bakudekublogblog · 6 months
someone needs to show that jump giga bkdk art to someone who has zero context of mha or bkdk and ask them what they think it's from and who those boys are to each other
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku fic recs ft. Size Difference
Archive of our own
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None of the stories linked on titles are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
Art works not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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look and see by SpicyJam
Summary: Deku whines, "This is so unfair. Can you even feel my weight?"
"A little!" Eijiro says, good-naturedly. He half-squats once or twice, just to test, and then proceeds to shoulder-press the nerd. "I could probably do like a hundred reps with your body."
Deku just whines louder.
Katsuki has had enough.
Or: Katsuki's the only one who can manhandle Deku, dammit.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
All the small things by kmochi (lowsywriter)
Summary: "Katsuki can't stop using Izuku's short stature to his advantage; he'd move him around like a doll, lift him like a sack of potatoes and pick him up so they can see eye to eye."
— — —
Where Deku is small and Katsuki really doesn't know how to deal with him.
Complete | 5 Chapters
Rated - Mature
your fingerprints a brand by comradekiwi
Summary: Kacchan’s hand could cover his, would widen the space between his fingers with his own if they were interlaced, could probably hold both of his hands in one. God.
Izuku watches him now, as Kacchan twirls a pencil in his right hand in front of him. Izuku is two seconds away from scolding him for lack of public decency. Especially when Kacchan reaches for his water bottle and unscrews the cap, the bottle and lid tiny in his hands, tendons flexing casually in a way that is, quite frankly, obscene.
or, the izuku-definitely-has-a-thing-for-kacchan’s-hands-and-their-size-difference
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - Teen & Up
Day 1: Size Difference by BeckyFullOfFrills
Summary: As they grew older Izuku practically shot up in size in comparison to Katsuki! At first he hated it but he soon learned that even this has its benefits...
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Big Hands (Bigger Dick) by tiredwrites
Summary: Izuku loves Kacchan's hands. They're warm—they're calloused perfectly - not too rough, not too soft - and they're /big/.
They're perfect.
Izuku loves how they envelop his tiny hands, holding his hands delicately between rough, calloused palms.
He loves Kacchan's hands with a passion. He loves how they enclose his own, how they skirt across his freckled skin, how they looked with black and gold rings settled on the thick digits, how they look covered in blood, in slick, in everything.
{One Shot}
Fem Bodied Deku | Yakuza au
Rated - Explicit
Jaded by ohren
Summary: Katsuki’s small community is the only one that is left of their kin.
“Small little things” The titans say. “That need our protection.”
{One Shot}
Titan’s Bride au | Arranged Marriage
Rated - Explicit
Giant by ThatAmbedoLove
Summary: This is purely based off of a piece of fanart by @noxatn on Instagram. And if you know who I'm taking about you know EXACTLY what art I'm referencing.
All Hail Giant Deku.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Mature
frenzy by varooooom
Summary: All the eyes of the world look up to Izuku as a role model, a hero and a symbol of everything good that exists. The lecherous fucks at this gala were ogling him just as much as Katsuki, even if the oblivious bastard was too busy being jealous of those looking at Katsuki to notice.
He's stupid and perfect and Katsuki is helplessly smitten.
But he doesn't want to spoil him by encouraging bad behavior, so Katsuki clicks his tongue and pulls Izuku in for one more heated kiss, then keeps him close so he can stare at his lips as he murmurs, "If you can keep it in your pants long enough to get these monkey suits off of us first, then I'll give you a reward. How's that sound?"
Izuku's cheeks flush red and he nods his head eagerly, "Yes, please."
Katsuki grins, cupping Izuku's chin as he genially says, "Good boy."
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Bigger Is Best by MuscleChubBoi
Summary: When they'd started out at UA, Deku had been a scrawny little shit. Now as adults, the asshole is a total brick house. And he's gotten stronger than Katsuki too. Way stronger. It's absolutely un-fucking-acceptable.
In a jealous (and somewhat aroused) rage over Izuku's progress, Katsuki decides that he needs to catch up and surpass that shitty nerd by any means necessary. The solution? Bulk excessively. Work out for all he's worth. He gets stronger very quickly. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) all that excessive eating and not watching his calories close enough while he trains has caused him to gain a lot more than just extra muscle.
But maybe he likes it... Midoriya certainly does.
Complete | 5 Chapters | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
and it was Just Right by cinnabee
Summary: Katsuki spends two years post-graduation in a furious one-sided competition with his childhood friend and rival's promotional photos - until they finally run into each other, and, well. You shouldn't believe everything you see in magazines.
Complete | 4 Chapters | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Bite Me, Big Man, I Ain't Leaving by CatieBrie
Summary: Popular horror writer, Bakugo Katsuki, hated moving, but he had to do it a lot lately. So often, in fact, that he usually just left half his shit packed up for when his fans inevitably forced him somewhere new. His new home, Yujomachi, was a tiny town not found on most maps with a train system that eschewed all rhyme and reason, making it a place nearly impossible to find. It was a straight up pain in the ass which was exactly what Katsuki needed and if he was lucky, he'd never have to move again.
That was, however, if Deku let him stay.
One Shot | Vampire au
Rated - Explicit
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silverynight · 1 year
Bakugo realized as a kid that he needed to lock down his relationship with his Deku, he could already see the other extras trying to get his attention or to get him to praise them and their lame-ass quirks. So he decided to do the only thing he knew as a little kid and with his limited knowledge of the world. He proposed to Deku with a ring he got from a game and married him infront of their parents who thought it was either adorable (Inko) or funny as hell (Mitsuki).
But it didn't stop there; Bakugo insisted on walking HIS WIFE to and from school, always holding Deku's hand and made sure he was the only one who made his nerd blush. Their parents thought it was something they would probably grow out of when they reached middle school. Ha! Nope, Bakugo was worse if anything, he saved up as much of his allowance as he could to replace the cheap little plastic ring he originally gave to Izuku and replaced with it an actual ring (it was on the cheap side of course but he promised that when he was a hero he would buy Izuku a ring that was good enough for him).
Now their parents were just wondering how high school would go with how possessive Bakugo was and how smitten Izuku clearly was with his Kacchan, especially with how cute Izuku had gotten as he got older and more and more people started to notice.
By the time he gets into the UA, he is more than aware they're not actually married, but that doesn't stop him from constantly holding Izuku's hand in front of his classmates and remind everyone that Izuku is very much taken.
"I'm going to marry him, you extras! So back off!"
Even though he looks like a feral dog, growling at everyone, it makes Izuku smile fondly at him and lean closer to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Class A realizes immediately they're actually meant for each other.
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lovelywritersgarden · 2 years
A Bumpy Ride
PAIRING: Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader
WC: 2742
SYNOPSIS: First, your dinner plans get cancelled, then a villain attacks your train ride home. God, today kinda sucks.
WARNINGS: Villain attack, violence, swearing (bakugo is there so i feel like that’s a given, but i’ll put it anyways), Mentions of injury/slight gore, simp midoriya (what’s new).
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You stood on the 6 o’clock train with your left hand clutching the handle that hung from the ceiling. As it was the evening train, there were only about 8 people in your vicinity. The floor rattled under your feet with the turns, and each body shifted with its strong movements. You pulled your phone out, and read the messages with a smitten smile. (you’re such a sucker for him.)
Izuku <3
Sorry I can’t make it to dinner tonight, but I’ll be home as soon as possible! Wait up for me, I’ll grab takeout on the way home from patrol. :)
Thanks izu <3, I'm on the train home from work right now, and I’m gonna stop for cat food. Do you want me to grab anything for you from the market?
Stop distracting him, you shithead extra
heyyy katsuki :))
no u
Sorry N/N!! Kacchan got my phone again. I have to go, but stay up, I will make it worth your while ;) !! I love you!
haha I love you too, stay safe izu.
Stay safe yourself, N/N :)
Things between you and Izuku have been going strong for about two years now. It was honestly wonderful. He always made sure to make extra time for you, especially when plans got canceled because of emergencies like this one. Dating as a hero can be difficult, but he makes sure that you’re aware how much of a priority you are to him.
He had gotten called in as extra force on patrol due to recent rumors of a large villain attack. So, he had to begrudgingly cancel your dinner plans.
You and Izuku met waaayy back when you both attended UA. You were not really cut out for hero work, but your affinity for technology allowed you to make top of the line gadgets for them! The support course was where Midoriya spoke to you for the first time. He stuttered over himself to ask if you could repair a piece of his suit. It was all uphill from there. Now, you help build tools, gadgets and suits working as a mechanic for a hero agency in downtown Tokyo.
Both of you working at nearby hero agencies definitely has its perks. Oftentimes, you see each other on the job, you almost always have a ride to work, and can sympathize with each other's work problems. Izuku values you like the Earth values the sun. fan behavior tbh. He couldn’t imagine a world without you in it, and each day he strives to treat you right. Such a softie.
So here you stood, adjusting your grip on the train handle and on your way to the market. You had a single earbud in and you were blasting music, tapping your finger to the beat. You scrolled through social media trying to pass the time, when the train suddenly jostled and the lights flickered. Your head snapped up and your grip tightened onto the handle. People began to frantically murmur and the emergency lights flashed on.
Uh. what the hell?
The train heavily shook once more.
Shit! What is that? An Earthquake?!
Unfortunately, your question was answered. On the outside of the train was a large tentacle that wrapped itself around the train car you were inside of. People began screaming, shaking and crying as the car of your train was disconnected from the track. You pulled up Izuku’s contact as the train was jostled around.
Calling Izuku <3….. Call Declined.
You know keeps his phone off whenever he’s on patrol, but hell it’s worth a shot.
Calling Izuku <3….. Call Declined.
‘Shit. Come on Izuku. I need you right now.’
Calling Katsuki…..
‘Come on Come on Come on.’
“What the hell are-”
“Katsuki! There’s a villain on th- AH SHIT”
The villain turned the car on its side, and people began to grip their seats, handles or poles in order to stop themselves from sliding down to the bottom. You held dangling from the handle and propped your legs against the car’s ceiling in order to become steady. You heard one of the children on the train begin to cry.
“What? Hell, hang on Y/N. We will get you out of there. DEKU!”
“Katsuki, I need- AH!”
