#letting the Ranger get 'em
div-divington · 9 months
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i am still not done playing 🥳🥳
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
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girl please, Charlie Swan is Team Werewolf and you know it
#it's like Bella has no conception of the socioeconomic symbolism attached to these monsters!!#girl why on earth would the middleclass police chief of a tiny rural town in Washington#choose the wealthy murderous parasites?????#OK besties as i'm typing that out i see why charlie might side with the wealthy murderous parasites#yes he IS an american cop so siding with the parasites does make sense#but think of all the paperwork he would have to do when the cullens kill someone! i mean. come on.#also it aint like cullen out there paying off the pigs so really what is Charlie getting out of this relationship#it's no bribes all paperwork? i don't care how American this cop is he is Anti Vamp and that's that on that#WEREWOLVES on the other hand......... besties let's review the cold fax ok#they're a blue collar blue jeans blue skies all day baby kinda monster. crack open a cold one with the boys kinda monster.#pull over on the road to lend you some spark plugs kinda monster. bring a dairy-based dip to the charity softball game kinda monster#big plus: they're on the DL. neat & tidy cover story. no killing. protect & serve yeah baby. no parasites here my boys WORK for a living#the boys are 0% paperwork (no killing) and 100% bribes (dairy-based dips)#Charlie's deffo Team Werewolf at best and turning a blind eye at worst#as far as this man's concerned the werewolves are the Olympic Natl Park rangers' problem#bear who???? don't know em#twilight#twilight renaissance#bella swan#the twilight saga#jacob black#charlie swan#eclipse read
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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nvuy · 6 months
hijacked — boothill
summary. a mission to retrieve some files from a banquet hall goes wayward south when a galaxy ranger shows up to ruin your night—and score some bonus kisses while he’s at it.
notes. save me space cowboy… save me… remembered his entire body is robotic except his head. the possibilities to hack it and take over……….. ngh
HEY YOU!! there’s a sequel now.
warnings. little bit of threatening, mind control/hacking/hijacking? you take over his body for like a few minutes? is that a warning?
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“Hey, pretty thing.”
Target locked. Your scanners had already tracked him before you could even realise he was speaking to you.
You swiftly hid away the USB drive in your purse.
Did he know?
It seemed his own eye enhancements—although a lot less subtle than yours—were scanning you down as well. How transactional. You’d hoped the walls you’d put up were enough to keep whatever technology he had at bay. Or at least, not trigger any alarms.
“You looked lonely. Was g’nna buy you a drink. Help you loosen up a bit.” He swished his own drink in your face for good measure. The coupe glass in his hands looked odd. He didn’t seem like a cocktail man. Not at all.
He looked like a whiskey man. Hard whiskey. With ice. In a tumbler with ribbed glass. You could picture it.
He just looked so out of place at the banquet.
He wasn’t even following the dress code. He was wearing boots, and a pair of old pants with zips along the calves. A hat with a white feather woven into the fabric rested on a head of long white hair with splashes of black around his face.
“No thanks,” you said with a wave. You tried to discreetly scan down his body, searching for any sort of hint of how you could get into his system.
His pants and what little material of his jacket hid most of the metal of his body. Internally, you cursed at it. He had no clear openings in his neck or arms. His head seemed entirely organic.
No weak spots.
“N’aww. Shame.”
The front door felt a lot further away now. Even more so, knowing he was most definitely here for you. He hadn’t even introduced himself yet. You had a feeling he knew he didn’t need to.
“Was g’nna ask ya to dance.”
You laughed awkwardly. “I can’t dance in these shoes.”
“Take ‘em off. Who cares?” he bantered playfully. “I’ll watch out for ‘em if they’re expensive.”
“They’re priceless,” you quipped back. “All of me is.”
“Good. You know your worth.”
You were actually worth about fifteen million, as according to your wanted status by the IPC. You weren’t sure if this man was a part of them, though members of the IPC were always very adamant on letting you know that, yes, they did work at the IPC. It was usually the first thing that came out of their mouths.
Questioning if they actually worked at the IPC opened another entire can of worms.
You didn’t feel the need to ask. Not in that moment, at least.
“And what’s yours?” you asked him with a bat of your lashes.
He winked. “Guess.”
You smiled and scanned him down again. “Depends. I’d have to see what you’re made of.”
“Naughty.” He leaned back against the wall with you. “You sure you don’t want that drink? It’s a cosmopolitan.”
Very sure. You were convinced that he’d just taken the drink from one of the server’s trays. You couldn’t imagine he’d walked up to the bar and requested it for himself.
“You strike me as a whiskey man,” you eased. It came past your lips like butter.
He flashed his teeth in warning.
Then, he sipped his drink. “You’re good. Anything else you can read with your fancy eyes?”
You stopped short.
He did know. It wasn’t a surprise, not at all. He wasn’t entirely human. He must have been equipped with similar technology to realise just how advanced yours was.
You realised then with a shaky breath that you had the same vision enhancements as he did. An even match, unable to read through to each other.
He must have had so much more, too. You only had so many enhancements, whereas he was made almost entirely of metal. The thought of amount of different codings and technology he had crammed into every wire of his body gave you a headache.
Bad idea. You shouldn’t have provoked him. You needed to retreat. You needed to get home, preferably safely, with the USB stored nice and snug in your purse.
You tried not to let your nervousness show, but by the way he was staring at you, you knew he could read your face.
“That’s it, then. You’ve figured out my party trick.” You got up from the wall. “Thank you for the offer. The drink, I mean.” You cleared your throat. “I’ll be going now.”
“I’m not scaring you off, am I?” He got up off the wall too.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off of you.
“Not at all.” When you turned to face him, he was smiling so wide his eyes had crinkled. “Have a good night.”
“At least let me walk you out,” he insisted. He also offered to hold your purse, to which you quickly declined. That only made him smile impossibly wider. “What sort of man am I to not see a pretty thing like you get home safe?”
You headed towards the hallway, knowing he was right behind you.
The banquet was still in full swing, barely even close to ending. Most of the cast were drunk or getting there. Heels had been discarded, some missing their pair, skewed all over the dancefloor like glitter.
The golden chandelier in the main room was yet to be pulled from the ceiling. You were surprised nobody had tried to swing from it yet.
You dodged chattering groups and couples in the hallway—one of them had decided to put on a full display while right next to an unoccupied bedroom, right there in the centre of the hall.
Another one was gagging dangerously close to your feet.
You shouldered past them. “Stop following me, Ranger.”
“Don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.” You felt his hair brush over your shoulder.
You knew he had a weapon. He wouldn’t have come to threaten you without one.
Before you could reach the door handle, he grabbed your wrist, pulled you backwards, and into the unoccupied guest room that the couple hadn’t bothered to take.
He shut the door with a loud slam, though not before hearing someone whistle out in the corridor.
Your head snapped towards him. He was leaning on the door, his arms crossed, looking almost unbothered.
“We can play this game all day, pumpkin. I got time.” He waved you off with a grin. “Give me the files. I’m askin’ nicely. I won’t force ya to hand ‘em over. Yet.”
You gritted your teeth.
You were so fucking close. So close to getting out of here, and then he had to come—this walking hunk of metal and scrap—and ruin everything.
Nothing ever went your fucking way anyway. You shouldn’t have been shocked something like this would happen.
You held your purse tightly in your hands. All of this was pointless. The dress, the heels, the hair, the nails, the makeup. All of it.
You just hoped by some miracle that he hadn’t found your locator beacon yet. You’d hidden it well; within the bushes outside away from anyone’s line of sight, but he wasn’t just anyone. He could see things a lot of people couldn’t.
“C’mon. You know you wanna…” He smiled sweetly for good measure. It looked like a threat. When he leaned to the side, the golden barrel of a gun flashed beneath his belt.
You could try to make a backup. Right then. You had what you needed in your watch. He’d probably stop you before it was complete.
Or what? What else could you do?
Your locator beacon wasn’t responding, though it hadn’t been broken. Most likely deactivated temporarily. You bounced on your heels.
You then formed the worst idea of your life.
With shaky hands, you walked towards him slowly. You reached into your purse, feeling for the cold plastic of the black USB he wanted to get his grubby hands on.
“Knew you’d come ‘round.” He held out his hand expectantly.
You fished the USB from your bag.
Then, before you could place it into his palm, you tripped and almost broke your nose on his torso. Your hands splayed desperately onto his chest to keep your face from shattering on impact.
He was quick to grab your arms to steady you with a surprised grunt.
There was a whirring sound, and then the sound of something mechanical and wrong. Foreign. Not from his body, but from yours.
The spaces beneath his joints lit up abright yellow for a moment before his hands loosened from your arms.
You grinned. Gotcha.
When you pulled back, he witnessed you pull a strange light from beneath his skin before you held it along your fingers.
When he blinked, you had an entire copy of his body in the palm of your hand. A hologram formed of his entire artificial makeup. Every crevice of his body, all of the metal that weaved to make him who he was.
All of it in your hand, with puppet strings attached.
It was missing just his head.
He froze. And then, he rushed out a simple, “what did you do?”
You tapped on his holographic arm on the screen. “Hijacked.”
When you moved it, his arm twitched to life.
Against his will, he pulled the gun from his holster and dropped it to the floor. It clattered uselessly onto the carpet.
He could only simply stare as his body moved against his will. There was no way to even twitch a finger with all his might.
It was like you had shut down all of his systems and replaced them with your own.
He should’ve seen this coming.
You whistled as you studied the model of him in your hands. When you tapped onto his neck, it zoomed in to show every single wire and thread of metal, as well as an accompanying string of coding.
“I don’t need any special enhancements to read you. What sort of cyborg comes in alone to try and stop me? You know who I am, don’t you?”
He wasn’t able to move his body. He said not a word.
“Somebody clearly doesn’t understand their body.” You patted his chest. His fans had kicked in. You could hear them whirring.
He was glaring at you.
“Did the IPC send you?”
After a moment, he scoffed. “Hardly. I don’t work for those… people.” It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it.
“Huh.” You didn’t think he was lying. “So… you’re not concerned about my bounty?”
“You said yourself you were priceless,” he countered easily. Despite his position, he was still grinning. “And besides, I’m sure my bounty is heaps bigger than yours.”
You almost snapped. He’d come to gloat, even at a disadvantage.
“You look better with your mouth shut,” you spat. You shoved the lining of code in his face for him to see, making the holographic blue screen as large as you possibly could. “I could make you tear yourself apart. I could make you forget who you are. I could alter whatever sort of brain you have in there. Watch yourself.”
Still glaring, but this time his lips sealed almost instantly.
You made him stand ram rod straight as you turned around, now eyeing a golden vanity next to the bed. The bedroom was surprisingly clean, save for a few empty glasses strewn about. No stains, no messes.
You sat down in the chair and angled the mirror so you could keep your eye on him.
You breathed out, trying not to stare at him for too long. You could feel your irritation growing, and it was showing on your face. If you stared at him for any longer, you feared you’d pull his limbs off with your own bare hands.
You fished out the powder from your purse and leaned closer to the mirror.
Maybe if you looked better, you’d feel better.
“You’re seriously dollin’ yourself up right now?” he asked, briskly annoyed.
You dabbed the sponge beneath your eyes. “Can’t let anyone think I let you put your hands on me. I have standards.”
He had nice hair. You weren’t sure if it was real, though. You weren’t sure if he could even grow hair. He was almost entirely artificial, save for his head.
He didn’t seem to age—his face, at least. You weren’t sure how old he was supposed to be, but his organic skin still looked fresh, as if left untouched and well taken care of.
