#lies of course. i attend class and can cook* (*do not eat anything i cook)
umitsy · 2 months
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Yandere college nerd pt. 3 | pt. 2 | pt. 1
warnings: kidnapped reader, love obsession, threatening, food and water deprivement, mentions of murdering, accuse falsely
reader's g/n
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A day with Claude, could go on many types of ways—here I'll list some of them.
➻ He would firstly feed you breakfast, sometimes letting you by yourself 'cause he has to attend some urgent matters as soon as possible if he hadn't get rid of those the night before already.
➻ When he returns to the house those days though, expect him to get really clingy. He sometimes gives you space if you really do not like physical contact, but more often than not, he'll hug you while he feeds you whatever food he's brought for the afternoon.
➻ However, once his lessons have started, he'll get particularly strict and serious with you. It really reminds you of when he'd answer a complicated problem at the class and the teacher would ask him to explain it to everyone.
➻ He ends up mixing almost all topics into one class of his. Starting off with Maths—he'd go on about the scientific behind those equations to their importance in History, and so on. Don't even think about asking him when is it going to end because he'll add more time as punishment.
➻ When he can stay with you in the mornings though, he'll first ask what you want to eat, anything really, he'll even learn right on the spot if it's something he doesn't even know the name about.
➻ When you struggle to eat, wether on the morning, evening, or nights—he'll definitely not be pleased. He knows you know how important it is for your body to it, so he might ask you nicely two or three times to eat, but if you still refuse, he'll start eating in front of you. Not necesarilly making exaggerated noises but the way he cooks each plate so deliciously looking it makes it impossible for you to resist too much.
➻ Does not let you have any devices at all-anything that needs internet connection goes out of your life right then and there. You'll only need a lamp, a projector (that only he is allowed to use) and a clock—that's it. He does not like all the lies internet spreads nor the facility people has gained of believing them. He does not want you to fall for any of it.
➻ When he unties you, he thinks you'll know better than to leave him, so the thought of chaining you back on the bed never crosses his mind ever again. However, if you do start trying to escape, he'll remorsefully lock you in your room for sometime. No food, no water—nothing but silence. Maybe after a couple of times suffering the lonely time you'll finally learn the most important lesson he wants to teach you—there's no one else for you than him, you'll only need him.
➻ If you get bored you'll always have a shelf full of educational books in his room. Yes, his. He has a rule of those books never leaving his room and has made very clear he can and watches you at all times, so you really didn't have much option. He likes when he arrives and sees you comfortably reading through a classic piece of Literature—or History, Human Body, Maths, whatever had caught your eye that day-sitting on the rocking chair he set up for you or on the bed.
➻ He gets that you might still be afraid of him, having read lots of sources about how a human may react to kidnapping—but with all this little actions of his, he tries to redeem and show his soft side. Just don't push it that much 'cause it's easier to break than to fix.
➻ What those urgent matters are about? Of course he didn't like that teacher to begin with and the school can surely get someone better, so who's gonna end with all his crap? He could easily kill him as he's studied the human body perfectly or—his least favorite—creating a huge rumour about him. Whatever that'll make him suffer the most without missing his daily lesson with you.
➹ "My favorite natural phenomenon? It’s the sparkle in your eyes."
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I was thinking next chapter could be a scenario of reader trying to escape from him?
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 umitsy. (Credit to the respective owners of the pictures.)
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ragnars-tooth · 2 years
Pretty sure I mentioned but I'm moving v v soon so probably no art for a hot second (unless I gain the braincells to articulate my david rain thowts)
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 6
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
Your new desk mate brings his brothers to school and introduces them to you. All they wanted to do was introduce themselves to you but maybe they came off too strong and it might have backfired. 
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((Their stage names and real names are used interchangeably here. Hope it isn’t too confusing!))
V entered class, ignoring all the girls that were fawning over him in the hallway. Mortal women were so easily drawn by looks that it annoyed him. When his eyes fell on you, his desk mate, a smile appeared on his face. 
“Good morning!” He greeted with his boxy smile as he sat down, making the other girls scoff in jealousy. 
“Hey.” You straightened up. 
“How was your weekend?” He asked and your mood darkened at the memory of the wolves leaving. V noticed this and mentally scolded himself for asking you when he already knew what happened. 
“Didn’t do much. What about you?” You lied with a forced smile. 
“Oh, my brothers and I finalised the move into our permanent house so it’s just been moving around and unpacking all the boxes to settle in. It has been really tiring but we’re always excited to move into a new place.” V rambled and you nodded your head with a congratulatory smile. 
Having a good look at V’s face, you noticed something that was never really apparent to you until you realised it. 
V was one of the boys in the dream you had about the wolves as humans. He was the human version of Taehyung. You have officially gone insane, how could you have dreamt of your friend as your wolf? 
“Well, V, are your brothers attending school too?” You changed the subject. 
“Yeah. I’m usually the scout first, which is why I came alone. But now that we’ve officially moved in, they’re coming today.” V explained. 
“Class, we have some new students.” You didn’t even notice that the teacher had come in. You turned to face the front and your eyes widened, your jaw dropping slightly. 
It was them, the 6 other boys from your dream. How could it be? You were in disbelief, you were sure you have never seen them before in real life and yet, they were here, standing in front of you as real humans. In your dream, they were just the human versions of your wolves. To be sure you weren’t dreaming, you blinked and rubbed your eyes. 
“I’m RM.” 
“I’m J-Hope!”
“Hello, I’m Seokjin.” 
You let out a sigh of relief when they mostly had different names. Obviously, it wasn’t their real name like how V’s name is definitely a fake name. You subtly side eyed V, who gave the boys a little wave. They were his brothers. 
“Are they your brothers?” You whispered. 
“Mhmm.” He hummed. 
“(y/n).” Their vision all zeroed in on you but you were too busy mentally freaking out to notice. The teacher assigned them their seats. Two were in front of you and V, two were beside V and the last two were diagonally in front. It was like you were literally backed into a corner. 
The pale boy in front of you, that was Yoongi. The white wolf. And the one next to him was Jimin, the boys who complained about bland chicken.
“Sorry.” You frowned and stood up, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. As you closed your eyes and leaned against the stall door. Why was your heart suddenly racing? 
“Did we scare her? She looked so overwhelmed.” Jungkook thought. Maybe the boys all coming at once was too much. 
“Poor (y/n). She looked scared too.” Jimin whimpered. 
“Let’s just take it slow, don’t come on too strong or force her to do anything. It’s probably because she remembered our faces from her dreams.” Namjoon said and the rest nodded. 
You managed to calm yourself down in the bathroom for a few minutes and come back to class. You sat down with a slightly bow of your head and tried to ignore the boys that were sitting around you as you paid attention to the teacher, taking notes down. V side eyed you and smiled softly to himself. You were just so special. 
When lunch came around, you grabbed your bag and got ready to leave class with V trailing behind you. 
“Umm... Why don’t you join your brothers? It wouldn’t be nice to leave them on their first day.” You told V, fiddling with the strap of your bag. V felt hurt as he gave you a crestfallen look. 
“We don’t mind joining you, if that’s okay with you of course.” RM slung his arm around V’s shoulders. You bit your bottom lip.
“You guys should see the school and mingle with other students... I’ll see you after lunch.” You quickly excused at the end and sped walked away. 
“(y/n)! Wait.” V whimpered. 
“She eats alone?” Yoongi asked. V nodded. Well, you haven’t really been eating alone. V has been joining you every day ever since he came to the school. 
“Should we find her?” Hoseok suggested. 
“No, let’s just let her have her space. We may scare her off.” Jin said and they walked the other way. 
You let out a sigh and sat down. You felt bad for turning them away when they were trying to be nice to you but you were used to being alone and the 7 of them altogether was just too overwhelming. For some reason, you just couldn’t get rid of the image of V’s crestfallen expression from your head.
“Maybe this is why you don’t have friends.” You scolded yourself. It felt quiet without V and his random conversations. You have grown used to it after he had been eating with you. 
After school, you were able to go home before work started. You had gotten a new, better paying job as a barista at local, hipster cafe. 
“Coming!” You were just about to leave the house. 
“Hello- Oh! V?” You nearly jumped back when you saw V and one of his brothers, Jimin, standing at your door step. You weren’t expecting to see them here. 
“(y/n)?! You’re our new neighbour?!” V gasped. That’s when you remembered that you saw moving trucks the other day. Were V and his brothers your new neighbours? That was almost too coincidental but you were kind of glad that they were at least your age and people you kind of knew. You gave a small smile and nodded. 
“We actually came over to ask if our new neighbour would like to come over for dinner. We didn’t know it was going to be you.” Jimin laughed. 
“Right... I’m actually working though. Got a new job.” You said, more to Taehyung. Taehyung knew you worked at a barbecue restaurant, you had told him during one of your lunch talks. 
“You got a new job? Congratulations!” V suddenly pulled you in for a hug, making you choke. 
“T-Thanks.” You blushed. 
“When’s your next day off? We would love to have to you over, we can celebrate you getting a new job too!” V exclaimed excitedly and his brother nodded in agreement. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Ah, there’s no need for that. I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. You saw the sad looks they gave you and felt bad. You were rejecting them twice in a day and you knew that wasn’t very nice of you when they were trying to be friendly. 
“My next off day is on Friday.” You said softly. 
“Alright! We’ll see you Friday! Have a great day and all the best for your new job!” Taehyung clapped. 
“Thank you.” You smiled and they ran off. You chuckled and shook your head. They were so full of energy that the two together reminded you of Jimin and Taehyung. You went to the bus stop to take the bus into town. 
“She’s coming on Friday!” The two wolves entered the house. 
“She actually agreed?” Yoongi asked. 
“You should know that no one can resist our charms.” The two scoffed, making the other wolves give them disgusted looks. But nonetheless, they were excited for you to come over. That was a step in the right direction. Jin and Yoongi, the chefs of the pack, had to decide what to cook for the Friday dinner and go grocery shopping the day before. 
“She got a new job too, today is her first day. We caught her just as she was leaving. She seemed excited for it.” Jimin informed. 
“That’s good. She really didn’t like working at the barbecue place. The working hours were not flexible and the pay wasn’t even that good.” Namjoon shook his head. They all know how tired you are when you return home from work. 
“What did you all think of human school?” Taehyung asked. 
“Boring. And human girls are weird. They fall so easily for looks.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“Except (y/n).” Hoseok laughed. 
“That’s what makes her perfect.” Jin grinned and the rest agreed. You were probably the only one that wasn’t head over heels for them just because they were good looking. You looked at them as normal people. 
“Well, it is an adjustment but we’re all there for one reason only. To be close to her.” Namjoon said. 
“I’m going for my run.” Jungkook stood up. Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoseok decided to join him. They all turned into their wolves and ran off into the forest. When the wolves do their daily run, they usually patrol as well to make sure that there hasn’t been any intruders on their land.
“Smell that?” Jungkook looked up. The other 3 followed along, sniffing the area’s ground. There was an unknown scent, another wolf had come onto their territory. 
“The scent is quite faint. He probably passed this place a few hours ago.” Hoseok noted. 
“Either he passed by or he’s still here.” Namjoon looked around. 
“(y/n)’s house isn’t too far from here. Shall we start a patrol shift? In case the intruder comes for her?” Taehyung asked. 
“No. This is the first time we caught such a scent so we don’t know for sure why this rogue came. We’ll wait and come again tomorrow. If the scent is still here or in other areas, especially closer to her house, then we’ll start a patrol shift. I don’t want you guys or the others to be too alarmed over this.” Namjoon ordered. 
“Hopefully it’s just a passing rogue then.” Jungkook continued walking. Once they did a full scout, they went back home. 
“How was it?” Jin asked the group that walked in. 
“We found possible traces of a rogue. We’ll go out and scout again tomorrow to determine if he’s a passer or intruder.” Hoseok explained and Jin nodded his head. The 4 boys ran to their rooms. 
“A rogue?” Yoongi came out. 
“I hope he isn’t trouble.” Jimin frowned, crossing his arms. 
“Well, he won’t make it far if he decides to challenge the 7 princes in their own territory.” Yoongi scoffed, heading to the kitchen. 
“Namjoon’s right, we shouldn’t worry about it. It could just be a passer. Now come on, let’s start on dinner.” Jin wrapped his arm around Jimin’s shoulders and walked to the kitchen to join Yoongi in cooking. Yoongi cooked a big pan of kimchi fried rice while Jimin helped Jin with making some stir fried marinated beef to have on the side. 
“Dinner!” Jin called and the others came down, fresh out of the shower. They sat down and began to eat. 
It was late and everyone had gone to bed but Yoongi stood in the back porch, alone in the dark. He held a glass of whiskey, sipping it lightly. It wasn’t like himself to be feeling such strong emotions. He wanted to see you. 
He missed you.
He wasn’t one that openly displayed affection but he still adored the way you would try to get his attention by disturbing him with hugs. Though, he wouldn’t really consider them disturbances. 
“Hyung?” Jimin was coming down fro a glass of water when he saw Yoongi turn and run off into the forest. 
Yoongi ran until he appeared outside your cabin but he kept his distance. He panted as he stood behind a tree. You had already come back from work and he could see you walk past the window occasionally, dancing and singing to yourself. He couldn’t help but smile at your goofiness. 
When he focused again, he met eyes with you. You were standing at the window, staring at him. Did you see him? 
“Yoongi?” You whispered, seeing a small hint of white. No doubt, it was pure white, as white as the moon, almost shimmering. You knew only one wolf had that coat. 
The pair of eyes stared back at you and your heart pounded against your chest as you ran out but the creature ran away as quickly as you came out. 
“Yoongi!” You called but there was no reply. Maybe your eyes were really playing a trick on you. 
The night wind made you shiver, reminding you that you were standing outside in the dead of night, just in your pyjamas. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you headed back inside. As the door shut, Yoongi stepped back out from the shadows. He scolded himself for being careless. As one of the oldest of the pack and an alpha, he should not be reckless. 
“Hyung... Did you see her?” Jimin asked. 
“I’m going to walk. Go back to sleep.” Yoongi shut the younger off and headed to the lake. He stood by the edge, keeping his paws a safe distance from the water since he wasn’t a fan of the water. 
Closing his eyes, he howled into the night. 
Your eyes opened at the howl that sounded through the night. Your heart warmed at the thought that it was one of the wolves. They were still here. 
You hummed as you listened to your music while heading down to the bus stop. When you looked up, you stopped when you saw 7 of your new classmates there. Right, you forgot that they were also your new neighbours. Clearing your throat, you stepped closer and bowed your head. 
“She’s here!” They all thought excitedly. Having lived with you, they knew what time you took the bus every morning so they deliberately planned to be there at the same time as you. 
“So, how was your new job last night?” V started a conversation first, making the others eye him in jealousy. 
“Good. I like it.” You nodded your head as you took out of your earpiece. 
“That’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying it more than that old barbecue place, huh? So what’s your new job having you do?” V chuckled and you couldn’t help but give him a small smile. 
“It’s definitely a lot better. Pay is better too. I’m a barista at a cafe. It’s a lot more chill and just overall, a much better job.” You explained. 
“She’s really so awesome. It amazes me how carries her conversations so well.” RM melted. 
“Uhh... So... Listen, I want to apologise to all of you for my behaviour in school yesterday. It was uncalled for and I let my anxiety get the best of me. You guys are new around here and you were just trying to be nice. I’m just not used to having so many people talking to me at once.” You chuckled nervously as you rubbed the back of your neck. 
“She’s so adorable.” They all thought in unison. 
“No, don’t apologise. It was our fault for getting too excited, not yours. We should have never overwhelmed you like that by coming at you all at once. You have every right to act the way you did.” Seokjin smiled. 
“Yeah! We were just excited to make friends after V told us about you.” J-Hope grinned. V talks about you?
“F-Friends?” You stuttered. 
“You wanna be friends with me?” You blinked and pointed to yourself. They all nodded their heads and you felt your cheeks heat up. You smiled softly, they reminded you of your wolves. 
“O-Okay.” You said shyly. Taehyung and Jimin excitedly pulled you into a hug and you choked. Yoongi and Namjoon grabbed the backs of their collars to separate them from you. Luckily, the bus came and all of you boarded together. There was one seat left and you were going to stand but Yoongi moved you to sit down. 
“Sit.” He said, looking away. You nodded your head wordlessly as he stood over you. 
As the bus ride progressed, you tried to focus on something other than the pale boy that stood over you. When you saw an old lady board the bus though, you stood up, almost knocking him over in the shaky bus. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“Ahjumma, sit here.” You waved to the old lady with a smile. You held her hand to help her shuffle over and sit down. The old lady sent you a grateful smile to which you smiled back and bowed your head respectfully. Yoongi looked at you in adoration. 
“Her heart is forever so big.” He sighed. 
“Be careful.” Jungkook held your arm. You nodded your head and stood between him and Taehyung to steady yourself. Once the bus stopped, you all got off. 
“You guys shouldn’t walk in with me.” You stepped aside from them, already seeing some students staring and pointing at you. 
“Why?” Hoseok asked. 
“I’m not exactly the most popular in school. It won’t be good for you guys if you hang out with me. You’ll become outcasts.” You lowered your head. Hands placed themselves on your shoulders and you looked up to see Taehyung. 
“We don’t care. You’re our friend now and we don’t ever leave our friends alone. They wanna be salty over it, let them. We’re sticking by you, no matter what.” He said reassuringly and you looked to the others, who nodded in agreement. Jungkook slung his arm around you and you all headed into school. As predicted, everyone was pointing and talking about you. 
“What are they doing with her?”
“She’s a loser.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to ignore their comments like you always do. You headed to your locker to exchange your books. Unfortunately, your locker wasn’t beside the boys. 
“So, what spell did you cast on them?” Kira leaned against the other lockers. You gave her a weird look but continued your business. 
“I was talking to you.” She slammed your locker door close, making you jump back in shock. 
“Is something wrong here?” You felt the presence of all 7 boys behind you. Kira stepped back in slight fear. She shot you a glare and flipped her hair before she scurried away with her friends. You sighed. 
“Let’s go to class.” You said and started walking with them. They took their seats while you slid into your chair beside Taehyung. 
The boys were all afraid you would be upset after that confrontation with Kira but you were as cool as a cucumber. You unpacked your bag, taking your necessary study materials out as if nothing happened. Honestly, you were just so used to it that you didn’t care. 
“(y/n), are you okay?” Taehyung asked cautiously. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You turned to him in confusion, tilting your head. 
“Just leave it, Tae.” Jin said. 
“I agree. If she says that she is fine, let’s leave it. We don’t give her enough credit, she’s a lot stronger than what she lets on.” Namjoon told them. Yes, they all definitely agreed with their leader on that. 
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grangers-broomstick · 3 years
”Hold on, I tried to call Ron, who is this?” Potter doesn’t sound even a little bit out of breath. Twat. Draco sees him run past the Tom Ford store and silently prays that the awful looking grey monster with tentacles that is following Potter doesn’t destroy one of his favorite stores.
”Someone who’s watching this spectacle live. Merlin, I feel like im watching a muggle moving picture, a film is it? Anyways, Potter, watch out behind you,” Draco replies, and takes a sip of his tea. He watches as Potter hastily points his wand at that thing behind him. ”That beast was about to slice you in half, you really ought to be more careful. Didn’t they teach you anything at auror training?”
”What?” Is all Potter says and Draco silently contemplates how he managed to become an auror with such underdeveloped critical thinking skills and terrible awareness of his surroundings. Draco thinks he is absolutely daft.
”Wrong number, and before you ask, yes I am a wizard with a muggle telephone and no I have no clue how to successfully operate this thing. It’s been fun to try though,” Draco takes another slow sip of his tea. Just twenty minutes prior, Draco had sat himself down at this café somewhere in central London for a calm, extremely boring brunch. And then Potter came to ruin it by blasting a bunch of slimey, grey tentacle monsters right down the block. Typical. ”Please, Potter, get this over with. I would very much like to enjoy my brunch as soon as possible.”
”Who are you?” Draco watches as he almost dies, again, and rolls his eyes. He feels as though he should probably be startstruck that Harry Potter, of all people, accidentally called him on his muggle flip phone, but honestly? He’s been through more shocking things. He thinks.
”The name is Draco Malfoy,” Draco tells him as he watches Potter turn a corner up ahead, and he’s gone in a swoosh of monsters and red flashes of light. ”Anyways, you should probably hang up now to focus on that thing following you, it’s about to turn the same corner you just did.”
Draco hears Potter’s swear through the phone, and then a list of spells shouted in rapid fashion. Most likely at the beast. ”Uhm, okay, thanks,” he says.
”Whatever,” Draco says, and then snaps shut his flip phone. He continues to sip his tea.
Almost four weeks later, Draco’s phone rings again whilst he is cooking dinner. He doesn’t recognise the number, but he picks up anyway.
”Oh thank Merlin, Ron. Please tell me how to stop a densaugeo hex,” Potter’s, now familiar, voice says.
Draco sighs. ”Still not Ron,” he replies. ”But just use a shrinking charm, it should do the job.”
”Huh? Who is this?”
Draco sighs again, this time annoyingly and loud enough for Potter to hear over the phone. The water starts to boil over in the pot on the stove and he turns down the heat slightly. ”Draco Malfoy, same person you called when those awful grey things were trying to kill you, do you recall? Reducio should save whatever has been hexed, you’re welcome.”
”Thanks,” Potter says, hesitantly. ”So, I still have the wrong number in my phone?”
”Well, considering I’m not Ron or his affair de coeur, yes, it seems so Potter,” Draco snarls, and smirks as he hears Potter laugh on the other line.
”Alright, that’s fair. Thank you,” Potter replies. Draco hears him mutter the charm under his breath faintly. ”Draco, was it?”
”Yes, I’ve told you that twice now,” Draco turns of the stove with a flick of his wand and pours the pasta into a bowl. ”Well, I would like to enjoy my dinner now so, goodbye.”
He hangs up the phone and eats his dinner in the living room. He thinks about Potter.
”Merlin what an idiot,” he says out loud.
Draco’s phone rings while he is at work only a week later, and Draco already knows who’s calling. Not that he is keeping track. He rolls his eyes and picks up.
”Hurry up, I’m busy,” Draco says, adding two drops of flobberworm mucus to his cauldron and stirring 4 times clockwise.
”Hey Draco,” Potter says, sounding awfully entertained. Draco huffs. ”Am I disturbing you?”
”As a matter of fact, you are indeed Potter. I’m working, get to it,” he says, and tries to focus on the dreamless sleep he’s making.
”Just wondering, do you know anywhere I could get some blood-replenishing potion? The Apothecary has run out and it’s sort of urgent.”
Draco hums into the phone, and presses it in between his shoulder and head in order to cut up some lavender. ”If you’re brave enough, Mr Mulpepper’s is on Knockturn Alley. If you just walk past Borgin’s and to the left, you should see it.”
”You think I’m scared? I defeated Voldemort, I think I can manage Knockturn Alley,” Potter says, and Draco can practically feel the grin on his face.
This would probably be a good time to owl Pansy to admit that he has been properly enamoured by Britain’s golden boy. Ugh. Not fair. Totally not fair.
”You’re not half as cute as you think you are, Potter,” he lies through his teeth. He stirs the cauldron anti-clockwise and adds the lavender.
Potter chuckles, and Draco feels it in his whole body. ”No, but you’re probably twice as cute as I think you are,” he says. ”Anyway, thanks for the tip Draco,” and then he hangs up.
Draco stares at the cauldron of dreamless sleep for at least, like, five minutes. He should be shocked that this was the third time Potter rang, if he wasn’t so dumfounded by the fact that Potter was flirting with him. Harry Potter had called him, on purpose, to flirt with him.
Draco fucks up the dreamless sleep. It turns blue. He gives up on trying to save it after that.
Just a few days later Draco is on his way to have a few drinks with Blaise and Pansy, when the phone rings. Draco would very much like to ignore it, but the ringtone is so immensely antagonising he thinks it should be illegal.
”Again, Potter, really? Be quick about it, I’m a busy person,” Draco drawls into the phone.
”Draco Lucius Malfoy, born 5th of June 1980 in Forcalquier, France. Son and only heir to Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, née Black. Oh, you’re Sirius’ cousin, how fun, I’m totally going to make fun of him for that. Anyway, your father was a notorious death eater, played a major role in the second wizarding war and was considered You-Know-Who’s second in command. Very interesting. Your aunt was quite infamous too, Bellatrix Lestrange. She tortured me once, you know. You grew up in France and attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, I suspect for reasons being to stay away from your father, perhaps. Graduated top of your class three years ago, and works as a potioneer, is that right?”
