#like babushka dolls
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
i couldn’t remember how the first chapter opened so i reread (i mean...it’s been like over a decade, but it is a reread) w/eir’s the lady elizabeth and i think the funniest thing about it is that it’s not compatible with her six wives fictional series, and is thus, as i guess this is generally put...not in the same ‘universe’?
#like it's not even so much that oh this is from elizabeth's pov ; of course there will be things she doesn't see or remember#but that the plot points are very different. when she first sees her first stepmother is different#also i'm going to go ahead and say something real controversial: her prose got worse#like comparatively#her six wives books don't even really feel like prose#there are no long descriptive paragraphs; actually no long paragraphs; really?#not even medium length ones#they're all very clipped and short dialogue snippets and basically entirely aped from her own nonfiction#also i think TLE (i know it gets horrible with elizabeth's teenage stuff so. don't @ me. im not praising that)#is much better for having been; while mainly from elizabeth's POV; from multiple perspectives#like we see mary's here too#and it just balances it out nicely...i think the six wives books being not only close third person but ONLY from their perspective gave#them such a myopic feel...i honestly don't quite understand how they're bestsellers beyond the name recognition and#draw/appeal of the subject matter and the ever sellable appeal of these women as a 'set'#like babushka dolls#but anyway it's such a stupid model. multiple perspectives in one novel is always better#it's quite obviously about quantity not quality#now we will have henry's only soon and then mary's only.......uggggggggggggh not this#*myopic and narrow#edit: it's the part that is elizabeth's childhood that really shines#it sort of falls away after that#i did read the rest but decidedly skipped some parts#i guess weir's primary interest is always henry viii's reign so ...back to the roots i see
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scandalousadventures · 11 months
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Officially opening my online shop with these two handmade sweet clown werewolf dolls! Shop link in replies 🐺
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akajustmerry · 1 year
Kendall Roy is like Hamlet if Hamlet's dead dad was King Lear and Hamlet’s brother was Macbeth, but they were both trapped in the plot of Richard III which is to say that Kendall Roy is a character of all time, an endless babushka doll of all Shakespeare's failkings and their pursuits of hollow crowns.
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astrogre · 1 year
The Planet that is Pluto
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Words: power, control, obsession, the underworld, intensity, intense emotions, intense everything, domination, taboo, depth, sex, repressed emotions, shadow self, the survivor, detective, alchemy, dark arts, superiority, fear, bravery
Astrological placements associated with Pluto: Scorpio, 8th house, Aries
Character I associate with Pluto: Femto-Berserk
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The way Griffith sacrifices the souls of his people to transform into Femto and have dominance over others. What he does to Casca as well. He is the epitome of an extreme Plutonic character.
Honourable mentions: Homelander- The Boys, Laurie- Euphoria, Makima- Chainsaw man, Erik- Phantom of the Opera, Gaara-Naruto
Places: hades underworld realm, chess tournament’s, hell, anywhere with hierarchy aka corporate workplace, government institutions (because of power play/dynamics), caves, underground tunnel, escape rooms, secret society hidden meetings, nightmares,
Random somewhat astrologically influenced things that personally remind me of Pluto: Rigger, black grapes, death by strangulation, wine, babushka dolls, long nails, snakes, a public executor in the medieval ages, chess, cults, BDSM, the colour black, power play
Song I associate with Pluto:
Listen to this while you read it to immerse yourself in Pluto energy and surroundings, also read the lyrics too it’s very much Pluto energy
For you Pluto dominants:
(Pluto 1st house, Pluto 8th house, Pluto conjunct asc, Pluto conjunct Sun, many strong aspects to Pluto & Honourable mentions: 8th house stellium, Scorpio Stellium.)
