit while he watched her helpless underneath him, her eyes shut similar to the way his had been previously. Her hand covered his over her breast, interlacing their fingers before he removed them entirely and held her hand against the mattress beside them.
He smiled, rubbing faster with more pressure before leaning over her, “That’s more like it, baby. C’mon, I wanna hear you. We got a whole house, no one’s gonna hear you, okay? Just me and you.” He reminded her before going back down for more.
From then on, she kept her mouth open, giving into Eddie’s coaxing and letting the obscenities fly, his eyes watching her in wonder the whole time. He loved to stop and be still just so she would whine and rub herself on his face for relief, then chuckling and licking his lips, “I got you baby, don’t worry.” He said lowly, diving back in.
He’d count to twenty, the pleasure almost becoming agonizing for her when he’d stop as she reached the precipice and then felt the feeling fade with his stilled movements. She cried out in frustration, “Eddie, please, please—I need to cum, please let me cum.” She rambled, her eyes heavy.
Eddie hovered his mouth above her pussy, looking up at her face from his position down low and licked his lips with satisfaction.
“Well, baby, since you asked so nicely and since you’re such a—good—girl.” He punctuated his words with firm pumps of his fingers inside of her then connecting his lips to her bud and running his tongue around it until he felt her pussy start quivering like normal, followed by her strained cry.
“Ohhhhh my g—od!” She almost screamed as the ecstasy rushed over her, her hips moving involuntarily as Eddie sat there and let her use him until she stopped, her only movements from her heaving chest.
Eddie kissed her twice more before working his mouth up her torso, leaving hot and wet kisses that had her squirming. “That was the sweetest pussy I’ve ever eaten.” He mumbled against her neck, reaching up to massage her breast before rutting against her heat with his newly hardened cock. The solid shaft glided between her lips, back and forth, back and forth, a low groan worked from her mouth as he did.
“Eddie.. Eddie, I want you to put it in.” She whispered, her arms finding his neck and pulling him closer to her, his forehead dropping against hers. His eyes flashed to hers, dark and blown out.
“Do I need to get my wallet or do you have some—“
“I’m on the pill.” She admitted, his movement stopping. He picked his head up from her neck to look her in the eyes.
“Wait, really?” The fact that it was news to him showed in his face, his eyes searched hers in wait, waiting for her to say ‘Sike! Condoms are in the drawer.’ But it never came.
She nodded, a blush creeping up her cheeks from the heat coursing through her. “I-I’ve been on it since after Danny was born, I just don’t like doing certain things in bed with strangers. But this is different, you know?” She asked, combing her nails through his hair, a little damp at the roots from the sweat he’d been working up.
Eddie looked at her desperately, “Baby, do you want me to try to pull out?” He asked, tracing the tip of his dick over her entrance. The shock of it sent her head back into the pillow with her eyes squeezed shut, shaking her head ‘no.’
“No?!” He asked, pushing through her folds and rubbing his tip through her like he’d done previously, except wetter and faster.
He rhythmically bumped her bud before sliding his dick right in, the rest of the air leaving her body as she cried out, “Fuck! Fuck, baby, oh shit!” Until he was buried in her completely, the usual smooth barrier not there to keep her from feeling the ridges of his cock.
They both stilled for a moment, getting used to the feeling. Eddie’s torso leaned down flat against her, his arms wrapping around her as she did the same with her arms and legs. The sound of their quick breath was the only thing heard for a moment before Eddie pecked her forehead, nose, and then lips, resuming his stroke pace and groaning when he felt just how tight her pussy held onto him.
“Oh my god, Y/n. Oh my god—y-your pussy feels like..” His abdomen worked, thrusting into her until he felt like he was on fire. He couldn’t believe how long he was lasting and wished he could live in this moment forever.
Or until he ran out of steam. Eddie stilled, panting away from her face as she opened her cockdrunk eyes to check on him.
“Baby are you okay?” She asked, placing a hand on his smooth bare chest.
Eddie nodded, “Yeah, yeah, just—haven’t gone this long before.” He stated through winded breath. Y/n smiled and stroked his cheekbone, trailing her hand down to his neck and placing her fingers on either side of his throat.
“Then how ‘bout I take a turn, huh?” She asked in a mischievous whisper that caught his attention immediately. He smiled his devilish grin and flipped them over with haste, proud his cock didn’t even fall out.
Y/n giggled as she adjusted herself on top of him. She made him sit up against the wall before dismounting his dick and turning around to face the tv, which confused him until he felt her grab him and slide it in quick enough to catch him off guard with the new angle.
Eddie loved his lap sat on, especially when it was a goddess like Y/n, but reverse cowgirl was something he hadn’t experienced with anyone yet, and he was glad that it was with her. His hands found her hips and thighs, his hot breath tickling her ear as he moved her hair from her shoulder to rest his chin there.
His grip on her kept her still, feeling his kisses on her back, shoulders and neck pushing her deeper and deeper into the abyss. She leaned her head back against his other shoulder, exposing her sweet spot right at the crook of her neck.
Eddie smiled and knew exactly what she wanted him to do, so he leaned down and faintly nipped and sucked, the sensation light enough to send tingles to her clit without leaving marks.
He relished in her whimpers, using her hips to grind her back and forth on his cock, “Oh fuck, Eddie.” She mumbled, her hips circling on their own, ripping a groan from Eddie as he stilled, his head falling back against the wall as her pussy squeezed him.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” He asked before pressing more kisses to her other shoulder.
Y/n looked like she didn’t hear him though she did. She finally turned to him and opened her eyes, the dazed and heavy lidded look residing there was evident of how she was feeling. She smiled and leaned into him, sucking on his bottom lip to set him off again.
Eddie felt a jolt in his penis when she tugged on his lip, his hips thrusting one good time before they parted. “Use me, Eddie.” She whispered, flipping her hair over her bare shoulder, the scent of her shampoo just another aphrodisiac for him.
Eddie hissed as he bounced her on his lap, watching her hair and the plushest parts of her body go up and down, up and down, up and down. He moved his hands from her hips to her tits, his hands jealous of every bra she’s ever worn.
She began to bounce on her own for him, letting him feel the jiggle of her breasts in his hands as he watched her backside. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He almost growled, overwhelmed with pleasure and frustrated he wasn’t cumming, worried that he wasn’t focusing enough on her needs. But Y/n was blissed out.
She loved the way Eddie used her yet still made her feel like the most important part of sex, she loved how primal it always felt, yet still so gentle with him. Y/n hasn’t felt like she was making love since—
“H-Hey,” he tapped her on the side of her ass to get her attention, and felt her walls quiver with a giggle as she turned to him, breathless.
“Hi.” She greeted over her shoulder with a smile.
“Y-You think you could, uh, get on your hands and knees for me?” He murmured, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyes shined, an eager nod sent his way before falling forward on her hands and knees.
Eddie loved her in every position, though this was one of his favorites. He loved her ass, and loved the way her back arched for him as she waited patiently. He sat up on his knees behind her, one hand on his cock, the other coming down gently on the right side of her ass, caressing her.
She pushed back onto him, a chuckle leaving him as she did. “I knew you’d be excited for this.” He teased quietly as he lined himself up, the anticipation making her clench around nothing. He slid all the way inside of her quickly, pulling her to him by her thighs, and not giving them much time to adjust before he started moving.
“You like that, baby? ‘S this okay?” He managed through the quick pace he’d set, the intensity bumped from ten to one hundred in no time.
“Yes! Please keep going, Eddie, don’t stop.” She urged, falling forward on her forearms, her forehead buried in the mattress. Eddie looked down at his dick disappearing inside of her, a sight he’d never tire of.
Eddie watched her ass bounce off his pelvis and shuddered, wondering how his handprint would look there. He rubbed the soft open area of her ass as he drilled into her, “D’you like to be spanked?” He asked, bending over her back and asking her quietly while slowing his movements, though not fully ceasing.
He felt her clench before he saw her nodding vehemently, her hair hiding most of her face, which wouldn’t do for Eddie at all. He moved her hair away, her eyebrows drawn together in frustration, her face a deep pink.
“Baby, talk to me, ‘s it too much?” He asked, stopping for a millisecond before she was moving for him, “No, no, no, no, no, I’m so fucking close, don’t you fucking stop, now, Eddie—spank me, pull my hair I don’t give a—“ her desperate rambling was cut off by Eddie slapping his palms down on her ass and gripping her hips in his hands so firmly he worried about bruising her, but her cries of ‘Fuck yeah—you’re so good to me, baby.’ rid him of that thought immediately.
She cried out as the obscene and wet slaps echoed in the bedroom, had anyone else been home, the whole session would’ve been audible from the front door. Eddie loved using her love handles for their intended purpose, his grunts leaving him involuntarily the closer he got to cumming.
Y/n started to feel an unfamiliar sensation brewing low in her stomach, she felt like she was on fire inside and had to pee.
“Eddie! Eddie, wait.” She panted, her hand flying back to his on her hip. He halted immediately and shifted to look at her eyes with urgency, “I’m okay!” She panted, “I just think I need to pee.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up at her revelation and picked his pace back up, reaching around to rub at her clit, “Baby, that means you’re gonna squirt for me—please cum, cum all over my cock and make me yours.” He begged breathlessly, her cries flying from her mouth with reckless abandon, reaching out for the footboard to brace herself against, the rhythmic creaking of the wood getting farther away the closer she hurdled towards her orgasm.
“ ‘Want you—mine..” she mumbled thoughtlessly, head empty; only thinking of Eddie and the unholy ways he made her feel. He stiffened as he thrusted into her, squeezing her hip with much power to keep from cumming at her words. He leaned over her again.
“I am, sweetheart. I’m yours…fuck—as long as you’ll have me.” He grinded against her back side, his cock nudging around inside of her deliciously. Her eyes rolled as her brows drew together, as he rubbed her bud with his quick fingers, his promise to her wrapping the two of them up in a precious little satin bow.
She nodded, reaching back and interlacing her fingers with his as he sat up. Before he could ask her to say it, she blurted out clearly, “‘M yours, Eddie. Oh, god, I wanna be yours!” She cried, the desperation behind her words sending Eddie’s eyes rolling and a string of obscenities flying from his lips.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..” he babbled as she bounced back on his cock, tears streaming down her cheeks as the flaming knot in her stomach burst and her pleasure rained down on Eddie. He felt her pussy clenching way before he felt the warmth of her orgasm around him, her walls squeezing him with every extra stroke. That’s when he lost it.
Every inch of his body experienced the rush of the hot orgasm, his nose to his fingertips was pink with a heated blush, his mouth gasping for air.
Their thighs and the sheet below them were soaked as they came to a still. He fell over on top of her again, kissing her neck as sweet moans of relief fell from his lips onto her. She felt his hands loosening their grip on her hips as he rubbed soothing circles into the flesh there.
“You.. are incredible.” He mumbled between kisses to her shoulders and back, pulling himself out and watching his mess leaking from her. He reached down between them before she sat up and collected some of it from her folds, her body jerking with surprise.