Maybe it’s because that was all he had left of him.
You snapped the powder shut.
The ranger sneered. “Yeah, yeah. I’d beat you in a fight anyway.”
“‘Course you would,” you answered easily. You pulled a stick of gloss from your bag. You swiped the lipgloss over your lips, fixing it with the tip of your nail. “That’s not what I’m talking about, though.”
You stood from the chair, placing the gloss back in your purse.
“You’d never hit me, would you?”
His face almost lit up with fury.
It was absolutely hilarious.
“You’re so lucky I can't move,” he threatened. “You wouldn’t recognise your pretty face in the mirror.”
“Such a gentleman.” You stood on the tips of your toes to press your lips to his cheek. You hoped the sticky gloss bothered him, knowing he would be unable to wipe it off of him. You hoped it stained his milky skin a nice glittery bubblegum pink.
You hoped the scent of your perfume lingered on his skin, and he never forgot your name.
“Of course, gorgeous.” That same mocking tone. “Anything for you.”
You held the USB up to his lips. “Open.”
Begrudgingly, he did so.
You slipped the stick past his lips until his teeth caught onto the plastic and held it still.
“You can have it. I already got what I needed anyway.”
You kissed his other cheek for good measure, lingering for a moment before you pulled away. Two pink glittering stains on his face now; perfectly symmetrical.
“I’ll be thinking of you.” And that you would. You winked at him. “Bye, Boothill.”
Then, with sudden grid lines of yellow forming over your figure, the locator beacon buzzed to life, and you disappeared.
In the blink of an eye, you were outside in the cold night air. There were few people out in the front garden of the building, and none had spotted you.
You picked up the gadget and quickly left. A copy of his body and the USB were now a collection in your own personal belongings.
As soon as you vanished, Boothill regained control of his limbs and fell to the floor, trembling with the after effects of your invasion. His teeth were gritted as he pulled himself up onto the guest bed.
He spat the USB out before he could bite down and damage it.
He held it between his thumb and index finger.
There was a smear of your lipgloss on the side of the USB stick.
Mission accomplished, he supposed.
He also had two matching lipgloss stains on his skin as a trophy. He could see how stupid he looked in the vanity mirror.
He snickered with clenched, shaking fists.
You smelled like strawberry.
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turcott3 · 7 months
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good looking
matt rempe x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, fluff, kissing, pet names
oh my good looking boy…
“matt?” you call out as you hear your apartment door shut from your bed. you heard keys drop in the bowl and that answered your suspicion. the rangers had just lost the day prior and he was just coming back home.
“matt?” you ask again, getting out of bed walking out into your living room, “baby?”
“i’m home.” he smiles, revealing the flowers he’d bought for you on his short trip from the airport.
“awe matty you didn’t have to.” you frown sweetly at the gesture, taking the flowers from his hands.
“i wanted to, i missed you.” the brunette says lowly, towering over you. you noted the stitches in his nose. his face a little swollen from his fight last night that he’d unfortunately fallen short in.
“i missed you too.” you reply as he leans down kissing you gently on the lips.
“you go get settled, i’ll take care of these fucking gorgeous flowers and dinner, okay?” you say running a careful finger over the cut on his face which he winced slightly at the touch.
“okay.” he smiled lightly.
“looks like he got you good.” you giggled.
“yeah well can’t win em all. i was exhausted.” he sighs.
“i’ll step in next time, can’t let em beat up my good looking boy.” you smile sweetly, placing a light hand on his cheek.
“would you still love me even if my face gets pounded? entirely theoretical by the way.” he giggles lightly.
“yes matt, i would. even when you had a broken nose and black eyes you were still the most handsome man i’ve ever laid my eyes on.” you reply with no hesitation as he lifts you off the ground in a hug.
“god i love you.” he says placing a kiss on your head, “i’m gonna unpack, when i’m done i’ll come help you with dinner, okay baby?”
“okay, no rush.” you say as he kisses you one last time before dragging his bags into your bedroom. you start dinner with a huge smile on your face. the way he made you feel was, undeniably, the feeling of true love. the way you get butterflies every time he walks in the room, the sweet gestures such as giving you flowers or a writing you a letter and left it for you when he leaves for morning practice. it all made you grow more and more in love with him everyday. you didn’t know how you could possibly be more in debt to him even though he did it out of the kindness of his heart, not to get something back from you.
“let me take over. go change, i got you something.” he says sneaking up behind you, placing delicate hands on your waist and leaning his head in the crook of your neck.
“just stir it every now and then.” you reply kissing him on the cheek and escaping his grasp, quickly walking to your bedroom. laid out on the bed was a satin pajama set, the exact one you’ve been talking about since you saw it at the mall at least a month ago.
“he remembered.” you scoff, your heart growing warm. you quickly discard your clothes, changing into the silky satin of your new pajamas. you looked at yourself in the mirror, loving the way it complimented your skin tone. confidently, you walked back out into the kitchen.
“matthew rempe.” you say startling him.
“what happened?”
“are you serious? i’ve been talking about these for so long and you remembered?” you say as a smile grows on his face.
“well yeah, of course i did.”
“oh thank you thank you thank you. i love them so much.” you say walking over to him quickly wrapping your arms around him. soon enough you were enveloped in his large, loving arms once again.
“i’m glad, you look beautiful.” he giggles.
“dishes are done.” matt smiles waltzing into the bedroom and shutting the door behind him.
“can i take a look at the cut on your face?” you ask, stopping him in his tracks.
“it’s okay, you don’t have to-“
“no come on,” you say throwing the covers off of you. he takes a seat on the closed toilet lid and separates his legs for you to stand between. you take your place between his legs taking his face into your hands and brush his hair out of the way. his arms find their way around your legs, holding you lightly in place. you scanned the cut, noting that they had simply stitched him up and sent him on his way.
“they really stitched you up and sent you back out didn’t they?” you ask.
“hold one second, i just want to clean it and put a bandaid on it so it doesn’t look so gnarly.” you say, tapping his arm to let you go. you dig under the sink finding alcohol and cotton balls, as well as a bandaid.
“it’s gonna burn.” you state holding the soaked cotton ball.
“try me.” he simply replied and you shrug pressing it straight onto the cut. his grip on your legs tightened and he clenched his eyes shut at the contact.
“okay just kidding.” he says, clearly in pain.
“i told you honey.” you laugh pressing a kiss to the top of the boys head. you cleaned him up and perfectly placed the bandaid on top of the cut, kissing it once it was laid flat.
“much better.” you smile locking eyes with the boy, who you swear was giving you literal heart eyes.
“thank you my love.” he says kissing you delicately on the cheek before following closely behind you on your way back into the room.
“come here you big baby.” you laugh leaning your back slightly up against the headboard, waiting for the 6’7 baby to take his place on your chest, which he of course did very quickly.
“thank you for cleaning my cut and taking care of me y/n.” he says quietly as you run your fingers gently through his brown locks.
“and thank you for loving me the way you do.” he continues, leaning up to look at you.
“it’s hard not to, i’d do anything for you matt. it’s a privilege to know you, let alone love you.” you giggle
“my beautiful girl.” he sighs with a smile as he kisses you lovingly before laying his head back down on your chest carefully.
“i love you matt.” you say with your hand finding its way back into his soft hair.
“i love you so much more baby.” he replies, his hands finding their way underneath you.
“you’re about to go to sleep on me aren’t you?”you ask noticing his breathing slowing down.
“yep.” he replies quietly, allowing the sleepy boy to drift off to sleep in the comfort of your embrace.
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Uncle Sam paid to develop a cancer drug and now one guy will get to charge whatever he wants for it
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Today (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. Tomorrow (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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The argument for pharma patents: making new medicines is expensive, and medicines are how we save ourselves from cancer and other diseases. Therefore, we will award government-backed monopolies – patents – to pharma companies so they will have an incentive to invest their shareholders' capital in research.
There's plenty wrong with this argument. For one thing, pharma companies use their monopoly winnings to sell drugs, not invent drugs. For every dollar pharma spends on research, it spends three dollars on marketing:
And that "R&D" isn't what you're thinking of, either. Most R&D spending goes to "evergreening" – coming up with minor variations on existing drugs in a bid to extend those patents for years or decades:
Evergreening got a lot of attention recently when John Green rained down righteous fire upon Johnson & Johnson for their sneaky tricks to prevent poor people from accessing affordable TB meds, prompting this excellent explainer from the Arm and A Leg Podcast:
Another thing those monopoly profits are useful for: "pay for delay," where pharma companies bribe generic manufacturers not to make cheap versions of drugs whose patents have expired. Sure, it's illegal, but that doesn't stop 'em:
But it's their money, right? If they want to spend it on bribes or evergreening or marketing, at least some of that money is going into drugs that'll keep you and the people you love from enduring unimaginable pain or dying slowly and hard. Surely that warrants a patent.
Let's say it does. But what about when a pharma company gets a patent on a life-saving drug that the public paid to develop, test and refine? Publicly funded work is presumptively in the public domain, from NASA R&D to the photos that park rangers shoot of our national parks. The public pays to produce this work, so it should belong to the public, right?
That was the deal – until Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980. Under Bayh-Dole, government-funded inventions are given away – to for-profit corporations, who get to charge us whatever they want to access the things we paid to make. The basis for this is a racist hoax called "The Tragedy Of the Commons," written by the eugenicist white supremacist Garrett Hardin and published by Science in 1968:
Hardin invented an imaginary history in which "commons" – things owned and shared by a community – are inevitably overrun by selfish assholes, a fact that prompts nice people to also overrun these commons, so as to get some value out of them before they are gobbled up by people who read Garrett Hardin essays.
Hardin asserted this as a historical fact, but he cited no instances in which it happened. But when the Nobel-winning Elinor Ostrom actually went and looked at how commons are managed, she found that they are robust and stable over long time periods, and are a supremely efficient way of managing resources:
The reason Hardin invented an imaginary history of tragic commons was to justify enclosure: moving things that the public owned and used freely into private ownership. Or, to put it more bluntly, Hardin invented a pseudoscientific justification for giving away parks, roads and schools to rich people and letting them charge us to use them.
To arrive at this fantasy, Hardin deployed one of the most important analytical tools of modern economics: introspection. As Ely Devons put it: "If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’"
Hardin's hoax swept from the fringes to the center and became received wisdom – so much so that by 1980, Senators Birch Bayh and Bob Dole were able to pass a law that gave away publicly funded medicine to private firms, because otherwise these inventions would be "overgrazed" by greedy people, denying the public access to livesaving drugs.
On September 21, the NIH quietly published an announcement of one of these pharmaceutical transfers, buried in a list of 31 patent assignments in the Federal Register:
The transfer in question is a patent for using T-cell receptors (TCRs) to treat solid tumors from HPV, one of the only patents for treating solid tumors with TCRs. The beneficiary of this transfer is Scarlet TCR, a Delaware company with no website or SEC filings and ownership shrouded in mystery:
One person who pays attention to this sort of thing is James Love, co-founder of Knowledge Ecology International, a nonprofit that has worked for decades for access to medicines. Love sleuthed out at least one person behind Scarlet TCR: Christian Hinrichs, a researcher at Rutgers who used to work at the NIH's National Cancer Institute:
Love presumes Hinrichs is the owner of Scarlet TCR, but neither the NIH nor Scarlet TCR nor Hinrichs will confirm it. Hinrichs was one of the publicly-funded researchers who worked on the new TCR therapy, for which he received a salary.
