#lgbtq therapy and counseling
bpoqe · 5 months
Counseling for Positive Self-Exploration
Our LGBTQ+ therapists support mental health within the family and work to improve relationships between individuals. Contact us now!
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asking-jude · 8 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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joe-england · 1 year
BetterHelp Shares Your Data With Facebook
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thepsychologytemple · 2 years
Transgender people shouldn't be forced to see a psychologist/therapist/counsellor
So at the core of transgenderism there is, essentially, a hatred for your body. A feeling that is not the way it should be, that something's wrong with it, much like it happens to people who feel they're not skinny enough, fat enough, don't like their nose, don't like their toes... and hurt themselves in an effort to change it. Sometimes with self-harm, sometimes starving themselves, sometimes with plastic surgery. You might think, how can you possibly compare a trans person with someone who doesn't like their nose? well, they actually have a lot in common in the end. Hatred towards the own body or parts of it. And that's a huge problem.
But it isn't necessarily a problem a psychologist, therapist or a counsellor should be first to assess. From my studies of psychology, I've come to understand that those of us who have studied it, we don't generally know that much about the biology of the brain or other organs for that matter. Unless a psychologist has gone on to study medicine, we don't actually know a lot about medicine. We know enough science to diagnose a disorder such as anorexia, bipolar disorder, depression... and to treat it. And even then, very often we're limited to just diagnosing and doing a non-medical treatment, but if we feel you need medicines, we'll refer you to a doctor, as we cannot provide them. But if the cause of your problem is a medical issue, we're not your people. A doctor is.
So when politicians debate about whether a person who hates the body they were born in, or parts of it, should be seeing a therapist or not... my answer is neither. What I think transgender people, and anyone who cannot stop having cosmetic surgery, or who suffers from any kind of hatred towards parts of their body, should always be forced to see before undergoing any "solutions" is a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrists are the only ones who are trained in both psychology and medicine. If there is a medical problem with you, a tumour, an illness, a malformation... you name it. They'll know. They know huge amounts of stuff about the brain. So before you go and have a surgery that has no going back, I'd always recommend seeing one. Always. If then they think what you've got can just be treated by a psychologist, perfect. But don't come with a problem as tremendous as feeling so much hatred for a part of your body that you'd chop it off, to a psychologist, because psychology looks at behaviour, society, environment... not at medicine. And problems that big need to be assessed first and foremost by someone who does it all, a psychiatrist.
And don't fucking self-diagnose. I know psychiatry and psychologists are really expensive and the access very difficult (even more so in certain countries), but so is surgery, and in the countries where the surgery is free normally so is going to a psychiatrist and both have about as long waiting lists. So please, please, don't let the internet tell you if you feel something's wrong with you. Go to a professional, but go to the right one. Know who they are.
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Alcohol and Drug Evaluation in Marietta, GA
With over 25 years of expertise, A Better Life Treatment Centers specializes in compassionate and skilled care that is tailored specifically to aiding those in our community who are suffering from substance use disorders and lowering recidivism.
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LGBTQ Relationship Counseling: Where to Go In Simi Valley?
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The challenges faced by the LGBTQ community members make their lives very difficult with very little room available for solutions. That is why most of the time LGBTQ members look for relationship counselors who can help them in dealing with the challenges effectively and also assist in bringing their relationship back on track.
Now, it is also very difficult to find a reliable relationship counselor for LGBTQ couples in Simi Valley. Here in this article, we will discuss the important tips that will help you in choosing a reliable LGBTQ relationship counselor.
Look At The Online Directory
Explore The Websites
Talk To Your Peers
Counselor’s Specialization
Look At the Online Directory
One of the best ways for LGBTQ couples to find a relationship counselor is by having a look at the available online directories that give a headway to you. There are many online directories that contain a list of various relationship counselors who can help you deal with the complex relationship issues you are facing in your life.
Moreover, there are also many filters available in these online directories that you can employ to refine your search for counselors. There are many couples who have found very friendly and understanding counselors through online directories and these counselors are genuinely concerned about LGBTQ members which is reflected in their counseling sessions.
Besides that, when you are referring to an online directory, you will get all the details of the counselors including the charges for counseling sessions. Moreover, if you are looking for any counselors near your accommodation, the filter can be applied to make it possible for you to get a counselor near your residence.