Draco draws in a sharp breath. He had stopped walking and was standing in the middle of the street as if he had been hit with a petrificus totalus. Mild panic claws at his chest, but he continues walking. He couldn’t quite place the voice, but it sounds awfully familiar. The person is soft spoken, and the speech didn’t sound cruel, so he tries to calm down.
”That is indeed right, may I ask who I’m talking to?” Draco asks, trying to sound nonchalant. He drags a shaky hand through his hair.
”Oh yes, of course, my apologies,” the voice says, a bit muffled, as if the person is moving around. ”The name’s Hermione Granger.”
Ah. A lightbulb in Draco’s head turns on. ”Miss Granger, what a pleasure. Thank you for calling, I was just thinking about my cousin, Sirius was it? Last I heard he escaped Azkaban, how thrilling.”
”Hm, yes that was quite some time ago. He’s doing well now, all the things he had been inprisoned for were a lie, so,” Granger gets cut off by someone and there is quiet mumbling. He tries to make out the words but to no luck. Instead, he focuses on the directions to the pub. Something rastles over the phone, and Granger is back. ”Well, I just thought I’d call. Harry’s been very smitten as of late.”
”How fun for him,” Draco says and hangs up. He speeds up the pace.
The next evening, Draco had just walked through the front door to his apartment when that dreadful ringtone starts again. He slams the door shut and walks to his bedroom.
”You know, usually, people don’t keep calling the wrong number, Potter,” he says and squeezes the phone between his shoulder and cheek. ”And, I would very much like a peaceful evening so if this is Granger, please spare me the speech about my own family tree.”
”Wait what?” Potter’s voice fills his ears and he closes his eyes and shivers. ”Hermione? She did what?”
Draco unclasps his robes and shrugs them off his shoulders. He starts at unbuttoning his pants and curses as he almost stumbles over them as they fall to his his ankles.
”Draco, are you okay?” Potter says, sounding concerned. ”What are you… are you undressing?”
”What an excellent observation, Potter. But don’t get your wand in a knot, this isn’t some awful sex line,” he replies and steps out of his pants. He pulls on some old pyjama pants. ”I don’t think you could afford me, if I’m honest.”
Potter laugh is loud through the phone and Draco basks in it for just a moment. He pulls on a t-shirt and flicks a folding charm at his clothes before making his way to the kitchen.
”You’re funny Draco, but what was that about Hermione? What did she do?”
”Oh Merlin Potter, don’t worry. She just called me to kindly remind me of my heritage and the fact that my family is insane, no harm done,” Draco mutters and heats up his two day old Chinese takeout with a wave of his wand.
”Oh fuck, fuck, I’m- I’m sorry Draco, really,” Potter sounds annoyed. Draco wonders if Granger is in trouble. ”I’m going to have to call you back.”
Draco hums, ”Please don’t. I’m going to be asleep in approximately fifteen minutes, and I need my precious beauty sleep. Why do you think I wake up looking perfect every day? Ugh, you understand nothing Potter, imbecile.”
Draco hears another one of Potter’s dark chuckles before he hangs up, and silently prays to Salazar that he’s not going to be woken up by the phone ringing tomorrow morning.
The phone doesn’t ring the next morning, or the next until its been almost two weeks since he last spoke to Potter. Bit it’s Thursday afternoon, and Harry Potter walks into Mr Mulpepper’s potions shop. Draco is up front at the register today, and Merlin how he wished he was in the back brewing something right about now.
Potter steps through the door and the bell makes a little jingle. He heads straight for the hangover potions and takes a couple of vials before looking at Draco. He watches as Potter looks him up and down, and he wonders if he knows that it’s him. If maybe Granger had told him about Draco and his family, and maybe that’s why he hadn’t called in a few weeks.
He swallows and throws a small smile at Potter. He smiles back. Okay, Draco thinks, maybe he doesn’t know.
”Just these, please,” Potter says, and puts the vials on the counter carefully. He shoves his hand in a pocket of his robes.
”That’ll be 2 galleons and 10 sickles, Potter,”
Potter’s head shoots up and his movements stop completely. They stare at each other for a few uncomfortably long seconds. Draco looks away first.
”What, forgotten how to count, have you? I really don’t have all day, we have lots of customers you know,” he snarks. Potter shakes his head and slowly, a grin lights up his face. Draco wants to strangle him.
”There’s no one here but me,” Potter says and pulls out a few galleons more than necessary and puts them on the counter between them. Draco huffs out a laugh. ”I’m sorry, I haven’t… I never called you back, work has been hectic.”
He’s still grinning. His hair is in it’s usual mess, looking like he had just had a proper shag. I want to shag him, Draco thinks. Ugh. Not fair, so not fair.
”Hm, you don’t owe me anything, Potter. I was wondering why you kept calling in the first place,” Draco says. Merlin, was his voice a bit shaky? It is totally Potter’s fault for making him nervous.
”Well, what can I say? I kind of like the arsehole that picks up,” Potter says and Draco can feel a smile growing on his own face too. He blames Potter for his future wrinkles.
”Well Potter, are you insinuating that you’ve been calling me only for my arse? I already told you, you can’t afford me,” Draco says and picks nervously at his nails. He looks down and counts out the money since Potter is too preoccupied with staring, still.
The man hums, and Draco closes his eyes briefly. “I mean, it’s a beautiful arse, don’t get me wrong. But, I think the sarcastic personality does it for me too.”
Draco lets himself laugh now, and shoves Potter lightly with a hand to his chest. He swears at Salazar for making Harry Potter so fucking fit.
“So, Draco, what do you say about a date?”
Draco is going to kill him.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
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Run through - Steve wants to try new things so he takes a painting class with a nude painting subject. Only the woman he has to paint are you, Peppers assistant and his crush.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 2k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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Steve Rogers was many things. He was an artist, an amateur cook (who really does try), a loyal friend, a good citizen, a soldier. Yet when people looked at him, they only ever saw the captain. His friends called him cap. He'd go weeks without hearing his own name. Sometimes he felt the lines were blurred. When did Steve Rogers end and Captain America begin?
He had a big wake up call when he confronted Tony, saying he wasn’t iron man, it was an alter ego. To which Tony said that Steve was basically captain America. And Steve couldn’t argue or disagree, because it was true. He didn’t want to lose himself in his work anymore than he already had. His therapist told him to make healthy boundaries, which is what he’s going to do.
So he ordered some colors and pencils online and got to work on his art, for the first time in a long time. It was exhilarating and freeing. He could lose himself in it, go on for hours without thinking and seeing anything but the colors and his canvas. Which was extremely rare for him. He could rarely ever shut his brain off or run from his traumatic memories.
Everyone could see the visible change in him. How he seemed happier. Clint even joked about it saying
“Cap must be getting some”
To which Steve only snorted. There was no room for anything as complicated as a relationship or sex in his life, not right now.
But wouldn’t it be nice? To have a woman to hold and to paint. To love and care for. He didn’t let himself delve too much into that fantasy. Because even if it was a nice escape once in a while, he knew that while Steve Rogers might make a good partner, Captain America would certainly not. He would never subject any woman to deal with either of them.
With some encouragement from Sam and his old friends he started attending painting classes at his alma mater, the Brooklyn College, every Saturday evening. It helped him make some friends. He didn’t know if he could call them friends. Most of them were too different from him. They seemed like different types of 'tortured artists'
When he heard that there would be a nude subject to paint the next class, he was a little bit hesitant. Such a thing would’ve been scandalous in the 40s. But he was trying to open himself up and that meant pushing his comfort zone, even just a little bit.
When he set up his canvas, oil colors and brushes that Saturday he expected male subject. He didn’t however expect to hear a woman’s voice. He was too focused on his set up to look up, whatever. He didn’t care if it was a man or a woman. There wouldn't be anything erotic about it. This was strictly professional and educational.
He looked up to take a good look at his subject, when he felt as if his soul was knocked out of him. There you stood, his crush, Pepper Potts' assistant, and the woman who turned him down.
“You know back in my day they used to play elevator music” He said to drown out the awkward silence. Even after all this time, he still didn’t know how to talk to women. He had had a crush on you since the moment he laid eyes on you. You were always so funny and sweet. Asking him and everyone about their day, if they were doing well. Always willing to help others.
When he let it slip that he likes banana bread, you baked him a whole loaf of it, which chocolate chips so ‘so you think of me when you have them. They’re my signature of sorts' you had said proudly. Of course he’d be thinking of you when he ate it. Overthinking actually. Wondering If you like him as he likes you, or if you’re just being your sweet self.
“Oh we still have that!” You chirped “but not in um professional or business buildings like these”
He just nodded. Tapping his foot impatiently. You would get off in just six floors it was now or never. “Hey uh – what are you doing this Friday?” he asked shyly.
“Oh just watching some Gordon Ramsay with my dog probably. I have no life” you laughed at your own self depreciating joke “Why?” you tilted your head.
“I was thinking, maybe we could get dinner? Only if you uh – you wanted to, you're free to say no” he promised. Maybe he should’ve asked you to ‘hang out' or 'for a coffee' like most people these days. But he felt that was no way to treat a lady, especially one like you.
“Oh Steve” he was already disappointed upon hearing your tone “I would’ve loved to. But even though we don’t work together, it wouldn’t look good you know? I mean I don’t care much for 'my image'” You said making air quotes “But I don’t, it’ll be complicated” You looked completely defeated. As if it hurt you to say no more than it hurt him to hear it.
“I completely understand” He nodded “no hard feelings” he gave you a smile as he watched you walk away. It did break his heart a bit, but he’d respect your feelings.
He looked at you taking off your satin robe revealing your bare body to the class of twenty or so artists. His breathe hitched. Your hair flowing down your back and covering a bit of your left breast, your soft stomach and thighs, the patch of soft curls at your core, your nipples hard against the chilly air, and how your stomach rolled a bit as you sat uncomfortably on the stool. You were beautiful. A work of art even. There was absolutely no way he could do you justice. He started drawing an outline on his canvas. You would very well be his best subject.
You looked around a bit, your fingers holding onto the stool for dear life so you could stave off the anxiety and feeling of being so exposed. Then your eyes landed on him. You thought you were dreaming, maybe you didn’t see properly, so you did a double take. Then you were frozen on the spot. There he was, Captain Rogers, the first Avenger, the man you often dreamt about, sitting right in front of you while you were naked as the day you were born.
You had no idea what you should do. This was literally like a nightmare come true. If you flee it would look bad, if you didn’t it might look worse. You decided you’d follow his lead. So you peeked a glance at him from the corner of your eyes and saw him, sketching you? Holy shit Steve Rogers was drawing a nude portrait of you. What has your life become?
You had always been insecure about your body. You knew magazines, porn and movies were meant to feed people lies to get them to buy more things. That didn’t make you feel any less bad about not looking anything like the women in them. You tried to remind yourself that you have many things going for you. Like your supporting family, your loving friends, your cute labrador, your amazing job.
Speaking of your job, exactly why you turned Steve freaking Rogers down! A man that looks like him asking you out and you say no. Your friends flat out laughed in your face at your unfortunate predicament, where the cake is right there but you can't eat it. Now that you thought about it, it was funny.
Your co-workers weren’t kind to you. Even on your best day you didn’t look anything like the women you worked with, who would stab you in the back the first chance the get. You were kind to everyone, but you knew by now not to expect the same treatment back. Which was why you had to say no to the beefy blonde. You didn’t want to be branded as the ‘office slut’.
Which now you were sure you would be. You didn’t know Steve enough to know he’d be willing to keep this a secret. He didn’t seem like someone who would do that to you. But you still couldn’t help but think the worst.
You squirmed and shivered in the chair for a good part of the next two hours. By the end your back was sore and you did everything you could to avoid looking at Steve, only sneaking glances here and there, while he seemed too engrossed in his work.
You had done this a couple of times before, to accept your body for what it is and get comfortable with it. If you weren’t going to love it no one would do it for you. Finally the time was up and the artists were asked to pack up for the day.
You quickly got up from your stool putting the robe back on. You turned your back to Steve, stretching your muscles. You couldn’t wait to lay down on your comfy bed and just get out of here. But you knew you needed to have that inevitable conversation. You probably would never be able to look Steve in the eye after this.
You walked towards him as he was cleaning up his work station. “Fancy seeing you here” You cringed at your embarrassing attempt at a British accent.
“Hey there” He gave you a bashful smile scratching the back of his head “I didn’t expect to see you here”
“Right back at ya” you returned his smile, no longer feeling on edge. It was strange how his presence served to comfort you.
“You do this often” he asked casually. You couldn’t really hear any judgement in his tone, not what you would expect from a hundred year old.
“No not really. It just uh – I’m trying to love myself. Which I already do! Of course” you let out a nervous chuckle “just trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone”
“That makes two of us” he said as he was done packing his bag, which he was deliberately doing at a slow pace. He didn’t want to leave. Not yet.
“Can I... Look at your painting?” You asked nervously. You didn’t know if you wanted to see his interpretation of your naked body, what if it was bad? But what if it was good? What if he was impressed by you...
“Uh it’s not done yet. And frankly I’m not that good”
“I seriously doubt that. I’ve seen the sketches in your office” You caught your slip of tongue. You couldn’t let him know about your borderline unhealthy obsession with him.
“Well, have a look then” he relented showing you his canvas.
You let out a breathe you didn’t even know you were holding at the painting. It was breath-taking. The woman looked like you, but why was she so beautiful and graceful? In the painting she was sitting on a stool, like you, in front of a tree admiring a rose in her hand. She was naked as well. It reminded you of classic Greek paintings where women weren’t perfect, but were celebrated for their imperfections.
“It’s amazing Steve. I – do I look like that?” You stammered not being able to tear your eyes off the painting.
He shook his head at your shock “On the contrary you look much better I’m glad you like it”
“You’re a great artist” you gushed
“I don’t know about that. I’ve seen much better” he said humbly.
You would argue with him. But you knew it would be of no use. Looking at the beautiful woman in the painting gave you the surge of confidence you needed “Steve, does the offer for that dinner still stand?” You straightened your back looking up to lock eyes with him.
“Yes” He blurted without even thinking “how about tomorrow evening?” He asked.
“Yes that will be awesome! You can pick me up at seven. I’ll text you the address“ you said making an mental note to do so.
You could hardly wait for your date. You didn’t really care about what your co-workers would think of you. As long as you were happy their opinions didn’t matter.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist click the link in the bio or send me an ask!
Please do not steal or repost my works. Reblogs are welcome.
This was actually a request. But I can't fir the life of me find the person who requested it. I hope you see it babes❤
1K notes · View notes
White Lies (Pt. 16 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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Next part (17)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Dr. Williams and two other nurses are the only ones here besides Keanu. You've been in agonizing pain for over an hour now, but it's finally time.
“You're completely dilated now.” Dr. Williams says from her place in between your legs. “You just have to push, alright? Can you do it?”
“No.” You cry, many tears staining your cheeks, hair attached to your face because of the sweat. The pain is too great, and you're conflicted by Keanu's presence. And you just can't. “I can't. I want a cesarian.” Pleading, you rest your back against the bed, hands covering your face.
“We can't perform a cesarian now.” Dr. Williams says. “(Y/N), you're ready. Your baby is coming and I get it that you're scared, but you're almost there. Just push.”
“I can't. I can't.” Voicing breaking, you feel as the sobs shake your body.
“(Y/N).” Keanu's voice reaches you, ripping through the chaos. Your eyes find him, standing away. But soon enough he comes closer, taking your hand. “You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can.”
Nodding, you close your eyes tight and push, biting back a groan as it feels like all strength is leaving your body. You can't faint now... You have no idea what would happen if you pass out.
“Good, (Y/N). Again.” Dr. Williams says, and so you do it.
“I can't.” Shoulders shaking, you squeeze Keanu's hand.
“I can see the head. A big push and it's over, (Y/N), c'mon.”
“One more,” Keanu repeats, moving to seat on the bed next to you. Nothing else matters now, and everything that happened is forgotten. You need him, so you just move, the best you can, your back against his chest as his free hand comes to grab your thigh, keeping your legs spread. “One more push and you'll meet Liam, sweetheart, you can do it.”
His voice brings you a new strength, and you turn your face to look at him, a hand finding its way to his face, pulling him closer so you can kiss him. Then, with your eyes still closed, you hold on to his biceps and push, with whatever strength still left inside you. You're almost giving up when a cry fills the hospital room, the pain surrenders, and Dr. Williams stands up straight, holding a tiny little human in her arms.
“Here he is.” She says, smiling. “I'll clean him up and I'll hand him over to you, alright?”
Still catching your breath, you nod, lying back down, colliding on Keanu's chest. The doctors do their stuff as you try to calm down after all this effort. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you never thought it would be this hard. “I can leave if you want.” He says, letting go of your thigh. There will be a bruise there, but you don't mind.
“No.” You're quick to answer, voice a little harsh. Part of you doesn't want to need him, to love him this much, but you do. The heart wants what it wants. It loves who it loves. “Stay to meet the baby.”
It takes a few minutes until Dr. Williams brings Liam to you. He's wrapped around a pale blue blanket since Keanu remembered to bring your bag when he went to pick you up at the hotel. And he's absolutely beautiful, so light you barely feel him in your arms.
“Hi, baby.” You whisper, barely hearing your own voice. Slowly, you touch his forehead with your fingers, softly, as if he's made of glass. You can't control the tears rolling down, but they're from joy this time. You can't believe you're finally seeing him, face to face, after carrying him inside you for so long. He moves his mouth a little, and slowly, he opens his eyes, curiously looking around before blinking a few times. “It's mommy, little one. And...” The words get caught in your throat, your heart sinking a little. “...And daddy...” You push out because Dr. Williams said babies can recognize the parents' voice from the moment they're born, and the father's voice belongs to Keanu, and you know how much it hurts to miss this man, you don't want Liam to feel the same pain. Turning your head to look at Keanu, you're surprised to find teary eyes focused on the baby. “D-do you want to talk to him?”
He nods, glancing at you. He does love this child, that's not up to discussion. “Hi there, little one.” He starts, voice a little clouded. “It's so good to finally meet you.” Liam seems to find you with his eyes, and they move from Keanu and back at you.
“Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves.” Dr. Williams says, and the way she addresses you makes you move uncomfortably. “I must take the baby now. Run a few exams to be sure he's one hundred percent fine. Then we'll bring him back so you can feed him”
“Alright...” You don't want to let him go yet, but you knew about these exams. “Keanu, can you... Just keep an eye on him?” You ask in a low voice before Dr. Williams comes to take Liam from your arms.
“Sure.” Keanu slowly gets up, and you feel a little abandoned. But you shouldn't. You shouldn't have him this close, and you definitely shouldn't have kissed him.
But you can't take those things back. And you're not sure if you would if there was a chance.
You spend two days in the hospital, with Dr. Williams teaching you everything you'll need to know. But you've been taking classes, and reading many things about how to take care of your baby, so you think you can do it. Well, at least the theory. Laura comes to visit, and so does Lucia. Keanu doesn't leave except to shower and have dinner. Other than that, he's always around.
But the day comes when you can leave, so you bathe, dress up and wait for the nurse to bring Liam. You were trying not to think too much about it, but eventually, you have to. As you thank and watch the nurse leaving, you see as Keanu comes in, always a little embarrassed, avoiding your stare, head low. You haven't spoken much. Actually, you haven't said anything to him since the birth. You did thought he'd leave after that, but surprisingly, he stayed.
Holding Liam on one arm, very, very carefully, you try to pick up your bag. “Let me.” Keanu quickly says, making you stop your motion, eyes following him around as he takes the bag himself. “I can drive you wherever you'll be staying.” The words come out heavy as if they're piercing through his throat. “Or a cab, if–”
“No.” Cutting him short, you shake your head. There isn't anywhere else. The hotel is out of question, as is Lucia. And you don't want to crowd Laura's apartment with a loud, crying baby. And the house is ready to receive Liam, so, for now, there's no other place. “For Liam's sake, I believe it would be better if we stayed at your place. If that's not a problem for you, of course.” It takes a lot of effort not to call his place ‘home’. Because that's what that place is.
“Of course not.” He seems perplexed, furrowing his eyebrows a little before gesturing at the door. “Let's go.”
“Let's go.” You mutter, setting in motion.
• • •
Liam proved that knowing the theory doesn't mean you'll nail the real thing. At first, you find it strange that he sleeps too much, even though you read that newborn babies sleep for like seventeen hours a day, only to wake up when they're hungry. And that happens every two to three hours, which means you barely have any sleep. But you're completely focused on him, jumping to your feet whenever you hear that low-pitched cry.
You also start with the postpartum exercises, which was already planned, with a personal trainer that comes three times a week, so your body will go back to normal. You dropped many pounds very quickly. These things aren't that important, not now at least, that everything got real and you're still trying to deal with the web of lies you were caught into, but the routine gives you something else to think about.
The diet is carefully followed too, but that's all Keanu. You don't really see him, since you confined yourself to the guest room, where Liam is also sleeping in his crib, but the meals are always ready. He doesn't even give you the chance to cook something. When you go downstairs to eat, there's something ready for you.
The first month goes by slowly, and you're starting to get the hang of things. Since Liam spends most of the day in the bedroom with you, you asked Keanu to take him for his daily morning walks around the neighborhood. You agree with Laura, you can't and won't pull Liam away from him.
Sometime around Liam's second month, you're checking your face in the mirror. You look terribly tired, and you feel even worse. But the exhaustion is worth it, and you get a reminder every time you see or hear Liam. Taking a step back, you take a look at your body. You did recover from the baby weight pretty quickly since sometimes you have nothing to do but to keep repeating the exercises. You barely remember how you looked before.
Despite being a little early, you decide to call it a night, curling up in bed. You did miss sleeping on your stomach, but you spent so much time sleeping on your side that you just feel a lot more comfortable like this. You're having some kind of dream, about a peaceful beach when you're awakened by a gentle shake on your shoulder. Breathing deeply, you slowly float back into consciousness, raising your head and finding Keanu seated on the bed with a teary Liam on his arms.
“What happened?” You ask, already pushing yourself into a sitting position.
“Liam was crying. You didn't hear it so I came and changed him. But I think he's hungry.” Keanu says in a low voice, and you take Liam from his arms.
“I'm sorry he woke you up. I... I'm just tired.” You're surprised you fell in such a deep sleep you didn't hear Liam. “Thanks, though.” Sliding the strap from your tank top down your shoulder, you open the bra, freeing your breast which is easily found by Liam. It takes a while until you get reminded of Keanu's presence, your senses overcome by the need to feed your baby. So you give him a look, and you find his eyes locked on his hands cupped together on his lap.
“You don't have to thank me. I'm here if you need me.”
“Why did you do this, Keanu?” You didn't want to talk about it, but there's a freaking elephant in the room and you can't take it anymore. And you need to hear it from him because you're not sure where you're going from now. You're living one day after the other, but still, you feel lost. Clueless. “Why did you lie to me like that?”
“They told me you could lose the baby.” He begins, sad eyes finding yours. “Depending on how you'd take the news about the memory loss, Daniel's death, and the pregnancy. Dr. Wright said you were too hurt already, and your body wouldn't be able to deal with the stress.”
“Then it wasn't your idea.”
Silently, he shakes his head no. “I knew it wasn't fair to you. You needed Daniel, not me, a complete stranger, but if anything happened to you or the baby because I didn't agree with that crazy idea I'd never forgive myself.”
You're about to say something when Liam makes a little noise, and you look down at him. “Slowly, baby, slowly.” You whisper, caressing his cheek before speaking to Keanu again. “Why did you... Why did you...”
“Because I was in love with you by then.” He answers, knowing exactly what you're talking about. “I didn't want to. I mean, I did, I just... I knew I should have stopped, but I couldn't. I loved you so much. I love you so much and I–”
“I felt so violated. I thought I was making love with my husband, not with a stranger.” The words are harsh, but they're true. And the truth must be spoken.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N). And I completely understand if you hate me.”
“I hate that I love you.” Muttering, you focus on the baby in your arms because you can't bring yourself to stare at Keanu anymore. “But I do. And it sucks because I feel that everything you told me was a lie. The first ‘I love you’ certainly was.”
He takes a deep breath, and you feel his eyes burning on you. “The first was, but all the other times...” Keanu moves closer, and you raise your eyes to meet his. “I love you. And I hate myself for everything I did, but I did it for you. And for Liam. I was terrified that you'd leave after knowing the truth, that you'd never want to look at me again but I rather have you hating me than seeing you or the baby in danger.”
“Ke, I...” You don't know what to say, and you curse yourself for calling him that.
