#let me know if yall need him
hunnibeesims · 2 years
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Arthur (he/him), 23, professional baker
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racetrackmybeloved · 17 days
i adore how quick the boys are to help crutchie when he needs it. no discussion, no pity, just support.
when morris pushes him over, it isn't jack (who is right there) who helps him up, neither is it race nor romeo, who we saw him interact with earlier in the song. it's albert who helps him up, and it's albert who carries him until he gets his crutch back. did they have a system? was it albert's job to carry crutchie when needed? was it because they're close friends, and we just never get to see it again? or was it that any of the newsies would have done it, but albert happened to be the closest?
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when the nuns hand out food, kid blink and smalls don't hesitate before hoisting him onto their shoulders. jack and specs both place their hands on his back to ensure that he doesn't fall backwards. it's so smooth, so natural, like they've done it a million times before.
and note: i don't think crutchie interacts with any of those characters (albert, kid blink, smalls) at any other moment in the musical.
conclusion: crutchie is so so loved.
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
Steve, Gareth and Chrissy are cousins AU (sad edition) [prologue] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Final Part]
"So," Robin says after they clink their molotov cocktails together, "do we also get to talk about the whole cousin situation now?"
Steve looks across the field, where Eddie and Dustin are defending themselves from invisible enemies. Gareth and Lucas are swinging the finished spears at each other while Erica shakes her head at them, working on a third. It looks like Nancy is showing Max the proper way to hold a shotgun, which isn't nearly as bizarre as it probably should be.
"What's there to talk about?"
"Are you doing okay?" Robin asks.
Steve doesn't mean to making a scoffing noise. It just leaves his body involuntarily. "No. But I'm not the only one not doing okay. Now that we know Vecna doesn't have to do the whole weeklong build up to murder town, that he could get any of us, as any time and he's just being a sadistic bastard-"
"Steve. He'll take the bait. If nothing else, we have to believe that."
Steve looks from Max to Gareth, then back to Robin. "Yeah. Right."
Robin is quiet for a moment, before her eyes flick away and back to him again. "Do you want to talk to Gareth? He was... God, Steve, it was awful, hearing him scream for you. While Vecna was... Anyway, I know you two are like avoiding each other for whatever reason, but I think you can let go of whatever it was."
"I just wanted to keep them safe, Robbie," Steve swallows down the sob that wants to break free. "I never wanted them involved in this. I was so scared that I'd somehow infect them with the Upside Down that I just kept them away and it took Chrissy anyway. It-it-"
"It hasn't taken Gareth, though," Robin says softly, cutting Steve's spiral off. "It hasn't taken him. But he needs you. I think you need him, too. You should talk. Before we drop him at the Creel house. Because."
She doesn't finish, but that's fine. Steve knows what she's saying. They could die today. Any one of them. Chrissy died without Steve making it right. He'd started to work on hanging out with Chrissy again, but it was all surface level. He didn't even apologize. With Gareth he could justify, however shitty that was to do, that he was staying away because Gareth asked him to.
Chrissy hadn't asked for Steve to step out of her life. He'd done that himself in '83.
He can't do right by Chrissy anymore, but he can try with Gareth.
He stands and Robin gives his knee two solid pats before he walks away.
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"Dustin, you piss off Steve somehow?" Eddie asks.
Gareth, in the middle of facing off with Lucas, pauses to look around, which gains him a light tap to his side by Lucas' spear. Sure enough, Steve is stalking their direction with a grim determination on his face.
"What, why am I the one getting the blame?" Dustin says, offended.
"It is usually you," Lucas adds, which earns him a squawk of indignation from Dustin, who shoots back, "he could be coming to lecture you for making Erica do all the spear making!"
Steve doesn't approach either boy, though.
"Hey, can we talk?" Steve asks once he comes to a stop in front of him.
"Got some end of the world regrets, Harrington?" Gareth says, trying to keep his voice lighter than he feels. He wants to tease Steve, not bully him.
He must succeed because Steve gives a chuckle and says, "I don't think we have time for all the end of the world regrets, so, uhh, just the one for now."
