#let us be reptile parents!
cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Soap's Da had a saying, "There's two types of snake keepers, those that have been bitten and those that are lying bastards". And John "Soap" MacTavish is many things but a liar isn't one of them... Unless you count making any and every possible excuse to avoid letting Ghost into his room. But does that really count?
A liar he is not but stupid he definitely may be. Intellectually he knows that Wee Man is getting big enough that he shouldn't be free handling him without a spotter, it'd been one of the first things his parents had drilled into his head before he was allowed to even think about getting out the bigger snakes. and intellectually of course he realizes that he probably ought to have a spotter for feeding time too. But Wee Man is so sweet and really he's not that big. So now he's here, with a 7 1/2 foot python latched onto his arm and the stupid fucking rat dangling from the stupid fucking tongs, thankfully it's a frozen thawed otherwise it'd be even more of a shit show.
He's next to certain the snake nicked a vein or something with the amount of blood starting to pool on his cement floor. Fuck.
His head is starting to get a wee bit fuzzy and the arm Wee Man has is well past pins and needles when he remembers what he needs to do, and realizes that he's just been standing there bleeding out like a clueless bawbag. He grabs the handle of Vodka he keeps for any number of emergencies and quickly splashes some over the snake's head, cursing none to quietly at the burn in his punctures. Wee Man drops his wrist like he's been burned, tearing back with as much of a confused expression as a snake can make. Soap tosses the rat into the python's cage and fumbles for a minute before he manages to work his arm free of the slackening coils, pushing Wee Man in after it. Slamming the door near hard enough to shatter it he's left standing in the tiny walkway he's left for himself: tongs in one hand, vodka in the other; blood dripping from his wrist, and a brain fuzzy enough to make into a down comforter.
The rational part of his brain would have him check into medical with a convenient fib, but blood loss does silly things to a man, like making him laugh at terrible jokes and flirt shamelessly with his stunning superior officer.
"Johnny?" Wide brown eyes peer down at him through a crooked balaclava.
So it really isn't much of a surprise when he finds himself swaying in front of Ghost's door, clutching his wrist as he leaves a trail of crimson splotches down the hallway. He's trying to wrap his brain around the concept of knocking when the door in front of him eases open.
"Allo Lt, lovely night we're having. Could ah ask ye a favor?"
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typhlonectes · 2 months
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Nile Crocodiles Recognize and React to the Sound of Crying Babies
The reptiles may be aware that primate infants are in trouble—and an easy meal
Among humans and many other species, parents have a super sense when it comes to a crying baby. Something in that wordless call communicates distress so clearly that it sparks an instinctive response. And the cries of human, chimp and bonobo babies are so compelling that even other species recognize and react to them, including Nile crocodiles. However, to a croc, a human baby’s screams may sound less like a cry for help—and more like a dinner bell. According to a new study, crocodiles quickly investigate a human baby’s wails because the sounds of distress trigger a predatory response from the hungry reptiles. Interestingly, some female crocs may also respond because the cries somehow appeal to their maternal instinct. From humans to birds to crocodiles themselves, infants of many species use distress vocalizations that let their own kind know about trouble. The report published Tuesday in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences adds to the intriguing idea that there is something so universal in the nature of such calls that they are understood by other species—even those not at all closely related...
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/nile-crocodiles-recognize-and-react-to-the-sound-of-crying-babies-180982686/
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na0koz · 2 months
atsumu thoughts pt 2
- i think he fw chappell roan i’m ngl
- he shared a room with osamu for so long and they only stopped when they were like 14-15, now atsumu has so much useless stuff in his room just because he has the space to fill
- sleeps through aaaanything. construction, thunderstorms, people yelling outside, alarms, anything
- definitely buys stuff on impulse then regrets it once it arrives in the mail. asks osamu for money a lot (he’s the opposite, saves his money well), “pleaseee ‘samu i jus need 300¥ for a snack please i’m beggin’ ya” “shouldn’t have bought that wireless phone charger then”
- him and osamu get their hair cut/dyed at the same time but he really hates it because osamu is perfectly fine with letting his hair grow out a bit but atsumu likes to keep it the exact same 24/7. as soon as the sides get a tiny bit longer than usual he’s plotting and scheming to get osamu to go to the salon earlier than usual
- despite this, his room is never clean as opposed to osamu’s spotless minimalist room. if someone comes over he’ll shove every piece of clothing he can see in the laundry basket, regardless of whether it’s clean or not, and kick some stuff under his bed but that’s it
- used to bleach his own hair for a bit, but once fell asleep while it was developing and some of his hair fell out when he washed out the bleach so his mom makes him get it done professionally now
- burps like no other for absolutely no reason. it is disgusting but he thinks it’s so funny
- probably had a fascination with reptiles or some other slightly obscure pet e.g birds when he was younger and begged his parents to get one but they didn’t let him
- osamu got an anonymous love letter in his locker in high school and atsumu was stroppy for days because he didn’t get one
- worst sleep schedule everrrrr he just sleeps when he feels like it whether it be 7pm for 4am. used to nap after volleyball in high school but he’d sleep through dinner and wake up at like 1am so he forced himself to stop
- petsits for his neighbour who has 5 guinea pigs, he treats them like his babies when he looks after them
- definitely likes all the stinky chip flavours
- tries to keep up a good skincare routine, but he honestly just forgets. washes his face super aggressively in the shower though..
- adds eggs to his instant ramen and thinks he’s a world class chef
- either watches cartoons or really long/stressful shows e.g shameless, the bear etc
- probably superglued his charger to his bed frame so he didn’t have to lean down to pick it up. realised his mistake when he was packing for an overnight trip and had to unplug it only to find he couldn’t get it off the frame
- thinks he’s so edgy and cool and underground for listening to something like heaven or las vegas by the cocteau twins (“you wouldn’t get it ‘samu”)
vivi’s note: omg this is long as hell some paragraphs in there…not rly… haven’t written since last year hey..
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Nimona headcanons just cause
Nimona and Ambrosius are both like sentient space heaters 
Nimona runs hotter than the average human being because obvi
But Ambrosius is a whole nother ballpark 
I just know this man hates summer more than the average person
Poor baby is just a miserable sweaty clammy mess and if anyone tries to touch him during summer he threatens to bite them
Nimona and Ambrosius always refuse to let the ac get higher than 60 degrees and Bal suffers 
Bal should be classified as a damn reptile 
Poor baby has terrible circulation
It’s bad enough that Ambrosius has dragged him to the doctor multiple times 
He clings to Ambrosius and Nimona in the winter because this man is constantly freezing 
I just know he’s a damn menace the second it gets a little chilly
This little brat will shove his hands up Ambrosius’ shirt the second he gets home to “warm up”
And he’s got a metal hand so it’s twice as cold
Ambrosius has been woken up from a deep sleep by freezing hands or freezing feet and will whine about how it feels like waking up in an ice bath
One time Ambrosius walked into the living room to find Bal chasing Nimona around while they were screaming “Frosty the snowman is trying to kill me with his icicle hands” 
Ambrosius is weirdly good with all kids he’s been described multiple times as a “natural parent”
Does he like kids…. That’s up for debate 
Like he doesn’t hate them if their parents raised them right but if that kid is a little bully then fuck no he doesn’t like them 
Nimona is also really good with kids 
He’s a little cautious around elementary school kids cause you know trauma and has weird beef with all middle schoolers 
Bal is fucking terrified of babies 
One time someone asked him to hold their baby and then walked off and which sent him into a panic attack 
He’ll go on hour-long rants about how fragile are and how he can’t be trusted with something that can suffocate if you don’t lay them down the wrong way
He’s okay with elementary school kids and doesn’t mind middle schoolers but he has massive issues with highschoolers for some reason 
A high school once asked him to visit and give a talk to the students and Ambrosius had to take his laptop away before he emailed them back saying “I’d rather chop my other arm off”
Honestly I think even though Nimona craves stability she also needs freedom 
So every couple of weeks she’ll go on little solo adventures 
She keeps the boys updated constantly about where she is but she never tells them when she’s coming back because she doesn’t even know 
Most of the time she’ll come back when she wants a homecooked meal (and when she misses the boys)
The boys are pretty used to this routine so they aren’t surprised anymore when they come home to a note saying she’ll be gone for a bit
They also aren't surprised when he climes through their window at 2 in the morning to wake them up and demand food 
Could he make it himself? Absolutely 
Does he want to? Fuck no where’s the fun in that 
Plus he knows no matter how much the boys complain about messed up sleep schedules and how he “gave them a heart attack” they'd rather be woken up in the middle of the night so they can make sure he’s healthy and fed 
When they do come home the boys “force” them into a sleepover in the living room where they eat a stupid amount of junk food and watch old horror movies  
And they call out of work so they can catch up and learn everything that can't fit in a text
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 11 months
Don't Need No Butterflies When You Give Me the Whole Damn Zoo
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language, flirty Roy being flirty
1.3k words
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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“Twenty-three, twenty-four,” you mumbled to yourself as wriggling students piled onto the bus, chattering and calling out to friends they wanted to sit with.