“The only thing I need to know, if you have any affection for me, even if it's as small as a speck of dust... Please... Is there any chance we could... Somehow make this–”
“I don't know.” Cutting him off, you feel a tear rolling down, so you look away. The hurt in his voice breaks your heart, and you want to hug him, kiss him. “I don't know. I-I'm here, and I don't know what to do next... I have feelings for you but I'm still heartbroken. I don't know when I'll be able to... Look at you as I did before. You're not my husband, and I'm not Mrs. Reeves.”
“And Liam is not my son, I know that.” With a heavy sigh, he gets up, making his way to the door.
But you won't let him go, not until he hears it. Not until he hears the truth. Now, more than ever, the truth is a sacred thing, and you will speak it, it doesn't matter how you feel about it. The truth is above that. “You may not be his biological father, but I'll let you be his father.” You raise your voice just a little for him to stop, but not enough to bother Liam. “He grew up inside me listening to your voice, feeling your presence, if that's even possible, and influenced by all the love I have for you. And I won't take that away from Liam, I know he loves you.” It's pretty clear that the baby knows Keanu. He feels good when held by him, and when for some reason the morning walks can't happen, Liam cries his heart out, only to be put to rest if Keanu takes a fake walk with him through the house. “If you love him... It doesn't matter what will be of us, I want you to be around Liam.”
His eyes are intense, full of sadness, confusion, and things you can't understand. “I do. I love this baby and I love you.”
“Then will you let us stay? Until... I don't know. Until somehow we figure this out. Because even if I move out, I won't be far.” You're trying not to cry, at least not in front of him. You don't know what will happen next, or when, but you're happy to know you'll be here today, and tomorrow, and the day after. Then... You'll see.
“(Y/N), you can stay here for as long as you want. This is... Your house too, even though you don't feel like it anymore.”
Nodding, you look down at Liam again, who already stopped sucking and has fallen asleep again. “He's out.”
“Do you want me to put him back in his crib?” He reluctantly offers. Keanu is back at the very beginning of this. Distant, trying not to make you feel uncomfortable.
“Yes, please.” Slowly, you pull him off your breast, quickly covering yourself before giving him to Keanu. You watch as the mountain of a man delicately puts Liam down, fixing the blankets around him before walking away.
“Good night, beautiful.” He says, immediately stopping by the door and looking at you. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you–”
“Good night, Ke.” You mutter, turning on your side and closing your eyes shut again.
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loving-daisy · 4 years
It’s Only Love | George Weasley x Reader
Words: 4.0k
Warnings: jealousy, angst if you squint, brief mentions of anxiety, small and enclosed spaces, loneliness, idiots in love, and fluff. 
Summary:  George didn’t know why he was feeling that way. Turns out, it’s only love.
It’s only love and that is all. 
George slumped into his pillow as soon as he entered his dormitory. Feeling all sorts of things that led him into self reflection in attempt to justify his thoughts. A few moments after, Fred came walking in, hand in his pocket, whistling, ecstatic to have another day of successful pranking. 
Turning to see his brother looking so gloomy, the look on his face was changed into concern. “What’s wrong Georgie? Is something bothering you?” Fred asked as he sat on George’s bed, attempting to comfort his twin. 
“Nothing, I’m just tired.” 
“Tired? But you never get tired whenever we manage to have a successful prank. You can’t fool me, mate. Tell me.” Fred pushed. “It’s nothing, I swear.” 
The older twin scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “Yeah, and like I would believe you. I’m your twin brother, George. We go way way back. Starting from when we were just fetuses! Now tell me, mate. What’s wrong? I won’t stop bothering you until you tell me.” 
George finally managed to sit down and face his twin. “I think…” George trailed off, playing with his fingers. “I fancy a girl.” He sighed, his heart heavy as the thoughts of earlier events was kept swamped in his ginger head.  
Fred smirked, a knowing look in his face. “And who might that be, Georgie? Who’s the unlucky girl who caught your attention?” He teased, poking George’s side, another attempt to make him feel better. Somehow, it worked as it brought George to raise an eyebrow towards Fred. 
“Unlucky? Girls around Hogwarts go crazy over me!” George exclaimed. “Reckon, she would be the luckiest girl in the universe if she decides to go to Hogsmeade with me.”
“Mind you, I am more good looking than you.” The older twin stated, obviously not backing down. George looked at him seriously. “Fred” He called. 
The older twin raised his hands, defending himself. “What? I’m just stating a fact.” 
“We’re identical twins, Fred.”
“I knew that…” Fred said. “But you still haven’t answered my question. Who is it?” He asked, even if he already knew who his brother was eyeing. 
It was painfully obvious from the beginning. George was just too painstakingly blind to see it. Everyone basically already knew...well, except for George. And... the girl he fancies. 
“Admit first that I’m the better looking twin.”
“Nope” Fred says, popping the ‘p’. when an idea suddenly popped into his mind. He needs a little more push Fred thought to himself. And so, he stood up, walking towards the door before stating “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just inform Y/N then.” 
Before Fred was able to reach the door, George went running to it, blocking it away from his twin. “DO NOT TELL Y/N PLEASE. I BEG YOU.” Fred gave George a fake surprised look. “But why? She’s our best friend! She’ll know what to -`” 
“Because I can confess my own feelings to the girl I like.” 
Fred gave George a smug look, patting his shoulder. “Good job, mate. Now that wasn’t so hard was it?” George gave him a confused look before finally realizing what Fred has done for him to act that way. “Merlin! I really hate you Fred.” He sighed, defeated. “No, you don’t. I’m your best man! I gotta give it to you though, took you quite a while. Everyone already knew about your undying love for Youngheart except for you, I guess.” He shrugged. “Wait, it's THAT obvious?” The younger twin asked, his eyes going wide. 
“You must be blimey joking, mate. It’s obvious you want to have her all for yourself. I don’t even know why you’re wasting a good amount of time when you could have dated her a long time ago! That woman is crazy mad for you too!” Fred exclaimed. 
The bitter look on George’s face became present once again. “If she’s mad for me, she wouldn’t be giggling earlier with that Hufflepuff.”
Fred was out of words. “...are you perhaps jealous?” He questioned, making George scoff. “No, I’m not.” He denied. 
Fred snorted, patting his twin’s shoulder and deciding to just let it go and not waste more time as he suddenly wanted to see Angelina. “Sure, but if I were you, mate, I would go and make a move as soon as possible if I don’t want that Hufflepuff taking Y/N’s heart. Now, move. I’m gonna go see Angelina.” And with that, George was left alone to reflect on the older Weasley’s words. 
“Hey, George. What’s up? You didn’t tell me about yours and Fred’s prank earlier. I heard from Fred that Filch had smoke coming out from his ears!” Y/N giggled as she sat beside George in the great hall for supper. 
George gave her a small smile. “Well, it was amazing actually. I was actually looking for you but I couldn’t find you so I decided to just go back to the dormitories.” George clenched his fists as he lied straight in Y/N’s face. He hated lying to you but he had to for him to contain himself. 
Y/N gave him a confused look. “But I saw you though...I know you saw me too. In the hallways, remember? I was sitting with this Hufflepuff boy and-”
“I believe you have confused yourself, love. I was sure I didn’t see you.” George said, trying to avoid how the way your eyes sparkled earlier being with that stupid Hufflepuff when it could have been him. 
An obvious tension flooded the atmosphere, causing both to just stuff their mouths with the feast laid in front of them to avoid further heat. 
“The Weasley Twins have done it again, everybody! Give it up for Fred and George!” Lee announces to the crowd. “Thank you, thank you, I couldn’t have done it without these babies. And of course, there’s Georgie too.” Fred jokingly said, nudging his twin’s arm when he saw how George turned his head from left to right, looking for a certain Gryffindor girl. “Reckon, this was all my idea, Fred. Now if you would excuse me, I have some business to attend to.” With that, George pushed himself through the crowd and walked from hall to hall, trying to find Y/N. 
As George turned into the next hall, he was met with the Golden trio. He smiled. “Hey there Harry, Granger, and of course, Ronnikins. What are you up too?” He said, looking ahead of him as he already saw the familiar red scarf. There was Y/N with her hair down, a book in her lap, and a hand in her mouth, stifling a laugh from something the boy beside her said. George’s eyes went dark. His insides giving him an unfamiliar feeling.
“What’s wrong with you George? Why are you suddenly nervous? Get it together, George. You wouldn’t want to fool yourself in front of the girl you like right? Wait,...the girl I like? Do I like her? I must be crazy. Y/N Youngheart is your best friend George Weasley. But the way her hair falls...her eyes, her laugh...her everything is just perfect. She’s perfect.” He thought to himself, his eyes never leaving the Gryffindor.
“Well, do you have any suggestions Fred?” George was brought back to his senses as Hermione spoke. “Fred? But I’m George.” He shook his head, teasing the wise Gryffindor. “Honestly, Granger, you call yourself a friend when you can’t even tell the two of us apart.” Hermione smirked. “I knew it was you all along, George. You just weren’t listening as you were shooting heart eyes to Y/N at the back.” Ron snickered. 
George gasped. “I was definitely not shooting heart eyes! What are you-” “Yeah, ‘cause he was definitely shooting daggers towards that boy Y/N was with.” Harry stated. At that moment, it was as if a light bulb showed on top of Ron’s head, coming into a realization. “Wait, are you jealous?” Ron asked. The 6th year Gryffindor was taken aback. 
“There’s something wrong with you three if you guys think that way. I think I’m tired. I guess I’m just gonna head back to the common room. See you later!” He dismissed, quickly turning around to head back and have some deep reflection on what he was truly feeling for his best friend. “Tired? But he never gets tired when they pull a successful prank.” The young Weasley confusedly mumbled to his friends, George being able to hear it. 
On his way to the common room, he was able to slowly gather his thoughts. “Yeah George, what is wrong with you?” He questioned before quickly shrugging the thought and coming up with a concrete conclusion “I guess there are just those days where you feel a certain tiredness even if you do things you love the most.” 
He recalled how he and Fred were able to pull off their prank; from doodling in their parchments in between classes, to stealing Snape’s stock to cook up potions, to the implementation, and to the way his heart felt disappointment when he didn’t spot Youngheart in the crowd to celebrate. The look on Y/N’s face with that Hufflepuff suddenly flashed in his train of thought. Her cheeks shade of pink, her eyes shrinking to form a line from the laugh she’s bestowing, and just everything. George would have felt delighted from the sight if it weren’t for the sweet-looking Hufflepuff. “That damn Hufflepuff. It should have been me.” George muttered as he entered his dorm and slumped into his pillow. 
A few minutes after the awkward exchange, the mood became brighter as Fred took his place beside his twin along with the Golden trio plus Ginny sitting across them. Supper was spent with Fred telling them about how Angelina was as red as a tomato when Fred showed a magic trick, obviously smitten for the girl; Harry reading a book with Ginny, Ron stuffing his face as if he hasn’t eaten for days, and Hermione scolding him. If you would observe them, it was obvious that Y/N Youngheart had something bothering her. 
George was quietly eating his food, trying to look interested in Fred’s story, until Y/N nudged him. She motioned for him to lean down and when he did, she whispered. “Do you perhaps wanna hang out later?” Y/N asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. George’s heart started beating fast, nervous, but he was able to give her a small smile. “Anything for you.” 
As Y/N entered the girl’s dormitory, she was met by her cat, Cloud. “Took you long enough. I’m hungry!” He whined. 
“Have a little patience would you? You just ate a few hours ago.” She teased as she removed the scarf she was wearing, which was a gift from George. 
“But that was a few hours ago Youngheart.” She raised her eyebrows as she faced her pet. “So we’re going to do a last name basis now huh? Did you forget that you’re also basically a Youngheart?” 
“Of course, I didn’t forget. I just wanted to remind you that YOU are my mom and that you should be feeding me.” Cloud whined further. “Worry about dressing well later for Mr. Weasley, just please feed me.” He added, making Y/N stop in her tracks as confusion invaded her mind. 
“How did you know me and George were going to meet up?” She questioned. “I just do. Now come on, feed me so that you can now finally go to your love.” 
“Sometimes, I want to remove this bracelet. You keep on whining.” Y/N jokingly stated as she picked up cloud’s bowl to prepare his meal. For Y/N’s 12th birthday, her mom gave her a kitty as a gift, in which she named him Cloud because he was really fluffy. Cloud liked to meow a lot, but with no skills of cat communication, Y/N never really understood the reason for his noises. That’s why she decided to make a bracelet that would let her understand what Cloud was trying to say. 
“Has he confessed yet?” Cloud asked. “Confessed? Why would he confess? I think you should be asking ME if I have already confessed.” Y/N suggested, giving her cat a raised eyebrow. “He obviously likes you back.” Replied Cloud nonchalantly. 
Youngheart finally laid down the metal bowl that holds her cat’s dinner before sitting on her bed. “And how would you know that? You don’t even leave this room.” She nagged, getting nothing but noises coming from the cat’s bowl due to its bell hitting the metal. A few more seconds passed before Cloud looked up to her and said “Are you sure?” 
Youngheart gasped. “Don’t tell me you have been sneaking out.” 
“Then, I won’t tell you.” 
“Cloud!!!” She squeaked. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Disbelief all over her face.
“Because you’re overprotective! You act as if I can’t take care of myself.”
“Well, you seem to look that way! Look at you! Always hungry and whining. What would you do without me?” 
“What would I do without you? Not whine of course! I only whine in front of you because I love you.” 
A blanket was laid inside the astronomy tower. There they were, Y/N Youngheart and George Weasley, having a midnight picnic as if they didn’t just have supper at the Great hall 2 hours ago. 
“Y/N.” George called, making Y/N look to her side in order to face the ginger. “Yes?” 
“You know we’re in our sixth years now but you never really told me what you want to do in the future. I already told you about me and Fred’s plan of starting a joke shop, but what about you? You’ve given me and Fred a lot of support for our future and I wanted to do the same for you. You are our best friend after all.” He explained, his voice soft and warm, like a sweater you wear during the cold holidays. 
Youngheart was taken aback by the sudden topic. “I….don’t really know, George.” She began. “All I know is that I really love potions. I like mixing potions. It’s just...it's amazing isn’t it? How a group of ingredients mixed together to form a mixture that could do something different. But I really want to make a potion that could heal people. Should I be a healer instead? But I don’t really want to deal with people. They give me anxiety!” 
As if the ginger’s eyes held the entire universe, it sparkled. “Potions, eh? How ‘bout you join me and Fred’s joke shop? You can be the mastermind of our potions! How ‘bout something that makes your teeth fall off? Or something that can turn your hair red!” He suggested. 
Youngheart giggled, causing the ginger’s heart to beat like crazy. Serotonin spreading throughout his body. “Why would you need a potion that turns your hair into red? Your hair is already red!” 
“I’ll use it for you so you can become a Weasley.” He joked, earning a full blown laugh from the girl. “There are other ways I can become a Weasley that doesn’t necessarily need me drinking a potion to turn my hair red. I can go just marry Bill or Charlie and I’ll immediately become a Weasley!” 
“Bill or Charlie?” He queried, the familiar feeling he felt earlier splashing through his stomach making it ache like it was acid. Youngheart raised her brows, feigning an innocent expression. “What? What’s wrong with them? They’re your older brothers, afterall. Not like I would marry Percy….or Fred...or You….or Ron! I’m just basing it from my ranking of my favorite Weasley.”
“Am I not your favorite Weasley?!” George asked, pushing the green monster away from his facial expression and feigning a hurt one instead. The look on Youngheart remained innocent. “No?” She answered.  
“Honestly, woman-” 
“Ginny is my favorite. If I could marry her, I would. But she’s too smitten with Harry. And she’s like a sister to me. That would be weird.” she blurted before sitting up and grabbing a chocolate chip cookie that she and George stole from the kitchens. 
Right, a sibling. If Y/N sees Ginny as her sister, she might see me and Fred the same? Nice try, George. I guess you’ll have to spend the rest of your life being in love with your best friend who only sees you as a brother. The ginger thought to himself before mirroring the actions of the girl he fancied. 
George once again, slumped into his pillow rather loudly, a thump on his wooden bed, accidentally waking his snoring twin. “Hey mate, quiet down will you? Some want their beauty sleep and that someone is me.” Fred nagged.
“Fred, what do I do?” The younger twin asked, his voice filled with worry causing the older twin to pull down his blanket and eyeing his twin with squinted eyes. “What do you mean?” 
“She only sees me as a brother, mate. An older brother! And she said she wanted to marry Bill or Charlie...I better keep them away from her.”
“She said that?” Fred asked in disbelief. 
“Well…” George began. “She mentioned how her favorite Weasley is Ginny and that she would marry her if she could. It's just that she sees her like a sister. Which means, she probably sees me like a brother too...right?” 
Seriousness enveloped Fred’s sleepy face, blinking at his twin for a few times before exclaiming “Merlin! I won’t deal with this right now. You’re giving me a headache George. You need to go to sleep.” 
“Let’s talk about this tomorrow yeah?” He added, earning a soft “Yeah...” from George.
“Hello? Earth to George?” George quickly snapped out of his trance as Y/N pinched his right cheek in hopes to regain George’s attention to her. “What was that?” George asked, shaking his head. 
“I said, do you want to meet in the astronomy tower later? We could pass by the kitchens and steal milk and cookies! We could-” George cut her off. 
“I’m sorry, love. But I’m kind of tired. Maybe some other time?” Y/N frowned, her eyebrows meeting and her lively energy dying down. “O-okay. Good night, George.” She said, standing up from the couch she and George had been sitting on in the Gryffindor common room, walking away. 
George was left alone in silence in front of the fireplace, his heart feeling empty and his head full of thought until his twin popped out of nowhere, smacking the back of his head with a book. “Ow! What was that for, mate?” George sputtered, rubbing his head to relieve the pain. 
“You are impossible, mate. Why are you pushing her away? She clearly wants to spend some time with you!” Fred exclaimed. 
“Why would she spend time with me when she could have just asked that Hufflepuff boy? He obviously- Oi! Stop it, will you?” Fred once again, smacked the back of his twin’s head. “If she wanted to spend time with that boy, then she could have asked, you’re right. But Merlin! She asked you, mate!” 
George scoffed. “But why?” He questioned, earning a groaning Fred. “Because she fancies you, mate! Are you blind?” 
The older twin was about to lose his mind. His brother was impossible! It was obvious how Y/N fancied him and how he fancied her too! 
“If she fancies me, she wouldn’t have proposed the thought of marrying Bill or Charlie to become a Weasley! She only sees me as a brother, mate. You and me both.” 
Fred sighed. “You know what, I’m not dealing with you anymore. You’re really something else. But piece of advice, if you don’t want that Hufflepuff boy winning Y/N’s heart, you have to do something about it.” 
For the next few weeks, the younger Weasley twin managed to avoid Y/N, who was confused, blue, and angry at the same time. She didn’t know why the tall ginger would go the other way whenever they would cross paths in the halls of the wizarding school. She was clueless on why she never sits beside or across from George anymore. She was clueless on how whenever she would ask him to have their usual midnight escapade to the astronomy tower, he would decline, telling her that he was tired or that he had an essay to do. The Weasley twins never do their homework. Not ever. 
On her way to divination class, a force from a grip on her wrist led her to the nearest broom closet, bodies pressed together as they both forced themselves to fit in the small space. Looking up at her kidnapper, she saw a familiar ginger. However, it was not the ginger that she was yearning for.
She feigned a sigh. “Look, Fred. You’re probably here to confess your undying love for me but I fancy somebody else. I’m so sorry. We can still stay as friends though, we can pretend that nothing ever happened.” 
Fred cackled, earning a smile from the girl. “You do know how to make things less awkward, Youngheart. Maybe you should join me and George’s pranking streak? We could use that wit of yours into good use.” 
Y/N frowned at the mention of the twin’s name, her eyes glossy with tears threatening to spill, earning a hug from the taller lad. “Aww, there, there, Youngheart. Everything’s gonna be okay.” Fred comforted, patting the back of her head as he wrapped his arms around her small shoulders and cuddled her like a newborn baby. The girl couldn’t help but show her vulnerability to the ginger. He was her best friend after all. 
“What did I do, Fred? Did I do something wrong that could have upset him? Did I say something?” She couldn’t help but question. “I don’t know what to do.”
Before Fred could open his mouth to curse his twin and call him a dimwit, the subject man unbolted the small space, his face full of rage as its color became alike with his hair. “How could you, Fred?! How could you?!” He bellowed, causing the pair to pull away from each other and face him with wide eyes. 
“George…” The girl stammered. 
“How can you take Y/N from me when you know how much I fancied her?!” The younger twin growled. 
“It’s true! I fancy you, Youngheart. I really do! And it’s driving me mad because every time I see you with somebody else, a monster invades my whole being! And it’s not just the monster, it's the green monster!” George began. “At first I was clueless on why I was feeling that way but then I realized that it’s only love, Youngheart. So screw that. I don’t just fancy you. I love you!” He revealed, suddenly gaining the Gryffindor bravery and courage as a result of being too infuriated when he caught his twin and the girl he loved being too close in the small room.
“I love you, Y/N Youngheart. With all my mind, with my body, and with all my soul.” He added, finally processing the look of bewilderment in his best friend’s face. “I know we’re just best friends, Youngheart, and that you only see me like a brother but what I feel for you is in no way or form like that way. I-” 
George’s small speech was interrupted as Youngheart pushed herself into him, tiptoeing as her hands made their way on the sides of his face, holding him, as their lips pin together in a deep passionate kiss. “I love you, too.” 
George Weasley and Y/N Youngheart were crazy mad for each other. It took them a while to finally admit it to themselves but everything eventually fell into its place. What they have? It’s only love. 
Author’s note: Merry Christmas! <3 Just a little TMI, my “Cry For Me” series that involves a George x Reader type story was supposed to come out this 25th. Unfortunately, I had to postpone it for inevitable circumstances. To make up for it, here’s a short work made by yours truly. Enjoy the holidays! x Daisy 
Find me and my works on AO3 too! 
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It’s Only Love 
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delicioussshame · 3 years
Socialite AU, last part! I finished a thing! Also posted on AO3 now that it’s done.
Shen Yuan had expected that the beginning of the school year would have kept Luo Binghe too busy for them to see each other more than, oh, about once a month, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Luo Binghe is obviously very smart, so maybe that’s why he can keep up so easily. His studies sure don’t seem to stop him from having Shen Yuan over at least once a week.
Luo Binghe says it’s because he cannot trust Shen Yuan to feed himself properly, something Shen Yuan himself has profusely denied. First, he’s a fully grown adult, he can cook! Second, if he doesn’t feel like it, he can order in, or pay someone to cook for him. There are no issues there! He doesn’t need to be minded.
Not that he minds being minded. Shen Yuan has eaten more than his share of delicious food, and Luo Binghe’s stands above the rest. There are worst things than travelling to Luo Binghe’s apartment and eating a freshly cooked meal.
They don’t talk about novels as much though. This is an area where Luo Binghe had to step back in favor of reading assigned manuals. Shen Yuan has spent more than one evening reading trash by himself while Luo Binghe sat nearby, throwing the occasional question his way as he studied. Not that it seemed like he needed the help.
When does he see his college friends, Shen Yuan has no idea. Luo Binghe always waves away any concern of his on this matter. Seriously, Shen Yuan is a bit worried. Does he not fit in? It seems impossible that someone as charming, not to mention as affluent, as him would be ostracised. Even Shen Yuan had managed to gather a small group of friends during his college years. Luo Binghe must have done the same, no?
If he hasn’t, his fellow students are missing out.
In that case, Shen Yuan will take him out it their place. It wouldn’t do for Binghe to be lonely.
Not that that’s likely, considering how popular he is in their circle. As far as his female compatriots are concerned, Luo Binghe is now Beijing’s most eligible bachelor.
It’s a role that suits Luo Binghe’s public persona to a tee. He flutters between ladies as if he were born into in, flirting with one and laughing with another one with an ease Shen Yuan cannot help but envy, considering his own limited contacts with the other sex.
If those interactions often ended with a pretend fight between them, neither of them would complain about it. It was fun. Much better than insulting real people and wondering later if he’d gone too far, if he’d seriously hurt someone whose crime had only been to be born in a shitty family and raised in a similarly shitty fashion. He and Binghe sometimes rehearsed lines late into the night before a party, sentences that were meant to be biting insults turning into uncontrollable laughter.
Everything was going well. Shen Yuan’s reputation was becoming so toxic it had been weeks since the last time one of his fellow socialites had dared to speak to him, which is how Shen Yuan liked it. As for Luo Binghe, he was both admired for standing up to mean Shen Yuan, and pitied for always being the receptor of his ire. Binghe was more than talented enough to use all of it to his advantage.
All in all, everything was going perfectly.
