#lgbt centre
peemotikeskus · 2 years
Jõulupidu! Christmas party!
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🎄 Ootame Sind meiega jõule tähistama 23. detsembril kl 18 uhiuues Peemoti Keskuses. Sööme-joome ja veedame uute ja vanade sõprade seltsis aega. 🥳🎊
🍬 Kaasa võta hea tuju ja soovi korral meelepäraseid snäkke. 🍿🥨
Aadress: Kalevi 15, Tartu
Projekti (ja seda üritust!) rahastab EMP toetuste Aktiivsete Kodanike Fond, mida vahendab Avatud Eesti Fond koostöös Vabaühenduste Liiduga. 🎁
🎄 We welcome you to our Christmas party in our brand-new space at Kalevi 15. Let's spend some quality time together with the old and new friends. Save the date: December 23, 18:00. 🥳🎊
🍬 We will offer some drinks and snacks, and you bring your holiday cheer (and snacks, if you like)! 🍿🥨
Address: Kalevi 15, Tartu
The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 🎁
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tampire · 12 days
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Sometams my Vice Crowley is ready to be a Slayer, other tams my Vice is reading comic books like SNK VS Capcom Chaos
Photos taken by @SleepyCaspr
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white-bow-tie · 2 months
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Center T helps transgender people in Russia and those in exile in other countries.
The Russian government persecutes LGBT people by making xenophobia its state policy. You can read the stories of hate crime victims here . Often, transgender people are forced to urgently flee Russia because of state persecution or domestic violence.
In January 2024, we opened a shelter in Yerevan, since transgender people fleeing Russia often end up in Armenia without a livelihood or acquaintances in the country. In addition to providing housing, we work with our shelter residents on a plan to get out of the crisis and, if necessary, provide assistance from a psychologist, psychiatrist, as well as necessary medications and basic food products.
Unfortunately, we do not have funding for the project for the upcoming month of August. And we urgently need to open a collection to keep the shelter operating.
The collection goal is 2,175 euros. This amount includes rent for a three-room apartment (shelter capacity is up to 6 people at a time), utilities, household chemicals, basic food and medicine for those who are unable to afford those costs. It also includes the support of the project by a psychologist and coordinator.
We really need your help. Support us — tell your friends about this collection.
➡️ Donate for the shelter — buymeacoffee.com/centret
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gallifreytreeflower · 2 months
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Center T helps transgender people in Russia and those in exile in other countries.
The Russian government persecutes LGBT people by making xenophobia its state policy. You can read the stories of hate crime victims here. Often, transgender people are forced to urgently flee Russia because of state persecution or domestic violence.
In January 2024, we opened a shelter in Yerevan, since transgender people fleeing Russia often end up in Armenia without a livelihood or acquaintances in the country. In addition to providing housing, we work with our shelter residents on a plan to get out of the crisis and, if necessary, provide assistance from a psychologist, psychiatrist, as well as necessary medications and basic food products.
Unfortunately, we do not have funding for the project for the upcoming month of August. And we urgently need to open a collection to keep the shelter operating.
The collection goal is 2,175 euros. This amount includes rent for a three-room apartment (shelter capacity is up to 6 people at a time), utilities, household chemicals, basic food and medicine for those who are unable to afford those costs. It also includes the support of the project by a psychologist and coordinator.
We really need your help. Support us — tell your friends about this collection.
➡️ Donate for the shelter — buymeacoffee.com/centret
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feckcops · 5 months
Spare a thought for Hilary Cass
“In the end, the anti-trans victory lap barely made it a few feet before being overtaken by hundreds of academics, experts and service users exposing the review as a sham.
“Over 100 academics signed an open letter by the Feminist Gender Equality Network condemning the review as ‘dangerous and potentially harmful to trans children’ due to its ‘unsound methodology, unacceptable bias [and] problematic and supported conclusions’. Therapists Against Conversion Therapy & Transphobia (TACTT) slammed the review as having an ‘eliminationist agenda, dressed up in the language of reasonableness’, urging clinicians to treat the Review’s findings with ‘extreme caution’. ‘Underpinning this report,’ wrote trans rights group TransActual, ‘is the idea that being trans is an undesirable outcome rather than a natural facet of human diversity.’ ...
“Cass also suggests that the rate at which young people move from puberty blockers to subsequent hormone treatments may, as anti-trans groups have warned, prove puberty blockers help cement a trans identity in these youth. Her data for this is the fact that in two studies, nearly all trans youth prescribed blockers went on to take hormones. Of course, this finding could just as easily suggest that puberty blockers are being prescribed very precisely – a possibility Hilary Cass does not entertain for even a second.