This new drug was paid for out of the public purse. The basic R&D – salaries for Hinrichs and his collaborators, as well as funding for their facilities – came out of NIH grants. So did the funding for the initial Phase I trial, and the ongoing large Phase II trial.
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, the proposed patent transfer will make Hinrichs a very wealthy man (Love calls it "generational wealth"):
This wealth will come by charging us – the public – to access a drug that we paid to produce. The public took all the risks to develop this drug, and Hinrichs stands to become a billionaire by reaping the rewards – rewards that will come by extracting fortunes from terrified people who don't want to die from tumors that are eating them alive.
The transfer of this patent is indefensible. The government isn't even waiting until the Phase II trials are complete to hand over our commonly owned science.
But there's still time. The NIH is about to get a new director, Monica Bertagnolli – Hinrichs's former boss – who will need to go before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for confirmation. Love is hoping that the confirmation hearing will present an opportunity to question Bertagnolli about the transfer – specifically, why the drug isn't being nonexclusively licensed to lots of drug companies who will have to compete to sell the cheapest possible version.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
JUST READ YOUR POST! I SHALL SUBMIT MY TIGHNARI REQ NOW ❤️❤️ just imagining Tighnari in heat.... trying so hard to contain himself for the whole day then at night he was on patrol with fem!reader and he couldnt hold back anymore so he told the reader he was in heat. AND THE READER BEING A BITCH WOULD TAUNT HIM BY SAYING HE HAS TO CATCH THE READER SO BE ABLE TO BREED EM 🫶🏻🫶🏻 just a whole game of cat n mouse in the forest at night. Obvi tighnari catches her and fucks her into oblivion 😳😳😳
a/n: omg I read something similar to your ask recently. I always wanted to write something like this. Tighnari in heat 😳😳😳 I hope you enjoy it.❤️ I have been waiting for the chance to write for Tighnari again. I didn't think anyone would request anything for him due to certain circumstances.
Tighnari x fem!reader. Tighnari in a heat cycle. Predatory! Tighnari. Cat and mouse game incoming.
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Tighnari's heat cycles were particularly hard for him, especially since he'd met you. Before he met you, he always dealt with his heat cycles quietly and private, not wanting it get in the way of his duties as a Forest Ranger.
It took one week into his cycle for him to break. You were on patrol with him in the forest, chatting idly about the weather, or certain birds you see. Your demeanor may have been relaxed, but Tighnari's wasn't.
You smelt so good. Staggering a little, he leaned up against a tree. He was panting quietly, a hand over his mouth. His lips felt dry, and his cheeks were flushed.
"Tighnari? What's the matter? Are you sick?" You asked, your gaze boring into his hazel eyes. You were so concerned, and your eyes looked so beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to gaze down at you as you writhed beneath him, telling you how much he wanted breed you.
"I appreciate your concern, but I'm not sick. I'm in heat," his ears drooped a little, "to be frank, I don't know if I can restrain myself any longer. It would be best if you went back to Gandharva Ville without me. I'll finish this patrol on my own." This was his first cycle with you, he didn't want it overwhelm you.
Like hell you were going back. In fact, you upped the ante. Go big or go home as they say. Reaching up, you gently tugged on his ears. "Chase me, Tighnari," you said. His ears pricked up. "I'm more happy to cool you down," you smirked, "that is, if you can catch me first."
Tighnari sighed. Why did you have to be so difficult, especially at a time like this? "Run," was all he had to say before you took off. "Just wait until I get my hands on you."
Honestly, for a second you wondered if you were in over your head. Tighnari knew this forest like the back of his hand. This was his territory. And so were you. There more than likely wasn't one place you could hide from him in that he wouldn't find.
You looked over your shoulder before cutting a hard left. Tighnari had thankfully given you a head start. You stopped to hide behind two large mushrooms, catching your breath as quietly as you could, pressing a hand over your mouth.
You waited, your body coiled like a spring as you listened for leaves to start crunching as Tighnari got closer.
Tighnari lifted his head, sniffing the air as he ran. "Come out, come out wherever you are," he called out. At first he'd been annoyed, but now he was enjoying it. He felt exhilarated, his heart pounding with excitement and lust. Your spontaneous game of cat and mouse had excited him than he thought it would.
"I smell something good behind these mushrooms." You darted out, bolting into the forest again. Tighnari was hot on your heels now that he had sussed out your hiding place. It was foolish of you to let your guard down.
You looked over your shoulder again. You'd put a little bit of distance between you. You were so distracted with how turned on you felt being chased down like this by Tighnari that you didn't notice a root of a tree sticking out of the ground slightly.
Tighnari caught you as you tripped. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he braced you against him as you both tumbled to the ground.
"I've caught you, my love," he said, pinning your wrists above your head as he crawled on top of you. "You didn't make it easy for me though."
"I'm impressed, 'Nari, I thought I was faster than you this time," You blushed a little, your pride actually hurt a little bit. You couldn't believe you'd tripped like that.
Tighnari chuckled, "Well, you did trip. But that doesn't matter," his hands were already roaming over your body. He nuzzled your neck, his tail flicking with excitement. "I was going to catch you anyways whether you tripped or not."
Tighnari had always put his research and his duties as a Forest Ranger first and foremost in front of anything like finding a mate. He'd never fixated on anyone like this before.
Now he finally had you right where he wanted you. Tighnari didn't tear your clothes to shreds as he stripped you and himself. He wanted to, but you would need something to walk back home in. A feeling of possession suddenly gripped him. Tighnari bit down on your collarbone, inhaling your scent. You moaned as he sucked a bruise onto your skin. "Mmm~, I think you taste even better than you smell," he mumbled, nursing his tongue against the fold of skin.
One love bite turned into two and three. Tighnari was marking you, marking his territory, taking care to leave them in visible places on your neck. He didn't want any of the new recruits ogling you to begin with, but if they had to (and he couldn't blame them) they would see his marks and know you belonged to someone.
Belonged to him.
You were squirming beneath him, spreading your legs so he could grind his erection between them. Tighnari could feel the heat of your need. He was thrilled that you want this just as much as he did.
Tighnari prepared you as best he could before thrusting his cock inside of you. He kissed you gently when you winced softly in pain. He didn't even start thrusting right away. He breathed in a sigh of relief, soaking in the way his cock felt inside of you.
You wiggled your hips a little as you tugged on his ears, making him whine. "Fuck me, 'Nari."
That was all he needed to hear. Tighnari's thrusts were slow at first, his ears flicking a few times upon hearing your moans, especially when you moaned his name. The way you sounded was like heaven in his ears. It made him feel more feverish, bordering on feral.
His pace quickened, his cock squelching as he drove himself home. His mouth watered when he saw your breasta beginning to bounce in time with his thrusts. He nuzzled your neck again before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking as he swirled his tongue it. "I'm going to breed you full of my pups, I promise."
My goodness weren't you the lucky one? The fennec fox mates for life.
The feeling of his cum spilling inside of you ushered in your orgasm. You arched your back, his name tearing from your throat in a scream. He kissed you lovingly as you both rode your high.
Over the next month, it became common for you to isolate yourself in his hut with him. You soon discovered, much to your delight that he was absolutely insatiable.
pps. This turned out longer than I thought it would. I hope it's not too long. I may have gotten carried away a little. Both Tighnari and Scara always seem to make me do that lol😭
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barrenclan · 3 days
HI i just finished reading the comic and it's so so incredible!!!! your art is gorgeous and your work with the story is completely unmatched <3
I've been listening to the song Butcher Vanity by Vane Lily a lot and it strikes me as a Deepdark song!
Thank you! I'm so glad you like the comic. I agree, Deepdark's desire to kill and eat and never stop consuming is what defines him. I'll use the chance to share a PMV by my pal Katti, the creator of The Exiled comic who made a really excellent PMV with the song :)
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I think someone else had the same idea as well, it looks like it's already been suggested before :) but yes it does fit very well! Any song about a land/town/etc that's been cursed and rotten forever works great.
Tell me now of the very soul that look alike, look alike Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes? If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon Tell me if I'll ever know a blessing in disguise
The curse ruled from the underground, down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
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I never knew this song was from the Justice League movie?? Wow, that's wild. It is a good song for PATFW as a whole.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows
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I have! In fact, the song "Hellfire" is the character theme song for Cootstorm. I made a drawing of it awhile ago.
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Did you know that in fact someone made an animated video with Rainhaze to this very song? It's really cool, you should check it out!
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Yeah, it's pretty Rainhaze! Especially in his post-Asphodelpaw murder manic phase.
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see You’d look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep But I got facts and I’m not afraid to use ‘em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I’d rather be that than An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
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Aww wait :(
Looks like the cat did a number on you Vienna, oh He took a brick off the side of the stoop Poor vienna It'll be over soon Your mamas waiting for ya But you're not coming home
Your mamas been so worried Cause you never came home Beneath the ground you're buried In memoriam
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Yes I think it could be! Even more, I think it's exemplary of Deepdark's general charisma and desire to recruit people into Defiance, reminiscent of his speech from Issue 28.
You and me should go outside And beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em All pathetic flag waving ignorant geeks And we'll eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em
Come join the cause, come join the cause Who wants to come with me and come join the cause? Hide in the sky, hide in the sky Who wants to come with me and hide in the sky?
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Oh, my mom loves this album, I grew up listening to it. This does remind me a bit of them, how sweet and sad.
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes Let them know you realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do you realize That you have the most beautiful face? Do you realize?
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What a unique take on their relationship! I do like the theme of Ranger guiding Rainhaze's hand, and the parent-child energy is very interesting for them. Interesting take on Mordred, for that matter.
Guileless Son, I'll shape your belief And you'll always know that your father's a thief And you won't understand the cause of your grief But you'll always follow the voices beneath
Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty only to me
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july-1804 · 3 months
8 with some juicy angst lol
8. "I can't do this alone!"
Jack feels sick when he sees Nico hit the ice.
He's laying in a heap as the brawl starts, Siegs dropping his gloves first in retaliation for the dirty hit against his captain. It didn't take long for the remainder of the players for both the Devils and the Rangers to drop their gloves and start fighting, thankfully away from Nico's limp body.
Jack blinks and the trainers are on the ice, calling for the team doctor and EMS staff. Timo and Haula are helping them onto the ice as the fight is broken up, players being sent to their respective penalty boxes. Jack shakes off his gloves, feeling his palms start to sweat and bile rising in the back of his throat. He feels someone's hand on his shoulder--Luke, maybe, but Jack can't peel his eyes away from his husband on the ice.
"He's moving his hands," Luke murmurs into his ear, trying to bring Jack down from his impending panic attack. "See? He just pointed to his head. This is all just a precaution, bro, Nico's tough."
Jack blinks again, trying to refocus his eyes on Nico's movements, taking a shaky sip of a water bottle that was thrust into his hands. They were putting the neck brace on him, the team doctor kneeling down at Nico's head to hold it still. Nico tried to sit up but was ushered back down by the medical staff, pinning his arms to his chest. He could hear raised voices of his teammates telling Nico to stay down, the arena falling eerily silent.
"I can't do this alone," Jack croaks out to Luke, the transfer board being slipped between Nico and the ice.
"You're not bud, Nico is going to be fine," Lukes tries to reassure him, but Jack shakes his head in response.
It wasn't just if Nico were to die--it's if he was paralysed and couldn't ever walk again; if he had post-concussion syndrome and couldn't continue his hockey career; or if this hit was the one that causes a CTE diagnosis down the track. Jack wouldn't be able to continue playing hockey, putting a brave face on for Mila when Nico's heart and soul had been taken away from him--the light from behind his eyes forever dimmed. Mila hadn't even turned two yet--she would never have any memories of Nico prior to this life altering moment.