Until now. “Excuse me?” says Shen Yuan with the coldest, most disparaging tone he has managed yet.
Sha Hualing, sadly, doesn’t seem impressed. “You can deny it all you want. It’s obvious. It must drive you crazy, seeing him with us and knowing you’ll never have a chance. He’s so good, too. Made me scream so loud I’m sure the neighbors heard. Not that you’ll ever find out yourself. Keep pulling his pigtails. He knows, he’s just too nice to tell how pathetic you are.”
Shen Yuan cannot convey to Sha Hualing how utterly from left field her theory is, and how completely baffled he is, without breaking his carefully maintained aura of disgusted condescension, but he really wishes he could. “You’re insane. How could I be attracted to… that.” He winces in his head. Too much? There are probably zero people that don’t feel at least a little attracted to Luo Binghe in this room.
But if there was one, it would be him. Luo Binghe is his cute disciple and friend, not his meal ticket. Leave that to Sha Hualing and her posse.
Her answering laugh is haughty. “Not even you believe that. Anyway, I just wanted to rub it in, but now that that’s done, I got better things to do than talking to you, like him. Fuck off.”
He flips her off as she leaves. Not his most elegant moment, but not the most elegant situation.
How the fuck did she get into her sick mind that he was into Luo Binghe. She should have thought they hated each other! That they wanted to tear each other’s throats open, not tear each other’s clothes off!
… Holy fuck their characters have ust, haven’t they? Danmei isn’t his playing field, but some things are universal across gender. There is an undeniable pull to seeing two hot people seeming like they’re two seconds away from punching each other when it also seems like they might be two seconds away from… something else.
It’s the only possible interpretation. They haven’t been careful enough, and now their roles are tainted by bad tropes!
Shen Yuan is going to have to adapt his persona a bit. Let himself run even colder. Less hate, more indifference, maybe? Or maybe he could just leave Luo Binghe alone for a few parties.
It wouldn’t work! It would seem like he chickened out after Sha Hualing confronted him! It would make it appear weak!
Could he make up a girlfriend?
Nah, no one would believe it.
Fuck, he’s going to need Luo Binghe’s help on this one.
“She what!?”
“Thinks I keep picking fights with you because I’m trying to get your attention and that I’d really like for you to bend me over something, probably.”
Luo Binghe blushes bright red.
Shen Yuan restrains his mirth. Nice to see he’s not the only one terribly embarrassed by the situation!
Yes, pinching those red cheeks would only make things worse, but he’s still very tempted.
Shen Yuan soldiers on. “Binghe shouldn’t worry about things too much. His reputation is safe. Considering how well he gets on with the fairer sex,” and yes, now Shen Yuan knows way more than he ever wanted to know about Sha Hualing’s sex life, but that’s life,” no one will doubt him. If he has no idea, I’ll think of something. It’s not his problem.”
“Shizun’s problems are my problems! He wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me!”
Aww, Binghe, why is your indignation so cute!” Don’t blame yourself. We both agreed to the plan. It’s no one’s fault.”
Luo Binghe looks down, obviously still embarrassed. “I really have no idea where she got that. Shizun never appears to be attracted to me.”
“Who knows how Sha Hualing thinks. She probably watches too much porn.” He wouldn’t be surprised, considering how low-class she acted.
A second later, he catches his mistake. If Luo Binghe is… seeing her, he shouldn’t be that mean to her in his presence. “Sorry for insulting your… friend.” He doesn’t think they’re officially dating? Sha Hualing would never shut up about it, and anyway Luo Binghe wouldn’t have as much time for Shen Yuan if he was serious about someone. It’s probably just hormones raging.
Luo Binghe shakes his head. “Shizun shouldn’t apologise! She’s the one who was this rude! Implying Shizun doesn’t know how to court someone, or that he’d need such a ridiculous approach when a few words would be enough for him to have anyone! What a stupid woman.”
It’s Shen Yuan’s turn to be embarrassed. Luo Binghe is pushing the hero worship a little too far here. He’s got way more experience in that department than Shen Yuan will ever get, probably. “Well, if you don’t like her, maybe choose someone better as a partner? You could have anyone. I know it’s none of my business, and I guess she’s attractive, but really, so are many others who don’t share her… fiery temperament.”
If he were honest, he’d just tell Binghe he deserves better.
Much, much better. Didn’t he see her chatting with Liu Mingyan the other day? Now that’s a woman worthy of his Binghe, almost his equal in all fields.
Not that he needs to find someone just yet. He should take his time, and find someone he likes.
Luo Binghe snorts. “I would never choose her.”
Shen Yuan blinks. “Didn’t you?”
Luo Binghe looks wounded. “Why would you think that? I would never be with someone this cruel to Shizun!”
“But she said… oh.” Shen Yuan is an idiot. Why, why did he, even for a second, believe what that snake said? “Binghe must let me apologise. I’ve been stupid and have believed her when she said you and her were… involved.”
“Shizun mustn’t believe her! She lies!”
Shen Yuan pats Luo Binghe’s back gently. “I don’t! I don’t. She lied. I don’t believe her anymore. Of course Binghe has better tastes than this. I should have known.”
Luo Binghe raises his chin. “I do. I have the best tastes.”
Shen Yuan lets a smile appears on his face. “You do. After all, you have chosen me to guide you.”
Luo Binghe nods with almost comical vigour. “Yes!”
So! Cute! Shen Yuan wants to give him a hug!
He won’t, because he’s the dignified older friend.
Who reads bad online novels, but let’s not linger on that. “So, what do we do about her imagination? Because she cannot keep a secret to save her life, so I expect people will talk about it the next time we attend the same event.”
“…Does Shizun want… a girlfriend?”
What does that have to do with anything. “If I meet the right person, sure. Why?”
“Does it matter what they think? They never cared about Shizun to begin with. Who cares if they think he’s attracted to me. It doesn’t change a thing.”
Well, yes, but. “It makes me look pretty pathetic. It’s not exactly a fun reputation to have.”
“What does?”
“That I want someone and the best thing I can do about it is insulting them? It does make me look like a kindergartener.”
An unholy light appears in Luo Binghe’s eyes. “So what if that wasn’t the best thing you had done?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Shizun feels pathetic because he doesn’t like the idea that people think he wants someone and he doesn’t know how to get them, right? But what if he did?”
Shen Yuan is very confused right now. “Binghe?”
“We knew each other before that first party, right? So I let them know that. We could be bitter exes!”
Shen Yuan looks at him, completely frozen. “Binghe, no.” That is 100% a terrible idea.
“Why not? It would explain everything! Why we’re so mean to each other while I’m nice to everyone else, why you’re worst to me, and why there’s tension between us!”
There is no tension between them! They’re playing characters! “People would think you’re gay!”
“I’ve been flirting with women all the time. People would think I’m bi.”
“You’ve just told me you haven’t been dating! What if they think you’re hung up on me, who, by the way, is a man!”
“Is it that bad? I wouldn’t mind. Shizun is someone I would certainly be hung on if he had left me.”
“So I’m the one who left you now? That makes even less sense! Why would someone like me leave someone like you! Of course Binghe is the one who left!”
“If I were dating Shizun, I would never leave him! He has to be the one who left me!”
Shen Yuan rubs his temples. He knew the conversation wouldn’t be simple, but it has reached unprecedented levels of nonsense. “Let’s forget who left who. We’re not doing that. Binghe would ruin his reputation to only slightly better mine. That makes no sense.”
Luo Binghe pouts. “It would have worked. I would have made a very good ex-boyfriend.”
Shen Yuan pats his back again. “I’m sure you would have. I, on the other hand, would probably have been terrible at it.”
“How could I have pretended to not only have dated Binghe, but to have separated from him? No one would believe it. My talents aren’t up to the task. I can’t make myself look like a plausible boyfriend to Binghe.”
Luo Binghe sighs. “That’s stupid. Shizun might as well have been my boyfriend lately.”
Shen Yuan feels a headache coming. He can barely follow the logic of this conversation. “Binghe, I don’t understand.”
“Shen Yuan spends most of his evenings with me. I cook for him. He takes me out. We’ve been writing to each other for months. He’s been carefully curating my reading lists for most of those months. He has plenty of reasons why I would be dating him.”
Okay, let’s just ignore most of that. “Nothing you listed has anything to do with the character we play for those society functions? High society Shen Yuan probably only reads classic literature, when he’s not working his high-power job and, I don’t know, checking stocks or playing the guqin. Nothing appealing there. How would we have even met?”
“Via work? Maybe you had a meeting with some executive of my father. Considering my reputation, we probably just had sex and ended up dating later on.”
Shen Yuan tries to imagine being the kind of person who would see Luo Binghe and think he could just hit that.
Impossible. Does not compute. “Look, I’m just going to ignore it. It’s always worked before. We probably shouldn’t change it.”
“But things always staying the same is bad! They must evolve!”
Shen Yuan shrugs. “Not necessarily. My life has mostly remained the same since I’ve graduated, and it’s perfectly fine.”
Luo Binghe flinches like a kicked puppy. “Is my arrival so unimportant to Shizun?”
Fuck. “No! That’s not what I meant! I mostly meant my romantic life!” Not really, he meant his life his general, but it is quite insulting to Binghe to imply he had no impact on his life, not to mention just an outright lie.
“That, too, should change.”
“It sure won’t if everyone thinks I’m gay.”
Under Luo Binghe’s breath, barely audible to Shen Yuan, “It’s not exactly an impediment.” Then, louder. “Let’s tell them the truth, then.”
Shen Yuan instantly panics. “Binghe, they can’t know the truth, it’ll fuck everythin-“
And that’s when Luo Binghe’s tongue finds its way into Shen Yuan’s mouth.
Shen Yuan’s mind freezes completely.
Luo Binghe keeps on kissing him.
Shen Yuan’s mind keeps trying to reboot.
Luo Binghe pushes back and sighs. “Does Shizun understand now?”
Nope. “…We can’t be exes if we’re kissing?”
“Forget the exes. Let’s just tell them we’re having sex. That’ll be the true part. We’ll just tell them it’s hate sex. I’ll tell them you’re just that good and I can’t resist you. That way, you won’t be pathetic, right?”
Shen Yuan’s slowly rebooting mind cannot decide if the “reputation for being gay” part would outweigh the “reputation for having seduced Luo Binghe” part.
Wait. “We’re having sex?”
Luo Binghe falters. “If you want to? Because I want to. A lot. But we’re pretty much dating and Shen Yuan didn’t seem to realise, so I thought maybe he’s not attracted to me, but you keep acting like I’m the best thing that ever happened to you when really, the reverse is true, and can we date already? Please?”
Shen Yuan opens his mouth.
Shen Yuan closes his mouth.
Shen Yuan tries to understand that, apparently, Luo Binghe has been trying to date him? Him? Luo Binghe? And him? As a couple? That is a thing that is apparently on the table?
Wait, Shen Yuan actually is a person who could have looked and Luo Binghe and have hit that!?
Luo Binghe’s eyes grow even wider as he waits for Shen Yuan’s response.
As if Shen Yuan ever had the capacity to tell Binghe no.
As if he ever wanted to. “Okay. Let’s try it.”
A second later, he gets an armful of overenthusiastic Binghe trying to choke him with too much tongue.
“But we’re not playing bitter exes.” Shen Yuan really has no belief in his ability to pretend he left Luo Binghe.
That he had him and is devastated he doesn’t anymore, sure. But that he’d manage to be cruel to Luo Binghe about it? There’s no way.
“That’s fine. I like the one with the hate sex much better anyway.”
To be honest, so does Shen Yuan.
Shen Yuan positions himself in such a way that he can track Luo Binghe’s movements across the room without looking like he’s doing more than reading on his phone.
He can tell from Sha Hualing’s particularly vicious grin that she’s about to deliver what she considers to be a crippling blow to his reputation.
He thrills when the expression melts, replaced by horror as Luo Binghe’s face turn sheepish. He can almost hear his embarrassed tone as he admits to the moral failing that is sleeping with Shen Yuan, universal pariah.
He can distinctly hear the cries of dismay and what he knows are roars of utter jealousy.
None of it shows on his face, but Shen Yuan grins.
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slytherwrites · 4 years
Family Day
Character(s): Jane French; Fairy Godmother; Anxelin Rider
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Before the VKs ruined Family Day, Jane helped run a successful Family Day.
Jane clicks her heels as she waits outside the courtyard doors. A pristine white clipboard is in her hair. It matches the white bow in her bobbed hair. A blue dotted dress sways in the slight breeze heading through. Most kids wear colors similar to their parents in order to imitate them. Jane models her look after her mother, The Fairy Godmother. She doesn’t wear the fall colors of her father, it brings back too many grieving memories
A crowd forms, students enter from her door; parents enter from a different entrance. The students are impatient, but the guards have yet to open the doors, so she can’t let them through. She’d rather be curled up in her bed, looking through the family photo album they stopped updating when her father died.
She checks her phone, lunchtime will be in an hour and she’s promised her mother that she’d overview the activities happening in the school’s courtyard. Jane checks the list, silently seeing if everyone who reserved is here. We don’t need any surprises.
The doors open and Jane steps to the side. After a minute or two she’s the last to leave. Ironically, on family day she’ll spend no time with her mother or father or her extended family. She’ll see them, in the cases of her mother and extended family, but she can only silently mourn the loss of her father. It’s the most she an do familywise today.
She sees the pink and white themed place, Queen Aurora and her family must be officially hosting the event (even if Jane spent more time then all of Aurora’s family actually preparing the event). She gives the courtyard a clean sweep, waving and giving the occasional hug out; she’s on a mission, but must maintain a friendly air around her.
Once she accounts for every family member in attending (even all seven dwarfs and Doug), Jane makes sure the refreshments table is sufficiently stocked. Towers of cupcakes and glasses of soda line a circular table. She hears a group of girls clamor around Audrey. They are congratulating her on her boyfriend (Prince Benjamin) or the party she didn’t even help in (spearheaded by her mother and herself).
Jane groans. She’s sick and tired of royal children. She is sick and tired of the entitled girls and boys who see themselves as better than she is, simply for being born into a family. Her family had to work their way to prestige. Most of their mothers sat on their butts while their stories played out. Her parents were side characters to other people’s stories. She heard the tales her mother and father told her and the lessons she was taught from them. She sees how side characters are treated and its sick (almost as sick as what happens to villains, but Jane won’t digress into that).
As the hour dwindles, she heads to the central gazebo. Jane collects herself and grips the clipboard as she reads off of it, “Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, and everyone else,” she laughs internally, “may you all please calmly head to the dining hall where lunch will be served.”
En masse, they all leave. Luckily for her, not many little kids came to this year’s Family Day. She follows suit, minutes later. She thinks to herself and looks at the abandoned courtyard, it looks almost exactly how it did when they were constructing the party (sans the food of course).
She doesn’t sit down to eat, Jane doesn’t get that luxury. Instead, she heads into the kitchen (luckily she gets to take a break and get some food). Grabbing the plate her mother set aside for Jane, she sits atop a stool and eats, careful not to spill anything onto her special dress.
Despite her mother being in one of these two rooms, she doesn’t get to see her. Fairy Godmother is watching over this event, instructing waiters where to deliver and making sure all of the cooking staff follows everyone’s necessary dietary requirements. Jane can hear her mother’s voice and the hint of stress over today’s event (she feels bad about it, but doesn’t want to potentially stress her out more by distracting her).
Walking out of the kitchen, avoiding the dining hall, she sets off for the library. Nobody will head there, they will be with their families inside of their dorms (unless they are preparing for the final event, the show Auradon Prep’s theatre department has been putting on). Jane should head to her dorm, try to participate in at least one of the events going on today, but the Li family will understand. They don’t need her there.
Walking through the walls of the library, she touches the spine of every book, just feeling how different they all. She hears faint sobs. Following them, she finds Anxelin Fitzherbert (who recently adopted her father’s criminal surname, Rider). Jane’s surprised to see one half of Rapunzel’s twins without the other, but she sits beside the shorthaired counterpart.
She looks up, tears streaming down her face. Her hair is a wreck, haphazardly cut even shorter than her sister’s hair. She’s wearing all black casual clothes (Jane is suddenly reminded that Anxelin is in the show, doing technical work). Anxelin asks, her voice hoarse form the crying, “Has my sister sent you to find me?”
Jane sits quietly, across from Anxelin, “No. I didn’t think there was anyone in here.”
“Why are you here?” Anxelin sounds a little less angry, a little less hurt, a little more relieved.
Jane sighs, “To be honest, I don’t want to deal with the Li family’s questions, acting like I am a valuable person to talk to.”
“Hey,” Anxelin responds, “you’re a great conversationalist.”
“I mean,” Jane comments, “I mean, while the Li family isn’t royalty, they are protagonists of their stories. Li Mulan, she saved a country; Li Shang, he was a military general. Li Lonnie and her family are fantastic, but they’re still protagonists. THey’re going to get their happily ever after and have a family dynasty spanning generations.”
“Not all royals are like that.” Anxelin wipes her eyes, getting a bit defensive.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know,” A weak laugh lets out of Anxelin, “though, not all of us will have big families.”
“Not going to find your Prince Charming anytime soon huh?”
“I never will.”
“Oh don’t say that.”
“Jane I’m,” Anxelin pauses, the words get caught in her throat, but she forces them out, “Jane I’m gay.”
Jane pauses. She’s never had anyone come out to her, but she knows how the LGBT community is treated inside of Auradon. They’re second-class citizens. If they are royal, they are treated like side characters at their best (Jane doesn’t think to imagine what treatment side characters would get if they were gay, they are barely treated above villains already).
“Is that why you’re crying?”
Anxelin nods, “I came out to my family and一and一and my mother and sister said no words while my father made a joke about it and I feel terrible because they didn’t react badly and I don't know why I’m crying in a library to someone who I don't even talk to and thank you for being here with me I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.”
Jane is about to speak before an alarm goes off. It isn’t her’s so it must be Anxelin’s. Anxelin stands up and Jane follows suit. Anxelin pulls her into a hug, “Thank you for helping me Jane. I’ll see you around. The show must go on.”
Jane watches her walk out of the library and wipes away a tear she didn’t know she had. Taking a deep breath, she heads to the auditorium to guide people into the theatre. A renewed sense of vigour is in her; if Anxelin can make it through the rest of the with all she went through, Jane can deal with the snotty royals and not spending any time with her family.
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nanigma · 4 years
Blue Lions Translation Chapter 4
Bringing you the next chapter in my project. Hope you guys enjoy!
As always, my financial situation isn’t the best, so if you feel like throwing some change my way for what I do here, here is the link to my ko-fi page. I really appreciate any amount you can give.
Also shoutout to the @teaveetamer​, who has been putting my translations in tables, for easier reading and comparison to the localization. I’ll do a better job of reblogging those from here on, but feel free to head to her blog to see what’s up. I am incredibly grateful for the help.
My comments in italics
Scene: The Enemy’s Aim
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Dimitri: In preparation for the assassination attempt, we have been assigned to the defence of the monastery. That appears to be our mission this month.
Dimitri: The knights will be busy defending Rhea, but that's not where the enemy's true aim lies...
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[Choose: What do you mean?]
Dedue: … Your Highness. Would you mind telling me as well?
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[Choose: I agree] +Support with Dimitri
Dedue: … May I still ask what this is about?
Dedue sounds a bit snarky in Japanese here. The line delivery is perfectly stoic like always, but basically he goes “Can I still ask what’s going on first, before we continue this conversation?”.
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Dimitri: Lord Lonato went out of his way to carry a secret message with an assassination plot written on it, never thinking to get rid of it.
Dimitri: Doesn't it make you think... That the assassination plot was meant to hold everyone's attention while they are truly after something else?
[If Annette, Felix and Sylvain are alive]
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Annette: If we are talking about valuables... That would be the treasure vault! Otherwise, there's the library or Professor Hanneman's room...
Felix: There are bound to be weapons stored at the monastery which might even rival the Heroes' Relics.
Sylvain: Well, no matter what they are after, we can't let any harm come to the girls at the monastery.
English adds a line to Sylvain’s dialogue about how he wouldn’t know what else to do in his free time, making him sound a bit more callous.
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Dedue: So what you mean to say is... We should investigate the monastery to find out what the enemy is truly after?
Dimitri: That's right. And to prepare us for when we face the enemy, we need to invest in our training as well.
[Shamir and Cyril enter the scene]
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Shamir: You conspiring together, Professor?
Literally she is saying “Are you sticking your faces together to conspire?”, which I find a funny way of phrasing it.
Shamir: Oh, I haven't given you my name yet. I am Shamir.
Dimitri: Shamir is a member of the knights of Seiros. And this boy here is...
Cyril: I am Cyril, an attendant of Lady Rhea and apprentice to Shamir.
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[Choose: Attendant?]
Cyril: I take care of Lady Rhea's daily necessities.
This is interesting, because unlike the English version, this specifies Cyril’s role in Rhea’s services. He isn’t just a normal servant, he is her personal attendant, which is a pretty important job and normally wouldn’t involve some of the things we see him doing in his supports (like chopping wood), so I assume those are tasks he himself took on.
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[Choose: Apprentice?]
Cyril: I am trained in stuff like swords and bows.
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Cyril: I wish to protect Lady Rhea as well... That's why I am Ms. Shamir's apprentice.
Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea, you see. Well, we each gotta do what we can.
In English, Shamir tells Byleth they can ask her anything.
[Quest: Learning the Enemy’s Aim]
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Dimitri: If the enemy truly has a different aim, then we need to find it out ahead of time.
Dimitri: It really seems there is no other option than to explore the monastery on our own, searching each place individually.
Dimitri: Afterwards we need to gather information from everyone living here. If we manage to come up with something, let’s speak again.
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[If talked to again with insufficient information]
Dimitri: There's still some places I'd like more information on. Is there no one else who seems likely to hear us out?
[If talked to again with enough information]
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Dimitri: … I see. To the church, there is something they put above all else.
Dimitri: On the day of the ceremony, it will be much easier to enter compared to normally, due to being opened for the public. That would be...
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[Choose: The enemy will target the Greenhouse?] and [Choose: The enemy will target the dining hall?]
Dimitri: … How could that be the case?
Fun fact: When I first read the line, I thought the そうなる was referring to Byleth and he said “Why are you like this?” xD
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Dimitri: Yes, I am afraid so.
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Dimitri: We still do not know their objective, but the chances of them targeting the Holy Mausoleum are high.
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Dedue: I thought to help the monks with their duties, but they refused.
Dedue: They said you can never know when someone from Duscur will betray you and that I might be involved with the plot.
English just had them more concisely say that “no one from Duscur can be trusted, especially now”
Dedue: ...Them being nervous about the current situation is to be expected.
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Felix: … An assassin targeting the archbishop, you say? I hope they are worth fighting.
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[Choose: I hope so too] +Support with Felix 
Felix: … Hah. It appears we are of the same mind.
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[Choose: I want to avoid a battle]
Felix: … That's just what you think.
“That’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
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Ashe: Ah, Professor... I am sorry. I was just thinking about Lord Lonato...
Ashe: … Sorry for being in such a state at a time like this. It seems I still haven't been able to sort out my feelings.
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[Choose: It can't be helped] and [Choose: Pull yourself together] +Support with Ashe for the latter
Ashe: … Thank you. I'll still be taking care of my duties of course.
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Ashe: By the way, my younger siblings, who were living at Castle Gaspard, are both well.
Ashe: They are still very young, but it seems they've been taken in by a nearby church...
Ashe: … Even with everything that’s happened, this gives me some peace of mind.
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Sylvain: Haah, there's no class on the day of the festivities, so I thought I'd be able to fool around all day..
Sylvain: Hey, Professor. Do you really think they specifically chose the day of the ceremony of rebirth for their assassination plan?
Sylvain: You'd think there’d be times where security would be less severe.
Sylvain: In that case, I wonder if there's a reason it simply had to be that one day?
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Mercedes: There are a lot of treasures at the monastery. The enemy is probably after them.
Mercedes: But really, it is such a dreadful thought. To even think someone would steal church property.
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Annette: Ehehe, I came here to buy ingredients for making sweets. Ah, I'm not just messing around or anything.
Annette: I thought it'd be nice to have something on the go for when I get into fights during my patrol.
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[Choose: That's a great idea] +Support with Annette
Annette: Ehehe, right? Once I get better at cooking, I'll let you know how to make them, Professor.
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[Choose: There's no reason to make sweets...]
Annette: I think eating sweets helps cheer you up... Ah, didn't you say you liked spicy food, Professor?
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Ingrid: Professor. Although the investigation is important, you also have to take care not to neglect your training.
Ingrid: In case a battle happens, it wouldn't do to have the tables turned on us.