There are also many relationship counselors who provide appointments to their clients through these online directories and you can also avail of their appointment from these platforms.
Explore the Websites
Nowadays, the majority of relationship counselors have an online presence and this is certainly helpful for LGBTQ people to scrutinize their professionalism before making an appointment to address their relationship concerns. There are several instances where people belonging to the LGBTQ community have worked with counselors who were not so friendly and the results were discouraging.
That is why looking at the website of relationship counselors before consulting them about your relationship troubles is definitely a good move. No doubt scanning through the websites of relationship counselors is going to take a lot of time as you have to go through all the details but it would be fruitful as you would be able to find a good counselor.
When you are having a look at the websites of various counselors then you need to look for specific things on their website that can provide you a clear picture of their services and reliability. There might be reviews of LGBTQ people who might have consulted them before and based on these reviews you can take your call.
Besides that, there are many counselors who provide all the details on their website regarding the ways their counseling session is going to help them address their relationship problems. This can help you in making your decision regarding visiting the specific relationship counselor.
Talk To Your Peers
One of the best ways to seek a relationship counselor for LGBTQ couples is to talk to people belonging to your group. There are many LGBTQ couples who seek out relationship counselors to deal with their relationship issues and you won’t be the first couple to seek out relationship counselors.
Besides that, the problem with LGBTQ people is that they cannot open up about their relationship problems in front of anyone like straight people can do and that is why they always seek out people from their community to discuss their relationship problems.
Counselor’s Specialization
Now, often this is the least talked about but the most important thing that you need to consider when looking for a relationship counselor to address LGBTQ relationship issues. Most relationship counselors would have specializations in some field.
That is why if you are dealing with some specific problem then rather than visiting a relationship counselor who is a generalist you should consider visiting a counselor who specializes in addressing the issues you are facing.
The above-discussed factors are some of the most important things that you should consider when looking for a relationship counselor in Simi Valley to address relationship issues faced by LGBTQ couples. You need to consider these factors when looking for a counselor.
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evolveonline · 7 months
Looking for a Therapist
I’m revisiting a well documented  aspect of counselling and that is 80% of therapy work that is done comes down to the two people in the room. In short, when you are looking for a therapist to work with you need to feel you connect with them on a personal level, is the therapist someone you feel will listen to you and will try to understand you. Without this the therapeutic relationship is really a consultation, not a relationship in the truest form.
As a transgender woman I can form relationships with people in my daily life, from workplace relationships where, in order to do my work effectively I need to at least trust those around me and I need to be able to engage with them. Likewise, a social friendship needs to function with both people knowing the other on a deeper level than just a passing interest, there has to be more investment. A therapeutic relationship has to be more than a person with issues or conflicts they would like to discuss, and the counsellor being someone with a set of skills that either will or won’t help. 
When choosing a private therapist, no matter what modality of therapy they are skilled in, do your research into the person, do you feel their values will align with yours, even if its only to a minimal degree, do you like the look of them, are they someone you feel you could relate to and what experience do they have with the issues you would like to talk about. This is why, online counselling can be so important, it removes you from a narrow radius of therapists to a national directory and it is really important to do your research beyond the boundary of you local vicinity, the person you are looking for is there and you will find them if you take the time to look. 
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centerforlovemarriage · 9 months
All You Need to Know About LGBQT Couples Counseling
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Counseling is a type of remedy can be extremely good for LGBTQ couples. It can help to ameliorate communication and resoluteness conflicts. LGBTQ couples remedy is analogous to other forms of couples remedy in numerous ways. 
There are some effects that may generally be in LGBTQ couples remedy. The therapist will generally start by conducting an original assessment. 
They gather information about the couple’s history and relationship. 
LGBQT Couples Counseling Florida may involve asking questions about their individual activities related to the applicable factors.  The therapist and the couple will work together to identify specific pretensions for remedy. 
These may include perfecting communication. It may also include addressing conflicts related to identity or family of origin. Learning strategies for managing with external stressors like demarcation or societal pressure is also involved. 
The therapist may concentrate on tutoring specific chops, similar as communication ways or conflict resolution strategies. 
These can be acclimated to the unique requirements and gests of LGBTQ couples.  