The handle couldn’t hold the weight of your suspended body and tore from the ceiling. You dropped your phone somewhere and fell to the bottom of the car. You spun around midair so it was your back that slammed against the metal door, taking the brute of the fall. However, that didn’t stop you from hitting your head against the small window at the top, shattering it, but not breaking through.
With vertigo clouding your senses, you tried to sit up, but the shaking of the train car made it near impossible. Your eyes shook and your head pounded. You felt a stickiness cover your fingers and clump your hair together.
Damn. I was having a good hair day too. What a bummer. Oh also the fact the train is IN THE FUCKING AIR RIGHT NOW.
The villain peered inside of the window. He observed each of his victims meticulously, and with a curl of his lip, he began to shake the train once more, causing you to smack against the ceiling and land on your forearms with a groan. Tomorrow is going to hurt.
This was the first good look you got at the villain. He was someone you’d never seen before, skinny, very tall, a mess of dirty red hair sat on his head and eyes that pierced red and induced fear in whoever fell under their gaze. He was scarred up and he had a sadistic smile on his face. Oh, he also had eight MASSIVE black tentacles sprouted from his sides.
The other members of the train lay strewn about on the seats. Two teenage boys were flopped over the seats, the metal arm resting uncomfortably under one’s torso. The younger girl who was with them was clutching her knees as tears streamed down her face. C’mon man. They’re just kids.Two middle aged women held onto each other on the floor of the train. An older gentleman who sat next to his wife reached his arm out to help you. He opened his mouth but before he could speak, the villain began his monologue. ugh.
“Each of you represents something more than what you are.”
Oh brother.
“Today you symbolize the faults of the beloved, pathetic heroes in our city.”
Your head throbbed and you sat up, pressing yourself against the wall. You closed your eyes as you involuntarily listened to this asshole rant.
“The heroes failed me time and again. And today, they will fail you.”
“Please sir, I-I have grandchildren at home.” The elderly man quivered.
“I don’t believe I care. You have the ability to be much more significant to me.”
His tentacles moved so he was right outside the door you were leaning on. You tried to ignore your probably concussed pounding head and swiftly slid away from the door as he ripped it off of the car.
“Hello, dear,” The villain said to the little girl as she quivered. She looked up at him. Her brother stepped in front of her. “You know, I always wanted children. However, I was unable to after your pathetic heroes failed to save me, leaving me mutilated and ugly.” He motioned to a scar on his face.
“Maybe you can’t get a girlfriend because you trap innocent people on trains. Leave my sister alone. She’s just a kid.” The aforementioned teenager only looked about 14. However, he shakily stood in front of her and put his arm out. “She didn’t do anything wrong!”
Awe. He’s kinda like young Izuku.
The villain glared daggers as his face morphed into a look of disgust. One of his tentacles moved to violently grab at the boy.
“Oy!” You yelled. “Pick on someone your own size you Ursula knock off.” His head snapped in your direction.
“Tch.” He reached towards you and grabbed your lanyard around your neck that held your keys. “Of course.” He motioned to the logo of your hero agency. “The mouthy ones always work for scum.”
One of his slimy black tentacles slid towards you and wrapped itself around your neck, lifting you off the ground. You choked out a gasp and your hands clawed at the appendage in a futile attempt to get free.
Black spotted around your vision.
“Awe. Not so mouthy now, are you sweetheart?”
You felt the pressure from the tentacle stopping air from flowing through and your arms slowly began to give up, falling as you lost consciousness.
Fuck, help.
“OY!” Katsuki said, jogging to catch up with the green themed hero. He looked at his phone and saw the call with Y/N.
L/N Y/N……. Call Disconnected.
“No time, Y/N’s in danger.”
Their earpieces went off simultaneously.
bzz. “Villain with an octopus quirk currently attacking the 6:00 PM Train in Tokyo.” bzz.
‘No.’ Midoriya thought. He immediately began running towards the scene, Bakugo following close behind.
Green lightning surrounded Deku as he pounced from building to building, begging time to slow down enough for him to catch up to you.
He continued on his way, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios about your state. Landing on the rooftop across from the train tracks, he was about to jump right in, when a thick glove grabbed his shoulder.
“Keep your head on straight, or you will be taken off this, Deku.” Bakugo said.
Izuku didn’t say anything.
“We will get her out of there, but you need to stay level headed or more people will get hurt, including her. Don’t be an idiot.”
He reluctantly nods in response. He knows Bakugo is right, he just can’t seem to push down the anxiety that this situation is causing. He took a breath, pushed back his hair, and assessed the situation in front of him.
The villain stood in the middle of the train car with a few of his long tentacles harshly grasping onto the outside of the train and pressed against a nearby building to hold it steady above the tracks. The man was inside, bending over to speak to a quivering little girl, and you! You were sitting on the ground with your head back against a wall.
“We have to get that train car stabilized. If we go in and take him down it will fall with the civilians still inside.” Bakugo said, crossing his arms.
The young boy stepped in front of the little girl and held out a protective arm in front of her and said something that the heroes couldn’t make out.
“I’m not sure how we’re supposed to do that, we are already so short handed.” Izuku said. “I think our best bet is to get the civilians out first. They’re the priority.”
Bakugo glares in Deku’s direction.
“If we screw up, the train falls and kills those people and potentially hurts more. Wait for backup.” He says.
Midoriya clenches his fists, but agrees. That is, until the villain wraps his tentacle around your throat.
“Y/N!” Izuku watches as the color slips from your cheeks and your arms go limp. Bakugo’s eyes go wide, and he doesn’t stop Deku from jumping in your direction. But Midoriya would never risk your life. So his eyes dart around the scene and he shifts his direction to the ground directly underneath the train car. He calculates his timing, and pulls back his fist. He directs his arm at the large slimy tentacle that was propping the car up from the ground, and with green lightning and a resolved “SMASH!”, he hit the tentacle.
Immediately after the stabilization of the train car had been tampered with, Deku shot up in the air to meet it. He flattened his palms against the bottom, and albeit shakily, he softened the collision of the car enough for everyone inside to only be shaken.
After he set the car back onto the tracks, Katsuki jumped to the car.
“Well that was dangerous.” Katsuki muttered.
In retaliation to the two heroes approach, the villain wrapped two of his tentacles around the teenage passengers.
“Let the kids go, asshole.” Katsuki said, eyeing the inside of the train car for any advantage he could take over this guy.
“Ah, Pro-Hero Dynamite! What a pleasure.” Katsuki quirked (haha get it) an eyebrow, and made eye contact with him.
“Cut the bullshit. What do you want?”
He narrowed his eyes.
“Ever the conversationalist, Dynamite. I want the world to stop their baseless devotion to pathetic heroes. like you.” He spat out his words with venom. He tightened his tentacle around the torsos of the boys.
Deku slid in behind Bakugo, and tried to keep a calm, strong glare at the villain, but his eyes kept shifting to your figure. You were still unconscious on the ground. That is not good for someone who is possibly concussed.
“Tch. What do you think this will do? Villains do worse than this every day, and lose. This is baseless.”
“I will be the outlier.”
“Put the kids down.” Midoriya said.
“Ah, the number one hero. The day has come in which I will ruin the high ground that allows- why do you keep looking at her?” this villain is such an attention whore. Midoriya’s breath caught in his throat. He swallowed.
‘Dammit. My attention was split. C’mon Deku! Rookie mistake.’
“She’s the most injured. She takes precedence.”
The villain looked at Deku with a glare that shot down all of Midoriya’s efforts. He’s not buying it. In order to direct his thinking, Deku stepped forward.
“Let the civilians go, your problem is with us, not them.” He put his hands out.
The villain let out a low, psychotic laugh, invoking fear.
“The virtuous hero makes a valiant effort to sacrifice himself for their precious civilians. Tch.”
“It’s our job. Protecting them because they haven’t done anything wrong.” Dynamite said.
“I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG EITHER! I had a good life. A stable job, a fiancé I made the mistake of idolizing the likes of you. But all that went away once you heroes failed to do your job.”
His grip tightened around the boys.
“Put them down now!” Katsuki reeled back, ready to throw a punch at the villain.
“No.” He pulled his tentacles tighter. “Look at this. We have an audience!” He smiled at the media outlets that were recording from a safe distance outside the train. “This will be perf-”
While he had his head turned, Katsuki jumped at the villain, taking him off guard. He hit him with a solid right hook, used his foot to launch himself off the ground, swung his leg around the villains head and kicked downward. The villain’s head hit the metal with a resounding ‘donk!’ and was reduced to unconsciousness.
That was so anticlimactic. What the hell.
You groaned as Midoriya lifted you onto his back in a piggy-back style encouraging the young girl to follow, as she luckily didn’t have any immediate injuries. Bakugo took the two boys and assisted the women off. Midoriya stood at the bottom and helped the remaining car members off the track first, and then ran you over to a paramedic.
The next morning, you finally got dismissed by the paramedics with strict instructions of bed rest. Izuku insisted on taking care of you, and the coddling this man can do.
Since your apartment was only a couple blocks away, you had permission to walk. Izuku was not a fan of you moving in any way that can result in injury. Therefore, he held all of your belongings, from your backpack to your wallet, he didn’t want an ounce of weight for you to carry.
“How are you feeling?” He said with a tinge of pity.
“Izu, I already told you! I am just a bit sore. You heard what the doctor said, bed rest is just a precaution. I will be okay my love.” You put a hand against his face.
When you arrived at your shared apartment, he hurried to the stairs in order to help you each step of the way. He opened the door for you and help you up past the final step. You smiled and laughed a bit him.
“Oh my god! Wait Izuku.” Alarms rang off in his head and he began frantically searching you for injuries.
“What? Did I hurt you when I helped you up? I’m so sorry Y/-”
“No! Izuku nothing like that.” You grabbed his hands. “But yesterday I never got to go to the market, we still need cat food. Don’t take the train.” You lightly hit him on the chest. “Have fun!”
A/N: Yeah, I rewatched Bullet Train again which inspired the train crash, and I feel like there’s not enough Midoriya stuff out there. I’m getting back into my bnha phase with this one but that’s okay- also guys keep your eyes peeled for a new Katsuki Bakugo x Reader series! Cant wait for this, thanks for reading! <3
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Bakugo X Non-Binary Reader X Deku
A/N: Bakugo and deku are together already
You decided to wear some form-fitting shorts today to school feeling a little bold. It wasn't against the school dress code. Everyone was allowed to wear shorts as long as they weren't having their butt cheeks hanging out. You tucked your white shirt into your pants and put on black sneakers slinging your book bag over your shoulder. You left the dorms and on your way to the U.A campus, you bumped into some of your friends. 