“Shit!” She hissed, “Sorry, still sensitive.” She mentioned breathlessly, her eyes almost closed and she laid back on her side of the bed, the cold pillow and sheet soothing the heat that dewed all over her skin.
Eddie watched her flop down, smirking as she got comfy without looking at their mess where he sat.
“Baby?” He whispered, using his fingers to comb the damp strands away from her face, the natural wave to her hair revealing itself to him. He hadn’t seen her completely natural until now, looking down at her and watching her eyes flutter open.
He stared for a moment, loving the way she looked at him and the way his hand looked in her hair and so close to her pretty face.
“Just a few things, then I’ll let you sleep—“ he got low and close to her face, “Number 1, that was easily the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, I dunno about you—“ He felt the warmth of her palm against his cheek as she leaned in and kissed him wetly.
“I can absolutely say the same,” She said with both happiness and guilt nagging at her from the recesses of her mind, Adam unable to stay far enough away when she was in moments such as these with Eddie.
Eddie snickered and pulled her closer to his chest, her lips immediately attaching to his neck, “I don’t wanna be sleeping a whole lot, though, Ed.” She mumbled. The vibration of her voice against his neck sent tingles all the way down his body, hissing a tight ‘Jesus H Christ’ when he felt her naked chest push against his.
“W-We have to change the sheets, first, Princess.” He managed. Y/n pulled back, her lips releasing his skin with a pop, and looked down at the space they occupied previously, noticing the dark patch immediately. Her eyes widened before she looked at him.
Eddie couldn’t resist bursting into laughter at her reaction, pulling her closer and burying his face in her neck to nibble at her sweet spot, hoping to hear her laughter just the same.
She screamed as he hoisted her on top of him again, growling into the crook of her neck while she giggled mercilessly. “Eddie! It’s not funny, it looks like I wet the bed!” She struggled against him until she broke free, taking the sheets with her and leaving him naked.
“Hey! It’s cold!” He hissed, curling up in a ball and rolling off the bed. “If you help me fix the bed we can get under a blanket faster.” She urged, slipping her shirt back on over her body as Eddie followed her lead and found his boxers.
Eddie stripped the fitted sheet and gathered the discarded top sheet as Y/n fetched new linens. He couldn’t help but smile when she scampered past him on his way to the laundry room, her new sheets in hand. She looked innocent in her sleep shirt, her hair tucked behind her ears.
He eagerly returned to the room, taking two corners of the sheet and tucking them under the mattress as she did, the two sharing shy smiles and stolen looks as if they weren’t changing their own cum sheets.
As soon as the bed was made again, Eddie flopped back down and pulled her to him, muffling her giggles with tender kisses sprinkled all over her mouth and cheeks.
After finally settling with her head on his chest, she handed him the remote, smiling when he turned the channel over to without a word. 120 minutes was on, a music video played with a softer melody.
The content they felt in that moment was a feeling the two of them had been in search of their whole lives. Eddie whispered to her softly, getting her attention.
She rolled over to look at him, his eyes golden in the lamp light. They leaned in, kissing each other and whispering to each other until they faded into sleep intertwined; the best sleep either of them had in a very long time.
Part 4
taglist 🤍 (I’m sorry if it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
@quinnsfineline @afternoonzephyr @eddiesgffff @steeldaisies @harrys-tittie @eddiethesexy @samlealea @eternal-fangirl @specialsnowflake-gabbi @elladoe @took-me-hours-to-steal-those @tjbabe33 @mxnsoneddie @micheledawn1975 @magnificantmermaid @munsonzzgf @enigmaticblue @joyfulfxckery @theamericanjewitch @lolanoelle @bebe0701 @qardasngan @renaroo123 @sillypurplemurple @cutiecusp @yyoucompletemess @livingdeadgurl2016 @electricbouquetkid-blog @mxcheese @mulletmcghee @clacatbuc @spread-the-hope @e-mmygrey @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @sashaphantomhive @devilinthepalemoonlight @middle-of-the-earth @yelyahcardella @psychobitchsthings @figmentofquinn @siriuslysmoking @tanyaherondale @tracymbcm @tlclick73
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 months
Just Like A Kiss
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a follow up story to Texas Peach 1700 words, Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki Author's note at the end
Jared flinched.
At the last moment, before their lips met, he flinched and turned away.
Jensen knew he would, of course. Because you don't kiss your best friend and costar in front of a crowd of adoring fangirls. Because the joke was too close to the truth. 
In real life, it had all played out in a minute, but in Jensen's memory, the moments lingered, time slowing and stretching around the two of them.
"...same with a kiss," Jensen had answered an audience question, adding a little smirk as he pointed. Convention crowds ate up that swagger. 
"Prove it." Jared hadn't seemed to be paying attention, fidgeting with his fingers to demonstrate a taco crumbling. But he was completely focused, suddenly, as he turned to Jensen, their gazes locked together. Mischief glinted in Jared's eyes, sparkling in their green-gold-grey depths. His pupils were wide with a familiar look of adoration and desire.
Jared's heart must've been beating out of his chest because Jensen could feel his pulse quiver in the air between them, or maybe that was his own blood pounding through his veins. 
Emotion hit, flooding down a well-worn path in his mind. The longing for Jared was almost overwhelming, the pull to hold him, to have more than he had ever dared in public. All these years, and the feeling hadn't weakened, no less compelling for being familiar.
His eyes flicked down to Jared's mouth, pouted out in an exaggerated pucker. He wet his own lips, quick and shallow, thinking about Jared's tongue meeting his own, about all the places that mouth had been. Their bodies drew together, each of them leaning to the right, arms already lifting for an easy embrace. Jared's body he knew almost as well as his own, moving in sync without speaking.  
As the gap closed between them, their hands brushed against each other and Jensen felt the touch like a spark.Anger flared in his chest and his jaw clenched. Why couldn't he have what he wanted, have Jared and kiss him, whenever and wherever, not caring who saw or knew? 
Their eyes met again, and that's when Jared flinched. 
The noise of the crowd, clapping and cheering, rushed back in as Jared gave a sassy hair flip and turned, away from Jensen, back to the people watching. 
It should be me. I should be the one by your side, I should be the one that people see with you. You should be mine.
Jensen knew he couldn't reveal what he was feeling. He felt exposed, suddenly keenly aware of the gaze of so many eyes fixed on him, and cast around for a distraction. A wide easy smile and the fans moved right along from the missed kiss. 
Jensen hadn't realized he was holding his breath, and sucked in air as he settled back in his chair. He kept the smile pasted on his face as he adjusted his seating. From the corner of his eye, even as he played to the audience, he noticed Jared pass a hand over his face, a subtle gesture giving him time to gather himself. The way he shifted in his chair, leaning back and tangling his legs, was a sure sign to Jensen that he was retreating. 
Both of them knew the moment had left them vulnerable, their secret feelings just a little too easy to glimpse. 
I wish I could show the world how much I care for you. Jensen sighed. 
Instead they turned, shoulder to shoulder in wordless agreement, and they slipped back into the protection afforded by their public roles. The Handsome and Sunshine Show, Jensen had seen the tag on social media. It was a performance just as sure as any TV episode, but they had practice at it. The two of them were a good pair, he thought, as he let himself be carried along by the comforting rhythm of their stage interactions.
Jensen couldn't stop himself from returning to that moment in his mind, even as he and Jared completed their day of work at the convention. They had done this many times before, signed the autographs, walked through the photo ops, and the work came easily. He was able to focus on the people in front of him and almost – almost — forgot that Jared owed him a kiss. 
Afterwards, they went out to dinner with a few of the cast, Rob and Ruth, Rich, Alex, and others. They were old friends, and they knew the truth of Jensen and Jared's relationship. In this company, they could relax a little more. 
Still, even a private room at a restaurant could instantly turn public if they were spotted by a fan. The two of them kept their touches under the table, Jared running teasing long fingers up the inseam of Jensen's jeans until Jensen stopped him with a firm hand on his upper thigh. They laced their fingers together under the open placket of Jared's plaid shirt as they enjoyed their food and drinks.
More than once, Jensen found himself looking longingly at Jared's mouth as he laughed and talked, always the life of the party. Jared's heavy eyelids when he caught him staring left no doubt that he, too, was looking forward to the moment they would be alone together.
The close, cautious affection carried them through their goodbyes and into the elevator. There were no kisses behind closed doors, not when they could open on a new floor at any moment and anyone could see them. But Jensen couldn't stand to have any more distance between him and his boy. With a possessive hand on the back of his neck, he pulled Jared in close, ready to whisper in his ear. With Jared's hair tickling his cheek, he couldn't find any words to say, just held him like that as they breathed together.
When they reached their floor, Jensen shifted to an arm around Jared's shoulders as they exited the elevator. The two of them walked in silence, their steps in sync, to their shared suite.
Once inside, Jensen busied himself with the latch, the lock, the deadbolt, before turning to face Jared. 
He was waiting, a teasing grin on his face that turned to pouty lips, a blown kiss. 
"I'm gonna need you to finish what you started." Jensen heard the rough edge of desire undercut the direction in his own voice.  
Jared's eyes widened, flashed, and he leaned down eagerly. Their lips met, dry and gentle, for a long kiss. Every bit of it was familiar, Jared's head tilt, his little sigh, the pressure of their mouths, their bodies together. 
The second kiss was deeper, Jensen nudging at Jared's lips with his tongue, Jared parting them easily, welcoming him eagerly in. Jensen wrapped his arms tighter around Jared, one around his shoulders, the other around his waist, pulling him closer.
The second kiss turned into the third kiss without them ever breaking apart, and then shattered into countless more kisses. Jensen's lower hand slipped into Jared's plaid shirt, up under his t-shirt, until he could palm skin. His touch slid across the cut of his hip bone, fingers seeking that dip in the hollow of Jared's back, right above the curve of his peachy ass. 
"So hot," he murmured against Jared's lips, and he must've heard him, because he pulled back just enough that their eyes could meet. Jensen's hand had been resting on the back of Jared's neck and he moved with a caress to cup his cheek, thumb tracing the soft short hair along his jawline, up and over to the dimples visible through his beard. 
The two of them paused for a beat like that, forehead to forehead, arms wrapped around one another, chests rising and falling together. Jensen never got tired of being this close to his lover, looking up to see every sparkling color in his eyes, feeling every breath across his lips. The moment stretched, swelled, to include everything he had wanted in that second on stage earlier in this day, holding his world in his arms.
"Jared," the beloved name fell from his lips, ripe and heavy with desire. 
"Please," was all Jared said, but his wide lust-blown eyes, his flushed cheeks, his parted lips spoke volumes, the truth writ large across his handsome face. Jensen had seen glimpses, all day, but this was the first time they were alone for Jared to bare his response, the two of them stripping down to the truth between them. 
They had already had reunion sex the night before, clothes hastily thrown off in their eagerness to come together. They had slow sleepy bedtime sex, naked under the sheets before falling asleep in one another’s arms. And they had a moment in the shower this morning, no less good for being rushed.
This was something different. This was the connection that had sparked on stage, that had pulled thin, finally coming back together. Everything they couldn't show the public was laid bare. 
