#like dont give me a dragon and then expect me to sit quiet while people belittle and insult and abuse me and my children
hate how team green stans jump through hoops to justify alicent’s wrongdoings but then end up backing themselves into a corner.
they want her to be this poor little victim forever stuck at fifteen and ignore the fact that she put her daughter through the exact same thing when she was even younger. but then they also try and say that she was ruling the kingdom for decades while viserys was ill and was the best monarch, and ignore the fact that she was just attacking the heir constantly and used her standing to enforce the laws that were already there. she expected everyone else to suffer and accept their place because she believed herself better than those around her for laying down and accepting her suffering and she attacked those who wanted to benefit themselves and others in a system set against them - rhaenyra fighting for her rightful place as heir despite being a woman. she also silenced others with pain - dyana, the serving girl who was assaulted by aegon (and this was not just a one-of occasion cause the maids were literally shown to be scared of aegon and he is canonically a vile person.)
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kote-the-inn-keeper · 5 years
End of the Decade Favorite Book Tag
@bookcub made an awesome book tag
I have not read a lot over the last while so fhffyfg rip
1. High fantasy books that are obsession worthy
Obviously I’m going to say KKC lmao, but if I remember well enough I really enjoyed the Flamel series. The apprentice or something? It followed a pair of twins, it was really cool conceptually. Stormlight Archives are pretty good, I need to finish Way of Kings so ;; 
2. Urban fantasy books filled with people you want as friends
Uhhhhh.... Pbbbthh, I can always find someone in a book I want to be friends with, so this isn’t an easy one to answer.
3. Portal fantasy you fall in love with multiple times
There was this one book as a kid, i swear to god I asked about it on here a while ago to someone, where this kid mets a dragon and a talking cat and I remember the cover but not the name. I really liked that one growing up. I think I’d still like it now.
4. Novella that just makes you sigh cause it’s so lovely
I dont read this type of books uefgyefefg 
5. Historically inaccurate but laugh out loud amazing
fuCK OKAY SO there was this fucking book I read in highschool for a project that was “”about”” egypt and the life as a princess or something like that. And it was in the perspective of her and other chapters being some soilder she fell in love with and it wAS SO POORLY WRITTEN AND BAD AND NOT ACCURATE AT ALL IT WAS JUST AAAAA. I read the whole fucking thing and I wish I still had the report on it so I had the name. 
6. Satire that makes you reconsider your whole world view
Hm... I cant think of any off the top of my head
7. Happy, happy, happy and sad, sad, sad
Eragon (as the person who tagged me said), What I got through with TRC (I need to give it another go), and This one book series about angels that was really cool but really cheesy and ended up focused on love triangle shit >:/ it has a lady on the front of them.
8. No, I’m not to old for kids’ books, what are you talking about???
*Looks at the manga i still own from childhood* *looks away*
9. I’m also not to old for picture books either and never will be
There are so so many AAAA! I can’t just pick one or two!And honestly like?? There are newer ones that are just as adorable as the classic ones from childhood. 
10. Whoa, never expected that ending and to have that much fun!!!
Again, can’t remember the name (im bad at remembering book names wrow) but it was about angels (I had my fuckin angel phase shut up) but these had a dude on the front. Really liked that series, actually. Never finished it tho 
11. Like I’m scared, but I’m happy about it
Every scary story I have ever read lmao
12. Classically favorite
All Quiet On The Western Front. Dude I just can’t not still be gut punched by that book. it was fucked up. And one of the few classics I didn’t miss reading moving schools so often. If Alice In Wonderland counts as a classic, loved those book growing up too.
13. Party in your ears
I don’t list to books, just did the once for kkc
14. Boom!!! Pow!!! Wham!!!
I heard Way of Kings has a lot. And from how far I got in it earlier this year the combat wAS REALLY FUCKING GOOD SO
15. Oh wow, that’s me!!
*softly pushes the KKC books onto the table* Honestly like it used to be Eragon for me, but KKC just hit me different and stuck harder. I should give Eragon another read though though. it’s been yeaaaaars
16. I can’t stop thinking about this book
KKC, maybe stormlight archives once I find the time to sit and read them more. Alice In Wonderland is always on the back of my mind too.
17. A book you got from Tumblr that made it to your fave
None yet, but I have a long list from here I’m gonna try reading uwu
18. A book you had high expectations for and then the author OVER delivered
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss 100%. It was just so... fucking... good. UGH! 
Tagging: whoever hasnt done this cause im late to the party as always
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia fic: a song of ice and water
chapter 1
author's note: NO ONE asked for this. deadass no one. basically this is a gruvia game of thr*nes AU. and this is just like a pilot episode so ill see how everyone responds to this, and see if i even still like the idea, and will possibly continue it. now, even if u have not watched game of thrones, u can still follow along to this. im just using the same world as game of thrones, and will explain the background. its basically a medieval AU but i dont know much ab medieval times, but what i do know ab, is game of thrones lol. so yea no promises with this fic as in if i will continue or not. but here we go! enjoy!!<333
Many years ago, the country of Westeros was divided into seven kingdoms. However, after the conquest of Aegon Dragneel, his dragons, and his dragon slayer magic, he conquered and unified the seven kingdoms, to which he presided rule over. Hundreds of years later, his family still remains the house that sits on the throne: The Dragneels. With current king, Zeref (or as many refer to him as "The Mad King"), the world has been thrown into chaos.
The current regions of Westeros are split into nine provinces. The North is ruled by house Fullbuster, Lord of Winterfell. The Iron Islands are ruled by house Redfox, Lord of Pyke. The Riverlands are ruled by house Lockser, Lord of Riverrun. The Westerlands are ruled by house Heartfelia, Lord of Casterly Rock. The Vale is ruled by house Marvel, Lord of the Eyrie. Dorne is ruled by house Dreyar, Lord of Sunspear. The Stormlands are ruled by house Scarlet, Lord of Storm's End. The Reach is ruled by house Strauss, Lord of Highgarden. And finally, The Crownlands are ruled by the king, which is Zeref of house Dragneel, who sits on the Iron Throne in the country's capital, King's Landing. The rest of house Drganeel resides on an island just off the shore of King's Landing called Dragonstone.
The nine provinces and many allies must now unite and overthrow their unjust, evil king.
"Excuse me?" Gray said through gritted teeth and felt his blood beginning to boil. He didn't want his mother to witness the outburst of anger that was to come, but it seemed that was what would happen.
"I'm sorry, son." Mika lowered her grey eyes and held a hand out to the table, putting it on top of Gray's.
"An arranged marriage?!" Gray shot up from his seat, banging his fists to the cold wood.
"Dear, calm down." Her voice remained smooth.
"How am I supposed to stay calm?! Father fights alongside all the other lords in rebellion, fighting a war against the bloody king, and you expect me to sit back and take a wife?!" Gray never yelled at his mother like this, but what she was asking of him was unthinkable.
"Gray, I know you're upset-" Mika stood and placed a hand on Gray's shoulder.
"Upset?! Mother how could you ask me to do this? I've been training my whole life for something like this. My magic is just as strong as Father's. I should be out on the field with him!" Gray felt tears began to sting his eyes.
He'd fought battles before, but something like this felt like his destiny. It was a full fledged war amongst all of Westeros. To just sit on the side and watch it all unfold would make a mockery of all he'd trained for. He and his father's ice magic combined would be unstoppable. All Gray ever wanted to do was fight to protect his people, his home, and his family. It was what made him feel alive, and it was being taken from him.