Once all twenty-four kids were onboard, you turned to the chaperones, avoiding a certain pair of brown eyes as you tried to remind yourself that you were working.
“You can all go ahead,” you announced. “Sit anywhere you like.”
The chaperones moved past you, murmuring thank yous as you waved them aboard. A couple mums, a grandmother, a dad, and one ridiculously handsome uncle. The last one stopped, raising his thick eyebrows at you and nodding towards the bus.
“Ladies first,” he insisted in that gorgeous voice, placing his hand on the small of your back.
Your knuckles were practically white as you gripped your clipboard, letting Roy Kent urge you to climb up the bus steps. Pretending that you weren’t blushing furiously, you confirmed numbers with the driver and took the window seat by the bus door. To your surprise, Roy nodded to the seat next to you.
“Think I could join you?” His thick eyebrows were knitted together . “Pheebs decided to sit with Kokoruda. Don’t want to look like a fucking loser, sitting alone.”
Your lack of hesitation was almost embarrassing. “Of course,” you squeaked, scooching closer to the window. “But if a kid gets carsick, I will have to bump you for them.”
His smile had your stomach doing flips. “Well, here’s hoping no one gets sick then.” He took the empty seat, letting his fingers brush against yours as he got comfortable.
The drive to the zoo was simultaneously the shortest and longest ride of your life. Roy quietly chatted with you, telling you how excited Pheobe was for the trip, how relieved he was to have a day away from Jamie Tartt; he was even thoughtful enough to ask you about the novel you’d mentioned during your lunch together, asking you if you’d made any progress in the thick book. It was almost… disappointing when you pulled up at the zoo and had to jump back into teacher mode.
Once you managed to get everyone inside the zoo, you made sure each child knew who their adult was and gave each chaperone their group list and a map of the zoo. You gave quick instructions about where to meet for lunch and dismissed groups to go enjoy their morning, doing your best to ignore the way Roy’s eyes lingered on you.
Before you could lead your group in the direction of the giraffe exhibit, Jack’s dad placed a firm hand on your shoulder.
“Should we get your number?” he asked, wearing that smirk you often saw during drop-offs. “In case we need to get in touch with you. Emergencies and such, you know.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you swore you saw Roy clench his jaw as Phoebe tried to steer him towards the lions.
You shook your head quickly. “It’s fine. If you need me, just use the messaging app like normal. I’ll be checking it all day, I promise.” Your smile was tight as you took a step back, away from his hand that loitered a bit too long; Roy was still frozen in place, just staring at you.
Roy knew you didn’t like the attention from dads like Jack’s; even if you hadn’t explicitly told him, he’d figure that you weren’t the type of person to like their lingering gazes and overly friendly touches. You were too good, too kind, too sweet. But still, seeing the sharkish smile aimed at you had his chest feeling tight and his skin burning.
His chest tightened in a different way when you smiled at him before leading your group on its way. You might not like attention from students’ parents, but you seemed to be just fine with attention from smitten uncles. And for that, Roy was grateful.
It was an easy morning, leading your students from exhibit to exhibit. Just before lunch, your students insisted on a trip to the reptile house. Deciding that you had enough time, you let them wander through the dark hut, gasping and pointing at the snakes and lizards and other creepy crawlies.
Suddenly, as you leaned against a rocky wall and did your head count, you realized there was double the number you were expecting.
“Not a fan of snakes and lizards?”
Roy Kent appeared next to you, looking cooler than you felt as he leaned casually on that same wall.
You chuckled and folded your arms. “Snakes and lizards, yes. The tarantula in that corner over there, not so much.”
“Don’t worry,” Roy tutted quietly, loud enough for only you to hear. “I can protect you.” His hand found your lower back, his thumb brushing the spot where the back of your shirt rode up just a little to reveal a peek of bare skin.
Your breath hitched at his touch, prompting raised eyebrows from him. While his face was amused, his eyes were soft, assuring you that, if you asked, he’d stop touching you, he’d step back and put a respectable distance between you.
But you’d never ask that.
Instead, you smiled shyly up at him, thankful for the darkness that hid your furious blush. “Thanks, Coach,” was all you could manage.
The two of you stayed like that, watching the children explore the reptile exhibit with small smiles on your faces, neither of you knowing what to say next. Finally, the alarm on your phone went off, reminding you about lunch. Roy reluctantly let go of you, but walked close as your little groups scampered ahead to the picnic area.
“You’re fun to watch,” he murmured after you answered a student’s random question about why the sky is blue. “With the kids, I mean. Fucking natural.”
His praise had your blush returning. “Thanks.” Feeling bold, you nudged him gently. “But might want to watch the language around the kids, Coach.”
He laughed at your reprimand. “Sorry ’bout that.” He leaned in close, his gruff voice dripping with flirtation. “Don’t suppose that means I have a detention now?”
Every ounce of boldness melted away. “Oh, I, um…” You cleared your throat. “Better make sure everyone has their lunches, hmm?”
Roy watched you as you strolled from table to table, checking on your students and chaperones, the picture of amiability with your smiles. You were in jeans; he hadn’t seen you in jeans before. He liked you in jeans, he decided. Those jeans would probably look great with a Greyhounds kit. One with a number six on the back, perhaps.
The tips of his ears burned when you glanced over and caught him clearly staring. Your shy grin assured him that you didn’t mind; heck, you almost looked like you were enjoying his attention. After checking on the other groups, you finally made your way over to his table, beaming down at Phoebe and her classmates.
“Everyone’s good here?”
The kids showed off their sandwiches and chips and desserts, assuring you that they were set. After acting adequately impressed by their lunches, you nodded to Roy.
“And you, Coach? Got something to eat?”
Roy shrugged, sheepish grin on his face. “Was so busy making Phoebe’s lunch, I fucking forgot to make mine.” He laughed at the grimace on your face. “Effing forgot to make mine,” he corrected. “Sorry.”
By the time he finished apologizing, you’d already reached into your little backpack and pulled out your sandwich, already cut in half, and offered it to him. “Want some?”
“Thanks,” he huffed, taking half and pretending his heart didn’t skip a beat at your thoughtfulness. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he took a bite; how the fuck did you manage to make a simple ham and cheese sandwich taste so good?
You watched him eat, amused by the image of Roy Kent, football legend, infamous grouch, chomping on half a ham sandwich, with his little niece snug against him. He was a one-of-a-kind guy, different from anyone you’d ever dated. Heck, different from anyone you’d ever met.
As you smiled at each other across the picnic table, you couldn’t help but wonder: was Roy Kent ever going to ask you on a proper date?
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Taglist:@infinetlyforgotten @gothicwidowsworld@taytaylala12@amieinghigh@klaine-92@misshall14@rosesheerio@goose-101@gee72sstuff@alainabooks143@lwritesstuff@hayden-maximoff@optimisticsandwichgladiator@veryprairieberry@scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir@jaymum@shakespeareanwannabe@axelsagewrites@kidd3ath@brainscabs@v-nest@just35yrsandtrying@idk1234567 @ohwauwdoritos @wearethecanadians@deliriousfangirl61@laukora1030@its-a-show-stoppin-number@blue-bujo @ohwauwdoritos @seatbacksandtraytables@amieinghigh @libsybum @dark-academia-slut @tweasley20 @missemilygilmore
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ashetherando · 5 months
Chronic Migraines| Glitch!Turbo x Human! Reader
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Context: Turbos body cannot handle the sudden changes to his world to our world, so he will glitch to his regular form (Turbo) to King Candy, and his Cy-Bug form based off of his emotions (sorta like turning red) aggressive emotions (anger, obsession, and jealously) will be his cy-bug form, happy emotions (joy, excitement, and hyper) will be his King Candy, other emotions (fear, disgust, etc) will be in his Turbo form.