"Y/N WAIT UP!" You paused looking behind you to see Kirishima running towards you leaving his friend group behind. You saw a not scowling Bakugo holding hands with Deku as he rambled on about who knows what. Maybe it was something about heroes and quirks since that always perked his interest. It was cute.
"Hey Kiri-kun, how are you?" You prepared yourself physically for the hug you knew was bound to come. He had no sense of personal space and he just grew on you as he did for everyone just about.
"I'm doing great bro! How are you doing? You're looking so manly as always" He shed a tear and you have also learned that Kiri refers to everyone no matter their sexual orientation or gender as bro and manly so you have gotten used to that also. 
"Thanks, Kiri-kun, you're a handful as always." You rolled your eyes playfully and that's when he decided to squeeze the life juice out of you. You felt like you were going to pop like a cherry if he squeezed you any harder.
"Squeeze them a little harder, I don't think they can feel it." Precious oxygen invaded your lungs as you took a deep breath. You looked at Kiri to see him rubbing his neck sheepishly while looking between you and Bakugo. At least he had the decency to look sheepish the brute. He's a damn brick wall.
"I'm sorry Y/N." You shook your head at him not phased really.
"You're a brick wall it's to be expected." He blushed and went to say something when Bakugo cut him off per usual.
"You should hurry before dunce face and raccoon eyes leave you behind." You looked ahead of you and saw that they were in fact way ahead of everyone else for once and Kiri was not one to take being left behind kindly.
"HEY, GUYS WAIT FOR ME! BYE Y/N!" He waved wildly behind him while running to catch up with the rest of them. Honestly, that was the most Kirishima interaction you have had with the boy in the last week you think.
"Are you going to just stand there like a creep and watch them or move your ass?" You jumped looking at Bakugo and deku who you momentarily forgot were there.
"No need to be so crass. Honestly Deku how do you put up with him on a daily basis." Not that you don't mind putting up with him or Deku for that matter. You were smitten with both of them but Deku is the one who knows way more considering they were childhood friends. Well more like Bakugo being a dick for no reason and Deku just taking it cause he was quirkless. 
"Trust me once you realize he's more bark than bite it becomes easy." Deku grinned but yelped when Bakugo bit the shit out of his neck.
"What was that you said about biting and barking." One of these days Bakugo will learn how to flirt like a human and not a wolf in heat.
"Stop aggressively flirting in front of me, it makes me jealous." You wanted to slap yourself and make a run for it at the same time. Why did you make a slip-up like that? Now they're going to think you're fucking weird besides your looks.
"Why not join us then?" Excuse me Satan do not fuck with me today. You turned to look at both of them and they had stopped walking so you did the same. 
"Cupcake neither one of us is slow, we both have seen how you gravitate towards us and how you're always staring and pretend you're not whenever you get caught." Why was the smug blonde bastard right though? You do want both of them.
"Kacchan was tired of waiting for you to make the first move so he jumped on the bait when you said that." You take back everything you said about Deku in the past. He is not innocent, he is smart and conniving, and persuasive the little shit. 
"So what's it going to be? Take the chance or continue to hide in your shell." He always got to make everything a challenge, doesn't he? Well, good thing you're feeling bold today. You stalked up to him and grabbed his shirt pulling him to your level until the two of you were nose to nose.
"All you had to do was ask." That was the only warning you gave as you kissed him harshly and pulled away just as quickly. You looked at Deku who was just dumbfounded so you gave him the same treatment making sure to grab him by his neck. You pulled away and took a step back to take in their flushed faces a thrill running up your spine.
"That escalated quickly." You quirked an eyebrow at Deku before glancing over to Bakugo.
"Since when do heroes do anything slowly." With that said you left the two of them behind making sure to swish your hips to give them something to look at.
Have no idea what I did for this but hopefully you enjoy it
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Aggressive Affection by QuirklessWonder (SouthernSmartAss)
Eijirou didn’t really know if what he was doing right now could be considered heroic or manly, but there he was, hiding in his room, the only sounds breaking the still silence being his pitiful sniffling. He hadn’t cried, but he had wanted to, and the unshed tears still ached in his chest. He was just being so stupid about this; his problem today didn’t deserve his tears.
So what if some girl liked Bakugou?
It wasn’t like Bakugou would like her back . . . right?
u got smthn i want by fruti2flutie
If Kirishima has some background character girlfriend from Class 1-B, some tiny chick with horns and a tail, then that shit is none of Bakugou’s business, best friend or not.
Cut My Heart Open (My Love, It Bleeds) by deviance
It hit Bakugou sometime between late night tutoring sessions, making food for two people instead of one, and after catching himself staring one too many times.
He liked Kirishima. Like, really liked. As more than a friend.
The revelation came without any fanfare, a simple widening of his eyes and a soft 'oh' that earned him a curious look from Kirishima who was currently working on their math homework for the day.
Bakugou waved him off, the concern not bristling him like it did whenever other people checked on him. Kirishima had always been the exception. His touch was welcome, his concern was soothing, his smile was beautiful. Bakugou felt a bit of a blush cross his face, glad that Kirishima had listened and turned back to his homework.
Fuck, he had it bad. How had he missed this?
Worth a Thousand Words by awareoftheconcept
When a rare picture of Bakugou smiling leads Class 3A to believe he is in a relationship with Utsushimi Camie, a contest arises to see who can get the most pictures of the couple together.
“Umm,” Midoriya said nervously. “I-it’s Kacchan. There is always a spark.”
With another round of boos from Kaminari and Jirou, Ashido took a page out of Mineta’s playbook and started shaking Midoriya violently. “I mean like a romantic spark!”
Midoriya blanched. “You think Kacchan is interested in Utsushimi?”
He seemed doubtful, so Ashido shoved Kirishima’s phone in his face. “Do you see this smile? That is the smile of boy who is head-over-heels smitten, am I right?”
Midoriya actually took the time to look at the picture critically, though he shot an uneasy look towards Kirishima before he answered. “Umm, y-yeah,” he said as he started to back away, hiding behind Uraraka like a shield. “It definitely looks like Kacchan is in love.”
How could Kirishima have been so stupid?
Up the mountain and down again: A Kiribaku Jealousy Fic by efemerald
Bakugou didn’t think it was possible for anyone to feel more in love than he did in that moment.
“Well?” Kirishima asked. His voice was unusually quiet, and when Bakugou looked up, he saw that his eyes were large with fear and apprehension.
Suddenly, the love he’d felt half a second ago was only a fraction to the love he felt now.
The Perfect Present by Jacksonofabitch
When Kirishima suggested they meet up, Bakugou didn't think it would end up like this.
The Jealous Type by Quinnion
“Fuck no, I don't wanna hang out with you guys,” Bakugou crosses his arms and, just as Kirishima is about to leave, adds, “Why would you even want me there?”
Kirishima stops in his tracks, “Why wouldn’t I?” he laughs, quickly realizing he’s being serious, “O-oh, well you’re my best friend and I want to spend time with you. And I feel like we haven’t really lately so-”
“YEAH, NO SHIT!” Bakugou cuts him off, bolting up off the bed, “YOU’VE BEEN TOO FUCKING DISTRACTED BY YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND!”
Baffled, Kirishima sputters and stares at him with wide eyes, “What?” he exclaims, shocked, “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend?” he takes a step forward, closing the door behind him.
Or where Kirishima reconnects with a friend from middle school and Bakugou immediately gets jealous. He struggles with his feelings and Kirishima comes to the rescue.
Chemical Physical Kryptonite by alpha_hydra
"Okay. I'm just gonna say it. What did Midoriya mean when he was saying all of that stuff about my amp output?" Denki finally blurts out halfway through lunch.
Everyone stops what they're talking about and stares at him, Mina and Hanta with twin looks of confusion.
"Are you telling me," Bakugou growls in the tone of voice that means death is imminent. "You don't fucking know your amp output?"
The silence around their little table is deafening. Everyone turns to him and wonders collectively what the fuck has set him off this time; Eijirou's blood is running cold.
(AKA the one where Bakugou tutors Kaminari and Kirishima is not jealous, not even a little bit.)
marketable by eggstasy
Jealous Inner Kirishima has a better vocabulary than Actual Life Kirishima, who just has to open his mouth to make stupid words fall out in the wrong order. Bakugou throws a laundered sweat towel at his face and says, “Quit leaving your shit downstairs,” and Kirishima answers him with, “Thanks for my towel washing it,” which leads to him sinking down in his chair and trying not to die.
People notice.
i couldnt love you more if i tried by borlios
“Right.” Ashido agrees. “It’s different, for sure it’s different. But it’s not bad! It makes you look...softer. Which is funny, ‘cause of your quirk.”
“What happens if that dye washes out too?” Bakugou asks, still squinting in Eijirou’s direction. “Would you be blonde then?”
“Brownish-blonde, probably.” Eijirou knocks his head against Kaminari’s. “Can we go? I really don’t wanna talk about my hair anymore, haha.”
“That’s a first.” Kaminari teases, poking him in the side.
or, kirishima and kaminari are very affectionate bros, and bakugou doesnt know what to do with that information
cat-tsuki by cutiekirishima
Bakugou had a secret. A big one. And it was gradually getting harder to hide, and Bakugou knew that one day it would be let out. He'd tried every way he could, but there wasn't anything he could do. His big secret?
Bakugou Katsuki is currently hiding his pet cat in his dorm.
The adventures of Kiribaku and Tsuki, the best wing-cat there is to exist.
Waves Struck a Sea of Bitterness by cherryredriots
When Katsuki and Kirishima run into Kirishima's extremely affectionate childhood friend, Tomo, Katsuki is overcome with jealousy and can only idly stand by as two apparent old flames reignite.
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hazelroses1 · 11 months
Katsuki Panicking When Ochako Eats a Popsicle Suggestively Only to Panic Harder When Hitoshi Joins Her
CW: Ochabowl with Shinkacchako implied, NSFW themes
Beach day for the graduates of Class 1-A! The girls are enjoying popsicles on the beachfront, but Katsuki is straight-up not having a good time as he watches Ochako suck on hers from a short distance away. Does she know how lewd she looks, dragging her tongue over it like that and circling around the tip?! Katsuki is sweating and struggling not to look at her smiling face as she chats with the girls in between licks. He wishes her mouth was around his cock like that.