"Your father needs more men to fight. Lord Lockser of Riverrun is finally willing to give aid to our cause, but only under the condition that you marry his daughter." She tried her best to explain.
"I am the future Lord of Winterfell. I am to be Warden of The North. How can I claim these titles if I have nothing to show for it?! 'Lord Gray shuddered in fear in his castle with his wife as everyone bravely fought.' How am I supposed to live with that?" His anger was simmering to frustration.
"That is exactly what you are. The future Lord of Winterfell. And doing this is a service not only to our country, but our family as well. You're eighteen now, Gray. It's time you took a wife and continued the Fullbuster name." Mika put her hands against her son's cheeks.
"I have plenty of time for that, Mother."
"Not if you go and get yourself killed in this war!" She shook him a bit.
"But I-"
"No 'but's, Gray. Now, I'm sorry that you cannot marry for love, and that you cannot be by your father's side. I truly am. But this is your duty right now. This is the best thing you can do. You know there must always be a Fullbuster in Winterfell, dear. You must be Lord until your father returns. Being a lord includes marrying and having children." She took her hands off her son's face, and Gray sucked up his tears.
He sunk back into his seat at the table with a numb look on his face. He slowly reached for his cup of wine and chugged the rest that was in there.
"So I'm to marry Juvia Lockser?" Gray let out sugh after finishing his drink and finally looked back up to his mother.
"Yes." Mika nodded.
"Hmph." Gray poured himself another glass of wine. "I wish I could at least marry someone I'm already acquainted with. Lucy Heartfelia or Erza Scarlet. Even Mirajane Strauss. They're all beautiful and skilled in battle.
"As is Juvia. I know you've never met her, but I'm sure you've heard stories." Mika sat back down at the table.
"Stories?" Gray raised a brow.
"Juvia Lockser: The Rain Woman."
Gray choked on his drink. "Oh lord, that is her isn't it?" He remembered. Just as he said that, he heard ran begin to pitter outside the window of the castle.
"Indeed it is."
"That'll be just great." Gray rolled his eyes. "A wife who brings rain with her everywhere she goes. We'll never see a sunny day in Winterfell as long as she's here."
"Like we see any sun anyway." Mika gave a teasing look to her son.
"Suppose you're right." Gray sighed.
"Don't be so glum. I've heard stories that her blue hair actually controls the waves of the oceans and that she can flood out her enemies with just a flick of her wrist." Mika smiled warmly, trying her best to comfort Gray.
"Yes, and I've heard everyone in The Riverlands fears her." Gray muttered.
"That must make her a great warrior." Mika reached out again to Gray's hand, to which he didn't retract his.
"When do I might my scary, gloomy, warrior bride?" Gray said, slightly annoyed.
There was a knock on the door. It was Gray's adopted brother, Lyon. His family was a great house in the north that attempted to rebel against the Fullbusters and take their spot at Winterfell. However, they were unsuccessful. The entire family was killed except for their only som and heir, Lyon Vastia. He was just a boy when it all happened, just as Gray was. Silver Fullbuster decided to spare the boy and raise him as his own. In turn, Gray considered him as a brother.
"My Lord, My Lady," He entered the room. "Juvia Lockser has arrived."
"Thank you, Lyon." Mika nodded, and Lyon nodded back before exiting the room.
"She's here?!" Gray exclaimed.
"Yes, I was, well, putting off telling you, to say the least." Mika chuckled.
"Yeah, maybe! When was this deal made?!"
"About two months ago..." Mika said, sheepishly.
"Two months?! Mother-"
"Come, come, dear, we have to welcome your bride-to-be." She wrapped her arm in Gray's and began to walk them out the door.
The two made their way through the castle grounds, past all the servants and throught the stone towers. Lyon was with them, holding an umbrella over them to keep them dry.
There was a carriage at the gate of the castle. It was blue and red, the colors of Riverrun. One of the knights opened the carriage, and another held out an umbrella. A pale hand took it and stepped out of the carriage.
Her hair was a vibrant blue, just as all the stories said. The ends were curled tightly, hanging just above her shoulders. She wore a blue gown that puffed out a bit, and on top of it was a poncho. Once her deep eyes met Gray's, he felt a pang of emotion strike him. Her rich blue eyes- while firece- seemed so sad, and they were practically hidden by her long, heavy lashes. She wasn't at all what he pictured her to be.
Juvia steadily approached Gray. "Hello, My Lord." Her voice was quiet as she curtsied.
"My Lady." Gray nodded and took her hand, planting a light kiss on it, as was what was expected of him. A light blush grazed her cheeks, and she looked down.
"Hello, My Lady." Juvia turned to Mika and curtsied again.
"It's nice to meet you, Juvia." Mike gave her a soft smile, hoping to make her feel more welcome.
"Come, dear, let's get you settled in and ready for your welcome feast." Mika reached out to Juvia, wrapping an arm around her, and she sheepishly followed.
"I will see you tonight, My Lady." Gray gave Juvia another nod who blushed once again, averting her gaze.
Lyon and Gray watched her walk away with Mika.
"She doesn't seem as scary as everyone says." Gray shrugged.
"She's a young girl who was shipped off to a completely foreign land all on her own to marry a stranger. I'm sure she's the one who's scared." Lyon said.
"Yeah. I guess I do feel bad." Gray admitted.
"Well I certainly don't feel bad for you. She's absolutely gorgeous." Lyon gawked.
"Damn, Lyon, calm down. She is my wife after all." Gray teased. "And I'd much rather be on the battlefield than getting married. You know that."
"She's not your wife yet." Lyon focused his gaze on Juvia as she walked away, seeming to disregard Gray's joke and put all his focus on her.
"Well," Gray broke his stare. "Let's go get ready for this welcome feast, I suppose."
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Debunking Arya Stark being Azor Ahai and the Princess That Was Promised. (S8 E3)
(Let’s get one thing straight before I write this whole post. I LOVE Arya Stark. That girl is my baby. She’s my favorite character, not only in the show, but also very importantly, in the books. And I LOVED that she was the one to kill the Night King. So this post isn’t in any way going to a post about me complaining about the final 10 minutes of Episode 3 of S8. Instead, this will be me CRITICALLY ANALYZING that moment, and how it fit’s and doesn’t fit into the lore, and the books. Afterall, I am a book reader first and foremost, and a show-watcher 2nd.)
Before I say anything else, I’ll give you guys my rundown opinion of that scene. This morning I was on twitter and Tumblr, and I started losing my freaking marbles because everyone was labeling Arya Stark, Azor Ahai Reborn, and TPTWP. And I wasn’t the only one. Everyone on the asoiaf forums were equally disappointed at how everything about e3 was handled. And I, unfortunately, am one of those people. But here’s the thing, and let’s make this clear. Ask any book reader, NONE OF US ARE MAD THAT ARYA KILLED THE NK. In fact, a lot of us expected something like that, because we know that Arya in the books will have a VERY IMPORTANT role for the upcoming war for the Dawn. There are lots of hints and foreshadow about her doing something remarkable in the books, however, this is not one of them. So let’s analyze and debunk this moment:
Yes, Arya killing the Night King was hella bad-ass. Hell, I even cheered for her. Although when it got to the final credits, I was literally so lost, and confused, and overall disappointed. I was lowkey quiet for the first 10 minutes after, because I couldn’t believe what actually happened. Here’s the thing that is irking everyone about Arya being AA or TPTWP: her killing the NK, so easily AND ALONE is what ruined the plot arcs of some of those characters whose plot actually revolves around the Others. Yes, the moment was EMPOWERING. Being a women who stopped the damn apocalypse. I was inspired. And it was very poetic that Arya killed the ULTIMATE representation of DEATH. But the BUILDUP to her killing the NK? Where was it? A simple foreshadow from Mel about eye colors? The fact that Arya used a sparring move against Brienne in S7? A moment when Bran gives her Catspaw? When she meets Jon, and Jon says, “How did you sneak up on me?”? 