Ingrid: As we have no idea about the identity of our enemy, we can't be too careful about this.
Scene: The Goddess’ Right of Rebirth
[If you have not completed the quest “Finding the Enemy's Aim”]
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Dimitri: At last the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth has begun. … And yet, we have been unable to narrow down what exactly our enemy is after.
Dimitri: The only thing we can do is immediately respond to whatever occurs as we patrol the monastery.
[If Felix and Annette are alive]
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Felix: Tch... Being one step behind is hardly gratifying.
Annette: Ah, I baked us some sweets in case we get hungry during our patrol.
Annette: Though I might have messed them up a bit...
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Dimitri: Annette... About that explosion in the kitchen last night...
[If you did complete the quest]
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Dimitri: At last the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth has begun. We shall move out exactly as we discussed.
Dedue: Yes. Leave it to us. … Professor, you are well prepared as well, right?
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[Choose: I am all set.]
Ingrid: Right, we also managed to figure out the enemy's goal after all. Let us do our duty!
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[Choose: I don't think so.]
Mercedes: Oh my, the Professor doesn't have faith in this. How disconcerting.
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[Choose: I am hungry.]
Annette: Eh? Ah, I'll sneak you some of my sweets after this.
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Dimitri: Professor. We are counting on you. Now then....
[Seteth+Flayn Dialogue. 100% identical between routes.]
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Dedue: So it's time.
[If you have not completed the quest]
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Dimitri: I managed to narrow down a few places that caught my attention.
Dimitri: Let's check on them one by one. The second floor, the white tower, and after that in the basement... the Holy Mausoleum.
[If you did complete the quest]
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Dimitri: Now, let's hide in the agreed spot. We'll stand watch over the entrance to the Holy Mausoleum.
Dimitri: If any suspicious people should enter, we will capture them one and all. All right?
Battle: Aussault at the Godess’ Right of Rebirth
[If you have not completed the quest]
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Dimitri: Tch... we were one step behind. It seems the enemy has already infiltrated this place.
[If you have completed the quest]
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Dimitri: It is just as we thought. The enemy did actually infiltrate this place.
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Mysterious Mage: Those guys from the Central Church already noticed us.... Buy me some time until I lift the seal!
Western Church Soldier: Hahaha!
Dimitri: The enemy is seeking something inside... Saint Seiros coffin. They can't possibly be after her remains, can they?
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Dimitri: Although we definitely want to defeat them before they can open Saint Seiros' casket...
Dimitri: Take a close look at the floor. It seems some kind of mechanism was set up here.
Dimitri: Attacking from the best possible position as we proceed, while keeping an eye on the enemies' weapons, seems to me for the best.
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Mysterious Mage: Death Knight! You are very strong, yes? Scatter them!
Death Knight: I do not take orders from the likes of you... And facing off against the weak is boring.
Dimitri: … He seems quite experienced. Challenging this knight recklessly would be a foolish idea.
Mercedes VS Death Knight
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Mercedes: My my, how scary. Go easy on me, okay?
Death Knight: You are... I see... this chance meeting... was once again fated.
Mercedes: Yeees...? Just what could you be talking about?~
[When the battle ends and the Death Knight retreats]
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Dimitri: … He got away. Right now, we'd best give up on any plans of chasing him.
Dimitri: That said... Professor. That sword, that glow... could it be...
Scene: Judgement
[Right after the scene with Rhea]
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Dimitri: ….And there you have it. It seems as if the assassination attempt and the attack on the Holy Mausoleum were all orchestrated by the Western Church.
Dimitri: The whereabouts of the masked knight who led the attack are as yet unknown.
Dedue: Still, why would the Western Church do this?
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Dimitri: It's because the Church of Seiros is not a unified entity, Dedue.
Dimitri: The church's management is in the hands of the leaders here are Garreg Mach. Even on the Church Council, the Western Church's voice is very weak.
Dimitri: The Western Church must have nursed dissatisfaction with the Central Church for some time.
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[Choose: The Western Church...] and [Choose: The Central Church?]
Dimitri: Ah, that's right. Sir Jeralt mentioned that you did not grow up within the church.
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Dimitri: The Holy Church of Seiros operates from multiple different branches across Fodlán.
Dimitri: The biggest is the Central Church, whose headquarters are here at Garreg Mach...
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Dimitri: The Western Church lies far to the west of Gaspard Castle, where Lord Lonato raised his troops.
Dimitri: Their headquarters are on the other side of the most durable fortress city in the Kingdom, Arianrhod.
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Dimitri: It seems the current incident was about the Western Church aiming to throw off the Central Church's authority and eliminate Lady Rhea.
Dimitri: Naturally in this case, the Knights of Seiros make an inquiry concerning their leaders... no, they will ride out to subjugate them.
Dedue: If they do... it will also be our duty to help them, right, Your Highness?
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Dimitri: Yeah. However, you really are strange, Professor. To think that someone could be born in Fodlán...
Dimitri: And live their life without any contact with the church, is quite an unbelievable thing.
Dedue: … I wonder why the archbishop would appoint them as Professor.
[If Ashe, Mercedes and Ingrid are alive] 
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Ashe: Um... Lady Rhea had all the people from the Western Church killed, right?
Mercedes: It couldn't be helped. Going against the teachings is something that just isn't done...
Ingrid: … Those who do not conform can only be killed. Still, Professor, I....
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Seteth: There you are, Professor. It seems the archbishop has something to tell you. Come with me.
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ecofinisher · 4 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 4 - Chap 2
Chapter 2
The class was now in the break playing with each other in small groups. Most of the parents stood together with other parents watching their children play and chatted along with each other.
Nathaniel hung out with Luka, Ivan, Kagami, Rose, and Jin on the stairs observing their offspring play tag with another. Ivan held out his smartphone in his hands to watch the kids thought it and took a few snapshots of them running and showed it to Nathaniel, which nodded.
„Who would have thought one day we would sit together years after we finish school and watch our own offsprings play with each other?“ Luka asked looking at the friend group, which nodded at Luka‘s comment.
„I wasn‘t for myself expecting it so early, but I gotta admit it gives me such a great feeling to see Elliot run there along with the others,“ Kagami stated watching Elliot crash against Rouven, which was laughing afterward Rouven began to haunt the blonde laughing along with him, making Kagami smile enchanted. „Adrien blessing me with this cute, little boy was the best thing he could have done,“ Kagami mentioned earning a nod from Ivan.
„Did you really have to give up your education to be able to be around Elliot?“ Ivan questioned looking at the Japanese woman, which shake her head.
„No, I was able to repeat the next semester on the other year. I just didn‘t want to be less present in Elliot‘s life as I would be along with Adrien gone at the uni. I left the university to be at home with him, later on, Gabriel opened for me a 70% workload to be working at the office along with him and Emilie,“
„At least it‘s something good,“ Ivan commented.
„How‘s is every one of you doing?“ Kagami questioned. „So far I only know about Lila and Nathaniel. What are you doing Rose?“
„I opened the hair salon along with Juleka, Jean, Aurore, and Marc,“ Rose mentioned. „We cut everyone‘s hair and Jean and Juleka also know how to barber. Every man can get for 7 bucks a new hair cut. Depending on what else we do it gets another price,“ Rose explained.
„What would Nath pay for his haircut?“ Luka asked placing his hand behind Nathaniel‘s head watching Nathaniel grab Luka‘s hand to pull it down.
„Hey, I like my hair the way it is,“ Complained the redhead making Luka snicker.
„Sure you do, babyface,“ Luka joked.
„Says the one who has the face shaved,“ Nathaniel countered making Luka grin.
„You know I just shave my face out of hygienic reasons, right?“ Luka commented making Ivan chuckle at their argument.
„Are you two really going to talk about shaving right now?“ Questioned the tall man.
„Don‘t worry Ivan, if Lila was here the conversation would have turned awkward in the next five seconds,“ Kagami mentioned making Ivan chuckle.
„She really would,“ Luka agreed making Nathaniel frown.
„Hey you two are talking about my wife,“ Nathaniel commented watching Luka slap his friend on the back.
„Don‘t worry, we‘re not meaning to offend,“ Luka assured, then his phone began to ring and he got up to attend the call and walk towards the exit.
„Do you still work in the retirement home, Nathaniel‘s dad is living?“ Rose questioned earning a nod from the raven-haired man.
„Yeah. I don‘t feel like anything has changed at all except for Cody growing up,“ Ivan mentioned.
„This year was tough for me and Nathalie. We were all on our own and we only managed to visit my mom every second week. Lila was the entire time out in Italy during the recording of the series. Lila‘s luck now was, that the role she got as a protagonist will mainly play in Paris and just the first season takes place in Italy. Soon she will be here and we‘ll be able to see her more often,“
„Wish I could see her today, but we‘re going to have dinner with my parents and we won‘t be able to come,“ Rose mentioned earning a nod from the redhead.
„It‘s okay you can visit us any other day,“ Nathaniel added making the blonde nod.
„I may bring her one of the coupons my frequent guests usually receive at Christmas. In case she wants to color her hair back,“
„I think she likes having black hair so far,“ Nathaniel mentioned. „But it‘s not a bad idea either,“
„Good,“ Rose agreed, then watched Nathaniel take out his smartphone as he heard it receiving a message and he opened it to see it was sent by Ivan, that showed his son along with Luka‘s running. Nathaniel gave a thumb up, then opened his gallery to send the previous picture he took during class to the chat Ivan was in along with 14 other students from his class. Ivan replied with a thumb up followed by Marinette beginning to type down a message.
„Aww my little Prince,“ Marinette commented with several hearts beside it.
Mrs. Donner passed across the court of the elementary school with a plateau with middle-sized and small cups of coffee and stopped by the adults on the stair to offer them a drink.
„Is anyone interested in a coffee or an espresso?“ Questioned the teacher earning a nod from all students, except for Nathaniel and the teacher bowed down at the adults so each of them could take a drink.
„Ivan remember the first time my friend Paulo offered Adrien a cigarette to smoke?“ Luka questioned earning a nod from the tall man.
„Oh yes I do,“ Ivan responded with a laughter. „Why did he want to do that again?“
„He said something about it would make him more manly,“ Luka mentioned. „Really?“ Nathaniel asked. „I would have never done that,“
„I understand you,“
„Hey what‘s the next lesson in the schedule?“ Ivan questioned. „Was it Math?“ The raven-haired man asked earning a nod from the teacher.
„Yes, it is. Don‘t worry. It‘s very simple for them,“ Mrs. Donner said watching Luka elbow Nathaniel on his arm.
„You‘ll be able to tell Nathalie the difference between a plus and a minus, right?“ Luka joked making Nathaniel frown.
„Are you kidding me?“ Questioned Nathaniel making Luka chuckle. „Of course I do,“
„That‘s great, but you don‘t need to worry about if anything isn‘t understandable for you to explain to your daughter when needed. The school is here to help her out, when she needs it,“ Mrs. Donner explained earning a nod from Nathaniel.
„Your group seems quite close I have noticed. Were you in the same class before?“ Questioned the woman earning a nod from Luka.
„Well I was a class ahead of them, but I knew Nathaniel and Ivan from the elementary school. Rose was my sister‘s childhood friend and they‘re together now and I‘m married to Marinette, who attended the same class as Nathaniel and Ivan,“
„Okay and I think I‘ve seen you in some magazines along with the former teeny model Adrien Agreste, right?“ Questioned the teacher earning a nod from the blue-haired woman. „I remember starting university and see your first image with him,“
„Oh yes….I think it was with our sponsors for the fencing tournament or a paparazzi shoot,“ Kagami mentioned. „I‘m not really fond of photoshoots so I‘m sort of lost in the ones I attended with him,“
„It‘s no issue. I will move further to the next parents. See you all in the classroom again,“
„Is anyone of you going to eat at home?“ Ivan questioned. „I‘m not sure if I can make it to cook something quick for Cody only,“
„My mom offered me to pass by her house for lunch with Rouven. If you want I can ask her if she could make space for you two,“ Luka offered. „Nathaniel, you‘re also interested?“ Questioned the raven-haired man his short friend.
„I was planning in stopping at the restaurant down the Louvre, but if you don‘t mind it, I could go with you,“ Responded the redhead.
„Great, I will just make the call,“ Luka stated getting up from the stairs to search his mother‘s phone number to call her.
„Has Adrien actually have a plan B, if he fails again at the exam?“ The blonde woman asked watching Kagami take a sip of her espresso.
„I didn‘t ask him anything about it, cause I don‘t want him to feel negative about it or that I think negatively about his performance later on the exams. I think after we know the results we can see later. Maybe he‘ll get luckier this time and we won‘t need a plan b,“
„Wee, when he passes this means he will once more be distant from all of you again. How are you able to deal with that?“ Questioned Rose.
„Well, we may get used to that. If there‘s something changing between all of us I ask Adrien if we can find out a solution to this. We will wait first,“
„Don‘t let Adrien miss all the memorable moments he can experience with Elliot throughout his life. How many men or even women miss the most important parts of their kids' life, just because they're hoping to provide them a better life?“
„Oh Rose don't‘ worry. I and Adrien are both in this. We promised each other to help each other out,“
„That is good. These coming years are going to be the best ones you‘ll have with him. Believe me,“ Rose spoke earning a nod from the blue-haired woman watching the playing kids.
Adrien sat in the bedroom in front of his desk gazing into the book he was using to study. Plagg, his kwami sat on top of a shelf over the desk, which contained various named files watching the blonde learn for the exam.
„Why didn‘t you go together with Elliot and Kagami to the first school day?“ Plagg questioned. „You would be only the morning there,“
„I need to focus on Friday, Plagg,“ Warned the blonde.
„I know you do, but you could have been present there like Kagami or at least for an hour or two,“
„I could, but I couldn‘t. I will make it up for him tonight anyway by watching that movie with him they didn‘t finish yesterday,“ Adrien mentioned picking up the smartphone, which lied at the edge of his table counting the amount of minutes he‘s been studying, which were at 135. „I‘m not sure when exactly we will watch it thought. I would prefer in the afternoon rather than after dinner,“
„Wouldn‘t you want it after dinner?“ Questioned Plagg. „You know so that he can straight off go to bed or get ready for it?“
„I don‘t know…..Well it could come the case that he has homework to do and I believe it‘s better for him to do them right after school. Or he should do it the way he feels is better for him. I used to hear from Kim or Ivan, that they had the need to do something after school before working on the homework first,“
„Eating first always is a good option,“ Commented the black kitten earning a nod from Adrien, which looked back at his smartphone as he heard it vibrate then pressed on the home button to lighten up the display and see a message from his wife, then he sighed.
„Oh damn it, the surprise party,“ Adrien commented leaning back on the seat picking up his phone to unlock it.
„Morning Adri. I forgot yesterday about the surprise party we were participating in going to. If you prefer to stay back to study, stay. I‘ll be going there to at least see Lila again. See you later,“
„I promised her to go a long while ago. I‘m not going to skip it,“
„What about the movie?“ Questioned the kwami.
„We‘ll see that later. I‘ll wait until they‘re back,“ Adrien stated beginning to text a message to Kagami. „I prefer to solve it with her, rather than randomly agreeing or disagreeing on it,“
„Sounds quite better than the last few times,“
„That‘s why I chose this way. I‘m lately being so absent that soon or later I will end up being like my dad or worse“
„What your dad was in the past was worse. You‘re just something else…..something that comes before bad,“
„There‘s nothing before bad. I‘m either bad or worse,“
„Okay I know something else. You‘re not perfect and that‘s normal. You‘ll never be perfect, you will just learn how to deal with it. This is a good start, you prefer to discuss with Kagami the issue about Elliot and Lila‘s surprise party you agreed on going months ago. Just talk you two about it and it will get solved in a way or another. Which way you‘ll both agree on remains unknown for now,“
„Sure, I‘ll do it, don‘t worry. Here I need to focus now on the learning,“ Mentioned the blonde shoving the smartphone back to the end of the table, followed by the kwami to sit down on its cover with a piece of cheese on his hands to observe the holder continue his practice for the exam.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
WHO was the last person...
you spoke to, in person? It was my mom. She went down around 20 minutes ago to make a couple of sandwiches for herself and dad. The quarantine has made our body clocks completely bonkers and it’ll be typical to see either parent go downstairs at 12 or 1 in the morning to make a meal.
you called? I rang up Gab fiveish minutes ago so we can do a video call on Messenger.
that called you? My mom called me from downstairs the other day to reprimand me about something I said on Facebook cause she said it might offend some of my relatives lol.
you texted? I haven’t texted in a hot fuckin’ minute. I’ve only been at home in the last month, so there’s been little need to spend on load for my phone when I can communicate with classmates and family from online anyway.
that sent you a text? My dad. He texted me that breakfast was ready so that he didn’t need to go into my bedroom, which I’m highkey thankful for. My mom would just burst into the room, pull up my window shade so the sunlight can come in, and yell in a loud voice so I wake up. It’s never improved my mood in all the times she’s done it so I dunno why she continues doing it.
you kissed? Gab, but that was a month ago ugh.
that kissed you? Also her.
you yelled at? My mom. She was yelling at me, so I yelled at her as well because two can play at that game now.
that yelled at you? ^
you watched a movie with? I watched Two for the Road by myself last night but as for companions, the last one I had was Gabie when we watched Titanic a few months ago.
you ate dinner with? My family. We eat dinner together every night, at least whenever my dad is back home in the country.
you were in a photo with? Also family. I haven’t been in a photo with anyone other than them in a while...
you took a photo of? That would be my dog. I don’t take photos of people these days, mostly because I’m unable to.
you went to a concert with? I went to my Paramore gig by myself since I couldn’t find anyone who had front row seats like me, but on the day of the concert itself, Denise, Erycka, and Leigh (who were all also going to the show but got cheaper seats) asked to hitch a ride with me. Gabie was also present but that’s only because she was excited for me and wanted to be around for that experience of mine.
you lied to? Probably a schoolmate that I had told I was busy even though I wasn’t and I just didn’t want to work that time.
you invited somewhere? I think Blanch? I told her we should go to Ayala Museum once we can go out again so she can see the prehistoric gold exhibit that they have.
you dated? Just my current girlfriend.
you dumped? I haven’t dumped anyone.
you rejected? Uh... technically Mike. There weren’t any words said, no closure or whatever, but I think we both knew and understood that he liked me but I let him find out for himself that I had already gotten back with my ex. Back then I was still horrible at the confrontation thing and didn’t know how to break it to him.
you held hands with? Gab, over a month ago.
you hugged? Same answer.
you let cry on your shoulder? Egh, I’m only mentally capable of doing this for Gabie. I can let people rant to me but it’s personally not good for my own mental health if I had people crying to me all the time.
that let you cry on their shoulder? Technically it was my dog. But the last person was either Angela or Gab, I don’t really remember.
you bought a gift for? I don’t remember aaaahhhhh. It was probably a Valentine’s gift though.
you wished a happy birthday? Luisa.
that disappointed you? Some distant relative who had recently added me on Facebook then, only for me to see her pro-government posts. I never unfriended someone so quickly.
that stayed over at your place? Ralph, my sister’s now ex-boyfriend. Never liked the guy and am so glad they broke up, I never did like seeing him around in our house hah. that let you crash at their place? Gabie, but only to have dinner and work. that made you angry? My mom told me personal insults over a chore I did wrong a few days ago and it made me really angry. that complimented you? Andrew and I exchanged compliments when we needed pick-me-ups sometime last week. whom you complimented? ^ you thanked? My dad, when I saw him baking chocolate chip cookies a while ago after I had nagged him all week to make some. that thanked you? Mom. She asked me to fetch her something. you saw, in person? Right now I can see my sister on the couch. I think she’s watching an anime or playing some game on her laptop. that bought you something? Now hasn’t really been the time to ask for non-essential stuff, but my dad did buy me my requested soju a few weeks ago. that made you laugh? My sister I think? My family watched an online mass livestream earlier and my mom wanted to try out an American Catholic church after my grand-aunt (who lives in the States) recommended that specific parish. ANYWAY so of course their accent was very different to what we’re used to, and my sister’s fazed reaction to how they said one of the words made me laugh. that you said you loved? Gab. that said they loved you? My mom. you flipped off? Haven’t done this to anyone in a whiiiiileeeeee. you made a silly face at? It would always be just my dog but person-wise I don’t even remember anymore. that drove you somewhere? Dad drove me and my mom to the local columbarium last month.
WHAT was the last thing you...
touched? Other than the keyboard and trackpad, I used a spoon to eat some of the raw cookie dough my dad had prepared heh.
threw? Second day I’m trying to finish this survey lol. I just took the last piece of painkillers to treat my headache, so I threw the packaging like 30 seconds ago.
ate? Shrimp pasta that my mom made for dinner.
drank? Coffee.
found stuck in your teeth? Idk, bits of food that I don’t really keep track of.
cooked? :( Never cooked a full meal ever but the last thing I *helped* my dad with was breading the meat he was gonna use to make pork chop haha.
baked? Chocolate chip cookies two years ago. I remember it distinctly because I never bake.
bought? Man I haven’t bought anything in forever. I’m thinking about it and it’s probably something I bought for lunch at school? The only thing I buy is food anyway so I’m pretty sure I’m at least on the right track.
sold? I'm not much of an entrepreneur. 
took a photo of? My dog with a cold compress on top of his head. The weather is starting to be unforgiving so I’ve been allotting my own compress for Kimi so that he doesn’t feel overheated.
were frustrated with? My mom telling us we had to watch a mass livestream this morning -_____- I thought she was only gonna make us ‘attend’ the Lenten masses i.e. Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, but it’s past Lent and she’s still making us do it. I’m guessing it’s gonna be routine every Sunday now, ugh.
broke? I don’t tinker much for the very reason that I tend to break everything I touch. That being said, I haven’t broken anything in a while.
spilled? I have a fear of spilling stuff because my mom has always reacted negatively to that. Yay for trauma!
tripped on? A piece of bone that my dog had left on the floor. It felt like stepping on a goddamn Lego.
kicked? My blanket when I started feeling too warm inside my room.
put batteries in? I haven’t used batteries in ages.
turned on? I opened my laptop to continue this survey.
turned off? My Nintendo Switch, when I didn’t feel like playing anymore.
wrote? A survey, if anything. I haven’t had to write anything ever since they suspended online classes.
wrote on? I think it was my sister’s notebook.
cleaned? Myself? I just took a bath if that counts.
WHERE was the last place you...
dined at? I’m pretty sure it was Yabu. Gab and I went out for dinner on the last Monday before the lockdown, didn’t see each other all week, then by Saturday when we saw each other again we just had dinner at her place. So it’s gotta be Yabu.
ordered something to go? A local sushi place and a local pizza place, a week ago. My dad was too lazy to cook that evening so we got takeout instead.
bought something? The local milk tea place that we have in school and Rodic’s. I got myself milk tea, and I got my dad my favorite meal from Rodic’s, tapsilog.
cried? My room, I think.
felt uncomfortable? Just the house cause I haven’t been anywhere in a month.
drove to? My girlfriend’s school and then her house.
had an appointment at? Eye doctor at SM Marikina.
went on vacation? Tagaytay and then we moved to Cavite the day after so that we got to maximize the time that we had to have a staycation.
hung out with a friend? The 30th. Ughhhhh I miss the mall.
bought clothes? Feliz, at an independent clothing stall at one of the top floors.
spent more than you had planned? Feliz then I even had the audacity to move to The 30th to spend more lmaooooo AND THAT WAS A MONDAY. I was so bad at saving money skksks.
saw a band/singer/musician perform? One of the local arenas in Manila so I can watch Paramore.