Katsuki growls, laying on his side in his beach chair, hoping he’s hiding his half-hard dick enough that the other extras can’t see. Swimming trunks left little to the imagination.
“You’re watching Ochako pretty hard there, Katsuki.”
“Shut up, Tape Face!” Katsuki growls as he crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m not staring at shit!”
“Wow,” Eijirou breathes, doing a poor job of not openly staring at Ochako. “My brain really isn’t in the right place right now.”
Katsuki squints at Eijirou, watching his cheeks flush and an enamored look cross his features. It’s no secret that half the men in their graduating class and some of the women have a thing for Ochako. She’s gorgeous, powerful, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. Not even Katsuki. She made that clear when they were teenagers during the sports festival, and he’s been smitten ever since, not that he’ll admit it.
“Mine never is,” Denki laughs, smacking Katsuki’s shoulder, whose immediate response is to threaten him with crackling palms. “Ochako is just too hot! How is she still single?”
“Because none of us had the courage to go after her,” Hanta says with a shrug. “I think I have it now, though. Might ask to buy her a drink later. We’re going to the bar in the hotel, right?”
Katsuki clenches his fists. "Fuck off."
Eijirou raises an eyebrow. “Pretty sure anyone who she allows can have her, dude. You want her. Shoot your shot.”
“You first!” Katsuki snaps back even though it makes no sense.
Denki places a hand on his forehead before dragging it through his blond locks.
“You sound like a lovestruck idiot, Kacchan.”
“You don’t know shit,” Katsuki grouses before turning his attention back to Ochako.
His heart stops when she deep throats the popsicle, gagging just a hair at the base. What the/fuck/?! There’s no way she didn’t do that on purpose! Katsuki’s suspicions are confirmed when Ochako turns cocoa-colored eyes to him and smiles before refocusing on whatever Mina is blabbering about. That’s it, Katsuki’s dick is rock hard and throbbing. He can’t leave this stupid fucking beach chair until it deflates.
“Holy shit, did you see that?!” Eijirou hisses, plopping down on his butt in the sand with wide eyes. “She, oh my God. She just―!”
“She just deep-throated a popsicle,” Hanta says with a grin. “That’s hot.”
Denki climbs into Katsuki’s chair with him, making him bristle.
“Did that turn you on, Kacchan?”
“You’re disgusting!” Katsuki yells while shoving Denki onto the sand.
Denki raises a thumb from his spot in the sand. “He didn’t deny it!”
Who wouldn’t be turned on by watching that drop-dead gorgeous woman suck on a popsicle like it was someone’s dick? Katsuki doesn’t want to look at her again, but he can’t help it. When his gaze lands on her, his eyebrows furrow as Hitoshi approaches the girls. He hugs Mina, pats Toru and Momo on their heads, then waves at Tsu and Jirou. He says something to Ochako, who nods and stands.
“Oh, shit! Is Hitoshi into Ochako?!" Denki asks, sitting up. “I mean, who isn’t, but I never thought he’d go for it! He’s pretty shy.”
Katsuki’s rage bubbles under the surface. Leave it to Eye Bags to get in his way. His Quirk crackles against the pitiful plastic of his chair, melting it and leaving an acrid burnt plastic smell in the air.
“Uh, oh, Blasty doesn’t like that,” Hanta snickers, leaning against a palm tree.
Katsuki doesn’t hear him. He’s too focused on whether he’s going to storm over there and make an ass of himself or stomp off to his room and jerk off to thinking about Ochako choking on his cock.
“Hitoshi is looking over here,” Eijirou says with confusion.
Katsuki watches, raising an eyebrow when Hitoshi grabs Ochako’s wrist as she’s about to lick her popsicle again, and he almost explodes on the spot when Hitoshi licks the opposite side.
“Is what I think happening happening?” Denki says in awe. “Because if so, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’m very much bi-panicking right now.”
Katsuki blinks. “What the fuck are you talking about, Dunce Face?”
“Hitoshi is pansexual and polyamorous,” Hanta explains. “He’s got a lot of love to give.”
Katsuki doesn’t know what to say to that. Especially when his cock throbs watching Hitoshi and Ochako share her popsicle, both of them staring at him. Oh fuck, they’re coming over. His heart rams against his chest as he tries to look nonchalant when they walk past. Katsuki is about to release the breath he’s been holding, but he can’t when Hitoshi leans down to his ear and places a hand on his shoulder.
“Your turn,” he whispers, lips brushing against Katsuki’s ear before he continues on his way.
The movement is so fast no one else would have caught it.
“What did he say?” Eijirou asks, watching as Hitoshi and Ochako head towards the beachfront hotel they’re staying at.
At first, Katsuki is speechless, but soon, a grin works over his features, and he stands to follow them.
“None of your business,” he says over his shoulder as he reaches the sidewalk leading inside. “You extras leave me alone!”
Denki watches him leave and looks at Eijirou and Hanta. “Is what I think happening happening?”
Hanta smirks after them, lying on Katsuki’s abandoned chair. “Hell yeah.”
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quitesins · 2 years
Spices from the South
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Bakugou x fem!reader.
Tags: SFW, drabble, kinda headcanons, ooc, implied South Asian reader with no physical attributed stated! Established relationship, this is clearly for a very specific niche[me :3] -oh god wait this is not describing reader as spicy or anything- I’m legitimately talking about food here.
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I like to think Katsuki would absolutely LOVE south Asian food. He’s always liked his spices so dishes from desh always have been a fave.
Normally he’s the one to cook at home, taking pride in his skills but if you decide to cook, he’s eyebrows up, eager to see what you make.
Even if your tastes are milder, he still drools over it. Something about the domesticity of it all, how he can imagine you over and over again, flittering away through his kitchen, like it’s your own- really, it will be soon.
This is a given, who doesn’t like samosas, but he will nom his way through as many as you hand him. However do not point out how the spikes of his hair look awfully familiar because he will nom YOU, a weird trait he developed that he insists is to tease but you know- the soft bites to your cheeks are just his unspoken affections.
Katsuki- he’ll deny it- has a slight sweet tooth. Mishti is a bit much for him at times, but he’ll never drop the chance to have Shemai. He’s actually such a sucker for the stuff. Even when he does the dad thing of “I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t.” You will never not catch him with a bowl of it by the end of the night.
He’s never been one to drink much tea, but tell me once you put him on, he’s been put on. Can no longer drink tea without spices swimming around in his pot. He’s picked up the habit of offering Masala Saa, the way you make it, when his parents come over. His mother laughs and ruffles his hair, his father sips with a knowing smile- you’re everywhere, even when you’re not.
Katsuki has always been a fast learner, so watching you, he’s already picked up a bunch of recipes. Much to your chagrin, he will out cook you- without even trying!! Gifted bastard…
To be specific he absolutely loves a Kacchi Biryani, it’s just such a … him dish lol. Especially when he ups the heat. Mind the awful joke kacchan biryani though, you might be his girlfriend love of his life but he will deadpan and stop talking to you until you’ve come off the giggles.
Ever so organised, Katsuki is one to have all his spices and herbs labelled and stored away neatly. When you ask if you can add your own labels, in your mother tongue, he thinks it should tick him off but it doesn’t. Instead, when you’re away, he thumbs the labels, a little messier than his printed handwriting, somehow smitten over the tiny pieces of you left behind.
He’ll even make the effort to try learn the names, knowing you have a cute habit of forgetting the English words- that has you trying to describe the spices through wild hand gestures and silly sounds. When you both do finally communicate and figure out the mystery spice, a little part of him doesn’t wish to give you the English, so he can watch you animatedly describe what an elaichi is, all over again.
He’s too far gone, he thinks, that anything you do has him smiling like dumbass. That stupid little interactions like these have his heart weird and warm. He’ll shake his head, maybe it’s the heartburn, but he god damn knows it isn’t. It’s you, and he fucking loves it.
Extra: Me thinks Kats’ is a fuckin grandma who straight up chews Naga Moriss like it’s nothin’- to your absolute disbelief. He’ll even pop a few in his mouth before work, just to get his sweat going… Katsuki!!! You’re the worst!!!
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Haiii guyssssssss, yeah man Idk I was just cooking and delulu brain was like damn, Kats’ would fuckin love this. Idrc what the actual English spellings are for the words I used, I’m just writing the way I speak so if google doesn’t show them- sorry!
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jekacatrina · 3 years
One word from you
This is a small gift for a wonderful artist that never fails to bring a smile to my face with her art @rb-sketches! Hope you like it, I wrote it for this amazing piece! I wish I could write you an entire novel, but this will have to do, enjoy, Rebe, you are awesome!
As they coordinated the rescue of civilians, Izuku felt good, incredible even. He had been back at UA for over two weeks, and his friends were making sure that he was well fed, rested and clean. All his time chasing after Shigaraki/All For One hadn’t been futile, he had apprehended many villains, but he had been slipping and hurting himself. Izuku wasn’t going to be of any use to the heroes if he was hanging by a thread. Fortunately, that wasn’t his situation anymore.
Izuku was still catching up on sleep, and yeah, he got tired, but he was getting better each day, and when he couldn’t keep up, his friends were there to pick up the slack, just like Kacchan had said.
His childhood friend was currently a few steps ahead of him, coordinating the evacuation, screaming orders and rallying their classmates behind him. Since he returned to UA, Kacchan was never more than a yell away from Izuku, and he tried to stay within seeing distance of him.
He would have thought he didn’t trust Izuku to stay put, but after the last couple of days, he believed it came only from genuine concern. Kacchan was the first to notice when Izuku got winded, or needed a break from using his quirk. He would scoff and snap at him, but his voice held no heat and he gave Izuku time to recover. Kacchan brought him food when he got some for himself and sat by his side without talking, but even the silent company caused something to flutter in his chest. 
This new dynamic made him feel like he was perpetually using Float, like his feet weren’t touching the ground. Things were so different between them, they had gone through so much together, but Izuku had always saved a spot for Kacchan by his side, and the moment his childhood friend was ready to claim it, Izuku welcomed him with open arms.