This time, they were stripping down to their very souls. The burden of keeping up appearances, of their public stories, fell to the wayside in the face of their truth. The long days apart, the lonely nights, melted away under their touches. 
With every touch, Jensen asked, Do you still want me just as much?
To every question, Jared answered, Yes.
The fragile bubble of their shared desire encompassed their entire world, no space for anything but the two of them. Much like the moment earlier, on stage, time became meaningless, measured in heartbeats rather than minutes. Only this time, instead of pulling away, Jared came to Jensen, unflinching in his intention, every kiss a promise fulfilled. 
Their caresses were weighted with the knowledge that life would pull them apart again soon, but for now, they could not hear the clock ticking down. For now, they only existed in this room, in this bed, together. Jensen heard only Jared's panting moans, his whispered words of love and need. 
Blood rushed in his ears and with every beat, his heart said, mine, mine, mine.
Jared answered back yours, yours, yours with every kiss. 
*** Author's Note: First off a huge thanks to @there-must-be-a-lock who jumped in to pre-read for me! Thanks for keeping friendship and fandom alive between us. I know it's been a while since I've written. I still have ideas that are waiting for stories. Thanks for reading, both in the past and now.
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moremousewrites · 2 months
The Affliction pt2
Pairing: Astarion/Tav(afab)
Summary:Astarion offered you a night of pleasure after toying with you through the tadpoles. He's prepared to give you the real thing, and you unknowingly give him much to think about
Tags: inappropriate use of tadpole powers, vaginal fingering, smut, PIV sex, biting, blood mention, degradation, humiliation, pet names, dom Astarion
Wordcount: 1,442
I wasn't planning on writing a pt 2 of this but someone suggested it and here we are lol it gets a teensy bit angsty towards the end (typical Astarion character stuff nothing heavy) but i hope you enjoy!
Just as you had promised, you waited for your companions to go to sleep so you could find Astarion. He was in his tent, waiting for you. A nervousness gripped you. Though you had taken lovers before, you always had some trepidation at first. And with Astarion, that fear only added to your arousal.
“You came” he said, sounding almost relieved. 
You shuffled into his tent, unsure of how to approach him. Hours ago he made you a drooling puddle of want. Now, you could barely look him in the eyes.
“Yes” you whispered, trying to find something to focus on. 
Astarion sensed your hesitation and moved toward you, lifting your chin to meet his eyes. “Let me take care of you, Tav. Give yourself to me” he ran his thumb under your lip and you nodded, entranced.
You felt Astarion push at your thoughts. He was searching for something. The feeling was intrusive and foreign and you felt your mind pushing him out. Astarion pushed again and you let him, trusting him as best you could. He held your hand to ease the discomfort. The wet grip of the illithid power coursed through your mind and you felt Astarion connect with something. Your memories. Thoughts of him restraining you while he had his way with your body surfaced to the front of your mind and certainly into Astarion's. These were your desires.
“Aha, I knew there was something more to you” he retracted his mind from yours. You shivered at the feeling, and for being so vulnerable. 
“Thank…you?” You said, not sure if he was insulting you or not. 
“I can make your fantasy a reality, you know. You don't have to keep those pretty little thoughts to yourself” he crawled forward, pushing you back onto the bedroll. Your heart quicked, you felt very small under him. His hands moved to your shirt, pulling it off of you. Astarion peeled off your pants and smallclothes revealing your still dripping sex. You were flushed, lips swollen and eager after his previous toying. 
“You are astonishing” the praise went straight to your core. Astarion watched you clench around nothing and took your hands in his, moving them above your head on the bedroll. You felt his stiff groin press against your unclothed sex and you whined at the contact. “Eager, aren't we? Was our little tadpole experience not enough? Is your cunt so greedy that you need it ruined by the real thing?” he slid his hands down your body and you realized your hands were still pinned to the bedroll. He was using his illithid power to hold you in place. 
You squirmed under him, trying to get some friction from his body but he pulled away. “Ah-ah, very naughty little pup. You are desperate for me, aren't you?” He asked and you felt your ankles push to your thighs, securing you in place. 
You couldn't think, lust clouding your mind completely. It was only when you felt a quick sting on your inner thigh that you came back to the present moment. “When I ask you a question, you answer” he said, giving you a predatory glare, hand raised in preparation to spank you again.
His searing eyes bore into you and you fought to spit out an answer. “Yes, I need you” you said through quickened breaths. 
Astarion smiled, you were proving to be more obedient than he expected. In battle, you were ruthless. And your silver tongue had given the party some unexpected advantages. You were their leader, and now you were begging Astarion for his touch. Splendid. He pressed a finger against your folds, separating them. You rolled your hips forward, silently begging for more. Astarion obliged, pressing in one finger, then another. His thumb joined your clit, pushing against it as his fingers moved in and out of you with ease. Your back arched and you moaned out at his touch. 
“Please…” you pleaded, his fingers starting to fuck your exposed cunt in earnest. 
Astarion stilled his hand, earning a cry of desperation from you. “Please, what?” He rolled his thumb over your clit, watching you shudder in your psychic restraints.
You pulled your arms, trying to gain some freedom, but the restraints held you still. “Please, more” you pouted, frustrated by his withholding. 
“Oh, darling,” he tutted. You fought against  the restraints in protest. “Why should I give you more when you're right where I want you?” He said with a dark drawl. His fingers pushed deep in you, poking your fleshy walls that complied with his will, gripping the digits with need.
You shut your eyes, focusing only on his touch. The pads of his fingers were rubbing a spot in you that made your toes curl. “Please… sir” you didn't even register what you had said. But Astarion did, his eyes darkened with lust. 
Power. That's what you offered him. Power over your body and your mind. He lured you into his bedroll hoping for security, and you were offering more than you could ever know. 
Astarion inserted a third finger into you, pumping them with fervour. “Sir? Is that so? What will the others think when they hear you begging me to come?” He watched you sink into his touch, rocking yourself on his hand as he fucked you. “You'd do anything to come wouldn't you? Look at yourself, where is our stalwart leader now? Begging for cock like some depraved slut” he pulled his fingers from you and shoved them in your mouth before you could whine again.
“You think I should deign to fuck you? Is that what you want?” He asked, untying his trousers and freeing his painfully hard cock. You moaned at the sight of it, his fingers muffling you. Astarion drank in the sight of you, flushed and needy, his fingers stuffed in your mouth. He had to admit, you were beautiful. 
“Mmfh!” You tried to speak through the fingers in your mouth. Astarion slipped the fingers from your mouth and wiped your spit on your cheek. “Yes please Astarion fuck me, I need you, now” you emphasized the final word, your impatience tinging your words.
Astarion positioned himself to take you. “Only because you asked so nicely” he said, his mischievous grin plastered on his face. Astarion had every intention of dragging out your pleasure, making you melt for him. His intentions were lost when he sunk himself into you. Perhaps it was your desperate state, or the illithid connection heightening the experience, but something about being inside you felt different- raw. Astarion pushed the thought away as he slammed his cock into you, thrusting at an uncontrolled pace. Your screams of pleasure were surely announcing your activities to the whole camp and against his better judgment, Astarion fucked into you harder, desperate to hear more. 
You were helpless against his thrusts, bound by the restraints. You wouldn't have dared to fight anyway. This was better than any fantasy you could have conjured, stealing away in the night to touch yourself. 
“Let them hear-” he gasped, choking on the words. “Let them know who ruined you” he ordered, leaning into the crook of your neck. You offered it to him, turning your face. 
When he bit down, one sound tore through you, echoing through the night “Astarion” over and over as he lapped at your neck, licking the wound. You came first, spasming around him. His orgasm took him by surprise. He felt the first pumps of spend shoot inside you before he pulled out and covered your body, painting you with his seed.
He lingered over you for a moment before releasing the psychic restraints. Your limbs collapsed from the position. For a few moments you laid there, letting your senses return. You grabbed a bloody rag from his tent floor and began cleaning yourself. 
“Thanks for that, it was nice” you said, somewhat apprehensive. You never really knew what to say afterwards. 
“It was my pleasure” he said, feeling a bit unusual. He also didn't know what to say, in two hundred years he's never needed to say anything. You would have been taken by Cazador by now, never to be seen again. But here you were- alive. So why did he feel so bad?
You dressed yourself and stood up to leave. Astarion felt a sinking feeling in himself. Like he dreaded watching you leave. He scorned himself for it.You turned back to look at him before you left his tent. “Goodnight Astarion” you waved at him before ducking out into the night. 
Astarion waved at the opening of his tent. “Good night” 
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cor-obscenum · 1 month
Hello!!! Today, I had a really bad panic attack 😭😭😭, and I wish I had someone to comfort me in the only way that would calm me down~ "Listening to their heartbeat and talking sweet nothings so...
Can you please write Terzo and male reader in which Terzo finds his lover in the corner having a panic attack, and the only way to comfort them is letting his lover listen to his heartbeat while talking sweet nothings!
No pressure and Thank you! ♥️♥️♥️
~ brother of sin Vincent
So sorry to hear that, ghestie 🫂 I hope you're okay now! 💓
Breathe With Me
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Pairing: Terzo x male reader
Summary: noticing you're having a terrible time, Terzo comforts you the best way he knows.
Tags: rated T, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, cardiophilia
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Tears run down your face, your breathing shallow and quick. It's happening again.
You barely take notice of Terzo squatting next to you as you sit, curled up in the corner, your whole body shaking. Your mind races, you can't focus on a single thing. Fuck, fuck, fuck, why does it have to happen to you?
"Ragazzino, you're shaking. I can tell you're not doing okay." Terzo places a tender hand on your shoulder. His touch grounds you back to reality, and you realize he's there.
"I'm s-sorry" that's all you can say between the tears that keep falling, hiding your face in your hands, embarrassed. You hate when Terzo sees you like this, at your most vulnerable.
"No need to be sorry, cuore mio. It's okay, your Papa is here. You are safe with me " He says with a gentle voice, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer into a hug. "Now, let's do what we do when you have a panic attack, shall we? Let's take some deep breaths, si?"
Your stiff muscles soften when you realize he's pulling your head close to his chest. Almost instinctively, you snuggle into his sternum, pressing your ear against it. Then you hear the sweetest sound in the world: the soft thumping of his heart. Your favorite song.
"That's it, mio bello ragazzo. Now put your hand on my stomach and breathe with me, okay?" Terzo commands softly and you comply, inhaling deeply as you feel his stomach swell up. Your ear on his chest, you can hear the air coming in and out of his lungs, all while his beautiful heartbeat resounds in the background.
"Very well, caro, you're doing very well. Breathe in... Breathe out..." Terzo whispers as he kisses your head. "Ti amo così tanto che mi fa male..."
You don't know how many breaths you take until you finally calm down. But it doesn't matter. It feels like time stops when you're wrapped in Terzo's arms, that special place that truly feels like home to you. Sometimes home isn't four walls, but two mismatched eyes and a heartbeat against your ear. And Terzo knows how much you love listening to his heartbeat - that pretty little tune that's so uniquely his, and such an intimate part of him, that makes you feel like you and him are one. Your own heartbeat has slowed down, and when you notice, you realize it's syncing with his.