"There's less than 2 minutes on the clock, Keefe won't play you again for this game. Fitzy will call Nico's parents and tell them as a formality, you know how it is. Then we'll get you back in the dressing room, a quick shower and change and I'll drive you to the hospital," Luke takes charge, trying to keep Jack from bursting into tears on the bench.
He feels someone hoist him up by the elbow as sticks start tapping the ice as Nico is wheeled off the ice, surrounded by an entourage of concerned faces.
Luke was right, both of them were benched for the remaining minutes of the game. Jack lets himself be led down the tunnel and into the locker room. The room is too quiet--they'd won the game, but without Nico's presence it felt as if they'd had their biggest loss of the season. What if this was Nico's last game of hockey?
Jack blinks, and he's being guided into the passenger seat of a car. The back seat is devoid of a carseat, and Jack realises he must be in Luke's car.
"Mila's at home," Jack says with urgency as Luke slides into the drivers seat.
"I've already sent Hazel a message and given her the heads up. She said Mila's completely fine and is more than happy to stay until we get home," Luke tells Jack as he peels his car out of the garage.
They're met at the front door of the ER by one of the trainers, being led to a private room tucked towards the back. The trainer was smiling, Jack thinks to himself as he tries to steady his racing heart; so maybe Nico was okay after all? Or was the smile merely to cover up the severity of Nico's injury?
Jack has no clue what he's about to walk into when the door to Nico's room was opened for him, but he was not expecting Nico to be sitting up in bed and smiling at him. Jack stops in his tracks and bursts into tears.
"Oh, Schatz," Nico says, face falling at his husband's state. "I'm okay, baby. Come here." He holds his arm out towards Jack, patting the bed beside him. He registers the team doctor leaving the room as he moves towards Nico on autopilot, letting himself be pulled into Nico's side as he cries.
"All my scans are clear, nothing's broken. Just a concussion," Nico says into Jack's hair.
"Can we take you home tonight?" Jack mumbles, face buried in Nico's armpit.
Nico shakes his head gingerly. "They want me to stay for observation tonight. I threw up in the ambulance and they couldn't roll me onto my side fast enough, so I have to get some antibiotics through an IV just to be sure my chest is okay."
Jack feels himself start to settle down, hiccuping between shuddering breaths just like Mila when she's recovering from a meltdown.
"I can't do this alone," Jack tells Nico as the thought of their daughter crosses his mind. Mila needs both of her parents--Jack needs Nico to be okay.
"You don't have to, baby. I'm right here with you and everything is going to be okay."
Nico was right, everything was okay. Luke lets Jack sleep in the car on the way home, thanking Hazel repeatedly as he updates her on Nico's condition. He finds Jack standing in Mila's nursery, cuddling the sleeping baby to his chest as he buries his nose into her hair.
Jack's eyes are closed, curled protectively around Mila as Luke pads into the master bedroom. He'd stolen a pair of Jack's pyjama pants, slipping into the king sized bed next to his brother and niece. Nico would be home in the morning, Jack was coming down from his adrenaline high, Mila would be hugged by both her Daddy and her Papa in the morning, and Luke's job was complete--Jack didn't have to do it alone.
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edges-of-night · 21 hours
Hello, hope this message finds you well! I would like to request (if the idea interests you of course) the fellowship responding to the reader asking “would you still love me if I was a worm/toad?”
What an inspired idea, anon haha! This one was fun to think about; hopefully it’s just as much fun to read! Enjoy ♡
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
Even though you asked him out of nowhere, Aragorn considers your questions rather seriously. Sitting by a fire with you, it takes him a while to answer: “Why wouldn’t I?” It should’ve been obvious to you that a ranger – and one as kind and gentle-hearted as him! – would naturally see beauty in every creature, no matter its general reputation. To him, it’s not a question.
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir would shoot you a confused smile when you asked him your question. “What? Why would you turn into a worm…?” You’d blush and explain it to him, which would make him laugh in relief. “Why worry about such nonsense?” – “What, me turning into a worm?” – “No, silly! Me not loving you!” he’d say and pull you close for a kiss ♡ (He’d probably still worry about the sudden question because he cares for you that much haha!)
・゚✧ Frodo.
When you ask Frodo your question, it catches him off-guard. He’d look up from his book and ask you to repeat, even though he was already listening carefully. But the question has him double-checking! Your adorable explanation makes him laugh. He’d take your hands and say, “The things you think about! If you ever manage to turn yourself into a worm, you must turn me as well, so that we may live happy lives in our worm-house underground.”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Gandalf smokes his pipe when you ask him your question and smacks his lips as he contemplates the scenario. “A curious proposition…” For a moment, the furrow of his bushy eyebrows makes it look like he was about to scold you for your nonsense, but then he’d shoot you a playful smirk and assure you that yes, if you were to turn into a worm, he would still love you all the same.
・゚✧ Gimli.
You ask Gimli your question at a late-night banquet, making him pause and laugh. “I do not know if a worm would want to live in stone though! Wouldn’t you leave for grassier, muddier grounds? What would a worm want with a Dwarf?” Just like that, he has turned your question around! The ensuing nonsense conversation makes it certain: The two of you are inseparable ♡
・゚✧ Legolas.
Legolas is a very playful Elf and enjoys the games and riddles you two tend to play, so your question would not come entirely out of the blue for him. He would tilt his head and pout, pretending to consider it gravely. “A worm? A creature so foul and tiny and all too disagreeable?” – his face splits into a grin – “Why yes, of course!” Additionally, he’d incorporate “little worm” into his endless list of pet names for you.
・゚✧ Merry.
Your question to Merry would probably come up during one of your philosophical conversations. But instead of stopping Merry dead in his tracks, he’d simply answer, “Yes, next question.” To him, it genuinely is not up for debate if changing your appearance would impact his feelings for you. When you dig deeper, he’d probably say something like, “I’d have to get used to it, but that’s it” and grin at you.
・゚✧ Pippin.
Let’s be honest: The question would probably come from Pippin in the first place. Maybe he had watched a worm or a toad travelling through a meadow nearby, or even overheard other Hobbits asking their partner about the dreaded scenario. He keeps wondering if he’d still be lovable as a worm but leaves no doubt should that fate befall you: This Hobbit loves you to the moon and back!
・゚✧ Sam.
No contest: Sam Gamgee wins this one by a mile. When you ask him, no matter how unsurely, he’d cross his arms with a thoughtful sigh and start his answer by explaining how important worms are in the circle of nature to keep the ground and gardens alive. “And that’s just that, y’know? I don’t have to find ‘em beautiful, but I’d simply be lost without them. And if it was you, oh, y’know, there’d be no question about it. I’d tinker with a bit of wood to make you an indoor garden, so you have some dirt to crawl in even when we’re inside the house. Something I can carry around. And somethin’ to eat. Unless you don’t want to. I’d bring you the good dirt from Farmer Maggot, and some apples, too. Your favourite flowers must be there too, so that’s – hm? What’re smilin’ at me like that for? You asked the question…”
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Vidas Pasadas (Past Lives)
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Gif by @doortotomorrow
Also on AO3
Part One // Mini-Series Masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Latina!Reader (Spanish speaking)
Song inspo (used in chapter): Cuando Vuelva a Tu Lado - Eydie Gormé & Trio Los Panchos
WC: 2.8k words
Chapter Summary: Shifting between the past and the present, there are two sides to your relationship with Cooper… even if you’re unaware of who he is now.
Warnings: MINORS DNI THIS FIC IS 18+, implied mutual pining, slowburn-ish, angst, canon typical violence, abduction (by raiders), swearing, smoking (it was common in hollywood back in the day dont get mad at me), some Spanish dialogue with translations, the ghoul being the ghoul, also reader gets bonked in the head by a raider, let me know if I’m missing anything otherwise!
In the past….
It was the very last scene of the film.
You and Cooper were riding horses off into the sunset, awash in romantic, golden lighting. He had saved the day, once again, and the girl to boot. 
Not that the girl needed any saving, he didn’t think, but you already made that very apparent on screen. He wondered if the writers would ever make a version where you saved him.
“So, your lone ranger days are over, huh?” You asked, glancing at him.
He grunted, a smile starting to pull at his lips. “Can’t say I’ll miss ‘em.”
“That so?” You hummed in thought. “Thinkin’ of settlin’ down, are you?”
“I got my own ranch, if that’s what you’re askin’. But I ain’t retirin’ yet,” he said. “But if you’re askin’ if I’m thinking of going steady with you, well…”
You rolled your eyes playfully, inching your horse closer to his. “Oh come on now, don’t leave a girl in suspense!”
“I wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble if I didn’t want you around, now would I?”
He smiled that dazzling smile of his, and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach were genuine.
“Oh, amor mío…”
You pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him to seal the deal. It was sweet, passionate, and full of promise. Cooper’s hands cradled your face gently, and for a moment you forgot you were in the middle of a film shoot. 
But when the director called Cut! and the cameras stopped rolling, you pulled away with a laugh.
“I don’t think we’re allowed to use that much tongue, Coop,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“God, the crowds will be scandalized!” He said, not sounding concerned in the slightest. “Here comes Ernie.”
“Electrifying take, you two,” Ernie, the film’s director, said with a little wag of his eyebrows. “But let’s tone it down in this next take, alright? Trying to keep this picture for all audiences.”
“Alright, alright, go get the lady some water, why don’t’cha?” Cooper said, waving him off. “Looking this good on camera all day is tiring.”
You chuckled, bending down as a makeup artist rushed to your side to retouch your powder. A production assistant followed suit, bringing two water bottles for both of you. 
You took a long pull from yours, accidentally spilling some down your chin. Cooper’s eyes were momentarily drawn to the thin rivulet of water traveling down your neck as you cleaned up with a handkerchief.
“Say… you didn’t get uncomfortable with the amount of tongue, right?” Cooper asked, averting his gaze and clearing his throat nervously. “I got a little carried away, but I'll keep myself in check from now on…”
“Oh, please, Coop,” you said with an all too casual shrug. “All part of the job. Plus, it wasn’t just you who got carried away.”
He didn’t say anything, taking a sip of water instead. In all the years you’d worked together, he’d cherished your friendship immensely. But he had to admit that having a more intimate knowledge of you made it impossible not to feel the echo of something more. Something he had deeply repressed so as not to acknowledge it. 
He was ignorant that you were in the same position, valuing what you had instead of listening to your foolish heart. You’d had a few partners, distractions here and there, but no one ever seemed to be quite right. Better to be alone than to settle for just anyone, right?
“Been meanin’ to tell you,” he said, changing the subject. “Barb’s been askin’ when you’re gonna come over for dinner. Janey misses your arroz con leche.”
Your lips curled up at his accent, which always managed to have the same effect on you. “How about Saturday? I think we’ve got the day off then.”
“That’s perfect.” He leaned in closer and lowered his voice, as if pretending to share a secret. “Truth be told, I’ve missed it too.”
You shook your head with amusement, those damn butterflies stirring in your stomach once more.
“Back to one now, please!” Ernie called from his chair across the set. 
The two of you took your original positions, slipping back almost naturally into the role of lovebirds.
The Present…
You were humming to yourself again. An old bolero tune that took him a few notes to recognize. 
“Cuando vuelva a tu lado,  no me niegues tus besos, que el amor que te he dado, no podrás olvidar.”
(When I’m by your side again, don’t deny me your kisses, for the love I have given you, you won’t be able to forget)
It was the song you’d sang in one of your films, in a scene where he saw you for the first time. A little musical number to show off your skills, your voice. He’d been genuinely hypnotized, he recalled.