He forced his attention off his childhood friend and back to his current task. He was working with Sero and Uraraka; while she used her quirk to lift debris and abandoned cars, Sero and Izuku grabbed them while in the air and placed them where they wouldn’t be in the way. They moved quickly and seamlessly, Sero and Uraraka made such a good team, and Izuku found himself working in the same tune.
As he put down the last pieces of debris, far away from the evacuation route they had drafted, Izuku beamed, wiping the sweat from his brow, the exercise taxing but so rewarding.
He almost jumped out of his skin when someone draped an arm over his shoulders, and he swirled, expecting Kaminari or Kirishima. Nothing would have prepared him for the sharp smile and the glinting red eyes. Kacchan brought his gloved hand to the back of his head and ruffled his curls. His heart skipped a beat, gazed locked in his, flabbergasted by the easy manner in which Kacchan was touching him after a decade of keeping him at arm’s length.
“Not bad, Izuku.” Kacchan stepped back, sauntering away. He left Izuku behind, trying to get his heart rhythm under control.
Not bad, Izuku.
He watched his back, looking for a sign of Kacchan regretting what just happened, but the blond only glanced at him over his shoulder, smirking. All his blood traveled to his face, the blush spreading against his will. Dear God, was this how things were going to be between them from now on?
Praise without a hint of mockery or disdain.
Touches full of fondness.
Smiles directed only at him.
Kacchan not only accepted him back, but he was pushing them closer.
Izuku wasn’t sure he was going to be able to handle it without combusting where he stood.
“Looking a little red there, Deku,” Uraraka said behind him, and Izuku gave her an embarrassed look. No point in pretending he wasn’t completely smitten, the entire class had seen him faint in his arms.
Kacchan meant so much more to Izuku than any of his friends could ever imagine, but they did have a pretty good idea of where his feelings lay.
He grinned down at his shoes, shaking his head.
He had been doomed from the start.
“Kacchan, wait up!”
“Then hurry the fuck up, Deku!”
That’s right. 
He was still Deku, but he was also Izuku to Kacchan.
Izuku jogged until he reached him. He didn’t want to get left behind, staring at his back, nor he wanted to be ahead of Kacchan, where he couldn’t see him at all.
His place was by his side, and always had been.
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zoopzopp · 3 years
a list of some ~angsty~ izuku-centric fics
He Was Quirkless by PruneyWitch - Midoriya get's sick of discrimination against the quirkless and decides to do something about it. It leads to some interesting situations. A trilogy.
survival instinct by carolinaa - Izuku's always had the vague feeling that trusting people is more trouble than it's worth. A villain's quirk makes him realize how painful trust can be, too.
every memory is a drop in the ocean by wastefulreverie - Izuku's memory was heavy. It felt like he'd been asleep for a very long time even though he was fairly certain that he'd just met All Might on a rooftop. They said that he was a student at UA High School and that he'd been hit with a memory erasure quirk, but that couldn't be right? Izuku was quirkless. Even All Might said he'd never be a hero.
invitation by achievingelysium - He didn’t like birthdays. He didn’t like celebrating birthdays, because no one cared about Izuku’s birthday, about the stupid, Quirkless kid of Aldera— Izuku kicked at his desk. Stared at the edge of it blankly for a moment. Sixteen. He’d made it to sixteen. Izuku thinks he'll celebrate his birthday alone. His friends disagree. (this ones angsty but also sweet and fluffy)
(paid for it) with all of my blood by theshoutingslytherin - As it turns out, Midoriya has more in common with him than Hitoshi ever realized.
things my heart used to know by aloneintherain - The first time Izuku remembers meeting Shouto, he’s fourteen years old and immediately smitten. (AU where Izuku keeps getting killed during their first year at UA—so Shouto keeps travelling back in time to save him.)
absolution by Argentina - In which there are always two sides to the same story, and as Shouta delves further into Midoriya and Bakugou's middle school years, he discovers that they're both victims of a broken society.
hold your heart fast by achievingelysium - In the aftermath of a villain fight, Izuku can't understand why Eri seems so scared of him. Or Aizawa-sensei, one of the people he trusts most.
But Who Saves You? by poe_tate_toe - The room was silent. The only sound was Izuku’s cries, the boy still writhing around in his arms that made Shouta’s heart break and heartbreakshatter. “Get out.” Shouta demanded, eyes still trained on All Might, voice filled with hatred and contempt. “Now.”
a lesson you should heed (try, try again) by aloneintherain - Izuku doesn't know why the day keeps resetting. He doesn't know why he's trapped on campus, or why there's no phone reception, or why Aizawa and Shinsou keep losing their memories of the Saturdays they've already lived, while Izuku remains constantly, painfully aware. But he does know this: Aizawa and Shinsou keep dying, over and over again, in more brutal and creative ways. And it's his job to save them.
All Fun And Games Until I Actually Die by SpeedingCheetah - Izuku Midoriya would do nearly anything to reach the goals he had. He’d take risks and make bargains with those who he thought he would have never chosen to work with; He’d even die. He’d joke around and make himself feel better by resetting from the misery he experienced each night on patrol, each hour when his thoughts turned bitter and hateful. But such actions couldn’t be used forever. After all, it was only all fun and games until he actually died. And when Izuku told someone this, he wasn’t too sure as to what he was thinking.
Never understand ( and you can't ) by deliha__bells - " I was four when someone first used their quirk on me." Midoriya is sick and tried of his classmates bias and prejudice against the quirkless community and finally breaks
a penny for your thoughts by cassiopeia721 - While visiting Eri at the hospital following her rescue from the Shie Hassaikai, Izuku and Aizawa-sensei both run into a nurse with a telepathy based quirk, and Izuku finds himself in a telepathic bond with his teacher. This is... somewhat worrying, considering how many secrets Izuku needs to keep.
For the greater good by rabiddog (orphan_account) - "Somebody needs to stay behind." "Don't worry, Kacchan! I'll be fine. Just make sure everyone gets out safely, okay?"
Live For Everything, Die For Everyone by Eurybia773 - Midoriya Izuku is kidnapped and Class 1-A goes to hell and back to keep him safe
The World Without Me by BeyondTheClouds777 - When Izuku dies, he realizes he’s not as Quirkless as he thought. He does indeed have a Quirk, one called “Second Chance” that gives him another chance at life after death. But the Quirk comes with an odd side-effect: he gets to see what the rest of the world is like without him first.
Lives of Future Past by HeartQuirk - An alternative take on de-ageing/swap quirks: Veteran Pro Hero Deku gets swapped into his own past, while his teenage self must navigate an uncertain and mysterious future.
Forgive, Not Forget by orphan_account - He stared out into the night, watching cars pass and stars twinkle. I never told him that I was sorry. Shit. How the hell could he have never thought to apologize? Bakugou had ostracized Deku from their friends, bullied, and tormented him all the way through middle school, to the point where Deku would cringe and cower whenever Bakugou glanced his way. His skin crawled as he remembered. Had he really done all of that? He was so full of shit, and now Deku was somewhere, bleeding out on a hospital bed because of Bakugou’s stupidity and he would never know that Bakugou was so, so, infinitely sorry.
You Never Asked by jongdaethedinosaur - aka: Izuku's smart enough to give Nedzu a headache, the League of Villains aren't all that bad, and Aizawa is trying his best
Heights by Gabberwocky - Or: 5 Times Katsuki Found Izuku on Rooftops and 1 Time Izuku Found Katsuki.
Reverse To Go Forwards by Otaku6337 - A certain Problem Child gets caught up in a Quirk manifestation and collapses in class. But when he wakes up, things aren't quite adding up. And why is he so skittish of everything, Bakugou in particular?
P.S. If he asks, tell Kacchan it's not his fault by JessenoSabaku - When Kacchan tells Midoriya to go kill himself in primary school, he takes it seriously. Not enough to actually kill himself, but he does try his hand at writing a note. Years later, he finds the note again, and he keeps it. For some reason, reading it makes him feel better when nights on patrol get rough. And then, one night, Kacchan finds it by accident.
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i cant think of anymore rn but!! I'll update this soon!!!!
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the-nysh · 3 years
(1/2) Hey Nysh! Been following your blog for a while, and I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful posts you write about Kacchan. You're such a breath of fresh air from this fandom, you know? 'Cause I see him getting poor treatment both from his haters (who claim that the wonderful character development he's getting is OOC, that he's irredeeamable etc.) AND from many of his so called "fans" (who claim to love him but wish that he pays for what he did and said in... many ways - let's leave it
(2/2) just like his haters do, or who love a very stereotyped version of him). From all your posts, I can see that you really adore this character, and I am so glad to see that, 'cause he deserves great fans like you (or Deku!) who love and respect him for the great hero he is. Thank you for sharing your metas about him, you have no idea how happy it makes me to read them. That last reply you wrote about his calmer scenes made me tear up a little... Hope you have a nice day! 💕
!!! 🥺🥺 (The last reply in question) Omigosh, thank you so much anon! Yes, he's so much more than the anger & short-fuse mannerisms on the surface (often within explainable reason), that even Deku has been long since smitten amazed by his stronger virtues, honest persistence, and great potential as a hero (of victory) too! Wah, I'm so glad you enjoy my metas/content about him!  
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
BNHA but it’s thebonappetittestkitchen
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A/N: I watched one Test Kitchen Talks and now I’m obsessed. I’ve been binging BA vids and this is the end result lmao (might write a part 2 later if I can think of other characters to put in there)
Bakugou Katsuki
Gourmet Makes but angrier
very serious about everything
*tch* “The weight of this layer of the cookie is off.”
“...you said 14.9 grams.”
“Yes and this is 0.1 grams off, we have to do this again.”
constant swearing when he is by the stove
the staff might have give him constant new topics just to see him tick off
always bickering with the other chefs
“Hey, kacchan-”
“Do not fucking call me that on camera.”
the fan favorite meme
(Kaminari is bitter about that)
“Taste this.”
“I think-”
“Say anything and I’ll burn this place down.”
“...it is great.”
Midoriya Izuku
the helpful one
always wandering in the background of every single video
works under the editor
is not actually a professional chef but kinda learned enough by being around everyone 
the one that got sent to deliver bad news because he is less likely to be stabbed by a kitchen knife by annoyed chefs
“...they send you here to tell me things that will my job harder, aren’t they.”
the one who will drop his own things to help around the kitchen
doesn’t normally cooks, but when he does it is always for very homely recipes
“This is not the most common way but that’s what I grow up eating...”
“My mom taught me how to do this.”