"We're cool, dude," Gareth says, eyes flicking from Steve to Eddie. The kids know, Gareth told them himself, but Eddie doesn't. "I started it."
"Yeah, but I graduated and still pretended you didn't exist. Which isn't what you asked for."
Gareth shrugs, because he doesn't know everything but he knows enough. Learned this isn't anyone else's (besides Eddie and his) first rodeo or whatever. That there have been other times, dating back to the year Will Byers was lost for a week. "Dude. Seriously. We're cool. You've been dealing with... whatever the fuck this is. So, just, like promise to be around more once we all survive this."
Steve looks pained but before he can reply, Eddie cuts in, "I'm sorry. How do you know each other?"
Gareth looks to Steve, who just shrugs as if to say your friend, you responsibility and honestly? Fuck Steve Harrington. Keeps traumatizing secrets and pushes Gareth away and also throws him to the wolves. Except, this is the secret Gareth has been keeping from Eddie. He sighs and turns to Eddie. "Well, uh, Steve's my cousin. We used to be super close before I started high school. Actually, Steve here is the reason I joined Hellfire!"
Eddie seems to go through all 7 stages of grief before settling into a confused. "I'm sorry. Steve talked you into joining Hellfire?"
"That is not what I did!" Steve defends himself.
"God no. He just went into great detail about how loud and obnoxious and attention-grabbing the current president was, as if that would make me want to not meet you for some reason."
"It was a warning!" Steve yelps at the same time Eddie sing-songs, "You think I'm attention-grabbing, Harrington?"
Dustin, Lucas, and Erica are all laughing at Steve has he tries to sputter through what he meant by attention-grabbing ("It's hard to not pay attention when he's shouting from the top of a lunch table!"), and Gareth just watches on, amused.
After they fight an... evil wizard? Vecna or whatever his name is. Once this is over, Gareth is going to sit Steve down and make him tell him everything, but that can wait.
He wants to watch Steve flounder trying to defend himself from the accusations of watching Eddie just a bit too much back in high school.
Later, as they all pack up and load up in the RV, Nancy stops Steve from entering the RV, ushering everyone past until Gareth and Steve are the only ones left outside.
"Are we acknowledging that you're cousins, now?" she asks.
"You knew!?" Steve sounds surprised. Gareth's surprised, too.
Nancy just rolls her eyes. "Steve, I've been to your house." When that just makes Steve look confused, she rolls her eyes and says, "there are family pictures covering almost every inch of your living room."
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Robin pipes in, appearing in the doorway with an angry expression.
"It wasn't really my thing to talk about, was it?"
"Yeah, but did you even check in with Steve? If you knew, and knew what happened to Chrissy- you didn't even ask if he wanted to go to the funeral!"
"Robin!" Steve hisses.
Nancy doesn't look upset by whatever accusation Robin seems to be trying to make. "If Steve wanted to go, he could have said something. We aren't his keepers. But, also," her gaze goes from Robin to Steve, "I didn't want to pry or seem pushy. I figured you'd tell us when you were ready."
Robin frowns but doesn't say anything else, disappearing back into the RV. Gareth gestures for Steve and Nancy to go first, and then he's closing and locking the door behind him before heading to sit by Eddie along the back bench seat. A bunch of shit has been piled there, so Gareth shoves it off the seat and to the floor. The pile of things ends up being a hazard and he almost brains himself while turning to sit down; something under his foot slides and Eddie saves him, yanking him to fall onto Eddie. After some fussing and laughter from those around, Gareth gets seated and looks down to see what almost killed him.
It's a phone book.
Eddie leans in close once they're back on the road to town to whisper, "so, you just let me go on all those rants about King Steve and never once thought to tell me you were related?"
Gareth just gives him his best impression of a King Steve smirk and says, "I would have hate to have deterred you from talking about your favorite school subject."
It's worth seeing the scandalized look on Eddie's face, even as the man socks him in the leg for the comment. "I hate you, man."
Gareth rubs his leg and says, "you don't mean that."