WHEN was the last time you...
told someone 'I love you'? A little over an hour ago I think.
cried? I don’t remember.
laughed? A few hours ago, maybe? I always laugh when I come across a dumb meme on Facebook.
left your home? March 10th. Really not a good time to be asking that question lol.
drank a soda/pop? Sometime in February when my org had an event and the only drink being served was Coke. I was extremely hungry/thirsty that evening so I had no problem chugging soda down, even though it was so unpleasant.
made your bed? This morning.
visited a doctor? March 9th.
went to the emergency room? I’ve never had to go to the emergency room except for the time I was being delivered.
kissed someone? The last weekend before the lockdown. Man, I had no idea how lame/sad my answers were going to be lmaooo I really should have thought that through before starting a “when was the last time you” survey.
hugged someone? Also a month ago. I’m not a hugger in the family but I do hug my friends a lot.
prayed? Sometime when I was 9 or 10 years old.
worked out? Last semester when my PE was actually focused on working out instead of a sport.
made a phone call? This afternoon. My mom got me load for my phone (after a month of not having any!!!) just because, so I surprised Gab by calling her.
answered a phone? Last night.
had an argument? A few days ago.
played a video game? A little over an hour ago. I was playing Mario Kart 8.
played a card game? It wasn’t necessarily a card game but last January at Rita’s place, she took out a deck, asked us to pick certain cards, and then told us about our relationships and the issues that lurk beneath it based on the cards that were left hahahaha. Of course I think the strategy itself is bullshit but Rita speaks well and is a psych student, so we still ended up having a good conversation after hearing the verdict for mine.
played a board game? Ages ago. I can’t even tell you how long it’s been.
rode a bike? Around a month ago. I told myself I was gonna learn how to ride a bike during the quarantine, but it’s been so hot outside these days that it’s so easy to run out of enthusiasm for it.
fell on your butt? I don’t remember.
took a shower? In the last hour.
took a bubble bath? A year ago, maybe longer.
watched TV? I asked dad to watch El Camino with me on my his and my mom’s TV when it came out, so that would be last October.
saw a movie at a theater? December. It was for Knives Out.
ate fast food? 3-4 weeks ago if I’m not mistaken.
ordered a pizza? A couple of weeks ago. We tried Angel’s Pizza for a change and it turned out to be loads better than Pizza Hut which tends to be our usual.
made someone laugh? I probably made a few people laugh off of the few memes I shared today, so there’s that.
sang? Like a half hour ago. Hayley from Paramore shared a clip of the band performing Hard Times to celebrate the song turning 3 and it turns out the gig was from their show in Manila, so I hurriedly clicked on the video and sang along.
played a musical instrument? It’s been many months since I last used the keyboard.
read a book? A month-ish ago.
drove a car? My dad asked me to move my car to a different spot sometime last week, which felt so surreal as I hadn’t driven in a few weeks. It felt so weird driving again and I had to drive in a crawl to get accustomed to being in the driver’s seat again.
went swimming? August 2019, at a beach in Nasugbu.
got a sunburn? Haven’t gotten a sunburn since I was little.
went to church or temple? First week of March.
went shopping? I don’t really remember but it was one of the last few weekends before the lockdown.
drank alcohol? Two weeks ago.
smoked a cigarette? Sometime in March, the same night when my friends and I went to BGC to party. When everyone else went home, Gab and I stayed for a bit, strolled around The Palace, and had a smoke while watching everyone else around us get crazy wasted.
threw up? Sometime last year. I haven’t drunk too much recently.
had a headache? Tonight.
had a cold? Maybe last year or a couple of years ago. I don’t get colds a lot.
had the flu? Probably not since I was little. I’ve gotten fevers in the last few years but that was all there was to it. I’ve never been sick and had cough and colds at the same time, at least not for a very long time.
had your hair cut? A week before the lockdown -____- Barely anyone got to see my bangs and I’ll always be disappointed about that hahaha.
dyed your hair? Never.
laughed so hard that you cried? I remember watching a hilarious clip on Facebook of this lady who had a contagious fucking laugh, I think it was a week ago or a little over that.
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roses-and-grimoires · 5 years
Relationship & Courting antics Asks: 1-30. *whistles innocently and strolls away* >.>
Lol! Fine @thedarknesssings, you troll. *crackles knuckles* Let’s do this.
Cutting for length:
♥ Do they seek out love or let it find them? Are they even interested in romance?
Idris is a complete and utter romantic, so yes, he is interested in romance. Though, interestingly, he doesn’t tend to actively seek out love; most of his relationships he’s rather… fallen into. For someone who likes to pretend that they are confident and unflappable, he is rather shy when it comes to making the first move.
♥ When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
Oh, Idris is so bad at this. The poor guy is both deeply romantic and wants someone to share that part of his life with and deeply afraid of rejection. He tends to be nicer to them, for starters, and will leave them gifts like flowers and the like, as well as doing favors for them. If those don’t work he might escalate and do some sort of grand romantic gesture.
♥Tell us about a time they were rejected.
Back when he was attending the Scolasticate he had a crush on a another student. It didn’t go well for him; she was a noble and he was a bastard without any claim to title. When he did try to ask her out he was very soundly rejected without her giving him a second thought.
♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
Courting. Idristan really needs that connection with someone in order to feel safe enough to drop his guard and actually enjoy a relationship.
♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
Oh, he definitely doesn’t wait until after marriage, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that he breaks all the social rules, but rather is aware of them and knows how to dance at the edges of them. After all, it’s fun to have people speculate about what you, a proper, upstanding Ishgardian might have been up to and know that they have no proof.
♥ Do they have open or closed relationships?
He used to be fairly strictly monogamous, but has soften a bit on it (partially thanks to being around some friends). The whole idea of an open relationship is honestly a bit new to him and he’s still trying to figure out how it all works.
♥ How do they feel about polygamy?
He’s overall neutral on it. He doesn’t really think it’s for him and definitely doesn’t get either Miqo’te culture at all, but he also truly could not care less what other people are doing. It’s Not His Problem.
♥ Are they loyal to their partners?
Oh, absolutely. He would go to war for them (and arguably has…).
♥ Are they patient with their partners?
More than most people. Which, to be fair, in his case is a very, very low bar to clear.
♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
This is something he’s bad at. The fact of the matter is, Idristan is involved in a lot of things, from mercenary work to Ishgardian politics, and they’re not necessarily things he can bring people into (especially before they all blow up in his face). He’s trying to be better, but there’s only so much he can really do there.
♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
Absolutely. He could never be with someone who considered him sub-human or who couldn’t accept his heretic past or some of his current actions (which are very dubiously legal). Fortunately for him, the groups that he spends the most time with don’t tend to keep such people around for long (with one or two notable exceptions…).
♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
Mostly love, with a bit of pleasure thrown in. While his family name is very important to him, he is under no delusions that it is to anyone else. And while he might like children at some point, right now it isn’t a major priority for him. He’s content to enjoy how things are now.
♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
As much as they can. Touch is incredibly important to Idristan so he likes just being near those he cares about. Plus it helps him sleep better; having company is often better than being alone when the nightmares strike.
♥ Do they make it a point to eat at lease one meal a day together with their partner, or do they do as they please?
Idristan makes a point to eat with Solenne when he can, since that means that he knows that she’s had at least one decent meal. When he can’t do that, he trusts the cook he hired to see to it. Granted, a lot of this is because he knows how wrapped up in work she can get, as well as not trusting her to cook. At all. (And with good reason).
♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
Typically straight to dreamland I think. Granted, a lot of that is because Idris often uses tea blends to help him sleep and ward off nightmares.
♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
Idristan and Solenne are both very good dancers. I think there’s been more than a few nights where they’ve just put on music and danced, or else went out to some high class party and utterly dominated the dance floor.
♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
A sense of humor. Since his own tends to drive people away, anyone who actually returns some jabs is automatically more interesting to him.
♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
Very much so. Idris needs people who can challenge him, who will stand up to him and banter with him. He appreciates wit and intelligence, someone who knows how to take care of themselves, and who is maybe just a bit dominant and unafraid of saying what they want. Elezen is a plus.
♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
Idristan’s first impression of Solenne was... quite an interesting one. He ran into her while she was essentially possessed. By the end of their meeting he had realized that she was in trouble and, of course, set out to try to help.
Ghost was a bit more low key in comparison. He noticed hoe good looking he was, of course, and how quieter he was compared to Marius, but sharp.
♥ How did their relationship start?
Idristan and Solenne’s began after a long, long period of mutual pining. The reason for this was because Idristan didn’t want to start one with her because he was fairly sure he was going to die (or worse), but... things got bad and Solenne managed to convince him that it was better to take advantage of the time he had. He’s very glad she did.
Idristan and Ghost I’d say properly got started after Idristan got shot during a Covenant mission. Ghost came to check on him, Idristan was honest, and Ghost offered to share aether with him, annnd things went from there. It probably helped that Idristan apologized for implying that Ghost is a monster that should be killed.
♥ What was the most romantic time they had with their partner?
I think it would have to be the time that Idristan and Solenne went down to the beach to dance under the moonlight. Especially that first time. That was special.
♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
While Idristan feels like his home will always be Ishgard, he knows how important Gridania and the Shroud are to Solenne. And so he bought the two of them a little house there.
♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
No. While he is better with his partners than most people, he still has some difficulty apologizing even when he needs to, let alone when he doesn’t.
♥ Will they lie for the sake of their significant other’s happiness?
To a point. He mainly sticks to lies of omission, since he knows very, very well that he can’t get away with lying outright to Solenne. And even then he tries to avoid it, both because she can usually tell and because it doesn’t tend to work out for him.
He has bent the truth with around Ghost and is currently keeping quiet about some other things so as to not alarm him, but that’s less about his happiness and more because he would likely try to stop him if he knew what was going on.
♥ If they could choose their partner again, would they choose the same person?
Oh, absolutely. He deeply loves Solenne and would do anything she asked. If anything he would have wanted to run into her earlier; it might have saved both of them a great deal of pain.
He’s not quite there with Ghost yet, but he deeply cares about the thief. He’s going to do everything he can to protect him and to not abuse the power that he’s given him over him.
♥ What do they love most about their significant other?
Idristan loves Solenne’s confidence. She is someone who knows what she wants, how to get it, and has the stubbornness to know that she will get it. He absolutely adores that and has the highest respect for it. He is more than happy to help her with her ambitions.
As for Ghost, he loves how surprisingly tender and protective he can be. He feels safe around his thief, like he can completely drop his guard, and that’s not something that he can say about many people. And it’s not something that you’d necessarily expect from Ghost, so that makes it all the more special, as if it’s their own little secret.
Honestly... there’s some overlap here. Idris has a type and it seems to be confident people who are not afraid to get some blood on their hands.
♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
Oh, absolutely. All sorts of dreams. Some of them are quite pleasant, others he probably couldn’t describe without blushing. And some nightmares as well. Having something happen to the people that he cares about is one of Idristan’s biggest fears, especially if he is somehow involved (which, considering he has accidentally almost killed Solenne once, is not an unfounded worry).
♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courting’s feelings without them having to say anything?
Yes. Despite how grumpy and curt he is around most people, he is actually very empathetic and good at reading people, and that goes especially for people that he cares about and has taken an interest in. While he’s missed a few things and has a few blind spots, on the whole he usually has a pretty good general idea.
♥ How do they express their love to their partner?
Touch. He will be borderline clingy with the people he cares about. Part of it is that it’s his preferred way of showing closeness, part of it is that he’s likely a touch deprived. He will also bring them little gifts (flowers are a big one), and just generally tries to be very attentive. He will sit and listen if he thinks they need that, or else will drag them out to go dancing or the like to distract them.
♥ Would they leave the person they love if it meant saving their life/giving them a better chance at life?
He actually tried that once. Solenne then proceed to figuratively kick some sense into him, and he wouldn’t dare to do it again. Whatever happens, they’re going to get through it together.
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 4
Heyo! Sorry for the radio silence, I got moved to a longer morning shift at work this week, kept on getting home and falling asleep straight away. Now where did we leave off? ...oh. Right. Mami. *deep breath* Alright, PMMM. Do your worst.
Someone’s running? Wait, is this Kamijo’s (fancy) hospital room? Why is the bed empty? Oh, Sayaka! How are you… yeah, not even going to bother asking how you feel after seeing Mami get eaten, jesus christ. Anyways, Kamijo’s in Physical Therapy, so she can’t see him. So Sayaka just walks away as the strings start, we see Kamijo actually in Physical Therapy struggling to walk (so the accident not only messed up his ability to play music, but even to walk), and the nurses confirm that even if he is able to walk again he’ll probably never be able to play the violin. *checks time* and we’re only one minute into this damn episode. Where the hell is the cheery magical girl slice of life show I was promised?! And Sayaka’s in the elevator, wondering why it was Kamijo that got hurt. Her fingers are fine… “Why couldn’t it have been me instead of Kyosuke?” Well. Looks like someone’s got some survivor’s guilt from the Mami incident bleeding over to another injured person. Sayaka? Sayaka, listen to me. Are you listening? Ok, look. YOU ARE A MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE HAVING THESE THOUGHTS. THESE ARE NOT HEALTHY THOUGHTS FOR ANYONE TO HAVE. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. But of course she can’t hear me, and continues to beat herself up, wondering what Kamijo’s reaction to her healing him would be. (I assume she’s not in the right frame of mind to consider that it would likely be along the lines of “Holy crap what the hell just happened.”) No! Sayaka, no, stop that! You are not ‘a horrible person’! Stop feeling guilty about things that are absolutely not your fault! Whoa, what the hell? It’s still the original intro? … How dare you. How dare you, PMMM?! You spring that last episode on me, and then you just pull up this poppy little sequence of lies and act like nothing has changed? You still show the three on top of the damn radio tower! Episode 4: Miracles and Magic Are Real Ok, nope. Sorry, but I am too angry at PMMM to continue tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow, but damn it show, you can’t just have all of the sadness and then bring up a bright cheery intro and title like that, and pretend you’re still cute and not secretly enjoying my crushed innocence.
*one angry sleep later*
*Watches Intro Sequence of Lies* Ok, I think I’m back into the requisite ‘wanting to hug and shield these precious babies from the horrible writers’ mindset. Lets get to it! The Kaname house! Still as Modern Art-esque as ever, I see. The family is all in the kitchen and… oh. While Father is cooking in his apron and Mother in her business attire is cleaning the little boy’s face, Madoka is… just sitting there. Not talking, not touching her food just… slightly hunched over, looking down. Looking at the egg yolk. Yellow like Mami’s improbable hair- no don’t show that scene again she’s twitching uniform poof GUH. Madoka just got snapped out of it when Mother tells her to hurry and eat, otherwise she’ll be late for school. Guh. I know that there’s no way for the family to know, but school probably isn’t Madoka’s biggest concern right now. And Madoka can’t even take a bite of her breakfast without breaking into tears. Father can only ask if it tastes bad, or something. … I know that on some level I think that’s funny, but it’s kinda far down under the weight of this middle-school girl having flashbacks about seeing her friend get eaten alive. Who can only barely talk about how it tastes good and she’s alive to eat it. Cut to the road to school, Sayaka is being surprisingly talkative today, mostly at Hitomi while Madoka is being very quiet. Well, not verbally, but she does shoot a mind message to Sayaka who asks if they can talk about it later. In class the teacher is talking about marriage and relative ages for some reason, I suspect this isn’t part of the intended lesson. And Homura is glancing back at the girls. I honestly can’t tell what she’s thinking. “Good, looks like they were scared off?” “It’s sad that their friend died, but now there’s no-one in my way?” “Mwahaha, my evil plan is going perfectly?” Up on the wide open rooftop again, the girls are talking about how different things are now. “It feels like we’re in a foreign country or something.” The non-magical girl parts of their world are still the same, but it feels so… distant now. And that’s because no-one else knows about the witches. Or Mami. (Wait, sudden thought. Mami lived on her own in the apartment. And it was implied that she was an orphan from the car crash. Who’s going to notice that she’s gone? Her landlord, if she was renting the apartment? Maybe the school when she doesn’t show up? Are there no other friends or family who would notice?) Oof, loaded question now. “Do you still want to be a magical girl, even now?” They don’t have an answer. I don’t think I have one either. And now Madoka’s crying (nooo, don’t do that) and saying she know’s it’s “selfish” to back out now, but she can’t go forward. She’s scared. Middle-school girls, remember. Mami really was kind to make them understand the risks. Would have been better if she hadn’t died as an object lesson, but maybe it can still help them. Yeah, what is going to happen to Anime City now, show mascot? I mean, the Protagonist and Sidekick are pretty set on Refusing the Call, but that still leaves witches running around. Kyubey says that with Mami gone, other magical girls are likely to move in and hunt the witches. I’m torn between curious at seeing outside magical girls moving in and jockeying for the territory, and thinking that Homura isn’t likely to let that happen. Maybe there are a few more conveniently-placed Grief Seeds in the future… Whoever ends up here, at least they should deal with the witch probl- WHOA WHAT “But I think the only ones who have a right to judge their actions are their fellow magical girls, who bear the same destiny as they do.” What the hell, Kyubey? You may be right, but that’s a rather hefty statement to use against two girls grieving over a friend. Well. It seems that Kyubey is leaving to search for other girls to contract. That’s… rather mercenary of you, Kyubey. You’re just going to leave what I can only assume is a day after Mami’s death to find another magical girl? I understand the witches need to be fought, but that’s colder than I thought you’d be. I’m not sure what to think right now. Well, at least he’s apologizing for getting them involved to this point. Goodbye, Rabbit-Thing. I’d say goodbye, but I honestly have no idea if we’re going to see you later. Seriously, I have no idea. I mean, we’re four episodes into a twelve episode show, and I don’t think the other two-thirds are going to just be about our two characters walking around school while having PSTD flashbacks. But then again, I didn’t call the last episode, so who the hell knows.
“I’m sorry.” Aw no. We’re at Mami’s door. And Madoka’s ringing the bell. I don’t think anyone’s going to answer, honey. Inside the theme’s picked up by bells as Madoka’s silhouette puts her notebook of magical girl costumes on the table, before she starts to cry again and apologize for being so weak. She leaves Homura. Now is not the time. Stay away from my babies. Wait. What’s going on? “You’re blaming yourself too much for this, Madoka Kaname. No one could criticize you for anything you’ve done. And even if they did I wouldn’t permit it.” Um. What? Where did this come from? With Mami and Kyubey gone, do you not see Madoka as a threat anymore? Where did this ‘permit’ stuff come from? Ah, ok. Homura knows that Madoka’s realized the danger now, doesn’t need to make heavy-handed “back off or your family gets it” threats anymore. Huh. I… did not see this coming. Homura and Madoka are talking, and instead of Homura being all spooky and mysterious she’s… actually being calm. Mami didn’t heed her warning, but Madoka’s safe from the danger now. “I was able to change yours (fate).” This is actually a really impressive twist. Sure, Homura may still be focused on her own power, but it seems she can tolerate others if they don’t interfere in her plans. If Madoka’s not going to make a contract, then she really isn’t a threat to her ambitions. It’s one thing to deal with people who mess up your plans, it’s another to target innocents. And Homura seems to not want to cross that line. ...maybe I was a little too quick to put Homura on the List? But then again, Madoka’s the protagonist. If Homura’s up to what I think she is (summon the Flying Thing from the vision to increase her power), then I doubt Madoka’s going to just stand by even if she’s scared now. Which would interfere with Homura. Welp, whatever will come later, at least now Homura’s being less overtly evil. Let’s enjoy it for now. Now that the two are talking, Madoka’s taking the chance to ask Homura about her time as a magical girl. Has she seen death like yesterday? “Yes.” “How many?” “Too many to try keeping count of anymore.” Aaand creepy music’s back. Madoka’s wondering about Mami’s apartment, and wow that’s rather blunt, Homura. Mami had no close relations (orphan confirmed). It’ll be a long time before anyone other than our characters notice she’s missing and file a report on her. ...wait, wasn’t she a student at the school? I’d think the attendance officer might have something to say about that. Aw, and since Mami died in a labyrinth her body stayed there. So even when a report is filed there will be no one to find. “In this world, she will simply remain a missing person forever.” I get that she was your rival and thus in your way, Homura, but could you show a little tact? Madoka just lost a new friend in a gruesome way. “That is the end that all magical girls meet.” And we’re back to the Philosophy of Homura that I’m gathering: Magical girls are rivals for power and thus obstacles to be removed. Non-MGs are to be warned away from the path, if they contract then they are obstacles, but if they do not then they are no threat and can be tolerated. And now I’m remembering that it was Homura placing the Grief Seed at the hospital that resulted in Mami’s death. Not sure if she thought she could deal with the resulting Witch before any bystanders got hurt or just didn’t care in order to ‘remove’ Mami. Back on the List you go. Madoka’s crying again at Homura’s frank descriptions. Mami fought to protect the city, not just gather Grief Seeds. And to have her ‘reward’ be obscurity… Homura’s talking about that being the cost of the Wish, that it can’t be helped. “I won’t forget… I’ll never forget about Mami!” Yes. YES. You tell her, Madoka! Screw Homura’s bleak outlook, you’re the Protagonist! So what if Homura is an experienced Magical Girl who defeated the Witch that killed your friend. Homura backs down in the face of Madoka’s optimism, saying something placating about how that will make Mami happy. “I envy her.” Wow. Ok, this episode is making me rethink my opinion of Homura. I mean, I still hold her earlier threats against her and that she caused Mami’s death, but we’ve seen that being a magical girl is no cakewalk. Without anyone to talk to like Mami had Kyubey, she “You too, Homura!” What. “I swear I’ll never forget you either!” Homura. Homura, the all-loving Protagonist Madoka is offering you friendship. This is your chance to not go and summon the Flying Thing. Please, pull a Viral, you can still join the good girls. Homura has a very blank face. I don’t think she can process this thing humans call “friendship”. Aw. She just clenched her fist. She isn’t going to go for it, is she? “You’re too kind for your own good.” Yup, she’s back to being the mysterious lone magical girl. Hairflip, warning that being kind in this Urobuchi world may lead to greater tragedy, and away she walks. Madoka’s left standing on the bridge. Back at the hospital! Sayaka’s visiting Kamijo again, who’s listening to “The Girl With the Flaxen Hair.” Good taste! We’re getting some character development as Sayaka talks about her listening to classical music, how she was taught by Kamijo. Daw, that’s cute and explains how they met. Wait. “Are you torturing me?” What are you ta- Oh. Oh no. We know that Kamijo’s injured and can’t play, and probably will never play again. We saw him crying the last time Sayaka visited him when he listened to music. Sayaka’s been trying to cheer him up, but instead it’s just highlighting that he can’t perform what he’s listening to. Ouch. Kamijo’s freaking out now as he’s yelling about he can’t stand listening to things the accident has barred him from following again, he smashes the CD player and there’s blood on the sheets, Sayaka’s grabbed his arm and he can’t even feel the pain of the cuts. Sayaka’s trying to calm him down, saying that someday they’ll find a treatment. “They said that I had no chance of ever performing again.” Whoa. Ok, whichever doctor said that to a patient is in dire need of remedial training, and secondly this is a super high-tech and advanced city compared to our own, you can’t just say “Oh, there’s no way that technology could ever solve this current problem.” Science doesn’t work like that, it keeps going until somebody finds a solution. “He said that with current medicine, it just wasn’t possible.” Right, that’s exactly my point! Current medicine sucks, it’s the medicine of tomorrow that is awesome! Hold up. “Not until the day miracles or magic start existing in this world.” Ah. AH. She’s going to do it, calling it now. Sayaka’s going to Wish for a treatment for Kamijo’s hand and become a Magical Girl. And then Sayaka becoming a MG will prompt Madoka to help her friend, and the two will become the new protectors of Anime City. And then Homura will get ticked, and the show will continue. Oh boy. “Miracles… and magic… are real!” Title drop! And Kamijo’s probably thinking that Sayaka’s trying too hard right now. If you only knew, boy… Kyubey! You’re back! I guess I underestimated you, good to see you again. Let’s get to Wishing! Later that night, it seems Madoka’s walking around bummed that Homura didn’t want to make friendship bracelets. Hey, it’s Hitomi, the NPC friend of the trio! How are you doing? Wait, what’s with the blank look and sudden gong? And the tattoo on her neck AAAAAAH IT’S A WITCH’S KISS NO NO NO Hitomi’s speaking in an airy voice, going somewhere “far better than here”. Yeah, she is totally mind-controlled. Damn it, we need Sayaka to make that contract and help out Hitomi now. Wait, now she’s telling Madoka to follow along. Madoka, no. You have no powers and a Witch is clearly involved. Flag down a cop, and tell them that you think your friend is high on something, get them to detain her. But whatever you do do not follow! Great, you’re following the the prancing hypnotized girl to “somewhere better”. Isn’t the whole point of Witch Kisses to drive people to their labyrinth’s for suicides and murders? Madoka, you following along is less than useless, you’re only putting yourself in danger. Leave and get someone else! Call Sayaka, there’s no way you don’t have her phone-number, tell her to call the cops while you follow from a safe distance. Hell, yell for Homura! “Hey Mysterious Transfer Student, my friend is being controlled by a Witch! Follow us if you want another Grief Seed! And, you know, don’t let innocents die?” Ooooh crapbaskets. There are more people, a lot of Shufflers around them now. And now Madoka’s beating herself up for not having Homura’s number. Ok, maybe I’m being a bit unfair, you only just realized she wasn’t planning to kill now that you’ve renounced the power. Now they’re inside some sort of warehouse, as a man mutters about how he couldn't keep a factory running. CRAP the gate just shut. Madoka’s trapped in a building full of Shufflers and presumably nearby a Witch’s labyrinth. I believe the technical term for this is FUBAR. Why is a lady carrying a bucket? And setting the bucket down? What is she pouring into the bucket, and why does it look like this other man has a container of gas? Flashback! (colors are a big contrast to the green of Creepy Factory) Mother is teaching Madoka to differentiate between two sorts of bottles, “or the results could be fatal.” Aw crud, whatever these chemicals are causes a fire or toxic gas or something, right? The entire factory of Shufflers is going to die. (Homura, Sayaka, pretending-to-be-dead-for-some-reason-but-really-alive Mami, anyone?) Madoka rushes forward OUCH she just got struck in the midriff by psycho Hitomi, preventing her from getting closer. She tries to warn that the chemicals are dangerous, and Hitomi’s all “Uh, yeah? That’s the point, we’ll die and go to a new world.” Heaven’s nice and all, Hitomi, but you aren’t supposed to take shortcuts! The Shufflers’ are applauding Hitomi’s witch-induced speech, Madoka breaks free and grabs the Death Bucket, throwing it out the window. Yes! Wait, no! The Shufflers’ are pissed, and going full-on zombie as they chase her. Window’s locked, got to find another way door! Get in get in get in lock it whew. Ok, she’s stuck in some sort of closet, but at least the Shufflers can’t get her. Wait, NO! Art’s going trippy, weird sounds and music, WITCH! Madoka’s in the Labyrinth! Sayaka, Homura, ANYONE! Trippy TVs in the background, monochrome angle-fairies grabbing her, she’s screaming and her artwork’s going all wobbly JEBUS she just got ripped apart! … What the hell is wrong with this show? Mami the Awesome dies in Episode 3, and the title character dies in Episode 4?! Wait, it’s still going. Flickering lights, MADOKA! She’s not dead, I don’t think, she’s just drawn without borders now and part of me is impressed with this art style even as the rest of me is screaming in horror that Madoka is trapped in the Labyrinth. She’s stuck spinning around as the angel-fairies shows televisions with Mami’s final battle, their conversation, and her death. This is hell. That’s the only way to describe it. Madoka’s stuck on her own, floating around helplessly as she’s tormented by Mami’s fate. She’s calling herself a coward and liar, thinks that this is a fitting punishment, NO. NO NO NO. Screw you, Witch, you let Madoka go right now. The angel-fairies are pulling her again, she’s screaming again, I can’t Blue light? Lasers? Madoka’s free and the Witch Computer With Wings got smashed, Madoka glitched back to her standard art form and is looking around in confusion. Sayaka?! Sayaka in a cape, moving incredibly fast smashing up the larger angel-fairies, guess that answers the question “did she become a Magical Girl”, I think she’s using a sword as she slams the Witch into the ground and suddenly Homura and she looks pissed. Aw crap. It’s like I thought. If the girls didn’t contract then she would tolerate them, but now Sayaka’s become a Magical Girl. Homura’s new territory is being competed for again. Hitomi’s on the ground as are all the other Shufflers, Sayaka’s apologizing for taking so long to get there. Hey, that’s the outfit from the poster! Madoka is understandably worried about Sayaka becoming a Magical Girl, but Sayaka’s brushing it off and saying she did pretty good for a first Witch battle. Aw crap. Homura’s here, back in the shadows. Sayaka calls her out for being late to the party. Cut to Kamijo, I’m guessing the doctor’s about to come in and apologize for doubting the scientific method. Or Kamijo will just raise his hand and curl his fingers. Oh. Um. So. Sayaka just wished for his hand to be healed. Aw crap. Ok, look, I know it sounds bad when I say that, that I’m making light of a musician regaining the ability to play. But. This wish was shown to heal fatal injuries in Mami’s case, so we can assume that it would be powerful enough to heal a ‘lesser’ injury like Kamijo’s, where his life wasn’t at risk. My question is this: would the wish have worked for a general cure to be discovered, instead of just instant inexplicable healing? That way it could have a reasonable explanation for the doctors and could be applied to other people. This case has just one person benefit, it can’t be replicated (unless another girl makes a contract), and now the doctors are going to be trying to figure out what the hell happened. I know I’ve got the privilege of an outside view, but to me this seems a shortsighted use of a Wish. But of course, it makes sense if we think about Mami’s warning, about using a Wish for another person. Sayaka may not really mean for it to heal the argument between her and Kamijo, but I don’t think he’s going to make the leap in logic that the girl who was talking about miracles and magic earlier was the one who healed him. I… don’t see this ending well. Wait, new person? Eating a burrito or something. Kyubey, hey! Wait, why are you talking to the Food Person? Aparently she heard that “Mami had bought it”, that indicates an outside Magical Girl moving in on the territory. Great, another competitor, I’m sure Homura will love that. Hey, red hair! (I’m sure Tephi liked seeing that) And sharp teeth for some reason. Yup, confirmed for magical girl. Who is now chewing out Kyubey for telling her that the territory is now taken. Oh, so that’s what he was up to between leaving the girls and going back to Sayaka. Aaawkward. Well, Food Girl is annoyed that the territory has been claimed. (Name of Kyoko). And oh shit she’s going to “put the new girl out of commission.” Aw crap, now Sayaka’s got two MG’s going after her between Homura and Kyoko. Wait, sudden flash of smile and word “permanently”. Well, I guess I can’t fault you for confidence. I mean, I’m pissed that you’re targeting my babies, but I’ll give you that. End of episode and driving credits music! Ok, now that my emotions are slightly better than last time, let’s take a closer look. Driving music, glitchy silhouette of Madoka walks past one of a short-haired girl who I think is Sayaka, then a long-haired girl (Kyoko?), Mami sitting down (I miss you, shortest ship ever), another silhouette who- turns and reaches out to Madoka? Wait, is that Homura? She’s the only other MG we’ve seen, so I guess so, but why is she the only one to move? Cut and now Madoka’s form is running then disappears into the distance, an eye opens with a curled up Madoka as the pupil, then fades into a facelike thing before it all fizzled out. Illustration of Madoka in her MG outfit, voice-over of Sayaka getting excited about being a magical girl, taking up Mami’s role as protector of Mitakihara City. Argh, but that title! “There’s No Way I’ll Ever Regret It” Argh no why. Well. I have thoughts on episode, need to really think about Homura’s character development and the impact of this new girl (who Kyubey brought here, I’m not sure what to think about that), but there’s one thing I need to say before I end this section. I WAS RIGHT! Yes, being a magical girl has its risks, and now Sayaka has to deal with an annoyed Homura and this Kyoko girl. BUT. I said it before, the Witches are still out there, and not being a magical girl means that you have no defenses, as we saw with Hitomi. And being a potential contractee like Madoka may be even worse, she could see what was going on but was still trapped in the labyrinth and would have died if Sayaka hadn’t become a Magical Girl and saved her. If last episode was “Why Not to Become A Magical Girl”, then this episode was “Why You Really Do Have To Become A Magical Girl”. Do I have my problems with Sayaka’s Wish? Yes, and unless we get some information next episode to explain that my interpretation is completely wrong about not being for general use then I don’t see that changing. But becoming a Magical Girl in and of itself, getting the power to defend herself, Madoka, Hitomi, and other innocents? That I can wholeheartedly approve of. 