The recognition hurt him a surprising amount, and he couldn’t bear to listen anymore.
“Quit it,” he snapped, making you cringe. “You wanna alert others of where we are?”
“S-sorry, just something I do to distract myself…” you said, pursing your lips. 
“That’s why they want you in New Vegas?” He asked. “Pretty little songbird of their own?”
“You keep complimenting me while making it sound threatening,” you said before you could think twice about it, immediately wishing you could take it back. 
He let out an amused huff. “It’s all part of the charm.”
Charm, alright. You thought as you raised an eyebrow. 
“To answer your question… Yeah, that’s exactly why they want me there. Signed the dotted line on that a long, long time ago.”
“And if you don’t make it there?” He asked. “What then?”
You slowed your pace, fearful of what he might be insinuating. “Well… then I guess they would be out of luck, but not money. Washed up movie star like me, I don’t think I’d cost them very much.”
“Oh, I doubt that very much. ‘Round these parts, we only got the past to escape to,” he said with a grunt. “Not to mention, you’re quite easy on the eyes.”
You swallowed hard, face heating up as you glanced back at him over your shoulder. You caught his roguish grin, which only made you even more flustered. The compliment was genuine enough, but you still weren’t sure how to take it.
“And you haven’t even seen me all dolled up,” you joked half heartedly, which prompted him to hum in thought.
And there it was again, that feeling that you were missing a crucial piece of the whole puzzle. There was a certain familiarity to his voice, but maybe you were just hearing what you wanted to hear.
“So I am going to make it there, then?” You asked. “I’m sure they’d also repay your kindness if you delivered me relatively unscathed.”
“That’s the plan, sweetheart. Was just makin’ conversation,” he said, but his tone was borderline noncommittal.
You lapsed into silence for a few minutes and stared out at the arid plains endlessly unfurling before you. You passed by a cluster of ruined houses, the wind whistling a melancholic note as it passed through smashed windows and yawning door frames. 
Even before the great war, the world was not an easy place to navigate by oneself. Sure, there were plenty more precious commodities, but you never learned all of the rules of life.
Out here, you weren’t sure you’d be able to either, but in a way, it was kind of nice to have a clean slate. If all went well, then maybe you’d make more choices you hadn’t been brave enough to make in the past. 
The urge to sing rose within you once again, but you tamped it down. 
“It’s ironic,” you found yourself saying, a wry smile pulling at your lips. “I starred in a couple of westerns, but I never thought I’d have to brave the actual desert. Feels like I’m finally living the real deal, in a way.”
“That so?” The ghoul drawled. “You have a thing for cowboys or somethin’?”
“Can’t say I don’t,” you confessed, a shade of nostalgia in your voice. “Or at least I used to, for one in particular.”
This stunned him into momentary silence. Surely, you couldn’t be implying… He shook his head, not letting himself believe it. 
To hide his shock, he placed a hand on his chest and pretended to be hurt. “Oh, you wound me. I’d have thought I’d make the cut.”
You chuckled despite yourself, starting to enjoy the strangely easy banter between you. The ghoul certainly was a threatening presence, but so far he had been all bark no bite… with you, at least. Poor Sabinez, who had been in your nightmares a few times, would definitely disagree.
You didn’t really need to ask why the ghoul had killed him, having gone to collect the bounty with him, but it wouldn’t have been worth it, anyway. He had a bit of a temper and not much patience to boot, so you knew you had to tread carefully. 
You definitely had to stay on his good side. It was  a matter of life and death, at that point. But luckily for you, he had moments like this, where he was almost friendly, in his own way. It’d be easier to cling on to those while traveling with him. 
As the sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, he led you to a small cluster of rundown houses. He checked each to find just the right one, nestled among the others, and made sure there were no unwanted visitors. 
You set your stuff down and slumped down on top of a broken side table, taking off your scarf and drinking water from your canteen. The ghoul watched you, something old and buried within him threatening to rise to the surface. You really hadn’t changed, but that shouldn’t surprise him. 
“Alright, Toots, now you jus’ stay put while I go scope the area,” he said, needing some time away to think. 
“But we–”
“No,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look. “I know you’re smarter than that, now. Let me do what I need to do, or I’ll make you stay put.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. He let out a satisfied grunt and left without another word, the soft clink of his spurs soon turning into silence. 
With a tired sigh, you pushed yourself off the side table and tried to figure out where the best spot to sleep was.
 As it grew darker and you ran out of things to occupy yourself with, you went outside to get a good view of the sunset. You didn’t stray too far from the house just in case, but it was nice to get some fresh air. 
You didn’t know how long he would be gone for, but you felt relatively safe in total solitude. You let yourself sing then, another soft bolero tune that you had always liked. You lost yourself in the threads of time as you imagined the accompanying instruments, unsure if you would ever hear them again. 
But suddenly, rough arms enveloped your midsection, and a gruff voice you didn’t recognize was in your ear.
You tried to twist around, but the grip was too strong. You kicked your legs as he easily picked you up, your eyes wide and afraid, brain scrambling for a solution.
The raider laughed, turning to yell over his shoulder. “Hey, boys! Look what I’ve found!”
Raiders, you realized, ice pooling in your gut. He smelled foul and his makeshift pieces of armor dug painfully against you. He tried to move your head to the side to get a better look at you, but you bit his hand, hard.
He growled with pain, yanking his hand away. “Fucking bitch.”
He hit you on the side of the head and you slumped in his grip, half conscious. Stars pinwheeled in your vision as you heard others approaching, and he tossed you over his shoulder to carry you fireman style.
“Thinking we could get a good price outta this one,” the raider said. “Mint condition, too. Just gotta keep her in check.”
“Got a pretty voice, too. Called us right here like a siren,” another raider said.  “Maybe she can keep us entertained for a few days before we sell her.”
Your dread only deepend. The ghoul specifically told you not to sing, hadn’t he? And now you couldn’t even yell for help. Stupid, so stupid! 
A gunshot rang out, hitting the wall inches away from the raider carrying you. They all jumped to attention, hands flying towards their weapons.
“You fellas better stay where you are if you wanna keep your fuckin’ heads,” you heard the ghoul’s voice, tight with rage, in the near distance.
“Oh shit, we’ve got company, we better go,” he said, your body jostling as they started to move. “Shoot it back!”
More gunshots followed as you swam in and out of consciousness, everything moving too quickly. One of the raiders yelped before collapsing heavily, most likely dead.
You begged and prayed that the ghoul would come out of this relatively unscathed — he was your only hope for salvation, after all.
Behind you, he screamed your name, but you couldn’t recall having ever told him.
The Past….
Truth be told, wrap parties weren’t always your favorite events. But this time, it was at Cooper and Barb’s house, so it wouldn’t be all bad. 
You posed for paparazzi at the front door before making your way inside. The party was in full swing, Hollywood’s elite mingling all around the place. Music softly drifted out of unseen speakers, almost drowned out by the din of various voices.
You took a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, searching for the hosts. You stopped a couple times to exchange a few words with some producers you knew, but then you spotted Cooper coming down the stairs, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. 
“Got another one of those?” You said when you finally reached him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
He took out his silver case and offered it to you. You brought the cigarette to your lips and he immediately lit it for you, covertly taking you in. You wore a beautiful sequin evening dress, which sparkled under the light of the chandelier. Your perfume was heady and sweet, lingering in his nostrils. Your red lipstick left a mark on the filter as you exhaled a plume of smoke, smiling at him.
“Great party,” you said. “Congratulations on the new picture, Coop. Can’t wait to see it.”
“Gee, thanks,” he said, smile not quite reaching his eyes. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have thrown one at all, but Barb wanted me to meet some of her colleagues.”
“Oh, Vault-Tec people are here?” you asked, looking around. “You just did a commercial for them, too, right?”
“Yup,” he sighed, voice lowering. “Lost myself another gig because of it.”
You hummed in thought and took another drag of your cigarette, unsure of what to say. You didn’t altogether trust Vault-Tec, perturbed by the way they were trying to make a profit off potential doom.
Still, you didn’t really know of any good alternatives for survival, if that day were to come. The government didn’t seem too concerned about it, after all. 
“You probably think I’m a sell out,” he said, misinterpreting your silence. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s not it. You’ve got a family to take care of, Coop. You gotta do what you gotta do.”
He nodded somberly, nursing his scotch. “You thinking of joining one of the vaults?” 
“I’ve been made an offer,” you said vaguely, not wanting to think too much about the details. “Thinking it would be smart to take it.”
“We can talk to Barb, maybe they’ll put us all in the same one. Hell, we could even be neighbors,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. “Perks of being married to one of the higher ups, right?”
“I sure would like that,” you said, ever so slightly relieved at the notion of there being some familiar faces if the apocalypse came. “But enough of that for now. How about we take a lap, show some face, and maybe you can retire from your movie star duties early? I’d also like to congratulate Barb for being such a stellar hostess.”
His shoulders relaxed some, and his smile was more genuine this time. “Oh, you’re heaven-sent. That’s a genius plan, let’s do it.”
He offered you his arm and you took it, holding your dress with your other hand as you descended the steps into the living room. You could tell people would immediately swarm over to you like sharks, and you knew you were in for a long night.
“Don’t count your blessings yet,” you said with a wry smile, raising an eyebrow. “We’ve still gotta make it to the other side.”
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Things in The Neighbor's Under the Bed that drive me insane
Mark said "They beat us 7-nil", implying that Abigail was also a Raccoon. So. Both of them are retired Raccoon City players but Mark cares about football and getting back at Johnny and Janae's father. Abigail loves the guy enough to let him do his plans, occasionally helping him (like with the tunnel thing) but she doesn't obsess over football like he does
"A nipple a day keeps the Rangers at bay!" "That's what we've got on our house crest" I know all of these things are supposed to be for comedic purposes but that implies that Abigail's been doing the nipple thing since the Raccoons lost to the Rangers (hell, she could have also been doing it before they lost to the Rangers but I don't think she'd have the need to do that unless conspiring with Mark to get back at the Rangers)
"We love you too, Dad!" Janae, that is your mother--
"Don't hit your brother anymore, that's not very nice okay?" "I try to but the night terrors" This is Janae responding. I can't tell if this is because Janae has nightmares and is hitting Johnny in their sleep or if Janae hits Johnny to wake him up from a really nasty future dream
Johnny coming out of nowhere while Martha was already telling the boys goodnight and her not knowing that he wasn't in the room shows how neglectful of a mother she is. Sure, she comforts him but also tells him to "shut up" and to "stop being weird".
"I did say that he was my older brother. But he's emotionally less mature" This is definitely to clarify to the audience but I'm taking this as Janae knowing that their mother can't differentiate them sometimes.
"I'll try but I do have to finish the Oxford curriculum" Implies they're in school and then Tom throws the next line "Because, you know I'm lecturing in the morning" which throws my previous idea out the window. JANAE LECTURES AT OXFORD?? JANAE FUCKING GRADUATED AND TEACHES AT OXFORD??
"I dreamed a man came out from under my bed :(" I mean, sure, it's technically correct but not exactly correct?? Which implies that Johnny either has 80% accurate future dreams or his dreams come from another perspective sometimes??
"But sometimes they come true, mommy!" SOMETIMES?? SO THEY DON'T ALWAYS COME TRUE?? I MEAN. OKAY
"It's okay, I'm familiar with the carnal act" what has this eight-year-old seen....