Here, the reason why Arya SIMPLY killing the NK so easily doesn’t work, is because it INVALIDATES EVERYTHING about the books and it’s morals, and the text. Arya killing the NK with one stab, while Dany couldn’t even injure him with fire, fucks up the lore and the history so badly, that it all feels so worthless. Pointless. What? Was everything that happened in the books a BIG RED HERRING?? You spend so many years BUILDING up to this war, and Arya simply killing him without any problems or consequences is what wins the war? What about Daenerys? What about Jon? WHAT WAS THE POINT? WHY WAS HE WAS BROUGHT BACK? Just to be King? Huh? And BRAN.
Yes GOT is about the Throne. And it would make sense that the show ends where it started, with the throne. But the whole point of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE is about ICE AND FIRE. The balance between life and death. The balance between good and bad. The balance between magic and reality. The whole point of the battle between ice and fire, is that none of the things involving the throne matters. Bc there is an even more powerful danger lurking on both sides. Dany being a danger from the south (fire) and the Others from the north (Ice). There has to be a balance between those two things, and that is not the Iron Throne.
Let’s go back to the AA prophecy quickly. People on twitter were lowkey confused because apparently no one knows who Azor Ahai is, and now everyone immediately thinks it’s Arya cause she killed the NK. Here’s a small rundown: Azor Ahai, or The Prince/Princess who was promised was a prophized figure who fought against the Others (White Walkers), bringing forth a summer after a generation of winter and darkness. This prophecy is to come back into fruition once more, now that winter is coming. And HIS is the SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, who will be reborn amidst salt and smoke, and is prophisized to save the world AGAIN from eternal darkness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3o2LqFZcGU Click the link for more info. This one is my favorite video analysis about AA. (IN SHORT, AA IS BASICALLY JESUS, LOL)
Now I know prophecy should always be taken with a grain of salt. It shouldn’t be taken too lightly, or too figuratively. BUT! AA is NOT just anyone. There are REQUIREMENTS to be this prophesied savior. (See video above.) Those requirements do NOT FIT ARYA. I really tried. No this fandom tried. We tried making even the slightest connection, even metaphorically that Arya could somehow be the PTWP. But the only thing we could find that actually made sense, was that she felt “reborn” when she saw the red comet (bleeding star) back in ACOK (S2). Not even metaphorically does she fit this prophecy. Now here’s the next counter argument: What if prophecy is just bullshit, and none of it is real, and we’re all just wasting our time? Yes, all of that is plausible. HOWEVER, you spend all this time, 8 seasons, 5 books, with SO SO SO MUCH foreshadow and hints, and LEGITIMATE EVIDENCE, that it doesn’t properly pay off? GRRM is NOT like that. There are characters in the books that predict ACCURATE prophecies and foreshadows. In fact, there is a character who is known to accurately predict prophecy. And she does for Arya. Guess who it is? *Bingo bingo!* The GHOST OF HIGHHEART. (Jenny’s Song. S8 E2)
“I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death ... You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!” (ASOS, pg 593)
Prophecy may not be accurate at times. But they DO pay off. This prophecy here is literally the equivalent of Melisandre giving the “Colored eyes” prophecy in the show. Because in the books, Mel doesn’t even meet Arya and there is no colored eye foreshadow, or any sort of foreshadow that she is TPTWP. There is however, other ways you can interpret this prophecy above. (You decide.)
Prophecy is a BIG THING about the books. Yes, it may not be accurate, but they HOLD MEANING. THE AZOR AHAI PROPHECY IS THE BACKBONE OF THE WHOLE WHITE WALKER STORYLINE. By ignoring this prophecy, you are essentially taking away the PURPOSE and the real motives of these characters who are INTERTWINED with this prophecy. The reason why Arya killing the NK so easily and ALONE is a problem with us, is because it invalidates this prophecy, and therefore makes everything, all the buildup absolutely POINTLESS. The characters that have been involved from Day 1 with this prophecy, have been reduced to nothing more than a side story. A myth.
Let’s look at all the characters whose building story arc have become irrelevant because of the writer’s decision to pull that plot twist: 
Jon Snow:
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Wow. This one literally couldn’t hurt any more than it already does... From his first chapter, to his first scene in the show, we are led to believe that this character is literally nothing more than Ned Stark’s bastard. A side character. It is made clear that he IS A BASTARD. He IS AN OUTSIDER. Both him and Arya have parallel arcs. They intertwine beautifully. This is why people think Arya will also have a role to play with the Others in the later books. Because she and Jon share the same story, just she is dealing with a different kind of death. GRRM from the book emphasizes Jon’s bastard title, and his mother. And he isn’t really made out to be an important character until MUCH LATER in the book series. The fact that there’s so much emphasis on his title, and R+L=J is IMPORTANT. Bc the whole AA prophecy states that AA will be reborn out of Jaehaerys line. Not anyone from the Starks. Also the line, “You know nothing Jon Snow,”  is even more relevant because it’s full of irony. You have the guy who’s known to know nothing, but he actually KNOWS MORE than anyone realizes. Jon’s whole arc is about the Others. Which would have made his fight with them MUCH MORE PERSONAL because his storyline is physically and emotionally connected to them. The fact that he joins the Night’s Watch is important too. Because no, they don’t just fight wildlings in the books. Their purpose was to protect the realm from the Others.  I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. This is so relevant because Jon becoming king, would make it MUCH MORE meaningful. A king that PROTECTED the realm. Assuming he even becomes king, would make his whole arc come full circle and would be so much more rewarding. You have this dude resurrected from the dead, and what? Was his purpose just to unite the people and become king? You have this character foreshadowed to have a standoff with the ultimate bad guy, and he does nothing but run around screaming at an undead dragon...Yes, it’s cliche. BUT IT’S STILL GOOD STORY TELLING BECAUSE IT’S BEEN BUILT UP PROPERLY. 
Bran Stark:
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I don’t even have words for this one... You have Brandon Stark literally the most OP person in all of the seven kingdoms and YOU. DONT. USE. HIM. Okay I agree, GRRM says Bran is the hardest character to write in the books, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for him to just warg into ravens and do what? Scout? That’s it? This kid was literally pushed off a tower that ended up triggering his journey to become the 3-eyed raven a.k.a THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE UNIVERSE, and he does absolutely nothing but sit around predicting other peoples future, and being weird, and warging into ravens. Lol what’s worse is that he’s just there in the show to serve the other character’s plot line. By “TRIGGERING” these events that the characters will eventually get into. Bloodraven in the books is SCARY AS HELL. No one really knows his motive and yet he can do so much more than what Bran does in the show. Bloodraven is the definition of MIND BLOWING. Bran AND JON ARE THE TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE THE MOST PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY CONNECTED TO THE OTHERS, AND BY THE END, THEIR WHOLE ARCS WERE THROWN IN THE TRASH. They don’t have a big face off, or any sort of payoff. Just staring and staring and staring. And BAM. Welp Night King’s dead. Oops guess we were just here for absolutely no other purpose than to trigger events and bring all these dumb people together. (Sorry, this one lowkey triggered the hell out of me. The 3 eyed Raven, Hodor, Meera and Jojen DID NOT DIE just for Bran to not be used to his full potential...)