“While roundly ignoring the evidence of experts, the review mysteriously arrives at many of the same conclusions that anti-trans groups did years ago. Cass recommends that young adults aged 17-25 use an intermediary gender service instead of being referred to adult services, for example – a recommendation straight out of the mouth of anti-trans group Our Duty, which has long pushed to ban gender transition for under-25s. The influence of anti-trans groups like Sex Matters, Therapy First and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, all of whom appear in the citations, can be felt throughout the review.
“More worryingly still, many of Cass’s conclusions are based on evidence that does not corroborate, or in some cases, directly contradicts her findings. For example, her recommendation of an intermediate service is based on the idea that brains don’t reach maturity until 25 – a notion that Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist and the author of The Idiot Brain describes as ‘guff based on hearsay, misunderstanding of neuroscience or wilful ignorance’.”
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bahoreal · 10 months
cant stop thinking abt something i saw earlier
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satureja13 · 2 years
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They are so tired but the leaves have to be raked before they leave for school. Everything has to be neat and tidy when the first visitors arrive. And how is Kiyoshi supposed to keep his cool when Jack is (unknowingly) teasing him like that! (It seems our Jack has entered the anger stage in his mourning process... he still deals with the depression stage, he hasn’t even the strength left  to shave. The beard doesn’t look as silly as last time tho.)
From the Beginning  <~  Underwater Love  ~>  Latest
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Fellas, is it inherently misogynistic for gay people to create and consume gay content of fictional male characters they ship?
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void-thegod · 1 year
Is there anything I could add to this discussion of the human condition and what I think should be done to avoid extinction?
Is it worth all the bullshit attention I may get just for adding my two cents? Especially when all I want is to be left alone?
My safety, health, and freedom are under attack.
I've fought for my life, my existence, and my sanity my entire life.
Is it going to help me to expose myself to the craziness that is humanity when I've experienced enough trauma?
Probably not.
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readyfreddy · 1 year
I'm tired, I'm hurt, and I'm scared.
tw below the cut for transphobia, homophobia, and violence:
I never would have thought that this would have happened in a community that has been a major part of my life. I lived in this community for nearly two-thirds of my life.
On Wednesday, June 28, a professor and two students were stabbed during a class discussing gender identity and expression at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. This marks the second motivated hate crime in Ontario in 24 hours. The professor and both students are in serious but non-life-threatening conditions.
There has been a 64% increase in hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ community from 2020 to 2021. This only includes police-reported hate crimes; there is a long, painful history regarding the LGBTQ+ community's distrust towards police and RCMP. Half of these reported crimes include violent cases.
The rise of anti-LGBT hate in Canada has been influenced by many anti-queer movements and popular social media accounts. These accounts promote extremist views in the mainstream for many to see. Some may become radicalized by these accounts and continue to share and encourage extremist opinions to others. Online hate is easily accessible to many, whether it is on the giving or receiving end of it.
Words of such extreme hate ARE violence, verbal and physical.
I personally have seen an increase in online hate regarding the LGBTQ+ community as well as racial minorities in Canada.
Schools are supposed to be a safe place for everyone, from all walks of life to learn, and challenge their thoughts and ways of thinking. Classrooms, especially in post-secondary settings, should not be locked when discussing potentially "controversial" topics. The safety of all is essential, but such topics and issues should NEVER invoke violence.
I've been queer my entire life. I've had to hide various aspects of my queer identity for my own safety. I'm scared to go to pride events for my safety. It angers me beyond belief that this is happening so close to home.
Be loud, be proud, and be safe 💛
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theliverpudlianuk · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈 We hope that everyone across the Liverpool City Region enjoyed their Pride Celebrations.
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peemotikeskus · 1 year
Behemoth's news
Read the post in Estonian here.
Hi everyone, Behemoth here! 😸
Here's a brief overview of what we've done this week and are planning to do in the future. 😇
Firstly, we invite you to march with us at Baltic Pride in Tallinn! If you're interested, let us know and write to [email protected]. 😄
Secondly, we have new stickers celebrating marriage equality (which hopefully comes true) and these are completely free. 🏳️‍🌈 Of course, we also have a huge pile of other free stickers. Come and have a look! 😘
Third, we have some LGBT+ artists' works on display at our center, which can be purchased. You can also bring your own work for sale - just come by one day and we'll agree on the terms! 😇
Fourth, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar's exhibition "Sweet as Honey" is still on display at our center. Be sure to come and see it before the exhibition ends!
Fifth, our usual events took place this week: art circle, board game night, handicraft circle, and book club.
Keep reading for an overview of the events.