"My seis-- my seismogram" Tom was blanking on what it was called but yes, a seismogram exists (I saw it on my exam. But now I'm starting to think that an 8 year old just recently invented it)
"If it was true, it would be called a seismoGRAPH" BOTH OF THEM SHUT JANAE DOWN. WHAT?? GUYS. HEAR 'EM OUT. COME ON
The nod to Luke before patting the chair. Again, not related to lore but I love this moment
AJ going to drink in the background until Luke spoke. Took a moment to pause because that was definitely not what Johnny sounded like previously (not related. again)
"We had a different daddy. Our daddy was not our daddy it was the neighbaah :(" Okay so going back to Johnny's future dreams, they aren't 100% accurate to what actually happens but rather a caricature of it?? Dreams don't always make sense in real life, so Johnny's future dreams being a bit exaggerated makes sense kind of??
"I was going to suggest a fire but okay!" JANAE IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT THAT A FIRE WAS THE BEST WAY TO SOLVE THIS. THEY MAY BE BOOK SMART BUT THEY'RE A LITTLE BIT FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD. JOHNNY, THE ONE WHO GOES MORE ON EMOTION RATHER THAN GENUINELY THINKING, WAS THE ONE WHO HAD A RATIONAL IDEA. CALLING THEIR DAD WAS DEFINITELY THE BETTER IDEA. AND THEN HE JUST AGREES WHEN JANAE SUGGESTED A FIRE. YEAH, NO, NEVERMIND THEY'RE BOTH A BIT FUCKED UP (then again, younger children have wild imaginations. Janae might be intelligent but that doesn't mean they're not a kid. Hell, their boosted iq may or may not have aided with the fucked up ideas they might have)
Janae just being a news anchor/football announcer in a normal speed while Jack and Mark are in slow mo. Why is that? To make it a bit more dramatic? Because it's a slow mo playback? Huh??
"I'll be seeking forced adoption for myself and my older brother" GOOD BECAUSE BOTH OF THEIR PARENTS ARE NEGLECTFUL. THEY DESERVE TO LIVE IN A BETTER HOME, GODDAMN IT
Tl;dr: This play is insane and these two kids need a family that actually care about their interests and don't shut them down/force them to play football
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positivexcellence · 6 months
Interview: Jared Padalecki on Walker Season 4, The Show’s Future & More
KSITETV’S CRAIG BYRNE: What can you tease about The Jackal, particularly in relation to his history with certain characters?
JARED PADALECKI: The Jackal is a serial killer who haunted then-Ranger James and Ranger Walker five years prior when they were partners, and before Ranger James became Captain James. The Jackal, and his choice of kills and the victims he left behind, really tortured and tormented James and he took it personally. We were never able to solve it, and the Jackal;s case went cold, and we have kind of assumed he had died or stopped or something. And then, as we found out during James’s wedding of all times, someone with a similar M.O. to the Jackal surfaced, and because of how dark it sent James five years prior, Trey and Walker decide to look into it low-key with Detective Luna from Corpus Christi, who Walker and James had worked with back in the day.
We find out in Season 4 that sure enough, the Jackal is back, And so, Walker finds himself stuck in a position. We’ve learned in the first three seasons that keeping secrets among Rangers is not a great idea, but Walker thinks he’s doing what’s best for James. He doesn’t want to him spiraling. James just went on his honeymoon, and he’s married, and he’s going well. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe this is a coincidence. But we soon seem to settle that it is the original Jackal, and the Jackal is back. Walker takes it on himself to save James from that same torment that he went through five years ago., but the question is how much can Walker take on on James’ behalf, without falling prey to the same feelings himself?
Twitter made me ask you this: Is there any chance that The Jacckal might be played by an actor that you’ve referred to as “Jackles” before?
[LAUGHS] No. All But that’s a great question!
The readers of KSiteTV loved Walker Independence, and it’s great that hopefully we’ll be seeing more of Justin Johnson Cortez as Detective Luna. Is there any chance we might see more people from the show in new roles in the present day, or maybe another Hoyt flashback?
JARED: Let’s say yes. We will be seeing some of our our Windy family. We loved the show as well.
And is there any chance we’ll see those classic characters again?
The answer, again, is yes.
Jensen [Ackles] and I used to have something funny during Supernatural. We did several seasons with 23 episodes, and we likened it to sports analogies. We’d be like “you know, if you’re going to shoot 23 three pointers during a game, you’re not going to make ’em all. If you’re gonna drive the lane 23 times, or go to bat 23 times, then you’re gonna put some air balls. You’re gonna strike out sometimes. But with 13 episodes, they’re all knockouts. They’re all home runs.
We didn’t waste any time this year [on Walker]. We have 13 episodes to make an amazing season of television. I’m on set right now shooting the finale, and I can say with confidence that this is our strongest season.
Are you feeling good about the possibility of a fifth season?
I am. I don’t know… I mean, even during Supernatural’s last season, something can always happen. There can be a strike. There can be COVID. There can be a merger. There can be something.
My career for the last 25 years has been based around not really knowing what’s going to happen. You know, “is Gilmore Girls gonna go? Am I going to get an option to do it again? Oh, now it’s CW instead of Warner Brothers. Oh, now we have a new showrunner. Oh, now we have another showrunner! Now we’re changing nights. Now there’s COVID. Now there’s a strike.” [Last year’s strike] was the second strike I had been through in my career. So, all I can speak to is the quality of work we’re putting out, and there’s nothing I could change.
I will say that I have no reason to think that we we will not carry on. I intend to do the show for another 10 years, so hopefully the powers that be feel the same way. I know our cast and crew all hope for the same. We’re willing and able. Our writers are incredible, with the stories they come up with and the speed with which they can come up with great storylines and great arcs for each and every character… and our crew that makes it… if I was a network, then I would want this show to go as long as everybody who’s making the show would go.
I couldn’t be more proud of the work that we’re putting out there. I think we kind of stand alone, as far as new scripted hour-longs out there. We’re a great combination of heart and action, and trying to mimic reality as best as possible, which I think is needed and necessary. I’ve certainly heard from fans on the street and via social media and whatnot, how much they appreciate it and enjoy it. I’m very optimistic.
How are things with Cordell and Geri as we get into Season 4?
They’ve had five months together since Larry and Kelly’s wedding, snd things have been going well. Things have kind of cooled off; the Jackal’s trail went cold, and so maybe it was not a big deal. They’ve kind of been enjoying the summer with August and Stella and Bonham and Abeline, and they’ve had some time together.
There’s been work for Cordell and for Geri, obviously, but they’re on the same page. They’re living together, and they’re enjoying each other’s company, and they found a place.
Obviously, they both went through some hardships in their prior relationships. Luckily, I think with a lot of great relationships, when they become romantic, they start as friendships. Because Geri and Cordell started as a platonic relationship for many years, they’ve seen each other as friends, and they kind of know who each other’s hearts are. I think they’re enjoying that time and chance to breathe together, and just be with each other.
Is it hard for Cordell that Stella and August are both growing up, with Stella already off to school and August approaching senior year?
It’s very, very hard, and I think you’re more prescient than maybe you even realize; we kind get into that in Episode 2, and as the season goes on, of what it’s like to be to be preparing to be an empty nester, especially without your spouse. So we certainly do see that, and again, going back to what I said earlier about Walker’s storylines imitating life as best as we can, we certainly do see Walker going through that very real [situation].
At work, he is this big Texas Ranger who gets to go in and save the day and all as well, and then at home, he wants to be a Dad, but the clock is ticking. One of his kids is already gone, and the second is a senior in high school, and presumably soon to be spreading his wings. So what does that look like and feel like for this big tough dude?
Will we get to see Walker’s reaction to the situation that Stella got into at the end of last season?
Oh, yeah. And that storyline doesn’t stop, because it’s not all over. Obviously, months have passed and there have been investigations and there is conclusion of sorts, but as with most things in life, it brings about a whole new set of problems that we will deal with through the entire season.
Why should people check out the season premiere on Wednesday night?
I think a lot of us, myself included, have been dying to see what the whole Walker clan is up to. Not with the Walker clan with with the last name Walker. And we get a great catch up with a friend we haven’t talked to in a while. We have action. We have comedy, we have drama… but also, it feels like a dear friend that I haven’t caught up with in way too long, and I get all the ins and outs of what’s been going on their lives over the last period of time
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|| Lost and Found ||
Frank Castle x female reader
Tags/warnings: meetcute! With dogs!
Oral (f rec), beardburn, coming in pants (m) 😍, written for the @bernthirst-events #beardthalbash, thanks to @darlingshane and @anna-hawk for organising!
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"Midge! Miiiidge!" Your voice echoes through the endless trees as you call out again and again, listening hopefully for the familiar thunder of paws on the leafy undergrowth coming back toward you, but there was nothing but the muted twitter of birds. "Midge, come!" You shout again, your voice starting to tremble with worry as you walk hurriedly along the forestry path. The light was beginning to fade earlier in these shortening autumn evenings, and it would soon be impossible to find your runaway pup. You take out your phone, dismayed to see the signal nonexistent out this deep in the woods.
"C'mon Midge! Midge, please come back!" The back of your throat is rough from yelling and your eyes are glistening with tears. You couldn't go home, you had to keep looking for her.
"Miiiidge?!" You tried again, and stopped in your tracks as you heard a rustling nearby, but it was just a blackbird rummaging in the leaf litter.
"Oh Midge…" you croak out more quietly, still holding her broken lead tightly in your fist. You cursed yourself for not replacing it sooner after she had been chewing it, for not buying a stronger one. You were so wrapped up in your own admonishment that you jumped out of your skin when someone walked up the track behind you.
"Ma'am, if you don't mind me askin', are you alright?"
You turned and were met with the figure of a large bearded man. He kept his distance when he realised he had given you a bit of a fright, giving you time to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark green shirt with the park ranger logo embroidered on it along with utility pants and sturdy walking boots. His eyes were dark and he was looking at you kindly.
"I'm Frank, I'm a ranger. I heard you yelling, can I help?" He asks, and you find yourself stuttering over your words, partly in relief that someone else was around, and someone who hopefully knew these woods a lot better than you.
"It's- it's my dog, she… oh, I've been searching and calling for her for hours, she broke her lead when she saw a squirrel and bolted after it! I couldn't catch her in time and she's just- she's just a pup!" You sniffle as your eyes keep flitting around to look through the trees. "I can't find her, she doesn't know this part of the woods that well, I can't leave her alone out there."
The ranger nods and steps a little bit closer. "Alright, I know that you're worried about her, but this sorta thing happens a lot. I'm gonna help you to find her best I can. Can you give me a description? An' I heard you callin' out 'Midge', s'that right?"
You wipe at your damp eyes, nodding. "She's a border collie, black and white. She's 8 months but she's small for her age."
"Okay ma'am, do you remember when and where you last saw her? I'll radio my team and we'll be able to have more eyes and ears lookin' out for Midge okay?" His voice is low and authoritative but soft with it, and your tears soon stop as you're distracted by the way he goes straight into action.
"Back over the ridge near the fire pass, I think it was about two hours ago…" you tell him.
Frank unclips his radio from his belt and relays all the information, getting confirmation from a variety of voices shortly after.
"Okay, let's take a walk back that way huh? You got some treats or somethin' with you?"
You fall into step beside him, grasping the bag of mini bone biscuits from your pocket. "Yeah."
He smiles. "That's good. Those her favourite, huh?"
"Yeah. But she just loves any food really."
You pick a few out hoping that Midge might be able to smell them from wherever she is and her greedy stomach might lead her back to you.
Frank nods. "Is she alright with guys? I know some dogs don't like a man with a beard, can scare em sometimes."