Daenerys Targaryen:
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This one is soo annoying. Daenerys Targaryen, fits literally ALMOST ALL the signs of the prophecy that it almost seems too obvious if she was AA. But welp, none of that matters now because she didn’t really do anything to kill the Night King. SHE DID DO MORE THAN JON though, I’ll give her that. Yeah she’s a conqueror going for the Iron Throne. But she’s also a direct descendant of King Jaehaerys’ line. Part of her whole arc is fire and blood. But it is also about her fight for her birthright, and if she would give up her birthright to fulfill something greater. We as fans, we root for her to get the throne. But we also root for her to do something MORE. But more IMPORTANTLY, her arc is also in parallel with the Others. And no, I don’t mean that she’s a mad queen. But the title of the series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. Daenerys is a THREAT from the south. (Fire.) And the Others are a threat from the north. (Ice) There has to be a balance between them. In the show she loses a dragon, one of her children. And the fact that her choice of weapon doesn’t do ANY damage to the ultimate villain, but a simple stabbing does? I don’t even like Daenerys much after s6, but wow. This was underwelming to the core. Dragon chick who’s literally a level 1K going against another level 1K final boss and can’t do shit to him??
Rhaegar Targaryen:
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This I think is the one that ANNOYS ME THE MOST. Like holy shit, they could not have possibly damaged this whole wretched storyline even more than they already did. But somehow the show writers managed to go and give it one final blow. Rhaegar Targayen. The one arguably responsible for ALL the shit we have in Game of Thrones. The one whose actions triggered nearly every single arc into motion in this whole goddamn series. The man who is arguably considered the REAL MAIN CHARACTER in ASOIAF. HIS WHOLE COMPLEX CHARACTER ARC AND STORYLINE FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET. I love Rhaegar’s character in the books, cause he’s well, not exactly a good guy. He’s in that perfect morally grey area, which is what I love about characters. He’s not suppose to be likeable. He’s suppose to be complex. But the show not only managed to make him the MOST UNLIKEABLE character in this series, but they also managed to ruin all of his complexities in favor of making him a love-sick puppy thinking with his dick. This was lowkey the biggest fuck you they could give to his character, the characters surrounding him, (*cough* Elia)  and to the lore and history of the books. Rhaegar’s whole arc and storyline revolved around this stupid prophecy and that’s literally THE reason why everything went down the way it did in the books. Elia was also INTO the prophecy too, so it’s not like she wasn’t aware of anything! Elia was even helping Rhaegar fullfill this prophecy, it just so happens that she was too sick, to do anything more. The fact that the show chose to ignore this whole thing and disregard the lore surrounding it is literally is the biggest fuck you to Elia and her children. It means that Rhaegar truly was a mad man who left his wife and disowned his children because he was thinking with his dick. When in fact it wasn’t really like that. Rhaegar really did try to protect Elia and their children when he left them. And that too gets thrown in the trash because of this dumb prophecy. And that sucks because Elia played an important role with this prophecy, and she knew and understood it too. And in the end, none of their actions became worth it...  By not having the proper payoff from all of this buildup, Elia and her children literally died for NOTHING.
Other characters who’s arc were ruined by the mess in e3:
Samwell Tarly: Was the first character to discover that WW can be killed with dragonglass. He was studying at the citadel to learn more about them, and find info on how to beat them. Not only did this NOT happen, but he didn’t even contribute to anything for the end of the world. Literally just went back to being the scared little puppy he was back in S1/book1. His role then had no relevancy because NK was killed so easily, and he didn’t even learn a single thing about him or how to kill him, other than him wanting to “erase memories.” His whole arc was about him being more than what he believed in. Being smarter than what his father thought he was. And they did not utilize that. He coward back again! Like what was the point of him going to the citadel and stuff if literally the EASIEST way to kill the NK was a simple stab with a special steel?
This episode had so many problems. But Arya Stark killing the NK WASN’T the main problem. You can have the most beautiful shot television series with so much time and effort put in it. But all of that means nothing when the writing is not consistent. The fact that the show did a 360 and practically ignored literally EVERYTHING about the lore and the text, is what’s frustrating everyone. Because while Arya killing the NK and saving the realm BY HERSELF was yes, poetic and SERVED WELL TIEING UP HER ARC, in doing so, it had managed to UNTIE literally YEARS and years of plot threads and buildup from most of the other CRUCIAL characters, that in the end, it feels so empty. Arya should not have killed the NK ALONE. Bran should’ve been a part of it. Jon should’ve helped Arya kill the NK. Now that would’ve been a good payoff for both their arcs. Jon, Bran, Arya, Daenerys and Tyrion are considered by GRRM to be the CORE 5 of the story. And in the end, in this supposedly world ending apocalypse, only Arya really played a KEY role. Bran didn’t do anything powerful to stop the NK. He only triggered events and was bait. Daenerys was getting slaughtered out there, and even her most prized weapon could help her fully. Jon... Let’s be honest, no one knows what in the world Jon was doing this ep. Tyrion was down in the crypts, when this little man literally could have contributed to WAR TACTICS. All these characters are connected with the Others emotionally, physically and/or metaphorically, that the fact that only one of them became crucial to the endgame, makes the story so POINTLESS. What was the point of bringing Jon back from the dead if he was only going to unite people and become king? What was the point of Bran venturing far north to become the most powerful human being, if all he’s going to do is trigger events and warg into ravens? etc. 
Arya killing the NK alone hurts because while she is foreshadowed to play a crucial role against the Others in the books, SHE IS THE MOST DISTANT FROM THEM IN TERMS OF STORYLINE. It doesn’t pay off well in the show, because until a couple of weeks ago, she didn’t even know the Others existed. Up until last night’s battle, she’s never seen a white walker. That’s why it didn’t feel right for her to do the kill alone. Her arc did not intertwine with the Others, physically or emotionally. Unlike Jon or Bran whose literal whole arc has been with the Others, and is about the Others. That’s why it feels so empty. It didn’t feel rewarding. It was undeserving. Because up until last night, she’s had no interaction with a single Other, whatsoever. The buildup was actually weak, and because of it, it didn’t feel as good as it should’ve. 
Arya’s plotline is more than just hyping up to kill the Others. Like the other core members, she has a complex story arc. Arya’s storyline is about her heart in conflict with itself. It’s about her identity. Part of the reason why she struggles in AFFC & ADWD in her Faceless Man arc, is because she CAN’T become a faceless man. Her heart won’t let her forget her identity. That’s also why she’s had so many other identities in the books. Her different identities are about survival as well. They’ve helped her survive. It’s not really about revenge, and killing, and white walkers. But it’s about her, having so many identities and finding her way back to her true identity. Finding her way back to being a Stark.
So yeah. Arya killing the NK so SIMPLY when there should’ve been more, is like a big fuck you to the books and what it stands for. It invalidates the books. The fact that the books hype up this war for the dawn and prophecy and the Others, and then it just ends after 1 episode? Like that’s it? The NK being killed so easily? The payoff was weak, and it hurts not only the book fans but the book and it’s characters in general. No Arya is not Azor Ahai reborn, or any prophisized savior. She is an assassin and the slayer of the Night King. But to make it even more utterly pointless, the NK doesn’t even exist in the books.
The episode was fun, tense and good! Arya killing the NK was hella badass. But... it just wasn’t A Song of Ice and Fire.
(Congrats if you made it to the end of my very, very, long essay! As always, debates are up and open! Feel free to counter-argue!) :)
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s69jin · 4 years
drarry recs- #1
i’ve always wanted to make a reclist of the fics i enjoy, so here they are, in no particular order :)  
Running On Air  by @tinyhistory​ 
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Berlin, In the Year of Our Lord by Are 
Powerful Men by Frayach (warning: main character death)
They say the price of power is a sound night's sleep.
