#light body meditation
carlamathew00 · 8 months
DNA Healing Meditation | Change DNA through Meditation
Embark on a profound journey towards wholeness through the art of DNA activation frequency. Delve into the transformative practices that awaken dormant potentials, elevate consciousness, and promote overall well-being.
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Ancient Astronaut Society | Ancient Healing | UK
Knowledge of the past, including information on the pyramids, ancient locations around the globe, and proof of ancient astronauts. Discover the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the world and reality from the shamans of indigenous cultures to the mystery schools of ancient civilisations.
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gaiuskamilah · 9 months
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yeah so anyone else want to bet that it's not because she's been working at the temple and more like connected to a certain shadow lord literally taking over her body at one point in her life and that having lingering effects on her magic and body
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santmat · 8 days
"When we go to the Satsangs, we come to know the real purpose of this life and why God has bestowed this life upon us. And when we know that reality and that secret of why this life has really been given to us, we try to start walking on the Path. When we walk on the Path, the Master initiates us and gets the soul connected to the Holy Sound Current." (Baba Ram Singh)
Three Ways We Can Honor the Soul, the focus of today's Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ YouTube: https://youtu.be/v3OcUGj1zfs
@ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2WqbnWDzj7lxwW4lx8y6Yf
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References, Subjects, and Sources Mentioned or Commented Upon During Today's Program Include: a spiritual classic by the Spanish mystic Miguel de Molinos called, The Spiritual Guide, on the bliss, tranquility, and happiness found as a result of following the Inward Path; mystic poetry from the Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans; a couple of my essays about spiritual seeking and finding something beyond the shallow spirituality of the typical bookstore shelves and social media realms: Not All Saints Are Dead, and, Living Students Have Living Teachers; a saying of Sant Kirpal Singh on transcending mind and matter by leaning the spiritual practice; Swami Bhagirath Baba on the Third Eye Center; The Bijak of Guru Kabir; discourses on the three ways we can honor the soul: 1) Satsang ("Where Two Or Three Are Gathered in My Name I Am In Their Midst"), being taught about the path, making the teachings of the masters one's primary focus, and then following the path, which can for some become like an NDE, near-death experience of ascending through the various heavenly realms; 2) Ahimsa Ethics: Good Thoughts, Words, and Deeds, The Supreme Soul Assuming Control: seeing God in others, the ethical wisdom of Sant Mahavira of Jainism, the meaning of "Namaste", "Bandagi Saheb" and "Radhaswami", and 3) Become Your Real Spiritual Self In Meditation, with Sant Mat Satsang Discourses from Baba Ram Singh on the transformational power of satsang, on karma and cleansing the mind, on the importance of daily Bhajan-Simran (Meditation Practice: Surat Shabd Yoga, the Sound Current), the wisdom of Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram; and bhakti prayers from Swami Ji Maharaj (Seth Shiv Dayal Singh) from his Sar Bachan Poetry.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Santmat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls Spiritual Awakening Radio Website: https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com
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whumpshaped · 7 months
maybe this is a tip you already know but if not i think this might be worth a try! i used to struggle with falling asleep a lot (nowadays less thankfully) and one method that has helped me very often is kind of meditative i guess? idk if it has a name but i’ll just describe it
i basically start with my toes and work my way up to my head in small steps, (mentally) telling each body part that it’s getting heavy and tired. i try to keep a slow pace and to emphasise the sleepy adjectives and it helps me calm down and to keep my thoughts in order and not think about 1000 things at once. some days it works better than others but even if i’m still awake by the time i reach my head (which i usually don’t) i just repeat the whole thing again.
plus just laying down with your eyes closed helps your body rest too, even if you are not sleeping. that thought helps me not get too frustrated if i have a bad day/ night and can’t seem to fall asleep.
yeah i know this one well :) damn i forget what its called too. smth body. body centred meditation? or just body meditation? body awareness? idk i did it a lot for a bunch of stuff. idk. yknow what tho? i think it mightve been the amount of tea i drank. thats likely it.
but on the flip side my to do list is coming along nicely! i cleaned the whole apartment and did laundry and ironed clothes and changed bedsheets and towels! i passed the exam so thats cool. worked out. im gonna like, take a shower and do that drawing thing thats been in my head, then im gonna pack for the trip, make lunchies... then when thats all done i'll come back to the sleeping thing maybe but honestly its like noon maybe i should just go along w it for today and go to sleep at a normal time
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brightgnosis · 5 months
'Your Body is a Tree of Light: A Meditation for Tu B’Shvat' by Ariel Neshama Lee via RitualWell
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lazeih · 2 years
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clothlog · 2 years
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pyramidmedia369 · 1 year
The Importance of Shadow Work
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Official Pyramid Media 369 website: www.pyramidmedia369.com
Shadow work is about intentionally bringing awareness to your traumas and the programs that have held you back from your truest self. It is a good way to start releasing the effects that trauma has on us. There are many parts of us that latch on to things, people, habits, and concepts as a survival response from the spirit of lack. I'm still working towards evolving from certain vices myself, but I have gotten incredible results from walking this journey so far. Such as improved emotional intelligence, less trauma-responses, and overall feeling lighter. Shadow work will help you acknowledge your emotional & behavioral patterns in a way that gives you insight on where certain problems stem from. It's in our nature to identify a problem before a solution, because problems feel like they come before the solutions do. But with shadow work, you will find out that you are your problem. Because anything outside of your control isn't your problem to deal with. With proper shadow work, you will notice the things you do have control over won't be so impacted by the things you don't have control over. Make sense?