This is entire post is dedicated to you
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Plutos Traits:
Regenerative and transformative
Think of a snake shedding skin to become anew or when you’ve overcome and left abusive relationships and you’re back in your self confidence. Pluto is a phoenix bird it has a DEEP urge for regeneration and can transform itself from its own ashes into a diamond, Pluto itself is the pressurising machine. Say ashes represent the shittiest moments of our life e.g abuse, relationships, trauma, Pluto has the ability as an alchemist to use this horrible event to make something of more value, it transmutes basic base metal to gold. Transmutes pain and death to renewal. Pluto sees trauma as fuel. Without ashes (intense emotions or experiences) Pluto cannot show up and do it’s thing. Check where you have Pluto in the houses, this may be where you can get hurt most but it’s purposefully for a reason you’re supposed to use those intense emotions and make something beautiful of them
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Eg. Pluto in 11th houser may have intense traumatic social circles or communities that ostracise, diminish, use or control them. As a Pluto 11th houser YOU have dominion here, you guys are social climbers the real life underdogs to Royalty stories. Use their exploitation of you as fuel, motivation and a resources to your success.
(Kylie and Kris Jenner have this placement and we all know how they absorb the drama, publicity and negativity from others like a champ, embody it, all to gain constant relevancy, power, influence and fame in their careers. Scandals make their profits go up like the whole Jordan woods drama and using it as marketing to do a sale on Kylie Jenner lip kit, Kris having their children’s private lives scrutinised and publicly available all so her family can gain relevance and wider opportunities)
Dominance and control
The reason why Pluto is known for obsession is because it urges to have the upper hand, Pluto won’t argue when defied he simply acts unbothered but exacts revenge in a cold manner, it wants to dominate and will go to extreme lengths to do that, it will go at all costs, the obsession manifests in an illogical, ego based way think of Gabriel Agreste from miraculous ladybug- how he prioritises triumphing ladybug over saving his wife, that kind of obsession. In my personal opinion I see Pluto as the second ego after Sun. It’s better if I explain by comparison… Think of powerful and dominating planets like Saturn and Mars, imagine if you owed each of these planets money and were in deep debt with them this is how they would respond:
Saturn: would employ you to do gruelling long hard work for many years, no retirement so that you’d die working on their behalf. If you refuse or die before debts are paid they would simply pass your debt onto your children make them do it to repay the money you owe. (If you’ve seen Chainsaw man, Saturn would work/treat the debtors children kind of like the way Denji was treated he had to pay off his fathers debts; in burdensome conditions where his health was being compromised for repayment.)
Mars: if you owed money to mars and were not able to pay it back, mars would most probably threaten you, beat you up, do a drive by shooting, physically destroy your assets like keying cars, graffiti and bulldozing your house, may be very aggressive think of loan sharks and mafia
Pluto: Now if you owe Pluto money.. Pluto is the kind to go further than mars, he would make you pay for it personally, in a way that can be grotesque/dark think of maybe rue from euphoria. When she owed money she just randomly woke up in a strangers bed and the house being filled with men implying she had been sex trafficked. Pluto is very wicked, obsessive and can be unsympathetic. It would not care if you feel pain and regret for inconveniencing them, it does this to put you in your place and prefers you repay the money with your suffering. Pluto may not even want the money anymore but rather the control and prioritises the debtors torture or will get the losses at your expense. eg. Sex trafficking you, have you wake up on the road after being unconscious and notice your kidneys are missing, hold you hostage, torture you, sell your body parts at an elite auction house, make detestable arrangements behind your back like forced marriage etc. This is how Pluto exacts its power and control.
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Power obsessed
Pluto gets what it wants and exerts control over others while it does. That’s why it’s described as “scary” and associated with fear, a combination of ego and revenge. This is why wherever Pluto is in your houses it can show where you are intimidating, relentless and powerful and what you have constantly been resiliently obsessing over for years.
E.g Pluto 1st housers feel the desperate need to be in control and that they are seen to be dominant. They’re kind to get insulted if you call them “cute” or make jokes about their authority. (Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé, Britney Spears and Justin Beiber all have this placement and came out of being typecasted or known as the “sweet good girl/boy” stereotype to powerful and to be taken with caution.