😭3rd POV 🧠
  Taking care of a Cybug is not fun, not fun at all. It’s not like taking care of a dog, cat, reptile, etc, he’s a being that is doesn’t really exist in our world, obviously. So along with taking care of him and working on stuff online, it’s like being a single parent and unfortunately, today is one of those days you’re so damn confused about what he wanted. 
  You were working in your room and basically glued to your desk working on an assignment that the studio have given you, while you hear snoring on your bed. The basement is having some MAJOR problems, it keeps flooding, gets really cold for Turbos body and really needed to be fixed and refurbished, so he’s sleeping in your room while you’re getting the basement done. You looked over towards your bed to check on him, he was in his Cybug form so half of his body is off the bed and onto the floor, he seems to be having fun to take his daily 3 hour nap, so you turn your head back to your computer and continued to work on your assignment while bouncing your leg. 
Hours passed and your dealing with a pounding migraine and it was towards the end of Turbos nap, you leaned over to your ibuprofen, it’s not the strong one your use to, but it’s something that is stuck to your budget and it’s something that’ll help it for the time being. You took it with the water bottle that has a rubber tube and the color that isn’t blindly hurtful for your eyes. You set your computer to sleep mode and lean backwards and covering your eyes with your hands while hearing Turbos snores and occasionally move a bit in his sleep. Based on his height and weight from his Cy-bug form, you won’t be surprised that if the bed breaks. 
You hear him stir a bit before waking up, the way you describe him waking up is like a cat waking up after sleeping the day away, you moved your hands away from your face to look over at him. He was looking over at you. “How was your nap?” “Good, again, thank you for letting me sleep in your bed, why didn’t you let me sleep in the Living Room, again?” “Oh, felt nice today” you chuckled to yourself “har har har, very funny, (y/n)!” He says in a sarcastic way “I guess it’s something to kill two birds with one stone. Watching over you and working at the same time” you cleared your throat and take another sip of your water “you doing alright?” “Yeah, yeah. I just have a little headache, nothing more. Im already done with my work, so….” you stood up and walked over to your bed and flopped down face first on your bed, the other amount of unexpected weight on your bed made it shift and made the hard part of the bed on the floor. You groaned. Turbo placed his claw on your head  and rubbed it. 
“Scale of one-ten, how much pain are you in?” Turbo asked as he rubbed his thumb on your head “uuuhhh. I guess 7 or 8. It’s not as severe like the other migraines I get” you muffled from your bed, that lead him to raise a brow “I’m just gonna take a nap here” you muffled and scooted your way towards him as he blushed heavily. The lights was already off for Turbos napping, but I guess that’s what you lead to your migraine problem, but you’ve been having chronic migraines for quite some time ever since you’ve Graduated Highschool and be more exposed towards technology. 
  You’ve been helping and taking care of his problems and ‘urges’ (im not getting into that, sorry!) now, it’s Turbos turn! He moved away from you and managed to fit through the door and went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed anything that could possibly help as he glitched into his King Candy form and went over to the bathroom, wet up a wash cloth with warm water and went over to your room and placed the things from the kitchen on your bed and went over to you and lightly smacked your cheek to grab your attention “hm?” You look over at him, he motioned you to move on to your back, you did what he wanted you to do and he placed the wash cloth on top of your eyes “what makes you knowledgeable about migraines?   He shrugs “I don’t know, I’m just guessing” he crawls on your bed and lay next to you and watching you “thanks, turbo. You don’t have to” “(y/n) it’s something in return for you dealing with me for years” you chuckled at this comment “I guess so, you’re the best” Turbo smiles at you and held your hand, though it is rather awkward that he has four fingers and you only have five, but hey, it’s nothing to complain about. As time goes on, you fell asleep and it’s now it’s Turbos turn to look after you. 
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totaldramaweb · 25 days
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• he tans weekly on the family's tanning machine (in a speedo, yes). twice a week on winter since he gets paler on cold.
• he always smells like cologne. even sweating, he stills smells very dense. he's always re-applying deodorant/perfume.
• used to shave his whole body with laser at the spa. after the volcano incident, he didn't grow body hair for a long time, so when It grew back he just let himself become hairy (only bodily).
• had a lot of hiperfixations growing up. he didn't quite have any friends so he used most of his time obsessed on a certain activity until he reached perfection, then dropped it to hop on another.
• he prefers reptiles over dogs or cats. but he likes dogs tho, he claims they are loyal and follow blindly.
• José lost one of his pets, never had any other due fear, yet he dreams of having a snake.
• he is a terrible joker. he can do a lot of things but joking is not one of them. he only remembers some jokes of his dad's comedy book he readed back on his childhood.
• he's a great cooker. he always made his mom company when she cooked dinner, he learnt from her.
• he has a guilty pleasure on writting, mainly poetry, and he's great at it. he actually takes It seriously and treat other themes beyond romance or clichés, perhaps even has a diary of his writings.
• he doesnt like movies because he claims he "doesnt have time for them" (canon on his tdwt blog introduction) but this actually raised among his dad telling him that, claiming he should use his time for better like studying or getting better at something. plus, everytime he wanted to see one, José would push him from the TV and take It for himself.
• he actually rarely has genuine fun. the only fun he gets is usually from his recreational activities, and even so, he concentrates more on being perfect on them rather than enjoy. and he does a lot, maybe to avoid being alone with his thoughts for too long before they overwhelm him.
• has photographic memory, and it's very good at remembering faces and places.
• he did just judge his babysitters until tears only to get some attention from his parents. he didn't want to be taken care of, he wanted to prove he's able to take care of himself, like José who didn't need one. he also just wanted to be looked at by them, to spend time with his parents instead of old ladies and annoying teens.
• they speak full spanish at home, he took english lessons since his first years, but didn't really used it until he moved to Canada.
• due his dad being a diplomat, he lived his first years on Spain before finding himself moving from country to country. Like Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Japan, and many more until Canada. His dad worked at the embajadas of Spain in many countrys doing comercy deals between countrys and etc, he had to stay for long times in such countrys and his kids and wife following along wherever the head of the family went. Alejandro had a hard time doing friends on his new schools, eventually all the changes and the mindset he grew leaded him to be who he is, remaining friends is still a hard duty for him. He learnt that everyone leaves and due that he could at least get what he wants from them and It wouldn't be that wrong, he always dissappear from peoples lives and it's something he can't control. Hello, Drama Machine...
- 🕯️
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imnotjaesblog · 6 months
Hogwarts Dreams at Night
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Part 1: An Owl Appears
Warnings: None
Words: 4k
At eleven years old you sat by the bay window in your living room. You tapped boredly on the glass watching as two raindrops raced to the bottom. Your head resting on your palm. You sighed the right raindrop splashing onto the bottom of the window. It was another boring Sunday.
Your parents were out working. Your parents owned a flower shop in London. Your mother's dream was to have her own shop to grow and sell flowers. When an order came in for a bouquet of flowers for a wedding or Valentine's Day she always cheered. Your father followed her to London, his wish was to be with her, to always make her happy.
He did just that when they had you.
Now at eleven, you sat by the bay window waiting for them to come home. It was too wet and cold to play outside. All of your friends were home probably finishing their homework. You had completed your school work the day it was given and handed it in the same day.
You loved reading but you'd already read every book in your collection including your mother's, twice. So there was nothing left for you to do but sit and wait for them to return.
at three o'clock your parents were still out working. The nanny they left you with was asleep on the couch placed in front of the TV. The only thing that separated the two was a brown coffee table your father made.
At four o'clock you got hungry. You went into the kitchen and poured yourself a bowl of cereal, you hadn't learned how to use the stove yet but you were sure you could figure it out.