   This way you can fully accept yourself. But ultimately, it will help you learn how to judge yourself in a healthy manner. As in healthy, I don't mean always coming up with positive opinions about yourself; it means that you can still feel positively about your path and acknowledge your own deficiencies at the same time without remaining in that space. If your darkness is not acknowledged, it turns into you having imbalanced projections which will continue to bring imbalance in your life. This is what you call the Feedback Loop. I can vouch for this because I have experienced it. So not only will you be able to heal your traumas with shadow work, but you can also reprogram your trauma-responses to create an opportunity for simple observation. Continuous observation makes the trauma less intrapersonal; which gives more of an opportunity to see the role you play in your Feedback Loop.
   If are interested in a Shadow Work session with Phoenix Son, you can book your 30-60 minute Healing Consultation using the link below.
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sergioguymanproust · 1 year
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To travel through space advanced souls use its own vessel called a Merkaba.This Hebrew word means the body ,the spirit and the light.Every soul has one but the awareness is made clear to those that seek enlightenment and freedom to move from one realm to another using this so called “chariot”.The more we seek to understand its properties ,the deeper we enter the esoteric meanings of these sacred and secret symbols in the study of the Kabbalah.I have substituted the center triangle for an auric egg which encloses the meaning of birth in a spiritual sense.Seek for yourself.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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carlamathew00 · 8 months
Ascension spiritual meaning | light body technique
Discover the power of Light Codes and how they can enhance your spiritual journey by channeling light language. Our website offers a wide range of transformative Light Code products and resources.
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Witchy talk:
Being a left-hand path witch doesn't mean I'm incapable or unwilling to help others, including strangers. I will bless those who helped me with eternal gratitude so all their future endeavors will be smoother.
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shamballalin · 3 months
The Reason Jesus Was Crucified ~ 3 Steps to Spiritual Health
Vintage engraving of Jesus Christ’s exhortation to the twelve Apostles, by James Tissot Why has The Secret Book of John been deemed apocryphal by the Roman Emperor who had to approve the Councils of the Church Father’s decrees on what you are to believe? All apocryphal literature has many words of Jesus that fly in the face of past and current religious indoctrination. Why would that be…
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santmat · 1 year
Letters from the Masters: Spiritual Guidance
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Baba Jaimal Singh - Always Listen to the inner Sound During Meditation Every Day: "If you listen for ten minutes, or five minutes, or four minutes, or two minutes, or even one minute, with love and devotion, millions of sins and obstacles will be removed." (Baba Jaimal Singh)
"The human body is like a radio receiver for listening to the Sound Current [the inner Sound during meditation]. When we tune in the radio, we begin to hear the sound. Similarly, when the Master (Sant Satguru) guides us within, we are able to hear the Divine Music. By adjusting the ‘dial’, we hear various kinds of Sound.” (Huzur Baba Sawan Singh)
"The escape is through the Sound Current." (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh)
Letters from Masters to their disciples, though originally written to specific individuals in the past, often have a universal quality about them, dealing with real-life struggles along the spiritual journey and so sometimes feel quite personal, as if they are addressed to us as well. Today's program features readings from the letters of Kirpal Singh, Sawan Singh, Baba Jaimal Singh, Soamiji Maharaj, Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram, and Maharaj Saheb (Brahm Shankar Misra).
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Letters from the Masters: Spiritual Guidance Quotes - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website: 
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"You need not be afraid of discussing esoteric teachings of the Masters with others. Spiritually illumined do owe much to their less gifted brethren when you can instill faith and right understanding in them out of your own personal knowledge derived from the sacred books published from here and on personal experience gained by meditations." (Kirpal Singh)
"Stand on your belief on solid ground. Let not others' wayward opinions deflect you from the true path you are on. Let not promises of glory by anyone waylay you. Do not come to hurried conclusions, but use discrimination in all your undertakings. Stick to what is Real." (Kirpal Singh)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
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juliaridulaina · 8 months
La veritat humil//The humble truth//La verdad humilde
Per què mentre vivim ens hem de fer conscients de la nostra veritable identitat?Per què serveix ser conscient de que sóc l’ànima?Per què no haig de pensar que sóc aquest cos en el que he nascut?Per què és útil mirar les mans i pensar: ara agafo aquest bolígraf? PUNT: Prengueu el suport del vostre cos, però no oblideu que és l’ànima la que està prenent el suport del cos; no sou el que ho fa, sinó…
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Light Body 5th Dimension Activation Transcend all Limitations
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