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Pluto is labelled taboo because it inserts itself into light AND darkness. It doesn’t mind and in fact rather enjoys exploring sex, defiance, repressed emotions, any subject that the general public refuse to speak of, Pluto relishes in that. I remember as a child there was a myth that I was told. It was that if you say “Bloody Mary” three times in the mirror you’ll get haunted and a ghost will appear to attack you, while other children may scream and dread in fear to even think of doing such an act, Pluto ruled natives may be the kind when alone to quickly run into the bathroom turn off the lights and try it out alone. That’s why they’re known to participate in dark arts, have interest in disturbing topics, they are fearless, like the challenge and find the minuscule information available on it a challenge. It’s not that Pluto ONLY has interest in taboo topics it’s just that it doesn’t hold as much fear of it as everyone else, talking about sex or death to Pluto is like talking about the weather, it’s no different, after all it’s just another subject.
The reason why they’re so fascinated by such topics and affiliated with them is because they see wasted energy and potential in these dark topics, abandoned resources that nobody wants meaning there’s more for them, and that’s why Pluto wants to explore it. Pluto isn’t wasteful. If Pluto were to kill a cow it would use its meat for food, bones for medicine, skin for rugs and teeth for necklaces, not a part of it would go unused. It gets excited when someone hits them because it means they can hit back.
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Hidden self
Pluto is the hidden shadow part of yourself self you may want to hide and refuse to acknowledge. This is because as mentioned before Pluto loves the darkness and inside the subconscious there’s the good stuff and the bad stuff, our subconscious holds our fears, our beliefs, our desires and Pluto brings out all that stuff as conversation starters and wants to explore it and use it as fuel. This is why Pluto is known to be triggering because to be honest who wants to remember the fact they are afraid of touch and their abuser that caused that? But Pluto does. Pluto wants to remember them, Pluto wants to bring it up, Pluto wants to know who they are, Pluto wants to get revenge on them and put them in their place. Wherever Pluto is in your houses can also show how you can exact revenge so that it hits hard on others.
E.g. Pluto 4th house can suggest native can use powerful resources in their family, or their family has status, control, authority over others and can utilise it against others to contribute to their downfall.
(Megan Markle has this placement and she certainly lives up to it. She’s able to use the traumatic experiences she endured as a royal as fuel against them and is slowly contributing to the downfall of the monarchy by using her name and her affiliation to the royal family).
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How to activate Pluto
Pluto can only transform and use its powers of Alchemy, transformation, control and power if you tap into its energy otherwise Plutos potential will be ignored. The same with any placement really. If you have a Venus 1st house, you want to be a beauty influencer but don’t put yourself out there, it’s energy will never manifest and remain as wasted potential.
The way you’re supposed to use Pluto is by confronting your fears. When you are most afraid, do it anyway.
E.g. Pluto 7th housers when you’re laying in bed and you’re thinking of that traumatic experience in your relationships instead of suppressing it, allow Pluto to remember it and allow that level of disrespect you feel to take action in the way of your Pluto sign.
(Shakira, Cardi B and Megan Thee stallion all have this placement and exacted revenge on their partners in different ways, Shakira and Cardi did it by artistically exposing them in music and making money form it, Megan did it the same way and also by lawsuits, doing public interviews on torey Lanes and pressing charges)
Anything Pluto touches is where you hold the most power in your birth chart. Usually people say how come i’m not good in that area?? It’s because you’ve not utilised Pluto. It’s because you won’t let Pluto explore it and turn your tribulations into gold.
What can Pluto tell us:
The best way of how you can exact revenge for it to successfully hit hard on others.
Where your wasted potential is. Basically where you allow your fears, desires, trauma to lay dormant instead of using that intense energy for Pluto transformation
Where we get excited when someone hits us because it means we can hit back. (Applies only if native is used to Plutos energy, otherwise you won’t be able to hit back. You’ll know if it’s active if when you have challenges under the themes of the house Plutos in you trust you can fight back like you have in the past)
Where you hold the most power
What you obsess over
How you deal with fears, death, change and trauma
Which part of your life you experience extreme transformation and changes
What you like to fight for
I will most likely be making a series that incorporates all of this for each house. However due to the fact that I am unfortunately very detail oriented this may take a while for me to commit to.
