#let the man sleep
houseofheroesau · 6 months
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Doodled this pic of Time a while ago.
There's obvious mistakes but that just makes it more of a mood honestly.
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waywardstation · 1 year
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Ingo just wants some sleep, he has to get up in four hours
Yesterday my discord was hyping each other up with drawing shirtless submas haha. I revised a sketch and made a contribution. Lady Sneasler did not tell Ingo her kits were teething. His shirt did not survive.
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fizzzyz · 1 year
Part 2 of my previous post 🕺
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Don’t disturb his sleep >:(
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james is the biggest wolfstar shipper as long as they use a silencing charm
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small little Bruce Wayne headcanon
I don't think Bruce quite has a split personality, but he is so good at compartmentalizing that he struggles between personalities and can't always "drop the act" so to say.
Batman - Focused on the mission above all else. Comes off as cold and unforgiving, but to him it is a necessity in this line of work. While in the cape and cowl, the Robins are his partners, not his sons, because he knows if he acted as a father rather than a mentor in the field, he would be throwing himself into danger, and potentially risking his kids as well. That's why when Dick was fired as Robin the second time, it came across the way it did, driving a rift between Dick and Bruce. Bruce didn't want to loose his son, but Batman couldn't handle a liability like that in the field. (Dick himself isn't a liability, but Bruce knows that if Dick died while out as Robin, the Batman facade would shatter, like what happened after Jason's death)
Brucie Wayne - The public persona is loud, lazy, and a bit dumb. No one expects much from him, which allows him to slide under the radar and remove suspicion off of him potentially being Batman. He is exactly what everyone expects of a rich socialite raised without parental supervision. Brucie also allows Bruce to "let go" sometimes and just have fun without needing to worry about anything. He doesn't need to be the strong imposing figure of Batman. He can insult people he doesn't like (who don't know about Brucie and Batman) without it making it seem like he's insulting them on purpose. I'm kinda thinking about the ending to the Secret Identity Compromised side mission in Gotham Knights. There was a strategic reason for him to strip down and grind on a statue in the Iceberg Lounge, but there also could have been a thousand other cover stories he could have come up with, yet he decided on personally pissing off the Penguin which is honestly valid.
Dad Bruce - The most "real" version of Bruce is when he's around his kids. Dad Bruce is a combination of the best parts of Batman and Brucie. He is stern and commanding, but also soft and fun. This version also tends to blur together with "eternally tired".
I like to think that these personas will occasionally accidentally blend together for some very funny moments. Things like Batman giving the disappointed "dad sigh" to the Justice League, suddenly making Hal and Barry very guilty for no reason, or Dad Bruce very confidently calling Clark's chickens "small feathered cows" and sheep "fluffy cows" before realizing his mistake but at that point he's committed.
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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cucco-egg · 2 years
Summary of new update:
Twilight: *Dying*
Wild: Don’t quite fancy that.
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scarredwoods · 8 months
Hey, do you wanna see a reincarnated Usagi working at a dead-end office job!? Of course you do. Here it is-
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My new favorite thing is to project onto this rabbit from my minimum-wage gas station job
For context, this is how it all started:
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Imagine being a Ronin Samurai in one life and then coming back a few hundred years later as an overworked/underpaid office worker.
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I wrote this around midnight last night, mixing the clear exhaustion in Tango’s voice after working on DO for what must’ve been at least six hours and vague wonderings about how Mrs. T would factor into in-game reality when she’s not a player. As usual, I make no promises about quality.
It had been awhile since he was reduced to this state. As Decked Out had neared completion, he'd started catching up on sleep, trying to look presentable for the main event. But little problems piled up and turned into big ones, and his attempt to fix a glitch created a much larger issue, and he had twenty (or twenty thousand) things on his plate still... So here he was. Elbow-deep in redstone wiring, long after the last Hermit had turned in for the night, trying to remember what he was fixing.
Tango? He didn't even acknowledge the voice. It wasn't the first time he experienced auditory hallucinations, though normally it took a week or so of sleep deprivation. Was the card-calling working? Joe had run earlier, and it had worked, but something could've happened since then. He'd also brought those splash potions for the ravagers, which was very kind of him. Would they work on Wardens as well? Pain was still taking damage from an unknown source, and he needed to make sure that there weren't more escapes. He fumbled for his elytra and fireworks, trying to untangle himself and fly over to Level 3...
Tango. You're spiraling. Now he recognized the voice. The ephemeral presence that always had his back. She was as real as any of the Hermits, and they whole-heartedly agreed with him. He didn't overthink the implications of her existence, trusting in the part of him that was separate from what he knew. All he needed to know is that she completed him, comforted him when he hit rock-bottom, laughed at his jokes and misfortune alike, was there for him in a way that he couldn't fathom being without.
Wow, you're really out of it, dear. Do you know how late it is? Honestly? He didn't. He knew Joe had done a run around 7, but he hadn't looked at a clock since resuming work. Who cared about that, anyways? If he didn't look at the time, he wouldn't see just how long it took to solve an issue that should've been prevented months ago. It didn't feel like it had been too long, anyways. He'd been working at a good pace, and the new ravager was in place already. But did he fix the issue with Reckless Charge? That line wasn't too far away...
It's almost 4 in the morning, you shouldn't be handling explosives. Regrettably, she was right; he'd almost equipped his elytra fatally incorrectly, thoughts racing (wandering, really) miles ahead of his hand-eye coordination. He could still walk, though, or at least sort through the statistics given to him by the viewers. There was so much left to do, if he could only keep his eyes focused on the line in front of him and where to redirect it...
You're exhausted. Come on, love. A gentle, familiar tug on his wrist guided him out of the maze of redstone lines and audio systems, lovingly ignoring his half-coherent protests. He leaned into the touch anyways, needing something to ground himself amidst the abstract whirlwind of panic and partially-finished items on the list (in reality, they were almost all complete, but that felt impossible to comprehend). Plans sketched and resketched themselves in his head as he was led to his storage room, Clank increased with endermites — no, wolves — no, blazes — no, floors dropping out — no...
His knees hit the edge of his bed, and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. All the desperation that had kept him going seeped out from his bones, leaving him exhausted and hollow. He felt her subtle warmth and presence curling around him, the hand on his shoulder promising rest. A sound somewhere between a sigh and a sob escaped him; he'd poured so much of himself into this, and he was so incredibly, deeply tired.
I know. Tomorrow is another day. Just rest for now. Knowing fingers started gently running through his hair as he closed his eyes, sinking into the sensations of being loved and cared for.
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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I honestly wish that Hogan's part of the plan in 03x02 had just been to have a nap because this man looks like he needs a solid sleep on a real bed
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"What is going on.. why up there is so loud?"
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c4tth3w · 1 year
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they’re torturing him at this point
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macncheems · 2 years
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ok but does he go snork mimimimimi or HONK SHOOOOO🤔❓❓❓food for thought.
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blueberryattack · 9 months
Hey, the end of September is coming, this is your friendly annual reminder to please let Billie Joe Armstrong sleep
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kcdahippie · 4 months
Someone please let Jamie have a good night's sleep. Poor man was concussed and unable to sleep last serial. And this episode he wakes up in the middle of the night.
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breakfastteatime · 2 years
How long do you think Greez let Cal sleep after Ordo Eris before his guilt got the better of him and he had to wake Cal up and apologise? Because you know Cere told him not to but Greez couldn't stand it.
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