At five o'clock you laid on your bed reading again. An encyclopedia all about frogs. You had just learned about amphibians and reptiles in school. Just as you reached your favorite part, there was a tap on your window. You perked your head eyes zooming in the glass. A branch large enough to fit a bird's nest blew back and forth in the strong wind. You ignored it until you heard another tap. This time when you looked at the glass there was an owl. A white owl perched on the long branch a white envelope in its hand.
Curious you lifted from your bed leaving the book behind. You slowly walked to the window unable to wipe the smile from your lips. You'd never seen an owl so close before, let alone during this time of day. Maybe the owl was sick or perhaps blind? You thought seeing the sun barely peak over the dark clouds.
The owl shuffled side to side before it flew to the window tapping on it with its beak. You smiled eyes wide as you flicked the lock opening the window wide. The rain poured into your room landing on your white carpet. Soaking the fabric of your socks. The owl flew inside flying around your room. Creating chaos as it knocked down books and flew past your candle darkening the room. You held onto your head ducking to avoid its claws.
Once the envelope fell from its mouth and onto your bed it flew out the window. You quickly ran to shut it stopping the rain from coming inside and strong cold winds from hitting your face.
You let out a huff as you locked your window seeing the owl was gone. You turned back to your bed. The envelope sitting on the mattress. You walked over climbing onto the sheets and picking up the letter. You flipped it over seeing a red stamp holding the paper closed.
The front was addressed to you.
You had never received mail before. Well once before when your best friend Jeno invited you to his eleventh birthday party last Spring. But you had never received mail and didn't know what was inside. Nor were ever able to open up the envelopes you received anyway. When you receive your grades or tests your parents always open them.
You excitedly open the envelope pulling the folded cream colored paper out.
Dear Y/n
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
You held the letter in your hands eyes gliding across the page. "Hogwarts?" you thought out loud. Every time your eyes flashed over the words witch and wizard your heart skipped a beat. An owl had come to you and delivered a letter for a magic school. To any other child, it would spark a whole new world of imagination. An escape perhaps from your boredom.
But was it true? A school is full of magic. The keys at the front door caught your attention. Your parents were finally home. Maybe they could answer all your questions.
Your tiny feet ran down the stairs. Both your parents step inside removing their shoes. Confused expression on their faces when you ran to them. Normally they'd find you deep into a book or your studies. They usually found you reading a book about whatever animal you had learned about or a piece of ancient history.
You rarely ever ran to greet them. They didn't mind it. They understood the powers a good book can hold.
"Hello darling," your mother said bending down and kissing your forehead. She squinted her eyes at the letter in your hand. Your father noticed it too. "What do you have there?" he asked pointing at the letter. You held up the cream-colored brownish letter.
"A letter from a witch school," you said eyes glowing. Your mother gasped and your father scoffed. He looked over at the nanny who was now awake. He walked over to her, paying her and quickly ushering her out. Your mother took you into the living room. You sat down on the couch. You sat in the same spot the nanny once sat in. It was still warm.
Your father sat on your left. You still held the letter between your small fingers. Your mother walked in with a sigh. She wiped her hands on her pants as she sat down on your right. A small smile formed on her lips. "May I see the letter?" she asked. You handed it to her with a small nod, as well as the envelope.
She expanded the letter reading the rest.
First-year students will require:
Three sets of plain work robes (black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for daywear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags. COURSE BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble OTHER EQUIPMENT 1 wand 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set of glass or crystal vials 1 telescope 1 set of brass scales Students may also bring an owl a cat OR a toad. PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKS
She nodded off chewing her lip. "Still the same," she said. She handed the letter off to your father.
He motioned her placing it down on the coffee table.
"What is it?" you asked the both of them. "What is Hogwarts?" you asked. Many questions flooded your mind. What did your mother mean by 'still the same'?
"Hogwarts is a school for wizards and witches," she said. You raised your bow confused. "But I'm not a witch or wizard," you responded. "They don't even exist," you said. Your mother chuckled. She gripped onto your hands looking deep into your eyes. Her warm smile calmed you. "There are many things that exist out there. Far beyond things you can imagine," she said. Your wide eyes and mind started to wonder. Surely your mother was either crazy or telling the truth.
You chose to believe she was telling the truth.
"So vampires exist?" you asked nervously. Your father chimed in. "Hogwarts isn't a school for creatures or monsters," he said touching your shoulder. You looked over at him with curious eyes. "It's a school for people like you," he said. You sat back his hand slipping off your shoulder. Your heart thumped skipping a beat. "For me?' you questioned. Your mother nodded.
"You're a witch Y/n," she said a hint of excitement in her voice.
"And a damn good one. Once they train you!" your father said charged. "Being that your mom was one of the best witches that ever existed," he said. Your mother looked away shly. While your parents egarly celebrated the letter you sat there on the brown couch still confused but intrigued.
At 11 you had arrived at the train station. You stepped onto platform 9 3/4 after running through the wall of the station saying goodbye to your parents. You were pleased to discover Jeno had also received a letter in the mail awaiting his arrival at Hogwarts. You had both gone to the station together. You both sat beside each other on the train. Looking outside the window. Wandering eyes glowing as kids much older than you walked around looking as if they knew exactly where they were going.
Once everyone boarded you and Jeno sat back on the chairs of the train sitting right across from each other.
"My father told me of a sport called Quidditch. He said he used to play during his time at Hogwarts," Jeno began excitedly feet barely touching the floor of the train. They swung back and forth as he spoke. A proud smile on his lips.
"I'm thinking of trying out for the team," he said. You nodded mimicking his smile. "I'm sure you'll make it. You were our school's best football player," you said. Jeno went to speak but a smaller boy with glasses walked by. He looked into your cart eyeing the book beside you. He scoffed pointing at it.
"Frogs? Seriously? Are you nine?" he asked cocky smile on his lips. You looked over at the book and then at him with a shrug. "I like reading it. Why do you care?" you asked a scrunch in your nose in annoyance. He scoffed arms crossing over his chest. "Frogs are boring and slimy," he said stepping into your cart. He moved the book to the side but it ended up falling on the ground.
You went to get it but Jeno grabbed it for you. "Thank you," you said with a smile. Jeno smiled at you and sent the stranger a dirty look. There was a small beat of awkward silence.
"Are you two some sort of couple?" he asked. Both you and Jeno frowned facing morphing into disgust. You shook your head. "No. He's my best friend," you said. Jeno nodded, "Besides I have a girlfriend," he said. The boy with the glasses chuckled. "Relax," he said. He turned back to you. He opened the bag he held handing you a book.
"Read this instead. It's way more interesting than that boring book of yours," he said handing the brown old book to you. You dusted it off.
1,000 Magical Herbs and Fungi
You looked up seeing the boy still next to you. "Why are you still here?" you asked. He opened his mouth surprised. Then closed it. He opened it again to speak but didn't. Instead, he stood up readying to exit the cart. Before he could exit an older lady with a cart of sweets stopped in front of him. She offered him some but he refused shaking his hand.
Jeno's eyes twinkled at the sweets. He had only seen hundreds of different candies once in London at a sweet shop. He stood up pushing the boy to the side. He huffed dusting off his brown vest. He fixed his glasses.
"Excuse me," he said to the lady. She moved her cart to the side for him to exit. Once he stepped out he turned to you.
"Make sure you return that book!" he said with a point of his finger. You went to ask him his name but he walked away. You huffed sitting back into the seat. He reminded you of a girl in your class. Always acting like she knew more than you. She constantly reminded you when she scored higher than you did. Especially on days you missed class because you were fighting her friends behind the school for stealing your books and homework. Samantha hated you were smarter than her.
Jeno sat down across from you. Many different colored sweets in his hand. He offered you a bright pink cotton-shaped candy but you shook your head. He shrugged moving closer to the window eating his sweets and watching each tree pass by. You turned to the book, eyeing the book of frogs. Maybe if you were going to Hogwarts it was time to leave the children's books behind and start focusing on things you'd need to know.
Like magic plants and their purposes. You opened the book to the first page. You noticed the book came from a library. You scanned the list of names. The last and most recent name reading was Huang Renjun.