Pluto Series:
Pluto in 1st House
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superherosightings · 8 months
Pretty sure I just saw Red Robin emerge from underneath Batman’s cape? Followed by Spoiler…and then the small Robin…? Like a babushka doll? A Bat-bushka doll? #How #Why #superherosightings
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roxannepolice · 5 months
I was going to write an in-depth analysis of how The Giggle approached the Toymaker's yellow face past/origin by neither brushing it aside nor going for a lecture in intercultural relations, but instead recontextualising it by having him cosplay a handful of other doll-like national stereotypes (the German shopkeeper, the French mime, the napoleonic era English soldier, the American pioneer pilot), thus going even deeper into the concept of play-element of culture, essentially presenting nationalities (or all other distinctions used as ways of discriminating against others) as fancy chesspieces, which goes along with the Spice up your life scene being about the "fun" of fighting others because you're the only one who's right, and there might have even been a tangent on how the Doctor's strategy of dealing with the Toymaker was to use a game's rules against itself, while the Master's was to tip either result in their favour-
But my brain said, nah, you're going to spend the rest of the evening incapable of thinking of anything else than Neil Patrick Harris and a series of Neil Patrick Harrislings dressed as stereotypical babushka matryoshkas
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higgssupremacy · 7 months
Troy Baker says on Middle East Film & Comic Con In Abu Dhabi:
“Higgs is very much like a Babushka [doll]. There are masks within masks, within masks.”
“I don't even know where [Kojima] pulled his inspiration from. It plays into the narrative, and you understand why he looks the way that he does.”
“He's entrusting Norman [Reedus] and Lea [Seydoux] and myself to bring our best, to do this job.”
Two things here catch my attention:
He talks about masks, meaning of course the Matryoshka toy, which is set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. The meaning of the the matryoshka is to display the hidden, to present surprises where it would seem there are no more layers. We see at least two Higgs masks in the trailer (red fake Amelia and a white one The Crow-like makeup), but how many more is he hiding inside?
and 2. Norman and Lea and myself (fan of Sam/Higgs/Fragile dynamics inside me screams with hope) - so maybe this will be their story, their conflict unresolved in the first part?
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koudelkas · 1 day
REQUESTS ARE OPEN? *jumping in your arms* i’d looove to see you draw lady maria or plain doll again, or any drawings of them that you have that you may not have posted, really. i miss your bloodborne art
*catches you in my arms*
No Doll as of yet but I do have a lady maria I'm working on!!! ever since I upgraded to a pc I've felt myself gaming on my ps4 less so I should go back to it to replay some bloodborne.
I miss those two. Even if sony doesn't care about them, I do... and I'm glad you enjoy them too :-) so maybe I'll draw the plain Doll sometime! she's probably easiest for me to draw bc of how fun her general silhouette is. like a taller babushka doll
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gellavonhamster · 20 days
Started reading a book my friend lent me unprompted, and it's good so far, but dear writers everywhere, it's called a matryoshka doll, not a babushka doll. I guess you could have a babushka doll, as in a doll that looks like a grandma (because that's what "babushka" means), but if you mean a nesting doll, that's a matryoshka.
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half-emptyjuicebox · 4 months
y’know, tim minchin was right when he talked about feeling like the smallest doll in the babushka doll
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ar-lene · 4 months
Hello fellow yttders!!! Tis i!! The midori connoseuer who drew him once during jeandori takeover.
Under cut is a midori centered (Though The main cast have alot of elaboration on them, too.) yttd bungo stray dogs au me and 3 other people thought on a bit.
I intended to do something bigger with it. But since im working on the midori dating sim. I just cant. So im using this as a sort of hivemind post for anyone to compile ideas for this au!!!
So! Let us start with the *new* ability users and their abilities
Sou 'midori' hiyori:
Ability: "the silence of the lambs"
Affiliation: Armed detective agency. (Early story)
Rats in the house of the dead (later in the story)
This ability, allows anyone with contact to midori to establish a mental connection to, midori. Where they can swap out conciousness, speak telepathically. Or even hear the other persons thoughts and emotions. Midori is the one in control of all of that, though.
Now, as you might have guessed. This *does* have something to do with shin. Specifcally, midori ripped a layed of his skin, sew it into a scarf. Which shin now wears!! Meaning as long as that scarf is on shin. They can swap out conciousnessnesses! Shin is aware of this.