Two hearts beating as one... Is it just some silly romantic trope, or is it a real thing?
Terzo pulls away slightly from the embrace.
"Are you calmer now?" He asks.
"I guess so... But can you hold me for a little longer, please?" You plead.
"Of course, tesorino. Come here." Terzo smiles, patting his chest.
Ragazzino - little boy
Cuore mio - my heart
Mio bello ragazzo - my handsome boy
Ti amo così tanto che mi fa male - I love you so much it hurts
Taglist: @boomerangjr @runscold-runsdeep
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DMC x Wednesday 😁
Nero!Reader x Wednesday where Reader always has his devil arm in a cast but always help Wednesday with her investigations with the Hyde. When Principal Weems and Wednesday confront Marilyn, Reader was with them. As Marilyn about to stab Weems, Reader blocks her with the cast
Could be gn!reader or male!Reader
A/N: I tend to default to GN!readers so that works best lol
Wednesday x Devil Bringer!Reader
This wasn't how you thought things would go. You just wanted to learn more about your demon lineage at Nevermore. Being amongst other outcasts made you feel like less of a freak. Everything seemed to change once Wednesday Addams arrived.
To avoid the eyes of others, you kept your arm in a cast. It was the only real outward indication of your demonic bloodline. Having a scaly arm definitely drew more attention than you wanted, especially from normies. You were just lucky you were quick to learn how to be ambidextrous.
But Wednesday was the first person in years who witnessed the power within your arm. It was the night Rowan was murdered. You were curious to see what the goth was doing so you followed. The sight of the monster gutting Rowan made your blood pulse in your veins. As soon as it turned to face Wednesday, you leapt into action. You honed into the beast and shot yourself towards it. When it sees you, it moves to strike, which you block with your cast. There's surprise on the monster's face when the cast breaks, but your arm doesn't.
The shattered cast reveals a clawed arm adorned with dark scales. Intertwined between the scales, there's a deep blue glow, its source coming from a core at the back of your hand. Your palm and fingers glow in the same way, with the knuckles armored by your scales.
Your strength mirrors the creature before you, trapping each other in a stalemate. Frustrated, the beast grabs your arm and opts to throw you aside. You flip on the air in time to see the monster face Wednesday again. This time, you use your power to pull yourself towards the goth. As soon as you reach her, you set yourself between her and the beast. With a growl, the monster runs away, not wanting to deal with you anymore.
With the monster gone, both you and Wednesday run to Rowan's side, only to see that he had already passed. You two look at each other, knowing what you need to do now.
You didn't know it would be as hard as it was though.
Wednesday latched onto you since you were the only other person to witness Rowan's death. Even with the two of you, no one believed you, especially when he miraculously came back. You tagged along with her investigation using your demon strength and skills to help when needed. The assistance was helpful, especially when you continued to research during her writing hour. Your dedication matched hers and she respected that.
You two grew surprisingly close. When most people saw one of you, the other was never far. Rumors started to fly, but there were other things to worry about. While it wasn't wrong that you harbored feelings for the goth, you weren't going to let it interfere with more important matters.
"You're the only one who seems to understand me, Y/N."
That startled you. You two, along with Enid and Tyler, had just returned from the Gates House. It ended horribly, with Tyler injured no less. Enid was angry at being put in danger and Wednesday seemingly not caring.
You watched as the goth sat by the large window in her room, curled into a ball. It was rare for her to show vulnerability and you didn't want to impede. You just sat next to her, barely touching. There's a moment before Wednesday speaks again.
"Goody told me I was destined to be alone." While her head doesn't move, you suddenly feel her gaze. "Will you leave me as well?"
Your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. The answer is simple, but to you, it almost feels like a confession. Your eyes travel to the ceiling, unable to look at Wednesday as you answer.
"No. I won't leave you. Never planned to."
You almost jump out of your skin when you feel a sudden weight on your shoulder. When you look over, you see that Wednesday is resting her head on your shoulder. It was a comfort she sought, so you'll give it to her.
Even expulsion couldn't stop Wednesday from finishing what she had to do. Once she discovered who the real culprits were, she managed to convince Weems to bring them back to the school. Along the way, she sought you out. You had every right to confront Laurel Gates as she did. You were at the beginning with her.
When Wednesday enters the herbology classroom, you and Weems remain hidden. On the goth's cue, your principal steps out in the guise of Tyler. It was only then that Ms. Thornhill, or Gates rather, revealed herself fully. You stood ready to jump in if needed. You were Wednesday's trump card. And she was right to use you as such.
Laurel had a needle in hand and drew back to stab it into Weems. Using your demonic speed, you surged forward, reaching out with your arm to block the strike. The needle pierces through your cast and between the scales, emptying into your veins. You feel the burn of poison almost immediately and fall. Taking the opportunity, Laurel uses the distraction to run.
Your demon arm breaks through the cast as it fights the poison coursing through it. Wednesday is immediately by your side and Weems hovers, but you bat them away.
"I'll be fine. It burns but it won't kill me. Go, go after her."
Wednesday takes your face in her hands, muttering a quick affectionate threat before running off after the hyde's master. You feel Weems rubbing your back as you remain hunched over in pain. You just hope Wednesday'll be okay while you recover.
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meiliarotten · 11 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Two: Electric Boogaloo
Day 15: Hot Water (Shower Sex)
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Pairings: Spy x Fem!Reader
Summary: The result of a promise I made to someone to write Spy shower sex
Tags: Shower sex, dirty talk, praise
Word Count: 2.3k
The Masterlist
You turned the metal handle, gasping at the sudden spray of frigid cold you received before the water finally started to warm up. With a few further temperature adjustments you were able to let the heat relax your muscles, still tense from a long day of work. You always felt better after a nice hot shower though, no matter how difficult your day was.
When you had first joined up with the team you were initially appalled at the idea of communal showers, in particular, the idea of sharing said showers with nine men. However, you got used to it far sooner than you expected. Staying up a bit later kept you from encountering any awkward situations with the others. Plus, it allowed for secret rendezvous with one mercenary in particular, one who you didn’t mind sharing a shower with, among other things. Speak of the devil…
You jumped when you felt arms wrapping around you from behind, the sensation of skin on skin flush against your back. The sound of Spy decloaking alerted you to his presence, putting you at ease. You had been expecting him tonight, of course. Even so, the feeling of an invisible force touching you was universally startling, and something you were sure you would never get used to.
“I wish you would remember to decloak before approaching me from behind,” you said, glancing back to look at your partner. He was already undressed, his suit jacket and mask most likely sitting neatly folded on the locker room bench just outside the showers. Spy’s eyes were closed as he let the water cascade over him, relishing the heat just as you were earlier. The softened expression on his face was one you rarely saw outside of these little trysts. It made you feel special to see him so relaxed, almost vulnerable.
“I’ve been waiting for this all day, chérie.” He whispered, voice low and seductive. His hands slid smoothly over your wet skin, warming you up even more. You let him descend over your waist, down to your hips and thighs, and then back up again. It was as if he was trying to memorize every edge and curve on your body through touch alone.
You squeezed your thighs together, embarrassed at how easily he was able to arouse you. He took his time, lingering on every erogenous zone he knew of on the human body, and then paying special attention to those that he knew were specific to you. He had spent plenty of time mapping out the places that made you feel good, where a simple, gentle touch could have you squirming with need.
With a shaky breath, you turned to face him, pulling him down into a kiss, the two of you quickly becoming entwined with each other. Spy quickly took the lead, making the first move to deepen the kiss as he slid his tongue over your lips, a silent request for entrance which you eagerly obliged, opening your mouth with a soft gasp. Kissing Spy was never a simple dalliance of lips and tongue. No, he always kissed as if he was savoring you, treating you delicately, like a fine wine. Appraising, cherishing, and taking pleasure in every little taste, slow and discerning with his movements. His hands would continue to roam your body, trying to make you moan into his mouth. It made you never want to pull away, but of course, you had to eventually. You parted with a gasp, taking in fresh air.
“God, I need you,” you said, reaching towards the shower faucet handle. “Just let me get dried off real quick. We can go back to your room-”
Spy stopped you, cutting your words off with another kiss. He took your hand gently, moving it away from the handle and pulling you towards him. “Non, I don’t think I can wait until we get back to my room, ma chérie.” He sounded so eager, so full of desire for you. You wanted to hear him say more, just so that you could listen to that lustful voice for longer. His hand drifted between your legs and you shuddered when you felt his fingers running over your slit. “I can take you right here.”
Somehow, a touch of reality managed to reach you through your arousal. “We could be caught,” you warned. These were communal showers, after all.
“Darling, I am quite adept at making my way around unseen. Do you really think I would allow someone to catch us?” Spy was known to value privacy. It made sense that he wouldn’t take such a risk unless he was sure he could avoid any unwanted guests. That alone was reassuring enough to ease your concerns. “Now, let me take care of you.”
His hands dropped to your hips, massaging them with a firm grip. You gave into temptation with another heated kiss, and you could feel him smirking against your lips just before you parted. You backed away for a moment, turning around to lean against the tiled wall and presenting yourself with a smirk and a glance backwards. “Is this alright? I feel better having something solid to brace myself against,” you said, nodding towards the wall. It would make things much easier, especially given how slick the wet floors could be.
“Whatever you wish, darling,” Spy said. You smiled, turning your gaze forward. A shudder ran through your body when you felt him press two fingers into you, thrusting gently, working you up until you were wet enough to take his cock. You couldn’t stifle the small gasps and moans you made as he fingered you, curling his digits just enough to tease your sweet spot. When you began to rock back against his fingers he withdrew, and you whined, only to quickly fall silent when you felt his cock pressing against you. Still, he teased you, rubbing the length of himself over your entrance and chuckling at the way you quivered.
“Spy, please,” you moaned, your voice barely above a whisper, almost drowned out by the sound of the still running water hitting the tile floor.
“Easy now, mon ange,” Spy said, shushing you. “I’m just making sure you’re thoroughly prepared.” With that bit of emphasis, he entered you, hilting in one quick thrust. You yelped in surprise, not expecting him to start so quickly, although his pace did slow the moment he began moving. Those steady, measured thrusts still managed to hit hard in all the right spots, making you whine and moan for more.
Your hand found its way between your legs, rubbing gentle circles around your clit. With a soft gasp, your eyes rolled back and you started to rub faster. The pleasure coupled with Spy’s cock being buried deep within you was dizzying. You couldn’t get enough.
“Darling, let me see your hands,” Spy said. He had stopped moving, much to your dismay. Any attempt to thrust back against him were met with further withdrawal. “I don’t want you to finish so soon. Won’t you be good for me and do as I say?”
Reluctantly, you placed both your hands on the tile in front of you. The low whine you made when you lost that sweet stimulation did not go unnoticed, but Spy didn’t let it dissuade him. He wasted no time pinning your hands to the tile on either side of your head, gripping your wrists tightly.
“I want all of your pleasure to come from me,” he whispered, his voice low and commanding in your ear. “Understand, ma chérie?”