LGBTQ couples may face unique challenges related to their gender identity, or other aspects of their identity. A professed therapist can help couples explore these issues in a safe. They may work through any affiliated conflicts or challenges. 
Depending on the nature of the couple’s enterprises, the therapist may also work on helping the couple reconnect emotionally and sexually. This may involve addressing any underpinning issues that are impacting their closeness and working on a stronger emotional connection.  
Overall, , LGBQT couples therapy Windermere, Florida remedy is designed to help couples make a stronger, more flexible relationship in the face of the unique challenges they may face. 
The specific ways and strategies used will depend on the individual requirements of the couple. But the thing is always to support them in achieving their asked issues.
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asking-jude · 6 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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ardendrifter · 10 months
Went to zikr last night and found a breath of relief, couldn't stop swearing for about an hour after.
Yesterday was a trial, and no chance to empty my brain between all the chores and appointment-making. Nothing makes me feel like I'm out of my goddamn mind quite like trying to navigate the referrals and wait-lists for trans-competent therapy. My usual joint closed down during the pandemic, but Ingersoll keeps a list of vetted therapists. All the gender minorities who used to be on the list dead or out of business, or not accepting my insurance, so I'm stuck wading through it all piecemeal.
I miss SCS.
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How To Support Your LGBTQ+ Child
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If you’re a parent, chances are you spend a lot of time trying to do right by your child. Parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world, and everyone has a different opinion on how to do it. Although more and more folks are becoming accepting of LGBTQ people, it can still be an emotionally intense experience to have your child come out to you. If your child has come out to you, or if you’re a parent of a child, it’s good to have an idea in the back of your mind of how you will respond if this is a conversation you have with your child.
There are a few reasons why a child coming out can be emotional for parents. First, we are conditioned in our culture to think of being LGBTQ as “other” or the less preferable option. We assume our children will be heterosexual until we hear otherwise. Because of the way our culture expects heterosexuality, it can be seen as a surprise to be anything but straight. This is something we need to work on unlearning. Some people also think that children are too young to know for sure if they’re gay or straight, but that’s another example of our homophobic culture. Some people don’t know they’re LGBTQ until later in life, but many folks have known for as long as they can remember. We spend a lot of time assuming young kids are straight (saying a smiling baby boy is “flirting”, for example), so it’s important to believe someone when they come out to you.
Another reason parents often struggle when their child comes out is that they don’t want their child to have to suffer. In our culture, being LGBTQ is still seen as abnormal or shameful, so parents often are concerned that their child will have a harder life as an out LGBTQ person. This is another fear that can be put to rest with some education on the topic.
These are some common concerns that parents have when their child comes out:
That their child will be bullied or socially punished for being LGBTQ
Their child won’t be able to have a family
Their child will face discrimination socially and politically
That they won’t be able to have grandchildren or walk their child down the aisle
That being LGBTQ means they can’t participate in religion
It’s so hard to be a parent and see your child choose a life different from the one you wanted for them. However, part of raising your child means raising them to be true to themselves, and coming out can often go a long way to making them feel comfortable in their own skin.
Of course, many of these fears are based on the way that our society treats LGBTQ people, and not based on the reality of being LGBTQ. Queer people can and do have weddings, families, and children. LGBTQ people can be religious. Queer folks do often face a disproportionate amount of hate in the world, so if you’re concerned about this do your best to educate yourself and others around you. People fear what they don’t understand, so use this as an opportunity to call people in when they do or say something homophobic in front of you.
Coming out is not a decision that is made lightly. If your child comes out to you, know that it was a decision they likely struggled with for a long time. They have likely weighed the pros and cons for a long time, and found that they want to tell you who they are, even if they risk losing the relationship they have with you. If your child comes out to you, here are some things you can do to support them:
Don’t tell them it’s just a phase
This is something that a lot of LGBTQ people hear when they come out, particularly bisexual and pansexual folks. Some people think that bisexuality is a phase that people go through on their way to being gay, but that’s not the case (and it’s also biphobic). If someone tells you they’re LGBTQ, believe them. Their labels may change, but that doesn’t mean that they were wrong for identifying a certain way.
Tell them you love them and thank them for telling you
When your child shares something vulnerable with you, what they want to hear is that you love them no matter what. Even if you think they already know, tell them that you love them and thank them for sharing this part of themselves with you. It’s an honor to have someone come out to you – someone trusts you enough to share their true self with you. Let’s treat it as such!