And Save Me From Bloody Men by blamebrampton 
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
Aletheia by lazywonderland
Draco finds out Daphne's been shagging Potter and it turns out it's really not that difficult to get a piece of her hair.
All The Ashes Like Leaves by firethesound
Nothing about being the Chosen One had prepared Harry for this. With most of the population blinded and man-eating plants running amok, he can only stay close to his friends as they make their way to safety. Not that he’d call Malfoy a friend, but the end of the world does rather make their ongoing feud seem trivial. And it just figures that it took nothing short of an apocalypse to make Malfoy seem like less of a git.
Are You There God? It’s Me, Draco by floweringjudas
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are straight Aurors. Then they're gay teachers. It makes sense, in context.
The Mirror Crack’d by Femme , noeon
A Cumbrian manor house full of paying guests, a dead Ministry official, and an active murder investigation interrupt the quiet of Draco and Harry's life together. Rather fatally. Written for our beloved Bubba for Glompfest 2010.
warmest part of the winter by warmfoothills
It’s not even a balcony, it’s just a window with a bit of a ledge, and Draco’s read Shakespeare anyway, he knows how this one ends.
Turn From Stone by harryromper
Harry knows there’s nothing he can do to stop Hermione (war hero, historian, author of the reissued “Hogwarts: A History”) once she sets her mind to something. Even an extremely risky last-ditch effort to restore the ancient castle and lay its newest ghosts to rest. What he wasn’t counting on was her insistence that Draco Malfoy be part of the plan.
Time and Again by lauren3210
Draco has an important research assignment, and he needs Auror protection. Harry’s a little concerned, not only because he can’t even pronounce the places Draco’s dragging him off to, but because there’s the slightest chance he might do something stupid, like tell Draco all about that little crush he’s been harbouring for a while now...
Crossing Lines by Ren
While investigating a ring of smugglers, the Aurors receive a tip saying that the European Express is being used to move contraband across state lines. To solve the case, Harry has to unmask the smugglers and find the hidden contraband before the luxury train reaches Bulgaria. Draco Malfoy is also on board… but that's just coincidence, isn't it?
A Lick and a Promise by tackytiger
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts!
When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help.
Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea.
Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand.
A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
Exactly How it Happened by dracogotgame 
Harry and Draco. Not fooling anyone.
The Consolations of a Summer’s Day by blamebrampton
Harry Potter is absolutely certain Draco Malfoy did not murder Pansy Parkinson. He’s almost absolutely certain he can prove this without sacrificing his career and having them both hauled up before the Wizengamot.
Magic Man by dracogotgame 
Draco has been exiled to live in the Muggle World, where he's actually doing alright as an amateur stage magician. Harry has been tasked to determine if he's using real magic to enhance his performances.
The Venice Job by nishizono 
Harry Potter was one of the youngest Aurors in history. He was the Boy Who Lived, and the Boy Who Lived Again. He loved Guinness and Quidditch, and hated pineapple. He wrote letters to Hagrid every Thursday, and on Sundays, he visited Hermione and Ron. Harry Potter was also not gay.
Midnight in the City of a Hundred Spires by shiftylinguini
Harry Potter is a missing person. Draco Malfoy is a vampire. They are the last two people one would expect to bump into each other in a Creature Bar in Prague, yet to Draco’s absolute shock that is definitely Harry fucking Potter sitting across from him.
Even more surprising is that Potter may have a case for him.
Level Two: Series One by various authors (there are a LOT i dont have the mental capacity to link them all individually im so sorry)
Witches and wizards are disappearing in a seemingly random fashion. Coincidence? Abductions? But no one is claiming ransom. The Aurors are not even sure the disappearances are connected, then one of the missing turns up dead. Meanwhile, Auror Harry Potter is thrown into the infamous Sirius Black Muggle murder case from 25 years ago. Given a chance to clear his godfather's name for good, Harry is not above accepting even the help of magical specialist Draco Malfoy.
The Jabberwock by blithelybonny
 It’s out there, and it’s hungry. And the students have a choice to make.
Wolfish by Femme, noeon
With wolves surrounding him, Draco seeks safe haven. But as his godfather warns him, wolves come in many forms.
Gone to Take the Air by @tinyhistory (warning: main character death)
Draco never recovered afterwards and nor did Harry.
The Rabbit and the God by who_la_hoop
When Draco Malfoy goes missing, in the most peculiar of ways, frustrated Auror-in-training Harry Potter goes on a search for his absentee enemy that leads him to Muggle Japan – and to a mystery that will take more than magic to solve.
i demand to dig my own grave by MostlyVoid
Draco finds himself in hot water with the Aurors, and in a burst of panicked inspiration manages to wiggle out of it by claiming to be a Seer. There's just one little problem– Senior Auror Harry Potter, the Prat Who Lived, who's known him for a decade, knows full well Draco doesn't have a single psychic bone in his body and seems determined to pull him up for it. Now, the Department is demanding he help them solve cases, Potter's looming over his shoulder at every turn, and worst of all, he hasn't had a shag in weeks because of all this bother. What's a pseudo-Seer to do?
I, Ferret by curiouslyfic
Draco's embraced his inner Ferret. Now it's Harry's turn. Starring Veela!Draco, mpreg, an old wives' tale, and a Weddiwizard.
there’s a trick with a dragon i’m learning to do by curiouslyfic
Harry’s live-in’s a workaholic being courted — harassed — by an array of weeping minions and an assortment of overprivileged pricks. Harry’s bloody portraits are being harassed — courted — by, well, an assortment of things Harry doesn’t even want to think about. Harry’s had a long week already and so far, his weekend’s not looking much better. At least he can say with certainty there's no place like home...
there’s definitely gonna be a part two but these are all for now !! please give the authors some love!
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inawickedlittletown · 6 years
Walking The Wire (107/?)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Six
It wasn’t until it was almost summer that Tony actually had to speak out in Barnes’ defense. Pepper was the one to make the call on the timing and Tony agreed that it was the right time. It was mostly to do with how the public viewed Barnes and Ross. Since clearing the air in Wakanda, Tony had started to take more interest in the man that was Steve’s best friend. He’d gone as far as to offer Barnes a new arm even if the process would entail Tony returning to Wakanda to make it happen. Barnes hadn’t seemed too interested and Tony realized fairly quickly that it was because for the time being he preferred not having the arm and either way Shuri assured him she had something in the works for him.
Speaking to Barnes had made things a little easier for Tony. He didn’t blame the man anymore and he didn’t dream about him or Siberia all the time not that it stopped Tony from having nightmares all together about his mom dying but they weren’t about Barnes. Not really. Some things were never going to stop and for Tony there would always be nightmares.
In the end, Tony’s statements about how much he didn’t blame Barnes and how he didn’t personally hold Barnes accountable for the deaths of his parents had the effect of making people aware of how much Hydra had had to do with everything The Winter Soldier had done. But it wasn’t just Tony’s word but all the proof they had to show what Hydra had been up to.
It didn’t stop Ross from continuing to try to get his way and make it near impossible for Barnes to ever get out of hiding without being arrested if he did. But the arrest would only lead to a trial and Tony was confident that it was a trial that Barnes would win. Ross seemed to have figured that out too, because he wasn’t as pushy with the stuff about Barnes which just made Tony worry and he’d have something else up his sleeve. Either way, with Barnes not planning on leaving Wakanda any time soon the whole matter was put the rest and Tony had his lawyers ready for when anything changed. He was hopeful that his name would be cleared when the time came.