There's a long silence from Eddie after that before he says, "you're right. I don't mean that. And. Uh. In case I don't- in case it goes south down there but ends up fine up here, I just-"
"No," Gareth growls. "Fuck you, Eddie. We're going to be fine. All you gotta do is shred on your guitar and get the hell out. You're going to be fine."
"You didn't see the bats."
"Fine. It's gonna be fine," Eddie agrees and falls silent.
Gareth frowns at that. Eddie must really be worried, to not argue back like he usually does. Gareth's worried, too, but what can he do?
He thinks about his mom. When did he last tell her he loves her? If they don't succeed tonight, will he get a chance to say it again? Will anyone get a chance to say it again?
Gareth looks down at the phone book at his feet.
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"Wait, does anyone have change for a payphone?" Gareth asks from somewhere behind him. Steve turns in his seat to look into the back of the RV.
"Uh, yeah," Robin digs into her pockets, but then narrows her eyes at Gareth and asks, "wait. Who are you calling?"
"I have to let my mom know I'm alive. Just... hear my voice," Gareth says. "She needs to know I'm okay. It's already been too long since last we talked and... after Chrissy she was..."
Robin's face drops into the guiltiest look Steve's ever seen on her face and she produces her wallet, dropping the whole thing into Gareth's open hand. "Yeah, no. Sorry. There's still plenty of time for a phone call before the end of the world. You better return my wallet, Cunningham."
"I'm not going to rob you, Buckley," Gareth says before ducking out the RV with Max, Lucas, and Erica.
Steve tries not to let the guilt well up in him as they drive away. Gareth had wanted to come with Team Kill Vecna but Steve had quickly argued against that. He wasn't going to let Gareth anywhere near the Upside Down.
So it was decided. Max, Lucas, Erica, and Gareth at the Creel house, Dustin and Eddie on distraction, and Nancy, Robin, and Steve were going to face down Vecna.
There was still hours to go before they'd try, with a time set for 9:20ish, since that's the time Vecna's been enacting his curse according to Eddie's broken watch. Plenty of time to fortify Eddie's house in the Upside Down, plus the almost 40 minute walk to the Creel house from Forest Hills.
This was going to work. It had to.
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Max and Lucas opt for hiding around the back of the house, waiting for time to pass until it's closer to dark, and Erica said she was going to snoop around the abandoned playground, so Gareth decided to head to the payphone a couple of blocks down the street.
He makes it halfway there before Erica scares the shit out of him by saying, "why do you need a phone book?"
Gareth yelps and spins, stupidly trying to hid the book behind his back even though he knows she already saw it. "I- uh, no. No reason."
Erica eyes him and he's suddenly very aware of whatever Eddie saw in her that night at Hellfire, that let her join the club. She's pretty scary for a middle schooler. "Do I look stupid? Who are you calling." It's not a question. It's a demand.
"I'm going to try and get a hold of Eddie's uncle," Gareth answers, trying to sound like an authority figure. "Tell him he'll find Eddie at his home at eight tonight. I know you all are so used to not telling people but this is- we need a real adult and Wayne's an army vet. He'll know how to help. He'll want to help."
She purses her lips, stays quiet for a moment before she nods. "I'm usually surrounded by stupid people, but you're kind of not one. I've got more change if you need it."
Gareth calls the plant and asks to speak to Wayne Munson. It's a bit of back and forth before the secretary agrees, but only if Wayne agrees to speak to a Gareth Cunningham. The plant must be getting calls from angry locals.
"Are ya really Gareth, or are ya just wantin' ta yell at me for helpin' raise the devil incarnate?" Wayne sounds tired and Gareth feels bad for him.
"Eddie would love for you to call him that to his face when you see him again."
"Thank God, son," Wayne sounds relieved. He must recognize Gareth's voice. "Ya okay? No one's harrassin' ya, are they?"
"No. Listen Wayne, I'm going to say something crazy but please just listen and do your best to be casual. I know where Eddie is. Or, where he will be at eight tonight. He's.... not physically hurt but he's going to need you. He might hate me for telling you this but I had to."