At 11 years old you arrived at Hogwarts. At dusk, you traveled on a boat to reach the school. It was dark when you finally entered the school. You couldn't help but look and gawk at every piece of art, staircase, candle in the school. It was like something out of a storybook. The castle expanded the further you walked in. Feeling like the halls never ended.
You and the rest of the students were ushered into the dining hall. The tables quickly filled with kids just around your age. You stood close to Jeno. You both sat down at the same table. From where you sat you could see the kid from the train sitting beside a plumber boy with puffy pink lips. The two started talking becoming quick friends.
You looked away observing the rest of the room. Everything looked perfect, magical. Candles lit from the ceiling, floating over everyone. You could see stars from thousands of miles away. The table in front of you was filled with delicious full-course meals. The room was loud everyone excitedly getting to know one another and breathless taking in the large dining room.
You looked around the room eyes meeting with a brown-haired boy. He looked in your direction. Your eyes went big seeing him look back at you. A small smile formed on his lips. He waved at you. You raised your hand slowly waving back. Jeno leaned over your shoulder eyeing the direction you stared in. He zoomed in on the boy squinting his eyes. Once he realized you were making googly eyes to the boy he laughed.
You huffed rolling your eyes. "Ooo Y/n has a crush," he teased poking your shoulder repeatedly. You shrugged him off crossing your arms in front of you. "Shut up," you spat back annoyed. You looked away from him and at the new boy. He was laughing with a few boys next to him. Your hand rested on your palm eyes resting in his direction.
You were 11 when the sorting hat placed you in Gryffindor just after it placed Jeno there. You happily went to Jeno's side. Happy to remain close to your best friend.
You were 11 when the sorting hat placed that strange annoying boy with the glasses into Ravenclaw.
You were 11 years old when the boy with the brown hair and pink lips who you discovered was named Na Jaemin was placed into Slytherin. Your mother warned you of Slytherin's. But at that moment you had forgotten and were just happy to be with your best friend.
You looked at each boy and back at the room with a smile. You were ready to begin this new journey of your life.
Little did you know that these three boys would create such chaos in your life.
You were in your second year at Hogwarts. Just twelve years old when your professor had to pair up with another student for a project in your Spells class. You went to choose Jeno, but your professor stopped you.
"Y/n," he called while everyone else found their partners.
You approached his desk Jeno waiting for you at your shared desk. "Yes?" you asked. He flicked away an inch on his nose. He motioned to the other students in the room. "You're a smart girl. Jeno doesn't need your help. I'm going to pair you up with a different student," he said. You weren't too worried about finding another partner. In your first year, you and Jeno made a new group of friends.
Still didn't mean you didn't want to pick your partner like everyone else.
"Who?" you asked. He pointed at a boy behind you. You turned and any worry about who it might be left your mind. It was the same brown-haired boy from the dining hall. The one with the big eyes and wide smile. He was leaning on his desk talking to a few of his friends. His head fell back in laughter.
"Jaemin," he said. You smiled a part of you excited. This was your chance to talk to him, get close to him. However, you had never really talked to a boy you liked before. Not without Jeno in your ear teasing you. This time it would be normal.
You made your way to him, a pep in your step. You tapped him on his shoulder. His friends, all Slytherin, eyed you. Their laughter dying down including Jaemin's. He turned his head over his shoulder tongue poking the inside of his mouth.
"Can I help you?" he said rather rudely. You brushed it off. Ignoring his bothered tone. "We're partners on the Spells project," you said. He scoffed leaning his body to you. "No we're not," he said. His friends started to chuckle. You could feel your cheeks heating up. You bit the inside of your mouth. It was getting harder to dismiss his tone.
You let out a sigh. "Look I don't want to be your partner either. Let's just get the project over with and I'll never speak to you again," you said annoyed. His laughter died down. He raised a brow pretending to think. He tapped his finger on his chin and then snapped his two fingers together.
"How about you do the entire project on your own and never speak to me again?" he said in the form of a question, a wide grin on his face. Just as you went to speak a book went flying to his head. Everyone turned to see who did it. Jeno had his arms crossed over his chest suspiciously looking the other way. You chuckled looking back at Jaemin who rubbed the back of his head.
He was the shortest crush you'd ever have.
In year three you and Huang Renjun began to compete. You spent most of your time studying. Jeno being on the Quidditch team allowed you that extra time alone to study. You'd sometimes see Renjun in the library studying. You'd send glares to each other muttering under your breath.
In the classes you shared you'd always make sure your hand was up before his to answer the question the professor asked. At one point many students placed bets to see which of them would score higher on an exam.
You won almost every time.
By year four you and Jeno started to grow slightly distant. He was still always there for you and vice versa but things became more complicated when he started to become more curious about dating.
It seemed every week he had a new girl he liked. With a new girl in his life, he was crushing on.
You never paid too much attention to Jeno's dating life. Jeno for some reason loved to be involved in yours. You had a few crushes here and there but nothing ever too serious. He seemed to always want to know about them. If they were good enough for his best friend. If they treated you right.
But that's only for crushes he knew about. Most times he was playing Quidditch or with a girl.
You tended to focus more on your books anyway.
By year five you had officially hated Na Jaemin.
Jaemin seemed to pick you as his next victim. He teased you, but in the way Jeno did. When Jeno annoyed you it was out of friendship love. You knew deep down Jeno was harmless. But Jaemin was completely different. The boy was nutritiously known for playing around with girls before they slept with them, and then ghosted them.
You were not going to be one of those girls.
Jeno never really liked Jaemin either. Ever since he dissed you in front of the entire class during year two. However, there was not much he could say or do. The two of you in the Gryffindor common room had shared a moment togther.
He kissed you in the middle of the night. You kissed him back. He then asked you to the Yule ball. You said yes and when the night approached you saw him with another girl, laughing and dancing together. Then you saw them kiss later that night. Jaemin who saw the whole thing happened left you alone.
You weren't together but it still hurt.
That night you had your first argument with Jeno. Jeno was tired of you ignoring him. He just wanted to know what he did wrong. You told him and he became even more upset by your reasoning. He tried to explain the girl was his friend and he only danced with her because Jaemin stood her up.
He said "One Dance. I danced with her once because she was upset about Jaemin," he said.
"You still kissed her," you'd fight back. Jeno stunned and with a chest full of pain would ask. "You saw that?" to which you have replied with.
"Are you more upset that you hurt my feelings or that you got caught?"
You stopped being friends with him after that. It was too weird.
Renjun didn't bother you much during this time. You still competed but in silence.
Jaemin loved the fact you weren't friends anymore. It meant he could talk to you without Jeno getting in the way.
By year six you had gotten a boyfriend named Jaehyun. He was older than you and a Gryffindor as well. He was also captain of the Quidditch team. Jaehyun was a great guy. He treated you with respect and was very kind to you.
Jaemin and Jeno both didn't like him.
Jaemin still wouldn't leave you alone. Using magic to distract you during class.
Renjun became somewhat of your friend. He'd talk to you in the halls but it was really only to gloat about his accomplishments in and outside of Hogwarts. Any chance he got he would approach you. Reminding you that not only did he have rich parents but that he was smarter than you.
That same day would be the first time you got in serious trouble.
In the library, you used a spell to erase all his notes from year one to six. He failed his exam because of you. Your professors were disappointed. Word got out of what you did. Some people said you cheated. Others said he deserved it.
All you remember is that it made you feel good.
Now you'd start year seven. Much older and mature now. You and Jaehyun had broken up due to distance. You and Jeno were still not friends, Jaemin still enjoyed bothering you, and Renjun still hated you.
You still cared about Hogwarts, deeply. But not in the same way you had felt during year one. The same spark you had felt in the beginning began to fade. You started to imagine a world outside of Witchcraft. Maybe a normal job like your mom?
She was a witch and owned a flower shop in the muggle world. Maybe you could do something like that too.
So you thought.
To Be Continued...
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Hope you enjoy my new series, Hogwarts Dreams at Night.
I'm excited for you all to read it!