“I found this recipe in my mom’s old cookbook.”
Kirishima Eijirou
the “big friendly dog in human form”
started out as a butcher
gets appointed to do all the heavy work
prime thumbnail material
(he still has no idea why the editors are always telling him to roll his sleeves all the way up or where a tank top whenever they are filming outdoors)
campfire specialist
“Bro, this is sick dude.”
“Eyyyyyyy Bakugou-” *hand in the air*
“(sighs)” *high five*
very popular among older viewers??? 
(grandson material???)
Aizawa Shouta
the “tired guardian”, as always
puts booze in e v e r y t h i n g
“Now add a splash of white wine.” *proceeds to pour out half the bottle*
it’s an inner joke among chefs and fans that he never sleeps 
showed up in a video in a crisp shirt with his hair up like, once, and the internet went into a frenzy
comments like “WHY IS THE HOBO SO HOT” flooded the comments 
compilation videos with titles like “Aizawa being done with everyone’s bullshit for 10 minutes straight”
(it’s basically him sighing and staring with dread in his eyes in someone else’s background throughout the entire video)
gets undermined a lot because of his demeanor, but will casually namedrop his credentials which shocks everyone
“When I was working at (insert famous prestigious restaurant)...”
“Wait hold up a second wHAT????”
Yaoyorozu Momo
the “properly trained in some renounced culinary school and probably comes from some impressive background but we don’t talk about that”
ridiculously accurate tastebuds
often act as the guinea pig for other chefs
recreating (blank) by taste videos
gets oddly specific realy quick
*munch munch* “Is that prosciutto that was made in winter by hand and dried for two years in Italy?”
“I’m sorry what now???”
gets cranky when people misplace things 
never raises her voice, never swears, but somehow intimidating as all hell
when Yaomomo tells you to put the flour on the forth shelf counting from the left, you do it
unintentionally expensive taste
“Wait, you’ve never tried European white truffle (which can sell up to thousands a pound btw) before?”
Kaminari Denki
the “how the hell does he even get in here anyways????”
blog editor, but people like him so much that he keeps showing up
always causing chaos
always butting in when the others are filming 
the prankster
“I hide tiny babies all over the test kitchen”
“I replace all the extra virgin olive oil in the test kitchen with virgin olive oil and see how long it will take for people to notice”
No one has ever seen him cook on camera but he still has a fuck ton of screen time
“Make Kaminari film a cooking video” is now the no. 1 requests among fans
Todoroki Touya Dabi
the “I need this job or else I’ll have to go home and inherit the 1 billion dollar net worth family business”
how the fuck does he make the chef uniform slutty???
(the trick is to unbutton enough until you can see the line of his chest)
does that thing where he looks into the camera while chopping every video
how the fuck does he make basic instructions sound suggestive???
(the trick is to lower his voice enough until it almost sounds gravel but you didn’t hear that from me)
“Can you pass me that salt, doll? Thank you.”
the only one who has his nickname in the credits
“So I learned how to cook this because my dad told me that it wouldn’t work and I want to piss him off.”
sleeves are always rolled up because “these tats are expensive, why not show them off?”
rumors are that he has beef with Shouto from the office, but it’s just a rumour though
Asui Tsuyu
the one who will actually teach you something
gives very clear instructions
back-to-back cooking 
“Why is this not working-”
“Have you tried adding more butter?”
you can physically see her growing more and more concern by the second whenever she walks by someone messing up
she’s like your mom, somehow she’ll be able to find everything that you couldn’t even though you both look through the same places
her siblings showed up in the kitchen once and everyone was immediately smitten
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silverynight · 1 year
Izuku walks into class on the first day
The class instantly falls in love
Katsuki is behind izuku like a guard dog glaring, daring them to try anything.
In fear of katsuki the class admires izuku from afar, except shoto who doesn't understand the danger. He flirts with izuku with no shame making izuku blush and just be super adorable.
Katsuki is NOT having that! He gets even MORE possessive and actually growls at shoto and yelling at him to back off!
But shoto does not back off, no matter how many explosions were thrown at him hes just too smitten.
Katsuki has to act fast! He has izuku come to his room every night, he gives him gifts, he hugs him and holds him close when ever he can.
One night in katsukis room Izuku just thinks he's trying to atone for his past so izuku, even though he loves the attention from kacchan, says he doesn't have to do that.
Katsuki gets so frustrated and just ends up yelling, "Damn it izuku I'm trying to show you that I fucking love you!!"
They both paused in surprise. Izuku starts tearing up and katsuki goes so red faced and panics, "Shit, I mean uh-"
Izuku interrupts him by pulling him close into a tight hug and yelling, "I love you too!"
Katsuki is surprised and over joyed and just hugs izuku back and lifts him up in the air. When he puts him back down and pulls away to look directly into his eyes he got serious.
"Izuku, even though I dont deserve you, will you be my boyfriend?"
Izuku looks mad and katsuki panics again but before he can say anything izuku holds katsukis face in his hands, "Kacchan dont you ever say I dont deserve you! You are the best right?" Katsuki nods, "And you think I deserve the best right?" Katsuki nods again and has a smug smirk on his face.
He leans in slowly and izuku meets him half way for a soft kiss, katsuki pulls away to look into dekus emerald eyes, "So its settled then! You're mine!"
Izuku blushes and wraps his arms around katsukis neck, "Kacchan, Ive always been yours. And you've always been mine?"
Katsuki gets so giddy at the fact that izuku said he's ALWAYS been his! So izuku has loved him for a long time now? He should have done this sooner! "Hell ya!"
He picks izuku up again and spins him and pins him to the bed. They make out for awhile and end up "enjoying" each other's "company". Just soft touches and ruff kisses for now, but they plan to go all the way on the weekend.
The next morning shoto still flirts with izuku, even though izukus neck has bites and hickeys. Then he has the audacity to say katsuki is a monster for hurting izuku to which izuku did not take kindly. He says, "I understand just worried about me but kacchan is not a monster! Hes my boyfriend!"
Shoto goes pale with shock and the whole class erupts in congratulations and slight hits of jealously. Katsuki has the biggest smirk and when izuku walks over to his desk, katsuki pulls deku onto his lap making him squeak.
The whole class has to hold back there "awwws" to avoid katsukis wrath. Shoto apologizes and izuku says, "Its okay todoroki! We're still friends! Just know I can handle myself so you don't need to try to protect me from kacchan, and kacchan is the best! He is just perfect."
Katsuki grabs izukus face while making eye contact with todoroki and kisses izuku softly and so passionately izukus does a happy content sigh. Todoroki just glares at katsuki and when they pull away from the kiss katsuki sticks his tongue out at todoroki.
Izuku just sees katsukis face and not who he's doing that too so izuku just softly giggles and it was like all the tension in the room disappeared.
Before todoroki can say anything else, aizawa walks into the room, sees the scene, whispers to himself, "Fucking finally." He was so fed up with their pinning for each other, and now that they are together hopefully the class will calm down too. Then he tells the class to take their seats.
They're together now, so sweet! 💥🥦
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gallickingun · 4 years
I saw your list of WIPs and my body is ready for the Bakugou ones 😍 can you drop a crumb of what they’ll be about? Especially the fantasy one? Fantasy Bakugou is my favorite 👉👈🥺
ive missed writing for kacchan so much 😭 i have so so so many ideas for him, so i hope you guys enjoy the ao3 content 💗 but so far as my current wips, here's some info!
also shameless plug and lil reminder all these stories will be posted to my AO3 which can be found by clicking this text!
♡ bakugou x belle (oc) : origin story - belle and bakugou are like passing ships in the night for most of their early lives — always barely grazing sails, never boarding onto one anothers deck — until bakugou has a public media snafu and is required by his agency to perform public service hours to make up for his bad behavior. he meets the now-doctor and realizes there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. however, she has a general disdain for heroes after what she's been through (being forced to use her quirk despite not knowing how to control it, all for "the sake of saving others") and what she's seen (hero after hero break their bones and shatter their spirits in the name of justice, only to be cast aside when they no longer provide enough entertainment value to be leveraged for the lining of the pockets of those in charge), when all bakugou knows is striving to be the number one hero. aka I suck at summaries but I promise this fic is gonna be real good.
♡ vigilante!shouto aka todobats — after losing shouto's father and brothers in a kidnapping gone wrong, shouto's mother is labeled clinically insane and his sister runs away to europe to pursue her dreams and escape reality. shouto is the only eligible heir remaining to run the enterprise his father built before his death. the media sees him as the rich playboy he proves himself to be during the day, but what they do not see is the way he cares for the city once the sun goes down and the stars come out. when he meets the charity organization's president (reader), he's surprised to find that the corruption of his city may bleed closer to home than he originally believed.
♡ fantasy!bakugou + arranged marriage — after your father angered a wizard, there was a dual curse set on your head, the threat of your kingdom's demise looming in the shadows that settle on your shoulders. the curse is that you would be expected to fall in love by your twenty second birthday, and that you would be given the gift of persuasion. the catch? you are unable to use your gift to trap a life mate. prince bakugou katsuki of the dragon nation was the only eligible prince remaining, and so your game of lies begins. your father arranges the marriage, and you are expected to seduce the prince. however, the two of you decide that the only way to win over the wizard is to trick him — by convincing the entire kingdom you're madly in love. (again WOW i suck at summaries i promise the fic will be good lol, lots of plot twists involving bakugous mother and kirishima and wizards and quirks and.. yeah)
♡ moving target part two [bakugou bodyguard au] —bakugou has returned to life as a pro hero, with a personal side mission to teach you how to use your quirk [control over organic matter]. now that its been exposed to the world that one of the most famous quirkless men has a daughter with a power that can kill, there is a new gang after your head. navigating a new relationship, learning how to control a power you've never used, and running from the underground can be a lot for a girl who might have been considered a princess not more than a few months ago. oh, however will you cope.
♡ soft!sakusa fic — you have been telling all your friends about the man you've been seeing for the past few months, and they can't wait to meet him. you tell them he's kind and patient and complimentary and he cannot get enough of you, handsy as he can be. so imagine their surprise when you introduce sakusa kiyoomi, a man they know as cold and calculating and aloof. this man and the man you've described could never be the same! (aka a cute fic about sakusa being soft for you and standoffish for everyone else)
♡ sakusa autumn nights fic - fake dating au + there was only one bed + meet the parents — sakusa meets you one night when he's out at a party with his msby teammates. he's confused, but smitten with you, and when his mother badgers him for what feels like the millionth time about a girlfriend, he accidentally blurts that he's dating you. somehow he gets roped into bringing you to dinner, but... he's gotta get your number first.