There is a pause where all he hears through the phone is a long inhale followed by a slow exhale. "Mmm hmm. I appreciate yer concern and glad ta hear no one's botherin' ya just for knowin' Eddie."
Gareth is only confused for a moment before he realizes Wayne is trying to make this conversation sound routine from his end. "Just. He's going home. But please don't show up until after eight. If you... if you beat him home he might run. Try to keep you out of this, y'know?" Gareth is just lying now, but he's a teenage boy in a garage band that plays in a dingy bar at the edge of town. That is to say, he knows how to lie off the cuff.
"I read ya loud and clear. I'll let ya know as soon as Eddie's been found safe so ya can quit worryin'. I gotta get back to it, but thanks for reachin' out."
Gareth hangs up and looks to Erica. "Well. Let's hope I haven't ruined everything."
"Let's hope that you know Wayne as well as you think you do."
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alpacacare-archive · 2 years
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let sans rest day, featuring the entire skelefam! cus brain rot 
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yamsarts · 25 days
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no one asked but idc i think tma Gerry and Needles should kiss
#needles tmagp#tma gerry keay#tmagp fanart#tma fanart#needles tmp#this all started bc I thot Michael and Needles should kiss bc they’re both cunty and pointy#and then me n me bf were like what if Needles and Gerry kissed but also Gerry isn’t afraid of Needles ofc#bc he have a million tattoos and piercings#I think Gerry makes Needles poke holes in him for free new piercings#i want to draw him being bfs w tma gerry and michael#I think its what he deserves#he’s a bottom he needs to be bullied#I do like the idea of Needles dating Gerry first and Gerry holds off on introducing him to Michael bc he Know Michael is gonna act up™️#esp since it’s rly easy to wind Needles up#god Michael would be such a little shit#but then they would both annoy Gerry#my bf says it’s getting your eldritch horror bf another eldritch horror bf to keep them busy while ur away#like when you get a dog for your dog#anyways once again. I love all y’all’s needles designs 😤💖#I love this stupid pointy little twink sm#also don’t ask me how Gerry isn’t getting stabbed let’s just suspend our belief#smth smth Gerry and Needles both read Hellraiser when they were teens and it sure had an effect on them#I just think mister Gerry Keay is not only a monsterfucker but a monster tamer#i want to draw ink5oul next 😤#i also think they and Needles should kiss#I have a lot of thots abt them djfjjfjf#my art#gerry/needles#gerry x needles#yall should help me name this ship i used all my creative brain juice on drawing them
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papertowness · 5 months
i’m losing my mind .
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httpiastri · 7 months
You see It?! YOU HEAR IT?
He said he likes to be in control
Can you feed us a smut w dom Lando x younger sis of one of the drivers
Dom Lando🫠
i usually save requests in my inbox until i write them but i just had to share this
making me go feral honestly 🫠🫠🫠 what the frick? lando?? phrasing it like that???? oh my godddddd
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leverage-ot3 · 8 months
I’m a leverage blog first and foremost, but I’m always open to chat about other fandoms too!
stuff I’m currently interested in: the hunger games, doctor who, the wilds, lockwood & co, etc
latent interests: stoncy from ST, geraskier/geraskefer, leverage (obviously)
below the cut are other blogs I have
@clearskiesandmistyeyes (main)
@inspirationsandarts (art, writing, etc)
@adultingmadeeasy (hacks, tips, etc)
@jaskierisbi (Witcher)
@lesbiabrobin (stranger things)
@nam-on-jo (asian dramas)
@netflixhyperfixations (netflix shows)
@black-stede (our flag means death)
@bi-caffrey (white collar/red notice)
@fortsalem (motherland fort salem)
@homo-sensorium (sense8)
@love-villaneve (killing eve)
@sapphic13th (doctor who)
@couldhavebeenus (good omens)
@love-tog (the old guard)
@love-joharvelle (spn)
@tonigoodkind (the wilds)
@polymarinelove (siren)
@courtneys-stargirl (dc shows)
@angelicearps (wynonna earp)
@love-mazikeen (lucifer)
@zukkibi4bi (atla)
@love-avatrice (warrior nun)
@love-juliesphantoms (jatp)
@januarysstarlight (the boys)
@love-rinch (person of interest)
@crowthieves (six of crows)
@love-patricklisbon (the mentalist)
@love-histories (history posts)
@love-fashions (fashion)
@love-traveling (traveling)
@until-we-are-all-free (social activism)
@happierblogging (happy things)
@edit-inspo-sideblog (edit inspo)
@canongayermo (wwdits)
@youngheartstoppers (young royals/heartstopper)
@love-bisandman (sandman + dead boy detectives)
@love-elliewilliams (the last of us)
@love-sitcoms (sitcoms: abbot, superstore, etc)
@lovelygardens (witchcraft)
@bisexualpercyjacksons (pjo)
@bieverlark (the hunger games)
@bi-cot3 (lockwood & co)
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anyways seeing Duncan still with the Schism at the end left me like ☹️
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oh and while I'm here, the Eddie is back on the monorail!