See you soon ;)
Tag: @girlwholovesIpreppyattire
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semisomnosres · 25 days
My random thoughts about My Immortal Soul:
The ninja suit is made from the feathers of a huge bird, and Chase turns into a huge lizard because he drank sour soup from a talking bean. Technically, they can be described as: two elderly Asians over +90 years old, fighting and flirting with each other in their fursuits.
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And let's imagine a scenario where the First still won against Chase, imprisoned his soul in Nomicon (or in a psychiatric ward), but in theory the body will remain, will it be possible to rip off the skin and make magical equipment using the same method as the Tengu suit? I'm sure somewhere in the book there are instructions on how to sew. I think that sewing something from leather is easier than doing it from feathers. And is it possible to make more suits from other powerful creatures. If so, I would start catching the most evil creatures, so that I wouldn’t feel sorry for them, and use them as weapons against other equally evil creatures. Although (apart from unknown, most likely life-threatening, conditions) there are still theoretical problems. Firstly, Chase is much smaller than Tengu, in which case it would only be enough for bracers or gloves (although it would be cool if it was enough for full-fledged armor. With a duet of Samurai and Ninja, crime would be significantly reduced). And the owner, especially a child, will not be able to curb so much dark magic at once, so it’s better not to combine them And if Chase “dies” like that in the form of a reptile, will he turn into a human or will he remain like that? It’s just that if he becomes a human, then removing his skin will look like a cut scene from Hannibal. The first one probably knows how to get rid of a person's body so that there are no traces left (ninjas are hired killers after all) despite the new circumstance in the form of a sorcerer, he was still trained in this matter, and one of the most effective ways is to hide the body in parts. Although in those days it was enough to take the body to the mountains far away, where there are plenty of animals and they will gnaw the body for a sweet soul, but there are situations where taking the body out is far from an option. or at least watched how his brothers / parents / clanmates did it
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AITA for wearing a shirt with my sons name on it to another kids birthday party?
So the title is a little misleading, the "other" kid is my(28m) first child, who we put up for adoption. When I (then 18) and my partner (then 16X, we'll call them P) got pregnant, we decided for the child's sake (we'll call her J) to place her for adoption. This was a hard decision for us, and I couldn't stand to hear about her for the first couple years of her life, meaning I didn't let P talk about her. I've seen her a few times while her other birth parent has been in touch with the adoptive family this whole time and has been to dinner with them usually a couple times a year. Since having J, P and I have split and I got a girlfriend. I have a new child with my girlfriend, he's now 2 years old.
Okay, meat of the story. J turned 9 and invited pretty much everyone, myself included. P was obviously going to go, and I decided to go with my girlfriend and son. This was the first time I'd seen her in maybe 4 years? It was a outside thing, lots of kids, they brought reptiles from a sanctuary, so I wore really casual clothes. Basketball shorts and a t shirt that said "super dad" in the Mario font with my sons name on it. We didn't have much time one on one with J, since they're were so many people but I saw her with P a lot. No one there said anything, but after I've heard a few people say things about wearing the shirt there. So. Was I TAH?
What are these acronyms?
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
"He accidentally comes away from the shopping trip with some fellow reptillian-demon acquaintances + the details to an after-school club for demons like him. :3"
So Nezha gets to make some friends, right?
Maybe some of them come over or he has to leave the club early for work and they offer to help or walk home with him and then Nezha's new friends get to meet his family consisting of one normal human, one pig demon chef, and two demon monkeys one of whom is pregnant. And they end up staying for dinner because they came all this way they should get some food.
I just really like the idea of Nezha having reptile demon friend!
prev post.
The hilarious part is that Nezha has never been to school, and begs Wukong and Mac to help him enroll. The adults are a little confused, but they understand that Nezha can't hang around the shop all day. Tang helps him with the enrollment process using the details from the after-school club, lying a bit to the principal that "Nez" is a transfer from a very rural part of China (not uncommon). Nezha is now experiencing his own personal slice-of-life school anime as he makes friends and experiences academic life for the first time. :3
His fellow reptile demons are delighted to see him *finally* attend school, and he quickly becomes part of their friend group. Even if he seems to be more independent/regal than the majority of them, his mischievous nature (long buried by his time among Celestials) is always a breath of fresh air. He's also very protective of his new friends, defending them from harassers and poor treatment by mortals and other demons alike.
Nezha is awed by the smallest details of his new friends. Some love video games, some love sports, some love both! Some have visited countries he didn't even now existed! One of his snake-demon friends is even better at dancing with ribbons than he is!
He rambles all these details at the dinner table, and the adults just smile. Nez is a good kid, it's good that he's making friends.
Ocassioanlly said friends walk Nez home from school, and you know Pigsy isn't letting them go without a decent lunch or a side dish to bring home. They are a little confused by Nez's family situation, but they completely understand that it's a matter of family of choice. Not everyone has the privilege of good bio parents.
Needless to say, these very same friends aren't shocked when Nezha reveals himself to be a depowered God during the events of LMK S3. They've known Nez for years now, and since his little bro is literally the Monkey King's successor, it was pretty easy to comprehend. Nezha starts crying and his friends pull him into a nearly-crushing hug.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 month
Full Family AU Part Eight
Camila sat at the family computer, with Vee sitting at the other end of the room, observing her.
"Bass...Ill...Isk," Camila muttered as she typed it into a search engine. "Hm, did you mean 'Basilisk,' sweetie?"
Vee responded with a short nod. Camila clicked the "Did you mean" button and got a more accurate list of results.
"Of course the first thing that pops up is Harry Potter," Camila groaned. "This might take a minute, Vee. Here."
She opens a drawer and pulls out some crayons. Then, moving to the printer, Camila takes out some paper. It made Vee curious of what she was going to do, and then Camila slowly walked over to hand the paper and crayons to Vee.
"You might want to color for a while."
"Color...?" Vee asked.
"Yeah, it's what I have Luz do when I need the computer for important reasons. Helps to keep her entertained and use that creative mind of hers right. Watch."
Camila demonstrated by drawing a little squiggle on the paper with a blue crayon and then handed it to Vee to take a turn. Vee sniffed the crayon a bit, took it, and tried making a squiggle of her own. Satisfied with this perfectly planned parental distraction, Camila went back to sit at the computer to continue her research. She scrolled past the Harry Potter wiki and went straight for the wiki about basilisks.
"'Legendary reptile reputed to be a serpent king...who causes death to those who look into its eyes?'" she read. Camila turned to Vee, who looked up from her coloring to make eye-contact. "Well, I'm not dead, so that's not accurate. Are you sure you're a basilisk?"
Vee nodded again. "It's...what they called me."
"You said that before. Who's they?"
"Men...In robes...And big noses..."
Camila hums in thought and then got an idea when she looked at the crayon in Vee's hand. "Could you draw what they look like?"
Vee looked at the other crayons Camila gave her as well as the few sheets of paper she had left. She grabbed the paper, the crayons, and started drawing the best as she could. As for Camila, she turned back to the computer.
"Let's see..." She scrolls through the rest of the article. "Can leave a venomous trail--Hope that's not true...Lots of stuff about kings...Weakness is the smell of the weasel? I can't tell if some of this is true or people are making things up for the heck of it."
After some more time scrolling, Camila feels a tug at her pant leg. Glancing downward, she noticed Vee holding up a paper she drew on.
"The men," she said. And to Camila, it looked like...nothing. It was a bunch of squiggles of different colors, mostly black, dark blue, and light blue. And a bit of red in some spots.
"I...don't think any of this is accurate," Camila told her, which got Vee to pout a little. "But it's fine. You're a baby who likely never drew before. Nothing you can't handle without a little more practice."
Vee sniffed. "Not baby...Bas-ill-isk..."
"Whatever you are, it looks like only you know the answers to it." Camila sighed. "All the internet seems to have are fantasy stories or weird facts that do not line up with what I've seen of you. Unless you are allergic to weasels or something."
"What's a weasel?"
"It's, uh, well..." Camila did another web search and then lifted Vee up to sit in her lap. On the computer screen was a picture of a weasel. "It's a type of mammal. A lot like a ferret, in fact?"
"Yeah." Camila did another web search to pull up a picture of a ferret. "Like I said, the same thing. And while some might call them rodents, that's a whole different family together. You see..."