♡ mob au + pro athlete!oikawa x con-artist!reader — you have only ever known how to be a thief. its how you've found yourself a home in this argentinian casino every saturday night, scheming and cheating and lying just to feed your greed. and those whom you owe money to. so you do not expect the kindness of the pro athlete you know to be oikawa tooru, but that does not stop you from draining him of every last peso to his name. his flashy rings and watches and suit all show you exactly what you need to know- that he has money, and he's careless with it. the car he drives says as much. but after finding him at the casino every weekend, you grow fond of him, and its no longer a game of dollar signs, but one of hearts and souls. so when there is a hit placed on your head by the mob who owns the casino, you have to come clean to oikawa in hopes that he will understand your predicament.
♡ farmboy!kirishima — your typical hallmark movie. no ingenuity at all lol. but you are the daughter of a ceo tycoon in nyc, and all your daddy wants to do is buy up small towns and commercialize them for profit, to make them look picture perfect like a snowglobe. you are his number one real estate agent, and he sends you on a mission to buy up a small town a few hours away. when you meet the townsfolk, including the man who owns the farm that puts the food on the table for most of the residents, can he change your outlook on small towns versus the big city?
♡ college sports au series - bakugou, todoroki, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero, dabi, etc. — a series of x reader one shots where the boys are college athletes! baseball bakugou, soccer shouto, football kirishima, etc!
♡ single dad!bakugou x kindergarten teacher!reader — when bakugou is left to care for his daughter alone, kirishima suggests hiring a caretaker to help him out. after much persuasion, and his daughter latching onto you at first meeting, he hires you for the summer while you're between school years and can use the extra cash. you move in, and the rest is chaos. [ft. emotionally stunted bakugou who believes love is for losers because his last relationship ended in fire and procreation, but you manage to teach him that life doesn't have to be as awful as he believes] aka a spin off of my single dad shouto fic! might continue to add more single dads and make this one a series too!!
there are other fics, but those are the main ones! also check my kinktober fics list bc i will be adding all of those to AO3 as i write them as well! 💗
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riotfuckery · 5 years
Class teddy bear
lzuku Midoriya x super affectionate f!reader
A/N: Hello my beautiful readers! It’s your friendly neighborhood big tiddy goth gf and lowkey weeb 💖Here we have a slight crack/fluff fic featuring reader loving on the sweet broccoli headed boy. This fic was especially inspired by @birds-have-teeth and their blog so go check them out! My affectionate/nurturing side goes haywire whenever I see him. Yes I know people don’t like him but I have the insatiable urge to wrap him in my arms and tell him what a good boi he is so here we go. Shoutout to writing senpais who gave my last fic lots of love and thank you for the support 💖🥺💖 @trafalgar-temptress @queensynderella @kingtamakimurder 
You were always affectionate. Always ready to give hugs and hold hands if someone needed it. You had open arms for anyone (besides that nasty grape bastard) and everyone was used to it, the girls of class 1-A being extra affectionate with you. You were most thankful for Mina, Kirishima, and Tooru who especially seemed to share your joy in being close with others.
You never pushed your affections on anyone while always asking for permission the first few times. You slowly got the entire class used to it. You even got Iida used to it, which is a mystery in itself. Platonic cuddle sessions were common between your friends, even the male ones. But you could never get one certain green curly haired boy used to it.
It annoyed the hell out of you but you were blind to the fact he wasn’t used to affections from girls, much less pretty girls. Pulling him in for a hug made him freeze for a few seconds or even passing out on a few occasions. He never complained or rejected your actions so that confused you even more.
You were early as usual and made your way to class. Suddenly you saw the sharp toothed unbreakable sweetheart in the halls walking next to the always yelling angry explosive blonde. Your heart raced excitingly and you called out to your favorite red headed cuddle buddy to indulge in your daily routine.
“KIRIIIIIIII~” you sang as you sprinted toward him in the mostly empty hall. Ignoring the weird looks you always got with smile, you ran with open arms and a bright smile. He turned and smiled brighter than the sun at you, bracing himself for impact with his own open arms. You launched yourself at him and he caught you with a laugh, wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing you in a bear hug that made your day just so much brighter.
You latched yourself to him like a koala, nuzzling your cheek against his and holding onto his strong broad shoulders. “Good morning Kiri!” You sang, giggling softly in pure glee as he held you. “Good morning teddy bear!” He greeted back happily, showing off his sharp teeth with a blinding smile. You heard a very aggravated “Tch” next to you and you turned to look at the angry hedgehog.
“You can get a hug too Bakugo, I know you’re jealous cause you’re secretly a cuddle bug too~” you smiled cheekily at him. He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away with a small blush on his cheeks. You giggled once again. Kiri put you down and you readjusted your uniform before walking right up to Bakugo.
You looked up at him with an excited twinkle in your eyes for a moment before you pulled him for a short hug. You wrapped your arms around his thin waist and nuzzled your face in his chest. (Damn Bakugo, what you doing out here lookin like a whole ass snack???)
He froze before a moment and then hugged you back, wrapping his strong arms around you while resting his chin on top of your head. All with a bright pink blush on his cheeks and his ears, his signature scowl still stuck on his face. You pulled away and gave him a playful smile. “See? I knew you were secretly a cuddle bug, takes one to know one. But I’ll keep it a secret tough guy.” You shot him a flirty wink before running to the classroom. The distant screaming of Bakugo combined with Kirishima laughing and the popping of his explosions making you yourself laugh.
You made it to the classroom, and were greeted by Mina and Tooru who immediately took you by the hands and pulled you down to your desk, where you set your stuff. You gave a bright good morning to Iida and Todoroki and received a polite good morning and nod respectively from the boys. You knew they weren’t big on affection even though you had a feeling if you got Todoroki used to it, he would be the biggest cuddle monster in the world.
The next person who came into the classroom was the target of your affections and long time crush. None other than the greenette with wild curly hair, cute freckles and big green eyes that made your loving side go into an almost violent frenzy. Your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and gave a girls a knowing look. They gave a small nod and went back to talking to whatever they were discussing. They were used to your loving antics by now and shared a hushed giggle with one another. You shot up from your seat and parkoured over several desks from your seat in the back of the room.
You got to him and immediately pulled him into the room and grabbed a hold of his hand, interlacing your fingers together while guiding him to his desk. You then pulled him into a tight hug. You pressed his face in your chest and softly pet his hair.
“Good morning, my sweet green bean! How’s the cutest sweetie in the world today?” You cooed at him. Ignoring the giggles from your friends, you released him when you realized he probably couldn’t breathe. You said a small sorry and took a good look at him, he was full body blushing and was trying to stutter out a good morning back. Poor boy was so overwhelmed he froze in place while his mind was racing a billion miles an hour.
You were confused as to why he was so red and you thought he had a fever. So you checked, taking his cute face into your hands while you looked at him, your thumbs rubbing comforting circles on those chubby freckled cheeks automatically. Your actions soothed his panicking and he just silently enjoyed your affections.
Poor broccoli boy thought he would melt into a puddle. Seeing you so focused on him made his heart race. He admired your face silently, looking carefully at your beautiful sparking eyes and the slight pink tint on your soft lips. He wondered if your lips tasted as good as they looked.
What you did next almost made his heart stop. You gently pulled his face to yours and brushed your nose with his, all while smiling so happily he thought dying like this wasn’t the worst way to go out. His heart was beating against his ribcage so violently it almost hurt. He snapped out his haze when he realized he had to reply.
He blinked a few times and tried to clear up the heat radiating off of him with a deep breath. His face turned from fully red to just a bright pink blush on his cheeks and ears. He took in another deep breath and focused his train of thought to forming a response.
“G-g-goodmorning Y/N-chan! I’m doing great!” was all he could manage to get out in his wild state of mind. He cursed himself internally for stuttering in front of you and wishing he was smooth enough to make YOU blush.
You still hadn’t let go of his impossibly cute face, thinking of how cute it was that he was resting his face in your smaller hands like a tired puppy. You internally squealed in delight. He was so cute that you wanted to kiss him but it took every ounce of your self restraint to not to when you realized you both were in class. You quickly glanced at the clock and reluctantly let go of his face.
“Oh my, class is about to start! I’ll see you in a bit cutie pie!~” you beamed at him before you left, walking away to your own desk with an extra pep in your step. He froze for a moment, trying to process the interaction with you. He placed his stuff under the small table and sat down at his desk. He took a few moments to collect himself and then pulled out his hero journal.
He scribbled down your actions and his thoughts on what you did this morning. He willed away his blush somehow when everyone else filed in. He was trying to figure out why you were as affectionate as you are not that he disliked it. All throughout the school day, he would sneak quick glances at you.
He couldn’t fully pay attention in class. It was a rare chill day so he didn’t have to worry about trying to form a coherent thought while you’re in your hero costume. He tried to focus on his lessons, but his train of thought always led back to you. He was quite smitten with you, little to your knowledge.
He recalled how soft your hands were and how gentle you were with him. He was daydreaming about you and your life together, if he was so lucky to get to spend his life with you. You were warm and inviting, always smiling and befriending anyone and everyone. You even got Kacchan to give you hugs. KACCHAN!
That in itself was no easy task, heavenly beings knows Izuku tried to make peace with the ash blonde. But you seemed to do it so easily. You were smart, unbelievably beautiful, friendly and so KIND. He was struck with a wave of insecurity.
What if you didn’t like him the same way he liked you? He got help and got lucky, inheriting one for all and a spot in UA. What if his luck ran out before it got to you? What if he couldn’t make you happy? Did he even deserve you? What if you found someone that suited you better? Could he take it?
His thoughts were interrupted by a cold hand placed on his shoulder. He jumped about 10ft in the air from shock before he whipped his head to look at who broke him out of his thoughts. It was Todoroki thankfully, he sighed in relief. The half and half boy spoke first.
“Class just ended. I saw you couldn’t pay attention in classes today, so I took notes for you. You like her don’t you? Y/N?” Izuku gave him a surprised look with a light pink on his cheeks and then nodded once. He’s been friends with Shouto for awhile but his observational skills and blunt tone always surprised him.