Tony had a million other things going on too like the planning of a wedding. The thing of it was that flashy wasn’t what they wanted or needed. In all actuality, the whole marriage thing was a bit unnecessary in and of itself. Still, they wanted to have it happen and make it official.
It was Peter that seemed to want to make a big deal out of it which Tony thought was him trying to really make it clear how okay he was with him getting married which was sweet. Ever since they’d had that discussion over apple crostini, Tony had realized that he really needed to make sure Peter never felt left out of any of it. It helped that Steve adored Peter and loved his input and probably welcomed Peter in more than even Tony did.. If it was up to Steve, he probably would just let Peter have his way with all of it.
“But you have to have a big wedding,” Peter said one morning. “Just think about all the good it will do to all the gay teens out there who look up to you. You’re Iron Man and Captain America. You’re both public figures.”
Rhodey thought the whole thing was hilarious, but somehow Peter got him on his side. Mostly, Tony suspected that Rhodey just wanted to watch him suffer.
“No one even knows we’re together, Pete,” Tony had tried to argue one afternoon while Peter did some maintenance on K-9.
“But they should. I don’t really get why you’re keeping it a secret in the first place. You’re not going to hide it forever. It’s like -- I know I have a secret identity, but one day everyone’s going to know who I am. And they’re also going to know that I’m your son. I’m not ashamed of being Spider-Man or the son of Tony Stark even if it’s easier to keep that quiet at the moment. ”
It took a few weeks of convincing and since Peter was eventually out of school for the summer he had plenty of time to harp on the subject which was a bit amusing mostly because he even had Karen and Friday piping in on how much they needed to make a big deal about the wedding. In the end, Tony figured that Peter was right. Secrets weren’t a good thing and as horrible as the media coverage could get, Peter was right in saying that they might help young LGBTQ kids and teens and adults too probably by being open about it. That was what finally truly convinced Tony -- but also, it was sort of nice to share with the world that he and and Steve were going to be husbands.
But then, another reason reared its head when Tony got a call from Ross. The calls had stopped a while back, but Friday still put Ross on hold for a while before Tony picked up.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize there was a call,” Tony said. “What can I do for you?”
“Stark, you’ve done an amazing job at stonewalling me time and time again.”
“Getting the right information to the people is stonewalling you? Getting our heroes back and under house arrest as punishment for their actions? General, I have followed every letter of the law and every clause within the amended Sokovia Accords. So unless you want something, I don’t understand the nature of this phone call. I’m a very busy man.”
Which was when Ross said the last thing that Tony expected him to say: “I know you have a son. Swings around New York City as Spider-Man, right? I bet the people would love to know about him -- after all, everyone seems to be wondering who he is.”
Tony went cold. It didn’t seem like Ross actually knew who was under the Spider-Man suit, but he knew that it was Tony’s son. He knew that Tony had a son at all.
“Ah, I see I found something to keep you quiet,” Ross chuckled.
The question was how did he know?
“Did you know that The Accords and who signed them are public. Even if they weren’t I would have been able to take a look and Spider-Man is a minor who needed a mentor of sorts to take responsibility for him. And you did that for him which was enough to make me interested.”
It still begged the question how he had figured it out and how he wasn’t mentioning Peter which worried him. Did he know it was Peter or not? Peter had signed as Spider-Man not as Peter Parker so maybe--
“Everyone’s been speculating,” Ross said, “I may as well give them some sort of answer. Tony Stark allowing a teenager to run around as a hero -- that would make the front pages.”
But not if Tony had a bigger story to sell.
The pictures were taken in the tower because of the house arrest and they were absolutely ridiculous. Steve didn’t know how Tony had managed to convince him to pose that way. They were both on chairs and Tony’s was balancing on two legs. Steve’s leg was resting on Tony’s shoulder and Tony was actually holding on to it. Steve actually couldn’t believe that they hadn’t fallen while taking the picture. There had been a bunch of other ridiculous poses made that day and it was lucky that not all of the pictures were used in the article. Only a few of them were of a serious nature. The one where Tony had just kissed his cheek, or the one where they had gotten a bit caught up in staring at each other and the photographer had just taken a few shots of them. There were also individual ones. Vanity Fair was running a whole issue mostly devoted to them, it was kind of insane.
The interview had been almost nice though, mostly because he’d gotten to talk about Tony a bit and because it was the first time that Steve was getting to really be public about The Accords and the house arrest. He’d even gotten to mention Bucky for a bit of it.
The one area where Steve had been surprised was when Tony decided to disclose that he had a son. Peter wasn’t mentioned by name, but he casually mentioned that his son and Steve got along really well. Steve had been sitting next to him when the topic came up and he had frozen in place out of surprise until Tony reached for his hand and griped it before he said:
“I know it’s a bit of a surprise to everyone to learn that I have a son, but since we’re announcing this other important life event I figured everyone should know that I am a very proud father to a teenager. He hasn’t always been in my life, but he’s made a difference in it in the time he has been. I am unwilling to talk about who he is for privacy concerns, but I guess it was time to be a little more open with the world.”
When the final version of the whole article and pictures arrived for their approval, Steve was a little floored by how good they both looked. How happy, too. The main picture was the chair one but it was followed by a picture of Tony fixing a strand of Steve’s hair and Steve looking down at him. Steve wanted that picture framed. Vanity Fair didn’t go out of their way to highlight the mention of Tony having a son, but everyone knew that the media was going to pick up on it and run with it.
Steve skimmed the article and it really was perfect. The writer captured them and really weaved in the narrative of their story from how they labeled their sexualities to how their relationship had come about to why they had decided to come forward with the truth. It was actually kind of nice and Steve didn’t regret doing it.
“Tony Stark is dating Captain America?”
“Wait — they’re engaged.”
“Did you hear?”
“I didn’t know that HE was Gay? Did you?”
“This is nuts.”
“Wait, and is it true that Tony Stark has a son?”
“Do you think they’ve been together this entire time?”
“But didn’t Stark date his assistant for forever? I thought they were still together.”
“They’re getting married, though.”
“I wonder how long they’ve been together…”
The questions and comments were endless and Peter was sort of amused every time he heard something. He tried to stay away from actually discussing anything with anyone unlike Ned who was absolutely keen on getting his two cents in, but then Peter had expected that from Ned. Ned was also trying to get Peter to talk to him about how he felt about Tony mentioning that he had a son. Peter didn’t want to discuss it.
The timing of the article was perfect, though, because it came out just a day before the last day of school and Peter knew he wouldn’t get a chance to actually get tired of hearing about the article. It wasn’t just that everyone was talking about it, either, but that some of them just went up to Peter to ask him about it since he had the Stark Internship and everyone wanted to know if he’d known beforehand and if he’d met Steve. In one case someone asked if Peter had met Tony’s son. Peter tended to just give those people a shrug and a, “I’m just an intern.”
Ned’s reaction had still been the best after he’d had a chance to process the whole thing. “This -- this means that freaking Captain America is going to be your step-father.”
“Yup, Ned. That’s how that works,” Peter said.
Ned had laughed nervously for a while. “How are you not freaking out?”
“Because I’ve had plenty of time to get used to it.”
The media coverage was kind of insane after the article was released, though. Mostly it was a rehashing of what the article said but there were segments on the news, talk shows, and those celebrity news shows. A lot of them highlighted the mention of Tony having a son and everyone seemed to be questioning who it might be. Only one article mentioned the possibility of Tony’s son being Spider-Man and it was almost said in jest which was funny because everyone seemed opposed to the idea because of how secretive Tony had been about having a son in the first place.