Camila did a lot of other web searches, showing Vee a vast array of animals and all the fun facts that Camila knew about them. All while Vee just sat, her eyes shiny and astonished to see this new, wide world in front of her.
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Some House of Wax/Sinclair Brothers Headcanons I’ve had in my head that I’ve already shared w the server but… The rest of the world deserves to know.
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Related to gif, Vincent is the ‘medical expert’ of the house solely because he’s the one who knows the human body/first aid the best. I mean, in the movie we see him stitching up those wounds on what’s-his-face pretty neatly, right? This is also part of the reason why he automatically reaches for Bo during this scene.
Given his birth date was sniffed out by fans before me (1970) and this man looks like he’s a cosplayer sometimes, I truly believe Bo idolised Elvis Presley as a kid, and maybe a bit as an adult as well. He still enjoys listening to rock n’ roll from that era when he’s in a good mood. When he’s in a bad mood, or doing his business™️ in his sex dungeon/basement, that’s when the Marilyn Manson comes on.
All of them have had an alt phase of some sort. For Vincent it was goth, for Bo it was rivethead/industrial rock and for Lester it was grunge.
Les is also down bad fucking horrendous for alt people in general. Yes, he has magazines stuffed down his sofa, yes, they used to be Bo’s.
Bo is allergic to nuts. He also gets really nasty hay fever. I also think possibly him having sensory issues/picky eater could’ve led to meltdowns as we see in the opening. And really, it’s the 1970s/80s do you expect his parents to understand or sympathise?
In contrast, Lester has the constitution of a Greek god somehow and has probably eaten some absolutely vile shit as a kid.
I know most people interpret Vince as sweet and shy but… While I do think he’s more measured and withdrawn compared to Bo, I also think being the ‘favourite’ in terms of being Trudy’s little art prodigy contributed to a sort of spoilt brattiness esp as a kid. (Exhibit A: The ‘Bo Sux’ fridge art in the opening) As an adult, there’s still a sense of entitlement to him. What I’m saying is that he’s an insufferable art nerd lol. He definitely isn’t toothless and his arguments with Bo aren’t necessarily one-sided, he’s just capable of ignoring him when he wants to; he’s used to his twin, after all. While I do think he’s capable of being soft, don’t forget this man killed a woman in cold blood and recorded it. I also think he can get snippy enough during arguments to combat Bo’s generally sharp tongue.
Speaking of which, everyone in the (surviving) family knows ASL. It’s necessary when communicating with Vincent.
Again with how prolific a killer Vincent is, I suspect he may be the one who does the most murder out of all of them. Bo is the handsome ‘face’ of Ambrose, and Vincent is right under the seedy underbelly with a knife, ready to spill guts (and then sew it up again once he’s got them in the workshop). Lester is similar to Bo in that he mostly just guides people toward the town, but I do think he gets his own notions sometimes.
From a more x reader perspective, Bo strikes me as a man who’s most charming when he’s not trying to be. Of course he can put on an act for victims/tourists, but those are just empty words, y’know? Also, has a kinda cheesy side.
I know everyone has Jonesy as Lester’s dog but… I think she’s really Vincent’s. In the movie, she’s always seen with Vin or in the house of wax itself, it’s only when he dies that she goes to Lester. I actually think Les is a cat person (tell me he wouldn’t actually encourage their hunting habits for his own personal collection…) while Vin is a dog person. Also, hot take I think Bo loves snakes and reptiles.
Given that the House of Wax and Ambrose itself is a big ol’ art project, and we’ve seen the state of the church (permanently in the middle of dead ass crusty Trudy’s funeral) I think there may be a sort of difficulty letting go of their past in the brothers, maybe some hoarding as well (I mean we haven’t even seen some of the other houses in Ambrose but this is just speculation). We get the sense that Ambrose is a place where time stands still, forever, until its conservationists finally die. Idk I’m talking out my ass here
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gloomymagpie · 1 month
🌿Maned Wolf🌿
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Its scientific name is Chrysocyon Brachyurus. It belongs in the phylum of Chordota, the class of Mammalia(mammals), the order of Carnivora(carnivores), the family of Canidae(canids) and it's the only member of the genus Chrysocyon(it means golden dog in ancient greek).
About their weight most of my sources said that they weigh around 23kg (on average probably, because there were some sites that said they weigh around 20-30kg) and the pups around 340-430kg(when they are born). Their height ranges from 80 to 90cm on the shoulder and they are 145-190cm long with their tail being 28-40cm. It is the largest Canid in South America.
Their natural habitat consists of semi-open areas, grasslands, wet and dry forests, savannas, marshes, wetlands, dry shrub forests and swampy areas. They can be found in central-west and southerneastern Brazil, Paraguay,northern Argentina and Bolivia east and north of the Andes and far southerneastern Peru(Pampas del Heath only). It is very rare in Uruguay, possibly even displaced(on one of the sources it was mentioned that they went extinct in Uruguay and Argentina, though I only read about them being rare or extinct only in Uruguay in the rest of the sites).
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Their lifespan in the wild is unknown and in captivity it is around 12-15 years. Their population today reaches 23,600 wolves.
Maned wolves are mostly active during the twilight period, which makes them Crepuscular animals. They are omnivores, with the 50%(or more) of their diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, they also eat small mammals(armadillos, rabbits, rodents, etc), birds, bird eggs, reptiles, fish, insects, gastropods and other terrestrial mollusks. Their favourite food and most common food item in their diet is Solanum Lycocarpum, or lobeira(= wolf's plant), or fruta-do-lobo(= wolf's fruit), or just wolf plant (in Wikipedia they called it wolf apple but everywhere else they referred to it as one of the above so.), it is a tomato-like fruit and it belongs in a species of flower shrub.
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As I already mentioned their diet is mostly vegetables and fruits based, meat heavy diets have been proven to lead to the development of bladder stones.
Going into hunting habits, they are solitary hunters, they rotate their ears to listen for their prey in the grass. They stalk and chase their prey, they jump to catch birds midair, tap the ground to flash out the prey and pounce to catch it. They kill it by biting it on their neck or back and shaking it violently if necessary.
They have 42 teeth total as adults and given that they don't kill or hunt large prey, their upper carnassials (shearing teeth) are reduced, their upper incisors are weak and their canines are long and slender.
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Maned wolves do not howl, but they emit loud barks or roar barks to let their mate know where they are and to warn other wolves to stay away. They use urine(that smells like cannabis or hops) and feces, along their borders, to mark their territory.
Pairs share overlapping territory around 25-30km². They meet only to mate during the breeding season, other than that they are independent from each other. They are monogamous and form lifelong bonds. Breeding season is controlled by photoperiod, between October and February in the northern hemisphere and between August and October in South America in captivity. Little is known about the reproductive patterns of wild maned wolves, most of our information on it comes from captive animals. Females are monoestrus, with the estrus lasting for around four days.
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The gestation period lasts around 65 days and around 1-5 pups are born, in well hidden nests. The pups' eyes and ears open in day 9 of their lives. They are born with black pelage and in 10 weeks it turns red. The pups are nursed for four weeks and by then their parents feed them by regurgitation for the next 10 months and they are weaned by 15 weeks. 3-month-old pups begin to accompany their mother while she forages. Both parents engage in parental care (though it is primarily done by the mother). The pups are fully grown by the age of 1 year and this is when they leave their parents' territory.
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The main threat to this species is habitat loss, but other threats are also road kills, hunting and human activities(deforestation, urban growth etc). They are listed in IUCN as near threatened, in IBAMA and ICMBio as vulnerable species and in CITES in the appendix II category (the appendix reflects the level of threat posed by international trade).
Quick edit to say that despite their appearance and name this species is not closely related to wolves nor foxes.
@lilzoo @flowerscorpses
Let me know if I missed/forgot something, feel free to reblog with more info
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helluvaoutlaw · 2 months
Striker's Family
Here's my version of Striker's family, a canon-divergent one.
And yes, they're all dead.
Each character I created has their own art piece made by
GardenGoyle on Twitter.
The commission took her a long time (understandably so, since I asked her to draw five different characters), but she was extremely professional and talented, and overall did a wonderful job.