“Spy,” you murmured, his name being all you were able to muster up the ability to say. Perhaps it was an acknowledgement of his words, or perhaps it was a plea. Whatever it was, it was enough to make Spy’s expression soften. His grip on your wrists loosened ever so slightly.
“I promised I would take care of you, and you trust me to keep my word, don’t you?” he asked, pressing his body flush against yours, letting you be comforted by the sensation of skin on skin, so warm and wet.
“Of course I do,” you sighed, leaning heavily against the shower wall.
Spy pressed gentle kisses to the back of your neck, trailing up to your cheek as he whispered in your ear. “I’ll let you come, in due time. Just relax and let me do all the work for now, my love.”
You found it rather difficult to relax when Spy let go of your wrists and reached around to feel up your body, making his way slowly up to your chest. You gasped when he caressed the soft flesh roughly and nearly squealed when he rolled a nipple between his fingers. Spy seemed to enjoy the way you were squirming against him, letting out soft moans as he played with those sensitive areas.
“You’re always so responsive,” he mused. “I wonder what other delightful little noises you have in store for me.”
His hands began to trail lower once again, and you shuddered as he ran his palms down your abdomen, soon passing over your hips. He rubbed slow circles over them before reaching tantalizingly close to your clit, his fingers mere inches away, only to come back up and squeeze your breasts roughly, earning a high pitched gasp from you.
“Watch your volume, ma chérie. As nice as it is to hear you scream, these showers aren’t exactly soundproof”
“I thought you were ‘adept at being unseen,’” you retorted, doing a poor mimicry of Spy’s accent as you repeated his own words back at him. The laughter you got in response only served to frustrate you more.
“Unseen, but not always unheard,” he said before delivering an especially hard thrust, making you inhale sharply. “In fact, I believe I am quite the master at drawing desperate sounds from you.” You felt him run his palms down your back. He admired the way the water cascaded over your curves and the way your body glistened beneath his hands. “Truth be told, while I loathe to imagine anyone stumbling upon your naked form as I make love to you, the idea of the others overhearing your moans, screaming my name, letting them know that you belong to me, is quite tantalizing. So on second thought, make as much noise as you want.”
Instead you immediately tried to quiet yourself, perhaps in an act of petty defiance, but it was no use. Spy seemed to locate all your most sensitive areas with ease, pinching, caressing, and thrusting harder into you, pressing you against the tile of the shower with your hands still planted firmly next to your head. The convergence of so many pleasurable sensations had your head spinning. It wasn’t long before you felt the pleasure start to build.
You clenched around Spy involuntarily as you felt your orgasm fast approaching, listening to the way he moaned at the tightening of your body. “Mon Dieu, you feel so good,” he groaned. You began to buck back to meet his thrusts, nearly slipping at one point, only being saved by Spy wrapping an arm around you to keep you steady. “You’re close, aren’t you? Merde, I am too. Go on, touch yourself, ma chérie. I want you to come for me.”
Spy sounded almost desperate, as if he was begging. It took you a moment to even process what he said, but the moment you did your hand was between your legs, fingers rubbing frantic circles over your clit as he thrust against your sweet spot over and over, determined to bring you to orgasm before he reached his own. Your moans peaked in volume and your body trembled around him as the pleasure finally overwhelmed you. Spy held you firmly by the waist as you rode out the end, keeping you from slipping while in the throes of ecstasy. The last thing either of you wanted was to explain to Medic how you had injured yourself after being ravished in the communal showers.
Spy reached his own climax soon after you, leaning against you so that his lips were right beside your ear. He tried to be more reserved, but you could hear every soft groan he made as he came, his body trembling against yours. You leaned heavily on the wall in front of you, legs shaky and threatening to buckle beneath you at any moment. Having sex while standing turned out to be far more of a workout than you anticipated, especially once the adrenaline began to fade.
Luckily, Spy, being ever vigilant, noticed your waning strength once the aftershocks began to reach their end. He quickly withdrew, reaching forward to shut the water off. You let yourself slump against the wall, not even noticing that Spy had left until he returned just moments later with a towel to wrap around your shaking body, taking you up in his arms just as your legs were about to give out.
“Gorgeous,” he whispered as he cradled you in his arms, “Ma belle chérie.”
He set you down on the locker room bench, letting you get your bearings before beginning to dry yourself off. Your whole body was flushed, either from exertion or from the heat and steam of the shower. You were breathless. Spy was in a similar state, although he was regaining his composure far quicker. Even so, anyone who walked in now would probably be able to deduce what had just occurred. But you found that you didn’t care anymore. Let them know. Let them know that you belonged to Spy.
“You’re so red, darling.” His hand cupped your cheek, feeling the heat radiating off of your skin as you leaned into his palm. “And I believe there may be some bruises on your hips here.” He motioned to where he had latched onto you, either to keep you from falling or to simply exercise his control. “When you’re dried off I’ll take you back to my room, make sure you’re comfortable, and we can spend the night together. Would you like that?”
“I would like that very much,” you sighed, eyes already drifting shut as you let Spy take over the duty of toweling you off before carrying you back to his quarters.
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The CKY/Viva La Bam Boys Switch Roles During Sex [Short Smut Drabble]
Quick little drabble about what Rake, Frantz, Raab, Dico, and Novak would be like if they each played the opposite role from what they usually play during sex. Frantz, Rake, and Dico try out being submissive, and Raab and Novak try out being dominant. I’m doing one long paragraph for each of them! @chasingwinehouse thanks for giving me plenty of cool ideas! <3
Notes: I really like the Raab concept here, let me know if you want a full fic for it. Also, here’s a couple warnings: Dico’s part involves you being rough with him (degrading, slapping and light choking), Novak’s part involves him calling himself daddy, Raab’s part involves him slipping up and calling you mommy once or twice and also attempting (and failing) to degrade you, and Frantz’s part involves him whining when you pull his hair. Rake’s part doesn’t need any warnings.
@butttxray credit to you for the Frantz hair pulling idea that I use in his section!
@asskickedbygirl tagging you as always.
Brandon DiCamillo:
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For what was probably the first time in his entire life, Brandon DiCamillo was gonna be put in his place. He was on his knees in front of you, staring up at you with that same cocky, condescending, ‘I’m laughing at a joke that no one gets except me’ smile he always had on his face. That smile you were determined to wipe off. You’d already removed all of his clothes to make him feel more vulnerable and breakable—now all you had to do was break him. You roughly grabbed him by the chin, staring him down with an unflinchingly dark look as you decided what you wanted to do with him first. “Naked on your knees like a little bitch and yet you’ve still got that fucking look on your face. What’s it gonna take to wipe it off?” Dico’s grin widened, and he shrugged, not the least bit affected by how tightly you were squeezing his jaw. “I dunno, babe, how ‘bout a gimp mask and some nipple clamps—” You cut him off with a firm smack across the cheek, and he instantly went silent, staring up at you with a slightly shocked (but not pained) look. “That was a rhetorical question, bitch, don’t speak unless I tell you that you can.” The grin came back, and he instantly went against your orders by talking back once again. “How was I supposed to know it wasn’t a real question, it sounded like a —” You cut him off with yet another smack across the cheek, and then, just to really get your point across, you wrapped your hand around the base of his neck and applied enough pressure to get a reaction from him, a slightly choked sound leaving his mouth as he stared up at you with a slightly fearful expression, his cock suddenly hard as a rock against his thigh. The smirk was finally gone.
Brandon Novak:
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“Just like that, baby, suck Daddy’s dick. Mmm, fuck, that’s good. Get Daddy’s cock nice and wet, baby, just like that.” It wasn’t often that Novak got to be the one in charge during sex, but when he did, he fully committed to the role. Novak loved to show off his dirty-talking abilities, especially while you were sucking him off, and he had a real talent for degrading you in the most encouraging way possible. He pushed your head further down, forcing you to take his entire shaft into your mouth, his slick tip hitting the back of your throat, and you ran your tongue up and down the underside of his cock, eliciting a pleased moan from him in response. You pulled your mouth off of his cock to swirl your tongue over the head of his cock, letting your drool coat the tip and then taking the whole head into your mouth to suck on it. Novak stared down at you with a domineering look that he reserved only for these moments, and it only spurned you on more, leading to you enthusiastically taking the whole shaft into your mouth again. “Yeah, baby, you like sucking on that big fat cock, don’t you? You love having Daddy’s dick in your mouth, don’t you? Come on, baby, all the way down your throat, just like that.” He forced your head down again, and you allowed him to shove his cock down your throat, saliva dripping from your mouth onto his cock as he face-fucked you. You knew this side of Novak wasn’t gonna be around for too long; he kept it up for as long as the blowjob lasted, but once he came, he was usually done being dominant for the rest of the week. But that was fine with you; you’d just appreciate the moment while it lasted. “Keep it up, baby, Daddy’s so close to cumming.”
Chris Raab/Raab Himself:
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“Okay, so, uh, mommy—fuck, I mean, uh…what do I call you while I’m doing this?” Raab looked at you with uncertainty as he stood next to the bed, waiting for you to get comfortable on your back so he could get on top of you. He was clad only in his boxers, his cute little cock already clearly hard and leaking through the fabric as he admired the sight of your naked body. As excited as he was, though, he was also clearly a little nervous. Being in charge was far from something he was used to doing; it wasn’t that he preferred receiving over giving (quite the opposite, actually, given his people-pleaser tendencies), it was just that his personality wasn’t quite suited for being bossy or giving orders. But you had really wanted to try this, and he was more than happy to oblige you. You smiled up at him reassuringly, leaning over to grab his hand as you pulled him onto the bed and helped him get on top of you. “You’re in charge here, baby, you decide what to call me.” Raab still looked uncertain, so you whispered a suggestion. “How about just calling me by my name?” Raab nodded, looking very relieved that you’d helped him out. “Right! Right. Okay, uh, here’s what you’re gonna do, (Y/n). You’re gonna lay right here and take my dick like a good little slut.” You raised your eyebrows at the comment, wondering if Raab had been hiding a secret dirty dom side, but his face crinkled up almost immediately and he shook his head. “I didn’t like that, I’m sorry, mommy—I mean (Y/n). I’m not gonna do that again.” You smiled. “That’s okay, Raab, just stick to what you like.” He nodded, gently lining his cock up with your pussy as he thought over what he actually wanted to do. “I like calling you pretty.” You giggled. “Do that, then.” He leaned down to kiss you, and gently pushed the head of his cock inside you as he spoke. “Right. Okay. In that case, you’re gonna lay here and look nice and be pretty for me while I fuck you, okay?” Raab momentarily stopped what he was doing to shoot you a questioning look. “How was that? Was that good?” You grinned. “Yes, baby, that was good.”