Funfacts: in yttd we see that midori has a very slight hunch. In this au, its due to shins bad posture, blowing his cover whenever he was in midoris body. So after many horribly gone attempts in fixing shins posture, Midori had to compromise.
Midori mostly uses shins conciousness in situations where his "non human way of thinking" would be a hindrance like: when he was passing the ada entrance exam.
Gin ibushi:
The switch is instant. And happens in the blink of an eye.
The name "midori" was given to him by the ada
Ability: "Knuffle kitty"
Affiliation: port mafia
Gins ability, allows any plushie animal, organ, or essentialy 'living tissue' made by gin. To become functional as if it were a living thing. With gins ability, you can easly replace someones organs or limbs as long as theres a surgeon to attach the plushie limbs to the actual host. He can also create poisonous animals to then throw at his enemies. Which is whoever is watching over him most of the time. (Lets face it. Its shin and sou who're getting stuff thrown at them.)
Fun facts: gin was transferred to the port mafia via saras request.
Kyuusaku and gin were buddies before Q witnessed the horrors.
Mori views gin as a sort of "mini yosano" and has a little collection of poisonous insects which gin has made for offensive use.
When dazai first met gin, in chuuyas presence. When gin began speaking in his "woof, meow" s. Dazai pointed at chuuya and said "he talks like you"
Joe tazuna:
Ability: 「トリプルドッグデスバラージ」 (TRIPLE DOG DEATH BARRAGE!) (Sorry i had to)
Affiliation: port mafia
His ability. Is self explanitory.
There are three dogs.
They will death barrage you.
And they regenerate atsushi style.
Funfacts: hes here due to!! Sara!!
He tried to get ryoko (was that her name??? Doner kabab gurl.) Into the port mafia too, but sara said its too dangerous for her.
Sara chidouin:
Ability: "Muses, mad men and prophets."
Affiliation: Port mafia
Her ability is meant for crowd control, and large, quick genocide. Whenever sara kills someone. They manifest as a "hallucination." Of themselves. Which wander around like normal passerbys. She, can swap her location with any of these "hallucinations" . No matter how far.
Hallucinations cannot be contained. And pass through walls. Hallucinations will dissipate after an hour has passed.
Funfacts: she works with kouyou for her training.
She was introduced to the port mafia via her father.
She kicks ass
Reko yabusame:
Ability: "perfect pitch"
Affiliation: port mafia
Juonos hearing. She can detect sound waves. She is all hearing. She detects them snitches.
Funfacts: she came to the port mafia for alice.
She and nao are girlfriends
Tia safalin:
Ability: "Babushka's doll"
Affiliation: none (sort of.) She does freelance work for whatever faction needs her. She has the most expirience working for the special ability division, rats in the house of the dead and the port mafia.
Her ability allows her to create dolls which she can give a portion of her memories to, they will then function as normal people. And can go through with tasks.
Funfacts: i got none
Ability: "The tea party in the woods"
Affiliation: none (because she deserves happiness)
Her ability causes the person shes using her ability on, to expirience a vision in their mind. Which time does not pass in. The vision will display the most comforting envoirment for the person the ability is used on. Maple, can interact with the other person during this vision. And the vision can only be stopped once the host, has drunk a whole cup of tea. This room can be used as a sort of quick therapy room, or somewhere to share confidential information with. Only 3 can enter at a time.
Funfact: she comes to the cafe under the ada very often, and has made great friends with lucy and atsushi. Shes also met midori, but its just a little baby crush.
Now, we get to characters with no ability, and their affiliations.
Alice Yabusame:
Hes part of the port mafia due to reko
Yelling. Alot of it.
Shoved in here by midori so he pays for the attempted murder
Tries his best.
Keiji shinogi:
Affiliation: Armed detective agency.
The wahaha man.
Hes a little like ranpo, in that he has no ability but is very preceptive.
When he joined the ada midori was so panicked he forced shin to interact with him. So now midori has to act like shin whenever keiji is talking to him.
Its not fun.
His arrival at the ada was NOT expected.
He was transferred to the ada from the speacial ability division.
Kanna!!! :
Affiliation: port mafia, because she kicks ass.