“You should tell her, she likes you quite a bit you know? She coddles you more than anyone else in class. Just ask her out.” Todoroki stated as both boys were walking back to the dorms to change and do their homework in the peace of their rooms. Izuku was filled with determination as he and Todoroki walked. He made a plan to ask you out on a date in your room later that night.
You arrived at your room, opening the door then shutting it and plopping your things down roughly after taking off your shoes. You loudly groaned at the amount of homework that was assigned as you took off your uniform and bra before making your way to the dresser to pick out something comfortable to wear.
A green pair of sleep shorts and black oversized t shirt with all might on the front of it is what you chose. You smiled at color combo, thinking about the cute greenette and his wild curls. You quickly pulled them on and went to grab your bag to take out your insane amount of homework. ‘I know we had a chill day but going plus ultra on the amount of homework is a bit ridiculous isn’t it?’
You tied your hair up in a messy bun and set everything up before getting to work. You did your math first, just to get it out of the way. (I hate math, bruh id rather write a thesis on zuko from avatar the last airbender’s character arc.) Then onto English, then social studies, then hero studies.
More than a few hours later, everything was done. You dragged your hand down your face before harshly rubbing your eyes. ‘Fuck I finally finished’ you internally groaned as you looked at the digital clock on your desk. It was 8pm. You packed up your stuff and then flopped down on your bed like a ragdoll.
Before you could get a full chance to fully relax you heard someone knock at your door. You got up and looked through the peephole, just to see your crush. You panicked, not wanting him to wait at your door but you also thought you looked like a mess. (You didn’t you beautiful thing 😘) You quickly opened your door just to come face to face with the shy boy.
“H-hey, cutie pie! What’s up?” You cringed at your stutter. His body language was trying to be confident but nervous to say the least. Not that you were any better. He was anxiously playing with his fingers but looked you dead in the eye for second before shutting them tightly. A bright blush overtook his face as he glanced at your outfit, the shirt was so big that made it look like you weren’t wearing pants. Before his R rated thoughts could take over he spoke.
“I-I LIKE YOU A LOT Y/N-CHAN AND I WAS WONDERING IF YOU W-WANTED TO GO ON A D-DATE WITH ME THIS SATURDAY!” He nearly yelled. Eyes still squeezed tight in embarrassment as he gripped his scarred hand together. Saying you were caught off guard was an understatement.
Your crush, the cute green bean? The sweet shy boy who could barely look you in the eye sometimes and passed out during your hugs, just asked you out on a date????? You were overjoyed of course but also taken aback by him nearly yelling his love for you.
You were stunned for a moment, mostly because you didn’t expect this. You snapped out of your confusion while a bright smile took over your face. While you were silent, Izuku was waiting for your rejection. His heart was racing out of nervousness and he started to sweat lightly. Your response stopped his self doubt and anxiety from spiraling out of control.
“Of course, Izu-kun! I would love to go on a date with you! I’ve liked you since the beginning of the year and you always seemed so nervous around me so I was just a bit surprised.” You replied brightly. His eyes opened in shock and he stopped shaking. When did he start shaking?
“I’ll uhh- pick you up here on Saturday at 6? Is that alright?” He was talking normally now albeit still nervous. You nodded at him with a bright smile before you took a step foreword and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. You felt him freeze. He stared at you in amazement and with the all the love he could offer. When you stepped back you saw he had placed a hand on the cheek that you had kissed, with the blush on his face still on his cute cheeks.
“See you then cutie~!” You sang as you stepped back into your room and gently shut the door. He broke out in a bright smile while he walked back toward his dorm. He was so excited and happy that he was practically vibrating. Not only did you say you’d love to go out with him but you confessed that you’ve liked him since the beginning of the year? He was overjoyed to say the least.
When he got back to his room, he flopped down on the bed with a bright smile on his face while staring at the ceiling. He pulled a pillow to his face and let out an excited squeal into it. The first step was taken and now he just needed to gather up the courage to take the rest of them with you.
Izuku‘s was heart racing and his cheeks hurting from how hard he smiled. He couldn’t wait till Saturday.
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turquoise-stones · 4 years
To Be My Hero
Todoroki x fem!reader
Tumblr media
Todoroki fluff always makes me soft :)) also, bakugou is a b*tch here so...
. . .
Todoroki always had a fondness for the quiet (h/c) haired girl who sat in the corner of the classroom.
From the moment he met her, she was so cheery and accepting toward him. So sweet, so innocent, yet still had the same burning desire to become a hero as anyone else. She cared for her classmates, in that adorably shy and quiet way of hers. Yes, Todoroki was completely smitten. In his mind, (y/n) deserved the absolute best...
So why in the world would she date someone as crude and perverse as Bakugou?
Todoroki had noticed subtle changes in her demeanor since she started dating him. Her sunny disposition had turned rather cloudy. Her eyes drooped and she had become even quieter than she normally was. Todoroki suddenly felt a burst of anger towards the blond male... Bakugou didn't deserve her.
(Y/n) needed someone who wouldn't take her kindness for granted. She needed someone who would love and protect her, and not brag to the world that "she's mine". Todoroki felt his brows furrow. I could do so much better than him.
As that thought crossed his mind, he suddenly felt ashamed of himself. The supplementary lessons were sucking the patience out of him. She was taken, and it was wrong to have feelings for someone like that, even if her boyfriend was garbage.
The bell to lunch rang and Todoroki was pulled out of his bitter thoughts. As he packed up his work, he noticed Bakugou sauntering over to (y/n).
"Hey, babe, where did you go last night? You didn't pick up when I called you." He said. His arm wound possessively around her waist, and he roughly jerked her close to him.
Todoroki noticed how her arms were pinned to her sides.
"I-I was out s-shopping with Yaomomo, Katsuki. Don't worry!" She smiled sweetly. That smile was so perfect. So why was it directed towards him?
"Anyone else?" He asked, eyes narrowing.
"No..." She said, suddenly looking very tired. "Just us."
"Good. You're mine, baby... don't forget it." He growled before tugging her away to the cafeteria.
. . .
Todoroki seethed as he walked alongside Midoriya and Uraraka. It was always the same. (Y/n) just dealing with his abusiveness and being too shy to speak up. 
"Kacchan is rather possessive of (y/n) isn't he?" Midoriya mused.
"It's unhealthy." Todoroki spat before you could stop himself. "He doesn't treat her right."
The other two looked shocked at his uncharacteristic behavior.
"Todoroki... I can't help but wonder if you li-" Uraraka was cut off by Midoriya's frantic shushing.
In the cafeteria, Todoroki sat with an all too clear view of the "happy couple". Not that he sat like that on purpose...
He absentmindedly ate his lunch as his friends chattered around him. Little did he know a certain girl was looking at him.
. . .
(Y/n) POV
Todoroki was sneaking glances at me in class. Honestly, I don't mind. I like to look at him too...
He seems so kind in comparison to Katsuki, who's screaming at Kirishima next to me. When we talk, Todoroki has this gentleness in his voice that Katsuki never has. Not to mention he's really good looking... God, what is wrong with me?
Why am I thinking like this? I have a boyfriend... and I'm happy with him. At least I think I am...
But then why do I find myself looking at Todoroki? Why do I blush when our eyes meet? Why am I so excited about the secret study sessions we hold away from Katsuki? This isn't right. But I can't break up with Katsuki... I'm his after all... he'd kill me.
. . .
3rd person POV
"Hey. (Nickname). Why're you looking at half and half!?" Bakugou suddenly snapped.
"W-what? I w-wasn't."
He stood up angrily, something in him had snapped. (Y/n) shrank down in her seat.
"Listen up (y/n). Don't lie to me. I see you two eyeing each other in class all the time and its fucking disgusting. You should be glad I didn't call you out sooner, but if you feel like being fucking unfaithful then you can go to hell!" He yelled, the whole cafeteria at attention. His lips were pulled up in a snarl.
(Y/n) cringed and murmured, "Please Katsuki... n-not here." His eyes merely narrowed as he prepared another throng of insults.
Todoroki abruptly stood up. Before he knew it, he was walking toward the fighting couple.
"I talk wherever the hell I want! Hah! You don't deny staring at fricking hot and cold huh?! What the fuck (y/n)?!" He suddenly noticed Todoroki standing next to you.
His normally deadpan expression had morphed into a deadly glare. Seeing (y/n) shrinking away from Bakugou made his blood boil.
"What gives you the right to speak to (y/n) like that. If there's anyone in the wrong, it's you."
Todoroki stepped forward, gently pulling you up and pushing you behind him, looking down slightly at the ash blond. The cafeteria seemed to hush. Bakugou seemed to be momentarily shocked into silence.
"How dare you even call her yours." Todoroki said emotionlessly. "How can you treat her like a hero if you can't even treat her like a man?"
A moment of silence.
"You piece of shit!" Bakugou snapped out of his shock. His palms starting to explode. "Go fucking die, you're not par-"
"Katsuki." Her voice rang. She stepped out from behind Todoroki, eyes cast down.
"T-Todoroki is right. You don't act like a boyfriend should. You... you don't trust me, you don't care about me." She grew louder and louder, and her (e/c) eyes locked onto his red ones. "You act so possessively that I feel less like your girlfriend and more like your pet! I've dealt with you for far too long. I'm done. We're through."
Todoroki had never seen her so fiery, this loud and beautiful. At that moment, he knew that what he felt was not just mild intrigue, or a petty crush, but actual love. 
Bakugou stood once more in shock. The cafeteria stood silent.
"I'm sorry Katsuki." She mumbled that spark of confidence crumbling away. Todoroki gently tugged at her hand and led her out of the cafeteria.
. . .
They stopped behind the school, and (y/n) slid to the ground with a sigh. Her shoulders started to shake and Todoroki's heart ached as tears slipped down her face. Not really knowing how to comfort her, he sat down next to her and gently patted her back.
"T-thank you Todoroki. I wouldn't have had the courage to..." she struggled with her words before sighing. "...I wouldn't have been able to finally say that without you."
He gently pressed a kiss on her tear stained cheek. A blush split across her face. That small kiss was real and loving, and more then Bakugou could ever give her.
"You're welcome." Todoroki said, a small smile on his lips. "I'll always stand up for you. I'm right here."
She gave him that sweet smile that he loved so much, and rested her head on his warm shoulder.
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