Joe Frantz:
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Frantz had never been much of a submissive type. When it came to sex, he liked being rough, fast, and aggressive, degrading you under his breath in a low, growly tone and smacking your ass and thrusting inside you until you came around his long, fat cock; the idea of him ever letting you be in charge during sex was unlikely at best and downright laughable at worst. But when it came to eating you out? That was a different story. You lowered yourself down onto Frantz’s face, moaning softly when he pressed his lips against your pussy to kiss it and stared up at you with a vulnerable, awestruck look that felt almost uncharacteristically submissive for someone as domineering as Frantz usually was. He ran his tongue over the lips of your pussy, squeezing his eyes shut and moaning softly as he savored your taste, and you fisted your fingers into his hair, giving it a rough tug that made him whine against your pussy pathetically like a whore. Something about having you on top of him, pussy against his mouth and hand tangled in his hair, turned Frantz into a whining mess; it was a side of him you quite literally never saw anywhere else, and it always shocked you when you did see it. It felt almost too vulnerable, like the taste of your pussy alone was enough to make him weak. You tugged on his hair again, and another whine left his mouth, his lips wrapped around your clit as he sucked on it with as much energy as he could muster, opening his eyes to look up at you again with that vulnerable look. In any other instance, Frantz would have been his usual domineering self, but in this little moment, with his face smushed between your legs, Frantz’s only purpose was to whine and beg and stare up at you pleadingly as he worshipped your pussy. To lap up your juices and suck on your clit and moan at the taste. To be your little bitch.
Rake Yohn:
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“You sure you’ve got this, princess? You can take it from here? If you need help, just say so and I’ll show you how to—” You cut Rake off with a wave of your hand as he finished taking off his clothes and laid down on the bed on his back. “I’ve got it, Rake, don’t worry about it. And don’t call me that while we’re doing this, I’m in charge here.” Rake grinned with amusement, watching you as you stripped down to your bra and panties and climbed on top of him to straddle his lap. “You’re right, how could I forget? You’re not a princess anymore, you’re my Queen.” You blushed at the new name, pointedly ignoring his obvious amusement and leaned down to kiss him, and he ran his hands up your back, hips and thighs appreciatively, his cock already hardening underneath you. You pulled away with a smirk, running your hands down his bare chest and giving him the sexiest look you could muster as you ground your hips down against his to rub against his bulge. He raised his eyebrows at you with a soft moan, clearly slightly surprised at how easily you were assuming the dominant role. Rake was pretty much always in control, so he had just assumed that you wouldn’t know what to do once the roles were reversed. Unbeknownst to him, however, you’d been looking forward to doing something like this for a while. You wrapped your hand around the base of Rake’s long, thick shaft, hovering over it so your dripping wet pussy was barely an inch away from the tip, and Rake’s hands automatically shot up to grab at your hips supportively. “Beg for it.” Rake looked up at you, surprised. “Sorry, my Queen?” You smirked. “You heard me, baby. Beg me to ride you.” Rake’s look of shock turned to one of pride, and he smiled. “You’ve really got the hang of this, haven’t you?” You grinned. “I learned from the best, baby.”
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rachelbethhines · 9 months
Oh congrats in the car
I was referring to OP being used as an insult and the histrionic meltdown over VAT7K
Sorry if this late. I've been real busy this weekend.
Please note that I am not in the 7K fandom, nor am I involved in the ship wars going on over there apparently. So I don't know everything, but this is just what I saw....
Someone was posting misinformation about Hugo and Varian's ages and insinuating pretty vile stuff about the creators of the AU.
That person then started sending this post to various people in their ask box to spread it.
Most ignored it, a few antis responded back to it, and some people who don't know about the creation of the AU even fell for the misinformation.
That's how I came across this. Someone responded, agreeing with the misinformation, but failed to tag it. (I usually have 7K tags blocked as I'm not in that side of the fandom.)
Anyways, I know about the creation of the AU and have even spoken to creators once or twice, and I figured out what was happening really quick and spotted the lie for what it was
Turns out there's been a ship war with the various Varian 'canon' ships (canon as in the characters appear in the show, not canon as in official)
Now there's been a lot of nasty bullying on all sides regarding this ship war and people spreading the misinformation are claiming that they're just 'pointing out the hypocrisy against other canon ships and their age gaps.'
1. The other ships were never mentioned originally
2. You don't go sending that shit to people in their ask boxes unless you're trying to intentionally start a fight
3. Varian and Hugo are canonically 18 and 19 in the 7K series, whether you like the ship or not (I personally don't ship them). Stating otherwise is lying.
And please let be known. I don't ship any of the ships in this apparent ship war. I'm a neutral party here.
Some people have been trying to miss-characterize me and my positions, for daring to state simple facts.
Cause if they knew I was anti-Vairgo too, but had, like, actual standards about how I conduct myself, then they wouldn't have any excuses to hide behind.
So anyways a few people have pointed out that what the original poster was doing was spreading misinformation and of course the antis have only doubled down on their position despite facts being against them.
However, here is the really hilarious part... Instead of coming up with an actual counter argument, the OP is trying to claim that the term OP is an insult!
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I mean... What!?
How is being called 'the original poster' an insult? Especially when you are factually the 'original poster.'
You started this whole shit. You got the ship war you wanted. You even severed friendships by targeting vulnerable people.
This is what spreading misinformation and lies gets you.
Deal with it!
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
part 2 to this
I'M BACK BITCHES!!!! my dog died and I went into a depressive episode for like all of July. Also, this isn’t very long just a quick tie-up.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader (but never explicating uses pronouns)
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
word count: 532
warnings: mentions of past fight, probably ooc billy but who cares?
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As soon as you register the taps, you run to your window. You’re met with bright blue teary eyes. You immediately open the window and pull him in.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You ask as you pull back.
“I missed you”
“It’s been 45 minutes Billy”
“You’re really gonna blame me for missing my girl” he asks as he plops down on your bed. You do the same.
“C’mon we both know that’s not the reason”
Billy just looks at you. With the most sincere adoration in his eyes.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
Your face flushed red. Billy let’s out a chuckle.
“Billy stop avoiding the real reason you’re here.” You barley manage to say.
“Honestly, it’s non of your fucking business” Billy says sternly.
A moment of silence erupts. Neither you or Billy know how to respond. You take a deep breath.
“Ok then you don’t have to tell me. I trust that whatever it is you have your reasons”
Billy murmurs a quiet ‘thanks’ and pulls you close to cuddle. You don’t know how but your fingers end up in his hair. It’s quite comforting to see Billy in such a vulnerable state. You know he’s not ready to talk about it but it brings ease to your mind to know that he at least came to you for comfort.
“One day I’m gonna get us out of here. Far far away from my dad” Billy murmures into your chest.
You just hum in agreement.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, I mean I know you got a home here” Billy says.
You pull him up to meet him eye to eye.
“Anywhere is a home when I’m with you.” You state as your lips gently meet.
Billy pulls back and he looks almost scared.
“I think I maybe sorta love you” He states, waiting patiently for your response.
You let out a small laugh.
“Well then, Billy Hargrove, I kinda sorta love you back”
Billy pulls you in for another kiss, but this time it’s more passionate. You have to pull away once you run out of breath.
“That was hot” Billy interrupts your thoughts.
“Ehhh, I think we need to do it one more time just for good measure”
Then it’s your turn to pull Billy in for a passionate kiss. Your lips meet in a euphoric way. Billy gently bites your lip to slip in his tongue. Just like that your making out with Billy Hargrove. You pull back and he lets out a quick whine.
“Now are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“Ugh fine” he whines like an immature child.
You watch him, waiting for him to talk.
“I got home my dad was being a dick, as per usual, me and him got into and he got mad and told me to leave. I didn’t know where else to go. I’m sorry.” As Billy talks tears begin to form.
You wipe them away.
“Don’t be sorry. You’re always welcome” You then pepper his face with kisses.
“I love you”
“I love you too, now let’s play on my Nintendo”
tags (sorry it took so long):
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matan4il · 1 year
hey it’s miya again! thanks so much for responding to my previous ask!! i read your meta and it was amazing as always. i really like what you said about how addiction was something athena was aware of but not to a point where he is now inviting her to his meetings. the trust and bond the two of them have only got deeper with that. Following that up with how buck does not tell people his feelings and the level of honesty and vulnerability he let out in eddie’s presence just speaks volumes. there was no looking away like the fact that he looks up into eddie’s eyes and holds his gaze 😭😭 he has grown so much cause we haven’t had a moment like this with buck very clearly lost and trying to make sense of his trauma and it was done so well. love a bobby/buck parallel ❤️
I wanted to get more of your thoughts on if eddie was actually deflecting with the conversation about the shooting. cause to me he answered it so quick but in my mind it’s because the first thing he thought of was buck. if eddie had said “i remember you being in front of me when it happened or i remember falling to the ground and you watching me” that would would have been a shift in tone & kind of revealed a bit to much. eddie is very aware of his feelings for buck and i think with buck dying and then coming back to life (by his hands might i add) those feelings start to become more intensified. he wants to tell buck how he feels but it’s just not the right time ya know but i believe by the end of the season eddie won’t have a choice to tell him cause he can’t spend another minute without letting him know how much he loves him.
My lovely Miya! :D Hello again, so happy to hear from you! *HUGS* And please, you never have to thank me for replying to your ask, I'll always do my best with that! I just apologize if because of my disability, I can't answer too many asks at once, and it takes me more time. But I'm absolutely delighted to hear you enjoyed my 612 meta, thank you SO MUCH for the kind words!
I loved the Bobby/Buck parallels, so very appropriate since they're now acknowledged by both for the father and son they are! And yes, God. The vulnerability Buck is capable of around Eddie because he feels safe with him, it's gonna keep me up at night for several good years, I think... ;_;
Regarding what Eddie says... I'm not sure if he remembers. Yes, I know he answered quickly and averted his eyes, but that feels like a very natural form of behavior for someone remembering a life altering moment. He might remember and not be saying anything about it! I'm just not convinced the show has hinted at it in a manner that's unambiguous. Then again, sometimes shows are intentionally ambiguous because they're deflecting themselves. ;)
One reason why I think maybe full real doesn't remember (beyond the fact that trauma will sometimes do that to you) is that while you're absolutely right and saying "I remember you" would have been a very exposed moment between them, it could have also served to help Buck. Something like... telling him that in Eddie's greatest moment of need, he remembers Buck being there. Eddie knows Buck struggles with feelings of inadequacy, so telling him how instrumental he was during the worst moment of Eddie's life, that could have been very significant. Then again, Eddie might not say it if he thinks there's a way he can help Buck without putting himself too out there. We'll see, but I am very hopeful that one way or another, by the end of the season, we'll get one of them at least canonically knowing how they feel about the other one.
Thank you for this lovely ask, sweetheart! I hope you have a great day and I'm delighted we get to exchange POVs! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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screadingchallenge · 2 years
Behind the Keyboard Volume 37
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Behind the Keyboard is a series of interviews with different Schitt’s Creek fanfic authors. The series will last as long as there is interest (from authors) and capacity (from me). If you are an author from the Schitt’s Creek fandom who would like to participate, send a DM to this account.  
Each author was given ten questions. The first five questions are the same for every author, the last five will vary.
If you'd like to do an interview, let me know!
Let’s meet our next author:
@demora00 / Demora00
How many fics have you written?
I have 16 published fics. A few for SC aren’t published anywhere and many more for other fandoms have died with ancient websites or disappeared the way physical notebooks have a way of during various moves.
When did you publish your first fic on AO3?
January 7th, 2022
Describe your writing process from “Oh, I have an idea” to pushing publish on AO3. 