She helps out with mais bakery alot since its right below her house.
Shes learned alot from sara. And it shows in her fighting style.
She fights with her FISTS
She likes kyoka alot. Kinda sad shes in the ada, and sneaks to go to the cafe to see kyoka.
During one of these sneaking sessions shin (in midoris body) spotted her. And now shin has to cover for her whenever shes off to see kyoka.
Just. Genuinely a very kind girl
She doesnt deserve to be in the port mafia. And everyone knows that.
She could probably beat chuuya in a fist fight if chuuya didnt use his ability.
Shin tsukimi:
Affiliation: port mafia.
Shoved in here by midori.
Everyone and everything is out to kill him so he has a gun and several knives under his very large coat.
Most of his time is spent yelling at computers because theyre too slow for his liking.
Picks fights with sara over the stupidest little things, which sara wasnt even disagreeing with him on.
The unfortunate person who has to watch over all the children
Koyou scares him.
Higuchi is like the only non intimidating person to him, and exclusively because of how non-decietful she is.
Hatred for dazai osamu
Admiration of chuuya nakahara
Hatred of mori
Confusion of akutagawa ryuunosuke
People i dont have much thoughts on:
Megumi is a part of the special ability division.
Hayasaka is a member of the port mafia
The satous are part of the port mafia.
Mishima and nao live normal lives.
Q-taro is a part of the guild.
Hanako is an ex port mafia member
Clown girl is leading a normal life as a clown. (But im kinda considering throwing her in rithod and giving her an ability)
Ranmaru joined the port mafia for sara
Miley works with tia. But has ties to the port mafia
Teki....is teki???
Shes like..the miku of bsd i guess.
Main plot points im experimenting with: (midori exclusive)
Midoris motive from joining the ada being finding fyodor due to more information on "god" and assuming they follow the same god for this.
Midori being found out by dazai/ranpo/keiji , because midori is forced to switch into shins body to save shins ass during an ada raid. (Probably during the cannibalism) because midori isnt skilled enough in combat to hide his combat style. And shin cant fight for shit.
Midori getting his ass beat by keiji due to giving him piss hair and trauma.
Midori and fyodor kiss and make out (aka midori magically manifests in the tower during dead apple because his ability would just...be a copy of shin)
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jamethinks · 21 days
"And so Miss Martha came up to us and she saw Mr Henderson and his daughter and she was like "Henry looks so sharp today. I guess he got all dolled up for his daughter, she looks so much like her mother now" " Ever since their conversation regarding her powers, Anya and Handle have been spending lots of time together. For Handler it's just to monitor her and gain a better understanding outside of the more formal tests performed by WISE. Furthermore, forging a personal bond between the two of them has been proven to be beneficial when conducting tests and getting Twilight to trust her with Anya alone. Of course now that meant Anya had a new friend, but not any kind of friend. An adult friend she can talk to about her powers. Handler was only really interested in how they were affecting her but it seems Anya has more important information to share.
"...and then Mr. Henderson was like "Martha looks so elegant today. The way she walks his so graceful and poised. Ah I have these tickets I should invite her but what would Tori think..."- oh Tori is his daughter." It was good that Anya had someone she can vent to. Having all this information running through her constantly really made her feel tense and she's been a lot more relaxed now that she can let it all out on someone. Granted, Handler could care less about any of it but she had to stay engaged. Kids this age may understand boredom but haven't considered others can feel it independent of their opinion.
" Her full name is History-Ann like historian because her mom's favourtie subject history. Well was. She's dead. She died a like 15 years ago because had breast cancer and so now Mr. Henderson is really worries because he has five daughters and any one of them can inherit the trait and die and-" But this was an issue. Her mind reading was uncontrollable. Any thought she heard she could repeat back with ease. This will severely impact her social skills and emotional development. It's clear she feels burdened by the information she gets and tends to respond to that more than the actual situation. She also seems to gather personal and traumatic information but doesn't register it as that and repeat just as casually. Then there is the main issue, privacy.
"Anya." Handler finally spoke up, groaning and cutting the rambling rambling off. "We talked about this before. You have to stop reading people's minds."