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On Monday, we met with representatives from organizations Vikerruum and Tartu LGBT+ to talk about Pride Month events, including Baltic Pride, which takes place from June 6th to 11th in Tallinn. 🏳️‍🌈 We also came up with some great events in Tartu, which we can't talk about just yet (big secrets!). 🤫
On Tuesday, we held a meeting with volunteers to thank them and discuss our future plans. We had a productive meeting, and it was also great to talk to each other again for a longer time. If you want to become a volunteer, write to us at [email protected]. 😘
On Tuesday, we also had our usual art club! This time we didn't have a specific theme, we just drew and painted together. The art club takes place every Tuesday from 6 pm to 8 pm, and next week we'll be making collages together! 🥳
On Wednesday, we played board games together, and the most popular game among volunteers right now is "Railroad Ink." If you have a board game you'd like to play with someone, but nobody at home wants to play it - come and play with us! 🎲 Board game nights take place every Wednesday from 5 pm to 8 pm, but of course, we're ready to play board games on other days as well.
On Thursday, we did handicrafts together, again in a free format. If you have a project you're working on and would like to do it in a fun company, come and visit us! Of course, those who don't do or don't know how to do handicrafts are also welcome - if necessary, we'll teach you, if not, we'll just hang out with you. 😘
Our book club met for the second time on Friday, and we're currently reading Casey McQuiston's "One Last Stop". If you want to join the book club, but don't have this book at hand, come to our center - we have two copies. 😉 The next book club meeting will take place on April 28th at 6 pm.
On Friday, we also met with members of the Open Estonia Foundation, who represent the Active Citizens Fund, which funds our current project. It was a great meeting, and we received valuable feedback on our activities. Thank you for coming to visit us! 💖 You can read more about our project here. 
We had a meeting with the organizers of the 6ede6õrgu6idu on Friday. We'll keep the details of our discussion to ourselves for now. 🙏 We also had a visit from Schrödinger the cat, who was very well-behaved. Well-behaved cats are always welcome to visit us. 😻
Next Friday, our center will host the first meeting of a trans support group/discussion circle from 6pm to 8pm, and we invite you to join us. 🏳️‍⚧️ If you'd like to participate, please sign up.
Next week's schedule:
Monday: open 16-20
Tuesday: open 16-20,  art club 18-20
Wednesday: open 16-20, board game night 17-20
Thursday: open 16-20, crafts club 18-20
Friday: open 16-21, the first trans discussion/support group 18-20
Saturday-Sunday: closed
See you next week!
Peemot (and friends) 🐾
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merigoldaround · 2 years
I used to love spending time in the jikook tag (or did I, it's been over two years, maybe I'm just nostalgic). But these days when no one seems to have anything good to do they come and complain about one thing or another, it's more trolling and debunking and taking some moral high stand for "seeing the truth". All I want is to see people sharing cute jikook moments even if they're not new or maybe some actually good takes and positive asks (oh those were the days when we got more content and people didn't get so easily bored, I mean the complainers were there still, but it felt like they were the minority).
Personally I just care that the guys are happy and wish people would be kind. And certain people here are not kind at all. Like who hurt you? Maybe do some self reflection, see to your traumas, I swear it makes a real difference. Negativity bias is a thing, maybe look it up.
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myveryownpicrewblog · 2 years
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gayrencontre · 2 months
N'avoir d'yeux que pour toi, Samuel de Sancerre
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Je me suis amusé à agencer mes yeux bleus avec mon haut. Mais tu sais ce qui serait encore plus chouette ? M'agencer avec toi. Je n'ai pas peur des clichés. Je demeure sur Sancerre 18300 dans le Cher. Oui comme le vin blanc ! C'est à 45 minutes de Bourges, j'en sais quelque chose, j'y ai vécu toute ma vie. Je cherche une vie plus rangée avec un homme dans les parages.
Discuter avec Samuel
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roseanneblack · 4 months
CW- discussing LGBT laws in UK
Despite the fact that being gay was legalized in 1967, the age of consent for gay men was 21 and wasn't reduced until 1994 at which point it was 18. This is crucial when reading a Marauders fic set in the 1970s as it meant that technically none of the Hogwarts students could consent to a 'homosexual act' under the eyes of the law. Now, it's fanfiction, so the author can change as much as they want and that is completely valid! Plus in terms of the HP Universe, there are potentially different laws surrounding this. However, I do think this context furthers the reason for why certain characters may act the way that they do e.g. hesitant to accept LGBT+ feelings due to their period typical attitudes.
As someone who loves History with a passion and in particular history of women's and LGBT+ rights, I love to explore and dive deep into attitudes/beliefs of people at the time. A key thing to note is just how brave these LGBT+ people were in fighting for their basic human rights- the right to love and as a result, paved the way for today's world where there is much more freedom. Therefore, I find it particularly interesting when this is explored in media/literature both contemporary, The Picture of Dorian Gray; more modern, In Memoriam and in fanfics like in the Marauders. LGBT+ people have always been here and aren't going away anytime soon!
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