First thing, if it’s a line, or a quote, or a picture, I’ll open my prompt folder and just stick it in there to marinate and come back to when I know how to use it. 
A few times, I’ve been lucky enough to go “oh wait” and open a brand new doc right away and just start writing. Sometimes I’ll take voice notes or send voice memos to friends if I’m driving and tag them #carthoughts for quick reference. 
I rarely write in order. Most of the time, I'll start a scene, get stuck but know how I want another to go, so I'll swap. More often than not there's some frankensteining. I'll moan and whine about it to @doug-judys-blog or Trickiwoo about it throughout. I know it's finished when I've edited it so much I hate it. Finally one or both of them will beta. @doug-judys-blog is the best cheerleader I could have dreamed of. They always know how to get me out of a "no words just vibes" spiral.
Tell me about your most recent fic? What do you love about it? Is there anything you think you could have done better?
The last fic I wrote that wasn’t a drabble was about selective mutism. [Some things I still can't tel you] It’s a physical manifestation of anxiety that isn’t often spoken about except as a trauma response and I feel like I managed to capture all the other little things that come along with it in a very tangible way.  I love that Patrick, who is still a person used to struggling in private with so many things, can trust David and show vulnerability without it being a stress point for their relationship. There's something really soft about that kind of trust that ultimately very romantic to me.
What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about publishing their fic for the first time?
Do it. Get a beta. Get a cheerleader. (One can do both!) Hell, ask that compatible weirdo you kinda sorta vibe with in that fandom space to be a sounding board. Our fandom is so welcoming and talented, there's always someone willing to help.
In your mind, what’s the most important element of good writing?
I need writing to make me feel things otherwise what’s the point? I don't mean 'tear out my heart' intensity every time, but if the writing doesn't evoke something for me, I'll be hard pressed to keep reading. 
Tell me about a story that you wish you could write but that you’re not quite ready to tackle.
The last night Ted and Alexis have together and the aftermath of that. Really deep dive into Alexis' feels and sit with it for a while. It's somehow more tragic because we as the audience know that they are incompatible, but the love they have is real. But sometimes love isn't enough, and it's a real sign of growth for both of them, if a tragic way of doing it. 
Weirdest thing you’ve googled as research for a story?
Cowboy and rodeo terms. I don’t know that that’s weird in and of itself, but the reasons for the research were unorthodox.
Outlines - yes or no?
Yes, if not in a classic way. I usually do just point forms and terrible broken sentences, vibes, placeholders with attached comments and that works just fine. Sometimes whole conversations that need to happen but I don’t know quite where to put yet.
Tell me about your current WIP if you have one.
I have a few I’m working on and flip between as my attention span wanes, but I’m most involved in my first long fic. I don't want to give too much away, but it's a cerebral sci-fi mystery with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vibes. I started working on it a few weeks ago and it's taken over. It's completely different than anything I've done so I'm quite nervous about it, but I've been reassured it could be as amazing as I see it in my head. I’ve already written myself into and out of a corner, so you could say it’s going well lol.
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russilton · 2 years
Mark, buckle up. 😭
I'm such a sucker for playlists, I'm already currently making my way through the ones you linked. I absolutely L O V E the upbeat art playlist, it screams of Gewis podiums and happiness and success and love and attraction, y e s! Britcedes supremacy & good vibes. Good stuff. 🎉
IWLYN, that's the kind of thing that almost makes me chocke up a little. Sad and hopeful, raw, romantic but also angsty.
Actually, let me go into a bit of detail real quick - Fools is such a Lewis POV song, right. I've seen that one in a lot of playlists before and it fits and it hurts everytime.
Such good friends, it has to end, it always does. That's the way life is.
Do we take that risk?
And so it all boils down to this. We've got our aim, but we might miss. We are too fragile just to guess.
And I've been in this place before.
There's want, but there's also fear and apprehension. It's about the damage of past experiences fighting against the hopefulness for a good outcome...
Wonder came on directly afterwards and, for my money, that's such a George POV song, isn't it. There's a different kind of vulnerability here, one that really feels younger. This one doesn't speak of past hurt that has left some lasting effects but it does speak of insecurity. Hesitancy and self doubt clashing with admiration and so much longing, sooo much longing. And persistance.
You're completely off limits, for more reasons than just one. But I can't stop. You're the centre of attention, you control the atmosphere. You're so busy being busy, I don't want to interfere. But I can't stop.
Also: The future's far less daunting walking into it with you - that's the most Britcedes line to ever britcedes, come on.
(Song rec-ish, what are your thoughts on Little Did I Know by Julia Michaels/Willow by TS? Two of my Top 10 Gewis songs and I can't help but think that they fit the vibe of the IWLYN playlist very well)
I have yet to listen to the RB AU playlist, but I've already seen that Do I Wanna Know is on it - of course it is. So on brand. I also feel like you've hit the spot with I Don't Know Why. Because yes, that's the vibe of this story. And Bleeding Out? COME ON. Feels! So many feels!
Don't worry, I'm not going to write an entire thesis on every single one of your song choices and the different interpretations and scenarios that pop into my head when considering them. But. I COULD. They're such good choices.
(Btw, do you also listen to music whilst writing or only when drawing?)
This ask is SO out of proportion, please. Please be nice to me, I'm just excited, I swear I'll leave you alone. 😂 Before I run I will exploit you, though. I really want to tag @thatsmemate here and now and ask where the playlist for her AU is, because. BECAUSE.
Ok bye 👋🏻
Gonna stick my whole answer under a read more because this post got v long and I already spam the dash enough
I love your analysis of fools and wonder. Those songs and sick of loosing soulmates are my go to angsty otp songs, because they’re so… tentative. They’re about longing and TRYING for more. And that’s kind of what George and Lewis are for each other and for racing. It’s about trying in the face of uncertainty. I used to listen to them on repeat as I read fanfic, just over and over.
I think you’ll like run for cover, it’s mostly songs about antagonising each other, pushing boundaries but still being drawn back together. But there’s also some that are just about the cost of perfection; those are about how George feels like working for redbull is like having a knife held to his throat, constantly on the edge of falling. Lewis is all about playing with fire, red bull is the stinging burn.
I very much like your song recs and they have now both been added. Kimy will be delighted I’ve finally added a Taylor song lol. I’m not very musically educated, I get most of my songs from either the radio (I listen to 80’s radio with my dad a lot), exercise playlists, or YouTubers using it for montage music or animated music videos. And tiktok, a lot comes from tiktok. Sue me. The rest will be my dads influence. He likes Coldplay, muse, imagine dragons, arctic monkeys, and therefore, so do I lmao.
I’d say I actually listen to purely music while I write MORE than when I draw. I can watch anything while I draw, I spend a lot of time watching the Simpsons or family guy on marathon while I draw because it’s a very brain off kind of activity. Part of the little cocktail of Autism and Adhd in my brain means I find it hard to do ONE thing at a time, or my brain gets too loud. Because art is a physical thing, I can watch tv while I work. When I write it needs more brain power so I find it harder to have TV on. I used to have to write in complete silence and I *hated* it. I also find a good music playlist now keeps me on track for the mood I wanted, which in AIWLYN and Run for Cover is really important. Otherwise I just use the good vibes list hahaha
This ask is not out of proportion, and don’t you dare leave me alone, trust me this is the exact kinda shit that gets people like me clapping excitedly. I LOVE people talking about things I’ve worked on or created, it’s like a drug. Why do you think I’m always begging for tags and comments! It’s! My! Shit!
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let-minnow · 1 year
A Dance, Warrior of Darkness? (Part 2)
Tags: Crystal Exarch/WOL, Fem/Miqo'te/WOL, Shadowbringer Content, FFXIV Content, The First, Intimate Scenarios, if you don't wanna be spoiled, Git outta here.
Disclaimer: I wrote this, but I do not own anything or anyone FFXIV connected. I do not own any FFXIV Characters or storyline appropriately placed or misplaced.
His mouth stayed gently ajar in his processing of her words, and after a moment, he briefly bit his lip, and Minnow was unsure if it was a good thing until she could feel the hand that gripped her waist tightening in such a way that it had her exhaling quick and short.
It was seconds before the Exarch's mouth finally shifted to something seemingly positive. His eyes, though she could not see them, Minnow could feel them shift away, then back onto her.
It noted of shyness.
Her tummy rolled at the revelation that the Exarch was suddenly softened in his charisma and flash all for the fact that she herself had asked to share a night together.
It was ...
Honestly, it was really enticing, to know there was a real person with vulnerabilities under the hood.
"May I bring you closer to me, Warrior of Darkness?"
She paused a second, nodded, then gently let his hands guide her closer, clothing being the only barrier to her inflamed curiousity and warming desire. Minnow could feel nothing but heat and fluttery excitement at their closeness as he swayed them both and continued the glide across the beautifully-crafted plank floor. His true arm that had stuck to her hip now shifted to her back so as to hold her to him as they danced. Minnow knew her cheeks had to be flushed as the coils of excitement heated within her.
She had been wrong.
The hand on the waist was no where near as anxiety filling or fully intimate as his facial closeness and how his cradling hands felt upon her right at this moment. He suddenly spoke again as their heads matched position opposite sides as they began to dance a little bit slower in pace.
"I cannot deny..." He began, "That I am flattered and have dreamed of being near you. To be propositioned thus by one of the greatest heroes of all time is..." A pause, searching for words yet again. Minnow heard him breathe in such a way that seemed as if he were overwhelmed by her suggestion. "Truly, it feels as if I have been crowned king... I suppose I just find myself hesitant since we know very little of one another... Ah, nay, untrue, I know of your many exploits and how you fare in battles won from history books, but that is only a piece of who you are, and my type of affection here would be... Secretive, and at most, very temporary. Not enough time to give you what you deserve, in my humble opinion." He breathed, squeezing her to him. Now she bit her lip involuntarily, hissing as she pulled in a quick breath. He noticed, smiling shortly as he pressed his head the side of hers. "If you are alright with vagueness and giving a minute amount of time to a lover with no name, I think that alone may be arranged."
In response, her hand slipped from his shoulder up to wrap it behind his neck to gently rub it. Minnow couldn't explain why she wanted so badly to be near, save for everything she felt when they spoke, and now moreso being this close.
"You keep saying temporary, but I can come back here anytime I want, thanks to you..." She whispered, tightening her arm around him to press just a little bit closer and letting her tail brush his lingering arm. "Might I have a sample of this affection? Might I share mine with you?"
They were so close, Minnow could now feel the Exarch's heart beat. To her surprise, (though she shouldnt be) it was positively racing. Not unlike her own.
Nervous. Excited.
Her answer came to her in swift.
"A sample wouldn't do for someone like you." His hand released hers to brush her cheek gently as his face began to tilt and reach closer to hers, the one hand behind her back stroking her skin so soft and rhythmic she nearly whined. "You deserve everything. So all I have, I bring. Fully. Eagerly."