You soon dismiss Frank's concern. "No not at all, actually she'd likely love you. I mean, our postman is quite a big guy and she's always happy to see him at the house. Though I guess he does bring treats for a lot of the dogs."
Frank smiles again and starts calling out for Midge as you come near to the spot where she ran off and you join him, shaking the bag of treats. He takes out a flashlight and starts a sweep. "Which way did she head, do you remember?" He asks.
You point down the slope in front of you and he starts making his way through the trees with you following behind and both calling. After a little while walking down the hill he holds up his hand in a signal to stop and you stay quiet. He listens and you strain your ears too, eventually hearing a distant whimper.
"Oh! Oh it's Midge!" You're suddenly sick with fear that she's seriously hurt and start running towards the sound, the thick branches scraping against your face and arms. Frank catches up to you quickly and urges you to slow down.
"Hey, hey! Watch yourself now, there's a ton of burrows and shit you could break your ankle in if you're not careful. Just hold back with me. It's alright, we'll get to her."
You reluctantly slow your pace as he's right after all, he does know these woods better than you and very soon he's crouching down at the roots of a big tree. As you round it you see little Midge on the ground whining and wagging her tail as she sees you. Her back paw is caught between two roots and she's clearly in some pain.
"Hey, hey Midgey, shhh it's okay, just stay nice and still." You try to calm her, holding her collar as Frank is extremely gentle as he carefully moves the roots to work her paw free and lift her up.
"There we go," he says as he holds her.
Both of you look the pup over for any other injuries before he radios that you'd found her to his colleagues. As you feel her ankle joint there's a little bruising but she doesn't seem to be in any great distress and when you hold out one of her treats she's more than eager to gobble it up.
"Oh Midge, it's alright baby, you're gonna be alright!" You stroke her soft fur in comfort, more for you, lifting your head to look at the ranger, your eyes shining slightly with tears. Just then Midge tilts her head up and licks Frank's face so sweetly and he cracks a smile. "Heh, that's a good sign."
You're so relieved and the rich sound of his laugh as Midge keeps on lavishing him with licks is infectious, making you chuckle too. It makes you feel so much better after all the worry.
"I can't thank you enough, Frank. I was so scared it would be so much worse!" You tell him as you all walk back to the park entrance.
"Hey no worries, it's all just part of the job." He replies as you reach the gate. It was almost completely dark now and the rain was starting to come down in a drizzly mist. "You local? Do you need a ride home?" He asks.
You glance down the road. It was only about a mile and a half walk away but you didn't want to risk Midge getting away from you again as she might manage to wriggle out of your arms on the road.
"Um, actually that would be really great if it wouldn't be too much trouble? We're not far."
"Not at all ma'am, best make sure this lil lady doesn't have another chance to get into trouble again, I know what they can be like!" He jibes, booping Midge gently on her nose which she licks afterwards.
When you reach the outside of your little lodge house after the short ride, you thank Frank again. In the light from the porch his dark eyes are twinkling as he bids you both goodnight.
"I'm sure she'll be back out and about in no time, just keep an eye out for those darn squirrels yeah?"
You laugh a little now that your worry is mostly over, and you notice how handsome he is as well as the kindness and trust that seemed to just emanate from him effortlessly, putting you at ease. "I certainly will! I'm so glad you found us, thank you. Once she's rested and recovered from her ordeal maybe we'll see you around?"
"Yeah, I sure hope so." He replies giving you a gorgeous smile as he gets back into his truck.
Frank is just signing off an email when he hears a familiar bark from outside the office. Lady, his own dog, responds with her own short huff, excited to see her playmate again.
It's been a couple of months since Midge's incident and maybe him carrying treats in his pocket might have had something to do with it, but she always ran up to the ranger station and let her arrival be known every time you walk her. And Frank sure as hell doesn't mind as it means he gets to see you.
It had started with polite, friendly waves and a big pet for Midge whenever you happened upon each other in the park. Then, you would frequently stop to chat to him, ask him about his day and he about yours, and then you had started to drop by after his shift finished so you could all go on a walk together. There was nothing Frank loved more than being in the outdoors, except now he got to share that with someone, and he found himself increasingly glad that it was you.
Frank always made you laugh with the way he would run around playing with Midge and Lady, even after a long day's work. You showed him the tricks you had been teaching your pup, and on your regular hikes you also started to learn more about each other. Frank started looking forward to the times he would see you, your easy and generous smile lighting up his world and maybe even pushing to broaden the boundaries of it, maybe let someone like you to become something more. It had been a long while since he thought he felt something more than friendship blossoming, and gradually opening up to you felt right.
Still, right now he was so damn nervous. He had been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for days and then he'd inevitably chicken out, but he promised himself he'd do it tonight. And even if you turned him down, there'd be no regrets.
"Hey big bear!" You say as you greet him. "Which route do you wanna take this evening Frankie? It's your turn to pick." You ask him as Frank steps out with Lady and locks up the office. He almost loses his nerve when he turns and sees your pretty face and your sweet voice calling his nickname caresses his ears.
"Uh, I was thinkin' up by the creek," he suggests as the four of you start walking up the trailhead. Frank scratches at the back of his shirt collar. "Can't remember if I mentioned before but our place is up that way."
You turn to look at him wide eyed after you throw the ball for the dogs as they run ahead. "It is? Wow, it's so gorgeous up there. You're so damn lucky Frank, a perfect job and an amazing commute!"
He can't help beaming back, you seemed to see the positive in almost everything, he guessed he was pretty lucky.
Okay, he decides, now is the time to do it. Just put it out there. Just ask. What's the worst that could happen?
He clears his throat. "Was wonderin' actually, if you'd… uh, maybe you might wanna-" He couldn't believe he was stuttering over such a simple question. Fuck, was it supposed to be this hard? Thankfully, you stepped in and saved both of you from any more of his awkwardness.
"Frank, are you inviting me to your place?" You ask.
The light rain that's falling makes the longer strands of his hair lie in curls against his forehead. He runs a hand through it pushing it back, nodding. "Yeah, I mean, no pressure or anything. Just, if you wanna maybe have a drink with… me?"
You smile at him again. "Yeah, I'd love to."
By the time you reached his lodge you were both slightly soaked by the autumn drizzle. Frank stacks up the wood burner as soon as he lets you in, giving you and the dogs a towel to dry off with as he gets the fire going.
Once you dry off your hair and the dogs, you look around his home in awe. It's so beautiful, hewn from trees from this very forest, nothing too big and grand, just perfectly cosy. He had a neat but well stocked kitchen area, with a solid oak table and chairs by the window. A set of natural carved steps led up to a mezzanine with shelves stacked with all sorts of books and what you assumed was his bedroom.
There were glazed double doors that opened out the back onto a wooden porch and the mossy lawn behind bordered by the trees. And beside the wood burning stove was a tired but comfy looking sofa with a massive thick rug in front of it where Frank gestured to you to make yourself at home.
You kick off your shoes and hang your coat up on a hook near the door beside his next to the dog leads, and settle on the couch.
"This is magic, Frank," you tell him as he opens the fridge taking out a couple of beers.
He shakes his head, dipping his face a little like he's embarrassed or something as he walks over and hands you a bottle. "It's alright. You hungry?" He asks.
"I'm alright just now, just thirsty!" You smile, clinking your bottle against his as he sits down across from you after placing a couple of logs onto the now steadily blazing pile of kindling.
"Did it come with the job?"
He shrugs, fingers stroking his thick beard. "Uh, kinda." He takes a swig of beer and smiles as he notices Lady bringing out one of her favourite toys and letting Midge play with it without a gripe.
"Heh, look at that. S'good they're gettin' on so well." He remarks, and you hum in agreement as you watch them play.
"Yeah, I'm so glad," You say as you turn your gaze back to him. "It means we can spend more time together."
The corners of Frank's mouth pull up just a little. "S'that so? Cos I've been thinking I'd like that." He admits, the nerves rapidly melting away.
You move just a little bit closer to him on the couch, turning your body to face his. "I know I'd like that…" you confess. As you put your beer down on the side table, your hand brushes his knee and you decide to leave it there. He gazes directly at you and you feel your body temperature rise but it's not because of the fire that's burning nearby...
His fingers lightly stroke over yours and when you look back up he's so focused on you, the brown of his eyes seems so deep and dark and soft you could get lost in them. He's searching your expression for permission.
"Can I kiss you?"
His voice melts like thick honey in your ears and you're leaning in with a whispered yes instantly, almost before he can get all the words out. He raises a hand to cup your face stroking his thumb softly over your cheek and you close your eyes as he slowly leans in and gently captures your lips with his own. He's so very tender but you can feel the control he possesses as you eagerly kiss him back, the captivating strength and power held in check only by a hair trigger. Your fingers thread through his beard, guiding him to you and right now he'll go wherever you want him. He thinks maybe he should stop, a gentleman would stop and let you take the lead, dictate the pace, but you already are.
Under the light tang of beer you taste sweeter than he could imagine as your tongue slips in so softly, so teasingly between his parted lips against his own and he can't help the low moan he lets out as you surprise him by shifting to climb into his lap.
You gently pull away for a second, and your words are laced with a barely concealed urgency that has him struggling against that fucking gentlemanly conscience he had just a minute ago.
"Tell me if this is too fast?" You probe, looking down at him, your pupils already blown out. You'd been waiting for this. You'd given him all the signals for a little while now, hoping he'd maybe feel the same, waiting for him to be ready.
Frank's eyes dart from yours, down to your mouth and back up again. "Don't feel too fast to me," his words almost vibrate through you with his low tone. "Just feels right."
He moves to kiss you again and it's bliss. His lips are so soft, as is his beard although slightly tickly against your skin. You sigh and smile making a contented sound and he shows you some more of that control, his hands running up the sides of your thighs to rest on your waist, just lightly holding you. He still lets you set the speed, what you want and you let him know as your fingers slide up the shirt covering his broad chest weaving into his hair. His kiss goes deeper as you move in his lap, slowly shifting forward, pressing your hips against his and he makes his reaction to that known with the sexiest noise you've heard him make so far. You want so desperately to hear more.
"Been goin' crazy over you, you know that sweetheart?" He reveals, as you both pull away momentarily, still just inches away from each other's mouths. Your breaths are shallow, you've not felt this excited in a long while.
"You think I haven't felt the same?" You smirk.
In the days after Midge's rescue and recovery, you had found yourself thinking about Frank a lot. About his kindness, competency, and yeah maybe sometimes about how handsome he is… still you never thought he'd take a second look at you, but now you had both arrived here, feeling Frank's fingers twitch against you desperate to touch and you eager for him to do so.
You urge him to continue to explore as your lips meet again, the sensation of his fingertips so tentatively sliding up under your sweater and chasing the goosebumps away as they glide over your bare skin. You nip teasingly at his lower lip and he rewards you with a small grunt before his tongue delves back deeper into your mouth as you move your core over the now obvious bulge in his pants. He trails hot kisses down the side of your neck, pulling at the neckline of your top and you peel it off so his lips can access more of you.
"You're so gorgeous darlin'," he speaks into your skin as he places every kiss with care and attention, his eyes flicking up to meet yours as he mouths around the swell of your breasts still held captive by your bra. You tug at the hem of his shirt, leaning back for a moment so he can move to take it off. Your hands are back on him instantly, tracing over his muscular torso, fingers excitedly running over every dip and rise, appreciating every rough line of his varied scars now bared to you. You're both almost panting for breath, and he's struck dumb as you claw at his belt buckle but he gently puts his hands over yours, halting them.