Find support on your own
If you’re having a hard time with the information that your child is LGBTQ, you’re not alone. However, it’s not okay to put your emotional response on your child. If you need help working through your feelings on this, reach out to a therapist or counselor to give yourself whatever space you need. If you’re not able to work with a therapist, try to get support from your own social circles, but make sure not to out your child to anyone who they haven’t come out to yet.
Ask how they can best be supported
You’re not a mind reader, so when your child comes out to you it’s okay to ask them how they’d like to be supported. If they’re using a new set of pronouns, support them by using them as well (with permission). Advocate for LGBTQ causes locally and nationally. Educate yourself on LGBTQ history. Ask if they need help advocating for themselves at school.
Never ever out someone under any circumstance
Outing someone without permission is an act of violence. LGBTQ people can face discrimination and violence if they are outed in a setting that’s dangerous. It is never, ever your place to out someone, even if that person is your child. If your child comes out to you, make sure to ask who else knows so you know for sure.
Remember that labels can shift over time
As LGBTQ people grow and evolve, the label they prefer to use may shift as well. This doesn’t mean that they are confused about who they are or that their sexuality is just a phase. It just means that as they learn more about themselves, they find a better label that fits their experience.
Help them find a therapist
Coming out can be an intensely emotional experience, and it can always help to have as much support as possible. If your child is interested in finding the support of a therapist, do your best to help them find someone to talk to about this momentous occasion. Coming out can be tricky, but it can also be a celebration of someone being their true self. If your child has come out to you and you’re looking for ways to support them, our clinicians can help guide you through this process.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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earlsings · 1 year
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✝️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ #gaybygod #queerbygod #purpose #bornthisway #lgbtqchristian #gaychristian #FaithfullyLGBTQ Reposted from @lgbtq_affirming_therapy We long to follow Jesus, to worship and serve and fellowship and celebrate and love. And it has NOT BEEN EASY TO GET HERE. We are tired and bruised and beaten and bloody. But here we are. And the gatekeepers can try to keep us out, and the theobros can rage and seethe, and the evangelical establishment can act like LGBTQ+ Christians don’t exist, but here we are. Glory to God. -Matt Nightingale . . . . . . . #therapy #onlinetherapy #counseling #onlinecounseling #lgbtqcounseling #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #onlinetherapist #therapyhelps #therapyheals #christian #lgbtq #lgbt #comingout #comingoutstory #nonaffirmingfamily #nonaffirming #pflag #deconstruction #reconstruction #progressivechristianity #questioning https://www.instagram.com/p/CnupVDiP7q3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How Effective is Couples Counselling?
Being in a relationship, whether that means a marriage or just dating, can be an incredibly fulfilling part of your life, but no relationship is perfect. Even the best of partners end up in squabbles from time to time, and this is simply a natural part of spending your life with someone.
Unfortunately, some squabbles turn into ongoing fighting, and when left unresolved, these incidents have a way of driving a wedge between two people. Over time, they can even lead to the demise of a marriage or relationship. Because of this, many couples turn to counselling for help, but is couples counselling effective?
Putting in the Effort
Couples counselling can be very effective, but to make the most of your time with a counsellor, both people in a relationship need to be committed to the idea of making things work. If both people aren’t committed to the counselling process, results may not be as effective as they would have been otherwise.
For counselling to be effective, behaviours often need to change. If you’re seeking help through infidelity counselling, you aren’t going to get anywhere if the person committing infidelity is unwilling to change their ways. Infidelity counselling in particular requires that total honesty and a solid commitment to changing behaviours be in place to be effective.
Work With a Couple's Counsellor
It’s also important to work with a dedicated couple's counsellor. While you and your spouse or dating partner may be able to find help through working with a general therapist, a couple's counsellor is more likely to be able to provide specific guidance regarding issues that couples face.
For this reason, it’s a good idea to interview counsellors before agreeing to counselling. You want to make sure that the counsellor you and your partner select is someone who shares your same values and ideals. With that stated, you also want to make sure you receive honest advice and guidance rather than just receiving advice that you want to hear. The goal of couples counselling is to introduce an objective opinion based on impartial judgment.
Read a similar article about counselling for hypochondria here at this page.
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michelleb2017 · 2 years
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