he's still not going to be out and about as much, he's easing back into the swing of things, but he is delivering the mail
if Eddie's not making deliveries he's in the post office, so if you can't find him check there
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henriiiii-1001 · 5 months
omg speaking of lesbian ruth:
ive also made that canon to unholy gift/my main au, and i would think it would be so funny that puppet is like "you want me soooo bad" and ruth just pulls out the lesbian flag
"reason no. 1: you're an alternate, im not interested in that. reason no. 2: you're a guy, im not interested in that."
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birb--birb · 5 months
What kind of love are you?
Violet: Love as a Threshold
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same
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The second I saw this answer for Violet I knew it was perfect. Their entire romance with Astarion was about patience. Waiting for him to realize that he's truly safe with them, that they doesn't expect anything from him, that he is in the lead here and they'll follow only when he's ready and okay. And waiting without judgement, Violet knows these things take time and they were more than willing to wait, to be there, to just sit and exist with him while he figures shit out. And when he truly let Violet in, I like to think it was like with a comforting sigh, the feeling of coming home, that feeling when all pressure is lifted and you can just *exist* without fear, without judgement.
Violet has seen violence and hatred and yet chooses to show up for those they love as a place of calm and stability, without judgement, without expectations. Violet's love is patient, it doesn't expect anything back but will give you everything just because we all deserve to feel warmth and safety. They feel so much warmth in their heart that they were able to help Astarion get to a place where he feels safe. I think even if they didn't fall in love or end up together, Violet would have still shown up for him in the same way. They know what suffering is like, they've gone through enough of it themselves and come out the other end alive. They know how much it hurts, but also how much easier it is with someone to lean on.
tagged by @cleric4vampire ty for enabling so many feelies about my bbys
Tagging: @justabiteofspite and @dragon--sage (I know yall were already tagged but doing so again for funzies cause I'd love to hear about your Tavs/Durges) and anyone who wants to join in, please do!!
#I kinda went off in the tags I'm so sorry (not really)#oc#Violet#Tav#astarion x tav#bg3#I know this is about my astarion romance but I'm constantly thinking about violet and halsin also#how quiet and strong their love was#violet and halsins love would be like your parent tucking you into bed after you fell asleep on the couch watching late night tv#but they both knew a romantic relationship would be selfish#theres no way in hell violets monogamous dont get me wrong but they wanted and needed very different things#violet's warlock patron isnt like mizoura but they do have orders and a contract still#so i like to think they have this sadness of what could have been#but also joy for what they both have now especially after the epilogue party#the epilogue gave me so many feelies about them yall I cried#I remember going through Cazadors dungeon and just thinking about the absolute pain violet felt seeing how much astarion was suffering#they wanted to just protect him destroy everything burn it all down anything to make him stop hurting#but they knew he had to face this. and they didn't let him walk away from it#sometimes love is facing the hard things#sometimes its calling your sins by name#but the key is that patience again#you can't force someone to get over their trauma- recovery is not linear#and it doesn't make him any less worthy of love#boys got a lot to unlearn but violets not gonna push him away because of it#they're really fucking proud of him#and I know they're out there finding weirdo artifacts and exploring the shit outta faerun together#Astarion
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narugen · 17 days
keep thinking abt hoshina and mina GOD.. (spoilers for manga and kn8 bside)
given what hoshina said about his previous division treating him like a burden/parasite just because he can’t handle firearms and specializes in his swords… how tiring must it have been to have to work with those people each mission despite having a common goal?