You glance up. "Oh, if you don't want to-"
Frank chuckles, bumping his nose against yours. "I do. God, I really do… I just need to make sure it's what you want."
You can't believe this guy, he's almost perfect. Frustratingly so.
"Frank, I really want you." You tell him in all lucidity.
He licks across his lips at your confirmation, making the damp spot in your panties grow as he lets his eyes rove over you.
"Well, I'm gonna take you to bed then. C'mon." He says as he encourages you to your feet and guides you up the stairs.
You shimmy off your pants and socks in between more fervent kisses before he lays you down on his bed, leaving his own on as he lifts your foot and starts kissing his way up the inside of your ankle and calf. You part your legs wider to make space for him and his broad shoulders, your heart rate increasing by bounds as you anticipate his next move.
"Mm, s'this okay sweetheart?" He checks in as he nears the juncture of your thighs, his beard brushing the sensitive skin there, "Can I take these off?" He adds, and you hum in the affirmative as his dark eyes meet yours and he smiles. "Been just dyin' to taste you..." You flush with heat at his purred confession and lift your hips as he hooks his fingers around the waistband so he can pull your underwear down. He kisses your mound softly when he returns, taking his time.
"Anytime you want me to stop," he says before lightly kissing your clit and you let out a shuddered breath. "You just tell me baby, okay?" You nod and moan out loud when he begins to lap his tongue right between your glistening folds. You know you'll never want him to stop.
Your body writhes as he continues with wide slow licks between your thighs, relaxing as it's clear he more than knows what he's doing. You whimper, jolting unexpectedly as he begins flicking the hardened tip of his tongue over your clit before softening it again and repeating, swirling, sucking and worshiping your almost steadily dripping cunt like it's a fountain in the desert. When your thighs press in bracketing his head at a particularly sensitive touch, he wraps his big paws around you, fingers greedily switching between kneading the soft flesh of your legs and cupping around your ass as he devours you.
The hair of his beard rubs against your skin and the sensation is addictive. You move your hips against his rhythm and he reaches up to take one of your hands that is currently fisting in the sheets to position it on his head, to make you grab his hair and show him exactly what you want.
You gasp as he very quickly and easily hits a pressure and tempo that has you arching your back right off the mattress. Frank groans as you guide him, squeezing your legs around him almost rutting against his face, moaning so deep into your pussy you can feel the vibrations go through you. And just like that every focused movement he makes brings you further pleasure, taking you higher and higher, and seeing and feeling your reaction just keeps him going.
"Attagirl," he praises, briefly raising his head to look at you. Your juices shine on his lips, spread all around his mouth and wetting some of his beard. The sight just makes him look even hotter to you.
"Frank- mmn! God that's so good, please don't stop…"
He would never, diving right back between your quivering thighs and working you up to and over the edge like it's his only purpose. He can't help himself, you're so fucking sexy like this he's almost humping the bed trying to ease the throbbing need that's barely contained in his jeans. He might have thought about you like this before, how you'd sound, how you'd look, but nothing has prepared him for the reality.
He groans long and low as you clamp your legs hard to his head, you're trying not to but you can't stop your hips from rising, can't help fucking yourself hard against his face, but he wants it, encouraging you until your orgasm explodes from within. The intensity shakes you from your very core, rippling through your body in multiple waves as Frank still holds you firmly to him, licking you through it devotedly as he ruts his own hips into the mattress with another sexy moan. He slows down as he feels your tight grip in his hair easing off, his now near-black eyes meeting yours as he pants and licks his lips.
"You okay there darlin'?" His question is sincere but you almost snort with laughter with how fucking good he's made you feel. He can't be real.
"I'm-" you giggle and throw your arm up over your face as you feel nothing but euphoria.
"god, I'm… yeah, yeah I'm okay! Oh… shit. Wow!"
He grins and wipes his face on the sheets before crawling up the bed to lie next to you, and you turn on your side to face him, drawing him into a kiss as you reach for his pants for a second time.
He catches your hands yet again, shaking his head apologetically. "Uh, it was kinda 'oh shit wow' f'me too y'know? It's… been a while."
It takes you a brain-melted second to get his meaning and then a satisfied smile spreads across your lips. "Frankie, you know that's hot, right?"
He laughs falling back on the sheets, a slight blush dusting his cheekbones. "Hmm I dunno bout that, kinda feel like a teenager again, but as long as you're satisfied for now darlin'."
"I think that'll keep me going for a long while!"
"Not too long though, yeah?" Frank turns his head to look your way and try to gauge your meaning, the faintest hint of concern in his tone. This wasn't a one time thing right? It didn't feel like it was.
The corners of your mouth hook upward yet again. "Definitely not too long." you assure him.
Your eyes track up to the large skylight in the roof above the bed as you catch your breath back, watching the moody, inky clouds gently rolling past.
"Must be a fantastic view of the stars when it's clear." You muse, still gazing up as you feel the warmth of Frank's hand slide over your stomach to hold you close to him in the afterglow.
He follows the line of your sight. "Yeah, it was a pain in the ass to install but worth it for sure."
You turn in his arms to face him. "You put that in yourself? Wow, that's something."
He gives a shrug. "Well I always planned for it when I built the place."
You're incredulous. "What? You built this place?!"
Frank just chuckles, smoothing a couple of stray strands of hair out of your face.
"Yeah, haven't always been a ranger. Used to do logging, bit of carpentry. Just thought how hard can it be? Had the idea in my head for a good long while before I had the means and the land to make it happen."
"Frank Castle… I'm officially stunned. That's incredible!" He has the audacity to shrug again like it's nothing and then laughs out loud as he watches your brows draw together.
"Hey, I'm serious! That kinda skill, that's rare. And, I guess it explains this…" you run your fingers over his large biceps, giving them a quick squeeze before smoothing them over his chest.
He hums. "Yeah, only some of it, have to thank the gym for the rest."
You grin as he pushes up on an elbow, leaning his head on his hand as he traces slightly ticklish patterns over your skin as he regards you as if you're a goddess.
"And what about all this darlin'? What about you? You're somethin' special."
You shake your head but he's determined to make his feelings known to you.
"M'serious. Y'know I was totally shittin' it thinking about askin' you here, askin' you out? Was too damn scared you might not say yes."
You can't imagine Frank being scared of much, and you don't know how you could ever say no. Even before the sex.
"Well, I did say yes," you point out as you lean over to kiss him. He still tastes of you and the memory of the intimacy you'd shared is fresh in your mind. "...and I'm really glad that I did."
"Hm, well I better give the dogs their dinners," Frank muses as he strokes at your side, "and make ours too I guess..." he adds with a smile as your stomach chooses that moment to grumble loudly.
"Oh, yeah, I didn't think I was that hungry until you mentioned dinner!"
Frank grins as he pushes himself up, grabbing a couple of clean towels from the cupboard near the bed. "Alright, m'gonna clean up real quick and make us somethin'. If you wanna have a long shower while I cook you go right on ahead darlin', there's plenty of hot water."
You smile as you stretch out under his ridiculously comfortable covers, watching his gorgeous ass disappearing into the bathroom as you call after him. "I'm loving the sound of that idea!"
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thechekhov · 2 years
Dungeon Meshi - Quick Reacts (CHA 16: Broiled with Sauce)
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Noooo don’t broil my girl!
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okay, I’m gonna brainstorm some names for these.
Daggerfish? Bladefish? Sawfish? No that’s a real thing. Scythefish? 
Cutty Cutty Ouch Ouchies. 
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ahahaha Ranger Senshi is Back In Business. 
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where do the dungeoneers and adventurers fit on the ecosystem map, Senshi? 
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I think that’s the second pantyshot senshi has gotten in this manga and you know what? I’m here for it. 
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ohohoho..... there’s ALWAYS a bigger fish. (Not really a fish but.)
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Senshi is bouncy and hollow, got it. 
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It rolled a higher initiative than you guys did, I think.
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The’ar she bloooows
(crests...? Wiggles........?)
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I expected......nothing less.
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............this is when you realize you’re underleveled for the monster you’re facing. 
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✨ Art ✨ 
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Senshi doesn’t know SHIT and I still trust him with my life. 
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It that really all it............. okay. 
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Laios almost got eaten!
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This is the LAST question I expected from Laios. 
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Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick em in a Stew................ anyone? No? Just me?
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Sir, that’s a lego block.
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oh no. 
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....................................Can’t even say I’m surprised. 
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I’m really annoyed that this thing looks so good. Worms don’t typically have........meat. 
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They get it. 
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Honestly........................I hate to say it but this apathy is well deserved.
My boy fucked around and found out. 
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This is. Very wise. But also. lmao. 
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a hard lesson..............but one we must all learn someday. 
353 notes · View notes
violetmuses · 2 months
Not Without You - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Not Without You - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: Bad Boys Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: You help Armando identify James McGrath. @nelo0wesker
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“Got a package deal or something?” Detective Mike Lowrey questioned his estranged son Armando Aretas when you joined Dorn's boathouse.
“We trained together.” Aretas clipped his own words. “Let us both help, or I'm backing out.”
“Damn.” Mike shook his head while glancing between you and Armando. “All right, but if she's cold here, I'll know.”
Reviewing various files, you corner some part of the living room and start working.
“Hey! Uh-uh.” Mike noticed when Armando sat beside you and nearly placed his head on your shoulder, still looking through printouts.
“So you left out the relationship part, too?” Mike stepped toward Armando, pissed off.
“None of your business.” Aretas defended his bond with you.
AMMO weapons expert Kelly and tech genius Dorn, now dating, shrugged though.
“D, plug this one.” You lifted one flash drive and ignored the drama.
Dorn took the flash drive with speed, revealing this grayscale picture.
“Oh, shit! We got 'em.” You say, grounded by reality.
“Told you…” Armando stepped away from Mike and pointed to the large screen. “That's who ordered the hit on Captain.”
“James McGrath: Former Army Ranger turned DEA agent. Tortured before joining the cartel himself.” Dorn offered main highlights.
“It's a wrap. Let's reconvene tomorrow and get this fool. Trust no one.” Mike took charge with the next plan and finally prompted everyone to rest.
“Can't sleep. C'mere.” Armando shared the living room sofa-bed with you.
“Will you tell Mike the truth?” You've laid on your back while covers veiled Armando's waist.
“Not until we get James.” Armando referenced McGrath. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You promise, watching Armando finally take peace in your embrace.
“Hello, Beautiful. Didn't think I'd actually see you again.” Despite giving all the hard work to keep Christine and Callie safe, you stand on this plotted beach, facing the barrel of McGrath’s gun.
“Close your eyes, Callie…” You lifted both hands while dressed in the tactical uniform.
“No, please don't do this! Armando saved me with her.” Callie shouted over your defense, terrified.
“I'll take the bullet, move!” Even Armando snapped, but Marcus quickly grounded footsteps.
“Let me go, baby….” You don't fight this truth anymore and have prepared your entire life for the one moment. “It's the only way.”
“No!” Armando yelled in the distance and you waited for McGrath to pull his lethal trigger.
Just when you mingled with death, gunshots fired elsewhere and James McGrath fell backwards near the ocean.
Detective Mike Lowrey just spared your life.
“Armando, where you at, man?” At home, Detective Mike Lowrey looked for his son one afternoon. Timing offered Aretas this safe return to Miami, Florida.
“Shit!” Knocking echoed from outside the bedroom and you scrambled with clothes, knowing that Aretas set his lips between your thighs.
“We gotta go.” You playfully swatted near Armando and left, heading to the family cookout.
You survived, no matter what.
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