"I'm sorry. I thought that was ok to share." Anya mumbled with a pout.
"You're not supposed to be sharing any of it. You're not even supposed to focus on their thoughts in the first place. People have a right to private thoughts." Anya frowned deeper and slouched back in the chair. "Come on, babushka. It's not your fault you have these powers but..."
"It's your job to use them responsibly." She grumbled along. Handler sighed, it was clear Anya didn't get the memo very well. She needed to try a different approach. She was young and probably doesn't fully understand privacy so maybe she should make reference to something Anya can relate to.
"Think of it like this. How would you feel if every time you're in your room someone just barges in and looks at what you're doing?"
"Baba does that to check if I'm doing my homework."
"What if it wasn't your papa? What if it was a complete stranger who just ran in without warning and started taking your stuff?"
"If someone broke into the house mama was kick them so har they'll go flying through the window like fwooooossshhh."
"Stay focused." The little girl returned to her sulking position when she realised she was acting too happy. "When your parents enter your room, do they knock?"
"Unless I'm supposed to be asleep. Then they open the door a little to check on me so I cover myself with my blanket like this and they think I'm still asleep."
"Why do you think they do that?"
"So they can know if I'm inside?"
"No, they do it so you know they're about to enter. That way, you can say don't come in or wait or just know that they're coming in. Your room is your personal private space. That's where you go when you're scared, it's where you sleep, it has all of your belongings. It's your space. How would you feel if any point in time a stranger can just enter your house. Go in you're room and start touching everything an looking at everything and just digging into your space?"
"Sometimes mama comes in my room for my dirty clothes and I'm afraid to give her some because they have stains on it but one day she went in and took them out when i wasn't there and that was embarrassing."
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whygodohgodwhy · 2 years
Conversation Prompt
“I’m like one of those Russian nesting dolls. Inside of me are many worse and worse versions of me, all waiting to come out.”
“They’re called babushka or matryoshka dolls, not nesting dolls.”
“The worst version of you lives on the outside.”
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queen-selkie · 8 months
My boyfriend is a jerk BUT at least I'm going to a lolita meet tomorrow so I'll be with my girls so that will be therapeutic for me ;-;
My little sister (she's my bestie) is coming tomorrow too and we are both going to pick a Lolita JSK for her to wear! IT'LL BE HER FIRST TIME WEARING A LOLITA COORD. 🥺💜 I'm wearing a sweet coord for the first time ever but it is like one of my dream prints that I bought. I'm sentimental against the print because I have A LOT of slavic heritage. It even came with the babushka and the apron!
Tomorrow's JSK for me is
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Matryoshka Doll by Temps de Fille
And my sister will wear one of these from my collection:
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Rose Palace Ribbon by Metamorphose Temps de Fille
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Holy Lantern by Angelic Pretty
Both JSK are pricey so I hope she doesn't stain them up but I guess we will find out lol 🙃
Look forward to a sister photo shoot 🖤🖤
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lovemarisolluna · 2 years
Last time I boil curled Mari’s hair, I definitely did not leave it in the curlers long enough. Here’s my old process post which worked great, but I took the rollers out too soon. So last night I tried it again. I’ll be taking them out in a couple days!
In the meantime, enjoy some wild process pics (under the cut for doll-based “body horror”)
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Ah yes, the good old blindfold and kidnap, I mean taping the eyes to protect from water damage…
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Post dunk, wrapped up like a little babushka
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“Help, I’ve lost my head!” 😂
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heartofanenigma · 1 year
I'm so jealous of people who have a good relationship with their mothers. Like what does it feel like to find peace in her hugs? What does it feel like to get advice whenever you're too perplexed about something? To get head pats? I miss her hugs, I miss her smell and I miss laying down on her lap. But I'm far from all that, not because she's not here or anything. She's two centimetres away while I write this. I'm busy being the angry, stormy child she made me into, the ruthless kid she's unknowingly given shape to, i'm the perfect babushka doll of her anger and sadness and all that she feels. I love you, mumma, but all that comes out of my throat is the sound of broken strings and broken glass. I want to hug you and hold onto you, mumma, but all my hands are doing is breaking your heart and this home.
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