Since the publishing of the article, Friday had also started to deal with a high volume of calls for interviews that were all declined. Peter hadn’t expected it to be so crazy, but his dad and Steve were handling it.
“But we’re talking about Iron Man and Captain America getting married. Two Avengers marrying each other. It’s crazy.”
Peter sighed. “I’m aware. They’re also normal people. You’ve met them.”
“It’s still crazy, though.”
Michelle’s response had been to shrug. “It’s nice that they’re making a difference by making their romance public. Doesn’t really concern me though.” He really should have expected nothing less from her except that then she had turned and stared right at him and said, “Peter Stark.” And promptly walked away.
“I’m kind of glad I’m on house arrest now,” Steve said. He was playing with K-9 and Dum-E with a ball and Tony was in the middle of not watching some snapshots of the media coverage of their engagement. It had been created by Friday for them just so that they were on top of everything being said about them, but Tony had it on while he worked on something or other.
“Hmm, yes, they would be following you everywhere,” Tony said.
Tony for his part hadn’t really left the tower. They’d announced their engagement over Twitter the morning the article came out and it had been kind of funny how many people thought that Tony was joking. They thought so even when Steve tweeted about it. There had even been some that were convinced it was a misdirect from Tony and Pepper getting engaged or even full on married. Then, everyone got wind of the article and the messages changed to surprise. A lot were pleased and congratulatory but then there were the homophobes who were obviously completely offended by it but Tony didn’t care about engaging with people like that. There were fewer at first that mentioned Tony’s announcement of also being a father.
“Why, um, you haven’t explained why you mentioned having a son.”
He hadn’t mentioned the call from Ross. At first because he had so much to set up to screw up Ross’ plans, but also because he knew that Steve would feel guilty about it somehow.
“Ross knows my son is Spider-Man. I’m not -- I don’t know if he knows it’s Peter but he knows something so it made sense to announce it myself in a way.”
“Which is why everything was rushed,” Steve said.
The funny part was that after the article had come out and other coverage of it by the media got all of the information right there were still a bunch of rumors and stories to deal with. It was just so much information and no one really knew what to focus on. It was sort of brilliant to mix in Tony having a son in the middle of all of it.  
“Are they really saying that you made this a condition to have me back in the states?” Steve asked with a grin, looking at the screen.
“Apparently so. You know how they are — they want to paint me as the bad guy and in a lot of those people’s eyes I’m not good enough for you.”
“Those people have no idea how amazing you are,” Steve said
K-9 barked to get attention. The dog really was a great addition to the tower. Peter loved him of course, but so did Steve who was the first to just drop to the ground and roll around with the dog when he had time.  
“Get rid of all that, Fri, it’s useless.” The screen went dark. “Is there anything else that needs my attention? Otherwise I’ll get back to figuring out the housing unit for the nanotech.”
Friday seemed to take a moment to search and then, “I have surveillance footage of Thor and Loki in the city. There are also Instragram pictures of Thor.”
Steve dropped the ball at his feet and he straightened up, joining Tony to look at what Friday had been able to pull up. The video wasn’t all that grainy but it didn’t show much since it was them facing some sort of demolition. The video wasn’t even centered on them but they stood there for a while and it was definitely Thor and Loki even if they were both in regular human clothing and not their usual Asgardian gettup. It was also not enough to hide them from people on the street who seemed to stare at them from afar.
“What got demolished there?” Steve asked.
“Shady Acres Care Home,” Friday said.
“The real questions is why they are there and why Thor hasn’t thought to contact us if he’s back on Earth,” Tony said and it was worrisome because it meant that Thor wasn’t just back for leisure but that he was after something. That Loki was with him -- that might mean more problems for everyone.
They watched as Thor was approached by a bunch of girls -- which explained the origin of the pictures on Instagram and Twitter. And then just moments later Loki disappeared. Probably one of his tricks. Even Thor seemed surprised that his brother was gone -- and wasn’t it just even more worrisome to have Loki disappear like that? They watched as Thor picked something up off the ground and then he walked off.
“He’s here for a reason,” Tony said. “Have there been any more sightings?” Tony asked.
“I’m afraid not,” Friday said.
“So what do we do? There’s still no way to contact him so…”
“We wait,” Tony said. “And we can only hope that Loki isn’t up to something. Friday be on alert for any sighting of either.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Tony just hoped that nothing would come of Thor’s return to Earth.
Tony looked back at the unit for the nanotech. He hadn’t told anyone yet that it was probably going to mean that he was putting something back in his chest -- that this housing unit would have to be on him somehow and it’d be better for it to be in him. Thor showing up made him even more positive that he needed to do it.
“I’m sure it’s nothing bad,” Steve said. “He would have come to us if it was.”
Tony sighed. Loki had been with him and after the last time they had encountered the God of Mischief, Tony wouldn’t discount that he wasn’t up to anything. Although, it was a bit of a surprise to see him when Thor had been adamant that Loki was dead the last time they spoke about him. It made Tony wonder about what might have happened for Loki to be alive and for Loki and Thor to be together and not showing signs of not being on the same side. Tony understood that they were family, but he also knew that there was a lot of contention there. He just hoped that none of that would affect the people of Earth.
Chapter One Hundred Seven
0 notes
Marx Mem
Aighty this is long and it gets a bit dark I guess? Idk its a panic attack mem so.. Warned ig
After a really bad day at the news station (Katie and other various bosses being total fucking dicks. Writing 3 whole news reports in a single day AND Having to take care of food stuffs for the day cause our intern fucking d ied or something) I stumbled home fucking exhausted.
Pretty much the moment I get inside my apartment bastard speaks up "I can't believe you're tired. You barely did anything today."
I tilt my head back and forth and in a mocking tone I talk back "oh sure writing three full length news stories in a single day while making sure the staff is fed and keeping Katie off my damn back is nothing. Su r e"
I pull my gloves off, untie my bowtie and pull off my jacket as I head to the bathroom. Just wanna shower and pass the fuck out, I don't care that it's like 5pm, I deserve a damn nap. I realize I'm far to exausted to stay awake for an entire shower so I just opt for cleaning my face and hoping I dont just conk out on my bathroom floor.
I stand infront of the sink and just space out staring at the faucet for at least a minute. When I snap back to reality I look to my mirror- Surprised to see my actual reflection for a moment before bastard pops up. "Katie was right you know. You're such a slacker~ And you don't write nearly enough stories for her! The head anchor. Sure Tom is nicer to you but he shouldn't be doing the most talking! Keep the camera on Katie, Marx!! You're a man of taste, you know that everyone just tunes in for Katies chest- Hell thats why you tune in. 'Course you already know everything she's gonna say. Unless she throws your script away, like she really should every time cause you write utter filth. I'm surprised she even tries to read the mess you give her each day."
I honestly just stare tiredly into the mirror as he goes on and on, nodding occasionally cause I'm tired enough to believe him. His words blur out at this point and I manage to splash my face with water before tiredly making the stupidest comment I could possibly make while bastard is really active, "God I wish Angel and Bee were here-"
And bastard laughs at me. "Now why could you possibly want that???"
"Oh I dunno maybe it's cause I'm exhausted and curling up with my hoard seems really fucking nice, you pathetic piece of shit."
"Ah yeah I'm the 'piece of shit' have ya seen yourself lately?"
"Oh I'd love to but you seem to always take my reflections place."
"Oh wow Marxy has a bite now, huh?"