Anvil, Striker's father:
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Anvil was a stoic and reserved man.
Half imp and half reptile demon, he used to be a blacksmith, and he embodied hard work, dedication, and an unyielding spirit.
Anvil was a demon of few words, letting his actions speak for him. He showed his love and care not through words, but through his protective nature and small, thoughtful gestures. His strong sense of duty and responsibility made him a dependable figure, someone who was always there when needed, even if he didn't say much. Despite his tough exterior, Anvil had a good heart, and his iron will was matched by the depth of his quiet love for his family.
I took inspiration by @umnokorito works about their version of THICC!Striker, which you can find here:
(and yes, I asked them permission to use her idea of a more crocodile version of Striker, wanting to use the same concept for his father)
June, Striker's mother:
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June was a lively and spirited Wrathian imp, full of energy and wit.
She was smart, sassy, and always brought a sense of cheerfulness to those around her. Before marrying and becoming a full-time housewife, she worked at a diner, but her passion for life extended beyond work; she loved dancing and singing, often filling her home with music. She taught Striker how to play guitar, passing on her love for music. June was also very protective of her family and was quick to defend them, especially when anyone criticized them. Unlike her husband, she was more expressive, both in her joy and in her anger, showing her fierce love openly.
Cole, the Mentor:
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Cole was a laid-back imp, often appearing drowsy and slow, but beneath that exterior, he was an extremely skilled gunslinger with quick reflexes and incredible aim.
He possessed sharp wits and a unique sense of humor, especially fond of puns. Cole lived by his own code of honor, valuing justice above all else. When he took Striker under his wing as a child, he became both a mentor and a father figure, teaching him everything about cowboy life, gunslinging, and survival.
Cole had a strong sense of justice, particularly against the rich and powerful, whom he despised for their mistreatment of lower demons. His rebellion against oppression, along with his unmatched skills, deeply shaped Striker's worldview and abilities, making Cole an essential influence in his life.
Ember, Striker's wife:
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Ember was a rowdy, passionate, and tomboyish imp woman who loved having fun and was always ready for action.
Before settling down on a small farm with Striker and having a child, she worked as a bounty hunter, thriving in the thrill of the chase. She was also an expert mechanic, proudly owning a motorcycle and a dune buggy, preferring them over horses, much to Striker's amusement. Ember's vibrant energy and adventurous spirit made her a perfect match for Striker, and she remained his great love, bringing excitement and joy into their lives together.
She's the reason why Striker has a gold capped fang: they were chasing the same criminal, and she punched Striker in the face so she could get the bounty first.
Jackson, Striker's son:
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Jackson was an intelligent and curious child, far ahead of his age in terms of knowledge.
He had a deep love for reading, especially sci-fi and fantasy, and dreamed of becoming a veterinarian when he grew up. Despite his bright mind, he was very shy, often preferring the comfort of his books and the company of his pet horned lizard, Felix.
Jackson adored both his parents and shared a close bond with them. He also had a passion for collecting minerals, spending hours examining and categorizing his finds. His gentle nature and love for animals reflected the kindness and curiosity that defined him.
There we go, I'll probably add more details later, but for now this will do.
If you want to know more about my Striker's origins, follow the link.
Please let me know what y'all think!
@keenie-bopper @second-wife-playbook @grandma-susan
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stanlunter · 10 months
Why Amity is a bad character
Not my post, Ive just translated it, but I can't agree more
This can be called not even a hate, but a perplexity, since Amity as a character is not integral with us. It's like a solid plot hole hastily glued into a ready-made idea of the series. Let's take it in order.
In the first episodes with Amity, she is shown as a bully (when she poured shit on Willow), always competing with everyone's nerd (remember the episode where she couldn't stand that at least someone was better than her in abominations?) and in general, something like a kind of Draco Malfoy from the world of the Owl House. Even the twins Edric and Emira Blite quietly disliked her, as they considered her an arrogant reptile, shitting other students out of boredom. And so it was, in fact.
But then they started showing us Amity from the other side, and then the first inconsistencies began. In the series with the library, where Amity read books to little witches and other fabulous creatures, it struck me for the first time - like, all this time, Amity had a soft nature hiding under a mask of arrogance, but her brother and sister didn't even know about it and considered her just a harmful bastard? Okay, okay, let's say. But then we learn from Amity's memories that she was always good and Willow left only at the request of overbearing parents who were against their friendship. I'm sorry, what? I remind you that at her first appearance, Amity mocks Willow when no one is around, clearly enjoying it herself. Who forced her to do nasty things then?? And anyway, if Amity had a kind nature from the very beginning, why would she mock and laugh at others? She would have walked around with an arrogant look and that was it. My parents told me not to be friends with witches of a different status, and not to bully everyone who doesn't like them.
And after Luz and Amity start dating, Amity transforms incredibly radically and quickly. And I'm not talking about the hairstyle (which was much better in the original version, imho). She completely changes her worldview, her behavior, her plans for life, after all. And everything would be fine, but... These events take place in one summer. One summer, Carl! In one summer, an arrogant witch who loves to bully others, trying to be the best at everything, dreaming of becoming part of the imperial coven, turns into her absolute opposite. And do you know what I can't understand about such transformations? Footing. What is it like here? Okay, Amity fell in love with Luz, but why did she suddenly change ALL her principles for her? After all, she had somehow justified her dreams, her goals for herself before? Before, she really wanted to be the best, to join the imperial coven. Or how did it happen according to the creators - the evil mom ordered Amity to wish for certain things and zombified her, and as soon as the good Luz came, Amity immediately realized everything in the world and was filled? The same Hunter is shown much more realistically, we see he has an incredibly strong motivation to change, and then he doesn't do it in two episodes.
Damn, how much Amity doesn't fit into the story can be seen by the end of the first season, when we have an awesome important event and the main characters have to risk their lives to rescue Ida from captivity. And Amity did it in this fucking important episode in the finale... absolutely nothing. A few episodes before that, we were shown how Amity falls in love with Luz, worries about Luz, is already crazy about Luz, but when Luz risks his life in the center of events, Amity just lies at home with his injured leg and watches everything on magic TV. Like, seriously, man?? They didn't even bother to put it in the plot. Logically, she should be one of the main characters, but in fact she looks like a typical cardboard "girlfriend of the main character", like helpless half-naked girls from films about some Indiana Jones (I have nothing against Indiana, but the girls of gg in those days were really mostly cardboard in the background). In the following seasons, there is a place for Amity, but it doesn't get any better - she continues to look cardboard, a girl who can only scream about her love for Luz. Who gave up all her goals for the sake of Loot, but she didn't come up with new ones, and now her whole life revolves around Luz, while Luz, like gg, quietly lives her life and solves her problems. In the last episode, she has a job, she succeeded her father and works with abominations, but kamon, did it ever mention before the third season that she wants to take over his profession?? No. Starting dating Luz, she loses her personality, and all that remains of her is the delight at the sight of Luz and perfectly correct conscientious decisions, which do not go well with the image of Amity from the first series.
And it's impossible to call it Amity hate, because if you hate, then who exactly? We have three completely unrelated witches: The arrogant bully Amity, the kind Amity, Who Suffered From Evil Parents/Friends'/"Substitute An Excuse" and finally A Madly In Love Amity Without Her Own Goals And Principles. Which one of them to focus on, speaking of the image of Amity, is not in my heart. And yes, it's kind of sad to realize that at the beginning of the first season, Amity had a normal image that had chances for good development, a gradual realization that she treats people incorrectly, a GRADUAL transformation from a spoiled pest into a good friend for Luz and company, into a good secondary character. Even with falling in love with Luz, it was possible to do something interesting - to show how Amity rushes between two fires, tries to date Luz without quarreling with her family, wants to combine an affair with Luz and joining the imperial coven, eventually realizes that this is a failed idea and suffers from having to quit either a family and a dream, or a loved one... And as a result, all the potential was poured into the toilet for the hyper-accelerated development of a "serious romance for life" between two 14-year-olds. And Amity just follows Luz like a goat on a string, completely changing her life and her personality for the sake of a man she has known for less than three months. Yeah, very plausible.
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