and how tiring must it have been to be constantly told off by his own father for wanting to continue his family’s tradition, or to be told to give up on being part of the jakdf by his own teacher -
before mina, a high ranking commander personally reached out to him, to recruit him into her team?
the fact that she didn’t see him during joint trainings and think: why bother with that? why bother with blades when bigger kaiju will appear? when she personally deals with bigger kaiju herself.
but she instead saw him and thought: he can help me, he can cover my weaknesses (ashiro not being able to handle a vegetable peeler is hilarious) and he’s someone i can trust
she sees potential in him, she sees how he can excel within her division, she saw hoshina and as captain - has probably heard everyone talk shit about him but she was still certain that he’d be one of her division’s greatest asset
(and even when platoon leader ebina refused to let hoshina help out, mina stood firm on her decision and her claim that hoshina would be useful. when she asked him if he could take down the big kaiju, and he could only promise saving the child within it - she believed him, took his word for it and waited until he carried out his promise.)
and now hoshina is the vice captain, putting faith in a new recruit whom most people wouldn’t have believed in… full fucking cycle..
tldr: it makes me rly fucking emotional to think about how hoshina was given a reason to continue improving with his swords after being told to give up all this time… and how mina had never once thought his abilities were useless 👍
also makes me crazy how protective he is of his position as vice captain, as the person who stands by captain ashiro’s side…
#egg boils#im crazyyyyyy#soshimina#thank you kn8 bside hoshina arc . II CANTTTTT#when we get to the next two episodes i will be seated and crying#the video rings in my head like 20 times i say “i won’t let you have my position next to captain ashiro okay do u want me to kms…?#long post#sorry.#/9446#kaiju no.8#i need to look at my brain rot#sorry#every time i post it’s just like NURSE they’re saying the same thing again yes im saying this for the third time but i truly adore the bond#and mutual respect and her faith in him okay. hoshina makes me sad.#sometimes u just need the one (1) person to believe in u AND vouch for u no matter who decides to say shit…#the way he looked at her the two times she asked#him to join her division ohhhhh im crazy . love at first sight babes#hoshimina#<- idk which tag to use bc hsmn makes the most sense given we hear hoshina be called that#but .#gweh#yeah hoshimina probably makes most sense i’ll change my tags or just add what i deleted#also ☝️ they’re js really fucking goofy together#i think it’d take a few years before mina warms up to him but u can see how close they are (physical touch - bonking him#leaning close to read smth she’s showing him#taking a pic of him feeling down#etc etc please give me more interactions yall im starving#also btw on the flip side i think it’s a bit. You Know to have mina openly ask or recruit a new member who specifically for the sake of#Helping Her#for the sake of having someone she can rely on . like she relies on the entire division obviously but . BUT!!!!! listen listen [waves hands
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nabsthevulture · 1 month
Thank you guys so so so much for your help with Kaine's vet bills <3!!!!!!!!!!! We're about halfway there for covering it all. Like you guys know, I've been unemployed for a while and even at my last job with the hours i was getting I would have to pay with three weeks of pay. The job search is not going as good as I hope, so this all went on my credit card and I can't keep piling money on that with no back up plan, so your help is incredible and I can't thank you guys enough.
Big big love from me and my big baby. If he could type I'm sure he'd say thank you too. I'll post a picture of him in his donut for your viewing pleasure.
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atomic-sludge · 2 months
Flipping violently back and forth between "Imposter is overrated and gets too much fandom content. I dont want to contribute to that" and "Imposter is such an intriguing and interesting villain I'd love to explore that."
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petvles · 1 year
Mr worldwide come to the Netherlands challenge
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