It happened so fast, his mouth moved to be on hers and startling how passionate his kiss; How it only got stronger with every short separation. Levin pulsed in her as he held her face close to his, her impulse to whimper urging him to kiss her deep and squeeze her waist ever closer. Hot and foggy with his every touch, she fumbled to claw and address his body with her own hands and it was when she gripped his shoulders and pressed herself up into him roughly that he finally gasped and growled, partially into her mouth as he rocked forward in return, sending her stepping hurriedly back into the wall of the building with a low thump. His right hand gripped her waist as if he were trying to press or pull her to him, and now that the wall supported her, it suddenly made sense as to what he was doing. Especially when his left lowered to do the same, scooping her up by her hind end to lift and pin her hips to the wall with his.
It was her turn to make sounds of ache, her knees and thighs instinctively went to tighten around his waist as she gasped. The Exarch cupped her face and stroked her cheekbone as Minnow leaned her face into the butt of his palm, the action pulled an achingly soft groan from his lips as she looked back up at him.
"Beautiful warrior," he breathed, pressing his hips thickly into hers. The pressure shifted up, mere centimeters from where her heat built and it had her trembling, squirming under him for more as she let out what sounded like a heated mewl. He responded with a breathy expletive from his excitement, leaning to kiss her again. She returned the heated kiss in kind, allowing her forehead to touch his in their passion. "Minnow, I... Ah...Gods." He growled in earnest, nuzzling her cheek and throat before he pulled away, firmly gripping her as he leaned in again to kiss, bite and suckle upon the flesh of her neck and the swell of her breast.
"Exarch," she keened as she felt a bite sink into her, her tail curling and arms tightening around his shoulders and feeling as if she were set aflame.
It was sudden, but it was there and then that he began to slow his gait. A crystal right hand stroked her face as he suddenly took in a long breath and exhaled for even longer. Minnow felt it before he could say anything.
A problem had arisen.
His hooded head rose, mouth still panting from the prior passion as if his feelings wore heavily upon him.
"I... Deeply apologize. It would seem that the crystal with which I am adorned goes a bit farther down than I last recall..."
Nothing they could do about that, sadly. Still, she found herself concerned. "Are you hurt? Or hurting?"
"Ah, no." He assured, shaking his cowled head.
"Any discomfort will eventually pass. If anything hurts, it is likely my pride..." He murmured that last part and Minnow could not help but to mimic his hand that touched her face by rubbing his own, to which he almost startled. As he processed her motion, he responded to her gentle affection by kissing the inside of her palm and holding it closer as he did so. "Even so, you comfort me." That sad voice heaped in gratitude made her heart tighten up.
Minnow gave a gentle smile as she squeezed his fingers kindly. "Intimacy should be safe. You are safe with me, Exarch." It was a flash and so temporary, but a familliar whisp of a memory flooded her.
She paused.
Her senses caught up with her as that gust of fragrance wafted to her nose. The scent she breathed suddenly struck her as familliar as the Exarch gently helped her stand on her own two legs as her hand remained wrapped around his.
The blend was so faint and already gone, but it was so similar, so closely tied to 'him'. The friend she dearly missed, especially since she saw the giant tower of the First. It was then that she noticed the Exarch was staring at her, mouth shaped as if he couldn't decipher her expression.
"Are you alright? You are tearing up." He noted in a hushed voice.
She blinked, finding his words to be true. Emotional over a similar scent... Gods, she'd only known him over the span of a few weeks. Months, even. Why did memory of that odd miqo'te man make her respond like this?
"Oh, I'm alright, I was just... Overcome, I think." She breathed, rubbing her cheek. The Exarch suddenly pressed his mouth to her forehead for a time, bringing the flush to her face and more tears of longing, the ache of lonliness replaced with warmth and gratitude as he somehow placed a feeling of comfort within her chest in one simple act.
"If your tears are connected to my inability to continue, I am sincerely sorry." He murmured, both hands holding her face tenderly as he used his thumb to add to the comfort he hoped to provide. Minnow wondered if he'd seen the sadness in her eyes far too clearly for her liking. The vulnerability of such a thing was feeling to be too much.
"No, you could not know." She reassured him, correcting her own posture abashedly. "I can only assume that what I feel is connected to grief."
"Grief... A lost loved one?"
"Not gone, but definitely lost to me, yes. The way this place smells suddenly reminded me of them. Especially tonight." She sighed, clearing her eyes of the water. After she'd finished wiping them away, the Exarch took her hands and held them firmly in his.
"I know not how they are, but I can say that before you came to be on the First, I had long endured something of similar nature. Loss, especially. Someone I knew from some years ago had been struck down long before her time, and I was ever shaken by it. The grief became an ever strong motivator to work toward the protection of the First and its people. She motivated me; Inspired me to become what I am for our future, just like you and yours have also motivated me and mine here alike to keep moving forward. With any luck, you may yet see your friend again. At least, I hope you may." He paused, letting his true hand brush her cheek. "I can only imagine that they miss you terribly, too."
Minnow never imagined how the Crystal Exarch, a mutual embracer of villainy, could ever be so gentle.
Under all that tenacity, passion, cleverness and mixup, she beheld a soft soul of understanding and tender, quite loving kindness. Admiration was only a piece of how you could define about her feelings about him. She squeezed his hand in gratitude, her left hand covering his right and her eyes shifted to the ground in her reminiscience.
"If he is to wake from his slumber anytime soon, I pray it is under good circumstances. But I believe it is not to be." Feeling more hopeful than before, she leaned her face into his hand, which somehow seemed a bit stiff. The gaze she could not see suddenly felt so strongly aimed at her, she looked back in curiousity. "You know, even though I can't see your face, I can feel you staring harder than ever. It's a bit ominous." She smiled at him as she ended her sentence. The Exarch cleared his throat yet again, much heavier this time.
"Beg pardon, I was rifling my brain on who you meant. Could it perhaps be... The same person you spoke of when you first arrived?"
Minnow took a breath and nodded, her mouth forming a small half-smile. "I felt silly then, watching him set foot in the tower, never to come out. Then I saw the Crystal peak here on the First and I..." She gazed over toward the Crystal in the background through the glass windows. "It suddenly felt like letting him drift to sleep there was the worst mistake I'd ever made." She paused, feeling her eyes burn. "To not see him again while I live... It is like I didnt understand what he was truly doing until it was far too late. I want to tell him everything and I can't. He always wanted to be part of the action." She felt her chest squeeze. "Gods... What I would give if I could be there to see him when he finally gets to live his dream."
The true hand holding hers squeezed firmly yet again in solidarity, spurring Minnow to rub her eyes once more. She knew she needed to go to sleep now that her emotions were freshly resurfacing, but she wanted to thank him once again. "And with that, I am tired and wish to sleep..."
He nodded understandingly. "Of course."
"May I kiss you again, Exarch?" Where exactly had her will power gone tonight?
It was like he froze before he came to life again as quickly as it had started, like he was startled everytime she suggested anything intimate, and yet, he closed the short distance between them and pressed his forehead to hers. "Of all things, you ask for what I can easily give. As if I would refuse your request. Tis' a welcome ask." He murmured as he gently pressed his mouth to hers, met once again with not a single sliver of resistance.
He was so soft and warm...
By some kind of chance, she suddenly smelled the scent again. Her eyes fluttered open as she breathed in deep and her stomach flipped over.
The scent was belonging to the Exarch.
Before she could even control herself, she pressed closer, pulling a muffled whimper from his chest and his hands resorted to gripping her waist firmly as she reclosed her eyes against the tears that formed so quickly.
G'raha Tia!
Her mind screamed it so loudly, she tried to stay calm till the kiss ended but to no avail seeing as her fingers wouldnt cease shaking for a second against his chest. When it did, it was obvious that he'd felt her trepidation.
"Minnow? Are you-?" He breathed the heavy inquiry, but she could not help but interrupt in her urgency.
"G-G'raha?" Minnow felt his body freeze again under her hands. It emboldened her. "It's you, right?"
"Minnow... Minnow, you can't-" He hissed sharply, one hand tightened around hers, the other lovingly rose and stroked her hair in what could only be described as emotional confliction. It terrified and relieved her in tandem.
"What's going on? Why are you-?"
"You can't know, not now... Not yet." He breathed, shaking his head, both hands now cupped her face in his obvious panic, movements appearing to attempt placation in tender caresses. "It's too soon. Trust me. Please... Entrust it to me one more time."
"Entrust..?" She stared at his hooded face, wishing to see his crimson gaze with all her heart, gulping down a few breaths quickly as she listened to her intuition. As she did, she thought best as she closed her eyes.
It gave her no relief, though, even as her gut told her to trust. Trust.
"Alright." Her eyes opened to search the glamored face, his mouth looking entirely grateful and definitely longing. With that, he stroked her cheek so gently and slowly, as if savoring her presence in knowing just a few seconds more before going back to the professionalism of his task.
A glow began from behind him as his crystal arm reached to grip his scepter, a saddened and tight lipped expression held his mouth hostage. She pressed her right hand to his chest, her left reached and clasped to his to free one in hopes of preserving his trust as she made no moves to flee. If this is what it was, she felt she knew what may come next. His scepter came down gently with a solid clang, her ears bouncing at the sound unforeign to her as it continued to grow in luminosity.
"I'm going to erase this memory." He said suddenly, squeezing her fingers tight as he looked down at their connected hands. "It may take away your memory of the last five minutes or it may take away the memory of the last hour. I just... I don't want to keep anything more from you than I already have to... So... Thank you... For having faith in me." He hesitated as Minnow let her eyes shift to their hands as well, feeling the ache in her chest rise as he began to speak again. "And... I hope that in the future you can forgive me."
His grip on her hand never wavered as they looked at one another.
"That sounds so terribly sad, the way you say it." She mumbled, hoping that her pleading eyes would pull more information, knowing the act would more than likely be unfruitful. And as she surmised, she received a weak grin for her efforts.
"It will be alright. I have a plan. Trust." He breathed, nodding his head to bump into hers. She bumped back.
"You... Um... Kiss really good." She muttered without thinking, realizing the blatant awkwardness of what she'd almost done with her long-missed comrade.
The sudden color that filled what she could see of his face took Minnow by surprise as he huffed a small, self-concious laugh and his thumb rubbed her knuckles affectionately.
"You should see yourself. Your mouth seduced me with more than just eloquence and kindness." The last words became quiet as Minnow felt her mouth go ajar into a shocked little grin and shift to bite her lip. He nodded as she did so. "There. With that, too. Mix that with staring at me and I feel like the stickier sand in Eulmore. Malleable, slick..."
She closed her eyes, her chest aching.
"G'raha.... I don't want to forget. Not any of this."
His sigh held brokenness and a hitch in his inhale as he pulled her closer. "It... It is better that we don't full remember this part when the time comes."
"Wait... We?"
The glow shook her as she stared at him, his mouth giving a knowing shape.
He wouldnt remember either?
To forget all of it, the closeness, the heated touches, the fiery intimacy, emotional reunion and more? It felt entirely unfair.
Was it really so important that the closest she ever got to anyone, as good as it was, must truly be erased? It wouldnt matter in a moment.
She wouldn't recall a thing.
As its shine seemed to suddenly hold her focus, it overwhelmed her and she remembered nothing more.
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