I glare into the mirror "Don't call me that."
"Why? Cause your precious little Angel gave it to ya? C'mon Marxy lighten up, it's not like I'm real."
I roll my eyes. Again with the "not real" thing, huh? Okay yeah sure. "Yeah, them being here would be great... I'd love to ignore you for the night." I turn from the mirror, ready to go sleep but-
He seems to not like when I want to ignore him... Cause- well thats when he brings out the big guns "What makes you think they want to be here?"
I freeze... He usually doesn't get to me like this... But ya know- I'm exhausted.. And hearing that one sentence makes my mind swarm with all the things Angel and Bee could be saying about me- about how much they could hate me... I can't shake it away with logic cause it practically doesnt exist in this moment. I turn back to the mirror. "I- I don't-"
"Exactly. There's no reason for either of them to want to be around you."
"Y- yeah-" I nod slowly and lean against the wall, glancing at the mirror for a moment before looking to the floor.
"I mean, just look at you! You're pathetic!"
I listen and look back to the mirror, my reflection is back. My eye bags are huge, my hairs a mess (more so than usual), he's right. I look pathetic... Of course I do. I always do... I slide down the wall, mostly due to my legs being to tired to hold me up, but also cause it's where I belong. The floor is the proper home for someone who looks like such trash.
"Do you really think they care about you? Oh sure Angel's stopped taking blood but who's to say thats his choice? He probably stopped cause Charlies buckling down on his drug problems~ If thats the case, then why would he bother to still have sex with you? Maybe you've somehow convinced him you're the only one he should be with? How cruel... Why should you hold him back? Why even bother talking to him when you're so controlling and possessive??"
I bring my knees closer to my chest, instinctively curling up to try and block him out. I try to mumble a stop but only manage a small squeak. I feel my claws digging into my arms but dont do anything to stop it.
"Oh and Dont even get me started on Bee! You're clearly manipulating him too! Why else would he call you "boss"? Why else would he do nearly anything you ask of him? Oh sure he could easily take you down if he found a problem with you, but what if you're all he has? He puts up with your constant abuse because he thinks he can't get anyone else? Do you really think he wants to put up with you? That either of them do?"
I shake my head. I dont know if I'm answering him if trying to refuse it.
"Just look at what happened with Baxter. How long until you somehow corrupt them aswell?"
"Pfft- Surely you didnt think Baxters actions were his own?? My my, Marx I knew you were stupid but I didnt realize it was that bad. You obviously made Baxter feel inferior, even you knew that. But you never dealt with it. You let it fester and grow. I bet you just loved watching Baxter hate himself all because of you? Don't try to deny me, Marxy. I know it all, its so incredibly obvious I'm surprised nobodies figured it out yet... Then again, if you cant even figure this out about yourself, then maybe your friends have the intelligence of rocks!"
Now I feel a few tears run down my cheeks and go to wipe them- But.. Well I suppose I've broken skin on my arms cause I just smear blood on my face.
"Oh nice job you fucking idiot. What are people gonna say when they see those scars? They'll think you're some kind of edgy teenager. Then again- you might aswell be. Constantly wanting the attention of others."
I shake my head harder, hands moving from my arms to my head "n-no... It- it was an accident-"
"Awe... But that doesn't matter Marx! The point is that you did it in the first place!"
I whimper and shake- pulling my hair hard enough that I feel I should be pulling out hairs.
I hear the faintest door in the distance- due to how muffled it sounds I assume it's a neighbors door...
Bastard.. Thankfully quiets down for a moment- I manage to move my hands back to my arms- I can't loosen their grip... But scraped up arms are easier to deal with than a scraped up head.
Then Angel comes in- "Ma- Oh my god- Bee! Bee I found him-!" Angel crouches down beside me and very carefully grabs my hands, and pulls them from my arms. "Marx wh- What happened?"
I hear bastard laugh from the mirror "You can't tell him. He won't believe you."
Bee comes in- Fast. "Boss?!" I assume Angels tone must've scared him- and well. He scares me- I jump, grabbing my arms again and my wings pop up.
Angel grumbles "Damnit- Bee ya scared 'im-"
I scoot away before Angel can try to pry my hands free again-
"N-no no- you're- You're not supposed to be here-"
Bee crouches down by Angel, "Boss what're ya talkin 'bout?"
"Oh you're finally pushing them away now?" I glance at the mirror- bastard is just eating this up.
My hands get tighter as my eyes dart back to Angel and Bee. I stare like a deer in headlights- expecting them to.. I dont know- do.. Something...
Angel turns to Bee "Bee see if you can find some bandages- I'll... Try and calm him back down..."
Bee nods, gives me a sad/worried look then gets up and leaves the room. Angel shuffles over to me, and I instinctively push myself farther into the corner.
"Marx I'm not gonna hurt you- it's alright..."
"He's talking to you like youre an animal. He sees you as dangerous. He has every right to. You could attack at any moment."
"Sh- s hut up-"
Angel tilts his head "Wh-?"
"Awe look how cute, he thinks you're talking to him."
"Shut up"
"Mar-" He looks concerned... Possibly scared..
"You're scaring him~ Of course you are... You probably scare him often.."
I shoot up, yelling toward the mirror "I said shUT UP!!!" I hear a loud thud and suddenly my hand hurts- I punched my wall...
Theres a small crash in the kitchen and Bee comes running in, holding a roll of bandages- I look down to Angel- And yeah.. He looks scared- So does Bee- I drop my hand from the wall and back away the few inches I can without stumbling into my bath-
"C-can't... Can't you hear it" I try not to physically cringe at how... Pathetic I sound
I hear bastard laugh, and Bee and Angel exchange a confused look.
"Hear... What, Boss?"
"I- it. The voice. I- I can't- I can't be the only one-" One hand goes back to my hair.
"Oh you sad, sad man..."
Angel gets up and comes over to me- Grabbing the hand in my hair and pulling it down before I can start pulling. "Marxy.... Hun- Are you alright...?" He lowers me onto the side of the tub.
I stare at the floor, squinting slightly "I-... I don't???"
Angel gestures at Bee, he steps over, handing Angel the bandage roll then sitting next to me. He puts a hand on my back, rubbing small circles.
"Let me see your arms, Marxy-"
With the extra exhaustion from the panic attack I just tiredly listen to him, flopping my arms on my lap- my wings vanishing. Angel starts wrapping them up. I feel myself yawn, and I lean on Bee, he moves from rubbing my back to putting his two arms on that side around me. I feel myself starting to doze off- but I'm still jumping awake each time.
When Angel finishes wrapping my arms, he picks me up and heads for the bed. I glare at the bandages, My tired dragon brain doesn't like them... So I bite at them- Or at least I try but Angel baps my nose. "Don't you even try, Mister."
I tiredly whine and grumble, flopping into Angels chest. "B u t.... I dont-"
"I dont care if ya don't like 'em, you need to heal and bitin your bandages aint gonna help."
Angel sets me down on the bed and I pbbthh at him. Him and Bee climb in on either side of me and I yawn again.
"Sounds like ya need to sleep, Boss-"
"Mmrmm..." I roll over and face Bee, "No shit... Katie n the others worked me like a dog t'day..." I shove my face into the Matress
"Don't they overwork you every day?"
"Ye s it was just worse this time"
I feel Bee pat my back a few times, and Angel cuddles up to my side and starts talkin, "Well we wanted to go to the bar- But a nap sounds pretty nice instead..."
Bee hums in agreement- he doesn't lay down though... Just stays sitting next to me and keeps a hand on my back.
There's a few moments of silence, but I eventually pass out.
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