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niallismymuse · 6 years
Chapter 2
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Stepping off the jet fifteen hours later, Niall is smacked in the face with heat and humidity. It’s so bright here in Honolulu, Hawaii, compared to London. He loves it, and he’s already prepared for the weather difference – he had changed on the plane into shorts and a tank top. Ellie’s adorned in a similar outfit.
She smiles at him, hair tucked into a neat bun on the top of her head. Their luggage is being loaded into the hotel limousine that’s been provided. Apparently, it comes with the room. It’s a nice surprise; Niall hasn’t looked into the trip too much, deciding to wait and see.
“Ready?” Ellie asks, and he takes her hand. They descend from the plane and are ushered into the cool air of the limo. They sit, and Niall turns to look out the window. The trees are a lush green, and, off in the distance, a jewel-toned ocean awaits. He’s been here before, so he knows that everything is gorgeous here, which is part of the fun. There isn’t an ugly part of Hawaii. Even the volcanoes have an edged, dangerous beauty to them.
The driver takes off once their luggage is loaded, and Niall leans back into his seat. The ride is about twenty-five minutes, and then the limo stops in front of the Halekulani Hotel, right beside Waikiki Beach. It’s breathtaking here, so much so that when he gets out of the limo, he nearly comes to a standstill. Only Ellie’s hand on his arm keeps him moving forward.
Niall has seen a lot throughout his over-a-decade-long career. He’s seen a lot of beautiful things, and a lot of the ugliness that permeates the world. It’s taught him some valuable lessons: what he does and gets to see is a privilege few get, something he works to acknowledge often. He has opportunities many wish for. And, lastly, there is beauty and grace in everything, and it’s necessary to not only see it, but appreciate it as well. This is the time and place for such appreciation.
Ellie leads him inside while the porters take care of their suitcases. They check in at the front desk, where Niall learns they’re staying in the Orchid Suite. An attendant shows them where it’s located, and all he can think when he walks in is that this might be the most beautiful hotel he’s ever stayed at.
True to its name, the Orchid Suite is filled with pots of orchids, ranging from white to purple and everything in between. The whites have a purple core, and some of the purples are speckled and striped with yellow. Each and every one of them is beautiful. There’s an intimate living room directly past the entranceway that they’re standing in, and beyond that is a lanai. A blue sky melds with an even bluer ocean just past the gardens decorating the ground outside of the lanai.
Niall is only half-aware of the porter dropping off their suitcases. Ellie tips him, and it’s that action that snaps him out of the daze he’s in.
“I’ll race you to the bedroom,” he grins, and then takes off, running as fast as he’s able. He swings a right after a glance to the left shows a dining area and a doorway that has more couches past it. He guesses correctly, but Ellie speeds past him and into the master bedroom, before throwing herself on top of the king-sized bed in the middle.
There’s still plenty of space with her spread-eagled on top of it, so Niall lays down beside her, groaning as his muscles sink into the plush comforter and the mattress beneath it.
“You’re such an old man,” she grins at him and reaches over to poke him. He chuckles at the jab, and then snatches her wrists and rolls on top of her, grinning wildly down at her. Ellie’s smile softens until she’s looking tenderly up at him, despite the fact that he has her completely pinned down beneath him. “I love you.”
Niall leans down and pecks her lips, before purposefully bumping her nose with his, making her giggle. “I love you too, dork.”
Ellie laughs, and then pushes her body up against his, wiggling to try and shove him off. “Get off, you ass!”
They’re both giggling and red in the face when the tussle ends a few minutes later, eyeing each other in a playful way, just in case one decides to start it up again. When nothing happens, Niall let’s his shoulders slump and he sighs. “So…what should we do now?”
He likes that phrase. It sounds like they’re on an adventure, which they most definitely are, but an interesting one compared to the old ‘life is an adventure’ saying people like to tout when they’re bored.
Ellie rubs at her tummy and then glances down at his, eyes narrowed. On cue, his stomach grumbles, and Niall realizes that he’s starving. “I suppose that answers your question,” she laughs and stands up from the bed. “Want to get some lunch and then go to the beach?”
Niall nods and gets up from the bed, searching throughout the suite for their suitcases. They’re right next to the front door, and he takes the handles and pulls them both in. Ellie pushes hers down and starts going through it there on the floor, searching for a swimsuit and a to wear coverup at the restaurant. He sets his on the bed and opens it there, grabbing a pair of swim trunks and a white t-shirt to wear over it.
They change, him into those swim trunks and the t-shirt, and Ellie into a dark red bikini with a sheer white coverup on top, and a floppy hat.
“You look like a tourist,” he snorts and flicks the side of it. It wobbles on top of her head.
She sticks her tongue out at him. “I am one.”
They head off to lunch, hand-in-hand, with a bag full of towels and sunscreen slung on Ellie’s shoulder. After wandering around, slightly lost and amazed and unwilling to admit the former but definitely the latter, they decide on eating at a restaurant on the premises called Orchids. It’s fitting, given their suite.
Orchids is serving lunch, which is a two-course meal they get to select. Niall is immediately overwhelmed and excited, because this is the kind of food he occasionally dreams about. He’s not a bad cook himself, but he knows this is going to be delicious no matter what he orders. After long minutes of contemplation, Niall orders Maccheroni Bolognese and a spinach salad, and Ellie decides on the Tagliolini Alle Vongole.
And life is good. They eat their lunches with the sound of waves crashing on the beach providing a melody, and maybe they drink a little wine even though it’s only two in the afternoon, and they enjoy themselves.
Because that’s what Ellie and Niall do best. They live, and they love, and they enjoy all of the in between.
“Your face looks so blurry,” Ellie murmurs, and Niall smiles, tries to readjust his phone so maybe the picture isn’t so bad. She’s sleepy, her eyes half-lidded with exhaustion, but he’s wide awake. He treasures these moments, uses them to get through his day – okay, he doesn’t have to get through his day, because he loves almost every minute of being on tour, but these videocalls are something to look forward to.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, squinting at the bright light of his screen in the near-dark of his room. “Is that better?”
“Yes,” she answers softly, and then she adjusts herself on her bed, pulling her blankets closer. They cover a majority of her face, and he chuckles at the sight of her. “How was the show?”
His chest swells with pride. They had concludedtheir first of two shows in Dublin, Ireland, only an hour and a half ago, and it had been incredible. Being in his country, singing with his mates, and watching hispeople show up and give their all…it was incredible. “I’ve never been prouder to be Irish,” he laughs, the sound echoing in the large space of his hotel room.
“Good,” she replies, the vowels softened by the sleep in her voice. Despite his assurances that she didn’t need to, Ellie had set an alarm for the middle of the night to give him a call. So here they are, talking to no one but each other in their own solitary darkness. It makes his heart pound in his chest like it did earlier on stage.
Niall is falling in love with her, and god, he knows it, recognizes it with every breath his lungs take.
He doesn’t think she knows, though.
“How was your class today?” Niall asks, straining to remember what day of the week it is and if she had class at all. On tour, it gets like that. He’s constantly traveling and hustling and singing, in so many different places, that Mondays and Tuesdays fade to the back of his mind. It’s like a long break from school, but he’s working and playing.
Ellie smiles like she knows something he doesn’t. “It was good. I have a project due next week…it still feels so surreal to me. That I’m here, in England, instead of back home.” Her lips part, and she hesitates. “I…I wish you were here with me.”
There’s something so raw and vulnerable about that statement, combined with the tiredness hanging on her face, that makes him pause. Niall’s glad that it’s dark, because he can feel the blush on his cheek, and in the daylight, it would be ten times more prominent. “I wish I was too.” He replies gently, and it’s true. He would give almost anything for her to be here. He’s lucky she’s even in England, and not back in America. Thatwas rough for him, rough in a way that told him how important she was to him already. It had confirmed for him fully the extent of his unrequited feelings.
Ellie smiles a real smile then, not tainted by exhaustion. “And you will be, soon.”
It’s not exactly true: they don’t get a break until June, and it’s a short one, barely a week. It’s the beginning of March now. But it’s little white lies like this that make the ache in his chest fade into the background.
“Soon,” Niall promises, and remembers the times they had when she had moved to Harlaxton College over the winter. The laughter, the drinking, the good times. How full his soul had felt. “Soon.”
Niall is already sunburnt, and they haven’t even been in Hawaii for twenty-four hours yet. He groans, lying face down on the bed, as Ellie snickers and rubs Aloe Vera into his back.
“You’re an idiot,” she says, and not for the first time. There’s a certain smugness to her tone that makes him want to do naughty things to make her pay for it, but her hands on his back are so soothing that he can’t muster the energy to flip her over. “I told you to put more sunscreen on. I even offered to get out of the water with you, so I could spray your back.”
Niall lifts his hand up and flips her off.
He’s also slightly tipsy – there was a bar near the beach, and what’s a man to do when there’s alcohol a-plenty?
She lets out a startled laugh. “Oooh, you do realize you are incredibly vulnerable right now, right? I could smack your back and you would be on fire.”
Niall’s quiet, conceding to her point. Ellie clicks her tongue, then leans down and presses a tiny kiss to the bare, unburnt skin of the left side of his shoulder. “I would never do that to my husband, though. The vows I made to you prevent it.”
“So lucky I married you,” he grumbles, “just so I could know that you won’t beat me up.”
She laughs, and then he feels her hands leave his back, only to be replaced by a gush of cool air. She’s fanning him. Niall almost tears up.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he asks, ridiculously emotional about the fact that his wife, after coating him in a layer of Aloe Vera, is now fanning him.
“You loved me.” Ellie answers simply, and he turns his head to look at her and smile. “You loved me, and you supported me, through almost the entirety of us knowing each other. That’s why you deserve me. Because you are kind, and good, and so fucking incredible, Niall.”
Now it seems like Ellie is tearing up. Niall pushes himself up, hissing at how his skin crinkles with the movement, but looks back at her in concern. “Babe, are you okay?”
Her lip trembles slightly, but she nods her head and leans into kiss him. He closes his eyes as the softness of her lips meet his and reaches up to cup her cheek. Ellie leans into his touch, smiling into the kiss, and then breaks away. “I’ve got to get this swimsuit and salt off,” she says softly, giving him a ‘what can you do?’ sort of shrug and an easy smile.
Niall smiles and relaxes back on the bed, listening as she climbs off of the bed and pads into the bathroom. Only moments later, he hears the pitter-patter of water hitting the tile, and how the pattern changes when she steps inside a few seconds later. He dozes to the sound, mind drifting, the sting of his sunburn a background sensation only.
When the water stops, however, his eyes fly open. Letting out a quiet groan, he turns and sits up to look at the bathroom. Ellie comes out a few minutes later, hair wet but towel-dried, and utterly naked.
Niall likes to appreciate beauty everywhere he goes. It never gets old. And, he knows as he looks at her, that he will never be tired of appreciating her, either. It’s a thought he has every time something like this happens. He could just sit here and look at her forever, but he wants more, too. He wants to run his fingers down the soft flesh of her tummy and sides, feel the swells of her breasts. He wants to kiss every inch of her, over and over again.
Ellie smiles. There is no insecurity, no shyness. Because this is them, and they’ve been together for years now, over a decade. He knows every inch of her like the back of his hand, and she knows him just the same.
This is them.
“So…” she pauses, reaching her leg out and playfully kicking it towards him, then fluttering her eyelashes. “Do you think, with your current skin condition, we can still fuck?”
The blunt question sends chills down his spine and blood straight on down. Niall swallows, because his mouth is so dry so suddenly it almost hurts, and then nods. “I think we can figure something out.”
They do.
Afterwards, Ellie has to reapply the Aloe Vera and then rinse off in the shower again because it somehow got all over her, but it was totally worth it.
They eat the leftover Tagliolini she had sent back to their room from their lunch today, sharing it at the dining room table. He’s wearing a crappy t-shirt that he doesn’t mind getting sticky, and she’s sitting on his lap. They’re eating out of the same takeout container, and Niall notices how little she ate at lunch. And how little she’s eating now.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks, pausing to watch her. She takes a bite of her tiny forkful of food and swallows it daintily before gazing at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“But of course. Whatever could be wrong?” Ellie asks in a faux accent, and he nearly rolls his eyes at her dramatics.
“You’re not eating like you used to.”
Ellie pauses, staring down at him in the oddest way. She bites down on her lip and tilts her head to the side, eyes darting with his. “Well,” she starts, and then stops again. “I’m just not hungry like I used to be.”
Niall nods his head, pressing his lips together. Her nostrils didn’t flare, and her voice didn’t waver. So why does he still get the feeling that she’s not telling him the full story?
They finish eating their leftovers in silence, though Ellie stops a good few minutes before the container is empty. She gets up off of him and strolls towards the doors that open to the lanai and pushes them open. She’s stepping outside, in her plaid pajama shorts and tank top, before he can say anything.
Niall tosses the container in the garbage and follows her outside into the lanai. Beyond it is the gardens they have access to. They’re beautiful in the sunlight, but here, under the moon…incandescent is the only word he can use to describe it. And Ellie, standing there under the moonlight, too…
Her back is towards him, like she’s examining a distant area, and nothing can distract her from it. The closer he gets, the more he notices: the upwards tilt to her head, the open, unguarded way she’s standing. Ellie is looking up at the moon, and from the way she’s shining as she looks up at it, it’s almost like the moon is shining back, a reaction to her.
The stars blanket the surrounding darkness like fireflies, though theirs is a constant shine. It’s not something they can see in London – the smog has covered up the night sky for years now, and in order to see it, they have to travel miles away from the city. Here, it’s open and waiting, and Niall has the strangest urge to reach up and see if he can pluck a star from the sky above. They look so close.
Instead, he stops by Ellie and wraps his arm around her waist, tilting his head up to look where she’s looking, trying to see what has her so mesmerized. She leans into him, an encouragement. But Niall can see nothing but the shining night sky, surrounding them so completely.
Maybe that’s all it is, anyway.
“You haven’t talked to me in a week.”
Ellie is angry. Her fists are clenched, and they keep twitching where they lay next to her pockets. Niall’s eyes are drawn to them constantly, even as the time stretches on. He sighs then, and steps aside to let her inside his apartment.
Even how she walks inside expresses her anger towards him. Her steps are sharp and short, staccato. Her shoes smack down on the wooden floor, creating a slapping sound. She pauses just inside his apartment and stares balefully at him, not blinking.
He deserves this, he knows. He deserves her anger, and if she were to slap him right now, well, he wouldn’t complain.
Because it’s true. He hasn’t talked to her in a week, longer than that really. Ever since Niall returned here to London after the end of the Take Me Home tour, in early November, he’s been avoiding her. Because One Direction has just released Midnight Memories, their third studio album, barely a year after releasing their second. Because their next tour, Where We Are, is scheduled to commence in April of 2014. Because now he’s embroiled in press gigs, over and over again.
Because he’s madly in love with her, and he’s gone from home so often that he practically doesn’t have one. This apartment in London…he’s only in it a few months out of the year, and that would make a relationship difficult, and if there’s one thing Niall knows for sure, it’s that she deserves better.
Because he’s being both selfish and selfless – he can’t give up on One Direction, not when the fans are so dedicated, and his mates put their all into the band. Yet he can’t imagine asking her to make the sacrifices being with him would require.
But how can he possibly put that into words?
Ellie crosses her arms over her chest as the silence stretches on to be so thin Niall can hear it reaching a breaking point. Finally, she shakes her head, and looks at him in such a hurt way that he feels it like a punch to the throat. “Y’know, I moved here partially because of you. Because I really liked you, and I thought…I thought maybe you liked me too.” Niall’s lips part, but she holds up a finger, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Save it. I want to be perfectly clear here that I did not move here on the whim of someday being in a relationship with you. I moved here because I fucking love London, and England as a whole. You are – were, at this point, I guess – a major bonus.”
She takes a deep breath. Niall envies her the movement, because he doesn’t think he can breathe. Ellie…liked him? Even in the past tense, it makes his brain explode. He had never dreamed, in all of the dreams he’s had since meeting her, that she would like him back. Ellie has always seemed on another level than him. She’s smart, and funny, and beautiful, and what universe would allow it?
“Okay. I’ve said what I wanted to say. I am going to leave now.” She pivots on her feet and turns back to the door, striding towards it without a backwards glance. In the back of his mind, Niall can’t help but note that, in times of pressure, she is stone-cold. It makes him oddly proud.
“Ellie-“ he falters when she turns and glares fiercely at him from the use of the nickname, “Elise. Stop. Just one moment. Please.”
She freezes, one foot out the door. Ellie stands completely still, balanced halfway in his life and halfway out of it for good. It’s up to Niall to pull her back in, but only if she’s willing, of course.
Niall takes a deep breath. This is the rest of his life on the scales here. “Elise Williams, I am in love with you. I have been in love with you since I helped you move into your dorm at Harlaxton, and every moment since. And I never thought you would ever, in any alternate universe, feel the same.”
Elise, if anything, looks angrier, but she doesn’t stop him from continuing, so he does.
“I’ve been touring so much this entire year, and we just released another album-“ he can see that she’s about to take this the wrong way, like he’s been ghosting her because of work, which isn’t entirely accurate, so he speeds on, “And I’m going back on tour in April. Okay? Even right now, I’m hardly home because I’m running around doing all of this promotion. How…how in the world could I do this to you, bring you into this insane life where you see me for all of five minutes and then I’m gone for eight months?”
He’s panting at the end, because all of his anger and frustration at the situation has poured out into this speech. Months’ worth.
Ellie presses her lips together in a thin line. “Don’t you think…that it’s my choice to enter into this? That I should have a say in whether or not I get involved?”
Niall pauses. “I never even dreamed that you liked me, Ellie. You are so good, so strong and beautiful and pure, out of my league- “
She cuts him off. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Carry on.” A smile twitches on her lips, and, repressed as it is, it still gives him hope. He can still salvage this.
“I can’t stand the thought of…making you sacrifice so much just for me, and then, maybe someday, it falls apart. And…it was all for nothing. Loving each other, fighting for each other, and then poof. Gone. Over.”
Ellie shakes her head. “I’m a little disappointed, Niall.” She hesitates, her eyes meeting his. “How many relationships have you been in? Real ones.” When he doesn’t answer, she goes on. “I’ve been in two. And my exes and I are broken up for real reasons, because we were young and stupid, and because we grew and changed. But we grew and changed partly because we were together in the first place. Don’t you see? Even if we break up and it doesn’t work out, it’s worth it, because we become hopefully better people by the end of it.” She shakes her head, looking frustrated, like she doesn’t expect him to get it.
Niall’s heart begins to thunder in his chest. “I understand.”
She nods once. “I hope you do. This is my choice, too. It’s 50/50 on this one, and you can’t decide what you think is best for me.”
Niall nods his head. “I’m sorry,” he says genuinely, because he is. Regret is starting to build up in his mind. He almost – and still might have – ruined the best thing that’s ever happened to him just because a preconceived notion that was all in his head. “Can…we try again?”
Ellie tilts her head to the side, considering. Niall drinks her in, how strands of her hair flow down into the royal blue of the pea coat she’s wearing. Her eyes are such a beautiful shade of brown, like mahogany. And her lips, even when pursed in contemplation, are the most kissable he’s ever seen.
For the first time in a long while, Niall prays. He doesn’t pray to anyone or anything in particular; he simply prays for another chance, one that he won’t fuck up.
“Yes.” Ellie answers slowly, the syllable leaving her mouth hesitantly. Seeing his excitement, she points at him. “Don’t fucking do that again.”
Before the words are even fully out of her mouth, Niall’s swinging her around his apartment, and she laughs, letting out a shriek of delight as she wraps her arms around his neck. He sets her down, and their eyes meet and lock. This. This is the moment he’s been waiting for. Slowly, giving her plenty of time to back away, Niall leans down and presses his lips softly to hers in a gentle kiss.
She’s so still for a moment that he begins to think that he’s overstepped, but before he can back away, her fingers wrap into the hair on the nape of his neck and her lips move against his. They’re kissing. Neurons are firing spastically, and Niall can feel every inch of her pressed against every inch of him.
Kissing Ellie, Niall decides, is like the world ending and then being reborn. That’s how he feels. The person he was before he kissed her, and the person he is now after. It is fireworks and sparks and flames and every other synonym for desire and passion; all that and a million times more than anything he has ever experienced.
Ellie pulls back to look up at him, her lips slightly swollen from the kissing. She smiles. “I love you too, you absolute nut.”
And love.
Niall laughs and kisses her again, and kisses and kisses and kisses until he’s dizzy with it. Panting, he steps away, because if he gets too close too soon, he might spontaneously combust. But no contact is unacceptable, so Niall takes her hand too.
“So…are we young and stupid?” He asks, smiling widely, with the hope of a man changed for the better.
Ellie giggles, looking down at their joined hands before glancing back up at him. “Of the utmost sort.” She leans up and gently places a soft kiss on his cheek. “By the way, you realize Panic! released an album a month ago, right? I’ll be able to survive off of that high for at least a year. I’ll hardly miss you while you tour.”
Niall looks at her only a little despairingly. “How am I in love you?”
“Are you sure we have to get up so early to do this?” Niall whines as he reclines in bed, watching as Ellie brushes her hair in the bathroom. She merely hums in response, murmurs a quick, “we need to do this before it gets too hot out,” and turns her music up slightly louder, and he pouts.
Ellie had set them up to go hiking at Diamond Head State Monument, early in the morning. He’s still feeling crispy and he’s exhausted – they spent a lot of time in the sunshine yesterday, and couple that with international travel and time changes, he’s not sure how his wife is so peppy.
Niall closes his eyes, trying to rest, but then the beat to a certain song starts and his lips quirk up despite himself. Ellie loves this song.
Sure enough, by the time the chorus has hit, she’s using the hair brush as a microphone and pointing at him, jumping up and down on the tile as she sings along: “So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you doooooooo…you’re worse than nicotine! Nicotinnneeee, yeah you’re worse than nicotine!”
He’s laughing as she swings her hips around, singing dramatically loud.
Ellie is…not a good singer. At best, she can stay on pitch. At worst, when she’s practically screaming the words and just having a good time, she’s hopelessly out of tune and an absolute trainwreck. But he loves it. He loves her enthusiasm, how little she cares about how bad she is, and he can’t help but hop out of bed and sing with her too.
They share the brush throughout the rest of the song, passing it back and forth and then sharing it through the last round of the chorus. By the end of it, Niall is laughing so hard he can barely breathe, and Ellie is in stitches next to him.
“See,” she gasps, placing a hand on his shoulder, “you love Brendon.”
Niall rolls his eyes playfully and chooses not to comment. Instead, he pats her bum and reaches for the Aloe Vera, to apply another coat to the burned skin on his back.
Once they’re both dressed, they eat a quick breakfast delivered by room service, and head out to the car waiting for them. Ellie is clad in navy shorts, a white tank top, tennis shoes, and her favorite pair of Ray Bans is perched on the top of her head. Once they’re both seated, she pulls sunblock out of her string backpack and hands it to him, throwing a weighted look at his already-red shoulders, and then lifts a brow. Begrudgingly, Niall begins to rub the sunblock onto his skin.
As soon as they’re both properly sun-blocked, she puts the tube back in her backpack. “I’ve got a few water bottles in here as well,” she tells him as she pulls it closed, setting it on her knees. “The hike should be about an hour and a half to two hours round trip. But it’s beautiful at the top, from what I’ve heard. It’s so good that the United States Military actually used it as a post to watch for attack. It should be worth it.”
Niall smiles at the fun fact, leaning in to press a kiss to her head. “It will be.” She’s such a nerd.
He enjoys the exercise, the chance to get outside and notice things. The fresh air, the invigorating walk, the sights…he’s actually quite excited, despite the early hour.
Once they get to the State Park, they pay the fee necessary to get in. They take their bags and make their way to the trail head, Ellie pausing to double and triple check that she has everything. “It looks like it gets a little strenuous,” Niall points out, reading the sign placed by the starting point. “Obviously the way up is mostly an ascent, and there are 99 steep steps to get to the top.”
Ellie pokes his side. “Well, I feel like we’re both in pretty good shape, so we should be fine.”
He chuckles and nods in agreement, and she looks briefly dazed, like she’s experienced some sort of shock. “What kind of look is that?”
She smiles and shakes her head. “I just love your laugh, that’s all,” she murmurs softly, and before he can say anything about it, she takes off down the trail. Niall has no choice but to jog after her.
It’s gorgeous, every inch of it. Diamond Head is shaped like a ring, sort of like an atoll but on land, or at least that’s how Ellie explains in. First, they have to make their way towards that ring from inside of it, and then eventually up it. The trail cuts through what he likes to call a golden field of long grass. Over the sound of the wind rustling through it, Niall can hear the sound of the Pacific crashing against the shore.
Everything is great, to start with. He walks next to Ellie, fingers occasionally brushing, and they help each other over some of the rocks in the pathway. Slowly, as the trail gets more difficult, he notices a couple small things. Ellie’s breathing is growing more and more labored as time goes on. She starts to walk a little more slowly, too.
By the time they’ve made it to the foot of the staircase up to the top, she’s dragging. “Babe, are you okay?” Niall asks, genuinely concerned. Ellie isn’t normally so tired out by physical activities like this – at the very least, she can tough anything out, especially a hike. “Do you want to turn back? We can go back now.”
Her eyelids flutter, and she swallows. She looks pale. “I’m…good. No, I want to make it to the top. The sight is supposed to be unbeatable.” Before Niall can argue with her and suggest they just go back to the hotel, Ellie takes a deep breath and starts up the stairs. He follows just behind her.
She barely makes it. At the top, she has to lean against him. Her breathing is ragged, and if he listens hard, he thinks he can detect some wheezing. “Jesus, love, don’t kill yourself,” he grumbles as he wraps his arm around her waist. “The view isn’t that worth it.” Niall’s joking, because his unease has spiked over the past fifteen minutes – fifteen minutes, all to walk up 99 stairs. Which he’s not judging exactly, but he feels like it shouldn’t have taken so long – but Ellie breathes out a laugh.
The view is incredible, though.
The Pacific Ocean lays before them, turquoise and sparkling. Behind, and to their right and left, is Honolulu. They’re high up enough that they can see the city fairly well, though Niall’s interest is mostly on the ocean.
Ellie is staring at the water like it’s her salvation. Her eyes are huge, and she’s gripping the black railing in front of her like a lifeline. He wonders, briefly, if she’s about to leap over the edge and go rolling down to meet the water’s edge.
She leans further into him and he takes her weight, intensely disliking how hard her breathing is still. “Something is wrong with you,” Niall says quietly, and waits for her to either confirm or deny. Instead she remains quiet, letting the wind answer for her. It howls in his ears, and he doesn’t like that sound either – like a mournful soul, wailing for them to join it in the ocean depths below.
Ellie remains quiet as they stand there for long minutes, simply taking in the view. She doesn’t move away from him though, and he doesn’t bring it up again.
The walk back to the center of the ring is significantly easier. Ellie’s breathing settles, and she manages to move around fluidly. But Niall can see how tired she is, and so instead of hanging around, he loads them both up into the car as quickly as he can. She leans back into the seat and closes her eyes after draining a water bottle completely empty.
Niall glances over at her and then begins to Google things, a dangerous path.
When they get back to the hotel, Ellie hops out of the car with more than her usual pep, and Niall scrambles to follow her. She doesn’t wait for him, nearly breaking into a flat-out run back to their room. For someone who could hardly breathe earlier, she sure can move quickly.
Ellie races into their bathroom and immediately falls to her knees in front of her toilet. And then she begins to hurl her guts up.
“Fuck,” Niall swears, and slides to his knees behind her, pulling her hair back from her face, keeping it trapped there in his fist. He rubs her back soothingly as she wretches, wincing sympathetically.
When it’s over, she rests her head against the toilet bowl and sniffles. Niall reaches around her and flushes the toilet, and she sighs in what he takes as relief. “You alright, love?”
She nods slowly. “Must have overexerted myself. I guess I was too tired from traveling.” Slowly, Ellie extracts her limbs one at a time, testing each one out for stability, before slowly standing up. She stumbles towards the sink and starts to carefully brush her teeth, while Niall remains on the floor, staring at her. Anxiety builds in his stomach, but it’s the good kind, because…
“Babe,” Niall draws out the syllables, trying not to spook her off. “Are you sure it’s not because of something else? This puking and exhaustion…are you sure you’re not pregnant?”
Ellie freezes. Even her toothbrush stills, sticking haphazardly out of her mouth.
Niall continues on. “I know that most women say they get really hungry, but some do lose their appetite, and it does make sense with how tired you’ve been. I really think – “
“I’m not pregnant,” Ellie snaps, then rinses her mouth out in the sink. She looks horrified for an entire second. “God, Niall, if I was pregnant right now, wouldn’t that mean I cheated on you? You’ve been back for four weeks, and it takes around two for conception.”
Niall almost brings up how she had visited him in the States four weeks before that, but this odd tightening feeling in his chest stops him. It’s a feeling he almost doesn’t recognize, but there it is – hurt.
It hits him like a blow to the chest, and he stands up quickly, backing a step away from her. It’s been a long time since she’s used that tone with him, or he with her, and it stings. Not to mention her expression. Especially because he still hasn’t managed to bring up the topic of starting a family with her; and this is how she responds to the mere suggestion of a baby. Their baby.
She sees the hurt on his face and has the grace to look ashamed. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just…I’m tired, and pregnancy is scary, and I…I’m sorry.” She sounds regretful, so Niall sighs and reaches for her. She falls into his arms, pressing her face into his shoulder and murmuring “I’m sorry” over and over again.
“It’s alright,” he replies after a moment, stroking her back, still shocked. “I didn’t mean to spring that on you.”
Ellie places a kiss on his shoulder. “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
Niall remains quiet for a minute. Then he dares it. “Do you…want to start a family with me?”
It’s something they brought up before marriage, because it’s a smart talk to have with any potential spouse. Niall needed to know if they were compatible in that sense – he wanted kids. He still does. And Ellie, at the time, had said she had also wanted kids. Did that change?
Ellie hums softly and pulls back to look him in the eyes. “Of course, I do.” She whispers, and for some reason, her eyes are watery. It’s been an emotional few minutes. “Baby, of course. I want everything with you. The sun, the stars, the universe. I want it all with you.” Her words make him smile, and he leans down to tenderly kiss the tip of her nose.
“I love you.”
Niall leans down to peck her lips, and feels her lips form the words back.
“I love you too.”
“Hey love, Louis commented on that video I uploaded!” Niall calls from the living room, chuckling to himself. He had uploaded a video of Ellie pretending to sing along to their single ‘Steal My Girl’, specifically Louis’ part, to Instagram. She had danced around while practically shouting the words. It was hilarious.
“Oh yeah?” She yells back from the kitchen, where she’s pouring herself some cereal. Ellie knows exactly where everything is, down to every obscure cooking instrument he owns, and has for years now, but seeing how at home she is in theirapartment is a good feeling. “What did he say?”
Niall grins. “He said that if he ever can’t make a show, you’re taking his spot.” Ellie laughs with him, and pads into the living room, wearing shamrock-studded pajama pants and a grey tank top.
“I expect to be paid for it,” she answers as she plops down on the couch, hissing when she nearly spills her cereal.
Niall leans over and kisses her cheek. “Overtime.”
Ellie smiles and checks through her own notifications, snickering when she catches sight of all of the notifications that she got from her own retaliation video – a snippet of the video where he ran out of the recording studio in his underwear, and proudly declared, “I recorded like this!” to the lads. They had then broken into singing ‘Steal My Girl’.  She had captioned it, ‘don’t fight a war you can’t win, Horan.’
It was a well-placed shot, but at least it had already made its rounds on the Internet.
They sit in a comfortable silence, Niall watching a game on TV while Ellie works on her cereal and scrolls through her phone. It’s a good silence, but one that gives him time to think, which isn’t always a good thing.
“Do you want kids?” he asks into the silence, looking out of the corner of his eye to gauge her reaction.
Ellie doesn’t so much as bat an eye. “Of course I do.” She sets her phone down on the coffee table and turns to face him. “I want a few. What about you?” Her attention is completely on him, so he turns to face her as well, pausing the game.
“I want a couple of ‘em too.” He says after thinking for a moment. “I dunno how many, though. When our family feels full, I guess.” This isn’t the first time he’s thought about it, and they’ve lightly discussed this before, but not a full-on conversation like this.
She smiles. “That’s a nice way of thinking about it. When our family feels full.” She stretches slowly, tilting her head to the side. “I’m an only child, and you know, there are some perks to that, but I was also lonely a lot of the time too. I only had my parents for a while, because they worked so much. I don’t want our kids to ever feel lonely.”
Niall reaches for her, and she clambers over into his lap. “Our kids will be spoiled rotten,” he tells her, and she giggles.
“Uh-uh. They will be raised with dignity and strong morals.” She pauses, eyes dancing. “But they’ll know how to have fun.”
Niall shrugs, leaning in to peck her cheek. “Anything, baby.” He collapses back onto the couch, pulling her with him, and she shrieks at the sudden movement. Their lips are mere centimeters apart, and he notes that, stores the information away for usage later. “We’ll have a wonderful family.”
“I promise.”
taglist: @niallspeachybooty @confusedkiwifan @juicyfruitlove @lizziespidiepridie @klairelavarias @irish-nlessing @reality-whoneedsit @niall-is-my-dream @fireawaynjh @exoticniall @youvegotyourvictory @loulouloueh @stylishmuser @niallersdirtylaundry
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mara-twins · 6 years
It’s a Date?
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Collage by @softstancyj
Word count: 1905
Mentions: Confession
[8:52pm] "What am I even doing?" You say aloud as you roll onto your back, with your phone in hand. You have been staring at your phone for who knows how long; waiting for a phone call, a message, honestly anything from your crush Mark Tuan.
You guys have been attending a couple of the same classes for the last few semesters and last week you got paired up for this class assignment. You guys would text/talk back and forth since then, whether it was about the assignment or not. Today you guys presented the assignment to the class and it went phenomenally well. Class ended and Mark says he'll talk with you later tonight because he had to go; although, he really wanted to talk to you about something. Every time you’re around Mark you try to play it cool, but inside you were shaking with excitement. Or was it nervousness? At this point, it could honestly be both.
Just then a ring! Although, it wasn't from your phone, it was the doorbell. You hop off your spot on the couch and run to the front door. You stop mid-hallway, in front of a mirror, to check and see if you were presentable. You notice your hair was a wreck so you put it into a messy bun since that is how you normally wear it. When you reach the door you double check who it is and to your surprise it's Mark!
He's been to your place before, and vice versa, because of this last assignment. You knew Mark wanted to talk to you, but you thought it would be through text or a phone call. You suddenly feel the start of your inner organs shaking and the adrenaline that got you off the couch seems to double as it travels through your veins. You take a deep breath, trying to compose yourself to be that cool, calm, and collected person you are with anyone else. However, in your head you were mentally rolling your eyes at yourself as you thought, ‘it had to be Mark on the other side.’
Without a second thought, you open the door to see a smiling Mark Tuan holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers?
“Hi,” he starts, nervous.
“Hi, who are those beauties for?”
“Oh, they’re for you.”
“Awe they’re lovely, wanna come in?” You ask after Mark hands the bouquet to you.
“Please?” Mark asks as you open your door wider. With the front door now closed, Mark follows you into the kitchen where you put the flowers in some water.
“What do I owe the pleasure, handsome?” You normally call him that and well anyone who identifies as a “he”. Yet, at that moment when “handsome” slips past your lips, you catch a glimmer of hope as it brightens up Mark's eyes.
"I wanted to hang out."
"Well this is better than you showing up with your book bag. At least now we don’t have to stress about that assignment." You laugh. "Oh have you eaten yet? I had a late lunch, but I haven't had dinner yet."
"Honestly food sound good right bout now. I only had lunch, but I ate that around 2 pm."
"So after class?" You question as you look through your refrigerator. You remember you put some chicken in there, this morning, to cook for dinner. You're into meal prepping, but you decide to do that another night. "Hey I'm feeling like baked chicken, you okay with that?"
"Oh your gonna cook?"
"Yeah, I put the chicken in this morning."
"Um, I'm cool with anything really. A home-cooked meal sounds great, but I thought you didn't cook?" Mark asks.
"I can, but I love sleep more than cooking so I usually order." You laugh, looking at Mark. That same shiny glaze bounces light off his eyes. To you, it can best be described as hope or wonder, maybe? You weren't really sure since Mark is the only person to look at you like that. However, that look makes your insides shake even more.
"Mark, you okay?" No response from him. You ask again, and still nothing. You look yourself over because Mark's gaze on you causes so many questions to run through your mind.
'Do I have something on me?'
'Why do his eyes glitter as he looks at me like that?'
'What is he thinking about?'
'Is Mark okay?'
You try again with asking Mark if he was okay.
"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you," he replies.
"Are you okay handsome?"
"Why do you call me handsome and then call other guys handsome? Do you really see all other men like that?"
"What? Uh...I mean you are handsome, so of course I would call you that. As far as other men, I guess not all of them are handsome to me. I just want to make someone smile, you know?"
"Mark," you start. You insides are shaking so hard that Mark can see you shaking, too. He takes off his jacket and swings it over your shoulders like in those dramas you watch.
"Yes?" Mark smiles sheepishly.
'He's too close,' you think to yourself and you now being engulfed by everything Mark Tuan wasn't helping calm you down. You look into his eyes to distract you from focusing on the sound of your heart pumping in your ears. WRONG MOVE! Your breath leaves you and you have a hard time taking in more than shallow breaths. His brown eyes seem to transform into warm walls and his jacket the roof, creating a space that left you feeling safe; at home.
'My Home,' you think, but you push the thought away because you know what comes next. You have fallen in love with Mark, but as far as you can tell he doesn’t return the feelings. You always are like that, but you tell yourself that this time will be different. You will keep your emotions in check. The next moment you pull your gaze away from his only for it to move to his lips. An earthquake erupting from your flipping insides, plus the look of Mark's plump pink lips is melting away your train of thought; leaving nothing behind. Even though you still hear the beating in your ears, you looking at Mark's lips lets you know he's talking.
"Huh?" You say, but your voice comes out higher than usual.
"What were you gonna say?"
"Oh, uh," you start again looking around in desperate need to try catch that train of thought you melted out of. Your eyes scan the kitchen and as they land on the refrigerator you remember what you were going to say.
"Th-the food's not gonna cook itself. Oh and thanks for the jacket, but let's put it to the side so we don’t make it dirty." You finish as you take it off your shoulders and finally get out of the danger zone that is Mark's arms. When you hiding your face in the refrigerator you let out a breath and compose yourself again.
Cooking wasn't so bad. It was even kind of fun with Mark asking questions about what you were doing. You explained everything to the best of your ability and if you didn't know the answer you told him to search it up so you both knew the answer. The rest of the night was filled with laughter as you prepare dinner, with Mark getting you things here and there. He even cut some of the veggies that he wanted sautéed on the side.
"Wow, when did it start raining?" You ask as you set some food on your guys’ plates.
"Damn it's really late too! The last shuttles stopped running already." Mark rubs the back of his neck as he looks at his watch.
"If you want, you can sleep over tonight in the spare room. I promise I won't take pictures of you and sell it to your campus fan club."
"Why not? Its good money," Mark says with as much of a straight face as he can muster, but he couldn't even get the last word out without starting to laugh.
"Wow, you’re just full of yourself!"
"I rather be full of this delicious looking home cooked meal."
"Let's eat than! Oh, do you want to watch movie or something? I tend to watch TV when I eat."
"Yeah sure, I'm cool with whatever."
"Even if I put on a chick flick?" You look at Mark playfully skeptical.
"I mean chick flicks aren't bad..." Mark starts, but you giggling stops him.
"I'm only kidding, handsome, I'm kind of feeling like watching The Flash or Arrow. Maybe even Merlin."
"I never realized my girlfriend's a geek."
"Who girlfriend?"
"You just said, 'I never realized my girlfriend's a geek.' Who’s your girlfriend?"
"I didn't say that." Mark says before shoving his mouth full with food. In your mind, you go over what just happened and you know you heard him say it. You don't say anything though because there's no way he would ever consider you like that. So you just turn on the TV and put on Merlin. However, you couldn't focus on the show or your food as you question everything that just happened after Mark got to your place. He brings you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, he zones out, dreamily, as you were talking to him, and then he puts his jacket around your shoulders?
"Why would he do that?"
"Why would who do what?" Mark asks you.
"Did I say that out loud?"
"Yeah, but who were you referring to?"
"You, I mean, I get we're friends now because of the assignment. But isn't all the stuff you did when you first go here a little over the top? I mean are you practicing all this stuff to ask some girl out?"
"Heh, you caught me." 😅
"Wow, this must be one special girl." You put on your usual smile that can hide any bit of sorrow you feel. Just then Mark puts down his plate.
"Yeah you are."
"What? Me?!?" 😲🙊
"Is that so hard to believe?"
"Well yeah! I mean this is me we're talking about. I told you about all the times I've gotten stood up or friend zoned."
"And we both agreed they are all idiots." Mark laughs. "Um, Y/N, you told me before that you haven't dated anyone. I know I'm not much, but would you like to be my bowling partner tomorrow?"
"Me?!? And li-like, like a date?"
"Yes, you. Uh, this is kind of embarrassing, but I've kind of liked you since that first semester we met. And uh, if you don't want to go bowling we can do whatever you want."
You couldn't believe what just happened. It wasn't the fact that your crush Mark Tuan asked you on a date. You couldn't believe you just kissed him to stop his rambling.
"Sorry, heat of the moment, but bowling sounds great. I heard you’re pretty good."
"Yeah I am, I mean I guess." Mark says as he rubbed the back of his neck. Redness spreading up his neck and over his cheeks. Your pursed lips distract Mark from the laugh you’re trying to hide. 
“Good because I haven’t bowled a day in my life and need a good teacher.”
“So it’s a date?” A hopeful Mark says.
“It’s a date.” You smile. 
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